Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-18 Thread Janice McDonald
she can be brutally honest.  But if you think about what she is saying
then she is very loving about it.  She was wonderful to me because
when she told me something I did not take offense.  but one man kept
arguing with her about why he needed spurs.  If you watch, every time
she tells someone something it is so absolutely true.  Every time he
spurred that horse she would jump out of her skin and he woould say
she was "spooky" and Liz would tell him over and over he did not need
those spurs and he would just argue with her and it was ridiculous.
With me, i was riding traveller and she would scold "why havent you
trained that horse!  He is too good a horse not to train!"  and we had
just been ponying him behind Jaspar all his life or anytime we rode he
would just follow jaspar, is naturally not spooky and calm, gentle,
sweet, so we thought he was trained but he did not even know how to
steer or whoa or go.  Can you imagine??  She died laughing when she
realized he didnt know whoa.  but us backyard trainers, we make
mistakes and dont even know it...  With Trausti, any time he gets
upset about anything, if you just say whoa, it puts him in such an
automatic response that he will stop dead, and think about things and
then is fine.  most people train whoa first thing.  haha.  not me!  I
had just trained him and stonewall they didnt have to whoa unless they
ran into jaspars rear end.  thats how we do it here at the FCPA
training program.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I wonder if I should take some good conformation shots of him and show 
>>> them to Liz?   Do you think Liz might have a look at him and tell me 
>>> where she thinks he'll be on the gait chart?  Does she do that during 
>>> clinics at all?

During the clinic might not be the best time, because she's typically pretty 
busy with the riders.  But, some organizers will have a day set aside for 
one-hour private sessions, or may offer them at the end of each clinic day. 
Not all organizers do though.   It wouldn't hurt to ask your organizer ahead 
of time, to see what they have available.  If you get a chance to chat with 
her, she might be willing to take a look at them if you e-mail them to her 
later.  I know she stays very busy, but she's pretty generous with her time.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I think I'd be really intimidated by riding for Liz Graves or any other 
>>> clinician, but if I actually found a clinic anywhere near me and decided 
>>> to ride, would I be able to take Hunter who can't be ridden with a bit? 
>>> I would love to understand his gaitedness better than I do.  He seems to 
>>> do every gait known to man except hard pace and hand gallop.

I can understand wanting to watch someone before riding with them, but the 
last person you'd ever have to be intimidated with is Liz.  That's her 
forte - dealing with regular folks like us, not necessarily show riders, 
just sincere people who really want to do the best for our horses.  My 
friend, Shirley, rode Trausti for me in one of the clinics, and she went to 
another level for Shirley.  But, she can also change to relate to a good ol' 
husband type like Cary.  Cary is NOT big on riding in clinics.  In fact, 
he'd NEVER ridden in one pre-Icelandics.  He also rode in one at Robyn's, a 
Centered Riding clinic.

BTW, she's a big "tack minimalist."  At the first clinic I sponsored here 
two years ago, there were several riders in sidepulls.  Janice rode Teev in 
one last year.  If the rider is riding in a shanked bit, but is using it 
tactfully and the horse is going well in it, she might not say anything. 
But, if the horse is unhappy, and she thinks the bit is an issue, she'll 
tell you.  She typically carries several of her own bits for riders to try, 
but she doesn't sell bits.  The ones she likes best are generally easy to 
find, standard bits.

>>> Probably make more sense to take one of the Icelandics whose gaits are 
>>> more straight forward.

Not necessarily.  It depends on what you want to do and learn.  You might be 
very surprised what she could find in Hunter, and that could be an 
eye-opener.  But, if you want to pick one or two gaits to focus on at first, 
it can be easier if you pick an easier horse.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Wanda Lauscher
2008/7/17 Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> You'll have a good time.  Will you audit or ride?

I'll be auditing.  Solon is my only ride now...and he's not trained
yet.  Though I do have him doing a snazzy little back up when I point
to a foot.  (Don't tell Kevin I was out with my huge toe squashed into
some Dawgs)...

Solon IS gaited and I think it will help me understand what he's all
about before I start working on any gait things.  But that's all
WYYY down the road after he's learned to walk with a rider on his

I wonder if I should take some good conformation shots of him and show
them to Liz?   Do you think Liz might have a look at him and tell me
where she thinks he'll be on the gait chart?  Does she do that during
clinics at all?

Judy, I am going to get some video of him doing his 'thing' so we can
all study what it is that he's doing on his own.  We've got to get
some pics of these youngsters 'tolting' and have a good look.  We all
know it's a gait, but it's what kind of gait that intrigues me.


Thoughts become things...

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Nancy Sturm

You'll have a good time.  Will you audit or ride?

I think I'd be really intimidated by riding for Liz Graves or any other 
clinician, but if I actually found a clinic anywhere near me and decided to 
ride, would I be able to take Hunter who can't be ridden with a bit?  I 
would love to understand his gaitedness better than I do.  He seems to do 
every gait known to man except hard pace and hand gallop.

Probably make more sense to take one of the Icelandics whose gaits are more 
straight forward.


Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held here in 
>>> Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.  I'm just ironing out a few details but 
>>> hopefully I can make it.  Pinch me!

You'll have a good time.  Will you audit or ride?  Liz is just so upbeat and 
positive, without being saccharine sweet - she's always the optimist, but 
she's also very honest.   Most of the clinic attendees where I've been have 
just loved her...but a couple haven't, simply because they didn't like what 
she had to say.   Sometimes the truth hurts, although Liz tries her best not 
to hurt feelings.  I'm looking forward to her coming back here this fall. 
She's a caring, compassionate horseman, and just a all-round great person.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Wanda Lauscher
2008/7/17  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Woo hoo Wanda!   You'll have a blast and your brain will hurt from all the 
> information presented.   : )

I had registered for it a few months ago, and then promptly forgot all
about it (every day is a complete surprise in my world ;)

So the organizer finally contacted me a few days ago with the details.
 We had already planned some holidays the last week of July, so we'll
just tag this trip onto the end of it.

Both Kevin and I attended a one day clinic on conformation a few years
ago.  It will be interesting to see how that clinic and this clinic
will blend together/


Thoughts become things...

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread snowpony

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held here in
> > Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.

Woo hoo Wanda!   You'll have a blast and your brain will hurt from all the 
information presented.   : )

-- Renee M. in Michigan

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Virginia Tupper
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Wanda Lauscher
> I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held here in
> Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.

You lucky duck!  Can't wait to hear all about it.

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread susan cooper
--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held
> here in
> Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.  I'm just ironing out a
> few details but
> hopefully I can make it.
> Pinch me!

You lucky devil, you!!  Nobody brought her to my area this year, and I'm pissed 
about it!!  Oh, well, maybe next year!

Susan in NV     read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:   


Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Janice McDonald
On 7/17/08, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held here in
> Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.  I'm just ironing out a few details but
> hopefully I can make it.
> Pinch me!
> Wanda

oh you lucky dog!!  which horse are you taking??  take plenty of
photos.  tell her janice said you are really really special and fun
and that she should go home and spend the nite with you and dot up all
your horses.  wear a trailer park tee shirt amd tell her you own fat
circus ponies.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2008-07-17 Thread Nancy Sturm

I have a chance to get to the Liz Graves clinic being held here in 
Saskatchewan on Aug 2 and 3.

If anyone ever hears of a Liz Graves clinic in Oregon or far northern 
California will you let me know?  Hhhmm - I suppose there's a website with a 
schedule - I'll check.


Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-30 Thread Ferne Fedeli

> Vernon is in British Columbia about 5 hours east of Vancouver (the west
> coast) and 2 1/2 hours north of the US border - about 6 hours drive from
> Spokane.  Probably a little far for you but you could ride one of our
> horses.

> Ha, Robyn, I have heard that story. I remember it took me over seven hours
> to get to your house from Vancouver. Or have they now straightened the road?

> Ann Cassidy and I drove up to Vernon from California pulling a horse
> trailer with our horses and had a grand time of it.  We crossed the border
> further east than Vancouver though.  We took 3 days for the trip, but spent
> most of the last day taking the horses to the vet for new Health
> Certificates and dealing with the Canadian and US Authorities.  Be sure to
> ask us about the complexities of the Health Certificates, if you plan to
> bring your own horses...
Ferne Fedeli

Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-30 Thread Anneliese Virro

On Dec 29, 2007, at 4:04 PM, Robyn Hood wrote:

Hi Nancy
Vernon is in British Columbia about 5 hours east of Vancouver (the  
coast) and 2 1/2 hours north of the US border - about 6 hours drive  

Spokane.  Probably a little far for you but you could ride one of our


Ha, Robyn, I have heard that story. I remember it took me over seven  
hours to get to your house from Vancouver. Or have they now  
straightened the road?


Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 29/12/2007, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've heard she really likes Sensations.  Believes they are the only
> option for some of our short-backed WIDE

(sorry...some puppy paws hit send)...

She believes they are the only option for our short-backed, wide, low
withered Icelandics.

I know the Sensation saddle has been a God send here.


Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 29/12/2007, Robyn Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if I had a clinic with her in Vernon, would you make the drive??  I
> really wanted to have her here but just didn't get any response and had to
> cancel.  Mandy is going to be up here for the summer and I am sure she would
> like to learn from her as well.

I'd love to make the drive buy I would probably want to dove-tail it
to one of your centered riding clinics.  I think I make have Kevin
interested in taking a clinic, probably not this year, but next year.

The guy hosting the clinic by Regina has Missouri Fox Trotters.
Doesn't that sound interesting.

 > My only concern is that I have heard that she really doesn't like treeless
> saddles - was that any problem Karen???

I've heard she really likes Sensations.  Believes they are the only
option for some of our short-backed WIDE

> Also how much riding is involved?  Do all participants ride once a day?
> Robyn
> Icelandic Horse Farm
> Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
> Vernon BC Canada
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> "All truth passes through three stages.
> First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
> Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
> [] Lee Ziegler
> [] Liz Graves
> [] Lee's Book  Easy Gaited Horses
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RE: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Karen,
>>>Not at all!  I remember when someone falsely reported that to the list,
and it's not true.  

Thanks for that - that is why I asked.  

>>>Liz is passionate that tack fit the horses and be appropriate to the
horse and to the rider...but beyond that, she really isn't particular about
what kind of saddle you prefer - western or English,

I feel the same way so that is great.

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada



RE: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> My only concern is that I have heard that she really doesn't like
treeless saddles - was that any problem Karen???

Not at all!  I remember when someone falsely reported that to the list, and
it's not true.  Liz is passionate that tack fit the horses and be
appropriate to the horse and to the rider...but beyond that, she really
isn't particular about what kind of saddle you prefer - western or English,
treed or treeless. And she's certainly not a snob - if you have an
inexpensive saddle that works, that's fine too.   I could see her
questioning some particular treeless saddle on some particular rider, or
maybe on some particular horse, but she'd be equally cautious about a poorly
fitting treed saddle.  Basically though, at the clinics I've been too, she
quickly discusses saddle fit, but she wouldn't necessarily even look at the
saddle (or the bit) unless she could see that something was wrong with the
horse.  I've heard her say outright at least a couple of times that treeless
saddles may sometimes be about the only answer for some really wide,
short-backed Icelandic's.  She's pretty sold on Sensations.  I know she's
seen plenty of Sensations too - four or five of the horses at each of the
clinics she's done for me have been ridden in them.  Even big old Cary rode
one on Skjoni... Her comment about Skjoni and Cary is that they are a happy
pair, and Skjoni has a good bit of "self-carriage" at gait, so you can't
argue with results like that.   (Cary is still gloating over that comment.)

>>> Also how much riding is involved?  Do all participants ride once a day?

I'd feel  sure that might be up to the clinician and the host to decide, but
generally, her formats are such that they are split between lecture,
demonstrations and riding, so neither you or your horse have to be in
tip-top shape to ride in one.

Karen Thomas
Wingate, NC

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"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

[] Lee Ziegler
[] Liz Graves
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Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Nancy Sturm

> Vernon is in British Columbia about 5 hours east of Vancouver (the west
> coast) and 2 1/2 hours north of the US border - about 6 hours drive from
> Spokane.  Probably a little far for you but you could ride one of our
> horses.

Oh, too bad,  I was hoping you were over near Vancouver, which isn't too bad 
a drive for us.

If anyone hears of a Liz Graves clinic in Oregon will you let me know.  I'd 
say Northern California,  but that actually can be quite a drive from here 


RE: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Nancy
Vernon is in British Columbia about 5 hours east of Vancouver (the west
coast) and 2 1/2 hours north of the US border - about 6 hours drive from
Spokane.  Probably a little far for you but you could ride one of our


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada



Re: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Nancy Sturm
> So if I had a clinic with her in Vernon ...

Robyn,  Where is Vernon?


RE: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Susan,
>>>She does like the Sensation, and thought it was a good
saddle for Whisper and I, even for endurance.  

Thanks for that.  I don't think that all treeless saddles should be judged
the same, which is the same with for treed saddles - which I would guess she
would agree as everything I have seen from her is very sensible.

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada



RE: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread susan cooper

--- Robyn Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My only concern is that I have heard that she really
> doesn't like treeless
> saddles<< 

She does like the Sensation, and thought it was a good
saddle for Whisper and I, even for endurance.  

Susan in NV   
  Nevermore Ranch


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RE: [IceHorses] Liz Graves Clinic

2007-12-29 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Wanda,
>>>It looks as though Kevin and I are registered as auditors for
the Liz Graves clinic coming up near Regina Saskatchewan in August.
There is also one in Duncan BC, but that's a little too far for us to

So if I had a clinic with her in Vernon, would you make the drive??  I
really wanted to have her here but just didn't get any response and had to
cancel.  Mandy is going to be up here for the summer and I am sure she would
like to learn from her as well.

My only concern is that I have heard that she really doesn't like treeless
saddles - was that any problem Karen???

Also how much riding is involved?  Do all participants ride once a day?


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada