Re: [hlcoders] Client-side touch prediction

2006-03-28 Thread Jorge Rodriguez

Adam "amckern" Mckern wrote:

Runs clean with nightfall, and seems to stop in my
testing the phis death that is cased by the suspended
phis boxes!

Well done

Sorry, but I don't know what phis death and suspended phis boxes are. I
don't even know what 'phis' means. Can you regress please?

Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez

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Re: [hlcoders] Client-side touch prediction

2006-03-28 Thread Adam \"amckern\" Mckern
Runs clean with nightfall, and seems to stop in my
testing the phis death that is cased by the suspended
phis boxes!

Well done

--- Tim Lippert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does this help with getting rid of the "client stuck
> on object xxx" wall bug my players are screaming
> about in Kreedz Climbing??
> Or is it something very different and only
> pertaining to physics models?

> Client-side touch prediction is disabled in the
> standard SDK. I had some
> need for it, so I stuck it in. Since it's
> non-trivial, and something
> that shouldn't have to be written twice, I'm posting
> it here for
> opinions and corrections. It's mostly just copied
> from the equivalent
> server code. This patch is from my version control
> system, so it might
> not fit so cleanly into the patch utility. And those
> line numbers might
> not be totally accurate, if I've edited those files
> before.
> cl_dll/movehelper_client.cpp
> --- cl_dll/movehelper_client.cpp
> +++ cl_dll/movehelper_client.cpp
> @@ -128,6 +128,38 @@
>  void CMoveHelperClient::ProcessImpacts( void )
>  {
> +// Don't bother if the player ain't solid
> +if ( g_pLocalPlayer->IsSolidFlagSet(
> +return;
> +
> +// Save off the velocity, cause we need to
> temporarily reset it
> +Vector vel = g_pLocalPlayer->GetAbsVelocity();
> +
> +// Touch other objects that were intersected
> during the movement.
> +for (int i = 0 ; i < m_TouchList.Size(); i++)
> +{
> +C_BaseEntity *pEnt =
> ClientEntityList().GetEnt(
> m_TouchList[i].trace.m_pEnt->entindex() );
> +if (!pEnt)
> +continue;
> +
> +// Don't ever collide with self
> +if ( pEnt == g_pLocalPlayer )
> +continue;
> +
> +// Reconstruct trace results.
> +m_TouchList[i].trace.m_pEnt = pEnt;
> +
> +// Use the velocity we had when we
> collided, so boxes will
> move, etc.
> +g_pLocalPlayer->SetAbsVelocity(
> m_TouchList[i].deltavelocity );
> +
> +pEnt->PhysicsImpact( g_pLocalPlayer,
> m_TouchList[i].trace );
> +}
> +
> +// Restore the velocity
> +g_pLocalPlayer->SetAbsVelocity( vel );
> +
> +// So no stuff is ever left over, sigh...
> +ResetTouchList();
>  }
>  void CMoveHelperClient::StartSound( const Vector&
> origin, const char
> *soundname )
> cl_dll/prediction.cpp
> --- cl_dll/prediction.cpp
> +++ cl_dll/prediction.cpp
> @@ -837,9 +837,7 @@
>  RunPostThink( player );
> -// TODO:  Predict impacts?
> -//// Let server invoke any needed impact
> functions
> -//moveHelper->ProcessImpacts();
> +moveHelper->ProcessImpacts();
>  FinishCommand( player );
> So far this code works for my purposes. Has anybody
> else done this, or
> want to try this and provide some input? Maybe Valve
> has some pointers,
> or a reason why they didn't do it in the first
> place?
> Thanks.
> --
> Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
> Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige
> Bilder per SMS!
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Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-28 Thread Teddy
Probably something i've changed making it go wacky.. i'll give it another shot

On 3/29/06, Tony omega Sergi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's what dod uses, and it worked when I was still working on FLF classic
> before I left. It also worked good in another mod I was working on.
> -Original Message-
> From: Teddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: March 28, 2006 3:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?
> I tested this out in a recent dys build, it didn't seem to fix the
> problem of wall running, and it made strafe running quite jerky..
> anyone else have this problem?
> On 3/24/06, Jason Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --
> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > Cool. Thanks for that. I'll give it a try soon too. Soulfather will be
> > pretty happy if we can make that jittery prediction bug go away :D
> >
> >
> > --
> > Draco
> > --
> >
> > ___
> > To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
> please visit:
> >
> >
> >
> ___
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> ___
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[hlcoders] Thirdperson

2006-03-28 Thread Aaron Schiff
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I was looking over CHL2MP_Player & I saw that there was a function *
SetAnimation* defined...
This function is serverside only and CBasePlayer defines it but doesn't do
anything inside.
Would this possibly be the cure for the thirdperson issue everyone has been
having if it was predicted on the client?


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[hlcoders] Thirdperson HL2mp

2006-03-28 Thread Tim Lippert
I'm getting the same error in the console and we dont even use third person.
Bad pstudiohdr in GetSequenceLinearMotion()!

It actually appears 2 times when it does appear, and I don't know what it is. 
The funny thing is that I'm not even seeing anything wierd about the models 
animations at all.

Im trying to get animations to work in Thirdperson for HL2MP. I have gotten
it to goto a third person view
and it shows the current player model. but it is with its arms out, and not

When I begin moving, in thirdperson I get this error in the console

Bad pstudiohdr in GetSequenceLinearMotion()!

Do you know where this code is? Or how I might go about adding these
animations in?



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[hlcoders] Client-side touch prediction

2006-03-28 Thread Tim Lippert
Does this help with getting rid of the "client stuck on object xxx" wall bug my 
players are screaming about in Kreedz Climbing??

Or is it something very different and only pertaining to physics models?

Client-side touch prediction is disabled in the standard SDK. I had some
need for it, so I stuck it in. Since it's non-trivial, and something
that shouldn't have to be written twice, I'm posting it here for
opinions and corrections. It's mostly just copied from the equivalent
server code. This patch is from my version control system, so it might
not fit so cleanly into the patch utility. And those line numbers might
not be totally accurate, if I've edited those files before.

--- cl_dll/movehelper_client.cpp
+++ cl_dll/movehelper_client.cpp
@@ -128,6 +128,38 @@

 void CMoveHelperClient::ProcessImpacts( void )
+// Don't bother if the player ain't solid
+if ( g_pLocalPlayer->IsSolidFlagSet( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) )
+// Save off the velocity, cause we need to temporarily reset it
+Vector vel = g_pLocalPlayer->GetAbsVelocity();
+// Touch other objects that were intersected during the movement.
+for (int i = 0 ; i < m_TouchList.Size(); i++)
+C_BaseEntity *pEnt = ClientEntityList().GetEnt(
m_TouchList[i].trace.m_pEnt->entindex() );
+if (!pEnt)
+// Don't ever collide with self
+if ( pEnt == g_pLocalPlayer )
+// Reconstruct trace results.
+m_TouchList[i].trace.m_pEnt = pEnt;
+// Use the velocity we had when we collided, so boxes will
move, etc.
+g_pLocalPlayer->SetAbsVelocity( m_TouchList[i].deltavelocity );
+pEnt->PhysicsImpact( g_pLocalPlayer, m_TouchList[i].trace );
+// Restore the velocity
+g_pLocalPlayer->SetAbsVelocity( vel );
+// So no stuff is ever left over, sigh...

 void CMoveHelperClient::StartSound( const Vector& origin, const char
*soundname )

--- cl_dll/prediction.cpp
+++ cl_dll/prediction.cpp
@@ -837,9 +837,7 @@

 RunPostThink( player );

-// TODO:  Predict impacts?
-//// Let server invoke any needed impact functions

 FinishCommand( player );

So far this code works for my purposes. Has anybody else done this, or
want to try this and provide some input? Maybe Valve has some pointers,
or a reason why they didn't do it in the first place?


Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez

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Re: [hlcoders] About using TFC sounds in a HL2 mod?

2006-03-28 Thread Tim Holt
Since HL2 is the core game that any mod will build from, wouldn't it be OK to
distribute those models?

Quoting Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Does this also apply to models? I know GMOD distributes various hl2 models
> (in the official installer).
> Download/Install GMOD and see that models from HL2 are in the
> Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\gmod9\models\Player
> gman/alyx/kleiner/eli/breen/barney/mossman/monk models
> --
> ___
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RE: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-28 Thread Tony \"omega\" Sergi
It's what dod uses, and it worked when I was still working on FLF classic
before I left. It also worked good in another mod I was working on.

-Original Message-
From: Teddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: March 28, 2006 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

I tested this out in a recent dys build, it didn't seem to fix the
problem of wall running, and it made strafe running quite jerky..
anyone else have this problem?

On 3/24/06, Jason Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Cool. Thanks for that. I'll give it a try soon too. Soulfather will be
> pretty happy if we can make that jittery prediction bug go away :D
> --
> Draco
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] About using TFC sounds in a HL2 mod?

2006-03-28 Thread Nick
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Does this also apply to models? I know GMOD distributes various hl2 models
(in the official installer).

Download/Install GMOD and see that models from HL2 are in the
Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\gmod9\models\Player

gman/alyx/kleiner/eli/breen/barney/mossman/monk models

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Re: [hlcoders] About using TFC sounds in a HL2 mod?

2006-03-28 Thread fjulll
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I'm quite sure you would find the answer if you asked Valve ;)
Personally I think it wouldn't be legal, to redistribute someone elses
sounds in a mod package would be the exact same crime as uploading a britney
spears song on DC++. What you could do is if the users actually had TFC
installed in their computer maybe you could get hold of the sound files in
the original gfc.

On 3/29/06, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I was talking with some guys on irc lately, and one of them brought up the
> legal aspects of using tfc sounds in a hl2 mod. Some of them said it was
> legal, some said it was illegal? Nobody was able to give a definative
> answer.
> Does anyone here know the answer to this?
> Or does anyone know how to find the answer to this?
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlcoders] About using TFC sounds in a HL2 mod?

2006-03-28 Thread Stephen Swires

It would be illegal if they didn't own the original TFC on their Steam
account. You're best off emailing Valve themselves

Nick wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I was talking with some guys on irc lately, and one of them brought up the
legal aspects of using tfc sounds in a hl2 mod. Some of them said it was
legal, some said it was illegal? Nobody was able to give a definative

Does anyone here know the answer to this?

Or does anyone know how to find the answer to this?

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[hlcoders] About using TFC sounds in a HL2 mod?

2006-03-28 Thread Nick
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I was talking with some guys on irc lately, and one of them brought up the
legal aspects of using tfc sounds in a hl2 mod. Some of them said it was
legal, some said it was illegal? Nobody was able to give a definative

Does anyone here know the answer to this?

Or does anyone know how to find the answer to this?

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Re: [hlcoders] speed increase when walking along walls, any fixes?

2006-03-28 Thread Teddy
I tested this out in a recent dys build, it didn't seem to fix the
problem of wall running, and it made strafe running quite jerky..
anyone else have this problem?

On 3/24/06, Jason Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Cool. Thanks for that. I'll give it a try soon too. Soulfather will be
> pretty happy if we can make that jittery prediction bug go away :D
> --
> Draco
> --
> ___
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> visit:

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Re: [hlcoders] String table case insensitivity causes problems.

2006-03-28 Thread Physical Mayhem Bug
Well, so far Valve has never responded to any of the SDK bug reports, so you 
shouldn't hold your breath waiting for them before releasing a fix.  Better to 
just release the fix and if there's an issue, we'll solve it. (Now Valve did 
 in the SDK, but they didn't respond specifically to the KI.)

I'll post a fix for sdk_hud_chat.cpp shortly.

At 2006/03/27 10:08 PM, Jorge Rodriguez wrote:
>Physical Mayhem Bug wrote:
>>Ok well then there's two bugs here:
>>First, the chat being broken if the user's name doesn't appear in the chat 
>>text.  Let me poor a little marinara sauce over this code.  Ah that's better. 
>> And second, the bug that the case-insensitive name change doesn't propogate 
>>I reviewed all of the places that wacky string alloc is being used and don't 
>>see any issue with making it case sensitive.  Of course it would all be 
>>better off being normal std::strings, but that's a fix for another day. :)
>>I've posted patches for both issues on the KI list:
>I would prefer that second patch to not be so public until the person
>who wrote that test case for case insensitivity steps forward and agrees
>that it's OK for mods to do that sort of thing. I'm not so worried about
>engine compatibility, because tier1 is a static library and I don't
>think they share strings between each other, but I'm more worried about
>making volatile changes to well-tested code.
>As for the first patch, could you add another patch for
>sdk_hud_chat.cpp? I'm sure those of us who are using the SDK build (like
>me) will thank you greatly.
>Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
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Re: [hlcoders] The Wall Bug of KZMOD

2006-03-28 Thread John Sheu
My first guess would be that it has something to do with the physics
shadow being used for the player.  You've looked at the GameMovement
class evidently; I'd also advise you to take a look at VPhysicsUpdate()
in BasePlayer.  That is where the physics model and the player positions
get reconciled.

John Sheu

On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 17:08 +0200, Tim Lippert wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, but this can't be a solution. Our maps are really huge 
> and it would not be a good idea to cover entire areas where the jumps are 
> with clip brushes. Some maps have close to 600 jumps and are not all nicely 
> placed in a line either. Some may even be attached to a 32 sided cylinder. I 
> dont think that CSS or HL2 has clip brushes on all thier walls and 
> displacements, especially since we have 2 maps with nothing but 
> displacements...this trick will also take away one unit of grid space the 
> player can walk on which is sometimes very crucial.
> I have been given the belief that the hl code was looked at, at least I had 
> asked Jason to loook through it while he programmed it, because Yahn Bernier 
> gave me the same tip and said you could get it exactly the same, but Jason 
> never saw the way to make it work or just didn't find it.
> There must be another way. I am also getting reports that people are falling 
> through displacements while playing the game. It happened to me once as well.
> > Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:42:12 -0800 (PST)
> > From: "Adam \"amckern\" Mckern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [hlcoders] The Wall Bug of KZMOD
> > To:
> > Reply-To:
> >
> > One way to fix stuck on object, is to cover over the
> > areas where it apperas with a 'player clip' brush - it
> > stops the hit box geting stcuk, and the phiscs sytem
> > is then happy.
> >
> > As for the other items you litsed, I dont know where
> > to start looking for answers, other then loading up
> > the hl1 sdk, and look at gamemovemnt.cpp
> >
> > Adam
> __
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Re: [hlcoders] The Wall Bug of KZMOD

2006-03-28 Thread Adam \"amckern\" Mckern
The displacment bug has been talked about before, have
a search into the archives of the list...


--- Tim Lippert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply, but this can't be a solution.
> Our maps are really huge and it would not be a good
> idea to cover entire areas where the jumps are with
> clip brushes. Some maps have close to 600 jumps and
> are not all nicely placed in a line either. Some may
> even be attached to a 32 sided cylinder. I dont
> think that CSS or HL2 has clip brushes on all thier
> walls and displacements, especially since we have 2
> maps with nothing but displacements...this trick
> will also take away one unit of grid space the
> player can walk on which is sometimes very crucial.
> I have been given the belief that the hl code was
> looked at, at least I had asked Jason to loook
> through it while he programmed it, because Yahn
> Bernier gave me the same tip and said you could get
> it exactly the same, but Jason never saw the way to
> make it work or just didn't find it.
> There must be another way. I am also getting reports
> that people are falling through displacements while
> playing the game. It happened to me once as well.
> > Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:42:12 -0800 (PST)
> > From: "Adam \"amckern\" Mckern"
> > Subject: Re: [hlcoders] The Wall Bug of KZMOD
> > To:
> > Reply-To:
> >
> > One way to fix stuck on object, is to cover over
> the
> > areas where it apperas with a 'player clip' brush
> - it
> > stops the hit box geting stcuk, and the phiscs
> sytem
> > is then happy.
> >
> > As for the other items you litsed, I dont know
> where
> > to start looking for answers, other then loading
> up
> > the hl1 sdk, and look at gamemovemnt.cpp
> >
> > Adam
> Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige
> Bilder per SMS!
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> ___
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[hlcoders] The Wall Bug of KZMOD

2006-03-28 Thread Tim Lippert
Thanks for the reply, but this can't be a solution. Our maps are really huge 
and it would not be a good idea to cover entire areas where the jumps are with 
clip brushes. Some maps have close to 600 jumps and are not all nicely placed 
in a line either. Some may even be attached to a 32 sided cylinder. I dont 
think that CSS or HL2 has clip brushes on all thier walls and displacements, 
especially since we have 2 maps with nothing but displacements...this trick 
will also take away one unit of grid space the player can walk on which is 
sometimes very crucial.

I have been given the belief that the hl code was looked at, at least I had 
asked Jason to loook through it while he programmed it, because Yahn Bernier 
gave me the same tip and said you could get it exactly the same, but Jason 
never saw the way to make it work or just didn't find it.

There must be another way. I am also getting reports that people are falling 
through displacements while playing the game. It happened to me once as well.

> Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:42:12 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Adam \"amckern\" Mckern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] The Wall Bug of KZMOD
> To:
> Reply-To:
> One way to fix stuck on object, is to cover over the
> areas where it apperas with a 'player clip' brush - it
> stops the hit box geting stcuk, and the phiscs sytem
> is then happy.
> As for the other items you litsed, I dont know where
> to start looking for answers, other then loading up
> the hl1 sdk, and look at gamemovemnt.cpp
> Adam

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Re: [hlcoders] Manipulating Game Menu Items

2006-03-28 Thread Kamran

I know, but /I/ do. I am an aesthetic person and I need my mod to look
pretty. :-D

Tim Holt wrote:

Players seriously don't give a hoot about hacks - only results IMO.  If they see
it and go "oh cool, this is different" it's gotta be a win for a mod.

Quoting Aaron Schiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

...and it's an overall hack...btw

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Kamran A
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Re: [hlcoders] String table case insensitivity causes problems.

2006-03-28 Thread NuclearFriend
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
If it was that well tested, the bug wouldn't be there. :P But I see your
point on reluctantly changing it, maybe someone from Valve will actually say
something about it soon. I can't think of a problem it will cause though.

I'm going to leave it changed, if I find any problems later, I'll say so

On 3/28/06, Jorge Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Physical Mayhem Bug wrote:
> >Ok well then there's two bugs here:
> >
> >First, the chat being broken if the user's name doesn't appear in the
> chat text.  Let me poor a little marinara sauce over this code.  Ah that's
> better.  And second, the bug that the case-insensitive name change doesn't
> propogate properly.
> >
> >I reviewed all of the places that wacky string alloc is being used and
> don't see any issue with making it case sensitive.  Of course it would all
> be better off being normal std::strings, but that's a fix for another day.
> :)
> >
> >I've posted patches for both issues on the KI list:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I would prefer that second patch to not be so public until the person
> who wrote that test case for case insensitivity steps forward and agrees
> that it's OK for mods to do that sort of thing. I'm not so worried about
> engine compatibility, because tier1 is a static library and I don't
> think they share strings between each other, but I'm more worried about
> making volatile changes to well-tested code.
> As for the first patch, could you add another patch for
> sdk_hud_chat.cpp? I'm sure those of us who are using the SDK build (like
> me) will thank you greatly.
> --
> Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
> ___
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> please visit:

Programmer for RnL

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