Re: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?

2002-08-28 Thread peterchi

i just keep the seven tables created by the sql script
The TURBINE_USER table's data is created when you create a new account.As i
know, the single sign on is acheived by using Application object in
jsp.There is a book Instant Java server pages which described how to
implement single sign on.
Sorry, i don't know the info is helpful or not.

Peter Chi

- Original Message -
From: "Ben John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:47 PM
Subject: RE: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?

> Did you replace TURBINE_USER table with any of your application specific
> tables(WAS). Because I'm trying to integrate with already existing login
> framework, to make as single sign on. Any thoughts how to achieve this.
> -b.
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 6:16 AM
> > Subject: Re: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?
> >
> >
> > i  successfully use oracle together  with the jetspeed and WAS 4.0
> >
> > Peter Chi
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Pat Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 10:47 PM
> > Subject: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Based of a response from another question I posted, it got me thinking
> > > that I may be in a small group of people using jetspeed with oracle.
> > >
> > > If you dont mind responding, either to the list or privately, I am
> > > curious to know if there are any others out there using jetspeed and
> > > oracle.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Pat
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
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> > 
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> > 
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
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Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Anandkumar Ayyachamy

In the catalina .bat file

Carlos Orrego wrote:

>sorry for the dumb question, but where do you set the CATALINA_OPTIONS to set -Xmx 
>and -Xms parameters?
>i have been trying to do this for a while with no luck
>-Original Message-
>From: Saddest OfAllKeys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:29 PM
>To: Jetspeed Users List
>Subject: Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?
>I'm no expert but try the following:
>-- change all logging levels in the
>~/WEB-INF/conf/*.properties files to be INFO instead
>-- give Tomcat a lot of memory via the
>CATALINA_OPTIONS. e.g. -Xmx256m and -Xms128m 
>-- look for velocity caching options in
> and turn it on
>Please let us know if you find anything else that
>--- Woody Sturges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed
>>is that some of the
>>example portlets will take a while when you refresh
>>the page (especially
>>if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are
>>having problems). 
>>Have you tried making your new portlet the only one
>>on your current
>>pane?  That would rule out the effect of other
>>portlets interfering with
>>response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly
>>add portlets to
>>identify the problem causer...
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
>>I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its
>>functionality etc.  My only
>>concern about using it in production is with
>>response time.  A user
>>page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with
>>just a 'hello
>>portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have
>>some fairly
>>servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.
>> (800MHz, NT,
>>JRun servlet engine.)
>>My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box. 
>>cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.
>>Are my response times the norm or am I missing
>>something?  Would using
>>external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things
>>(I've tried SQL server
>>Sybase with no luck).?
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2002-08-28 Thread Sandeep G Nijsure

Hi all,

This is a problem I encountered with out-of-the-box jetspeed distributions 
and the solution(?) to this problem.

I downloaded Jetspeed 1.3a2 Standard WAR zip, unzipped it, copied the 
jetspeed.war to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps, and restarted Tomcat. 

When I went to test it by visiting http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/, I got 
the following Tomcat error (in short)

javax.servlet.ServletException: sun/tools/javac/Main
root cause 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main

The same problem occured with Jetspeed 1.4b1.

I started looking for solutions, and I got a (may be temporary) soln on
some mailing list (not this :)). The class resides in
$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar (I have verified this on Java 1.3 and 1.4, not
prior versions). Now this file should ideally be included in Tomcat's
classpath, but it was not for some reason.

The solution is to copy this tools.jar to $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/. 

Thought someone might be having the same problem.


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Psml management

2002-08-28 Thread Matthew Forsyth

Here are my experiences with the jetspeed psml
management system.  I've had to change a couple things
in ways which somebody else might find useful (please
let me know if so!)  Also, I am discovering that I may
have a (hopefully reconcilable) philosophical problem
with PSML. 

Before I begin, our portal (still in development
stage) can be seen at

You can log in using "testcrew/password".

We don't plan on letting our users customize their
portal pages at all in terms of the layout, presence
or absence of certain portlets.  However, we need to
give them ways to customize attributes of their
existing portlets.   

We also need to service more than one TYPE of user,
each with a different pre-defined set of panes and

Correct me if I'm wrong, but we can't use role-based
PSML because that would prevent the use of individual
settings  any change to a portlet attribute would
then be seen by ALL other users in the same role.

Also, there is no single user from whom psml files for
new users could be copied, because that wouldn't allow
for different layouts for different types of users.

