[Goanet] Review: The violin from Venice visits an audience in Panjim

2009-04-08 Thread Goanet News

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

The violin from Venice visits an audience in Panjim

Les Menezes welcomes the
growing Italian cultural
influence in Goa and in
particular, the musical
experience of deeply felt
performances of rarely heard
solo violin music from Venice.

_/ Send in your feedback to the
_/ writer: les.mene...@gmail.com

"This Church with all those marvelous steps has been standing
here in the heart of this wonderful city for longer than the
oldest music I am playing tonight", enthused the young
exuberant violinist Sara Michieletto who has Venice and music
making in her blood. Her teacher, Volpato, is from the old
Venetian school of violin and she is a member of both the La
Fenice Orchestra and the La Fenice String Trio, Venice.

She has toured the world with the String Trio and with the
Italian Chamber Orchestra and Salvatore Accardo. Her
enthusiasm for the violin wraps round you in a warm embrace.
She breathes the violin and her total living in the light of
the violin, creates an irresistible aura.

  Panjim's famous Church of the Immaculate
  Conception, thanks to the ever encouraging Fr Antim
  Gomes, welcomed a capacity audience, on March 30,
  to her very special solo violin recital of music
  from Venice, ranging from the seventeenth to the
  twentieth centuries.

The Italian Embassy Cultural Centre, New Delhi, and Dr Dal
Negro, the Consolato Italiano Onorario di Goa, who bring
Italian artists working in India to Goa should take a bow,
for making it possible for us to experience the Sara magic.

Dr Angela Trezza from the Italian Embassy Cultural Centre,
New Delhi says that the Centre is "keen not to impose Italian
music and culture on the Indian people but rather to create a
dialogue through working together."

She added Sara was an ideal choice because "Sara has studied
Indian music and acquired a deep love for it and in this
context, has chosen her music very carefully to strike a
chord with her Indian public."

Sara began the recital with a rarely heard piece by the
famous self-styled 'violin amateur', Tomaso Albinoni whose
Adagio has found an endearing place even in the hearts of
people on the fringes of Classical western music. Her rich
tone and assured performance immediately settled the audience
into a cosy evening of musical treasures.

Francesco Guarnieri with his feet in both the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, unknown to most audiences, found a
passionate voice in Sara's deep exploration of his varied
expressivity, in three of his twelve Capriccios. The
soundscapes of the sparkling colours of a Venice Carnival, a
foggy day in Venice and the rhythmical movement of a gondola
on water took us on meditative, introspective journeys into
self. A rare treat indeed.

Even more adventurous was Nildo Sanvido's 'Sur Place' (2005),
which challenges our hearing with just one note (E flat) kept
for more than ten minutes with everyday sounds (lovingly
brought to life by four of our budding musicians) and
position shifts on the violin and in body rotation, creating
subtle variations.

  The music expresses the soul of the present and
  appeals to our actual being -- a meditative sonic
  journey. It was a pity that some of the sounds were
  lost at the back of the church owing to problems
  with the microphone placement.

Giuseppe Tartini is famous for his 'Devil's Thrill' violin
sonata. We were privileged to experience a very Indian
sounding piece 'Marco Polo Wandering', which made me wonder
whether he was exposed to Indian music during his visit here.
Sara played it sitting down in front of the main altar and
reproduced the Indian sounding sonorities very convincingly.

Some people complained that they could not see her from the back.

Tartini's 'Allegro Assai' was a showstopper, played from a
copy of the original manuscript. Sara's vigorous, vibrant
performance of the double stops and virtuosic passages, was a
sheer delight and was repeated as an encore that brought the
audience to its feet.

Sara's project in India entitled 'The Strains of Violin' in
collaboration with the Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (IICCI) and under the patronage of the La Fenic
Theatre (Venice) sets out to share the experience of the
violin sound through live performances of a wide range of
music from Venice.

Her extensive background of music and theatre, enables her to
achieve a holistic approach to education. The main focus of
her project is getting child

[Goanet] Konkanni Kovita - Avoi

2009-04-08 Thread Freddy Fernandes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)



Sorv-xirext  vorthi khorni votvota Avoiponnachi 

Avoi asta ek devi apurbayechea burgeamchi

Apleach kusveant pallun zolom dinvunchi

Bouv vorthi ani moladik kornni eka Avoichi


Avoiponnache besar ti soglich murgot'ta

Tichem purai jivit ekdomunch bodolta

Nov muinem pasun kusveant gevun bounvta

Prosud janvchea vellar koxtantlean ti sukh gheta 


Dis asleao rati korun, rati asleo dis korun

Aplea burgeam khatir gham varovoun   

Tanchea nazuk jivachi sodd ghevun

Lhan aslim vhodlim khelim koxht dogd sonsun


Avoicho mogacho thav amkam kedinch melcho-nam

Tichea mogacho jur pasun fari-korunk zaunvcho-nam

Apnamkuch unnem korun burgeank potbor khavoita

Oxem fokot eka Avoicheach jivitant goddta


Ihan aslim vhodlim pollovun avoi sontosta

Tori pun burgeamchi dasti khorit asta

Burgeamchea fudarachim sopnam sopneta

Sonvsarant thankam ek sukhi jivit anvddeta


Jivitachea kuichai paunvdear avoi borobor asta

Sukant toxim dukant amkam sangat ti dita

Piddeant amkam ek borvanso zata

Amchea kosleai ulleak rokdich ti pauvta


Ghorabeant chodxim burgim avoi sangata asta

Avoiche bore gun tankam ek mollachi dekh zata

Burgieak borim monxam korunk avoichean ghotta

  Avoi vorvimch amchean ek boro somaz ghodunk eta


Burgim vhadon vhodd zatoch avoik marchim nui xilam

Tichea oskotayient, tujea ghottayien tika marumdi paulam

Tichea zantea-ponat zanvchim ami apurbayiechim ballam 

Tichea mogan respet-man boromdi amchim mona-kalzam 


Lhan aslim vhodd khorunk jivit jieali koxhtamchem

Tichea abaung tiagachem foll ami tika dinvchem

Jivitant ami kednach mol na korchem

Amchea Aviochea vorthea dudachem


Jivitache tilsanjer dukhi jivit tika na divunchem

Mattea voilem vojem somzun azilant na sodchem 

Urlelem jivit famili sangata kuxhallkayien sarchem

Magtam sontosachea pain'neatuch jivit tichem sompoichem 



Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa

2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa

Occasionally, I do get this type of requests.
This one has come from a  lady from London
I am quoting it below in original including the subject line  etc

Would some one come back on this here or write to me privately please?



Subj: Dev Tuka Boro Dis Divum

Hello Joe,
I hope you don't mind me contacting you direct, but I've been a 
silent subscriber to Goanet for a few years now and enjoy 
your photographic input immensely.  
I've been visiting Goa now for the last nine years and have made 
some wonderful, lifelong friends.  Along the way I've picked up 
some Konkani, merely pleasantries etc etc.  I wonder if you know of 
anyone in the Greater London area who would be prepared to teach 
a novice?  Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Dev Borem Korum 



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Caste, an old story that mostly never gets told

2009-04-08 Thread Goanet Reader

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Caste, an old story that mostly never gets told

By Kalanand Mani and Frederick Noronha

In power earlier this decade, Goa's BJP government ran into
an unexpected issue. They needed speedy firefighting to solve
a vex atious caste problem that broke out, of all places, in
a crema torium.

