[Elecraft] FS - KPA 100 Kit

2008-12-07 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Bought new from Elecraft at Dayton two years ago and the box has never been 
unsealed.  My original requirement for this component never materialized; 
item now surplus.  $325 USD PLUS shipping anywhere.  Reply off-line plse.

   Gary, VE1RGB

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-28 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

- Original Message - 

To: "Gary Bartlett VE1RGB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

(Snip) But the point I want to make is that if this is a change for you, 
you will get used to it. It is not something that will always be a 
problem. There is a finite amount of work that Wayne and Lyle can do in a 
finite time. I would much rather have them spend their time on issues that 
will always be problems (until they are fixed) (snip).

   Hi, Vic:

   Just to be clear, my observation was neither a complaint nor a request 
for a change.  I've already grown used to the way the radio works in respect 
to adjusting filter width.  I was more interested in speculating (out loud) 
as to why many of us are so instintively inclined to want to turn the 
control in a direction that, on this radio, is the wrong way.  What in our 
individual backgrounds has conditioned some of our brains to want us to take 
a knob and turn it in the up/louder/bigger direction expecting a 
small/narrower result?

   Now back to watching the Simpsons.

   Gary, VE1RGB

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Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-28 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
   I have been noting with great interest the comments about which way to 
rotate the WIDTH control to narrow the filters.  Logic may tell you that 
clockwise should be wider, but some other instinctive force greater than 
that always wants me to turn it clockwise to go narrow.  Everyone up here 
who uses my K3 says the same thing.

   At first I thought this was maybe just a Canuck thing and I was too 
embarrassed to speak about it.  Then I wondered if it was my advancing age, 
and I didn't want to talk about that either.  Today, however, I am comforted 
to know that I/we are not alone.

   Now if Wayne would only reprogram the rig so that VOX would default to 
OFF on shut-down, I wouldn't have to concern myself about trying to remember 
to turn VOX off myself so that the rig does not actually transmit during the 
booting of the attached computer and again when the logging program starts 
on next turn-on of the rig.

   Gary, VE1RGB, K3 #095

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?

only one I had trouble with was the WIDTH control. For some reason I
kept expecting the filter b/w to become narrower as I turned it

Same here. That's the only knob that I consistently turn the wrong way.

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[Elecraft] K3 Circuit Board Traces

2008-06-21 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
   Here's a question for experienced ex-K2 types who have done 
Elecraft-approved mods involving replacement of SMTs on the main circuit 
board of the K3:

   Can I expect working with the K3 boards to be similar to working with 
the K2 circuit boards so far as lifting or damage to traces are concerned? 
Or are the traces smaller/lighter/thinner/more fragile on the K3 than on the 
K2 and accordingly require much greater caution?

   I've watched a good training video for working with SMTs but my concern 
is with the board and not with the process.  Even after nearly 48 years of 
kit-building including two all-up K2/100s, I'm still intimidated by the 
thought of those danged SMTs and can't decide whether or not I want to take 
'em on.

   Gary, VE1RGB

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Re: [Elecraft] re K3 shut down due to static

2008-04-16 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
   Thanks for that one, Fern.  I have the same problem with static 
discharges on #095 and I was going to try the same fix.  I'm glad to 
know that it will work.  Elecraft is aware of this problem, by the way, 
and in fact I think even Wayne was involved.  There must be paint on the 
inside of the front panel in the area of the VFO A shaft on your rig and 
mine,  but I''m certainly not going to try to take mine apart to verify 
my theory!

   It took me more than a day to determine just why my rig would shut 
done for no apparent reason, but it turns out that plastic wheels on a 
plastic floor covering on a dry day in winter is a powerful source of 
unwanted energy, at least to a K3.

   I don't have much else going on at the moment to fret about, so I 
think I'll now worry for a while about what potential long-term damage I 
may have done to some critical chip buried in the bowels on the radio as 
the result of repeated electro-static shocks of sufficient consequence 
as to shut the radio down. Or, maybe not. ;-)

   Gary, VE1RGB

Fern Rivard wrote:

A while back, I had a problem where sometimes my K3 would shut down and 
immediately power back on when I would attempt to touch the main vfo knob. I 
had installed the encoder properly by inserting a star type of washer on both 
sides of the front panel to provide a good ground. However, I suspected that it 
was likely a poor  ground of the VFO A encoder but I didn't really want to 
remove the front panel from the rig (to do the ground on the back side of the 
front panel) as I had quite a time to install the front panel on there to start 
with. So, I removed the PTO A knob, nut and washers and carefully removed just 
enough paint around the hole where the encoder was mounted so that the star 
type of washer would bite into bare metal to ascertain that I had a good ground 
but being very careful as to not scratch the front panel so it would be good 
idea to use a bit of masking tape just in case one slips.
Now, I haven't a problem since so I suspect that this is what the problem 
was with a poor or none existent ground to the A PTO encoder. Jus thought that 
I'd pass this one just in case somebody else experiences the same problem. Now 
what I would do if putting a new K3 together is to remove enough paint on the 
back side of the front panel around the holes of both the A PTO and B PTO 
encoders (I never did have the problem when touch the B encoder).
Cheers from Fern   VE7GZ

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: UPS Rates - Editorial Comment

2008-03-31 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Let's all hope that the Elecraft Order Page is wrong re shipping costs 
for the CW Mod Kit:

 USPS to Canada for Priority is $20 and for Express is close to 
$30, the only options we have.

   I've asked Elecraft to hold this item and ship it with the KRX3 when 
it hits the street. 

Gary, VE1RGB

Bob wrote:
You would be hard pressed to beat the USPS today.  The Priority Mail 
flat rate
service is the way to go. 

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 CW rise time mod - Definition

2008-03-30 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
   My questions about rise times, etc, was really really intended to 
help me make a decision as to whether or not I wanted to incorporate the 
modification that started this discussion off.  Your comments in the 
last paragraph make all kinds of sense and so off to the Elecraft Order 
Page I go.  Thanks, Ron.

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Wayne plans to offer the ability to change the keying characteristic with a menu
setting. If so, the values he provides will assume all K3s have the same
hardware characteristics. If you don't have the recommended value for C222,
the results you get with various menu settings might be quite different than

Ron AC7AC 


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 CW rise time mod - Definition

2008-03-30 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Terms such as "tightening up key shaping" and "soft keying" and "hard 
keying" are neither used nor defined in the latest issue of the 
Handbook.  Worse, the latest handbook Figure 9.8 states that on-off 
transitions of the RF envelope should follow  a sine-wave curve, so I 
don't quite know what to make of "DSP-generated raised-cosine key 
shaping."  As to Goodman and Garmmer, I wouldn't be able to identify 
what is accurate and should be believed and what is inaccurate and 
should be ignored,  so I don't think I'll go looking for those 
references.  And no, Paul, I'm not trying to be a smart-ass here.  I'm 
just a simpleton trying to decode the language used by people who know 
about such things.

   Pointing me to the Handbook -- which I should have had sense enough 
to do on my own -- did help in that it reminded me that key clicks and 
bandwidth are the issues associated with rise times and curve shapes, 
which is what I was really looking for, and Figure 9.9, if I study it 
long enough, may point me to a decision as to whether or not I want to 
modify ole #95.Either that, or wait for Al, VE1AWP, up the street 
with his FT1000 to complain about my signal when we both try to contest 
on the same band at the same time!

   Great radio and lots of good people around to help us understand 
it.  Thanks, Paul.

   Gary, VE1RGB


Paul Christensen wrote:
   I would like to see someone please take this discussion one step 
further and define the terms "hard" keying and "soft" keying, and 
describe how either an operator or someone listening would be able to 
discriminate between the two.

