2001-07-05 Thread rose antony

 There was  once a man who did not believe in either
 the virgin
 birth  of Christ or the spiritual meaning  behind
 it, and was
 skeptical even about God. He and his family lived in
 a farm  community.
 His wife was a devout believer and diligently raised
 her children in the
 faith. He sometimes gave her a hard time about her
 belief and  mocked her
 religious observances.
 "It's all nonsense -- why  would God lower himself
 and become a
 human like us? It's such  a ridiculous story,"  he
 One snowy day, she and the  children left for church
 while he
 stayed home. After they  had departed, the  winds
 grew stronger and the
 snow turned into a blinding  snowstorm. He sat down
 to relax before the
 fire for the evening.
 Then he heard a loud thump,  something hitting
 against the
 window... And, still another  thump. He looked 
 outside but could not see
 anything. So he ventured outside  for a better view.
 In the field near
 his house he saw, of all  the strangest things, a
 flock of geese. They
 were  apparently flying to look for  warmer area
 down south, but they  had
 been caught in the snowstorm. The storm had  become
 too blinding  and
 violent for the geese to fly or see their way. They 
 were stranded on his
 farm, with no food or shelter, unable to do more 
 than flutter their
 wings and fly in aimless circles. He had  compassion
 for them  and wanted
 to help them. He thought to himself, the barn would 
 be a great place for
 them to stay. It is warm and safe;  surely they
 could spend the night and
 wait out the storm.  So he opened the barn  doors
 for them.
 He waited, watching them,  hoping they would notice
 the open barn
 and go inside.   Nevertheless, they did not  notice
 the barn or realize
 what it could mean for them. He  moved closer toward
 them to get  their
 attention, but they just  moved away from him out of
 He went into the house and  came back with some
 bread, broke it up,
 and made a bread trail  to the barn. They  still did
 not catch on.
 Starting to get frustrated,  he went over and tried
 to shoo them
 toward the barn. They   panicked and scattered into 
 every direction
 except toward the barn. Nothing he did  could get
 them to go into the barn
 where there was warmth,  safety, and shelter.
 Feeling totally frustrated,
 he  exclaimed, "Why don't they follow me? Can't they
 see this is the
 only place where they  can survive the storm? How
 can I possibly get them
 into the one  place to save them?"
 He thought for a moment and  realized that they just
 would not
 follow a human. He said  to himself, "How can I 
 possibly save them? The
 only way would be for me to become  like those
 geese. If only I could
 become like one of them. Then I could save them.
 They would  follow me and
 I would lead them to safety."
 At that moment, he stopped  and considered what he
 had said. The
 words reverberated in   his mind: If only I could 
 become like one of
 them, then I could save them. Then, at  last, he
 understood God's heart
 towards mankind... and he fell  on his knees in the
 For God so loved the world,  that he gave his only
 begotten Son,
 that whosoever believeth  in him should not  perish,
 but have
 everlasting life. For God sent his Son  into the
 world not to condemn the
 world; but that the world  through him might be
 saved. John 3:16,17

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[JOYnet] Salvation

2001-07-05 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri

Ok ok ok cool down guys.  We are just making a disco, so let everybody talk 
his or her own insights, whether it is right or wrong.

There is only one Savior.  Salvation is a gift of the Father through the 
Son. Everybody would be saved through Him only. But that doesnt mean only 
Christians or only Catholics will be saved. Let us not to be so fundamental. 
Jesus hates all inhuman laws. Thats why He said, laws should be made for 
man, not man for laws.

I would like to bring your attention to one of the messages from the 
apparitions of Our Lady at Medgugorje. During a vision Our Lady told the 
seers that there was a woman who lived in Medjugorje who was very near 
sainthood. The seers asked her name. They were shocked at the response. The 
woman near sainthood was a Moslem. Being Catholic, the seers asked how a 
Moslem could be near sainthood. The Lady replied,  These are things for God 
to decide.

Yes I agree with George, it is our fault that we do not carry the word to 
others. Thats why the majority of the world doesnt know the Savior. 12 
disciples went all around the world and did their duty. Today there are 
around 100 crores of disciples in this world. If all of them proclaimed the 
Good News to 6 people only the whole world would have known the Savior.


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[JOYnet] I AM...

2001-07-05 Thread Irma

Dear Friend,

When the enemy comes to us with discouraging comments and encouraging us
to quit our work towards the Lord, it is very important that we renew our
mind and speak the Word of God out loud so the enemy can hear it. The
enemy tried to discourage me many times and let me tell you that when I
stand firm and speak the scriptures, those thoughts flee from me faster
then when they entered my mind. Be encouraged and when in doubt, speak
the scriptures out loud and see the deliverance of the Lord.
Believe me, it works!

This isn't a poem or a story but it has great power and that's why I
wanted you to have a copy. It is wonderful to read it whenever troubles 
come my way. I encourage you to print off a copy or keep it handy in your
email box so you can get quick access when you need to fight off satan 
and his wicked thoughts.


1.  A child of God (Romans 8:16)
2.  Redeemed from the Hand of the Enemy (Psalms 107:2)
3.  Forgiven (Colossians 1:13-14)
4.  Saved by Grace through Faith (Ephesians 2:8)
5.  Justified (Romans 5:1)
6.  Sanctified (I Corinthians 6:11)
7.  A New Creature (II Corinthians 5:17)
8.  Partaker of His Divine Nature (II Peter 1:4)
9.  Redeemed from the Curse of the law (Galatians 3:13)
10. Delivered from the Powers of Darkness (Colossians 1:13)
11. Led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14)
12. A Son of God (Romans 8:14)
13. Kept in Safety Wherever I Go (Psalms 91:11)
14. Getting All My Needs Met by Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:19)
15. Casting All My cares upon Jesus (I Peter 5:7)
16. Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might (Ephesians 6:10)
17. Doing All Thing through Christ Who Strengthens Me (Philippians 4:13)
18. An Heir with God and a Joint Heir with Jesus (Romans 8:17)
19. Heir to the Blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-14)
20. Observing and Doing the Lords Commandments (Deuteronomy 28:12)
21. Blessed Coming in and Blessed Going out (Deuteronomy 26:6)
22. An Heir of Eternal Life (I John 5:11-12)
23. Blessed with All Spiritual Blessings (Ephesians 1:3)
24. Healed by His Stripes ( I Peter 2:24)
25. Exercising My Authority over the Enemy (Luke 10:19)
26. Above Only and Not Beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13)
27. More than a Conqueror (Romans 8:37)
28. Establishing Gods Word Here on Earth (Matthew 16:19)
29. An Overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of My Testimony
(Revelation 12:11)
30. Daily Overcoming the Devil (I John 4:4)
31. Not Moved by What I See (II Corinthians 4:18)
32. Walking by Faith and Not by Sight (II Corinthians 5:7)
33. Casting Down Vain Imaginations (II Corinthians 10:4-5)
34. Bringing Every Thought into Captivity (II Corinthians 10:5)
35. Being Transformed by Renewing My Mind (Romans 12:1-2)
36. A Laborer Together with God (I Corinthians 3:9)
37. The Righteousness of God in Christ (II Corinthians 5:21)
38. An Imitator of Jesus (Ephesians 5:1)
39. The Light of the World (Matthew 5:14)
40. Blessing the Lord at All Times and Continually praising the Lord with
My Mouth (Psalms 34:1)

Our words are very important (Proverbs 18:21) and most people really don't
understand that when they speak a word of blessing or a word of cursing;
it's just like a farmer planting seeds in the ground.  You will get out of
the ground whatever you put into it (Galatians 6:7-9), so be wise and
careful when you feel sick and discouraged.  Make sure the right words
come out of your mouth.  The Bible declares in Romans 4:17, "to call
those things that be not as though they were."  When you feel sick, speak
a word of healing (Isaiah 53:5), when you feel tired, say you are strong
(Joel 3:10).

Remember, God spoke; and it became whatever He said it to be (Genesis 1:3-29)
and the Bible says we were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), so we
have power in our mouth just as the Master does.  I encourage you to claim
your healing, prosperity and happiness all in and through the Mighty name
of Jesus Christ.  Stand strong and be encouraged and hold on to the
promises that God has made to all who Believe in Him and His Holy Word.

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Joshua 1:8-9 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but
thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way
prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.  Have not I commanded
thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou
dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

Romans 12:2-3 "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given
unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more
highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath
dealt to every man the measure of faith."

Ephesians 6:10-13 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the
power of his mig

[JOYnet] Big crowd to wash up

2001-07-05 Thread berly

Hello again
 By god's grace - I was able to wash up and cleanse myself again today. It was
only when I reached the hall did I see so many of them waiting there to do the
same early in the morning at 6.30.
 Being first friday of the month ,  my father, mother ,wife n daughter - all
of us planned to go for confession n attend mass today morning. The motivation
came from one of our prayer group member.He said that his parish priest had
informed them - "if u attend 9 consecutive 1st friday mass and receive jesus
after being 
purified(by confession)- You will have a peaceful death". I was really surprised
to find so many waiting for confession early in the morning on a working day.
How regular is our sacramental life ?
In our busy schedule do we make time for such.


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[JOYnet] Our Work Versus Our Value...

2001-07-05 Thread Irma

Our Work Versus Our Value

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work
it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

Man was created to have seven basic needs. Each of us has a need for
dignity, authority, blessing and provision, security, purpose and
meaning, freedom and boundary, intimate love and companionship. When
we go outside God's provision to meet these needs, we get into
trouble. Every man has a need to work and gain satisfaction in caring
and seeing something come from his efforts. Many of our basic needs
are derived from our work; it was one of the first acts God did for
man in the Garden of Eden. He gave him responsibility to care for and
work the Garden. God knew man needed to be productive. He needed to
gain satisfaction from his work.

The danger of this is when we allow our work to be our complete
source of purpose and meaning in life. This leads to a
performance-based life. A performance-based life says, "As long as I
perform in my work, I am acceptable to myself and others." This is a
subtle trap for all of us. It can lead us to become workaholics if we
are seeking acceptance through what we do. Sometimes this can be on a
subconscious basis.

Our value must be centered in Christ, not in what we do. If we lose
our job or our business, this should not devastate us if we are
centered in Him. It will certainly create difficulties, but God is
the orchestrator of all the events in our lives for His purposes.
Even difficult times have purposes.

Today, ask the Lord if you have a proper balance in your work life.
Is Christ the central focus? If you work long hours, ask yourself
why. You might discover that God may not be the central focus.

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[JOYnet] Prayers of the week.

2001-07-05 Thread Frederic Fernandez

Dear Friends in Christ,

The storm is cleared and we are back in the calm sea. JOYnet is bubbling
with JOY and Love. Thanks to all for praying for JOYnet. Let us continue
praying for the spiritual growth of this community.
Given below are the prayers that came to PlayerNet during the week.
Please remember each of these intentions in your prayers. Some of them
have thanked our Lord and you all for the blessings received.

Love and prayers,

Jobin: I reached Bhubaneswar safely in spite of the tensions in Tamil
Nadu. Thanks to God and you all for your prayers.
Manoj: Every thing went on smooth with the formation of the company and
we got incorporation today. Praise Lord! And Thank you all for keeping
us in your prayers.
Shalini: Thanks a lot for all your prayers. After the accident, there's
not a scratch on my husband though the car is in pretty bad shape.

Prayer Requests:

