Re: Albany Expo

2001-04-02 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Gayle-

Sorry the expo was not what you expected. In our businesses we've had a few 
hard knocks too! You learn where to put your promotional bucks.

Despite the problems, we had a BLAST and were honored to help you with the 
Fjord display. I know Jack sold about 100 people on Fjords, and handed out 
countless cards. He's quite a talker : ) Sometimes I can't shut him up!

It was interesting to see all the different breeds, but I too would have 
liked to see the Rocky Mountain Horses, Friesians and of course US get equal 
arena time to the other participants. Some of the presentations were 
boring and the time could have been better spent.

Brigid Wasson
San Francisco Bay Area, CA";>Our Fjords 

Re: Albany Expo

2001-04-01 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've spent this week trying to get caught up after doing the Expo in Albany, 
Or. last weekend.  Finally have a few minutes to write & share our experience.

Jack & Brigid arrived on Mon. from Ca. to visit their 'boychild', Raphael, 
who has joined our barn for 'spring training', and to help with the booth at 
the Expo.

We left here Thurs. AM to set up the booth and get everything prepared.  The 
Expo opened at 10 AM on Fri.

We were joined there by Catherine Lasessen, Amy Evers, and Becky & Bob 
Vorpagel.  Catherine had brought her stallion, Blaaman, to drive in the 
Stallion Review and in our breed demos. Amy had come to assist her.

Vorpagels brought a young filly, Granne (forgive me if I misspelled her 
name!), and Beckie rode her dressage for our demos.

I brought Dusty and did his Freestyle Reining at the end of our breed demo. I 
have added some diagonal canter work to his performance that seems to please 
the dressage folks. 

I, personally, was not pleased with the organizers of the Expo this year.  
For whatever reason, several of the horse exhibitors were rather 'swept under 
the carpet' and we were among those 'chosen'.  It was not as good for us as 
it was last year.

I had requested the same stalls as we had last year since people will tend to 
look for you in the same place.  We not only did not get the same stalls, but 
they had placed us in mini stalls with short walls.  They had the minis in 
the big stalls.  I talked with the mini people and we were able to switch.

The only problem was that those stalls were in the middle of the barn instead 
of on the end in front of the big entry doors like last year.  We were across 
from a whole row of nutty mustangs. The fellow directly across from us was 
nothing short of a carnival barker!  He was selling T-shirts, raffle tickets, 
and PROMOTING HIS stallion.  He had set an antique parade saddle, absolutely 
dripping with silver and supposedly appraised at $250,000, in front of his 
booth to attract everyone's attention.  Needless to say, it was difficult for 
us to get much attention!  We didn't hand out nearly as many brochures & 
flyers as last year.

We did play the tapes which Beth had made for use at the Expos.  The one that 
tended to catch everyone's attention was some footage of one of Sue G. mares 
foaling.  I played that one a lot!

The other thing that was not so good this year was that the demo times 
assigned to us were awful.  We were at 10:30 AM on Fri. - hardly anyone there 
yet.  The other time was on Sat. at 4:30 PM opposite John Lyons who was 
speaking in the big arena.  Again, hardly any audience.  AND we got NO TIME 
ON SUN., the big day.  They did that to several of the horse exhibitors.  One 
group had come clear from Livingston, MT with 10 horses.  They only got 2 
runs also.  The same for some Fresian breeders from here in OR.  Folks were 
not happy about that.

The show did go on, however, and we made the best of it.  Catherine & Amy, 
dressed in their lovely Bunads, drove Blaaman while Beckie rode Granne, and I 
rode Dusty for our breed demo.

Poor Catherine & Amy got absolutely drenched prior to their performance for 
the Stallion Review Sat.  However, by the time we were preparing for our 
breed demo, the clouds parted, God smiled, and the sun came out!  Welcome to 

We did our best, but don't think I'll be doing that Expo next year!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR 

Re: Albany Expo

2000-04-03 Thread Mike and Casey Rogillio
This message is from: Mike and Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

fjordhorse-digest wrote:
> fjordhorse-digest   Monday, April 3 2000   Volume 2000 : Number 102   
> Albany EXPO 

Gayle, may I add my thanks for a super write-up on the Expo.  Made me
feel as if I was there, except I didn't get to buy anything *G*.  

I was at the Draft Horse Chat site this week-end and a woman posted
there asking about Fjords.  She must have been at the Expo, she's from
Oregon, had just seen the Fjords and was asking questions about them.  

So already there's interest generated from the Expo, great job, all of
you for pulling together so professionally.  

Casey & Tyr in sodden Alabama (5.75" since Saturday, 2.5" today alone. 
Meredith, how are your girls doing?!)

Re: Albany EXPO

2000-04-02 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gayle what a great job describing what so many of us had to miss!!  You
should all be quite proud of how well you did and what a great publicity for
the breed.  Must have been breathtaking to see Dusty and Erland eyeing the
girls but trying to be professional!!!  Interesting about the different
reactions from dressage enthusiasts to western. Helps prove that fjords
cover all riding interests.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Albany EXPO

2000-04-02 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:54 AM 04/02/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Hello Everyone,
>It has been a week since the EXPO in Albany.  I'm still tired!  Think the 
>dust has finally settled.(snip, snip)...

>All in all 'twas a very good weekend and there are thousands more people who 
>now know what Fjord horses are!

it was frightfully nice of you to take the time to write up the Albany
exhibition so thoroughly and entertaining for all of us who couldn't go!
thank you!

wonderful too the promotional work you do for Fjords everywhere.. we're all
beholden to you bigtime! God Bless you and Dusty!

Ruthie, NW MT

Re: Albany Expo

2000-03-05 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/5/00 5:08:04 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

The reason I venture out into the Kitchen is to ask a somewhat
silly question. I really want to go to the Horse Expo the is in
Albany Or. We live in Bellevue Wa and this is an opportunity to
meet some of the people I see here.
Can the person that is heading up this project please let me know
when this is so I can take the time off. I could also use
directions but I'll find my way if needed.


I would be 'the person' heading up this project.  Dusty just told me he would 
like some of the credit, too.  Guess he doesn't want me to steal all of his 
'thunder'!  It's a GUY thing!

Anyway, the Expo is March 24-26 at the Linn County fairgrounds.  Just get on 
I-5 and head south.  Albany is just south of Salem and just north of Eugene.  
The fairgrounds is right next to the freeway and easy to find by following 
the signs.

I recently received the schedule of events and it seems that all 3 days will 
be packed full of interesting clinics and demos by some of the country's top 
names like John Lyons, Linda Tellington Jones, etc.  There will be lots of 
vendor booths with the latest and greatest products so bring your money, 
paper or plastic, I am told!!

Be sure to look us up at our Fjord hospitality area!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR