Re: Audio CD help

2007-10-18 Thread neal
On Monday 15 October 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You might prefer trying to tell your preferred CD-player
> where it can find the CD-ROM device, this can often be
> done with an `Edit Preferences' dialog.
> --
> Hope this helps,
> Michaël

Following a fresh install of FreeBSD 6.2 STABLE without 
doing all updates.

After following the Manual guide on setting up permanent 
symbolic links as you suggest and having the correct link 
to /dev/cdrom I still have problems trying to play cds. 
They do play and I can hear the sound too,, but most of the 
time there is an intermittent pause after the track has 
been playing for several seconds and then a skip to the 
next track. Sometimes it skips to the next track without 
playing any of the current one. 

I have been and still do play music cds under Linux systems 
and never had any problems.

any ideas?

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newby can't set up dvd and audio cd to play

2007-11-04 Thread neal
Hello list,

I am in the process of migrating to using FreeBSD (from 
Linux, which I would like to leave entirely behind, how 
does one make sure they don't install something that 
requires the Linux compatibility packages?

I have a working BSD system installed using DesktopBSD;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/home/pineal]$ uname -v
FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #0: Mon Jul 23 21:48:53 CEST 2007

I am using this on one partition of one of my drives. I have 
a second 40gb drive to do a new install to to take over 
when I have finished playing and discovering on this 
current setup.

The problem I have is that I cannot get dvds to play. I have 
read the FAQ and the Handbook, I made the changes suggested 
i.e. adding devices, but still to no avail. What actually 
happens when I play a dvd is that the dvd will play 
sometimes for about 20 secs then I get an error dialog 
saying either I do not have sufficient rights or the dvd is 
empty. Trying to play a music cd is similarly wierd. On 
play the first track may play and if it does will last for 
about 20 secs, sometimes a track will not play at all and 
eventually skip to the next, but I never seem to get any 
longer than about 20 secs?

I have a fresh install of FreeBSD 6.2 STABLE installed on my 
second drive waiting to hopefully set up correctly. I have 
done no updates at all at this point. Could someone please 
give me some guidance with this? 

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Re: [OT] who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread neal
On Monday 26 November 2007, Brett Davidson wrote:
> To give another reason against supression of quotes is
> that you tend to emulate the actions of the people's
> ideas that you wished suppressed. "The opinion of this
> person/group is not worthy of being spread" is but the
> thin edge of a fascist wedge.
> It effectively states that you know better than the rest
> of us and that you are entitled to prevent others from
> learning/doing something in their "best interests".
> I wish more people would think about that before
> attempting to meddle in what others are allowed to do.

Good points.

It reminds me of a very old mystic quote

"when a Sage points to the moon, the idiot sees only a 

Lets also remember that history is written by the victors, 
which means they LIE!

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Re: [OT] who wrote this

2007-11-26 Thread neal
On Monday 26 November 2007, eBoundHost: Artur wrote:
> >Lets also remember that history is written by the
> > victors, which means they LIE!
> >neal.
> Wow neal, that's very nice of you.  

What is? Surely this is not the first time you have heard 
this said about history.

> are you saying that 
> hitler didn't do any of these things?  

What I was saying was contained in the post, there were no 
words missing, it was all there, complete.

> I'm not even going 
> to respond to you here, just going to re-post your words
> to show that there are still people like you out there...

Oh, you took this personally as if it was an insult directed 
at you. This is one of the problems when viewing with 
combative mind set.

> And as far as your sage to the moon quote, don't think
> too much of your own sagedom, there is always someone
> younger and smarter.  

Despite the failure of the 'message', it was honestly sent 
*to* you not *at* you as you seem to think. 

how about "we do not see the world as it is but as we are".

> You would be better off being a 
> little less "sagy" and a bit nicer.

Thanks, but you are not in a position to determine how I 
might be better or worse off.

> Now to the rest of you who are for some reason turning
> this into a Censorship issue.  It's not.  I'm asking to
> replace the text on the HTML front page with a completely
> unnecessary reference to hitler.  We're not talking about
> pruning the quotes database for controversial speakers.
>  having hitlers name there does nothing positive for the
> project and polarizes the viewing audience because it
> offends the vast majority of people, 99% of whom are not
> going to spend an evening writing to a mailing list to
> have the issue fixed. They won't think about the deep
> philosophical reasons why this should be there in
> principle.  They are going to read the page and think to
> themselves that the freebsd community are a bunch of
> jerks.

No, that is what it says to *you*. You are not everyone 

> There are far better ways to express the thought than by
> simply saying "hitler quotes".  For instance it can be
> replaced with "controversial persons" or something
> similar.  

So it is about censorship. You want the name 'Hitler' erased 
from existence.

> He was not the only such person in history, so 
> we should not be focusing only on him.

> Best Regards,
> Artur

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Re: copying DVD material :: somewhat OT.

2007-12-09 Thread neal
On Saturday 08 December 2007, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> I wrote K3b how to
>cd_i_dvd_diskova_pomo%C4%87u_k3b but you will need little
> bit of Serbian language to read it.
> Actually probably you could follow article even if you do
> not speak Serbian as the language is generic and there
> are only three important steps you need to do.
> Step 1 Editing your /boot/loader.conf file with
> atapicam_load="YES"
> hw.ata.ata_dma="1"
> hw.ata.atapi_dma="1"
> since FreeBSD is using atapicam device to write DVD
> Step 2 Edit your /etc/devfs.conf with various permission.
> Most of those are needed for a work station anyway
> perm      /dev/acd0   0666
> perm      /dev/cd0    0666
> # Commonly used by many ports
> link  cd0 cdrom
> link  cd0  dvd
> link  cd0  rdvd
> link  acd0 cdrom
> link  acd0 dvd
> link  acd0 rdvd
> # Misc other devices
> perm    cdrom   0666
> perm    dvd     0666
> perm    rdvd    0666
> perm    xpt0    0666
> perm    pass0   0666
> Step 3 Edit your /etc/fstab file if you want to use K3b
> as a normal user since the disk has to be mounted on the
> mount point which belong to you
> [pedja@ /usr/home/Pedja]$ more /etc/fstab
> #These are my options
> /dev/cd0     /usr/home/Pedja/mnt/cdrom cd9660   rw,
> noauto      0       0 /dev/acd0  
>  /usr/home/Pedja/mnt/cdrom cd9660   rw, noauto      0    
>   0
> You do not need HAL for things to work but is not going
> to heart.
> Also read
> make showinfo /usr/ports/sysutils/k3b
> Best,
> Predrag

Thanks for posting this Predrag.

I have had unsolvable (so far) problems with playing both 
dvd movies and cd audio. MPlayer will play VOBs but no 
menus, no navigation which can make watching pretty much 
impossible sometimes. 

I had actually given up on trying to get these two features 
to work and have installed a new linux (to me), Kubuntu. On 
this platform, there are no problems with DVD movies, audio 
cd, streamed audio, even flash. I can watch youtube too. 
This has not been the case on FreeBSD. I have tried 
installing FreeBSD 6.2 via three different versions, 
FreeBSD, DesktopBSD and PCBSD, and asked questions on their 
mailing lists. 

But I do like many things about BSD and would like to be 
able to move to it completely when I can have these 
features working correctly, so I will try your suggestions 
above and see what happens.

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Re: copying DVD material :: somewhat OT.

2007-12-09 Thread neal
On Monday 10 December 2007, RW wrote:
> Probably Kubuntu was using Kmplayer with the Xine
> backend. Xine has DVD menu support and AFAIK MPlayer
> doesn't on any platform. I would normally use Xine for
> DVDs and most video files as its picture quality is
> better. That said, if you want to play DVDs through
> mplayer you can navigate via the gmplayer context menu -
> you don't need to play the vob files directly.

No, I was using Kaffeine which also uses the xine backend 
(and its better picture quality).

I see my original post ended up looking like just a moan 
when that wasn't my intention. (best laid plans...)

I chose Kubuntu because it has an easy set up for VMware and 
a couple of similar products which I hope to get installed 
and set up to run BSD. Like I said I really like many 
things about FreeBSD, like it is just so much better 
organised than the Linux I've previously used. I just 
wanted to get 'my'  basic requirements established first 
which has usually been trivial to achieve, but 
unfortunately got no further.

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Re: Low Level Language Suggestions: OT

2007-12-31 Thread neal
On Monday 31 December 2007, Victor Subervi wrote:
> Hi;
> Way OT here...but don't know where else to ask ;)
> I'm considering starting an open source project for
> language translation. Initially, I'll write this in
> python (with both MySQL and OpenLDAP for different
> needs). But the processing will be heavy duty, so I need
> to look toward a low-level language. I am not good in any
> :( I'm thinking Java's probably my best bet, just because
> there are more Java programmers out there than any other
> language (I think). But what about C++ or C#? Your
> comments would be appreciated.
> TIA,
> Victor

checkout freepascal.

its oo, has good language features, easier to learn than 
c/c++, well established. good email list for developer 

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newby needing help

2007-09-27 Thread neal

Hello List,

I've been reading the list for a few weeks now and trying 
out 6.2STABLE. I've been using Linux for the past 6years and 
dos/windows a lot longer before that. Now I'm trying out 
something new and I really like it. Even better, there are 
both a mailing list and a newsgroup for support, wahay! no 
[expletive] forums! IMHO something that is done FOR the 
users and for which I am truly grateful.

I've checked out all the main functions I want from FreeBSD 
and had them all working (hehe, but since broke some) so I'm 
happy it will do the things I want so far.

First question, what is recommended regarding doing updates. 
Is it best to just do all of them? I have always had 
problems doing this e.g. with Mandrake and other Linuxs and 
so am reluctant, but if it is usual I'll give it a try. (I'm 
also reluctant as I assume a full update will update xorg to 
7.3 and I have 7.2 installed with the latest nvidia 9# 
driver and it works beautifully so would rather stay with that.

I have read the Handbook, but still have a problem 
understanding how to map my ext2 and ext3 partitions to the 
UFS notation. e.g. I have a drive hda, it has a swap an 
unused space and four partitions one of which is my home 
partition hda7. How do I refer to this home partition using 
ad0??? notation (as this is what I understand I need to do, 
if not please enlighten). I have installed the ext2fs 
utilities/drivers and can mount an ext2 fs written on dvd 
without problems.

I intend to do a completely fresh install and would like to 
compile for my specific pc kit. Would I be best doing this 
following installation and initial setting up? and is it 
possible to load something from a package now and later 
reinstall from ports?



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Re: newby needing help

2007-09-28 Thread neal

Roland Smith wrote:

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:11:01PM +, neal wrote:
I've checked out all the main functions I want from FreeBSD and had them 
all working (hehe, but since broke some) so I'm happy it will do the things 
I want so far.

First question, what is recommended regarding doing updates. Is it best to 
just do all of them?

It depends. If the update of the base system concerns something that you
use, I would definitely install it.

That's the problem though, same with linux, there are 
obvious things that I would update but there are likely 
items that I would never have a clue if I needed them or 
not. As I'm going to do a completely fresh install on a 
clean system I might just try doing all upgrades right from 
the start and see how it goes from there.

The best way to keep the base system up-to-date is using csup (which is
still referenced in the Handbook in §20.3 as cvsup).

For updating the ports tree I can recommend portsnap. For updating the
ports themselves I use portmaster.

I have always had problems doing this e.g. with 
Mandrake and other Linuxs and so am reluctant, but if it is usual I'll give 
it a try.

The upgrade tools on FreeBSD work quite well. But if you're rebuilding
your own ports it can take quite some time depending on your machine.

I've been using the Package Manager so far but will look 
into using a command prompt at some later time.

(I'm also reluctant as I assume a full update will update xorg to 
7.3 and I have 7.2 installed with the latest nvidia 9# driver and it works 
beautifully so would rather stay with that.

There is a new beta driver available.

Yes, I've read about it here.

I have read the Handbook, but still have a problem understanding how to map 
my ext2 and ext3 partitions to the UFS notation. e.g.

The notation is a BSD thing, it has nothing to do with UFS.


I have a drive hda, 
it has a swap an unused space and four partitions one of which is my home 
partition hda7. How do I refer to this home partition using ad0???

If you do 'ls ad0*' you'll see what is available. Remember that what DOS
and Linux calls partitions are called slices in FreeBSD. Partitions in
FreeBSD are subdivisions of a slice. E.g. ad0s1a is partition a of slice
1 of ad0. Customarily, slice b is used for swap, and slice c is
unused. You can see this with the 'bsdlabel' command.

OK, I've done that.

this is the result for the drive currently being used by linux.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/home/pineal]$ ls /dev/ad0*
/dev/ad0/dev/ad0s2  /dev/ad0s6  /dev/ad0s8
/dev/ad0s1  /dev/ad0s5  /dev/ad0s7  /dev/ad0s9

The number of apparent slices (those with a ad0s[n] 
designation) seen by BSD is one more than the number of 
linux partitions I actually have. No I haven't miss-counted.

I have 1 swapfile partition and five partitions hda5-9 used 
by linux.

btw I tried to run the bsdlabel command but it returns "no 
valid label found" for both ad0 and ad1.

(as this is what I understand I need to do, if not please enlighten). I 
have installed the ext2fs utilities/drivers and can mount an ext2 fs 
written on dvd without problems.

I would recommend converting the disk to native UFS2 filesystems. I'm
not sure if mounting an ext2 slice read/write is such a good idea. Make
(in Linux, e.g. Knoppix) a tarball of your data and seve it to another disk or
CD,DVD. Reslice and format the disk with sysinstall, and restore your

Maybe I didn't make myself clear here. I have an existing 
in-use Linux system. I want to be able to access the /home 
partition as it contains all my personal data that I will 
need to move over to FreeBSD when I do the new install.

You might find §16.3 of the Handbook enlightening.

did you mean from Ch 16 "3. Why will chmod not change the 
permissions on symlinks?"

I intend to do a completely fresh install and would like to compile for my 
specific pc kit. Would I be best doing this following installation and 
initial setting up?

Yes. Read Chapter 4 of the Handbook about ports. My FreeBSD page has
some tips about setting port variables in make.conf; 


Had a quick look at your 'page', looks useful.

thank you for your help Roland

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Re: newby needing help

2007-09-30 Thread neal

Hi Roland,

thanks for the guidance, you've helped me sort out some 
confusions too.

I shall try later this afternoon to mount my /home ext3 
partition, after having another attempt to understand the 
man page for this command.

anyway, your help has been useful and is greatly appreciated.


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Re: VM Options

2008-01-24 Thread neal
On Thursday 24 January 2008, Jack Barnett wrote:
> So Jail, Qemu and VMWare crossed off the list, any other
> options?

I'm planning to do something similar but have moved to 
Kubuntu to run VMWare, then I can run PCBSD as a 
vm 'thingy' ;).

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a good ip subnet calculator with gui..!

2004-01-23 Thread Neal Hamilton
Is there any subnet calculators  with a gui for unixfreebsd? After 
hours of searching i could only find ipsc with a reference of gipsc but 
the ports are broken and the package i installed  does not 
have gipsc.  I usually use solar winds or boson ip tools on windows,, so 
if there is anything similar.

Thanks in ./adv
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Looking for a good multiple protocol proxy!!

2004-01-30 Thread Neal Hamilton
I am looking for a proxy server  that has the following features.

1. multiple protocols http/s,  socks 4/5, ftp, irc, nntp, smtp, 
etc...   The ability to add plugins to support more protocols . You know 
what i mean,, may not be through protocols but somehow the ability to 
support more protocols if needed.

2. Authentication .  Preferably i would like the proxy to be able to 
use my Openldap for authentication,, or maybe a radius but i must 
have authentication as i dont want some to have access at all and others 
access to certain protocols only.

3. scalable, fast

4. Opensrc.. :)

Thanks and have a great day.
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Re: Looking for a good multiple protocol proxy!!

2004-01-30 Thread Neal Hamilton
Matthew Seaman wrote:

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 02:40:11PM -0600, Neal Hamilton wrote:

I am looking for a proxy server  that has the following features.

