2006-07-30 Thread N4BAA - Jose Castillo

Absoutley ZERO reason to start working JA stations on 30M at 0630 ...
They have to know they can work them all day long.AND THEN
to QSX the entire 30M band is a bit much...I would like to know who the 
OP is


Jose - N4BAA
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[DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems 

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Osten B Magnusson


   from all over the country 

Not exactly...  from all over the world  would be more correct. 

This problem started (or should I say got worse) when the 
DX-clusters started to show up on Internet. 

73/DX de Osten SM5DQC

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Reisert AD1C [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:21 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems 

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 
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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Charlie, W0YG
Maybe they started there with the advent of clusters but it has been going 
on for ages over here.  Some just seem to want to call all the time 


Charlie, W0YG..

- Original Message - 
From: Osten B Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Jim Reisert AD1C [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?


   from all over the country
Not exactly...  from all over the world  would be more correct.
This problem started (or should I say got worse) when the DX-clusters 
started to show up on Internet.

73/DX de Osten SM5DQC

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Reisert AD1C [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:21 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Tom Anderson


I and the other ops in C9 earlier this month and part of June had the 
same problem, its nothing particular to KH8SI.  If I was calling for say 
USA or by the numbers only, ops in one country especially would keep 
coming back, no matter what I said.  If I asked the offending station if 
they were a say 6 and they were a 1 or if they were in the USA and they 
were in Europe, they just gave me the signal report like they never 
heard me calling by the numbers or anything else.  Often I had to work 
them because they were so strong they would blot out my entire listening 
range of 5-10 khz. up and they wouldn't give up no matter what I said.

One of our ops, NE5EE/C91EE Dave, had a novel reply back to them.  First 
he said he was blacklisting their call in his log, then if they 
persisted he said he was blacklisting their entire COUNTRY and would 
tell everyone who was the offending operator. He actually did it a few 
times, but I'm not sure how effective it was hi hi.  

73 de Tom, WW5L/C91TL

PS:  All C91TL cards received direct so far have been answered..

Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread WC7N
I will tell you why Jim..  This morning on 30 meters the op would get a 
partial call, say WK7 and would sent that back and then come back to a 
completely different call, like JA1ABC or something like that.  People now 
know that so they just keep calling on top of the other station.  It appears 
to work for a lot of them.  Also yesterday on 20 SSB the KH8 said ok I am 
standing by for Africa on 14215 Africa only, and then he went back to a 
stateside station...

Just not good DX procedure.

Rod WC7N
- Original Message - 
From: Jim Reisert AD1C [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 8:21 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

The DX just has to be strict about who gets to get through.  The
pileup should be held up until WK7 gets to get through, or the DX says
the whiskey kilo seven please and is met with silence.  Yeah, QSO
rate may plummet, but that's just what has to happen to keep the
pileup in line.

I'm in favor of the DX giving specific instructions to keep the pileup
in line.  I've worked some hard ones on 30m because the DX sent UP
17 instead of just UP and three-quarters of the pile didn't follow.

The  more the DX can reward the good, skilled, and polite DXer with
the contact at the expense of the brute-force jerks, the better the
pileups will get.

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[DX-CHAT] 4O3T operation

2006-07-30 Thread Linda Sumner
Ok, guys, here's the word straight from the horse's mouth. The operation here in Montenegro at 4O3T is a mix of very experienced ops and really anyone who wants to come down and help get the new country on. This is deliberate on the organizers' part. How are new people going to learn if they never get the chance to jump in and just do it.I've been licensed a long time myself, but operate only sporadically, being fond of 10m ssb contesting and 10 ghz and the occasional new country, so it's quite an experience to be plopped down in front of a radio I've never seen, pointed to a foot switch sliding around the floor (which I haven't used in at least ten years) and thrown into the mix.The pileups are indeed not orderly. Often I catch part or even one letter of a call and try that person only to have no response or at least be unable to hear the response so I go on to whatever
 signal I can copy at that point. There's not much point to screaming "shut up" to all the other stations calling out of turn and it would be a waste of time. And being out of practice, I need to repeat the whole call to make sure I've logged it correctly (not to mention ZZ throwing a fit if I make too many mistakes!). What works best seems to be to stay calm, ignore the most egregious idiots if possible, but if they're the loudest thing on the band, drowning out everyone else, I might as well work them and get them out of the mix. If you add in the occasional deliberate QRM (sometimes even worse for a yl op) and it can get a bit tiresome (on both sides).Still, remind yourselves that this is supposed to be fun, not work! So enjoy.Linda  KA1ZDLinda Churma Sumner  860-202-2999  
		Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.
Try it free. 

Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Barry
Perhaps a little extreme, but I believe the only solution is for the DX 
peds to start blacklisting the offenders.  Post them on the 'net and 
when they send for their card, send a little note saying sorry.


Charlie, W0YG wrote:
Maybe they started there with the advent of clusters but it has been 
going on for ages over here.  Some just seem to want to call all the 
time regardless.


Charlie, W0YG..

- Original Message - From: Osten B Magnusson 

To: Jim Reisert AD1C [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?


   from all over the country
Not exactly...  from all over the world  would be more correct.
This problem started (or should I say got worse) when the DX-clusters 
started to show up on Internet.

73/DX de Osten SM5DQC

- Original Message - From: Jim Reisert AD1C 

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:21 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org


Barry Kutner, W2UP 
Newtown, PA 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

I think long-term blacklisting is too harsh.  I don't think that the
people who are calling out of turn are necessarily doing it because
they're bad people.  I think it's because they know it increases,
rather than decreases their chance of getting through.

I'm OK with short-term blacklisting though.  A quick KQ3XX come back
tomorrow, no contact today is likely fairly effective.  It should
just be for a single band-mode-day though.  It'd give the bad apples
many chances to modify their behavior.

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[DX-CHAT] Out of turn callers

2006-07-30 Thread Chuck Degard

Come on guys. This is supposed to be hobby.

The blacklist thing is nonsense. You open yourselves up to 
potential lawsuits. Who can say for sure that the "bad" caller is using his real 

So, ifyou want to blacklist someone, just use their 

Just look at the spots and announcements. Is BOZO a real 

I agree with Linda Sumner and it's competition (who can beat 
or out fox the pile).

As all of you "DXers" know, some operators take tail-enders 
or stations a little off the current listening frequency. That's part of the 
chase. How is the operator taking calls? I listen and follow the operators 

Enough said!

Best regards,Chuck-K7PT

Re: [DX-CHAT] 4O3T operation

2006-07-30 Thread Kenneth Sobel
I disagree with Linda. When the dx op calls a partial call, then s/he must 
keep trying until s/he works the station. This is the only way to control 
the pileup. The pileup needs to understand that continuing to call out of 
turn will only slow down the qso rate because no other station than the 
partial call will be worked.

de Ken W3JJ

From Linda KA1ZD:
Often I catch part or even one letter of a call and try that person only to 
have no response or at least be unable to hear the response so I go on to 
whatever signal I can copy at that point. There's not much point to 
screaming shut up to all the other stations calling out of turn and it 
would be a waste of time. 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Charlie, W0YG
I totally agree with what Dan says BUT it just doesn't work that way.  I 
have made plenty of DXpeditions, none to a place I had to stay in a tent in 
100+degree weather or wear a jacket so heavy I could barely move.  When you 
say the CV station only, many guys still call.  OK, you say again, the CV 
only.  Now a few less call but they still are QRMing the QRG.  You say again 
the CV only.  Now a few less call.  Finally you get the station, F2CV or 
N0CV or whoever, but it wasn't because guys quit calling.  It was because a 
few savvy DXers understood you were coming back to one station only and 
finally stood by.  I personally will never leave a call if I get a partial. 
Rate be damned!

I have seen this behavior time after time.  I don't think there is anything 
one can do to get this across to the masses.  As the DX, I just keep at it 
and never vary.  If your call is CV, you are going to get in the log!

Now, that being said, when working a JA pileup, it can be a thing of beauty 
but sometimes this even bites you.  You come back to a weak weak ABJ and 
give a report and you hear ABJ come back, weak as water but hearable because 
the other JA's stood by.  However, to get ABJ to send his call twice or 
three times is like pulling dragon's teeth.  The JA stations are so polite 
that JA9ABJ doesn't want to run the risk of QRMing JA1ABJ.

None of this will stop me from going out again.  Look for me from VK9C in 
October/November this year.

That's how it goes!


Charlie, W0YG..

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Zimmerman N3OX [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

The DX just has to be strict about who gets to get through.  The
pileup should be held up until WK7 gets to get through, or the DX says
the whiskey kilo seven please and is met with silence.  Yeah, QSO
rate may plummet, but that's just what has to happen to keep the
pileup in line.

