[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Complex Types Changes between 4.0.2RC1 and 4.0.2 ?

2005-06-22 Thread kanno
Not that this suggestion would help, but in my post, I had a similar error 
about not finding a serializer.  You can read about it here... I was attempting 
a very similar thing... (array of complex types).


Seems that there was confusion on the ear/war I deployed since I had multiple 
class files of the same class.  I used the verification kit from Sun to 
separate out the class files (using Class-Path in manifest files) and voila, 
all the errors disappeared. 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-20 Thread kanno
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : I am eager to see this deployment that works in 
jboss-4.0.1 and fails in jboss-4.0.2.
  | Please create a jira issue and attach a sample deployment (with source) 
that shows your problem.

Ok... after hours of deploying and undeploying - and testing and what not... it 
came down to a classloader issue.  Apparently, 4.0.2 was throwing this error 
because as I surmised earlier, one of the loaders was getting confused about 
the classes since I packaged the same class in both the web service war/ejb 
jar.  I resolved this issue by using the Class-Path in the manifest files to 
point to one jar file in the .ear and *poof*, the application doesn't throw any 
errors anymore.  I still found it interesting that 4.0.1, the application 
worked fine, then in 4.0.2, the application didn't. :P   

Now... all I have to figure out is when I make a call to a local home interface 
of a session bean... it's taking like 17 seconds, when on 4.0.1, the call took 
like 2 seconds. =/  Anyone else seen this? :P


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-20 Thread kanno
kanno wrote : [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : I am eager to see this deployment 
that works in jboss-4.0.1 and fails in jboss-4.0.2.
  |   | 
  |   | Please create a jira issue and attach a sample deployment (with source) 
that shows your problem.
  | Ok... after hours of deploying and undeploying - and testing and what 
not... it came down to a classloader issue.  Apparently, 4.0.2 was throwing 
this error because as I surmised earlier, one of the loaders was getting 
confused about the classes since I packaged the same class in both the web 
service war/ejb jar.  I resolved this issue by using the Class-Path in the 
manifest files to point to one jar file in the .ear and *poof*, the application 
doesn't throw any errors anymore.  I still found it interesting that 4.0.1, the 
application worked fine, then in 4.0.2, the application didn't. :P   
  | Now... all I have to figure out is when I make a call to a local home 
interface of a session bean... it's taking like 17 seconds, when on 4.0.1, the 
call took like 2 seconds. =/  Anyone else seen this? :P
  | _Ryan 

Oh... one last thing... to debug this problem, I used Sun's Application 
Verification Kit found here:


I set it up as an Ant task and verified the war/ejb jar/ear that I was 
deploying.  It's pretty neat as it runs through a whole bunch of verification 
tests that allow you to test your application for correct use of J2EE APIs and 
to maintain portability across J2EE compatible application servers

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-20 Thread kanno
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : The release notes of jboss-4.0.2 tell you about a 
change in default of 
  |   | !-- A flag indicating if the JBoss Loader should be used. This 
  |   |  uses a unified class loader as the class loader rather than 
the tomcat
  |   |  specific class loader.
  |   |  The default is false to ensure that wars have isolated class 
  |   |  for duplicate jars and jsp files.
  |   | --
  |   | attribute name=UseJBossWebLoaderfalse/attribute
  |   | 

Yeah, I had seen this in the 4.0.2 release notes, that's why I made sure that 
my 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 used similar configurations (both set to false). :)

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: question to bug fix to

2005-06-16 Thread kanno
didi wrote : [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
  |   | Now that said, wscompile has issues with document/literal and will 
always wrap parameters (even if there is only one parameter). So, don't rerun 
wscompile because it will attempt to rewrap your wrapper object.
  |   | 
  | that is the behaviour that I expected to happen :-/
  | What do you suggest to do? Can provide a step by step explanaion?
  | 1. create regular interface without wrapper object
  | 2. run wscompile on the interface (from 1)
  | 3.  create interface with the wrapper objects
  | 4. ??? (how do you get an adjusted .wsdl file according to the used wrapper 
  | Am I wrong or missing something?
  | Thanks!

