[Goanet] Daily Grook #404

2009-05-13 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

paul the disciple
was a mail sorter,
the first example
of apostle worker!

puns  word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

One at a time or all at once? Get updates from your friends in one place.

[Goanet] Leopard Sighting in Saligao/Calangute hill

2009-05-13 Thread Xav Ferns

There are quiet a few reports of sighting of Leopard in Saligao/Callangute Hill.

Can anybody confrm this?




2009-05-13 Thread Averthan
Averthanus L. D'Souza.

A little over a month ago there was an international furore in the media about 
observation which was made by Pope Benedict XVI about the problem of HIV/AIDS, 
specially in Africa. He is reported to have told a correspondent while on his 
to Africa that the prevalence of HIV/AIDS is a tragedy that cannot be overcome 
money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms which 
aggravates the problems. This comment drew some blistering attacks from people 
should have known better, and who should have paused to study the observation 
launching out on a verbal assault on Pope Benedict XVI. Richard Dawkins, the 
known British atheist and an implacable foe of all religions said that The 
Pope is 
either stupid, ignorant or just dim. He did not elaborate on his statement by 
proving that the Pope is ignorant or just dim. His statement is comparable to 
juvenile's irrational outburst against someone whom he hates. Of course, 
Dawkins, being the professed atheist that he is, will be infuriated by any 
made by any religious leader on any subject on earth. His own intellectual 
is evident in the campaign which he initiated of placing advertisements on 
buses which said: There is probably no God. . . Either there IS a God or 
there is 
no God. Richard Dawkins should make up his mind which. Saying that there is 
probably no God only exposes his own ignorance and dim wit. Under the 
circumstances, he clearly does not qualify to sit in judgment on the Pope's 
observation. However, there were other criticisms of the Pope's statement, 
appear to have been made without due consideration of the facts. Some doctors 
pilloried the Pope saying that his opposition to the distribution of condoms 
be responsible for the spread of HIV/AIDS. They claimed that the use of condoms 
reduced the chances of the spread of AIDS - in complete contradiction of all 
studies which show that AIDS is spreading even faster, in spite of (and maybe 
because of ) the widespread use of condoms. [Space does not permit an 
elaboration of 
these research findings.]

The problem of HIV/AIDS however, has roots which go far beyond the purely 
or even the medical. The problem has been approached with a too limited focus 
on the 
mechanical aspects of transmission. Like all other blinkered approaches such an 
attack on the deadly disease is bound to fail. Sexual contact with unknown 
or with multiple partners and other such high risk behaviour has been 
to spread the disease. Both epidemiological as well as sociological studies 
indicated that the control of all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) requires 
sexual contact be limited to single partners and also that it be confined 
within the 
institution of marriage. Scientific studies confirm, (rather than disprove), 
moral understanding that sexual activity should be limited to the confines of 
marriage. Even a dim witted atheist like Richard Dawkins should be able to 
understand this. (By the way, his atheism is not relevant to this argument.)

That Pope Benedict XVI's observation is perfectly rational and reasonable is 
confirmed by reference to another disease which has plagued humankind for a 
time - the persistence of malaria. After many years of battling this dreaded 
disease, the medical establishment came to the realization that it should place 
more emphasis on the prevention of the disease, rather than on curing it. The 
purely medical approach to malaria has been conclusively proven to be 
Governments all over the world are now changing their priorities to 
measures, rather than to merely medical measures. For this, of course, the full 
knowledgeable participation of the citizens is required. Without dissemination 
information about the causes of malaria, its modes of transmission and its 
prevention, the disease cannot be either controlled or eliminated. It may seem 
to be 
clichéd, but the commonly held belief that prevention is better than cure 
seems to 
have been vindicated in many programmes. During the International Drinking 
Supply and Sanitation Decade sponsored by the UNDP, this author had the 
to do a lot of research into many water-borne diseases. Invariably, what stared 
in the face was the need to Inform, to Educate and to Communicate knowledge to 
people. The IEC programme, which this author was privileged to be associated 
had a very positive impact here in India.

The insight that one gets into the causes, transmission and spread of diseases, 
including that of sexually transmitted diseases, is that one simply cannot take 
limited mechanical or medical view of the problem. The problem has much wider 
deeper) ramifications. Apart from the purely medical, the 

Re: [Goanet] Media Priorities: On Goa Being an Unsafe Place

2009-05-13 Thread Romeo Ferns

Hey George,
Thats not fair at all. If we have a law and order situation in Goa then lets do 
something about it and address the situation rather than ask tourists to go 
elsewhere to safer destinations. We need the tourists for the sake of Goa and 

Godfrey Rasquinha

- Original Message 
From: George Pinto georgejpi...@yahoo.com
To: estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 6:41:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Media Priorities: On Goa Being an Unsafe Place

The media should highlight the fact that the law and order situation in Goa is 
deteriorating, and Goa is becoming less safe with the passage of time. Foreign 
and domestic tourists should consider other destinations where crime rates are 



[Goanet] What evidence ?

2009-05-13 Thread Samir Kelekar

Gabriel writes:

How many cases of deaths have not been closed as ‘suicidal’ or ‘accidental’ 
in the annals of Goa’s police records?

Given what is happening today in Goa with Mahanand confessing to 9 murders,
indeed every case of accident and/or suicide in all Goan police stations
in the last 20 years has to be thoroughly looked at again. Who knows --- they 
could all be
murders and the lazy Goan police just shut the cases down saying it is
an accident or suicide.


Re: [Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI

2009-05-13 Thread Tony de Sa
3: I cannot envisage (perhaps you can) a situation where a Goan is
picked from somewhere and asked to head a (say) Police force in (say)
the Punjab - unless the local chaps have been tried, the situation is
getting too hot to handle and there is a Goan elsewhere to do the job
(which no local really wants to do).

Julio Ribeiro, who is as Goan as a Goan can be was hand picked to head the
Police Force in precisely the same state, Punjab when the Akali's made it
too hot for the locals to handle ;-)

So now you can envisage.