1. Welchy: pls pray for these 2 legionaries actively involved in the
Legion Of Mary - Mumbai
Bro Custodio: who expired with a heart attack last week.
Bro Sylvester: who is very sick.
2. For Rose's cousin who has got into bad company that he may come back
and restore peace and love in the family.
3. For Vidhya's father who is disturbed due to the political happenings
in Tamil Nadu. Also pray for peace in that state.
4. For Sippy who is preparing for exams that he may perform well and get
good results.
5. For Roshan and Sofi that they be guided by the Holy Spirit in all
walks of life. For the safe delivery of the unborn child Sofi is
6. For Nayana aunty who is a Hindu but a Christian by faith. Pray for
her husband's speedy recovery from stroke. Also pray that she may stand
bold in front of others who oppress her due to her faith.
7. For KAIROS-2001 conference (5th to 8th July) being held for the
renewal activities in America.
8. Lysa requests your prayers for Jesus Youth Manipal core group and the
coming Campus meet 2002.
9. For Rani to get courage and strength. Also pray for her aged parents.
10. For good health of Roshan's sister Reena and the triplets she is
11. For Thomas Babu and his family and their health. Also for performing
better in his job and achieving the companies target.
12. For Luke that he may get the expected marks in the papers he is
sending for rechecking.
13. For Aniesh who is looking out for a good job that he may succeed in
the interview.
14. For Shanti Francis who is retired from the job and is finding
difficulty in getting her pension.
15. Jose Kurian's wife Sherin whose delivery is due on 14th July. Please
pray for good health of Sherin and the baby.
16. For Renu who is an engineering student waiting for exam results.

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[JOYnet] Birthday of vazhapilly joseph immanuel

2001-07-05 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

Let's celebrate the birthday (July 06) of vazhapilly joseph immanuel.
Please send your greetings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

God Bless
JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Thankyou 4 prayers.

2001-07-05 Thread George Michael

dear friends,
Thanks a lot 4 all your prayers.

There's not a scratch on my husband though the car is in pretty bad shape.
It was drunk auto driver who came towards and hit the car inspite My husband
taking it off the road.

The driver has some fractures nothing seriuos.

Thanks for your prayers as a result,
everything went smoothly.

God bless you all,

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[JOYnet] Whose Attitude......

2001-07-05 Thread Betty Jose

Loving Friend,

Some more food for DEEP thought.

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming
home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his
parents from San Francisco. 
"Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to
ask. I have a friend I'd  like to bring home with me."
"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him."

"There's something you should know the son continued, 
"he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped
on a land mine and lost an  arm and a leg. He has
nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with

"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him
find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us." 
"Son," said the father,"you don't know what you're
asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a
terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to
live,and we can't let something like this interfere
with our lives. I think you should just 
come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way
to live on his own."
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents
heard nothing  more from him. A few days 
later,however, they received a call from the San  
Francisco police. Their son had died after falling
from a building,they were told. The police believed it
was suicide. The  grief-stricken parents flew to 
San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to
identify the body of their son.
  They recognized him, but to their horror they also
discovered something they didn't know, their son had
only one arm and one leg.

Do we dawn the attitude of those  parents atimes? 

May Jesus give each one of us the grace to be Like him
and have His attitude all the time.

Jesus Bless


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[JOYnet] Salvation

2001-07-05 Thread Christine Antony

Have you ever noticed that the word "Salvation" is almost strictly a 
Christian vocabulary word?  (With the exception of Judaism.)  I haven't 
heard this word in the vocabulary of any of my non-Christian friends.  It's 
quite interesting.  So what could that possibly mean?  There's no such thing 
in other religions, possibly?  That's one take on it.  But I could also be 
extremely wrong when I say that Salvation is a Christian vocab word.

I do think that people of all religions are saved.  Our God is a merciful 
God.  To Him, there really isn't a difference between all the different 
denominations of Christians.  He doesn't care if he's called God, Father, 
Christ, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, Alpha and Omega, Allah... etc, etc, etc.  A 
rose will always smell and be pretty by whichever name it is called.  Just 
the same, no matter what we call God, He is still the same all-powerful, 
almighty and ever-loving Father.  All that matters to Him is that we love 
each other.  By doing so, we love Him, because He lives in each of us- He 
made each of us in His own image and likeness.  If you are a true Christian, 
you should realize this.  As Christians, though, I think we have more to 
live up to since we are more educated in what God wants of us.  Just because 
we're baptized doesn't mean we're automatically saved.  We have to work to 
be saved.  It's a hard earned gift.  God is a very responsible Father- he 
will only give what is rightly due to you.  He won't just give gifts if you 
don't do work.

As for Hindus and Buddhists, well, it's very tricky, I think.  God is 
merciful.  If you love each other, you love him, so if a Hindu loves 
everyone around him, respects the lives around him and lives an honest life, 
I don't see why he wouldn't be received in Heaven.  Since he hasn't studied 
The Bible, he wouldn't be required to do all that is asked.  A sin isn't a 
sin until you KNOW that what you are doing is wrong.  If you do something 
w/out knowing that it is wrong, then it isn't a sin.

That's about all I'd like to say about that right now.

In Christ,

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[JOYnet] Cheap Travel ex India

2001-07-05 Thread Georgie x

Dear Cash Strapped Jesus Youth, 

Ex Delhi there is a price war war going on among the
International Airlines. 

It is a good time to attend events that are taking
place abroad. 

Price levels are around at Rs 22000/- to any place in
Europe and Rs 33,000/- to any place in the US for
premium airlines ex Delhi. 


German George
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[JOYnet] Final Judgement

2001-07-05 Thread biju antony

Regarding Salvation I have something to share.

 Salvation is an experience and a state of life.
 Salvation is individual.
 Life is not a game and Salvation is not the last moment goal.
 Salvation is an ongoing process.
 Salvation means to re-link us with God and experience the love of God.
 Salvation is the life of grace.
 Salvation is not only a life after death but it can also be experienced 
during our life in this world. 
 Salvation is not like getting a pass to enter into a movie house but it is a 
day by day growth in spiritual life.

Also I wish to say that,
 JESUS is the ONE and ONLY Savior.
 There is no alternative for JESUS.
If we say that there are many ways to get salvation then there is no need of 
evangelization and even there is no need of a mailing list like JOYNET.
If Christianity is ONE of the ways to salvation then there is no need of a church also.
If somebody things that there is no difference between Christianity and other religion 
means we failed to witness our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why Gandhiji said:  I love 
Christ but not Christians.
Let us proclaim our Lord to all nations.
Jesus is the only judge. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. So it is 
NOT our duty to judge the other religious people. God has a definite plan for each and 
everyone. The big command to us is: Go and proclaim Good News to all creations.
Let Jesus judge.

Let us pray!
Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your holy gifts.
Assist us, O Holy Spirit, in all the trials of life, 
enlighten us in our ignorance and advise us in our doubts, Amen.

With love and prayer,
Biju Antony/ Kuwait.



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RE: [JOYnet] Salvation.............

2001-07-05 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

Dear Friends,

May God's peace which is far beyond human understanding (Phillipians4:7) be
with you as you read this mail. I'm trying here to put forth what the Bible
says about our topic in discussion and not just saying something because of
what I feel.

I had quoted the verses John 3:36 & 18 in my previous mail. Now someone can
say that John was talking to the Jews or Christ was talking to Nicodemus and
that verse need not be applied to us. That way then someone else may say
that the 13 letters written by Paul will be for those particular people only
like Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, etc. This might lead us to ask hey,
where's the letter written for Indians or which part of the Bible is for us.
I stress the importance of Bible as it is the word of God for the people of
all generations. 

Join me in reading II Timothy 3:15-16. ' And you remember that ever since
you were a child, you have known the Holy scriptures, which are able to give
you the wisdom that leads to Salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All
scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking
error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living.'  In
verse 15 Paul says that Salvation is through faith in Christ Jesus. In verse
16 we can see that the Bible is inspired by God. 

It is true that God's grace is for all and anyone/everyone can approach him,
BUT through Christ alone. Lets read Galatians 2:21where Paul says, 'I refuse
to reject the grace of God. But if a person is put right with God through
the Law, it means that Christ died for nothing!'  So if someone says that by
leading a good life one can reach heaven, it will imply that Christ has died
for nothing. But the Bible says and we all agree that Christ is our
redeemer, our Lord and our Saviour. To Him be glory forever. Amen.

Speaking about those who have never heard about Christ, I'll say that just
as we have been brought to the knowledge of Christ, they also will be. How?
God's kingdom is expanding and reaching each and every corner of the world.
You too as an individual can contribute to it, by praying for it and for all
those who are preaching the good news about Christ. 

Note: All the above verses are from Today's English Version Bible.

Thanks for reading and God Bless.

