Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [tdf-discuss] Intervention

2014-07-14 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

just to quickly expand on that:

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 02:35:43PM +0200, Sophie wrote:
> > I believe it is always possible for the checkers to trust the
> > "reporters" and follow the "steps to reproduce" on their own material
> > first; if they can't do that, they probably should ask
> > themselves about their true motivations in this forum. 
> I found what you say not fair for our QA members, they are doing their
> best to triage hundreds or reports each week.
> It is rare that
> > the reporters use tricky configurations with tricky files and so on.
> Each way of work is different, each configuration may have their own
> settings depending on the company or the work.

Pragmatically, if the bug is not reproducable by a QA triager (that is: someone
else than the reporter), it will also not be reproducable by a developer.
Without that, the bug cant be fixed really (for a fix also cannot be verified).
A bug report that is not fixable is by itself unfortunately not of much value
to the project.

As such, we need the reporter to find a way to create a confirmed reproduction
scenario. In fact, this is the small contribution (by the reporter) that helps
enabling a much bigger contribution (the fix, done by a developer).

With development resource being limited (they always are), they will -- all
other things being equal -- naturally and effectively be used on the most
well-triaged issues.



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[tdf-discuss] Re: Hackfest kit ?

2013-06-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Immanuel, Eike,

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:30:43PM +0200, Eike Rathke wrote:
> Obviously you need a room capable to hold the expected number of people
> with tables and proper seating. We were ~20 people on the Hamburg
> Hackfest last weekend, ~25-30 in Munich last year, but these numbers are
> probably higher than what can be expected for Montreal because Germany
> is somewhat the home play for LibreOffice and within good reach for
> European hackers.

For Montreal, promoting the event locally would be even more important. It
would be highly helpful to find some connection to a local computer science
department (maybe even get the support of a professor), to get some students on
board. Print flyers and posters.[1]

With regard to missing "home play", you likely need to sponsor to fly in some
some experienced hackers to bootstrap the event. I would even consider calling
them speakers -- it suggests a shy interested reader that he can come by and
can passively consume a talk. Depending on the audience that may be the start,
but in the long run, we ideally want to do an introduction and then move on to
a more workshop-like feeling to get things done.

> Last but not least, have fun and hack :-)

One more organizational thing: Offer distibuted couchsurfing in some kind or
way -- not only is it a cheap accomodation, it also helps creating social



[1] template:
[2] Im saying that as someone being told "You should call your mother more
often!" on the Hackfest. ;)

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Dual licensing of patches and code

2013-03-08 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Jim,

On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 12:42:26PM -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> Just so I'm clear: If a company wishes to contribute code
> to TDF/LO, but wants their contributions to be triple-licensed
> (alv2-mpl-lgplv3), they would be refused. Is that correct?

That was not what either Florian or the policy said. This is a matter of
community, not just of license. Such combinations of licenses do not lead to a
contribution being automatically accepted or rejected, either at Apache or at
TDF, we look at each case on its merits.

The anonymous contacts you claim to represent should step forward and work on
the dev list where I am sure their genuine needs will be accommodated flexibly.



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[tdf-discuss] Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Forums Proposal

2012-10-07 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 06:42:42PM -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
> Le 2012-10-06 17:20, Bjoern Michaelsen a écrit :
> > On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 04:26:18PM -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
> >> No sure if we were talking about "empty hall", I am hoping to help
> >> fill them. :-)
> >
> > Yes, just like a night club opening with fewer floors in the early
> evening, so
> > that they are not that empty -- and open more floors later. ;)
> Sorry, doesn't work for me. If the place is too full with noise, I
> can't hear myself think and I go elsewhere where people like me
> congregate ... in this case the AOO forums.

_If_ the place is too full with noise, we will quickly be able to split out
forums. My suggestion is just not to do that earlier. ;)

> > Do you think we will have some 3-5 regulars in a templates forum?
> If not, I
> > would postpone separating those out until such a group condesates
> and asks for
> > it.
> Well, I would rather give it a try, we do have a template site that
> we should be supporting with a forums. This would give us a chance
> to get more traction right from the start.

I dont believe that a separate forum gives you more traction, if you do not
have 3-5 regulars in it -- rather the opposite. As both closing forums and
underpopulated/abandoned forums are demotivational and unhelpful, I am stand by
my opinion that not having one at the start is better. Once 3-5 regulars for
that topic are around and ask for it, we can add that forum -- which is
motivating as it suggests growth and gives the forum a better kickstart (esp.
since we can make an announcement for the start of that forum on its own then).

> All in all I can't say I agree on your approach to forums. You seem
> to expect the brunt of all activity on a forums to come from the
> participants. More of a "let's wait for them to come" approach.
> Hence, the lets start with few categories and break out later. This
> is more of a passive approach to running a forums
> I, however, think that a good categorization of a forums will have a
> better appeal to our users and with good moderation will fill. I
> also think that we should not only moderate, but also create "buzz"
> on our forums. Moderators are not only there to help direct traffic
> (un-obtrusively) but also create "buzz" and discussion. If
> moderators sign up for the job, then they should commit to grow
> their forums and make them attractive for user appeal. If a forum
> has become silent, then it would be up to the forums admins to sit
> and determine the actions to market and help popularize it. This is
> more of an aggressive approach to growing a forums.

You currently have 5 forum coordinators, which is a very good size to start
off (a bigger group will only lead to more communication overhead). If you want
to actively vitalize the forums, you should not start with much more than ~2 
per coordinator, otherwise you stretch yourself too thin.

As you grow the team, win more regulars, admins and coordinators, you can
easily add categories. You will do anyway -- no matter what initial
categorization you setup. Thus the _initial_ categorization is important to be
optimized to generate growth in the first 2-3 month, it should not be the
'final' or 'perfect' categorization for a huge board system (because the first
is the precondition for the second).

You should also make sure to empower those joining you as forum regulars and
coordinators and there is no easier way to archive that than by letting them
take part of the growth by creating 'their' additional forum.

Linus Torvalds said on 2004-10-25:
> Nobody should start to undertake a large project. You start with a small
> trivial project, and you should never expect it to get large. If you do, 
> you'll
> just overdesign and generally think it is more important than it likely is at
> that stage. Or worse, you might be scared away by the sheer size of the work
> you envision. So start small, and think about the details. Don't think about
> some big picture and fancy design. If it doesn't solve some fairly immediate
> need, it's almost certainly over-designed. And don't expect people to jump in
> and help you. That's not how these things work. You need to get something
> half-way useful first, and then others will say "hey, that almost works for
> me", and they'll get involved in the project. 

^- THAT is critical advise here.

> We should also keep in mind that some of our long-time users are on
> the AOO forums being helped and the categorization there seems to
> work quite well. You only need to look at their numbers to realize
> that common sense categorization works[1] and where new forums

[tdf-discuss] Invitation to the LibreOffice Hackfest 2012 in Hamburg

2012-03-23 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

Let me take this opportunity to shamelessly plug the LibreOffice Hamburg
Hackfest 2012. The city of Hamburg has throughout history taken its freedom and
independence as a high treasure -- as can be seen from its motto: "Libertatem
quam peperere maiores digne studeat servare posteritas". Thus it is a great
place for an event of a project that takes freedom as serious as LibreOffice

As a proud local, I also decided to guide some sightseeing on Friday afternoon
for people interested, so if you arrive early you might get to see some of the
beautiful corners of Hamburg. After that we will meet up with everyone in the
Schachcafe close to the Hackfest location for a beer event.

