Re: IBM-MAIN Digest - 19 Jan 2025 to 20 Jan 2025 (#2025-20)

2025-01-21 Thread Gary Weinhold
I never had to think about blocksize when the input was from a physical 
card reader 50 years ago.  Best practices change so quickly!

On 2025-01-21 12:00 a.m., IBM-MAIN automatic digest system wrote:

Date:Mon, 20 Jan 2025 20:48:36 -0500
From:Matt Hogstrom
Subject: Re: Does this make any sense?

Not to mention elapsed time and CPU … not sure of the impact on older 3380 
devices to SSDs but grossly inefficient if you’ve upgraded but not reorganized.

Matt Hogstrom

“To achieve great things two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough 
- Leonard Bernstein

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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On Jan 20, 2025, at 12:50, Allan 
Staller<> wrote:

Simple test.
Create an FB 80 80 dataset with a few thousand records in it and read the 
Create a FB 80 27920 dataset with the fame number of records and compare the 

Also watch the space quantity required.

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Re: What is a "programming language"? Was:: Modifying JCL on the fly

2024-11-12 Thread Gary Weinhold

See "The Sachertorte Algorithm and Other Antidotes to Computer Anxiety" by John 
Viking 1985 (ISBN 0-670-8541-6)

Radoslaw wrote (snipped);
Of course first answer may rise another question: what is a program?
And the second one may rise: Who said that?

However such discussion may lead to interesting (or not) results. Is
cooking recipe a program? You can find loops, variables, conditions,
etc. It is written in Polish. Or English. 🙂


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Re: Allocation of an SMS managed dataset

2024-10-01 Thread Gary Weinhold

At our level or zOS 2.4, the dataset is allocated and the VVDS entry is
not created.  In our experience this cause an error when trying to
implement incremental backups.  I do not not know of a straightforward
method to expand the VVDS or delete it and reallocate it with more space.

On 2024-09-28 12:00 a.m., IBM-MAIN automatic digest system wrote:

Date:Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:46:07 +
Subject: Re: Allocation of an SMS managed dataset

Nobody knows the answer to this question?  Surely, someone from IBM is on this 
and knows the answer.  Or at least, they can point me to the right manual.

"Confidentially doc, I am the wabbit."

Bugs Bunny

Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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MP3000 available

2024-06-29 Thread Gary Weinhold
We are finally disposing of our MP3000.  It still powers on and Warp runs OK 
but a disk error prevents initailization.  To complywith licensing restrictions 
and internal confidentiality, we will pull the disks and destroy them.  It is 
located in Ottawa, Ontraio, Canada.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Re: Reading a scratch tape)

2024-02-09 Thread Gary Weinhold
>Rex wrote:
>Actually, it does make sense (at least to me) to have this threshold set.  
>We've gone back more than once to rescue a developer or support person who 
>inadvertently >scratched a tape the day before and we were able to recover it 
>for them by using this "expired but not really" feature.  It is really no 
>different from old physical tapes, >where the data on a scratch tape wasn't 
>really gone until the tape was physically written over.  In those days, one 
>could jump through hoops (and security) to get the >contents brought back.  
>This simply maintains that capability.  Without the expire hold, as soon as 
>the tape is scratch, the data is gone.

Back in the 70s,  payroll was run in-house at the place I worked.  Every 2 
weeks the head of payroll would bring in a removable disk pack and stay in the 
computer room until the checks and reports were printed and then took 
everything back with him.  There was a back up to reel tape.  A tape label with 
the dataset name was printed and stuck on the reel as it was removed from the 
drive and stored in the computer room until expiration.  The operators knew 
these tapes would only be used by payroll.
Each tape had its serial number prominently displayed on its perimeter case.   
When a tape expired, the tape label was removed and it was hung on a scratch 
 A co-worker waited until the payroll backup tape expired and ran a utility to 
print the contents, calling for the expired tape by serial number with BLP.  In 
order to minimize his chances of detection by nosy operators, who would stop 
the printer and adjust the paper feed behind the printer if they thought 
something interesting was being printed, he printed it in hex.
I got involved because he couldn't read hex.  So, taking this as an educational 
opportunity, I showed him how to use the green card to interpret the name field 
and find packed decimal fields using my record as an example.  He left for 
greener pastures soon after.


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Re: Definition of mainframe? Was: Ars Technica

2023-08-01 Thread Gary Weinhold
>> Wayne B wrote:
COBOL MOVE was not intuitive. Should have been PROPOGATE or COPY, COPY was 
already taken I guess.

Assembler has the same problem: MVC, MVCL, etc.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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Re: Effective region

2023-05-26 Thread Gary Weinhold
This sort of control block chasing can usually be done in COBOL, if that helps.

Radoslaw wrote:
W dniu 24.05.2023 o 03:26, Phil Smith III pisze:
> Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
>> Scenario:
>> Default REGION
>> REGION specified explicitely in JOB card (or in another similar way)
>> SMFLIMxx and/or IEFUSI.
>> Q: how to check effective REGION limit for the job/stc?
> Does this help?
>   L   R7,PSAAOLD-PSAaddress of ASCB
>   L   R7,ASCBLDA
>   L   R2,ABOVESZ
>   MVC 0(4,R2),LDAELIM   size of region above the line
>   L   R2,ABOVEAL
>   MVC 0(4,R2),LDAELOAL  size of region above the line
>   L   R2,BELOWSZ
>   MVC 0(4,R2),LDALIMIT  size of region below the line
>   L   R2,BELOWAL
>   MVC 0(4,R2),LDALOALsize of region below the line
>   L   R2,REGSZ
>   MVC 0(4,R2),LDAREGRQ   actual region size

Unfortunately no, however I appreciate your effort. Thank you!
No, because I'm assembler (almost) illiterate. No, because as far as I
understand it is good to find out current values "from inside" of the task.

However I reviewed SMF30 data and I think this is the direction I should
follow. That means some report I have to create.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Subject: Re: Currency format suggestions, please?

2023-04-01 Thread Gary Weinhold
This is been very interesting, but no one has mentioned billions and trillions. 
 When I was a young, I learned that the UK million was the same as US, but 
billion was a million millions (not just a thousand million) and a trillion was 
a million billions and so on.  i guess It makes a difference when you're 
talking about national debt (cue Senator Everett Dirksen).  Anyway, UK switched 
to the thousands- based 'illions in 1974.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Re: Transmitting SMF records

2022-12-15 Thread Gary Weinhold
I'm glad there was a solution.

But the underlying problem seems to be that z/OS FTP appears to be limited to 
processing a binary (image) transfer as a stream of bytes unless the transfer 
is between a z/OS client and z/OS server.  IBM RECFM of VB and VBS seem to be 
quite well defined and I don't know why, if the receiving z/OS FTP is informed 
that the data stream is actually VB(S) format, either by SITE/LOCSITE FTP 
commands or by the DCB of a preallocated output dataset, it can't invoke the 
same routines that it would if the sender was a z/OS system.

As an alternative, it wouldn't seem very difficult to create a utility to read 
the FTPed data (received as a sequential file with an arbitrary record length) 
and reformat the data to write a VB(S) file.  I've known of windows-based 
utilities that process FTPed SMF data (raw or tersed) so the technical 
knowledge is out there.
Date:Wed, 14 Dec 2022 13:22:27 -0600
From:Boesel Guillaume 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Transmitting SMF records

Hi Rex,
Great. You are right, tersing file from tape to tape works well.
It took around 80-90 MSU during an hour for just one file but it worked.

Hoping that Ituriel will be able to read this file.

Regards and thanks !

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Assembler courses

2022-09-16 Thread Gary Weinhold
To help a person who has COBOL and C language experience learn to write 
assembler, I would like them to learn from the start both reentrant and 
baseless coding techniques.  Is there training available that assumes the 
instruction set available on the z12 is the starting point and that teaches 
reentrancy as the norm?