So I changed JetspeedSecurity to point to my own
UserManagement class, and overrode the
addDefaultPSML() method to make a copy of the psml
associated with the user's role rather than the psml
of another user (like turbine).

Not a huge deal, but now I am arriving at what seems
to be a bigger problem:
Although the psml file of a user will differ from
those of his/her peers only in very narrowly defined
ways (only in the manipulation of attributes for
portlets), each user still has a separate copy of the

This means that as we add new functionality to our
portal, adding new portlets and presumably moving the
existing ones around somewhat, ONLY new users will
benefit from these changes.

Everytime we want to add a new portlet, we'll have to
write a script that will iterate through everyone's
psml and manipulate the xml in a certain way, adding
entries for the new portlet  the exact type of
thing that was supposed to be short-circuited by the
Customizer.   Presumably this will have to be done
when the server is shut down, because otherwise the
psml files of any currently-logged-in users will be
overwritten back to their old state when a they log

Aren't the notions of CONTENT and SETTINGS separable? 
 Shouldn't this information be stored in 2 separate
files?  Did I miss some way that the current psml
system can allow for this?  If not, how much work
would have to be done to allow for this?   I would
certainly be willing to adopt such a project rather
than resorting to the "mass update script" strategy
mentioned above...

Matthew Forsyth

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Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Werner Punz

Just a general note, to the speed, the others have given hints
on how to speed things up already. The mentioned speed in the
beginning of this thread is definitely not normal. I currently
develop into a local jetspeed server and none of my portlets had a 
response time
above more than a few miliseconds (tomcat 4.1 increased the speed
which already was good in 3.3.x)

First of all. The first startup takes a little bit of time since
JSPs have to be compiled but after that it should run almost as fast
as a normal JSP page, Velocity is close to non existent in the loading 
times. The speed difference between custom JSP pages an jetspeed 
portlets/portals is neglegtable from what I saw on my development 
system. Kudos to the Velocity/Jetspeed/Turbine developers for that they 
did one hell of a job.

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Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Brian J. Glas

In the or catalina.bat.
At the top of the file with the JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME, put CATALINA_OPTS= .

Also, if you use different browsers, does it make a difference?  Or is it server side 
slowdown that is the
same for both browsers?


Carlos Orrego wrote:

> sorry for the dumb question, but where do you set the CATALINA_OPTIONS to set -Xmx 
>and -Xms parameters?
> i have been trying to do this for a while with no luck
> thx
> carlos
> -Original Message-
> From: Saddest OfAllKeys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:29 PM
> To: Jetspeed Users List
> Subject: Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?
> I'm no expert but try the following:
> -- change all logging levels in the
> ~/WEB-INF/conf/*.properties files to be INFO instead
> of DEBUG
> -- give Tomcat a lot of memory via the
> CATALINA_OPTIONS. e.g. -Xmx256m and -Xms128m
> -- look for velocity caching options in
> and turn it on
> Please let us know if you find anything else that
> helps.
> thanks,
> Mike
> --- Woody Sturges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Andrew,
> >
> >   I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed
> > is that some of the
> > example portlets will take a while when you refresh
> > the page (especially
> > if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are
> > having problems).
> > Have you tried making your new portlet the only one
> > on your current
> > pane?  That would rule out the effect of other
> > portlets interfering with
> > response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly
> > add portlets to
> > identify the problem causer...
> >
> > Woody
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
> > Hi,
> > I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its
> > functionality etc.  My only
> > concern about using it in production is with
> > response time.  A user
> > portal
> > page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with
> > just a 'hello
> > world'
> > portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have
> > some fairly
> > intensive
> > servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.
> >  (800MHz, NT,
> > 256Mb,
> > JRun servlet engine.)
> >
> > My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box.
> > cachedOnName="true"
> > cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.
> >
> > Are my response times the norm or am I missing
> > something?  Would using
> > external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things
> > (I've tried SQL server
> > and
> > Sybase with no luck).?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Andrew
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> > 
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
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> > 
> >
> __
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Something witty?  How quaint...
Brian J. Glas
GSP Technologies

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RE: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Carlos Orrego

sorry for the dumb question, but where do you set the CATALINA_OPTIONS to set -Xmx and 
-Xms parameters?
i have been trying to do this for a while with no luck



-Original Message-
From: Saddest OfAllKeys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:29 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

I'm no expert but try the following:

-- change all logging levels in the
~/WEB-INF/conf/*.properties files to be INFO instead

-- give Tomcat a lot of memory via the
CATALINA_OPTIONS. e.g. -Xmx256m and -Xms128m 

