ncurses linking(?) problem on Mac OS X

2014-05-03 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am very new to D, I just started with it a week ago or so, and
I haven't really been using compiled languages before (except for
Java), so I'm pretty confused with the whole thing in general. ;)

I try to use the ncurses library in my project using:

"dependencies" : {
 "ncurses" : "~master"
"lflags" : ["-v"]

But when I try to compile it, I get the following:

@(#)PROGRAM:ld  PROJECT:ld64-236.4
configured to support archs: armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64 i386 x86_64
armv6m armv7m armv7em
Library search paths:
Framework search paths:
ld: library not found for -lncursesw
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to
see invocation)
--- errorlevel 1
text edit executable
Error executing command build: Link command failed with exit code
  Terminated, exit code: 2  

I have no idea where to go from here to be honest. It's probably
something easily fixed for someone even a tiny bit more

I would love some help if anyone feels up to it.

Re: ncurses linking(?) problem on Mac OS X

2014-05-03 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

Have you actually installed ncurses on your system?

I will try this, but I did a search/info with homebrew and it 
said it was not recommended because OS X already has ncurses 
installed by default. Something about conflicts that could 
possibly occur. I found libncurses.dylib and such already 
installed in /usr/lib.

Re: ncurses linking(?) problem on Mac OS X

2014-05-03 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

It worked perfecly. I knew I had missed something stupid. :)

What confused me was the homebrew warning.

Thank you for helping a newbie out. :)

TKD set focus on window?

2014-05-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn


Quick question regarding TKD (tkinter):

Is there a way to set focus on the application window 
automatically on run? I'm on Mac OS X if that's of any importance.

I have tried to grep the documentation but I can't find anything 


Re: stacktrace for InvalidMemoryOperationError

2017-07-15 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 11 July 2017 at 01:34:08 UTC, crimaniak wrote:


I have vibe.d application and long-standing error in it.
For the current moment, I have logs for stdout, stderr, and 
additional log to write exceptions I catch. This error gives me 
only the short line in stderr log:

core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError@src/core/exception.d(696): Invalid 
memory operation

Also, I use registerMemoryErrorHandler(); (see )

What else can I do to have the stack trace for this error?

I can't debug it because I don't have it on my developer's 

See the wiki page about this:

If you can't do all that, look for places you might be allocating 
in a destructor.  The recent GC allocation flag -vgc might help:

Re: rdmd issues

2017-07-15 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 6 July 2017 at 00:31:04 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:

rdmd -m64 Build.d
Error: can't run 'C:\Program 
Files\VS\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.10.25017\bin\HostX64\x64', check PATH

The path exists, but since it doesn't tell me what it is trying 
to run, I have no clue. The path contains link.exe.

Add the --chatty command-line option, it will tell you everything 
rdmd is trying to do.

Re: Auto-decoding

2017-07-15 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 July 2017 at 18:14:48 UTC, aberba wrote:

On Saturday, 15 July 2017 at 05:54:32 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 07/15/2017 06:21 AM, bauss wrote:


1) Drop two elements from "Bär". With auto-decoding you get 
"r", which is nice. Without auto-decoding you get [0xA4, 'r'] 
where 0xA4 is the second half of the encoding of 'ä'. You have 
to know your Unicode to understand what is going on there.


So what is the current plan? :)

Andrei has talked about having a non-auto-decoding path for those 
who know what they're doing and actively choose that path, while 
keeping auto-decoding the default, so as not to break existing 
code.  Jack has been submitting PRs for this, but it is probably 
tedious work, so progress is slow and I don't know how much more 
remains to be done:

Re: GtkD on android?

2017-07-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 18:59:44 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:
With LDC's new ability to do android/arm, we are missing the 
ability to do GUI's? Can any of the current D solutions work 
such as GtkD or QtD? I'm looking for something somewhat 
lightweight, easy to use(I find GtkD a bit funky but it does 
seem to work and is relatively easy once one gets through the 
basics). I think having a GUI builder is crucial though as it 
makes it so much easier in the long run. Glade is a bit funky 
but functional and works.

Ideally I'd like to be able to make portable apps that just 
work across the board(mac, linux, windows, android) without 
much hassle.

Mike said maybe later, when I asked him in January:$dur$

In the meantime, you can try DlangUI, as Seb pointed out, but I 
get the impression it's not touch-optimized, just like Gtk.

Re: It makes me sick!

2017-07-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 22:32:27 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:

On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 21:35:01 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:

On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 21:23:22 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:


I'm sorry if I'm not expressing it in a way that agrees with 
you but you're looking at the wrong side of the example. 
You're pasting one set of files onto another and expect the 
software to somehow know to ignore some of them.


I'm sorry if that is too complex to understand.

If the software has some build in design that makes it use 
arbitrary files in a specific way like it does with 
std.datetime, then it should have sanity checks.

After all, who the hell knows more about dmd using std.datetime 
and how it uses it and such, the end user or the programmer of 

You are expecting the end user, who generally knows very little 
to do the dirty work instead of having the programmer who is 
suppose to know what the fuck is going on to add sanity checks, 
useful error messages, etc.

Ali suggested a very reasonable solution that would have solved 
this problem and you guys are against it and offer no solution 
to the issue.

It all boils down to laziness. Too lazy to spend the time to 
add code that makes dmd more robust. Simple as that.

It's not that it can't be done, like you bone-heads are 
claiming, but that you simply don't want to do it.

Another very simple solution:

Before the zip file is generated, a listing of all the files in 
the dmd installation that are used(which should be all of them) 
is taken. This file then is parsed by dmd and only those files 
in the dmd dir that are in the list are used. This would also 
have avoided the issue and future issues. Any stale files in 
the dir would simply be ignored.

But, again, too much work. Keep making the end users deal with 
these problems instead of doing your due diligence. That we, we 
have something to waste our time with in these forums instead 
of real problems.

What you are suggesting is blatantly idiotic.  No software ever 
made supports simply installing on top of an old installation 
from a compressed zip or tar file.  If you need hand-holding, the 
installer will wipe the old install before unpacking the new 
install for you.  The zip file is for people who know what they 
are doing, such as not unpacking on top of the old install.  You 
should just use the installer from now on, not the zip file, if 
you can't be bothered to remove the old install first.

Re: It makes me sick!

2017-07-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 29 July 2017 at 19:26:03 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:

On Saturday, 29 July 2017 at 19:17:08 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 22:32:27 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:


What you are suggesting is blatantly idiotic.  No software 
ever made supports simply installing on top of an old 
installation from a compressed zip or tar file.  If you need 
hand-holding, the installer will wipe the old install before 
unpacking the new install for you.  The zip file is for people 
who know what they are doing, such as not unpacking on top of 
the old install.  You should just use the installer from now 
on, not the zip file, if you can't be bothered to remove the 
old install first.

bullshit. Are you a moron? You really think your absolute "No 
software ever" is logical?

The only moron here is the one who simply uncompresses zip files 
on top of old software.  That either shows blatant ignorance of 
what uncompressing does, or sheer stupidity that it would work 
well for a compiler install.  Of course there is trivial software 
that consists of a single binary, for which you could do this.  
But there is nothing "logical" about that, just an exception for 
extremely simple software, which a compiler and its stdlib 
clearly isn't.

I can name many off the top of my head. Have you ever heard the 
fucking word "portable"? I guess not, go look it up.

You can name so many, yet you did not name a single one. I guess 
it's not so easy.

Yes, that's hilarious, "portable" has essentially nothing to do 
with this.

Please take your jack ass arrogant self somewhere else.

The only jackass is the one constantly braying about doing stupid 
things and how we should account for every dumb thing you do.  If 
you want to blame us for your not knowing how to deal with zip 
files, sounds like you're the one who should leave.

Also, equating dmd to an audio program or a clip art program 
that is designed to load any and all files in it's install dir 
is moronic too.

It is not moronic, it's a simple example that illustrates the 
larger principle, which is much more relevant for a compiler and 
its source.  The fact that you rail on the example rather than 
understanding the principle shows how much of an idiot you are.

I'm tired of your constant complaints in this forum, which 
reflect your own stupidity and ignorance more than anything else. 
 I'm amazed people have treated you this nicely in this thread, 
and yet you keep ranting about how the D devs should account for 
the most idiotic things you do.

GTFO, nobody wants you around.

Re: Is std.xml seriously broken, or is it me?

2017-07-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 30 July 2017 at 03:16:35 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Sunday, 30 July 2017 at 02:58:09 UTC, Mike wrote:


It appears `onStartTag` does not handle the root element.  For 
example, this code seems to work:

import std.xml;
import std.stdio;

void main()
	auto parser = new DocumentParser("encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");

parser.onStartTag["peripheral"] = (ElementParser parser)


You may want to try the experimental candidate for Phobos 
instead, which was developed as a GSoC project but never finished:

Re: D on AArch64 CPU

2017-08-06 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 06:26:57 UTC, David J Kordsmeier 
Also, why I don't look at LDC further, I think RAM on the 
embedded devices is still pretty skimpy, Raspi3 only has 1GB 
 It's not great for compiling with the LLVM-based things and 
probably run OOM.  Other devices I have only have 512MB ram.  
So gcc is usually fine in these circumstances.

Don't know about gdc, but ldc is close (most of the listed 
upstream PRs are merged):

As for memory, ldc can be used to cross-compile from a more 
capable machine, the official builds all ship with the AArch64 
backend enabled now:

The next ldc beta will ship with a build tool that lets you 
easily compile or cross-compile the stdlib yourself, so you can 
generate the stdlib for AArch64 even if it isn't provided:

Re: Specify dmd or ldc compiler and version in a json dub file?

2017-08-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 8 August 2017 at 10:07:54 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
On Tuesday, 8 August 2017 at 09:51:40 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner 
If your code depends on capabilities of a specific D compiler, 
I wouldn't depend on build tools for that, I'd make it clear 
in the source code via conditional compilation [1]:

version (DigitalMars)
else version (LDC)
static assert (0, "Unsupported D compiler");

There's no equivalent for the frontend version, though AFAIK.

If it's not your code that needs something compiler specific, 
but you just want to control which is used, don't use dub as a 
build tool, use another (cmake, meson, write your own 
compilation "script" in D), and set it's invocation as a 
prebuildcommand in the dub package file (make sure dub's 
source file list is empty).


Many thanks!

I'll note that you can specify that dub use a particular D 
compiler for building all your own D packages, by creating a file 
called .dub/settings.json in your home directory, and putting the 
full path to the compiler you want in there, like so:

"defaultCompiler": "/home/datapulverizer/ldc-1.3/bin/ldc2"

Ldc uses a file like that to make sure the dub binary it comes 
with uses ldc, not dmd, so you can look at that file for an 

However, it sounds like you want to ensure that all users of a 
package are forced to use a particular D compiler, while this 
will just make sure that your dub binary will always use the D 
compiler you want.

Re: Need help with units library

2017-08-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 13:21:06 UTC, alexander1974 wrote:
I want to write a library for working with units (lengths, 
weights, ...). It should allow maths and converting 
with/between different units (cm to mm, angstrom to meter, ...).


I have no opinion on your layout, but have you seen these 
existing libraries on the D package repository?

Perhaps you'd be better off contributing to one of them.

Re: dmd (v2.075.0): fully static linking: undefined reference to `__tls_get_addr'

2017-08-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 19 August 2017 at 14:22:21 UTC, kdevel wrote:

On Saturday, 19 August 2017 at 14:07:49 UTC, kdevel wrote:

 undefined reference to `__tls_get_addr'

That function is supposed to be provided by the dynamic linker 
when running your program, but I'm guessing -static makes the 
linker check for all symbols at link-time, not allowing such 
deferred linking.  It looks like dmd or druntime doesn't support 
such full static linking yet, as they assume that function will 
be there.

Re: Getting error in dmd testsuite

2017-08-27 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 21:59:10 UTC, Thomas Mader wrote:


I am building ldc on Nix ( but keep 
getting an error while running the cppa.d test from the dmd 
testsuite (

1588:  ... runnable/cppa.d -L-lstdc++ (-g) -O
1588: Test failed.  The logged output:
1588: /tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/bin/ldmd2 -conf= 
-m64 -Irunnable  -L-lstdc++  
-of/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa_0 runnable/cppa.d /tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppb.cpp.o
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa_0.o: In function `_Dmain':
1588: runnable/cppa.d:(.text._Dmain[_Dmain]+0x49f): undefined 
reference to `int foo15372(int)'
1588: runnable/cppa.d:(.text._Dmain[_Dmain]+0x4b2): undefined 
reference to `Foo15802::boo(int)'
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa_0.o:([_D4cppa6C131616__vtblZ]+0x0): undefined reference to `C13161::dummyfunc()'
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa_0.o:([_D4cppa4Test6__vtblZ]+0x0): undefined reference to `C13161::dummyfunc()'
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa_0.o:([_D4cppa7C13161a6__vtblZ]+0x0): undefined reference to `C13161a::dummyfunc()'
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa_0.o:([_D4cppa5Testa6__vtblZ]+0x0): undefined reference to `C13161a::dummyfunc()'

1588: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
1588: Error: 
/nix/store/df84hkmhrhx1c2zpvrhmk6aprhlzkasx-gcc-wrapper-6.4.0/bin/gcc failed with status: 1

1588: ==
1588: Test failed: expected rc == 0, exited with rc == 1
1588: make[2]: *** [Makefile:335: 
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppa.d.out] Error 1

Apart from that all other tests pass.
Any ideas?

It's running on Linux with gcc 6.4.0.

That module tests linking with C++ files, looks like you have 
some symbols that don't match up.  That's weird, because those 
normally work with gcc.  For each of them, use the readelf 
command from binutils to compare the symbols generated and see 
how they differ.  For example,

readelf -sW 
/tmp/nix-build-ldc-1.3.0.drv-0/build/dmd-testsuite/runnable/cppb.cpp.o |grep foo15372

Then run the same command on the D side, ie for cppa_0.o, and 
compare the symbols.

File a bug on the ldc github if you can't figure it out:

Re: Is compiling for Android/iOS possible?

2017-09-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 18:34:28 UTC, Timothy Foster 
I'm just wondering if I made an application for 
Windows/Mac/Linux if I could get it to also work on mobile 
devices, or would I have to rewrite the application in another 
language to get it to work? If it's possible, what should I be 
looking at to get something like a "Hello World" example to 
show on my phone using D?