> -Original Message-
> From: Suni Lopez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 8:10 AM
> Subject:  RE: [JOYnet] Salvation.
> Hi All, 
> What if a lawyer brakes the law??? what the court will do???Punishment
> will be to the maximumSo as we christins..we study law of lord's
> kingdom
> through the Gospel...We have taken enrolment as the lawyers of the law of
> lord by baptism and we do our refresher course by Holy mass. Even then we
> brake the law!!!..
> But general men, even though they don't know the actual law by it's
> sections
> and by section. they obey and practice it on moral grounds, That is enough
> for the state(Holy Father) not to punish them - SALVATION is theirs too(by
> the blood of Lamb). 
> On the other hand it is the responsibility of the lawyers to make the
> public
> aware of law - to preach the gospel ( not only by lengthy speech but by
> daily practice). But where we stand as lawyers of the Kingdom of lord, We
> don't know how to prepare a bail application for our brothers!! how to get
> an anticipatory bail for ourself,if we violate the law,we prefer to go to
> our hideouts instead of seeking the way of law and asking for the mercy of
> God or at least refer the case to the Master Lawyer-JESUS.  
> Ha...one more thingIt is not accepted by the court, as an excuse for
> not
> obeying the law, that one don't know the existence of a particular law.   
> So I think who don't violate the law obeys it and will be saved even if he
> is not aware of the law in totality.
> Love in JESUS,
> Suni Lopez
> Bangalore
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 1:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Salvation.
> Hi Jobin,
> Like I said in my previous email, I don't think it is completely
> impossible 
> for a non Christian to be saved.  But I also think there are advantages in
> being a Christian because they know more about how God is going to judge
> the
> people.  The tribal guy can be saved if God is satisfied with the way he 
> lived on the earth based on what he knew.
> God Bless,
> Lovely Thomas/ Chicago/ USA
> Here is what I wrote before:
> I think that we have no reason to judge whether somebody else is going to 
> heaven.  Except for saints we cannot make any assumption that somebody is
> in
> Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. It is entirely up to God to decide whether a
> Hindu 
> or Muslim or Sikh or Jew or Christian will go to heaven.  But I also
> believe
> that for Christians, who 
> came to know Jesus, denying or ignoring t

Re: [JOYnet] Salvation.............

2001-07-05 Thread Hotmail

Dear freinds,

I had been asking myself about salvation as many of our friends have already
shared their thoughts. Then I happened to be there for a prayer gathering
this week and Br.Pappachen's (I think most of us would know him from Devine
/ Potta) sharing was going on. and to my surprise he was sharing about
the same topic. Then I knew it was also for us-The Joynetters. As this is a
wide topic I do not say this is all about it. But this is what I have
gathered from what he said.

The previous week he was in Sharjah and there was a one day retreat for the
youth in which there was a panel session in which there came the same
question as above and the discussions were going on and on. But his thoughts
were exactly same as what Lovely had mentioned in her last mail that is "we
have no reason to judge whether somebody else is going to heaven and its
entirely up to God to decide whether a Hindu or Muslim or Sikh or Jew or
Christian will go to heaven"
There are many things we are asked to do and let's consentrate on them and
leave the rest for God.

Let's also not forget the words of Pope "THERE ARE RAYS OF TRUTH IN ALL THE

Prayerful regards
Sijo Mooken
Abu Dhabi

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[JOYnet] Will you share His love...

2001-07-05 Thread Irma

Will you share His love...

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the
nations what he has done and proclaim that his name is exalted.
--Isaiah 12:4
  New International Version

It is wrong to think God's love for the nations began only
with Jesus and the Great Commission.  Remember Jonah's
preaching to save Israel's great enemy, Nineveh?  Remember the
precious story of Ruth?  God loves all people and wants them to
come to share in his grace.  As Christians, we are his salt and
light, here to touch all the people of the world and beckon
them to come back to the Father who loves them.

   Holy God, stir in my heart a greater passion to share your
love with the world.  May my life, my money, and my concerns be
used to do more of your work throughout the world.  Please
bless the efforts of all those who share the Gospel of Jesus in
a culture other than their own.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

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