Re: [digitalradio] New SDR related Yahoo gtroup

2010-04-15 Thread WD8ARZ
Congratulations Andy, and have to say how much it was appreciated for all the 
help Bonnie gave ya getting it up and going too.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
  - Original Message - 
  From: Andy obrien 
  To: digitalradio ; ; 
  Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:51 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] New SDR related Yahoo gtroup

  I started the digitalradio Yahoo group ten years ago (next month)
  because ,at that time , there were many groups dedicated to particular
  modes of applications but no generic groups where anything related to
  digit modes was "ok" to discuss.  For the same reason, I have started
  SDRlist.  A Yahoo group for discussion of any software defined radio.
  Currently there are lists for Flex radios, SDR-IQ, SDR-14, Sofrock,
  Winrad, CW skimmer, and many more.  There is also a forum for
  SDR-Radio.  These lists can be quite good, but it can be a a little
  awkward if you want to poast a question about a  rival product or
  application.  So, if you have any interest in software defined radios
  for amateur radio or SWLing, please consider joining via  .  Please help build this new
  group in to a thriving on-line community where useful exchanges of
  information and opinion will make the group a leader in SDR.

  Andy K3UK
  Chat, Skeds, and "spots" all in one (resize to suit)Yahoo! Groups Links

[digitalradio] Yes, the best of the Family Thanksgiving To All!

2009-11-25 Thread WD8ARZ
Right on Andy, it is that time of year again that seems to keep coming 
around faster and faster with each passing year - do only us 'mature' folks 
feel that though? hi Hi HI

Have much appreciated all the constructive comments, and looking forward to 
the next generation of digital modes. Thanks to all for their contribution, 
but a special thanks to all those who represent the core glue that makes all 
this possible for all of us programmers, testers, those who commit 
personal time and equipment for others benefit ... and bless their hearts, 
the organizers that are like seed spores that germinate an idea and attract 
others to join in and grow a healthy crop of amateur radio enthusiasts that 
provide the synergy that gives the rest of us fun and enjoyment to a special 
wonderful activity of being a Ham!

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Andy obrien" 
To: "digitalradio" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 3:35 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] Moderator: ALE Busy Detect..Attended/Unattended : 24 
hour guillotine

snip snip
> 73 and Happy Thanksgiving  to those member in the USA that celebrate this 
> event.

Re: [digitalradio] Digital busy detect

2009-11-24 Thread WD8ARZ
Scamp busy detector "as used in Scamp at the time of the group testing" I 
was part of, was NOT the end all of busy detectors. Finding a setting of the 
threshold was very difficult. Too sensitive and the throughput operation of 
Scamp was poor due to being held up by the threshold trigger. Not sensitive 
enough and it did not perform at times when you knew it should have. What 
worked for one type of band condition for awhile, did not work well during a 
different type of band condition.

Personally witnessed operators that would intentionally come on frequency 
and put out signals solely for the purpose of triggering the busy detector 
to stop operations. When Scamp operations were not active, they didnt seem 
to be active on the frequency. Start Scamp activity and some of the same 
lids would start up again with just enough activity to activate the busy 

End result was the agreement to not use it as it was not living up to 
expectations  and stayed that way through the shut down of the group by 
the author.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

Re: [digitalradio] Which radio ?

2009-11-22 Thread WD8ARZ
Many rigs can be brought into play for a variety of services and be a joy to 
own. This thread focus's on digital modes, so .

I love my TS-480HX, and it is used on the base for 24/7 digital ALE
operations. Its better performance due to NOT having two meters and four
forty bands improves the HF side. It is my main mobile rig. The extra power
of the HX allows running at lower power, such as 100 watts, at near full
duty cycle that a normal 100 watt rig would not do well at. Same for
operating in hot mobile situations  running digital in a hot mobile can
be handled by this rig. The HX version has two cooling fans along with the
normal 480 heavy case fin cooling design. The IC-7000 runs hot just for the
voice duty cycle .

Down load the TS-480HX/SAT In Depth Manual at the link below, and read it
right from Kenwood experts. Then you will understand why no two meters and
four forty is desirable in the design of an HF receiver. An exception is the
TS-2000 with separate modules for the other bands, but it is known to have a
different HF design that doesnt have as good a performance on HF bands as
the 480 design.

I miss the DSP auto notch of the MP when using the 480. That is the one
feature that amazes me as to why it wasnt included.

Yes, I plan on keeping the 480 for a long time, and maybe getting another 
 but I would not part with my Ft-1000MP with the dual I.F. cascaded 
physical filter design though... hi Hi HI

Another ALE operator has a radio of interest for digital, the Icom IC-718. 
She points out that a few minor mod's are useful and should be incorporated. 
Please check out Bonnie's email on the 
reflector for the details.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

Re: [digitalradio] Getting serious about ALE for non-encomm digital hamming

2009-11-22 Thread WD8ARZ
Good to see this post Andy.

For those concerned about having a full blown ALE station that scan, though 
it is preferred, it is not fully required.

You can go to an established ALE channel and stay fixed. Make a long ALE 
call, and the scanning station(s) that can hear you will respond to you on 
their scan on the frequency you are fixed on (depending on the kind of ALE 
call you make, you could get multiple connections). In other words, the will 
find you if propagation / signal quality permit.

This way you dont have to have an antenna for all bands, and a fast tuner 
for scanning on those bands.

When you dont get an answer by the specific station or group call you made, 
change to another established ALE frequency and try again  etc etc 
until you get the connection. Then communicate your schedule or other needs, 
and use other modes for a more dynamic exchange of information.

Keep in mind that another key feature in addition to those pointed out by 
Andy, is that the scanning ALE stations also collect information about what 
stations are heard on what frequencies, when and what signal quality. That 
information can be used to establish communications quicker, or to determine 
a schedule that would be best based on on those history of the stations info 

There are also ALE / Voice channels that are established where short ALE 
calls are made to determine if a station is on frequency, and to then 
quickly switch to a voice mode to communicate on that same frequency  
these are stations that are manned for those activities.

Using HFN Stations, short text messages can be sent to email address and 
cell phones to arrange for communications schedules, or provide information, 
such as telling your wife that you are ok and will be in touch soon  etc 
etc You can email to non hams, they just cant communicate back along the 
same path you did, so provide the info they need to reach you by some other 

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Andy obrien" 
To: "digitalradio" 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 8:04 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Getting serious about ALE for non-encomm digital 

> As I read and view all kinds of web sites (including my own) that
> assist digital mode enthusiasts in "spotting" other stations that my
> be active on a particular band and looking for a QSO, I can't help but
> return to the subject of ALE, Automatic Link Establishment.

 snip snip

> Andy K3UK

[digitalradio] Red Earthquake Alert Indonesia 11/8/2009 7:41:04 PM

2009-11-08 Thread WD8ARZ
Red Earthquake Alert Indonesia

Source: European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) M 
Magnitude: 6.8 M 
Depth: 20 km 
Location (Lat/Long): -8.3 | 118.74 
Country: Indonesia 
Province: Nusa Tenggara Barat 
Region: Sumbawa Region, Indonesia 
UTC/GMT (Greenwich time): 11/8/2009 7:41:04 PM 
Estimated local solar time: 11/9/2009 3:36:02 AM

Re: [digitalradio] Why would anyone-because we just do, and so can you

2009-10-28 Thread WD8ARZ
Well said, well done, and well thought out - Thank You!

Ham's have been running ALE for a long time (at least a decade for me, boy 
does time fly!), and I am not aware of anyone running ALE who has ever 
received a Notice from the FCC. Our early evaluation work with ALE started 
out with a special letter to the FCC that included all the callsigns that 
were going to be running ALE. We received no restrictions about it then, and 
none since  even after numerous communications about ALE to and from the 
FCC about ALE operation and its unattended nature that is inherent into its 
original design and intent.

Appreciate this great forum, and thanks to those here that I have seen their 
callsigns on the ALE HFN system from time to time. We can use the 
participation, and encourage many more to come on board.

Regards, and 73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Brabham" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Why would anyone

Hard to tell if you are trying to ask a question, or make a statement. In 
either case though, your post indicates a lack of understanding that I may 
be able to relieve.

Unattended operation has been codified into PART97 for close to thirty years 
now, and was done in response to the emergence of digital communications on 
the ham bands. Part of the 'why' of this codification of unattended digital 
communications can be garnered from the introduction at HamRadioNet:

snip snip

73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL

[digitalradio] Colorado QSO Party - Sep 5th / 6th

2009-09-04 Thread WD8ARZ
From: "Leslie Varnicle" 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 11:03 AM
Subject: Colorado QSO Party - Sep 5th / 6th

We'll be on from Saguache (sue-watch) County at the UFO watchtower  Saturday
at least.

Will be on 40M, 20M and higher bands if open on or around the calling

Bill, you might want to pass the word as this county is rare in CO.

 -Original Message-
From: ARRL CO Section
The Colorado QSO Party is this coming weekend.  Times are 1200 UTC 5
September 2009 until 0400 UTC 6 September 2009 (6AM to 10PM MDT).

 This is a fun event that has been gaining popularity each year- and this
year appears to be no exception judging by the chatter on several email

 Whether you are an experienced contester, an occasional participant, or new
to QSO Party events, this is the time to fire up that rig and help put
Colorado on the air!

 All HF bands (excluding WARC), VHF and UHF are eligible for QSOs and

 For more info including rules and awards, see the Colorado QSO Party web
page at:

ARRL Colorado Section
Section Manager: Jeff Ryan, K0RM

[digitalradio] SCAMP and Cynicism? - Nope, no way.

2009-03-26 Thread WD8ARZ
Hello Dave, I was there during those scamp beta testing adventures too
. and I remember that part of the evaluation. Various levels were played
with, akin to a sensitivity level. Bottom line to me was that when the level
made it 'work' ie, not transmit when the frequency was 'active', throughput
dropped way back Remember those that would intentionally put 'activity'
on the frequency to kick in the transmit control system so we had zero
activity with scamp 

No cynicism involved at all, just the real world.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
(Grateful for those who are doing for all of us what they do, giving us what
we have today  hi)

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave AA6YQ" 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:33 PM
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] No FCC data bandwidth limit on HF Re: USA ham 

> re "The Winmor implementation in PaclinkW  (much to the dismay of the
> naysayers) has busy channel transmit control enabled."
> I and others strongly encouraged Rick KN6KB to provide a busy frequency
> detector in SCAMP. We were optimistic when he agreed to give it a shot, 
> and
> thrilled by the effectiveness demonstrated during the SCAMP beta; even 
> Rick
> was surprised by the results. When SCAMP disappeared and WinLink failed to
> upgrade its PMBOs with the SCAMP busy frequency detector, cynicism 
> returned.
> Many concluded that the WinLink organization simply prefers to keep "its"
> PMBO frequencies clear by QRMing "trespassers", rather than having to wait
> for the frequency to become available.
snip snip
> 73,
> Dave, AA6YQ

[digitalradio] WD8ARZ-L HFN ALE Live Audio Feed on EchoLink

2009-02-21 Thread WD8ARZ
To support the Saturday ALE Clinic at 2200 UTC, a Live ALE audio feed is now 
online in real-time on Echolink via WD8ARZ-L

Information on frequencies of ALE audio feed can be found at:

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ 

Re: [digitalradio] illinoisdigitalham?

2009-02-18 Thread WD8ARZ
My last one from them was:
- Original Message - 
From: "Jerry - N9LYA" Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 3:18 PM
Subject: [illinoisdigitalham] HARDS NEWSLETTER

Not showing as a listing anymore either. Maybe a name change?

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "expeditionradio" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 8:54 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] illinoisdigitalham?

> Anyone know what happened to illinoisdigitalham?
> Bonnie KQ6XA

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Something New - Ham Radio Email delivery time - Use what we have.

