[ECOLOG-L] AGU 2018 Updates from the Coastal Carbon RCN

2018-12-11 Thread Jorge Ramos
Dear Coastal Carbon enthusiasts,

 Join us at AGU 2018 in our Coastal Carbon Town Hall event this Thursday!

 We will be highlighting our achievements such as issuing of guidance for soil 
carbon databasing, the curation and public release of over 1,500 U.S.-based 
tidal soil carbon profiles, and facilitating our first working group on 
improved measuring, reporting, modeling, and mapping of soil carbon burial 
rates and carbon stocks in coastal wetlands.

 We will also have an informative discussion that will feature perspectives 
from scientists and managers focusing on the latest science and discuss the 
implications for policy. Scientists and stakeholders alike are encouraged to 
attend and actively participate in taking stock of progress to date and shaping 
the activities of the network going forward. For more information on our 
partners and our RCN please visit our website: https://serc.si.edu/coastalcarbon

TH45K: Updates from the Coastal Carbon Research Coordination Network: Year 1

Thursday, 13 December 2018

18:15 - 19:15

Marriott Marquis - Liberty M

Additional coastal carbon sessions:

Oral presentations are:

B41C Coastal Wetland Carbon: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and 
Syntheses I

Thursday, 13 December 2018 08:00 - 10:00

Walter E Washington Convention Center - 147B

B42C Coastal Wetland Carbon: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and 
Syntheses II

Thursday, 13 December 2018 10:20- 12:20

Walter E Washington Convention Center - 147B

Poster session is:

B43G Coastal Wetland Carbon: Recent Advances in Measurements, Modeling, and 
Syntheses III

Posters Thursday, 13 December 2018 13:40 - 18:00

Walter E Washington Convention Center - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)

 Thank you,

Jorge Ramos


Jorge Ramos, Ph.D.

Manager, Oceans and Climate | Center for Oceans

Conservation International<https://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx>

2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 | Arlington, VA 22202 | USA

Phone: +1 703-341-2628 | Cell: +1 202-517-3637


Skype: jorge.ramos.h

Twitter: @JorgeRH2O<https://twitter.com/JorgeRH2O>

Blue Carbon Initiative<http://thebluecarboninitiative.org/>



[ECOLOG-L] Green-Grey Infrastructure Fellowship with Conservation International

2018-02-27 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hi ECOLOG community,

 CI is seeking a unique individual to fill the role of Green-Grey Fellow!

 Conservation International is launching an innovative, new, international 
program focused on developing and implementing hybrid Green-Grey solutions for 
climate adaptation. This program will be a first of its kind, combining a 
strong conservation focus with engineering expertise to provide solutions to 
some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. By selectively combining 
elements of traditional “grey” engineering with conservation and restoration of 
critical ecosystems or “green” infrastructure, CI is developing the next 
generation of climate adaptation approaches that simultaneously ensure 
effective climate change resilience while also maximizing the broad spectrum of 
ecosystem services so critical to communities.

 The fellow will coordinate development and strategic implementation of the 
Green-Grey program across CI, build and support critical partnerships in 
science, industry and conservation, provide critical technical expertise and 
support across CI, particularly to CI's field programs, and lead the day-to-day 
operations of the program. The Green-Grey fellow will be at the forefront of 
developing this new conservation and engineering approach for application 

 For more information and application please visit our CI Career Opportunities 
website or click on this link: http://bit.ly/2BOj8fW

 Thank you,

Jorge Ramos


Jorge Ramos, Ph.D.

Manager, Climate and Oceans

Center for Oceans

Conservation International<https://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx>


2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202,

USA Phone: +1 703-341-2628

Cell: +1 202-517-3637

Skype: jorge.ramos.h

Twitter: @JorgeRH2O<https://twitter.com/JorgeRH2O>

Blue Carbon Initiative<http://thebluecarboninitiative.org/>



[ECOLOG-L] Submit Abstract for ECCWO Blue Carbon: Coastal ecosystem and their blue carbon science, conservation and policy progress

2018-01-12 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello Coastal Ecosystem Ecologists,

We invite you to submit your research abstract today to our symposium “Session 
18: Coastal ecosystem and their blue carbon science, conservation and policy 
progress” in the upcoming 4th International Symposium on The Effects of Climate 
Change on The World's Oceans to be held in Washington D.C. during June 4-8, 

Please distribute this announcement widely to your other coastal ecosystem 
colleagues and students.