Backend code that does most of the work, ie your business logic, 
should work fine in D on mobile devices.  For the frontend, I 
don't know of a good touch-enabled GUI that you could use in D 
though.  If you're okay with doing your GUI in the native 
language, ie Java on Android, then calling D for the backend, 
that will work.  There has been some preliminary work on getting 
a D GUI library, DlangUI, working on Android, but my 
understanding is that it isn't touch-optimized:

Ali gave you some good links to check out for simple apps on 
Android.  As for iOS, Dan was working on it, but he doesn't have 
time for it anymore, so it hasn't been kept up to date.

The upcoming ldc 1.4 official release will have easy support for 
Android, you can try it out with the current beta (you will need 
to cross-compile the stdlib for Android/ARM by using 
ldc-build-runtime, with a small tweak to druntime):

We're refining the build process for Android in the ldc 1.4 
betas, so chip in if you'd like to see that done well.

Re: dub cross compilation binary extension

2017-09-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 September 2017 at 17:48:06 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:


I had set up a cross compilation from Windows to Raspberry Pi 
using LDC and GCC toolchain. Almost everything is working fine. 
Dub creates a binary which is runnable on the Raspberry Pi. 
There is only 1 small issue. Dub creates the executable with 
the windows file extension ".exe".
Is there anything I can do to force dub not to include the 
windows file extension?

"name": "test",
	"dflags-ldc": ["-mtriple=arm-linux-gnueabihf", 


dub build --compiler=ldc2 -v

My current workaround is to have a batch file which renames the 
file automatically. But I want to write a blog post and this 
workaround looks ugly.

Kind regards

Dub is not meant for cross-compilation yet, it will need patches. 
I'm surprised just passing those flags worked.

I mean to look at it and submit a pull.  Until then, renaming 
will be needed, or you could submit a pull for that yourself.

Re: Having trouble porting basic GLFW C++ example to D

2017-10-06 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 03:12:09 UTC, Matt Jones wrote:
I've been trying to port a basic GLFW C++ example to D. The C++ 
version shows the textures correctly. But the D version shows 
nothing. The code is almost identical.

Heh, that's the problem.

Does anyone know why the D version does not work?

I ran into this myself, took me awhile to track it down.  I too 
took the size of dynamic arrays this way:

That will give you 2 words for a slice or dynamic array, the 
length and pointer.  What you want is the length of the array

multiplied by the size of the element

Sizeof works for static arrays, but is different for slices: 
that's likely your problem.

Re: Huge increase in UT compile time

2017-10-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 04:36:25 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:
On Wednesday, 11 October 2017 at 08:11:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 06:25:19 Dhananjay via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


I am upgrading to DMD 2.076.1 from DMD 2.069.2 (similar 
results on 2.075.1), and seeing a huge increase in unittest 
compilation time when the -deps parameter is also passed to 
dmd. This is on both OSX and linux. What can be the cause of 

Well, that's a pretty big version jump. So, a lot could have 
changed. One thing that comes to mind would be that imports 
were overhauled pretty thoroughly to try and fix various 
import bugs. This blog article talks about some of that:

Or the change could be the result of something else entirely. 
Figuring it out would likely require doing a fair bit of 
debugging to narrow down when the change happened (and that's 
assuming that it's caused by a single commit or small set of 
commits rather than simply getting worse over time due to a 
variety of factors).

- Jonathan M Davis

The following observations (for the above test program) were 
recorded on Mac OS X 10.11.6:

DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.1
sys 0m0.020s

DMD64 D Compiler v2.074.0
sys 0m0.022s

DMD64 D Compiler v2.075.1
sys 0m7.098s

DMD64 D Compiler v2.076.1
sys 0m7.254s

Furthermore, 2.075.1 gave a bunch of deprecation warnings in 
std/string.d. The -de switch had to be removed before running.

Hope this helps,

I can reproduce on linux/x64, looks like a memory leak, as dmd 
balloons out to eat up all available memory until it's killed.  I 
see it with this minimal command passed to dmd 2.075.1, but not 
the 2.074.1 frontend, as reported:

./dmd2/linux/bin64/dmd -c -o- foo.d -unittest -deps=foo.deps

The closest issue I was able to find in bugzilla is this one, but 
that says it goes away with -o-, not the case here:

I suggest one of you file a bug with the minimal command, noting 
that it goes away if -unittest or -deps is not passed.  Make sure 
you mark it as a regression, just like the above bug, as Walter 
pays special attention to those.

Re: Just starting with D (linking with C++)

2017-10-27 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 October 2017 at 17:14:20 UTC, sivakon wrote:


Just started to work with D. Great language.

I want to use C++ libraries for machine learning and deep 
learning. How do I add C++ libraries to my d code.

For example,


using namespace std;

int foo(int i, int j, int k)
cout << "i = " << i << endl;
cout << "j = " << j << endl;
cout << "k = " << k << endl;

return 7;

extern (C++) int foo(int i, int j, int k);

void main()

How do I compile and link each of them to produce the result?
dmd -c foo.d
gcc -c Sample.cpp

Both of them get me .o files. Where do I go from there?


This should work:

dmd foo.d Sample.o

Just like the C examples from the D blog:

Re: Just starting with D (linking with C++)

2017-10-27 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 October 2017 at 17:43:08 UTC, sivakon wrote:

On Friday, 27 October 2017 at 17:21:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:

This should work:

dmd foo.d Sample.o

Just like the C examples from the D blog:

Just used this! Got this error!

sample.o: In function `foo(int, int, int)':
sample.cpp:(.text+0x17): undefined reference to `std::cout'

Sorry, just responded quickly from my tablet, didn't try it out 
first.  There's actually a variant of this sample that is run as 
a test from the dmd compiler testsuite, so it is checked hundreds 
of times a day for pending pull requests, on all officially 
supported platforms by the auto-tester:

Looking at the D script that runs each compiler test, it adds the 
following flag for all C++ objects:

So adding that flag got your example to work for me:

dmd -L-lstdc++ foo.d Sample.o

Re: Debug info for druntime.

2017-11-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 4 November 2017 at 21:54:14 UTC, ciechowoj wrote:
What is the fastest way to have the detailed debug info for 
druntime? I have a program that fails in Fiber constructor 
after I create and delete at least 68_209 Fibers one after 
another. For 68_208 works fine, one more and it aborts. I'm 
trying to use gdb to debug, but most likely don't have symbols 
for druntime.

The symbols for function names are there, just not the DWARF 
debug info, if you want to step through the corresponding source 
line by line.

I compiled the druntime from source, is there a way to make the 
dmd/dub use the source compiled version?

Assuming you want to use the debug version, you may be better off 
using ldc, which comes with debug versions of druntime and phobos 
and the -link-debuglib option, which will use those instead.  dmd 
and ldc also have the -defaultlib= and -debuglib= options, from 
which you can specify your own or a debug build of the standard 
library, with -debuglib= used if you compile with -g.

Re: ESR on post-C landscape

2017-11-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 November 2017 at 04:31:43 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

He mentions D, a bit dismissively.

Eh, he parrots decade-old anti-D talking points about 
non-technical, organizational issues and doesn't say anything 
about the language itself, who knows if he's even tried it.

As for the the rest, the usual bunk from him, a fair amount of 
random theorizing only to reach conclusions that many others 
reached years ago: C has serious problems and more memory-safe 
languages are aiming to replace it, while C++ doesn't have a 
chance for the same reason it took off, it bakes in all of C's 
problems and adds more on top.

He's basically just jumping on the same bandwagon that a lot of 
people are already on, as it starts to pick up speed.  Good for 
him that he sees it picking up momentum and has jumped in instead 
of being left behind clinging to the old tech, but no big deal if 
he didn't.

Re: ESR on post-C landscape

2017-11-15 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 November 2017 at 19:48:07 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Tuesday, 14 November 2017 at 04:31:43 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 

He mentions D, a bit dismissively.

Eh, he parrots decade-old anti-D talking points about 
non-technical, organizational issues and doesn't say anything 
about the language itself, who knows if he's even tried it.

As for the the rest, the usual bunk from him, a fair amount of 
random theorizing only to reach conclusions that many others 
reached years ago: C has serious problems and more memory-safe 
languages are aiming to replace it, while C++ doesn't have a 
chance for the same reason it took off, it bakes in all of C's 
problems and adds more on top.

He's basically just jumping on the same bandwagon that a lot of 
people are already on, as it starts to pick up speed.  Good for 
him that he sees it picking up momentum and has jumped in 
instead of being left behind clinging to the old tech, but no 
big deal if he didn't.

I thought this was a much better post in that thread, especially 
the last two paragraphs:

"Some may claim that the programming language isn’t the place to 
look for help, but I disagree. If it can prevent language errors 
in the first place (memory management, type systems) and help me 
use available resources (concurrency), and deal with expected 
failure (distribution) then I want it in the flow of the program 
(my description of what should happen), not in some box bolted 
onto the side. And it has to be efficient, because I’ve only a 
few cycles to waste and no IO or memory.

So that’s where I’d look for action in the programming language 
field – not to improve C, an imperfect solution to yesterday’s 
problems; I want something that helps with apps that are big, 
distributed, concurrent, and efficient because those are the more 
important problems people are solving today and in the future."

To the extent microservices push in exactly this direction, D 
needs to make an effort there.

Re: betterC and noboundscheck

2017-11-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 15:10:40 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

Hello. I try compile simple example:

import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.algorithm : min;

extern (C) void main()
char[256] buf;
buf[] = '\0';

auto str = "hello world";
auto ln = min(buf.length, str.length);
buf[0..ln] = str[0..ln];
printf("%s\n", buf.ptr);

rdmd -betterC bettercarray2.d

and get error:

 In function `main':
bettercarray2.d:(.text.main[main]+0xbc): undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

If I understand correctly _d_arraycopy is part of druntime and 
it check bounds of array access.

If I add -noboundscheck flag all works fine.

dmd version is 2.076.1

Why -betterC flag not 'include' -noboundscheck flag?
It's bug or in some cases it's useful?

betterC is a new feature that's still being worked on and still 
has holes in it:

I suggest you open an issue for it on bugzilla, as this sounds 
like either a hole or at least something that should be 
documented better:

Re: Instructions to build DMD from source don't work (anymore) here

2017-12-02 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 November 2017 at 08:38:15 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
Hi, I've recently switched from a linux distribution to another 
(F27). During the last 2 years i used a script to build DMD, 
unfortunately i forgot to include it in my backup. Initially i 
thought "No problem, there's the instructions in the wiki, it's 
more or less about calling make with a couple of option". In 
theory only...

make -fposix.mak gives me

[basile@pc1 dmd]$ make -f posix.mak
make -C src -f posix.mak
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire 
« /home/basile/dev/repos/dlang/dmd/src »

no cpu specified, assuming X86
 (CC)  ROOT_OBJS  ddmd/root/newdelete.c
c++ -c -o../generated/linux/release/64/newdelete.o 
-Wno-deprecated -Wstrict-
aliasing -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -D__pascal= -DMARS=1 
DDM_TARGET_CPU_X86=1 -m64 -fPIC -std=gnu++98 -Iddmd/root -MMD 
-MF ../generated/linux/release/64/newdelete.deps 

cc1plus: désolé, pas implémenté: mode 64 bits pas compilé

According to Google Translate, this means your C++ compiler 
doesn't support 64-bit mode.  Not sure why, since the Makefile is 
only compiling in 64-bit after checking that's what your kernel 
is, with uname -m.

Re: private selective import + overload = breaks accessibility rules

2018-01-16 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 17 January 2018 at 02:23:40 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at 19:05:51 UTC, rumbu wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at 18:32:46 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Which version of the compiler is this?  I'm pretty sure the 
std.math.isNaN imported by module a should not be visible in 
module b. The latest compiler should emit a deprecation 
warning for this.

2.078, but also 2.077. Deprecation is emitted only if there is 
no overload;

Of course, it's possible that having a public symbol in 
module a that overloads an imported symbol may have triggered 
a buggy corner case in the compiler.  If so, a bug should be 


1) Imports are by default private
2) This is a known bug. See:

On the good side, there's WIP to fix this, e.g.

Are you sure about this?  I thought such module-scope selective 
imports were supposed to be private by default since Martin's 
fixes for bug 314, which is why you submitted pull 5584.  Bug 
17630 is about something different, that selective imports pull 
symbols out of the imported module's non-selective imports, but 
he's not using any selective imports in his module b.

I ran this code example through my symbol-dumping dmd 
( and module b from his first example is indeed getting isNaN from std.math, which implies the older bug that selective imports at module scope are still leaking out.

Re: D in SUSE Enterprise Linux

2018-05-01 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 1 May 2018 at 16:02:03 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 02/05/2018 3:51 AM, Vino wrote:

On Tuesday, 1 May 2018 at 15:42:38 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, May 01, 2018 15:18:12 Vino via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


That sounds like your /tmp is mounted with noexec. which 
won't work with rdmd or any other program that expects to be 
able to create a file in /tmp and run it. Presumably, you'll 
need to change the settings in /etc/fstab so that /tmp is not 
mounted with noexec.

- Jonathan M Davis

Hi Jonathan,

   Yes the /tmp is mounted with noexec option , we should not 
change this option as it is a security violation so is there 
any other way we can make it work, it tried setting the tmp 
env variable to a local FS which is mounted with the noexec 
option but it did not work.


Modify rdmd to use another directory which is more acceptable 
for your setup.

Or just set an environment variable like TMP, if you don't want 
to append the flag Jonathan gave each time, as rdmd simply calls 

Re: Out of memory during compilation

2018-05-02 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 at 14:25:35 UTC, Matt Gamble wrote:
I have a large program (for me) with several thousand lines of 
code. Recently when I've tried to compile under debug (-g 
-unittest)  with VS2017, dmd2.076.1, windows 10, 8Gb ram), I've 
had the following output:

Compiling SKaTERoptimizerD.d...
Fatal Error: Out of memory
Building x64\Debug\SKaTERoptimizerD.exe failed!

When compiled under release (-O -release -inline 
-boundscheck=off) mode it works fine.

Any advice on how to combat this? Do I need to start compiling 
DLLs? Does that change how the linking would be done? Would 
that affect the debugger?

Any help is appreciated,

My guess would be Optlink, the old OMF linker. Are you using that 
or the VS linker? Try adding the -v flag to check log output for 
where it fails.

Re: Out of memory during compilation

2018-05-02 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 at 15:13:58 UTC, Matt Gamble wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 at 14:30:19 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 at 14:25:35 UTC, Matt Gamble wrote:
I have a large program (for me) with several thousand lines 
of code. Recently when I've tried to compile under debug (-g 
-unittest)  with VS2017, dmd2.076.1, windows 10, 8Gb ram), 
I've had the following output:

Compiling SKaTERoptimizerD.d...
Fatal Error: Out of memory
Building x64\Debug\SKaTERoptimizerD.exe failed!

When compiled under release (-O -release -inline 
-boundscheck=off) mode it works fine.

Any advice on how to combat this? Do I need to start 
compiling DLLs? Does that change how the linking would be 
done? Would that affect the debugger?

Any help is appreciated,

My guess would be Optlink, the old OMF linker. Are you using 
that or the VS linker? Try adding the -v flag to check log 
output for where it fails.

I believe I'm using the vs linker (link.exe). This is what is 
automatically set for VisualD under x64 mode. I tried the -v 
flag and got compiler output messages that are 13,758 lines 
long. The "Fatal Error: Out of memory" happens at line 13,639. 
How do I use this information?

The idea was to check the log output and see where it's failing, 
while compiling or linking. It sounds like you're saying while 
compiling? If so, are you compiling all your D files at once? You 
can either try separate compilation or a 64-bit compiler, as 
Rikki suggests.

Re: there's no gdc for windows?

2018-05-17 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 14:25:31 UTC, Dr.No wrote:
Has gdc been supported for Windows? if so, where can I find it? 
I've only find Linux versions so far...

ldc has good Windows support:

Re: Temporary file creation for unittests

2018-05-20 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 15:16:52 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:


What's the current official position on how to create temporary 
files for use during a unittest. I found

but it seems to be languishing in the "we have discussed all 
the issues that no-one will ever have a problem with" phase.

What to do between now and when there is an LDC release that 
has the result of

the merge?

You could use std.file.deleteme, which is what the Phobos 
unittests use:

Re: Autodecode in the wild and An Awful Hack to std.regex

2016-08-01 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 21:02:59 UTC, John Carter wrote:

On Thursday, 28 July 2016 at 15:48:58 UTC, Seb wrote:


Eh. I hoped that somewhere in that explosion of discussion on 
the topic the problem had been solved and I had just missed it 
and merely had to use that.

Also this idea is a bit immature for a DIP... I haven't look at 
the regex code beyond the the stack trace it died on.


* Would this even be a Good Idea for a dip or is it better 
solve by another existing means?
* I only inspected and changed one occurrence of decode (the 
one that broke) is there any other route in the regex engine 
that could throw a UTFException?
* Would adding an additional template parameter with default 
break existing code? Or would I have to provide a shim?

I suggest you talk to Dmitry, who wrote std.regex, as he will be 
motivated to look into this.

Re: LDC with ARM backend

2016-08-01 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 July 2016 at 13:13:39 UTC, Claude wrote:

On Thursday, 21 July 2016 at 10:30:55 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

On Thursday, 21 July 2016 at 09:59:53 UTC, Claude wrote:
I can build a "Hello world" program on ARM GNU/Linux, with 
druntime and phobos.

I'll write a doc page about that.

It's a good idea :)


I based it totally on Kai's previous page for LDC on Android.

It lacks the build for druntime/phobos unit-tests.

Sorry, I didn't see this thread till now, or I could have saved 
you some time by telling you not to apply the llvm patch on 
non-Android linux.  Note that you don't have to compile llvm 
yourself at all, as long as the system llvm has the ARM backend 
built in, as it often does.

Re: Android Status

2016-12-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 December 2016 at 23:33:57 UTC, Ignacious wrote:
What is the current status for building android apps in D? I 
would like to create simple graphic based apps but don't wanna 
get bogged down in trying to get car moving without any wheels.

Should all work, but nothing other than small apps have been 
tested.  Try the latest beta, which I just put up:

If you want something more substantive than my ports of the NDK's 
sample apps, check out Vadim's Tetris app, which I spent half an 
hour playing on my phone, :) or his minecraft-like demo (click on 
the sourceforge link from his forum post to get the apps):

Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Re: Android Status

2016-12-31 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 December 2016 at 05:52:00 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Thursday, 29 December 2016 at 10:14:53 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 December 2016 at 23:33:57 UTC, Ignacious 
What is the current status for building android apps in D? I 
would like to create simple graphic based apps but don't 
wanna get bogged down in trying to get car moving without any 

Should all work, but nothing other than small apps have been 
tested.  Try the latest beta, which I just put up:

If you want something more substantive than my ports of the 
NDK's sample apps, check out Vadim's Tetris app, which I spent 
half an hour playing on my phone, :) or his minecraft-like 
demo (click on the sourceforge link from his forum post to get 
the apps):

Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Is there any way to get a package that works for windows? While 
the steps don't seem too difficult to do, things never go well 
for me(something always breaks... always!)

did install the linux subsystem but... seems like it would be 
easier for you to compile a binary and upload it... since you 
know what you are doing and have everything at hand already...

At least that gives me(and others) the ability to try to build 
the examples and see how it works and all that... then I can go 
through all the trouble of building the compiler myself if it 
seems worth it rather than wasting time.

Sorry, I haven't used Windows in more than a year, ever since my 
ultrabook died.  I've gone full Android since then, which is why 
it is easier for me to provide a native Android compiler than a 
Windows cross-compiler. :) I'm currently typing this message out 
on an Android 5.1" smartphone, propped up on a cheap Chinese 
tablet stand in front of me and hooked up to a full USB keyboard.

In any case, you should be able to use the linux build I provide, 
as you later found.

On Saturday, 31 December 2016 at 06:48:12 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Saturday, 31 December 2016 at 06:33:10 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Saturday, 31 December 2016 at 05:52:00 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Thursday, 29 December 2016 at 10:14:53 UTC, Joakim wrote:


I see these:

Seems the two archives are identical though except the libs?

Is this what I use to compile the examples?

nvm mind, I guess I accidentally extracted the same archive 
thinking it was the other.

so, essentially these are the two different compilers for the 
two different android architectures?

As mentioned at the top of the release, the first is a native 
Android compiler, meaning you use it on an Android tablet or 
smartphone.  The second is a linux cross-compiler, meaning you 
need a linux/x64 shell from which you cross-compile to 

On Saturday, 31 December 2016 at 08:05:42 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

Ok, so I installed

in to ldcandroid

and tried running

./bin/ldc2 -c test.d

I get the error.

./bin/ldc2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

Searched the file system for libconfig and found nothing so I 

sudo apt-get install libconfig++9

which installed it under lxss\rootfs\usr\lib\x86_64-linux-gnu

It shows up when I do

sudo ldconfig -v

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu: ->

I tried adding this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

But still same issue.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Can you try

sudo apt-get install libconfig9

I don't know if that will install something different, but it's 
the command I see others using online.  Otherwise, check if the 
libconfig++9 package you installed included, which 
is what ldc is linked against.  If not, install the package that 
provides that library.  The wiki mentions installing 
libconfig-dev, you could always just install that if nothing else 

Let me know if you run into any other problems.  The Win10 
support is brand new, just added this week, so we don't have much 
experience with it.

Re: Android Status

2017-01-01 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 January 2017 at 09:34:24 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

Can you try

sudo apt-get install libconfig9

I don't know if that will install something different, but 
it's the command I see others using online.  Otherwise, check 
if the libconfig++9 package you installed included, which is what ldc is linked against.  If not, 
install the package that provides that library.  The wiki 
mentions installing libconfig-dev, you could always just 
install that if nothing else works.

That is what I used to get it on there in the first place... 
but the ldc compiler still could not find it.

The problem seems to be where ldc2 is looking for rather than it being installed or not.

How do I either know where it is looking for where to put it?

You said you installed libconfig++9, which an apt search shows me 
is a different package than libconfig9, that includes a library 
named differently.  As I said, are you sure that particular library is installed?

If it is, manually adding its path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the way 
to make sure it's found.

Re: Android Status

2017-01-02 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 January 2017 at 11:47:52 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Monday, 2 January 2017 at 03:08:10 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 1 January 2017 at 09:34:24 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

Can you try

sudo apt-get install libconfig9

I don't know if that will install something different, but 
it's the command I see others using online.  Otherwise, 
check if the libconfig++9 package you installed included, which is what ldc is linked against.  If 
not, install the package that provides that library.  The 
wiki mentions installing libconfig-dev, you could always 
just install that if nothing else works.

That is what I used to get it on there in the first place... 
but the ldc compiler still could not find it.

The problem seems to be where ldc2 is looking for rather than it being installed or not.

How do I either know where it is looking for where to put it?

You said you installed libconfig++9, which an apt search shows 
me is a different package than libconfig9, that includes a 
library named differently.  As I said, are you sure that 
particular library is installed?

If it is, manually adding its path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the 
way to make sure it's found.

Ok, I didn't realize they were different packages.

I now get the error

./bin/ldmd2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

and trying to install libncursesw is missing. I tried 
installing libncurses5 and it worked, but, of course, not 
version 6 or whatever. tried various things... nothing works.

./bin/ldc2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

I downloaded the sources. I had to install gcc, make, then I 
did ./configure --enable-widec 
then ran make.. I end up getting the errors

make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/b/c/test'
cd misc && make DESTDIR="" all
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/b/c/misc'
WHICH_XTERM=xterm-new \
ticdir=/usr/share/terminfo \
/bin/sh ./ >run_tic.sed
echo '** adjusting tabset paths'
** adjusting tabset paths
sed -f run_tic.sed ../misc/terminfo.src >terminfo.tmp
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/b/c/misc'
cd c++ && make DESTDIR="" all
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/b/c/c++'
cp ./ etip.h
sh ./ ../include/ncurses_cfg.h etip.h
substituting autoconf'd values from ../include/ncurses_cfg.h 
into etip.h

cd ../objects;   -I../c++ -I../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  
-D_GNU_SOURCE -DNDEBUG -I. -I../include  -c ../c++/

/bin/sh: 1: -I../c++: not found
make[1]: *** [../objects/cursesf.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/b/c/c++'
make: *** [all] Error 2

So, now I do not know what to do next.

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libncurses6

(This is why I hate working linux, so much obfuscation... so 
many potential points of failure)

Yeah, not a good idea to build from source yourself.  Try the 
advice here, ie see if you can install a package with that 
library or just symlink to the older library if not:

Every system has these problems, whether Windows, linux, or OS X. 
Linux makes it really easy to install packages and libraries, but 
then you can hit this issue where Debian/Ubuntu doesn't provide 
the latest versions of packages like Arch does, which is where I 
compiled the cross-compiler.

Also, once I go through all this trouble, I have to do it again 
for the arm verson(using x86-64 ldc)? Can I install on the same 
system or will the libraries conflict and I'll have to go 
through all this mess again?

I'm not sure what you mean, there is no other ARM version.  All 
you have to do is download the cross-compiler and run it.  The 
cross-compiler is a linux/x64 binary that comes with a 
pre-compiled standard library for ARM.  Once you can run this 
cross-compiler build I provided, by setting up the needed 
libraries, you should be able to build Android binaries or apks 
just by using the cross-compiler, by following these instructions:

However, you will also want to install the Android SDK for 
Windows, which requires Java, if you want to build an apk in the 
usual way, as mentioned in the wiki:

Alternately, you could package an apk from sc

Re: Conditional Compilation Multiple Versions

2017-01-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 January 2017 at 13:44:37 UTC, Claude wrote:
Yes, it works quite well for most use cases and should 
generally be preferred. I disagree that it scales, though. At 
some point (a point that is highly project-dependent), it 
breaks down, requiring either very large modules or duplicated 
versions across multiple modules.

Yes, in that case, you would probably break it down into 
several specialized config modules. I meant it forces you not 
to put directly version(Windows) into your code, but rather 

Yes, this is the idiom that version() encourages.  You can put 
all your configuration logic in one place in your build script 
and then pass -version=hasFeature to your build.  If you use 
reggae, you can even write your configuration logic in D:

My position is that I will always choose version blocks first, 
but if I find myself in a situation where I have to choose 
between duplicating version statements (e.g. version(A) 
{version=AorB; version=AorC;}) across multiple modules and 
restructuring my code to accommodate versioning, I much prefer 
to use the enum alternative as an escape hatch.

Ok, that's interesting.
Do you have code samples where you do that? I'm just curious.

Druntime uses this for its translation of POSIX header files:

An example:

Re: Android Status

2017-01-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 at 19:58:06 UTC, Ignacious wrote:
I suppose it will be easier to install a real ubuntu distro 
rather than relying on windows? All these issues seem to be 
related to outdated versions?

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Codename:   trusty

I doubt that'd work either as Debian just uses older packages.  
Your best bet may be to just compile ldc yourself, by following 
the instructions on the wiki.

Re: Android Status

2017-01-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 at 21:52:01 UTC, Ignacious wrote:
Not sure what is going on, of course ;) So much BS just to do 
something that is suppose to be simple ;)


void main()


here is test.o

Any ideas?

Oh, that's easy: install the NDK too, as shown on the wiki.  You 
need the linker that supports ARM from the NDK.  Follow the 
instructions from the wiki to compile and link the binary, simply 
having ldc do everything won't work.

Cross-compiler toolchains are never simple, consider yourself 
lucky for having gotten off easy. :)

Re: Android Status

2017-01-09 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 00:40:35 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 at 22:19:31 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 at 21:52:01 UTC, Ignacious wrote:
Not sure what is going on, of course ;) So much BS just to do 
something that is suppose to be simple ;)


void main()


here is test.o

Any ideas?

Oh, that's easy: install the NDK too, as shown on the wiki.  
You need the linker that supports ARM from the NDK.  Follow 
the instructions from the wiki to compile and link the binary, 
simply having ldc do everything won't work.

Ok, after executing

-Wl,-z,nocopyreloc --sysroot=$NDK/platforms/android-9/arch-arm 
-lgcc -gcc-toolchain 
-target armv7-none-linux-androideabi -no-canonical-prefixes 
-fuse-ld=bfd -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 -Wl,--no-undefined 
-Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -fPIE -pie -mthumb 
-Wl,--export-dynamic -lc -lm test.o lib/libphobos2-ldc.a 
lib/libdruntime-ldc.a -o test

I get a test elf file with no errors(although 2.5MB for a hello 

I had to do the chmod 755 test



to get any output. Before that no output and no errors so 
wasn't sure what as going on.