1. multiple protocols http/s,  socks 4/5, ftp, irc, nntp, smtp, 
etc...   The ability to add plugins to support more protocols . You know 
what i mean,, may not be through protocols but somehow the ability to 
support more protocols if needed.

2. Authentication .  Preferably i would like the proxy to be able to 
use my Openldap for authentication,, or maybe a radius but i must 
have authentication as i dont want some to have access at all and others 
access to certain protocols only.

3. scalable, fast

4. Opensrc.. :)

Ports: security/fwtk

I think it does most of what you want... However it is a
toolkit: some assembly required, batteries not included.  See



Thanks matt for your help. Do you know  what kind of auth. it can use? I 
already have a openldap setup for all my qmail users to auth. to and 
would like to use the same ldap server and maybe database if possible.  
I am trying to centralize all our authentication to ldap.
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Re: Alternative windowmanagers

2011-08-05 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Alex Stangl  wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 12:46:27PM -0700, Chip Camden wrote:
>> xmonad.  Minimal, tiled, keyboard-driven but also mouseable, fully
>> customizable via configuration files written in Haskell.
> Another vote for xmonad. You may be startled at first to come up
> instantly to an empty screen, but you likely won't miss the bloat.

Like xmonad, but written in C . . . scrotwm.

> Alex
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Re: The ports are really funcional?

2011-10-30 Thread Neal Hogan
u . . . this person has been doing similar
"hold-my-hand-I-do-not-want-to-take-the-time" kinda thing on the oBSD
lists recently.

On 10/30/11, Zantgo  wrote:
> El 30-10-2011, a las 19:55, Warren Block  escribió:
>> On Sun, 30 Oct 2011, Zantgo wrote:
>>> What happens is that I tried to install things on the ports, but almost
>>> no one serves me, I've only been able to install firefox, I tried also
>>> install KDE, GNOME and KFCE, but I have been many errors, commonly
>>> solocionables, for example I had to modify "REFRESH" to "true", but also
>>> to get out other errors, commonly have a solution, but is a great problem
>>> to have to spend all his time fixing bugs. Please tell me if it is
>>> natural to every time I download large modifying ports so, if so, then
>>> why say "functional"?
>> Yes, ports work well.  From the description, it's difficult to tell what
>> is causing the problem.  Please supply additional information, like what
>> version of FreeBSD and the exact output of one of the errors (script(1) is
>> useful for that).  Also see the section in the Handbook about packages and
>> ports:
>> Translations of the Handbook can be found at
>> in the books subdirectory.
> the problem is not the problem, since most are solving the problem is that
> there are many errors and problems, then as I say it is stable and
> functional?___
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Re: GUI Suggested?

2010-09-23 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Chip Camden
> Quoth Jorge Biquez on Wednesday, 22 September 2010:
>> Hello all.
>> In all these years I have been working with FreeBSd under
>> terminal/shell mode. Since all my needs to solve have been solved
>> that way I have never tried any graphical interface.
>> I was wondering if you can tell suggest me based on yoru experience
>> on what path to follow? KDE? any other?
>> I would like to test what you suggest is the best for you and if
>> possible that it is not TOO complicated to setup. The idea is to use
>> it as my desktop plattfor (documents, browser, email, etc)
>> Thanks in advance
>> Jorge Biquez
>> ___
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> After trying a few different WMs, I settled on xmonad.  It's minimalist
> -- meaning it stays out of your way.  It's also highly configurable, in
> Haskell.  It's lightweight and fast.  It's a developer's WM.

If you like xmonad, check out scrotwm. It's inspired by xmonad,
lightweight, written in C by oBSD dev, actively maintained, and
vim-like (among other things ;-).
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Re: GUI Suggested?

2010-09-23 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Chip Camden
> Quoth Neal Hogan on Thursday, 23 September 2010:
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Chip Camden
>>  wrote:
>> > Quoth Jorge Biquez on Wednesday, 22 September 2010:
>> >> Hello all.
>> >>
>> >> In all these years I have been working with FreeBSd under
>> >> terminal/shell mode. Since all my needs to solve have been solved
>> >> that way I have never tried any graphical interface.
>> >>
>> >> I was wondering if you can tell suggest me based on yoru experience
>> >> on what path to follow? KDE? any other?
>> >>
>> >> I would like to test what you suggest is the best for you and if
>> >> possible that it is not TOO complicated to setup. The idea is to use
>> >> it as my desktop plattfor (documents, browser, email, etc)
>> >>
>> >> Thanks in advance
>> >>
>> >> Jorge Biquez
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> mailing list
>> >>
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>> >> ""
>> >
>> > After trying a few different WMs, I settled on xmonad.  It's minimalist
>> > -- meaning it stays out of your way.  It's also highly configurable, in
>> > Haskell.  It's lightweight and fast.  It's a developer's WM.
>> >
>> If you like xmonad, check out scrotwm. It's inspired by xmonad,
>> lightweight, written in C by oBSD dev, actively maintained, and
>> vim-like (among other things ;-).
>> ___
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> scrotwm does look interesting -- I read through the man page, but
> couldn't find a way to specify that certain windows should be moved by
> default to specific workspaces.  Can that be done?

I'm not too sure what you're asking "certain window should be moved by
default to specific workspaces." Since you read the man page I'm
guessing you're not talking about changing which xterm is in focus.
Focus moves by defualt to each new tem that you open

Maybe will help.
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Re: GUI Suggested?

2010-09-23 Thread Neal Hogan
>On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Chip Camden  
>> Quoth Neal Hogan on Thursday, 23 September 2010:
>> I'm not too sure what you're asking "certain window should be moved by
>> default to specific workspaces." Since you read the man page I'm
>> guessing you're not talking about changing which xterm is in focus.
>> Focus moves by defualt to each new tem that you open
>> (alt-shift-return).
>> Maybe will help.
>> ___
> Nope.  The wiki doesn't present anything either.
> What I mean is for example when I launch Firefox, I want it to go to
> workspace 3.  When I launch gimp, I want it on workspace 7.  I can easily
> specify that in xmonad, using either the window class or window title.  I
> don't want to have to move all these windows where I want them every time
> I log in.

Ah . . . I see. I'm not aware af that being a feature in scrotwm. The
only thing I can suggest is to join the forum and ask. Like I said,
scrotwm actively maintained and the devs will (likely) respond
quickly. As far as what they say, suggestions are welcome, but they
have to be persuaded.

Best of luck.

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Re: GUI Suggested?

2010-09-23 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Glen Barber  wrote:
> On 9/23/10 8:31 PM, Chad Perrin wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:24:58PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
>>> If you like xmonad, check out scrotwm. It's inspired by xmonad,
>>> lightweight, written in C by oBSD dev, actively maintained, and
>>> vim-like (among other things ;-).
>> Why is "written in C" considered such a great benefit by the Scrotwm
>> developer(s)?  Earlier today, I read this on the site:
>>     "On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings and
>>     xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C."


>> What's up with that?  How does Haskell "cripple" xmonad?

In the end, you need not take yourself so seriously.  The thread was
generic enough to allow for some rhetorical flourish. I suggested
something . . . pointed out that is written in C (as did the homepage)
. . .  AND you concluded some sort of insult; not my problem.

Do you need a rim-shot for every joke?
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Re: GUI Suggested?

2010-09-23 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Chip Camden
> Quoth Chad Perrin on Thursday, 23 September 2010:
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:24:58PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
>> >
>> > If you like xmonad, check out scrotwm. It's inspired by xmonad,
>> > lightweight, written in C by oBSD dev, actively maintained, and
>> > vim-like (among other things ;-).
>> Why is "written in C" considered such a great benefit by the Scrotwm
>> developer(s)?  Earlier today, I read this on the site:
>>     "On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings and
>>     xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C."
>> What's up with that?  How does Haskell "cripple" xmonad?
>> --
>> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
> I wondered the same thing myself.  Haskell is compiled, and the result is
> very efficient.
> I also wondered why the mentions about being actively maintained -- it seems
> to me that xmonad gets updated pretty regularly.

I only mention scrotwm's active development, not to compare it's
development to xmonad's, but to point out that your issues will be
taken seriously . . . in a timely manner. . . not that they won't be
take seriously in the xmonad setting.

Please, use xmonad if it meets your requirements.

I apologise for suggesting "something."

Chad P., take a pill ;-)
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Re: GUI Suggested?

2010-09-23 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Chad Perrin  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 09:07:28PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Glen Barber  wrote:
>> > On 9/23/10 8:31 PM, Chad Perrin wrote:
>> >> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:24:58PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> If you like xmonad, check out scrotwm. It's inspired by xmonad,
>> >>> lightweight, written in C by oBSD dev, actively maintained, and
>> >>> vim-like (among other things ;-).
>> >>
>> >> Why is "written in C" considered such a great benefit by the Scrotwm
>> >> developer(s)?  Earlier today, I read this on the site:
>> >>
>> >>     "On the other hand xmonad has great defaults, key bindings and
>> >>     xinerama support but is crippled by not being written in C."
>> >>
>> hahahahahahaha!
>> >> What's up with that?  How does Haskell "cripple" xmonad?
>> >>
>> In the end, you need not take yourself so seriously.  The thread was
>> generic enough to allow for some rhetorical flourish. I suggested
>> something . . . pointed out that is written in C (as did the homepage)
>> . . .  AND you concluded some sort of insult; not my problem.
>> Do you need a rim-shot for every joke?
> 1. Who said I took insult?  You assume too much.
> 2. That was not a very clever joke, anyway.  Where's the punchline?
> 3. That doesn't answer my question about the Scrotwm page.
> Even *I* am not so socially stunted as to think a comment like that on
> the Scrotwm site would not raise some eyebrows.

Some? sure.

In the end, scrotwm is a simple wm that allows the
"gui-apprehensive-type" folk a nice CLI in X. That's all I was

"Shave and a haircut" . . . Chad?
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Re: Like it or not, Theo is having a good laugh ..

2010-10-09 Thread Neal Hogan
Wow! I tried to wait, but it now has to be said that more than just
Theo are laughing.

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Rob Farmer  wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2010, at 1:07 PM, Jerry  wrote:
>> On Sat, 9 Oct 2010 09:47:04 -0700
>> Rob Farmer  articulated:
>>> On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 05:30, Henry Olyer 
>>> wrote:
>>> "Surrilous" isn't an English word, nor an obvious typo of one, so I
>>> have no idea what you mean here.
>> surrilous (adj.) coarsely abusive, vulgar or low (especially in language) 
>> foul- mouthed
> I have never heard this word and couldn't find a definition using google 
> define or (which aggregates many major dictionaries).
> Perhaps it is a word, but an extremely obscure one.
> --
> Rob Farmer
>> Although the OP might have meant scurrilous (an obvious typo):
>> scur·ril·ous –adjective
>> 1. grossly or obscenely abusive: a scurrilous attack on the mayor.
>> 2. characterized by or using low buffoonery; coarsely jocular or derisive: a 
>> scurrilous jest.
>> --
>> Jerry ✌
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Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-11 Thread Neal Hogan
2010/11/11 José Silveira :
> Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
> For me it is nonsense... It makes Christians, Jwishes and Muslins run away!

Is this better?

> José Silveira
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Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-11 Thread Neal Hogan
2010/11/11 Neal Hogan :
> 2010/11/11 José Silveira :
>> Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
>> For me it is nonsense... It makes Christians, Jwishes and Muslins run away!
> Is this better?

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Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-11 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Gary Gatten  wrote:
> PLEASE let's not rehash this again!!!

I'm only sending the link to the haloed (sp?) daemon now because I
wish I had last time but f'd it up.
I'm done now . . . I just thought that those who are offended by
"evil" daemons would appreciate the "holy" ones.

> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: José Silveira 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thu Nov 11 18:50:00 2010
> Subject: Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
> 2010/11/11 Neal Hogan :
>> 2010/11/11 José Silveira :
>>> Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
>>> For me it is nonsense... It makes Christians, Jwishes and Muslins run away!
>> Is this better?
> (sorry)
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Fwd: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-11 Thread Neal Hogan
-- Forwarded message --
From: José Silveira 
Date: 2010/11/11
Subject: Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
To: Neal Hogan 

What an absurd! A guy makes a question and an stupid like you send me
this crap! I hope freebsd explodes!

2010/11/12 Neal Hogan 
> 2010/11/11 Neal Hogan :
> > 2010/11/11 José Silveira :
> >> Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
> >>
> >> For me it is nonsense... It makes Christians, Jwishes and Muslins run away!
> >
> >
> > Is this better?
> >
> (sorry)
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Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-11 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Alejandro Imass  wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Neal Hogan  wrote:
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: José Silveira 
>> Date: 2010/11/11
>> Subject: Re: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?
>> To: Neal Hogan 
>> What an absurd! A guy makes a question and an stupid like you send me
>> this crap! I hope freebsd explodes!
> First, please don't top-post.
> Second, stop feeding the trolls. We souldn't be falling for this crap
> once again.
> Third, if you don't like FreeBSD and want it to explode, please just leave.

I hear ya . . . I'm done . . . I was just messin' around
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Fwd: Why do you use a devil as a mascot?

2010-11-12 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Alejandro Imass  wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Tom Worster  wrote:
>> On 11/12/10 2:29 PM, "Jerry McAllister"  wrote:
>>>Lots of people see FreeBSD and the web site and the mascott, etc for
>>>the first time probably each day.    Some of them will have the same
>>>mistaken idea since the misunderstanding of it is implanted in people's
>>>heads from an early age.    Although you may get tired of hearing that
>>>same old argument again and again, I do, it does not automatically make a
>>>person a troll if they ask the question.
>> Hmm.
>> It is inconsiderate and lazy to ask someone else to answer a question
>> without making any effort to answer it yourself first. The misdeed is
>> multiplied when the culprit asks hundreds of people in a discussion group
>> such as this. That's why it is often considered a violation of etiquette.
>> The fact that and 'RTFM' are both well know suggests that this
>> is not a fringe opinion.
>>>The intelligent thing is to give a reasonable answer and point the person
>>>to some web pages where they can become informed and then ignore it.
>> I would describe that as the indulgent thing, not the intelligent thing.
> Thanks Tom, I was beginning to think no one else cared about such
> netiquette, and I just opted to let it go. Nevertheless, now that you
> brought this up, I would like to point a couple of more things out to
> Jerry:
> The _intelligent_ thing to do is to actually read before blabbering
> here about some religious crap.
> When the OP signed up to this list he must have read this:
> Where things like the following are very clearly stated:
> When in doubt about what list to post a question to, see How to get
> best results from the FreeBSD-questions mailing list.
> Which points to this:
> Before posting to any list, please learn about how to best use the
> mailing lists, such as how to help avoid frequently-repeated
> discussions, by reading the Mailing List Frequently Asked Questions
> (FAQ) document.
> Which points to this:
> And in almost all these places there are links to the netiquette,
> recommendations on how to search before you post and tons of
> information on how to correctly interact with these mailing lists.
> Ignorantia legis neminem excusat

Yes, yes, yes . . . but back to the issue at hand; cartoons with red
faces and two horns, carrying sharp, pointy things indicate the evil
that must be . . . . ummm . . . I don't know. I'm probably going to
hell just for having thoughts about Satan (or whatever). Like I said,
I don't know ;-)

Ok . . . "now" I'm done.
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Re: sendmail access

2010-06-10 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:40 PM, kalin m  wrote:
> hi all...
> reading
> i did get an access file set up. it doesn't do anything thought...
> i have only entry like this:
>            OK
> and did make. then changed /etc/defaults/rc.conf to
> sendmail_enable="YES"
> restarted sendmail. cool. so far. now mail is a accepted from everywhere not
> only the entry in access:
> why?