Conference Information: 

We look forward to seeing you June 2-8, 2018 in Washington D.C.!

#ECCWO18 Blue Carbon Symposium Conveners:

Dr. Jorge Ramos, Conservation International
Dr. Kirsten Isensee, IOC-UNESCO
Ms. Dorothée Herr, IUCN
Blue Carbon Initiative (Conservation International, Intergovernmental 
Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Union for Conservation of 

Thank you and all the best,

Jorge Ramos

Jorge Ramos, Ph.D.
Manager, Climate and Oceans
Center for Oceans
Conservation International <https://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx>
2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202, USA

Phone: +1 703-341-2628
Cell: +1 202-517-3637
Skype: jorge.ramos.h
Twitter: @JorgeRH2O<https://twitter.com/JorgeRH2O>

Blue Carbon Initiative<http://thebluecarboninitiative.org/>

[ECOLOG-L] Coastal Carbon/Blue Carbon at AGU 2017

2017-12-12 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hi AGU 2017 attendees,

 We invite you to our AGU Town Hall event titled “Introducing a U.S.-based 
Research Coordination Network for Blue Carbon” this week in New Orleans. The 
event (TH45D) will be held on this coming Thursday Dec 14 from 6:15 PM to 7:15 
PM in the Convention Center rooms 267-268.

 Please join us to learn more about the Global Science and Data Network for 
Coastal Blue Carbon. Presenters will demonstrate how it will support and 
improve our knowledge in carbon and greenhouse gas cycling and its potential 
applications in research, capacity building and policy. We will also be taking 
questions and welcoming feedback on how to strengthen the interactive global 
coastal carbon network. Here is the link to the 
event<https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/meetingapp.cgi/Session/30386> so you can 
add it to your personal AGU calendar.

 For more information on the network please visit the official 
website<https://serc.si.edu/coastalcarbon>, contact Dr. James Holmquist at 
holmqui...@si.edu and follow @CoastalCarbon<https://twitter.com/CoastalCarbon> 
on twitter during #AGU17<https://twitter.com/hashtag/AGU17?src=hash> for the 
latest updates on the network.

We look forward to seeing you next week at AGU,

Thank you,

Coastal Carbon RCN Team

Title: TH45D: Introducing a U.S.-based Research Coordination Network for Blue 

Abstract: Coastal wetlands store massive amounts of carbon in their soils, 
transport carbon to adjacent estuaries, and can be the cause of greenhouse gas 
emissions of they are degraded or eroded. The scale and data-needs of the 
questions surrounding ‘blue carbon’ keep expanding. Therefore, we are pleased 
to announce the recent establishment of a Blue Carbon Research Coordination 
Network (RCN). Our central activity will be creating and curating an online 
data repository, starting with a library of up to 1,500 tidal wetlands soil 
carbon profiles. We will also host collaborative working group meetings, and 
provide online resources to educate all levels of practitioners on field, lab, 
and analytic best-practices. The goal of the RCN is to accelerate scientific 
discovery and more effectively meet stakeholder needs. At the town hall we will 
demonstrate the first iteration of each of these goals as a proof of concept, 
then solicit community feedback on future developments. Following the 
demonstration will be an educational outreach activity, on interacting with 
current data libraries. We encourage feedback, especially on how the RCN can be 
used to accelerate progress in coastal resiliency, ecosystem services, 
monitoring reporting and verification, general circulation models, and other 
concepts in coastal carbon science.

Jorge Ramos, Ph.D.
Manager, Climate and Oceans
Center for Oceans
Conservation International<http://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx>
2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202, USA

Phone: +1 703-341-2628
Cell: +1 202-517-3637
Skype: jorge.ramos.h
Twitter: @JorgeRH2O<https://twitter.com/JorgeRH2O>

Blue Carbon Initiative<http://thebluecarboninitiative.org/>



Jorge Ramos, Ph.D.

Manager, Climate and Oceans

Center for Oceans

Conservation International<http://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx>

2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202, USA

Phone: +1 703-341-2628

Cell: +1 202-517-3637

Skype: jorge.ramos.h

Twitter: @JorgeRH2O<https://twitter.com/JorgeRH2O>


Blue Carbon Initiative<http://thebluecarboninitiative.org/>


[ECOLOG-L] 10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference: New Abstract Deadline and Travel Awards for Young Scholars

2016-03-24 Thread Jorge Ramos
Dear everyone,

The 10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference will be held in
Changshu, China on September 19-24, 2016 (
http://www.intecol-10iwc.com/EN/Index.aspx). Please take note of these
important deadlines and visit their links for more information:

- March 31st, 2016: Abstract submission:

- May 31, 2016: Early bird registration:

- March 31, 2016:  Travel Awards for young scholars and early career
scientists: http://www.intecol-10iwc.com/EN/HelpCenter/HelpInfo.aspx?nid=63

 Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and we sincerely welcome
your participation!

