2001-10-10 Thread George, Vijy

Dear all
Some good stuffs I came across
hope it's use full for you also


Some people just seem to handle stress better than others.
Certain life habits can prepare you well for stress: they give
you a kind of cushion for the hard knocks of life. Stress fitness
helps increase your ability to better deal with it.

  * Do you follow an exercise program each week? This can undo
some of the damage stress does to your system, lowering blood
pressure and strengthening your cardiovascular system.

  * Find an exercise activity you enjoy. Commit to it.
Schedule it three times a week for at least a half-hour.
See your doctor before starting.

  * Plan for year-round activity. Don't let the too hot or
too cold seasons keep you from activity; if you miss a
day, don't fret.

  * Are you eating nutritionally balanced and healthful meals? If
you put good stuff into your body, your body will put out a
good effort for you, particularly in times of stress.

  * Enjoy food in moderation.

  * See your doctor for an appropriate diet plan. Avoid fad
diets and the hype surrounding certain foods.

  * It is easy to depend on nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine
in stressful times - none of which are healthful to your

  * Do you take regular breaks during the day in order to relax?
You will be more productive over the long haul.

  * When you take a break, really relax. Don't talk business.

  * Remember the Sabbath and keep it free from errands or
work activities.

  * Don't eat lunch at your desk get away from the work
environment - if even for a short period.

  * Remember solitude. You need time to hang out with friends
but you also need time alone. Turn off pagers and cell

  * Are you able to assert your feelings in appropriate ways?

  * Commit to honest, accurate communication.

  * Couch your criticism in praise.

  * Speak the truth in love.

  * Do you place a high value on your primary relationship(s),
and set aside time to work on improving it (them)? Supportive
spouse, children, or parents can cushion the blows of life,
empower you to face your daily challenges, and undergird you
with a sense of security and significance.

  * Don't take your relationships for granted; make them a

  * Have fun. The best relationships are those with laughter,
with people who can have fun together.

  * Read together. Pray together. Talk together.

  * Be a servant; seek the well-being of the other.

  * Do you have work or a hobby that gives you a sense of meaning
and purpose?

  * Learn what you can do. Take an aptitude test as well as a
spiritual gifts test.

  * Look for meaning on the job. What parts of your job have
importance - to you or someone else?

  * Volunteer; help someone else.

  * Connect with others. Don't spend all your time alone with
your hobby.

  * Do you have a strong faith? Stress comes when you sense you
are not in control. There is comfort, though, in knowing that
God is always in control.

  * Set aside a regular time for prayer or meditation.

  * Request, but also rest. Listen to God. Take time just to
be with Him.

  * Breathe your prayers. As you go throughout the day, take
your prayers with you.

  * Pray with others. You can build great relationships by
joining others in brief times of prayer.

   Thomas A. Whitman, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist
   and founder and president of Life Counseling Services.

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[JOYnet] One Million Rosaries for PEACE !

2001-10-10 Thread George, Vijy

 I apologize for the late notice of this project. I only received a
copy of itthis morning after the second Mass.

 Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt

On October 13, 2001 it is hoped that 1,000,000 people will pray the
Rosary in fulfillment of Our Lady's request for world peace and the triumph
herImmaculate Heart. Your praying one just one Rosary can help make the goal
of one million a reality.

On October 13, 2001, please pray the Rosary during the following 
times (according to your time zone-those outside the United States are 
asked to coordinate your efforts to pray at the same time Catholics in the 
U.S. are doing so):

 9:00 am to 10:00 am (Eastern)
 8:00 am to  9:00 am  (Central) where NOLA
 7:00 am to 8:00 am  (Mountain)
 6:00 am to 7:00 am  ( Pacific)


Please help promote the One Million Rosaries for Peace by making 
photo copies of this note and distributing it, or by forwarding this email
nterested people or by calling fellow Catholics, urging them to take part in
this important event..

May God bless our efforts!




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2001-10-10 Thread titu dcruz

Dear all,
  I am sure everyone of us has had a similar
experience where in we have felt the mighty hand of
the lord working to make his loving plan come true.