As far as I understand it, the access file makes more fine-grained
"decisions." That is, sendmail allows everything and the access file
allows you to discriminate more precisely. Notice that the example has
(something like) :  REJECT
.  OK

So, if you only want to allow emails only from then
you have to REJECT all other domains . . . good luck ;-)

> thanks...
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Re: i cannot login as root

2010-06-15 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Giorgos Tsiapaliokas
> i can't :(
> it says that is is only read-only enviroment..

use the world wide web, and look for an answer
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Re: BSD logo

2010-07-26 Thread Neal Hogan
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Polytropon  wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 14:06:17 -0700, "David Brodbeck"  wrote:
>> These people
>> have been taught from a young age that logic is evil and will lead them
>> down the road to hell, so logical arguments are lost on them.
> Reminds me to the discussion around Russell's teapot...

No . . . not you . . . Polytropon! The end of the world must be coming

> --
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: BSD logo

2010-07-26 Thread Neal Hogan
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Polytropon  wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 18:22:21 -0500, Neal Hogan  wrote:
>> No . . . not you . . . Polytropon! The end of the world must be coming
>> (Revelations-1.0).
> Do *NOT* tempt me. Okay, you did. And this is what will happen:
> It turns this thread into a bottomless pit of nonsense, but well,
> you asked for it. :-)
>           ,ggg,   nd spotteth  twice  they  the  system before
>          dP""8I   the fifth version,  and so,  the Programmers
>         dP   88   went Forth to RAM Gilead in Kernel Bilgemath,
>        dP    88   by Shell  Ethra  Joygalion,  to the house of
>       ,8'    88   Gash-Bernars-Lee-Bazola,  he who brought the
>       d   better list to  Kerneygham and the tank pool
>  __   ,8"     88   to the  house of  Ritchomon, and  there slew
> dP"  ,8P      Y8   they the list messages, yea, and placed they
> Yb,_,dP       `8b, the bits in little bit buckets.  Here endeth
>  "Y8P"         `Y8 the lesson.                      (Pal 8:256)


P.S. -- Please, let's not get into the proper pronounciation of this as well ;-)
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graid3 lockups?

2005-12-14 Thread Neal Rigney
I've got a dual-proc machine with 3 ATA drives that I'd like to roll
together in a graid3 configuration.  2 of the drives are 250G, and the
third is 300G.  I'm using the raw disk for the two 250G drives (ad4 and
ad6) and the a partition (which is 250G) of the 300G disk (ad9).  ad9
looks like this:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  a: 488397168   164.2BSD0 0 0
  c: 5860723680unused 2048 16384 # "raw" part,
don't edit
  d: 97675184 4883971844.2BSD 2048 16384 28552

I need to transfer all the data from partition d on ad9 to the new raid3
volume.  Creating the volume and newfs work fine.  However, when I begin
copying the files from ad9 into the raid3 volume, the system locks hard.
   Naturally the hard-lock isn't good, but I'm also cursious if my
configuration is actually valid.

Any ideas?


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Occasional console freezing in 6.0-stable

2005-12-20 Thread Neal Rigney
I previously sent out a query about a graid3 volume causing my system to
lock hard, but there's now a new wrinkle:

I removed the graid3 volume from my system, and am attempting to copy
data off to a NFS mount.  The NFS mount is connected via a GigE
connection.  The GigE card is a re(4)-based card, and seems to work fine
in small packet mode.  I was running in jumbo-frame mode last night, and
received a console message a bout a frame that was too large - around
2100 bytes.  I had used ifconfig to configure the mtu of the re card to
7644, the allowed value according to the re(4) manpage.
>From the point of this message onward, the NFS mount would not work -- I
got repeated "server not responding" messages.  My console at this point
still worked, and the two machines could still talk across the GigE link
(ping and ssh both worked fine).
I bounced the NFS server (not the machine, just the server) and
reconfigured the cards for a 1500 mtu, thinking I was still getting
frame errors under NFS and just wasn't seeing them.  I then checked if I
could see the NFS mount.  Doing this resulted in the expected hang of my
process.  However, attempting to change to a new virtual console yielded
only a beep from the machine, with no actual change of the console.
Further attempts resulted in no beep and no console change.
On a hunch, I used ssh to connect to the NFS client machine.  It was up
fine, with no load.  The cpio process I was using to copy data was still
there, hung on IO as I would expect from a dead NFS mount.
Thinking that the server was at least safe even if it wasn't behaving
really well, I attempted one more access of the NFS mount.  This one,
however, resulted in a complete hang of the system.  No IP response, no
keyboard response.

At this point my wife has given up on having access to her media files
for a few more days.  I'm willing to experiment (I've got backups made).
What can I do to help resolve this problem?  I've got plenty of FreeBSD
experience, but nothing since around 4.7 in the kernel world.

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Re: Effing HAL

2009-10-30 Thread Neal Hogan
I just saw this on my gentoo list (yes, there are folks complaining
about HAL there as well). I don't know anything about this project
other than it's intentions are to build a replacement for HAL.
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Re: FreeBSD Source Code

2009-11-04 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Petros Ring  wrote:
> I would like you to send a copy of all the source code of FreeBSD so I may
> use it for a project that will allow the running of applacations from a
> different os to run on FreeBSD. Please send a attachment of the full source
> code in the reply email.

This is all you need:
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Re: cannot boot freebsd

2009-11-11 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Jesús Abidan  wrote:
> Hi there, i have a problem here, i installed windows in mi box and i left a
> partition for freebsd, i finished install of freebsd and installed the boot
> mgr of freebsd but when i reboot only windows boots with f1 pressed? how can
> I make the system boots both?

What do you mean "make the system boot both?" At the same time? That's
not going to happen.

Isn't F1 the option for dos/windows? If so, consider your other
options . . . one should be FreeBSD (assuming you did the install
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Re: Downloading and Burning Free BSD

2009-12-11 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Roger Agraviador
> I clicked the ISO link and I was brought to a directory, this to be exact (
> Once I have downloaded all Iso Images do I burn the 'boot only.iso' file on
> one DVD or CD only? or do I burn that along with 'disc1.iso', and how do I
> go about burning the rest of the files in that directory once I have
> downloaded them?

As others have pointed out, disc1 will get you started and, as long as
you have an internet connection, you should be able to get the rest
(without the other discs). The install will take you through the

Perhaps you should look at the handbook to familiarize yourself with
the install procedures.
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Re: Flash viewer for FBSD

2010-03-05 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Graham Bentley  wrote:
>> It looks very bad for browsing web without flash viewer.
> I think it looks great - no ads !!! Hurray !!!


If the OP wants M$-like flash support, then . . . well . . . use M$
(and its friend$). It's not really fair to complain about the
admirable work of fBSD devs. Keep in mind that they volunteer their
time. If fBSD (or anything else) is not suiting your needs, either fix
it or go somewhere else. I'm sure the fBSD community would welcome a
hack that gets m$-like flash support ;-)

I find it a relief not to have those damn flash ads/nonsense
"flashing" in front of me.

FWIW - I did use gnash for a while and it wasn't too bad. Although, ny
needs may not be comparable to the OP's. He really hasn't made that

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Re: wxPython 2.8?

2007-09-10 Thread Neal Nelson
On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 09:49 +0200, Martin Tournoij wrote:
> On Sun 09 Sep 2007 21:09, Luke Dean wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Martin Tournoij wrote:
> > 
> > >On Sun 09 Sep 2007 15:09, Luke Dean wrote:
> > >>
> > >>I've got a Python app that seems to require wxPython 2.8.
> > >>The ports collection only has 2.6.
> > >>Do you think it would it be worthwhile for me to download the source and 
> > >>attempt to compile it on my system or should I ask the port
> > >>maintainer?
> > >
> > >wxgtk 2.8 is in the ports collection(x11/toolkits/wxgtk28), you're
> > >probably using an outdated snapshot of the ports collection.
> > >See the FreeBSD handbook on how to update your ports collection:
> > >
> > 
> > I guess I don't understand the relationship between wxPython and wxgtk.
> > wxPython 2.6 builds with wxgtk 2.6 by default.  If it works with wxgtk
> > 2.8, maybe that's what I need.  I'll give it a shot.  Thanks.
> Ignore my previous post, it was late and I thought you couldn't find
> wxgtk2.8, I kind of missed the wxPython part ... :/
> My fault, I'm sorry.
> I've cc-ed this email to the maintainer of py-wxPython26, I will look into
> creating a port for py-wxPython28 later today.

I have already submitted a port for wxPython 2.8 some weeks ago but for
some reason it's languishing in the pr database. So if you want the port
badly, hassle some committer to get it committed.

For your reference the relevant PRs are: 115349 for the base port,
115350 for the common parts and 115351 for the unicode port.



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Re: FreeBSD 7.2 Installation Manual

2009-06-12 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:09 AM,  wrote:
> In
> It says: "If the X server has been configured and a Default Desktop chosen,
> it can be started by typing startx at the command line." but nowhere in the
> manual or the installation program is there any information or options on X
> server configuration or choosing a Default Desktop!  Help! [+]

> Nick
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Re: The freebsd-questions Archives

2009-06-13 Thread Neal Hogan
On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:21 AM, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> Hello list!
> I try not to disturb the list unless I need to using the list archive to
> find answers.
> I've never been successful in searching the archives it always returns
> No matches were found for ...
> Now I see that the search index is not rebuild for a long time
> --
> Note:The archive search index was last rebuilt at Thursday, 08 Feb 2007
> 06:16:51 UTC. Any postings after that will not be found by a search. Index
> rebuild is usally done once every 24 hours for this list. You can use a
> "View by date" link below to access more recent postings.
> ---
> How should I search the list ?

> /Leslie
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Re: Announcing: FreeBSD Custom XFCE ISO (take II)

2009-06-17 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Manolis Kiagias wrote:
> Andrew Gould wrote:
>> 2009/6/16 Manolis Kiagias :
>> List of main packages
>> ==
>> This is a comprehensive list of packages included in the ISO:
>> abiword, archivers (zip, unzip, rar, unrar) bash, bluefish, cdrtools,
>> dvd+rw-tools, evince, firefox3, gimp, gnash, gnumeric, gnupg,
>> inkscape, mercurial, pkg_rmleaves, portaudit, portupgrade,  rdesktop,
>> rtorrent, ristretto, samba, scribus, sudo, thunderbird, tilda, wget,
>> xfburn,  xfce4 + plugins,  xorg, zim.
>> Would you consider adding unix2dos?
>> Thanks
>> Andrew
> Sure. I am making a list of what people would like to see included, and
> will add most of them in the next iteration. Small utilities like this
> are not a problem.

I'm curious (and it may help quell some suggestions) what your
criteria is for adding things. So far, it seems that your adding all

BTW - I like this project and have been thinking of doing something
similar with oBSD.

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2009-06-18 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:05 AM, malathi selvaraj wrote:
> how to join  freebsd  in irc

Take a second to look around . . . (this refers to your other question, as well)

> --
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Re: Unable to auto-mount a CD in XFCE4

2009-06-18 Thread Neal Hogan
man umount

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Jerry wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 14:09:58 -0400
> Chad Brown  wrote:
>> See here (#3):
> OK, now I discovered a new problem. When attempting to eject the CD, I
> am greeted with another error message, viewable at the following URL.
> I cannot remove the CD from the drive. That kind of sucks. I may have
> to reboot to get it out.
> The output of polkit-auth:
> org.gnome.gconf.defaults.set-system
> org.gnome.gconf.defaults.set-mandatory
> org.freedesktop.hal.wol.enabled
> org.freedesktop.hal.wol.enable
> org.freedesktop.hal.wol.supported
> org.freedesktop.hal.dockstation.undock
> org.freedesktop.hal.killswitch.bluetooth
> org.freedesktop.hal.killswitch.wlan
> org.freedesktop.hal.killswitch.wwan
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.shutdown
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.shutdown-multiple-sessions
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.reboot
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.reboot-multiple-sessions
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.set-powersave
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.suspend
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.hibernate
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.cpufreq
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.lcd-panel
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.light-sensor
> org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.keyboard-backlight
> org.freedesktop.hal.lock
> org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stop
> org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stop-multiple-users
> org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restart
> org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restart-multiple-users
> org.freedesktop.policykit.revoke
> org.freedesktop.policykit.grant
> org.freedesktop.policykit.modify-defaults
> --
> Jerry
> Do not do unto others as you would they should do unto you.
> Their tastes may not be the same.
>        George Bernard Shaw
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Re: IPFW: Need some help

2009-06-28 Thread Neal Hogan
2009/6/28 Anton :
>   Hello all,
>   I'm new to *nix and now, while configuring IPFW Firewall on FreeBSD
>   7.2  has stuck in a problem:
>   After packet from my network is passed to natd demon - it is returning
>   t o firewall (it is normal, as I think ;-) ), but I see another
>   abnormal thin g: when it is returned to firewall, it does not come
>   under rule which state s to allow packet from some host in my
>   network, and goes under rule which a llows packets from FreeBSD box.
>   I.e.: packet from, directed to comes to
>   freebsd box. First, it comes to rule, which NATs it to interface ng0.
>   Then, after  NAT rule, there is rule, which allows packet flow from
> to 86.57 .250.18 out via ng0. But, IPFW does not show,
>   that any packet is allowed by this rule - is rather shows that
>   packets are allowed by another rule: allo w all from me to any.

I'm no IPFW expert, but it seems to me that the packets are already in
and NAT'd. Then they're being redirected internally. Thus being
"allowed from 'you' to any" (Don't take this explanation as true. It's
merely my understanding from the brief look at the link Mr, Barber
sent you, which you read . . . right?)

>   Need help in explaining in this problem, and how to alter the things
>   in  the way i need it (if it is real)

Two suggestions for getting more specific help:

1) Look around on the web. There appear to be many discussion about
IPFW and NAT. (eg.,

2) Post your ruleset. This way, folk will know what to "alter."

>   --
>   --
>   Best regards,
>    Anton             ;                [1]
>    Administrator
>   Feel free to contact me
>   via ICQ 363780596
>   via Skype dobryak47
>   via phone +375 29 3320987
> References
>   1. 3D"";
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Re: Xorg and Dual Head Video?

2009-07-08 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Gene wrote:
> Hi All:
> I was wondering if anyone could point me toward any docs, or even better,
> how-tos on setting up Xorg using dual head video?

I use xrandr(1). Below is my xorg.conf.


  1 Section "ServerLayout"
  2 Identifier " Configured"
  3 Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
  4 InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
  5 InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
  6 EndSection
  8 Section "Files"
  9 ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
 10 FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
 11 FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
 12 FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/OTF"
 13 FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
 14 FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
 15 FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
 16 EndSection
 18 Section "Module"
 19 Load  "GLcore"
 20 Load  "dbe"
 21 Load  "dri"
 22 Load  "extmod"
 23 Load  "glx"
 24 Load  "record"
 25 Load  "xtrap"
 26 Load  "freetype"
 27 Load  "type1"
 28 EndSection
 30 Section "InputDevice"
 31 Identifier  "Keyboard0"
 32 Driver  "kbd"
 33 EndSection
 35 Section "InputDevice"
 36 Identifier  "Mouse0"
 37 Driver  "mouse"
 38 Option  "Protocol" "wsmouse"
 39 Option  "Device" "/dev/wsmouse"
 40 Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
 41 EndSection
 43 Section "Monitor"
 44 Identifier   "Monitor0"
 45 VendorName   "Lenovo"
 46 ModelName"T400"
 47 EndSection
 49 Section "Monitor"
 50 Identifier   "Monitor1"
 51 VendorName   "LG"
 52 ModelName"Flatron"
 53 Option   "DPMS"
 54 EndSection
 56 Section "Device"
 57 ### Available Driver options are:-
 58 ### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
 59 ### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz"
 60 ### [arg]: arg optional
 61 #Option "NoAccel"   # []
 62 #Option "SWcursor"  # []
 63 #Option "ColorKey"  # 
 64 #Option "CacheLines"# 
 65 #Option "Dac6Bit"   # []
 66 #Option "DRI"   # []
 67 #Option "NoDDC" # []
 68 #Option "ShowCache" # []
 69 #Option "XvMCSurfaces"  # 
 70 #Option "PageFlip"  # []
 71 Identifier  "Card0"
 72 Driver  "intel"
 73 VendorName  "Intel"
 74 BoardName   "GM45 Video"
 75 BusID   "PCI:0:2:0"
 76 Option  "monitor-T400" "Monitor0"
 77 Option  "monitor-LG"   "Monitor1"
 78 EndSection
 80 Section "Screen"
 81 Identifier "Screen0"
 82 Device "Card0"
 83 #Monitor"Monitor0"
 84 SubSection "Display"
 85 Viewport   0 0
 86 Depth 1
 87 EndSubSection
 88 SubSection "Display"
 89 Viewport   0 0
 90 Depth 4
 91 EndSubSection
 92 SubSection "Display"
 93 Viewport   0 0
 94 Depth 8
 95 EndSubSection
 96 SubSection "Display"
 97 Viewport   0 0
 98 Depth 15
 99 EndSubSection
100 SubSection "Display"
101 Viewport   0 0
102 Depth 16
103 EndSubSection
104 SubSection "Display"
105 Virtual   2880 900
106 Viewport   0 0
107 Depth 24
108 EndSubSection
109 EndSection

> Thanks,
> IHN,
> Gene
> --
> To everything there is a season,
> And a time to every purpose under heaven.
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Re: asking about NIC card for freebsd 7.2 i386

2009-07-22 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:13 AM,  wrote:
> i doubt about NIC card BMC5674 support or not for freebsd7.2 ? or should i 
> use freebsd8.2 beta ?
> hope reply me.

