Re: Why Intuit should have an Open Source version of QuickBooks...

2004-11-10 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >
> So why should Intuit have an Open Source version of QuickBooks?
> Because Microsoft is doing it?
I think he means a Linux version. Closed source would be fine if it ran 
natively. (NOTE: I am a Linux enthusiast, not necessarily a FOSS 

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed,
 given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
 -Dwight D.  Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: FSF looking for Sys Admin

2004-12-16 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Mark Komarinski wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 06:34:27AM -0500, Fred wrote:
> > 
> > Another negative is that it is in Massachusetts, and on top of the low
> > salary you get to pay  in mass taxes that of which you receive no
> > material benefit from (unless you live in Mass, in which case you have
> > my sympathies. :-)).
> > 
> If you want to see taxes, move to NY.  My brother lives in a house valued
> about 1/2 of mine, pays three times the property taxes I do plus a
> separate school tax.  Then there's the 8.25% sales tax and the income tax.
> And that's upstate NY.  It's worse in NYC.
I'm actually planning ot move to Upstate NY hopefully next summer. 
(We've been looking, but we won't move in the winter.) We currently 
live on 62 acres in Northwood, NH. We paid 300+K for what we have. In 
upstate NY we can get twice the land + more house & outbuildings for 
half what we paid for our current place. And property taxes will be 
significantly lower as well. Even adding in sales and income taxes, we 
will still end up paying less to live in NY that we're paying to live in 

Given: most of the taxeas paid outside of the City are used to finance 
City programs. That sucks, but it's the price you pay.

There is a web site that does a cost-of-living analysis between
different areas, but I don't remember where it is. (Or it may just show 
the TCL of a variety of different places, I'm not sure which.)

> Taxachusetts indeed.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "I do not believe that they are like the Scots or the Welsh and doubt
 that they ever will be. The real British interest would I think be
 served best by pushing them towards a United Ireland rather than tying
 them closer to the United Kingdom. Our own parliamentary history is one
 long story of trouble with Ireland."
 -- Sir Alex Douglas-Hume (13 March 1972)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: FSF looking for Sys Admin

2004-12-16 Thread Thomas M. Albright
One quick follow-up: do you mean Upstate NY (W. of Albany) or Downstate 
(E. of Albany, not the City)? Having grown up in Rochester, NY, I get a 
bit uppity hearing people from Eastern NY saying they're "Upstate" 
just beacause they don't live in the City.

Yeah, I'm biased.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge
 number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the
 national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers.
 Now we should call them economical numbers.
 -Richard Feynman, physicist, Nobel laureate (1918-1988)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2005-01-12 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I have a laptop serving as firewall/router. The problem is that when I
shut the lid on the laptop, it goes to sleep and I can't connect to the
internet. How do I get it to stay awake when I shut the lid?


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
 Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2005-01-13 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Bill McGonigle wrote:

> On Jan 12, 2005, at 18:23, Thomas M. Albright wrote:
> > The problem is that when I
> > shut the lid on the laptop, it goes to sleep and I can't connect to the
> > internet. How do I get it to stay awake when I shut the lid?
> Some laptops overheat if they run with the lid closed - others have it 
> as a feature.  Just be aware if you need to do sufficient hackery to 
> get it to work there might be a reason...
Well, it was working wit the lid closed just fine up until Manchester 
had a black out on 24 December. When I came back on the 27th and powered 
it back on it would no long stay awake with the lid closed.

I run apt-get dist-upgrade on it every night, so I'm guessing apm got 

Why the make and model of the laptop or the distribution matters is 
unclear to me, but it's a Acer Extensa 368D running RedHat 6.2 with a 
2.2.24-6.2.3 kernel on an i586

I just want to know if/what apm settings need changing.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all. -- Thomas J. Kopp
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2005-01-18 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005, Benjamin Scott wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, at 9:41am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I run apt-get dist-upgrade on it every night, so I'm guessing apm got
> > changed.
> > 
>   I admit I'm confused as to how you're running "apt-get dist-upgrade" on a
> Red Hat 6.2 system.  I know APT has been ported to RPM, but you're obviously
> not upgrading the distribution or you'd have left RHL 6.2 in the dust a
> lng time ago... :-)  Can you clue me in here?  I'm interested.
It works, so why upgrade and risk breaking it? The dist-upgrade option 
does more than upgrade the ditribution to the next level; it also makes 
sure all dependemcies are settled. It will install any extra packages 
and remove any extraneuos ones. Since freshrpms and dag both have 6.2 
repositories, I run apt nightly to make sure my system stays as up to 
date as possible.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Farewell, Concorde, for you were half french, and had a pointy nose.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Computer Upgrade Question

2005-04-21 Thread Thomas M. Albright
OK, I bought a new computer. However, rather than 
redownload/reinstall/reconfigure everything I just moved in my old 
harddrive. here's where it grows curiouser and curiouser. Th new 
computer has a SATA harddrive I want to keep for data storage, etc. It's 
currently the primary hard drive at SATA1, the CDROM at IDE1. I moved 
the new drive to SATA2, switched the CDROM to IDE2, and plugged my old 
harddive in at IDE1.

Now, before I plug-in and turn-on this system, will my movements work? 
Will my old harddrive be the new primary harddrive, or will it cause all 
kinds of horrible problems?

Thanks for any insight.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Ships that pass in the night and speak each other in passing;
 Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness;
 So on the ocean of life we pass and speak one another,
 Only a look and a voice; then darkness again and a silence.
 -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet (1807-1882)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: inetd help

2005-06-02 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, Bill McGonigle wrote:

> On Jun 1, 2005, at 20:46, TARogue wrote:
> > Jun  1 19:09:38 gore inetd[467]: pid 21168: exit status 1
> That means one of the processes inetd launched exited with a bad 
> status.  In this case, inetd is process # 467 and the process that 
> caused the error was 21168.  As Kevin mentioned it would be helpful to 
> know what process 21168 was.
Ah! OK, I thought inetd was pid 21168 and kept restarting, but it was an 
ftp connection that timed out. Thanks everyone!

Now to contact the user involved and find out why this person kept 
making ftp connections and letting them time out ...