Everything you've said is correct so far...  I don't think you need an adjusted 
.wsdl because the wsdd deployment descriptor created internally by the JBossWS 
engine is expecting a wrapped object.  

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: WS Mappings in different packages / client mapping

2005-06-16 Thread kanno
mkprim wrote : Hi , I'm using JBoss 4.0.2 jax-rpc services.
  | I use the jwsdp (wscompile) for xml and wsdl generation from an interface.
  | This is my interface: 
  |   | package com.primary.server.analitics;
  |   | import com..ev.AnaliticUpdate;
  |   | 
  |   | public interface AnaliticsInterface extends Remote {
  |   | 
  |   | public void publish(AnaliticUpdate analytics) throws 
  |   | 
  |   | public String echo(String message) throws RemoteException;
  |   | }
  |   | 
  | However, as you can see, the parameters classes are in different packages 
than the webservice interface. So, whenever wscompile generates the wsdl and 
jaxrpc-mapping it points to the service package (com.primary.server.analitics) 
and not to the parametrs packages (com.ev and com.primary.common.product, 
  | In the same way, when we run a client, it says that it cannot find the 
mapping for the AnaliticUpdate classs (one of the parameters).
  | I also put an ws4ee-deployment file but nothing happened.
  | Anyone knows how to make wscompile to use the correct namespace for eacha 
package? Or how to make this work?
  | Help will be greatly appreciated.
  | Marcelo

Can you post the generated wsdl and jaxrpc-mapping files?  I'd like to see what 
you're referring to.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-16 Thread kanno
I'm wondering if there's anyway to see into the Typemapping registry at 
runtime... I want to see why there's no mapping for the type SeacProfileBean 
when I can see the mapping in the wsdd file in the data directory... I looked 
at the source... and it appears that in 

BeanSerializer.java... this is where the code fails...

 if (!isEncoded  propValue != null  
  |   {
  |  QName itemType;
  |  if (itemXmlType == null)
  |  {
  | Class componentType = 
  | itemType = context.getQNameForClass(componentType);
  |  }
  |  else
  |  {
  | itemType = itemXmlType;
  |  }
  |  log.debug(Item type is  + itemType);
  |  for (int j = 0; j  Array.getLength(propValue); j++)
  |  {
  | Object item = Array.get(propValue, j);
  | context.serialize(qname, null, item, itemType, 
true, new Boolean(false));
  |  }
  |   }

Specifically, when JBossWS is serializing the array within the wrapper class, 
the itemType is null because of the line(s):

  | Class componentType = propValue.getClass().getComponentType();
  | itemType = context.getQNameForClass(componentType);

Since the error indicates the appropriate class name, the componentType is 
coming back correctly... profiles.SeacProfileBean.  I'm wondering why 
itemType comes back as null from context.getQNameForClass()... which calls 
getTypeMapping().getTypeQName(cls)... especially if I can see the typemapping 
in the wsdd file.  Could there have possibly been an error where even though 
the .wsdd file on the server in the data directory displays the mapping, it 
wasn't read into memory because the actual class file couldn't be loaded?


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - ant build file...

2005-06-16 Thread kanno
If anybody uses an IDE like myself and is too lazy to figure out how to 
integrate ANT builds into the IDE (like myself), I've created a fairly generic 
Ant build file that should help with the compilation of your document-literal 
webservice for JBoss, taking into account the little quirk about wrapping your 
original SEI.  I should probably genericize it more, but it's a portion of a 
large build file I have for the project I'm working on...  In any case, if 
anyone is interested, feel free to download and read about it 


If you have any suggestions on ways to improve, feel free to do that too. :)

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-15 Thread kanno
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Ryan,
  | your assumption is right, we only need the request response structures and 
array wrappers generated by wscompile. All other artifacts are jwsdp specific.
  | You WS fails because it cannot find the mapping of the an array type.
  | The [LSomeType; is how java denotes an array type.