I did my Bsc in physics and now I am sitting with
engineers working for a reputed software firm. I had
always dreamed that I shouldnot be running around for
jobs. And exactly that is what happened. I did a 3
month training course after graduation and through
that institute I got my present job. Its been more
than 3 years I am working here and there has been
several layoffs and I was not part of it. I firmly
believe that the lord has given me the job and unless
the lord wishes no one can ever take my job away. If
at all that happens I am sure that I will be seeing
his mighty hand at work again.

As Paul says "What is life?, Christ is life".
I wish I could also say the same some day.

--- Vinish Scaria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am Vinish from Kanjirapally, and wishing to share
> to you the Grace of our
> Lord Jesus.
> Every time St. Paul mentioned the same words, after
> every good things
> happened.  For me also this wordings are very
> convenient, that "what I am and
> I became is only by Gods grace".  When I attend DTP
> (Discipleship Training
> Program) at the year 1997, I have got a thorough
> belief that every thing
> happening in our life is for our good future, and
> that is Lords plan also
> through Chackochayans class.  When I joined for PDC
> I have an ambition that
> after PDC go for male nursing. But "fortunately" I
> didn't get the admission
> for that course, so I joined for a 2 year Diploma
> course in Stenography, (that
> course was convenient for my financial stage of that
> time) when I was doing
> that course I don't have any clarity about my future
> like what can I do after
> my Job, should I get any job etc. After that course
> I gone to Bombay for a
> Job, but there also I don't get any job connected
> with my trade, I came back
> from Bombay, when I caught Chicken pox.  I took the
> fulltimership and then I
> got a job here in Datapro computer education as a
> marketing executive - that
> Job also have no connection with my trade. At that
> time also I had a hope that
> Lord will give me a Job connecting with my trade -
> so I regularly checked
> every job magazines and applied for the Job's
> connected with stenography, and
> appeared for several tests, but no chance.  At this
> time I had a big confusion
> that - Lord is saying "Every thing I am planning for
> you is for your good
> future" - but why I done a course in Stenography. 
> After the coming of
> computer and latest technologies the need of
> stenographers become very law.
> Some times a think is coming to my mind that I am a
> big fool, that if I go for
> degree after my PDC now I can take PG, or MBA etc.
> When time passed away accidentally I got an
> information that there is a need
> for one Stenographer in Amal Jyothi College of
> Engineering - newly opening
> Engg. college of the Diocese.  I attended the
> interview for a fun, about 80
> persons were attended for the interview, I feel the
> great care of Lord through
> out the interview time - in between the interview I
> have got a chance to share
> my experiences from my commitment place UJJAIN. Lord
> selected me from that
> group for the post.  I joined here at the 1st of
> September after my joining my
> Boss mentioned that I got this job mainly because of
> I am a Jesus Youth.  I
> think it is a proud for all of us for being a Jesus
> youth, and now I don't
> have any confusion about my future of about our
> Lords promises. If he promised
> any thing to us that will be happened.
> I am not sure that I could convey all the things to
> you as I expected, but I
> know one thing that our Jesus will give all of us to
> understand this letter.
> With love and prayer
> Vinish Scaria

> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
> mailing list.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> To subscribe to this mailing list, visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> For automatic help, send a mail to
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list
> contact

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[JOYnet] Seven Spiritual Truths -- The First Two(To Be Contd)

2001-10-10 Thread shobith thomas

1. Source
2. Sin & Separation
3. Sacrifice
4. Salvation
 Receiving Christ
 Christ-Directed Life
5. Sacraments
6. Safety
7. Send

Do you ever wonder what life is about?Is there more to existence than life 
and death?Is there something after this life?

These Seven Spiritual Truths will answer these profound questions.


God is the source of all good things and the greatest of these is His 
personal love for each one of us.

You have formed my inmost being;you knit me together in my mothers womb.I 
am wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:13-14

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,that we should be 
called children of God!"
1 John 3:1

God also has a wonderful plan in mind for each one of us.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,plans for your 
welfare, not for woe,plans to give you a future full of hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

I came so that they might have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

Why dont we experience this plan?