2008-08-08 Thread WD8ARZ
Dave, enjoy your software and respect that effort very much. Really 
surprised to find your comments that continue the mis-direction from the 
original email.

It is obvious in my original message that no twists or personal comments 
were directed at anyone, that there is no intent to counter new ideas, or 
that there were limits to directions anyone could take with software. It is 
obvious that the intent of my email was to not forget we can use what we 
have, use it as circumstances and time allow, and it was clear that there 
are issues that will remain with us for some time to come. There were no 
efforts to cover all contingencies, represent all modes of training, fit in 
with all view points or provide the right or wrong way of things should or 
shouldnt be done. These are short emails that dont have to be manuals that 
measure up to peer reviewing hobbyists that cant get off their obsessive 
critique compulsions.

It is clear that some responses were done in a personal way, went out side 
the topic intent, and have distracted the thread into a direction no one 
enjoys and is counter productive. Which seems to be a trend some do with 
regularity. It isnt always what is said or done that is important, but how 
it is said or done that can make a difference in how folks are motivated or 
feel encouraged to participate.

To keep putting others on the defensive seems to be a rather awkward way to 
garner support for ones view points and my email was not about point of 
views. It was about using what we have, that there are a lot of options, and 
there are bandwidth and time issues. No modes were selected, be it digital, 
analog, voice, cw, satellite, cable, internet, landline, laser, etc etc etc 
etc  ...

There was intentionally room to go in any direction one wants to use what 
currently exists, but it is obvious that one needs to be prepared to use 
what is here today, as best possible with the inherent limitations.

My response here is not just a defensive reaction to criticism. It is a 
response to try and prevent others from mis-representing the intent of my 
original email. Silence sometimes is used to avoid contenuation of being a 
target, and I was tempted to do that (and now will), but I had  to make it 
clear that I by no means approve of the habitual twisted spins some throw 
out in their verbal spars that do nothing to the betterment of others or the 

My apologies to others. Moderators, please feel free to block this thread 
from further negative progression.

Regards, WD8ARZ ..

Re: [digitalradio] Something New - Ham Radio Email delivery time - Use what we have.

2008-08-07 Thread WD8ARZ
As usual Rick you take comments and twist them to take off on a tangent and 
make personal put downs. Worse yet you make associations that were not made 
and not intended. I will no longer make replies to you or your posts. If 
your continual mis-directions and abuse of congenial communications 
continues to get through on the various reflectors we share (your list is 
shrinking), your address and calls will simply be put into automatic bounce 
filters and that will be that.

Use what we have as best as possible and where appropriate. Do your own 
programming and put your misdirected energy to better use.

As one of the testers of Scamp, its amazing you are still pushing in 
directions that are not being continued by the originators.


- Original Message - 
From: "Rick W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Something New - Ham Radio Email delivery time - 
Use what we have. 

[digitalradio] Something New - Ham Radio Email delivery time - Use what we have.

2008-08-07 Thread WD8ARZ
Dont like to cross post, but I dont know how this topic can be said any 
better than what is listed below. With out an independent internet or 
wireless network to span our coverage needs to support our cause, and this 
isnt going to happen, these issues are not going to go way.

However, it must be noted that all the on the air systems working now can be 
used to establish links to get early event communications out for setting up 
other modes of communications, such as normal voice to voice schedule 
arrangements. Thus it is important that all groups and individual users that 
wish to support emergency activities have as many of the options available 
as possible (or access to them and know how to use them), so those limited 
in emergency area's have something to start out with before moving on to 
activities that suit the situation and time.

Get good at using what we got the way it currently works, or it is all a big 
waste. Many are dedicated to making what we have work, work better, and 
evolve over time.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Muething" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 4:33 PM
Subject: RE: [wl2kemcomm] Re: Email delivery time

Vic confirmed the current code tries 8 times in a 4 hour period once ever 30 
minutes. Until and unless there is a general standard used by mail servers 
trying to chase the latest ad-hoc anti spam technique is a  significant 
burden on our very limited programming resources. Shortening to 5 minute 
attempts for 4 hours (48 tries) could increase the load on the server's 
significantly especially when there are so many very sluggish servers (e.g. 
AOL, Hotmail etc) that often take minutes to respond after accepting the 
initial start of the mail forwarding sessions. If your ISP is blocking mail 
waiting for multiple retries as a means of trying to control SPAM that is an 
issue to take up with the ISP. One thing you learn after being in this 
effort for long is there are continual changes in techniques for SPAM 
filtering but often these are met by just more aggressive and sophisticated 
SPAM bots with little real gain in the end.

Rick KN6KB

Behalf Of n8gfo
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 3:08 PM
Subject: [wl2kemcomm] Re: Email delivery time

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Rick Muething" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vic would have to confirm this.there may have been recent changes but it
> used to try hourly for up to 8 hours. Remember that Winlink delivers
> recipients mail (each addressee) independently so a failure or
delay with
> one address doesn't affect any others in the message.

Can this be shortened to maybe 10 minutes or even 5 with enough
attempts to make it a 4 or 5 hour total? So many servers are using
this transient failure spam "filtering" and it is only going to get
worse as time goes on.

Having to wait a half an hour to get an email through makes it hard to
hold a real-time exercise, much less a real-time emergency.

It is also a hinderance to teaching people how to use the system, when
they send email to themselves at their ISP address and it goes out but
apparently doesn't arrive. I just went through this with someone who
was learning packet/airmail from the ground up and it would have
helped for him to see success faster.

Thanks for your consideration in this. 