Looks like everything is working! ;)

Good to hear it finally works. :D

Seems like someone really needs to put some time in to getting 
all this stuff organized and situated

Maybe the D language foundation can push some money towards it 
to get it started off on the right foot?

I'll try to get some of the opengl examples on your repository 
to see if they work soon.

I don't think money is the issue as much as people like you 
trying it on your own platform and documenting any problems you 

Cross-compiler toolchains are never simple, consider yourself 
lucky for having gotten off easy. :)

I realize things are difficult but it's people that make it 
that way ;) Life would be so much simpler if people would just 
properly document stuff exactly(or, rather, do what they are 
suppose to do). (Even windows seems to love to forget to put in 
descriptions of services, tasks, application descriptions, etc).

I've tried to write up detailed instructions on the wiki.  I'm 
still improving those and plan to spin off those two sections I 
linked you, on how to just build the samples, into their own 
page.  You can contribute any steps you had to take with 
Bash/Ubuntu on Windows with the prebuilt linux/x64 cross-compiler 
there, once I put the page up.

The main problem I have had seems to be that UoW uses ver 14. 
Somehow I was able to upgrade by following docs online(wasn't 
easy but eventually got there and everything seems to work... I 
should have documented ;) but I wasn't sure if the process 
would work. Supposedly ver 16 exists by one has to be part of 
the dev team or something.

If you know all the steps to upgrade Ubuntu on Windows, you may 
want to document them on the wiki page I will put up or link to a 
good resource that shows how to do it.

Re: Android Status

2017-01-09 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 18:38:01 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 08:28:04 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I've tried to write up detailed instructions on the wiki.  I'm 
still improving those and plan to spin off those two sections 
I linked you, on how to just build the samples, into their own 
page.  You can contribute any steps you had to take with 
Bash/Ubuntu on Windows with the prebuilt linux/x64 
cross-compiler there, once I put the page up.

Yeah, I found it a bit confusing though. It seems like it is 
written up by someone that is working on the core rather than a 
newb! ;)

Yep, that's what it is.  That's one reason why I want to add 
another wiki page which will just focus on building the sample 
apps, as opposed to building the cross-compiler too.

The main problem I have had seems to be that UoW uses ver 14. 
Somehow I was able to upgrade by following docs online(wasn't 
easy but eventually got there and everything seems to work... 
I should have documented ;) but I wasn't sure if the process 
would work. Supposedly ver 16 exists by one has to be part of 
the dev team or something.

If you know all the steps to upgrade Ubuntu on Windows, you 
may want to document them on the wiki page I will put up or 
link to a good resource that shows how to do it.

I don't because it was all new to me(I didn't know there was 
even such a thing as UoW.  I simply searched for the errors I 
got and tried different solutions until it worked. Luckily the 
outcome worked... which is not always the case.

Is it easy for you to nuke it and go back to the original 14.04 
setup?  I may be able to remove some of those ldc library 
dependencies, so that it works on the original setup too.

I think that it would be a boon for D to have some type of well 
defined and well planned Android development suite rather than 
what seems to be hacked/cobbled together. This would bring not 
only more developers to D for android but also to D in general.

Yes, definitely the plan.  The big problem right now is that it 
requires a slightly modified llvm.  If that weren't needed, we 
could just have the official release builders also build the 
standard library for Android/ARM on their OS.

I'm gonna try the opengl examples and hopefully the work. The 
main problem I see is how to actually write "commercial" apps 
using D for android. Can it be done successfully? Nobody knows 
because there isn't a history. What are the exact steps, say, 
to add ads, or interface with the subsystem? I saw that there 
is some way to call some java stuff from D but seems like 
nothing is thoroughly tested(most of the work as been just 
trying to get things up and running).

I got interfacing with Java working late last year, through JNI.  
Not "thoroughly tested" by any means, but seems to work.  The 
only way to know whether commercial Android apps can be written 
in D is to actually do it.  I plan on writing one this year.

On Monday, 9 January 2017 at 23:24:08 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

How difficult is it to build for x86/x64?

Would be nice to be able to use something like

as a test instead of an actual device.

Does one simply have to use the proper ldc2/dmd and link in the 
correct libs? or is it more complex?

Not too hard.  I haven't bothered with it because Android/x86 had 
almost no market share, and Intel has essentially given up and 
pulled out of that market.  I may someday update it again, but 
the problem right now is that I don't have an x86 machine on 
which to try it.  I've gone all ARM and setting Android/x86 up on 
a VPS takes some work.

Also, I'm a bit confused on how to compile the source 
examples(working it out and trying to explain the solutions as 
I type)

As noted there, those instructions haven't been updated in a year 
and a half and are out of date.  I just updated the wiki page 
with a stronger warning.

(set $NDK permanently)
I have done(easy, find the file and modify)


Clean up and compile as before:

$NDK/ndk-build clean
NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang $NDK/ndk-build V=1

But no error. Object files for various architectures are 
created though, it seems. (rt_ errors do no exist contrary to 
what is said in the docs)

I'm not sure why that wouldn't error anymore, it should be the 
same.  Anyway, since I wrote those instructions a couple years 
ago, I translated the google-provided android_native_app_glue.c 
to android_native_app_glue.d and didn't bother updating the 
instructions for Android/x86.

But the following seems need updating/explaining. I am using 
prebuilt ldc2 for android from some link you provided. -android 
doesn't seem to work and I can't find sensor.d (not sure if it 
is needed anymore)?

../../../dmd/src/dmd -android -I../.. 
-ofobj/local/x86/objs/native-activity main.o -c jni/main.d 

I had to change to use ldc2,

Re: Android Status

2017-01-10 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 January 2017 at 18:48:17 UTC, Ignacious wrote:

Well, I posed a reply but I guess it didn't get though ;/

I'm only suing android-x86 because I thought it would be easier 
to test/debug. My device is a cortex-arm7.

It's probably not easier, and in any case, android-x86 won't be 
supported, largely because I don't have any working x86 devices.

Two questions I have:

1. In the command lines present there is a lot of use of `x86`.

There shouldn't be when compiling for ARM.  The instructions for 
ARM only have it because of the path where the cross-compiler 
toolchain is stored, in a directory called 
toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/ because that's the OS and 
CPU architecture where you can run the cross-compiler.

I used them to compile the hello world for my device and it 
worked so I'm a bit confused. I realize there is the x86 
binaries for compiling and then the binaries that are compiled 
to but not sure what is what.

You are cross-compiling from linux (even though it's really a 
linux shell running in Windows) with the x86 or x86_64 CPU 
architecture to Android with the ARM CPU architecture.  As such 
the cross-compiler itself is an x86_64 binary, but produces an 
ARM object file and binary.  You have to be careful to set up the 
toolchain right or you will produce files for the wrong 

2. I downloaded the native_app_glue.d and tried to compile it. 
It imports jni.d which I found in hello-jni and I copied that 
to the android folder and was able to compile it using 
effectively the same command line I used to compile the working 
hello world code.

I'm not sure why you are downloading and moving around these 
individual files.  They should all be in my android repository, 
which both pages of instructions tell you to clone.

but when I try to then use it to compile the hello-jni sample I 
get that it is an invalid format and many ELF relocation errors.

Could you send me your working native_app_glue.o(if for the 
cortex-arm7 or try to compile it for both cortex-arm7 and 
x86/x64) or explain to me what is the issue with linking it in 
and how to fix it?

No.  I'm not going to support Android/x86 and all the 
instructions are there for Android/ARM.

cmdline that compiles android_native_app_glue.d
bin/ldc2 -m32 -shared  -Iandroid -c android_native_app_glue.d

(tried with -m64 and without either)

This won't work because my latest build of the ldc cross-compiler 
will try to compile for ARM by default.

cmdline trying to compile hello-jni.

-Wl,-soname, -shared 
../android_native_app_glue.o -lgcc  -gcc-toolchain  
$NDK/toolchains/x86-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86 -target 
i686-none-linux-android -no-canonical-prefixes  
-Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now  
-L$NDK/platforms/android-9/arch-x86/usr/lib -llog -landroid 
-lEGL -lGLESv1_CM -llog -lc -lm -fuse-ld=bfd 
-L../../../phobos/generated/linux/release/32 -l:libphobos2.a -o 

which gives the errors

/usr/bin/ld.bfd: ../android_native_app_glue.o: Relocations in 
generic ELF (EM: 40)
/usr/bin/ld.bfd: ../android_native_app_glue.o: Relocations in 
generic ELF (EM: 40)
/usr/bin/ld.bfd: ../android_native_app_glue.o: Relocations in 
generic ELF (EM: 40)
../android_native_app_glue.o: error adding symbols: File in 
wrong format
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to 
see invocation)

It's telling you that android_native_app_glue.o is the wrong 
format, likely ARM as I noted above.  You can check the format 
with this command:

file android_native_app_glue.o

Since you're trying to create a binary for Android/x86, it cannot 
use the ARM object file to build it.

It might be better to wait for you to finish your build setup 
which might resolve all these problems and be more robust(I'd 
like to be able to easily build for different platforms(for 
testing on VM and device).

There is nothing to wait for, as I will not support Android/x86, 
certainly not anytime soon.

But if all I need to do is get the android_native_app_glue to 
work to run full fledged apps, then It seems I'm close? (just 
need to compile it to the correct format?)

It may not take much more to get it working, as I did first try 
ldc with Android/x86 and left that support in.  However, it 
hasn't been tested in more than a year and so probably will 
require some fixing up.  If you want to look into that, you're on 
your own.

Re: Compile to C?

2017-01-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 January 2017 at 18:38:22 UTC, Nestor wrote:

Hi friends,

Is there a way to "compile" d code to C, similar to what nim 

That would be cool for greater portability.

The wiki says there was a dmd fork that attempted this 5 years 
ago, don't know how far he got:

Re: Compile to C?

2017-01-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 January 2017 at 02:20:02 UTC, Nestor wrote:

On Monday, 23 January 2017 at 01:17:20 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Monday, 23 January 2017 at 01:12:21 UTC, Nestor wrote:

You mean phobos, or system libraries?

Phobos but mostly the druntime that interfaces with the system.

I see, I was mostly thinking in Android and/or other platforms, 
but it does seem like heavy work, though curiously this 
approach seems to be working for Nim (at least so far), is it 
that the language is better suited for that, or simply that 
more work has been put into it? (not bashing D, honest 

Btw, Ldc has good support for a lot of platforms already, 
including Android and iPhone:

Porting druntime to a new OS is not heavy work, mostly 
translating some C headers:✓&q=is%3Apr%20is%3Aopen%20netbsd

Re: Cross-compile with LDC

2017-02-09 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 at 17:57:49 UTC, kinke wrote:

On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 at 17:21:03 UTC, Oleg B wrote:
If I understand correctly with vanilla LDC I can't 
cross-compiling from host linux-x86_64, but with your patch I 
can. Right?

Right. Joakim Noah has worked on LDC for Android and as far as 
I know provides some prebuilt compilers, a native one and a 
cross-compiler (Linux x86_64 host) including that patch.
There's also a pre-built Windows -> ARM cross-compiler; see and more ARM-related threads in our subforum.

That's not really a Windows build of ldc, he just used the new 
linux support in Windows 10.  There is a build of ldc 1.1.0 for 
native linux/ARM, if you want to compile D code on the ARM device 

If not, it's pretty straight forward to build a cross-compiler 
for ARM, take a look at my patches and instructions for Android:

If I use your patch must I use in my programs only double or I 
can stay real in existing code?

Don't worry, the reals can stay.

The patch will make reals the same as double, ie they're all 
64-bit, so it is irrelevant which one you use.  If you're writing 
cross-platform code and care about that difference on other 
platforms, you may need to check for it.  Take a look at std.math 
for examples of this, where it checks the length of the mantissa 
sometimes for reals.

Re: Can i using D & LLVM & SDL2 for Android?

2017-03-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 12:06:48 UTC, dummy wrote:

Just thought. I do want to know. :-)

As far as I know is,
  * LDC2 woring on NDK(yah!)
  * Native OpenGLES:
  * Dlangui working on Android that based on SDL2: /


Yes, though I have not tried SDL2 myself.

Re: Can i using D & LLVM & SDL2 for Android?

2017-03-12 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 9 March 2017 at 10:35:18 UTC, dummy wrote:

On Wednesday, 8 March 2017 at 10:24:24 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 12:06:48 UTC, dummy wrote:

Just thought. I do want to know. :-)

As far as I know is,
  * LDC2 woring on NDK(yah!)
  * Native OpenGLES:
  * Dlangui working on Android that based on SDL2: /


Yes, though I have not tried SDL2 myself.

Ah, you're right.
I will trying DerelictSDL2.

Thx :-)

Regarding the link to that forum post, that bug has since been 
found and fixed.

If you're planning on using Derelict, there is an issue where all 
Derelict libraries are loaded as shared libraries, whereas the 
Android port currently doesn't support loading shared libraries.  
If DLangUI is using SDL2, maybe he has a header file that allows 
him to statically link against SDL2, which you could reuse.

Otherwise, you may need to generate one using DStep:

or modify the DerelictSDL2 files to allow you to link statically.

Re: Can i using D & LLVM & SDL2 for Android?

2017-03-13 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 09:33:39 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 13/03/2017 7:48 PM, Joakim wrote:


Why exactly doesn't the Android port support dlopen, dlsym and 

It is provided by the NDK libc.

At least according to this[0].


I was more talking about D shared libraries, which I'm assuming 
DerelictSDL2 qualifies as and would require Phobos built as a 
shared library.  That hasn't been tried yet on Android.

On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 10:11:35 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 06:48:01 UTC, Joakim wrote:


The alpha release of DerelictSDL2 3.0 supports static linking.

When compiling manually, it requires 
-version=DerelictSDL_static on the command line and all files 
matching "derelict/sdl2/internal/*_dyn*.d" should be excluded 
from the build.

When building DerelictSDL2 with DUB, specifying 
-cderelict-sdl2-static gets the job done, or the same can be 
added as a subConfiguration value in a project's dub.json/sdl 

Thanks for the update, didn't know that.


2017-03-13 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 March 2017 at 06:41:46 UTC, M-exe wrote:
I found that D is great language, but for my own reasons I'm 
trying to use it without TLS at all.

Can the TLS directory be avoided? (compiling on windows)

I don't know what you mean by the TLS directory, can you explain?