  'Upper' and intermediate caste Hindus from
  Verla-Canca, Bardez objected to 'lower'
  scheduled-castes being cremated in a common area.
  To complicate matters, local authorities initially
  seemed to initially support this stance by offering
  to build 'another crematorium' for the Dalits. The
  latter mainly comprised of the basket-weaving Mahar
  community, who have a lowly place in the caste

Earlier, 'upper' castes questioned the Dalits plan to cremate
their dead in a crematorium they said they had been built, but
with part State funding. 'Upper' castes argued that the Dalits
earlier would bury their dead for generations, not cremate them.
In reply, the Dalits said that earlier they were simply too poor
to afford fire-wood to cremate their dead. But now they could
afford it.

Discrimination even after death?

''One Dalit was cremated on August 15 (2001). In the second case,
on September 11, there was strong opposition to another attempt
to cremate a Dalit at Verla-Canca,'' social activist and writer
Dadu Mandrekar said. Some years earlier Mandrekar was in the news
for facing threats from the Shiv Sena, who didn't like the tone
and tenor of his Dalit campaigns on social rights.

Former leaders of students organisations in Goa -- some involved
then in launching a Goa People's Front -- called on influential
local Hindu religious leaders. People's Front convenor advocate
Satish Sonak later quoted religious leaders as criticising
''caste discrimination'' in the Verla-Canca crematorium as ''most
disgraceful acts'' which had no basis in Dharmashastra.

Some 25 activists -- many ex-student leaders of the 'seventies
generation in Goa -- called on religious leaders to impress on
their disciples the need for equality and humanity. Ex-judge
Dharmadhikari also visited the village. After coming under the
media glare, a truce was called. Villagers pledged to stand
united against discrimination, as the media reported.

* * *

Dalits, at the extreme lower end of the caste ladder, have
occasionally made it to the headlines for the discrimination they
face. But others like the aboriginal communities of Goa --
Gavdas, Kunbi, Velips and Dhangars -- might simply not get the

One mystery is even how these communities had to wait look, till
around 2004, for them to be included in the Scheduled Tribes

In December 2001, the Lok Sabha Secretariat Committee on
Petitions noted that these four communities ''have been
categorised as tribes by sociologists and historians from time
immemorial.'' It argued that even during the long tenure of
Portuguese rule, the Gavda, Kunbi, Velip and Dhangar communities
were treated as tribes. Noted the panel: ''Certain communities
from Daman and Diu have been notified as Scheduled Tribes in
relation to Goa whereas local ethnic communities of Goa have been
left out.''[

Writes Anita Haladi: ''Though the Gavde may have originally
been the owners of land, the development of formal ownership
patterns led to the ownership rights ultimately being
transferred to the upper caste landlords or 'bhatkar' as they
are known in Goa, which resulted in the deprivation of
natural ownership rights of the Gavde.''['Unchanged plight of
the original Goans' (in The Transforming of Goa, Norman
Dantas, ed)]

  Editor of the book, the late journalist Norman
  Dantas commented, ''The Gavda alienation from the
  land, according to some sources, was primarily
  caused by the formation of gaonkari, the village
  communities formed by higher castes who came to Goa
  after the original settlers and staked land
  ownership rights to the virtual exclusion of the
  lower 'conquered' castes. Individual 'bhatkar'
  ownership is believed to have come later.''

By some coincidence -- you could also interpret it as a play
of power -- Goa has sited a number of its 'development'
projects in land predominantly occupied by its subaltern

Government has acquired large tracts of land -- where paddy
was cultivated by the community -- in Verna and Quelossim.
Similar was the case when it cam

[Goanet] Orphaned...

2009-04-08 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

A little over 21,000 photos (a few are not mine!) on my Flickr
account. http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/

Out of these:

With comments394
Without comments 20,796
Not favorited 20,817

Please spare a moment -- if you have one -- to visit
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/] and either comment or favourite
one of the photos there. You might have to create a Flickr log-in, a
one-minute process. FN
FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org

[Goanet] THE RIGHT VIEW: An England in India goes to the polls

2009-04-08 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)



An England in India goes to the polls
1 Apr 2009 
Tarun Vijay
Times of India

After six decades of independence, India is virtually ruled by a lady who is 
originally a westerner and doesn’t have a command of any Indian language unless 
supported by a written text in Roman. And she has become the only hope to bring 
back the remnants of what was once a grand old Congress party led by Mahatma 
Gandhi back to power through her speeches in broken Hindi addressed to India’s 
predominant rural voters. 

She is credited with having helped the Congress win 145 Lok Sabha seats and 
26.21% votes in elections held in 2000, became the head of a 219-member 
coalition drawn from 16 parties and ruled India from her home with Manmohan 
Singh acting as her nominee Prime Minister. So much so that an American embassy 
publication spread out her picture on one full page and Manmohan Singh was 
relegated to a corner passport size. It created embarrassment and corrections 
were made in later editions. 

The flexibility of Indian voters, if one can describe this attribute modestly, 
is amazing. The west’s overpowering influence in recent times can be said to 
have begun in 1615, with a visit of Sir Thomas Roe, England's first official 
ambassador to India, who secured privileges for the East India Company from 
Jehangir, son of Akbar. 

India would never be the same again. 

The east, the far-east and the immediate neighbourhood, once such a hub of 
Indian cultural influence that it became known as Indochina, was turned to 
lesser importance and faded away from Indian priorities. It was only after five 
decades of independence that a look-east policy was devised but it still 
remains feeble compared with our western fixations. 

The presence of a colonial power that set the cultural agenda too and gave new 
westward dreams of an upwardly mobile life to a common Indian drove the Indian 
journey and fixed our dreams to Vilayat. 

It seriously affected the status of our languages. Once a nation that had the 
most scientific and ancient language, Sanskrit, perfect on parameters of 
grammar, vocabulary and phonetics, and had preserved the age-old reservoir of 
Hindu wisdom and scholarship – India was 80% literate before the British rule, 
with astounding contributions in astronomy, mathematics, life sciences, arts 
and theatre, literature, sea warfare, and mind-boggling wonders in 
architectural superiority, all attained in languages common Indians knew and 
spoke – India is run on a language that was never hers, was in fact imposed 
through coercion  shutting the old and time-tested centres of Indian learning 
calling them as “dead, useless centres of obscurantism”. 

The new contemporary rulers of any variety or colour or ideology, look at 
Sanskrit and other Indian languages with disdain and would never prescribe 
books of ancient wisdom like Vedas or the Upanishads to be taught in Indian 
schools under a heritage programme fearing loss of Muslim votes. 

Bharat, the glorified “golden bird” famous in Arabic and Greek fables, has 
become a poor translation of Romanized western elitist ideas. An India, that’s 
what it is known as. 

Though the world over our ancient books are highly respected as the gift of 
India, India and her politicians take them as merely Hindu scriptures, that may 
invite the wrath of the minorities if promoted through state apparatus and 
patronage. Though Sanskrit remains the language of solemnizing birth, marriage 
and ensuring a heaven-bound journey after death, an upwardly mobile elite of 
Gurgaon-Bangalore variety won’t have time or inclination to understand it. It’s 
of no use – no employment, no social status, no political benefit is gained 
through it. 

In any elite circle of decision making, whether it is governance, media, arts 
and culture or literature, it’s simply elevating and profitable too, to shun 
speaking an Indian language and use English with a foreign accent to register a 
powerful presence and of course facilitate success. And more the American 
slang, the more “awfully impressive” it becomes. 

Newspapers and magazines compete with each other to publish on their front 
pages any garbage churned out by any author recognized and awarded in Britain 
or New York, but never ever they would give that space and honour to an Indian 
language writer of greater eminence. 

This change in the contours of Indian political scene and social behaviour has 
occurred so subtly that mostly it has been either ignored or tak

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Pl identify (looks like another type of fan)

2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

If this is not a fan then what is it?