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
 corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial
 by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. -- Thomas Jefferson
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

wireless question

2005-08-10 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I have an IBM A21m ThinkPad running Fedora Core 2.
I have a Proxim/Orinoco Gold 802.11b Wireless card

It works just grand in windows, but I jucat can't seem to get Linux to 
see it.

My wireless.opts file is:

module "orinoco_cs" opts "network_name=My\ Network"


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Cthulhu for President.
 Why vote for a lesser evil?
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: wireless question

2005-08-10 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, Thomas M. Albright wrote:

> I have an IBM A21m ThinkPad running Fedora Core 2.
> I have a Proxim/Orinoco Gold 802.11b Wireless card
> It works just grand in windows, but I jucat can't seem to get Linux to 
> see it.
Found the problem. It's an  8420-WD, which is unsupported in Linux.

So, nevermind.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength.
 - Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Wireless Card for Sale

2005-08-10 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I have an Orinoco Gold 802.11b PC-Card (Manufacturer Part # 8420-WD)

I found out the hard way that it is not linux compatible.

I'd like to get $45 for it. Or trade for an linux-compatible one. :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed,
 given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
 -Dwight D.  Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] NH protest against HP printers with RFID chips Nov. 5th

2005-10-25 Thread Thomas M. Albright
How about just boycotting Wal*Mart altogether? I haven't been to a 
Wal*Mart in (I think) 8 years.

HP is not the problem.

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Randy Edwards wrote:

>On Nov. 5th there's going to be a protest at the Bedford Wal-Mart, 3:00 PM 
> to 4:30 PM, against HP's printers being sold with RFID chips.  For more 
> information: .
>  Regards,
>  .
>  Randy

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "The Irish are not in a conspiracy to cheat the world by false
 representations of the merits of their countrymen. No, Sir; the Irish
 are a fair people; -- they never speak well of one another."
 -- Samuel Johnson.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] NH protest against HP printers with RFID chips Nov. 5th

2005-10-26 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Andrew W. Gaunt wrote:

> BTW - If a ticket were to be issued based on EZ pass data
> how would it proved absolutely that the person who owns the EZ pass
> was the person driving whatever vehicle was going over the speed
> limit.Perhaps there are more than one dirver, perhaps the car or pass
> is being loaned out to a friend.
Your car should be your responsibility. If your friend can't drive 
resposibly, perhaps he shouldn't be driving your car.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we
 are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and
 servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
 -Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President (1858-1919)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] NH protest against HP printers with RFID chips Nov. 5th

2005-10-26 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Bill McGonigle wrote:

> On Oct 26, 2005, at 16:13, Thomas M. Albright wrote:
> > Your car should be your responsibility. If your friend can't drive
> > resposibly, perhaps he shouldn't be driving your car.
> Same standard for my gun?
Well ... yeah. In fact cars kill many more people each year than guns.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 I finally just let my bitter cynic (a relative of the morbid kind) beat
 my hopeless romantic to death ... it's just easier that way.
 -- Herbert Nowell
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] NH protest against HP printers with RFID chips Nov. 5th

2005-10-26 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Andrew W. Gaunt wrote:

> That view is simplistic and does not address the more complicated
> realities, however.

> Are rental car companies responsible for the speeding violations
> of those renting?

No; note the difference between renting and borrowing. You are paying to 
use the car. Your name is in the records as the current user of the car. 
If the car is used to break the law, you are responsible.

> Are employers responsible for speeding violations of employees when
> driving company owned vehicles?

See the above answer. It's all in the paperwork.

> Are parents responsible for speeding violations of their children when
> the kids borrow the car from Mom or Dad?

They should be. Parents should always be held accountable for the
actions of their minor children. I can say that: I am a parent. If I
don't teach my kid properly, so he doesn't know right from wrong, that
should be put on me as much, if not more, than him.

> Are you responsible for the speeding violations or any other stupid or
> accidental thing your freind might get involved with when borrowing
> your car?
Yes. That's why I don't let just anybody borrow my car.
> It's not the car, it's the driver; ergo my question.
It's your car, it's your problem; ergo my answer.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 You can always tell the people that are forging the new frontier.
 They're the ones with arrows sticking out of their backs.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] NH protest against HP printers with RFID chips Nov. 5th

2005-10-26 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Bill McGonigle wrote:

> On Oct 26, 2005, at 19:12, Thomas M. Albright wrote:
> > Well ... yeah. In fact cars kill many more people each year than guns.
> So if I leant a pistol to a friend (who was duly licensed) to go shoot 
> at the range and he went and shot up a [insert harmless segment of 
> society] you'd want me on trial for murder 1?
No, simple negligent homicide. If you can prove to a jury that you were 
sure he was a safe gun user then you'll walk. If you let your friend 
borrow your gun just because he's got a license, you're being negligent.

> Glad you're not a judge.
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 If there really is a God who created the entire universe with all of
 its glories, and he decides to deliver a message to humanity, he will
 NOT use as his messenger a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle or in
 some cases, really bad make-up too. -- Source: "Dave Barry turns 50"
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT] NH protest against HP printers with RFID chips Nov. 5th

2005-10-26 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, bryan wrote:

> Under this logic, if someone steals my car, then, since there's no 
> "paperwork" 
> I'm responsible for what the thief does with it.

A police report is paperwork.

> and if I'm not, then why am I responsible when someone borrows it ?  If I 
> create a written document that they sign before they borrow it, am I then not 
> responsible because of that "paperwork"? who decides what "paperwork" is 
> acceptable and what is not?  what if they borrow the car without my knowledge 
> or permission ?

That's theft. File a police report.

> If I borrow an axe from you, and there's no "paperwork" saying such,
> and then use it to hack my wife to death are you then responsible ?
> Can I borrow an axe?

No. I don't lend things to people unless I know they know how to use
them and I know what it'll be used for. tada! My ass is covered. No one
but me uses my gun unless I'm right there to supervise. No one but me
uses my car at all.

Why is that such a difficult concept?

Oh, and please don't top-post.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. -Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2006-01-24 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Fred wrote:

> What I am really concerned about is some "ganster agency" using a blanket 
> sniffing technology like "Carn1v0re", for instance, to do a broad sweep of 
> packet gathering so they can sift through it later.
I just wanna know, why didn't you just say Carnivore?