Tony (Another one of those - a Moidekar) ;-)

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonyd...@gmail.com

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.  - R. D. Laing

[Goanet] Frogs in Goa living on edge

2009-05-13 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com



Goa Blog 


Frogs in Goa living on edge 
Posted: 10 May 2009 09:54 AM PDT

The International Environment monitoring agency has listed various frog species 
in Goa which are threatened.
The Jerdon’s Bullfrog, poached for its meat in Goa is listed as “Near 
Threatened” while the Indian Bull frog, another victim of large-scale hunting 
is listed as vulnerable.
The Malabar Gliding Frog, an endemic species of South Asia found in Mhadei 
Wildlife Sanctuary and the Mollem National Park is listed as a Near Threatened 

Amongst other species found in Goa the Beddome’s Leaping frog is listed as 
Vulnerable while the Jerdon’s Narrow mouthed frog is listed as Near Threatened 
on a global scale.
The Western Ghats is considered as one of the richest areas of endemism as far 
as amphibian diversity is concerned followed by North East India and Sri Lanka.
“Goa’s forests are part of the Western Ghats landscape and the need of the hour 
is to conserve and protect these forests for amphibian conservation,” say the 
ICUN report.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of 
threatened species has listed 1,856 amphibian species of the world which are 
facing extreme danger of extinction, representing 32 per cent of all known 
species worldwide.
Scientists fear that more than 50 amphibian species worldwide have already 
become extinct over the last 15 years alone, which includes over 18 species 
from South Asia alone.
“This high rate of decline of amphibian species across the world provides an 
indicator for the health of natural ecosystems in all regions and is a cause of 
concern,” say the scientists.
Currently there are approximately 427 species that are considered “Critically 
Endangered,”(CR), 761 are Endangered (EN), and 668 species are Vulnerable (VU) 
In India an Assessment of Amphibians under the Conservation Assessment and 
Management Plan (CAMP) workshop conducted by Biodiversity Conservation 
Prioritization Project, India has listed 32 species as Critically
Courtesy: Herald


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[Goanet] How Goans argue: HERALD(Goa), May 8-10, 2009

2009-05-13 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

What follows is a serialised 3-part story of a recent debate at Goanet. It was 
in the ‘Herald’ (Goa) editions between May 8-10, 2009. Happy reading, but if 
threatened with martyrdom from boredom, please don’t click ‘DELETE’ before 
read the last four Paras at the bottom – they’re gist of the rigmarole that 
Rgds, v

By Valmiki Faleiro

The poll is over. People’s verdict lies sealed in EVMs (electronic voting 
To be opened May 16, after the entire country completes the voting exercise.

The Sunday before polling in Goa, in a postscript to my ‘Herald Mirror’ column,
asking readers to exercise their franchise, I added tongue-in-cheek, “In North 
you have one for the former (Congress/NCP), one for the latter (BJP). In South 
you’re luckier. You have one for the former, and a choice of two for the 
latter!” I was
obviously alluding to Mathany Saldanha.

That statement miffed Samir Kelekar and sparked a protracted debate on Goanet
(www.goanet.org), the largest internet forum of Goans worldwide. May I share 
exchange here. Among other things, it shows how we Goans argue our point!

Samir and Uday Barad, who later joined issue, are both about the same age as I.
Both hold doctorates in their fields from the USA. Both hail from Margao like 
me. I’ve
met neither in person, but personally knew the dads of both, Gurunath Kelekar 
the late Govind Barad.

Hardly had my ‘Herald Mirror’ column of April 19 appeared at Goanet, when Samir
fired the first salvo, captioned “Is Mathany communal?” He wrote:

“I am amused to read … Valmiki Faleiro hinting at Mathany's fondness towards 
The question that needs to be answered is – is Mathany communal? Mathany did
side with BJP as against the Congress. If Mathany gets elected, will he support 
or Congress?

“Mathany has made the following clear in the ‘Herald’ interview yesterday. That 
will support anyone who has the good of Goa in their heart and in the policies. 
dirty communalism can spring its head up anytime. But, I am sure we can trust
Mathany not to side with Modi's version of politics.”

I replied: “I have not suggested that Mathany is communal. But, please do say, 
there any doubt who he will support if he wins? Why shelter under ambivalent
utterances like ‘support anyone who has the good of Goa in their heart’? I give 
10 out
of 10 to Mathany on loyalty. There's none like him in the breed of Goan 
today. If he wins, I have no doubt who between the UPA and NDA our dear Mathany
will support.”

A Dubai-based gent I know, Cedric da Costa, perched in: “The equation is 
simple, we
do not have to go hammer and tongs against Valmiki Faleiro and his Sunday 
Every kid in Goa knows that Mathany has volunteered to be a surrogate candidate 
to deliver a saffron-blooded baby!”

Samir surprisingly went off at a tangent, saying: “Jesus said – let one who has 
committed sin throw the first stone. I would like to know the contribution of 
following to Goa in the past few years: (1) Valmiki Faliero, (2) Digambar 
Kamat, and
3) Auduth Timblo. Only when they have done so, they have the right to comment on
Mathany. Otherwise, they ought to shut up!! Jai Hind!”

Surprised that the issue changed from Mathany’s loyalty to my ‘contribution to 
under a new title called “Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa” I 
“Before you ask, follow your own (quoted) rule and tell us what your own 
to Goa has been ‘in the past few years.’ Then, maybe, I understand what you 
want to
know about me. Jai ho!”

To Samir’s call on “contribution to Goa,” the humour columnist Cecil Pinto 
“Both Valmiki and Digambar have stood in elections for public office and won. 
have contributed to Goa. I agree with you that Mathany is relatively a better 
but if you are asking anyone who is critical to first show what is their 
contribution to
Goa then you should do first. What, Samir, is your contribution to Goa and is 
(or better) than that of the three you have named? (Before Samir asks: my
contribution is to have made a few Goans laugh occasionally.)”

Samir replied: “Cecil says that Valmiki, Digambar have won public office and so 
contributed to Goa. While I don’t want to comment on specific cases, and I will 
their answer at face value, Cecil seems extremely naive about the whole concept 
holding office. The raking of crores on holding office is a criminal activity 
and cannot
be by any means called contribution to Goa. Indeed Valmiki himself through his
column told us of crores being raked in by some current ministers.

