Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread Nina
I forwarded this to Kyle.  You remember Kyle and Brissle?  He's in FL 
and the last time we spoke he was thinking about the possibility of 
adopting a friend for Squirmee. 

Belinda Sauro wrote:

  Ok this ad was posted today on the Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP ads, 
and I just can't imagine this cutest little sweetie being euthanized.  
This little girl is only 8 weeks old and FIV positive, I haven't seem 
a kitten this cute in a while, please cross post this to anyone you 
know.  This little girl is named Buffy and really needs to be saved:

Warning she is absolutely adorable ... she is in Florida.

Re: Nat'l. Feral Cats Day

2005-10-15 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 10/15/05 12:07:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I have 
  feral cat that prefers to be INDOORS. Go figure

WE trapped two, older large toms along with19 other cats a few years 
ago,(Theses were the LAST 2 trapped!! It took us over 18 months to trap entire 
colony!!!, BUT, we were bound  determined to "rescue" them as their 
caretaker had passed away. This was "another" kind, caring lady who had a 
codicile in her will that if we "took" the fearals, X amount of dollars 
would be bequeathed (sp?) to the shelter).
They were in terrible physical shape,,Ferals certainly have a hard 
Knowing I love ferals  have had many succes stories w/ them, I was 
asked to "foster" Strider (King of the Colony)  Caboose, (apparently 
Strider's son  VERY last one trapped, thus the name!)
Strider was an instant "mush". He apparently at one time enjoyed the 
comforts of "home living", and he adjusted very well, even w/ my 4 dogs,
Caboose, on the other hand, was very shy, and made his "home" under my bed. 
Finally after a few weeks, imagine my surprise to wake up  find him purring 
in my ear, kneading my chest!!
I HATED to give them up, but fostering is all about rehabilitatng  
rehoming, making room for the NEXT needy 
On the bright side, they were adopted together  according to new 
guardian, who was "concerned" they might attempt to escape, well, the boys are 
happy just to perch in the windows and observe the outside world. I am 
SOOO happy for them,
I wish all stories could have happy endings,
BTW, did your feral ever go out???
I am still a mess with no further sightings of Charity.

Re: I have a sick kitty, help...

2005-10-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Sorry to hear about Rascal, but know that there is a great chance that all will be well after this hump you guys are handeling right now. 

Kittens can be vaccinated at 12 weeks, or so I am told they can also be tested earlier than that, I just vaccinated a 11 week old and all seems to be fine with her.

Good luck and keep us posted.
CherieMichele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We have a cat named Rascal. He is 2.5 years old and very much loved, and this includes my husband. He is a "7" toed tabby with a great disposition. He was diagnosed today with feline leukemia by Dr. Seely at Banfield Veternary Clinic in Grand Junction Co.His WBC is 3.7 and his platelet count is still okay. His temperature today was 104 at the clinic. He is still drinking and eating some. I have been giving him 50cc of subQ Normal Saline and he just finished Clavamox about 4 days ago and he has been getting better since starting on Metronitazole 3 days ago. He had not been purring or meowing much until after he started on this drug. The doctor now has added Amoxicillin to his treatment and is looking into adding Interferon as well. He is looking at where to get some for him.We have been keeping him inside with us.What additional treatment can be done or
 suggested?Next, how young can a cat be to receive the vaccination for this and tested for this.thank you for any information that you can help me with.Michele Mazzaemail me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]cell msg #: 970-901-9729PeoplePC OnlineA better way to Internethttp://www.peoplepc.comHave a purrfect day

Re: Please Help!!

2005-10-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so glad you rescued that baby, humans CAN NOT GET Feline lukemia do not worry about it, and you should definately take her to a vet and get her checked out, if she is having trouble breathing.
Please, please keep us informed...I am worried about the baby
Cheriebrit n/a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found a little tiny kitten on the side of the road one day while i was walking home from school the kitten look kind of malnutricioned and very vulronable to male cats trying to kill it so I took responsibility for the cat and took it home for the night. actually i should mention today is friday i found it thursday afternoon. it was also raining and the kitten was very wet and no mother cat was around (i think someone had dropped it off). My question to you is the next day the cat was having trouble breathing, symptons like it was going to die but i was wondering if you could tell me if there are any physical health concerns to worry about if the Kitten did have Feline Lukemia I really need to know, because the kitten died shortly after we left this morning. id very much appriciate your help and thank you so much its a very tough situation! (ie: if i had the kitten on like blankets and things or clothes would there be any physicals signs that humans could
 get feline lukemia? Please feel free to email me back whenever you get time thank you all sooo much i very appreciate it!!

