Re: sores in the mouth

2005-09-10 Thread PEC2851

I'm glad to hear that the little one's seem to be improving
It's just so weird that calici virus almost ALWAYS shows up AFTER 
And, I understand what you are saying about steroids. I know there are 
times when they can be very beneficial.
My friend's husband has MS and my sister-in-law has Crohn's and both NEED 
to take the steroids. So, I am sorry if you misunderstood what I was 
Basically, I personally prefer NOT to use them when there ARE alternative 
therapies available.
I am very much into holistic/homeopathic medicine both for my furkids and 
(Especially since I was incorrectly diagnosed as "diabetic", when actually 
it was a whole other problem.)
Also have been having problems myself w/ hypotension and allopathic Dr's 
BELIEVED it HAD to be a glandular problem.
Well, after insisting on an MRI, we found out that I have a major problem 
with the arteries on the left side of my brain..
Three years of going thru BS, so now I'm on a complete holistic regiment, 
(trying to avoid surgery...all  can think of is Jack Nicholason in "One 
Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", when they did that lobotomy on him!!!)
I am SO sorry to hear about all your losses Sometimes it just doesn't 
seem fair at all.
And lately, it seems as though almost all on list have suffered the loss of 
a beloved baby
I wish you the best of luck, and will continue to pray for your babies, 
along w/ all the others on list doing poorly now,

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Belinda Sauro

  I see your message.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: [NMHP] One cat at the bottom of the totem pole

2005-09-10 Thread maimaipg

I am a big believer in the spray version of Feliway.  
I don't particularly like the plug in version.  That, coupled with catnip 
(fresh or organic dried) might help.  Have you tried sitting down with your 
little ones and explaining exactly what happened to Simon.  They may not 
understand.  It is difficult to put such into words, particularly when you 
may be telling them of their own futures, but they really need to know what 
happened, why it happened, that it may happen with them but that you will be 
there and listen to them and let them guide you in your decision making process 
and, most importantly, that you will always be there for them and the Simon is 
there for them if they will just be open and let his heart talk to their 
hearts.  They may be feeling lost because they have no information.  
It is extremely painful to explain this so have a box of tissues close but don't 
be afraid to let them see tears.  I found out three years after Allie died 
that Mai Mai didn't really understand.and I brought Mai Mai with me when I 
buried Allie, let her see and be with Allie's body for a while.I thought I 
did everything right but obviously I left something out.  You might try the 
Bach remedies--willow for grief comes to mind--in their water bowl.  Maybe 
a combination of all of this and what others suggest will 
help.   They are very confused.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:20 
  Subject: Fwd: [NMHP] One cat at the 
  bottom of the totem pole
  Hi. I am 
  trying to clear out my email box, saw this, and thought it might help some of 
  you with multi-cat stress problems (cat stress, not your stress! though 
  decreasing their stress helps decrease ours, of course).  I would try the 
  hidden treat thing if Lucy was not on a special bladder stone diet that 
  prohibits treats at the moment. I may try it in the future. My three remaining 
  positives fight constantly ever since Simon died.  Ginger loved him, Lucy 
  liked him, and Patches hit him when she needed to hit someone and he ran away 
  rather than hit her back. Now they all just bicker all the time, and sometimes 
  worse. Michelle 

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Barb Moermond
what a wonderful story and I can sure tell why you
miss him!  You were both fortunate that he found you!

--- maimaipg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just for the record, they considered me their
> witchat least Ebony did.
> All black cats need a good witch.  He came to live
> with me when he was 3 +
> years old (no way of really telling).  Blood and pus
> ran down my legs from
> the wounds he had.  I got him fixed up and, for some
> unknown reason, he
> refused to move on.  I didn't like cats.  I didn't
> want a cat.  I
> particularly did not want a wild cat that no one
> could handle and he was
> very wild.  In fact he hissed at me for over a year
> if I came within 5 feet
> of him.  However, I could never let an animal go
> without medical attention
> or food so I was stuck.  I learned later that he
> picked the only house in
> the neighborhood with central air.   He discovered I
> was a witch when he saw
> me open a can of cat food then confirmed his belief
> when he discovered what
> was in the gigantic white box in the
> kitchen--all sorts of good food.
> The first time he saw me open a can he up his hands
> on the handle to the
> oven and stretched his neck to the point I thought
> it would break (hence the
> name  E T Katt.  Of course E T had to stand for
> something and what better
> than Ebony Thomas Katt).  He also pronounced me the
> world's greatest hunter
> when I fixed turkey breasts for him.  If that was
> the size of the sparrow's
> breast, he didn't really care to see the sparrow. 
> He just left that up to
> his humble servant.  If he wanted it, he got it.  He
> trained my two dogs,
> Mai Mai, at 60 lbs, and Allie Beagle, at 30 lbs, to
> stay on one half of the
> bench seat in a Jeep while he occupied the entire
> other half.  Ebony died 16
> years later, on New Year's Eve night, in my arms.
> This is just to set the record straight.  Ebony
> would tell you his Mom was a
> beautiful cat that taught him how to hunt and
> survive in the alleys of a
> city where people shot at cats and beat them with
> brooms and where they live
> 2-3 years if they are lucky.  She certainly was not
> some strange looking 2
> legged thing that didn't have beautiful fur and
> looked a lot like his
> tormentors.
> If you missed it, which is highly unlikely, I grew
> to adore this loving
> spirit. He left almost 7 years ago but he has never
> really left.  He just
> changed forms.  I am extremely grateful for the
> lessons he taught me then
> and the ones I am still learning from him.  MiTu was
> his little queen and a
> truly gentle soul.   I miss her too.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:35 AM
> Subject: Re: laser toy
> > That's hilarious too! What a wonderful image--2
> kits sitting on a stool in
> > front of the TV waiting for mom to switch it on!
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "maimaipg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 3:29 PM
> > Subject: Re: laser toy
> >
> >
> > > Ebony and MiTu would sit on the stool in front
> of the TV when they
> wanted
> > me
> > > to play the video for them.  Ebony would wake me
> up, make sure I was
> awake
> > > then sit on the stool so I understood exactly
> what he wanted.  They
> loved
> > > the video and couldn't get enough.  I just had
> to make sure there was
> > > nothing breakable on top of the TV.
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N."
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 12:26 PM
> > > Subject: laser toy
> > >
> > >
> > > > Glad someone mentioned the laser toy--I do use
> it occasionally because
> > > > it's the one thing that never fails to get my
> 2 quarantined cats
> moving.
> > > > But the reason I only use it occasionally is
> that I worry about the
> > > > frustration element-they think there's
> something to catch but they can
> > > > never succeed. Ditto those cat videos showing
> birds etc, with all the
> > > > sound effects. I used to play them, but
> worried about the cats
> becoming
> > > > depressed. I'd love to hear other opinions. Is
> there any reliable info
> > > > out there on how chasing intangible objects
> affects cats? If I thought
> > > > they were really ok, I'd use them more often.
> Kerry
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Barb
> Moermond
> > > > Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 2:51 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: Re: Bandy and supplements
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I would be cautious in using laser pointers as
> toys -
> > > > I know they love it and I bring mine out a
> couple
> > > > times a year, but it can make some kitties go
> a little
> > > > nuts.  One of the clinic cats where I take my
> boys
> > > > lost it after having played with the laser toy
> and
> > > > kept looking for the red dot to the poin

Re: Update on Princess Grace

2005-09-10 Thread Nina
Thank you Tonya.  It helps to have support when I make unorthodox 
decisions!  She's doing a bit better, it's such slow improvement, it's 
hard to tell.  She's still not eating enough and she's getting thin.  
She's thinner than my IBD cat Gypsy, (who btw, is doing fantastic!).  I 
had to assist feed Grace only once though, and a bit of transderm Cypro 
has helped.  Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts.


How's that book coming?

Fwd: [NMHP] One cat at the bottom of the totem pole

2005-09-10 Thread Lernermichelle
Hi. I am trying to clear out my email box, saw this, and thought it might help some of you with multi-cat stress problems (cat stress, not your stress! though decreasing their stress helps decrease ours, of course).  I would try the hidden treat thing if Lucy was not on a special bladder stone diet that prohibits treats at the moment. I may try it in the future. My three remaining positives fight constantly ever since Simon died.  Ginger loved him, Lucy liked him, and Patches hit him when she needed to hit someone and he ran away rather than hit her back. Now they all just bicker all the time, and sometimes worse. 
--- Begin Message ---

My Groups |
NMHP Main Page

Question from Chris:5 cats is 
probably one too many: Misty (female, 8 years), Tucson (female, 7 years), 
Bumper (female, 5 years), Little Boy (male, 4 years), Romeo (male, 5 
years).  All are spayed/neutered; all are strays that ‘found’ me as kittens 
except for Romeo, who was a stray I fed for a couple of years before I brought 
him in last year.  In the past, as each new little one came in, I 
never had problems with adjustments & Misty was sort of the ‘mother’ to 
Tucson & Bumper she balked a bit at Little Boy but I never had 
problems.  When I brought in Romeo, I did a very slow introduction, keeping 
him in my room & having them all see each other through a plastic sheet at 
my door.  The intro was long as it took him a couple of months to settle 
into the sweet, loving & VERY affectionate cat he is now.  When 
I started letting them mix, with supervision, things went great for about 3 
weeks.  They would eat together, sleep on the same beds, couch, etc.  
Romeo is a very passive sort of cat—even outside, he would always move away from 
the food dish or resting spot if one of the other cats shoved him out of the 
way.  Then one day, Tucson went a little wild & attacked him making 
howling sounds that I never heard her make.  She pinned him down (she is 
large), & before I could get there to separate them, he bit her.  
Since then, when he sees her, he runs to hide & she runs to chase 
him, making those howling sounds.  Thrown into this mix is Bumper, who is 
sort of the town bully;  she chases everybody! All but Romeo know that if 
they don’t move or if they just swat her, she backs off.  Romeo runs to 
hide from her.  If Tucson or Bumper get too close to his hiding place, he 
now growls and that incites them even more.  He has never gone after the 
two of them, although he has no problem swatting Misty if she tries to get his 
food!  He gets along great with Little Boy & they spend a lot of time 
playing & chasing each other.  I can do anything to him but pick him 
up—he still gets scared at that & jumps out of my arms.Placing any 
of them somewhere else is not an option.  Interestingly enough, being 
indoor-only cats now, they all get spooked if the doorbell rings or someone 
comes in.  They all instantly retreat to the nearest hiding place, usually 
under beds, where they all spend hours together, nose to nose without a 
problem.  Tucson & Little Boy get spooked with thunder & the same 
thing has happened.  No growling, no hissing, no howling!  Any 
and all ideas would be greatly appreciated as I have to keep moving them from 
room to room so that nobody gets stuck in one room all the time.
Response from Dr Emily 
Chris – sounds 
like you have quite a mix on your hands!  
Multi cat households can be quite a challenge.   
There are 
several things that I suggest you do to help decrease the tension in the 
home.  First, I would like for you 
to have several feeding stations in the home.  And more importantly, I 
would like for you to provide quite a bit of food-based enrichment for the 
crew.  In other words, place pieces 
of tasty treats in toilet paper tubes, hide kibble under a paper cup, put a few 
tasty treats in a roller ball.  We 
can often decrease aggressive interactions in captive groups by providing 
enrichment.  Non-food enrichment 
would be helpful as well. Tie feathers on a short, cotton thread over a air 
vent,  sprinkle a bit of allspice on 
a towel, or even pick up one of the new automated charmers.  
Be sure that 
there are plenty of visual barriers in your home. In other words, there should 
be places in the same room where one cat can be and not be in the visual field 
of any other cat.  These visual 
barriers decrease stress and aggression. 
It does sound 
like the cats have worked out the issue to some extent.  Alliances have been made, and animals 
are avoiding interaction.  This is 
normal and a good way to cope in a colony situation.  While it can be hard on you to watch as 
poor Romeo runs from the others yet again, he has found a way that works for 
him.  Your job will be to reduce the 
overall tension in the home–and to quietly observe the interactions, without 
appearing to take sides.  If the cats feel that you've picked favorites, 
this can add to their angst.

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread maimaipg
Just for the record, they considered me their witchat least Ebony did.
All black cats need a good witch.  He came to live with me when he was 3 +
years old (no way of really telling).  Blood and pus ran down my legs from
the wounds he had.  I got him fixed up and, for some unknown reason, he
refused to move on.  I didn't like cats.  I didn't want a cat.  I
particularly did not want a wild cat that no one could handle and he was
very wild.  In fact he hissed at me for over a year if I came within 5 feet
of him.  However, I could never let an animal go without medical attention
or food so I was stuck.  I learned later that he picked the only house in
the neighborhood with central air.   He discovered I was a witch when he saw
me open a can of cat food then confirmed his belief when he discovered what
was in the gigantic white box in the kitchen--all sorts of good food.
The first time he saw me open a can he up his hands on the handle to the
oven and stretched his neck to the point I thought it would break (hence the
name  E T Katt.  Of course E T had to stand for something and what better
than Ebony Thomas Katt).  He also pronounced me the world's greatest hunter
when I fixed turkey breasts for him.  If that was the size of the sparrow's
breast, he didn't really care to see the sparrow.  He just left that up to
his humble servant.  If he wanted it, he got it.  He trained my two dogs,
Mai Mai, at 60 lbs, and Allie Beagle, at 30 lbs, to stay on one half of the
bench seat in a Jeep while he occupied the entire other half.  Ebony died 16
years later, on New Year's Eve night, in my arms.

This is just to set the record straight.  Ebony would tell you his Mom was a
beautiful cat that taught him how to hunt and survive in the alleys of a
city where people shot at cats and beat them with brooms and where they live
2-3 years if they are lucky.  She certainly was not some strange looking 2
legged thing that didn't have beautiful fur and looked a lot like his

If you missed it, which is highly unlikely, I grew to adore this loving
spirit. He left almost 7 years ago but he has never really left.  He just
changed forms.  I am extremely grateful for the lessons he taught me then
and the ones I am still learning from him.  MiTu was his little queen and a
truly gentle soul.   I miss her too.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: laser toy

> That's hilarious too! What a wonderful image--2 kits sitting on a stool in
> front of the TV waiting for mom to switch it on!
> - Original Message -
> From: "maimaipg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 3:29 PM
> Subject: Re: laser toy
> > Ebony and MiTu would sit on the stool in front of the TV when they
> me
> > to play the video for them.  Ebony would wake me up, make sure I was
> > then sit on the stool so I understood exactly what he wanted.  They
> > the video and couldn't get enough.  I just had to make sure there was
> > nothing breakable on top of the TV.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 12:26 PM
> > Subject: laser toy
> >
> >
> > > Glad someone mentioned the laser toy--I do use it occasionally because
> > > it's the one thing that never fails to get my 2 quarantined cats
> > > But the reason I only use it occasionally is that I worry about the
> > > frustration element-they think there's something to catch but they can
> > > never succeed. Ditto those cat videos showing birds etc, with all the
> > > sound effects. I used to play them, but worried about the cats
> > > depressed. I'd love to hear other opinions. Is there any reliable info
> > > out there on how chasing intangible objects affects cats? If I thought
> > > they were really ok, I'd use them more often. Kerry
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb
> > > Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 2:51 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: Bandy and supplements
> > >
> > >
> > > I would be cautious in using laser pointers as toys -
> > > I know they love it and I bring mine out a couple
> > > times a year, but it can make some kitties go a little
> > > nuts.  One of the clinic cats where I take my boys
> > > lost it after having played with the laser toy and
> > > kept looking for the red dot to the point she was
> > > attacking other kitties.  No more lasers and she was
> > > on meds for a while but is OK now.  Just something to
> > > keep in mind!
> > >
> > > --- maimaipg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > My alternative vet recommends transfer factor and
> > > > MacroForce for boosting the immune system.  The
> > > > active ingredient in Macro Force is available in
> > > > other brands.  This just happens to be the easiest

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
They do not fall off the face of the Earth...other people get them, but you sometimes will not...go figure, I have been having big time issues with the emailing and I have just decided to wait it out and hopefully it will fix itself, just like it messed itself up...I use the same address above also, and sometimes I do not see my own emails...
CherieKarolyn Lount <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Help...I need your help. I keep sending messages to the email address Ihave(shown above) and they seem to fall off the face of the earth...canyou help me by replying with the e-mail address you useHave a purrfect day

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Yes, I got all 3 of your messages Karolyn. (So frustrating when messages
don't go thru!)

- Original Message -
From: "Karolyn Lount" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: laser toy

> P.S. I kept playing around with the address and I believe I got it
> right. Thanks anyway

Re: Another emergency!! - at home oxygen tank?

2005-09-10 Thread catatonya
I don't remember how the at home oxygen tank was done.  I hope someone posts for you.  Best wishes for all of you.
tonyaNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh Kerry, I'm so sorry to hear about Rascal's troubles! That's so sweet the way he and Bandy are such good buddies. Someone on this list posted once about a "home made" oxygen cage. I can't remember who it was, maybe Patti? I'm hoping they will see this and post about how they fixed one up. Grace and I are very pleased to hear that she has a new namesake. Prayers for Rascal, Bandy, you and all of yours.Ninakerry wrote:> Hi,> Well, my luck when one gets sick, it seems to break out everywhere > else too..> I had to rush my 15 yr old Little Rascal to the vet here at 5:30 today > in respiratory then after we sort of got him stable by > 8pm, I took him to the 24 hr emergency clinic where he could stay in > the icu oxygen cage...He was better when the meds kicked in...He is > FeLV-- and
 FIV-- but she found a huge mass in his abdomen probably > like his grandmothers...lymphoma.. So I told her I don't want to do > any more diag. on him as he is too old to go thru surgery and has > hyperthyroidism to boot.. I want to make him as comfortable as I can > for as long as I can...He is Bandy's buddy...When Bandy's temp goes > way up, he will always go get in the box with Rascal...It is like he > hides behind him and Rascal always rubs all over they are > big buds.. If he responds ok to this, then I will go get him either > Fri or Sat..I think that was the plan..> I hope Grace is feeling better today..> I have named a new kitty that i have Grace...I couldn't think of what > to name her and when you told me about seemed to fit this > kitty..> We will keep you in our prayers.> Kerry and Bandy

RE: Update on Princess Grace

2005-09-10 Thread catatonya
I agree.  You have to do everything you can, but only you know what she can handle.  I hope she continues to recover.
tonyaHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nina, I will be sending a big prayer for Princess Grace with all theenergy I have got! I think you made a right decision not to stress herout by taking her to the vet today - and again, you can always take her- but I never underestimate the impact of psychological stress - I evenfainted myself yesterday (literally) from stress -which never happenedto me before..Anyway, I hope that she continues to get better and go back to regularold Grace 100% -Loves and hugsHideyo-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of NinaSent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 1:46 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Update on Princess GraceGrace and I could use your prayers and good vibrations. She has been feeling poorly the last couple of
 months. Usually when she feels crummyI put her on a round of Dox, and she feels better almost immediately. Not so, this time. I put her on Dox and she didn't improve significantly. I took her off of Dox and started the five day protocol of Virbagen Omega, (injections of feline interferon, 1x daily). Again, she improved slightly, but not significantly. After the 4th day, I stopped the VO and put her back on Dox. She's been getting the Dox again for about a week, she continues to improve, but is still not herself. I've also been giving her oral interferon (chasing the Dox pill with it), transfer factor, Lysine, Co-Q10 etc. Her appetite is off, so I had to stop the supplements to get her to eat. I'm going to try some transdermal Cyproheptadine to see if it helps her eat more. You may think I'm crazy, (so what's new?), but I talked to two differentACs that told me they did not think there were any tumors involved, or
 problems with any of her internal organs, just a feeling of general malaise. I had an appointment with our Internist today, but Grace seemsto have improved more in the last couple of days, so I canceled it. It was a difficult decision to make. Grace suffers greatly from the stressinvolved in a visit to the vet and knowing that there would be several different tests involved to determine what is going on with her... Well, I just decided not to put her through it. There's been too many times that after the trauma and expense, nothing new has been learned. I don't feel completely confident in this decision, but if she doesn't continue to improve I can still bring her in later. I'm waiting for a call from the vet to discuss a different antibiotic in case Grace has finally built a resistance to Doxycycline. For heavens sake, we don't even know why Dox has worked for her! Anyway, if you could take a moment to think of my
 Grace and wish her well, it would be greatly appreciated.Nina

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Karolyn Lount
P.S. I kept playing around with the address and I believe I got it
right. Thanks anyway


2005-09-10 Thread Karolyn Lount

Re: laser toy

2005-09-10 Thread Karolyn Lount
Help...I need your help. I keep sending messages to the email address I
have(shown above) and they seem to fall off the face of the earth...can
you help me by replying with the e-mail address you use