Bigger pic

smaller pic


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] Music from Goa!

2009-04-08 Thread Jazz Goa

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Hi, here's a new mando from Goa called "Pedrucho Kombo":


The track produced by Colin D'Cruz features:

Neville D'Souza...flute

Tony Dias...keyboards

Colin D'Cruz...fretless bass/acoustic guitar

Lester Godinho...percussion

Enjoy music from Goa!


[Goanet] cooking with mog

2009-04-08 Thread JANE ALPHONSO

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


 Hi guys This is for you all mog from jjandson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhVISYNEJLs  goan ambotik part1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JR2hNbUt9Q  goan ambotik part2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMWVhDnBovc  goan ambotik part3


[Goanet] Daily Grook #369

2009-04-08 Thread Francis Rodrigues

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


by Francis Rodrigues

nu bistros on la rue
avoid a pasion-aztec,
for high-end bars do
not a parisian make!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Experience all of the new features, and Reconnect with your life.

Re: [Goanet] Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa

2009-04-08 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


> Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 11:28:34 +
> From: joego...@yahoo.co.uk
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa
Are Joe baba,


Te morie sollaié (slié) Muga, (dried shark-strips).


Bin'ne solla amotika ugdas ailo and tonant boyenkar udkan sutlint...



> Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa
> Occasionally, I do get this type of requests.
> This one has come from a lady from London
> I am quoting it below in original including the subject line etc
> Would some one come back on this here or write to me privately please?
> Thanks,
> Quote:
> Subj: Dev Tuka Boro Dis Divum
> Hello Joe,
> I hope you don't mind me contacting you direct, but I've been a 
> silent subscriber to Goanet for a few years now and enjoy 
> your photographic input immensely. 
> I've been visiting Goa now for the last nine years and have made 
> some wonderful, lifelong friends. Along the way I've picked up 
> some Konkani, merely pleasantries etc etc. I wonder if you know of 
> anyone in the Greater London area who would be prepared to teach 
> a novice? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Dev Borem Korum 
> ===
> joego...@yahoo.co.uk 
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/ 
> For Goan Video Clips 
> http://youtube.com/joeukgoa 
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get it now!

Re: [Goanet] God and science

2009-04-08 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Thu, 4/2/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:
> Now, if Beauregard could find similar results from testing
> Santosh and Kevin and Sandeep and Samir, even Selma, he may
> have a valid point:-))
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 00:31:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar 

Based on current evidence, chances are pretty good that if the right areas of 
our brain are electrically stimulated we would also have mystical experiences. 
The reality we experience is a construct of our brain. 

Mario wonders:


Arre, yaar, now you have really gone and done it!

If you and cloistered Carmelite nuns can have the same kinds of mystical 
experiences when your brains are stimulated then Dr. Beauregard and Fr. Ivo are 
going to endlessly claim that you may have been a Carmelite nun in your 
previous incarnation and are moving backwards on the path to Rama:-))

The last time my brain was externally stimulated the mystical experience I had 
would probably lead me, too, towards hell:-))

Santosh wrote:

That is why independent physical tests are needed to ascertain the presence of 
an objective reality apart from us.

Mario responds:

I know what you mean.  The objective reality I experienced after my brain was 
stimulated was quite physically stimulating as well:-))

Unfortunately, my mystical and physical experiences would be of no use to 
either Beauregard or Fr. Ivo:-))

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits

2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits

Some Clues availabe in this pics


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] NEWS: Goans got sucked into Brit colonialism, says Kenya ex-politician Fitz De Souza

2009-04-08 Thread Goanet News

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Goans got sucked into Brit colonialism, says Kenya ex-politician

Goanet News

Fitz De Souza, former deputy Speaker of
the Kenyan parliament, says Goans formed the "backbone" of
the British colonial administration in East Africa, and
suggested they could have been more critical of White
colonialism in the 'dark continent'.

Speaking here during a function last weekend, the Kenyan
lawyer and ex-politician, said, "You may not like what I'm
going to say. But Goans in fact were the backbone of the
British administration" in East Africa.

"Britain could not have ruled Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania without
the Goans. The Chief Secretary and Cabinet were only
Europeans, the district commissioners were from Oxford or
Cambridge. But the army of clerks -- from district clerks, to
prison clerks and law clerks -- came from Goa," he said.

"They had a lot of power in that country. Anybody could not
open a shop or get a gun license without a Goan's approval,"
he said.

He criticised the British for their "complete racism", and
said it was they who planted the idea that "Goans are not
Indians, but Portuguese" and that "Indians were crooks and
thieves" while the Goans were honest.

"Unfortunately, many Goans believed in that," said Fitz
Remedios Santana de Souza (born 1929, Mumbai), often known as
Dr. F. R. S. de Souza.

Souza, who made these comments at the International Centre
Goa during a Friday evening function, was an important figure
in the campaign for independence for Kenya, a member of the
Kenyan parliament in the 1960s and Deputy Speaker for several

He helped provide a legal defence for those accused of Mau
Mau activities, and he was one of the people involved in the
Lancaster House conferences held to draw up a constitutional
framework for Kenyan independence.

Born to a Goan family in Mumbai, de Souza lived in Zanzibar
before settling in Kenya in 1942. Fitz de Souza took a first
degree in England and trained as a barrister at Lincoln's Inn.

As a young man in 1952 he joined a team of lawyers from
various Commonwealth countries, lawyers educated in England
but not born there, defending Kenyans accused of Mau Mau
activities by the British colonial administration, in a
series of trials including that of Jomo Kenyatta.

Feelings in the country were running high, with some settlers
of European ancestry disrupting any legal process for people
they considered assassins, while other people in Kenya were
convinced of bad faith amongst those involved in the
all-white British prosecution.

In this atmosphere, de Souza and an Asian colleague faced
implied allegations of 'encouraging' defendants to criticise
police witnesses, but judges at the East African Court of
Appeal supported them, praising their assistance to the court.

For part of the 1950s Fitz de Souza was studying for a PhD at
the London School of Economics and was politically active
both there and in Kenya. His doctoral thesis was on "Indian
Political Organization in East Africa" (1959).

He knew Kenyatta and was a major figure in the movement
towards an independent Kenya. He has been described during
this period both as a "freedom fighter" and as someone
"organiz[ing] Africans and Asians against the colour bar",
according to online tributes to Souza.

In the early 1960s he was a legal adviser at the Lancaster
House conferences in London where Kenyatta and the Kenyans
worked with the UK Colonial Secretary, Reginald Maudling, and
his team to develop a constitution for the country.

De Souza was an elected member of the Kenyan Parliament even
before full independence in 1963, and Deputy Speaker of the
Lower House from June 1963. He left this post in 1970, spent
many years in private practice, and is now semi-retired.