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "Are these morons getting dumber or just louder?"
 -Mayor Joe Quimby
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Notebook Network Issues

2006-02-07 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I have an old Acer Extensa 368D notebook computer I want to use as my 
router. I installed Fedora Core 3 and everthing went fine. Or so it 
seemed ...

The network *says* it's running, but I can't get out!

The card is a Netgear FA510
Restarting the PCMCIA gives me:
 Shutting down PCMCIA services: ERROR: Module ds is in use by 
 ERROR: Module pcmcia_core is in use by yenta_socket,pcnet_cs,ds
 Starting PCMCIA services: cardmgr[2955]: open_sock(socket 2) 
 failed: Bad file descriptor
 cardmgr[2955]: watching 2 sockets

This card worked fine when the laptop was running RedHat 6.2

How do I fix that?

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.
 - Tacitus, 56-120 A.D.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Notebook Network Issues

2006-02-09 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Ben said:
>  Boot the machine with the card removed.
>  Check the logs and/or dmesg for problems with PCMCIA.
'dmesg | grep -i pcmcia' came back empty
So I tried restarting PCMCIA:
/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart
hutting down PCMCIA services: done.
Starting PCMCIA services: cardmgr [2579]: open_sock(socket 2) failed:
bad file descriptor
cardmger [2579]: watching 2 sockets

When I instered the card i saw:
PCI: Enabling device :05:00.0 ( -> 0003)

lsmod before and after only showed one change: yenta_socket changed
from 'Used by 0' to 'Used by 1'

/etc/modprobe.conf says:
  alias eth0 tulip
but trying 'insmod eth0' returns
  insmod: can't read 'eth0': no such file or directory
and trying 'insmod tulip' returns
  insmod: can't read 'tulip': no such file or directory

My routing tables look good, the firewall has been flushed, and I still
can't ping even inside the network.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 -Give a man a fish & he's fed for a day. Teach him to fish & he'll spend
 all day drinking beer getting sunburned.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Notebook Network Issues

2006-02-12 Thread Thomas M. Albright
OK, I still don't know what the problem is. The FA510 worked in RedHat 
6.2, and 8.0 but just won't work in Fedora Core 3.

I downloaded the PCMCIA package update (to a different computer) and 
used a disk to get it to the notebook. Once I upgrade PCMCIA, I tried 
again. Still got nothing (although the error when restarting pcmcia went 
away). So I tried an FA410 instead of the 510, and it worked. So that's 
what I'm going to use.

Thanks for everyones help! No I just need to figure out if I can use the 
winmodem (LT Win Modem - HSM0a19)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.
 --Jay Leno
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Linux Books and Software

2006-02-28 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I am cleaning my office and need to clear out a variety of software and
books. I hate throwing this stuff away, so I thought I might pass it on
here or at least get ideas where else I might send it. If nothing else,
I'm sure the library will take some of it.

 - Applixware 6.0 Office for Linux
 - Caldera systems Linux Technology Preview
 - Debian GNU/Linux ©1999(including Learning Debian GNU/Linux)
 - Mandrake Linux 6.0 Deluxe
 - Mandrake Linux 7.1
 - Mandrake Linux 8.1 Power Pack Edition
 - RedHat Linux 5.1
 - RedHat Linux 6.0 Extra
 - RedHat Linux 6.1
 - RedHat Linux 6.1 Deluxe
 - RedHat Linux 6.2 Deluxe
 - RedHat Linux 7
 - RedHat Linux 7 Deluxe
 - RedHat Linux 7.1 Deluxe
 - RedHat Linux 7.2 Professional
 - RedHat Linux 8.0 Professional
 - RedHat Linux 9
 - StarOffice 6.0
 - TurboLinux 6.0 Workstation
 - WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux

Books (* = CD Included):
[Author - Title - Publisher]
Hein, Jochen - Linux Companion for System Administrators - Addison
Wesley - ©1999
Hein, Jochen - Linux Companion for System Administrators 2d Edition -
Addison Wesley - ©2001
Lathrop, John P. - Linux in Small Business: A Practical Users Guide -
Apress - ©2002
Pritchard, Kara J. - Exam Cram RHCE Exam RH 302 - Coriolis - ©1999
Tsuji and Watanabe - Setting Up A Linux Intranet Server - CoriolisOpen
Press - ©2000
McKinnon and McKinnon - Installing and Administering Linux - Gearhead
Press - ©2000
McKinnon and McKinnon - Customizing and Upgrading Linux - Gearhead Press
- ©2000
Bellomo, Michael - Linux Administration for Dummies* - IDG Books -
Goerzen, John - Linux Programming Bible - IDG Books - ©2000
Griffith, Arthur - Gnome/GTK+ Programming Bible* - IDG Books - ©2000
Kabir, Mohammed J. - RedHat Linux Administrators Handbook - IDG Books -
Carling, Degler, and Dennis - Linux System Adminstration - New Riders -
Northcutt, Cooper, Fearnow, and Fredrick - Intrusion Signatures and
Analysis - New Riders - ©2001
Ziegler, Robert L. - Linux Firewalls - New Riders - ©2000
Ziegler, Robert L. - Linux Firewalls 2d Edition - New Riders - ©2002
Hall, John R. and Loki Software Inc. - Programming Linux Games - No
Starch Press - ©2001
Siever, Ellen - Linux In A Nutshell 2d Edition - O'Reilly - ©1997
Egan, Dave - Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide* - Osborne -
Hatch, Lee, and Kurtz - Hacking Linux Exposed - Osborne - ©2001
Petersen, Richard - Linux Programming Reference 2d Edition - Osborne -
Hammel, Michael J. - Essential GIMP for Web Professionals - Prentice
Hall - ©2001
Mann and Mitchell - Linux System Security - Prentice Hall - ©2000
McCune, Mike - Integrating Linux and Windows - Prentice Hall - ©2001
Toxen, Bob - Real World Linux Security - Prentice Hall - ©2001
Collins, Mark "Nurgle" - Linux Game Programming* - Prima Tech - ©2001
Martinez, Theresa Hadden - LPIC Prep Kit Exam 101 - QUE - ©2000
Wall, Kurt - Linux Programming by Example - QUE - ©2000
Anonymous - Maximum Linux Security* - SAMS Press - ©2000
Ball, Bill - Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours* - SAMS Press - ©1998
Castro Lopo, Aitken, and Jones - Teach Yourself C for Linux Programming
- SAMS Press - ©2000
Martin, Donna - Teach Yourself GTK+ Programming in 21 Days - SAMS Press
- ©2000
Purcell, J. - Linux Complete Command Reference* - SAMS Press - ©1997
Zhang and Gay - Linux Programming, Complete Learning Edition*+ - SAMS
Press - ©1997 and 1999
Hammel, Michael J. - The Artists Guide to the GIMP* - SSC - ©1999
Hunt, Craig - Linux Network Servers - Sybex - ©1999
Hunt, Craig - Linux DNS Server Administration - Sybex - ©2000
Taylor, Grant - Linux Complete - Sybex - ©1999
Lin, Norman - Linux 3D Graphics Programming* - Wordware - ©2001
+ includes Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours ©1997 an
   Teach Yourself Linux Programming in 24 Hours ©1999

I also have a 2003 Ford Focus for sale, but that's not really Linux

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even
 when there are no rivers. --Nikita Khruschev
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux Books and Software

2006-03-05 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Just an update:

I'll be bringing all the books and software to the next CentraLUG 
meeting. After that, I will post a list of what's left for whoever wants 

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they
 have to say something. -- Plato
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

LinuxWorld Bostom

2006-04-04 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Could someone please pick me up a Fedora Core 5 DVD if they have any 
tmorrow? I was there today and I was told they won't be getting any 
disks in until tomorrow. I'll glady pay any postage if needed.

The only downside to my dial-up connection is I can't do big downloads.

Thanks in advance!

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are only two industries that call their customers users, illegal
 drugs and computers. --Edward Tufte
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Linux Wireless

2006-05-13 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Can anyone recommend a good wireless card for my laptop? It's an IBM 
A21m running Fedora Core release 3. I'm currently using a Lucent
Technologies Orinoco Gold, but it's kinda bent since my laptop fell off
the table and landed on edge on the card. I'd like something I can
pickup instead of mailorder.


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "The people have spoken, the bastards." -Democrat Morris Udall, after
 losing one in a string of primaries
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Out of office

2006-06-08 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Michael ODonnell wrote:

> "Dan Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I will be out of the office starting  06/08/2006 and will not return until
> >06/12/2006.
> Uh, o.
> Could somebody maybe temporarily unsubscribe this guy
> if his email system is going to SPAM the list every
> time a message is posted?
How is a vacation message spam? Annoying, yes: spam, no.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.
 -Thomas Carlyle, writer (1795-1881)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: uname output ?

2002-08-18 Thread Thomas M. Albright

On 17 Aug 2002, Paul Iadonisi wrote:

> Add to that the fact that Red Hat's latest beta, Limbo2 ...

I tried to go look at, maybe download, the new beta but all I got were 
empty directories. I don't suppose you have some .iso's or maybe even 
actual cd's we (actually I) could borrow? :)

P.S. - RedHat is LSB certified! Yay!

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 As you and I both know, the software may be free, but the beer isn't.
 --Jon "maddog" Hall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: uname output ?

2002-08-19 Thread Thomas M. Albright

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, mike ledoux wrote:

> I'm curious; just how do you identify if a system is Debian or Red Hat?
> I've yet to find a reliable method.
cat /etc/redhat-release. if it doesn't work, you're not using redhat. :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship.
  -- Harry Truman

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Problems with Gnomes

2002-09-02 Thread Thomas M. Albright

I'm running RH 7.3 and Gnome 1.4. How can I stop nautilus from mounting 
the cd-rom everytime I insert a CD?

I have VMware running XP. When I load a CD to do some installing on XP, 
stupid friggin' Gnome steals the CD drive from me!


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are only two industries that call their customers users, illegal
 drugs and computers. --Edward Tufte

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Red Hat Beta iso

2002-09-18 Thread Thomas M. Albright

Thanks to everyone for their help. I ended up getting the iso files from 
Germany. :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular.
 -Adlai Stevenson, statesman (1900-1965)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

bash question

2002-09-23 Thread Thomas M. Albright

I don't have any of my bash scripting books handy so I figured I'd ask
here: I have a script that checks due dates. I use `date +%j` to convert
both today and the date due into day of year. (eg - today is 266) I then
subtract today from the due date.

If the due date is greater than today, it outputs the message "Due in x
days." If the due date is less than today I get a message saying "You
are -x days past due." How can I convert the negative number into a
positive one in bash?

Thanks in advance!

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his
 fellow citizens. -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and
 author (1743-1826)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: bash question

2002-09-23 Thread Thomas M. Albright

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 11:37:40 EDT
> "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> >If the due date is greater than today, it outputs the message "Due in x
> >days." If the due date is less than today I get a message saying "You
> >are -x days past due." How can I convert the negative number into a
> >positive one in bash?
> Well, assuming that 'x' is a variable which contains some whole 
> number representing the number of days in which 'it' is due, a 
> negative number representing an over-due 'it', then:
>   abs_x=`echo '$x' | sed s/-//`
> ought to do it.
Yay! Thanks!

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much. - Chris Wall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Red Hat 8.0 is 'official'

2002-10-02 Thread Thomas M. Albright

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 22:12:15 EDT
> >  Or are you referring to the much-overblown "Bluecurve" issue?
> Since I don't follow RH's releases very closely anymore, care to 
> educate me (and other non-RH fanatics :) on what the "Bluecurve" 
> issue is?
Bluecurve is (at the most basic level) just a theme. It's Red Hat's new
default theme for both Gnome and KDE, so the two look and act as much
alike as they can. It doesn't actually merge the two desktop GUIs, it
just helps ease any confusion, and allows for greather interaction
between GUI specific apps. Thanks to some source tweaking by Red Hat
Gnome apps will (supposedly) run more smothly in KDE than in other 
distros, and vice-versa.

At least, that's how I understand it.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular.
 -Adlai Stevenson, statesman (1900-1965)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

RH 8.0 Question

2002-10-07 Thread Thomas M. Albright

OK, where does one change the window manager in Gnome in Red Hat 8?

