GHC 6.2.2 on Linux with glibc2.2

2004-11-02 Thread George Russell
I've put a compiled version of ghc6.2.2 for Linux machines still using glibc2.2
In fact it should work on glibc2.3 as well, thanks to a minor hack from
Christian Maeder.
Documentation is not complete, but does at least include HTML.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Please could the Concurrency library have a yield action!

1999-05-10 Thread George Russell

"Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)" wrote:
 Is it worth adding something like `yield' to the Concurrent
 API? I'm unconvinced, but don't feel strongly about it. If
 there are others that also think that it should be supported,
 let me know, and I'll change my mind :-)
Here are two reasons:
(1) Pre-emptive scheduling is hard to implement (is Hugs really going to
support it and still be as portable as it is now??).  Presumably
this is why Java is not guaranteed to have it.
(2) Even when you have pre-emptive scheduling, yield() could still provide
a hint to the scheduler that this might be a good time to do something

Re: Dear Santa (Error Messages)

1999-09-15 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Hmm, you're probably doing a large chunk of renaming too.  I just added an
 error call right after the parser in Main.lhs.
The MLj parser/lexer doesn't actually rename, but it does tokenise all 
identifiers in the lexer.  Symbols already known aren't even copied out of 
the input buffer.  This saves time and space (the complete MLj compiler only
has about 1 distinct identifier/symbol/reserved word for every 10 lines of
code) and also means the rest of the compiler is working with integers rather
than strings, even though it doesn't know it, which also speeds things up.
 I'm still interested in the figures, if you want to retry your experiment.
OK, here goes.  If I insert the line
  error "Parsing done" 
after the line 
  dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser" (ppr rdr_module) 
in main/Main.lhs, I get the revised table:

  GHC   MLj
wc -l   10146  4856
wc -c  312962212902
[wc -w] 37107 11578
real   11.832 2.835
user   10.740 2.610
sys 0.870 0.150

The [wc -w] is an attempt by me to get a slightly fairer
value for the program size by removing all non-pragma comments
and using wc -w.  For MLj counting words rather than characters
makes a big difference since ml-yacc encodes the parser tables as
gigantic strings.

I tried much harder to get the figures down for both GHC and MLj
this time by shutting down everything else on the system I could
find, and taking the best of three.  (This makes a big difference
to the real time, which presumably includes file access, but
not the user time, which I think is probably the important
figure)  However in GHC's defence I should point out
1) I'm still using gcc 2.7.2.  On Sparc-Solaris GHC should
   certainly go faster when I can get gcc 2.9.5 to work with it.
2) I didn't compile GHC with optimisation.  This sounds serious
   but I don't think it is since I've been told that Happy-
   generated code is optimised to the bare bone anyway and so
   can't be improved much by GHC's optimisations.  I did try
   compiling the parser with -O2-for-C (but not -O); however
   surprisingly that actually seems to make it slightly slower!

Re parser combinators.  I think I was obviously too rude about
these, because of my previous bad experience.  Naively it seems
to me that there is a trade-off.  I am not prepared to settle
for anything less than having my grammar statically checked
for potential conflicts.  This obviously rules out rules 
generated with complete generality at run time, and so rules
out some kinds of parser combinators.  I can conceive that you
can restrict the use of parser combinators in such a way that
a preprocessor can verify the grammar statically, and 
(by computing follow sets and so on) do as good a job as Yacc,
while still allowing you the advantages of abstracting
sequences.  Fine.

Re: Dear Santa (Error Messages)

1999-09-14 Thread George Russell

Sven Panne wrote:
 I guess that even the computer on *your* desktop would be fast
 enough for the current parser by the time a completely tuned
 rewrite of Happy would be finished. Moore's Law comes to the
 rescue here...  :-)
Well we're going in circles here.  So far we've established that
Happy is unnecessarily slow.  If it doesn't matter that the
current version of the Haskell parser is slow, doesn't do any
error-recovery, and doesn't preserve much location information,
we may as well finish this discussion.  I suspect that Simon M
owes me a drink though . . .

Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Parser combinators are fine if the grammar is very simple or you don't
  care about CPU times.  But using them in a serious compiler for Haskell
  would be like building a computer out of stone knives and bearskins.
 So this is your opinion, what kind of evidence have you got for this claim?
Parser combinators don't actually seem to analyse the grammar at compile time
at all, and instead just try all possibilities.  This looks like stone-age 
technology to me.  The first version of MLj was written with parser 
combinators.  As a result the parsing was much much slower, even after 
various exponential blow-ups had been painfully tracked down and removed.  
Error correction was hopeless.  And worst of all, there were a number 
of lurking ambiguities in the grammar which weren't discovered until it was 
exposed to the rigour of LALR parsing.

Re: Dear Santa (Error Messages)

1999-09-14 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Ok.  It's going to be hard to get a fair comparison here, but I've just done
 a rough measurement on GHC:
I can't obviously run MLj on Simon Marlow's computer, so I have rerun both tests
on this (obviously much slower) Sparc box, with GHC 4.04 and SML/NJ 110.7,
using the happy/ML-yacc output in both cases.  This still isn't tremendously fair;
for one thing yacc output is not exactly typical.  Also I must admit that the bit
of the MLj compiler I am testing does not include the bit which does fixity analysis,
which is arguably part of the parsing.  (I think this could have been bundled into the
rest of the parser without it slowing things down much.)  On the other hand, I should
repeat that the MLj parser is doing more since it is include much fuller location
information and is also capable of error recovery.  Anyway here are my results

  GHC   MLj
wc -l   10146  4856
wc -c  312962212902
real   46.654 7.679
user   12.870 2.540
sys 1.170 0.230

1) unlike Simon, I didn't try to adjust the heap size to make the MLj parsing go
2) for the Haskell parser, I've counted the number of lines and characters after
   preprocessing.  This is slightly nicer to GHC than if I'd used Simon's figures.
3) Since I suspect a significant part of the compilation time is taken up with
   loading in the heap image, etc, I think the results would be even more
   favourable to MLj if I had a program of the same length.
 So what we're talking about is just parser recovery?  Not even passing the
 corrected output through the rest of the front end?  Then I'm even less
 convinced.  Given that the longest you have to wait for a parse error on any
 human-written Haskell file is at the most 1 second, what's the point?
Yes, that is precisely what I want.   I think it is already clear that some of
us have rather slower computers!  Also we have to fight against NFS much of the
 Actually, I think the best solution is to have a parser that runs in the
 background while you're editing, so you'll know if the program is at least
 syntactically correct before even running the compiler.
It occurred to me ages ago that ideally there'd be an Emacs mode or something
which dynamically lexed, parsed and typechecked code as it was typed in.
Actually I can't see any reason why this should be impossible, though it would
be more than a PhD project to actually implement it.  Why can't you get Microsoft
to spend a few millions doing it? 
 It was you who suggested the parser be rewritten.  So what's the
Rewrite Happy.

Best wishes

George Russell

Re: Dear Santa (Error Messages)

1999-09-14 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Eeek!  I've just rewritten it!  And I don't plan to do that again for a long
 time :-)
   It is really
  appalling that
(a) there is no error-correction.
 Nonsense.  I contend that you really don't want an error-correcting parser.
 - parsing is quick
I'll bet you 1 pint that MLj's parser+lexer are quicker on correct files
than GHC's.  Deal?
 - error-correction is by definition unreliable
Yes of course.  Any intelligent user of a compiler knows that if they have
two parsing messages close to each other, the second may well be wrong.
But it shouldn't happen too often if the parser is well written.
 - error-correction is hard to implement well
 you might think a good policy is "if you find a parse error, just read up to
 the next semicolon  carry on", but layout totally screws this idea.  You
 often can't tell whether the next definition belongs to the current scope or
 some other scope, and if you get out of step everything goes wrong.
See how ml-yacc does it.
It tries quite hard to find corrections involving the minimum amount of
correction of recently-read tokens.  It seems to work quite well.  The
thing is you can afford to work quite hard doing error-correction on
incorrect programs, since they don't occur very often.  The only disadvantage
is that it makes the parser very slow when fed total bilge unless you put
in some kind of cut-out.  (Thus MLj's parser took forever when fed the
last Labour manifesto.)

Scoping would be a problem if you tried to do anything more to incorrect
programs after you've parsed them.  Actually I don't think that's a good idea,
so scoping is not a problem.
(b) locations of errors are often several lines away from
  the actual error.
 Conceded.  There are two causes of this:
 1. Bugs, and
 2. Not tracking the line number of every single token
(we only save the line number at certain places - eg.
 the start of a definition, a case branch etc.)
 Please send me any examples of (1).  Examples of (2) are harder to fix,
 because they require changing the abstract syntax.
Yes, that's what I think needs to be done.  MLj actually has the location
(line + character) of the start and end of almost every syntactic construct.  
This is not really that expensive.  I stole SML/NJ's trick of recording the
character number in the file (rather than just the line number, or a pair
of line and column number); if you put in some extra magic in the lexer to
remember when the lines end, you can very easily get a real line and column
number back out.
(c) the parser is so slow.
 Disagree.  I think it's nice  fast.  I challenge you to write a faster
 Haskell parser using a combinator library.
Parser combinators are fine if the grammar is very simple or you don't
care about CPU times.  But using them in a serious compiler for Haskell
would be like building a computer out of stone knives and bearskins.
 Besides, the time taken to parse a module is tiny compared to the rest of
 the compilation time.
It's not when you have a 1000 line program with 30 syntax errors, as you
have to run the compiler 30 times.
 However, GHC's interface file parser is another matter - every compilation
 needs to read several thousand lines of interface files, which is why you
 see a second-or-so pause in the reader at the start of every compilation.
 It's on my ToDo list to look at this sometime.
  The other suggestion made of having publicly available
  modules for Haskell
  syntax seems like a good one, and could be combined with this.
 There's a freely available haskell parser library - take a look at
Since it appears to use Happy, it is presumably just as bad if not worse than GHC.

Err apologies for the tone, I only criticise GHC so much because it's so useful . . .

George Russell

Re: NON-daemonic forking

1999-08-23 Thread George Russell

Michael Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 forkChild :: IO () - IO (MVar ())
 forkChild p = do
 mvar - newEmptyMVar
 forkIO (p  putMVar mvar ())
 return mvar
This does not of course synthesise a non-daemonic forkIO from a daemonic one, because
it requires the parent thread to wait for the MVar.  I suppose that a possible 
to having separate daemonic and non-daemonic forking would be to have an atexit-type
   atThreadExit :: IO () - IO()
which forkChild could use to wait for the mvar.  But I'm not sure I like this, unless
there are other likely uses for atThreadExit.

gmake 3.77 and GHC Makefiles

1999-08-20 Thread George Russell

The recent version, 3.77, of gmake seems to be a bit too clever 
(or maybe too stupid) for GHC's device of not updating a .hi file 
which is identical to the last one generated.  It appears to me
as if gmake is saving on a call to fstat by assuming that .hi
has been updated even if it hasn't, and so it launches a totally
unnecessary series of compilations.  Has anyone got any ideas
about how to prevent this, short of not using gmake 3.77?

Re: gcc2.95 and GHC

1999-08-04 Thread George Russell

Unhappily, having managed to build hsc from scratch with gcc2.95 on Sparc/Solaris,
I can confirm that I still get a segmentation fault when I run it.  So it looks like
we are stuck with gcc2.7.2.  Is there anything that can be done about this?

Mutually Recursive Modules and hi files

1999-07-20 Thread George Russell

OK wise guys, now you've changed (incompatibly) the format of .hi files,
how can I rewrite these pre-404 hi-boot files so that they work for 404?
Can you summarise the changes?

Re: Speeding up .hi files

1999-06-01 Thread George Russell

Sven Panne wrote:
[ cut ]
 Doing a similar thing for GHC would complicate things for implementors
 and users. How e.g. would you write your Makefile rules with .hi files
 in an archive?
Yes, it would complicate things for implementors, as they'd have to implement
it.  However I don't think adding a rule
   interfaces.a : $(HS_IFACES)
  $(AR) -c $ $ 
to the standard GHC makefiles, and altering the targets to include
would be incredibly onerous for the poor implementors.  The poor
old users would not have to do anything to their Makefiles since the old
mechanism would still be available.  (Though of course GHC would run
considerably faster for them since it wouldn't have to load in everything in
the standard libraries.)  However as a GHC user already I would be
delighted with the new mechanism myself and make use of it to speed up
my compilations, by adding similar rules to the one suggested above.  It's
no more complicated than what I already do to construct libraries, and
I would save a lot of time.

Speeding up .hi files

1999-06-01 Thread George Russell

Glasgow Haskell is very slow.  I know it needs a lot of CPU time anyway,
but when I do ps it is only using 50% of the CPU available, and frequently
less.  So I think what is happening is that it is spending half of its time
waiting for the Network Filing System to open and fstat interface files.
I think there is a better way, namely to allow interface files to be stored
in archives rather than in directories.

There are other solutions.  I can store the hi files, or everything, on
local disk, but this is tiresome for me, and I shall still spend quite a lot
of time reading things off local disk.  Or GHC could use either the
select function or threading so that it can do other things while waiting
for the result of a file operation on an interface file; however I suspect
this would be complicated to implement and might not save all that much

There was a similar situation in my experience with the ML-to-Java compiler;
the earlier versions could not read or write ZIP (aka jar) archives, so all
classes read in (from the system libraries) and all classes written out
(compiled code) were put in their own file.  I was persuaded to write
a simple Zip file writer in ML and while the bit twiddling was a bit of a 
chore, it didn't actually take me much more than a day's work to do it,
as a result of which the compiler ran about twice as quickly as before.  
(Later I wrote a simple Zip file reader - which was just as easy - and when the 
SML/NJ folks get their new foreign function interface sorted out I might
do compression/decompression as well, with the help of zlib.)

Multiple values of prefix

1999-01-16 Thread George Russell

We have had confusion here because GHC uses the "prefix" Makefile variable (which
gives the final location of the compiled code) at two different times.
It uses it in "gmake" to construct the "ghc-4.05" driver script
(which hardwires in the location of the installed code), and it uses it in
"gmake install" to decide where to actually put the files.  As inbetween I've
been changing the value of "prefix", this is awkward.  I think it would
be better if "prefix" were only used by "gmake install".  It should be the
job of "gmake install" to produce the "ghc-4.05" driver script.

Re: The Haskell compiler of my dreams...

1999-11-26 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 It won't be so hard to
 speed up GHC later if that becomes important.
Since this has been disputed, here are three ways I believe you could speed up
GHC without rewriting the whole of it.  I would be surprised if you didn't get
at least twice the speed, and you could probably get a lot more.  The
suggestions are in increasing order of difficulty.  I don't say that all
of them will produce dramatic improvements; you would of course have to
(1) (I've suggested this before.)  Make GHC access interface files more 
efficiently.  If you do top and truss (on a Sun system) you will find
that GHC has to read in a huge number of interface files, mainly from
the prelude but also from other places, to get going.  This is all done
just using fopen in a single thread so the whole of GHC is grounded while 
the disk spins and (if you are using NFS like me) you wait for the network.
A quick fix would be to use a Zip archive or something similar; there are
not many parts of the source to change.  Then you would only have to open
one file for the whole of the prelude and believe me that would make a 
(2) Stop using Make, instead steal SML/NJ's clothes and have your own
compilation manager.  This solves problem (1) nicely and also means you
don't have to read in anything else over and over again.  (Like hsc
itself.)  For programs which consist of lots of small modules, as they
should, this would also save lots of time.  Actually I think this would
also provide much better handling of instance declarations.  At the moment
instance declarations are only picked up from files which GHC "knows about"
via a transitive chain of imports.  This has two user-unfriendly consequences;
(a) it means that when a .hi file changes, every module which transitively
imports (rather than just directly imports) has to be recompiled; (b)
it is counter-intuitive.  It would be better if all instance declarations
in the compilation manager files were automatically known about.
I can testify that SML/NJ's compilation manager really works very well
and you don't miss the ability to set different compiler options for
different files.
Note that neither of these two suggestions actually do anything for 
GHC's cpu time.  If I run top when GHC is running I rarely find it
is using up more than 50% of the available CPU time; most of the time it
is waiting on IO.  However:
(3) Stop using GCC-C as a backend.  Instead make the GHC backend a new
frontend to GCC.  See
for some explanation and arguments for this approach. 
Of course there are other obvious approaches.  I'm sure it's unnecessary
to re-code GHC in C to get C-like performance.  Surely it would
be better to optimise key sections of GHC by the normal tricks of
unboxing things and specialising.

I'm not suggesting that the GHC implementors actually do any of these
suggestions now (though I suppose they could put them on the wish list).
I'm much more concerned about getting GHC and Hugs talking to each other.

Re: Segmentation Fault

2000-01-18 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Our nightly build did a two-stage bootstrap last night on a Sparc/Solaris
 system successfully
 ~/builds  uname -a
 SunOS gigha 5.7 Generic_106541-04 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
uname -a 
SunOS titania 5.7 Generic_106541-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
 ~/builds  gcc -v
 Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.7/2.95.2/specs
 gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/local/lang/gnu/lib/gcc-lib/sparcv9-sun-solaris2.7/2.95.2/specs
gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
 Stage 1 was build with 4.04pl1 (make sure you have pl1!), and stage 2 was
cksum ghc-4.04-sparc-sun-solaris2.tar.gz
2269644928  6114825 ghc-4.04-sparc-sun-solaris2.tar.gz
 bootstrapped.  I've just done a stage 3 build too, which went through
 without a hitch.
Was the stage 2 build installed in a separate directory as it was here, or
eas it in place?
 So I'm at a loss now: Marc reported that downgrading his gcc fixed the
 problem.  That suggests that it's a gcc bug, but we're using 2.95.2 here
 without any difficulties.
 There's also the outstanding build problem related to sigset_t, which I also
 can't reproduce.
 Any insight appreciated.
OK, after hacking ghc-inplace to stop it deleting all its files (is there
a --keep-everything option?) and running hsc inside gdb I get:

Glasgow Haskell Compiler, version 4.06, for Haskell 98, compiled by GHC version 4.06

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x90062010 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x90062010 in ?? ()
#1  0xa7db74 in schedule ()
#2  0xa7e080 in waitThread ()
#3  0xa7c8a8 in rts_evalIO ()
#4  0xa7c2b8 in main ()

I'll keep the gdb session alive for the rest of today if you have any more 

Re: Segmentation Fault

2000-01-18 Thread George Russell

Michael Weber wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 11:21:06 +0100, George Russell wrote:
  OK, after hacking ghc-inplace to stop it deleting all its files (is there
  a --keep-everything option?) and running hsc inside gdb I get:
 I dimly remember an option -keep-s-files-too ...
Yes, both those options exist but they keep the products of hsc, not what
goes into it.  In this case, the cpp'd unlit'd source.  I would like a 
-keep-everything flag to actually keep everything . . .

./configure quibble

2000-01-28 Thread George Russell

Why doesn't the configure script have a 
option?  There are --with-gcc and --with-hc to tell configure where to find
gcc and GHC.

Re: ./configure quibble

2000-01-28 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
  Why doesn't the configure script have a
  option?  There are --with-gcc and --with-hc to tell configure
  where to find
  gcc and GHC.
 It's kind of a policy decision: is the appropriate place for
 setting such things at the moment.  There are good arguments in favour of
 both approaches, but I certainly don't want to duplicate everything that's
 in as options in configure.
 But if it would make your life considerably easier (unlikely to be easier
 than 'echo "HAPPY=my-happy" mk/', however), we could add
The only thing that bothers me is the asymmetry.

Re: glasgow-haskell-docs.html.tar.gz please

2000-01-31 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 The binary dists all have pre-formatted HTML and PS docs, so you could just
 download one of those (except it seems the link to the Linux binary dist is
 currently broken; I'll fix that shortly, in the meantime there's the solaris
 binary dist).

I think perhaps you are mistaken.  There are ps versions of the documents but
not HTML ones in the Solaris distribution.

tar -tzf ghc-4.06-sparc-sun-solaris2.tar.gz | grep html
(and nothing else)

Floating-point nitpicking: floor(Inf) and floor(NaN)

2000-02-25 Thread George Russell

floor(Inf) and floor(NaN) do not appear to be defined in Standard Haskell.
(They both come down to "properFraction" which is only defined for Ratio.)
This differs from (for example) the Standard ML Basis Library, where it
is specified that floor(Int) should raise Overflow and floor(NaN) should
raise Domain.  Hence Hugs and GHC do different things.

Hugs returns floor(Inf) = 0 and floor(NaN) = 0
GHC returns floor(Inf) = very very large integer and floor(NaN) = even larger
integer.  (This is because the GHC implementation of properFraction simply
ignores the case of Inf/NaN and treats the artificially high exponent encoded
in those floating-point numbers as if it were a real one.)

My own opinion is that Standard ML is right here and that floor(x) should
raise an exception (In Haskell terms, fail) when x does not correspond to a 
real number.

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-02-25 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 This scheme is not the cleverest that could be devised.  For example it is
 still necessary to recompile whole chains of modules if you add an import
 declaration.  (Not to a system library, imports from those are counted as
 "stable" in GHCs and my system.)  To fix this you would need to keep more
 information in the .hi file. 
Actually we can catch most of these cases too.  Alter algorithm A so that
if we have no changes to instances declarations in this file, the version
numbers in directly imported modules are all the same, and the only change
is that we import some modules we didn't import before, then only bump the
version number if the import leads to new modules being imported which contain
instance declarations.  I think you can compute this at very close to zero
cost at the start of compilation, when you are doing the imports.

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-02-25 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 Wrong.  If B imports C and has no export list, nothing from C is
 re-exported, only definitions from B itself, with the single exception
 of C's instance decls.
OK, but this has no influence at all on my suggestions except to make
them work slightly better.

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-02-25 Thread George Russell

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
 I'm afraid I've not gone through your detailed suggestions, but in the
 short term, would a crude hack that I used to use with Algol68C help?
No, fraid not.  GHC already does this hack anyway.  Algol68C didn't have
interface declarations.  Still, nice to find someone else who remembers it.

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-02-25 Thread George Russell

Sigbjorn Finne wrote:
 Seems like you're not using -recomp.
No I'm not.  What about documenting it somewhere?

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-02-25 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 Sigbjorn Finne wrote:
  Seems like you're not using -recomp.
 No I'm not.  What about documenting it somewhere?
I take that back.  I AM using it in the big program I mentioned, but I still
get huge swathes of unnecessary compilations.  Maybe it needs to be still cleverer.

Trivial Haskell Concurrency problem

2000-02-14 Thread George Russell

Sorry if you don't want to be bothered with my problems, but I think this
problem which I've just encountered is rather amusing.  Is there a neat solution?
I confess to finding concurrency problems difficult so there might be.

I want to implement a type Flag.  Each flag is either Up or Down.  When you
create a flag (there is a newFlag :: IO Flag operation) it is Up.  The only
operation permitted on Flags is

lowerFlags :: Flag - Flag - IO Bool

If both arguments are Up, lowerFlags should lower them both and return
True, otherwise it should leave them as they are and return False.
The problem is that lowerFlags should appear to be atomic, so that
if lowerFlags is called simultaneously in different threads, the result
should be the same as if one of the calls completed before the other started.

So for example the following code
   type Flag = MVar Bool -- True means Up

   newFlag = newMVar True

   lowerFlags flag1 flag2 =
  if (flag1 == flag2)
 error "Illegal call to lowerFlags" -- this is not allowed
val1 - takeMVar flag1
-- point A
val2 - takeMVar flag2
let success = (val1  val2)
putMVar flag2 (not success  val2)
putMVar flag1 (not success  val1)
won't work, because if lowerFlags is called simultaneously with the same arguments
but in a different order, and both calls reach point A simultanously, then both
threads will block when they attempt the takeMVar in the next line.

What is the neatest solution?  There is an obvious solution, which is to
crudely sequence all calls to lowerFlags by making them lock a single
global variable (created using, sigh, unsafePerformIO) but this doesn't seem very
elegant.  If MVar's were instances of Ord as well as Eq, a neat solution would
be to always get the least MVar first, but they aren't.  So what should one do?

Re: Trivial Haskell Concurrency problem

2000-02-15 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 If the IO monad can maintain a random number generator, it can as
 well mainain unique Integer supply. The interface is clean.
It can, but according to the current specification, it doesn't.  Maybe
it should.  I think Integer is a little too specific - how about

type Unique implements (Ord,Eq)
newUnique :: IO Unique

 And what about having unsafePtrCompare in addition to IOExts.unsafePtrEq?
I don't think unsafePtrCompare will get us out of jail here.  Compacting
garbage collection might change the order of the pointers around inbetween
one thread comparing them and the other.

Re: Trivial Haskell Concurrency problem

2000-02-16 Thread George Russell

Tom Pledger wrote:
 For two threads to have access to the same MVar, they must have a
 common ancestor, right?  Could a common ancestor spawn a transaction
 broker thread?  That would be similar to what database management
 systems do.  It'd still be centralised, but wouldn't need to do unsafe
Well, all threads trivially have a common ancestor.  But I don't see how
you can pick a particular ancestor.  The flags could easily have been passed
around in a fairly general fashion along polymorphic channels.

Re: Trivial Haskell Concurrency problem

2000-02-16 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 ...relative time of IO events that occured in a single thread.
 (=) imposes the sequencing.
Yes OK.  I see no problem with required elements of the Unique type to
increase in a single thread.  But I suspect anything stronger than this
could slow things down and/or cause difficulties.
 BTW: The random generator from the IO monad seems to be not
 thread-safe. Oops. I think it should be either fixed or documented.
Haha.  That'll teach them to write global variables into the standard,
won't it?
 That's why I said Integer, not Int :-)
It's important in the application I have in mind (the Two-Flags
problem is a real one in UniForM) that the Unique type be as fast as possible.
So I really do not want it to be tied to any particular thing.  For example
I suggest that for GHC the most efficient implementation might be an
Int64 or a 64-bit pointer (to nothing) on machines which support that, or when not
a Double with incrementing done by the nextAfter function.  Integer is just too
slow.  (You have to allocate two blocks of memory for it I think.)

Re: Trivial Haskell Concurrency problem

2000-02-17 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 George Russell wrote:
  Exactly the same happens at the same time to Processor 2.
  Now somehow you have to distinguish between Processor 1 and Processor 2,
  because only one is going to get to lower the flags.  But I don't think
  with the existing Concurrency extensions plus standard Haskell you can.
 I take that back.  There's a fundamental error in this analysis.  Concurrent
 Haskell allows you to get the ThreadId of the current thread, and ThreadId
 DOES implement Ord.  I thought of this last night and tried to work out a
 way of making the thread with the least ThreadId win, but couldn't quite do
 it.  But it may still be possible.
I think I now have a solution to my original problem.  As said before, if
we had a Unique type which implements ordering, it is easy, since we can
attach one to each Flag, and make sure we take from the Flag with the lowest
Uniq value first.  I attach a file which implements Unique with NO global
variables or unsafePerformIO, with comparison done in (at most) a logarithmic
number of steps.  The only fly in the ointment is that comparison itself
has to construct the ordering on the fly, and so is an action and not a function.
Also of course Marcin's suggested restrictions (Unique values must increase
through the thread) cannot be implemented by this approach, since without
global variables you can't know what order actions are called in.

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-02-28 Thread George Russell

Part of the problem right now seems to be that GHC is wrongly rewriting (or
perhaps touching) the .hi file even though nothing in it is altered.  
(This is clear because -hi-diffs is also on and not reporting anything).
Thus even though I'm using -Onot -recomp it's still recompiling everything.

GHC include files

2000-02-29 Thread George Russell

The latest binary distribution puts the GHC include files in
"lib/ghc-4.06/includes", not "lib/includes" as older versions used to.
This is a nuisance, because it means that there isn't any way a
Makefile can refer to the includes without coding in the GHC version.
Or is there?  One needs access to the include files to get at, for example,

Re: GHC include files

2000-03-01 Thread George Russell

I must admit I'm surprised by the reaction to my suggestion.  Here /usr is shared
between lots of machines and there is no question of my installing GHC in /usr/bin
or anything like it.  (The few system adminstrators here are all honest, overworked,
and sadly incorruptible.)  My original problem was that GHC installs the
include files in prefix/lib/ghc-4.06/includes meaning you have to know the
version number as well as the prefix.  I suppose this makes sense where
prefix is in fact /usr, but I actually make prefix depend on the version,
so having to specify the version twice is redundant.  At least my scheme means
that (on the rare times when I can build from source . . .) I can store
multiple CVS releases.