Any questions please contact with: Ms. Yiyi Xiong, mail:

Thank you,

10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference
Organizing Committee
Conference Website: http://www.intecol-10iwc.com/EN/Index.aspx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/INTECOL_Wetland

Jorge Ramos
Ph.D. Candidate
INNGE representative
10th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference:

Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab <http://weel.asu.edu/>
School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University

Jorge's ASU Profile <https://webapp4.asu.edu/directory/person/1544378>
Twitter: @JorgeRH2O
INNGE Website: http://innge.net/
INNGE Twitter @INNGEcologist

[ECOLOG-L] Submit your picture for up to $200 in awards in EcoVision Competition!

2012-06-13 Thread Jorge Ramos
To all ecologists with a camera:

The Student Section is awarding up to $200 in awards for the best picture
and people's choice that relates to the theme of the 97th ESA annual
meeting: "Life on Earth: Preserving, Utilizing, and Sustaining our

Please e-mail your submission (with a short sentence) to Caitlin Bailey
(cbailey2290(at)gmail.com). All ESA members are encouraged to submit

For more information visit the SS webpage:

Submission deadline is July 1, 2012.

Caitlin Bailey
Coordinator of EcoVision Competition
Student Section

[ECOLOG-L] Ride the Train to ESA 2012 in Portland, OR!

2012-05-16 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello ESA 2012 participants,

 The ESA Student Section is happy to announce that one of its members,
Andrew Reinman, will be riding the train from Boston, MA to to Portland, OR
to attend the 2012 ESA annual meeting! He is doing this and inviting others
to do it to help reduce the environmental footprint of the meeting.

 To read more about him, his initiative, and how to meet up with him at a
train station, visit the link in the ESA Student Section website (
http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/457). You can also find his
contact info in the ESA-SS website and on the ESA-SS Facebook page (

 Stay involved and make sure you keep an eye out for Andrew at your nearest
train station!


ESA-SS website: http://www.esa.org/students/section/
ESA-SS facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4239397781/
ESA-SS twitter: @esa_students

Jorge Ramos
PhD Student
Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab
Arizona State University
WEEL website:  <http://weel.asu.edu/>http://weel.asu.edu/

[ECOLOG-L] 2012 ESA Student Section Travel Awards

2012-04-20 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello ECOLOG members,

The Ecological Society of America Student Section is offering many awards
to help participating students with their travel and at the same time
recognize their achievements at the 97th ESA Annual Meeting in
Portland, OR. Please forward this to your ecology related schools and
departments undergraduate and graduate student listservs.

 The many awards include:

- Union of Concerned Scientists <http://www.ucsusa.org/> -
ESA Student Section EcoService Award
- Academic Excellence Award for Young Women in Ecology
- National and International Travel Awards
- Best Undergraduate Presentation Awards
- The Fourth Annual Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Awards
- Eco-Vision Competition, Photography Contest

For more information about these awards please visit our website:

Deadline May 1st, 2012.

Thank you and stay involved!

For more information on the ESA Student Section

ESA-SS website: http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/449
ESA-SS facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4239397781/
ESA-SS twitter: esa_students


Jorge Ramos
PhD Student
Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab
Arizona State University
WEEL website: http://weel.asu.edu/

[ECOLOG-L] 2012 ESA Student Section Awards

2012-03-13 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello ECOLOG members,

 The Ecological Society of America Student Section is offering many awards
to help participating students with their travel and at the same time
recognize their achievements at the 97th ESA Annual Meeting in Portland,
OR. Please forward this to your ecology related schools and departments
undergraduate and graduate student listservs.

 The many awards include:

 Union of Concerned Scientists - ESA Student Section EcoService Award
 Academic Excellence Award for Young Women in Ecology
 National and International Travel Awards
 Best Undergraduate Presentation Awards
 The Fourth Annual Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Awards
 Eco-Vision Competition, Photography Contest

For more information about these awards please visit our website:

Deadline May 1st, 2012.