“As to what are my contributions. They aren’t much but surely whatever little 
they are,
I am extremely proud of. As director of Infotech Corporation, I have fulfilled 
my duty
keeping in mind the highest tradition of serving the people. Though I could have
easily raked in crores, I not just refused but 

[Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI

2009-05-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
Baba Tony, Who do you think I meant when I wrote the piece (see infra)
that you responded to?

And did you note the word 'unless' which I am now capitalising in that
post - to signify an EXCEPTION in the context of what we were
discussing i.e. State Government appointments in Goa!

From your vantage point: Do you believe Ribeiro (whose Divar in-law
family I have known since as a child - in Poona) was picked as the
first choice - over the heads of the 'sons of the soil' OR was he
begged for help when ALL appeared to be near lost?

I hope someone else does not do another Moira on me and write about
Sunith Rodrigues and his (political) appointment as Gov of Punjab.

Shutes Guys, What is it about Moira and Moidekarsduring summer?


re: 3: I cannot envisage (perhaps you can) a situation where a Goan is
picked from somewhere and asked to head a (say) Police force in  (say)
the Punjab - UNLESS  the local chaps have been tried, the situation is
getting too hot to handle and there is a Goan elsewhere to do the job
(which no local really wants to do).

Tony de Sa stated the obvious:

Julio Ribeiro, who is as Goan as a Goan can be was hand picked to
head the Police Force in precisely the same state, Punjab when the
Akali's made it too hot for the locals to handle ;-)

So now you can envisage...

[Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread Samir Kelekar

Julio Ribeiro, who is as Goan as a Goan can be was hand picked to head the
Police Force in precisely the same state, Punjab when the Akali's made it
too hot for the locals to handle ;-)

So now you can envisage.

Come to Karnataka. In private industry, you will not know if the person
is a kannadiga or not. Of course, things in the govt. are probably different.

Private industry in Karnataka is quiet cosmopolitan where more or less
merit rules.

The problem with Goa is that there isn't much of private industry in the
first place. Secondly, even if there is, not many Goans want to work there.
Why ?

We have seen the recent fight in Wockhardt in Cuncolim. Though I dont
know the details, I cant imagine such a fight happening in Bangalore's

The following is considered given in Karnataka. That private industry will hire 
fire. It is not obliged to create jobs. However, in the same tone, the
private industry is not given undue concessions by the govt.

Private industry lives and dies with the market. You have a good product,
you survive; you have a bad one, you die. You do well, you hire more
people, you do  badly, you fire them.

Goans have to realize the above first, secondly fight in the market,
rather than complain. Of course, I am fully with Goans when they say that land 
should not be doled out to private industry unnecessarily. 

But I dont agree with the Goans when they say that there are more
outside vendors in the market. Outside vendors survive because Goans
are not willing to fight in the market. Outside vendors survive because
they give the best bang for the buck. Goans would prefer to go to
Dubai and do a job, rather than be an entreprenuer and slog it out in
Goa. That is fine, but then why complain ?



Re: [Goanet] The Goanet Hugo Chavez Award

2009-05-13 Thread Mario Goveia

Mario wrote:

 Marlon is actually the leading candidate for the Goanet Hugo Chavez 

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 00:21:14 +0530
From: Frederick [FN] Noronha *  

Btw, could someone consider *me* for this contest, if Mario would be decent
enough to institute such a priviledge?

Mario responds:

OK, Fred.  Your application has been duly noted.  I must say you are quite well 
qualified to be a candidate for the Hugo Chavez Award, named after one of the 
most despicable dictators in the world, and given to those who consistently 
support tyranny above and beyond the call of duty.

Fred wrote:

Incidentally, Robert Mugabe is today considered the pariah of the
'international community'. We've seen the impact on the Zimbabwean economy
etc [
But, in 1983, when he visited Goa for the CHOGM Retreat, he was indeed an
amazing personality admired by many. Not without reason. Apartheid was still 
alive and kicking. Colonialism wasn't yet taken over by the
let's-pretend-we-all-dislike-colonialism phase.

Mario responds:

This personal admiration for Robert Mugabe, who, if anything, makes Hugo Chavez 
look like a Boy Scout, definitely makes you the odds-on favorite for this 
year's award.

Fred wrote:

Who knows who becomes the heroes and villians of history?

Mario responds:

Actually, for those who understand the value of freedom and democracy, it's 
quite simple.  The villains are the ones who oppress their people and run their 
countries into the ground by using extreme national socialism or communism or 
fascism.  The heroes are those who not only oppose these tyrants but take 
action to liberate their people from their heavy hand.

Fred wrote:

But to make out Marlon to be a leftwinger is an aberation of cyber-history!

Mario responds:

While I understand and sympathize with why you may not want to be associated 
with him, it is his staunch opposition to the liberation of millions of 
innocent Muslims that gives him something in common with the entire left wing 

However, do not despair.  By virtue of this post, you definitely now have the 
edge over him.

BTW, Fred, as a professional journalist, I'm sure you have heard of Spell 
Check.  It does wonders for me when I'm agitated or in a hurry:-))

Re: [Goanet] Media Priorities: On Goa Being an Unsafe Place

2009-05-13 Thread George Pinto

Hi Godfrey

Sadly the law and order situation has deteriorated in Goa, along with the 
political situation. On Sunday, there was reported gang violence leaving one 
dead and two seriously injured at Siridao. This gang violence may not have 
directly involved tourists but who is to say the lawless nexxus, including the 
drug mafia is not involved like in the Scarlet murder case.

Foreign and domestic tourists have been murdered over the years in Goa. If we 
cannot guarantee basic safety to the tourist, it is not fair to ask the tourist 
to visit. In addition, Goa get terrible headlines. Better the tourist goes to 
other places where they are safe.


--- On Tue, 5/12/09, Romeo Ferns dedicated2...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hey George,
 Thats not fair at all. If we have a law and order situation
 in Goa then lets do something about it and address the
 situation rather than ask tourists to go elsewhere to safer
 destinations. We need the tourists for the sake of Goa and
 Godfrey Rasquinha

[Goanet] Sex and the single Catholic priest

2009-05-13 Thread Cecil Pinto

Sex and the single Catholic priest

There seems to be no end to Catholic sex scandals. In mid-April we
learned that the former bishop of San Pedro Paraguay, who resigned
from the priesthood to become president of that country, had multiple
affairs with women and fathered at least one child (and probably
more). Earlier in May, a tabloid caught Father Alberto Cutie, the
Miami-based talk show host known as Padre Oprah, kissing and
frolicking with his girlfriend.

