Linux-Hardware Digest #163

2001-01-11 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #163, Volume #14   Thu, 11 Jan 01 19:13:05 EST

  Via on-board sound success! (Peter Christy)
  Epson 1640SU under linux: notes (long 8.5K) (A E Lawrence)
  Re: DLink 530TX, what chip does it use? (Franz Simlinger)
  Re: Help !!! Drivers for USR winmodem (56.6k) and Creative Sound Blaster  (A E 
  Re: Strange alpha clock issue ("JJ")
  Re: CISCO 675 Modem (Jeff Andre)
  Re: Hardware advice needed (A E Lawrence)
  Re: faulty travan tape (A E Lawrence)
  Re: Linksys Ethernet Card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: will Mandrake Linux 7.2 support HP Officejet G85? (Jarl Friis)

From: Peter Christy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Via on-board sound success!
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:38:14 +

I originally posted this in the alt.os.linux.mandrake forum, but apparently 
some people can't access it there. So I'm posting it here too for those 
unlucky souls!

At long last, and after no end of faffing about, I've finally got the 
onboard VIA sound chip (686a) working on my system! None of the "official" 
recommended methods worked properly (if at all!) and what follows is the 
result of much trial and error - mostly error! Your mileage may vary, as 
much of this seems to be very system dependant. Even if it doesn't work 
straight off for you, it MIGHT point you in the right direction!

The bits that work or don't work seem to be EXTREMELY system dependant, so 
here is a brief summary of my system:

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-7ZM (Via KT-133 chipset) with a 700MHz Duron 

BIOS setup: AC97 support ENABLED
MC97 (modem) DISABLED (might not be important - don't know!)
Legacy audio ENABLED (without this no MPU-401 or joystick.)
Soundblaster DISABLED (this is only used by real DOS)

OS: Linux-Mandrake 7.2
Kernel: 2.4.0 test 12
  & 2.4.0 prerelease.


Desktop: KDE 2.1 beta

First of all, you are wasting your time trying to get the kernel modules to 
work with the VIA 686a. Yes, I know they are there in the kernel 
configuration but they don't appear to work at all. Even if you are lucky 
enough to get them working, apparently they only support 8 bit audio. 
Forget them!

The kernel should be compiled with sound support ON (to produce the 
soundcore module), but no driver modules selected

Get the latest ALSA sound drivers. At the time of writing (Jan 2001) these 
are 0.5.10. 0.5.9d may also work, but 10 has bug fixes for the AC97.

Unpack the TAR files into a spare directory (I use /usr/local/src/).

You should end up with three new directories, alsa-driver-0.5.10, 
alsa-lib-0.5.10 and alsa-utils-0.5.10.

Enter the alsa driver directory, and do ./configure , make , make install.
NOTE: My compiler kept crashing during the make trying to make something 
that had no relevance to the VIA chip. If you do ./configure 
--with-cards=via686a it will ONLY build modules relevant to the via 
chipset. This saves time and space! It also reduces the chance of a 
spurious compiler crash!

Next, go to the alsa lib directory and ./configure , make , make install .
You shouldn't need any options here.

Now do the same again in the alsa utils directory ( ./configure , make and 
make install ). The utils aren't strictly necessary, but may be useful for 

Now all the modules should be in place. If you reboot your system, you will 
find some extra options under the "Startup Services" (traffic lights 
symbol) in Drakconf. These are Alsasound and sound (sound may have been 
there originally) MAKE SURE BOTH THESE ARE SWITCHED OFF! It seems that the 
LM 7.2 startup calls the modules in the wrong sequence - as a result they 
don't work. You MUST install them the hard way!

Actually, it isn't that hard! Go to /etc/modules (NOT /etc/modules.conf!) 
and add the following lines:


During boot-up, LM reads the contents of /etc/modules and installs the 
requested modules. NOTE: This appears to be broken in 7.1 (at least, I 
never got it to work!) 7.1 users will probably have to add these lines to 

/sbin/modprobe snd-card-via686a
/sbin/modprobe snd-pcm-oss
/sbin/modprobe snd-mixer-oss

NOTE AGAIN: I haven't tried this - its just a guess!