Re: GHC include files

2000-03-02 Thread George Russell

"Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" wrote:
 Malcolm Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,
  Can I propose a change to the -i / -I flags?  Currently, the -idir (or
  -Idir) options add a directory to the search path for imports.  This
  directory is either relative to the current dir, or absolute.  My
  suggestion is that it could also be used for "relative to a standard
  installation directory".  For instance, -Idata/edison would look first
  in ./data/edison if it exists, then in $prefix/data/edison, where
  $prefix has the value /usr/local/lib/ghc, or whatever.
I don't think this scheme would solve my problem at all.  As has been pointed
out before, I can already get the GHC include files appended by calling "ghc"
and not "gcc".  It's a good suggestion and one I shall probably follow.  BUT
it is not ideal because (a) ghc seems to munge up its arguments rather a lot -
for example, it rearranges libraries which is a problem for Solaris when you
are using the system linker; (b) if you had a huge C program to which you
wanted to link a little Haskell, it would be silly to compile all the code
in the C program with ghc, and it would also be silly to compile some C code
with gcc and some with gcc.  I'm not sure what would be best; perhaps
what I want is ghc options which won't do any compiling, but just tell me
where the include files and libraries are.   So then I can type
GHC_INCLUDES = `$(GHC) -display-includes`
or something like that . . .

Re: Recent Sparc breakage

2000-03-08 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Sparc users in particular:  I've identified some recent breakage in the
 Sparc port of GHC.  If you've been experiencing crashes in binaries
 generated by a compiler built from recent (at least February) sources, then
 I've checked in a fix which might help.
 George, Marc: this probably fixes to the bugs you've both reported.  The
 anon cvs repository should be updated around 1700 GMT today with the fix
 included (look for an update to fptools/ghc/rts/StgCRun.c).

Re: Recent Sparc breakage

2000-03-08 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Sparc users in particular:  I've identified some recent breakage in the
 Sparc port of GHC.  If you've been experiencing crashes in binaries
 generated by a compiler built from recent (at least February) sources, then
 I've checked in a fix which might help.
 George, Marc: this probably fixes to the bugs you've both reported.  The
 anon cvs repository should be updated around 1700 GMT today with the fix
 included (look for an update to fptools/ghc/rts/StgCRun.c).
Hurrah.  Many thanks to Simon Marlow for tracking down a particularly 
tiresome bug . . .  Assuming he has, that is; if not I'll be complaining this
time tomorrow . . .

Re: GHC include files

2000-03-03 Thread George Russell

"Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" wrote:
 This is exactly what the `...-config' script that I was
 talking about is supposed to do.  Now we can argue whether
 that should be part of `ghc' proper or an extra script.  An
 extra script at least has the advantage that it is easier to
 maintain manual in case somebody moves a tree or so.
On the other hand, wrapping it into the ghc command will make a
version mismatch when someone moves files around slightly less likely.

Re: cvs update - patch: invalid options

2000-03-03 Thread George Russell

Marc van Dongen wrote:
 Hello there,
 When doing cvs updates I get a lot of errors of the form
   patch: Invalid options.
   patch: Usage: patch [-blNR] [-c|-e|-n] [-d dir] [-D define] [-i patchfile]\
 [-o outfile] [-p num] [-r rejectfile] [file]
   cvs update: could not patch ParseIface.y; will refetch
 Should I ignore these or look for a different patch?
My first reaction would be to look for a different CVS, like GNU CVS 1.10.  If you're
already using that, get the GNU patch as well (which has many more options than
most patches).

Re: Which regular expression library?

2000-03-22 Thread George Russell

Two further comments on RegexString:
(1) I actually have to use Ian Jackson's excellent 
function to do what I want.  If this were documented and supported
I would appreciate it.
(2) While I can live without the facility (I think) it would nevertheless
be nice to be able to toggle at least case sensitivity and
line mode, as Regex allows you to do.  Something like the attached
modified version of RegexString should do the trick, without breaking

Simon Marlow wrote:
  I'm worried that Regex might be obsolescent.  If I change to
  RegexString, can
  I be sure that it's going to stay and be supported for the
  next two years?
 Sure.  We might change the name though - I'd like to rename RegexString to
 Regex if/when we replace Regex with a PCRE version.

Re: Importing instances without pangling Make

2000-03-23 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 | At the time of writing, I am waiting for yet another long
 | Haskell re-make of
 | lots of modules to complete.  The frustrating thing is, that
 | at least 90% of these
 | remakes are actually completely unnecessary.
 OK, I have heard your cries, and have fixed GHC.
 Try it.
Many thanks.  I will, tomorrow . . .

Re: Readline library

2000-03-30 Thread George Russell

When I asked on the mailing list about this a year ago, I think I was told
that it wasn't exactly supported any longer.  So rather than trying to get
GHC to compile ReadLine in, I used green-card instead.  The attached file gives
you the very simplest readline function.

If you want to try to get GHC to include it, you could start by adding

GhcLibsWithReadline = YES
readlineIncludePath = -- where readline is

to your file.

"Wojciech Moczydlowski, Jr" wrote:
   I've been just writing some program using Readline library and I've
 noticed that I haven't got Readline.hi in /usr/local/lib/ghc/imports/util.
 Moreover, as I checked my source, I've found that it hasn't been built at
 all - it's not even in fptools/hslibs/util/.depend. What could have caused
 it and, more important :), how to build it now?

Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread George Russell

(Sent to glasgow-haskell-users rather than haskell, as it is GHC-specific.)

If we were writing a C library rather than a Haskell library, we could make
"head" a macro which included an appropriate message referring to __FILE__
and __LINE__.  The equivalent in Glasgow Haskell would be to make head inline,
and include a primHaskellFile (and if possible, though I doubt it, primHaskellLine)
which got replaced at a late stage by the actual name of the current module.  This
would be useful for locating other error messages as well.  For example I have
a debug action which (if debugging is turned on) prints out messages to a file;
if we had a primHaskellFile I could make this debug message automatically refer
to the calling module, which would be nice.

Re: Provenances of imported identifiers

2000-04-05 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 Try it now with -fddump-minimal-imports
 I don't promise it'll work, but it does in simple cases.
 It produces a file M.imports
Brilliant, thanks.  I'll try it out (indeed probably use it) when I next manage
to compile GHC from CVS.

Re: tryTakeMVar :: MVar a - IO (Maybe a)

2000-04-10 Thread George Russell

Would it be possible to implement an operation to lock an MVar without
any extra expense?  So that the thread owning the MVar can do things to
it, but no other thread can.  If it is possible, I suggest that it be
added and it would solve Marcin's problem (isEmptyMVar would then suffice).

Re: tryTakeMVar :: MVar a - IO (Maybe a)

2000-04-11 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 The only way I can see to do this is to add a lock field to the MVar.  And
 since this lock would look very much like another MVar, you may as well just
 use another MVar to lock it (after all, that adds exactly zero extra
 complication to the system :-).
 There's still some discussion to be had on what putMVar should do when
 presented with a full MVar.  The options are
The logical dual to tryTakeMVar would be
   tryPutMVar :: MVar a - a - IO Bool
Or even
   tryPutMVar :: MVar a - IO a - IO (Maybe a)
(the latter only if you can keep the MVar empty while you run the action.)
I have absolutely no need for either of these functions, but would either of
them be implementable without extra expense?

Re: putMVar on full MVar

2000-04-13 Thread George Russell

Claus Reinke wrote:
 Right. I am relieved to read that your application source is not
 full of calls to putMVar, but rather uses safe abstractions built
 on top of MVars (it might be interesting to isolate them out of
 your current application and migrate them to a CH library?).
Not a bad idea.  Public implementations of channels are already available
(I believe there is already code provided with GHC.)  I think Einar Karlsen's
composable events are an even neater idea and I should like to publicise and
extend them some more later on, maybe by writing a paper about them.

I don't understand the "tryButDoNotSuspend" operation.  What does it mean,
"would lead to an immediate suspension of the current thread"?

It would incidentally be fairly trivial to implement tryForAWhileButDoNotBlockForever
using Einar Karlsen's events.  (Except of course that delays are always going to
be approximate; GHC might not be able to run the thread bang on time because it
could be in the middle of some C function.)

I think the rest of Claus's discussion is a very good illustration of what I
said before that you can think of other primitives that could arguably be
provided for MVars and perhaps we should think the whole issue through
carefully.  Another thing which MVars can't do very well at the moment
is multiple access.  Perhaps there should be a function
   takeMVarList :: [MVar a] - IO a
which waits for the first MVar to come along.  (Again, you could easily
implement such a thing using MVars defined in terms of Einar's events.)

Well I have no quarrel with orthogonal extensions to MVars PROVIDED THAT
THEY DO NOT GET SLOWER.  So what do the wizards of GHC say can be done for free?

Re: putMVar on full MVar

2000-04-14 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Let me see if I've got the semantics right: takeMVarMulti makes a
 non-deterministic choice between the full MVars to return the value, and if
 there are no full MVars it waits for the first one to become full?
Yes that's precisely right.  putMVarMulti is the converse.  (So it only
writes to one location, which will confuse some people.)
 Defining this in Haskell is pretty hard.  I managed to do it for two MVars
 (code at the end of this message).  There might be an easier way to do it
 using special code in the scheduler, but I need to think about that some
It's _because_ defining it in Haskell is pretty hard that I was thinking maybe
it should be added to the concurrency primitives.  Unless I'm missing something,
with the current concurrency primitives you cannot make a non-deterministic
choice between N MVars with less than N threads, unless you do it by polling
at intervals

Actually even takeMVarMulti and putMVarMulti could be generalised.  A more
general non-deterministic MVar operation function might be

multi :: [Multi a] - IO a

data Multi a =
   forall b . PutMVar (MVar b) b IO a
   forall b . TakeMVar (MVar b) (b - IO a)
This would wait for the first doable PutMVar or TakeMVar and then
execute the corresponding continuation.