Souza has been quoted saying in a Pulitzer prize-winning book
written by Caroline Elkins that he believed at least one
hundred thousand Kikuyu disappeared at the time of Mau Mau,
in "a form of ethnic cleansing on the part of the British


[Goanet] April Fool

2009-04-08 Thread Tony de Sa

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

 *April Fool*

*By Tony de Sa*

The Ides of March have come and gone, and the month of April and spring are
well under way. Many of us must have been victims of April Fool jokes on the
first of April.  April Fool jokes vary from the garden variety to the more
sophisticated ones.  There are all kinds of April Fool pranksters, but none
can outshine a college friend of mine, whom I shall call Peter for the sake
of anonymity.
When it came to April Fool jokes, Peter left rival pranksters miles behind.
Months of planning and preparation went into his pranks. I first became a
victim of Peter’s April Fool jokes when I was a student of St Xavier’s
College when it was located in Bastora. For a few days, Peter had been
promising to take me for a treat to Mapusa. On that April Fools’ day, he
finally invited me for an ice cream in Mapusa.  Accordingly, we bunked our
classes and went to Mapusa on his scooterette.
At the ice cream parlour, Peter ordered two large tubs of chocolate ice
cream. The owner informed us that only one large tub was available and the
rest were small tubs. Peter generously offered to have a small tub and asked
the man to give me a large tub. Both settled down to tuck into our
respective tubs. I dug my spoon into the tub and was about to put it in my
mouth when I realized that the tub was filled with mud and that the tub had
only a thin layer of ice cream on top of the mud. I swore at Peter, who was
happily grinning and chanting “April Fool, April Fool”. Peter had roped in
the ice cream man for this enterprise. Of course, as compensation, I was
offered a large strawberry cone to make up for being fooled.
Over the years, Peter became a celebrity of sorts for his bizarre jokes; a
memorable one was when he decided to commit ‘suicide’. Exams come around
April. For a few days before April Fools’ Day, Peter had been complaining
that he was feeling desperate because he couldn’t study and was
contemplating suicide. Everybody brushed this aside as Peter’s tomfoolery,
and so no one took him seriously – till one afternoon when everybody in the
house heard a big splash in the well. On trying to figure out the source of
this sound, Peter’s sister was horrified to find a pair of old bathroom
slippers, a banian and a scapular on the well wall.
Immediately, Peter’s constant grumbles came to mind, and when she couldn’t
find him in his room a hue and cry was raised. The neighbouring village lads
were called and the swimmers among them dived into the well in search of
Peter. Peter’s mother, sister and other relatives were sobbing bitterly and
everyone was at their wits’ end. A few enterprising souls even tried to poke
bamboo sticks into the well in the hope of snagging Peter’s body, but to no
avail. After this commotion died down and before any serious steps could be
taken like calling in the police from Mapusa, Peter walked in, cool as a
cucumber. When the commotion, hue and cry died down, he revealed that he
threw a big stone into the well and jumped over the compound wall to hide in
an aunt’s house.
Another time, he and a friend covered themselves in bedsheets and lit
torches near their faces, inside the bedsheets, and sat on the parapet wall
of a culvert after dusk. There were no street lights then and the culvert
was situated near a junction. They had a ghostly eerie appearance in the
dark. Soon a group of teenagers returning from an outing in Calangute came
near the junction. One of them told the others in a shaky voice that there
was something sitting on the culvert wall. They bolted away from the place.
Soon a couple of drunks came that side and one told the other, “I think I
can see an evil spirit”. The other, with drunken bravado, told him that he
was not afraid of spirits, evil or otherwise, and that he would see him
home. So they started seeing each other home several times. Various people
had varied reactions to the apparition. Some bolted, others cursed, some
crossed themselves frantically and started murmuring prayers, and some even
tried to throw stones. At this, Peter and his friend decided to beat a
strategic retreat.
Peter’s pranks are legend and I could fill a whole book telling you about
them, but they will have to wait for another day.

 [This piece appeared in Herald on 08/04/2009]


Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com

'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
-Chinese proverb


2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


I refer to this post appeard in Goanet and a few mails received by me privately.

I always considered myself NRI taxation expert. Never I remember 
reading about the proposal for  5% Tax on foreign income of NRIs nor
 I ever seen any notification from the Indian Income Tax Dept in 
this respect.

I have a good news to all worried NRIs.

Whether you vote for me or not (in the ensuing general elections) 

No NRI will pay Tax on their Foreign Income now 2009/2010 or next 
year 2010/2011

In order to impose such new Foreign  Income taxes, it has to be 
proposed in the general budget first, allow for discussion and 
then implementation (if agreed by the majority) and the process takes 
not less than one year as new taxes, if any,  are always made 
effective from a start of future financial year April/March.

For any financial advice  please come to the expert JoeGoaUk.

His fees are nominal 
It’s only 1% of your total investments/Income*

 * Terms and conditions apply

Note: Those written to me privately may take this as the only intimation


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits

2009-04-08 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


> Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 17:16:35 +
> From: joego...@yahoo.co.uk
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits


Mostly greener but develop yelow & red hues as they rippen.

> Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk18/3424436508/sizes/l/
> Some Clues availabe in this pics
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk18/3422236564/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk18/3422237258/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk4/241091342/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk17/3294977710/sizes/l/
> joego...@yahoo.co.uk 
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/ 
> For Goan Video Clips 
> http://youtube.com/joeukgoa 
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. 
It's easy!

[Goanet] God and you

2009-04-08 Thread Albert Desouza

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Albert writes:- 
We still do not try to understand that God has created you and me. The creation 
cannot be above the creator and therefore the Roman Catholic church itself 
should turn itself in the direction of the LOrd and our Master. People are 
disillusioned with blind faith the same which the Israel were bounded by 
paganism . We are victims of witchcraft, superstitious belief and idol worship. 
Today the Mary sydrome will not last long and the Roman Catholic Church will 
collapse like the pack of cards. Already there is a warning in the sky which 
every Catholic should see. The sunami, bomb blast, earthquakes must be taken a 
bit seriously. Why do you mourn! When Jesus rose from the dead, the apostles 
were searching in the tomb for the body when Christ made his appearence. " Why 
do you search for me among the dead ? "Has anyone see the people when they 
enter the church for mass or any service ? very serious. Everyone is mourning. 
sad faces, bored faces. The priest enters the church as a director of a company 
. What follows is a drama. Unless the clergy feel for honesty among themselves 
and search for the Lord who once told Moses I am who am!!! and unless you build 
a raport with God the father doomsday will be near. A time will come when we 
might have to run to the mountain for shelter. Mary never promissed us heaven 
or to reach us to the Father. 
So many new options, so little time. Windows Live Messenger.

Re: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-04-08 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


I think you did cross the line, more than a wee bit, there.


However, you eschewed the taint of Judas by choosing to deliver 

the man without subterfuge.


Should that be considered mitigating a potential betrayal however unsolicited?


Alfred de Tavares,

Stockholm, 2009-04-08


> Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 08:42:29 +0530
> From: mmendonz...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...
> Marlon Menezes:
> "can anyone provide me with personal details on Marshall, such as hisphone
> number, address etc? I would like to help him in his fightagainst the
> extremist hindutva forces, but posting his contact detailson various hindu
> forums. He can then get acquainted with these peopledirectly and stop
> bothering us with his paranoia."
> Response:
> In a debate, arguments ought to be met with counter arguments supported by
> facts, logic and reason. Resorting to tactics of intimidation and veiled
> threats of inciting physical violence does not speak well of the person or
> the forum where it was posted.
> Regards,
> Marshall

Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. 
It's easy!

[Goanet] Furtado's music... on Facebook (a link)

2009-04-08 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

India's oldest and best music store. The biggest distributor for
musical instruments in India dealing in the worlds best brands.
Indian Instruments, Guitars, Bass, Drums, Percussion, Pianos, Flutes,
Violins, Music Books etc etc.