Neither (or both). The Broadcom cards are tricky and they have been
talked about a lot. Look at this list's archives and/or google
something like "freebsd broadcom"

also, look up information on freebsd's ndiswrapper.

good luck!

> from,
> Husaini
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Re: (no subject)

2009-07-22 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Jon Radel wrote:
> wrote:
>> How do I set up mail server on 7.2bsd
> That's such a broad question that it's unreasonable to expect a complete
> answer on a mailing list.  So I'd suggest you start with reading some
> documentation, such as
> Once you've decided which e-mail server you wish to use and what you want it
> to do, feel free to come back with specific questions if things go wrong or
> specific steps remain obscure.


. . . and a descriptive (email) subject line may help attract help.
Prior to opening, I was intrigued to see what a post about nothing
would look like ;-)

> --
> --Jon Radel
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Re: Looking for fast graphical web browser

2009-08-02 Thread Neal Hogan
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 02:32:49AM -0400, Daniel Underwood wrote:
>> Can anyone suggest a fast graphical web browser?  I use Firefox
>> (because every page displays well and I can sync bookmarks), and I
>> also use elinks (when graphics don't matter).  I'm looking for some
>> middle ground, a browser that can display most sites well but is
>> faster (or more lightweight) than Firefox.  (Note: I tried dillo, but
>> it doesn't display most sites well enough.)

That seems to a logical suggestion given that I'm (we are) not sure
what you are looking for. "~Firefox is too slow and dillo doesn't
display most websites . . . well enough~" is a bit tough to parse
(specifically, to your needs).

I find ff to be good enough, as far as your requirements are
concerned, as well as IE (ugh!).
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Re: ftps ?

2009-08-03 Thread Neal Hogan
2009/8/3 Odhiambo  ワシントン :
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Frederique Rijsdijk <
>> wrote:
>> Odhiambo ワシントン wrote:
>> > What is ftps?
>> # grep ftps /etc/services
>> ftps-data   989/tcp# ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
>> ftps-data   989/udp
>> ftps990/tcp# ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
>> ftps990/udp
> pure-ftpd supports TLS/SSL.
> I am wondering if it can do this.

I was curious about the OP's use of 'ftps" too. Perhaps, he could
explain what plain-old-ftp doesn't do and what he wants it to do.

> --
> Best regards,
> Odhiambo WASHINGTON,
> Nairobi,KE
> +254733744121/+254722743223
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Re: ftps ?

2009-08-03 Thread Neal Hogan
On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Frederique
Rijsdijk wrote:
> Neal Hogan wrote:
>> I was curious about the OP's use of 'ftps" too. Perhaps, he could
>> explain what plain-old-ftp doesn't do and what he wants it to do.
> Encryption!

OK! (If I just said that I wanted to run something like 'xyzs', would
that be clear to you?)

> -- Frederique
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Re: ftps ?

2009-08-03 Thread Neal Hogan
On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Mel
Flynn wrote:
> On Monday 03 August 2009 04:26:32 Neal Hogan wrote:
>> 2009/8/3 Odhiambo  ワシントン :
>> > On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Frederique Rijsdijk <
>> >
>> >> wrote:
>> >> Odhiambo ワシントン wrote:
>> >> > What is ftps?
>> >>
>> >> # grep ftps /etc/services
>> >> ftps-data   989/tcp# ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
>> >> ftps-data   989/udp
>> >> ftps990/tcp# ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
>> >> ftps990/udp
>> >
>> > pure-ftpd supports TLS/SSL.
>> >
>> > I am wondering if it can do this.
>> I was curious about the OP's use of 'ftps" too. Perhaps, he could
>> explain what plain-old-ftp doesn't do and what he wants it to do.
> When in doubt, use "she". :)

I wasn't in doubt, but perhaps my chauvinism reared its head. I
apologize if I offended anyone.

It's actually quite funny that you bring this up, because I'm involved
in a thread on debian-user@ with this topic. I (correctly) referred to
someone as Mr. So-n-so and others questioned my choice of masculine

> --
> Mel
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Re: ftps ?(off-topic)

2009-08-04 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 3:14 AM, Mark Stapper wrote:
> Neal Hogan wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Mel
>> Flynn wrote:
>>> On Monday 03 August 2009 04:26:32 Neal Hogan wrote:
>>>> 2009/8/3 Odhiambo  ワシントン :
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Frederique Rijsdijk <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Odhiambo ワシントン wrote:
>>>>>>> What is ftps?
>>>>>> # grep ftps /etc/services
>>>>>> ftps-data   989/tcp# ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
>>>>>> ftps-data   989/udp
>>>>>> ftps990/tcp# ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
>>>>>> ftps990/udp
>>>>> pure-ftpd supports TLS/SSL.
>>>>> I am wondering if it can do this.
>>>> I was curious about the OP's use of 'ftps" too. Perhaps, he could
>>>> explain what plain-old-ftp doesn't do and what he wants it to do.
>>> When in doubt, use "she". :)
>> I wasn't in doubt, but perhaps my chauvinism reared its head. I
>> apologize if I offended anyone.
>> It's actually quite funny that you bring this up, because I'm involved
>> in a thread on debian-user@ with this topic. I (correctly) referred to
>> someone as Mr. So-n-so and others questioned my choice of masculine
>> reference.
>>> --
>>> Mel
>> ___
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> It would be nice to hear more "she-calling" on these lists though...
> So maybe mailing list etiquette should state anyone posting to a mailing
> list should be referred to as "she" like we do with boats and
> institutions like the court... (well in dutch we do...)
> However, Frederique should imply the person who started this thread is
> female.

Perhaps . . .

> Either that or cette person has cruel parents...

New mailing list etiquette: Everyone should include his/her gender when posting.
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Re: new machine trying to install /usr/ports

2009-08-05 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Admin wrote:
> hi there,
> I am trying to get some basic ports tools installed on a new machine.  I
> downloaded the entire ports.tar.gz and then placed all those contents in
> /usr/ports
> What are the best next steps to follow to get things up an running?  I was
> hoping to install portsnap but here the error I am receiving.  What is
> wrong?

> su-3.2# pkg_add -r portsnap
> Error: FTP Unable to get
> File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
> pkg_add: unable to fetch
> ''
> by URL
> Cheers,
> Noah
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Re: FreeBSD for the common man(or woman) (was: upgrade 7.2 overwrites partitions)

2009-08-06 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 2:56 AM, Jonathan McKeown wrote:
> On Thursday 06 August 2009 09:43:47 Mark Stapper wrote:
>> In light of this, I would really enjoy seeing a "Ubuntu" like movement
>> in the FreeBSD corner.
>> What I mean is that it would be nice for my mother to install and use
>> FreeBSD.
> [snip]
>> To achieve this, there are two things that should be made easier:
>> 1. Installing a basic desktop system(next to any currently installed OS)
>> 2. Keeping the base system and ports up to date.
>> And when I mean "easier" I mean it should be done without bothering the
>> user unless you about to "rm -rf /" as root, so to say.
> This is what a couple of projects are already doing. PC-BSD springs to mind -
> I can't remember what the other one is called.


> PC-BSD is FreeBSD, pre-packaged with a usable desktop and its own simplified
> package manager.
> Jonathan
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Re: FreeBSD for the common man(or woman) (was: upgrade 7.2 overwrites partitions)

2009-08-06 Thread Neal Hogan
> In light of this, I would really enjoy seeing a "Ubuntu" like movement
> in the FreeBSD corner.
> What I mean is that it would be nice for my mother to install and use
> FreeBSD.
> I am not saying that a Windows user should be able to feel right at home
> on a box running FreeBSD, but a computer user should.
> The problem herein, i am afraid, lies not with FreeBSD(or any other BSD
> flavour), nor with it's community, but with the computer user.
> Most computer users see an operating system(and the application they run
> most) as part of a computer.
> How many people say "My computer is broken" when µ$ Office doesn't start
> anymore.
> They don't care about which kernel they run, or which browser they use,
> they care about typing e-mail, chatting and watching youtube video's.
> (However sad it makes me that most people use less then 10% of the
> features/programs/potential/computing-power the computer came with, they
> do make sure we pay less for our components.)
> Even though I'd feel less "cool" or "nerdy" (which is basically the same
> thing ;-) ) if I'd run(or USE) the same OS as my 76 year old
> grandfather, it would be nice for him to be able to buy a computer for
> $20 less because it runs FreeBSD.
> To achieve this, there are two things that should be made easier:
> 1. Installing a basic desktop system(next to any currently installed OS)
> 2. Keeping the base system and ports up to date.
> And when I mean "easier" I mean it should be done without bothering the
> user unless you about to "rm -rf /" as root, so to say.
> Since most people never reinstall their computer, making it easier to
> install a basic desktop system won't help my 76 year old grandpa, but it
> will make it easier for unsatisfied Windows users to try FreeBSD.
> Besides, in making it easy to install a basic desktop system, comes the
> hardest part of any *nix like system: defining a basic desktop and
> collecting the basic/standard applications.
> It's hard just to pick either one Gnome, KDE or XFCE (or iceWM ;-) ) let
> alone mail-clients, internet browsers, IM, etc. etc.
> One of the advantages of using a descent operating system is the freedom
> of choice. However most users don't care!
> I am more then happy to tel anyone which e-mail client not to use (Lotus
> notes, outlook express, anyone else's neck hears standing up?), but I
> don't want to tell people they HAVE to use Thunderbird(I do tell them
> they SHOULD but that's different) or evolution etc.
> The problem is, most people don't want to make this choice either.
> And the circle of life continues.
> So basically, to make sure people will be using freeBSD (or any *nix
> operating system) it needs to be easy to install (So that
> PC-manufacturers will ship their pc's with it), a nicely filled standard
> desktop environment with lot's of youtube/chat/word process capabilities
> and "I won't bother you with it but i'm updating" functionality.
> Just some thoughts..
> I'll get back to work now...
> ...

I must say that I find this (new) thread a bit funny since it was
inspired by a guy (the OP) who has been using fBSD for many years
(over 5 . . . I can't remember the exact number).

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Re: FreeBSD for the common man(or woman) (was: > upgrade 7.2

2009-08-06 Thread Neal Hogan
> inspired by a guy (the OP) who has been using fBSD for many
>> years
>> (over 5 . . . I can't remember the exact number).
> I have been struggling to use FreeBSD for a shorter amount of time (for a 
> fileserver). I was originally attracted to OpenBSD "for security." However, 
> OpenBSD users are expected to compile all patches from source. Since I wasn't 
> planning on doing code-reviews myself, I saw little benefit in using extra 
> disk space and compile time when binaries would do.i

run -current (via snapshots)


[snip . . . a lot, which I didn't read]

> So, this long story boils down to the following question:
> What is that best way to use the handbook and related documentation (like 
> man-pages)?


Ummm . . . read them. I'm not trying to be too big of a dick, but your
question strikes me as odd. Read them when you come across something
that is troubling you. I suppose there is no need to read about, say,
wifi card drivers that you don't use.

> I am willing to do some reading, but get distracted by irrelevant or 
> sometimes too low-level stuff. I want to avoid programing as much as possible 
> until I actually have a work-station I am comfortable playing around with.

How do you expect to get comfortable w/out "playing around," other
than, I guess (a'la above) reading the documentation?

>Thinking about it in the week before posting this, I think that part of my 
>problem is I want to use the documentation to do the "right thing" rather than 
>experiment. Once I move the family's files onto the server, it becomes 
>essential. I won't be able to have it out of commission for weeks at a time. I 
>hope with the server properly set up, win98 may even be usable again: just do 
>a clean install every morning! I even downloaded the Windows 7 RC so that I 
>can be informed when I say it sucks.
> Regards,
> James Phillips
> PS: I find it a little annoying that FreeBSD releases faster than I can 
> configure my computer! ;)

Again . . . What?! You're not required to update every time there is a
release. This too is odd, IMO.

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Re: FreeBSD for the common man(or woman) (was: > upgrade 7.2

2009-08-06 Thread Neal Hogan
>> How do you expect to get comfortable w/out "playing
>> around," other
>> than, I guess (a'la above) reading the documentation?
> Put another way: I want a reliable, backed-up file-server before playing 
> around on my "workstation" that would be a separate computer.
> I want to build myself a "sand-box" so I don't have to worry about breaking 
> stuff that is unrelated.
> Another way of asking the question:
> How much of a learning curve is configuring FreeBSD (for Samba, NFS, DVD 
> burning (backups) expected to be? Am I reading too much because of a learning 
> disability, or do I really need to read and understand that much detail?
> I have some experience with Dos/Windows, and Linux (mainly Debian based).

I'm still a bit dumb-founded, because I'm not sure what an answer to
that question would look like and how one could formulate a "decent"
answer. I wonder if installing fBSD on a "sand-box" partition/machine
and just build sand castles until you're comfortable is the best way
to go.

If your looking for someone (i.e., one or three folks) to say, "Oh,
fBSD is very intuitive and if you know M$, then the migration should
be a breeze!" Good luck!

In fact, how would you treat any answer that you got to your question.
I think you should just try it (I suspect having a linux background
will help).

> Regards,
> James Phillips
>      __
> Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 
> Answers and share what you know at
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Re: please help to uninstall FreeBSD!!!

2009-08-10 Thread Neal Hogan
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Raisa Brokhshtut wrote:
> Hello,
> My old desktop has FreeBSD that I have never used. One of the friends of my 
> son installed it long ago, but no one used that PC since then. Now I want to 
> get rid of this program and to install Windows. Every time when I boot this 
> PC it prompts for a user login which I don't know. This guy who intalled 
> FreeBSD is not around anymore.
> Anyway, I would greatly appreciate if you would guide me how to uninstall 
> that program. I don't have windows reskue cd. So I want to completly remove 
> that FreeBSD from my PC and to install the Windows operating system from CD.

Perhaps you should talk to MS people about installing MS. FreBSD is
not in your way.

The MS install disc(s) should take care of freeBSD.

> Thank you
> Raisa
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Re: boot sector f*ed

2009-08-13 Thread Neal Hogan
> Right now I'm just fixing up a new set up of 7.2 on another disk and
> we'll see what that does. Then I will re-setup the files I had recoverd,
> see if they work and then do a last and final install of everything and
> see if that works. And if there is a problem then, then I will know for
> sure that it is not a hardware problem. In using computers, in general,
> over the past 20 plus years I have only had maybe 6 crashes... mostly
> Winbloz and about 3 with FBSD - and only 1 was because of defective
> hardware (a disk)... the rest was power outs and 1 erroneous shutdown...
> not bad ... and I never lost irreplaceable files. :-)   Took some time
> to recover them, but recover did as recover should.
> Oh, well, before I give it all up, I'm giving it one final shot.
> PJ

If I may . . . (again ;-), why is it not a hardware issue? You're a
self-proclaimed, long-time fBSD user experiencing unforeseen
circumstances and the folks attempting to help aren't noobs. So, it
surely can't be a user/software issue ;-) . . . It sounds like you can
get the files that you need/want and then go get some new stuff. It's
not expensive anymore and frankly, it seems that this thread is
doomed. I apologize, but I don't have time to read the lengthy
explanations/rants/responses, but I think a new chapter in PJ's life
is developing and I think that you/he/she should turn the page (I
know, you're trying . . .).

P.S. -- trim responses so we can get to the good stuff!

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Re: bwi driver

2009-08-14 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 7:41 AM, Eitan Adler wrote:
> I have a Lenovo G530 laptop with a broadcom wireless card.
> I downloaded the drivers referenced here:
> I installed them and loaded them.
> However pciconf -lv|grep bwi produces no output and ifconfig does not
> mention any wireless cards.
> What should I try now?

man iwconfig
man lspci
> --
> Eitan Adler
> "Security is increased by designing for the way humans actually behave."
> -Jakob Nielsen
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Re: bwi driver

2009-08-14 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Mel
Flynn wrote:
> On Friday 14 August 2009 08:49:07 Neal Hogan wrote:
>> man lspci

> ?? wrong "distribution". Try pciconf.

Ah . . . sorry, got mixed up with mailing lists. Thanks for correcting me!

> --
> Mel
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Re: bwi driver

2009-08-14 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Neal Hogan wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Mel
> Flynn wrote:
>> On Friday 14 August 2009 08:49:07 Neal Hogan wrote:
>>> man lspci
>> ?? wrong "distribution". Try pciconf.
> Ah . . . sorry, got mixed up with mailing lists. Thanks for correcting me!

BTW - The same goes for iwconfig

>> --
>> Mel
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Re: freebsd

2009-08-19 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 6:42 AM, BONGANI MANGANYE<> wrote:
> I know freebsd is free but i would like to know how much will I pay if I
> need additional package like updates and other useful software,and can
> you tell how secure it is how protected i will be if i use freebsd

it's free along with the many, many, many software packages fBSD
provides . . . and it's secure.

have you checked out the website ( It's a good place to start.

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Re: installation sequence

2009-08-20 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:12 PM, PJ wrote:
> Does anybody have an idea of what the oder of files and dependencies is
> to install programs without all sorts of nonsensical errors?
> I usually have no problem installing FreeBsd whatever with apache22,
> cups, samba, php, mysql xorg etc. etc. I say usually because from time
> to time there do crop up some conflicts and they can usually be resolved
> by just looking at the error messages when the install is interrupted...
> usually one reinstalls the guilty port and voila! all things are in an
> ordered universe!
> But how do you avoid those error messages... I installed a pretty
> minimal 7.2 about a week ago and since then have been putzing about with
> a more serious installation of 7.2 on a larger disk to include xorg and
> a number of pretty cumbersome applications.
> I usually start with samba as that permits me to wander about on my lan
> and download and play around with other stuff while I am waiting for
> those substantial installs like jdk and xorg et al.
> So now, I have installed samba... works fine... thereafter I have been
> installing jdk16 and some other proggies like openldap and php5 and
> mysql ... actually, I was doing those because apache22 wouldn't
> compile... it grinds out a slew of errors that all seem to be related to
> ldap..."util_ldap.c:2135 (or other numbers) and all have the notation
> "undeclared (first use in this function) and finally the ghost gives up
> with Error code 1.
> Exactly the same installation with the same configuration on the smaller
> installation went without a hitch... (and on the same computer,
> different disk) The versions are the latest available and on 7.2...
> I have tried uninstalling php5, openldap, and removing the work
> directory for apache22, but the result is always the same... this is absurd.
> Can anybody make any sense of this... I don't like the idea of starting
> all over again... done that, been there, and still looking for some
> rationality to this world.
> Thanks for any ideas...

Again, not to be rude (to you or fBSD) . . . but why stick with
something that is giving you soo much trouble?
There are a bunch of open source distros out there. I can appreciate
that you do not want to f'around with another distro for another week
. . . but . . .

>From other posts, it sounded like you have recovered the essential
files. Rationality may dictate you moving on.

The only thing I can suggest that may help those who know better, is
to post the demsg's of the two machines (the one that works and the
pain in the ass), given that they are different machines. What
happened to the "faulty hardware" idea?

I dunno . . . good luck!

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Re: itunes on FreeBSD

2009-09-01 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Jerry wrote:
> I use itunes  extensively on my Windows
> machines to download music. AFAIK, Apple does not make a version for
> linux/bsd, although I might be incorrect.
> I investigated Rhapsody ;
> however, there is no generic version of that available for linux/bsd
> either.
> Is anyone aware of a similar programs that works on FreeBSD? I am
> looking for a full featured program that works along the same lines as
> itunes.

I've messed with Amarok and was able to get songs to and from an ipod.
I haven't worked with it too much. It's been a while too. So, my
advice would be dusty (If I have any).

Also, there is gtkpod (I don' t know much about it).

> --
> Jerry
> Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.
>        Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
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Re: internet access from FreeBSD

2009-09-22 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:32 AM,
>             I have a copy of Greg Lehey's online "book" about FreeBSD, but I 
> >believe it is from February 2006.  Is there a later copy, and if so, where 
> >can I find a copy (URL please)?  I searched my copy for the word >"internet" 
> and couldn't find it.  I did access the internet with a take-off >copy of 
> FreeBSD, but I don't have access to it any more.  Can I access >the internet 
> with a currently gettable copy of FreeBSD, and if so, for what >versions is 
> that true (my personal version is old, but it works well so I >never 
> upgraded)?  Since I get my mail via  juno , can I access them >nicely from 
> FreeBSD or do I need something to interface to it and present >me with my 
> mailbox, listing the items in it and telling me the usual stuff >about 
> envelop mail (sender, subject, when received)?

It's a bit unclear what you're asking, but it sounds like you want
help regarding more recent versions of freeBSD and their capabilities.
Have you looked at and the documentation there?

I'm not sure what a book about freeBSD would have that the official
documentaioin wouldn't.

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Re: network freebsd computers

2009-09-22 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Carmel NY  wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:53:17 -0400
> Jerry McAllister  wrote:
> [snip]
>> Am I missing something or would ssh, scp and directing your Xwindows
>> display from the headless machine to a desktop X server cover
>> everything you are asking for?
> I was just playing around with ssh. Would it be possible to store
> multiple keys in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?


But, before this thread turns into your personal tutorial, have a look
at the documentation on

> --
> Carmel
> Lady Luck brings added income today. Lady friend takes it away tonight.
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Re: network freebsd computers

2009-09-22 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:22 PM, David Kelly  wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 04:46:49PM -0400, Jerry McAllister wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 03:27:35PM -0400, Carmel NY wrote:
>> > I was just playing around with ssh. Would it be possible to store
>> > multiple keys in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?
>> It will put a key there for every place you go to with ssh.
> I think this is the place one puts the public key of accounts (not the
> host) from which one is *coming* from that one wishes to accept login
> without further challenge.
> ~/.ssh/known_hosts automatically (prompted first time) records the host
> public key of places you have been so as to warn you that the connection
> is not to a previously known machine.

While this is correct, as I said before, let's not let this thread be
a regurgitation of the documentation. I think the M$/OP dude has been
lead down the right path and needs to reach the end (more or less) on
his own. Our bandwidth should be devoted to more important things,
like . . . . well . . . anything else.

(Yes, yes . . . I took up bandwidth to make this silly comment.
Nip-it-in-the-bud, so to speak)

> --
> David Kelly N4HHE,
> Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.
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Re: Problem regarding free BSD

2009-10-14 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:55 AM, Abhilash  Shukla  wrote:
> Hello,Respected Sir/Madam,Actually i tried to install free BSD on my >system, 
> I have 1 TB hard disk of 500GB X 2 in which i made a partition in >one of my 
> hard disk which even contains some data. Unfortunately i lost >all my data, 
> as i think but its truly very important for me. As after the >completion of 
> the installation part when i tried to boot into it, i was unable >to do so, 
> now i installed Windows XP into my system and tried to access >the other hard 
> disk but still i can't. As when i installed BSD in other >partition why i am 
> not able to access the other drive in the same hard >drive. Please help me 
> how can i recover my data.Thank You,Abhilash >Shukla.Dear 
> ! Get Yourself a cool, short >Email ID now!

As far as I understand, the data on the partition you put freeBSD on
is gone. You should have noticed the warning during install that
warned of this.

Concerning XP and "looking" at other partitions, (as far as I
understand) you should install XP first and then install freeBSD with
a bootloader that will allow you (easier) access to all of the OS's.
MS doesn't like to share disk space.

Perhaps I misunderstood your situation concerning the "loss" of data.
If so, there is open source data recovery software out there. I can't
think of the names right now, but I'm sure you have the necessary
searching skills to find them yourself.

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Re: First time for everything

2009-10-14 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:33 PM, jeffry killen  wrote:
> Hello;
> How is a usb device accessed on Freebsd.
> I installed an SATA drive in a usb enclosure
> and plugged in into usb port on the machine.
> Console message indicated detection of the
> device when the power switch for the usb enclosure
>  was set to on.
> When I did mount -w /dev/usb (or usbN) I got
> special device unknown.
> Or mount -w /dev/usb (or usbN) /mnt
> needs block device.
> There is a first time for everything.
> man usb does not tell me.
> and Absolute BSD (M. Lucas) does
> not say anything about usb devices
> let alone how to access them.

> Thank you for patience and guidance
> Jeff K.
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Re: I hate to bitch but bitch I must

2009-10-16 Thread Neal Hogan
>>> Aha! Gotcha! Whoever wrote that has made an unintentionnal booboo. It is
>>> a subtle difference and is indicative that whoever wrote it is not a
>>> native english user... the meaning is clearly "should be executed, done,
>>> carried out, performed" - should work means it  can be carried out  - I
>>> think the author meant to say "should not be done"
>> I'm a native English speaker, and the manual makes perfect sense to me.
>> It's very clear to me that since the statement is in the BUGS section,
>> it means that the utility should, but doesn't. Since it follows a
>> statement that the utility doesn't, the meaning is unambiguous.
> fwiw, upon first reading, I got the exact same impression about the
> writing under its context as Bob did.

Am I the only one annoyed by the monthly PJ soap-operas. It seems that
we get a ridiculous installment from this guy who bites off more than
he can chew and then complains that it's too big every full (or is it
fool) moon (28 day cycle . . . sorry obvious,stupid joke).

The patience he gets from folks on this list should be commended, but
questioned. In what sense is the community benefited from the dramatic
"life-story" of an ungrateful novice? This guy puts forth his
problem(s) only to update the list at every small/backward step and
then ultimately offer something offensive such that the devs can't
speak English.

He needs to work things out before blogging on

IMHO ;-)

> Steve
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Re: I hate to bitch but bitch I must

2009-10-16 Thread Neal Hogan
>> He needs to work things out before blogging on
>> freebsd-questi...@.
>> IMHO ;-)
>>> Steve
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> You are a pathetic example of the intolerant know-it all...not
> worthbothering with

Yet you did . . . and we continue the saga. fBSD, oBSD, etc. is not
the problem, as you claim. You, my friend, have a tendency to jump
into things and then complain when they do not go your way. The latest
of which is to complain about the "language" in which the man pages
were written . . . and you expect to be taken seriously. "I know
English but it is sometimes difficult to understand." What?!

Intolerance is something you can;t charge me of. I offerred my genuine
help in the past. You chose to use that offer to bash an OS and come
back to an OS that you (apparently) can't handle.

You fail to see that it is your failings that let you down.

&%...@*#^#%$ . . . does that make more sense?

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Re: I hate to bitch but bitch I must

2009-10-16 Thread Neal Hogan
> The benefit(s)? If there are other long-term members who agree with what
> you are getting at, then I'd say that the benefits are that it shows to
> newcomers that no matter what, you'll always receive a respectable and
> educated response.

Does that really include taking seriously everything
posted/asked/bitched about on the list?

> It also shows that it doesn't matter what the poster's name is, or what
> language they speak in, that those who love FreeBSD for what it is will
> always bleed their souls to help them out, at any cost. What is learned
> from hard work is better passed on to someone else.

Yes . . . sure. . . but many, many houses have been built and it seems
reasonable to help those attempting to build something unique or
somewhat untested, than those who like to spend time complaining about
things that have been built and which they have not spent much time
thinking about, but just jotted down a command from google search and
is disappointed when it fails to satisfy.

> Mia casa e tua casa, as my best friend's father always says. (my house
> is your house).
> Steve
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Re: I hate to bitch but bitch I must

2009-10-16 Thread Neal Hogan
> It is simple to understand Emglish but not so simple what was meant by
> whoever wrote it...I cannot correct something that I do not uderstand...
> come on, man, that should be easy to understand.
> I am afraid that with all the globalization people still do not
> understand that translations should be left to experts... an by that I
> mean the final version should always, and I mean always, be by a native
> speaking person.
> I speak english, french, italian, some spanish and german as well as
> latvian... but I would never attempt to translate into any language
> other than English... and then not without the help of the original
> language's originator. ;-)

PJ, you certainly sound like a scholar . . . you "speak" many
languages and have a strict translation policy, yet (given those two
points) it doesn't follow you have any idea how to use any of those

You prefer drama and at some point we're going to realize that there
is no wolf? KISS! (google for translation).

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ndis panic HP pavilion ze4400 won't boot

2009-01-08 Thread Neal Hogan
I'm father new to fBSD. I hope this is the appropriate list to send this
question to.

I just installed 7.1-RELEASE on my HP pavilion and attempted to configure my
Broadcom wlan card (BCM94309 version using ndisgen. I cp'd the
bcmwl5_sys.ko to /boot/kernel and added *bcmwl5_sys_load="YES"* to my
/boot/loader.conf. Now the machine will not boot. It crashes when it reaches
the ndis0 line. I've tried booting in all the modes but they all fail to
boot. I can escape to prompt, but am unsure what, if anything, I can do in
that mode to deal with the situation.

With other releases (6.4 and 7.0) the machine would panick when I attempted
to ifconfig ndis0. However, I was able to boot in single user mode and
temporarily move the rc.conf file so that I cound boot in the default mode.
With 7.1, I don't appear to have that option.

Is there anything I can do, short of a fresh install, to eliminate this
problem? I'm not too worried about getting the wifi up (although, I won't
turn down any advice). I just want the machine to boot.

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Re: ndis panic HP pavilion ze4400 won't boot

2009-01-08 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Paul B. Mahol  wrote:

> On 1/8/09, Neal Hogan  wrote:
> > I'm father new to fBSD. I hope this is the appropriate list to send this
> > question to.
> >
> > I just installed 7.1-RELEASE on my HP pavilion and attempted to configure
> my
> > Broadcom wlan card (BCM94309 version using ndisgen. I cp'd the
> > bcmwl5_sys.ko to /boot/kernel and added *bcmwl5_sys_load="YES"* to my
> > /boot/loader.conf. Now the machine will not boot. It crashes when it
> reaches
> > the ndis0 line. I've tried booting in all the modes but they all fail to
> > boot. I can escape to prompt, but am unsure what, if anything, I can do
> in
> > that mode to deal with the situation.
> >
> > With other releases (6.4 and 7.0) the machine would panick when I
> attempted
> > to ifconfig ndis0. However, I was able to boot in single user mode and
> > temporarily move the rc.conf file so that I cound boot in the default
> mode.
> > With 7.1, I don't appear to have that option.
> >
> > Is there anything I can do, short of a fresh install, to eliminate this
> > problem? I'm not too worried about getting the wifi up (although, I won't
> > turn down any advice). I just want the machine to boot.
> You can enter loader and from there unload bcmwl5_sys, type: unload
> bcmwl5_sys.
> loader is started one step before kernel.
> Before ever changing loader.conf you really should test it via kldload(1)
> and report any ndis issues via PR.
> From where you fetched drivers and for what windows version?



Thanks for the suggestion! However, it's not working. I've tried *unload
/boot/kernel/bcmwl5_sys.ko* *unload bcmwl5_sys* *unload bcmwl5_sis.ko*
*unload* and they all simply return to the OK prompt (should it tell me

When I boot/reboot it fails the same as before.

As far as *kldload*ing goes, I tried that and it did find the bcmwl5_sys.ko
(it said that the file didn't exist). So, I manually copied it.

I don't remember where I got the driver. I'm pretty sure it was from HP. The
version of Windows is XP Home Edition.

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Re: ndis panic HP pavilion ze4400 won't boot

2009-01-08 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Glen Barber  wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Neal Hogan  wrote:
> > I'm father new to fBSD. I hope this is the appropriate list to send this
> > question to.
> >
> > I just installed 7.1-RELEASE on my HP pavilion and attempted to configure
> my
> > Broadcom wlan card (BCM94309 version using ndisgen. I cp'd the
> > bcmwl5_sys.ko to /boot/kernel and added *bcmwl5_sys_load="YES"* to my
> > /boot/loader.conf. Now the machine will not boot. It crashes when it
> reaches
> > the ndis0 line. I've tried booting in all the modes but they all fail to
> > boot. I can escape to prompt, but am unsure what, if anything, I can do
> in
> > that mode to deal with the situation.
> >
> > With other releases (6.4 and 7.0) the machine would panick when I
> attempted
> > to ifconfig ndis0. However, I was able to boot in single user mode and
> > temporarily move the rc.conf file so that I cound boot in the default
> mode.
> > With 7.1, I don't appear to have that option.
> >
> > Is there anything I can do, short of a fresh install, to eliminate this
> > problem? I'm not too worried about getting the wifi up (although, I won't
> > turn down any advice). I just want the machine to boot.
> >
> I discovered a wierd hack to resolve this.  Remove the line(s) from
> loader.conf, and create an /etc/rc.local file containing the
> following:
> /sbin/kldload /boot/modules/bcmwl5_sys.ko
> That should survive a reboot.
> --
> Glen Barber
> "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I
> learn." - Benjamin Franklin


 I tried your suggestion (which I appreciate) and it did survive rebooting.
However, bcmwl5_sys.ko was not loaded because there was no ndis interface.
So, I change the rc.local to

/sbin/kldload /boot/kernel/bcmwl5_sys.ko

Upon reboot, the system panicked when it loaded the rc.local file.

I don't know . . .

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Re: ndis panic HP pavilion ze4400 won't boot

2009-01-09 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Glen Barber  wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Neal Hogan  wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Glen Barber 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Neal Hogan 
> wrote:
> >> > I'm father new to fBSD. I hope this is the appropriate list to send
> this
> >> > question to.
> >> >
> >> > I just installed 7.1-RELEASE on my HP pavilion and attempted to
> >> > configure my
> >> > Broadcom wlan card (BCM94309 version using ndisgen. I cp'd
> >> > the
> >> > bcmwl5_sys.ko to /boot/kernel and added *bcmwl5_sys_load="YES"* to my
> >> > /boot/loader.conf. Now the machine will not boot. It crashes when it
> >> > reaches
> >> > the ndis0 line. I've tried booting in all the modes but they all fail
> to
> >> > boot. I can escape to prompt, but am unsure what, if anything, I can
> do
> >> > in
> >> > that mode to deal with the situation.
> >> >
> >> > With other releases (6.4 and 7.0) the machine would panick when I
> >> > attempted
> >> > to ifconfig ndis0. However, I was able to boot in single user mode and
> >> > temporarily move the rc.conf file so that I cound boot in the default
> >> > mode.
> >> > With 7.1, I don't appear to have that option.
> >> >
> >> > Is there anything I can do, short of a fresh install, to eliminate
> this
> >> > problem? I'm not too worried about getting the wifi up (although, I
> >> > won't
> >> > turn down any advice). I just want the machine to boot.
> >> >
> >>
> >> I discovered a wierd hack to resolve this.  Remove the line(s) from
> >> loader.conf, and create an /etc/rc.local file containing the
> >> following:
> >>
> >> /sbin/kldload /boot/modules/bcmwl5_sys.ko
> >>
> >> That should survive a reboot.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Glen Barber
> >>
> >> "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I
> >> learn." - Benjamin Franklin
> >
> > Glen,
> >
> >  I tried your suggestion (which I appreciate) and it did survive
> rebooting.
> > However, bcmwl5_sys.ko was not loaded because there was no ndis
> interface.
> > So, I change the rc.local to
> >
> > /sbin/kldload /boot/kernel/bcmwl5_sys.ko
> >
> > Upon reboot, the system panicked when it loaded the rc.local file.
> >
> > I don't know . . .
> >
> Any additional modules should be placed in /boot/modules, not
> /boot/kernel.  What happens if you manually load the module after the
> system is running?
> --
> Glen Barber
> "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I
> learn." - Benjamin Franklin


Well, I never loaded into /boot/modules and at this point I've removed the
*bcmwl5-stuff* to  begin again. Note that *kldload bcmwl5_sys.ko* output
that there was no such file. Below is some info as to what lead to the panic
(it's info I gave in response to another generous fellow on the list).

I have not formally sync'd the system and source. But what I did prior to
the panicking was freshly install 7.0-RELEASE from disc, did not add any
packages, before upgrading to 7.1-RELEASE, using *freebsd-update -r
7.1-RELEASE upgrade && freebsd-update -r 7.1-RELEASE install* I then
installed downloded the ports tree via ftp and added a few packages.

The bcmwl5_sys.ko was generated using *ndisgen /mnt/flash/bcmwl5.inf
/mnt/flash/bcmwl5.sys*  When it came time to make the .ko file, it reported
a syntax error on the last line of the .inf file. I removed that line and
the .ko file was generated.

As far as using the correct driver is concerned . . . my Broadcom card is a
BCM94309, version 4.10.40, in Windows XP Home. I got the driver, with those
specs, from the HP website. The only difference was that my hardware specs
under XP dates the card version as 11/2/2005 and the driver, on the HP site,
is dated 2/17/2006.

Panic info . . . there was not much time to get all of the info before it
reboot and, at this point, I've uninstalled the driver stuff to avoid panic.
I do remember it saying something about a *fatal trap 12*

I hope this was info. you were looking for. Again, thanks for your


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Re: ndis panic HP pavilion ze4400 won't boot

2009-01-09 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Glen Barber  wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Neal Hogan  wrote:
> > Glen,
> >
> > Well, I never loaded into /boot/modules and at this point I've removed
> the
> > *bcmwl5-stuff* to  begin again. Note that *kldload bcmwl5_sys.ko* output
> > that there was no such file. Below is some info as to what lead to the
> panic
> > (it's info I gave in response to another generous fellow on the list).
> >
> Just use `kldload bcmwl5_sys` without the `.ko' at the end.
> > I have not formally sync'd the system and source. But what I did prior to
> > the panicking was freshly install 7.0-RELEASE from disc, did not add any
> > packages, before upgrading to 7.1-RELEASE, using *freebsd-update -r
> > 7.1-RELEASE upgrade && freebsd-update -r 7.1-RELEASE install* I then
> > installed downloded the ports tree via ftp and added a few packages.
> >
> This could be causing a problem if the kernel and userland (ndis
> included) are out of sync.
> > The bcmwl5_sys.ko was generated using *ndisgen /mnt/flash/bcmwl5.inf
> > /mnt/flash/bcmwl5.sys*  When it came time to make the .ko file, it
> reported
> > a syntax error on the last line of the .inf file. I removed that line and
> > the .ko file was generated.
> >
> > As far as using the correct driver is concerned . . . my Broadcom card is
> a
> > BCM94309, version 4.10.40, in Windows XP Home. I got the driver, with
> those
> > specs, from the HP website. The only difference was that my hardware
> specs
> > under XP dates the card version as 11/2/2005 and the driver, on the HP
> site,
> > is dated 2/17/2006.
> >
> Try using an older/newer .inf and .sys file.

I'm in the process of sync'ing up my system with source . . . but, in the
meantime I'm wondering about the choice of Broadcom driver. Is it really a
matter of trying different ones? I updated the driver this morning to a new
version. Is that not the driver that I'll use for the ndiswrapper? Should an
older version, perhaps the one that was originally installed?

I apologize if these questions are rather simple and naiive.

> > Panic info . . . there was not much time to get all of the info before it
> > reboot and, at this point, I've uninstalled the driver stuff to avoid
> panic.
> > I do remember it saying something about a *fatal trap 12*
> >
> Fatal trap 12 is kind of a generic error message.  What appears before
> that actual trap is the important part.
> > I hope this was info. you were looking for. Again, thanks for your
> > consideration.
> >
> --
> Glen Barber

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Re: ndis panic HP pavilion ze4400 won't boot

2009-01-10 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Glen Barber  wrote:

> >
> > I'm in the process of sync'ing up my system with source . . . but, in the
> > meantime I'm wondering about the choice of Broadcom driver. Is it really
> a
> > matter of trying different ones?
> It was for me.  It took me 3 tries before I found one that 'worked'.
> > I updated the driver this morning to a new
> > version. Is that not the driver that I'll use for the ndiswrapper? Should
> an
> > older version, perhaps the one that was originally installed?
> >
> If I remember correctly, the version I use is 3 versions back from the
> latest update.
> > I apologize if these questions are rather simple and naiive.
> >
> Not at all.  Broadcom is difficult sometimes.  This is one of those times.
> --
> Glen Barber
> 570.328.0318

Well, it took me all day, but I did synch-up the source with the kernel.
However, being new to the ways of fBSD I (accidentally) ended up building
the -CURRENT source and kernel (8.0). I tried ndisgen on the latest driver
and it didn't work . . . I'll tell you why in a second.

I'm a bit uncomfortable dealing with current. I'd rather go back to the
7.1-RELEASE, which claims to have better ndis support. FYI - I've dual
booted fBSD, and am merely experimenting with it. So, while it may seem odd
that I continue to move between versions, I do have access to other machines
that have more familiar environments (oBSD and XP).

Now, the *ndisgen path/to/inf path/to/sys* didn't work because it said that
the .inf file was in a different format than it expected. So, I attempted to
convert it to ascii using *iconv -c -f utf-16 -t ascii path/to/inf >
.inf.ascii* and use the new file as the .inf. Again, it said it was the
wrong format. That's when I bailed. So as not to waste my time with 8.0,
because I wish to pursue expermenting on 7.1. Anyway . . . at this time, I
have one more question regarding the driver that will end up being
successfull (hopefully there is one).

Should I have to manipulate the .inf file? There is the wrong format issue,
mentioned above, and when setting up ndis in the "panicky" situation,
ndisgen claimed that the last line of the .inf file was bad (I forget the
actual teminology used). So, I deleted that line and it successfully
generated the .ko file. It seems odd to me that I would have to manipulate
the driver information so much and that it may the source of some of my ndis
problems. Another way of asking this question . . . will the successful
driver just work (i.e., not need such manipulations)?

Thanks for you patience.

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bwi: no DS tssi no OFDM tssi

2009-01-12 Thread Neal Hogan

   I am attempting to get by broadcom wifi card up and running, am sick of
trying to get ndis working, and am attempting to use the bwi driver
(originating in dragonflyBSD). I'm hoping others here have tried to do the
same and have some pointers. I'm using 7.1-RELEASE (system/source are
in-sync) and my card is a BCM94306MP. My dmesg is posted below.

Bwi(4) is installed and it recognizes my card (*if_bwi_load-"YES"* is in my
/etc/rc.conf and *bwi_v3* and *if_bwi* are loaded). I can send a IP request
to my WEP encrypted access point. Yet, it doesn't get an offer and says that
*no DS tssi* and *no OFDM tssi* Being new to bwi(4) and have never seen
references to DS/OFDM tssi, I'm not sure what info to provide. My research
is not leading anywhere helpful.  Thanks.

Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Sat Jan 10 19:07:15 CST 2009
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP2400+ (1788.94-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x6a0  Stepping = 0
  AMD Features=0xc0480800
real memory  = 468647936 (446 MB)
avail memory = 444530688 (423 MB)
kbd1 at kbdmux0
ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)
acpi0:  on motherboard
acpi0: [ITHREAD]
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850
acpi_timer0: <32-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x8008-0x800b on acpi0
acpi_ec0:  port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci_link5: BIOS IRQ 10 for 0.10.INTA is invalid
pci0:  on pcib0
agp0:  on hostb0
pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
vgapci0:  port 0x9000-0x90ff mem
0xe000-0xefff,0xd010-0xd010 irq 10 at device 5.0 on
ohci0:  mem
0xd0006000-0xd0006fff irq 9 at device 2.0 on pci0
ohci0: [ITHREAD]
usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0: SMM does not respond, resetting
usb0:  on ohci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0:  on usb0
uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
pcm0:  port 0x8400-0x84ff mem 0xd0007000-0xd0007fff
irq 5 at device 6.0 on pci0
pcm0: [ITHREAD]
isab0:  at device 7.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
pci0:  at device 8.0 (no driver attached)
bwi0:  mem
0xd0004000-0xd0005fff irq 9 at device 9.0 on pci0
bwi0: [ITHREAD]
bwi0: regwin: chipcommon (0x800), rev 2, vendor 0x4243
bwi0: BBP: id 0x4306, rev 0x2, pkg 0
bwi0: nregwin 6, cap 0x002a
bwi0: regwin: 802.11 MAC (0x812), rev 4, vendor 0x4243
bwi0: has TX stats
bwi0: MAC: rev 4
bwi0: regwin: pcmcia (0x80d), rev 1, vendor 0x4243
bwi0: regwin: v90 codec (0x807), rev 1, vendor 0x4243
bwi0: regwin: pci (0x804), rev 7, vendor 0x4243
bwi0: regwin: 802.11 MAC (0x812), rev 4, vendor 0x4243
bwi0: ignore second MAC
bwi0: bus rev 0
bwi0: pci is enabled
bwi0: card flags 0x000f
bwi0: 0th led, act 3, lowact 0
bwi0: 1th led, act 5, lowact 0
bwi0: 2th led, act 4, lowact 0
bwi0: 3th led, act 0, lowact 0
bwi0: 802.11 MAC was already disabled
bwi0: PHY is linked
bwi0: PHY: type 2, rev 1, ver 1
bwi0: PHY: 802.11G attach
bwi0: RF: manu 0x17f, type 0x2050, rev 2
bwi0: bus rev 0
bwi0: PHY is linked
bwi0: 30bit bus space
bwi0: max txpower from sprom: 57 dBm
bwi0: invalid antenna gain in sprom
bwi0: ant gain 8 dBm
bwi0: region/domain max txpower 76 dBm
bwi0: max txpower 57 dBm
bwi0: sprom idle tssi: 0x003e
bwi0: TSSI-TX power map:
71 71 70 70 70 70 70 69
69 69 69 69 68 68 68 67
67 67 66 66 66 66 65 65
65 64 64 64 63 63 63 62
61 61 61 60 59 59 58 57
57 55 55 54 53 52 51 50
49 48 47 44 43 42 39 37
35 32 29 26 22 18 14 8
bwi0: idle tssi0: 62
bwi0: bus rev 0
bwi0: locale: 6
bwi0: WARNING: using obsoleted if_watchdog interface
bwi0: Ethernet address: 00:90:4b:61:02:45
cbb0:  irq 11 at device 10.0 on pci0
cardbus0:  on cbb0
pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on cbb0
cbb0: [ITHREAD]
fwohci0:  mem
0xd0009000-0xd00097ff,0xd000-0xd0003fff irq 10 at device 12.0 on
fwohci0: [FILTER]
fwohci0: OHCI version 1.10 (ROM=1)
fwohci0: No. of Isochronous channels is 4.
fwohci0: EUI64 00:0d:9d:71:9e:43:0c:6a
fwohci0: Phy 1394a available S400, 1 ports.
fwohci0: Link S400, max_rec 2048 bytes.
firewire0:  on fwohci0
fwe0:  on firewire0
if_fwe0: Fake Ethernet address: 02:0d:9d:43:0c:6a
fwe0: Ethernet address: 02:0d:9d:43:0c:6a
fwip0:  on firewire0
fwip0: Firewire address: 00:0d:9d:71:9e:43:0c:6a @ 0xfffe,
S400, maxrec 2048
sbp0:  on firewire0
dcons_crom0:  on firewire0
dcons_crom0: bus_addr 0x12bc000
fwohci0: Initiate bus reset
fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc000ffc0, gen=1, CYCLEMASTER mode
atapci0:  port
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0x8080-0x808f at device 16.0 on
atapci0: using PIO transfers above 137GB as workaround for 48bit DMA
access bug, expect red

Re: bwi: no DS tssi no OFDM tssi

2009-01-12 Thread Neal Hogan
I installed the firmware stuff from the dragonfly bwi(4) man page, yet I
have the same issue. Is there a way to tell whether the firmware they
provide supports my card? Like I said, I can locate my access point (and
others that are around) and ask for an IP . . . it seems as though I'm so
close. I'm fairly certain that I have all of the avliable bwi(4) bits
installed correctly.