[digitalradio] HF Digital Voice Programs Once Again Available for Download

2008-08-01 Thread WD8ARZ
HF Digital Voice Programs Once Again Available for Download

>From the ARRL
Citing codec (coding/decoding) licensing issues, three free Windows programs
for sound card-based HF digital voice were yanked from their download site
for a short time recently, surprising hams who are interested in HF digital
voice operation; several online groups that supported the software were also
closed for a short time.
WinDRM, DRMDV and FDMDV, all written by Cesco Lanza, HB9TLK, used a codec
that was developed for the US Department of Defense and NATO. Rights to
various forms of the codec are held by several companies; they have never
been released for free distribution and use by hams. According to Gary
Pearce, KN4AQ, the companies have "winked" at ham radio use for several
years, but a recent complaint caused the programs to be pulled from the
download site. "Lanza did a quick rewrite to use an open-source codec, and
now WinDRM and FDMDV are back," Pearce said. "DRMDV, an intermediate program
between the other two, has been abandoned. WinDRM could always use the
open-source Speex codec, but FDMDV users will need to download the new
FDMDV and WinDRM can both be downloaded from Jason Buchanan's, N1SU, Web

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

[digitalradio] DRM on Vista using a SDR-IQ as the receiver

2008-07-19 Thread WD8ARZ
DRM on Vista using a SDR-IQ as the receiver.

To tie in the audio lines, I used VAC, virtual audio cable from:

Have DRM in digital mode and tune using about 12 KHz bandwidth in USB mode.
Worked great here. If you get a conflict on Line 1 of VAC, set up two lines
(cables) and use Line 2.

Evaluation version work great. The promo voice is only heard on the AM mode
of DRM, not on the digital.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ 

Re: [digitalradio] Software Link for WinDRM?

2008-07-19 Thread WD8ARZ

Full Install of Dream For Windows inst_dream 1_10_6cvs, from the above link
inst dream.exe

or -

Runs fine in XP and Vista.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Kim A. Hinceman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:31 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Software Link for WinDRM?

> N1SU download link appears to be obsolete.  Can someone point me
> towards source?  I'd like to give this mode a try.
> Thanks,
> Kim

[digitalradio] Re: [hfdec] HFLinknet Feedback and Tips - The End

2008-06-22 Thread WD8ARZ
Rick, sometimes I get the impression you feel you are not being heard. I 
assure you that you are. However there is a difference between being heard 
and not agreeing with you. You are welcome to have your opinion (such as 
whither ale is a beacon or not), but it is not backed up by the years of 
activity with Ale and with the FCC on this matter. I am simply not going to 
rehash what has already been covered on this topic ad nausem already. Those 
more talented and experienced then me have communicated with you many times 
to work out your issues, apparently to no avail.

It is clear that the HFN Pilot Ale Stations / System has chosen a goal that 
is very worth while. It has become one of the few organizations in the world 
that are focused on a global picture of connectedness, mainly efforts to 
help the other frontline EMCOMM organizations talk to each other. I think 
that is the key to our future with this effort.  The HFN pilot system has 
become "the killer app" for ALE in ham radio. To just be able to send a 
simple short message on setting up a schedule due to an event, and 
re-establish connection with other groups or individuals is a critical and 
useful function. It is clear that the Ale system is not a whole scale 
messaging system. Other systems are. It is also clear that there are those 
that can and have communicated with Ale, as detailed in the recent Report: 
ALE HFN Activity for Global Simulated Emergency Test- 3 May 2008.

Last point: When some one, or a group, starts an activity of interest, they 
obviously wish to have a focus, a goal, an intentional path of activities to 
follow. Those who are interested in it and can constructively support it, 
can do so if they wish. Those that dont or cant support it, or just wish to 
being a distraction that is out side the intent of the group, should move 
along. Those that persist in thrusting their points time after time after 
time when many others have attempted to resolve those points with them, 
eventually wear out their welcome. To continue to do so even when not in the 
group in question, comes off as if there is a vendetta to carry out.

You are obviously very talented, have used your skills well for amateur 
radio for a long time. It is unfortunate that a smooth match up hasnt 
happened here, but I am sure you are able to continue on as needed with the 
rest of your amateur radio life.

Good Luck, best to you, but I am not convinced it is technical help you are 
reaching for anymore.

I am now closing out this topic from this end and moving on.

My apologies to others for the bandwidth.
73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Rick W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [hfdec] HFLinknet Feedback and Tips

> The sound card should be within a Hz or so. It is a new Soundblaster
> variant. I use Multipsk as the software program. I don't think that I
> put PC-ALE back on the XP box after reloading XP to survive a dual boot
> mess with Linux. I might try putting PC-ALE back on again if I just can
> not get anything to work with Multipsk. One other station that has been
> experimenting as I have indicated to me that there is some kind of issue
> with a needed space but I am not clear on that.
> If anyone has had good success with sending e-mail messages, it would be
> helpful to show the format you used, especially with Multipsk. I may be
> doing it wrong.
> I have been on Channel Zero in recent time, but did not receive any
> help. The HFLink forums Bonnie removed me from a few months back when I
> asked for help in contacting the FCC to get some clear understanding of
> the rules when it comes to the stations transmitting beacons. Before
> that she would block my posting of questions that made her
> "uncomfortable." Most would give up by then, but I still want to see if
> it can be useful. Eventually, I will be publishing information on the
> HFDEC group, etc. as to what I find works or doesn't work. I support
> other hams to do similarly and let us know of your practical experience.
> Loss of the two closest stations to my QTH have impacted our area for
> NVIS operation. Alan, KM4BA has commented that NVIS is not a good thing
> to be using when you can be going longer distances.  I have no idea of
> why he claims that since I would strongly recommend the exact opposite
> as much as you possibly can, to not tie up long range (many more
> potential connects) to a given server. That was often a problem with
> distant Aplink and Winlink connection attempts in the old days before
> Winlink 2000.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U 

[digitalradio] HFLinknet Feedback and Tips

2008-06-22 Thread WD8ARZ
Hello Rick,

Ok, lets see if we can steer you to some good future ALE contacts.

As you know, a sound card has to measure up to the digital task it is being 
tasked to perform. Not all do. That topic I will leave to others that have 
covered this so well in the past on different forms many times.