Located at Jer Mahal, Dhobi Talao in Mumbai. Furtados JVPD - Music
Square, Subedar House, Plot No.-24, CTS No 106-A, JVPD Scheme,
Mumbai-4000 49 Tel: 022-26211801 022-26211802. With branches in Pune,
Bangalore, Mangalore, Panjim, Gurgaon. Contacts
http://www.furtadosonline.com i...@furtadosmusic.com

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org
Sent from Pune, MH, India
"Our best successes often come after our greatest
disappointments." - Henry Ward Beecher


2009-04-08 Thread John Gomes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Dear Mr. Hauzel Haukhum,
  You have come to head the Goa Administration 
at a critical time in its history. Our bureaucracy,  supposed to be the steel 
frame ,is rusted and lacking in basic discipline. The previous incumbant Mr 
J.P.Singh apparently had no time/ was unable to bother himself with  the nitty 
gritty of administration . Kindly note the following:
a)There is no fear of the law, rules and regulations.
b)The administration is slack, no one is punished or fears consequences for 
dereliction of duty! 
c)Transparency and accountability are alien concepts.
d)There is generally no action without complaint.
e) Complaints are stonewalled. There is cover up and people are frustrated if 
they complain.
f) In fact the complaint is leaked to the defaulter, and there is no one to 
protect the righteous citizen.
g) Departments work at cross purposes, and within one compartment is unaware 
what the other is doing.
h) Transfers of important personnel (one can understand if its for election 
duties) is routinely done at the drop of a hat.
i) There is absolutely no handing over/taking over procedures followed, even if 
incumbents have plenty of time to do so.Consequently administration is in 
2.  If you could crack the whip immediately and show you mean business with 
your vast experience, and establish routine good administration, and we dare to 
hope excellence in due course, you will be doing Goa proud and our nation a 
great service.
   Thanking you,

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

[Goanet] What Fan Is This?

2009-04-08 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


> From: alfredtava...@hotmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org; goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 15:42:41 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa
Sorry Joe, the answer below is to your querry about the fan/ainó: hit

the wrong button.
> > Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 11:28:34 +
> > From: joego...@yahoo.co.uk
> > To: goa...@goanet.org
> > Subject: [Goanet] Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa
> > 
> > 
> Are Joe baba,
> Te morie sollaié (solié) Muga, (dried shark-strips).
> Bin'na sollam amotika ugdas ailo and tonant boyenkar udkan sutlint...
> Alfred
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Konkani Tutor/help needed in London/Goa
> > 
> > Occasionally, I do get this type of requests.
> > This one has come from a lady from London
> > I am quoting it below in original including the subject line etc
> > 
> > Would some one come back on this here or write to me privately please?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Quote:
> > 
> > Subj: Dev Tuka Boro Dis Divum
> > 
> > Hello Joe,
> > 
> > I hope you don't mind me contacting you direct, but I've been a 
> > silent subscriber to Goanet for a few years now and enjoy 
> > your photographic input immensely. 
> > 
> > I've been visiting Goa now for the last nine years and have made 
> > some wonderful, lifelong friends. Along the way I've picked up 
> > some Konkani, merely pleasantries etc etc. I wonder if you know of 
> > anyone in the Greater London area who would be prepared to teach 
> > a novice? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
> > 
> > Many thanks in advance.
> > 
> > Dev Borem Korum 
> > 
> > ===
> > 
> > joego...@yahoo.co.uk 
> > 
> > for Goa & NRI related info... 
> > http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/GOAN-NRI/ 
> > 
> > For Goan Video Clips 
> > http://youtube.com/joeukgoa 
> > 
> > In Goa, Dial 1 0 8 
> > For Hospital, Police, Fire etc
> > 
> > 
> > 
> _
> News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get it now!
> http://www.live.com/getstarted.aspx

Drag n’ drop—Get easy photo sharing with Windows Live™ Photos.


[Goanet] "Oliver Rajamani Quintet 18th & 19th of April, 2009"...

2009-04-08 Thread Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरिक नोरो नया]

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Armando invited you to "Oliver Rajamani Quintet 18th & 19th of April,
2009" on 18 April at 19:00.

Event: Oliver Rajamani Quintet 18th & 19th of April, 2009
      "Jazz in Goa"
What: Performance
Host: Heritage Jazz
Start Time: 18 April at 19:00
End Time: 18 April at 23:00
Where: Gonsalves Mansion

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org
Sent from Pune, MH, India
"Nothing is more powerful than habit." - Ovid

[Goanet] Foot washing

2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Foot washing

JOE: Father, if not too late, please count me in tomorrow’s 
 feet washing ceremony  (Maundy Thursday).

FATHER: OK,  you are in. Infact I was looking for the twelfth one.
Be there  before 3pm

JOE: Thanks father, I will take half day at work and will come straight 
 to the Church.

FATHER: Make sure you wash your feet properly..

JOE: What? I thought that was your job..


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc



2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

I too would like to be one of the signatories to this letter.
Very well said. 

Yes, each point/dept deserve attention

Mr. Hauzel Haukhum, is the new Chief Secretary of Goa who took charge
 as from today.

Contact details
 Phone No's: 91-832-2419402 
Fax: 91-832-2415201
 Email : cs-...@nic.in  


John Gomes johnericgomes at yahoo.com 
Wed Apr 8 11:41:23 PDT 2009 

Dear Mr. Hauzel Haukhum,
You have come to head the Goa Administration at a critical time in 
its history. Our bureaucracy,  supposed to be the steel frame ,
is rusted and lacking in basic discipline. The previous incumbant 
Mr J.P.Singh apparently had no time/ was unable to bother himself 
with  the nitty gritty of administration . Kindly note the 

a)There is no fear of the law, rules and regulations.
b)The administration is slack, no one is punished or fears 
consequences for dereliction of duty! 
c)Transparency and accountability are alien concepts.
d)There is generally no action without complaint.
e) Complaints are stonewalled. There is cover up and people are 
frustrated if they complain.
f) In fact the complaint is leaked to the defaulter, and there is 
no one to protect the righteous citizen.

g) Departments work at cross purposes, and within one compartment 
is unaware what the other is doing.
h) Transfers of important personnel (one can understand if its 
for election duties) is routinely done at the drop of a hat.
i) There is absolutely no handing over/taking over procedures 
followed, even if incumbents have plenty of time to do so.
Consequently administration is in shambles.
2.  If you could crack the whip immediately and show you mean 
business with your vast experience, and establish routine 
good administration, and we dare to hope excellence in due 
course, you will be doing Goa proud and our nation a great service.

Thanking you,


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits

2009-04-08 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

No, it not amballe.

Check here it original colour

Chek here when they are raw with tree/branch/leaves
Pic no 4


[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits
Alfred de Tavares alfredtavares at hotmail.com 
Wed Apr 8 11:37:58 PDT 2009 


Mostly greener but develop yelow & red hues as they rippen.

> Talking Photos: Please identify these fruits
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk18/3424436508/sizes/l/

> Some Clues availabe in this pics
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk18/3422236564/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk18/3422237258/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk4/241091342/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk17/3294977710/sizes/l/


for Goa & NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] Goa news for April 9, 2009

2009-04-08 Thread Goanet News Service

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Poll panel ˜disapproves of Goa chief ministers conduct

*** SEZs needed to tackle unemployment in Goa: industry lobby -

*** Drug dealer hunt in Goa after death - The Press Association
ast London, was found dead in his Goa hotel room on Sunday. His
live-in partner Anne Francoise, a French national, informed
police they had gone to sleep in their rented room after taking

*** SpiceJet begins cargo operations from Goa - TMCnet
 Low-cost carrier SpiceJet has added Goa as a new destination
to its existing network of domestic cargo operations. "Cargo
operations have always been a great source of ancillary revenue
for ...

*** Iron ore exports from Goa up 15% on Chinese buying -
Business Standard
ich state, which contributes about 40 per cent to the overall
iron ore shipments from the country, is estimated to ...

*** Nokia Airtel Promo With Abhay-Raima Wins Bronze At Goa
Ad.Fest - Planet Bollywood.com
irtel ad featuring Abhay Deol and Raima Sen has broken the
clutter and won the Bronze at the Goa ad fest. Airtel is always
known for making ads which leave an impression on peoples mind.
Their last ad featuring Madhavan and Vidya Balan was ...