I mean, can it avoided without losing GC and main language 

You could probably modify druntime so that it doesn't use any 
Thread-Local Storage, but Phobos uses it extensively, as global 
and static variables are put in TLS by default since D 2.030:

Are you against emulated TLS also?  If not, I have modified dmd, 
ldc, and druntime to use the same emulated TLS scheme Walter came 
up with for OS X, for my Android port:

You may be able to use something similar on Windows, depending on 
how feasible such an emulated TLS scheme is there and if you want 
to dig into these details.

Re: Can i using D & LLVM & SDL2 for Android?

2017-03-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 March 2017 at 01:57:56 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 14/03/2017 6:08 AM, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 13 March 2017 at 09:33:39 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 13/03/2017 7:48 PM, Joakim wrote:


Why exactly doesn't the Android port support dlopen, dlsym 
and dlclose?

It is provided by the NDK libc.

At least according to this[0].


I was more talking about D shared libraries, which I'm assuming
DerelictSDL2 qualifies as and would require Phobos built as a 

library.  That hasn't been tried yet on Android.

DerelictSDL2 would be statically linked, it would dynamically 
bind via dlopen, dlsym and dlclose to SDL itself which would be 
compiled as a shared library.

This is how Derelict based libraries work.

Ah, I have either misunderstood or forgotten how Derelict works.  
If the D code is all statically linked and only non-D, C/C++ 
shared libraries are loaded in addition to the single D shared 
library, there should be no problem using all Derelict modules on 

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-04 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 17:28:36 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 17:24:08 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
So why isn't rdmd shipped as a separate thing if it can wrap 
any of the three compilers?

it is... the link above is all there is to it, you simply 
compile it. The docs also call it a download:

dmd just happens to bundle it. The others prolly should too.

Ldc should have it in the next release, except on Windows:

Re: iOS Apps in D

2017-06-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 31 May 2017 at 12:49:38 UTC, Oleksii wrote:

Hi everybody,

Perhaps this topic has been raised many times before, but I'm 
going to go back to it anyways :-P

Are there any good reference materials and/or tutorials on 
programming for iOS and Android in D?

Other than this wiki page that shows you how to build a basic 
Android app and the README for the iOS port, no:

I wonder if anybody could share their story of success with D 
on mobile?

I don't think there has been one.  The closest is this demo of 
porting some DlangUI apps to Android:

File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
I ran into this when trying to fix the Phobos unit tests and have 
reduced it down to this test file:

import std.stdio, std.file;

void main() {
auto f = File("test.txt", "w");

This compiles and runs fine on linux and the autotester shows 
that it works on all the tested Posix platforms, but it fails on 
Windows with

std.file.FileException@std\file.d(433): test.txt: The process 
cannot access the file because it is being used by another 

Uncommenting the f.close() gets it to work fine on all supported 
platforms, no doubt it has to do with the different OS APIs that 
are being called.

This seems like inconsistent behavior: should I file a bug?

Re: What exactly module in D means?

2014-07-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 5 July 2014 at 16:35:31 UTC, Andre Tampubolon wrote:
I've been reading the newsgroup for a while, and it seems that 
one of the reason folks like D is because it supports module.

My question is: what does module mean?
A quick google pointed my this page:

Still cannot understand it, though :)

How does it differ from the old C's #include?

For example, consider the hello world in C.


int main(void){
printf("%s\n", "Hello world...");
return 0;

The C preprocessor while replace the line "#include " 
with the content of stdio.h itself.

While in D:

import std.stdio;

void main(){
writeln("Hello world...");

Does that mean the compiler take the "definition" of writeln 
itself from stdio.d and paste it into my program? Pardon my 
ignorance, because I'm not versed in compiler theory.

You might find the clang docs on C++ modules worthwhile, though 
they do it somewhat differently from D:

An #include simply copies and pastes the entire contents of the 
C/C++ header into your source, which can happen over and over 
again in a large project with no include guards, while modules 
are a more sophisticated way of separating code.

Re: implib and system dlls, oh my

2014-07-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 12:56:28 UTC, Jason King wrote:

I don't know enough about implib to explain it.
But another method that I believe should work is to use linker 
definition files.

It'll allow optlink to work.
Just add it to dmd, actually I believe it needs to be passed 
to Optlink (so -L it).

Another fix, might be to use 64bit, but shouldn't be required.


Thank you for your kind attention.  I spewed to the newsgroup 
and googled for an answer in the wrong order.  It appears the 
solution to this problem is the combination of coffimplib + 
windows SDK.  After using those on the SDK's oleaut32.lib I got 
a library with the properly decorated _VarCmp@16.

Not your job, but this could probably be made simpler.

You may want to spearhead the effort to get Win32 support of MSVC 
into D, if you care enough about it.  Rainer has done most of the 
work, you'd just have to turn his patches into pull requests, 
shepherd them through the review process, and maybe add some 

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 10:19:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when opening 
the file.

I don't know what delete sharing is exactly, but the File 
constructor simply calls fopen and I don't see any option for the 
Windows fopen that seems to do it:

Re: File needs to be closed on Windows but not on Posix, bug?

2014-07-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 12:00:48 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 12:17:34 +0100, Joakim 

On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 10:19:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
See if stdio allows you to specify delete sharing when 
opening the file.

I don't know what delete sharing is exactly, but the File 
constructor simply calls fopen and I don't see any option for 
the Windows fopen that seems to do it:

The fopen variant that allows you to specify sharing is:

But it does not mention delete sharing there.

CreateFile allows sharing to be specified for delete however:

So... you could:
 - Call CreateFile giving you a "handle"
 - Call _open_osfhandle to get a "file descriptor"
 - Call _fdopen on the file descriptor to get a FILE* for it

But!  I agree with Adam, leave it as a thin wrapper.  Being a 
windows programmer by trade I would expect the remove to fail, 
I would not expect all my files to be opened with delete 
sharing enabled by default.

Thanks for all the info.  I'm looking at it from the point of 
view of a beginner or someone who just writes a quick D script 
that does something like this.  They may find it confusing that 
it works on linux but doesn't work on Windows, especially given 
the confusing error message.

But it is good practice to close a file before deleting and if D 
prefers to have thin wrappers around OS APIs, that implies less 
hand-holding like this, so maybe we just tell such people to 
close the file first.

Re: core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError

2014-07-11 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 10 July 2014 at 15:36:53 UTC, francesco cattoglio 
A code I'm working on stops working and starts printing an 
infinite loop of

to the command line output. The code is quite complex and the 
bug seems to present itself almost in random situation so I 
would like to try to understand the issue better before looking 
for the wrong line of code hiding somewhere. I've read it might 
be that something is trying to allocate during a destructor 
call, but it sounds really strange to me that there's a 
neverending amount of exceptions being thrown. This is the 
first exception being thrown (nothing is thrown before the 
infinite loop begins).

Anyone has suggestions/ideas/heard of a similar stuff before?

If you look at the source for the garbage collector, the only 
place that error is called is if the gc is trying to malloc or 
execute other memory operations while the collector is running.  
I ran across this myself because an assert was getting triggered 
in a destructor.  Since an assert tries to malloc and the 
destructor is called by the GC, I got an 
InvalidMemoryOperationError which swallowed up the message from 
the original assert.

By putting printfs in the code path in druntime, I was able to 
track it down to that destructor, otherwise I had no idea where 
the invalid memory error was getting triggered.  You can probably 
do the same, but you can be sure it's a GC issue, and I would 
guess tied to allocating in a destructor (unless you happen to be 
calling InvalidMemoryOperationErrors somewhere in your own code 
or some library that you're using, which is unlikely).

Re: Equivalent of DllMain on OSX?

2014-07-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 July 2014 at 21:23:00 UTC, Mark Isaacson wrote:
I am presently trying to port a driver I wrote for Windows to 
OSX. The one thing standing in my way is figuring out how to 
get the equivalent of DllMain on OSX.

I need a place to call Runtime.initialize() and whatnot.

Reading the wiki, it seemed like `shared static this()`  was 
the appropriate construct to use, and indeed, when I run the 
test program from:

I get the desired results: namely, I see that the `shared 
static this()` in that test program is called the desired point.

When I try the same thing in my driver, it is never executed.

Are dylibs on OSX not supported still (I saw some very old 
threads from 2012 stating as much)? Does it matter that I have 
multiple modules in the driver? Any help would be appreciated.

I shall endeavor to get the modified driver code into a state 
where I can link it as well.

Loading multiple D shared libraries isn't supported on OS X yet, 
see these warnings in druntime:

If you only have a single D shared library, I think it's 
possible, you just may have to tweak dmd/druntime or your build 
process a bit.

I think Martin Nowak or Jacob Carlborg can really answer your 
questions, as Martin wrote a lot of that code and Jacob seems to 
follow it closely, whereas I don't use OS X but looked at that 
code when porting to Android.

Re: Tracing down core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError

2014-07-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 28 July 2014 at 09:38:35 UTC, Martin Drasar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


at the end of my program it throws InvalidMemoryOperationError. 
at the documentation and past forum questions I learned that it 
probably because of allocations in destructors. However, I have 
no such
thing in my code (at least not intentionally). I am suspecting 

std.logger package, because it throwed on me a memory error on
occasions. But regardless of the source, I would like to trace 
it and
deal with it. But I do not have much of an idea where to start. 

you give me an advice?

More broadly speaking, it is thrown whenever certain memory 
operations are attempted while the GC is running, 6 in all, as 
you can see here:

I believe I stuck in printfs till I found out which one was run 
before the error was thrown, and then traced that back with more 
printfs to where it was getting called.  I didn't have a debugger 
available, you may be able to trace faster with one.

Re: Tracing down core.exception.InvalidMemoryOperationError

2014-07-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 28 July 2014 at 13:31:08 UTC, Martin Drasar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 28.7.2014 14:09, Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
More broadly speaking, it is thrown whenever certain memory 
are attempted while the GC is running, 6 in all, as you can 
see here:

I believe I stuck in printfs till I found out which one was 
run before
the error was thrown, and then traced that back with more 
printfs to
where it was getting called.  I didn't have a debugger 
available, you

may be able to trace faster with one.


thanks for the tip. I have a debugger at hand and I am would 
prefer to
use it. However, I don't really know where and how to start. I 
like to break at core/exception.d when 
onInvalidMemoryOperationError is
called, but I am not sure how to build druntime with debug 
There does not seem to be some flag in the makefile like for 

Is there some document describing how to do this?

It's not in the makefile; I simply added the -g or -gc flag where 
it compiled and then the debug symbols showed up in the debugger. 
 You may also want to experiment with the -debug flag, which will 
turn on various kinds of log output depending on which module and 
flag you use it with.

Re: Are there desktop appications being developed in D currently?

2014-08-10 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 August 2014 at 04:37:20 UTC, Puming wrote:
On Saturday, 9 August 2014 at 21:46:45 UTC, Peter Alexander 

On Saturday, 9 August 2014 at 00:34:43 UTC, Puming wrote:
Yes, rust is a more infantile language compared to D, but 
people are already using them to create complicate 
applications like browser!

Rust was designed to build Servo. The people building Servo 
are the people building Rust. With all due respect to Rust, I 
don't think that counts as endorsement of the language.

I didn't know about that. I don't actually know much about Rust 
except the hype on hackernews :-)

But nonetheless, this indicates that a serious application like 
a browser is a good driving force for a language to evolve.

I'm planning on tinkering with D over the next couple months on 
an idea to replace the web browser, which I laid out on this 
forum last year:

The browser has gotten way too complex, it's time to design away 
much of that complexity.  On the one hand, this might show D is a 
good language to try new ideas, instead of simply implementing 
old, obsolete ones.  On the other hand, since it's much simpler, 
it's not really going to push the language like an overly complex 
browser might. ;)

Re: Building a dmd that works on old systems: TLS problems with libc

2014-10-11 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 3 October 2014 at 14:21:02 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Then I tried only using dmd to compile and linking it myself. 
That worked, but the resulting binary crashed. After loading it 
up in gdb, it crashed in __tls_get_addr

My guess would be that your system doesn't have __tls_get_addr, 
which is unique in that it is provided by the runtime linker from 
glibc.  You may want to try out my Android patch for dmd, which 
doesn't use native TLS and doesn't rely on that function either:

You'll want to get rid of that last change to mars.c, substitute 
rt/sections_android.d for rt/sections_linux.d in druntime (don't 
forget to change the "version (Android):" inside that file to 
"version (linux):" also), and make sure you're using the default 
ld.bfd linker and not the gold linker.  That might work for you.

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 at 17:30:04 UTC, Kevin Lamonte wrote:
I am experiencing a similar problem trying to build a static 
executable, exactly as described in .  I don't know 
if the root cause is a gcc issue or a phobos issue.

Probably neither, probably a druntime issue, specifically the 
rt.sections_linux module's use of the __tls_get_addr function, 
which is called from the dynamic linker at runtime.

Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-17 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 13:59:03 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
that's why i'm sure that basic programming must be teached in 

hey, the whole our civilization will collapse without computers!
computer programming is the literacy of the new age.

This is nonsense and I see it repeated all the time, with and other efforts.  Do you know how to fix your car, 
washing machine, or refrigerator?  No, yet your life would likely 
collapse far faster without those.  You hire somebody to do the 
job if any of those mechanical systems breaks.  Similarly, most 
people hire programmers to do the software work they don't want 
to do.

I will agree that basic computer literacy is important, ie people 
should know their way around a computer or tablet, how to open 
and turn off apps, mouse or touch your way around the UI, etc.  
But beyond that it's a matter of interest: some people like 
Walter want to work on their car or computer, but most people 

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 14:00:43 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
yet Scheme will teach how to write functional code. it's a 

knowledge for D programmer.

My first programming language was Scheme in my freshman year of 
college (I wasn't one of those kids programming since middle 
school).  Scheme was fine for the time, though the scads of 
parentheses were annoying, but I think we can do better decades 
later.  D would work fine if it's presented at a level 
appropriate to a beginner, ie not assuming they know anything 
about programming to begin with.

Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-17 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 21:20:29 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 20:40:37 +
Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn 

This is nonsense and I see it repeated all the time, with and other efforts.  Do you know how to fix your car, 
washing machine, or refrigerator?
i have no car, i know how to fix my wahing machine, i know how 
to fix

my refrigerator.

You do realize that most people are clueless about how to fix 
those also, right?  Would you require that how to fix all that 
mechanical stuff be taught in schools too?  Kids would never 
leave school if they had to learn all the stuff everybody says 
they should be forced to learn. ;)

No, yet your life would likely collapse far faster without 

my life is not the whole human civilization.