I can't find it in any of the Preferences or Settings menus.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much. - Chris Wall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: RH 8.0 Question

2002-10-07 Thread Thomas M. Albright

On 7 Oct 2002, Ben Boulanger wrote:

> On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 22:14, Thomas M. Albright wrote:
> > OK, where does one change the window manager in Gnome in Red Hat 8?
> In KDE (not sure about gnome), it's under Extras, System Settings,
> Desktop Switching Tool.
I can change the desktop. I need to just change thye window manager 
running under gnome.

Thanks though.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Courage, Real courage, is no quick fix. It doesn't come in a bottle or a
 pill, It comes from discipline. From taking everything life hands you and
 being your best either because of it or in spite of it. -- Ty Murray

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: RH 8.0 Question

2002-10-08 Thread Thomas M. Albright

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Ken Ambrose wrote:

> Apparently, it ain't there.  The way I do it (I'm in 7.x, but I don't see
> why it wouldn't work) is:
> 1) Kill my current window manager (eg. "killall sawfish")
> 2) Startup up the window manager I want ("nohup enlightenment&")
> 3) Save my session (Foot -> Programs -> Settings -> Session -> Save current session)
> Then exit out, gracefully, go back in, and see if it fires up.
In 7.x you can change it in the Gnome Control Center.

Does anyone have an opinion on KDE in RH 8? I may end up switching...

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "There is no right to fair use." -- Preston Padden, head of government
 relations for Walt Disney Corp.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Update Hell

2002-10-28 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I just updated the kernel on my (Red Hat 6.2) laptop. The only kernel
packages needing updating were kernel, kernel-pcmcia-cs, and
kernel-utils. I did them, rewrote lilo, reran lilo, then rebooted.

Now pcmcia won't start. Argh!

Can anyone help? This is what is being reported when I try to start 
Starting PCMCIA services: modules/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: 
unresolved symbol request_mem_region
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol release_mem_region
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol pci_set_power_state
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol pci_enable_device
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol unregister_ss_entry
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol pci_irq_mask
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol register_ss_entry
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol CardServices
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/ds.o: unresolved symbol proc_pccard
/lib/modules/2.2.22-6.2.2/pcmcia/ds.o: unresolved symbol CardServices

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much. - Chris Wall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Update Hell

2002-10-28 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I need to make a few points, I guess.

kernel-2.2.22 may be an old kernel, but 2.2.22-6.2.2 is the latest 
patched version of the kernel. If not for the local exploit, I'd happily 
still be running 2.2.19-6.2.16

I never have, and God willing, I never will, build a kernel. If there is 
no rpm, then I hope I don't need it.

'make modules' and 'make modules install' won't work since my laptop is 
also my firewall/router and has pretty much nothing but the kernel, 
networking, pcmcia, and ipchains installed. (And of course the relevent 

Upgrading to a newer kernel/distribution is not a valid option either. I
tried that at home, and I am now getting more error messages, and
missing files, than I ever had before. [What the hell is (GLIBC_PRIVATE version)?]

All I wanted to do was rpm -ivh new.kernel and reboot. I have since 
rebooted back into the old kernel, and now I'm having network problems. 
(I'm still troubleshooting, I may ask about them later.)

Now that we all know my situation, that's for everyone's help up to now. 

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "There is no right to fair use." -- Preston Padden, head of government
 relations for Walt Disney Corp.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Update Hell

2002-10-28 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   Please post the output of the following commands:
>   rpm -qa | grep kernel

>   uname -a
Linux 2.2.22-6.2.2 #1 Mon Ser 23 07:15:28 EDT 2002 i586 unknown

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 As you and I both know, the software may be free, but the beer isn't.
 --Jon "maddog" Hall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Update Hell

2002-10-28 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, mike ledoux wrote:

> My guess is that he's either still booting his old kernel, or that
> 'depmod -a' is failing for some reason.
The first answer is: nope, I booted into 2.2.22-6.2.2

The second answer is: no idea. I've run depmod -a a couple of times with 
no errors reported. Running 'depmod -v | grep fail' gives me a bunch of 
output, all starting with xftw. (Whatever that is.)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 (from the .sig file of Rodrigo Henriquez M.)
 May the penguin be with you!

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Update Hell

2002-10-28 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Thomas M. Albright messed up:

> Now that we all know my situation, that's for everyone's help up to now. 

Should be "thanks"

> :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship.
  -- Harry Truman

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Benson, NH, and open source (fwd)

2002-12-09 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Here's a thought ...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:56:29 -0500 (EST)
From: David R. Dick
To: Thomas M. Albright
Subject: Benson, NH, and open source

Now that Benson is talking about the state's computer
systems (27 different ones) and the need to integrate
and otherwise fix them, there is a unique opportunity
for open source.  I just don't know if there is enough
gumption around to even begin that battle.

I don't know if you read slash-dot, but every now
and then there are encouraging reports about government
and open source, e.g.,

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "There is no right to fair use." -- Preston Padden, head of government
 relations for Walt Disney Corp.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

GRUB Question (was Re: RH 8.0 and Win XP ?? )

2003-02-03 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Tom Buskey wrote:

> I've used both lilo & grub.  They both work well.
OK, what is the GRUB equivalent of "linux single" (or "linux 1") at the 
LILO prompt? Actually, what woulb be the GRUB equivalents for any of the 
LILO run-level options?

I can't find *anything* about that.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 You can make it illegal, but you can't make it unpopular.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: AOL now rejecting mail from Comcast residential IPs.

2003-03-30 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003, Derek Martin wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:26:11PM -0500, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> > > Last time I checked, Comcast's "business" rate is more than twice their
> > > residential rate yet still suffers from the same "no server" restrictions
> > > - they force you to use their SMTP and web servers, and still won't
> > > provide static IP addresses. So that's not a viable option for small
> > > organizations that want to preserve their network identity.
> > 
> > This is probably true. Most likely, there are underlying motives that
> > are far less altruistic. However, their TOS *DOES* state that no servers
> > are allowed. So, if someone is running a server in violation of their
> > ISP's TOS, and someone like AOL wants to block it, then it is well
> > withing their right.
> Well, it's well within AOL's right to block whatever they want, but
> /my/ TOS agreement is between me and my provider.  Not AOL.  My TOS is
> none of their [EMAIL PROTECTED] business.
But *your* ISP says no servers. AOL, knowing that, is blocking anything 
from your ISP that is not an approved IP address. You are violating your 
ISP's TOS, so AOL is blocking you.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 As you and I both know, the software may be free, but the beer isn't.
 --Jon "maddog" Hall

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

: tutorial Storage/Security/Business Intelligence (fwd)

2003-04-01 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I was asked to see if I could find anyone willing to do this. Please 
contact me off-list if you're interested.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one
 whom we love. -Madame De Stael, writer (1766-1817)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 16:09:22 +0200
From: Roberto Zicari
To: Thomas M. Albright
Subject: : tutorial Storage/Security/Business Intelligence

I have a question:  would you be interested to give a half day
technical tutorial (2.5 or 3 hours) to one or more of our Storage
Days in 2003? (see schedule below).