Now comes the news that former Archbishop Rembert Weakland has written
a memoir in which he admits for the first time that he is gay.
Weakland resigned in 2002 after news broke that he had paid off Paul
Marcoux, an adult male who claimed he'd had a sexual relationship with
the bishop. Weakland denied the charges; the payment made that hard to

Coming out of the closet at 82 must be painful. It is also tragic --
so much time lost hiding from yourself and others. Perhaps most
touching in Weakland’s revelations is his acknowledgment of how
lonely it is to be a bishop. Or, I’d add, an ordinary priest.

For priests gay or straight, the strictures of celibacy have created
lonely, unfulfilled and often socially inept men -- the last thing we
need in religious leaders. I remember back to my own Catholic parish
of the 1950s where priests were either young hunks the girls swooned
over or bitter old men whom we now know were drinking themselves to
death in the rectory.

It got a little better after the Second Vatican Council, when
religious life was reformed and some attention was paid to
psychological aspects of a celibate life. Priests were encouraged to
have women friends (no one talked about sex, gay or straight), but the
burden of celibacy remained. Many priests left and got married or went
into open gay relationships.

For many others, like Weakland, it was just too late. As he tells it,
he denied his homosexuality until his relationship with Marcoux in the
late 70s. He agonized over the affair and in an August 1980 letter to
Marcoux, he broke off the relationship and recommitted to celibacy. He
signed the letter I love you. Makes me want to weep. In a sense, he
recommitted to a life that denies our emotional responsibility to
others and demands that we lie. I am sure that such self-denial
distorts other decisions and contributed strongly to Weakland’s
now-admitted practice of reassigning pedophile priests to other
parishes, which allowed them to continue to abuse children with
impunity. Weakland’s remarks on this matter indicate he has not yet
come to grips with the damage he did.

I can think of at least two other bishops (both cardinals) and
countless priests who have gone through similar anguish and, like
Weakland, gave up the lover and recommitted to celibacy. One mellowed
and grew as a humble human being, as it seems has Weakland. The other
became a judgmental prick. We’d all be better off if priests and
bishops did not have to choose between their love for the church and
their love for a partner. Mandatory celibacy too often destroys the
priest and in turn those he serves. Time to get rid of it.

― Frances Kissling

[Goanet] Feast of St. Dymphna on 15 th may

2009-05-13 Thread zoya joao

Dear Frederick,
Sending You information on St. Dymphna as well as the Saint's existence at 
'Casa de Almeidas' Assolna.
Kindly do the needful.
St. Dymphna was born in the 7th century in  Ireland. Her father King Daman  was 
a pagan whereas her mother, a descendant of a noble family, was a devout 
Christian, who was remarkable both for her piety and her great beauty. 
Dymphna   resembled   her mother and a lot of  affection and attention was 
lavished upon her right  from birth. She was a  very intelligent  girl blessed 
with wisdom and grace. Dymphna lost her mother when she was fourteen years old 
. Many were the secret tears she shed over this bereavement, but at the same 
time she found great comfort in the Divine Faith, though she was still of a 
tender age.
Dymphna's father, too, greatly mourned for  his deceased wife and for a long 
time continued prostrate with grief.  So he was persuaded by his counselors to 
seek solace in a second marriage. He  commissioned certain ones of his court to 
seek out for him a lady who would be like his first spouse in beauty and 
character. After visiting many countries in vain, the messengers returned 
saying that they could find none so charming and amiable as his own lovely 
daughter, Dymphna. The king conceived the evil design of marrying Dymphna.She 
was greatly horrified at the suggestion, and asked for a period of forty days 
to consider the proposal. She immediately  met  Father Gerebran, who advised 
her to flee from her native country without further delay. She 

 set out for the continent, accompanied by Father Gerebran, the court jester 
and his wife and settled at Gheel. 
King Damon  immediately set out with his followers in search of them. He  tried 
to persuade her to return with him, but Father Gerebran sternly rebuked him for 
his wicked intentions, whereupon he gave orders that Father Gerebran should be 
put to death. Without delay, his wicked retainers laid violent hands upon the 
priest and struck him on the neck with a sword.
Further attempts on the part of Dymphna's father to induce her to return with 
him proved futile. With undaunted courage she spurned his enticing promises and 
scorned his cruel threats. Infuriated by her resistance, her  father drew a 
dagger from his belt and he himself struck off the head of his child. The 
corpses were put in sarcophagi and entombed in a cave where they were found 
later. The body of St. Dymphna was buried in the church of Gheel.. .
St. Dymphna is depicted with a sword in her hand and a fettered devil at her 
feet and her feast is celebrated   on 15th  May. She is the patron saint for 
family happiness, 

loss of parents , nervous disorders/ neurological disorders . The glorious 
crown of martyrdom was accorded to her  in the fifteenth year of her age, on 
the fifteenth day of May, between 620 and 640. The day of her death has been 
assigned as her feastday.
In the ancestral chapel  of the ‘   Casa de Almeidas’ at Bainfol , Assolna  in 
Goa  existed amongst other images of saints ,  the image of  ‘St. Dymphna’  . 
This year Lida  João  and  family will be dedicating the 15 th of May to the 
devotion of this saint  at their ancestral house at ‘ Casa de Almeidas’ 
Bainfol, Assolna.  The image of the saint will be kept open to friends , 
relatives and persons who wish to have a glimpse of the Saint  and offer their  
prayers .

  Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter 

[Goanet] How Goans argue: HERALD(Goa), May 8-10, 2009

2009-05-13 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 13:05:40 +0530
From: Valmiki Faleiro valmi...@gmail.com

What follows is a serialised 3-part story of a recent debate at Goanet. It was 
carried in the ?Herald? (Goa) editions between May 8-10, 2009. Happy reading, 
but if you?re threatened with martyrdom from boredom, please don?t click 
?DELETE? before you?ve read the last four Paras at the bottom ? they?re gist of 
the rigmarole that preceded!
Rgds, v

Mario responds:


Saiba boggus!  I would never hit DELETE for a vintage Valmiki essay.  Besides, 
that would hardly help because such an indiscretion would still haunt me from 
the eternal Goanet archives:-))

Because of the warning above, I scanned the first few paras to get the gist and 
then went straight to the fourth para from the end.  I swear I really tried to 
follow what was going on.  Unfortunately, I fell asleep after the second para 
from the end, but not before I understood with appreciation the promotional 
value of this essay for Goanet, which is described as ...the largest internet 
forum of Goans worldwide  Wow!

