Arrow hack

2016-09-05 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Dear list,
I have been using Lilypond for many years, and have written a scheme function 
to create a double ended arrow which I need for my notation (someone on this 
list helped me with this some years ago.)

The code looks like this:

arrow = #(define-music-function (parser location arg1) ( pair?)
  #{ \markup \line { \with-color #red \arrow-head #X #LEFT ##t 
\with-color #red \draw-line #arg1 \with-color #red \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t } 
#} ))

I would like to refine the code as the arrow ends don't connect properly with 
the central line. Could someone on this list help me?
I've used the symbol repeatedly in my music and one of the players in the 
ensemble which I'm writing for suggested this, so I'd like to do it if possible.

Thanks in advance,


lilypond-user mailing list

Help debugging music function

2012-11-05 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Could someone with knowhow help me to debug this music function? I want a 
function to create arrows in a Lilypond score:

arrow = #(define-music-function (parser location arg1 ) ( pair?)

\markup { \line \draw-line #arg1 \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t  }}


When I process:

\version "2.16.0"

\include ""

\score {

\new Staff {

c4_\arrow #'(10 . 0)


I get output:

Ontleden... fout: music function cannot return (# ((# (10 . 
0)) (# 0 1 #t)))
   \arrow #'(10 . 0)
Interpreting music...
programmeerfout: Not a music type

Thanks in advance,


lilypond-user mailing list

grace bug

2010-01-15 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

I've now seen the postings related to this and won't file a bug report

lilypond-user mailing list

Bugs in grace notes in 2.12.3

2010-01-15 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm struggling with bugs in grace notes in the latest stable release  
(2.12.3) and wonder if anyone has mentioned this yet? I'm getting  
incorrect stem attachment, incorrect durations and altered size. If no- 
one has yet mentioned it, I'll prepare a bug report for bug-lilypond.  
Also any suggestions as to how to solve this pro-tem?

See attached code snippet and PNG.


%% Lilypond 2.12.3

\acciaccatura { \normal fis,16~[\pp g~] }
\gs 2 \gso \acciaccatura { d'16[ g,] } fis4 \acciaccatura  
{ fis16[ g] } \gs d'4___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SeparationItem bug?

2009-06-03 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

Thanks for the tip, Francisco, but that doesn't seem to work for me...

Using 2.12.2

\score {
\new Staff \relative c' {  c4 \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn  
#'padding = #20 d \revert Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'padding e f g  
a b c c, d e f g a b c c, d e f g a b c c, d e f g a b c c, d e f g a  
b c  }


Any further ideas, anyone, or am I missing something obvious?


Op Jun 2, 2009, om 1:21 PM heeft Francisco Vila het volgende geschreven:

2009/6/2 Vivian Barty-Taylor :
I can't get the SeparationItem spacing tweak to work in 2.12.2 (on  
OSX). See
code and attached PNG. Does anyone have any suggestions as to an  


it is now called Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

SeparationItem bug?

2009-06-02 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I can't get the SeparationItem spacing tweak to work in 2.12.2 (on  
OSX). See code and attached PNG. Does anyone have any suggestions as  
to an alternative workaround?



> Begin Lilypond snippet

\include ""

\score {
\new Staff { \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #20 c4 d }

<< End Lilypond snippet

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond SVG output in 2.12.1

2009-02-04 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I figured out what I'd done as I was going to sleep last night -  
funny how these things come to you! I'd failed to update the font  
file in .fonts so the files were still those of the last Lilypond  
release I was using - i.e. 2.10.33. Done this now, and it's working  
so no need for hexadecimal corrections. The original sed script still  
fixes the file.

All the best,


Op Feb 4, 2009, om 2:15 AM heeft Benjamin Esham het volgende geschreven:

Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

I've had a look at making this correction using a sed script, but  
can't find anything in the documentation relating to the handling  
of hexadecimal numbers. Does anyone have any ideas, before I write  
a script manually correcting each grob? Does anyone know where the  
SVG output is generated and in what language? I might be able to  
fiddle with the source code too, as it seems to be quite a  
straightforward adjustment.

Hi Vivian,

I'm not sure about sed, but this would probably be trivial in (g) 
awk.  Are you familiar with that language at all?

Benjamin D. Esham   |   |   bdesham128 (AIM)
“Given that sooner or later we're all just going to die, what's
the point of learning about integers?”  — Calvin

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond SVG output in 2.12.1

2009-02-03 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
A while ago, we got a sed script working to fix Lilypond svg output.  
Looking at the SVG output from 2.12.1 on OSX and using InkScape 0.45  
all the grobs are incorrect. I don't have the problems mentioned by  
other users of missing bar lines, so I'll leave this issue.

I investigated the svg file, and found that the unicode values of all  
grobs (a three digit, hexadecimal value) has been offset by 15. Thus  
a quarter-note NoteHead has a unicode value of 136 in Lilypond  
generated SVG, and this needs to be corrected to 127. A G-clef, which  
has a unicode value of 1a7 in Lilypond SVG needs to be corrected to  
197. The previous corrections relating to font-names also need to be  
made - see thread 
2007-09/msg00029.html (Lilypond incorrectly names Century Schoolbook  
and Emmentaler fonts.)

I've had a look at making this correction using a sed script, but  
can't find anything in the documentation relating to the handling of  
hexadecimal numbers. Does anyone have any ideas, before I write a  
script manually correcting each grob? Does anyone know where the SVG  
output is generated and in what language? I might be able to fiddle  
with the source code too, as it seems to be quite a straightforward  

Thanks in advance for any tips.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ly to SVG

2009-01-29 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

I got this to work with:

lilypond -dbackend=svg

However, the output is currently considerably buggier than 2.10.33  
and the sed -Ef fix which was posted on this list a while ago doesn't  
work. I'll investigate if I can improve the solution as I use SVG  
output quite a lot.


Op Jan 25, 2009, om 12:03 PM heeft M Watts het volgende geschreven:

Givaldo de Cidra wrote:


In version 2.10 I used the command line - convert ly to svg:

$ lilypond -b svg

But with the new version 2.12 I couldn't to convert.

Someone can help me?

Change the -b to -f.

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Re: RhythmicStaff - gray-scaling and getting rid of double heads for chords

2008-09-29 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

Hi Anders,

I'm not sure about the colouring issue. Hoping someone else has some  

The "doubled" Noteheads come about because RhythmicStaff interprets  
all pitches as the same. I don't know what effect you are wanting  
exactly, but if you want a single staff line with Noteheads on either  
side of it you could use a normal Staff and set #'line-count to #1  
( the exact syntax for doing this is \override Staff.StaffSymbol  
#'line-count = #1 ) You can put a percussion clef on this staff with  
\clef "percussion" in which case the central pitch is c' .

I'm impressed by your Scheme function to set up the Context. Lilypond  
also has a native syntax for altering contexts ( where you can,  
indeed, add and remove engravers. ) See 9.2.6 Changing context  
default settings and 9.2.4 Modifying context plug-ins in the manual.  
You can find a complete list of Engravers in the Program Reference .

A simpler way to change staff size is:

#(set-global-staff-size value) which scales everything.


11.2.1 Setting the staff size

[1] I am honestly doing some research before asking here.  Before  

here im looking in the manuals ive got, searching the .info pages, and
finally the web.

No need for this apology! Many people ask much simpler questions here.

All the best,

On Sep 29, 2008, at 2:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Id like to make a smaller RhythmicStaff with some special qualities,
like smaller font etc.  This one works fine, but i have a couple of
things id like to fix[1] (see below):

rytmestaff = #(define-music-function (parser location navn rytmer)  
(string? ly:music?)

   \context RhythmicStaff = $navn {
   \set Staff.fontSize = #-3
   \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #(x11-color 'gray60)
   \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)

1) Id like to gray-scale the whole staff.  Is there a simple way[2]  

of overriding zillions of objects w. properties to draw everything
inside the RhythmicStaff context in 'gray80?  Ie:

   \override Staff.StaffSymbol   #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)
   \override Staff.Clef  #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)
   \override Staff.NoteHead  #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)
   \override Staff.Stem  #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)
   \override Staff.BarLine   #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)
   \override Staff.Beam  #'color = #(x11-color 'grey60)

2) For every chord in the input i get a 'doubled' note-head in the
RhythmicStaff?  How to get rid of those?  Is there a chord-engraver or
notecolumn-engraver i can grab and do something with inside this

[1] I am honestly doing some research before asking here.  Before  

here im looking in the manuals ive got, searching the .info pages, and
finally the web.

[2]  Guess what, im starting to beleive there is...