-- look for velocity caching options in and turn it on

Please let us know if you find anything else that


--- Woody Sturges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew,
>   I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed
> is that some of the
> example portlets will take a while when you refresh
> the page (especially
> if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are
> having problems). 
> Have you tried making your new portlet the only one
> on your current
> pane?  That would rule out the effect of other
> portlets interfering with
> response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly
> add portlets to
> identify the problem causer...
> Woody
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
> Hi,
> I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its
> functionality etc.  My only
> concern about using it in production is with
> response time.  A user
> portal
> page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with
> just a 'hello
> world'
> portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have
> some fairly
> intensive
> servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.
>  (800MHz, NT,
> 256Mb,
> JRun servlet engine.)
> My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box. 
> cachedOnName="true"
> cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.
> Are my response times the norm or am I missing
> something?  Would using
> external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things
> (I've tried SQL server
> and
> Sybase with no luck).?
> Thanks!
> Andrew
> --
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> --
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RE: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Wayne A Christian

Are you guys taking average measurements or measuring the first time display?  
Remember that these are JSPs and 
the first display includes the time to compile the underlining JSPs which represent 
the portlet collection.
What refresh/display speeds are you getting after the JSPs compile?

Wayne Christian
Sr. Staff Software Engineer
Genesys Telecommunications Labs
2100 Gateway Centre Blvd.  Suite 300
Morrisville,  NC  27560
?   Office: (919) 466-6151
?   EMail:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Woody Sturges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?


  I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed is that some of the
example portlets will take a while when you refresh the page (especially
if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are having problems).
Have you tried making your new portlet the only one on your current
pane?  That would rule out the effect of other portlets interfering with
response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly add portlets to
identify the problem causer...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its functionality etc.  My only
concern about using it in production is with response time.  A user
page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with just a 'hello
portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have some fairly
servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.  (800MHz, NT,
JRun servlet engine.)

My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box.  cachedOnName="true"
cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.

Are my response times the norm or am I missing something?  Would using
external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things (I've tried SQL server
Sybase with no luck).?


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Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Scott

I've found that the default templates (JSP and Velocity) tend to be
extraordinarily slow. I am not sure exactly what causes this. However, I
replaced the majority of the most used with my own, and Jetspeed response
times have increased dramatically, so much so that I am no longer
experiencing any of those annoying drags..

Along the same lines, I've found that after I replaced these templates, I am
unable to create a link to the (default) user creation template (which is in
all of the default locations). The 
points to the appropriate place, however, trying to access that href seems
to simply reload the current page. Does it matter if the template I am using
this from is a navigation or a screen (currently it is a navigation,
although in the default templates, the link is made in a screen)?



- Original Message -
From: "Woody Sturges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

> Andrew,
>   I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed is that some of the
> example portlets will take a while when you refresh the page (especially
> if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are having problems).
> Have you tried making your new portlet the only one on your current
> pane?  That would rule out the effect of other portlets interfering with
> response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly add portlets to
> identify the problem causer...
> Woody
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
> Hi,
> I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its functionality etc.  My only
> concern about using it in production is with response time.  A user
> portal
> page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with just a 'hello
> world'
> portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have some fairly
> intensive
> servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.  (800MHz, NT,
> 256Mb,
> JRun servlet engine.)
> My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box.  cachedOnName="true"
> cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.
> Are my response times the norm or am I missing something?  Would using
> external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things (I've tried SQL server
> and
> Sybase with no luck).?
> Thanks!
> Andrew
> --
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Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Saddest OfAllKeys

I'm no expert but try the following:

-- change all logging levels in the
~/WEB-INF/conf/*.properties files to be INFO instead

-- give Tomcat a lot of memory via the
CATALINA_OPTIONS. e.g. -Xmx256m and -Xms128m 

-- look for velocity caching options in and turn it on

Please let us know if you find anything else that


--- Woody Sturges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew,
>   I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed
> is that some of the
> example portlets will take a while when you refresh
> the page (especially
> if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are
> having problems). 
> Have you tried making your new portlet the only one
> on your current
> pane?  That would rule out the effect of other
> portlets interfering with
> response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly
> add portlets to
> identify the problem causer...
> Woody
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
> Hi,
> I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its
> functionality etc.  My only
> concern about using it in production is with
> response time.  A user
> portal
> page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with
> just a 'hello
> world'
> portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have
> some fairly
> intensive
> servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.
>  (800MHz, NT,
> 256Mb,
> JRun servlet engine.)
> My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box. 
> cachedOnName="true"
> cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.
> Are my response times the norm or am I missing
> something?  Would using
> external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things
> (I've tried SQL server
> and
> Sybase with no luck).?
> Thanks!
> Andrew
> --
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How can obtain the actual url in the layout templatel?