I wonder if that's why people stood up and applauded when I entered Rio Rico 
last February?  Naaah!  I must be dreaming:-))

I promise I will have to finish reading this stimulating article as soon as I 
wake up, sometime tomorrow, perhaps, or maybe if I cannot fall asleep tonight 
might be a good time:-))

Oh, shoot!  I inadvertantly hit the DELETE button.  Thank God for the 

Re: [Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread floriano

Well said that, Samir.

Let me endorse what you have said below with a live example.

Many years ago I was privy to the chat our handy-man was having with my mom 
doing some chores in the compound.
The gist of the chat was that this guy (young boy) had paid Rs.5000/- to an 
agent out of total Rs. 10,000/- to go to Dubai. But the promised  Rs.5000/- 
balance was not forthcoming from a certain village lady who seemed to have 
backed out and put the young boy in a lurch after giving him tall assurances 
and getting her work done.

That night, I asked my mom what Madhu's problem was and she related to me 
the sorry tale. Please help the boy she pleaded with me.  I said, go ahead 
and tell Madhu he is on. My mom was overjoyed.

Madhu went to Dubai, came home once, very prosperous. He came home the 
second time and never went back. He was back to plucking mangoes, coconuts 
any odd jobs, painting, white-washing, what have you. Today, he is doing 
better than a Dubaikar where he was  working for a stevedoring company 
loading/unloading ships, a back breaking job, and getting half as much what 
he is getting here. And the best thing is that Madhu is in heavy demand. He 
gives appointments. Presently he is painting a bungalow in Carona/Aldona for 
me on daily wages for almost a month now. He wouldn't normally commit 
himself for that long with others, but it shows that he is grateful for a 
favour once done. And my mom never get a 'no' from Madhu.


- Original Message - 
From: Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:59 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

Goans would prefer to go to
Dubai and do a job, rather than be an entreprenuer and slog it out in
Goa. That is fine, but then why complain ?


[Goanet] Pope at the Western Wall

2009-05-13 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com




Pope at the Western Wall 
After visit to the Temple Mount, Benedict XVI places note in the Kotel. 
God of all the ages, the note began, on my visit to Jerusalem, the 'City of 
Peace', spiritual home to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, I bring before 
you the joys, the hopes and the aspirations, the trials, the suffering and the 
pain of all your people throughout the world. 
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the note continued, hear the cry of the 
afflicted, the fearful, the bereft; send your peace upon this Holy Land, upon 
the Middle East, upon the entire human family; stir the hearts of all who call 
upon your name, to walk humbly in the path of justice and compassion. 'The Lord 
is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him (Lam 3:25)!' 

Goa World   
 Super Goa  (em Português)  TGF Writers' Sketchpad  www.colaco.net
 www.goa-world.com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS http://www.jrsbible.info/bible.htm
EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/

[Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Samir,

You have made excellent points. I agree entirely with you. There is no
contention there

The point of contention will come IF

a: In Goa Govt posts, qualified Goans are sidelined - unfairly
b: In Goa Govt awarded contracts, qualified Goans are sidelined - unfairly
c: In the Goa Tourism and other sectors, natural resources (minerals,
water, seafood, cashew etc) are consumed, and qualified Goans do not
see the benefits either of employment or infrastructure.

In fact, I submit that IF the Goa tourism sector fails - Goans will
actually benefit from the consequential drop in the prices of staples
like fish.

All this and NOT to mention, pollution.

As far as News Media is concerned, I am fully convinced that 'lackeys'
of special interests seeking to brain wash Goans by white washing the
environmental et al degradation .must be opposed. It matters
little whether they are home-grown lackeys or 'bhaille'.

On a related matter I also agree with the sentiment wrt Wendall
Rodricks. The best way for Wendall was to have boycotted the TOI
function. One cannot have it both ways.


Samir Kelekar wrote: (bullet points, mine)

[1] Private industry in Karnataka is quiet cosmopolitan where more or
less merit rules.

[2] The problem with Goa is that there isn't much of private industry
in the first place.

[3] Of course, things in the govt. are probably different.

[4] in KarnatakaPrivate industry is not given undue concessions by the govt.

[5] Goans have to realize the above first, secondly fight in the market,
rather than complain.

[6] Of course, I am fully with Goans when they say that land etc
should not be doled out to private industry unnecessarily.

[7] But I dont agree with the Goans when they say that there are more
outside vendors in the market. Outside vendors survive because Goans
are not willing to fight in the market. Outside vendors survive
because they give the best bang for the buck.

[Goanet] The Goanet Hugo Chavez Award

2009-05-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
FN wrote:

[1]  Incidentally, Robert Mugabe is today considered the pariah of the
'international community'. We've seen the impact on the Zimbabwean economy

COMMENT: International Community can go fly a kite. It stood by quite
uninterested while Mugabe was butchering his opponents in Matabeleland with
the help of his comrade Perence Shiri. And THIS was in 1982. The so called
International Community were possibly quite unaffected when one black
(known then too) thug was wiping out his opponent (Joshua Nkomo) and his
people. That brutal suppression of the people of Matabeleland was nothing
short of ethnic wiping out.

And this is the thug that FN calls an amazing personality admired by many?

FN does not tell us if he (FN) too admired him and on what basis? knowledge
or ignorance?

Incidentally, this thug (Mugabe) came into power with the help of the then
Apartheid supremo (Voster). Voster leaned on Ian Smith after facing
sustained pressure from Kissinger.

See ...who has lost today because of the games the big boys play for Money,
Power, Diamonds and Gold. Southern Rhodesia, once the granary of southern
Africa, has now second Sahara desert.

I don't what it is about these Goa Journos. They admire based of
non-knowledge, or perhaps a commie streak in them.

I second FN's nomination for ALL of the following awards

Mugabe, Kaunda, Chavez, Castro and Salazar - all known for their censorship
and suppression of dissenting speech.