Saturday and Sunday then will be two days of hacking, learning, teaching,
connecting and implementing great ideas at the Attaktor, one of the homebases
of the Chaos Computer Club, which has an interesting history starting with
tales of international spionage during the cold war and much more (see
Wikipedia and links on the Hackfest page). They have become older, wiser and
tamer at least a bit since then, but still originate cool projects like Project
Blinkenlights. kindly sponsors us ten T-shirts for the participants. We just
decided to give those to the first ten people, who added themselves to the
participant list completely with their name and shirtsize(*). First come, first
serve here as is with travel bursaries and couch surfing, which is kindly
provided by some of the Hamburg Hackers.

So please add yourself as a participant to the Hackfest at:

and add topics that you would like to discuss or work on -- we will try to find
a mentor for you then.

Looking forward to see you all in Hamburg!


(*) If you think this is some evil plot to get you to register early, you might 
onto something, but please do not tell anybody!

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[tdf-discuss] Gerrit migration

2011-10-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

I just setup a a page for coordinating and tracking the status of the migration
to gerrit. While this is mostly a developer topic, other teams are invited to
contribute to this if they identify stuff to be done in their domain (as a
developer, I might be blind to those):

@Alexander: As shortly discussed at the Libreoffice conference, I need your
help for some of the action items. Could you have a look at the action items
where I perkily put your name behind it and protest very loud and fast if you
want to reject one of them?

@Norbert: I put your on the tinderboxes action item with a question mark, as we
need your advice for that anyway. It is not "your" action item, unless you want
commit yourself it. ;)

So: Lets get this monster going and all hands welcome!



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[tdf-discuss] Re: Board Elections: Nomination Reminder [moved from announce@]

2011-09-29 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Simon,

On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 01:46:15 +0100
Simon Phipps  wrote:

> All candidates should also send a summary of their candidacy
> announcement to - a compilation of
> the summaries will be mailed to all registered voters several days
> prior to the elections. Summaries should be no more than 75 words of
> continuous text (so no bullet lists or multiple paragraphs) and must
> be received by the nomination deadline given above.

Are these short summaries expected to be in third or first person?
Reading a wild mix on election day(s) would be rather confusing and
ugly, I would think.




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[tdf-discuss] Re: Candidacy for Board of Directors seat -- Bjoern Michaelsen [UPDATE]

2011-09-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Henri,

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 15:50:06 +0200
M Henri Day  wrote:

> Bjørn, the following is not  intended as a swipe at you personally,
> but I must say that the introduction of the Unity UI on Ubuntu has
> not been the sort of thing that I should like to see occur on
> LibreOffice. My impression is that objections from users have been
> disregarded in a cavalier manner, and that we were faced with an
> attitude of my way or the highway. Not encouraging

No need to assume I would take this personal. Although I did some
technical work on integrating Libreoffice into Unity as well as in other
desktops, I have not been involved at all with the decision to make
Unity the default desktop (you can actually easily confirm that from
the date when I joined Canonical).

Aside from that: I am running for the seat personally, not to represent
my employer. The initiative for this came from me alone(*). 



(*) Although I of course asked my employer if there were any objections
before announcing my candidacy.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: Candidacy for Board of Directors seat -- Bjoern Michaelsen [UPDATE]

2011-09-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 11:55:00 +0200
Bjoern Michaelsen  wrote:

> What will I be doing, should I get elected?
> TDF and the Libreoffice project have already come a long way since
> their birth less than a year ago. As a developer I will represent
> that part of the community, but I will also try to help grow the
> channels of communication between developers and other parts of the
> project. Being responsible for the complete product on the Ubuntu
> platform, I firmly believe all parts of the project are not only
> important, but also need a shared vision of what needs to be
> accomplished to create an even better product.

As it is always hard to put such abstract topics down in a few
sentences, the above is just a short overview. However, just two days
ago, somebody who I highly regard for his skills in open source software
project management put in words most of what I was trying to say -- as
bluntly as usual.

Here is the interview (with Linus Torvalds):




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[steering-discuss] Candidacy for a Board of Directors seat

2011-09-27 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Dear Members of the TDF,

I'd like to hereby announce my candidacy for a Board of Directors seat
with The Document Foundation.

My name is Bjoern Michaelsen, my email address is and I am employed by Canonical.

Why am I running?

I believe Libreoffice is the most promising effort in challenging the
status quo of desktop market shares and a vital part of a full open
source desktop that does not need to shy from any competition.

A more complete statement of who I am, what motivates me and what I
intend to focus on should I get elected will be posted to the mailinglist in a few minutes.




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[tdf-discuss] Candidacy for Board of Directors seat -- Bjoern Michaelsen

2011-09-27 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Dear all,

after formally announcing my candidacy on the steering-discuss mailing
list, here are a few more details about me to give you a better picture.

Who am I?

I am Bjoern Michaelsen, and have been working on the codebase of
Libreoffice since 2008. I started as a developer on the
team of Sun/Oracle, and "switched sides" in February 2011 by joining
Canonical. Since then I am responsible for the Libreoffice releases on
Ubuntu (actually right from the first official release of Libreoffice
with Ubuntu on Natty) and in addition do my part on the Libreoffice
project by both being a member of the engineering steering commitee and
by code contributions.

What motivates me to work for TDF?

I made an active choice to join Libreoffice and TDF when
was still around at Oracle. I believe Libreoffice is the most promising
effort in challenging the status quo of desktop market shares [1] and a
vital part of a full open source desktop that does not need to shy from
any competition.

What will I be doing, should I get elected?

TDF and the Libreoffice project have already come a long way since their
birth less than a year ago. As a developer I will represent that part
of the community, but I will also try to help grow the channels of
communication between developers and other parts of the project. Being
responsible for the complete product on the Ubuntu platform, I firmly
believe all parts of the project are not only important, but also need
a shared vision of what needs to be accomplished to create an even
better product.

If there are any questions, dont hesitate to ask!





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[tdf-discuss] Re: Java Support to Stay or Not?

2011-05-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Thu, 19 May 2011 16:29:35 +0530
Marc-André Laverdière  wrote:

> I've read somewhere that there is discussion on ditching support for
> Java in LO. Is this true?

Absolutely not. There is an effort to get rid of the dependence on Java
for core components, but dropping the support for Java via the UNO-API
is not discussed or even thought about. Java is still one of the
easiest ways to extend LO or to control it remotely.




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[tdf-discuss] Re: desktop integration

2011-05-15 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Bernhard,

On Sun, 15 May 2011 02:57:51 +0200
Bernhard Dippold  wrote:

> If so, we could ask the developers to have a look at the code and
> find the relevant string to replace the image (if it is an image - if
> it's just a gradient, we might not be able to modify it easily more
> than just in the colors of the end points).

This is not a development issue, but one of the used theme. For Ubuntus
Humanity theme, please coordinate with Sergey:




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[tdf-discuss] Re: EasyHack on EasyHacks

2011-03-29 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Nuno,

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 19:43:27 +0100 (Nuno J. Silva) wrote:

> Bjoern Michaelsen  writes:
> > Our "EasyHacks" page here:
> >
> >
> >
> > is quite a mess by now as we have so many of them. [...]
> > Any volunteers?
> I made an attempt to split it under my user pages,

Looking great IMHO! 

> It is based on the Easy Hacks page as of 2011-03-29T13:52:51
> (
> It needs some cleanup (empty lines and empty sections), which I'll now
> do. I should also change heading levels so that the root ones are the
> top level, but for now I didn't change that, to keep the text blocks
> unchanged.
> Although it lists these skill sets you pointed out, some tasks (maybe
> most of them?) require other skills -- I tried to group tasks based on
> what each list is about, but there's probably some room for
> improvement.

Sure, that was just a very rough proposal. Improvements are much

> I hope this is helpful.