Thank you and stay involved!

The 2011-2012 ESA Student Section Board

ESA-SS website: http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/449
ESA-SS facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4239397781/
ESA-SS twitter: esa_students

[ECOLOG-L] Help with thick plant parts using a LI-COR leaf chamber

2011-09-28 Thread Jorge Ramos

We are attempting to measure transpiration from wetland plants in one of our
study sites. Some plants are easier than others because the leaves and stems
fit in the LI-COR 6400XT portable photosynthesis system standard 2x3 leaf
chamber. We are having difficulty using this leaf chamber to measure
transpiration from thick stems and leaves of other plants such as,
Schoenoplectus acutus, S. tabernaemontani, S. californicus and Typha
latifolia and T. domingensis. The leaf chamber can not build a good seal
around these thick parts.  We have tried adding extra padding in the leaf
chamber using a packing material sponge and pool noodle foam but we are
afraid there is still some leakage going on affecting our measurements.

Please send us any ideas or suggestions on how to improve our seal when
measuring thick plant parts using a 2x3 leaf chamber.

Thank you,


Jorge Ramos
PhD Student
Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab
Arizona State University
Personal website: http://solsgrads.asu.edu/ecojorgeramos
WEEL website: http://weel.asu.edu

[ECOLOG-L] Student Section Update Sept 2011

2011-09-20 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello Student Section members and non-members,

 Congratulations to all ESA students for their great participation at the
2011 ESA Annual Meeting!  The Student Section has updated its website with
important information: http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/1

 1. Meeting minutes of our ESA-SS Business Meeting
 2. Names of the 2011-2012 ESA SS Officers and Committees
 3. 2011 ESA-SS Awards Recipients

 In the minutes section, you will find several positions that are still in
need of a motivated student. If you are interested in any of these positions
please contact us. The SS Board is specifically looking for a Vice-Chair
that will help the SS Board throughout the year. The most important
component of this position, is that it serves as a training period for the
Vice-Chair officer to become Chair the following academic year. Again, if
you are interested, please contact me.

 If you are not a member of the SS, please join, it is only $5!

 Gracias and stay involved,

ESA - SS Board

Jorge Ramos, Chair
Dayani Pieri, Secretary
Casee Lemons, Treasurer

[ECOLOG-L] Earth Stewardship Survey for Students

2011-07-20 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello Students of the Ecological Society of America,

 I would like to ask you for three minutes to complete a short anonymous
survey regarding the theme of the ESA 2011 conference "Earth Stewardship:
Preserving and enhancing the earth's life-support systems". Specifically, I
would like to learn your opinion concerning the theme and how young
ecologists are currently involved in such activities. The results of this
survey will be presented in the "Revolutionary Ecology: Defining and
Conducting Stewardship and Action as Ecologists and Global Citizens"
symposium scheduled Thursday, August 11, 2011 from 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM.

 Thank you very much. Please help us by filling out this survey by Wednesday
July 27, 2011.

--- Survey link below:



Thanks again,

Jorge Ramos
ESA Student Section Secretary
Arizona State University

To read more about Earth Stewardship, please take a look at these

Mary E Power, and F Stuart Chapin. 2009. Planetary stewardship. Frontiers in
Ecology and the Environment 7: 399–399.
Power, Mary E., and F. Stuart Chapin. 2010. Planetary Stewardship, with an
Introduction from the Editor-in-Chief. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 91:143–175.

[ECOLOG-L] ESA Student Section Awards **Deadline May 31**

2011-05-24 Thread Jorge Ramos
ESA Students:

One more week to apply for more than $3,500.00 in ESA Student Section

**Deadline for all awards is May 31, 2011**

The ESA Student Section (still) has tons of money to support your
participation at ESA 2011 in Austin, Texas!

For applications and details please go to:

   1) Union of Concerned Scientists – ESA-SS EcoService Award ($500.00 cash
- one award)
2) Academic Excellence Award for Young Women in Ecology (ESA Annual
Meeting registration fee $155.00 - one award)
3) ESA SS Travel Awards ($200-500 within US, $300-700 outside US -
several awards)
   4) Best Undergraduate Presentation Awards ($100 cash - two awards)
   5) The Third Annual Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Awards ($75
cash - two awards)
   6) Eco-Vision Competition ($50-150 cash and other prizes - several

**Deadline for all awards is May 31, 2011**

Please also check out the awards for students offered by other sections,
which we have posted on our Web site.

To Faculty - please forward to your students!

ESA Student Section Board

[ECOLOG-L] Apply now for 2011 ESA Student Section Awards!

2011-04-28 Thread Jorge Ramos
To all ESA Students (and the Faculty who help fund them),

The ESA Student Section has tons of money to support your participation at
ESA 2011 in Austin, Texas! If your abstract has been accepted, please apply
for one of the many awards available for students! If you have not submitted
an abstract and are planning to, late-breaking abstracts are due May 12,

Submit latebreaking abstract here:
Get your ca$h (and details) here:

Details about our offered awards (all include cash prizes!)
**Deadlines for all awards May 31, 2011**

1) Union of Concerned Scientists – ESA-SS EcoService Award
   Honors young scientists for their contributions to the discipline of
ecology that have extended beyond the realm of academia.

2) Academic Excellence Award for Young Women in Ecology
   Honors academic excellence demonstrated by an outstanding research
publication and a commitment to increase the visibility of other women

3) ESA-SS Travel Awards
   Supports the attendance of national and international students
presenting their research and in excellent academic standing to the 2010 ESA
annual conference via travel awards.

4) Best Undergraduate Presentation Awards
   Two awards to the best undergraduate student oral presentation and
the best undergraduate student poster presentation.

5) The Third Annual Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Awards
   Honors two students for excellence in research via an outstanding

6) Eco-Vision Competition
   Numerous cash prizes to honor the outstanding visual arts
contributions made by ESA members to ecological science through still
photography and multimedia.

To Faculty - please forward to your students!

ESA Student Section Board

[ECOLOG-L] Young Ecologists in the Review Process: Survey and Workshop Invitation

2011-03-08 Thread Jorge Ramos

The Student Section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA -SS) would
like to collect the opinion of young ecologists (high school through
pre-tenured faculty members) regarding the involvement of young researchers
in the peer-review process of journals. Please complete this one-page survey
before Friday 11, 2011. We would also like to invite all students to
participate in a related workshop where young ecologists will have the
opportunity to interact with 10 Editors-in-Chief from many of the major
journals in Ecology. See below for more information.

Survey link is here:

Reviewing articles is one of the many responsibilities that are expected
from professionals in the field of ecology. Unfortunately many graduate
programs do not cover the basics on the ‘how to’ and the benefits of
reviewing manuscripts. The ESA SS is organizing a workshop at the ESA 2011
annual meeting in Austin, TX titled "*Things they don't teach you in grad
school: peer-review inside-out*" where the attendees will have the chance to
learn first-hand about the peer review process and ask questions of the
Editors-in-Chief of various journals in the field of ecology. In order to
tailor this workshop towards the needs of young ecologists we have created
this very short and anonymous survey. The Student Section will also use the
information gained from this survey to increase the involvement of young
ecologists in the review process.

The following journals are to be represented by their Editors-in-Chief:

Ecology, Ecosphere, ESA Bulletin, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,
Oecologia, TREE, American Naturalist, Journal of Ecology, Ecology Letters
and Ecological Monographs.

Please forward this to other student or early career ecologists.

Many thanks.

ESA Student Section Board

[ECOLOG-L] Travel Award$ for ESA - Austin 2011

2011-02-17 Thread Jorge Ramos
To all ESA Students (and the Faculty who help fund them),

Abstracts for ESA-Austin 2011 are due in two weeks and there is tons of
money available to support your participation!

Submit abstract here: http://esa.org/austin/call_contributed.php

Get your ca$h here: http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/405

To Faculty - please forward to your students!

ESA Student Section Board

[ECOLOG-L] Update from ESA Student Section (Oct 2010)

2010-10-27 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello Students of the Ecological Society of America,

Please read this e-mail, note the announcements, opportunities, deadlines,
and take action.

First of all we would like to thank all of the students for continuing to be
part of the ESA community, contributing their research, mentoring students,
and getting involved in many of the activities not just at the ESA meeting
but also throughout the year. This year, like always, will be full of
exciting activities and opportunities for you all to keep the strong student
momentum going.