I'm in favor of the DX giving specific instructions to keep the pileup
in line.  I've worked some hard ones on 30m because the DX sent UP
17 instead of just UP and three-quarters of the pile didn't follow.

The  more the DX can reward the good, skilled, and polite DXer with
the contact at the expense of the brute-force jerks, the better the
pileups will get.

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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RE: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Why do they do it?

Two reasons:

(1)  Some don't know better.  They were never shown the ropes, or they've 
learned by observing, and unfortunately, they've observed bad examples.

(2)  It works.  I've been in too many pileups, over the years, where the DX has 
said the Alpha Whiskey or the W N 3 only, several totally unrelated calls 
have come back, and he WORKED them instead of trying for me (or whomever) 
again.  So the learned behavior is to call on any partial call, even unrelated, 
because too many DX will work the loudest signal coming back.

Oh yes, there's a third reason.  It has to do with the inherent nature of 
certain DX hogs themselves, but in order to accurately describe this type, I'd 
have to use language that isn't permitted on this reflector.

73, ron w3wn

-Original Message-
Of Jim Reisert AD1C
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 11:21 AM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems 

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA

Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Jerry Keller

If the DX announces he's listening in a range of frequencies, I think in
many instances those who can't find the frequency the DX is listening on
right now simply announce their callsign over and over, listening briefly
in between to see if the DX has heard it.  After all, the DX is supposedly
tuning around in the announced range, so if one cannot tail-end by finding
the station being worked, maybe one can get lucky.  The result is what we
all hear... bedlam. It's still a pile-up; it's just spread out more.
I'm not sufficiently expert to presume to know how to fix this, but it seems
to me that announcing a specific frequency is often better than a range.
Sure everyone will call together, but often DXers will figure out that if
they move off center a bit they stand a better chance of being heard by the
DX.  The DX can then work the edges of the pileup, the upper edge then the
lower edge, switching at intervals as the pileup realizes where he's
listening and flows in that direction.
It's really the same thing on a much narrower scale, but it seems to me
announcing a single listening frequency often works better than announcing a
5 or 10 KHz range.

73, Jerry K3BZ

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Reisert AD1C [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 11:21 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

It was frustrating and sad to listen to the KH8SI and 4O3T pileups
this weekend (mostly SSB).

When the DX station says, The station with 7 in the call, ending in
Germany why do unrelated calls from all over the country continue to
call?  When the DX station comes back to a full callsign, why does the
pileup size diminish only by half, rather than all but one?  It
makes it impossible for a better DXer to find the station being worked
because so many others are still calling.

The rate of these DX stations is being hindered by out-of-turn
callers.  When the rate is hindered, fewer people can work the DX
station.  Especially limited-time operations like KH8SI.

It made me sad to be a DXer this weekend.  My QSO with KH8SI on 17
meters took THREE go-arounds because they could not get my call
(presumably because of all the people still calling).  That's TWO MORE
possible QSOs that were wasted by the out-of-turn callers.


73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

Re: [DX-CHAT] 4O3T operation

2006-07-30 Thread Mac McDaniel

I agree with Ken.  The 4O3T operator on 10 meters the other day called
N0O, I went back to him right away with my call again.  Guess what?
In the time that it took me to give my call again, he was giving somebody
else a 59.  I think they need to be more persistent.  As you can imagine
the smile left my face.

Mac, N0OB

I disagree with Linda. When the dx op calls a partial call, then s/he must 
keep trying until s/he works the station. This is the only way to control 
the pileup. The pileup needs to understand that continuing to call out of 
turn will only slow down the qso rate because no other station than the 
partial call will be worked.

de Ken W3JJ

From Linda KA1ZD:
Often I catch part or even one letter of a call and try that person only 
to have no response or at least be unable to hear the response so I go on 
to whatever signal I can copy at that point. There's not much point to 
screaming shut up to all the other stations calling out of turn and it 
would be a waste of time.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
A few made a good point, it is up to the DX station to control the 
pileup.  I didn't want to go down that path.  But a couple of points 
to keep in mind:

- We (the callers) are the many, they (the DXpedition operators) are 
the few.  They are the ones who have invested the time and money in 
getting there and operating.  We should be responsible enough to 
behave ourselves.  Ease the burden on the few.