Our sin ruins Gods original plan for us. In particular, our sin separates 
us from God.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God;your sins have hidden 
his face from you,so that he will not hear.
Isaiah 59:2

For all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23

Sin is when we chose to turn away from God and go our own way. The result is 
eternal death.For the wages of sin is death.
Romans 6:23

Are we then doomed to an eternal death?

With Love and Prayers in Jesus

Shobith Thomas

Courtesy Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO )

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2001-10-10 Thread Potti27

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>From: "Azucena E. Seguis" >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "christian pablico"
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 19:06:43 -0400 > > >- Forwarded by Azucena E.
Seguis/HQ/IFC on 10/09/2001 07:10 PM - > > Rhodora > Mendoza To:
Azucena E. Seguis/HQ/IFC@IFC > Paynor@WORLDB cc: > ANK Subject: FW: ONE
> 35175 LEGCO > > > > > > > -Original Message- > > From:
Tuesday, October 09, 2001 1:46 PM > > > > Subject: ONE MILLION ROSARIES
FOR PEACE - PLEASE READ ASAP! > > > > I am sending this message both in
text format and with a PDF file > > attached. Those with PDF reading
capabilities are asked to print the >flyer > > and distribute as far as
possible. > > > > I apologize for the late notice of this project. I only
received a copy >of > > it this morning after the second Mass. > > > >
Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt > >

> > > On October 13, 2001 it is hoped that 1,000,000 people will pray the
>Rosary > > in fulfillment of Our Lady's request for world peace and the
triumph of > > her Immaculate Heart. Your praying one just one Rosary can
help make the > > goal of one million a reality. > > > > On October 13,
2001, please pray the Rosary during the following times > > (according to
your time zone -- those outside the United States are asked > > to
coordinate your efforts to pray at the same time Catholics in the U.S. >
> are doing so): > > > > > > 9:00 am to 10:00 am (Eastern) > > > 8:00 am
to 9:00 am (Central) > > > 7:00 am to 8:00 am (Mountain) > > > 6:00 am to
7:00 am ( Pacific) > > > > > Please help promote the One Million Rosaries
for Peace by making photo > > copies of this note and distributing it, or
by forwarding this email to > > interested people or by calling fellow
Catholics, urging them to take >part > > in this important event.. > > >
> May God bless our efforts! > > > > (See attached file: Rosaries For
Peace.pdf) > > > > > > <> <> > > >(See attached file: Rosaries For
Peace.pdf) >(See attached file: att2.eml) > >

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Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put
it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your
good deeds and praise your Father in heaven"
   [Matthew 5:14-16]

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2001-10-10 Thread Vinish Scaria

Dear Friends,

I am Vinish from Kanjirapally, and wishing to share to you the Grace of our
Lord Jesus.

Every time St. Paul mentioned the same words, after every good things
happened.  For me also this wordings are very convenient, that "what I am and
I became is only by Gods grace".  When I attend DTP (Discipleship Training
Program) at the year 1997, I have got a thorough belief that every thing
happening in our life is for our good future, and that is Lords plan also
through Chackochayans class.  When I joined for PDC I have an ambition that
after PDC go for male nursing. But "fortunately" I didn't get the admission
for that course, so I joined for a 2 year Diploma course in Stenography, (that
course was convenient for my financial stage of that time) when I was doing
that course I don't have any clarity about my future like what can I do after
my Job, should I get any job etc. After that course I gone to Bombay for a
Job, but there also I don't get any job connected with my trade, I came back
from Bombay, when I caught Chicken pox.  I took the fulltimership and then I
got a job here in Datapro computer education as a marketing executive - that
Job also have no connection with my trade. At that time also I had a hope that
Lord will give me a Job connecting with my trade - so I regularly checked
every job magazines and applied for the Job's connected with stenography, and
appeared for several tests, but no chance.  At this time I had a big confusion
that - Lord is saying "Every thing I am planning for you is for your good
future" - but why I done a course in Stenography.  After the coming of
computer and latest technologies the need of stenographers become very law.
Some times a think is coming to my mind that I am a big fool, that if I go for
degree after my PDC now I can take PG, or MBA etc.