Re: What's in an interface? Unnecessary recompilation again

2000-04-19 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 Fair enough.  But would you like to suggest an algorithm GHC could use
 to decide what to put in the .hi file?  
Well that's a big question.  As I understand it, the errant value,
lvl20, is a string representing an error message (which I suppose is to
be thrown in the event of a matching failure).  Since it should
only be used on error, surely there is no speed benefit to inlining it,
and probably there is a space penalty (since you store the string 
multiple times).  In this case there is a very real disadvantage, since
inlining forces everything that imports that module to recompile.  So
my suggestion would be that values required only for errors should never
be inlined or put in a .hi file.

net library port numbers

2000-05-08 Thread George Russell

Socket.accept function returns a PortNumber as its third argument.  (This
is not what the interface comment says, but the comment is wrong.)  However
I can't find any way of extracting the contents of the PortNumber to an

Re: Unicode

2000-05-16 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 As for the language standard: I hope that Char will be allowed or
 required to have =30 bits instead of current 16; but never more than
 Int, to be able to use ord and chr safely.
Er does it have to?  The Java Virtual Machine implements Unicode with
16 bits.  (OK, so I suppose that means it can't cope with Korean or Chinese.)
So requiring Char to be =30 bits would stop anyone implementing a
conformant Haskell on the JVM.  (I feel strongly about this having been
involved with MLj, which compiles ML to JVM; Standard ML requires 8-bit
chars, a requirement we decided to ignore.)

More PackedStrings please

2000-06-05 Thread George Russell

It would probably speed up my code somewhat if the GHC libraries provided
more support for PackedStrings.  For example, some code I have
reads in stuff from a Posix fd (using Posix.fdRead) and then feeds it
to the GHC regular expression interface (using RegexString.matchRegex).
It is frustrating that although I am getting no benefit from all the boxing and
thunks contained in the String type, I am still having to use it to get
from fdRead to matchRegex.  

Therefore my suggestion is that such functions come in two flavours; one
primitive version which uses PackedStrings, and one higher-level one which
uses Strings.  (The transformation from one to the other is hopefully
trivial . . .)

Of course I could just use the new foreign interface to call the relevant
functions, but that's still comparatively yucky even with all the new 

Re: numericEnumFromThenTo strangeness

2000-07-07 Thread George Russell

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 By definition, if you follow the standard you can't be wrong. :)
 But the standard can be wrong.  Perhaps this is a typo in the report?
I think I looked at this a while back.  The standard is kaput.  It gets even
worse if you try to make sense of the definitions of succ and pred as applied
to floating-point number.  My suggestion: get rid of Enum on floating-point
numbers.  Maybe it'll make floating point loops a little lengthier to code,
but at least it will be clear what exactly is being coded.

Re: How to add libgmp.a to lds search path

2000-07-17 Thread George Russell

"Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" wrote:
 Is it possible that you are using a Linux box on which the
 gmp devel libraries are not (properly) installed?  
Very likely.  Our local sysadmins do not appear to consider 
integers a sufficiently common concept in computer science to
justify a MB or so installing gmp.  So I (like about 7 others no doubt)
compiled my own copy of gmp and copied libgmp.a to where GHC 
puts its libraries: 
[installation directory]/lib/ghc-4.08/

Re: GHC RPMs for RedHat 7

2000-10-19 Thread George Russell

On this subject, where am I to get the libgmp2.a required by 4.08.1 
(on Linux anyway).  I tried compiling the very latest version of GMP
but it only produced a libgmp.a file.  Is that the same?

NB that RPMs aren't a lot of good to me unless they come with a hefty
bribe for the hard-nosed system administrators around here.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC RPMs for RedHat 7

2000-10-19 Thread George Russell

Keith Wansbrough wrote:
  On this subject, where am I to get the libgmp2.a required by 4.08.1
  (on Linux anyway).  I tried compiling the very latest version of GMP
  but it only produced a libgmp.a file.  Is that the same?
 Same happened to me.   ln -s libgmp.a libgmp2.a  worked for me.  I satisfied myself 
I was doing the right thing by noticing all the 2.x.x version numbers on the libgmp 
source I'd compiled.
Yes, that's what I did.  Probably everyone has . . .

Er, isn't this the sort of thing ./configure scripts are for?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list


2000-10-26 Thread George Russell

I don't really understand getContents.  (Does anyone?)  I have some code here
(far too large to submit).  If I do (on Linux, ghc4.08.1, both with and without 
  contents - hGetContents handle
  seq (last contents) (hClose handle)
the code works.  However I looked at the manual and it seems that hClose should
force the whole of contents to be read anyway.  So I changed it to
  contents - hGetContents handle
  hClose handle
and then the code doesn't work.  If these are meant to be the same, then we have a GHC
bug.  If not, could someone explain in words of one syllable why not?

PS - if you want the source code you'll have to download and compile the whole of 

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: getContents

2000-10-26 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 "Once a semi-closed handle becomes closed, the contents of
  the associated stream becomes fixed, and is the list of those
  items which were succesfully read from that handle".
Ah, now I see.  I had assumed that hClose'ing a semi-closed handle would result in the
entire file being read till EOF, after which the file would be closed. 

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Instant readFile

2000-11-15 Thread George Russell

   readFile :: FilePath - IO String
action returns the contents of the associated file.  This is almost what
I want, but not quite, because readFile is lazy.  Hence if the string is
only partly read, the file is still open.  What I want instead is a function
   (a) opens the file;
   (b) slurps the complete contents compactly into an array;
   (c) closes the file;
   (d) makes the contents of the array available as a String.
So instead I wrote the following:

copyFileToString  :: FilePath - IO String
copyFileToString file =
  (addr,len) - IOExts.slurpFile file
  CString.unpackCStringLenIO addr len

However on further consideration this also seems to me to be unsatisfactory, 
because although I don't understand this issue very well, I don't think
the (addr) address containing the complete file contents will ever get
deallocated, because there's no way the GC can know that this particular
Addr can be free'd.  (Is that correct?)  So please, how _should_ I write this
function?   For example, I could try and wrap the addr into a ForeignObj,
but then how would I ensure that when the String gets gc'd, the ForeignObj
does too?

It all is a bit of a mystery to me how you are supposed to use Addr like things
without space leaks.  A little more explanation in the documentation would not
perhaps be amiss . . .

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

The Set type

2000-12-04 Thread George Russell

A minor quibble I know, but every time I use sets I want to add/subtract single 
to/from them.  There is no function provided for doing this, so instead you have to do
union/delete with a singleton set constructed from the element.  I appreciate the zeal
of the designer of this module to construct the smallest possible interface (I wish the
same person had designed the standard Prelude) but I think this zeal is overdone.
You do often need to operate with single elements.  After all, if you wanted real 
hair-shirt minimalism you should get rid of "elementOf" (replace it by 
\el set - isEmptySet (intersect set (singletonSet el)), but no-one would seriously
suggest that - I hope.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list


2000-12-04 Thread George Russell

Why not steal a good idea from Standard ML/New Jersey now and again?  This has
"Or-patterns" which allow you to match against a disjunction of patterns,

fun sleepIn (Date.Sat | Date.Sun) = true
|   sleepIn _ = false

Where you have variables in the patterns, you bind only the variables which appear 
in all the patterns, and you unify the types accordingly.

Of course you can do without this feature, but I feel it shouldn't be too hard
to implement and for me at least it would be occasionally useful.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC Command Line Help

2000-12-21 Thread George Russell

"Steinitz, Dominic J" wrote:
 I was experimenting with using FiniteMap. The program compiled ok but the linker 
gave me the following error. What do I need to include on the command line or have I 
not installed ghc correctly?
 [dom@lhrtba8fd85 FiniteMap]$ /usr/bin/ghc -o main test.o -L/usr/lib/ghc-4.08.1 -
 lHSlang -lHSdata
 /usr/lib/ghc-4.08.1/libHSdata.a(FiniteMap__1.o): In function `__init_FiniteMap':
 FiniteMap__1.o(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `__init_GlaExts'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I suggest using 
   /usr/bin/ghc -o main test.o -package data -package lang -fglasgow-exts
or something similar (rather than trying to name the libraries directly).

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

instance Bits Int

2001-01-04 Thread George Russell

Why isn't Int an instance of Bits?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: 4.08.2

2001-01-23 Thread George Russell

Sven Panne wrote:
 The current branch-o-mania is a little confusing, but the CVS branch
 called "ghc-4-07-branch" (yes, "7", not "8") should contain what you
 are looking for. At least I think so... :-}  Any bootstrapping problems?
Yes, I get a segmentation fault when the compilation process first comes to use
the resulting hsc executable.  I have tried several times to avoid this (by 
changing gcc or ghc versions) but without success.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Semi-applied datatypes in instance declarations

2001-02-06 Thread George Russell

I apologise if this has been raised before, but the code I am
writing now would look rather nicer if "partially applied 
type constructors" were permitted in instances.  For example:

class Event e where
   sync :: e a - IO a

data Event extraData a = blah blah . . .

instance (context on extradata) = Event extradata where
   blah blah . . .

Any chance of this?  Or are there reasons why this would be wholly

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

runProcess/ createPipe

2001-03-02 Thread George Russell

If Posix.runProcess really is supposed "our candidate for the high-level OS-independent
primitive" (see documentation), it would help if there was a documented way of using it
with pipes.  The problem is that runProcess takes handles as arguments, while the 
function, createPipe, returns two Fds.  There seems to be no _documented_ way of
converting an Fd to a Handle.  I suggest therefore that either there be a
   createPipeHandle :: IO (Handle,Handle)
(which would be nice, because it might avoid bothering the operating system 
completely, and
would makes sense on non-Posix systems).  Or else, the existing Posix.fdToHandle
   fdToHandle :: Fd - IO Handle
should be documented.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Fail: thread killed

2001-03-07 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 Since the very purpose of killThread is to kill the damn thread,
 I find it inconvenient to have to wrap any thread which is supposed
 to be killable with Exception.catch to avoid the message. Worse:
 it should use block and unblock, otherwise there is a small window
 where killing the thread will still display the message.
I agree with this.  I also find it mildly irritating having to
catch exceptions to stop GHC informing me that it's just garbage
collected a thread which is permanently deadlocked.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

ghc5.00 binary on Sparc?

2001-04-10 Thread George Russell

GHC 5.00 looks wonderful.  Would it be possible to make a binary
distribution available for Sparc?  As you may remember, I've had 
difficulty compiling it myself for Sparc, for some reason I don't know,
and even if I find a way of hacking things to compile it, I'd rather
users (= students) didn't have to . . .

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Why does --make only allow one module?

2001-04-24 Thread George Russell

ghc --make would be wonderful for UniForM, which at the moment consists of
a large selection of libraries, were it not for the restriction that
ghc --make insists on only having one module as an argument.  Er why?
At this rate I shall be driven to writing an otherwise useless module
which imports all the modules in each directory, since ghc --make does
indeed look a lot faster than compiling each module individually.
(In particular, we win big here, I think because the NFS system is
very inefficient and makes reading all the .hi files very expensive.)

Actually I'd like to just give ghc --make a list of ALL the source files
and let it figure out the dependencies.  This could also include
object files (compiled from C) which were to be linked in, for example.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

GHCi turned upside down?

2001-05-11 Thread George Russell

GHCi allows us to mix fixed compiled and dynamic interpreted code to 
be run from what I presume is dynamic interpreted code - the command
prompt.  Would it be possible to run dynamic interpreted code from
a compiled program?  I'm hoping the answer is Yes, because this is what
GHCi does, the only problem being to clean up the syntax and document

I'm afraid I haven't been following the FFI debate lately but perhaps we
could steal some of the FFI's syntax for declaring types of imported
entities.  The difference (I'm not sure if this is a difference with
the latest with the latest FFI version) would be that the source file/string
(and perhaps function name) need to vary dynamically, which means also that
of course it needs to be done below top level, and invoke an IO action.  So
we might try something like

runMain :: FilePath - IO ()
runMain sourcePath =
  source - readFile sourcePath
  foreign import ghci source main main :: IO ()

which would read the file sourcePath, interpret it as Haskell,
and run the main action therein.

This isn't meant to be a polished proposal, just an idea for something
which might be nice to have around in the future.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

do's and error messages

2001-07-16 Thread George Russell

If you have a type error message at the very start of a do statement, the result
can be rather confusing, because the typechecker doesn't know that do's are
almost always have type (IO (something)) and so tries to shoehorn the monad
to fit the type.  This has actually happened to me several times; the worst
case is when the result is (for example) a list, which allows the error to
propagate further.  Is there some way of doing something about this?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list


2001-07-26 Thread George Russell

Is there a way in Glasgow Haskell to get a thread to wait on a child process
in the same way as the Posix function wait(), and get the termination status
of the child?  If so, how?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

unterminated {-

2001-09-21 Thread George Russell

Seems to me it would make more sense for the message
.hs:214: unterminated `{-'
message to tell me where the {- is, rather than where the EOF is.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Multi-parameter OOP

2001-10-19 Thread George Russell

Recently I've been experimenting with a sort of OOP with GHC, using existential types 
(overlapping, undecidable) multi-parameter type classes, but it doesn't seem to work 
as you 
might expect because of the way GHC resolves overloaded functions at compile-time.  
For example, 
given class A a

data WrappedA = forall a . A a = WrappedA a
data A1 = A1 
instance A A1

class B b
data WrappedB = forall b . B b = WrappedB b
data B1 = B1 
instance B B1

class AB a b where
   toBool :: a - b - Bool
instance (A a,B b) = AB a b where
   toBool _ _ = False
instance AB A1 B1 where
   toBool _ _ = True

instance AB WrappedA WrappedB where
   toBool (WrappedA a) (WrappedB b) = toBool a b

a naive user (like me a month ago) might expect that this to work, so that
toBool (WrappedA a) (WrappedB b) will return False unless a is an A1, and b a B1,
in which case it returns True.  In fact ghc5.02 (rightly) gives an error message
with the second instance declaration:
Could not unambiguously deduce (AB a b) from the context (A a, B b)
The choice of (overlapping) instance declaration
depends on the instantiation of `a, b'

So is there any other way of doing this sort of dynamic lookup at runtime, in
a reasonably neat way?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Existential Typing (was Multi-parameter OOP)

2001-10-25 Thread George Russell

Leon Smith wrote:
 If GHC had true existential typing, as opposed to just existential datatypes,
 you could reasonably code what I think you want like this:
 class A a where
 basicA :: Bool
 nextA  :: a - (EX a'. A a' = a')
 basicA = True
 nextA  = id
 data WrappedA = forall a. A a = WrappedA a
 instance A WrappedA where
 basicA = False
 nextA (WrappedA a) = a
 data A1 = A1
 instance A A1
 --... similarly for B ...
 class AB a b where
toBool :: a - b - Bool
 instance (A a, B b) = AB a b where
toBool a b
   | (basicA :: a)  (basicB :: b) = True
   | (basicA :: a) || (basicB :: b) = False
   | otherwise = toBool (nextA a) (nextB b)
Either I've missed something, or this isn't what I wanted.  The problem I have is that
AB is not extensible.  If you want to add a new instances A2,B2 of A,B and a new 
of toBool which just works for A2 and B2, you can't do it, without changing the 
definition of
toBool in the above instance.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

What isn't possible with Finite Maps, and should be.

2001-11-08 Thread George Russell

Once again I find myself wanting something like the following function with
finite maps:

   fmToListByRange :: Ord key = FiniteMap key elt - (key,key) - [(key,elt)]

fmToListByRange map (k1,k2)

is supposed to return all elements in the map with keys from k1 to k2 (inclusive).

Although this isn't as common as looking up an element by a key, it nevertheless is
sometimes useful, and shouldn't be too hard to implement, given that FiniteMaps
are going to be implemented (given the Ord constraint) as some sort of tree-like
query structure, so it's just a question of scanning down the tree splitting the
interval as you go.

Of course this can be generalised.  A general range would have type (Maybe key,Maybe 
where Nothing instead of a key would mean starting at one of the ends, and the Bool 
indicate whether you gave the elements in increasing or decreasing order of key.

In any case it looks fairly simple to write.  If only I were set up to be able
to compile GHC I could write the necessary code myself . . .

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc --make + #include directories

2001-11-14 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:

 What's wrong with just saying -Idir whenever you say -idir?

This seems to work but for more complicated combinations the two options have slightly 
different formats.  For example, if I have several directories separated by colons, and
end the list with a superfluous colon (which arises naturally enough when the path is
auto-computed) I get messages like:

gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations
/home/ger/uni /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -c util/WBFiles.hs 
-iutil:cvs: -Iutil:cvs: -package concurrent -package data -package net -package posix 
-package text -package util -package lang -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances 
-fallow-undecidable-instances -cpp -ddump-hi-diffs -H25M -recomp -fwarn-deprecations 
-Onot -DDEBUG -fvia-Cgcc: /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-5.02.1/lib/ghc-5.02.1/include: 
linker input file unused since linking not done
Source file changed or recompilation check turned off

gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations
[falls over]

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Why have file names with 3 components?

2001-09-27 Thread George Russell

This looks like a bug, but please don't change it!

If you have a file A.blah.hs containing a module A, ghc5.02 compiles it, producing 
A.hi and A.blah.o.
I have an application for this, since I have just, for the first time, been 
compelled to introduce recursive modules.  Rather than writing .hi-boot files (which 
might have
to be rewritten for ghc5.03) I have instead written .boot.hs files, which yield .hi 
files, which
then get moved to .hi-boot.   Thus a module A has two sources, the real source A.hs, 
but also
the source for the .hi-boot file, A.boot.hs.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Telling ghc where to start

2001-09-28 Thread George Russell

There are various reasons why one might have a Haskell file which doesn't have the
expected Module.hs filename, in particular when putting ghc into some larger
system which does its own thing with files.  I may well want this as part of UniForM
in the next few months.  However ghc doesn't provide anyway support for this, and while
you could create a symbolic link with a name ghc approves of to the real file, that 
somewhat messy.  gcc has an option which allows you to specify that the input is, say,
a C program (even though it's called hello.txt) but it's rather messy and might take 
long to implement.  I suggest instead a new option called
or something similar, so that
   ghc -virtual-name Module.hs /blah/horrible932
will compile the contents of /blah/horrible932, but treat it as if it were called 

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Casting dynamic values

2001-11-27 Thread George Russell

It would occasionally be nice to have a function
   cast :: (Typeable a,Typeable b) = a - Maybe b
which returns Just a if a and b have the same type, and Nothing otherwise.
This may seem rather a curious need, but it arises with existential
types; if you have
   data A = forall a . (context) = A a
(context including Typeable a) then this allows you to
getB :: (Typeable b) = A - Maybe b
getB (A a) = cast a

and so extract a value from A, if you can guess its type.

Clearly we can implement
   cast = fromDynamic . toDyn

My question is: is this the most efficient way of doing it, or is there
a better way?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Multiply Recursive Modules

2002-01-14 Thread George Russell

Writing .hi-boot files is a pain, and the works (allegedly) containing a compiler 
does mutually recursive modules properly seem permanently gummed up.  Therefore may I 
a new .hs-boot suffix which compiles Haskell to produce just a .hi-boot file?  I 
already have
two .hs-boot files (except I call them .boot.hs to make ghc happy) and they seem to 
reasonably well.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Cygwin GHC

2002-04-04 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
 I am therefore deeply reluctant to provide both GHC-for-mingw32
 and GHC-for-cygwin.   One build on Win32 is enough!   We ended
 up with a mingw32 basis because it meant we could make GHC=20
 completely self-contained -- no dependence on cygwin1.dll etc.
 This was *huge* step forward: GHC installs and runs with no problem
 on Windows now.
I agree about it being a huge step forward.  I do not think I would be 
in favour of undoing this and going back to having to install cygwin
(in the right version) to get GHC to run.
 1.  GHC does not understand cygwin paths in the file names passed
 to it on the command line.
 2.  GHC on Win32 does not come with a Posix library.  If we used a
 Cygwin basis, Posix would be easy because cygwin does all the hard work.
 3.  I/O on Win32 is *blocking*.   A blocking input operation freezes all
 other Haskell threads.
I am a little but not hugely bothered by (1) and (2), as they can all be worked
around in various ways.  The real problem is (3), since it means that not just
IO events but almost all events from the non-Haskell world cannot be waited on
without bringing the Haskell world to a halt.  Is it possible to do something
about (3) without switching back to Cygwin?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

ghc-pkg (5.03.20020204) problems

2002-04-15 Thread George Russell

Can you stop ghc-pkg complaining when it can't find the library for a package,
and insert the package into its configuration file?  Some of my scripts rely
on being able to build the package.conf file ahead of time.

What with this, and because ghc-pkg doesn't seem able to cope with private config
files (see previous report) ghc-pkg in 5.03 is causing me lots of problems.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

ghc5.03 .hi and .hi-boot files don't you just love those incompatible changes?

2002-04-15 Thread George Russell

Formerly .hi and .hi-boot files had the same format; however ghc5.03 has a binary 
format for
.hi files and a textual one for .hi-boot files.  This is a nuisance for me, because I 
have an
ingenious scheme by which .hi-boot files are themselves from Haskell files by ghc, 
which thinks
it is generating .hi files.  Since I don't particularly want to go from writing to 
Haskell to
writing interface files, I would like to keep the old scheme, but then I need a way of 
GHC to generate .hi-boot files from .hs files.  

One might think the options -ddump-hi or --show-iface would do the job, but they don't.
--show-iface produces a file which causes Haskell later to choke with the message

failed to load interface for `DisplayView':
Bad interface file: DisplayView.hi-boot
DisplayView.hi-boot:1: parse error on input `__interface'
-ddump-hi is even worse, since it adds an extra two totally useless lines at the start
(but otherwise appears to be the same as --show-iface).

So is there any way of getting GHC to generate .hi-boot files?  Or should I give up on
using .hi-boot altogether and simply compile the Haskell direct to the .hi file?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc5.03 .hi and .hi-boot files don't you just love those incompatible changes?

2002-04-16 Thread George Russell

Ah, I've figured it out.  The new .hi-boot file format is actually Haskell!!  Well 
You have to fully qualify type names (you can't use Int, you must use GHC.Base.Int)
and the input isn't run through -cpp.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: package name mismatch

2002-07-15 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow quoted Max Kirillov
  Building htk, I've got an error:
  Module `GetPut' is located in package `Main'
  but its interface file claims it is part of package
  It happened (as far as I got) when ghc saw in current path
  the *.hi file built for installation. There are some ways to
  work around it, but, there was a lot of such places, so can
  I just skip the 'package name' check and go as it is?
 This was converted to a warning in, I think, ghc 5.02.3.  Please
 upgrade, preferably to 5.04.
It must have been only a warning in 5.02.3, or I could never have
compiled it there.  (Before 5.02.3 we didn't use the package
system like this at all.)

Actually I would like this message to go away altogether in this case,
if possible.  The actual situation is that GetPut.hs is in fact part
of the package uni-events-test, and the compiler is told to load
uni-events-test on the command line.  However GetPut.hs is *also* in
the current directory during this compilation, so GHC loads it from there 
instead.   I'm not sure what logic would be best here, but my suggestion 
would be that where a .hi file is found in an import declaration and
has an unexpected package name, GHC keeps on searching.  If it finds
a .hi file with a matching package name, it accepts it, otherwise
accept the .hi file with the wrong package name and issue a warning.

If that's too complicated, just ignore .hi files with the wrong package
name.  But then people might complain . . .

[ - for Max's eyes only -
As a matter of fact, this file is not needed for uni-htk anyway (it's
just part of a test case) so Max could just work around it.  If you just
do gmake package rather than gmake or gmake all I don't think it
will occur, though that will also mean the test programs don't get made.
If you want the HTk examples go into htk/examples and do gmake main
and/or gmake test there. - ]
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: package name mismatch

2002-07-16 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Can't you just fix your build so that the situation doesn't occur?
Grumble.  Yes, I suppose so.

I hate being an implementor instead of a bug-reporter.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list


2002-07-19 Thread George Russell

Would it be possible to bring the DeepSeq library into the libraries
distributed with GHC?  (I think Dean Herington is responsible for it.)

Of course it's easy enough to drop it into one's own program (I am just
about to do this) but
(1) It is fairly common to want to force deeper evaluation.
(2) DeepSeq is simple enough to be dropped in the GHC distribution, without
it causing much trouble or making it much bigger.
(3) At the same time, it is not so simple that it can be reimplemented in a couple
of lines.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Glasgow-haskell-users digest, Vol 1 #672 - 1 msg

2002-12-16 Thread George Russell
 I've been experimenting with making an asynchronous IO library. At the
 moment it uses Haskell threads but the idea is that it could be
 transparently extended to use system AIO.
I think what you are really asking for is asynchronous events, a la Reppy.
I don't like to blow my own trumpet (well, I do actually), but I've
already implemented these in Haskell, see the paper in ICFP 2001.  Of course
John Reppy got there first with PML/CML.
 My question is if there is an effecient way to block / wait on multiple
 MVars. takeMVar  readMVar can wait on one MVar. The puspose is to be
 able get the reults of a list of AIO operations, in the order in which
 they complete.

Not at the moment.  Also I'm not sure such a thing could usefully be added
without more or less adding events anyway.  It's not enough to have

   takeOneMVar :: [MVar a] - IO a

which looks for the next a, because pretty soon someone is going to want you to

   data MVarActionPair a = forall b . MVarActionPair (MVar b) (b - IO a)

   takeOneMVar' :: [MVarActionPair a]

This I suppose could be done without too much trouble, but then you run into problems
because the supplier of events has no way of knowing if these events are actually being
picked up or not, something that can be very important.  To solve this problem in 
you need Reppy-style higher-order events.  So you might as well have implemented those 
the beginning anyway.

Also I am very much opposed to loading extra burdens onto the implementors of MVar's 
we can be reasonably sure that MVars won't get slower as a result.  MVars are an 
low-level abstraction; it's better to build more complicated things on top of MVars as

Good luck,

George Russell
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Suggested improvements to .hi-boot files

2003-01-06 Thread George Russell
I am using .hi-boot files quite a lot at the moment.  I'm very grateful for the recent
change to a more Haskelly syntax, but I have a couple of suggestions for the GHC team
to implement in their no doubt ample free time. 8-)

(1) Importing a module {-# SOURCE #-} into itself currently produces a warning, but no 
other action
so far as I can see.  I suggest instead that this provoke a check that the .hi-boot 
module accurately
reflects reality.   (Otherwise there is no way of checking is there?)  Or perhaps you 
could add a
pragma {-# RECURSIVE #-} at the top of the module that indicates the presence of a 
.hi-boot file which
should be checked.

(2) Instance declarations (with empty bodies) should be permitted.

(3) There should be an option to pass .hi-boot files through cpp.  This would not be 
particularly useful
to me, as I have already implemented a pre-compilation phase which does just that, but 
it might
be useful for others.

(4) The manual should recommend using say the GHCi :info command to find out that,
say, IO must be called GHC.IOBase.IO.  (If I'd known this it'd have saved me having
to trawl through the GHC sources.)  Obviously one would ideally be able to type IO 
than GHC.IOBase.IO, but my guess would be that this would be (a) harder to implement 
the other suggestions, (b) less useful.

Happy New Year by the way.  If any Simon is still reading, about long have we got 
before the 
current old library hierarchy is done away with in an official release?  Sometime 
before then 
I will need to carry out a massive global-exchange.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Avoiding No explicit method ... warnings

2003-01-21 Thread George Russell
This isn't a bug, just a suggestion.  It's not even a very important
suggestion, but one that might be worth implementing if it's easy and you can
find the the time.  Or perhaps I am just doing things the wrong way?

The point is that I sometimes have something like the following situation

class ComplicatedClass x where
   simpleTitleFn :: x - String
   muchMoreComplicatedTitleFn :: extra arguments - x - IO (WithError (Source blah 
blah blah String)
   muchMoreComplicatedTitleFn _ x = [ ... some expression involving simpleTitleFn ...]

The idea is that only muchMoreComplicatedTitleFn must always work; however instances 
choose to implement it directly, or implement the much simpler function simpleTitleFn
(if that does all they want).  

At the moment the situation is that someone who defines just 
will get an unnecessary warning message from the compiler about No explicit method or
default method for simpleTitleFn.  I suggest instead introducing a new class of
optional method (for example, via a pragma {-# OPTIONAL_METHOD simpleTitleFn #-}) which
compiles exactly as normal except that (1) no warning is given for instances which 
define it; (2) a warning is given whenever anyone outside the class declaration *uses*
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Avoiding No explicit method ... warnings

2003-01-21 Thread George Russell
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 One other idea though.  Suppose you say
 class ComplicatedClass x where
 _simpleTitleFn :: x - String
 muchMoreComplicatedTitleFn :: extra arguments - x - IO ...
 In general GHC doesn't report warning unused for variables whose name
 begin with an underscore.  In the case of class methods, I don't think
 it suppresses the warning, but that would be an easy change to make.
 Indeed, it would arguably be more consistent to do so anyway
  #-}) which compiles exactly as normal except that (1) no warning is
  given for instances which don't define it; (2) a warning is given
  whenever anyone outside the class declaration *uses* simpleTitleFn.
 The _ idea would achieve (1).  You could get (2) by not exporting the
 _ method from the module defining ComplicatedClasss.
 How would that be?
Yes, this looks just as good as my original idea, if not better.  Especially
as it would be an easy change to make. 