But isn't this the mapping in the .wsdd file in the data directory?

  | qname='ns2:SeacProfileBean' xmlns:ns2='http://service.profiles/types'
  | type='java:profiles.SeacProfileBean'
  | encodingStyle=''
  |   typeDesc
  | elementDesc fieldName='profileName' xmlName='profileName'/
  | elementDesc fieldName='username' xmlName='username'/
  | elementOrder
  |   element name='profileName'/
  |   element name='username'/
  | /elementOrder
  |   /typeDesc
  |   /typeMapping

or do I need to specify my own in the ws4ee file?  This works in 4.0.1, but for 
some reason, doesn't deploy in 4.0.2.


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Ant and wscompile taskdef

2005-06-15 Thread kanno
sselda wrote : Hi all,
  | I'm using:
  | - jboss 4.0.1
  | - jwsdp 1.5
  | - ant 1.6.2
  | I have defined the build.xml file for ant.
  | All is correct when I generate client stubs and jaxrpc-mapping with
  | property name=wscompile value=${jwsdp.home}/jaxrpc/bin/wscompile.bat /
  |   | 
  |   | target name=wscompile-client
  |   | exec executable=${wscompile}
  |   | arg line=-mapping 
${build.home}/WEB-INF/Organization-mapping.xml /
  |   | arg line=-gen:client /
  |   | arg line=-d ${build.home}/WEB-INF/wsgen /
  |   | arg line=-f:rpcliteral /
  |   | arg line=-nd ${build.home}/WEB-INF/wsdl /
  |   | arg line=configOrganization.xml /
  |   | /exec
  |   | /target
  | but, when I define the taskdef
  |   | path id=wscompile.classpath
  |   | fileset dir=${jwsdp.home}
  |   | include name=**/*.jar /
  |   | /fileset
  |   | /path
  |   | taskdef name=wscompile 
classpathref=wscompile.classpath /
  | and then I substitute previous task with
  | wscompile 
  |   | mapping=${build.home}/WEB-INF/Organization-mapping.xml
  |   | client=true
  |   | base=${build.home}/WEB-INF/wsgen
  |   | features=rpcliteral
  |   | nonClassDir=${build.home}/WEB-INF/wsdl
  |   | config=configOrganization.xml
  |   | classpath
  |   | path 
  |   | /classpath
  |   | /wscompile
  | I have the following error:
  | anonymous wrote : wscompile-client:
  |   | [wscompile] error: -mapping is an invalid option or argument
  |   | [wscompile] Usage: wscompile [options] configuration_file
  |   | [wscompile] Use wscompile -help for a detailed description of options.
  |   | [wscompile] Command invoked: wscompile -d ..\WEB-INF\wsgen 
-features:rpcliteral -gen:client -mapping 
..\WEB-INF\Organization-mapping.xml -nd ..\WEB-INF\wsdl 
..\configOrganization.xml -classpath 

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Ant and wscompile taskdef

2005-06-15 Thread kanno
Apparently, I didn't read to the end of my old thread. :)

You can put fork=true in the wscompile task and it's stated that the error 
will disappear.


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-15 Thread kanno
Yep, I followed the exact instructions on the website.  I wrapped the array in 
a JavaBean... it looks as though it's attempting to serialize the original 
array type and that's the serializer that can't be found, even though I can see 
the typemapping in the .wsdd file on the server.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Complex Types Changes between 4.0.2RC1 and 4.0.2 ?

2005-06-14 Thread kanno
Sounds very similar to the problem that I have here :


Funny thing is I deployed the ear in 4.0.1 and it works...  Do you know of 
anyway to view the contents of the typemapping map?  


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Can't find serializer...

2005-06-10 Thread kanno
Scharlau wrote : kanno,
  | you probably need to put the class files generated by wscompile from your 
WSDL file under the WEB-INF/classes directory of the war that you've deployed 
your WS in. (Or under the META-INF/classes if you've used a jar with a SLSB). 
  | Basically the error message mean the service can't find your classes, and 
you need to put them in the usual place.
  | Bruce


I thought that the class files generated by wscompile... aside from the 
Response/Response_Struct ones (used to wrap original classes) are artifacts 
that aren't even used.  I was under the assumption that JBoss uses its own 
internal classes such as BeanSerializerFactory, etc using introspection and the 
mapping files to map the xml data into memory, and from memory back to xml.