When time passed away accidentally I got an information that there is a need
for one Stenographer in Amal Jyothi College of Engineering - newly opening
Engg. college of the Diocese.  I attended the interview for a fun, about 80
persons were attended for the interview, I feel the great care of Lord through
out the interview time - in between the interview I have got a chance to share
my experiences from my commitment place UJJAIN. Lord selected me from that
group for the post.  I joined here at the 1st of September after my joining my
Boss mentioned that I got this job mainly because of I am a Jesus Youth.  I
think it is a proud for all of us for being a Jesus youth, and now I don't
have any confusion about my future of about our Lords promises. If he promised
any thing to us that will be happened.

I am not sure that I could convey all the things to you as I expected, but I
know one thing that our Jesus will give all of us to understand this letter.

With love and prayer

Vinish Scaria

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[JOYnet] Looking for web hosting service

2001-10-10 Thread Giju George

Hi Friends

I am looking out for a web host for hosting a site
for a web ministry.
Can anyone suggest any site where I get a 
good technical support with optimum cost ?

Some things I would like the web host to have

1. Unix based server
2. Minimum 50 Mb hard disk space
3. Support for perl, flash, database

Please tell me if you know any good web host


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Re: [JOYnet] The Lord is Great !

2001-10-10 Thread gigi job

 --- Manoj Sunny  wrote: > Hello,> We began the Cultural Exchange programme today.> 
The youth started coming in during the last two> days..from different cultures,> 
languages, states, villages,tribes..> When we started the programme today morning, 
there> were 347 participants from> 36 dioceses, 19 states.> There are 245 boys and 93 
girls accompanied by 3> priests and 6 sisters.> It was such a marvelous sight to watch 
the children> of God gathered together,> united in the name of our Lord Jesus - 
singing and> praising together in a> language (Hindi) which is not known to most of us 
!> We request you to keep> them in your precious prayers for the coming one> month..On 
13th , they will go> to different parts of Kerala and then come back> later for our 
family gathering> - Jesus Youth 2001.> > Here are the details of the participants. I 
am> giving the Doisecewise  split> up in brackets.>  > 1. Andhra Pradesh -  (Eluru - 
8) - Total -8> 2. Andaman -( Port Blair -8) - Total -8> 3. A!
am (Dibrugarh -4, Tezpur -1,Jorhat -1 Gauhatty> -3) Total -9> 4.Arunachal Pradesh 
(Borduria-1, Dibrugarh-4,> Tezpur-10) Total-6> 5.Bihar (Bhagalpur-2) Total-2> 
6.Chatisgarh (Jagathalpur-7) Total-7> 7.Gujrat (Baroda-43, Ahmedabad-2, Nagra-1) 
Total-46> 8.Jharkhand (Ambikapur-4,Bhagalpur-7,> Daltonganga-35, Hazaribag-9) 
Total-55> 9.Jammu and Kashmir-(Jammu and Srinagar-10) Total-10> 10.Karnataka 
(Mandia-3, Belgam-1) Total-4> 11.Maharashtra(Chanda-54, Amravati-10, Nagpur-22,> 
Vasai-11) Total-97> 12.Manipur (Imphal-21) Total-21> 13.Meghalaya (Tura-4) Total-4> 
14.Madhya Pradesh (Indore-7, Khandwa-8, Ratlam-2)> Total-17> 15.Nagaland (Kohima-13) 
Total-13> 16.Orissa (Balasore-4, Sambalpur-5) Total-9> 17.Rajasthan (Ajmir-Jaipur-7) 
Total-7> 18.Uttar Pradesh (Agra-5) Total-5> 19.West Bengal ( Krishnagar-10) Total-10> 
> In union with Jesus and Mary,> Manoj Sunny> > 
> This mail is 
generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth> mailing!
ist.> To unsubscribe, send a mail to> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To subscribe 
to this mailing list, visit> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet> For automatic help, 
send a mail to> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> In case of any issue related to the 
mailing list> contact> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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