I dwonloaded and installed the driver and added *if_bwi_load="YES"* in my
loader.conf. I loaded the .ko file (bwi_v3). I downloaded and installed the
firmware from dflyBSD and followed their directions. Yet I get no offer. Is
the fact that I fail to get an offer indicate the firmware incompatinbility?

Anyway, thanks for you help.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Paul B. Mahol  wrote:

> On 1/12/09, Neal Hogan  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >I am attempting to get by broadcom wifi card up and running, am sick
> of
> > trying to get ndis working, and am attempting to use the bwi driver
> > (originating in dragonflyBSD). I'm hoping others here have tried to do
> the
> > same and have some pointers. I'm using 7.1-RELEASE (system/source are
> > in-sync) and my card is a BCM94306MP. My dmesg is posted below.
> >
> > Bwi(4) is installed and it recognizes my card (*if_bwi_load-"YES"* is in
> my
> > /etc/rc.conf and *bwi_v3* and *if_bwi* are loaded). I can send a IP
> request
> > to my WEP encrypted access point. Yet, it doesn't get an offer and says
> that
> > *no DS tssi* and *no OFDM tssi* Being new to bwi(4) and have never seen
> > references to DS/OFDM tssi, I'm not sure what info to provide. My
> research
> > is not leading anywhere helpful.  Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project.
> > Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
> >   The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
> > FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
> > FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Sat Jan 10 19:07:15 CST 2009
> > n...@frege.lambdaserver:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
> > Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
> > CPU: mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP2400+ (1788.94-MHz 686-class CPU)
> >   Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x6a0  Stepping = 0
> >
> >
> Features=0x383f9ff
> >   AMD Features=0xc0480800
> > real memory  = 468647936 (446 MB)
> > avail memory = 444530688 (423 MB)
> > kbd1 at kbdmux0
> > ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413,
> RF5413)
> > acpi0:  on motherboard
> > acpi0: [ITHREAD]
> > acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
> > Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850
> > acpi_timer0: <32-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x8008-0x800b on acpi0
> > acpi_ec0:  port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
> > pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
> > pci_link5: BIOS IRQ 10 for 0.10.INTA is invalid
> > pci0:  on pcib0
> > agp0:  on hostb0
> > pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
> > pci1:  on pcib1
> > vgapci0:  port 0x9000-0x90ff mem
> > 0xe000-0xefff,0xd010-0xd010 irq 10 at device 5.0 on
> > pci1
> > ohci0:  mem
> > 0xd0006000-0xd0006fff irq 9 at device 2.0 on pci0
> > ohci0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
> > ohci0: [ITHREAD]
> > usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
> > usb0: SMM does not respond, resetting
> > usb0:  on ohci0
> > usb0: USB revision 1.0
> > uhub0:  on usb0
> > uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
> > pcm0:  port 0x8400-0x84ff mem 0xd0007000-0xd0007fff
> > irq 5 at device 6.0 on pci0
> > pcm0: 
> > pcm0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
> > pcm0: [ITHREAD]
> > isab0:  at device 7.0 on pci0
> > isa0:  on isab0
> > pci0:  at device 8.0 (no driver attached)
> > bwi0:  mem
> > 0xd0004000-0xd0005fff irq 9 at device 9.0 on pci0
> > bwi0: [ITHREAD]
> > bwi0: regwin: chipcommon (0x800), rev 2, vendor 0x4243
> > bwi0: BBP: id 0x4306, rev 0x2, pkg 0
> > bwi0: nregwin 6, cap 0x002a
> > bwi0: regwin: 802.11 MAC (0x812), rev 4, vendor 0x4243
> > bwi0: has TX stats
> > bwi0: MAC: rev 4
> > bwi0: regwin: pcmcia (0x80d), rev 1, vendor 0x4243
> > bwi0: regwin: v90 codec (0x807), rev 1, vendor 0x4243
> > bwi0: regwin: pci (0x804), rev 7, vendor 0x4243
> > bwi0: regwin: 802.11 MAC (0x812), rev 4, vendor 0x4243
> > bwi0: ignore second MAC
> > bwi0: bus rev 0
> > bwi0: pci is enabled
> > bwi0: card flags 0x000f
> > bwi0: 0th led, act 3, lowact 0
> > bwi0: 1th led, act 5, lowact 0
> > bwi0: 2th led, act 4, lowact 0
> > bwi0: 3t

Re: Installing FreeBSD with Windows XP

2009-01-14 Thread Neal Hogan
I used gparted ( ) to move the XP partition
to make room for fBSD. You make a bootable CD and I found it to be quite
simple. Make sure that your XP partition is defragmented before using
gparted. Otherwise, gparted will not let you manipulate the partition.

Once you make a decent partition for fBSD (mine is around 25G), just follow
fBSD's installation docs ( [+]) . Again, it's
pretty easy.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 8:13 AM, tsai  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a tutorial on how to install FreeBSD on a system which already has
> Windows XP on it?  The goal is to have dual-boot with both.
> Thanks,
> tsai
> --
> tsai
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Re: /var grows, apache open file, which file?

2009-02-06 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD <> wrote:

> On Fri, February 6, 2009 20:05, Dan Nelson wrote:
> > In the last episode (Feb 06), Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD said:
> >> I noticed that my var slice is getting eaten by apache. The amount of
> >> free
> >> space is getting less and less per day.  So I started to investigate.
> >>
> >> I did the following;
> >>
> >> # fstat -u www | grep var | more
> >> www  httpd  970429 /var  74653 -rw---  176907484  w
> >> www  httpd  97042   12 /var  71575 -rw---  1345623  w
> >> www  httpd  97042   13 /var  24693 -rw-r--r--   0  w
> >> www  httpd  97042   15 /var  70919 -rw---   0  w
> >> www  httpd  97042   16 /var  70919 -rw---   0  w
> >> www  httpd  260599 /var  74653 -rw---  176907484  w
> >> www  httpd  26059   12 /var  71575 -rw---  1345623  w
> >>
> >> So I have an Inumber, lets search for that.
> >>
> >> # find / -inum 74653
> >> /usr/ports/net/pptpclient/files
> >>
> >> This confuses me! That is on a different slice.
> >
> > Then that is not the inode you are looking for.  Use "find -x /var ..."
> to
> doesnt return anything.
> > limit the search to just the /var mountpoint.  Your problem is probably
> > due
> > to a bad logfile rotator that isn't signalling apache to close&reopen the
> > logs, so it keeps logging to a file you have deleted.  If you're using
> > newsyslog, make sure you have listed your apache pidfile on the line
> > correspoinding to any apache logs so it knows which process to signal.
> > See
> > the newsyslog.conf manpage for more details.
> Added /var/run/ to newsyslog.conf and restarted apache.
> I am also using cronolog.
> from httpd.conf:
> CustomLog "| /usr/local/sbin/cronolog
> /var/log/apache2/%Y/%m/%d/access.log" combined
> Thanks Patrick
> >
> > --
> >   Dan Nelson
> >
> >
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Just a thought . . . perhaps your situation is similar.

I had an issue recently, where /var was maxing out quickly, even after empty
all of the logs. It ended up that I was logging too much prior to log
rotation. I had recently set-up an ftp server and the rsync of the binary I
was mirrorring slammed /var.

So, I limited what my firewall logged. Instead of *log all* I would just

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Re: reclaiming /var capacity?

2009-03-11 Thread Neal Hogan
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 1:30 PM, j. <> wrote:

> Where did my capacity go and how can I get it back?
> deathray# du -sh /var
>  70M/var
> deathray# df -h /var
> FilesystemSizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da0d 248M214M 15M94%/var
> Thanks,

Are your log (/var/log) being flushed or overly produced?

> --j.
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Re: / partition full

2009-03-13 Thread Neal Hogan
just to clarify (it's early)

man du(1)

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Warren Liddell  wrote:

> I've looked as much as i can, but with only 5meg free on / .. its making
> things in terms of building world & kernel a lil difficult .. what's the
> command so i can see exactly what dir on / is using up all the space so i
> can free it up ?
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gnash and ff3

2009-03-13 Thread Neal Hogan

I have 7-1 RELEASE running with up-to-date packages, including firefox3. I
also have gnash-0.8.3 and mozplugger-1.10.2.

I'm confused as to why gnash and mozplugger are not automatically enabled
and/or used by ff3. That is, ff claims not to have any plug-ins. I have the
same set-up on an oBSD machine and didn't have to do anything special to get
them working together (that I can remember). Can someone help jog my memory
or point me to something useful? Thanks.

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Re: where is xorg located?

2009-03-15 Thread Neal Hogan
The X system is an installation set . . . not a 3rd party package.

Check installation documentation.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Stefan Miklosovic <> wrote:

> hi
> hi all,
> i try to install xorg as a package like:
> # pkg_add -r xorg
> it takes a while, but only an error appears to me, it says that
> "Error: FTP Unable to get
> :
> File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
> pkg_add: unable to fetch '
> '
> by URL
> internet connection works, of course, I ftp to ftp server and there really
> isnt xorg package at all.
> where i should install xorg package from?
> thx
> stewe
> FreeBSD dexter 7.1-STABLE FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE #1: Fri Mar 13 16:28:53 CET
> 2009 r...@dexter:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DEXTER i386
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portupgrade question (failed updates)

2009-03-17 Thread Neal Hogan
What do we do about packages that "fail" to update?

This is my first time running portupgrade, and am unsure what to think about
the ones where there is a "configure error" or "uknown build error" or
"install error"

FYI -- I followed the following steps:
1) upgraded from 7.0-RELEASE to 7.1-RELEASE
2) updated /usr/ports: #portsnap fetch/extract/update
3) udated db: #pkgdb -u
4) fixed db: #pkgdb -F
5) updated installed packages: #portupgrade -av

At the end of the "week-long" process I have 6 failed attempts:
linux-atk-1.9.1 (install error)
linux-pango-1.10.2 (install error)
intltool-0.37.1 (unknown build error)
xkeyboard-config-1.3 (configure error)
shared-mime-info-0.51 (configure error)
policykit-0.9_1 (configure error)

My system seems to run just fine. So, should I be worried?

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Re: Portsnap vs CSup

2009-03-19 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Kalle Møller <> wrote:

> Hi
> I've been digging around, but I can't find a clear answer, which of those
> two is the "correct" to use. Hence I don't use one now, so if I'm going to
> learn one, I would prefer it to be the right one.
> --
> /km

I don't think its a matter of right/wrong or good/bad. I recently used
portsnap and it did a fine (dare I say 'snappy') job.

Also, there's not much to learn with regard to portsnap. I can't talk about
CVSup, although it doesn't look too complicated. So, if you find in
unappealing, you could easily try CVSup without have wasted much time with


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portupdate xorg-server

2009-03-19 Thread Neal Hogan
The last couple of days I've been running portupgrade -av and am to the
point where I'd like to move onto something else, but there is one package
that won't upgrade . . . xorg-server. As you can see below, it claims that
there is a missing header and there are a fair amount of reported errors.
I'm not the best at deciphering the stuff below.

I've tried make deinstalling/reinstalling and individually portupgrading it
to no avail.


glxdriswrast.c:39:39: error: GL/internal/dri_interface.h: No such file or
In file included from glxdriswrast.c:49:
glxdricommon.h:32: error: expected ':', ',', ';', '}' or '__attribute__'
before '*' token
glxdricommon.h:36: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of
glxdricommon.h:36: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before '*' token
glxdricommon.h:38: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__'
before 'systemTimeExtension'
glxdriswrast.c:64: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before
glxdriswrast.c:75: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before
glxdriswrast.c:80: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIdrawableDestroy':
glxdriswrast.c:92: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__'
before '*' token
glxdriswrast.c:92: error: 'core' undeclared (first use in this function)
glxdriswrast.c:92: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
glxdriswrast.c:92: error: for each function it appears in.)
glxdriswrast.c:92: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named 'screen'
glxdriswrast.c:94: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:96: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named 'gc'
glxdriswrast.c:97: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named 'cleargc'
glxdriswrast.c:98: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named 'swapgc'
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIdrawableSwapBuffers':
glxdriswrast.c:116: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__'
before '*' token
glxdriswrast.c:116: error: 'core' undeclared (first use in this function)
glxdriswrast.c:116: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named 'screen'
glxdriswrast.c:118: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIdrawableCopySubBuffer':
glxdriswrast.c:128: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__'
before '*' token
glxdriswrast.c:128: error: 'copySubBuffer' undeclared (first use in this
glxdriswrast.c:129: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named 'screen'
glxdriswrast.c:132: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIcontextDestroy':
glxdriswrast.c:141: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:141: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIcontextMakeCurrent':
glxdriswrast.c:154: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:154: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:155: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:156: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIcontextLoseCurrent':
glxdriswrast.c:165: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:165: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIcontextCopy':
glxdriswrast.c:176: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:176: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:177: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIcontextForceCurrent':
glxdriswrast.c:188: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:188: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:189: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:190: error: '__GLXDRIdrawable' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIscreenDestroy':
glxdriswrast.c:253: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:253: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'driScreen'
glxdriswrast.c:255: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'driver'
glxdriswrast.c: In function '__glXDRIscreenCreateContext':
glxdriswrast.c:270: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__'
before '*' token
glxdriswrast.c:270: error: 'core' undeclared (first use in this function)
glxdriswrast.c:270: error: '__GLXDRIscreen' has no member named 'core'
glxdriswrast.c:271: error: '__DRIcontext' undeclared (first use in this
glxdriswrast.c:271: error: 'driShare' undeclared (first use in this
glxdriswrast.c:275: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named
glxdriswrast.c:291: error: '__GLXDRIcontext' has no member named

Re: issues in XFCE 4.6 (looking for a working WM)

2009-03-20 Thread Neal Hogan
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Keith Seyffarth  wrote:

> At this point, I guess I'm looking for recommendations on a window
> manager.

Try a smaller one, like evilwm. It's (pretty much) all command line. For
example, you would open up a term and launch firefox from there (# firefox).
Once you get the hang of its keybindings, which are vi-like, it's fun and
easy. It's also compatible with aterm, which will give you transparent
terminals (if that's something that interests you).

Also, I highly recommend that you check out I found it
to be fun and informative to peruse the list of wm's there.