Gary, this topic has been covered in great detail in nearly every ARRL 
Handbook for at least the last fifty years -- as well as other 
publications. Some of the most relevant material is covered in 
articles during the '40s and '50s by By Goodman and George Garmmer. 
Not all of the material pertaining to "optimum key-shaping" is 
accurate, but otherwise, the content is still accurate.

Many of us do not like to be held hostage to one rise/fall setting as 
a "one size fits all" answer to our operating practices. With 
DSP-generated raised-cosine key shaping, it's now possible to tighten 
up key shaping at high CW speeds without appreciably consuming 
additional bandwidth.

Paul, W9AC

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[Elecraft] K3 CW rise time mod - Definition

2008-03-30 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
   I would like to see someone please take this discussion one step 
further and define the terms "hard" keying and "soft" keying, and 
describe how either an operator or someone listening would be able to 
discriminate between the two.  My rig is #095 and I frequently contest 
in the 30-34 WPM range.  How would I know if I'm guilty, if guilty is 
the right word,  of "soft" keying?!  Is this an issue only for those who 
are keying external amplifiers?

Gary, VE1RGB


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Re: [Elecraft] Securing PowerPoles

2008-03-05 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
   A small drop of hot-melt glue at the hole works well too, and peels 
off if one has to disassemble.

Gary, VE1RGB

Neal Enault wrote:

Being inherently cheap, I try to avoid buying commercial solutions.
  Mated PowerPole connectors can be secured by passing a skinny tie wrap, or a piece of hookup wire through the holes that are created when two "blocks" are dovetailed together.  It's a little awkward to describe this technically, because in aerospace parlance, a mated connector consists of two connector halves.  I'm not sure how to describe PowerPoles when each connector half consists of two pieces.  hi hi
  When terminating small gauge wires in PowerPoles, strain relief is always a concern.  Simply pass a piece of hookup wire through the "hole" and take both ends back alongside the wires entering the PowerPoles.  Add a few turns of electrical tape and secure with a tie wrap. 
  72, Neal WA6OCP

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Re: [Elecraft] K3/100 #137 has arrived in Toronto Canada

2007-12-22 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

Hi, Tony:

   Congrats on your new rig!  You will be very pleased, I am sure.

   For the record, I think the marking of Elecraft boxes for shipment to 
Canada has been sorted out.  The same thing happened to me and I followed up 
with Lisa after I got mine out of Canada Customs.  The most recent package I 
got from Aptos did have the requisite "Amateur Radio" text on there, and no 
problem this time.  Elecraft is aware of the problem and has fixed it, best 
I can tell.

   Gary, VE1RGB

- Original Message - 
From: "Tony Fegan VE3QF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cc: "Lisa Jones - Elecraft Sales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:33 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3/100 #137 has arrived in Toronto Canada

Factory assembled K3/100 was ordered 1 May 2007.
Received 21 Dec in Toronto Canada.

   It was shipped 19 Dec by "UPS Worldwide Express" and was held up in 
customs for a few hours and thus missed its scheduled delivery (20 Dec). 
It seems that this customs officer had assumed that " "VE3QF" was a 
business and that there should be some duty charged.
I explained to UPS (the broker) that it was a shipment to a private 
person and the contents consisted of "Amateur radio equipment". I also 
quoted a customs tariff number (8527.39.10.00). That may be an old number 
but in the end the K3 was cleared. I did not see any reference to "Amateur 
radio equipment" or any customs declaration form on the box. This could 
have been removed by customs but usually a copy is kept with the shipment. 
I unfortunately don't have much experience with customs clearance.

   I would suggest that the call-sign be put after the name and not on a 
separate line. For Canada the key words are "Amateur radio equipment". 
This means duty free.

   The radio was double boxed and arrived in perfect condition. First 
impression is very positive and definitely worth the wait. I had good 
reports on our 10M net.

   My thanks to the Elecraft team. Merry Christmas and a successful New 

   Tony Fegan VE3QF

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[Elecraft] K3 and DX4WIN Rig Keying Procedure

2007-12-19 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

   If you are like me and think that the only difference between COMM Port
and, say,  Ripple, is that the former product is marketed to a better class
of drunk, then you probably need some hand-holding when getting logging
programs to perform the function of keying rigs in some predictable,
repeatable fashion.

   With that standard in mind, here's one way of getting DX4WIN V7.03.16
to work with the K3 with the FW as of this date, at least on my ACER Aspire
3500 Laptop, for anyone who is thinking of running that program.  No doubt
better procedures exist but they didn't surface when I did an enquiry on
here a couple of weeks ago.  Lots of smarts on N1MM, though.

   Use it at your own risk, but I don't think you can hurt anything.



   Gary, VE1RGB

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[Elecraft] Fw: VE1RGB Re: Lost K#/100 TX with latest FW!!!

2007-12-13 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Here is some useful info if you should see  ERR TXF show up after you 
download 1.48/1.45.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Surrency" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Gary Bartlett VE1RGB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: VE1RGB Re: Lost TX with latest FW!!!

Hi Gary,

Just go back into the filter menus and be sure everything is set to the 
correct filter. See pages 43-44. The last f/w upgrade set defaults for the 
filters which may not agree with how you have installed the filters in 
your K3.

Be sure and do all modes for FLTX to a filter such as 2.7 or 2.8kHz - 
whichever one your K3 has.

You might want to redo the TX gain calibration again too, on pages 46- 47 
of the K3 Owner's manual.

If not done, also do the REF CAL setup, using Method #2 as Method #3 is 
not implement yet if you have the 1ppm TXCO.

Hope this gets it going! :-)

73, Gary AB7MY
Elecraft Technical Support

Gary Bartlett VE1RGB wrote:
I have just downloaded 1.48/1.45 and every attempt to transmit CW on any 
band leads to ERR TXF.  >>


   Gary, VE1RGB 

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Re: [Elecraft] On a more technical note.....

2007-12-07 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
- Original Message - 

Are there any add ons that would be better ordered with a radio at the 
time of initial construction?


   Order the PA with the rig if you can.  It requires the installation of a 
metal shield that, to retrofit, requires a bit of disassembly.  As the Ref C 
instructions are currently written, allowance is made for you to put that 
shield in on the first go-around (although you do not install the 100W amp 
at that time) and that will save you a bunch of work later.

   #095 is a dream and worth every minute of the wait.

   Gary, VE1RGB
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Re: [Elecraft] K3/100 + DX4WIN & N1MM

2007-12-04 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Thanks Don -- and all others.  I got a metric tonne of answers to my 
question, direct and on the Reflector, and it is very gratifying to see that 
the spirit of helpful support from the Elecraft community is still very much 
alive and well!

Regarding DX4WIN, just for the info of others who may be interested, my 
recollection is that the K2 had been on an earlier version of that software 
but it seems to have disappeared from Version 7.03.16.  However, as noted 
here earlier, if one selects the  Kenwood TS-850 from the Radio Type menu, 
it runs fine at 9600 baud.  Maybe at other speeds too; I've yet to try them.

   As for N1MM, I will likely enable rig keying but generally I don't use 
it for fear that I will grow to like it too much and thereafter lose my 
fist.  Rig control will be my priority for contesting software.

   Gary, VE1RGB

- Original Message - 
From: "Don Nesbitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Vic K2VCO'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Gary Bartlett VE1RGB'" 

Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 5:35 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K3/100 + DX4WIN & N1MM

You know Gary, I have not done a very good job of covered all the bases 

- sorry 'bout that!

In order to avoid the scenario that I painted below, you could take a 

of steps.

For instance, in N1MM config, don't set RTS=PTT instead set RTS=Always 

and at the same time, don't put a check in the "Radio PTT via Command"
block.  Then, the N1MM function keys will not cause the K3 to generate RF 

the air UNLESS you have selected VOX on the K3 itself.  The function keys
will key the K3 so you can hear your messages but no RF will go out.