Next it is important that the transceiver being used is calibrated. Doesnt 
take too many Hz off frequency to not work well. One hundred hertz is too 
much for example. Many of us have ran into that one at one time or another, 
right? A couple calibration methods are at:

The ALE Channel Zero site is a great place to meet other Ale operators and 
find an Elmer:

Dont forget that the HfLink forum is a source for information and links to 
other Ale operators.

As with any computer system, make sure your computer uses the latest 
software and fill files.

With all the Ale contacts going on world wide, I suspect there are some 
other issues with your Ale communications problems. Changes in any system 
are expected, and the ALE network is no exception. One of the nice parts for 
Ale systems is that you can scan and find those stations that you can work. 
Real-time status of all HFN Pilot Stations is provided both on the web and 
on the air (via hourly station identification). If in doubt about the Pilot 
stations you can link with, simply set your radio to receive scan all the 
listed primary data channels, and then link with the station(s) on the bands 
that are best. NVIS is OK if you can find it, but not needed.

For your having problems I suspect you need to fine tune a bit more. The 
nature of a good ALE signal requires a better level of transceiver 
calibration, soundcard accuracy, and passband flatness than most other 
digital keyboarding modes do.

In time I am sure you will work out your issues. Many have and can assist 
you too, on and off the air. Here is one source of setup information:

Some of your concerns have been addressed before. Keep in mind that all this 
is a work in progress. Over time the system will continue to grow, software 
and features will be enhanced, and it goes with out saying, that bugs are 
being worked on all the time. just like any other system as it goes from 
conception to being routine.

Keep trying, hang in there, and I am sure you will get it worked out.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
Current ALE Station Activity
Current Location of ALE Pilot HFN Stations

- Original Message - 
From: "Rick W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 10:04 AM
Subject: [hfdec] HFLinknet

>I have been trying to use the HFN system for some time now. I have had
> minimal success with connecting to more distant stations, however, I
> have had no luck with stations within NVIS range.
snip snip
> If anyone is having luck with the system, can you share your exact
> method of formatting the messages? My DTM nor DBM messages appear to be
> accepted but I never actually get the e-mail back. I am only using SMTP
> as recent information from one of the Pilot station operators indicated
> that if you send traffic to yourself via the Winlink2000 path (WL2K
> proword in the message header) it assumes you already have the message
> and will not route it to you. Thus I have been using only the SMTP 
> proword.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

Re: [digitalradio] Report: ALE HFN Activity for Global Simulated Emergency Test- 3 May 2008

2008-06-22 Thread WD8ARZ
We can add a footnote to that report too: Propagation was not good that day,
not good at all.

Otherwise I would have done a few mobile ALE contacts to go along with the
ALE base station that was on full battery power with no external power
source / charger during the event.

Bet the next round will have even a larger number of participants!

Thank You,
73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "expeditionradio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 11:03 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] Report: ALE HFN Activity for Global Simulated 
Emergency Test- 3 May 2008

> Report Log of the ALE High Frequency Network HFN
> for IARU GlobalSET 03 MAY 2008
> On the 3rd of May 2008, the ham radio Global ALE
> High Frequency Network (HFN) was activiated to
> participate in the International Amateur Radio
> Union (IARU) Global Simulated Emergency Test
snip snip
> ==REPORT DATE: 22JUN2008==
> ==Bonnie Crystal VR2/KQ6XA
> ==ALE HFN International Coordinator==

[digitalradio] Data Suggestions, Interfacing, RFI, Audio and Performance

2008-05-21 Thread WD8ARZ
Some devices such as my SDR-IQ have no audio interface to plug into to feed
other software programs, such as a Dream Audio Mondale program, or other
digital programs such as ALE or Multipsk. In other cases a program works
fine in XP but due to audio handling differences in Vista, they dont work
there. Frequently the work around is a virtual audio handling program such
as VAC. With VAC installed programs see additional in and out audio lines
that can be selected to provide the audio link paths needed.
Virtual Audio Cable -

Last but not least is getting performance out of that computer to perform
reliable digital mode operations. Steps that can be taken are:

Dont run any programs that are not needed, especially audio video programs
(as in cd / dvd programs).
If your system has performance options, and may laptops do, choose the
faster performing options over battery saving if needed.
Turn off all program auto updates.
Turned off all program search auto routines, especially auto find operations
for your hard drive.
Forced network to use G mode when wireless.
Defrag hard drive.
Adjusted priority of programs so they get more priority to run faster (task
manager, select program, right click and set program priority and insure it
has access to all cpu's).
A biggie turned out to be turning on Hard Drive write caching.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

[digitalradio] Digital station options?

2008-05-21 Thread WD8ARZ
Many HF rigs use relays for bandpass filter switching, and other tasks.
Unfortunately when changing bands, these relays cycle to the configuration
needed for each band range. When using software to scan the bands, these
relays are being cycled with each band change request from the software.
Some HF rigs allow using a dual VFO mode that the Software can use to scan
in such a way that the band relays are not cycled. Software uses a bandpass
relay selection that allows receiver performance during scanning, but
switches in the relays for band activity and transmitting. This approach
saves relay wear and tear.

List of Radios for ALE:

PCALE will function with almost any amateur or commercial HF radio. For
rapid channel scanning, PCALE (and MarsAle)uses the computer-to-radio CAT
interface to control the transceiver frequency and mode.
Some transceivers are better suited to ALE service than others, for various
The following transceivers have internal circuitry that is optimum for fast
Quiet Relay Scanning and Sounding with PCALE (and MarsAle):

IC746, IC746PRO, IC7400, IC756PRO (Milspec 1030E-DSP), IC756PRO2, IC756PRO3,
IC765, IC775, IC781, IC7800 (except mixer relays), PA relays handled by use
of SPLIT VFO, all support up to 2 ch/sec scan rate, newer models at 9600
baud up to the 5 ch/sec and those that can do 19,200 baud at 10 ch/sec scan
All Kenwood models after, but excluding the TS-440, PA relays handled by use
of SPLIT VFO, all support up to 2 ch/sec scan rate, newer models at 9600
baud up to 5 ch/sec and those at 19,200 baud at 10 ch/sec scan rate
FT-920, FT-990 with SPLIT VFO (FT-890 with special QS/S modification) all
can do up to 2 ch/sec scan rate.
Harris RF-350 family: RF-350, RF-350K, RT-1446 URC, AN/URC-119,
AN/URC-121(V) PA relays handled by BYPASS command, supports up to 2
ch/sec scan rate.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

[digitalradio] Equipment for a digital station Fund Day's ?