Brit B

With MSN Spaces email straight to your blog. Upload jokes, photos and more. It's free! Have a purrfect day

Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Oh my good...why do we always see this, she is adorable, I have cross posted this and am talking to my mom about taking her.Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ok this ad was posted today on the Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP ads, and I just can't imagine this cutest little sweetie being euthanized. This little girl is only 8 weeks old and FIV positive, I haven't seem a kitten this cute in a while, please cross post this to anyone you know. This little girl is named Buffy and really needs to be saved: she is absolutely adorable ... she is in Florida.-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web
 sites)http://bmk.bemikitties.comHave a purrfect day

Anemia - My Cat Arlo has severe anemia - PLEASE HELP

2005-10-15 Thread Lokisfur

Hello Group:I just got back from the vet where my 11 month old cat "Arlo" wasgiven a blood transfusion and a battery of tests. The prognosis isnot good..PROBALLY I wanted to get some feedback from the group ifthere is anything else I can try if the meds I am giving don't work --I am all earsI really want my little guy to make it.His PCV/TS (on presentation) was 7%/8.0 g/dLHis PCV/TS (AFTER THE TRANSFUSION) IT was . : 10%/6.6 g/dL. He came back negative for FelV/FIV , his kidneys are fine, so is hiswhite blood cell count. But the Vet believes that he does have FelV, it's just hiding out in the bone marrow. Theyhave given me meds to treat him for IMHA and Hemobart but nothing specifically forFelV.

What about interferon?

What about Immuno regulin?

Please help me sort this out. I am bringing him back to the vet on Monday or Tuesday and would like to have a plan or at least more info then I have now.Here's the summary of the Vets prognosis:

"Presentation: On presentation, Arlo was quiet, but alert and responsive. MM - Pale, CRT - unable to get. Heart Rate - 200 bpm, Resp Rate - 50 bpm, Temp - 99.8 F, Blood pressure - 115 mmHg. Arlo was tachycardic with a graqe VI heart murmur was auscultated. Lungs auscltated clear and eupneic. His pulses were fair and urine was staining his perineum. The remainder of his physical exam was within normal limits.

Because of the mild clinical signs relative to the severity of theanemia, this anemia is most likely chronic in nature. The CBC resultsand reticulocyte count reveal that the. anemia is non-regenerative.Even though the FelV/FIV test was negative, this doesn't rule out FelVas a cause of the chronic non-regenerative anemia. Other causes of achronic anemia include red blood cell parasites such as hemobartonella(typically regenerative). We highly recommend that a bone marrowaspirate and cytology be performed in order to definitively rule outFeIV. As this was not an option (for financial reasons), we plan totreat for a potential hemobartonella infection with Doxycycline (anantibiotic). There is no effective treatment for Feline Leukemia Virus.Another potential cause of the anemia is IMHA (immune-mediatedhemolytic anemia) which results when the body attacks its own redblood cells (RBCs). This is a less likely differential as bloodworkresults usually show a regenerative response in spite of thedestruction of red blood cells. Additionally, bilirubin levels arecommonly increased with this syndrome. The hemolysis is also usuallyevident when performing the PCV/TS. There was no evidence of hemolysisat this time. Treatment of IMHA involves steroid therapy to suppressthe immune systein and prevent its attack on the RBCs. If Arlo doeshave hemobartonellosis, steroid therapy could .potentially make itworse. .While the heart murmur is most likely secondary. to the anemia, aprimary cardiac cause cannot be ruled out without chest radiographs+1- echocardiogram. The murmur improved after administering the bloodtransfusion. Chest and abdominal x-rays would also help to evaluatefor lymph node enlargement and/or organ enlargement (common in felineleukemia virus). .Discharge Instructions:Please schedule a recheck appointment either through your regularveterinarian or through the medicine service at FA VS in 2-3 days toevaluate his response to therapy. This may entail performing repeatbloodwork to evaluate the anemia. If he becomes acutely much morelethargic or depressed or inappetant and his gums appear pale, pleasebring him back immediately as he may require another blood transfusion.1. Doxycycline (Vibramycin) (5 mglml solution): Please give 6 ml bymouth once dailyfor the next 8 days. A dose was already given intravenously today. 2. BaytriI (68 mg tablet): Please give 'l4 tablet by mouth once dailyfor 14 days. 3. Prednisone (5 mg tablet): Please give 1 tablet by mouth twice dailyindefinitely.Response to therapy will be re-evaluated. If IMHA is the cause of theanemia, Arlo will require long term steroid therapy."Please if there is anything that the Vet missed or that I can try Iwould be so grateful.Chris
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Arlo's Dad"  .

RE: Anemia - My Cat Arlo has severe anemia - PLEASE HELP

2005-10-15 Thread Tracy Weese

Did they do that test that checks to see if there are all stages of the RBC development? It's some kind of stain test, something Blue. I wish I could remember it--when one of my cats got several anemic, he was determined to have Hemobart (he was FeLV+) and so I said we would treat that since I don't PTS just for FeLV+. But then when another vet check him, they did this "stain" test which showed that his marrow was no producing any new RBCs and probably hadn't for some time. So it was really an unfixable situation. I let Leroy go soon after that bec. even if he fought the Hembart, his body wasn't making RBCs. The test sounds like "

Tracy Weese

- Original Message - 
Sent: 10/15/2005 9:44:06 AM 
Subject: Anemia - My Cat Arlo has severe anemia - PLEASE HELP

Hello Group:I just got back from the vet where my 11 month old cat "Arlo" wasgiven a blood transfusion and a battery of tests. The prognosis isnot good..PROBALLY I wanted to get some feedback from the group ifthere is anything else I can try if the meds I am giving don't work --I am all earsI really want my little guy to make it.His PCV/TS (on presentation) was 7%/8.0 g/dLHis PCV/TS (AFTER THE TRANSFUSION) IT was . : 10%/6.6 g/dL. He came back negative for FelV/FIV , his kidneys are fine, so is hiswhite blood cell count. But the Vet believes that he does have FelV, it's just hiding out in the bone marrow. Theyhave given me meds to treat him for IMHA and Hemobart but nothing specifically forFelV.

What about interferon?

What about Immuno regulin?

Please help me sort this out. I am bringing him back to the vet on Monday or Tuesday and would like to have a plan or at least more info then I have now.Here's the summary of the Vets prognosis:

"Presentation: On presentation, Arlo was quiet, but alert and responsive. MM - Pale, CRT - unable to get. Heart Rate - 200 bpm, Resp Rate - 50 bpm, Temp - 99.8 F, Blood pressure - 115 mmHg. Arlo was tachycardic with a graqe VI heart murmur was auscultated. Lungs auscltated clear and eupneic. His pulses were fair and urine was staining his perineum. The remainder of his physical exam was within normal limits.