All of the above had good intentions, mind you. And then ..they got


FN [2]  But, in 1983, when he visited Goa for the CHOGM Retreat, he was
indeed an amazing personality admired by many. Not without reason. Apartheid
was still alive and kicking. Colonialism wasn't yet taken over by the
let's-pretend-we-all-dislike-colonialism phase.

[Goanet] 'Taka': Age Old Ritual still Practised in Canacona (Goa)

2009-05-13 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com



'Taka': Age Old Ritual still Practised in Goa
While travelling around rural Goa, which we routinely do for work, we came 
across this ancient practice of Taka in Canacona that was utterly intriguing 
for us city-bred scribes.
Celebrated by the largely faming community of Canacona, Taka, one discovered 
was an age-old ritual that roughly translates into a decree or an announcement. 
Not any ordinary notice, this message was inscribed into a really medieval 
looking cloth scroll, meant for the divine beings of our land.
And, watching the Taka ritual unfolding before us near the Parshuram Math, 
Poinguinim, was absolutely captivating. There were villagers in the pageant, 
togged in old-world dhotis, carrying gaily decorated umbrellas, wooden poles 
and richly decorated banners. They beat drums, danced in gay abandon, surged 
around in religious fervour, got themselves into a trance, in the midst of 
chanting by the temple priest. All in all, an event worth spending time over 
for any one interested in age-old practices.
As for the villagers, it was clear that they took the occasion seriously. 
Reverently touching the umbrellas and the decorated poles, they watched happily 
as the ancient decree was read out in public. All the while, taking care to 
enlighten us on the proceedings.
The Taka, they informed, was something unique because it was an invitation from 
one divinity to another with the deity of Betaal extending the invite to all 
the neighbouring gods in the region. The occasion: The Gadyache Zatra in May 
2010 that is to be celebrated once in three years. Thus, it is an invite that 
is local to the temples of Canacona, mainly around the three villages of 
Poinguinim- Loliem and Kharegali.
Meanwhile, experts in the field enlightened us some more on the ritual. Says, 
Mr Rohit Phalgaonkar, history teacher, Don Bosco, Panjim, The beauty of this 
rite, is that it has not lost its old-world flavour by getting modernised. He 
continues, For instance the villagers who carry the deities, wear the 
traditional attire, made up of white cotton. Similarly, the route that the 
procession takes is also said to be an ancient one.
Mr Phalgaonkar adds, Sticking to the old practices has its share of problems. 
In ancient times, the deity of Betaal it was said, traversed over mountains, 
rivers and jungles to send out the invite to his fellow beings. Yet, that is 
not possible in today's times as the area has got inhabited by people's homes 
and farms. Thus, it is not uncommon to watch the procession jumping over 
ditches or walking over make-shift planks over properties they are not allowed 
to enter.
Adds Mr Pandurang Phaldesai, member secretary, Kala Academy whose family home 
is in Poinguinim, The Taka is an invite from the reigning deity Betaal to all 
the gods in the vicinity. It is open to all, and people of all communities make 
it a point to watch the procession whenever it is taken around from village to 
Lord Mallikarjun Canacona (Bhovar) 
Palolem Beach, Canacona 
Shigmo Utsov in Canacona

Goa World   

 www.goa-world.com/goa/ music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS http://www.jrsbible.info/bible.htm
EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/


[Goanet] Goanet] West decides India's prime minister?

2009-05-13 Thread anil desai
Marshall wrote:

May I add that should the NDA (BJP) come to power with Advani as the PM, it
would be for the first time in India that a person chargesheeted in a
criminal offence (destruction of the Babri Masjid) would be holding the
nations's highest political office.

Dear Marshall,

This was reported in today's daily telegraph of London.
Some very distinguished world leaders do have dubious past that they would
rather forget. The difference is that in Advani's case, the cases are filed
by his political adversaries. In Pope Benedict's case, the pious man has
admitted it himself. But, look at his spin doctors struggling to hide the
truth. It pales into insignificance any sympathy RSS chief late golwalker
might have had for Hitler, would you agree?

See the link below:


Don't mention the Pope's Hitler Youth past, says the VaticanThe Vatican
blundered into a fresh public relations fiasco on Tuesday after seeking to
rewrite the biography of Pope Benedict XVI by denying that he was ever a
member of the Hitler Youth.

By Nick Squires in Rome and Tim Butcher in Jerusalem
Last Updated: 2:31AM BST 13 May 2009
[image: Pope Benedict XVI places his note to God in the Western Wall in
Jerusalem's Old City, Israel: Pope 'committed' to reconciliation with Jews]Pope
Benedict XVI places his note to God in the Western Wall at Judaism's holiest
site in Jerusalem's Old City, Israel. Photo: GETTY

The muddle overshadowed the second day of the Pope's visit to Israel and the
occupied Palestinian territories, when he visited sacred sites around
Jerusalem and sought to bridge the historic divide between Catholicism and

Even though the 82-year-old German pontiff has admitted in numerous
interviews that he was drafted unwillingly into the Nazi youth movement
towards the end of the war, his spokesman came up with another version.

Related Articles

   - Pope Benedict XVI seeks to end Jewish-Catholic tension over
   - Pope 'committed' to reconciliation with
   - Pope Benedict XVI calls for two-state solution on visit to
   - Pope Benedict XVI visits Jordan mosque in effort to heal Vatican's rift
   - Vatican planned to move to Portugal if Nazis captured wartime

The Pope was never in the Hitler Youth, never, never, never,'' Father
Federico Lombardi, chief spokesman for the Pope, told a press conference in

Father Lombardi tried to draw a distinction between pro-Nazi Germans who
volunteered for the Hitler Youth and young men, like the pontiff, who were
forced to join the anti-aircraft unit but who, he claimed, were not
necessarily in the Hitler Youth.

But Father Lombardi’s comments contradicted statements the Pope himself has

In the 1996 book “Salt of the Earth”, the Pope told Peter Seewald, a German
journalist: “At first we weren’t, but when the compulsory Hitler Youth was
introduced in 1941, my brother was obliged to join. I was still too young,
but later, as a seminarian, I was registered in the HY. As soon as I was out
of the seminary I never went back.”