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Re: [Bulk] Re: Adding an extra staff

2008-08-26 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

Hi Alistair, hi list,

I debugged this code in 2.10.33, but it should work in 2.11

I've never started Staff contexts "on the fly" - didn't even know it  
was possible, but as you see it leads to unforeseen problems. In  
Lilypond the brackets <<   >> mean "interpret these contexts  
simultaneously". That was one of the problems with your code - that  
by starting the Staff context within the other one, Lilypond got  
confused about how to do this (I suppose it has something to do with  
Context hierarchy, but I'm not a programmer, so don't ask me!)

Here is a debugged version of your code. You can enter any notes you  
want in the three variable definitions above - staffOne, staffTwo,  
staffThree . This is much cleaner than your code, where you had typed  
the notes directly into the context.

By the way, the brace at the beginning of the PianoStaff isn't  
printing - I think this has to do with you having a StaffGroup within  
a PianoStaff - you could try removing it (it isn't really necessary)  
and see if the brace prints then.

Hope this helps, and good luck using Lilypond.

All the best,

% Begin code snippet

\version "2.11.56-1"

staffOne = {
\time 4/4 g8 a b c d c b a %scale 1
gis ais c des es des c bes %scale 2
a b cis d e d cis b %scale 3
c d e f g f e d %scale 4
es f g aes bes aes g f %scale 5


staffTwo = {

gis4 gis gis gis
c4 c c c


staffThree = {
\set Staff.firstClef = ##f
\startStaff a8 g a g a g a g \stopStaff


\score {
\new PianoStaff <<

\new Staff \relative c'' { \staffOne  }
\new StaffGroup  <<
\new Staff \relative c'' { \staffTwo }
\new Staff \with { \remove  
"Time_signature_engraver" } \relative c'' { \staffThree }



%%% End code snippet

On Aug 26, 2008, at 6:50 PM, alistair zaldua wrote:

Hi Orm,
thanks a lot for your help.

> what you're trying to do seems to be creating a staff system on the

-Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to do, only I had copied out  
the example provided by the LSR archive:


 I used your example but unfortunately it wouldn't parse, I also  
tried trouble-shooting using the % trick, but I still couldn't  
locate the error, the message being:

lilypond/current/ly/ error: syntax error,
unexpected $end
   (ly:parser-error parser (_ "expected error, but none found"

I think your suggestion of creating contexts is definitely the way  
to go,  so will look into that.


lilypond-user mailing list

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2007-12-05 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Just a convenience thing - is there anywhere in my Lilypond file  
where I can put \autoBeamOff which applies globally? If I put it at  
the start of the \score block, I get a funny extra staff, and  
otherwise I have to put it in each of the staves. (My \global only  
contains time and tempo indications.)



lilypond-user mailing list

Time signatures contd. (was Re: hang --"going backwards in time; " "insane spring )

2007-11-27 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
On the subject of time signatures with a denominator-base other than  
two, Henry Cowell in his book "New Musical Resources" proposes a  
notation system with different shaped note-heads to represent  
different base-lengths. This should be quite easy to implement in  
Lilypond. Might see if I can do that just for the fun...

On Nov 27, 2007, at 9:54 PM, Eyolf Østrem wrote:

On 27.11.2007 (21:48), Eyolf Oestrem wrote:

subsuperpartiens: same as the former, only upside down:

That should of course have been SUBsupersexcupartiensseptima... how  
stupid of



No discipline is ever requisite to force attendance upon lectures  
which are

really worth the attending.
-- Adam Smith, "The Wealth of Nations"

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Re: graphics in scheme?

2007-11-20 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
There are a couple of ways to get non-native graphics into Lilypond  
output. I don't use scheme drawing commands, although this might be  
a possibility. The \epsfile command (in a markup) is handy - you  
can create an .eps file in Inkscape and then use a macro to do  
normal alignment. If you need to add more extensive graphics you  
can create SVG output from Lilypond and then add the graphics in  
Inkscape (see various discussions on this list about getting bug- 
free SVG output from Lilypond.)


On Nov 20, 2007, at 4:11 PM, Tao Cumplido wrote:


in this snippet
stencils are created with commands like make-circle-stencil.
are these part of scheme or of lilypond and is there a list of all  
possible commands available?

also is this similar to the postscript command inside a markup- 
block and if not is it actually possible to use postscript (with  
variables) inside scheme?

I am a complete scheme newbie and I'd like to create some custom  
I tried it with postscript but then I have to do it every time it  
appears and now I saw the snippet with the snap-pizzicato and  
thought this could be another solution.


Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kann`s mit allen:

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Re: Lilypond SVG output

2007-10-24 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
BTW, I could never fix the italic font in SVG output (I think the  
font file inside Lilypond is wrong - it seems to contain Cyrillic  
characters) so I installed Century Schoolbook Italic fonts separately  
and altered my .sed file to look like this:

family:Century Schoolbook L;font-style:Roman/g
family:NewCenturySchlbk LT Std;font-style:italic/g

s/font-family:L;font-style:Bold/font-family:Century Schoolbook L;font- 

This solution has the advantage that it distinguishes between Roman,  
Italic and Bold font types.

On Oct 23, 2007, at 10:23 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

Graham Percival wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:
Needless to say, it would be more beneficial overall for someone  
to simply

fix LilyPond's SVG output in the first place ;-)

Patches accepted.  :)

BTW, it might not be all that hard -- the output comes from the  
file scm/output-svg.scm   The file is 353 lines, including  
comments... as far as large software projects go, that isn't too bad.

This could be a nice project, and there's plenty of interest in this.

- Graham

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet bracket disappear

2007-08-30 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

Hi all,
I know two solutions to this problem. Tuplet brackets disappear when 
the spacing gets tight, and seems to be a Lilypond "feature" rather 
than a bug. The first solution is to manually increase the spacing 
between notes in a tuplet:

\once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #0.7

or something like that - you may need to increase the 0.7.

The second is an ugly hack, which prints the bracket under all 
circumstances but doesn't look particularly good:

\once \override Score.TupletNumber #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)

Because Lilypond uses the ratio between the TupletNumber X-extent and 
the TupletBracket X-extent to decide whether to print the 
TupletBracket, by setting the TupletNumber X-extent to ) you always get 
a bracket, but the bracket runs into the number. (I'm sure you gave 
that to me at some point, Mats.)

I would agree that this is a problem that should be resolved, at least 
to give users the option of always having a bracket printed.

Hope this helps,


On Aug 30, 2007, at 7:26 PM, Nick Didkovsky wrote:

Hello Mats

Today I had the same problem appear on a piano part that I extracted 
with default staff size.   I got an 8th note followed by a qtr note, 
with only the number "3" below them, with no bracket. Boo.
This is a real problem, and as I understand there may not be a fix, 
how should I proceed to ensure that this issue is addressed in future 
version of LilyPond?


Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Brackets that would be too short to print nicely are automatically 
As far as I can remember, there is no possibility to specify the 
minimum width
of a triplet and force LilyPond to modify the note spacing to get at 
least this
width, but I may be wrong. There are such possibilities on some other 

like slurs, for example.


Nick Didkovsky wrote:


I am using the following commands to get a short 6-measure, 9-staff 
piece to fit on one page:

#(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 13)

At this size, I discovered some (not all) of by triplet brackets 

Has anyone experienced this? Is there a fix (other than using a 
larger global staff size)?

Nick Didkovsky

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pictures in score

2007-08-22 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
It's also possible in Lilypond - just add the picture as an EPS markup.  
The syntax is:

\markup { \epsfile #1 #1 #"filename.eps" }

Also see the documentation - 8.1.6 Overview of  text markup commands.

If you have your image as a bitmap, Inkscape is a good piece of free  
software which allows you to save as .eps

Hope this helps,


On Aug 22, 2007, at 10:16 PM, Dominic Neumann wrote:

With lilypond-book this isn´t a problem because you can create normal  
LaTeX documents with everything you know from LaTeX ...

2007/8/22, Marek Klein < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:Hi, is it possible to  
have pictures in lilypond score, or lilypond book?

Marek Klein,

lilypond-user mailing list


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 Lessingstraße 8
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Re: SVG output sponsorship

2007-08-15 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Thanks for that suggestion. Do you know where I can get the gnome 
backend, or do I just need to download the earlier version of Lilypond?
However, I think there is a more general issue here about graphical 
notation in scores. I'm using various bits of graphics in this piece 
which aren't natively supported by Lilypond. Although I could add them 
all as EPS markups, the amount of time I would spend adjusting the 
positions of them makes it a lot easier to do it this way. The SVG 
option seemed the best because I don't lose image quality by converting 
to a bitmap, and also because Inkscape is a good piece of software. If 
fixing the SVG output isn't an option, does anyone have experiences of 
how to do this?