Preferred topics are:

- Security in Centralized and Distributed systems

- Business Continuity und Desaster Recovery 

- Storage and Business Intelligence

- Introduction to Storage Technologies: 
SAN (Storage Area Network) 
NAS (Network Attached Storage) 
SoE (Storage on Ethernet) 
DAS (Direct Attached Storage) 
SAS (Server Attached Storage) 
Fibre Channel

- Creating and Mantaining a Storage Management Architecture

- Implementation and Management of SANs and Fibre Channel 

- Topology planning, bandwidth, and interoperability issues 

- Data retrieval, device management, tools and tips 

- Standards for Storage Networking 

Target audience is technical:
Technical IT managers, Responsible for Data Centers, Portal
Providers, Internet Providers,
Designers and Architects, Project Leaders, Programmers, Web
Programmers and Web Masters.

For the half day tutorial, we would pay you a flat fee of EURO
400- which includes preparation costs and part of your travel
costs, and in addition we would pay you a 1 night hotel (if
needed it) at the hotel near where the event takes place.

Please let me know if you are interested, and if yes, for which events.

I would then need some more details information from you:

- tutorial title
- name and Affiliation of the tutorial speaker
- level (pls choose): introductory, intermediate, advanced
- target group (pls choose): Technical IT managers, Responsible
for Data Centers, Portal 
  Providers, Internet Providers, Designers and Architects,
Project Leaders, Programmers, 
  Web Programmers and Web Masters.
- Short bio of the tutorial speaker.
- Short description of the tutorial
- Digital photo of the tutorial speaker

Hope to hear from you...

In case, this is not your area of expertize, would you be able to
reccomend us a collegue who might be interested in doinng a
tutorial? Thanks a lot!

Best Regards

Roberto Zicari

Storage Days 2003 Schedule:

Event   Date

Storage Day Amsterdam   May 12, 2003
Storage Day Birmingham  May 13, 2003
Storage Day Frankfurt   May 14, 2003
Storage Day Zurich  May 15, 2003
Storage Day Milan   May 16, 2003
Storage Day HelsinkiJune 17, 2003
Storage Day OsloJune 18, 2003
Storage Day Copenhagen  June 19, 2003

More details at:


gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Audio CD Creating

2003-05-27 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Hi gang! I'm having a problem. (Again) I have a slew of .ogg files. I'd 
like to make a mix-cd. I've done it before, but I can't remember how I 
did it.

Can anyone tell me of a good program that i can give a list of files to 
and it will make a music cd out of?


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)

 "Whether or not Freud was right when he muttered in exasperation that 
 the Irish were the only people who could not be helped by 
 psychoanalysis, there can be no doubt of one thing: the Irish will
 never change."

 --Thomas Cahill 

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-29 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 28 May 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:53:20 EDT
> "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> >Can anyone tell me of a good program that i can give a list of files to 
> >and it will make a music cd out of?
> Are the .ogg files individual songs, or are they small clips of a 
> larger "live" recording?  The reason I ask is that with a "live" 
> recording, the standard 2 sec spacer between songs is rather 
> annoying, but with non-live stuff, it's rather normal and unnoticable.
They're all individual songs.

> If it's live stuff, then I recommend 'gcdmaster' which is a graphical 
> front-end to cdrdao.  If it's not live stuff, then try 'cdrecord', 
> which is a command-line program and can be invoked as such:
>   cdrecord  dev=  [track1...trackN]
> I've often done things like:
>   cdrecord dev=/dev/scd1 -speed=8 `grep -v \# file.txt`
But how does cdrecord convert the .ogg file into a cdda 'file'? I want 
to be able to play this in a regular cd player.

> Or something like that in order to make "mix" CDs.
> HTH,
Somewhat, thanks. :)

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "I do not believe that they are like the Scots or the Welsh and doubt
 that they ever will be. The real British interest would I think be
 served best by pushing them towards a United Ireland rather than tying
 them closer to the United Kingdom. Our own parliamentary history is one
 long story of trouble with Ireland."
 -- Sir Alex Douglas-Hume (13 March 1972)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Audio CD Creating

2003-05-29 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 28 May 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   I don't use GUI tools for this sort of thing, and it seemed that was
> desired, so I didn't respond to the OP.  But, if command-line tools will do,
> the general form will be something like this:
CLI is just fine.

>   ogg123 -d wav -f song1.wav song1.ogg
>   ogg123 -d wav -f song2.wav song2.ogg
>   cdrecord -audio song1.wav song2.wav
OK, but I have 39 songs I want to handle ... This looks like a job for 
Shell Scripting! (Dum de DUM)

Thanks again!

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge
 number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the
 national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers.
 Now we should call them economical numbers.
 -Richard Feynman, physicist, Nobel laureate (1918-1988)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: sells Microtel PC with SuSE Linux software

2003-07-14 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Andrew W. Gaunt wrote:

> Perhaps Walmart will sue SCO into oblivion and clear up
> the mess being made.  They've got the financial resources
> to do it.
Excpet that WalMart is a worse monster than SCO. SCO sues individual 
companies. WalMart sued the state of Vermont when the state said no to 
the giant moving in.

They're not the "Caring, Community Store" they want you to belive, any 
more than SCO is UNIX.

> - 
> __
>  | 0|___||.   Andrew Gaunt *nix Sys. Admin,, etc. Lucent Technologies
> _| _| : : }   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
>  -(O)-==-o\   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> Sharpe, Richard wrote:
> >Good for SuSE!!
> >
> >
> >
> >Richard A Sharpe
> >Database Analyst and Administration (DBA) Sqlserver/DB2
> >Amherst Technologies
> >40 Continental Blvd
> >Merrimack, NH 03054
> >PHONE ...(603) 579-6180 / (800) 431-8031
> >Cell phone ..(603) 320-7785
> >FAX ...(603) 578-1072
> >
> >"Tenemos que tener fe" ("We must have faith"
> >
> >
> >___
> >gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> >
> >  
> >
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.
 -Voltaire, philosopher (1694-1778)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2003-07-24 Thread Thomas M. Albright
Is there such an app? I'm going on a road-trip and I have an mp3 player. 
Unfortunately, all of my ripped music is in .ogg format. Is there a 
better way than re-ripping everything?


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "We shall never conquer Ireland while the Bards are there."
  --Elizabeth I of England.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

adm and address blocking

2003-09-16 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I find amusing that the adm account on this machine has a mailbox full 
of spam. Amusing tho it may be, how can I stop it from happening?

Additionally, i've been getting attacked from They own the 
address range from - What would be the 
netmask to block a range like that? would block the entire 
class B, right?

Thanking you in advance,
  Your friend,
Tom Albright

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "I do not believe that they are like the Scots or the Welsh and doubt
 that they ever will be. The real British interest would I think be
 served best by pushing them towards a United Ireland rather than tying
 them closer to the United Kingdom. Our own parliamentary history is one
 long story of trouble with Ireland."
 -- Sir Alex Douglas-Hume (13 March 1972)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

RE: adm and address blocking

2003-09-16 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Travis Roy wrote:

> > I find amusing that the adm account on this machine has a mailbox full
> > of spam. Amusing tho it may be, how can I stop it from happening?
> You can use some kind of spam blocking software. Anything from spamassassin
> to a white-list style.
What if I chmod /var/spool/mail/adm to ?

> > Additionally, i've been getting attacked from They own the
> > address range from - What would be the
> > netmask to block a range like that? would block the entire
> > class B, right?
> While blocking a whole range is what a lot of people I know do, I wouldn't,
> even more so if it's AOL. Eventually you will know somebody that uses AOL,
> or if you have users on your system they will know somebody that uses AOL.
This isn't about spam, this is attacks trying to break in. (Usually
through port 1080.) Nor is this going to block all (or even most) of
aol. This is just to keep * away from me. Note: just ipt,
not mx or any other aol thing.

Spam I can filter, attacks I just kill.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge
 number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the
 national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers.
 Now we should call them economical numbers.
 -Richard Feynman, physicist, Nobel laureate (1918-1988)

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

mplayer help

2004-01-15 Thread Thomas M. Albright
mplayer works fine for me from the command line, but when I try using 
the GUI version, (gmplayer,) which is part of the mplayer installation, 
I get an error:
 Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.

Any tips of how I can make this work?


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 He who would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
 oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
 will reach to himself. -Thomas Paine, philosopher and writer (1737-1809)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Laptop Speakewr Problem

2004-01-24 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I'm not sure why, but I no longer havce sound on my laptop in Linux. I 
used to have sound. I still have sound when I boot into XP.

The only lines relevent in /var/log/messages (that I find) are:
kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:05.0
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:02.0
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 01:00.0
kernel: Crystal 4280/46xx + AC97 Audio, version 1.28.32, 11:55:45 Aug 18 2003
kernel: cs46xx: Card found at 0xf410 and 0xf400, IRQ 11
kernel: cs46xx: Thinkpad 600X/A20/T20 (1014:0153) at 0xf410/0xf400, IRQ 11
kernel: ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: CRY20 (Cirrus Logic CS4297A rev B)
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-3

Other lines referncing sound are:
modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0

I can't think of any updates I may've done that would've messed with my
sound. Any ideas?

Addition information:
# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
# uname -a
Linux littlefear 2.4.20-20.9 #1 Mon Aug 18 11:45:58 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
# modprobe -r cs46xx
cs46xx: Device or resource busy
# modprobe -d cs46xx
Module ac97_codec
kname ac97_codec
objkey ac97_codec
names: ac97_codec
mode: NORMAL
Module matching ac97_codec:
Module soundcore
kname soundcore
objkey soundcore
names: soundcore
mode: NORMAL
Module matching soundcore:
Module cs46xx
kname cs46xx
objkey cs46xx
names: cs46xx
mode: NORMAL
Module matching cs46xx:

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "There is no right to fair use." -- Preston Padden, head of government
 relations for Walt Disney Corp.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [ON Topic] How 'bout them Linux? Ain't they somethin?!

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Jon maddog Hall wrote:

> What do you look for in GNHLUG?
Advice and assistance with linux. (Like fixing the sound on my laptop.)

> What brings you to a meeting?
Either a good topic or a good speaker. (Like fixing the sound on my 

> What drives you away from a meeting?
The location and/or time of the meeting can be a detriment. That's why 
you'll never see me at Martha's. If the big (quarterly?) meetings were 
held  on a weekend, during the day rather than at night on a weekday I 
might actually show up.

> What would it take to get you to bring new members to a meeting?
Nothing really. Usually I point them at the list.

> Would you be willing to volunteer for helping to pull off some "activity"?
Depends ... who would be interested in setting up wireless and remote
access to a farm and it's outbuildings (barns/sheds/etc.)?

> Would you be willing to spend a Saturday once or twice a year in staffing
> some project?  Could you get your neighbor to do it?
See above, and you can ask Bruce Dawson as well.

> If so, do you have any activities that you would especially like to do?
> Particularly ones that you would be willing to participate in?
Again, see above.

> Finally, after thirty-five years in the computer business it took a kid from
> Finland to remind me that I got into this space to have FUNso what things
> would you like to do that would be FUN?
Also finally, see above. :) The wireless remote monitoring of the 
animals and the shelters isn't necessary, it'd just be neat.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one
 whom we love. -Madame De Stael, writer (1766-1817)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Laptop Speakewr Problem

2004-01-30 Thread Thomas M. Albright
I'm not sure why, but I no longer havce sound on my laptop in Linux. I 
used to have sound. I still have sound when I boot into XP.