2008-05-21 Thread WD8ARZ
-480HX 200 watt radio can be operated at 100 watts or less at near full
duty cycle for long periods of time (hours, not minutes) due to extra
cooling fan and design not available in most 100 watt radios.

TM-D700 / D710 Two meter and 440 FM mobile. 50 Watts with APRS and Sky
Command Compatible. Easy interface to the AvMap G5 for GPS and Navigation
Displays that includes APRS display / tracking. No Computer required to
interface these two items.

TH-D7AG Two meter and 440 FM Walkie Talkie. Data communicator is equipped
with a built-in TNC and APRS. Sky Command Compatible.

AvMap G5 Navigator has built-in highly sensitive 20 channel Sirf 3 GPS
engine, has a ultra bright, non-glaring, 5 inch, TFT Touch Screen, and comes
with cable to interface to the Kenwood D700 / D710.

End result is a selection of individual gear that operate totally as
separate units, Base, Mobile or Portable. However they can be configured to
give the HT remote control access to the dual band mobile leaving the HF rig
alone, or using the dual band mobile as an interface to the HF radio, the HT
has remote control and transmit / receive access. Due to Katrina, the FCC
granted legality for using Sky Command for such HT to HF operation.

As a bonus, APRS is supported in this system, and in combination with the
AvMap G5 Navigator, GPS information can be fed to the D700 / D710 or the HT
as needed. APRS info is sent to and from the G5 making for a seamless
interface that doesnt require a computer. Under the right interfacing and
some limitations, packet radio can be supported. Using digital protocols,
digital modes on a computer provide emergency texting / email until local
systems improve. The navigation / gps functions of the G5 are a must in
emergency situations where knowing where you are and how to get to where you
need to go can other wise be a challenge.

Universal flexible powering of he above equipment, with some antenna / atu
suggestions are in Emergency power digital station options for Field Day ?



TM-D700 / D710


Sky Command System:

AvMap G5 Navigator

To get maximum capability from your equipment, know how to use it throughly
and have copies of your manuals with the gear!

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ 

Re: [digitalradio] Emergency power digital station options for Field Day ?

2008-05-21 Thread WD8ARZ
ter Caroline Windom
Antenna. Install low for NVIS, high for low angle on the low bands.

Have fun guys and 73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Andrew O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 6:56 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Emergency power digital station options for Field 
Day ?

>I am usually attend regional Field Day efforts with serious
> operations, I'm often the "digital guy" that gets invited so the
> organization can get digital-related bonus points.
> This year,  the combination of needing to remain close to home due to
> family health issues and my past views that I miss out on all the
> operating fun by giving lectures/demos, has caused be to think about
> doing Field Day at home.  I figure that I really need to find some way
> of not depending on my mains power supply for all my amateur radio
> operating.  So, Field Day looks like a good target date for trying to
> find some emergency power.
> I am not going to buy a generator, too much of a hassle and too much
> noise for my neighbors.  I thought about battery power, still
> thinking about it, but recharging a battery has to be thought about
> since the ARRL has some limits on how they are recharged.  Wind power
> and Solar panels are appealing but they looked to expensive to me.
> Seems to me that true emergency communications preparation ought to be
> simple and cheap so that many stations would be activated , if needed.
> So, assuming a battery powered laptop computer is part of the stations
> (and thus is not a problem) what inexpensive options are there to
> power a modern HF rig using digital modes at 5 watts or less ?
> Perhaps something that can be used to xmit and receive for 2-3 hours
> and then be re-charged without mains power in a reasonably quick
> manner ?   I did think of pedal power , good exercise too, but that
> may be too difficult.

[digitalradio] HAARP and Moon Echo of HAARP received well in South Bend, Indiana 6.7925

2008-01-19 Thread WD8ARZ Comcast
Copied 6.7925 HAARP and the Moon Echo of HAARP real well in South Bend, 
Indiana using a SDR-IQ on a 10-160 Carolina Windom Antenna.

Also copied the signal of a carrier around 0503Z that tuned / swept into the 
frequency. Thought it was the HAARP signal looking for the sweet spot, but 
now not sure.

Did record a 50 kHz spectrum to the hard drive using the SDR-IQ, and the 
HAARP primary signal and he moon reflected signal were both recorded. They 
can be heard and seen on the 3D running spectrum display.

Other signals coming and going up and down the band from the HAARP frequency 
are also copyable in these files. I limited file size to below 45 Megs per 
file in the series of files covering the time period. The one with the 
moving carrier is about 22 megs. The first half of the time period I 
couldn't hear HAARP echo's due to the interfering signal on the low end of 
the frequency, but great copy after the frequency cleared up.

No copy at all on 7.4075 due to the Dentro Cuban Jamming Command and Radio 
Martí as identified by Glenn Hauser.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ 

[digitalradio] Vista Digital System Navigation for Hardware Setting and Info

2007-10-20 Thread WD8ARZ Comcast
Navigating can be such a pain when going from xp to vista. Both worlds have 
there plus and minus properties and I am not advocating or bashing either. Just 
happen to use em and other operating systems, and I am glad to share that 

In Vista and using the default Vista Control Panel:
To Manage / View your System Hardware so you can see what your com ports are:
Control Panel
Additional Options

Device Manager
View hardware and devices

Now you will have the Device Manager panel and will see a com port selection 
'if' you have any com ports active. Open the com port icon and plug in and 
unplug your Rigblaster Plug & Play. You will see the com port and info come and 
go with that activity. (Please note: the usb ports on your laptop will have a 
com port number assigned to them in Vista that will not match with the same com 
port number if that same laptop boots with xp. I have a dual boot xp/vista so 
was surprised to see that ...hi hi) Don forget you can change com port 
properties including com port assigned number if you want to.
In Vista and using the default Vista Control Panel:

To Manage your Sound Options navigate the following -
Control Panel
Additional Options
Hardware and Sound

Sound Icon Gives you access to all your sound options. Under 'Change system 
sounds' you will find under the Recording tab the Microphone Icon. Double click 
that Icon and you will have the Microphone Properties panel. Under custom you 
can enable / disable Microphone Boost (I havent had to do that on my two vista 
laptops, they are enabled) Of course Levels tab lets you set the Microphone 
volume level.


Choose Classic View in the Control Panel, and you will have the XP control 
panel icons you might be more comfortable navigating around with.

Dont forget to have the Rigblaster Plug & Play drivers installed for Vista.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
HFN Pilot Station for ALE
  - Original Message - 
  From: k5rud 
  Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2007 12:21 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Re: NBEMS HF testing frequency suggestion

  I had a number of problems with the system. It booted fine. I got 
  both programs running.

  I have a Rigblaster Plug & Play which is a USB serial port. I could 
  not determine what serial port that would be to setup the C-IV for my 
  Icom. I needed that for PTT. I also tried to follow the directions 
  for setting up their rig control but (1) where is $HOME/.? 
  I opened the file viewer, clicked home but saw nothing that looked 
  like that directory. 

  I could see no input. This is a laptop and I only have mike input. I 
  could generate output from the sound card so I think the sound card 
  was found okay.

  I decided to pass on this for right now and switch back to Windows. 
  This is the first use of the Rigblaster since I got arrived on 
  Wednesday. It is working under Vista using DM780 and HRD. It is neat 
  using the C-IV to control the rig!

  The only hassle is that the mike input is to hot so overdrives the 
  sound card. Guess I need to put a pot to allow adjusting it. 

  Since this is my first digital experience I do not know what signals 
  I am hearing to select the digital mode. I did listen to a PSK-31 
  QSO. But while I can hear and see other signals I cannot get them to 

  Rud K5RUD

[digitalradio] Ham radio today and its roots. 'Hobby' was not top dog in the listing

2007-09-23 Thread WD8ARZ Comcast
Ham radio today is no doubt 'different' today  than it was in the past.

But the past is our history.

Wasn't to many years ago that the purpose of ham radio had a listing in the 
FCC rules.

Hobby wasn't the top one listed ......

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

- Original Message - 
From: "Chuck Mayfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: FCC and the unattended ALE/PACTOR lepers

> Folks,
> [mounting soapbox] when I was young, say 45 years ago, my brothers
> and I would be arguing.
> One would say "Dad, so and so is doing [whatever]."
> Dad would reply, "Do you guys REALLY want me to come in there?"
> Look.  Government toleration of ham radio is good.
> Government regulation of ham radio is ok.
> Government over-regulation of ham radio is not so good.
> Do we REALLY want the Government to CONTROL ham radio?
> It is a HOBBY, after all.  
> Relax. Enjoy the hobby.
> [dismounting soap box]
> 73,
> Chuck - AA5J

[digitalradio] Digital Vacation Plans

2007-08-25 Thread WD8ARZ Comcast
Storms gone, back on the air!!

Program problems seem to be worked out now (transmit audio levels and atu 

Next I will load up the bbs software and see how that goes.

Will be on and off the air from the base from time to time all weekend as I 
test software and move the system from the base to the mobile setup.

On vacation the next two weeks, yahoo!!  Will be a mix at home in South 
Bend, Indiana, in Alabama and in Tennessee.

Plans are to mix all ham activities. Hf voice, hf ale, hf aprs, vhf aprs and 
Pilot station... from mobile and fixed locations in various areas. Will be a 
true test of the entire system and the ability to move from base to mobile 
to portable with the various modes. Will be one hundred percent battery 
operation all locations and modes. Various GPS hardware / software will be 
used and tested with these modes. Will be using the AvMap Geosat 5 Navigator 
with a five inch screen to display the APRS information when not using the 
laptop ( ). This way I can run Vhf / 
Uhf APRS with out any laptop computer in the system while I use the laptop 
for HF Ale and APRS. A cable plugs from the D700/D7 into the G5 and provides 
GPS info to the equipment, and waypoint plotting of all ham station 
broadcasted Aprs / Gps data on to the touch screen. Separate GPS units are 
available to feed GPS data to each radio independently if needed (using 
Deluo Universal GPS modules). Deluo provides versions for usb laptop 
interfaces, and Kenwood D700/D7 direct plug in models.

Will provide ssid information when I have that worked out. Have the HF base 
Ale and Aprs (TS-480HX), HF mobile Ale and Aprs (TS-480HX), Vhf/Uhf Dual 
Band mobile Aprs (TM-D700AG) and Walkie Talkie APRS (TH-D7AG).

Will be testing walkie talkie to hf linking on this trip too .

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ 

[digitalradio] WD8ARZ and upcoming ALE Week Status

2006-10-08 Thread WD8ARZ
Looking forward to the upcoming week for ALE ON THE AIR WEEK 2006 (13-23 

In preparation for this I have done the following:
Have put up a new 10-160 Meter Carolina Windom
Bought a LDG AT-200 Pro tuner
Bought the Kenwood TS-480HX 200 Watt Transceiver

Thanks to Steve N2CKH, I now realize I need the LDG AT-200 PC version of the 
tuner. (... as only the AT-200PC is really suitable for ALE, the other LDG 
models such as the AT-200PRO is not in BYPASS during receive whereas the 
AT-200PC is set to such via both PC-ALE and MARS-ALE software ...)

The LDG AT-200 PC version will be ordered on Monday and will be here in time 
for the weekend ALE fun.