It is. Anyone vetoing Nunos great work? Opinions?
(I am hoping for a lot of +1s here for your effort.)

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] EasyHack on EasyHacks

2011-03-26 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

Our "EasyHacks" page here:

is quite a mess by now as we have so many of them. Also I dont think it
is very inviting to newcomers. An really important "EasyHack" -- that
does not even require elite programming skills would be to split that
page into multiple topics, so that contributors can find something for
their skillset. A possible splitup would be:

- Infrastructure (skills: bug trackers, mailinglists, web stuff)
- build system (skills: perl, scripting, building)
- testing (skill: build, tools like valgrind)
- code cleanup (skills: beginners C++)
- UI improvements (skills: C++)

Any volunteers?

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] Re: missing debs on ppa

2011-02-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Jaime, Hi all,

On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 14:33:23 +0100
"Jaime R. Garza"  wrote:

> I think a lot of people though it was an official LibreOffice PPA for
> Ubuntu, not an official Canonical package:
> <>

well, the ppa is different from most other ppas as it is the ppa of the
libreoffice packaging team at Ubuntu. That is: it is the stuff we as a
team intend to put in the main repositories in the end.

However: As

itself describes it best: "LibreOffice test builds and backports".
Thats pretty clear. Please do not hold me accountable for any
journalist calling it different to make a good headline.

Yes, Canonical and Ubuntu will support Libreoffice, but we will not
race out a release to the main repositories, just so that we can claim
to be first(*).

Best Regards,


(*) If you dont care about the final stabilization fixes, you could
build an rc1 yourself and you will have your (almost) release a week
earlier. But if you wait for the final for a week, you should also wait
another day or two for the distribution adjustments.


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[tdf-discuss] Re: missing debs on ppa

2011-02-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 06:54:33 -0600
Sonic4Spuds  wrote:

> Just checked synaptic and all of the files in the ppa are listed as 
> version rc4. Also made sure that it is getting the latest
> list from the ppa.

There are natty versions for 3.3.1. Beware of partial updates
however: Currently there is amd64 build for 3.3.1~rc2-1ubuntu2
fnished in the ppa, while the i386 build (which also builds the arch
independant stuff like libreoffice-java-common) is not finished yet.

Backports for maverick will be added later.

> The ppa name is listed as lp-ppa-libreoffice/maverick   if there is a 
> different ppa that is official and the one I have is not then let me
> know.

just to clarify: there is nothing "official" about a ppa by definition.
If it is official, it is in the main repository.

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] Re: missing debs on ppa

2011-02-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Sonic4Spuds,

On Wed, 23 Feb 2011 17:46:02 -0600
Sonic4Spuds  wrote:

> I am useing a ubuntu based system (Mint) and installed the LO PPA but 
> the new version doesn't show. the available packages are still 3.3.0.

No, they are not. There has been a 3.3.1~rc1 version in the ppa for
more than a week. A 3.3.1~rc2 containing all Libreoffice changes (but
missing some debian patches) is currently building.

> I also would suggest making the testing and rc versions available on
> a ppa even if a separate one.

Already done. See also the discussion at:

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] Re: Oracle Contributor Agreement and LibreOffice contributions

2011-02-16 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

IANAL and all that jazz, but ...

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:45:43 +0100
"Charles-H. Schulz"  wrote:

> > 2. Conversely, if I sign the Oracle Contributor Agreement and
> > submit code (and it gets accepted, otherwise the copyright reverts
> > to me), can I then still submit the same code to LibreOffice or
> > would that cause problems for LibreOffice (because Oracle now
> > shares copyright of the code I submitted)?
> Yes. Actually that's what we do when we "pull" the OOo codebase over
> to us. 

... there is a slight difference: Whatever we pull from OOo is
currently LGPLv3 (no "or later"), while direct contributions can also
carry additional licenses. It is currently recommended to contribute
under "LGPLv3 (or later)/MPL".

Best Regards,



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