(Cross-posted to IBM-Main and Assembler-list)

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Re: z16 video

2022-04-07 Thread Gary Weinhold

It was a great video, I agree, especially if you could watch it without
closed captioning.  My experience with closed captioning in contrast to
proper subtitling has led me to believe that most (all?) closed
captioning is done by voice recognition software coupled with
simultaneous interpretation software without human review or editing.  I
think it's true for some movies too, because I'm sure it's a lot cheaper
than paying a person with the skills and knowledge to translate the
original script or the sound track.  When it's really bad, it's not only
distracting, it can ruin the experience.  In contrast, well-done movie
subtitling while listening to the foreign language soundtrack can be an
excellent experience.

I feel it's still an area where the current technology is quite limited
(albeit significantly faster and cheaper) compared to human
capabilities. I wonder if it's possible for a video creator to edit the
closed-captions for a particular language to correct errors?


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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3270 emulator for Mac

2021-05-03 Thread Gary Weinhold

Is there a good 3270 emulator for an Mac laptop?  We're looking at Mocha
but it appears to have limited functionality.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-27 Thread Gary Weinhold

Rob Scott wrote (snipped):

 From the description of the abend, if your user code runs as a jobstep in 
something like a JES initiator, you will always be at risk from a prior batch 
job performing an LXRES for PC-ss (without an initiator restart).


Is there any reason why your user-ASID owned PC-cp cannot be owned by your 
server-ASID ?

The load module would have to be in LPA/common but could probably execute 
exactly the same code as it does today.

and Peter Relson wrote (snipped):

One case would be a multi-step started task (or initiated job) where the
first step did so, and there is a second step.
Don't do that.

Thanks, Peter and Rob.  This was a  batch job and we do not know all the
preceding job steps (we only know the prior step was IDCAMS). We know
our product can be run in multiple steps in the same job. Your responses
will enable us to help the customer research the preceding steps to the
abend in the address space.  The resolution may be as simple as changing
the job class for this job (or the cross-memory job step).  According to
the customer, this happens once in a while and rerunning the job works.

It was set up this way when we decided we had to add a PC to our product
20 years ago.  I believe the programmer was afraid that a customer could
accidentally cancel the server started task and cause all running
instances of our product to abend (which could include CICS and IMS/TM
regions, batch jobs and a shared dataspace).  He figured this technique
would only prevent new instances of our product from starting and
wouldn't be as big a problem for the customer to recover from.


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Abend S052-104

2021-03-25 Thread Gary Weinhold

We have a situation in a customer environment where they intermittently
get this abend when our product initializes in a jobstep.  The S052
abend explanation:

A program incorrectly issued a macro to request processing by Program
Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines.

Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code in the form xxyy, where x
identifies the macro that was issued, and yy identifies the error. See
the system programmer response for an explanation of these reason codes.

*Code**  Explanation*
01yy  The program issued an LXRES macro.
0104 A job step attempted to issue the LXRES macro, but a prior job
step owned space-switch entry tables. (Subsequent job steps are not
permitted to issue PC/AUTH macros.)

Before applications using our product are started, our product
initializes an non-terminating address space in which we set up a system
non-space-switching PC. This PC is executed when our product is
initialized in a job step.  The function of the PC is to create a
non-space-switching non-system PC in our address-space with our "user"
PC for several supervisor state routines we need to invoke.  We also set
up an MVS RESMGR exit to allow us to cleanup at termination (which
includes an LXFRE).

So there is no doubt that we executed an LXRES.  But to me this abend
indicates that some prior step (could it perhaps not even be in this
job, but in some job that previously ran in this address space?) created
a space-switching PC and the address space is still is supporting it and
will not allow another LXRES.  So to prevent this error from occurring,
is there something we can do in our code, or should the submitter of the
job ensure that it runs in a different address space or should whatever
created the space-switching PC clean it up?

Or do I entirely misunderstand the meaning of this abend code?

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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2021-01-18 Thread Gary Weinhold

Excuse me for asking this question here, but I can't find an IMS DC list.

We rely on getting control at task termination to clean up resources
used by our software.  We create a PC to add an MVS RESMGR exit when our
software is first accessed in an IMS MPR.  If there is a pseudo-abend,
which we understand means the TCB on which transactions run will
terminate, we expect our RESMGR exit to execute.  The IMS MPR control
program will then attach a new TCB in the region on which to run
transactions.  Our software will be reinitialized if a transaction
accesses it.  This could happen many times.  However, if our RESMGR exit
doesn't execute, we may deplete resources.

Is it possible that the IMS MPR control program bypasses or deletes our
RESMGR exit on some pseudo-abends?

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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Re: Friday!

2019-07-22 Thread Gary Weinhold
I almost remember how to do it on an IBM 1620 and had to do it on an
Amdahl 470 V6 (in two steps).  But it was a machine language routine,
but you seem to be referring to perhaps a buit-in function of the hardware.


BobL wrote:

> Hi All,
>   Who remembers how to "ripple core" on a 360/75J?   Back in the day, I 
> was taught that it "wrote un-digit zeros" to all storage locations (main + 
> LCS) on the box.   If course, an IPL was required after this was done.
>   Not sure how widely it was used.   A simple yes or no is OK if you 
> cannot provide details.😊
> Thanks!
> BobL

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
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Re: RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-20 Thread Gary Weinhold

Thanks, Jim,

We suspected that must be the explanation, but I wanted reassurance that we 
hadn't missed something.

I appreciated the other comments, too.  I now understand why my searches for a 
variety of keywords involving RESMGR, CLOSE, DCB, etc., showed many results, 
some of which were interesting, others not so, but none that help explain the 
changed behaviour.


On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 at 17:28, Jim Mulder 
<> wrote:

 This is an intentional change in APAR OA55657.
You should see the same results on z/OS 2.1 with PTF  UA97322.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone:  +1.613.523.5500 x216


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RESMGR exit vs. end of task

2018-11-15 Thread Gary Weinhold
Our product is called as a subroutine of the user's program (usually 
COBOL).  Most of our code is user key, but on the first call for a task 
we issue a PC to set a RESMGR exit.  This exit allows us to freemain our 
control blocks and close any datasets we may have opened whether the 
task abends or not.

Recently we observed that when a task abends, the DCBs/ACBs are already 
closed when we get control in the RESMGR exit.  We know this was not 
true under z/OS 2.1, but has occurred on our z/OS 2.3 system and at a 
customer site recently.  This has no significant consequences because 
all we do is issue a message.  But I have not been able to find any 
documentation which would have allowed us to anticipate this behavioural 
change.  So I thought I'd ask you all if you'd observed this or know 
what changed..


Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

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Re: Charles B. Wang, former Islanders owner dies, his attorney says | Newsday

2018-10-23 Thread Gary Weinhold
I trialed and then chose CA-Sort over IBM's Sort and SyncSort around 
1977 or so as a fledgling OS/VS1 Sysprog.  As I recall, we needed to 
upgrade from IBM's free sort because it didn't support 3350 DASD.

Gary Weinhold

Wayne Driscoll wrote:

CA-Sort was a CA product well before the Pansophic acquisition. Pansophic 
wasn't acquired until 1991, while CA-Sort was available in the late 70's or 
early 80's at the latest.

Wayne Driscoll
Rocket Software
Note - All opinions are strictly my own.

Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

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z/OS Assembler programmer job opportunity

2018-03-27 Thread Gary Weinhold
Our management would like to add another z/OS programmer to our team.  
This is a full-time position or contract that will include maintaining, 
enhancing, modernizing (if that's a word), debugging, testing, and 
designing z/OS product(s) and supporting customers (both in production 
and evaluation).  The individual would collaborate with a small team 
mostly  located in eastern Canada.  Only responses sent to my company 
email (below) will be answered.

Cross-posted to IBM Mainframe Assembler list

Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

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Re: APF authorization and AC(00)

2017-06-12 Thread Gary Weinhold

It could be practical when writing high-performance code to modify a RENT 
module if it is not in key 0 (or use a PC to make the modification if in key 
0).  An example would be if an extensive chain of indirect pointers (or  the 
NAME/TOKEN service), is used to locate life of IPL memory allocated for an 
application.  If a location in the RENT module is zero, it locates the memory 
and stores the address (using CS) in the RENT module; if it's non-zero, it uses 
the value as the address.  If CS fails, check for zero again.  Since all 
executions would  store the same value, no other serialization is needed.  I'm 
not sure CS is needed if it's a fullword on a word boundary.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone:  +1.613.523.5500 x216


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Re: S0D5 accessing dataspace

2017-05-09 Thread Gary Weinhold

Thanks to those who responded; here's an update on this abend:

Although it's possible, I doubt we have a bug in our logic in this area; this 
has run for more than 10 years at multiple sites on multiple levels of z/OS.  
And we do not ever issue a TRANSWAP OKSWAP;  the dataspace is designed to be 
accessible until the job ends.  Rob Scott's suggestion that moving The SYSEVENT 
TRANSWAP before the DSPSERV CREATE is worth trying especially if we can find a 
way to reproduce the abend.

If the abend recurs at this site (or anywhere else), I will surely get the 
output of a D J and an SVCDUMP.

Since no one suggested it, I guess it is not likely that the site would have a 
monitor or exit that would change a non-swappable address space to swappable.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone:  +1.613.523.5500 x216


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Re: S0D5 accessing dataspace

2017-05-02 Thread Gary Weinhold

Date:Mon, 1 May 2017 23:16:43 +0300
From:Binyamin Dissen 
Subject: Re: S0D5 accessing dataspace

What is the reason code?

On Mon, 1 May 2017 14:59:54 -0400 Gary Weinhold 
<> wrote:

:>We're experiencing an abend S0D5 that occurs at only one site.  We have an 
authorized program that issues a DSPSERV CREATE SCOPE=ALL to establish a 
dataspace.  It initializes several of the blocks in the dataspace but does not 
touch the rest of the blocks.  It then issues SYSEVENT TRANSWAP and WAITs for the 
ECB to be posted (unless it was already non-swappable).  Then it publishes the 
availability of the dataspace in CSA and WAITs for a MVS STOP command.

S0D5 reason code: 4F000510


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone:  +1.613.523.5500 x216


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S0D5 accessing dataspace

2017-05-01 Thread Gary Weinhold

We're experiencing an abend S0D5 that occurs at only one site.  We have an 
authorized program that issues a DSPSERV CREATE SCOPE=ALL to establish a 
dataspace.  It initializes several of the blocks in the dataspace but does not 
touch the rest of the blocks.  It then issues SYSEVENT TRANSWAP and WAITs for 
the ECB to be posted (unless it was already non-swappable).  Then it publishes 
the availability of the dataspace in CSA and WAITs for a MVS STOP command.

Later we run a problem state program that invokes a proprietary PC to acquire 
the dataspace ALET (ALESERV) and then accesses the dataspace blocks.  It runs 
fine until it tries to access a block that was not referenced by the dataspace 
creating program.  It then abends S0D5.

Are there conditions under which a non-swappable address space can become 
logically swapped out?

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone:  +1.613.523.5500 x216


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Re: IBM-MAIN Digest - 5 Dec 2015 to 6 Dec 2015 (#2015-340)

2015-12-07 Thread Gary Weinhold
My apologies for sending the digest; a problem particularly for users 
like me who receive the digest.  I can only guess that I either 
fatfingered my smart phone or drifted off holding the mouse while 
reading it.

Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

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Re: IBM-MAIN Digest - 4 Dec 2015 to 5 Dec 2015 (#2015-339)

2015-12-06 Thread Gary Weinhold
 ISO position; see <>
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Date:Sun, 6 Dec 2015 07:20:48 +0530
From:Jake Anderson 
Subject: Re: TCPIP Configuration Help

I believe If both the OSA are initialised and started then they are good.
The routing will take from first order of your Routing statement. Second
OSA would act as a redundant.

You can post your query in TCP-L where you can get more response

On Sunday 6 December 2015, Sonny Gupta  wrote:

> Hello, I have a small z9 System with two OSA Card. I am able connect to
> only the one of the OSA Card without any problems and unable to determine
> what I need to do in order to connect both of the OSA Cards at the same
> time. Each OSA Card is connected to separate --> Switch ---> Firewall -->
> ISP Modem. I am able to connect to both of the cards via ICC without any
> issues. Below are the statements that I am using:
> ;
> ;
> BEGINRoutes
> ENDRoutes
> What I have been able to determine is  that 2nd Route Default statement is
> being ignored. I am able to get to 2nd OSA Card if I move the 2nd Route
> Statement in front of the 1st one and then of course, I am unable to get to
> the first one. I am not an expert is TCPIP and I have spend considerable
> amount of time reviewing the manuals along with searching the net. I will
> be glad to provide any required information and thanks in advance for any
> recommendations.
> Regards,
> Sonny
> --
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Date:Sat, 5 Dec 2015 23:02:31 -0400
From:Clark Morris 
Subject: Re: Lrecl

On 28 Nov 2015 11:50:44 -0800, in you wrote:

>Our STC use several files and I want to verify that the files have the
>correct logical record length. The STCs are written LE Cobol.
>I would like to know before I open the file if the file that is created or
>allocated is correct in record length. For example, if the Logical Record
>Length is 121 as defined in the program tries to open a file with a LRECL
>300 bytes. Can i do the following ?

It is simple.  Assign a status code (2 bytes) to any file you want to
check and then check the status code after ALL I-O operations for the
file.  The status codes and their meanings are in the COBOL manual.
Status codes 00 and 97 are the only codes I normally accept on open.
One of the status codes returned on open is for wrong length record.
The presence of a status code on the SELECT statement for a file means
that the default error handling is bypassed.

CLark Morris
>1. Call a Assembler subroutine using RDJFCB and determine the lrecl on the
>volume for the dataset and allocation ?
>2. If the lrecl i want to pass back a RTNCD in R15 and then then have Cobol
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End of IBM-MAIN Digest - 4 Dec 2015 to 5 Dec 2015 (#2015-339)

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

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Re: IBM-MAIN Digest - 10 Aug 2015 to 11 Aug 2015 (#2015-223)

2015-08-12 Thread Gary Weinhold
And if I were Emperor of the universe, I'd adjust the earth's orbit to 
make sure it competed a revolution in exactly 365 days.


On 2015-08-12 00:00, IBM-MAIN automatic digest system wrote:
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 13:19:38 -0500 From: Paul Gilmartin 
 Subject: Leap (was: LOADING An AMODE64 Program) 
On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 12:37:30 -0500, Joel Ewing wrote:

>Encyclopedia Britannica is complicit in the confusion to this day by
>incorrectly implying in their "Leap Year" entry that in addition to the
>divisible by 4, 100, 400 rules there either is or should be a 4000-year
>exception rule:
>"...For still more precise reckoning, every year evenly divisible by
>4,000 (i.e., 16,000, 24,000, etc.) may be a common (not leap) year",
>Over 18 years ago (Nov 1996) EB acknowledged that no such rule exists:
>it was an un-adopted and sub-optimal suggestion by Sir John Herschel
>around 1820.  EB has apparently not yet followed their own internal
>recommendation in 1996 "to reword this statement in the future".

If I were Emperor of the Universe, I would make the rule:

 Every year divisible by 4 except one divisible by 128 is a leap year.

365 31/128 is within one second of the mean tropical year; closer even
than the 4000-year rule.

The unpredictable secular increase in the length of the day makes a
4000-year rule pointless.

-- gil

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Re: OT STCK question

2015-06-19 Thread Gary Weinhold
From conversations with a child who prefers not to be identified by 
gender and who also studied lingustics, I suspect that just as all the 
rules I learned about when to use "me" and "I" seem to be ignored when 
"and" is used ("John and me will be using the tickets given to Nancy and 
I") that "they, them, their(s)"  will soon be treated as the singular 
forms for persons.

It won't be a rule; as they say, to each their own.

Gary Weinhold

On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 20:03:01 -0400, Robert A. Rosenberg wrote:
>  >The problem is that there is no gender neutral/un-specified singular.

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Re: Overlaid VCON in load module

2015-01-22 Thread Gary Weinhold

Thanks for all responses.

Sam Siegal asked: 1) Does this only happen on second and subsequent load? 

Since it loads correctly all the time except for rare situations in a 
multitasking environment, we are assuming it is related to a second load 
running concurrently with the first load.
2) What attributes (rent, reus, etc.) are present on the load module? 

Refr, rent and reus
3) is this under CICS? Or a proprietary multitasking region? 

This is under a WLM-managed DB2 Stored Procedure Address Space (SPAS).
4) Is code all ASM? Or is there an HLL in the mix? 

All assembler, although the caller is probably HLL.

5) was the module recently changed? or is it a new module?

The LOAD technique was changed, along with several other things to address more 
general problems in this environment.  We formerly did a standard LOAD, but 
then the loaded module disappeared if the TCB which loaded it was detached.  So 
we now enter sup state via a PC, and acquire subpool 131 memory in which to do 
the load, so it outlasts the TCB.  We also made other changes at the same time.

Abe Kornelis wrote: In one of my first programs, I inadvertently 
defined a Vcon double. It gave me exactly the result you describe. It 
led me to conclude that the loader simply adds the offset to the base 
value. If you define (or load) twice, the addition is performed twice 
as well... Looks like you will need a lock or latch of some kind after 
all. Or pre-load, maybe. I'm sure you'll be able to determine what 
will work best for your product.

We're quite sure we don't double define the VCON, since the LOAD normally works 

Greg Dyck said: Normal (non-directed) LOAD processing serializes fetch 
processing for a module and only performs relocation of ACONs/VCONs 
once when the module is fetched. The only way I could see what you 
describe happen is if there were two RLD entries for the same VCON and 
it would happen with one load or 20. 

Thanks for this reassurance.  That's what i understood and why I thought this 
was unusual behaviour.
For directed LOAD processing serialization is the issuers 
responsibility. If two tasks concurrently did a directed load of the 
same load module to the same storage address (why they would, I do not 
know) this could possibly happen... though it would be random as to 
which ACONs/VCONs were messed up. 

Thanks for this. I did not know that directed load was not serialized. I'm not 
sure why we would be loading to the same memory, since the getmain precedes the 
load, but we will shift our research.  This also makes us more confident that 
serializing the directed load will address the problem, rather than mask it.

Gary Weinhold
Data Kinetics, Ltd.

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Overlaid VCON in load module

2015-01-21 Thread Gary Weinhold
We have a situation where it appears that a LOAD of a module may not be 
resolving a VCON correctly.  The first requirement for this module in a 
region will cause us to issue a LOAD for the module.  In a multitasking 
environment we know that our code could be running on two TCBs 
simultaneously, but I don't see anything in the manuals to indicate that 
we have to prevent LOAD from running at the same time.

From what we can see the address that ends up in the VCON is the 
displacement from the beginning of the module (the value presumably 
placed their by the binder) plus twice the load point.  Has anyone seen 
this happen before?  Is there an undocumented requirement to single 
thread multiple LOADs for the same module within a region?

Gary Weinhold
Data Kinetics, Ltd.

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Re: XCFAS holding OMVS and XCF CDSes

2014-02-11 Thread Gary Weinhold

Thanks for the responses, Skip and Lizette,

I probably wasn't clear that I did issue SETXCF CPL,ACOUPLE=SYS2.DKLOMVS.CDS03,TYPE=OMVS 
SYSTEM" and similarly for TYPE=XCF.

I suspect it's something to do with the Basicness of the sysplex (no coupling 
facility), so I guess updating the COUPLExx PARMLIB members and reIPLing is the 
only way to go.

Gary Weinhold
Data Kinetics, Ltd.

From:Skip Robinson  (snipped)

In any case, as long as TYPE= is correct for the couple data set(s) you're 
manipulating, you should have no problem.

From:   Lizette Koehler  (snipped)

I think the same process you used for the CFRM and LOGR can be used for
the others.  each one is a TYPE in the environment.  I would check the
manual, but I think you can create new files and switch them like the
CFRM.  Or you create new files, update parmlib and IPL.

-Original Message-----

From: Gary Weinhold  (snipped)

I am trying to clean up a volume with several alternate couple datasets
on it.  For  CFRM and LOGR, I just used IXCL1DSU to allocate alternates
and SETXCF CPL,ACOUPLEd to them and that freed up the datasets so I
could delete them.  But the XCF and OMVS CDSes are a problem.  I can't
delete them because they're in use by XCFAS (shared enq).  SETXCF won't
do anything because "IXC388I SETXCF COUPLE,ACOUPLE requires type OMVS to
active on this system" and the same message for XCF.

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XCFAS holding OMVS and XCF CDSes

2014-02-10 Thread Gary Weinhold
I am trying to clean up a volume with several alternate couple datasets 
on it.  For  CFRM and LOGR, I just used IXCL1DSU to allocate alternates 
and SETXCF CPL,ACOUPLEd to them and that freed up the datasets so I 
could delete them.  But the XCF and OMVS CDSes are a problem.  I can't 
delete them because they're in use by XCFAS (shared enq).  SETXCF won't 
do anything because "IXC388I SETXCF COUPLE,ACOUPLE requires type OMVS to 
active on this system" and the same message for XCF.

That may be because we come up as a basic sysplex, but don't bring the 
other lpar up.

Do I have any alternatives?

Gary Weinhold
Data Kinetics, Ltd.

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Re :z/OS subroutine in assembler, used in both batch & CICS , making re-entrant

2013-06-28 Thread Gary Weinhold
But it unfortunately doesn't work if you are using EXCI.  With EXCI, you 
will have a CICS AFCB in batch and IMS/TM environments.

Gary Weinhold
Data Kinetics

On 6/28/2013 12:00 AM, IBM-MAIN automatic digest system wrote:

This has worked for me in the past:

LTR   R15,R15 Are we BATCH?
CLC   0(3,R15),=CL3'AFC'  Is It CICS?

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formatting control blocks

2013-04-26 Thread Gary Weinhold
I'm looking for a public domain control block formatting tool that will 
display memory formatted with the information from a non-IBM assembler 
DSECT.  I realize that there are a couple of CBT files that probably 
include this capability, but I'd appreciate any experiences regarding 
ease of use or limitations before investing too much time.

Gary Weinhold

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Re: Passing of Chris Mason reported

2013-01-16 Thread Gary Weinhold

Shmuel wrote:

De mortui

I appreciated the reference to the Latin phrase ( which is easily 
searched to a Wikipedia article) and discovered that it was an 
appropriate response to the quoted email on the subject.. Subsequent 
responses seemed OT (including this one).

And but for the spelling, i would not have discovered the Finnish band 
Tarot's song "De Mortui Nil Nisi Bene".

Gary Weinhold
Data Kinetics, Ltd.

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