RE: Driving joke

1999-12-08 Thread justus
This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Hope you find this as amusing as I did.

A close encounter of the Law kind:

"Ma'am, I'm not going to ticket you, but I do have to issue
 you a warning.  You have a broken reflector on your buggy."

 "Oh, I'll let my husband, Jacob, know as soon as I get home."

 "That's fine.  Another thing, ma'am.  I don't like the way
 that one rein loops across the horse's back and around one
 of his testicles.  I consider that animal abuse.  That's
 cruelty to animals.  Have your husband take care of that
 right away!"

 Later that day, the lady is home telling her husband about
 her encounter with the cop.  "Well, dear, what exactly did
 he say?"

 "He said the reflector is broken."

 "I can fix that in two minutes.  What else?"

 "I'm not sure, Jacob... something about the emergency brake..."


1999-12-02 Thread justus
This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I am no horse trainer, but learning a lot from the list while practicing
my lurking skills.  But as for parent educational tips for raising
kids check out this site. I borrowed some of these Love and Logic tapes
from my daughters school and experimented with some of their suggestions
with positive results.  As Monty Roberts has said, "Children and Horse
are a lot alike". If we see the importance for getting the assistance of
good horse trainers perhaps we would also benefit from getting some help
from good parent/child trainers. 
Please let me know how it works out if you give L&L a go.

Re: Buying and selling-thanks!

1999-11-17 Thread justus
This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Best of luck! Please keep us posted on your progress. 

Re: Happy Halloween

1999-10-31 Thread justus
This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you, we loved it. Happy Halloween to all and to all a spook night!

Mike May wrote:
> This message is from: Mike May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Since it is Halloween today I thought you all might like this one.  It is
> kind of slow loading with all of the graphics but it is a cute one.  If you
> liked Hampster dance you will like this one too.
> Mike
> PS if you haven't seen Hampster dance then you better go look at that
> too.  Here it is:
> Make sure you have your speakers on the music is the best part of it.

Re: New Pictures @ Mariposa

1999-10-20 Thread justus
This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, I noticed the championships, too bad he was sold, :(, but I am sure
he will be treated very well. I will have to get my piggies in the
savings back working overtime this year.
Please keep me on your "inquiry" list and send photo's when the new one
arrives. I will be very interested in seeing the little cutie.
Thank you also for all the info, I am glad they do fine with the other
breeds and full sized stalls.
Enjoy this afternoon and lovely sunset.

"Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" wrote:
> This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Lyn
> I am glad you got to see my web site.  It has only been around for a few weeks
> and I'm still working out the submission process for various search engines.
> Alida was bred this spring to Rokida's Niklaus (Grey Dun) and should foal at
> the end of April 2000.  Alida is a brown dun which is the most common color
> for Fjords while her filly from '97 (Asa) is a red dun.  Odds are that her
> foal will be another brown dun but we won't know until it's born.  Her foal
> would be in the price range of $3,000-4,000 (at weaning) depending on how it
> turns out and what sex it is.  There is a lot of potential with such a good
> cross.  I'm not sure if you saw that Niklaus won not only his class at the
> Blue Earth but he also won Grand Stallion!  We were really happy to be one of
> the few breedings by him this year.  Unfortunately he was sold to a breeding
> farm in Green Bay and that will be all he'll do from now on it seems.
> Our stalls in our barn are 14 X 10 and the Fjords do fine in them.  That is
> when they are in them.  They would rather be outside.  We put them in when
> there is a real cold rain or if it's going to be real cold.  Otherwise they
> are outside.  One of our horses is a 15-1 hh Arab mare and they all fit
> together fine (Both Alida 14-2 hh and Asa 14-0 hh aren't that small).
> Good luck with your search for your daughter's horse.  My daughter is 12 and
> she has the Arab.  Alida is my wife's and Asa is mine.  I'm the one who gets
> to wait to ride for three years!  I'm half way there.
> Mark
> @Mariposa
> justus wrote:
> > This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Lisa and Mark,
> >
> > Wow, such beautiful horses, I especially love the palomino coloring of
> > Alida! Funny thing, I just e-mailed Mari telling her of my palomino
> > dreams and web window shopping today!  I have searched for days for
> > Fjords for sale in Wisconsin, but would not have found your site if you
> > had not sent it to the list. Thank you!
> >
> > If you get a nice colt or filly to sell for next fall with the Baileys
> > and Cream coloring, please let me know. What price range would a young
> > 5-6 month old go for? I know this breed is above my current limit, but I
> > am willing to wait and save for the horse of my dreams.
> >
> > My daughter may be getting hers a lot sooner though, as she is less
> > particular at the wonderful age of 8, and is happy with anything
> > (almost) on four legs:)  We are looking as some very nice Quarter horse
> > colts and some paints this weekend. There seems to be a fall clearance
> > sale on them right now, with several available for $450.00.
> >
> > I will have to rent a stall for our horses for a few years, until we can
> > get our own place. Most of the farms here around Belleville and New
> > Glarus are built for the larger horses, how would a Fjord get along in a
> > full sized stall and with the other Quarters and such in the pasture?
> >
> > Look forward to your reply.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Lyn
> >
> > "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" wrote:
> > >
> > > This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > Hi Everyone,
> > >
> > > It was supposedly the next to last nice day up here (northern Wisconsin)
> > > and I caught our fjords doing that solar gain and storage thing out in
> > > the pasture.  I posted the pictures at our website at
> > >
> > >
> > > I also have somewhat updated puppy pics there too for those of you who
> > > are interested.
> > >
> > > To Jon and Mary Ofjord-
> > >
> > > This is my last trip out of town with Big Top Chautauqua this weekend...
> > > maybe we can get that ride in soon?
> > >
> > > Mark McGinley
> > > @ Mariposa

Re: New Pictures @ Mariposa

1999-10-20 Thread justus
This message is from: justus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lisa and Mark,

Wow, such beautiful horses, I especially love the palomino coloring of
Alida! Funny thing, I just e-mailed Mari telling her of my palomino
dreams and web window shopping today!  I have searched for days for
Fjords for sale in Wisconsin, but would not have found your site if you
had not sent it to the list. Thank you!

If you get a nice colt or filly to sell for next fall with the Baileys
and Cream coloring, please let me know. What price range would a young
5-6 month old go for? I know this breed is above my current limit, but I
am willing to wait and save for the horse of my dreams.

My daughter may be getting hers a lot sooner though, as she is less
particular at the wonderful age of 8, and is happy with anything
(almost) on four legs:)  We are looking as some very nice Quarter horse
colts and some paints this weekend. There seems to be a fall clearance
sale on them right now, with several available for $450.00.  

I will have to rent a stall for our horses for a few years, until we can
get our own place. Most of the farms here around Belleville and New
Glarus are built for the larger horses, how would a Fjord get along in a
full sized stall and with the other Quarters and such in the pasture?

Look forward to your reply.

Thank you.

"Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" wrote:
> This message is from: "Mark and Lisa K. McGinley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Everyone,
> It was supposedly the next to last nice day up here (northern Wisconsin)
> and I caught our fjords doing that solar gain and storage thing out in
> the pasture.  I posted the pictures at our website at
> I also have somewhat updated puppy pics there too for those of you who
> are interested.
> To Jon and Mary Ofjord-
> This is my last trip out of town with Big Top Chautauqua this weekend...
> maybe we can get that ride in soon?
> Mark McGinley
> @ Mariposa