Thanks in advance,


On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:14 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Sunday 12 August 2007, Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

It seems to me that having reliable (bug-free) SVG output would be a
big plus for Lilypond. At the present  time, I have been unable to fix
all the font problems (not sure whether this is Lilypond or Inkscape
which is giving me trouble.) To get to where I am at I had to make a
lot of changes by hand to the SVG file which is tedious. 

the italic sans-serif fonts still don't work.)

The main advantage of the SVG output (I would suggest) is that small
changes to positions of objects can be done in a WYSIWYG environment,
instead of the current estimate-how-much-I-have-to-move-that-object/
add line of code/ re-process score/ find out I haven't moved it 

moved it too much/ change values of #'padding or #'extra-offset etc.
etc. all of which is time consuming especially with big projects.

This approach has a problem: Once you change a note (say, fix a typo) 
and need

to re-run lilypond, you will have to redo all tweaks again.

You may want to take a look at the experimental gnome back-end, which 
existed for quite some time now (2.4 or 2.6, IIRC), but which for some 
never became popular. It offers a better solution to your problem: The 
is displayed on the screen, and you can adjust spacing by drag-and 
drop, and
save all modifications in a separate file (containing tweaks). This 
way you
can still make musical corrections in the .ly file without having to 
redo all
spacing tweaks (except, of course, if your musical corrections 

affect spacing sufficiently to invalidate your tweaks).


lilypond-user mailing list

SVG output sponsorship

2007-08-12 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
It seems to me that having reliable (bug-free) SVG output would be a  
big plus for Lilypond. At the present  time, I have been unable to fix  
all the font problems (not sure whether this is Lilypond or Inkscape  
which is giving me trouble.) To get to where I am at I had to make a  
lot of changes by hand to the SVG file which is tedious. (Specifically,  
the italic sans-serif fonts still don't work.)

The main advantage of the SVG output (I would suggest) is that small  
changes to positions of objects can be done in a WYSIWYG environment,  
instead of the current estimate-how-much-I-have-to-move-that-object/  
add line of code/ re-process score/ find out I haven't moved it enough/  
moved it too much/ change values of #'padding or #'extra-offset etc.  
etc. all of which is time consuming especially with big projects.

While I'm a committed Lilyponder, and much prefer the output to other  
programs, this would seem to be a valuable investment in terms of  
user-friendliness. Could you give me an estimate of what this would  
cost, Han-Wen? Are there others who would be willing to co-sponsor  


On Aug 11, 2007, at 7:53 PM, Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Sunday 08 July 2007, Benjamin Esham wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

I'm having some issues with Lilypond 2.10.x's SVG export.

I seem to have fixed most (all?) of my font problems.  I now have  

problem, however.

In order to submit one of LilyPond's SVGs to e.g. the Wikimedia  
Commons, it
is necessary to convert all of its text into paths; that way, users  
not have LilyPond's fonts in order to view the image correctly.   
converting text into paths in Inkscape, you must make sure that none  
of the
text is contained within a group.  Therefore, I started to process my  

by selecting everything and issuing an Ungroup command.

When I did so, the staff lines disappeared!  Apparently every object  
in the

file is in a one-element group.  For some reason, ungrouping the staff
lines made them disappear—they were still present, just not visible.   
think there may be an Inkscape bug at play here too, since "Select  
couldn't find the lines, but on the LilyPond end... how can I get  
Lily to

create a sane, usable SVG file?

Any help is greatly appreciated here.

There's another approach to the SVG output problem: You can take PDF  
or EPS

output from lilypond, and try to turn it into SVG files. The postscript
backend of lilypond is obviously more mature, and there exist  
converters from
pdf/ps to svg. Free converters are a bit shaky, but for some lily  
versions I

managed to convert .ly files into valid SVG via a chain of converters.

Usually, you need to first expand fonts to curves using some ps2ps-like
script, and then use pstoedit to convert to something that can be  
to svg. Unfortunately, most conversion tools are rather immature, so  
you will
need some experimenting to make it work. IIRC, I managed to generate  
svg with this method for my master's thesis, using a lilypond version  
2.6. I don't remember the exact combination of commands that worked  

(I have vague memories that it may be good to start with pdf output and
convert it back to eps)

Here's a script that works for some subsets of ps (not lily's though),  
you can

look at it for ideas:

If you manage to find a fairly reliable path to convert the output of  
a recent

lily version into wikipedia-usable SVGs, I'd be happy to know.


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Re: Trouble with lilypond-book on Mac OS X

2007-07-31 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

Yes, I'm quite unfamiliar with command-line tools, and I never really 
needed any.

A good introduction to the command line and how to set PATH etc. is at

You will need to set the path in a file called .login in your home 
directory. You can create this in any text editor (e.g. EMacs.) 
Incidentally, I use EMacs to edit my Lilypond files precisely for that 
reason - that it gives you cursor position information (as well as 
being generally a nicer environment to work in.)

Hope this helps,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unwanted beam subdividing

2007-07-28 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I've also been irritated by this problem in the past, but haven't found 
a way to automatically fix it. I use a substitution function which 
Trevor posted a while back:

beam = #(define-music-function (parser location left right) (number? 

 \set stemLeftBeamCount = #$left
 \set stemRightBeamCount = #$right

Your code would then look like this:

\relative c' {
\times 2/3 { f16[ g \beam #2 #2 f \beam #2 #1 g f8] }

  \paper {
ragged-right = ##t

Hope this helps,


On Jul 28, 2007, at 8:44 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

 \relative c' {
\set subdivideBeams = ##f
\times 2/3 { f16[ g f g f8] }

  \paper {
ragged-right = ##t

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF Problem (SVG output)

2007-07-20 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I would second/ third a request to get the SVG output fixed. I'm trying to 
create SVG output at the moment. I've used all the help I could find in the 
manual and in previous threads, and still some symbols (in this case the 
TextScript font and normal text in a DynamicScript) are showing in the wrong 

I'm using Inkscape under OS X with Lilypond 2.10.20. I'm particularly confused 
why the TextScript font isn't right. I've tried setting the pango-font-tree 
manually, but that doesn't make any difference. FontBook is seeing the fonts 
I've specified, so it should "just work", right?

Thanks for any tips.


- Original Message 
From: Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Steve Schow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 20 July, 2007 3:46:25 AM
Subject: Re: PDF Problem

2007/7/20, Steve Schow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Unfortunately I can't, which is why I am now reduced to begging, pleading,
> groveling and anything else that will influence the developers of Lilypond
> to consider fixing it.

For what it's worth, here's my screenshot of the same snippet
(Linux64). It's not perfect, but not so ugly though.

Honestly, I don't think LilyPond developers *can* fix it (maybe
GhostScript guys could, but I think operating systems differences make
exact portability rather impossible); fixing the SVG output, however,
would be great IMHO (I've seen it's buggy, but I haven't tried

By the way, on linux, some viewers such as evince allow to view the
.ps file (actually, it converts it internally to PDF on the fly, and
then applies a nice anti-aliasing filter). If you want to have a more
accurate preview, this could be worth considering... (I don't know if
there's any equivalent on windows)


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Colliding accidentals

2007-03-09 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
In the chord  I would like both a natural and a sharp before the two 
noteheads on the D line. However, this only prints a sharp and if I force a 
natural (  ) the two accidentals are printed on top of each other. 
I've tried playing with AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding and #'padding but 
nothing seems to have an affect. I have also tried using the \tweak command.

Any suggestions? 


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Fw: \score vs. \new Score with \midi

2007-03-08 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

- Forwarded Message 
From: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 9 March, 2007 7:35:26 AM
Subject: Re: \score vs. \new Score with \midi

The situation where I have needed to explicitly define the Score context is to 
remove engravers (time signature and bar number in this case.)

I would suggest adding something under 10.3.1 (Creating MIDI Files) in the 2.10 
manual, maybe under the Bugs section.

