Re: The Herald

2005-03-19 Thread NordicKees
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I got mine today (Saturday) and I am in So. California.

Rondi Tyler.

Space Available for Trip From CO to VA

2005-03-19 Thread Curtis Pierce
This message is from: "Curtis Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Hi Everyone,

At the end of this month, I am moving my sister from North Carolina to
Denver, Colorado.  Around April 4, I will be returning to Virginia with an
empty 20 foot stock trailer.  So, if you have horses or carriages, etc. that
need moving, just let me know.  My route will be along I-70 most of the way.
Take care!
Curt Pierce
Bristow, VA & Mathias, WV


The Herald

2005-03-19 Thread Les

This message is from: "Les" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hay List
Maybe they are coming by PONY EXPRESS :)))
Les & Margaret Hoagland
Callahan, California

Re: PNFPG Newsletter

2005-03-19 Thread Conerstonefjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List,
 Just mailed out the April Newsletter and members  should be getting it 
within a week.  If you are a member of the PNFPG and  don't receive one please 
let me know.  We have a new members list and I  want to make sure it's as 
accuracte as can be.  Remember that dues for the  PNFPG are due in September 
should be sent to Sylvia Riddle, our  secretary.  It's easy to remember as the 
Libby show is in September  too:)
 The next Newsletter will be our Mare and foal  issue.  Please send in 
your birth announcements and photos.  If you  have an interesting foaling 
experience to share please send to Ursula Jensen or  Kathy Rollins.  The 
fills up fast so get your arcticles,  stories, and ads in.  Being a member 
insures you receive four newsletters a  year and other group mailings and 
priviledges so if you are not  currently a member becomming one is an easy 
thing to do..only $20.00 a  year.  Hope you are all having a wonderful spring.  
Kathleen  Rollins

field preparation

2005-03-19 Thread jo Anbro

This message is from: "jo Anbro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi from Jo and Don in Binghamton, NY.  We live with our two fjords, OH 
Felicia and SSF Lillevenn on a five acre parcel in a subdivision.  The 
manure when cleaned from the stalls at this point has not been too hard to 
scatter around our hedgerow but I am concerned about how our fields look 
this year.  We've had horses grazing with rotation of two fields for two 
years.  I need your advice:  the field are getting very muddy and full of 
holes and I know need to be reseeded or at best scatter lime over it.  We 
have a 650 John Deere and need to purchase something to level out  the soil 
and break up the manure as well. Then, is there yet another piece of 
equipment to purchase to seed and lime or can you do that by hand?   We've 
had suggestions of a stone rake or harrow.  We have a small grassless plot 
and two  fields with an electric fence around all of them.  We think someday 
we may move to a bigger piece of property but for now we're happy where we 
are.  Your suggestions are always helpful and we'd appreciate any thoughts 
on this subject.  Thanks so much.

Jo and Don Anbro

Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread Ruth Bushnell

This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No Herald at this address yet.  -- 
Built Fjord Tough

Carol M.

OURS CAME yesterday... maybe yours did too and you didn't recognize it?  =))

It's very nicely done, albeit very different. Photo screening quality is 

See a notice where everyone only has twelve days to get their new Fjord 
horse registry logo ideas in, deadline the 31st.

I haven't read it all yet, there is considerable content but I couldn't find 
the Board of Director Minutes..? Did anyone else? I will look closer today.

Ruthie, nw mt US

few questions

2005-03-19 Thread spiekath
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am expecting my first Fjord foal in a couple of weeks, ( actually my mare 
is).  Have had other foals ,but they were mules and TB/QH.  Since I live so far 
out in the boonies, I am going to have her foal out this first time at the Vets 
who has 24 hour cameras. My vet wants to know relative size ( I think I 
remember a discussion on the list of 100 lbs plus or minus 20 as average ).  
She was surprised so heavy, but assumes that it is more bone density than size. 
  Is there a high or lower rate of dystocias due to the large size, and are 
they more like drafts in terms of average gestation?  We are planning on 11 
months, 11 days which would put her due about the middle of April. Do the 
Fjords generally follow this?  She is now looking very pregnant, somewhat 
uncomfortable  but not making much of a bag and still quite active.
She and the stallion are almost shed out for the first spring go around of the 
outer hairs, now working on the short hair.