*** We want power and funds by right : BJP panchayati raj cell
- Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The panchayati raj cell of the
Bharatiya Janata party will demand the withdrawal of the
amendment to the Goa Panchayati Raj Act being made to empower
the panchayat secretaries and which will reduce the powers of
the elected representatives. ...

*** Influx of migrants must be stopped: Shiv Sena - Times of
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: "There is injustice everywhere but
only we in the Shiv Sena raise our voice although we have
neither an MLA nor an MP in Goa. That is why people should vote
for us and give us a chance to prove our performance," said
Upendra Gaonkar, ...

*** Goan liquor seized - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaMANGALORE: Officials of excise department on
duty at Anamod check point in Joida taluk of Uttara Kannada
district late on Tuesday detected an attemptto smuggle in Goan
liquor into Karnataka. K Bheemappa, joint commissioner (excise),
Mangalore division ...

*** Mystery over Georgian queen\'s relics at Old Goa continues
- Times of India
mes of India, IndiaOLD GOA: Scientists have conducted a DNA
analysis on bones believed to have been relics of Georgian queen
Ketevan preserved in St Augustine's complex at Old Goa, but the

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Time erodes memories -- rediscovering the Goa we all forgot (Victor-Hugo Gomes)

2009-04-08 Thread Goanet Reader

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


By Victor-Hugo Gomes

The author is in the process of
setting up a new museum in
Benaulim, called the Goa
Chitra. It looks at the Goa of
the yesteryears, and what made
it so different.

While collecting the agricultural implements that forms the
major display at Goa Chitra, I realized that Goans were
losing much more than historical artifacts -- they were
losing evidence of their forefather's wise lifestyles.

Our heritage, just not our culture, had a system of self-rule
called the gaunkaris, which is thought to have originated in
the 1st century B.C. These were primarily agrarian societies.

  The principal role of these local governing bodies
  was to maintain and upgrade land quality, protect
  fishing ponds and waterways, and maintain an
  intricate system of embankments (bunds) that
  protected reclaimed land known as khazans, from
  inundation by saline tidal waters.

This system produced not only an effective means to
administer the communal lands but developed intricate and
ecologically sound system of agriculture. It utilised both
fertile and barren lands for the benefit of its people.

Farming methods were based on the prevailing season and the
quality of the soil. Agricultural activities and techniques
were adapted to suit the soil, rainfall, level of solar
radiation and other elements of nature, a process referred to
as gott and loosely translated as photoperiodism.

Farming implements were carefully and intelligently developed
to suit soil types and with a healthy respect for the
environment and animals that ensured that the system was
sustainable and ecologically sound.

  Over the years the gaunkari institution went
  through various phases of transition and its
  evolution in each phase was dependent on the ruler
  of that time.  But never in our history was this
  system ever tampered with. During the Portuguese
  colonization it came to be known as Communidades.

Being part of this rich heritage, it saddens me that today
the Communidade system is completely undermined. Land
conversions both illegal and legal have led to large
development projects with scant regard for sustainability and
severe degradation of the eco system. Lesser recognised but
equally devastating is the loss of hundreds of years of
accumulated wisdom in agrarian practices, the rich tradition
of implements, tools, arts, crafts and heritage of our
ancestors and their sensitivity to the environment.

The conception of Goa Chitra -- a museum that is currently
taking shape in Benaulim -- is based on many dynamics. One
amongst them is my love for Goa. The other is combating daily
criticism whether my investment has been futile.  What
energies the project are stories that I encountered while on
this sojourn. Each implement has a tale woven with the fabric
of our rich history.


On my many visits to Neturli (Netravali), I encountered an
implement with the Dhangar community that looked like a
sieve. It was beautifully crafted and had seen many years of
work. It lay in a corner near  the Gotli, a fence   made from
sticks called Corvam.

I was instantly drawn to it. I wanted to acquire it.

Following my gaze, the dhangar Baburam, who was proudly
displaying his herd, seemed reluctant to part with it. On
inquiry I learnt that the cane woven basket was known as
Dhali that was used to heat Nachni (Millet) during monsoon.
It was kept on a wooden frame called Ottu to heat nachne
before processing. This implement was last used in the early 60's.

Dhangars are nomads who travelled and camped near hilly
areas. They would clear a 50 to 100 sq mts patch of natural
forest and then burn it on site to provide natural manure.

The land was then cultivated, usually with coarse grains like
zonlle and nachne (millet), their staple food, for a period
of one to three years. Than it was abandoned and the
cultivators moved on to another patch of forest.

  They would return to cultivate the same area only
  after a period of 15-20 years, which would give the
  land sufficient time to regenerate. This is
  referred to as kumeri farming.  Many of the
  implements they used for such harvest were
  indigenously designed keeping in mind the land,
  environment and their animals.

Though the Portuguese wanted to stop this practice in Goa,
their policy remained largely on paper as no alternat

[Goanet] Mystical experiences in Goa

2009-04-08 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:
> If you and cloistered Carmelite nuns can have the same
> kinds of mystical experiences when your brains are
> stimulated then Dr. Beauregard and Fr. Ivo are going to
> endlessly claim that you may have been a Carmelite nun in
> your previous incarnation and are moving backwards on the
> path to Rama:-))


By Jove, I think you've got it! 

Mystical experiences can be elicited by a variety of natural means in normal 
people. Besides electrical stimulation there are other artificial means of 
evoking them. Indeed, there is a treasure trove of psychedelic literature on 
mystical experiences that people have had in Goa. Here is a nice description of 
one such experience:

Visualize yourself dancing for hours without interruption, overflowing with 
bliss. Suddenly, that, which you've believed until than represented reality to 
you, explodes into a world of psychedelic imagery and leaves you within 
swirling energy patterns, that appear everywhere throughout matter. And when 
the world starts to glow, you've somehow recognized the symbols, that lead to 
specific reactions and caused an entire universe to tremble into pieces, 
unfolding itself anew from within. The world and the suffering of the body are 
swallowed by a raging kundalliny, down into a silent abyss of darkness. That, 
which lies beyond death holds the space for the suns of our souls to shine 
forth in limitless freedom. After you've passed through the gateway of your 
delusory fears and have surrendered all false self images to the "ONE" among 
the many, you gladly exchange your entire life for that one eternal moment 
you've just experienced! In fact, it would be a
 worthless life without having starred into the eyes of eternnces will carry 
you directly into the arms of the infinite.

Once tapped into the ultimate and formless life-potential, that exists within 
each of us, anything one imagines, creates itself instantaneously by thought. 
That's why it works that when through certain sounds and/or subliminal messages 
memories are retrieved, one (re)lives certain experiences and/or (re)learns 
from them. Generally it is good to live through as many incarnations as 
possible during a night of dance, before arriving at sunrise, hopefully 
unified. Once purified, you can join in the dance of the celestial beings 
within the kingdom of the ultimate and enjoy the freedom of existing anywhere, 
anytime simultaneously. You can enter the universal mind-lattice once your 
body/mind is completely relaxed, transparent. It happens the moment pure energy 
moves through you. It moves you!

Through the vibrating sound movements in the music with the golden light that 
opens the door to the galactic insight, you can travel far across and 
throughout space. Boundaries of time dissolve and unfolding entities present 
themselves as an opening to the interface, to carry you in between dimensions, 
free of personal intentions.

More later.





2009-04-08 Thread Aires Rodrigues

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

On 23rd of April the electorate of Goa gets to exercise their franchise to
send two MPs to the Lok Sabha. Over the last few years there has been a
total breakdown of governance in the State with soaring levels of
corruption. Digambar Kamat’s only priority has been to safeguard his chair
at the cost of the State. It has been virtually the Bombay High Court at Goa
that has been bringing solace to Goa’s Aam Aadmi by keeping a check on the
mounting  illegal and unconstitutional decisions taken by the Government.

Goa has been a witness to public demonstrations almost every day. The
Congress government has been bringing out people to the streets. So the
forthcoming election is an opportunity to teach a lesson to a party that
does not respect people’s wishes and aspirations.

Aires Rodrigues

[Goanet] Your pictures on Flickr

2009-04-08 Thread kaleon

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Hi Frederick
Would love to see and appreciate your pics, but can't access Flickr from here. 
Can you post on another site?

[Goanet] Goans got stuck into Brit colonialism

2009-04-08 Thread Bernado Colaco

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

In East Africa both British and Portuguese the Goans showed their 
marketability. Therefore the powers there employed them. Instead of encouraging 
young Goans of today with the virtues possessed Fitz is apologising. One 
wonders for what? Is it bad to be honest? With the goodwill created isn't it 
easier for young Goans to get jobs around the world?
Even in Bombaim Goans were employed for similar virtues as described by Fitz. I 
have heard comments from both blacks and whites about Goans and they say that 
we are different from those of the sub-continent.
Fitz De Souza, former deputy Speaker of
the Kenyan parliament, says Goans formed the "backbone" of
the British colonial administration in East Africa, and
suggested they could have been more critical of White
colonialism in the 'dark continent'.

Speaking here during a function last weekend, the Kenyan
lawyer and ex-politician, said, "You may not like what I'm
going to say. But Goans in fact were the backbone of the
British administration" in East Africa.

"Britain could not have ruled Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania without
the Goans. The Chief Secretary and Cabinet were only
Europeans, the district commissioners were from Oxford or
Cambridge. But the army of clerks -- from district clerks, to
prison clerks and law clerks -- came from Goa," he said.

"They had a lot of power in that country. Anybody could not
open a shop or get a gun license without a Goan's approval,"
he said.

He criticised the British for their "complete racism", and
said it was they who planted the idea that "Goans are not
Indians, but Portuguese" and that "Indians were crooks and
thieves" while the Goans were honest.


[Goanet] Daily Grook #370

2009-04-08 Thread Francis Rodrigues

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


by Francis Rodrigues

eat lotsa grass today
to get a milky ooze,
that's the best whey
to go, if we chews!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Experience all of the new features, and Reconnect with your life.

[Goanet] Democracy and the Small Car - must read especially in the Goan context!

2009-04-08 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

*Democracy and the Small Car

The political role of the small car is as important as its environmental
Economic & Political Weekly April 4, 2009 vol xliv no 14

The collapse of public transport in the past few decades has
been a stark feature of almost all urban areas in India.
Significantly though, this matter has only found tangential
reference in public discourse through issues like urban air
pollution. Independent India has witnessed a sixfold rise in its
urban population, and even though urbanisation remains low by the
standards of the industrialised countries, close to 300 million of our
citizens live in urban areas. It is important to realise that in order
to thrive cities are crucially dependent on easy and inexpensive
mobility of its residents over its urban space. Unfortunately, like
other public infrastructure, public transport has been grossly
neglected by city administrators, state and central governments,
and this neglect has impacted the urban poor the most.

The ability to travel within the city is essential to actualise the
economic and cultural potential of the place. Residents need to
travel for work, for education, for socialisation and for procuring
the needs of daily life. The more the areas of the city are within
the easy reach of a particular citizen, the further her potential
ability to increase choices of work, residence, consumption and
socialisation. Increase in either the time or money required for
such travel proportionately reduces the urban citizen’s ability to
participate in civic and economic activities of the city and thus
impacts adversely on her. As cities have expanded and distances
within each urban space have increased manifold, the ability to
travel these distances has reduced.

The public transport in cities which independent India inherited
was slowly allowed to wither away. The older metropolitan areas
still retained a rudimentary public transport system based on
buses but these were built on truck chassis and were never
enough to handle the growing demands on public transportation.
The emergent cities and semi-urban areas were largely left to
depend on “innovations” which were mostly diesel machines
fitted onto a locally assembled chassis of three or four wheels
known by different names in different parts of India. All in all,
public transport in urban India has been a disaster – overcrowded,
slow, unsafe and often, unavailable.

It is in this context that one needs to view the growing numbers
of private vehicles, both two-wheelers and cars. In 1951 there
were five private vehicles for each bus in India but today there are
80 private vehicles for each bus. Not only have municipal administrators
and governments neglected public transport, they have actively
subsidised private transport through fiscal, administrative
and planning measures. Road tax on buses, even when calculated
on the basis of passengers carried, is 10 to 12 times that on
cars. In a city like Delhi, buses only use 5% of the city’s roadspace
but carry close to 60% of its travelling public, while cars
and two-wheelers ferry only 20% of its population but hog threefourths
of its roads. Ultimately then, the neglect of public transport
shows itself as a class issue where investments in urban
mobility – flyovers, parking lots, wider roads, smaller pavements,
etc – are all focused on easing the mobility of the middle classes
in urban India. The orchestrated media campaign against faster
and safer bus services through the Bus Rapid Transit corridors
only indicates the strength of class interests seeking to mould
urban transport systems.

It is in this twin context of the centrality of mobility to urban
living and the collapse of urban public transport that the popularity
of the recently launched Tata Nano should be understood.
It is worthwhile to remember Ratan Tata’s oft repeated statement
that the inspiration for the Nano was the struggling middle class
family perched precariously on a two-wheeler. Such a family,
while owning personal transport, would welcome an improved
public transport system which would enable them to travel in the
city in comfort and safety. By enabling them ownership of a car,
the Nano secures this archetypal family firmly to the interests of
that class which hogs the privileges of the class-divided road. It
would be a mistake to take no notice of this political function of
the Nano. The Nano, despite its overt sympathies for the underprivileged
road user, will only further skew the class divides
which fracture our cities, apart from increasing pollution and

[Goanet] Shark skin

2009-04-08 Thread Venantius Pinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Can anyone get me some cured/dried shark skin please. I can do the curing
bit myself.
It is to soften the edge off of brushes for inking woodblocks.
BTW, you can also grind wasabi on it.



2009-04-08 Thread Mario DCosta

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

My hearty congratulations & salutations goes to the newly elected President of 
Goans, Bahrain, Mr. Francis Correia & all his team members. May the success 
upon you to lead the Goan community in Bahrain.

Hope this tradition of electing new President, nominating new members & having 
auditor to conduct audit of all the accounts will take place in the Goan clubs 
in Doha Qatar too.

>From Mario F. D' Costa & all his friends in Doha Qatar.

[Goanet] Xavier's News and Features, E-Service (XNFES): SUMMER COURSES, 2009

2009-04-08 Thread St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-goa.com)

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)



St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mapusa, Goa, is organizing a 
series of short term courses during Summer 2009, at the College Campus.  Those 
interested kindly contact the College Office between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

(1) Windows XP and Linux Installation Net Administration from 15th to 18th 
April, 2009.
 Timing:  9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.250/-.

(2) PC & Peripheral Maintenance from 16th to 18th April, 2009.
The course covers the basics in Computer Peripherals, Assembly of 
Troubleshooting, Formatting and Installatiion of the operating system.
Those above 15 years of age are eligible.
 Timing:  9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.300/-  (Accepted latest by 16th April, 2009)

(3) Organic Farming and E.M. on 15th April, 2009.
 Timing:  10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.100/-.

(4) Vermicomposting on 16th April, 2009.
 Timing:  10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.100/-.

(5) Flower Arrangement on 18th April, 2009.
A talk-cum demonstration will be organized to learn the different ways 
presenting flowers.  Flowers brighten up a room and its aesthetic
value is enhanced with appropriate rearrangements.
 Timing:  10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.100/-.

Admissions are open to all interested.
For further information & admission forms please contact College office or 
2262356 or e-mail at xavierscollege@ bsnl.in
The purpose is to make available to the general public and to the holidaying 
students an opportunity to upgrade their knowledge. 

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (09Apr09)

2009-04-08 Thread alexyz fernandes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

"Sir...I'm not sure if the Shoes...were THROWN at the Posters...or kept in 

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Caste, an old story that mostly never gets told

2009-04-08 Thread Silvia Bragan�a

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Dear Frederick Noronha and Kalanand Mani

Sorry for my broken English but I would like to say that I've liked much your 
article Caste, 'an old story that mostly never gets told' to put down again the 
people thinking in what was happened and can happened again.

I'm with you by heart,
Silvia Bragança


Sílvia Bragança

Av. Mártires de Mueda 436/5 1º andar
Tel: 21498132

[Goanet] Information .Formation.Transformation

2009-04-08 Thread St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-goa.com)

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Information .Formation.Transformation

A two day  Faculty Enrichment Programme (FEP) was held at St. Xavier's College, 
Mapusa, Goa on  19th and 20th  March,  2009.  The theme for the programme was 
"EDUCATION TO PEACE AND COMMUNIAL HARMONY".  The Resource person was Dr. (Fr.) 
Rosario, S.J. from Chennai (T.N.).

Dr. Rosario has a doctorate in Political Theology and a degree in Civil Law.  
He is 
a socio-pastoral animator and an activist whose area of work is with the dalits 
India.  He is a visiting professor in thirty-five institutions and has lectured 
forty-three countries.  Dr. Rosario has authored fifty four books for 
and university students.  He is the founder of JEPASA, DHANAM and MANITHAM.

'DO NOT LEAVE THE WORLD THE WAY YOU FOUND IT' - the AICUF motto, turned around 
Rosario's life into a 'Mission'.  With this stirring statement, Dr. Rosario 
introduced the concept of education.  He raised some thought provoking 
questions/statements on the true essence of education.  Education, he stressed, 
an ongoing process that should challenge us to change and grow.  Often 'a 
moment of 
crisis is a moment of change'.  The better approach to education is to 
questions.  In keeping with Socratic thinking, he said:  "Answers can only 
Questions form".  Education should, therefore, provoke students to question, 
their imagination for a 'new future', generate awareness of the present, and an 
analysis of  the past through re-reading of the past historically and 
This awareness would then result in the animation of students, to develop a 
outlook that would enthuse and empower them into action for a positive 
transformation of society.  These above components of the education process 
within the six societal systems i.e. social, political and economic systems 
are the 'basic systems' and cultural, religious and ideological systems which 
"meaning systems".  Education then is 'Information' that leads to 'Formation' 
self, and results in 'Transformation' of society for the better.

The group-sharing that followed focused on the introductory session on 
education and 
on the challenge for change that may have inspired the participants.  The 
from participants affirmed that Dr. Rosario was an enthusiastic speaker, with a 
clear vision and deep convictions.  His insights were inspiring and enriching, 
examples very factual and down-to-earth, and all this was effectively 
with much wit and humour in a style that was endearing to all.

The challenges that inspired the teachers included:  introducing value added 
teaching in the classroom situation, rewriting our scripts, treating each year 
as a 
new year, encouraging the spirit of enquiry in students, encouraging 
rather than materialism, promoting responsible citizenship and sensitivity to 
needs and rights of 'the other', becoming good role models for the students.   
short, the faculty members agreed on the principle that 'we had to be the 
change we 
want to see in our students'.

Introducing the theme of peace and communal harmony, Dr. J. Rosario related the 
little known life story of the childhood of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.  Through it, he 
highlighted the definitive role played by a teacher in shaping the destiny of 
students.   Education needs to   look at holistic formation where religion and 
should not matter.  Religion should help unite us in terms of our focus and 
help us 
achieve our goals.  We need to identify the needy, marginalized students and 
their concerns an  important priority.  Institutions of education need to 
their elitist approach to academic excellence.

Dr. Rosario focused on the negative aspects of communal disharmony and 
societies where violence was the order of the day.  He stressed on the fact  
these reactions always have a cause that needs to be questioned.  Using 
examples of 
Krishna and Jesus, he laid emphasis on the need to stand up for the Truth 
seeking personal gain.

Every reaction follows a spiral of violence.  The spiral begins with 
and 'Oppression' as a result of the denial of human rights, communalism, 
malnutrition, etc.  This is followed by the stage of 'Demonstration' where a 
takes place against suppression.  The next stages are 'Repression' and 
Progression heralds a new consciousness where change has brought about peace 
harmony coupl

[Goanet] Indian Expatriates too to the Polling Station.!!!

2009-04-08 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)



Indian Expatriates too to the Polling Station.!!!

Here in Kuwait, on 11 April 2009 a new form of protest will take 

India will hold general elections to the 15th Lok Sabha in 5 phases 
April 16, April 22, April 23, April 30, May 7 and May 13, 2009.

As 700 million voters in India march to the polling stations to 
their votes, expatriate Indians in Kuwait too cast their votes in a model 
station being arranged at United Indian School, Abbassiya.

It is under the auspices of THANIMA (The Human And Nostalgic 
of Malayalees Abroad) JANAVIDHITHANIMA 09, a symbolic polling which in turn an 
opportunity to Indians in Kuwait to take part in elections and to raise their 
demands including voting rights to expatriate Indian Citizens and 
representation of 
Non Resident Indians in Indian Parliament and State legislatures.

JANAVIDHITHANIMA has planned as a demonstration also to press for 
expatriate demands like involvement in developmental process planning and to 
actions with political willpower in the issues of rehabilitation, reservation 
welfare fund for expatriates. The organizers also plead to stop Union and State 
Governments' attitude of indecision, hesitancy, laziness and sluggishness and 
simplification in expatriate problems.

The polling will be hold from 4 PM to 8 PM. Any Indian expatriate 
Civil ID or Passport can come and cast their vote. There will be four columns 
in the 
ballot paper, viz.; UPA, NDA, Third Front and Protest Vote. Counting of votes 
announcement of results will be taken place later on.

The ballots and mega memorandum will be submitted to Indian 
Prime Minister, Chief Election Commissioner and Embassy of India in Kuwait.

Countries like USA and the Philippines have granted voting rights 
their overseas citizens. Expatriate citizens of countries, such as, China, 
and Italy have representation in their nations' parliament- the organizers 
out in a press note. Pakistan, India's neighbor country also has decided to 
voting rights to overseas Pakistanis in the next election.

The population of overseas Indians is 30 million including Non 
Indians and People of Indian Origin around the globe. There are 3 million and 
million Indians respectively in USA and the UK. NRI population in Gulf 
Council states include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman 
to be around 6,000,000 (2006-2007). They are without citizenship and any 
as part of it. They send $ 10 Billion every year to the home country.

Remittance inflows from overseas Indians, in total, increased to $ 
Billion during 2007-08 as compared to $ 30.8 billion in 2006-07.
However, Centre and States governments have given a deaf ear to 
expatriates' demands. They ever try to betray this section of people and ignore 
their voice, as they are vote-less. Hence, it is an awakening to press the 
including voting rights and representation in parliament and legislatures, the 
organizers informed.

  For more details contact : 99703872 / 66071276 or email: 

Goa-World.Com Team and Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter Moderators and Team Members 
THANIMA - Kuwait.
For more details, email thanimakuw...@yahoo.com