Yet, civilization is made up of people like you, who would all 
miss those mechanical systems far more than computers.

You hire somebody to do the job if any of those mechanical 
systems breaks.  Similarly, most people hire programmers to do 
the software work they don't want to do.
...and pretty sure that computers are magical devices. oh, how 
times i've seen people doing tedious repetetive work for hours, 

kind of work that can be done in seconds by the simple script.

They should use tools like Automator instead, no programming 

actually, that's why people so love their pads: 
not only that, but "no easy way to made it do what i want" too. 
i still

can't understant that kind of attitude.

Tablets are optimized for basic usage, not saving files and 
document editing and whatever else you might want to do on a PC.  
Most people just need a basic appliance that isn't going to catch 
viruses or require registry hacks.

I will agree that basic computer literacy is important, ie 
people should know their way around a computer or tablet, how 
to open and turn off apps, mouse or touch your way around the 
UI, etc.  But beyond that it's a matter of interest: some 
people like Walter want to work on their car or computer, but 
most people don't.

inability to write a simple script to automate some task is not
different from inability to write some words on a piece of 

It is completely different, because there are tools like 
Automator to help you automate your workflow without needing to 
write anything.  If you need to communicate something on paper- 
well, nobody uses paper these days so let's say in text ;) - 
that's more basic and fundamental.

yet i see how the argument "oh, well, i hire someone to write 
that for

me" fits here.

For most people, that is a better route, particularly if they 
don't need to modify the script as they go and just need it 
written once.

[OT] the uses of computing

2014-10-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 18 October 2014 at 00:06:10 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 23:31:45 +
Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn 


You do realize that most people are clueless about how to fix 
those also, right?

most people are stupid.

No disagreement there, but even the smart ones can only learn so 

Would you require that how to fix all that mechanical stuff be 
taught in schools too?
but it is! or at least it was. it's all simple physics, you 
know. not a

rocket science.

Many people do not learn simple physics in school, and even if 
they did, wouldn't necessarily be able to figure out how to fix a 
specific mechanical system like a washing machine from the 
general physical principles.

Kids would never leave school if they had to learn all the 
stuff everybody says they should be forced to learn. ;)
nobody should be *forced* to learn: it's pointless. yet kids 
are very
curious, and they can be taught *alot* of things if they think 
they are "just playing". make it interesting, and you'll be 
amazed how

much kids can learn almost without problems.

Yeah, we agree if you truly mean making most of what they learn 
optional, not just "fun" but still required.  Most of the stuff 
we force on kids today, like multiplication tables, how to divide 
numbers by hand, or memorizing historical dates, is utterly 

Yet, civilization is made up of people like you, who would all 
miss those mechanical systems far more than computers.
it's a huge difference between "i miss my washing machine" and 
"all our

communication and data processing systems are foobared".

Yet, I bet you they'll want that washing machine working far more 
than the internet.

They should use tools like Automator instead, no programming 
i wasn't talking about sorting out file mess. i was talking 
tabular data processing, for example, with some logics and 

that can't be done automatically without programming.

Isn't that what people use Excel macros for?  There are 
specialized tools for the job, that are more limited than full 
programming languages but easier to use for the average person.

Tablets are optimized for basic usage
what is "basic usage"? i really don't know what tablets are 
for. what i
can do with it? watching movie? listening music? reading book? 

tablets can do this... badly. what else?

All of the above, anything you'd use a portable computer for that 
doesn't require much typing and would benefit from a larger 
screen than your smartphone.  I wouldn't say they do it all 
badly: it's the most portable "TV" you could ever have, if you 
use it to watch video.  And you're not limited to the junk on the 
idiot box, you can download any video from the web and watch on 
the go.  Most websites benefit from a larger screen also.

i can listen music with my N900, and it fits in my pocket.

movies? on tablet screen? no, thanks.

books? "electronic books" are better.

I've watched parts of movies on my 4.7" smartphone screen, which 
happens to have the best display I've ever used.  Tablets are 
even better for video.  I don't read books anymore, but with 
their high-res displays up to 200-300 ppi these days, reading 
text is very nice on tablets too.

tablets are like XML: bad for everything.

Now that's just low, you can't compare anything to the utter junk 
that is XML. :)

Most people just need a basic appliance that isn't going to 
catch viruses or require registry hacks.

give 'em wooden board with painting. it's great!

It's a little better than that. ;)

It is completely different, because there are tools like 
Automator to help you automate your workflow without needing 
to write anything.

oh, please. i can do batch renaming with wildcards, and for any
task that is more complex than that there *is* a need to write
logic. scripts. "graphic programming" is a dead end. people 
drop icons

in favor of alphabet 'cause alphabet is just better.

Actually, the progression went the other way, people dropped text 
UIs for graphical UIs. :) I'm not saying _you_ need to leave the 
terminal, but for most people GUI tools like Automator are enough.

If you need to communicate something on paper- well, nobody 
uses paper these days
i wish that the goverment of my country knows about that. and 

somehow they still insist to have everything written on paper.

Well, the government is the most backwards part of any country.

For most people, that is a better route, particularly if they 
don't need to modify the script as they go and just need it 
written once.
so instead of spending ten minutes to write the script they'll 
spend a
day searching for som

Re: [OT] the uses of computing

2014-10-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 18 October 2014 at 20:50:42 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:42:50 +
Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn 


> most people are stupid.
No disagreement there, but even the smart ones can only learn 
so much.
that's why we should teach kids alot of things while their 
minds are
"clear" and ready to absorb alot of knowledge. and, of course, 
we must

teach them how to *use* that knowledge.

So much of what's taught today is so worthless that I'm skeptical 
of anyone claiming kids should be taught "a lot," as if you know 
what that is.  And given our long history of barely being able to 
teach any knowledge, with almost no success in getting people to 
"use" it for something original, that seems like a dead end too.  
Better to just let people take their own path and find what works 
best for them.

Many people do not learn simple physics in school, and even if 
they did, wouldn't necessarily be able to figure out how to 
fix a specific mechanical system like a washing machine from 
the general physical principles.
yes, figuring this out without manuals will be hard. but 
physics (proper learning of *anything* for that matter) will 
give 'em
understanding of base principles (mechanics, electricity, etc) 
and the
ability to extract information from books. it's enough for 
simple fixes

that doesn't require to produce hi-tech parts.

I disagree, as there is a large gap of knowledge between the base 
principles and the complex systems we build on top.  How many 
people would be able to diagnose and force reallocation of bad 
sectors in their hard disk if hit with that problem, given the 
basics of how hard disks work?  I actually ran into this recently 
and found little info about it, meaning not many people do it.

Yeah, we agree if you truly mean making most of what they 
learn optional, not just "fun" but still required.  Most of 
the stuff we force on kids today, like multiplication tables, 
how to divide numbers by hand, or memorizing historical dates, 
is utterly useless.
ah, i hated that so-called "history lessons" where i was forced 
remebmer that in year i don't care about somebody who i don't 

about did something i equally don't care about. ;-)

yes, i'm sure that we should teach kids how to do things, not 
making 'em remember that 4*8 is 32. tell 'em what 
multiplication is and

then play games with them, games which involves using of
multiplication. this way kids will learn how to use 
multiplication. no

need to remember any tables.

or let 'em build a simple robot and program it to do some funny 

it's exciting and they will learn many things about mechanics,
electricity, programming...

let 'em play a role of factory manager, for example, and they 

develop a good understanding of how economics works.

and so on.

We agree that practical application is a better way to motivate 
learning than absorbing theory from a book first, at least for 
most students.  But some kids are just not going to enjoy those 
multiplication games or robot building and I'd say it's better 
for them to choose something else to pursue, rather than forcing 
them to pick up multiplication when it's a completely useless 
skill, now that everybody carries around a calculator with them 
in their phone these days.

>> Yet, civilization is made up of people like you, who would 
>> all miss those mechanical systems far more than computers.
> it's a huge difference between "i miss my washing machine" 
> and "all our

> communication and data processing systems are foobared".
Yet, I bet you they'll want that washing machine working far 
more than the internet.
most people can't see a whole picture. it's bad. we must teach 
kids to

understand how different things are interconnected too.

At this point, _I_ can't see your "whole picture." :) I made a 
simple point, that building and fixing washing machines or 
software is something most people don't want to do.  Saying they 
should learn those things anyway doesn't make sense.

Isn't that what people use Excel macros for?

aren't writing excel macros a programming?

My understanding is that you can write simple mathematical 
formulas, which is as far as most probably go, even though it may 
also allow iteration and other programming constructs.  My point, 
that I made below, is that people who need some of the power of 
programming without the training can use cruder tools like these 
most of the time.

There are specialized tools for the job, that are more limited 
than full programming languages but easier to use for the 
average person.

i never meant that all people should learn "full programming
languages". they have to know how

Re: D developing on ARM board

2014-10-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 14:35:06 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I am planing to buy ARM-Board. I would use it for internet 
browsing and whant to know would it's possible to develop D 
apps on it?

Which ARM board do you plan on getting?  I own a Pandaboard ES.  
I tried using it for browsing for some time, but the software was 
pretty buggy when I tried it more than two years back.  Maybe the 
ARM situation has gotten better since then.

I had read that LDC have limited support of ARM. wiki said that 
it can compile hello-world apps. But it it not enough.

What about DMD. Is there any progress of ARM support?

dmd is x86 only, ldc and gdc have ARM backends.  The ldc devs say 
there's still some stuff to fix to get all the tests passing on 
ARM, while the gdc devs say they have gdc passing most tests on 

1. Would Vibed work on ARM?

Some people have tried it, this guy ran into a problem last year:

Not sure if that's fixed yet or if vibe works, you'd have to look 
into it.

2. Would Sublime work on ARM?

Sublime seems to be x86-only, maybe you can ask them for an ARM 

Re: "Error: Undefined identifier" when moving import to another module

2014-10-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 09:39:05 UTC, nrgyzer wrote:

Hi guys,

when I do the following:

module myMain;

import example;
import std.traits;
import my.static.library.binding;

static this()
   foreach ( m; __traits(allMembers, example) )
  static if ( isCallable!(mixing(m) )
 // ... do something here

void main() { /* do something here */ }

And my example-module looks like:

module example;

void exmapleFunction()
   // do something here

I can compile my application without any error, BUT when I move 
the import of "my.static.library.binding" to the example-module:

module example;

import my.static.library.binding;

void exmapleFunction()
   // do something here

... I'm getting many error messages like these:

myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 
myMain.d-mixin-11(11): Error: undefined identifier 

I'm having no idea what's going wrong here. I'm simply moving 
the import from the file where my main() is located in to the 
example-module. When removing the import of 
"my.static.library.binding" in the example-module allows me to 
successfully compile everything. But I need the import in the 
example-module. Any suggestions what's going wrong here/how I 
can solve the error?

An import is private by default:

When you move the import of my.static.library.binding to the 
"example" module, its declarations are no longer available in the 
"myMain" module.  You'd have to make it a "public import 
my.static.library.binding" to make it available to other modules.

Re: [OT] the uses of computing

2014-10-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 04:55:55 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 23:38:35 +
Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn 


don't you think that we are going in circles now? not that i'm 
tired of
this conversation, but i see that we get each other's POVs, and 
have no

more arguments to convince each other. ;-)

I guess, when does anyone ever convince anyone else online?  
People usually just throw their arguments at each other and leave 
holding the same opinion. ;)

>> I don't read books anymore
> even technical ones? ;-)
I think the only technical book I've read in the last decade 
is Andrei's TDPL, which I bought in print and got about 
halfway through.  I've probably read bits and pieces of maybe 
five other non-technical books here and there in the same 
timespan, which were all given to me as gifts.  I've never 
read an ebook, yet I read extensively online.  Books are an 
outdated form, now that we have blogs.
i believe that blog posts and textbooks compliments each other. 
prefer textbook for learning new language, for example, and 
read blogs

to learn some interesting/funny/hidden features.

That may be true now, but soon it will be just blogs.

I don't know much about Oberon, but that gadgets UI sounds 
like it's still a GUI.
sure, it's GUI, but with some "consolish" pieces dropped in. 
you can
connect components and you can write some textual 
commands/scripts to

modify component behavior. best from both worlds! ;-)

The desktop UI paradigm needs to be completely redone, from the 
ground up.  Current desktop GUIs are too limiting and the 
terminal is powerful but antiquated.  The problem is how best to 
combine the two, since one is focused on keyboard input whether 
the other mostly uses trackpad/mouse.  I suspect voice will have 
to be the new input to this new desktop GUI.

I actually agree with you that some sort of component system 
like that is likely the future, even if it's only ultimately 
used to make developers' lives easier and largely unconfigured 
by users themselves
it's simple enough for users to modify. changing layouts by 
components, embedding components into components and so on. 
this things

are mostly "visual" and easy.

people love to customize their working environment if it's easy
enough. ;-)

I agree that customization should be made really easy, but what 
percentage of users ever configure their settings themselves now? 
 I bet it's a negligible percentage.  What I think is more likely 
is that they will pay someone to configure the component desktop 
you envision to suit them, but that person won't necessarily be a 
developer, more likely a power user.

though I haven't looked much into the complex historical 
reasons why it hasn't happened yet.
'cause so-called "software industry" is not ready to die yet. 
;-) with

proper component system there will be no much sense in selling
"applications". and selling components is much harder: how many 

will buy "e-mail data source component"? it's not even visual!

and selling "e-mail reader" is worthless, 'cause people will
deconstruct it to basic parts and build their own 
"application", and
will not buy "shiny new version with improved interface". they 
will not
even buy the "full package" if they only need one part of it, 

"faster e-mail data source component".

so the only way to keep "software bussines" (as we know it) 
running is
turning component system back to non-component one. take, for 

COM technology (which is badly done, but still usable component
system). how much software uses COM to decouple application in 
parts? even microsoft realised that this will be disaster and 
COM to "advancing scripting interface" instead of truly 


I agree that the software business likely just didn't do it 
right, but I doubt that's all of it.  Any component system isn't 
going to be as fast and efficient as a bespoke system.  Maybe the 
hardware just wasn't fast enough for that lack of efficiency, but 
with how powerful hardware has gotten these days, maybe we're 
finally ready for it.

> have you ever seen BlackBox Component Builder? it's written 
> in
> Component Pascal, but the basic principles are 
> language-independent.

