Re: Sarcoid

2000-07-18 Thread OLSENELAIN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My horse is getting a rather large sarcoid near the tip on his ear. It 
started out about the size of a pea and now, it is about the size of a grape. 
The vet recommends removing it before it gets bigger and more difficult to 
remove since it can affect the ear leather. He wants to have it removed with 
a laser, which is a common method now, apparently. Has anyone else had this 
done? My reluctancy to do this is because the horse will have to be 
anesthetized and put on an operating table for the laser. However, if it is 
just cut off, there is no guarantee the ear won't be damaged and he could end 
up with the tip of the ear gone or worse. I wish the sarcoid was in another 

Re: Sarcoid

2000-07-18 Thread Brenda Simonson
This message is from: Brenda Simonson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also have a horse that developed what I thought was a sarcoid
(multiple actually). The vet that we use doesn't believe in the
injections and tried to freeze the first one off. It didn't work. She
then cut it out. That one never came back.

Then he got one on by the corner of his mouth. We cut that one out
too. It came back.

Then he got one on the side of his neck. I got frustrated and found
some herbal remedy - thuja ointment and hilton ditton herbs. About 8
months after being on the therapy I noticed that both spots were
shrinking. They are still shrinking. I don't know if it was the herbs
or just time - and he has been off the herbs for quite some time.
(Some articles I have read say to leave them alone and they will go
away - sort of like warts in humans.)

Just my two cents worth.


Re: Back from Wyoming

2000-07-18 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for sharing, Meredith.  That was fun reading.
Gail in NM

Libby Log Skid

2000-07-18 Thread Oscar and Shirley Anderson
This message is from: Oscar and Shirley Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I haven't been able to keep abreast of the List this summer, but did pop in
yesterday and saw interest in the log skid at Libby.  I have included the
class description, I think it describes the class well.  It goes without
saying that it looks much easier than it is.  This class is - as explained
yesterday - ran between two parallel ropes (boundaries) with cones down the
middle.  The log is serpentine through the cones in both directions.

Single Horse Log Skid - Entries to pull two 16 1/2-foot logs both directions
through five cones set 16 feet apart, while staying within 30-foot boundary
lines.  Timed event.  Penalties of five seconds will be assessed for
touching cones, and horse will be disqualified for going outside of boundary
lines.  Best time wins.

Shirley Anderson
Oscar's Round Mountain Fjords

Re: Artwork

2000-07-18 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beautiful work!  Also the other link (for stained glass) was also beautiful.  
Someday, when I get a logo designed for our little farm, I will want 
something like this (both the stained glass and the painting) done.



2000-07-18 Thread Knutsen Fjord Farm
This message is from: Knutsen Fjord Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all -

Jean, many congratulations on winning the trust and friendship of The
Nowfriendlyone! How satisfying for both of you.

Not much new here. Baby-watching, arena building, trail riding. This is the
time of year when I wonder why I forgot how hot it gets in Eastern
Washington  That's long-term memory, I should retain it, even in my

Well, have to return to my 40th examination of Willie filly to see whether I
can find any new grey hairs

Bye, Peg Knutsen


2000-07-18 Thread John and Martie Bolinski
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This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You are invited to look at my album of stained glass Fjords.  I don't
have the prices or sizes captioned yet, but you can Email me privately
for price quotes.  For pictures of smaller, suncatchers, please see
Betsy Bauer's site.  There are also a couple of other
small items that are not represented in this album as well as stained
glass portraits and suncatchers of other horse breeds and for that
matter, other subjects.
I am also still accepting Christmas orders for custom work done from
your photos.
Hope this link works OK.


Simply click on the link below to go directly to the photo album
area on the PhotoPoint web site, where you can see all the photos
 prepared for you.

Photo Album:

If you would like to know how to share your own photos using the
free PhotoPoint service, click on this link:

Back from WY

2000-07-18 Thread Meredith Sessoms
This message is from: Meredith Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have finally, almost, recouped from our great Western adventure.  Steve
and I, our three Labradors, my best friend, Patty, her husband, David, and
two children, Mark and Samantha, and their Golden, Woody, drove in two cars
to Yellowstone and back.  Unfortunately, since it was a group thing, I
didn't get the chance to do any Fjord visiting or shopping.  Our camp in the
Bighorns got drenched.  Thunderstorms booming in Western mountains is a
thing I'll remember for a long time, but it was fun anyways.  The
reservations we had made and payed for 6 months in advance at Goff Creek got
completely bungled and upset our plans.  The final insult was when they told
us our dogs weren't allowed!  Absaroka Lodge helped us find lodging,
dogs and all, despite the fact that they were full.  And the final upset, on
the way home the radiator blew in Patty and David's van!  They made it to
Sheridan with the help of a can of 'leak stop' where they bought a new van
on the spot!  Despite all, it was a remarkably fun trip.

We went to King's Saddlery and Museum in Buffalo WY.  Oh my, it was
wonderful.  I have become very interested in the history of the Western
saddle and there were more old Western saddles here than I could have
imagined.  I bought Dorina a Sliester hackamore, but I don't think it will
fit her mug.  It looks darling on Aagot but she isn't even snaffle trained

We ended up at Shoshone Lodge in nice cabins in Wapiti Valley between Cody
WY and Yellowstone and rode horses there.  Keith, the owner and his mother
are great folks.  There, we went on a wonderful, scenic, two-hour guided
trail ride.  Steve, a large fellow, got to ride a short but stocky, black
gelding named Pryor.  Come to find out he is a Pryor Mountain Mustang
captured on the range!  Pryor took good care of my husband.  I rode a pretty
bay, who I enjoyed riding but whom I had soon renamed Lurch for the action
he put me through on the uphill.  I highly reccommend Shoshone Lodge to
anyone headed that way.  (GC and PT lodges - yuk)

We also went to the Cody Stampede Parade July the 4th.  It was a wonderful
parade, chock full of horses.  Heart Mountain Fjords brought a few horses
and A2Z brought a whole convention of Fjordies for all to see.   Both farms
had a baby Fjordling tagging along beside their moms.  So the breed was
presented in fine style by both these farms.

We saw pronghorns galore; moose; bison; a black bear; 5 elk bulls at once;
muleys; and to top it off, two, young grizzly bears when we left our lodge
to head home.

Meredith Sessoms
Tooksend Art
Moulton Alabama USA

Re: Warning about Woodstock Vermont hotel

2000-07-18 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/18/00 1:24:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 I just wanted to pass on a warning about a difficult motel in Woodstock
 Vermont.  No need to give the gory details, however if you are planning on
 attending the NFHA show, feel free to contact me off line regarding this
 motel.  I will never, ever, set foot in this place again after the way I was
I hope it isn't that motel about two buildings to the right of the 
hospital/medical care facility. The Clydesdale or some other draft horse 
name. Merek 

for MWFHC members

2000-07-18 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve and I will not be attending Blue Earth for several personal reasons and I
am very sorry to miss it. Since I cannot be there, I would like to take
advantage of the FH-L forum to bring forward some concerns I have regarding the
MWFHC that  club  members on this list club can think about and perhaps bring up
for me at the meeting. I apologize in advance for not being there myself to
bring up these issues but I feel they are important.

The annual meeting is to be held on  Monday, July 25th, and no agenda of the
meeting or copy of the by-laws that are supposed to be voted upon have been made
available so far to the membership for review prior to the meeting.  This does
not allow the membership to have thoughtful time to consider issues regarding
club affairs prior to the meeting and nor allow meaningful discussion to take
place. I would like to see three things happen in the future that I feel will
make the club more responsible to the general membership and are normal SOP's fo
most organizations:

1)   all executive committee minutes and general membership meeting minutes are
published in the newsletter.

2)   an agenda of items to be brought before the club be made available to
members at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting and mid-winter meeting -
the agenda may, of course, be amended at the meeting, but items thought
important by the executive committee to be brought before the membership should
be pre-published.

3)   that a date for passage of the by-laws  be established for the mid-winter
meeting allowing for adequate time for all members to review them with the
by-laws being mailed to members prior to the meeting

Our by-laws committee presented our recommendation for by-laws to the executive
committee in October 1998 and to date these by-laws have not been presented to
the membership for vote. Despite statements to the contrary at  subsequent  club
meetings, the by-laws committee's responsibility ended upon presentation of our
recommendations to the executive committee and no obligation to do any other
tasks was assigned by the executive committee to any by-laws committee member.
I have available a copy of our recommended by-laws upon request.

Thanks for your time and consideration of these issues which I feel are
important for the future of the MWFHC and in maintaining an informed and
participative membership.

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA


2000-07-18 Thread Heithingi
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

I recently commissioned Ingrid Ivic (Full Moon Fjords) to do some artwork for 
my soon to be published manuscript.  (Actually, I believe I begged really 
hard.)  She was very kind and agreed to do the work, even though she was 
under a very serious deadline.  She came through with flying colors and her 
work is spectacular.

Anyway, she just mailed me the completed group and must say she has done an 
absolutely stupendeous job!  Her work is beautiful!  Everyone has ohhhed and 
ahhhed over it here at Bailey's and now it is off to the publisher with deep 
regret.  We decided to post a partial scan of one piece of Ingrid's work on 
our website and would invite all of you to take a look at it!  Our website 
address is:

Please remember, this is not the entire piece, would not fit in our scanner!  
If you all needed any sort of artwork done of your Fjords, farm, whatever, we 
would highly recommend Ingrid.  Her email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have a great summer day,

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

Warning about Woodstock Vermont hotel

2000-07-18 Thread Michele Bigelow
This message is from: Michele Bigelow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Folks-

I just wanted to pass on a warning about a difficult motel in Woodstock
Vermont.  No need to give the gory details, however if you are planning on
attending the NFHA show, feel free to contact me off line regarding this
motel.  I will never, ever, set foot in this place again after the way I was


Re: I'm Back

2000-07-18 Thread Lori Puster
This message is from: Lori Puster [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 [As Carol pointed out women and mares who live together often cycle
together it is due to their pheramones (sp?)] 

You mean I'm gonna start cycling with my horse? vbg

Lori P.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #191

2000-07-18 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bill Coli [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoted/wrote:

  The NFHR Judges Rule Book states Horse to pull log in work harness
  through 5 cones both directions.  Cones set 6 inches less than length of
  log.  The rules are not complete.  The log should be 12 to 15 feet
  long.  The rules mentions a 5 second penalty for touching a cone and 2
  seconds for going outside the 30 foot side boundry lines.

 If a 12 foot log is used, then the cones would be set 11 feet six 
 inches apart???


 At last year's Woodstock show, the cones in the single log pull were
 set about 2- 4 inches wider than the evener, making it really
I believe that we're talking about two different types of events.  The
Libby course is a SINGLE line of cones, with sidelines on either side.
The cones are negotiated in a serpentine course, with the horse and
the log having to stay between the sidelines, and go AROUND each
cone---sort of doing a 5-loop version of a figure-8.  It's tough,
with a log (actually more of a telephone pole) longer than the
distance between successive cones and longer than the distance between
cones and the sidelines!

From your description, I suspect that the Woodstock course is a series
of PAIRS of cones, which the log is to be pulled BETWEEN.  Entirely
different setup, testing different skills and strategies.

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

I'm Back

2000-07-18 Thread Reinbowend
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List,

I have just returned from a vacatiion for two weeks w/family. I browsed 
through the mail last night and replied to some and this morning I deleted 
everything as I had over 600 saved and another 200+ to read so if anyone was 
trying to reach me please forgive me for not replying and try again now that 
I am home.

All my horses looked great and all the mares bred AI to Marnix have settled 
except for good old Birte who has a uterine infection that didn't show up on 
spring culture so we will try again and do a post breeding infusion keeping 
our fingers crossed. AI has worked tremendously well for Marnix and  I. Both 
of us are much happier with this arrangement than live cover. As Carol 
pointed out women and mares who live together often cycle together it is due 
to their pheramones (sp?) so being able to breed multiple mares on one 
collection was a bonus. I'm getting ready to go to the Advanced HT at GMHA 
weekend after next fortunately I only have to do sec. E as with two weeks off 
and heat and humidity Marnix will need more conditioning to do a three phase. 
Sounds like everyone on the list is having a good summer. Vivian


2000-07-18 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I know that even I forget how to access the list archives, and from
  time to time have to dig back thru my local archives to get the
  original announcement message. So for all who have forgotten, or
  really didn't know there were full archives to the list, here are
  the instructions again.

  The entire history of the list available to you in a searchable
  format. Go to Read the HELP there to get
  an idea how the search engine works. Then select Home  Garden,
  then Pets  Animals, then FjordHorse. At this point you will be
  presented with a security dialog box. The username is fjordhorse
  and the password is fjords_rule. I suggest you write these down
  somewhere. I had Listquest implement the password because I don't
  want people wandering in off the Web and getting our email

  One of the reasons I chose Listquest to archive our list is their
  concern with address harvesting. They have developed spam counter-
  measures. All email addresses, whether in the header or the body of
  the message are converted to in-line GIFs. These are easily read by
  human eyes but are not readable by programs trolling for email
  addresses for use in mass mailing programs. The process to encode
  the GIFs is encrypted and changes on a regular basis to make it
  difficult to reverse engineer.

  I hope this will make the list an even more valuable resource for
  owners and lovers of the Norwegian Fjord horse, all over the world.
  Check it out and let me know how you like it.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  He that would venture nothing must not get on horseback. --Spanish proverb  

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and 
leave a trail.  -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2000 #191

2000-07-18 Thread wcoli
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This message is from: Curtis Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Pat McCurdy wanted to know:
 How far are the cones set apart for the pull?
 The NFHR Judges Rule Book states Horse to pull log in work harness
 through 5 cones both directions.  Cones set 6 inches less than length of
 log.  The rules are not complete.  The log should be 12 to 15 feet
 long.  The rules mentions a 5 second penalty for touching a cone and 2
 seconds for going outside the 30 foot side boundry lines.

I'm confused by this. If a 12 foot log is used, then the cones 
would be set 11 feet six inches apart???
I could drive a tractor trailer through that. At last year's 
Woodstock show, the cones in the single log pull were set about 2-
4 inches wider than the evener, making it really challenging.
Bill Coli

a ride to Libby

2000-07-18 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: linda hickam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi listers...could anyone help me to get a weanling filly{at Julie Wills
right now} to Libby in September?any ideas appreciated.linda

Mane shears carts ( adv. )

2000-07-18 Thread Nancy Lehnert
This message is from: Nancy Lehnert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello to all you Fjord Enthusiasts,
I received a new shipment of the shears that stay sharp for a long time
before needing a touch up you can do yourself. They work great on thick or
thin Fjord manes-  price includes leather sheath $25 + $5 shipping.
Also now have the dealership for a new easy entry cart  with nicely
designed wooded shafts that can still be shipped UPS to save a bundle on
shipping! Cart price $595 + $100 shipping.
I will be off this list for a month, so please write or call me if you are
The last few weeks have been great haying weather so all the winter hay is
in now!
It has also been great weather to work ( play?!) with the horses with folks
visiting from Alaska, Georgia and Wisconsin and California. Even after many
years, it is still a joy to be helping people learn about Fjord horses.
Happy Trails to all,
Nancy Lehnert
Nancy's Fjord Horses
P.O. Box 1469
Bigfork, MT 59911
Phone- 406-257-6969 (after 10 a.m. please)

Re: Buckets

2000-07-18 Thread MyNorseHorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pony Club safety standards say that the water bucket should be at least chest 
high.  If he can drink out of it a little higher you may want to do that.  
Also be sure that they are not attached directly to the wall.  A double end 
snap or even baling twine between them will make it easier to break if by 
chance he does manage to get his foot caught.  Same thing with feed buckets.  
Have a good vacation!

Kate in CT
mom to Baldur

Saddle fit

2000-07-18 Thread Anneli Sundkvist
This message is from: Anneli Sundkvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've had my gelding since he was 5 months old and now, at 7 years of age, he's 
back is STILL changing! He grew out of my dressage saddle about 8 months ago, 
so I bought my present saddle which is something in between a Western, English 
and Spanish saddle. This has got a very wide tree, so I hope he won't outgrow 
this one ever. 

As a matter of fact, he's not even FAT!;o) My mare (15 yo) has also outgrown 
her saddle, but something tells me that it will be ok in a month or so - she's 
already loosing weight again. This horse would survive on air. She creates some 
kind of vacuum in her throat, opens her mouth and - everything that grows in 
the neighbourhod is gone!

The Orhto-flex saddles seem great but they are extremly expensive here in 
Sweden. I, myself has become intrested in buying an Iberian saddle for dressage 
work. Does anyone have thought about Iberian saddles in general and Iberian 
saddles - Fjords in particular?



Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology  Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082 (dept.) +46-18-553627 (home)


2000-07-18 Thread SSlotness
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am interested in how high you must put a bucket for a horse so he can't get 
his foot caught in it. It is currently chest high and he doesn't seem to be 
able to get his foot that high. We are going  on vacation for two weeks and 
will have a non-horsey person feeding them and keeping watch over them. If 
there are any other pitfalls anyone can see, let me know.