(I could be wrong though... still don't understand why the mapping can't be 
found in the registry when I can see it in the .wsdd file; unless of course the 
namespace is incorrect, but from what I can tell... it looks right) :)


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Can't find serializer...

2005-06-09 Thread kanno
Heya all,

I followed all the instructions on the wiki page to create a document literal 
web service.  I've wrapped my original interface and I'm returning an array of 
objects in a bean.  The web service call comes in a-ok, but when trying to 
write the response, I get the message:

java.io.IOException: No serializer found for class profiles.SeacProfileBean in 
  | at 

In the .wsdd file published on the server (in the data directory):

  | typeMapping
  | qname='ns2:SeacProfileBean' xmlns:ns2='http://service.profiles/types'
  | type='java:profiles.SeacProfileBean'
  | encodingStyle=''
  |   typeDesc
  | elementDesc fieldName='profileName' xmlName='profileName'/
  | elementDesc fieldName='username' xmlName='username'/
  | elementOrder
  |   element name='profileName'/
  |   element name='username'/
  | /elementOrder
  |   /typeDesc
  |   /typeMapping

When I turn on DEBUG for org.jboss.axis... I see where the error is 

  | 2005-06-09 14:11:46,750 DEBUG [org.jboss.axis.utils.BeanPropertyDescriptor] 
got: [Lprofiles.SeacProfileBean;@13a0067
  | 2005-06-09 14:11:46,750 DEBUG [org.jboss.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializer] 
Item type is null
  | 2005-06-09 14:11:46,750 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.axis.encoding.SerializationContextImpl] Enter:getSerializer: 
[class=class profiles.SeacProfileBean,xmlType=null]

I'm wondering why there's a little L in front of this line:

  | 2005-06-09 14:11:46,750 DEBUG [org.jboss.axis.utils.BeanPropertyDescriptor] 
got: [Lprofiles.SeacProfileBean;@13a0067

Anyone else come across a problem like this?  Seems like the type mapping has 
been registered... not sure why it can't be found.  Is there a way to see what 
type mappings are registered?


p.s. I've created an ant build file that simplifies deploying a JBoss web 
service if anyone is interested, I'll post a link on the wiki.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Slow stateless session bean local home interface lookup

2005-05-19 Thread kanno
I'm currently using the final JBoss 4.01 release, and I have a weird problem 
that I can't seem to resolve.  I have a stateless session bean calling entity 
beans (see: Session Facade).  They're all in the same ear, all referenced using 
local home interfaces.  

For some reason, attempting the JNDI lookup for the stateless session bean 
takes on average 17 seconds, on a fairly fast Xeon server with a gig of ram; 
this is just on timing when the context.lookup call returns.  I'm returning the 
lookups by reference, and for the life of me, can't figure out why this call 
would take so long.  

Anybody experience similar issues?  or can anyone point me in the right 
direction as to where to look? :)


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Did anybody sucessfully deploy a document literal webser

2005-02-03 Thread kanno
I'll start a more-detail oriented guide on the Wiki, but is there a standard 
place where I should put it?  I don't wanna mess up the neat formatting.

Should I create another page? or Should I just add to the Java service endpoint 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: DataHandler jaxrpc mapping

2005-02-02 Thread kanno
If you search the forums, I've posted a message about this problem:


My solution was to just write the task into the ant build file without using 
the  tag.  My ant task looks as the following:
(Ignore the mkdirs)

  | target name=wscompile description=Generates WSDL and JAXRPC mapping 
file depends=compile
  | mkdir dir=${build.web.service.home}/
  | mkdir dir=${build.web.service.generated.home}/
  | mkdir dir=${build.web.service.wsdl.home}/
  | java classname=com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main fork=yes 
  |   classpath refid=compile.classpath/
  |   arg line='-d ${build.web.service.wsdl.home}' /
  |   arg line=-define /
  |   arg line=-features:documentliteral /
  |   arg line='-mapping 
  |   arg line=-verbose /
  |   arg line='-classpath ${build.classes.home}'  /
  |   arg line='${config.home}/${config.file}' /
  | /java
  |   /target

This circumvents the problems you're seeing from using the wscompile ant task.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Did anybody sucessfully deploy a document literal webser

2005-02-02 Thread kanno
Yeah, I know what you mean.  I spent 3 days straight staring at the Wiki, logs, 
source and whatever else I could get my hands on before I actually figured out 
what the hell was going on. :)  Good job!


p.s. Maybe we should post something on the Wiki about what to do :)

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Did anybody sucessfully deploy a document literal webser

2005-02-01 Thread kanno
As Thomas pointed out in the following forums post:


This usually occurs when you use more than one parameter in your endpoint 

With doc/lit there is no wrapping RPC element. The entire message is defined by 
a single XMLSchema complex type. 

JBossWS currently does not support unwrapped doc style parameters in web 
service endpoints.

I believe the doc/lit there can only be one parameter.  It also says this on 
the wiki at:


A benefit of using document/literal style over rpc/literal or rpc/encoded is 
that the message can be validated against an XMLSchema. The soap body *is* the 
single method parameter - it cannot be an array of parameters. 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Did anybody sucessfully deploy a document literal webser

2005-01-31 Thread kanno
Siano -

Nobody seems to be responding to these types of questions, but after 3 days of 
staring at this, I finally got mine to work. :)  Here's what I did to get a 
document/literal web service to work in JBoss 4.0.1.

Like yourself, I implemented the endpoint interface and the implementing POJO 
class.  I initially used wscompile with the -gen:server task, but for some 
reason, wscompile wrote a web.xml file that JBoss complained about, so I 
scratched that idea since I didn't want to have my ant build file have to copy 
over files etc.

Instead, I first created the wsdl and mapping file via the -define parameter, 
then I used the -client option to generate the appropriate 
serializers/deserializers.  By hand, I wrote the webservices.xml and web.xml 
files which I then packaged everything together via an ant build file and 
pushed it into the JBoss deploy directory and voila.

Everything worked. :)


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Did anybody sucessfully deploy a document literal webser

2005-01-31 Thread kanno
Stephan -

Show us what your .wsdd file looks like.  Also, go into the log4j configuration 
file for your JBoss server instance and change the following:


This way, you can see exactly the SOAP message being sent into your service, 
etc and where it's failing.


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How to write a client that calls a document-style web se

2005-01-27 Thread kanno
Generally, the jax-rpc mapping file will be created when you use wscompile to 
generate the wsdl file.  How exactly did you create the wsdl?

There is a page on the wiki that explains it further:


The method with the following signature:

  | public Service createService(URL wsdlLocation, URL mappingLocation, URL 
ws4eeMetaData, QName serviceName, String portName) throws ServiceException
can be found in the org.jboss.webservice.client.* package which can be found in 
the client directory of your JBoss installation in the jar file: 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Struts

2005-01-27 Thread kanno
This is probably the wrong forum, but just place it in the 'deploy' directory 
of your server instance.

So if you're running default JBoss, that usually runs the default server.

The file would go to 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - wscompile/wsdl/ws4ee questions...

2005-01-21 Thread kanno
I think I'm finally getting the hang of creating a service, but I'm just not 
positive what files to edit; I want to post it to the group first, then see if 
it's right.  If so, I'll generate a page on the wiki explaining what I did 
since there's a large gap between how to do it and why. :)

In any case, I implemented my Java service endpoint classes.  I ran it through 
wscompile using the -define and -mapping option through an ant task.  This 
generated both a .wsdl and jaxrpc-mapping.xml file.  These files are used in 
combination by JBoss to create the .wsdd file that's stored in the server's 
data/wsdl directory.

Using wscompile, it places definitions of helper structs (complex types) in the 
wsdl and mapping file such as XXX_ResponseStruct and XXX_RequestStruct. For 
example, the complex type getProfiles is mapped to Java object 
getProfiles_ResponseStruct, etc.  The problem of course arises is that these 
files aren't actually generated so when JBoss creates the .wsdd file, it can't 
find the actual Java class since they weren't generated and hence, it ignores 
the mapping.