On another note, I am training two fjords to the cart this spring, a gest son 
and an Erlend daughter.  I am also working with a mule and a QH.  I am a 
relative novice but have help.   If any one ever doubts the intelligence or 
workability of the Fjord, just try training them side by side. The non-fjords 
are willing, smart and I have had them since birth but there is no comparison.  
The light clicks on so much sooner for the Fjord and introduction to scary 
things like poles and drags is just matter of fact and takes a fraction of the 
time. ( The drawback is that as soon as they figure that the contraptions are 
no problem, they proceed to pick them up and drag them by the teeth around the 
arena. I use PVC pipes to introduce shafts and it is quite a site to see the 
Fjords dragging the shafts in circles for fun.  )

Thanks for the help.
Kathy in Se Idaho where spring is elusive.  The birds are back, but it is still 
in the teens at night.  And the great Idaho land exchange ( wind) has begun in 

Re: few questions

2005-03-19 Thread Ruth Bushnell

This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am expecting my first Fjord foal in a couple of weeks, ( actually my 
mare is). ...  We are planning on 11 months, 11 days which would put her 
due about the middle of April. Do the Fjords generally follow this?  Kathy

ON THE NFHR website under "forms and documents" there are a few articles 
about mares, one of which says that 341 days is the average gestation 

Ruthie, nw mt US (good one about land exchange =) 

Fjords Make The Newest Addition of Drafthorse Journal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-19 Thread Carole Cox
This message is from: "Carole Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got my Draft Horse Journal.  A really nice little article was
included about Fjords and how one group uses them for tourists at a
Glacier in Norway. It was nice to see the breed promotion in the "gold
Standard" of the draft horse world.  Draft horse Journal usually focuses
on the "Big Breeds" but really gave the Fjords a nice little space
53F and finally drying out a little in Northern WV
A+, Network+, CIW

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

new ebay Fjord

2005-03-19 Thread Carol J. Makosky

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Time for a laugh.  Check out the new T-shirt from England in the Fjord 
section on ebay.  I am hoping that the picture is just distorted from 
the way the material is laid out.  Anyway the Fjord's nose resembles 
that of a hippo.

Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin 

Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread BaileysFjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Ruthie,
Probably be a while before we get ours, but what do you mean, there is only  
twelve days to get logo ideas in?
I know we all had the discussion last year about changing the logo, and  then 
there was a discussion about a contest, but nothing further.  Is this  the 
contest that was talked about?
As for the minutessurely they are there somewhere, right?
In a message dated 3/19/2005 10:49:26 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

See a  notice where everyone only has twelve days to get their new Fjord 
horse  registry logo ideas in, deadline the 31st.

I haven't read it all yet,  there is considerable content but I couldn't find 
the Board of Director  Minutes..? Did anyone else? I will look closer  today.

Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just checked the archives and Mike sent an email saying they were mailed 
out on the 9th.  I'm checking the mail daily for it and still nothing.  Just 
wondering if it's just taking its time, or if somehow I got skipped.

Northern Holiday Horses 
Welcome Polaris 

Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread Carol J. Makosky

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just checked the archives and Mike sent an email saying they were mailed 
out on the 9th.  I'm checking the mail daily for it and still nothing.  Just 
wondering if it's just taking its time, or if somehow I got skipped.

Northern Holiday Horses 
Welcome Polaris 


No Herald at this address yet. 

Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin 

Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet? Not me either!

2005-03-19 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All...
I, too, have been lurking by my mailbox but have not seen the Herald yet. 
  It's still pretty cold out here by this mailbox so...???


Yellow Pony Farm


Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:09 PM 3/18/2005, you wrote:

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just checked the archives and Mike sent an email saying they were mailed
out on the 9th.  I'm checking the mail daily for it and still nothing.  Just
wondering if it's just taking its time, or if somehow I got skipped.

They do get sent 3rd class mail so it can take up to 3 weeks to get 
delivered.  I would have thought that someone would have received one by 
now though.

They were mailed from Southern California this time so that area should see 
them first I would think.


Northern Holiday Horses
Welcome Polaris


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread Ruth Bushnell

This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Probably be a while before we get ours, but what do you mean, there is 

twelve days to get logo ideas in?

I know we all had the discussion last year about changing the logo, and 

there was a discussion about a contest, but nothing further.  Is this  the
contest that was talked about?

As for the minutessurely they are there somewhere, right?


I CAN'T HARDLY BELIEVE IT EITHER, but I just looked again and while there is 
an awfully lot of peripheral material there, I don't see the one essential, 
the Minutes. I am temporarily speechless.