Late yesterday Father Lombardi withdrew his earlier comments, saying that
Benedict had, indeed, been forced to join the Hitler Youth.

Father Lombardi made his comments in the wake of a critical response in
Israel to the Pope’s choice of language over the Holocaust during the first
day of his trip to Israel.

In clarifying his suggestion that the Pope had not been a member of the
Hitler Youth, Father Lombardi said he had intended to dispute suggestions in
the Israeli media that the Pope had been an enthusiastic Nazi as a boy.

“This fact of the Hitler Youth had no role in his life and in his
personality,” Father Lombardi said.

The puzzling claim about the Pope’s membership of the Hitler Youth is the
Vatican’s third stumble this year.

In January he caused outrage when he lifted the excommunication of a
renegade British Catholic bishop, Richard Williamson, who denied the extent
of the Holocaust.

Two months later he was criticised by governments, NGOs and health experts
when he said during his first papal visit to Africa that condoms can
“aggravate” the Aids crisis.

The Pope began the day 

[Goanet] Of Chinese Chau Chau, Soup, Xit Koddi etc

2009-05-13 Thread JoeGoaUk

Of Chinese Chau Chau, Soup, Xit Koddi etc



for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Restaurants in Goa. ‘Open till late ’

2009-05-13 Thread JoeGoaUk

Restaurants in Goa. ‘Open till late’  

Well, we had some work at Majorda and it got over just before 10pm.
Like a hungry horse, we were then looking for a reataurant to have 
our meals with or without drinks.

Looked every where, all either closed or half shutter down indicating 
no fresh orders.

We searched at Utorda, then Arossim, then Cansaulim then velsao.
Even our usual eating places were closed.

Finally, our driver said at Panjim there is one usually open till 
11.30 that’s Rego’s near KTC bust stand and we made it exactly 
11.30.  Our’s was the last order they took and the restaurant was 
closed by midnight.

Imagine driving from Majorda to Panjim then back to agassaim just for food.


If that (Rego’s)  did not work , then we planned to go to 
Miramar Temptation which is usually open till 1.30am.  

Looks like they both have some sort of special licenses.

So, next time you are late and hungry, you know where to go.

Or should u receive some unexpected guests etc  you can even send 
someone to get some food packed/parcel/take away. Temptation does 
free local delivery but not very late.

Does anybody know any other restaurant open till late?

Like to know from the south too like Margao City etc

Regos, near KTC.  They have A/c Room too

Temptation, close to Miramar Circle but on Dempe college Road.

Biryani and Chicken Tandoori - new


Temptation is also a smokers’ paradise. They have separate pub/room.
never been to that room. I can't stand cigarette smoke or smell.


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for May 14, 2009

2009-05-13 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Russian\'s death in Goa: Konkan Railway ridicule police
theory - Sify
ear-old Russian girl Elena Sukhonova, whose dismembered body
was found near the railway tracks near Revora in North Goa, had
died after falling off the train. ...

*** Serial killer confesses to two more murders - Times of


*** GCA backs GOA demand for implementing sports policy -


*** Chargesheeted minister\'s supporters threaten to topple Goa
government - Thaindian.com
ed ruling coalition in Goa may head for fresh turbulence with
the tourism minister and a Congress legislator threatening to
dislodge the government if a minister facing criminal charges
was dropped from the cabinet. ...

*** Buy Sesa Goa for target of Rs 165: Arihant - Economic Times
ays RSI is ...

*** Indian Mujahideen behind temple desecrations in Goa: BJP -
Economic Times
onomic Times, IndiaPANAJI: The opposition Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) in Goa Monday alleged the Indian Mujahideen (IM) was
behind the spate of temple desecrations taking place in rural
parts of the state. We have said in the past that the IMor the
Students Islamic ...

2009 - Worldwide Faith News (press release)
0 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 Tel: (212) 570-3530
Fax: (212) 774-0

*** Heritage lovers irked over inaction on bungalow close to
Old Goa ... - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The construction of a bungalow and
the filling up of a moat near the ruins of Old Goa city's outer
fortification and the inaction of revenue authorities has irked
heritage lovers. Goa Heritage Action Group (GHAG) has complained
to the north Goa ...

*** Police Blotter Police Blotter Week of 5.11.09: DOA vs GOA
(gone on ... - Westseattleherald.com
stseattleherald.com, WABy Megan Sheppard A man in his late 50s
called 911 to report that his girlfriend was dead#148;that she
had leaned over to insert a video into the player and collapsed.
When officers and medics arrived, the clearly distraught man
said, She's on thebed. ...

*** Hungary may up 2009 deficit goa - Life Style Extra
Hungary's 2009 budget deficit target could be raised to 3.9
percent of gross domestic product from 2.9 percent as a result
of talks between the government, the EU and the IMF, daily
Vilaggazdasag said on Wednesday. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service


2009-05-13 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 23:31:23 -0400
From: Averthan avert...@gmail.com



The modern world needs to be reminded, as Pope Benedict XVI has sought to do, 
that tragedies like HIV/AIDS cannot be cured merely by investing more money or 
providing more condoms. The root lies in the minds and the attitudes of people, 
who have acquired a condomized culture.

Mario responds:

The efficacy of condoms in preventing HIV/AIDS, including the results of a 
report by WHO, and its proper interpretation, were discussed in detail in:


The fact is that the correct and consistent use of condoms is far better than 
not using condoms, and incorrect or inconsistent use is almost like not using 
condoms at all.

It is an abuse of the language to call condoms safe without any 

[Goanet] Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread samir_kelekar

Floriano writes:

He came home the 
second time and never went back. He was back to plucking mangoes, coconuts 
any odd jobs, painting, white-washing, what have you. Today, he is doing 
better than a Dubaikar where he was  working for a stevedoring company 
loading/unloading ships, a back breaking job, and getting half as much what 
he is getting here.

Very well said Floriano. Opportunities today are in India, perhaps better
than in any other place in the world. That is why, the world's eyes are on

Surely, opportunities dont come announcing they are opportunities. One needs
self-belief more than anything else to grab onto them.

There are umpteen number of stories of Indians making it big. In fact,
India is one country which has created the highest number of billionaires
in the last few years, if at all that is one criteria to go by.