This year’s ESA Student Section board members are:

Naupaka Zimmerman, Chair (naupaka at stanford.edu)
Andrea Kuchy, Vice-Chair (alkuchy at hotmail.com)
Jorge Ramos, Secretary (jramos10 at asu.edu)

For a more complete list of officers and section liaisons please visit our
webpage at http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/6

If you are a new officer or liaison, please submit a brief blurb with your
research interests, a description of your officer position, and a photo.
These materials should be sent to naupaka at stanford.edu and novema at


1. Renew your ESA membership ($27) and your ESA Student Section membership
at the same time (only $5!).

2. After you renew or join ESA and the ESA Student Section, please make sure
you subscribe to ECOLOG and The ESA Student Listserv (this is not done
automatically so make sure you join). These two listservs are a great
resource for funding, job opportunities, current discussions and
announcements, and sometimes even entertainment ;-)
   a) ECOLOG https://listserv.umd.edu/archives/ecolog-l.html
   b) ESA Student Listserv (low volume)

3. The ESA Student Section Business Meeting Notes are now available for you
to read in our website.  http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/43

4. The ESA Student Section organizes several activities during the ESA
Annual Meeting. For Austin 2011 we are planning to organize these events and
we would like for ESA SS members to volunteer and help us organizing and
running events that might of your interest. If you cant help us out, please
make sure you attend our events! They are always full of surprises!  Please
e-mail Naupaka (naupaka at stanford.edu) if you would like to help out in
some of these events or are looking to get involved in any other way.
   a. Student orientation
   b. Awards ceremony
   c. Business meeting
   d. Student mixer
   e. Workshops (tentative)
   i. Grant writing
   ii. Introducing graduate students to the peer review system
   iii. Careers inside and outside of academia
   iv. Outreach as scholarship
   v. Public outreach via photography

5. Deadlines to remember. Remember that students can and should submit
proposals and organize workshops, special sessions, and field trips. For
more information go the 2011 Austin ESA Annual Meeting website.

   **December 2, 2010**
   Workshop, special session, and field trip proposals

   **Feb 24, 2011**
   Abstracts for contributed oral and poster abstracts
   Abstracts for symposium, organized oral session, and organized poster

   **May 12, 2011**
   Latebreaking poster abstracts.

6. ESA Student Section Online Resources!
   a. Website: http://www.esa.org/students/section/
   b. Facebook page: “ESA Student Section”
   c. Twitter: ESA_students

7. ESA Student Section Awards Report

Hot off the press!!
Best Undergraduate Presentation Award 2010
   $100 - Caitlin Smith
   $100 - Anne Winters

The winners of the 2009-2010 Awards are the following:

Travel Awards
   $150 - Ajay Sharma
   $200 - Jessica Pratt
   $250 - Christopher Bowman-Prideaux
   $250 - Olga Kildisheva
   $200 - Scott Maclvor
   $250 - Iracenir Andrade Dos Santos
   $350 - Danielle Dixon
   $350 - Ciska Veen

Union of Concerned Scientists and ESA-SS EcoService award
   $300 - Jorge Ramos

Best Undergraduate Presentation Award 2009
   $100 - Haley O'Mara
   $100 - Rachel Brewton

Outstanding Student Research in Ecology Award
   $75 - Kerry Mauck
   $75 - Elise Zipkin
   Honorable mention - Carmody McCalley

Academic Excellence Award for Young Women in Ecology
   $150 - Jacquelyn Gill
   Honorable mention - Jessamyn Manson
   Honorable mention - Ariana Sutton-Grier

Eco-film Festival Award
   1st ($150) - Natalie Melaschenko, Rebecca Martone and Kristine
   "Kelp, why we otter care"
   2nd ($100) - Nancy Adamson
   "Bee Pollinators of Southwest Virginia"
   3rd ($50) - Clark Dehart
   "Topsail turtles"

Eco-film Festival Choice Award
   $100 - Natalie Melasc

Re: [ECOLOG-L] ESA Data Registry for Gulf, your help requested

2010-06-11 Thread Jorge Ramos
Hello all,

Corrected link for data registry system: http://www.esa.org/mdc

ESAStudentSection OilSpill_Response Web Photo Album:


Please contribute with as much information as you have and help us
distribute this message to other colleagues.