- Original Message 
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 10:48:42 AM
Subject: Re: \score vs. \new Score with \midi

Since you probably have read the documentation much more carefully than
I have, could you please provide
 more specific hints on where to best 
put this


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> Would it be possible to add this to the documentation (which I checked 
> thoroughly ) for Rookie users such as myself who think they know how 
> things work and sometimes get it wrong? I guess under the sections 
> relating to Score and MIDI.
> Thanks,
> Vivian.
> - Original Message 
> From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 10:05:37 AM
> Subject: Re: \score vs. \new Score with \midi
> As you have noticed, they are not equivalent from a syntactical point of
> view.
> From different email discussions, I have got the impression that the main
> hackers had some ideas on how to revise the syntax
 related to \book and
> \score
> blocks, but I don't know if there are any concrete plans.
> Actually, you write
> \score{
>   \new Score{
> ...
>   }
>   \midi{...}
> }
> if you really need to explicitly specify the Score context (I don't see
> why that
> would be needed, though).
> Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> > I'm using 2.10.19 for Mac OSX
> >
> > I've just had an irritating couple of hours trying to find out why a
> > \midi block was causing an error message and stopping the file from
> > processing. It turns out that if you use \new Score instead of \score
> > then the file fails. These two commands should theoretically be
> > identical.
> > Why does this happen, and could it be changed?
> > Compare:
> >
> >
> > \new Score {
> >
> > c1
> >
> > \midi { }
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> > \score {
> >
> > c1
> >
> > \midi { }
> >
> > }
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Vivian.
> >
> > 
> > New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find
> > out more at the Yahoo! Mail Championships
> > 
> <**>.
> > Plus: play games and win prizes.
> > 
> >
> > ___
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >  
> -- 
> =
> Mats Bengtsson
> Signal Processing
> Signals, Sensors and
> Royal Institute of Technology
> SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
> Sweden
> Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
> WWW: <>
> =
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find 
> out more at the Yahoo! Mail Championships 
> <**>.
> Plus: play games and win prizes.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Center-aligning objects in Scheme

2007-03-08 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I posted a message to this list a few days ago about automatically 
center-aligning some text under a Hairpin object (for example "molto" or "poco" 
) but haven't received any responses. Whilst I've found how to combine markups 
using combine-at-edge I can't find how to center-align one to the other (if 
indeed this is possible, which I would hope it is.) Could someone give me some 
pointers about where to begin? It would save me a lot of time if I could get 
this working.

Thanks in advance,


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convert-ly broken in 2.10.19 ?

2007-03-07 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Using 2.10.19 for Mac OSX
I'm trying to update a file I made under 2.8. When I click "Update Syntax" I 
get the output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 22, 
in ?
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

Is this me or is it just broken?


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Re: \score vs. \new Score with \midi

2007-03-07 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Would it be possible to add this to the documentation (which I checked 
thoroughly ) for Rookie users such as myself who think they know how things 
work and sometimes get it wrong? I guess under the sections relating to Score 
and MIDI.

- Original Message 
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 10:05:37 AM
Subject: Re: \score vs. \new Score with \midi

As you have noticed, they are not equivalent from a syntactical point of 
 From different email discussions, I have got the impression that the main
hackers had some ideas on how to revise the syntax related to \book and 
blocks, but I don't know if there are any concrete plans.

Actually, you write
  \new Score{
if you really need to explicitly specify the Score context (I don't see 
why that
would be needed, though).


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> I'm using 2.10.19 for Mac OSX
> I've just had an irritating couple of hours trying to find out why a 
> \midi block was causing an error message and stopping the file from 
> processing. It turns out that if you use \new Score instead of \score 
> then the file fails. These two commands should theoretically be 
> identical.
> Why does this happen, and could it be changed?
> Compare:
> \new Score {
> c1
> \midi { }
> }
> \score {
> c1
> \midi { }
> }
> Cheers,
> Vivian.
> New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find 
> out more at the Yahoo! Mail Championships 
> <**>.
> Plus: play games and win prizes.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

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New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
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\score vs. \new Score with \midi

2007-03-07 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.10.19 for Mac OSX

I've just had an irritating couple of hours trying to find out why a \midi 
block was causing an error message and stopping the file from processing. It 
turns out that if you use \new Score instead of \score then the file fails. 
These two commands should theoretically be identical. 
Why does this happen, and could it be changed?



\new Score {


\midi { }


\score {


\midi { }



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Fw: CrescMolto in Scheme

2007-02-28 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Now with the code...


hairpinMolto = {
\override Voice.Hairpin #'stencil = #(lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge 
(ly:hairpin::print grob) 1 -1 (ly:text-interface::print grob) ))
\override Voice.Hairpin #'text = \markup { \smaller \italic "molto" }

\new Staff {
\hairpinMolto c'2\< c'2\f


----- Forwarded Message 
From: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 February, 2007 1:48:09 PM
Subject: CrescMolto in Scheme

I'm trying to make a Scheme construction (my first!) which will automatically 
center align a piece of text under a Hairpin object. The code I've got so far 
is below.  This would save laboriously individually adjusting the 
#'extra-offset values of each TextScript.

What I can't find is how to do the center-aligning! Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


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CrescMolto in Scheme

2007-02-28 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm trying to make a Scheme construction (my first!) which will automatically 
center align a piece of text under a Hairpin object. The code I've got so far 
is below.  This would save laboriously individually adjusting the 
#'extra-offset values of each TextScript.

What I can't find is how to do the center-aligning! Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


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Fw: extra-offset instead of X/Y offset? (was Lowering a mark)

2007-02-18 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Dear Mats and others,

I would suggest putting a note on the backend pages of the Program Reference. 
It seemed such a logical thing to just do \once \override DynamicText #'padding 
= #4 that I didn't even check if that was possible. (I then remembered that the 
last time I had tried this and it hadn't worked I had just used 
#'extra-offset.) Then I noticed it hadn't worked  and started trying to work 
out why. When I looked at:

I noticed there wasn't a padding property listed (which seemed
 odd). After a search on the lilypond-user archives I found that the padding is 
controlled by the DynamicLineSpanner for DynamicText, Hairpin and 
DynamicTextSpanner objects.

I would suggest putting a link on the DynamicText page to the 
DynamicLineSpanner page

with a note to say that padding for DynamicText objects is controlled by the 
padding of the DynamicLineSpanner.

On a seperate point, could you (or someone else) explain to me what the 
DynamicTextSpanner is? I've never used it, and can't find how to create one 
(unless this is the text option for Hairpins as documented.)


- Original
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Michael David Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, 18 February, 2007 8:10:37 PM
Subject: Re: extra-offset instead of X/Y offset? (was Lowering a mark)

I recommend you to primarily use the padding and staff-padding 
properties to adjust the vertical position of objects. Then, LilyPond 
will automatically take the new position of the object
into account, for example when calculating the distance to the next 
stave. If you use extra-offset, the object will be moved
after all other typesetting decisions have been made, i.e. nothing else 
will move (which sometimes is an advantage, but often not).

Regarding the padding of dynamics, the DynamicLineSpanner
object is mentioned under "Commonly tweaked properties" in the section 
on Dynamics.
 However, only in connection to the staff-padding property, 
not the padding property.

Could you please propose more exactly how to modify the
documentation, based on your experience of where you searched
and didn't find it. See


Quoting Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear David,
> In your case, the reason it didn't work was that you hadn't 
> identified the RehearsalMark correctly. If you look at the page for 
> Mark-engraver it tells you:
> Mark_engraver is part of contexts: Score
> so unless you tell Lilypond to look in the Score context it isn't 
> going to find any objects named RehearsalMark.
>>> Y-offset is documented as a
 property of RehearsalMark but doesn't seem
> to really be so.
> Y-offset is a user-settable property of Score.RehearsalMark - you 
> could have followed my second suggestion. I think the reason that it 
> is reccomended to use extra-offset is that extra-offset is by default 
> set to #'(0 . 0) so that any changes you make will be relative to the 
> X- and Y- offset values that work most of the time. If you decided 
> that you wanted to adjust the default positions of an object for the 
> whole score, then I would suggest using these properties. (Someone 
> can correct me if I'm wrong!)
> On another subject, I spent 20 minutes searching for why there is no 
> padding property for DynamicText before finding that the padding is 
> controlled by the DynamicLineSpanner . Could this be slightly more 
> explicitly stated in the documentation, maybe on the pages of the 
> objects
 controlled by it?
> Cheers,
> Vivian.

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New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.* ___
lilypond-user mailing list

extra-offset instead of X/Y offset? (was Lowering a \mark)

2007-02-18 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Dear David,

In your case, the reason it didn't work was that you hadn't identified the 
RehearsalMark correctly. If you look at the page for Mark-engraver it tells you:

Mark_engraver is part of contexts: Score


so unless you tell Lilypond to look in the Score context it isn't going to find 
any objects named RehearsalMark.

>>Y-offset is documented as a property of RehearsalMark but doesn't seem 
to really be so.

Y-offset is a user-settable property of Score.RehearsalMark - you could have 
followed my second suggestion. I think the reason that it is reccomended to use 
extra-offset is that extra-offset is by default set to #'(0 . 0) so that any 
changes you make will be relative to the X- and Y- offset values that work most 
of the time. If you decided that you wanted to adjust the default positions of 
an object for the whole score, then I would suggest using these properties. 
(Someone can correct me if I'm wrong!)

On another subject, I spent 20 minutes searching for why there is no padding 
property for DynamicText before finding that the padding is controlled by the 
DynamicLineSpanner . Could this be slightly more explicitly stated in the 
documentation, maybe on the pages of the objects controlled by it?



- Original Message 
From: Michael David Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 18 February, 2007 2:28:39 PM
Subject: Re: Lowering a \mark

Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> Why not try \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = (0 . -4 )
> (adjust -4 until you get the mark where you want.)
> Looking at your code again, you could also try replacing RehearsalMark 
> with Score.RehearsalMark I've never used Y-offset to move things about, 
> but perhaps it works too.

That did the trick.  Here is my code:

\once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
\tempo 4 = 55 {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3)
\mark "acc."
\times 2/3 { e8 c8 a8 }

Y-offset is documented as a property of RehearsalMark but doesn't seem 
to really be so.

Thanks for your help!

Michael David Crawford

> - Original Message 
> From: Michael David Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, 18 February, 2007 11:07:14 AM
> Subject: Lowering a \mark
> Still working on my CD case insert...
> I have the text "acc." above my PianoStaff where the tempo is increased.
>   I also have a hidden tempo change for the MIDI file.
> My staves are quite close together on my PDF, because I only have the
> height of a CD case to fit everything in.  The "acc." mark is just below
> the staff above where it is place, so it looks like it's associated with
> the upper staff and not the one below it.
> But adjusting Y-offset for the RehearsalMark doesn't have any effect.
> I've tried many different values.
> I'm using Lilypond 2.11.18.
> Here is the source in question:
> \once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
> \tempo 4 = 55 {
> \override RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #-2
> \mark "acc."
> \times 2/3 { e8 c8 a8 }
> }
> Thanks for your help!
> I've been printed CD case inserts on my inkjet printer, but once I am
> able to put the score on the inner pages, I expect to have a commercial
> printer print me a large number of them.  I've been waiting just for
> this before doing so.
> Michael David Crawford
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick, 
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Re: Lowering a \mark

2007-02-18 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Why not try \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = (0 . -4 ) 

(adjust -4 until you get the mark where you want.)

Looking at your code again, you could also try replacing RehearsalMark with 
Score.RehearsalMark I've never used Y-offset to move things about, but perhaps 
it works too.

- Original Message 
From: Michael David Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 18 February, 2007 11:07:14 AM
Subject: Lowering a \mark

Still working on my CD case insert...

I have the text "acc." above my PianoStaff where the tempo is increased. 
  I also have a hidden tempo change for the MIDI file.

My staves are quite close together on my PDF, because I only have the 
height of a CD case to fit everything in.  The "acc." mark is just below 
the staff above where it is place, so it looks like it's associated with 
the upper staff and not the one below it.

But adjusting Y-offset for the RehearsalMark doesn't have any effect. 
I've tried many different values.

I'm using Lilypond 2.11.18.

Here is the source in question:

\once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
\tempo 4 = 55 {
\override RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #-2
\mark "acc."
\times 2/3 { e8 c8 a8 }

Thanks for your help!

I've been printed CD case inserts on my inkjet printer, but once I am 
able to put the score on the inner pages, I expect to have a commercial 
printer print me a large number of them.  I've been waiting just for 
this before doing so.

Michael David Crawford

lilypond-user mailing list

New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.* ___
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\set Score.skipTypesetting bug?

2007-02-17 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.10.14 for Mac OSX

Could someone please explain the erroneous output I get in this short example. 
I've attached the PDF in case your LilyPond does something different. I posted 
it to bug-lilypond on Thursday, but no-one has responded there, so I guess 
it may be something to do with my code.


\version 2.10.14

\new Staff \relative c' {

\set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
\times 2/3 { c8 c c } \times 2/3 { c c c } \times 2/3 { c c c } \times 2/3 { c 
c c}
\set Score.skipTypesetting = ##f
d1 \break



To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre.

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TupletBracket behaviour

2007-01-31 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Dear Mats and other,
As we would say in Dutch, "dat valt mee" - roughly translated as "that could be 
worse"! I can always change the X-extent of the TupletNumber at different 
points in the score, and it's going to be a lot less work than making minute 
changes in spacing every time it occurs.
All the best,

- Original Message 
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 31 January, 2007 9:58:34 AM
Subject: Re: TupletBracket behaviour

Looking at the implementation, it turns out that the check to see if the 
should be printed compares the width of the bracket with the width of 
the number.
So, one ugly workaround to get the bracket printed is to do
\override TupletNumber #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
but the disadvantage is that the bracket will then run into the number.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> Dear Mats,
> I'm using 2.10.12 for Mac OSX.
> Please find attached .ly file and PDF (in case your Lilypond does 
> something different.) The "problem" only occurs in tuplets where the 
> first note is shorter than the second and with values of 
> #'shortest-duration-space less than 1.1 (the TupletBracket doesn't print).
> I'll experiment with the minimum-length property you mention.
> Many thanks,
> Vivian.
> - Original Message 
> From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, 30 January, 2007 9:00:30 PM
> Subject: Re: TupletBracket behaviour
> I've never seen this happen and I couldn't construct an
> example myself where it happened. I hope you are aware
> of the fact that no tuplet bracket is printed by default if
> there's a beam of the same length, but from your description
> it seems fairly clear that this is not the problem here.
> If you can make up a small example that illustrates the problem,
> it will be much easier to figure out a solution. There is a property
> minimum-length that's listed if you click on the spanner-interface
> link but it doesn't seem to work for TupletBracket objects.
> Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> > When the size of a TupletBracket gets too small, it disappears leaving
> > just the TupletNumber. While I can see that this might be attractive
> > in some circumstances I would like to switch it off (so the
> > TupletBracket always prints.) Is there a way to do this? At the
> > moment, I'm putting small increases in horizontal spacing into my
> > score each time this happens, but this is very fiddly. There must be a
> > neater way.
> >
> > I've searched through the properties for TupletBracket but am honestly
> > a bit lost.
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Vivian.
> >
> > 
> > New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find
> > out more at the Yahoo! Mail Championships
> > 
> <**>.
> > Plus: play games and win prizes.
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> =
> Mats Bengtsson
> Signal Processing
> Signals, Sensors and Systems
> Royal Institute of Technology
> SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
> Sweden
> Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
> WWW: <>
> =
> New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find 
> out more at the Yahoo! Mail Championships 
> <**>.
> Plus: play games and win prizes.

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463

Re: Glissando notation?

2007-01-31 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Dear Robert,
I've seen a number of glissando notations, generally depending on period and 
style of composition. I know the notation you want, though, and would suggest 
experimenting with the #'thickness property of the Glissando object (listed 
under line-interface) with #'style set to #'zigzag . You could also try playing 
with #'zigzag-width and #'zigzag-length (listed under the 

Hope this helps,


- Original Message 
From: Robert Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 31 January, 2007 6:39:10 AM
Subject: Glissando notation?

It seems in Lilypond (v2.10.14) the default notation for glissandos is
a straight line. I've never seen that notation used for glissando
before so I have no idea why it's the default, but that's OK because
everything can be changed, right?

So I tried "\override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag", thinking it would
give me the right thing. But it gives me a very thin, light zig-zag
line -- yet another notation that I have never seen used for

The most common, correct notation for glissando looks like a trill
mark. It's a wavy line of varying thickness.

A statement in the on-line reference documentation suggests that
"\override Glissando #'style = #'trill" might help:

But unfortunately it doesn't work. I still get a light, straight
line. How do I get correct glissando notation?

-- Robert

P.S. I really *love* the output I get from Lilypond but even (dare I
say it?) Finale gets this particular piece of notation more or less

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Re: TupletBracket behaviour

2007-01-31 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Dear Mats,
I'm using 2.10.12 for Mac OSX.
Please find attached .ly file and PDF (in case your Lilypond does something 
different.) The "problem" only occurs in tuplets where the first note is 
shorter than the second and with values of #'shortest-duration-space less than 
1.1 (the TupletBracket doesn't print).

I'll experiment with the minimum-length property you mention.

Many thanks,


- Original Message 
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 30 January, 2007 9:00:30 PM
Subject: Re: TupletBracket behaviour

I've never seen this happen and I couldn't construct an
example myself where it happened. I hope you are aware
of the fact that no tuplet bracket is printed by default if
there's a beam of the same length, but from your description
it seems fairly clear that this is not the problem here.

If you can make up a small example that illustrates the problem,
it will be much easier to figure out a solution. There is a property
minimum-length that's listed if you click on the spanner-interface
link but it doesn't seem to work for TupletBracket objects.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

> When the size of a TupletBracket gets too small, it disappears leaving 
> just the TupletNumber. While I can see that this might be attractive 
> in some circumstances I would like to switch it off (so the 
> TupletBracket always prints.) Is there a way to do this? At the 
> moment, I'm putting small increases in horizontal spacing into my 
> score each time this happens, but this is very fiddly. There must be a 
> neater way.
> I've searched through the properties for TupletBracket but am honestly 
> a bit lost.
> Many thanks,
> Vivian.
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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
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TupletBracket behaviour

2007-01-30 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
When the size of a TupletBracket gets too small, it disappears leaving just the 
TupletNumber. While I can see that this might be attractive in some 
circumstances I would like to switch it off (so the TupletBracket always 
prints.) Is there a way to do this? At the moment, I'm putting small increases 
in horizontal spacing into my score each time this happens, but this is very 
fiddly. There must be a neater way.

I've searched through the properties for TupletBracket but am honestly a bit 

Many thanks,

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lilypond-user mailing list

Nested tuplets

2007-01-21 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.10.12

I'm trying to get nested tuplets going in opposite directions, so to speak. 
What I would like is something like:

\tupletUp \times 2/3 { \tupletDown \times 4/5 { g16 a b c d} r8 }

but this doesn't seem to work. At the moment both tuplet-brackets go in the 
same direction and collide. I've searched the archives of this list and this is 
mentioned as something that used to work automatically. Has this not been fixed 

Thanks in advance,


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Re: LyricExtender again!

2007-01-19 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Mats et al,
Sorry, but this doesn't work on my Lilypond (2.10.0) The LyricExtender is still 
missing when the lyrics are printed above the staff, and is present when I 
print them below.
I suggest this is a bug, but would like to make sure before forwarding it to 

- Original Message 
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 18 January, 2007 12:47:07 PM
Subject: Re: LyricExtender again!

In your example, you had forgotten to name the Voice context. Just 
replace the
first line by
Voice = \new Voice = notes { c4 d8 d e4~ e }
and it seems to work as desired.

Another approach is to use the alignAboveContext property:
\score {

\new Staff = myStave \relative c'{


\new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext = myStave } { \set associatedVoice 
= "notes" \Words } % above

 \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "notes" \Words } % below

Finally, I noticed that you didn't use the support for hyphens in 
lyrics. Try
Words = \lyricmode { This4 does8 --  n't work4 __  " "}
to get a nicer result.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> I enter lyrics not using \addlyrics or \lyricsto because my music is 
> too rhythmically complex. I use
> \set AssociatedVoice in the Lyrics context to control melismata - thus 
> LyricExtender and LyricHyphen objects.
> Problem: If I want to print the lyrics above the notes, the extenders 
> don't print - presumably because the named AssociatedVoice context 
> doesn't exist at the time when the lyrics are printed.
> I can print the Lyrics below the text and then use an #'extra-offset 
> but it seems clumsy.
> Suggestions please?! See attached file - comment in/ out "above" and 
> "below".
> Many thanks,
> Vivian.
> What kind of emailer are you? Find out today - get a free analysis of 
> your email personality. Take the quiz at the Yahoo! Mail Championship 
> <**>.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

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LyricExtender again!

2007-01-18 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I enter lyrics not using \addlyrics or \lyricsto because my music is too 
rhythmically complex. I use
\set AssociatedVoice in the Lyrics context to control melismata - thus 
LyricExtender and LyricHyphen objects.

Problem: If I want to print the lyrics above the notes, the extenders don't 
print - presumably because the named AssociatedVoice context doesn't exist at 
the time when the lyrics are printed.

I can print the Lyrics below the text and then use an #'extra-offset but it 
seems clumsy.

Suggestions please?! See attached file - comment in/ out "above" and "below".

Many thanks,


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the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.*
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Re: Bar numbering with Timing_translator in Staff context

2007-01-09 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Just to say this worked - thanks for the tip.



- Original Message 
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 8 January, 2007 1:40:57 PM
Subject: Re: Bar numbering with Timing_translator in Staff context

I assume that you refer to the second example in that section.
If I was LilyPond and was asked to print bar numbers that were valid for 
full score even though each stave has the bar lines at different places, 
I would
certainly also get very confused.
Try to move the Bar_number_engraver from Score to the staff context
according to which you want the bar numbers to be counted. I hope you
know about the \with feature to be able to add an engraver to only one
single instantiation of the same context type.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
> Could somebody please explain how this works? I've moved the 
> Timing_translator as described in section 8.4.1 of the manual 
> (Polymetric notation). Now bar numbers appear only irregularly 
> throughout my score (on 2 pages out of 7 ) and are also incorrect!
> Confusingly, the bar numbers don't print even before the change in 
> time signatures occurs.
> I'm using Lilypond 2.10.1 for Mac OSX.
> Many thanks,
> Vivian.
> Send instant messages to your online friends 
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

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Bar numbering with Timing_translator in Staff context

2007-01-08 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
Could somebody please explain how this works? I've moved the Timing_translator 
as described in section 8.4.1 of the manual (Polymetric notation). Now bar 
numbers appear only irregularly throughout my score (on 2 pages out of 7 ) and 
are also incorrect!

Confusingly, the bar numbers don't print even before the change in time 
signatures occurs. 

I'm using Lilypond 2.10.1 for Mac OSX.

Many thanks,


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Fw: Lyrics Questions

2006-12-13 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor

Thanks for your suggestions. In the example you posted, however, on my Lilypond 
( version 2.10.0-2 for Mac OSX ) the first LyricExtender prints, but the second 
and third ones don't, even with the \override LyricExtender #'minimum-length . 
I'm curious if the above/ below the associated voice has anything to do with it 
- all my lyrics are printed above the staff. I can't logically see why this 
would affect it, though.

- Original Message 
From: Monk Panteleimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 December, 2006 8:38:34 PM
Subject: Re: Lyrics

Vivian wrote:

> 2: Extenders. I'm not using /lyricsto or /addlyrics >because the rhythms in 
> my music are too complex. >Instead I'm just entering all the lyrics with 
> duration >values and then printing them in a Lyrics context. How >can I (or 
> can I) add extenders manually? At the moment >nothing I've tried has worked, 
> and there is no mention >of this in the manual or in the archives (as far as 
> I >can see.)

I enter lyrics with duration values in a Lyrics context (without \lyricsto or 
\addlyrics)  and the extenders still work fine. Have you tried just entering 
the lyric extenders as you would with \lyricsto or \addlyrics?
Lilypond will pick a voice to associate the lyrics with, but you can associate 
the lyrics with any  voice by doing \set associatedVoice = #"name-of-voice"
The extenders will conform to that voice (no \lyricsto or \addlyrics required). 
You can switch the associatedVoice at
 any time, or if you want to arbitrarily define the length of an extender, you 
can do 
\once \override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #8. 
This last trick I find to be necessary when the voice that needs the extender 
is *below* the Lyrics context.
In that case \set associatedVoice does nothing to the LyricExtenders. I'm not 
sure why.

Here's an example:
%%% Begin Example
\version "2.10"

words = \lyricmode { la4 __ la \set associatedVoice = #"bass" la2 __
%But the extender won't be long enough unless you:
\once \override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #33
  la1 __  la8 la la } 

\score { \context ChoirStaff
\context Staff = top {
\context Voice = tenor \relative c' { \clef "G_8"
a8( b) a4  a2 a1 a8 a  a }
\context Lyrics \words
\context Staff = bottom {
\context Voice = "bass " \relative c { \clef "bass"
 a4 a8( b) c8( d e d) f( e d c b a g a) e'8 e e
%%% The end
%%% Богу Нашему Слава, 
%%% и благословение его со всеми лилипондникими

Monk Panteleimon
Hermitage of the Holy Cross
Wayne, WV, USA

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Two lyrics questions

2006-12-13 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm having two (unrelated) problems adding lyrics at the moment, and wondered 
if someone could help.

1: I want to begin a word with a ( . I need to do this to indicate how a vowel 
is to be pronounced - e.g. (ch)il(d) . I've tried various things - using escape 
sequences as described in the manual, preceeding the bracket with a \ etc. but 
nothing gives me clean output (i.e. without other characters.) Is there a way 
of doing this?