Reason I have made the changes is I have been concerned about the ALE burden 
on wearing my beloved FT-1000MP relays to death, This concern has limited 
how often I am on and stay on with ALE.

What I hope the benefits with the changes are:
1: TS-480HX doesnt use relays in the bandpass filters (uses switching 
transistors, but does use relays in the lpf filters)
2: TS-480HX has excellent cooling and better continuous duty transmit time 
and load support (even with the dual fans not running).
3: With the 200 watts, I can use it if needed, but it allows for running 
lower power and having better cooling and transmit duty cycle time even 
4: Using an external tuner transfers the relay cycle mechanical wear to out 
side the transceiver.
5: The LDG AT-200 Pro tuner has memories, and once stored settings for a 
frequency are in memory, it makes those tuning selections even faster than 
other tuners . except the PC version under computer control). I am 
keeping the Pro version because I want a good fast tuner for HF operations 
with out using a computer.
6: LDG AT-200 PC under computer control is the best way to go for ALE, and I 
very much appreciate Steve supporting the manufacture on bring that about!

Only thing missing at this time is a ALE version that supports the TS-480HX 
and LDG AT-200 PC tuner. Currently waiting on replies to Steve, Bonnie and 
Charles for software access to support this system in time for the upcoming 

Side benefits for the TS-480HX is I am going to pair it up the new HiQ 5/160 
mobile antenna purchase and have lots of fun this winter with HF mobile. Now 
it looks like I need to get a laptop for mobile ALE eh ???   Hi Hi

Hey, good luck to all this weekend. I am looking forward to it!

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
South Bend, Indiana 

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Re: [digitalradio] ALE tasting party

2006-09-02 Thread WD8ARZ
ALE is up and running on twenty meters. Don't see a download for new version 
on any ale sites.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
South Bend, Indiana

- Original Message - 
From: "expeditionradio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 5:11 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] ALE tasting party

>A few us will be on the air with ALE this weekend testing some new
> things. If you would like to try a taste of ALE, please join us on 20
> meters.
> Bonnie KQ6XA

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://

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[digitalradio] Ask how many work such modes as ... how many even own a TNC

2005-02-20 Thread WD8ARZ

Hmmm, I have a HK-232 modified with the Timewave upgrades. A PK-232 that I 
will eventually do the same to. Also a HK-21 Pocket Packet that I just love. 
Even have had them hooked up to a BBS computer system I used to run that 
gave hams packet access over the phone line BBS systems. Was a great way to 
do packet and keep rfi problems out of the EOC's.

Lets see, that makes for three Tnc's right?

Not unusual to have two tnc's running at the same time here. Even while 
running software digital programs.

Have you used software in SIAM mode to cipher what digital signal mode your 
using that the tnc recognizes? The HK / PK Tnc's have that built in. Also 
tones of adjustments that can be made to the Tnc's that make them lend 
themselves to copying many of the non standard modes scattered all over the 
shortwave bands.

Did I mention KISS mode? Used a xt 286 computer with the program on a 
bootable floppy disk to run a HK-232 as a true APRS digipeater for years. 
Put old equipment to great community use that system did and may again 
one day when I find all the pieces that are still packed away after a qth 

... and boy do I love the tuning display on the HK / PK 232 Tnc's for any 
mode. No doubt about being on the right frequency rfi wise, and not 
compensating at the audio shifting side. Helps all the filters do what they 
were designed to do, and let me run my computer for lots of other stuff they 
were designed to do  hi hi

Nothing like mixing and matching them as needed though. I use Tnc's and 
Software to do modes interest. No one software or piece of equipment can do 
all in one, what the whole collection of them can do. No one software or 
piece of hardware has yet put out to pasture any of the others. They all 
have there place, especially if you cant always operate from a home qth with 
all the bells and whistles running on commercial power.

Not an opinion I assure you, just practical real world use on this end, all 
the options have there place in our hobby.

Thank goodness for the upgrade and modifications paths we hams are so 
popular for. Right? HI HI

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ 

The K3UK DIGITAL MODES SPOTTING CLUSTER AT telnet://";>"; height="67" width="200" 
style="border:0" alt="Digital Spotter"/> 
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[digitalradio] One of the interesting upgrades out, is for the HK-232 / PK-232 series of TNC's

2005-02-20 Thread WD8ARZ

One of the interesting upgrades out, is for the HK-232 / PK-232 series of 
TNC's. Not only does the HK / PK232 series of TNC have excellent passive hf 
filters, now they are further improved with cascaded DSP filters.

The ability to take the load off of the CPU is a great reason to use a TNC. 
There are also several software programs out there that recognize the 
upgraded TNC's and switch them in and out of TNC / Sound Card Mode 

For example the Airmail program for Winlink uses the Pactor TX/RX and Dsp 
functions of the HK-232 in Pactor One mode.

The interface to the Ham Rig here is a HK-232 (kit form of the PK-232) 
upgraded with Timewave (  )MBX (mail box), DSP, Low 
Power Chips, and the PSK31 interface switch modules. In essence when the 
PSK31 interface module is switched to sound card mode for programs like 
Scamp, the Tnc is bypassed and transformer isolated adjustable audio 
amplifiers for input and output to the sound card and ham rig is switched 
in. This same circuit is used when in Tnc mode, but then the internal modes, 
filters and dsp are used rather than any computer sound card programs. Thus 
I use the HK-232 with PSK31 in Sound Card mode when using Scamp, but use it 
in Tnc mode when using Airmail for Pactor Mode One receive and transmit only 
using the Tnc and internal Dsp support.

When ever possible, I always choose a TNC function when available for a mode 
over software. Heck, I can put the TNC into a mode that will leave me on the 
air with a radio for vhf packet email, and receive email with no computer 
running. When I fire up the computer there it is  do that with software 
 hi hi

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

The K3UK DIGITAL MODES SPOTTING CLUSTER AT telnet://";>"; height="67" width="200" 
style="border:0" alt="Digital Spotter"/> 
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