!-- Class not found, ignore type mapping
  |   typeMapping
  | qname='ns2:getProfiles' xmlns:ns2='http://service.profiles/types'
  | serializer='null'
  | deserializer='null'
  | encodingStyle=''
  |   typeDesc
  | elementDesc fieldName='String_1' xmlName='String_1'/
  | elementOrder  element name='String_1'/
  | /elementOrder  /typeDesc
  |   /typeMapping
  |   --

Does this mean I have to completely edit the .wsdl that was created and the 
mapping file to remove references to these created structs? 


Does this mean that I have to use the gen:server option on wscompile because I 
know that using this, it generates all the server artifacts, etc.  There's a 
disconnect as to whether I have to use gen:server or if I can edit the wsdl to 
accomplish creating the service.

I figure someone else must have the same questions I do. :)  Btw, I'm creating 
a document/literal service using JBoss 4.0.1 with jwsdp 1.5

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Configuring beanMapping with JBossWS

2005-01-21 Thread kanno

Looking at the axis docs, I came across this that might be of some help.

And I quote, 

anonymous wrote : 
  | (The  tag is really just shorthand for a  tag with 
deserializer=org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory, and 
encodingStyle=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/;, but clearly it can 
save a lot of typing!)

But, as Thomas has posted in the past, I think the SOAP encoding is not WS-I 
Basic Profile compliant?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: wscompile/wsdl/ws4ee questions...

2005-01-21 Thread kanno
Ok, after going through all the examples, I sorta see what's going on with the 
assorted mapping files, etc.  Since apparently the automatically generated wsdl 
creates a wsdl that validates a message of

  | getProfiles
  |  String_1*BLAH*/String_1
  | /getProfiles

I can't just use this type mapping

  | typeMapping qname='ns1:getProfiles' xmlns:ns1='http://namespace'
  | type='java:java.lang.String'
  | serializer='org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleSerializerFactory'
  | deserializer='org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializerFactory'
  | encodingStyle=''
  | /typeMapping

because the value between the tags isn't a string type.  Is it standard to just 
edit the wsdl file or to edit the typemappings via the ws4ee-deployment file?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: ws4ee-deployment vs jaxrpc-mapping

2005-01-20 Thread kanno
Actually, here's what I've been doing, but I'm sorta debugging as we speak... 
so maybe this might clear up somethings for yah (or me for that matter).

- I first generate my Java interface/implementation classes

- I use an ant task to generate the wsdl / jaxrpc-mapping file 

- From what I can garner, sometimes you have to override the type mappings as 
supplied by the mapping file generated by wscompile, so you can use a 
w4ee-deployment.xml file to do custom types, etc. [For arrays, etc]

- I then war everything up making sure the wsdl, web.xml, jaxrp-mapping, and 
the webservices.xml file are in the appropriate locations along with any other 

- Copy to deploy directory; 

- Start up JBoss.

As for where I am now, I've done all the above, but it appears that I have an 
OperationDesc out of sync whenever I try to add a custom type to the 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Namespace URI cannot be null error

2005-01-19 Thread kanno
Anyone have this problem?

I've created a document/literal WSDL for a Java web service using wscompile 
(with -mapping option, etc).  I've deployed the service with the appropriate 
descriptor files to a JBoss 4.0.1 application server.  Everything seems fine 
and dandy except...  

When I try to connect to the service with a .Net client, I keep getting the 
following error:

16:17:51,747 INFO  [AxisServlet] Exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Namespace URI cannot be null
at org.apache.axis.utils.Mapping.setNamespaceURI(Mapping.java:87)
at org.apache.axis.utils.Mapping.(Mapping.java:71)
at org.apache.axis.utils.NSStack.add(NSStack.java:226)

It looks as though on one of my elements, there is an empty xmlns attribute, 
i.e. String_1 xmlns=.  I have seen other posts about this, but I don't know 
of a solution as the following post seems to have the same problem and I did as 
the author suggested, but to no avail.


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