The only lines relevent in /var/log/messages (that I find) are:
kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:05.0
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:02.0
kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 01:00.0
kernel: Crystal 4280/46xx + AC97 Audio, version 1.28.32, 11:55:45 Aug 18 2003
kernel: cs46xx: Card found at 0xf410 and 0xf400, IRQ 11
kernel: cs46xx: Thinkpad 600X/A20/T20 (1014:0153) at 0xf410/0xf400, IRQ 11
kernel: ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: CRY20 (Cirrus Logic CS4297A rev B)
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-3

Other lines referncing sound are:
modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1
modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0

I can't think of any updates I may've done that would've messed with my
sound. Any ideas?

Addition information:
# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
# uname -a
Linux littlefear 2.4.20-20.9 #1 Mon Aug 18 11:45:58 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
# modprobe -r cs46xx
cs46xx: Device or resource busy
# modprobe -d cs46xx
Module ac97_codec
kname ac97_codec
objkey ac97_codec
names: ac97_codec
mode: NORMAL
Module matching ac97_codec:
Module soundcore
kname soundcore
objkey soundcore
names: soundcore
mode: NORMAL
Module matching soundcore:
Module cs46xx
kname cs46xx
objkey cs46xx
names: cs46xx
mode: NORMAL
Module matching cs46xx:

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "There is no right to fair use." -- Preston Padden, head of government
 relations for Walt Disney Corp.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Meeting times and locations (was: How 'bout them Linux ...)

2004-02-04 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, at 9:20am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > The location and/or time of the meeting can be a detriment. That's why
> > you'll never see me at Martha's.
>   Elaborate, please.  Is it the geographical locale, the general atmosphere,
> or the schedule?
I live on a farm in Northwood. The quarterly meetings are Wednesdays at
7pm in Nashua. An hour drive (+/-) each way means leaving around 18.00
and getting back home around 22.00 if I don't socailaize. If I'm not
going to socialize, why bother going? I have my day-job in Manchester,
plus I have many farm chores. I can't afford to pay for help on the
farm, so my free time is really at a premium. I almost never go to the
CentralLUG meetings in the Concord area (even though it's much closer)
because it's a week-night.

Do I expect the LUG schedules to be changed to suit me? Of course not. I 
am one person with (arguably) very different circumstances. I'm just 
saying that if the meetings were held week-end afternoons instead of 
weekday nights, I would be much more likely to attend.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Laptop Speakewr Problem

2004-02-04 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, at 9:55am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I'm not sure why, but I no longer havce sound on my laptop in Linux.
>   I started typing up an elaborate message about investigating sound
> hardware, but then it occurred to me that it might be something a lot
> simpler.
>   Run "aumix".  Are any of your levels set to 0?  If so, does changing them
> to a non-zero value help?
Yes, and no. Pcm, Spkr, and Mic were at 0, everything else was at 100. 
Putting the 3 up to 100 didn't help.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "Whether or not Freud was right when he muttered in exasperation that
 the Irish were the only people who could not be helped by
 psychoanalysis, there can be no doubt of one thing: the Irish will never
 --Thomas Cahill 
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Laptop Speakewr Problem

2004-02-04 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, at 9:39am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I started typing up an elaborate message about investigating sound
> >> hardware, but then it occurred to me that it might be something a lot
> >> simpler.
> >> 
> >>   Run "aumix".  Are any of your levels set to 0?  If so, does changing
> >> them to a non-zero value help?
> >
> > Yes, and no. Pcm, Spkr, and Mic were at 0, everything else was at 100.  
> > Putting the 3 up to 100 didn't help.
>   Well, PCM is the usual "audio out" device, so that could have been part of
> the problem.  If you exit and re-enter aumix, do the new settings "stick"?  
> (We want to make sure nothing else is messing with them.)
I rebooted, and they stuck, so I guess that was it. Yay!!!


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge
 number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the
 national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers.
 Now we should call them economical numbers.
 -Richard Feynman, physicist, Nobel laureate (1918-1988)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Problem

2004-04-21 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Travis Roy wrote:

> Mark Komarinski wrote:
> > I'm not sure if this is MA wide (I forget what other towns did)
> > but my town has scantron-ish forms that you may remember from
> > the SAT.  Get the paper ballot, fill in the ovals with a marker,
> > run it through the scanner on the way out and the ballot goes
> > into a vault.  No idea if the scanner makes sure the ballot is
> > valid, given that I fill it out properly each time.  I think.
> That was kind of my point. How do you know those things are not flawed 
> in some way, or fixed? How do you know if it counted your vote 
> correctly? Forget about new fangled computers, I'm talking about 
> exsisting systems. What if something happened and it switches Dems for 
> Reps or something like that.. Unless a recount is demanded we would 
> really never know.
That's kinda the poit though: With a paper trail there *can be* a 
recount. With a computer-only system, all the data would be corrupt. 
Personally, I would not feel secure without that safety net.

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its
 government.  -Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (1927-1989)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GNHLUG Nashua meeting, next Wed., May 26, Marthas

2004-05-21 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Fri, 21 May 2004, Rob Lembree wrote:

>What: Introduction to Fedora
>  Who: Justin Seiferth
>Where: Martha's Exchange, Nashua, NH, second floor
> Date: Wed, 26 May 2004
> Time: Presentation at 7:30 PM; dinner starts around 6:00 PM
> Justin Seiferth will present an introduction and overview of the
> Fedora Distribution.
Core 1, Core 2, or just Fedora in general?

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
 -Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate (1879-1955)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: DVD movie player in Linux

2004-07-01 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, Sharpe, Richard wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to find a Linux based DVD movie player to run one of my
> LINUX installation's, I have one provided with the distro is crippled. Any
> help is greatly appreciated.
I've been using mplayer without any problems. Well, the only problems
I've had have been sound or video card related, never any problem with
the software.


TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 "You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy,
 the best golfer is a black guy, France is accusing the US of arrogance,
 and Germany doesn't want to go to war."
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Bookstores [Was: Re: Going OT [Was: Re: Replacing PBXes with Open Source]]

2004-08-31 Thread Thomas M. Albright
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Ted Roche wrote:

> We live in interesting times!

Isn't that a Chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times."

TARogue (Linux user number 234357)
 We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one
 whom we love. -Madame De Stael, writer (1766-1817)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list