2: Extenders. I'm not using /lyricsto or /addlyrics because the rhythms in my 
music are too complex. Instead I'm just entering all the lyrics with duration 
values and then printing them in a Lyrics context. How can I (or can I) add 
extenders manually? At the moment nothing I've tried has worked, and there is 
no mention of this in the manual or in the archives (as far as I can see.)

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Lilypond hangs when invoked

2006-10-04 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I tried that and it doesn't. Does anyone know if the executable I'm calling is actually the right one? I found it inside the package, and assumed it was what I needed, but maybe I'm wrong.- Original Message From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.orgSent: Wednesday, 4 October, 2006 1:36:16 PMSubject: Re: Lilypond hangs when invokedI recommend that you first verify that you can run LilyPond normallyfrom the command line, i.e. lpfiles/ some
 version of that, I don't use MacOS myself) works correctly. Onesyou have managed to do that, it's just to add the extra options you want.By the way, I think you want-b svgand nothing else.   /MatsVivian Barty-Taylor wrote:> I'm using 2.9.16 for Mac OSX.>> I'm trying to invoke Lilypond from the command line because I need to > create SVG output.>> I type:>> -f svg lpfiles/>> and Lilypond does... precisely nothing! The Terminal window I am using > just hangs.>> I'm not a programmer, or experienced in using UNIX systems, so > appreciate I may be making a simple mistake! Any advice would be > appreciated.>> Cheers,> Vivian.>>> > Now you can scan emails quickly with a
 reading pane > <**>. > Get the new Yahoo! Mail > <**>. >> >> ___> lilypond-user mailing list>>>   -- =Mats BengtssonSignal ProcessingSignals, Sensors and SystemsRoyal Institute of TechnologySE-100 44  STOCKHOLMSwedenPhone: (+46) 8 790 8463Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]WWW:
The all-new Yahoo! Mail goes wherever you go - free your email address from your Internet provider.___
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Lilypond hangs when invoked

2006-10-04 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.9.16 for Mac OSX.I'm trying to invoke Lilypond from the command line because I need to create SVG output.I -f svg lpfiles/treble.lyand Lilypond does... precisely nothing! The Terminal window I am using just hangs.I'm not a programmer, or experienced in using UNIX systems, so appreciate I may be making a simple mistake! Any advice would be appreciated.Cheers,Vivian.
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Varying Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent

2006-09-24 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using version 2.9.11I've got a score which has text instructions to the players at a couple of places and I need to introduce more space between staves at these points to fit the text in. I got this working in a smaller file where I was only formatting the necessary staves.However, it seems you can't change this value only for one or two systems - like the spacing of PianoStaff it seems to be fixed for the whole score, although this isn't in the documentation.If I do:\new Staff{a b c\pageBreak\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 14)a b c}then the two staves are spaced exactly the same.I only get the desired (increased) spacing if I put the \override command at the beginning of what I am formatting.Does anyone
 know a way to work round this, or do I just have to format the score in three parts, and make sure all the bars actually appear myself?Many thanks,Vivian.
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Re: Sponsored feature request--cross-staff chords, ties

2006-08-20 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I have in the past got Lilypond to do what you describe. The cross-staff chords are documented in the manual, although I agree the mechanism for achieving this is a bit clumsy (extending the stem from one of the chords.) I could imagine that to allow something like your example () could be a bit of a programming nightmare since the notes of the chord would have to be split between two Staff contexts, whereas they are a lower level object than the staves. This might mean that Lilypond had to create two partially hidden chords, but don't quote me - I'm not a programmer. That could lead to unexpected effects (for example with padding) and (I feel) is moving away from the transparency of the Lilypond programming system.Your other example (the one in the .gif file) is certainly
 possible, although it requires a bit of fiddling. My problem when I did it was that the tieWaitForNote property was only active on the Staff where the chord began. In order to get the notes on the second staff to be tied I had to create hidden, tied notes on the second staff. This was clumsy and produced a lot of error messages, but it did work. Maybe it would be possible to allow cross-staff ties in a situation like this, and then the current syntaax (I feel) would work. However, I'm not sure how simple that is - since ties are embedded two "levels" deeper, it would probably be even more of a nightmare than the first example.I feel a bit limited since I don't know Scheme (yet!) but would it be possible to write a macro which simplified the user-interface of the current structures, while leaving the transparency of the program intact so that those who want to fiddle with it can do so?Cheers,Vivian.- Original Message From: Steve D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: lilypond-user@gnu.orgSent: Sunday, 20 August, 2006 5:09:26 PMSubject: Sponsored feature request--cross-staff chords, tiesI know that cross-staff beaming has been mentioned periodically on theLilyPond lists.It would be great, for the sake of piano and other polyphonic instrumentscores, for there to exist in LilyPond some mechanism that would allowfor chords to change staff, perhaps like single-note melodies alreadycan do (with \change Staff = staff-name), and which includes all of thetie functionality.For an example in piano music-- an arpeggiated chord played with bothhands across both staves, tied to a following chord that crosses thestaves. I recently wrote a piece in which there is a grace-notedescending
 arpeggio played with both hands (sequentially, first theright then the left), that crosses from the treble to the bass staff,and is tied to every note but the lowest note of the following chord(see attached GIF graphic).To do so required some "inventive" LilyPond code, hidden notes, etc.,and in this case, the chord following the cross-staff grace-notearpeggio was not itself a cross-staff chord. However, it would be great,if it can be implemented, for the following to exist in LilyPond:* chords that cross staves (perhaps like )* cross-staff chords that can be tied to cross-staff chords (using   automatic and manual tie formatting)* cross-staff arpeggios that can be tied to cross-staff chords   (with auto and manual tie formatting)* grace-note arpeggios that can be tied to cross-staff chords   (with auto and manual tie
 formatting)I would be happy to sponsor such functionality.Best wishes,SteveStephen DoonanPortales, New Mexico US I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who hasendowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us toforgo their use.  -Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)___lilypond-user mailing listlilypond-user@gnu.org
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Re: a metronome mark question

2006-07-26 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I also had this problem recently. I got round it by having a hidden, smaller staff running the whole length of the piece and only inserting the "notes" that I needed around the barline of the tempo change (in that case \times 2/3 {c16 c c} s16^"=" c16 c c )Very clumsy but it did get the desired result.- Original Message From: Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Dave Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.orgSent: Wednesday, 26 July, 2006 5:42:24 AMSubject: Re: a metronome mark questionDave Phillips wrote:> Greetings:>>  I've written a part
 in even eight notes, but I want to indicate in > the metronome marking that the rhythm of the even eighths should be > played with a swing rhythm, i.e. an eighth-note triplet with a quarter > note followed by an eighth. In a score the rhythm would be {\times 2/3 > {c'4 c'8}},  and some jazz scores indicate that evenly notated eighths > should be played with this rhythmic figure.>>  The Metronome Marks section of the manual (8.2.2 for LP 2.8.4) shows > how to do what I want, but only for single notes and not at all for > triplets.>>  If I've made myself clear, does anyone know how to create the mark I > need ? In pseudo-LP code it's something like this:>> {c'8 c'} = {\times 2/3 {c'4 c'8}} Actually everything except the triplet bracket is in the manual:8.2.2
 Metronome marksIf there isn't a way to do the triplet bracket I would consider cosponsoring this feature with you.Paul___lilypond-user mailing listlilypond-user@gnu.org
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Bug in 2.9.1 - #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape) ?

2006-07-16 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm trying to use 2.9.1 for the first time because of various new features and seem to have immediately run into a bug. The attached file should produce landscape output, but it doesn't. It doesn't matter if I put the line at the top of the file or in the \paper section.Any thoughts for a workaround, or should I go back to 2.8.4?! Cheers,Vivian.
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Stick glyph?