> Here are the major problems with XFCE4 4.6:
> * < 20% probability of starting X without crashing and locking
>  computer
> * 20-25 minutes to start X (was about 1 under XFCE4 4.4)
> * 0% chance of shutting down successfully if X is running
> * can't exit X once started (switches monitor to power save mode and
>  hangs)
> * maximum run time of 8 hours (average around 5 hours)
> * won't save settings
> and a couple minor ones:
> * XFCE menu doesn't work
> * missing icons, even after theme is changed from rodent to tango
> None of these were issues under XFCE4 4.4, but I'm guessing there's
> not a good way to get 4.4 back...
> What other window managers do people use, or what would you recommend
> and why?
> Thanks.
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: portupdate xorg-server

2009-03-20 Thread Neal Hogan
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Frank Shute  wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 03:21:05PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
> >
> > The last couple of days I've been running portupgrade -av and am to the
> > point where I'd like to move onto something else, but there is one
> package
> > that won't upgrade . . . xorg-server. As you can see below, it claims
> that
> > there is a missing header and there are a fair amount of reported errors.
> > I'm not the best at deciphering the stuff below.
> >
> > I've tried make deinstalling/reinstalling and individually portupgrading
> it
> > to no avail.
> >
> > suggestions?
> >
> > glxdriswrast.c:39:39: error: GL/internal/dri_interface.h: No such file or
> > directory
> $ pkg_info -W /usr/local/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h
> /usr/local/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h was installed by package
> xf86driproto-2.0.3

I wish to not only that Frank for his patience and subtle hand-holding, but
also address the rest of the list.

First, concerning the issue Mr. Shute responded to . . .
I reinstalled xf86driproto, which installed the dri_interface.h, which
allowed me to pkg_add xorg-server. However, it was the older version of
xorg-server. So, I ran portupgrade on it and it, again, claims that there is
no dri_interface.h. According to pkg_version, all xorg and xf86 ports are
up-to-date, except xorg-server of which there is a newer version.

That said, I was hoping that you can help me understand the portupgrade
process b/c it can be a bit frustrating when it runs for a LONG time only to
have upgrades fail. Please don't take my tone to be anything other than one
coming from a sense of curiosity. I don't mean to suggest anything about the
fBSD ports system. Perhaps my experience is the result of my own oversight.

Just to be clear, here are the steps I took:
1) #portsnap fetch
2) #portsnap extract
3) #portsnap update
4) #pkgdb -u
5) #pkgdb -F
6) #portupgrade -av

As I noted in another post, some ports fail to upgrade when using
portupgrade -a, no matter how many times it is run. However, they (those
that fail), along with their dependencies, do upgrade when portupgraded
individually (or de/reinstalled). I thought the purpose of having a ports
system, where you install the ports tree and use portupgrade, was to make
the install/upgrade easy and rather painless, such that all ports and their
dependencies are "taken care of."

 As I write this I am running portupgrade individually, on those ports that
failed to upgrade with -a option, but have (so far) succeeded in upgrading
individually. I am simply looking at the output of pkg_version to find those
that are not up-to-date.

I could see if ports failed to upgrade or were ignored due to there being no
diff between what's installed and that which is in the updated tree.

Can someone shed some light on this? Thanks a lot for taking the time.


> HTH.
> Regards,
> --
>  Frank
>  Contact info:

___ mailing list
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Re: portupdate xorg-server

2009-03-20 Thread Neal Hogan
In light of Adam's comment and thinking about the comment he's responding
to, I realize that I may have been rather obnoxious. I appreciate Adam
setting that aside to give me and the list some of his time. I'm rather new
to fBSD (obvious) and I've got my parent's machine on it, which is hundreds
of miles away and they have put in requests that led me to upgrade their
system, including ports (and when X gets messed up from a remote position,
it can be frustrating). So, I apologize if my comments came across in such a
way that annoyed you. Not being a dev (or anywhere close), I have little
room to act that way.

But, I wonder what the most efficient way is to update ports. I appreciate
Adam's point about the fact that portupgrade (and portmanager and
portmaster) are ports themselves and are going to not be as reliable as what
is in base. However, the fBSD documentation on updating ports (i.e., the
handbook) only suggests the above three as ways to update ports. Is there a
way to update ports from a base app? Given that a basic setup will have
quite a few ports (hundreds), I was wondering if there was another way to
update all (including their dependencies), rather that a one-by-one *make
update* or *portupgrade*.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Adam Vandemore wrote:

> Neal Hogan wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Frank Shute  wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 03:21:05PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
>>>> The last couple of days I've been running portupgrade -av and am to the
>>>> point where I'd like to move onto something else, but there is one
>>> package
>>>> that won't upgrade . . . xorg-server. As you can see below, it claims
>>> that
>>>> there is a missing header and there are a fair amount of reported
>>>> errors.
>>>> I'm not the best at deciphering the stuff below.
>>>> I've tried make deinstalling/reinstalling and individually portupgrading
>>> it
>>>> to no avail.
>>>> suggestions?
>>>> glxdriswrast.c:39:39: error: GL/internal/dri_interface.h: No such file
>>>> or
>>>> directory
>>> $ pkg_info -W /usr/local/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h
>>> /usr/local/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h was installed by package
>>> xf86driproto-2.0.3
>> I wish to not only that Frank for his patience and subtle hand-holding,
>> but
>> also address the rest of the list.
>> First, concerning the issue Mr. Shute responded to . . .
>> I reinstalled xf86driproto, which installed the dri_interface.h, which
>> allowed me to pkg_add xorg-server. However, it was the older version of
>> xorg-server. So, I ran portupgrade on it and it, again, claims that there
>> is
>> no dri_interface.h. According to pkg_version, all xorg and xf86 ports are
>> up-to-date, except xorg-server of which there is a newer version.
>> That said, I was hoping that you can help me understand the portupgrade
>> process b/c it can be a bit frustrating when it runs for a LONG time only
>> to
>> have upgrades fail. Please don't take my tone to be anything other than
>> one
>> coming from a sense of curiosity. I don't mean to suggest anything about
>> the
>> fBSD ports system. Perhaps my experience is the result of my own
>> oversight.
>> Just to be clear, here are the steps I took:
>> 1) #portsnap fetch
>> 2) #portsnap extract
>> 3) #portsnap update
>> 4) #pkgdb -u
>> 5) #pkgdb -F
>> 6) #portupgrade -av
>> As I noted in another post, some ports fail to upgrade when using
>> portupgrade -a, no matter how many times it is run. However, they (those
>> that fail), along with their dependencies, do upgrade when portupgraded
>> individually (or de/reinstalled). I thought the purpose of having a ports
>> system, where you install the ports tree and use portupgrade, was to make
>> the install/upgrade easy and rather painless, such that all ports and
>> their
>> dependencies are "taken care of."
>>  As I write this I am running portupgrade individually, on those ports
>> that
>> failed to upgrade with -a option, but have (so far) succeeded in upgrading
>> individually. I am simply looking at the output of pkg_version to find

Re: portupdate xorg-server

2009-03-20 Thread Neal Hogan
Well Frank, if/when you read my most recent comment, you'll notice that I've
probably confused ports and packages again. As has been the case for the
past week or so, thanks for taking the time.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Frank Shute  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:14:32AM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Frank Shute  wrote:
> >
> > > On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 03:21:05PM -0500, Neal Hogan wrote:
> > > >
> > > > The last couple of days I've been running portupgrade -av and am to
> the
> > > > point where I'd like to move onto something else, but there is one
> > > package
> > > > that won't upgrade . . . xorg-server. As you can see below, it claims
> > > that
> > > > there is a missing header and there are a fair amount of reported
> errors.
> > > > I'm not the best at deciphering the stuff below.
> > > >
> > > > I've tried make deinstalling/reinstalling and individually
> portupgrading
> > > it
> > > > to no avail.
> > > >
> > > > suggestions?
> > > >
> > > > glxdriswrast.c:39:39: error: GL/internal/dri_interface.h: No such
> file or
> > > > directory
> > >
> > > $ pkg_info -W /usr/local/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h
> > > /usr/local/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h was installed by package
> > > xf86driproto-2.0.3
> >
> >
> > I wish to not only that Frank for his patience and subtle hand-holding,
> but
> > also address the rest of the list.
> Thanks a lot *takes bow* ;)
> >
> > First, concerning the issue Mr. Shute responded to . . .
> > I reinstalled xf86driproto, which installed the dri_interface.h, which
> > allowed me to pkg_add xorg-server. However, it was the older version of
> > xorg-server. So, I ran portupgrade on it and it, again, claims that there
> is
> > no dri_interface.h. According to pkg_version, all xorg and xf86 ports are
> > up-to-date, except xorg-server of which there is a newer version.
> What I wouldn't do is mix and match packages with ports. The
> xorg-server package is likely to have been built against older ports.
> IMO, it's always best to stick with ports.
> So:
> # pkg_deinstall -f xorg-server
> # portupgrade -Nv xorg-server
> should fix things for you and bring your xorg-server uptodate.
> >
> > That said, I was hoping that you can help me understand the portupgrade
> > process b/c it can be a bit frustrating when it runs for a LONG time only
> to
> > have upgrades fail. Please don't take my tone to be anything other than
> one
> > coming from a sense of curiosity. I don't mean to suggest anything about
> the
> > fBSD ports system. Perhaps my experience is the result of my own
> oversight.
> >
> > Just to be clear, here are the steps I took:
> > 1) #portsnap fetch
> > 2) #portsnap extract
> > 3) #portsnap update
> > 4) #pkgdb -u
> > 5) #pkgdb -F
> > 6) #portupgrade -av
> That looks OK to me (I don't use portsnap, mind you).
> >
> > As I noted in another post, some ports fail to upgrade when using
> > portupgrade -a, no matter how many times it is run. However, they (those
> > that fail), along with their dependencies, do upgrade when portupgraded
> > individually (or de/reinstalled). I thought the purpose of having a ports
> > system, where you install the ports tree and use portupgrade, was to make
> > the install/upgrade easy and rather painless, such that all ports and
> their
> > dependencies are "taken care of."
> If you do:
> $ pkg_info | wc -l
> you'll see that you've got a lot of ports and portupgrade does a
> pretty good job of upgrading the vast majority of them without any
> hand holding.
> Keeping application software uptodate on any platform is problematic
> and there are inevitably some bits that you have to troubleshoot.
> >
> >  As I write this I am running portupgrade individually, on those ports
> that
> > failed to upgrade with -a option, but have (so far) succeeded in
> upgrading
> > individually. I am simply looking at the output of pkg_version to find
> those
> > that are not up-to-date.
> Use portversion (it's quicker):
> $ portversion | grep "<"
> >
> > I could see if ports failed to upgrade or were ignored due to there being
> no
> > diff between what's installed and that which is in the updated tree.
> >
> > Can someone shed some light on this? Thanks a lot for taking the time.
> >
> > -Neal
> Neal, you're doing OK! You just mixed up packages and ports. Whilst
> theoretically possible, in practice it results in problems - certainly
> with portupgrade.
> portupgrade is a good tool and if you stick to it with just ports you
> wont go far wrong.
> Regards,
> --
>  Frank
>  Contact info:

___ mailing list
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xorg-server-1.5.3_7, /usr/ports/UPDATING, mouse

2009-03-23 Thread Neal Hogan
Well, recently I deinstalled all of my third party apps . . . long story
(some of which is documented on this list) . . . but the short story is that
some were added via the ports tree and others via pkg_add. When it came time
to portupdate, I was having problems and it was brought to my attention
that, among other things, mixing ports and packages may lead to problems.
Also, I didn't do the massive deinstall until after I had portupgraded all
of my packages individually and the mouse/keyboard didn't work with X (it
did at the console). Once this happened I felt compelled to wipe the slate.

So, with no ports/packages installed and starting with a fresh ports tree, I
began installing them one-by-one:

1) cd /usr/ports/path/port
2) make && make install && make clean

I started with xorg. After it was installed, I tried to start X (startx) . .
. no dice . . . no big deal. I created the basic xorg.conf (Xorg
-configure), tried it (Xorg -config X started, but no mouse
activity and ctrl+alt+backspace did not quit X. I had moused enable in
rc.conf and, as I say above the mouse worked (i.e., it moved when asked) at
the console. /usr/ports/UPDATING says that some mouse issues were cleared

 241   AFFECTS: users of x11-servers/xorg-server, sysutils/hal
 242   AUTHOR:
 244   sysutils/hal has been updated and should now properly detect
 245   mice for use in Xorg.  Use of AllowEmptyInput should no longer
 246   be needed for most users and moused should now work fine."

But, as I say, I have no mouse under X. So, I try adding:

Option  "AllowEmptyInput" "off"

in my xorg.conf and "Hey! We gotta mouse!"

I just rebooted and the mouse still works in X, but just before rebooting I
disabled moused (in rc.conf -> moused_enable="NO"). So, adding the above
line to xorg.conf helped with/without moused. Note that prior to this whole
portupgrade deal I was running 7.1-RELEASE without an xorg.conf, put with an
older xorg.

At this point, I'm not upset b/c everything seems to be working fine. Just
curious what might be going on. Thanks for you time. Below is my dmesg.

1 Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project.
  2 Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
  3 The Regents of the University of California. All rights
  4 FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
  5 FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Sat Jan 10 19:07:15 CST 2009
  6 n...@frege.lambdaserver:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
  7 Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
  8 CPU: mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP2400+ (1788.94-MHz 686-class CPU)
  9   Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x6a0  Stepping = 0
 11   AMD Features=0xc0480800
 12 real memory  = 468647936 (446 MB)
 13 avail memory = 444530688 (423 MB)
 14 kbd1 at kbdmux0
 15 ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413,
 16 acpi0:  on motherboard
 17 acpi0: [ITHREAD]
 18 acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
 19 Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
 20 acpi_timer0: <32-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x8008-0x800b on acpi0
 21 acpi_ec0:  port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
 22 pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
 23 pci_link5: BIOS IRQ 10 for 0.10.INTA is invalid
 24 pci0:  on pcib0
 25 agp0:  on hostb0
 26 pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
 27 pci1:  on pcib1
 28 vgapci0:  port 0x9000-0x90ff mem
0xe000-0xefff,0xd010-0xd010 irq 10 at device 5.0 on pci1
 29 ohci0:  mem
0xd0006000-0xd0006fff irq 9 at device 2.0 on pci0
 30 ohci0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
 31 ohci0: [ITHREAD]
 32 usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
 33 usb0: SMM does not respond, resetting
 34 usb0:  on ohci0
 35 usb0: USB revision 1.0
 36 uhub0:  on
37 uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
 38 pcm0:  port 0x8400-0x84ff mem 0xd0007000-0xd0007fff irq
5 at device 6.0 on pci0
 39 pcm0: 
 40 pcm0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
 41 pcm0: [ITHREAD]
 42 isab0:  at device 7.0 on pci0
 43 isa0:  on isab0
 44 pci0:  at device 8.0 (no driver attached)
 45 pci0:  at device 9.0 (no driver attached)
 46 cbb0:  irq 11 at device 10.0 on
 47 cardbus0:  on cbb0
 48 pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on cbb0
 49 cbb0: [ITHREAD]
 50 fwohci0:  mem
0xd0009000-0xd00097ff,0xd000-0xd0003fff irq 10 at device 12.0 on
 51 fwohci0: [FILTER]
 52 fwohci0: OHCI version 1.10 (ROM=1)
 53 fwohci0: No. of Isochronous channels is 4.
 54 fwohci0: EUI64 00:0d:9d:71:9e:43:0c:6a
 55 fwohci0: Phy 1394a available S400, 1 ports.
 56 fwohci0: Link S400, max_rec 2048 bytes.
 57 firewire0:  on fwohci0
 58 fwe0:  on firewire0
 59 if_fwe0: Fake Ethernet address: 02:0d:9d:43:0c:6a
 60 fwe0: Ethernet address: 02:0d:9d:43:0c:6a
 61 fwip0:  on firewire0
 62 fwip0: Firewire address: 00:0d:9d:71:9e:43:0c:6a @ 0xfffe, S400,
maxrec 2048
 63 sbp0:  on firewire0
 64 dcons_crom0:  on firewire0
 65 dcons_crom0: bus_addr 0x12bc000
 66 fwohci0: Initiate bus reset
 67 fwohci0: BUS reset
 68 fwohci0: node_id=0x

Re: Important

2009-03-30 Thread Neal Hogan
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Mohit Arora  wrote:

> Hi Team ,
> I having Windows XP haing 512MB RAM .Please let me know the proper  step by
> step method to download freeBsD online .Please explain by giving example of
> 7.1 version.
> Thanks & regards
> Mohit
> ___
> mailing list
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