Because of the mild clinical signs relative to the severity of theanemia, this anemia is most likely chronic in nature. The CBC resultsand reticulocyte count reveal that the. anemia is non-regenerative.Even though the FelV/FIV test was negative, this doesn't rule out FelVas a cause of the chronic non-regenerative anemia. Other causes of achronic anemia include red blood cell parasites such as hemobartonella(typically regenerative). We highly recommend that a bone marrowaspirate and cytology be performed in order to definitively rule outFeIV. As this was not an option (for financial reasons), we plan totreat for a potential hemobartonella infection with Doxycycline (anantibiotic). There is no effective treatment for Feline Leukemia Virus.Another potential cause of the anemia is IMHA (immune-mediatedhemolytic anemia) which results when the body attacks its own redblood cells (RBCs). This is a less likely differential as bloodworkresults usually show a regenerative response in spite of thedestruction of red blood cells. Additionally, bilirubin levels arecommonly increased with this syndrome. The hemolysis is also usuallyevident when performing the PCV/TS. There was no evidence of hemolysisat this time. Treatment of IMHA involves steroid therapy to suppressthe immune systein and prevent its attack on the RBCs. If Arlo doeshave hemobartonellosis, steroid therapy could .potentially make itworse. .While the heart murmur is most likely secondary. to the anemia, aprimary cardiac cause cannot be ruled out without chest radiographs+1- echocardiogram. The murmur improved after administering the bloodtransfusion. Chest and abdominal x-rays would also help to evaluatefor lymph node enlargement and/or organ enlargement (common in felineleukemia virus). .Discharge Instructions:Please schedule a recheck appointment either through your regularveterinarian or through the medicine service at FA VS in 2-3 days toevaluate his response to therapy. This may entail performing repeatbloodwork to evaluate the anemia. If he becomes acutely much morelethargic or depressed or inappetant and his gums appear pale, pleasebring him back immediately as he may require another blood transfusion.1. Doxycycline (Vibramycin) (5 mglml solution): Please give 6 ml bymouth once dailyfor the next 8 days. A dose was already given intravenously today. 2. BaytriI (68 mg tablet): Please give 'l4 tablet by mouth once dailyfor 14 days. 3. Prednisone (5 mg tablet): Please give 1 tablet by mouth twice dailyindefinitely.Response to therapy will be re-evaluated. If IMHA is the cause of theanemia, Arlo will require long term steroid therapy."Please if there is anything that the Vet missed or that I can try Iwould be so grateful.Chris

Re: Nat'l. Feral Cats Day

2005-10-15 Thread felv

It's raining alot lately, that may be way he chooses to stay inside as 
well. I really do need to take him in to the vet for the trich test, all of the 
others had it, so he probably does too. I hate to stress him out though, he is 
just not to the point where he peeks out at me when I am in the room.
a cat from UCAT rescue: Adopt a 
FIV+ cat: a 
FELV+ cat:"Saving 
one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of 
difference for that one 
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.12.0/134 - Release Date: 10/14/2005

Re: Nat'l. Feral Cats Day

2005-10-15 Thread felv

All of these cats were inside cats, yes, he was an indoor feral. I thought 
he might be happier outside because he is so wild, but I guess indoors is all he 
has ever known. He is the result of a hoarder. Indoors cats breeding endlessly, 
no kitten socialization at all. The end result... an indoor feral cat. Go 
figure, he's the first I have ever seen.
a cat from UCAT rescue: Adopt a 
FIV+ cat: a 
FELV+ cat:"Saving 
one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of 
difference for that one 
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.12.0/134 - Release Date: 10/14/2005

Re: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread gary
It is unfortunate that this kitten tested positive, there is high 
probability that she is not really positive as the test at that age is 
reading the antibodies from her mother's milk and she will have an excellent 
chance of testing negative when she is about 6 months old.  It takes that 
long for them to develop their own antibodies if they really have FIV. 
Testing much before 6 months cannot show a true positive.  I think it was a 
report from Cornell University that said the passing of FIV from mother to 
kittens was rare and that FIV is almost always passed by a bit wound.


- Original Message - 
From: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Feline Cancer Group; FELV Off Topic 

Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:11 AM
Subject: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

  Ok this ad was posted today on the Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP ads, and 
I just can't imagine this cutest little sweetie being euthanized.  This 
little girl is only 8 weeks old and FIV positive, I haven't seem a kitten 
this cute in a while, please cross post this to anyone you know.  This 
little girl is named Buffy and really needs to be saved:

Warning she is absolutely adorable ... she is in Florida.


Re: Please Help!!

2005-10-15 Thread felv

How big was the kitten? Did you feed her anything? What?

She may very well have died of hypothermia and anemia from lack of food and 
a cat from UCAT rescue: Adopt a 
FIV+ cat: a 
FELV+ cat:"Saving 
one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of 
difference for that one 
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.12.0/134 - Release Date: 10/14/2005

Re: baycox

2005-10-15 Thread felv
You can send it to me, I'll attempt to virus wash it and then salvage as much 
of the
info out of it as possible. Most viruses these days are written for windows XP, 
and I
run  windows 2000Pro, so I'm immune to most of them anyways.


Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
Adopt a FIV+ cat:
Adopt a FELV+ cat:
Saving one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a 
world of
difference for that one animal.
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up 
until she
earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you 
can send
them to, to help feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.12.0/134 - Release Date: 10/14/2005

Re: Anemia - My Cat Arlo has severe anemia - PLEASE HELP

2005-10-15 Thread felv

What grade is his heart murmur? The roman numeral you posted makes NO 
sense. That would be my first major concern. there are so many drugs that vets 
use that are not safe to use on cats with severe heart murmurs.

Starting treatments for hemobart is the right thing to do, hopefully that 
is what it is, and it will help!

Has you vet sent off a sample to a lab to do the IFA feline leukemia 

Certainly, starting him on Interferon would not hurt, even if he is felv 

I would hold off on the immuno-regulin until I knew how bad his heart 
murmur is. Anything over grade 4 needs to be handled carefully.
a cat from UCAT rescue: Adopt a 
FIV+ cat: a 
FELV+ cat:"Saving 
one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of 
difference for that one 
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.12.0/134 - Release Date: 10/14/2005

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 60-Chris

2005-10-15 Thread DwinnsNM

I am rather new to FeLV but Cornell University has good sites for 
information on this illness. If the anemia is from FeLV it has to be in 
the bone marrow which according to what I have read, means the FeLV has been 
with the cat for a long time. Our vet has our Stinky cat on Interferon and 
amoxicillin. Yesterday she had a red blood count of about 13 than a retest 
showed a count of 18 which they feel is too high for a transfusion but, that 
will probably be low enoughby Monday for another transfusion. 
However, the anemia may not be from FeLV at all. There are other things 
lurking out there that cause it like FIA which is hard to detect but, the 
doxycycline should handle that if that is what your cat has. And, as 
Michelle has pointed out, and my vet has pointed out, it may be cancer that is 
at the bottom of anemia so, don't despair, it may not be FeLV. Even as 
sick as my Stinky cat is, I am still holding out hopes that ELISA was wrong and 
the IFA test was right!
Best of luck and all our prayers!

Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: felv-fiv slight positive 3 week old kittens

2005-10-15 Thread gary

I assume they did the combined FIV/FeLV test, 
right? If they tested positive for both, the FIV test is pretty much 
worthless - way too young for a true positive - and they may shed the FeLV in a 
few months.Just about everyone suggests lysine but I haven't heard 
anything about giving it to kittens that young. If someone else on the 
list knowsif it's ok to give it to them I would be interested just for my 
own future reference.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:48 
  Subject: felv-fiv slight positive 3 week 
  old kittens
  Help! Does anyone know what 
  can be done for felv-fiv kittens at 3 weeks of age so far as WESTERN OR 
  CHINESE HERBS are concerned? These little 2 little guys are strays that 
  I had tested 2 days ago. The local SPCA will euthanize if I turn them in 
  and they test positive there. I had planned on retesting them at the 
  vets office in 2 to 3 weeks.
  I cannot keep these little babies 
  due to allergies in my family so they will need to be adopted out once 
  weaned. I am currently bottle feeding them KMR kitten 
  Any help would be 

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 57-Michelle

2005-10-15 Thread DwinnsNM

Yes, Michelle the Interferon message was from Stinky's Mom and I will go to 
the site you sentfor Revival. The vets are of a notion that if it 
isn't FeLV than it is most likely cancer. I will go to this site and order 
some for Stinky. I did tell my vet aboutImmuno-regulin use in 
catsand he was interested so I think he will use it for her. 
You'vesent a wealth of information tous andwe thank you so 

Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread Belinda Sauro

Hi Nina,
  That would be wonderful, here is the actual ad page with Buffy's 
contact info for Kyle if he is interested.  She is such a cutie.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread Nina
Kyle is interested.  He's been letting Squirmee be an indoor/outdoor cat 
and he's worried how he'll react if he shuts off access to the outside, 
(to keep the little girl in).  I sent him the link for more info.


Belinda Sauro wrote:

Hi Nina,
  That would be wonderful, here is the actual ad page with Buffy's 
contact info for Kyle if he is interested.  She is such a cutie. 

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 57-Michelle

2005-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

It does not have to be either FeLV or cancer-- it can be both, as FeLV 
makes them more susceptible to lymphoma. In fact, FeLV itself does not cause 
symptoms- it is a virus that causes an immune-deficiency and makes them 
susceptible to other things that cause symptoms. If Stinky is FeLV+, that is the 
beginning of a search for a diagnosis for where the anemia came from, not the 
diagnosis in itself.

Re: Anemia - My Cat Arlo has severe anemia - PLEASE HELP

2005-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

When they are not producing RBC's, Epogen or Procrit sometimes helps. 
This is because failure to produce RBC's sometimes comes from the kidneys not 
sending a hormone they are supposed to send out that tells the bone marrow to 
produce RBC's. Procrit and Epogen are synthetic copies of that 

In a message dated 10/15/2005 8:57:01 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
Did they do that test that checks to see if 
  there are all stages of the RBC development? It's some kind of stain 
  test, something Blue. I wish I could remember it--when one of my cats 
  got several anemic, he was determined to have Hemobart (he was FeLV+) and so I 
  said we would treat that since I don't PTS just for FeLV+. But then when 
  another vet check him, they did this "stain" test which showed that his marrow 
  was no producing any new RBCs and probably hadn't for some time. So it 
  was really an unfixable situation. I let Leroy go soon after that bec. 
  even if he fought the Hembart, his body wasn't making RBCs. The test 
  sounds like "

Re: I have a sick kitty, help...

2005-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

Read the articles on Immuno-Regulin on the website for this group ( I have 
used it twice with severe URI's (one was pneumonia and the other a URI causing 
fever and lack of appetite) and it helped a lot. One of my cats had some 
bad temporary side effects of high fever and chills for about an hour after each 
dose, but then got a lot better. She got 1 ml intravenously, which is what the 
author of one of the articles recommends, but the dose in the pill book is .5 to 
1 ml, so she got the high end. I would recommend starting with .5 ml.


2005-10-15 Thread Chris

The only thing I dont
like about the Cornell site is that they have not updated their overview
information to reflect current protocols. They still say you have to wait
at least 30 days to use a space in which there previously was a pos cat
also, are very pessimistic about survival rate, and very much anti-mixing.



-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday,
 October 15, 2005 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol
9, Issue 60-Chris

I am
rather new to FeLV but Cornell University has good sites for information on this illness. If the
anemia is from FeLV it has to be in the bone marrow which according to what I
have read, means the FeLV has been with the cat for a long time. Our vet
has our Stinky cat on Interferon and amoxicillin. Yesterday she had a red
blood count of about 13 than a retest showed a count of 18 which they feel is
too high for a transfusion but, that will probably be low enoughby Monday
for another transfusion. However, the anemia may not be from FeLV at
all. There are other things lurking out there that cause it like FIA
which is hard to detect but, the doxycycline should handle that if that is what
your cat has. And, as Michelle has pointed out, and my vet has pointed
out, it may be cancer that is at the bottom of anemia so, don't despair, it may
not be FeLV. Even as sick as my Stinky cat is, I am still holding out
hopes that ELISA was wrong and the IFA test was right!

Best of
luck and all our prayers!

Mom and Dad

RE: I have a sick kitty, help...Immuno-regulin

2005-10-15 Thread Chris

I ditto good comments on
immuno-regulin. My Tucson has had two series each time her white blood count went very
low. Both times it came right back up She had no side
effectshad one shot every week for 3 or 4 weeks I think.



-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday,
 October 15, 2005 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: I have a sick kitty,

the articles on Immuno-Regulin on the website for this group ( I have
used it twice with severe URI's (one was pneumonia and the other a URI causing
fever and lack of appetite) and it helped a lot. One of my cats had some
bad temporary side effects of high fever and chills for about an hour after
each dose, but then got a lot better. She got 1 ml intravenously, which is what
the author of one of the articles recommends, but the dose in the pill book is
.5 to 1 ml, so she got the high end. I would recommend starting with .5 ml.


Re: Cornelll

2005-10-15 Thread Belinda Sauro
  My opinion only, I do not think much of Cornells info about FeLV, 
very outdated and inaccurate.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Cornelll

2005-10-15 Thread TatorBunz

I totally agree with Belinda! 
Very outdated and they still advise euthanizing Felv/Fiv kitties.

In a message dated 10/15/2005 2:58:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My opinion only, I do not think much of Cornells info about FeLV, very outdated and inaccurate.-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...

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