2006-07-06 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I need a graphic for indicating "hard sticks" in a percussion part (and later also for "soft sticks".) These are simple signs which just look like a percussion stick (!) with either a solid or outlined head. These don't seem to exist in the Feta font, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a simple workaround for getting them?  Cheers,Vivian.___
lilypond-user mailing list

UTF-encoding error

2006-07-02 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using Lilypond 2.8.3 on an Apple G3.When I try to open a file in Lilypond for processing it gives me the error message:Unexpected error:(UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1307: unexpected code byte)I'm editing the file in EMacs and then opening it from time to time in Lilypond and testing bits of it as I work. I'm not using any unusual characters and my Lilypond code (as far as I can see) is fine. What is going on?! Other files open normally.Many thanks,Vivian.___
lilypond-user mailing list

\tieWaitForNote in \grace music

2006-06-07 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.8.3 for Mac OSXI see from the archives this has already been discussed, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem.I need a cross-staff grace arpeggio with all the notes tied to the chord which follows. If I instantiate new voices then the slurs do not connect. However, I need to either use a \new Voice or put some of the notes in another line (which also doesn't work.)Any suggestions? Thanks,Vivian.%% This doesn't work.\grace{\set tieWaitForNote = ##t\stemDown \tieUp f'''16~[ \tieDown e~ b~ \change Staff = "lh" \stemUp \tieUp bes,,,~ \tieDown d,~]}<<\new Voice {\tieNeutral 4}\new Voice { \change Staff = "rh" 4~ ~ 16}>>%% This works
 for the notes in the lower stave, but then how do I get the %% upper stave without a \new Voice command? Putting the notes in a %%different line doesn't work. \grace{
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\stemDown \tieUp f'''16~[ \tieDown e~ b~ \change Staff = "lh" \stemUp \tieUp bes,,,~ \tieDown d,~]}
\tieNeutral 4___
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2006-05-31 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
In the manual for version 2.8.0 it says that it is possible to make new dynamic marks. I've tried this and it works. What I would really like to do, though, is make a dynamic mark that included normal text (specifically "sub p" or "sub f")At the moment I do this by putting in a _\markup line, and then using \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset to align the dynamic mark with the note (instead of the "sub")It would save time to just be able to write c4\subp or something similar. Can I do this?Many thanks,Vivian. ___
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Lilypond engine getting stuck...

2006-05-26 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using version 2.8.3I've run into a problem with Lilypond getting "stuck" on a file. The score uses relatively complex rhythms combined with text, and I gave up on trying to use \lyricsto - there were just too many melismata that I had to override etc. Instead I've just inserted all the rhythmic values into the \lyrics context (including many tuplets - it gives me a warning message for each one "no-one to print a tuplet start bracket" but up until now seemed to work normally.) I've been checking the file as I went along, and it worked fine. Now it always gets stuck at the same point, and I really can't see what is wrong with it. It doesn't give me an error message, it just keeps running indefinitely. Is this a known bug in the program, and if so is there a newer version I can install to fix the
 problem?  I've attached the file. If someone could take the time to try running it on your system, I'd be really grateful.Many thanks,Vivian.
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update syntax in 2.8

2006-05-11 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm finally getting round to updating to 2.8 (from 2.6.5) on Mac OSX and am trying to use the "Update syntax" command (which I understand is the same as invoking convert-ly on other platforms.) I get the error message (OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory)What does this mean, and how can I get round this problem?Many thanks,Vivian. ___
lilypond-user mailing list

Tritone anomaly

2006-05-02 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, or been
bothered by it, but there's a slightly irritating
anomaly when entering the interval of a tritone
(augmented fourth.) When in \relative mode and using
the interval in a melodic line, LilyPond assumes that
the tritone goes down. However, when using it in a
chord LilyPond assumes it goes up! Could this be
"standardized"?! Much as I like idiosynchrasies when
it comes to art, when it comes to logical processes I
feel things ought to work in the same way! Also, I
keep on getting it wrong and having to re-process my
scores to fix bits where the octave is out. I haven't
found any mention of this in the documentation,
incidentally (although it may be there - I haven't
looked that carefully.)


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Error message

2006-04-29 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.6.1 

I'm getting an odd error message. The file appears to
parse and process correctly. Then after Lilypond has
computed the line and page breaks I get the messages

ERROR: In procedure ly_scm2double:
ERROR: Wrong type argument: (-8)

The file then appears not to have written to the PDF
(I get the previous version I saved without the new

Does anyone know what this is?

Many thanks,

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Repeat question - cross staff slur

2006-04-27 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I posted this question some time ago but haven't had
any responses as yet - maybe it didn't get through. I
want a cross-staff slur within a PianoStaff context.
I've tried putting all the notes into one voice and
then putting the \change Staff command within the
voice context. The start of the slur is not anywhere
near the first note, though, and I can't decipher the
documentation to work out how to manually move this

Could somebody help?

Many thanks,
Vivian, Netherlands.

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Cross-staff slur

2006-04-08 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm trying to get a cross-staff slur within a
PianoStaff. I didn't find any easy ways of doing this
in the manual (I'm still using 2.6.5) and so have
tried to fudge it by putting all the notes I need
slurred in one voice and then putting the \change
Staff command within the Voice context.

My problem then is that there is a big space between
the beginning of the slur and the notehead. I've tried
altering properties of the Slur grob including
#'height-limit and #'ratio but I can't get what I
want. Any suggestions?
The code I've got looks like this:

\override Slur #'height-limit = #10 % just to test
\override Slur #'ratio = #0.8 % sharp initial incline
\new Voice {r16  \stemDown g([ aes] \change Staff =
upper f''[ e])}
\new Voice {s8. r8 r8. g,,16}

Many thanks,

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lilypond-user mailing list

\override Score.SpacingSpanner

2006-03-08 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm trying to adjust spacing to allow a glissando line
to be seen more obviously. I want to adjust the
spacing rule but only for the bar with the glissando.
I've tried to construct an \override that looks like

\time 3/4
f16 r f r f r8. r16 f r8
\override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment =
\time 2/4
r16 e8.\glissando f16 r f r
r f8. r16 f r f
\revert Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment

This doesn't seem to have any effect, and I'm
wondering what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance,

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

lilypond-user mailing list

Not sure if this got through - sorry for repeats!

2006-03-03 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm having trouble with what I feel should be a
relatively simple \override command. I want a
TextSpanner object with an unbroken line, so have
tried to set the #'dash-fraction property to 1 with
the command:

\override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #1

Without that line the file compiles normally, but with
it the output is incomplete and very distorted, and
LilyPond gives me the message:

Converting to `Percussion2.pdf'...
`gs -q  -dSAFER  -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 
-sPAPERSIZE="a4" -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="Percussion2.pdf" -c
.setpdfwrite -f ""' failed (256)
error: failed files:

What is going wrong here and how can I do what I want
(have an unbroken text spanner)?

Many thanks,


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lilypond-user mailing list

TextSpanner override

2006-03-02 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm having trouble with what I feel should be a
relatively simple \override command. I want a
TextSpanner object with an unbroken line, so have
tried to set the #'dash-fraction property to 1 with
the command:

\override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #1

Without that line the file compiles normally, but with
it the output is incomplete and very distorted, and
LilyPond gives me the message:

Converting to `Percussion2.pdf'...
`gs -q  -dSAFER  -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 
-sPAPERSIZE="a4" -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="Percussion2.pdf" -c
.setpdfwrite -f ""' failed (256)
error: failed files:

What is going wrong here and how can I do what I want
(have an unbroken text spanner)?

Many thanks,


To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre.

lilypond-user mailing list

Difficult tweaks - not working!

2006-02-19 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm having trouble with the example described 
in the "difficult tweaks" section of the manual.
I'm wanting a stem with two different noteheads 
on it. I started by copying the code from the manual 
(correcting the 'curly' ' symbols this time!) then 
changed various parameters. My code now looks like 

#(define ((set-position-font-size pos style) 
grob origin current) 
(ly:grob-property grob 'interfaces))
(position (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position))) 
(if (and 
; is this a note head? (memq 'note-head-interface interfaces)
; is the Y coordinate right? 
(= pos position)) 

; then do it. (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'style) style 

\relative { 
\applyoutput #(set-position-font-size -2 #'cross) 

When I try to compile it I get the error output:

GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
  (define ((set-position-font-size pos style) grob origin current) 
error: syntax error, unexpected '('
  (define ((set-position-font-size pos style) grob 
origin current) end of file in /Users/anneke/Desktop/
In expression (set-position-font-size -2 
Unbound variable: set-position-font-

What is wrong?!

Many thanks,
Vivian Barty-Taylor,

lilypond-user mailing list

\override NoteHead

2006-02-11 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm new to Lilypond, and am trying to change the 
notehead style for the first time. I've copied the code 
from the examples in the documentation. 
The simplest example would be:

\new Staff \relative c 
{ \override NoteHead #’style = #’cross 
c16 d e f} 

When I try to process this I get the output:

 Processing `/Users/anneke/Desktop/Vivian/
Parsing...: In expression ’style:
: Unbound variable: ’style

in the processing window. 

What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,
Vivian Barty-Taylor,

lilypond-user mailing list