Mike May... am I simply overlooking them somehow?

The logo information is on page19 entitled "In Search of New Logos." Says 
anyone may submit ORIGINAL artwork for a logo design and all submissions 
must be postmarked by March 31 and sent to Catherine Lassesen at 256 May 
Creek Road, Days Creek, OR 97429.

The top 3 to 5 submissions, determined by Directors, will be published in 
the Summer issue of Herald. Membership will be asked to vote on their 
favorite design at the same time they vote on the 2006 Board of Directors.

"The winning designs (one for 25th Anniversary and one for the new logo) 
will be officially announced in the Winter 06 Fjord Herald. The 2006 issues 
of the Fjord Herald will be our 25th Anniversary Issues."

Ruthie, nw mt US 

Re: Did Anybody Get Their Fjord Herald Yet?

2005-03-19 Thread Tamara Rousso

This message is from: Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It was in yesterday's mail.  Great cover!

Fallbrook  CA

On Friday, March 18, 2005, at 09:59 PM, Carol J. Makosky wrote:

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just checked the archives and Mike sent an email saying they were 
mailed out on the 9th.  I'm checking the mail daily for it and still 
nothing.  Just wondering if it's just taking its time, or if somehow 
I got skipped.

Pamela Northern Holiday Horses Welcome Polaris

No Herald at this address yet.
Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

Everyone Please In>>> (Sale and MAJOR Question)

2005-03-19 Thread Crystal Garland
This message is from: Crystal Garland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am a simmer, who plays on sim games and owns SIM horses. Yes..Sim! I own a 
farm Aautumn Knoll farm which breeds Norwegian Fjords and Shires. I am looking 
for Fjord Pictures. Red dun, White Dun, Grey Dun, Borwn Dun, ESPECIALLY WHITE 
DUN, and pretty much every colour of a Fjord! lol I am looking for pictures of 
Fjords that are standing in the pasture, riding having fun and pretty much 
doing anything. I am really intersted in Foal pictures jsut as well as pictures 
of full grown Fjords. If you have ANY pictures that I could use please e-mail 
them too, or e-mail me your Web-site URL. I make web-sites and in the HTML code 
I put in a thing, that you can't right click on the web-page and you can't take 
the pictures. I also put right on the picture Copy-writed. I am very caustious 
with all pictures taht I use and I give the owner FULL credit if they want the 
credit. Please e-mail your Web-site URL's at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or you can just 
e-mail the photo's that I can use.

Also. I am looking to trade my Real Life Norweigan Fjord Gelding. He is a sweet 
heart and I am really looking for a kind of older Fjord that has the been their 
done that attitude. I am willing to trade for pretty much anything older than 
10 years old. This guy is turning 9 and is ground driven and green broke to 
ride. He is owned by a 14yo and is always lead and taken care of pretty much 5 
days a aweek by a 65yo and 57yo. He is gentle and is sweet. He is resepectfull 
good with farrier and vet. Please e-mail me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more 
infroamtion. Or I am selling this guy for $6500 Best Offer.

Thank you guys and PLEASE be sure to e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], I really 
dont use yahoo anymore...:(


Sher in CO

2005-03-19 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good for you!!!   The focus should be to achieve your goal, have fun and be
safe!!   Does not matter with what breed.  And I am saying this as a Fjord
breeder!!   ( I also have QH)   :<

I will also again reiterate (sp?)  what I believe Carol R. has said many
times, and that I firmly believe as well.  With any breed, but especially with
fjords:  Buy a weanling, raise it yourself, and you will for certain know what
you have.  I have learned this from many many years with horses.  I know it
seems like a lng time to wait to ride or drive, but it goes fast and you
have a horse you kow from the get go, and feel safe with.  You will end up
spending the same $$$, as weanling/yearlings are cheaper, yet you may or may
not have to use a trainer etc.  Now, even when you buy a young fjord, make
sure they have been handled right.

I am NOT saying this because I sell fjords, but honestly because I believe

Janne in sunny ND

A very informative web site

2005-03-19 Thread Steve Sessoms
This message is from: Steve Sessoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

However, has anyone on the list found a place to actually buy grass seed that 
has less carbs and sugars?  If so, was it priced like gold?

Meredith Sessoms
~ Dorina, NFR Aagot and little Anjee ~