2002-08-28 Thread Massimiliano Dessi

Is it possible reading the actual url inside a layout velocity template?


$data.getID() in a velocity template (default.vm) is not accessible, 

with $data.getPageSessionId()  obtain user/turbine/html/default.psml 
the  part /js_pane/P-eff026a758-10002  wich can obtained?

Does it need extends the VelocityPortlet to put in the context this information?

thanks in advanced

RE: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?

2002-08-28 Thread Ben John

Did you replace TURBINE_USER table with any of your application specific
tables(WAS). Because I'm trying to integrate with already existing login
framework, to make as single sign on. Any thoughts how to achieve this.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 6:16 AM
> Subject: Re: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?
> i  successfully use oracle together  with the jetspeed and WAS 4.0
> Peter Chi
> - Original Message -
> From: "Pat Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 10:47 PM
> Subject: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?
> >
> > Based of a response from another question I posted, it got me thinking
> > that I may be in a small group of people using jetspeed with oracle.
> >
> > If you dont mind responding, either to the list or privately, I am
> > curious to know if there are any others out there using jetspeed and
> > oracle.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Pat
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> --
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Re: jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread Woody Sturges


  I'm a newbie too.  Welcome.  Something I noticed is that some of the
example portlets will take a while when you refresh the page (especially
if they're trying to grab stuff off the inet or are having problems). 
Have you tried making your new portlet the only one on your current
pane?  That would rule out the effect of other portlets interfering with
response time.  If that does it, then you can slowly add portlets to
identify the problem causer...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/02 06:44AM >>>
I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its functionality etc.  My only
concern about using it in production is with response time.  A user
page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with just a 'hello
portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have some fairly
servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.  (800MHz, NT,
JRun servlet engine.)

My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box.  cachedOnName="true"
cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.

Are my response times the norm or am I missing something?  Would using
external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things (I've tried SQL server
Sybase with no luck).?


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jetspeed = slowspeed?

2002-08-28 Thread AMackay

I'm a jetspeed newbie, impressed with its functionality etc.  My only
concern about using it in production is with response time.  A user portal
page takes about 8-10 seconds to appear, even with just a 'hello world'
portlet defined for the user.Meanwhile, I have some fairly intensive
servlets on the same box that take only 1-2 seconds.  (800MHz, NT, 256Mb,
JRun servlet engine.)

My settings are prettly much out-of-the-box.  cachedOnName="true"
cachedOnValue="true" are set for all portlets.

Are my response times the norm or am I missing something?  Would using
external RDMS rather than Turbine improve things (I've tried SQL server and
Sybase with no luck).?


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Re: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?

2002-08-28 Thread peterchi

i  successfully use oracle together  with the jetspeed and WAS 4.0

Peter Chi

- Original Message -
From: "Pat Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 10:47 PM
Subject: Is there anyone using Jetspeed with oracle?

> Based of a response from another question I posted, it got me thinking
> that I may be in a small group of people using jetspeed with oracle.
> If you dont mind responding, either to the list or privately, I am
> curious to know if there are any others out there using jetspeed and
> oracle.
> Thanks
> Pat
> --
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RE: url rewriting to call pane

2002-08-28 Thread Luta, Raphael (VUN)

De : Massimiliano Dessi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi 
> I want semplify the url 
> http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal/user/turbine/page/defaul
> t.psml/js_pane/P-efeb295f46-10001
> with http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal/th/13  (ie 
> (in the turbine url -rewriting how-to use the 
> invokerinterceptor of  the tomcat 3.2 but is not util for my case )
> I use tomcat 4.0.4 , jetspeed 1.4b1 with turbine 2.2b2-dev 
> and velocity 1.3-dev

I think the easiest way to achieve this is to connect Tomcat to an Apache
httpd front-end and use mod_rewrite in the httpd configuration to achieve
what you want.

Raphaƫl Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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url rewriting to call pane

2002-08-28 Thread Massimiliano Dessi

I want semplify the url 
with http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal/th/13  (ie 

(in the turbine url -rewriting how-to use the invokerinterceptor of  the tomcat 3.2 
but is not util for my case )

I use tomcat 4.0.4 , jetspeed 1.4b1 with turbine 2.2b2-dev and velocity 1.3-dev

How i got it ?
Thanks in advance