If you've selected VOX on the K3, then the function keys will happily key 

to the ether and so will your paddle - embarrassing moment saved!

Or, you could set the K3 Config menu item PTT_KEY to OFF-dtr and then RF
would only go out if the K3 VOX was not set unless the N1MM Config was set
so that the "Radio PTT via Command" box was checked.

Nuff said!  You get the idea and I'll bet there are a lot of folks reading
this that are saying "enough already" or worse!  More info off list if
needed.  73 -- Don

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Nesbitt

Yep - this is true - not only that, but be aware if you are using DTR/RTS 
send code from N1MM (I presume other software as well) that even if you 

NOT turned VOX to the ON position on the K3, the DTR/RTS keying in
conjunction with ENABLING the PTT control in N1MM Config, will put your RF
into the ether when N1MM Function keys are used!  Nice - but - read on:

Then, when you reach for your paddle to send a correction nothing will 

it to the air UNLESS you have enabled VOX on the K3!  You will wonder why
the other station keeps asking and finally gives up!  Been there, done 

and have the T-shirt!  73 -- Don

Don Nesbitt wrote:

Set:  4800, N, 8, 1, DTR = CW, RTS = PTT, Radio/VFO nr =1, Radio PTT 


30, Radio PTT via command block checked

If you decide to use DTR/RTS, be aware that your computer may raise
these lines during bootup. So if you are in CW mode when you boot your
computer, you may unexpectedly transmit a dash or two.

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[Elecraft] K3 & DX4WIN

2007-12-04 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
OK, here's the DX4WIN answer (and thanks to Vic, K2VCO, for alerting me to 
the K3 Config setting for baud rate.  The radio is so new to me that I 
didn't know about that menu option):

   For DX4WIN, select Kenwood TS-850-9 (Kenwood + S meter) and match baud 
rates on the rig and in the logging program.  9600 works.

   Gosh, this is exciting (doesn't take much, in my case)

   Gary, VE1RGB 

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[Elecraft] K3/100 + DX4WIN & N1MM

2007-12-04 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
All functions of K3/100 #095 work flawlessly (within the rig's current 
limitations) and the radio now communicates with a laptop for FW updates. 
Now for rig control.

Has anyone out there made their K3 work with DX4WIN and/or N1MM that could 
either provide the setup parameters, or at least point me in the direction 
to find same?  If no answer here, then I'll go to the logging programs 

   Gary, VE1RGB 

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Fw: [Elecraft] KPA3 100 Watt PA - Spade Lug Crimping

2007-12-03 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Bartlett VE1RGB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA3 100 Watt PA - Spade Lug Crimping

I just finished soldering that lug on and that cured my problem.  Of course 
one has to solder the Anderson power pole connector lugs too, so I suppose 
technically, it isn't a no-solder kit on those grounds alone (minor 
technicality!). What a wonderful piece of work, though, this K3/100.  Just 
listening to the purity of the sidetone during the TX gain calibration 
process is music to my ears, so to speak.

Now on to see if I can master the firmware download and upgrade process. 
Forecast here today is for 30 CM of snow, so it's good I have something 
interesting to do inside.

   Gary, VE1RGB

- Original Message - 

To: "Gary Bartlett VE1RGB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA3 100 Watt PA - Spade Lug Crimping

Ah, so , it isn't a NO SOLDER KIT after all :-)

Walt K8CV Royal Oak, MI.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Bartlett VE1RGB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 4:53 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] KPA3 100 Watt PA - Spade Lug Crimping

A caution for K3/100 kit builders:  The female spade lug fell off one of 
the gray wires coming from the main PA board on my KPA3 100-watt 
amplifier module because of what appears to have been an inadequate 
crimp.  Suggest you check for a physically good termination on those two 
wires before you install that module.

The symptoms were an occasional 12V ERR warning and the inability to 
select any power above 12 watts even with the PA enabled.  When I opened 
up the transceiver to inspect it, the wire was detached from the lug. I 
haven't repaired it yet, but I suspect the 100W PA will work when I do.

This has been reported to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gary, VE1RGB ___
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[Elecraft] KPA3 100 Watt PA - Spade Lug Crimping

2007-12-03 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
A caution for K3/100 kit builders:  The female spade lug fell off one of the 
gray wires coming from the main PA board on my KPA3 100-watt amplifier 
module because of what appears to have been an inadequate crimp.  Suggest 
you check for a physically good termination on those two wires before you 
install that module.

The symptoms were an occasional 12V ERR warning and the inability to select 
any power above 12 watts even with the PA enabled.  When I opened up the 
transceiver to inspect it, the wire was detached from the lug. I haven't 
repaired it yet, but I suspect the 100W PA will work when I do.

This has been reported to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gary, VE1RGB 

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Fw: [Elecraft] Elecraft K3 Support on the Weekends?

2007-12-02 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Bartlett VE1RGB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "David Ferrington, M0XDF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K3 Support on the Weekends?

Sorry to add to the confusion, but #095 was ordered as a K3/100, and it 
did come with the PA jumper block installed.  Looks like we have some 
program start-up configuration issues.

   Gary, VE1RGB

- Original Message - 
From: "David Ferrington, M0XDF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K3 Support on the Weekends?

Sorry, I should have replied earlier on this - I think I remember Ron 
assembly manuals) or someone else from Elecraft saying that the jumper 

not be included in the kit if you ordered a K3/100.

On 1/12/07 21:00, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

My RF board is missing the PA Jumper Block.  Any other K3 builders
have this problem?  Is it safe to proceed with assembly?

Not all those that wander are lost. -J.R.R. Tolkien, novelist and
philologist (1892-1973)

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Display LCD - Cover?

2007-12-01 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

Tnx, Joe.  I seem to remember from my K2s that there was such a film, but
looking under a magnifying glass it the K3 LCD, I see no evidence of any
protective material.  And of course the absence of any instructions to that
effect should be a clue!

   Only problem I have encountered so far was inserting the chassis ground
thumbscrew through the back panel into the mating connector on the RF board.
I had to loosen the rear lower screw on the left -hand side panel
temporarily to get that thumbwheel in without cross-threading, and even at
that it's a very tight fit when you re-do the side panel screw.  The
suggestion to use that technique was removed from the instructions by Errata
B8 of Rev B1 of the Assembly Manual, and I have sent a note to Elecraft
suggesting they put it back in.  Cross-threading of the chassis ground screw
in the RF board would seem to be rather bad news and to be avoided.

   Gary, VE1RGB

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[Elecraft] K3 Display LCD - Cover?

2007-12-01 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Can someone who has assembled their K3 please tell me if there is some sort 
of protective film over the LCD display that is supposed to be peeled off 
before installation?  I see nothing in the instructions and I'm reluctant to 
start prying around.

   Gary, VE1RGB

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[Elecraft] Your K3 and Canada Customs

2007-11-29 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Just to ease the minds of others up here in the land of ice and snow, and to 
save unnecessary traffic with Elecraft, I have exchanged a number of emails 
with Lisa on our collective behalves regarding the proper completion of 
their Customs Declaration Form such that it should preclude any further 
experiences such as mine.  Namely, the dreaded Form B4 and the threat to 
throw the radio out in 30 days if you don't fill it in.

Canada Customs may still open the box and inspect the contents I guess, but 
I do not believe they will assume in the future that it is commercial and 
unnecessarily delay its shipping progress.  I think all will now be well.

   Gary, VE1RGB 

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[Elecraft] K3/100 #095 Kit

2007-11-28 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Kit K3/100 #095 is now here in Halifax, for those who are tracking this kind 
of info.  Almost certainly the first in NS, maybe in all of the Maritime 
Provinces.  This is a fully-loaded unit (second RX to come) that was ordered 
on 30 Apr, shipped from Elecraft circa 20 November, then captured and held 
for ransom by Canada Border Services Agency (not Elecraft's fault) who 
thought I  was some kind of commercial outfit and sent me the most 
intimidating and difficult-to-read piece of paper [Form B3-(04) - two 
copies, please] that I can remember in all my 63 years.  That cost me a week 
or so delay while I sorted out the bureaucracy.

Now, with trembling hands, on to the kit inventory...

   Gary, VE1RGB 

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Tracking

2007-11-16 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

   Same here, for the next invoice in sequence #47445.

   Gary, VE1RGB

- Original Message - 
From: "Corboy-Poteet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] [K3] Tracking

For whatever it's worth, I received an email from Elecraft on
Wednesday asking me to verify my K3 order.  The email stated that the
unit would ship in 7 to 10 days.  My K3 order was for a kit version,
order placed on 30 April, half pay, Invoice 47444.

Mike  W5FTD

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2007-10-15 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

Well done, Kevin!  Congrats from QNI #1.

   Gary, VE1RGB, K2/100 #2519 (& K2/100 #3223 & K3/100 # TBD)

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Polityka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: ".Elecraft" 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Rock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Ron,
   QNI #4000!  I never thought it would last this long. Until next week 


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[Elecraft] N1MM/AGC Pumping

2005-11-22 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB

Hi, folks:

   I believe this has been pointed out before, but just for the record, I 
too am experiencing AGC pumping with my K2/100 when running N1MM contest 
logging software.  It's not a problem with the DX4WIN general logging 
program. When conditions are busy, it's not noticeable.  Late at night, 
however, when the bands are relatively quiet, it becomes quite evident.  A 
fix for it would be nice, but I rate it as a minor nuisance rather than a 

   My K2/100 is integrated with those two programs and a new laptop, 
without serial ports, using a K1EL WinKey and serial-to-USB adapters (the 
latter being a whole 'nuther story unto themselves). Sounds simple doesn't 
it, but it has taken me two months and the assistance of half the amateur 
radio population of NA to deal with the issues that I confronted when I 
tried to venture into this area of technology which was entirely new to me.

   Gary, VE1RGB

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[Elecraft] K2/100 Integration with Computer

2005-09-11 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Hi, folks:

I've finally decided to hook up my two K2s to a Laptop running N1MM contest 
logging software.  The laptop is new, I'm not yet very familiar with N1MM, nor 
am I exactly sure how one interconnects the rig to the computer.  Is there 
anyone out there who has done that who could contact me off-line and be 
prepared to do some hand-holding while I go through the process?

Gary, VE1RGB
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] New Award ?????

2005-01-21 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
Throw in the Canadian Provinces, and you get WEARIAS CANUCKUS, which is how 
we all feel up here after digging out from yet another snow storm.

   Gary, VE1RGB
   K2 #2519 & #3223 under two feet of snow

- Original Message - 
From: "Fred Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] New Award ?

WAERIAS, pronounced "WEAR-ee-ass"  (Acronyms at NASA had to be
pronouncable, and generally typable with the fingers of one hand --
while the other hand held down the shift key)

Worked All Elecraft Rigs In All States.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Larry Makoski W2LJ wrote:

Looks like we're going to have to come up with a new award category 

Yesterday, I got a letter from Arnold KØZK who holds Century Club Award
#2 and Worked All States Award #6.  Arnold's been busy and at it again!
This time he has worked all 50 states; but this time, all the ops he
worked were fellow Elecrafters !!!

Hmm . I'm going to have to think about this.  Maybe we'll call
it Elecraft² W.A.S.  (Arnold's suggestion)

Whatever we call it, KØZK will have certificate #1.

Anyone have any creative ideas as to what we should call this "new" award 

73 de Larry W2LJ
Your humble Elecraft awards admin guy

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[Elecraft] K3

2004-11-11 Thread Gary Bartlett VE1RGB
I have a K3 on order.  Made by Logikey.

Gary, VE1RGB
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