- Frustration is caused by the belief that you will not work the DX 
station.  Frustration breeds desperation.  Imagine how much less 
frustration there would be if the out-of-turn callers just kept quiet 
and let the DX operator work someone in the clear.  The rate will 
go up, as will the hope of everyone else in the pileup.  Just because 
WX9QRO calls overtop of everyone, and in frustration and/or 
desperation, the DX operator works him to get him out of the way 
does NOT make it right, and does NOT mean that we have to follow that example.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us

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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Joe Stepansky

At 12:26 PM 7/30/2006 -0400, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

I'm OK with short-term blacklisting though.  A quick KQ3XX come back
tomorrow, no contact today is likely fairly effective.

As a KQ3 type, I'm going to assume (with good humor) that wasn't directed 
toward me.  HI!!

But it's not all (or even partially) the DX station's fault.  I listened on 
various frequencies throughout the 20m listening range and was somewhat 
appalled by what I heard.  There was a 5-land station (not picking on 5s, 
it's just I could hear them well) who called no matter who KH8SI came back 
to.  I can understand that sometimes we can overlap with the DX, but this 
seemed to go beyond that.  The NE7 station  WA5 blah-blah...N9QL 
59  WA5 blah-blahWho's the 4PA?  WA5 blah-blah.  And on and on 
and on.

When my turn came up it went like this (1)  The Foxtrot(2) The 
station ending Foxtrot...(3)  The station with Foxtrot...(4)  The Kilo 
Quebec(5)  The Kilo Quebec with Foxtrot...finally (6) OK, I have it 
now, Kilo Quebec Three Foxtrot 59.

Now if he heard the Foxtrot, then he should have been able to hear the rest 
of it on the second or maybe third try.  Why did it take SIX takes until he 
got it?  Obviously, others were transmitting.

73, Joe KQ3F

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2006-07-30 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 05:43 PM 07/30/2006, nick cominos wrote:
After reading a variety of opinions I felt compelled to add to the 
mix. While I have never been on the operating end of a DXpedition, 
the mere idea of allowing the entire ham population to call 
indiscriminately is atrocious.

I disagree. Opening it up wide gets the Big Guns out of the way a lot 
faster. I'd say maybe target by continent, if anything, but not go by 
numbers all that much.

Call area is one that I find to be the most rewarding for both the 
DXpedition and those calling.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Most recent example of this was last 
Friday night with Swains. They were going by numbers but with the 
band fading out, by the time they must have gotten around to 1 and 2 
and 3, there was no more propagation to 1, 2 and 3. Conversely, they 
spent a long time in the initial go-around on 6s and 7s, whereas 6 
and 7 would continue to have props LONG after the east coast lost signal.

Going by numbers is probably better when dealing with a big European 
pileup than a big American pileup just because the calls are so 
intermixed there, much more so than here where I'd venture to say a 
good sized number of operators are operating from the same area as is 
their call (4's in 4-land, as opposed to a 2's living in 4-land).

I think a better way would be to start out with an understanding of 
what circuits are open when/where and then target based on that data. 
East coast, central NA, west coast, northern EU, southern EU, South 
America, VK/ZL, Africa/Indian Ocean and JA. should, IMHO, be 
specifically targeted in a major operation. (and I stress MAJOR in 
this context).

Simply spreading out the pile up and using enormous spectrum is not 
the answer.

Good operators should be able to open it wide up first and second day 
over 10 to 15 kHz on SSB and maybe 5-10 on CW, max. I agree that 
there's no need to listen over 40 kHz for SSB. I still remember the 
40m CW op on Peter 1, just kept going up and up and up and up and up 

Best to let the guys who've put real money into their stations get 
their Q's and get out of the way. The DX station works the edges then 
wades into the middle and eventually starts working the little 
pistols everywhere in the middle.

It is a cultural problem within the amateur community and not 
exclusive to one continent or another. Those of you who understand 
won't require further explanation.

A good public shaming and temporary NIL will stop some of that. Or to 
avoid confrontation, just work the guy and don't log him. Enough DX 
does that and Lid gets the message when all of a sudden he doesn't 
get any QSLs from the 5 top DXpeditions he worked. Maybe that's 
what it takes for the message to sink in.

Then the height of impropriety, as is the case for KH8SI right now, 
is breaking the pace of the pile up to talk with another station at 
length. These matters should be handled on another preassigned 
frequency with a Pilot station.

It's the DX's prerogative. Period. If they WANT to talk to their 
pilot (or their best friend, or wife or club-mates or the man in the 
moon) that's their business. Frankly, I just heard the exchange you 
obviously did and I gleaned information from it. I think those QSOs 
are very informative and give perspective of the operation to The 
Deserving. It also is a way to get news of the inner-workings, 
trials, tribulations, successes and disappointments of the operators 
on the ground.

Gone are the days when simple equipment, simple antenna arrangements 
and some stick to it allowed a new ham to work plenty of DX and 
didn't require mega bucks.

It does NOT require megabucks today. Balderdash. 100W, a modest wire, 
patience, skill and a few handfuls of sunspots are all that's needed 
to get one's country count well into the mid-upper 200s. I came in in 
2001 with a TS-820 and a wire at 35'. By the time I moved to my 
present QTH last fall I was up beyond 250 (with maybe 10 or 15 of 
those from a nice club station with a multiband yagi). Most of those 
were made with that wire and increasingly-better transceivers (TS-570 
for 4 years, then a Mark V, then a 600W amp on top of it).

A new DXer getting in today with a modest station would need a simple 
rig (TS-570 is an excellent starter rig, used for under $650 if you 
shop around), a modest antenna -- a few dollars worth of wire if you 
can get it high enough or scrounge around and be able to put up a 
small vertical or yagi if you can, maybe an AL-811 used for about 
$400 and you'll work pretty well anything you can hear if you have 
patience and learn the skillz needed. A broadband connection to a DX 
cluster sure helps, too!

I worked enough to earn my 5-Band DXCC from the old QTH in 3 years 
and 7 months, and it took me 8 months to get my first DXCC 
certificate. So Bravo Seirra to needing a mega-station to get a high 
country count. Propagation sucks on the upper bands for the moment, 
yes. If I were getting 

Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 05:56 PM 07/30/2006, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
Just because WX9QRO calls overtop of everyone, and in frustration 
and/or desperation, the DX operator works him to get him out of the 
way does NOT make it right, and does NOT mean that we have to 
follow that example.

To that end it would be nice if the big-name operations (and 
operators) all got together and decided that Alpha-Hotels like WX9QRO 
in your example will get a proverbial Lump Of Coal in their QSL 
return envelope (and the donation kept).



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[DX-CHAT] [dx-chat] Bencher

2006-07-30 Thread WC7N
Help guys... I have a nice plastic cover over my Bencher with my call 
engraved in it... Have had it for more years than I would like to admit 
to... My son, new general class ham,W5LSU, asked where I got it and I have 
gone through the ads in QST and did a Google and I can't find it.

Can you help me ?

Rod WC7N
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2006-07-30 Thread WC7N
Ok guys I have already seen some chatter about the next group... Like watch 
your DX Bulleting Who has the straight poop.

Rod WC7N

- Original Message - 
From: harris_ruben [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: dx-chat List dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] KH8SI

At 6:35 PM -0400 7/30/06, Peter Dougherty wrote:
100W, a modest wire, patience, skill and a few handfuls of sunspots are 
all that's needed to get one's country count well into the mid-upper 200s.

Maybe. I have a Hy-Gain DB-1217 at 60' on 17, my favorite band, an 
Explorer-14 at 50', plus an AL 1500 behind it. I worked The Montenegro 
easiest on 40 CW with 100W to a rotatable dipole, and I can barely just 
copy my call and get a reply back on CW.

At my vacation home I have a 17M kind-of-inverted-vee and could hear 
swain's well enough to copy. Barefoot here, I didn't even try to call when 
I listened to the big guns up 5 to 10 -- especially the 6's. I know --  
that's how I sound to THEM with MY KW when they first tried to work 

I suspect there will be many more trips to KH8 Swain's and I won't be 
missing it for long.

It's a game that I enjoy and these additions got me back on the air after 
a year and a half of almost no activity.


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[DX-CHAT] Logging Programs

2006-07-30 Thread KA5EJX
Is it ok if I ask about a good logging program on here?
If so, I have an old DOS version of HYPERLOG, and I just did a websearch for 
hyperlog and looks as if they have gone by the wayside.
I'd like to find a very good program that has these features: will convert all 
my Hyperlog data, track IOTA and scan within that 
database to see if I have previously worked that island( ie: NA125). Another 
nice feature, but not needed is: WAS, WAC etc.
I will assume there is a website dedicated to comparing various DX logging 

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Out of turn callers

2006-07-30 Thread WC7N

Come on Zack, you are up to your ears in that IL cow stuff.

Rod WC7N

- Original Message - 
From: Zack Widup [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Chuck Degard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Out of turn callers

On Sun, 30 Jul 2006, Chuck Degard wrote:

 Come on guys. This is supposed to be hobby.

 The blacklist thing is nonsense. You open yourselves up to potential
lawsuits. Who can say for sure that the bad caller is using his real 

That's a very good point.  I was calling in one very large pileup a few
years ago.  It was an SSB pileup - a rare occurrance for me, but at the
time I suspected this particular operation would be the last for many
years from that country, and he wasn't working CW at all. Someone taped or
digitally recorded me calling and started playing it back on the DX
frequency.  I was rather upset. Maybe that's what I get for working SSB.

On CW it would even be more difficult to tell if the offending station
was in fact the one whose callsign was being sent. But even on SSB, it
isn't a sure thing, as in above example.

73, Zack W9SZ

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2006-07-30 Thread Al Baker
Listening to Paul,  work the gang on 17 meters.  What a delight to hear
his staying with a partial call until the entire call makes it into the
log.He stays cool...works simplex till the pile-up builds, then moves
the pile up 5 til it gets too busy then 5 to 10.  Always the same
professional demeanor, and pace.  No nonsense tolerated.  BRAVO

73 de Al, W5IZ

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[DX-CHAT] AD1C 2006 DXCC totals (band condx)

2006-07-30 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C

I can easily keep track of DXCC entities worked since the start of the year.

My goal this year was to work DXCC on CW, SSB and Digital (mostly
RTTY).  I've accomplished this, but just barely on RTTY (104 worked).
Out of curiosity, I just checked my band totals:

80m: 42
40m: 93
30m: 59
20m: 128
17m: 62
15m: 70
12m: 1
10m: 13

I have not put ANY emphasis whatsoever on working band countries.  I
have not seriously  operated any CW or SSB contests (no more than a
couple hundred QSOs), just a couple RTTY contests.  When I get on in
CW/SSB contests, it's just to work new prefixes (and work needed
CW/SSB countries for the year).  By the way, DX4WIN makes it VERY EASY
to do this!

Interesting things I noticed:

- 20 meter is the money band, of course!
- without trying and usually with 100W, have almost worked DXCC on 40m
- there's still life on 15 meters (this surprised me!)

I still need zone 24 for WAZ this year, but have not tried (BD7KLO is
active on RTTY, and VR2XMT on SSB).

There's lots of stuff to work out that that isn't super rare.  And
it's still fun!

73 - Jim AD1C

p.s. I've worked 3 all-time new entities this year (VU4, YU6 and
KH8SI), and I only needed 4 (BS7H is the last).  I can't remember how
long it's been since THAT happened!

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ad1c.us
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Logging Programs

2006-07-30 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 08:01 PM 07/30/2006, KA5EJX wrote:

Is it ok if I ask about a good logging program on here?
I will assume there is a website dedicated to comparing various DX 
logging programs?

Hi Rod,

What you consider a good logger others would disagree, and it depends 
on your level of activity and desires and budget (is some cases). Me, 
I'm a software junkie and of all the apps I use for everything, I 
look at my logger more than anything including my browser and e-mail 
software. I want an 800-pound gorilla that will track everything, 
control my station and feed me Guinness and Wings in pileups. Well, almost

I went with DX Base after a lot of trial-and-error with various and 
sundry loggers. The only one that came close was DX4WIN, but I didn't 
like the interface (personal choice). I found DX Base was more like 
traditional Windows apps, is phenomenally powerful and customizable. 
Over the years it's developped into a world-class logger (albeit with 
a handful of small annoyances), but compared to everything else out 
there, in my opinion, it's the best in show. Feature-wise and 
robustness-wise, I'd say DX4WIN and miLOG come very close, and 
Logger32 (freebie) and MacLog (Mac only) are serious contenders.

There are a plethora of cheapies or lesser-powered loggers out there 
too. If you want basic logging and DXCC/WAS tracking, pretty well 
anything will do, but if you want full automation and station 
coordination, go with whichever of the Big Boys suits your tastes.

Important, too, is a good contest logger if you participate in 
contests, and to these eyes and fingers, there's only one worth of 
using and that's N1MM Contest Logger. Freeware, easy as anything to 
use and absolutely second-nature.

Read the reviews on eHam of those that you're interested in learning 
more about and many of them have trial versions of various usefulness 
before you whip out your credit card. I can tell you that DX Base 
will set you back a C-note first time, and yearly upgrades are $35. 
DX4WIN is a little cheaper, and ProLog is a little more if you 
include all the modules that make it useful.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] Logging Programs

2006-07-30 Thread N4BAA - Jose Castillo

I have tried DXBase and DX4Win and have thus settled in with DXLAB SUITE 
by AA6YQ. Can't beat the cost, it does everything the other two big 
names do, is fully customizable, and has features the others don'tI 
do agree with Peter, need to assess you desires and go from 
thereUpdates are free and self installing!  You are even notified by 
the program when there is a new update available.then click...and 
its done!  Try them all and get back with me!  I am in no way affiliated 
with AA6YQ or his software other than being a VERY satisfied customer 
for over3 years!

73, Jose - N4BAA

Peter Dougherty wrote:

At 08:01 PM 07/30/2006, KA5EJX wrote:

Is it ok if I ask about a good logging program on here?
I will assume there is a website dedicated to comparing various DX 
logging programs?

Hi Rod,

What you consider a good logger others would disagree, and it depends 
on your level of activity and desires and budget (is some cases). Me, 
I'm a software junkie and of all the apps I use for everything, I look 
at my logger more than anything including my browser and e-mail 
software. I want an 800-pound gorilla that will track everything, 
control my station and feed me Guinness and Wings in pileups. Well, 

I went with DX Base after a lot of trial-and-error with various and 
sundry loggers. The only one that came close was DX4WIN, but I didn't 
like the interface (personal choice). I found DX Base was more like 
traditional Windows apps, is phenomenally powerful and customizable. 
Over the years it's developped into a world-class logger (albeit with 
a handful of small annoyances), but compared to everything else out 
there, in my opinion, it's the best in show. Feature-wise and 
robustness-wise, I'd say DX4WIN and miLOG come very close, and 
Logger32 (freebie) and MacLog (Mac only) are serious contenders.

There are a plethora of cheapies or lesser-powered loggers out there 
too. If you want basic logging and DXCC/WAS tracking, pretty well 
anything will do, but if you want full automation and station 
coordination, go with whichever of the Big Boys suits your tastes.

Important, too, is a good contest logger if you participate in 
contests, and to these eyes and fingers, there's only one worth of 
using and that's N1MM Contest Logger. Freeware, easy as anything to 
use and absolutely second-nature.

Read the reviews on eHam of those that you're interested in learning 
more about and many of them have trial versions of various usefulness 
before you whip out your credit card. I can tell you that DX Base will 
set you back a C-note first time, and yearly upgrades are $35. DX4WIN 
is a little cheaper, and ProLog is a little more if you include all 
the modules that make it useful.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] Logging Programs

2006-07-30 Thread Gerry

I use Logger32 fro day to day logging. Love it! www.logger32.net

I use N1MM for contesting. The best! http://pages.cthome.net/n1mm/

Both free!

ARRL DXCC Card Checker
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-6520
ve6lb (at) rac.ca

- Original Message - 
To: DX-Chat dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:01 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Logging Programs

 Is it ok if I ask about a good logging program on here?
 If so, I have an old DOS version of HYPERLOG, and I just did a websearch
for hyperlog and looks as if they have gone by the wayside.
 I'd like to find a very good program that has these features: will convert
all my Hyperlog data, track IOTA and scan within that
 database to see if I have previously worked that island( ie: NA125).
Another nice feature, but not needed is: WAS, WAC etc.
 I will assume there is a website dedicated to comparing various DX logging

 Thanks in advance,

 Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems

 To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

 This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] [working DX

2006-07-30 Thread harris_ruben

At 8:43 PM -0400 7/30/06, Peter Dougherty wrote:

At 07:03 PM 07/30/2006, you wrote:

Maybe. I have a Hy-Gain DB-1217 at 60' on 17, my favorite band, an 
Explorer-14 at 50', plus an AL 1500 behind it. I worked The 
Montenegro easiest on 40 CW with 100W to a rotatable dipole, and I 
can barely just copy my call and get a reply back on CW.

I'm really surprised at that. I have a Force 12 2/2/1 (5.5 dBd on 
both bands and rot. dipole on 30), fed with an AL-1200. I can 
usually slam through anything in under 4 or 5 calls here in NJ. Took 
5 calls to Swains on 17 last night. I'm running a C31XR at 70' or so 
for 10-15-20, and even on 20, I'm usually able to get in in under 
1/2 an hour. Are you in a valley or something?

Methinks Peter misunderstands. My poor CW skills make it quite a 
challenge to work anything in that mode, although I can usually make 
out N2ERN at just about any speed. I can pretty much do whatever I 
need to do from my NJ QTH on top of the Watchungs, esp. on 17. I 
rarely put the amp on for any CW attempts because I'm just terrible 
at copying it. No excuses or complaints about my station here. But I 
still need BS7H, P5 and Swains. I heartily recommend the Hy-Gain 
DB-1217, though. It's one heluva piece of aluminum!!

Visit my blog at http://waterandwaves.blogspot.com
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Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-07-30 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX


Didn't mean to single out your prefix!  I did a qrz.com search on
KQ3XX just in case ;-)

My favorite (and this happened a bit on 6m today when it was open to
the Carribean) is this, and I'll be the lid this time... that's safe.

DX: 6 Yankee One Victor QRZed?
DX: Kilo Quebec Three Foxt***NOVEMBER THREE OCEAN X-RAY*** and 9 in FK18.
KQ3F (who can luckily hear over me) thanks you're five and 9
DX: Thanks this is Six Yan***NOVEMBER THREE OCEAN X-RAY*** QRZed?

Gotta love it.  I'm working on worked all currently transmitting
stations by the way.  The situation in the big unruly pileups seems
exactly analogous to capital area traffic, by the way.  There are
times around here, if everyone just let one single person in from the
merge lane and just left a little, tiny bit of space for traffic to
move around, the Beltway would move at 60MPH.  Since everyone's being
skittish and selfish and watching out only for themselves, traffic
moves at 23MPH.

The selfishness, of course, is totally misplaced.  The best thing for
the DC metro drivers and the callers trying to break the pileup to do
to get through is calm down and be orderly.  Things will happen much
more smoothly, you'll get your to the end of the commute faster or get
your contact sooner.

Oh well, don't think KH8/S is going to happen for me this time, but I
did work 2 new 6m band-countries today so I've had a good one.

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[DX-CHAT] I take it all back

2006-07-30 Thread harris_ruben
 You CAN work new DX with nothing. Here I am, at my Summer home, and 
I hear KH8SI (55) on my 17M sort-of-inverted-vee that went up 
yesterday, and I picked a quiet spot and... worked a new one on 100 w.

The bands ARE open. It's just that no one is on them.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Stupid splits...

2006-07-30 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX


I am, of course, referring to the current situation, but he's not the
only time I've heard this.  A certain DXpedition to the near-antarctic
on 40m CW was a travesty some nights this way too.  I know ops get
caught up in the pileup, but sometimes you've just got to hit the
split reset button and come back to 1kHz up.

I could never figure out what was going on with 3Y0X on 40CW.  I
worked 'em on 30m, 20m CW and I got them on FORTY METER SSB.  I live
in an apartment and use magnet wire antennas and a barefoot FT-857D!!!
They were awesome ops doing everything right except that 40m split
just got so wacky.

OK KH8SI on 30m now... wish me luck, here I go...

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Stupid splits...

2006-07-30 Thread David Kozinn, K2DBK
Gee, only 35 up? As of the time I'm writing this (about 12:30 AM EDT),
he's on 14.022 (and a pretty solid S8 on my G5RV) with guys calling him
all the way up to 14.082. I guess that would be 60 wide, though it
does't look or sound like anyone is calling him below around 14.042, so
I guess he's got a 40kHz wide pileup that starts 20 kHz up from his
frequency. Wow. I guess I'll get him next time ...On 7/31/06, Peter Dougherty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 11:46 PM 07/30/2006, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:On the subject of things that plague DXpeditions... what makes ops
think it's OK to drift the pileup from 5 up to 35 up during the courseof the evening??!?!Let me clarify this - that's a CW pileup, NOT PHONE! I really do feelsorry for the poor guy. I think he's trying his best but CW isn't his
native language ;-)Cheers,Peter,W2IRTSubscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problemshttp://njdxa.org/dx-chatTo post a message, DX related items only, 
dx-chat@njdxa.orgThis is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXAhttp://njdxa.org