Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-27 Thread Virginia Tupper
On Nov 25, 2007 1:05 AM, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Young patient trainer

Yikes--I just got to reading this post and see that I've duplicated
the message about it.

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Pam Hansen
>>>shows the way they were when she got them<<

I still think somehting is missing with the ground work.

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Raven
>> Well...she seems to be saying all the right things, but those
horses are still bucking when she's on them.

yes...they are bucking...cuz when she FIRST got them into her
training...they were "problem horses".  the first part of the
video...shows the way they were when she got them.

the last part of the video...shows the horses AFTER she worked with them.
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

RE: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Cherie Mascis
>>I think sometime dressage trainers need to learn to
>>"western" ride and just let the horse learn to go forward without a
>>"frame"  - dressage trainers usually want to immediately put their
>horse in a frame.

>>Laree in NC

I agree Laree. I think it's important for a newly started horse to learn to
balance itself with a rider, moving freely in all it's gaits before we try
to teach them to stay in a "frame".  Young horses held in by their faces and
boxed in with seat and legs often feel trapped and will rear, crow hop or
buck.  A lot of inexperienced people starting horses will ask them to move
forward, but if they do so briskly, will often get nervous and yank on them
to slow down.
Very confusing for the horse!

Western North Carolina
Lilja, Roka (Icelandics)and Tyra (Fjord)

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Pam Hansen
then you haven't done enough ground

That is what I thought the first ride. More groundwork is needed.

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 25/11/2007, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW...she also has other horse training videos on YouTube. it's great
> to see this young girl work the horses she is training.  I think she's
> a very talented rider/trainer.
> here are some of her comments made on the horses in the video.

Well...she seems to be saying all the right things, but those horses
are still bucking when she's on them.

This is just my totally uneducated guess, but if a horse is still
bucking when you first ride them, then you haven't done enough ground
work.  A bucking horse is not prepared.


Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Raven
BTW...she also has other horse training videos on YouTube. it's great
to see this young girl work the horses she is training.  I think she's
a very talented rider/trainer.

here are some of her comments made on the horses in the video.

"Yes I am the rider in all the clips."

"I still have a lot to learn myself. Just have to take the time to
figure it out, its not always easy!"

"None of them in particular had a problem from pain. I did adjust a
couple small things with a couple of their saddles, but really none of
them had pain issues. The first one in the video longing however was

"I am very big about checking for pain when I start working with a
horse, especially ones with difficulties. Absolutely the first thing
to look for."

"I am in SE Texas. I work for my trainer at the barn I keep one of my
own horses, and I also go to a couple other barns and work there."

"Although they are not playing and having fun, they all have precific
problems that had to be individually searched and adressed. Each horse
has a 'woohoo' day here and there, these were more than just simple
'woohoo' days ;D."

"Every horse I ride teaches me something, whether it be the more
obviously difficult ones or the more quietly troubled ones. (or not
troubled at all!) The loud ones just give a clear message for the

"Oh yes, I have done ground work with most of them. What is often
labeled 'join-up' basics I do with a lot of them. I don't like to
over-do ground work either. I want to understand them, get that
connection that kind of thing. Beyond that not much more - unless they
have bad ground manners that need correcting or they are a horse I
longe. I think amounts of ground work are wonderful and I do it, but I
don't go beyond what is necessary for the horse."

"Yes, my passion is in dressage. The basics of the discipline help
just about every horse - learning rhythm, balance, relaxation and so
on. I have ridden horses who are not dressage horses and never will
be, but the work helped them in what they were doing."

"I ride in many different saddles. My own horse has one made for him.
The grey is in a Wintec (endurance not dressage), the others went in
their owners imported saddles. (not exactly sure how to spell it and
do not want to be incorrect in the name) Whatever fits the horse, I
have learned to adapt to many types of saddle. Sitting the different
movements takes balance, experience, even an understanding of it. You
have to know you can do it too ;D."

"Yes losing your temper is a very normal human reaction and a big
problem when working with horses. There are a lot of thing we do for
them though, and learning to keep ourselves calm should be on the list
^_^. I tend to get the reaction of cracking a smile when something
happens - horses minds and power amuse me. "

"Yes, it is important to keep calm - you can't expect the horse to be
calm if your are not so yourself."

"Lots of riding and riding a lot of different horses (with training
from my instructor) helps to improve a rider. I am 19."

"A lot of riding on a lot of different horses. Part of not being
scared is just natural to me. Another part is understanding. It helps
a lot (to some at least) to understand why a horse did something that
might scare a rider. The more the rider understands it it can be less
scary and the more you can learn how to work through it and know that
you can the less scary it becomes. It is not for everyone to deal with
the most difficult situations, but most riders can lessen a lot of
their fears."

In reference to the horses in the video. "ll of these actually came
from a very similar base: training. (except the one on the longe - he
was also cold-backed) They all had trainers and riders in their past
where that issues came. Most of them for similar reasons: Too harsh a
hand and leg. They all had different reactions and required different
ways to help them through. They grey had many a more problems with
riding and training, he was mentally fried. He was by far the most
mentally difficult, but so rewarding to see him happy."

"I have much to learn myself, but the simple message of taking the
time and looking at the situation is just one so many people ignore."

"You have obviously missed the message of this video. I am not
promoting my 'cool-factor'. I have fallen before, as many riders and
you will most likely one day. The horses are not 'wild' they have
difficulties, I can work through them, that is nothing to be ashamed
of, nor gloat about. This video has a message much deeper than me as a
rider, if you missed it, I am sorry."

"I am not sure if I am brave, just know my limits as anyone else. I of
course will do my best to stay safe, keep the brain cap on. ::pats

"Oh yes they are all lovely now, which is of course the point of the
second part of the video. The bay who reared went to a lovely show
home, the buckskin pony just had a foal (she was moved and no one was
small enough to ride her), the gray has other

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Laree Shulman
>>She was very diplomatic and non-judgemental in her comments, probably knew the
> people in the video and didn't want to offend them

I think there is a lot to this video that is positive - she calmly
rode through the bad behavior but I also think  in some instances she
was settting up the bad behavior with her reins and nosebands too
tight - she gave the horses no where to go.  This is typical dressage
training and I think sometime dressgae trainers need to learn to
"western" ride and just let the horse learn to go forward without a
"frame"  - dressage trainers usually want to immediately put their
horse in a frame.

Laree in NC
Doppa & Mura
Simon, Sadie and Sam (the "S" gang)

"Yet when all the books have been read and reread, it boils down to
the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them."  -
William Farley

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Raven
>> may be wrong, but from what I was reading of the videographer's
comments, I believe she was trying to show that these horses needed to
be listened to as to why they were reacting so violently

yes. that was her message. <;]

>>She was very diplomatic and non-judgemental in her comments, probably knew the
people in the video and didn't want to offend them

actaully...i think she is the rider on ALL the horses. she is showing
the before and after videos. i wonder who she is and where she is

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

Re: [IceHorses] Young Patient Trainer

2007-11-25 Thread Anna Hopkins
On Nov 25, 2007 12:05 AM, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Young patient trainer
I may be wrong, but from what I was reading of the videographer's
comments, I believe she was trying to show that these horses needed to
be listened to as to why they were reacting so violently.  She was
very diplomatic and non-judgemental in her comments, probably knew the
people in the video and didn't want to offend them.  It appears that
the commenters weren't getting the message.  They were praising the
'rodeo' type riding instead.  If that is what she meant and I was her
I would be frustrated beyond belief.  I am on dial up and watching a 5
min video literally takes 30 mins to download, so I've only watched
about 2 mins. of the video

Southern Ohio