PS: I hope I have given enough material to Valmikibab for his next column
on Herald. :-)


[Goanet] Goa flight timings

2009-05-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha
Flight timings linking Goa with other domestic cities:
FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window. - Steve Wozniak

[Goanet] Science links Religion and Health

2009-05-13 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Here is a published scientific study where the (scientific) research links 
religion and health benefits.  In reviewing this paper please note the 
cross-reference to many papers that have arrived at similar conclusions.

The paper appeared in: The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological 
Sciences and Medical Sciences 63:480-486 (2008).  © 2008 The Gerontological 
Society of America 
The abstract of the paper is below:
Church Attendance Mediates the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and 
Cognitive Functioning Among Older Mexican Americans.
Carlos A. Reyes-Ortiz, Ivonne M. Berges, Mukaila A. Raji, Harold G. Koenig, 
Yong-Fang Kuo and Kyriakos S. Markides. 
Background. The objective of this study was to examine how the effect of 
depressive symptoms on cognitive function is modified by church attendance. 
Methods. We used a sample of 2759 older Mexican Americans. Cognitive function 
was assessed using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) at baseline, 2, 5, 
7, and 11 years of follow-up. Church attendance was dichotomized as frequent 
attendance (e.g., going to church at least once a month) versus infrequent 
attendance (e.g., never or several times a year). Depressive symptoms were 
assessed by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; score 
16 vs 16). General linear mixed models with time-dependent covariates were 
used to explore cognitive change at follow-up. 
Results. In unadjusted models, infrequent church attendees had a greater 
decline in MMSE scores (drop of 0.151 points more each year, standard error 
[SE] = 0.02, p .001) compared to frequent church attendees; participants 
having CES-D scores 16 also had greater declines in MMSE scores (drop of 0.132 
points more each year, SE = 0.03, p .001) compared to participants with CES-D 
score 16 at follow-up. In fully adjusted models, a significant Church 
attendance x CES-D x Time interaction (p =.001) indicated that, among 
participants with CES-D scores 16, infrequent church attendees had greater 
decline in MMSE scores (drop of 0.236 points more each year, SE = 0.05, p 
.001) compared to frequent church attendees at follow-up. 
Conclusion. Church attendance appears to be beneficial for maintaining 
cognitive function of older persons. Church attendance moderates the impact of 
clinically relevant depressive symptoms on subsequent cognitive function. 
The link is to the entire paper.
Regards, GL

[Goanet] Daily Grook #405

2009-05-13 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

bullshit political
often proved wrong,
is the fall we call
a slip of the dung!

puns  word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Find info faster and easier with Internet Explorer 8.

[Goanet] Towards Honouring GOANS EXTRAORDINAIRE - You have done Goa and Goans PROUD

2009-05-13 Thread floriano

[From Sinquetim, Navelim, staff nurse of  the Directorate of Health Services
receiving the National Florence Nightingale Award from President Pratibha
Patil at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, on Tuesday 13 May, 2009.  Anita is
presently posted at the leprosy hospital in Macazana--- TOI- Pg-4; May 14,
2009- Photo inset]

[Ex-Goan Diplomat hailing from Anjuna  having put up portraits of 30 world
leaders for display at 'Sapna', the Indian Cultural Centre in Gembloux,
Belgium-- Herald Pg.14 - May 14, 2009 - Photo inset]


[Goanet] Goanet McCarthy Award (was Muslim Demographics)

2009-05-13 Thread goacom

Basically, what Mario is saying below is that people who happen to be muslims 
are different from the rest of humanity and that only the christians 
(apparently only those in the US qualify) have the task and ability of doing 
what is right. With faulty, if not bigoted logic like this, is it any wonder 
that this is the same Mario that was preaching the threat of global cooling 
some time ago, or who claimed that Saddam was responsible for the 9/11 attacks 
in the US?

With Mario suggesting that all muslims as being morally deficient, with 
Marshall fear mongering about hindu fundamentalists hiding behind every pixel 
in cyberspace and with Nasci name calling all non-christians as belonging to 
uncouth cultures, the seeds of Goanet's Mario-Marshall-Nasci axis of evil is 
being set!


--- On Tue, 5/12/09, Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
 The problem is that the many sane Muslims, who could rise
 up and crush the small number of Islamic radicals if they
 wished, have failed to do so under some arcane but deeply
 ingrained principle called Ummah.  They leave it up
 to mostly Christians from mostly the US to intervene on
 their behalf.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (14May09)

2009-05-13 Thread alexyz fernandes

Howzzat! Howzzat!  I'll stay at my Father's til the 20/20s are over


To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org


2009-05-13 Thread Carvalho

What we should have is a contraceptive that contains unneccesary spillage from 
the mouth.


--- On Wed, 5/13/09, Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 The fact is that the correct and consistent use of condoms
 is far better than not using condoms, and incorrect or
 inconsistent use is almost like not using condoms at all.
 It is an abuse of the language to call condoms safe
 without any qualification.


[Goanet] Goa and Goans.

2009-05-13 Thread damodar vinayak bale
Respected Editor,

Goa was known as GOMANTAK word coming from Gomant mountains.Goans
are and were a peace loving people where humanism is and was valued
rather than casts and religions.Every goan attends Mandirs,Churches
and Dargas irrespective of his faith.Then,where is the hitch? Why
should anybody create hatred?

With best regards,
Damodar Bale.

Re: [Goanet] Fr Vincent Catao

2009-05-13 Thread pascal pinto
Dear All,

It was with a saddened heart that I heard of Fr Catao's demise last weekend. Fr 
Catao was my English teacher and principal of our school St Britto's. A 
disciplinarian to boot he enforced the law with his paddle and 'lunch time 
He did not tolerate fools and called a spade a spade. As Marshall pointed out 
he had 
an aristocratic demeanour and spoke English as it should be spoken. Despite 
this he 
was loved and respected by all his students. It may be because his classes were 
engaging and he was a committed and charismatic teacher with a strong sense of 
play, Heavens school will rejoice with the addition of Fr Catao coming so soon 
Sir Ivan -another great teacher.

These two teachers have inspired me and have helped me to become what I am.

My sympathies to the bereaved families.
Thank You Fred for keeping us informed.

Pascal X. Pinto
Class of '80
St Britto HS Mapuca