In fact there are some cases where I might want to use simpleTitleFn on a 
Trust me, it's defined for this type basis, but that could be achieved by
exporting an equivalent, but deprecated, function.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

HTk for ghc-5.04.2

2003-01-23 Thread George Russell
I've compiled HTk for ghc-5.04.2 on Solaris, Linux and Windows, and put binary bundles 

So you can write portable graphical user interfaces using the latest release of your
favorite Haskell compiler.

Sorry it's a bit late; it's not that it's difficult, it's just that I am a
shortage of manpower.  I hope I produce binaries for ghc-5.04.3 a bit faster.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-29 Thread George Russell
Alex wrote
 Using ghc-5.04.2 under cygwin, and cygwin (v. 1.3.10-1), I'm having some
 horrible problems with inconistent treatment of filenames, especially
 when using (gnu, cygwin) make.  In a nutshell, make seems to be passing
 paths such as /usr/local/hmake (etc) to ghc, which is, as I understand
 it, interpretting these in a manner consistent with windows, but not with
 cygwin.  (i.e., it'd expect the above to be something like:
 /cygwin/usr/local/hmake, where the root of the cygwin installation is in
 c:\cygwin.  Experimenting with similar arguments to ghc by hand seems to
 confirm this.

The UniForM/HTk distribution includes the attached very simple Haskell98 program,
which is compiled and run during the ./configure stage.  This program transforms
stdin to stdout, globally replacing the string #PWD with whatever GHC thinks the
current directory is called.  This program is used in various ways; in particular
./configure uses it to set a variable GHCTOP corresponding to GHC's name for the
top of the source distribution, which is then what gets passed to GHC.  The program
is also used for various unholy tricks involving package config files, which also
of course need the Windows name.

Fortunately GHC doesn't mind if some slashes are the wrong way; thus if GHCTOP is
C:\foo\bar\uni, then I can refer to C:\foo\bar\uni\baz as $GHCTOP/baz, as
it would be on Unix.
{- This program converts stdin to stdout.  It replaces all occurrences of
   the string #PWD in stdin with the current directory in which it is
   executed, C escaped.  The string #pwd is similarly replaced, except that
   it is not escaped.   Everything else is left unchanged.

   If an argument is supplied, this is used instead of the current

   The program occupies an unusual place in the UniForM sources; it is not
   part of the main sources, but is only used during building (see
   and is compiled during configuration.  Since it only uses completely
   standard Haskell 98, this ought to be pretty easy.

   We do things this way rather than with some sort of script so that this
   will work even in the extremely hostile environment of Windows (with no
   cygwin).  Also, using GHC's getCurrentDirectory means we get at what
   GHC thinks the current directory is (IE the Windows file name) rather than
   what it is in cygwin's Unix world.
module Main (main) where

import Directory
import System

main :: IO ()
main = 
  input - getContents
  args - getArgs
  toInsert - case args of
[arg] - return arg
[] - getCurrentDirectory   
 escapeString s = 
   withQuotes @ ('\':rest) = show s
   take (length rest - 1) rest

 quoted = escapeString toInsert

 transform [] = []
 transform ('#':'P':'W':'D':rest) = quoted ++ transform rest
 transform ('#':'p':'w':'d':rest) = toInsert ++ transform rest
 transform (c:rest) = c:transform rest
  putStr . transform  $ input

FreeBSD + FIFO pipes

2003-02-19 Thread George Russell
Yes I know it's a FAQ, but despite the information in the GHC FAQ I can't get my
program to work.

I'm trying to get HTk to work on FreeBSD (actually FreeBSD running inside a VMware
virtual machine, but I don't think that should make any difference).  How HTk works
is it creates a couple of pipes

  (readIn,writeIn) - Posix.createPipe
  (readOut,writeOut) - Posix.createPipe

It then forks off a process which first dup2's readIn onto its stdin and writeOut onto
its stdout, and then runs the Tcl/Tk shell wish (which does graphics).  The idea is
that sending commands along writeIn will cause them to be executed by wish, and wish's
output can be read from readOut.

We do the reading/writing of readOut/writeIn using the Posix fdRead/fdWrite primitives.
In addition, before every call to fdRead we do a Posix.threadWaitRead on it, to make
sure there is actually input there.

All this works fine on Linux and Solaris by the way.  (On Windows we use a completely
different mechanism.)

The problem I am getting with FreeBSD is that fdRead sometimes reports EOF, even though
threadWaitRead has just reported the presence of data.  (And no, I don't think we have
a race condition here, the relevant bit of code is in an exclusive lock.)  If I tell it
to ignore the EOF and try to read again and again it just throws it into an endless loop,

The GHC FAQ says:

 A workaround
 for all systems is to open the FIFO for writing yourself,
 before (or at the same time as) opening it for reading.
What does it mean open the FIFO for writing yourself?  I've tried putting in
the following lines immediately after creating the pipes

  byteCountOut - fdWrite writeOut #
  (strIn,byteCountIn) - fdRead readOut 1
  case (byteCountOut,byteCountIn,strIn) of
 (1,1,#) - done
 x - error (ChildProcess.999 error++show x)

  byteCountOut - fdWrite writeIn #
  (strIn,byteCountIn) - fdRead readIn 1
  case (byteCountOut,byteCountIn,strIn) of
 (1,1,#) - done
 x - error (ChildProcess.9998 error++show x)

which just write a single character down each pipe; unfortunately this doesn't seem
to help.

Any other suggestions?

By the way this is all GHC5.04.1, which seems to be the last FreeBSD version available,
at least with pkg_add.


George Russell

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FreeBSD + FIFO pipes

2003-02-19 Thread George Russell
Volker Stolz wrote: In local.glasgow-haskell-users, you wrote:

I'm trying to get HTk to work on FreeBSD (actually FreeBSD running inside a VMware
virtual machine, but I don't think that should make any difference).  How HTk works
is it creates a couple of pipes
  (readIn,writeIn) - Posix.createPipe
  (readOut,writeOut) - Posix.createPipe
The problem I am getting with FreeBSD is that fdRead sometimes reports EOF, even though
threadWaitRead has just reported the presence of data.  (And no, I don't think we have
a race condition here, the relevant bit of code is in an exclusive lock.)  If I tell it
to ignore the EOF and try to read again and again it just throws it into an endless loop,

Can you cut this down to a simple program, maybe executing /bin/echo
instead of 'wish'? Notice that the FAQ doesn't apply here as the FAQ
talks about FIFO createt by mkfifo (which exist in the file system),
while you talk about pipes.

I'll try to think of something, but I'd be glad if you already
had a usable program to reproduce this error.

I think this one is going to remain unsolved.  I have fixed the problem, by reimplementing
the relevant code in a different way (actually resurrecting an old implementation, with
a vital fix) and now it works.  However the cause of the problem I reported is a mystery
to me, and producing a simple test case does not look very easy.

Thanks for your help,


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

HTk for ghc5.04.3

2003-03-12 Thread George Russell
I have created binary bundles for HTk, our Haskell interface to Tcl/Tk,
for ghc5.04.3 on Linux/x86 and Windows, and put them on the download page:

I will add FreeBSD and Solaris bundles when I can get hold of ghc5.04.3
on those platforms.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Hash functions

2003-08-19 Thread George Russell
Many thanks for Data.HashTable, which I am about to use.  Unfortunately
I seem to need an unseemly hack because the key I want, namely ThreadId's,
don't have a hash function defined, and defining one requires me to muck
around with GHC internal functions.  Could some more hash functions be
The logical method would be to have

   class HashKey key where
  hash :: key - Int32
and define it for as many types as possible.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

HTk + ghc6.01

2003-11-24 Thread George Russell
Binaries for HTk (a Haskell graphics package that uses HTk) for ghc6.01
on Linux, Solaris, Windows and FreeBSD are now available from the HTk page:

Many thanks to Guy Coleman for the FreeBSD package.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Pestilential behaviour of gcc3.3 on Macs

2003-11-27 Thread George Russell
Yes I know this is really Apple's fault, but according to

 The GCC 3.3 preprocessor inserts a new pragma, #pragma GCC set_debug_pwd, as part
 of the new Distributed Builds feature. (See below.) This may surprise tools and
 scripts that depended on the exact form of preprocessed output from GCC. These
 scripts should be rewritten to ignore unrecognized pragmas.
Would it be possible for GHC to ignore this line?  Otherwise ghc -cpp is going to
fall over with gcc3.3 on Macs.
Of course in the ideal world I know we should be using Template Haskell.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Template Haskell and the command line

2003-12-02 Thread George Russell
Template Haskell is frightfully good and we want to get rid of cpp and
use it instead, but there's one tiny problem, namely that for cpp it
is possible to define variables on the command line (-DSIMON=MARLOW and so
on) while with Template Haskell it doesn't seem to be.  Could there be
some kind of dictionary, like the cpp environment variables, which the
Template Haskell code has access to?
One obvious way would be to accept the -D/-U arguments, and provide Haskell
functions which look at them.
Of course one /could/ presumably use System.getArgs and analyse the arguments
to ghc oneself, but that would mean making guesses about the current GHC syntax.
In the meantime we shall still replace cpp with Template Haskell, but find
another way.  Thanks for Template Haskell!
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

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