Thank you and have a great weekend,


Jorge Ramos
College of the Environment
University of Washington

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Nadine Lymn  wrote:

> The British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
> will impact the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and larger regions of Earth's
> ecosystem in an unprecedented way. The scientific community can contribute
> invaluable information regarding the conditions of affected ecosystems prior
> the spill. This information will be crucial to ongoing and future damage
> assessment, clean up, mitigation and restoration over the coming weeks,
> months, years, and decades.
> The Ecological Society of America has set up a data registry system
> http://www.esa.org/mdc/in which anyone with information about ecological
> or environmental conditions along the coastal ecosystems of the four
> affected states (LA, MS, AL, and FL) ) can upload metadata and help build a
> database documenting ecological states and conditions before the spill. This
> database will be searchable by place and time, taxa or physico-chemical
> variables monitored, ecosystem type, etc. Those scientists contributing
> their metadata and their contact information will agree to share their
> information with scientists and managers on the front line of assessment,
> mitigation, or restoration efforts.  ESA graduate student leaders Jorge
> Ramos and Rob Salguero-Gomez will follow up with the contact person for more
> information, if needed.
> Please help us by submitting your information and notifying colleagues
> about this effort. If you would like to submit photographs, please upload
> them to the ESAStudentSection picasa photo account (
> http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/view?q=ESAStudentSection&psc=G&filter=1#5478442790476145826
> ).
> Link to data registry website: http://www.esa.org/mdc/
> For more information please contact:
> Jorge Ramos and Rob Salguero-Gomez at esastudentsect...@gmail.com or
> Nadine Lymn (nad...@esa.org)
> ESA is grateful to the following individuals who made this initiative
> possible:  Rob Salguero-Gomez (Chair, ESA Student Section), Jorge Ramos
> (Leader, ESA SEEDS Network), Zaw Aung, ESA Webmaster, and Mark Stromberg and
> the UC Natural Reserve System, which provided ESA with a database template
> for this effort.
> Nadine Lymn
> Director of Public Affairs
> Ecological Society of America
> 1990 M Street, NW
> Suite 700
> Washington DC  20036
> 202.833.8773 ext. 205
> 202.833.8775 Fax
>  Please consider the environment before printing this email. Thank you.

Re: [ECOLOG-L] 1/26 N.Y. Times Editorial on Wild Turtle Trade,

2009-01-26 Thread Jorge Ramos
Amphibians have been experiencing a similar situation. A couple of days ago
there was a news report by the BBC about a study coming out in Conservation
Biology by Corey Bradshaw and others. The numbers are alarming and the
images and their captions are interesting.

Thanks Andrea for the heads up to this link:
uk <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7845306.stm>
stm <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7845306.stm>


Jorge Ramos
Graduate Student
College of Forest Resources
University of Washington
Box 352100
Seattle, WA 98195

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:53 AM, asalzb...@herpdigest.org <
asalzb...@herpdigest.org> wrote:

> Eating the Wild
> Published on-line January 25, 2009
> Printed in January 26, 2009 edition
> In America, there are foragers among us, out searching for morels in
> the spring, and there are hunters too. Yet most of our food, except
> for fish caught from the sea, is farmed. We do not trap songbirds for
> savory pies. (We destroy too many of them through other means.)
> Once you look beyond the parochial culinary habits of most Americans
> you discover that wildness, and the tastes associated with it, have a
> talismanic power that is very hard to eradicate. It is what keeps the
> Japanese whaling and keeps some Africans eating bush meat. And it is
> one of the things that helps explain the voracious and utterly
> destructive Chinese appetite for turtles.
> As global wealth rises, so does global consumption of meat, which
> includes wild meat. Turtle meat used to be a rare delicacy in the
> Asian diet, but no longer. China, along with Hong Kong and Taiwan, has
> vacuumed the wild turtles out of most of Southeast Asia. Now,
> according to a recent report in The Los Angeles Times, they are
> consuming common soft-shell turtles from the American Southeast,
> especially Florida, at an alarming rate.
> Some scientists estimate that two-thirds of the tortoise and
> freshwater turtle species on the planet are seriously threatened. Some
> of that is secondhand damage — loss of habitat, water pollution,
> climate change. But far too many turtles are being lost to the fork
> and the spoon.
> In the United States, the solution is relatively straightforward.
> States should impose much tighter restrictions on the harvesting and
> export of wild turtles. Internationally, the problem is more
> complicated. There have been efforts to monitor the species of wild
> turtles found in Chinese markets, but as long as the appetite for
> turtles — and traditional medicines derived from them — persists, we
> fear it will be hard to curtail such a profitable and disastrous trade.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/26/opinion/26mon4.html?_r=1
> Allen Salzberg
> HerpDigest.org: The Only Free Weekly E-Zine That Reports on
> The Latest News on Herpetological Conservation and Science
> www.HerpDigest.org
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