RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-05 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 16:59, Micheal J wrote:
> This is wrong IMO. You might not like their views/question but they are
> entitled to them. I agree that [some of] this thread should have happened on
> a JBoss "general/business discussion" list though ;-)
> A request to move it to the appropriate list [at least as a first step]
> would have been more appropriate.

Man, do I ever agree with that. Just look at the ridiculous email I'm
forced to use now. Very inconvenient.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] JBoss 3.0 Demo App

2001-12-05 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 19:28, marc fleury wrote:
> hey,
> where would you guys see the link for petstore, I am drawing a blank on
> where it would fit on the current website, maybe under downloads?
> documentation? (just to make sure people can see it running) under "success
> stories"... I dont know any ideas?

Will it still need to be distributed as a patch or is there a problem
distributing a modified JPS? I have modifications for Postgres DAO
support if anyone else finds Postgres support useful.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-05 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 16:59, Micheal J wrote:
> This is wrong IMO. You might not like their views/question but they are
> entitled to them. I agree that [some of] this thread should have happened on
> a JBoss "general/business discussion" list though ;-)
> A request to move it to the appropriate list [at least as a first step]
> would have been more appropriate.

Man, do I ever agree with that.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 23:46, Bill Burke wrote:
> > - What formal guarantees are there that my contributions will not be
> > used to create a for-profit proprietary product?
> You're protected as much as LGPL.  You'll have to ask a lawyer.  I hate
> lawyers and I hate licenses.  I believe in brutal capitalism dude.  Survival
> of the fittest.  Spare me your commie crap.

LGPL protects you only as far as the original author is not interested
in relicensing. If JBoss group owns, lets say, 80% of the code then the
JBoss group can most certainly bundle a for-pay product that is a
LGPL/proprietary hybrid. I've seen this approach tried in the past by
various groups, Kaffe among them. It leads to forks. As to capitalist
dudes and commie crap, I'm not sure where you are headed with that.
> > - What actions are underway to migrate JBoss' ownership from Marc to an
> > organization with formal, published by-laws that is managed in an open
> > and participatory manner?
> Who on this list has the time, energy, and/or money to support/run this type
> of organization?

There are umbrella organizations already in place to manage this sort of
thing. Software in the Public Interest manages Debian's assets. There is
the Apache Software Foundation, but the LGPL is a problem there. There
is even the Free Software Foundation for that matter. I will personally
assist in the process of solving the problem if desired.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 23:21, Scott M Stark wrote:
> So a request for what seemed to be a platform specific distribution of
> a platform independent project did not go over well and some flamed
> you. Denigrating the rest of the developer community because of this
> doesn't add to the quality of the thread. Forgive, forget and trooper on.

True enough. Although, I thought Adam's requests were licensing oriented
rather than platform oriented. The non-free software being the problem
for Debian that is.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 22:43, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> You are performing due diligence.  You see things you have not seen before
> and they give you a queasy feeling. (right?)  So what don't you like? Try to
> start a discussion, and ask questions instead of writing vague accusations.

Fair enough.

- What formal guarantees are there that my contributions will not be
used to create a for-profit proprietary product?

- What guarantee do I have that JBoss will remain a fair and
participatory organization that does not isolate members for purely
political or profit-motivated reasons as opposed to matters purely

- What actions are underway to migrate JBoss' ownership from Marc to an
organization with formal, published by-laws that is managed in an open
and participatory manner?

- Is there anything akin to the Debian Social Contract in JBoss? A
"social contract" between JBoss and its community?

Answers to questions like these will determine the extent that we invest
in a shared infrastructure or directly hire people to mature the
infrastructure ourselves.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 21:59, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> > - Marc seems to have complete ownership of the domain and, more
> > importantly, the trademark.
> > (
> so
> > - Marc has retained Larry Rosen, who is also associated with the Open
> > Source Initiative, as an attorney.
> so
> > - Beyond the apparently successful training effort there is a 
> > developing
> > focus on services.
> I hope so.  What is wrong with offering consulting (advice) and support from
> the source? 

Well, that is a complex discussion. What if Linus Torvalds had decided
to try and start the next SCO instead of giving Linux away? What if
Brian Behlendorf had tried to be the next Netscape?

You will have to excuse me asking these questions. I'm new to this
effort of yours and I must admit that I have some questions to ask
before I start slapping $20,000.00 on the barrelhead. I'm happy to help
fund an OpenSource EJB engine. That looks good. But if I'm giving
start-up capital to a potential competitor then I want some stock!

All I can see right now is that Marc owns JBoss outright for most
intents and purposes. The "benevolent dictator" model is a common one,
but there is something else more complex going on here. The Perl and
Apache trademarks are not licensed to partners and Larry Wall doesn't
keep a VP of business development around.

I'm here to help. I have significant resources. I have a responsibility
to those resources. I'm just asking the questions that I have to ask in
order to move forward.

Also, to save me some trouble, what was Telkel and where did it go?

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 21:30, Peter Fagerlund wrote:
> You are still in the last century ? are You not ? it is a new dawn here !
> glowing  ... 

Please, spare me the rhetoric. I know plenty about mixing business and
Free Software. There only a few things I can so far detect about JBoss:

- The code looks really cool.

- A lot of people are working on it and committing effort.

- Marc seems to have complete ownership of the domain and, more
importantly, the trademark.

- Marc has retained Larry Rosen, who is also associated with the Open
Source Initiative, as an attorney.

- Beyond the apparently successful training effort there is a developing
focus on services.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] RE: [JBoss-user] where is CMP2.0 documentation?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 20:20, Hicks, James wrote:
> Im not saying im too cheap to buy it.  If I come to the point where I need
> the docs, I will probably purchase them.  But I am saying that I dont
> understand why Dain didn't contribute the docs.  Why not gpl the docs too,
> at least a fresh soft copy?  
> I like the JBoss server and I would like to see it reach it's full
> potential.  One thing JBoss is lacking is a representative application (
> like the petstore for the J2EE Reference Implementation).  To show my
> support for the project, I would like to head up the development of a full
> featured application that runs with JBoss.  If anyone has any ideas for an
> application, let me know.  I am currently working on an affiliate tracking
> system, I could GPL it and use it for the project.  Anyone want to work on
> this?

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] time is up, where is adam heath?

2001-12-03 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 15:53, marc fleury wrote:
> I seriously doubt you are a developer of anything kid...

I usually wouldn't credit this kind of bait with a response, but since I
am considering doing business with your organization I suppose that it
is worth exploring. Adam Heath is one of my employees. In addition to a
fairly comprehensive knowledge of Java, C, Perl and every Shell variant
I've ever seen he also has a fairly solid design sense.

I have asked Adam to Debianize the JBoss system. We use Debian fairly
exclusively for our production environment both for its usability and
its alignment with our philosophical perspective. I'm quite sure that
Debian users at large will find Adam's debs handy.

While we are discussing being for real I must say that the way you
conduct yourself raises serious issues for me. I have been examining
your partner program and have been trying to decide what is going on
with this JBoss critter you are all cooking up. The code is undeniably
good, but I'm somewhat unclear about the arrangements. There seem to be
a lot of possibilities:

1. JBoss, the Open Source project.
2. JBoss, the training organization.
3. JBoss, the book publisher.
4. JBoss, the marketing organization.
5. JBoss, the loud Frenchman who loves to flame people.

I'm very interested in being involved with #1 but I don't know how much
I need or want to be involved in #2, #3, #4 or #5. That is what I'm in
the process of figuring out and it doesn't help that #5 insists on
dismissing issues I consider important and belittling my employees.

Is the JBoss group a non-profit, not-for-profit? Should I regard it as
an Open Source project or a competitor? As I look into committing more
time and money to the JBoss project I am wondering if I am helping Marc
build a consulting company.

I'm looking for something like the Apache project. A group that produces
a mutually useful infrastructure without disproportionally rewarding one
person in particular. I don't know how many of you have similar
questions or issues and I'm happy to shut up and just use the code.

For those that are interested here are a few facts about our

- We are a little 20 man shop in Dallas, Texas that has been around for
about ten years.
- We routinely execute contracts for Fortune 500 companies.
- We are the longest continuous commercial sponsor of the Debian
- Our employees include the primary architect of the GCJ Java compiler,
who is also on the GCC steering committee.

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] /. -> want you to tell about my fears ....

2001-11-29 Thread Ean Schuessler

On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 18:34, David Budworth wrote:
> I think removing the docs 100% would be a bad thing.

Very much agreed. It will hurt and probably won't help.

Free Software makes business success very difficult, especially in any
kind of product oriented market. Keeping your business seperate from the
source product is the best solution if you can have it.

I understand that it is painful to look at the excitement behind a Free
Software product and not be able to capitalize on it but that is not
what the experiment is necessarily about. Its about good code and about
getting everything out of the way that gets in the way of good code. 

I think that good documentation is a big part of good code. If you try
to tie up the documentation chances are that someone else is going to
circumvent your efforts to do so.

Can I have my flame now too, please? :)

Ean Schuessler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brainfood, Inc.

Jboss-development mailing list