> i'm dreaming about BCB with D as base language...
No, never heard of it, sounds interesting.

try it, it's fun and free! ;-) you'll see "component programming
system" in action. it's not "component OS", but it's great 
environment nevertheless. D is almost capable of powering such 

if only i had more free time and motivation... creating 

BCB-like can be that "killer app" D needs.

I've loaded up a chapter from this pdf book about it:

I'll take a look.

Re: Beginner ?. Why does D suggest to learn java

2014-10-20 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 20 October 2014 at 13:52:10 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 23:31:46 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Tablets are optimized for basic usage, not saving files and 
document editing and whatever else you might want to do on a 
PC.  Most people just need a basic appliance that isn't going 
to catch viruses or require registry hacks.


Are you laughing because of this? :)

"Android devices accounted for 60% of total mobile network 
infections, and 40% of mobile malware originated from Windows 
laptops connected to a phone or connected directly through a 
mobile USB stick or W-Fi hub.

Infections on Windows Phone, iPhone and BlackBerry devices made 
up less than 1%

'Android smartphones are the easiest malware target,' said Kevin 
McNamee, security architect and director of Alcatel-Lucent’s 
Kindsight Security Labs, but noted 'but Windows laptops are still 
the favourite of hard core professional cybercriminals.'”

Note my original reference to not being able to save files and 
the very low rate of infection on the iPhone.  Android is a 
little different because it's so open, just like Windows, and I 
bet most of those infected Android devices were rooted or old.  
If you do the math, there are a lot more Android devices than 
Windows laptops, so the fact that there are almost as many 
infected Windows laptops means the infection rate of Windows is 
much higher.

Re: Is Apple LLVM 6 compatible with LDC

2014-10-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 04:45:00 UTC, JJDuck wrote:
I'm trying to compile my D code using LDC and hopefully used by 
my iOS program in Xcode.

So I did some research
(correct me if I'm wrong)
If I compile my D code using LDC into static file and used by 
my iOS app and since they have the same compiler backend, are 
they binary compatible?

If it is binary compatible, should I still build some C header 
file so it can be called by iOS?

XCode's compiler seems to keep evolving into their next stage, 
so I'm not sure if I'm conceptually correct.


You should ask in the ldc forum, as you're more likely to get an 
answer there.

As far as I know, ldc's support for iOS is still in the early 
stages but they should be binary compatible, particularly if you 
compile ldc against the same llvm backend, and a C wrapper is 
likely still necessary, as I don't think Dan Olson got it working 
without one:

Re: Is Apple LLVM 6 compatible with LDC

2014-10-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 08:54:03 UTC, Joakim wrote:
As far as I know, ldc's support for iOS is still in the early 
stages but they should be binary compatible, particularly if 
you compile ldc against the same llvm backend, and a C wrapper 
is likely still necessary, as I don't think Dan Olson got it 
working without one:

Sorry, rereading his post now, he did get it working without a C 
wrapper, _I_ needed a C wrapper for Android.

Re: D support on SPARC/Solaris

2014-10-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 14:03:23 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
At work, I have to target SPARC/Solaris.  I'm writing code to 
interface with an internal network protocol, so my current 
choices are C and (old) C++ (remember Sun Studio?  I wish I 
didn't have to).  Having looked, it seems like there's some 
manner of support for SPARC in the runtime, but restricted to 
Linux and FreeBSD?  Is that correct?
Someone may have been thorough when adding arches to certain 
files, but that in no way implies much actual support.  The gdc 
section of the download page claims sparc support, so you could 
look at what they've done.

In which case, what would an enterprising individual have to 
actually do (read: fix or implement) to use D in that 
environment?  (If it comes down to it, it may be worth my while 
to add it myself.)
You may be able to combine the existing Solaris support and the 
sparc backend of llvm or gcc and get pretty far.  A lot of the 
work should just be translating headers needed for the 
solaris/sparc sections in druntime.  You could look at the 
linux/powerpc work Kai did with ldc for an idea of the changes 
necessary for a new arch.

This echoes a thread Nordlöw started about six months ago, but 
my constraints aren't as rigid: DMD would be fine for me.  I 
just pine for non-crap language.
As kagamin said, dmd's backend is i386/x86_64 only, so you have 
to use ldc or gdc.

Re: D support on SPARC/Solaris

2014-10-31 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 31 October 2014 at 16:10:01 UTC, Wyatt wrote:

On Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 15:39:55 UTC, Joakim wrote:
You could look at the linux/powerpc work Kai did with ldc for 
an idea of the changes necessary for a new arch.

Sounds fairly reasonable to me.  Happen to have a link to a 
commit or branch with that or do I need to go digging?

None that I know of, look at the commit log and grep the source 
for powerpc.

Re: Experience report on installing dmd 2.066.1 on OSX

2014-11-12 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 November 2014 at 22:38:56 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
A friend of mine installed dmd on OSX and recorded his 

I wonder why he had to do manual work like running xattr. Is 
that expected on OSX?

Looks like they're now requiring that apps be signed with the 
developer's account, which I'm guessing the dmd dmg isn't:

Re: windows linker error

2014-11-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 23:08:07 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld 
On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 21:22:24 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld 
On Windows 7 I have built dmd (using the vcxproj), druntime 
(win64.mak) and phobos (win64.mak).

I went into sc.ini and set the LINKCMD to point to Visual 
Studio 12.0's linker.

When I try to compile anything with dmd, I get

   LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 

I'm pretty sure else is ok as I didn't see any errors while I 
was building. What can I try next?

Solved it by pointing to the dmc linker instead. Now I have

LNK1104: cannot open file 'shell32.lib'

I'm compiling with -m64... couldn't compile 32-bit phobos 
because of missing zlib.

Just so we're clear, you're trying to compile for Win64 COFF?  It 
sounds like you don't have something about your environment set 
up right, as Win64 requires the MSVC toolchain and some 
configuration if you use the dmd zip.  Did you install from the 
exe installer or are you using the zip?

The dmc linker is not going to work, as it only does OMF.  You 
may find this page helpful, though it may be a bit outdated:

Re: windows linker error

2014-11-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 04:10:08 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld 

I'm compiling the latest build from github.

(I normally stay up to date with the current builds on 64bit 
Debian and everything works more or less without a hitch there, 
but now I need to get some of my tools working in a Windows 

I'm not really sure what my options are regarding the COFF or 
what they mean, 64-bit is really the only requirement (mostly 
because I can't get the 32-bit stuff to compile).

I've got Visual Studio Premium, I tried to install from the exe 
at one point and got Visual D in the process (and this did 
work, except that the code I need is built against the latest 
dmd/druntime/phobos builds).

I see, so the problem appears to be that you're trying to compile 
D from git to produce Win64 builds.  COFF is the binary format 
used by Microsoft for their MSVC runtime, and dmd only supports 
Win64 with COFF, the Microsoft linker, and MSVC.  If you're okay 
with 32-bit dmd from git, which by default uses the Digital Mars 
C runtime, the Digital Mars linker called optlink, and the OMF 
binary format, these instructions should work for you, as they 
did for me:

Installing it from the instructions, IIRC, also worked for me, 
but again, the version.

So I used the dmd visual studio project to build dmd, then 
built druntime and phobos with Digital Mars make;

I had previously tried to use dmc to build dmd but couldn't get 
it to work.

Anyway, I manage to build successfully but then I get this 
linker error when I try to run dmd on some test.d consisting of 
void main (){}.

I've gone into sc.ini and pulled out the ;VC2012 comments to 
expose the LIB instruction (to fix a different problem) and 
this is the point that I've gotten stuck at.

If you still want to get Win64 from git working, I advise you to 
use a release build of dmd from the zip and set it up to get code 
compiling for Win64, ie make sure you understand what environment 
variables need to be set to use the MSVC runtime and linker.  
Then, compile dmd from git using dmc and the instructions linked 
above, before using the same Win64 environment variables to 
compile your code.

If you still have problems, you may want to look at the scripts 
and Win64-specific patches that Brad uses on the auto-tester to 
continuously build dmd for Win64:

Re: Why the DMD Backend?

2014-11-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 19:59:40 UTC, Xinok wrote:
Given that we have GDC with the GCC backend and LDC with the 
LLVM backend, what are the benefits of keeping the DMD compiler 
backend? It seems to me that GCC and LLVM are far more 
developed and better supported by their respective communities. 
They have superior optimizers and are better equipped for 
migrating D to new platforms. On the other hand, from what I 
gather, there's lots of work to be done on DMD on improving 
support for x64 Windows and ARM.

The backend comes from the dmc and dmc++ compilers which Walter 
wrote, so he's always going to build against that, both because 
he knows it well and because he refuses to look at source for 
other compilers, for legal reasons.  I don't know that there's 
much work left for Win64, certainly not on the backend.  The dmc 
backend is for Intel only, ie i386 and x64.  No support for ARM 
or any other arch and no plans to add them.

It's a genuine question, which is why I posted this to D.learn. 
I don't follow development on the backend and overall I'm 
unfamiliar with compilers, so I'm not sure what the benefits 
are of the D community continuing to maintain it's own backend.

What are the drawbacks?  ldc and gdc have their own maintainers.  
I don't think it takes much work to maintain the dmc backend.

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 20:10:03 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Fri, 28 Nov 2014 19:59:39 +
Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn 

Given that we have GDC with the GCC backend and LDC with the 
LLVM backend, what are the benefits of keeping the DMD 
compiler backend?
build time for the whole DMD compiler with standard library, 

G++: 100 seconds. yea, no kidding.

gdc: i don't even want to think about that, way t long.

ldc: not that long as gcc, but still much longer than DMD.

I haven't timed it, but compiling ldc feels about 50-100% longer 
to me, which isn't too bad.  Unless you're including the time to 
compile llvm, which is a different story.

On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 20:14:07 UTC, LeakingAntonovPlane 

DDMD, bootstraping.
LDC and GDC are not written in D.

That's not the reason, both those projects plan on moving to the 
new D frontend also.  dmd isn't written in D either: they just 
plan on translating the common dmd frontend from C++ to D, then 
using it across all three compilers.  There is a D frontend 
written from scratch in D, SDC, which also uses llvm as the 

Re: Order of evaluation of post-increment operator

2014-12-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 28 December 2014 at 14:51:22 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I was just taking a look at the following poll[1] about the 
order of evaluation when using the post-increment operator. The 
following D snippet shows an example.

import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
auto foo = [0, 0];
int i = 0;

foo[i++] = i++; // Woah!

writefln("%s", foo);

Apparently the C++ equivalent is undefined behaviour but when 
run using D the following result is output:

[1, 0]

1. Can someone please explain this output?
2. Is there anywhere this order of evaluation is documented?
3. Do you agree this is right?


It has been pointed before that this behavior even varies by D 

One of those many small details that will have to be tightened up 
in the spec someday.

Re: Compile for other OS's on Windows?

2015-01-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 15:00:05 UTC, Bauss wrote:
On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 12:54:00 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 11:49:32 UTC, Bauss wrote:

Is it possible to compile for other OS's on Windows using dmd?

This is what's known as cross compiling and is not currently 
supported by DMD at this time.

Any alternatives?

You might be able to lightly tweak ldc to do it: I was able to 
cross-compile druntime/phobos, their unit tests, and some small 
sample apps on a linux/x86 host to run on a linux/ARM target.

The problem isn't really the D compiler so much as the other 
needed tools and environment.  Dmd and the other D compilers are 
automatically configured to use your system linker and link 
against the system's C standard library.  Well, optlink or the 
Microsoft linker on Windows don't know how to link for linux or 

So you have to set up linkers and C libraries for every other OS 
you want to build for on Windows.  It's possible: the Android NDK 
can be installed on Windows with Cygwin and compile C/C++ code 
for the various Android architectures.  But none of the D 
compilers have gone to all the trouble to provide that 
cross-compiling support out of the box for all the various OSs 
they support.

It's easier to just run each OS in a VM on top of Windows, as 
Colin said.

Re: Any chance of a linux dtoh?

2015-01-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 16:02:24 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
I downgraded dmd and now have a different problem with tango at 
link stage, which is progress of a sort.  (I updated the 

Do you have to compile it yourself?  Arch comes with dstep in 
their package repository, put there by Dicebot, I just used that. 
 I don't know if any other distros have it packaged though.

Re: What to do with InvalidMemoryOperationError

2015-01-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 at 12:00:47 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

My executable throws as


when compiled with DMD git master.

I get no stack trace in GDB.

What to do?

InvalidMemoryOperationError generally means that you are 
performing certain disallowed memory operations during a full 
garbage collection, such as allocating while the gc is running.  
This usually happens when you call a function that allocates in a 
destructor, which will trigger this error as the destructor is 
run by the gc.

It appears that the gc issues mentioned above can also trigger 
it.  If you're running off git head, maybe you can apply that PR 
2794 and see if it helps.  Otherwise, maybe you've hit some other 
gc issue somewhere.

Why can't functions and struct types have the same name?

2015-01-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
Right now, any attempt to have symbols with the same name errors 
out, regardless of how they're used.  This caused a problem for 
me because I'm trying to use a third-party C library that defines 
a struct type called "socket" and my code calls that library and 
some networking modules from druntime.  Since 
core.sys.posix.sys.socket happens to contain a function called 
socket also, dmd gets confused when I try to create a socket* and 
use it in my code.

I would think it'd know I can't do that with a function name.  Is 
such symbol disambiguation a convenience that just isn't 
implemented yet or something that can't/won't be done?

Right now, I had to go through and selectively import all 14 
symbols I needed from the 3 druntime modules that publicly import 
core.sys.posix.sys.socket, so that the function socket isn't 
imported.  Seems like a pain that can be mitigated by a smarter 

Re: Why can't functions and struct types have the same name?

2015-01-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 26 January 2015 at 11:30:00 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:

On Monday, 26 January 2015 at 11:15:26 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Right now, I had to go through and selectively import all 14 
symbols I needed from the 3 druntime modules that publicly 
import core.sys.posix.sys.socket, so that the function socket 
isn't imported.  Seems like a pain that can be mitigated by a 
smarter compiler.

You can use static import, or alias to solve this issue

Yep, both seem to be an easier way to fix the compile error.  
With the static import, it seemed painful to add the fully scoped 
path to every symbol from the third-party C library, but I forgot 
that you can simply use the fully scoped path when invoking the 
struct type alone, when it's not a static import, so that works.  
As for an alias, I didn't think of that, but that also requires 
the fully scoped path that I had forgotten about.

Re: Undefined symbol?

2015-02-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 08:55:51 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:
When I compile my project in release dmd suddenly starts 
complains about missing symbols that look like they are from 

Symbol Undefined 

Any idea what is causing it and what a fix might be?

See if you can reproduce with the latest 2.067 beta 
(, and 
report back on the bugzilla issue that Kagamin just posted.  
Brian said he couldn't reproduce with the latest beta and the 
example there.

Re: OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 March 2015 at 06:31:40 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
In this talk I shall try to explain why I think "Art" is the 
appropriate word. I will discuss what it means for something to 
be an art, in contrast to being a science; I will try to 
examine whether arts are good things or bad things; and I will 
try to show that a proper viewpoint of the subject will help us 
all to improve the quality of what we are now doing.

As I was looking up these things about the meanings of "art," I 
found that authors have been calling for a transition from art 
to science for at least two centuries. For example, the preface 
to a textbook on mineralogy, written in 1784, said the 
following [17]: "Previous to the year 1780, mineralogy, though 
tolerably understood by many as an Art, could scarce be deemed 
a Science."

According to most dictionaries "science" means knowledge that 
has been logically arranged and systematized in the form of 
general "laws." The advantage of science is that it saves us 
from the need to think things through in each individual case; 
we can turn our thoughts to higher-level concepts. As John 
Ruskin wrote in 1853 [32]: "The work of science is to 
substitute facts for appearances, and demonstrations for 

It seems to me that if the authors I studied were writing 
today, they would agree with the following characterization: 
Science is knowledge which we understand so well that we can 
teach it to a computer; and if we don't fully understand 
something, it is an art to deal with it. Since the notion of an 
algorithm or a computer program provides us with an extremely 
useful test for the depth of our knowledge about any given 
subject, the process of going from an art to a science means 
that we learn how to automate something.

From this standpoint it is certainly desirable to make computer 
programming a science, and we have indeed come a long way in 
the 15 years since the publication ot the remarks I quoted at 
the beginning of this talk. Fifteen years ago computer 
programming was so badly understood that hardly anyone even 
thought about proving programs correct; we just fiddled with a 
program until we "knew" it worked. At that time we didn't even 
know how to express the concept that a program was correct, in 
any rigorous way. It is only in recent years that we have been 
learning about the processes of abstraction by which programs 
are written and understood; and this new knowledge about 
programming is currently producing great payoffs in practice, 
even though few programs are actually proved correct with 
complete rigor, since we are beginning to understand the 
principles of program structure.

A scientific approach is generally characterized by the words 
logical, systematic, impersonal, calm, rational, while an 
artistic approach is characterized by the words aesthetic, 
creative, humanitarian, anxious, irrational. It seems to me 
that both of these apparently contradictory approaches have 
great value with respect to computer programming.

When I speak about computer programming as an art, I am 
thinking primarily of it as an art form, in an aesthetic sense. 
The chief goal of my work as educator and author is to help 
people learn how to write beautiful programs. It is for this 
reason I was especially pleased to learn recently [32] that my 
books actually appear in the Fine Arts Library at Cornell 
University. (However, the three volumes apparently sit there 
neatly on the shelf, without being used, so I'm afraid the 
librarians may have made a mistake by interpreting my title 

My feeling is that when we prepare a program, it can be like 
composing poetry or music; as Andrei Ershov has said [9], 
programming can give us both intellectual and emotional 
satisfaction, because it is a real achievement to master 
complexity and to establish a system of consistent rules.

Furthermore when we read other people's programs, we can 
recognize some of them as genuine works of art. I can still 
remember the great thrill it was for me to read the listing of 
Stan Poley's SOAP II assembly program in 1958; you probably 
think I'm crazy, and styles have certainly changed greatly 
since then, but at the time it meant a great deal to me to see 
how elegant a system program could be, especially by comparison 
with the heavy-handed coding found in other listings I had been 
studying at the same time. The possibility of writing beautiful 
programs, even in assembly language, is what got me hooked on 
programming in the first place.

Some programs are elegant, some are exquisite, some are 
sparkling. My claim is that it is possible to write grand 
programs, noble programs, truly magnificent ones!

Another important aspect of program quality is the efficiency 
with which the computer's resources are actually being used. I 
am sorry to say that many people nowadays are condemning 
program efficiency, telling us that it is in bad taste. Th

Re: OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 18:05:28 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
I appreciate that many of us have better things to do.  But I 
had been thinking about why I find D appealing, and how I would 
get this across to future partners, and had also been thinking 
about various forum comments equating measurement with science, 
and so I found this Knuth piece highly thought-provoking.

Because it goes against the grain of the prevailing tendency, I 
shouldn't expect many to agree.  But there is nothing wrong 
with appealing to minority opinion, provided one does not 
become a crank.  In a sense that is in any case part of how I 
make a living.

I completely agree with you about the aesthetic appeal of writing 
and reading D, it is one of the major draws of the language to 
me.  I've recently been dealing with some C code and it feels 
like going back to punch cards by comparison.  It is not a minor 
issue and Walter has often talked about optimizing for it.

The white-space formatting requirements of Python were one of the 
main reasons I rejected it early on.  Call it a superficial, 
knee-jerk reaction if you like, but I can't be bothered with a 
language that won't even let me insert temporary debugging code 
without formatting it just right.

Re: OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 18:41:36 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
The whole art/science vein of these Knuth quotes seems like a 
lot of BS, trying to situate computer programming in the 
long-standing and overblown science/humanities "divide."

I should like to see an argument rather than mere assertion.

There is no point in diving into that worthless debate.  Whatever 
arguments I wanted to make are below.

Steve Jobs is not an authority on this subject, but I found his 
conception of placing Apple at the juncture of science and the 
humanities rather intriguing.

Perhaps Jobs early study of fonts and typefaces eventually helped 
with the development of the striking visual design of the iPhone, 
iPad, OS X, iOS, and the various Apple products that are lusted 
after by conspicuous consumers everywhere today, but other than 
that, I always found that conception similarly fanciful.  Other 
than visual design, where is the great influence of the 
humanities on Apple?  Do they build great authoring tools, that 
the majority of writers use to write their books and ebooks?  No. 
 They acquired some nice editing tools like Final Cut Pro that 
had some uptake, but that's about it.

He characterizes the artistic approach as "aesthetic, 
creative, humanitarian, anxious, irrational."

He was making a statement about how it was characterized in his 
time, in order to set the context for his further remarks.  He 
didn't express a view one way or another about whether this was 
a good characterization.

I pointed out that he was wading into an existing debate that was 
overly simplistic and that he shouldn't simply have accepted 
their terms.

Of course art is "humanitarian," as it's subjective and aimed 
at a human audience.  Hard to argue the science that brought 
us modern civilization isn't a hundred times more 
humanitarian, far beyond the superficial sheen of 
"humanitarian" art he's talking about.  "Anxious" and 
"irrational" are human emotions often possessed by artists, 
not qualities applied to art, fitting given they cannot 
produce anything of the great value of science.

Interesting perspective; I will leave it at that.

Feel free to disagree. :) I find terms like "humanitarian" or 
"spiritual" to be so vague and loaded as to be meaningless.

He should have stuck to calling for more aesthetically 
pleasing programming languages and tools- the best 
contribution he could have made is to more precisely define 
what he thinks that aesthetic should look like- instead of 
needlessly laying out worthless and overly simplistic platonic 
definitions like the mindsets of Art and Science.  At least 
his piece gave us that "premature optimization" line, which is 
worth far more than everything around it.

That's rather the point - one cannot 'precisely define' what 
aesthetic excellence looks like because it uses at a basic 
cognitive level a different kind of mental process to that 
deployed in Cartesian analysis.

I didn't ask for him to define "aesthetic excellence" but "what 
he thinks that aesthetic should look like."  It might be 
difficult to analyze or communicate, but if one cannot even 
describe what the output might look like, it is basically 
worthless to even talk about, as we can only happen upon it by 
chance. ;)

Analysis meaning breaking things down into their constituent 
parts, and thinking in terms of gestalts being the antithesis.  
(That's one of the fascinating things about programming: 
non-programmers perceive it as mostly about analysis, but that 
is not the case).

It _is_ mostly about analysis, but that doesn't mean it's all 
it's about.  Specifically, programming languages are a user 
interface, and so must be designed differently than some math 

I'll take a look at the transcript, the video seems too long.

There is a great desire by programmers and many other 
professions to see themselves as "artists."  Well, there is 
art in everything, but they're not, and they should be 
grateful they aren't, or they wouldn't be paid anywhere near 
so well. ;)

There is more art in C and D than Java and C++.  I don't think 
that Knuth was playing a relative status game, but trying to 
bring peoples' attention to a facet of reality that he believed 
to be neglected yet important.  I believe it remains neglected 
and that the aesthetic element matters for good design, but we 
blind ourselves to this if we pretend the field is drier than 
its intrinsic nature truly is.

I think he was rightly pointing out the aesthetic element, but 
was likely playing a "relative status game" when he unnecessarily 
expanded it out to digressions on how programming is an art, not 
just a science.  Sure, all engineering is an "art" to some 
extent, but in a much more limited way than what artists deal 
with and most technical types honestly probably don't care much 
about the pu

Re: Download DDMD?

2015-04-24 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 22 April 2015 at 07:57:40 UTC, Jeremiah DeHaan 
Just curious, but I was wondering if there was a 2.067 DDMD 
available for download somewhere for Windows. If not, then are 
there any special build instructions I need to build it? I kind 
of just want to try a couple of things, so I would rather I not 
have to build it if I can avoid it.

No, just build dmd from source as you normally would, but add the 
target ddmd instead.  They are supposedly going to try to get the 
next 2.068 release to use ddmd, and want to get the next release 
out sooner, so you may not have to wait long for an official ddmd 

Re: GTKD for android?

2018-09-10 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 8 September 2018 at 02:59:48 UTC, Josphe Brigmo 
I have an app I'm writing using GtkD on windows. Eventually I'd 
like to port it to android. Since I have never been able to 
actually get anything to work on android I'm curious if there 
are any demos with gtkD for android? I'm wondering if I just 
scrap the idea of using it because it won't port without a ton 
of work. Ideally I'd like to just cross compile and it all work 
out except for a few bugs.

The GtkD maintainer said a couple years ago he might try it when 
the Android support was better:$dur$

I don't think anyone's tested it yet, do you know if Gtk supports 
Android well?

The DlangUI maintainer did get his GUI library working on 
Android, as James mentioned:

Re: DlangUI and android

2018-09-24 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 10 September 2018 at 09:19:52 UTC, Josphe Brigmo wrote:
Is there an emulator that can run the apks? Android emulator 
does not work, I suppose, because it isn't java. Complains 
about a missing classes.dex file.

It isn't clear what you're trying to do: you're trying to run a D 
apk compiled for ARM in an Android/x86 emulator? That won't work.

I'd rather have an emulator version if possible for quicker dev.

I've just been trying out the Anbox container for linux, which 
allows you to run Android apps on the same CPU as your linux 
distro, so Android/x64 apps on my linux/x64 VPS:

However, 15 modules from Phobos have tests that are failing or 
segfaulting, as it's the first time I tried Android/x64. I hope 
to have it working better by the next ldc 1.12 beta, maybe you 
can try it then.

I'll also note that you can get pretty quick turnaround for 
actual Android hardware by enabling USB debugging or WiFi adb 
access on your device. But if you need to do some touch or GUI 
testing with the screen and don't want to manually handle the 
hardware each time, you'll either have to use an ARM emulator or 
wait for the Android/x64 support to get better.

Re: Multiple selective imports on one line

2015-12-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 December 2015 at 10:51:52 UTC, earthfront wrote:
I'm using hackerpilot's excellent textadept plugin + DCD, Dfmt, 
and Dscanner.
Upon saving files, it produces suggestions, much like warnings 
from the compiler.

One suggestion is to use selective imports in local scopes. OK, 
I'll do that.

Now I'm left with a smattering of lines which are just 
selective imports from a single module:

void foo()
  import std.exception:enforce;
  import std.algorithm:array;
  import std.algorithm.iteration:filter;
  import std.functional:memoize;


What is the proper way to combine these into one line?

You really shouldn't have to do this by hand.  I wish dfmt could 
do this for us, so that you develop with all the modules imported 
at the top, then run dfmt and it scopes all the imports and adds 
the selective import of symbols.  I've been thinking about 
implementing a tool to do this myself, will get around to it 

Re: Must I compile on the target architecture?

2015-12-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 December 2015 at 12:43:05 UTC, Jakob Jenkov wrote:

Hi, just a quick question:

If I write a program in D and I use Windows for development but 
want it to run on Linux, do I have to copy the source code to 
the target Linux machine and compile it there, to make an 
executable for that machine? What is the standard process for 
cross platform compilation?

I'll also note that ldc supports cross-compilation out of the 
box.  The only issue is that you'll need a linker to link the 
resulting objects, but you can usually install one in Cygwin.  I 
believe gdc also supports some cross-compilation, though I've not 
tried it.  Dmd isn't a cross-compiler, though it is capable of 
being turned into one: nobody has put in the remaining work yet.

Re: Multiple selective imports on one line

2015-12-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 December 2015 at 14:16:36 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 28 December 2015 at 14:09:30 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I wish dfmt could do this for us, so that you develop with all 
the modules imported at the top, then run dfmt and it scopes 
all the imports and adds the selective import of symbols.  
I've been thinking about implementing a tool to do this 
myself, will get around to it someday.

This is not formating (what DFMT is aimed to do) this is 

You're right, I was thinking about patching Dscanner to do it, 
just mentioned dfmt here without thinking about that aspect.

Re: Using D in Android App

2016-04-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 04:04:24 UTC, Justice wrote:
Is it difficult to create a D business like app and connect it 
to android through java for the interface?

Not difficult, but it hasn't really been done yet.  I don't 
anticipate JNI causing much of a problem, but I need to look into 
it more.

I'd rather create all the complex stuff in D and either use it 
natively through java(I need a UI).

If it is workable, can the same be said for IOS(just recompile 
the D source to the IOS architecture then use it in an IOS app 
for the ui)?

Dan would have to answer the question of how well his iOS support 
integrates with Obj-C and the iOS GUI.

Mobile support is in alpha, meaning it's mostly been used to run 
a bunch of unit tests in the background.  I hope to release a 
beta for Android in the next couple weeks, along with JNI 
integration and sample apps.  Once that's done, you may consider 
using D for such an app, if you don't mind using a beta.