Now edit /etc/modules.conf, adding the following lines:

# ALSA native device support
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-via686a

# OSS-free setup
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0

The alsa literature implies that you have to add an awful lot of other 
stuff, but the latest releases seem to take care of all that for you 

Finally, if you're running DevFS, you need to add a couple of lines to 


Linux-Hardware Digest #163

2000-07-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #163, Volume #13Sat, 1 Jul 00 17:13:07 EDT

  RE: servidor de news ("Martin")
  Re: IBM Deskstar 75GXP and UDMA ("Zvonimir Zelenika")
  Re: IBM Deskstar 75GXP and UDMA ("Zvonimir Zelenika")
  Ricoh F680 (Guus Zijlstra)
  Re: vestigal partition - how to get rid of? (Joe Ringer)
  Re: Why is my harddisk so slow? (Hal Burgiss)
  mouse in Linux (ABIT ZM6, Celeron 466) (Speedy Fast)
  Problem with D-link DFE-530TX+ (RTL8139) NIC (Warren Gross)
  Re: Why is my harddisk so slow? (Cliff Pennock)
  Re: mouse in Linux (ABIT ZM6, Celeron 466) (Speedy Fast)
  Re: cdrecord -scanbus: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI  (Duane)
  Re: can't play audio CD's but works otherwise (Narbey Derbekyan)
  Linux Resource (Cory Rauch)
  Re: Can Linux do this?  KIOSKS - Lite Linux desktop? Lock-down configs? 
  Re: can't play audio CD's but works otherwise (Narbey Derbekyan)
  Re: adjust clock on linux (Michael V. Ferranti)

From: "Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: servidor de news
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 17:29:10 +0200

ranzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
> alguien sabe algun servidor de news en el que salgan todos los grupos y
> publico


From: "Zvonimir Zelenika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IBM Deskstar 75GXP and UDMA
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 17:23:17 +0200

Hi !

> Here is a data point for you, I've got the IBM75GXP/45G on the same
> ATA33 bus as an older IBM 14.4G drive. The performance of the two drives
> is exactly the same,
> /dev/hda: (14.4G)
>  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.19 seconds =107.56 MB/sec
>  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 15.74 seconds =  4.07 MB/sec
> /home/bjrosen> hdparm -Tt /dev/hdb
> hdparm -Tt /dev/hdb
> /dev/hdb: (75GXP 45G)
>  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.19 seconds =107.56 MB/sec
>  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 15.76 seconds =  4.06 MB/sec

We did get things working, at the end it was actually IRQ conflict beetween
Ethernet card and Promise Ultra 66 card. Things are now working great:

[mod@modtest mod]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda

/dev/hda: (Maxtor 6Gb on motherboard ATA33)
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.60 seconds = 80.00 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  3.52 seconds = 18.18 MB/sec
[mod@modtest mod]# hdparm -tT /dev/hde

/dev/hde: (IBM Deskstar 75, 45Gb on Promise Ultra66)
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.58 seconds = 81.01 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.20 seconds = 29.09 MB/sec
[mod@modtest mod]#

I think there might be something wrong with your settings, since 4MB/sec is
too slow and it sound like your disks aren't using DMA at all.

check hdparm /dev/hda and /dev/hdb to see if DMA is turned on at all.
 using_dma=  1 (on)

and then try to turn it on with hdparm -d1 /dev/hda and on hdb. If your
system hangs, then check at startup if some devices are both using same IRQ
(if Mass Storage Controller is on same IRQ with something else).



From: "Zvonimir Zelenika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IBM Deskstar 75GXP and UDMA
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 17:24:52 +0200

> I had problems with conflicts between maxtor and IBM drives on my
> system. I only had UDMA33 drives, but got random errors if I tried to
> run both drives in DMA mode at the same time on the same system.
Don't have same problem since they're on separate controllers (Maxtor in on
the board ATA33, and IBM Deskstar is on Promise Ultra66 card)... works
great now. 30MB/sec on the IBM.



From: Guus Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ricoh F680
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:32:27 +0200
Reply-To: remove_nospam_bogus_from_sender

I've been offered a new Ricoh F680 fax/printer
for about $260. This is in The Netherlands (Europe)
where prices can be slightly higher than in the US.

My questions are the following:

- Does anybody have first hand experience with
  this model. Is it any good???
- Does it have a straight copier function? Ricoh's
  website is pretty vague on this point.
- Is this machine supported under linux? It has a
  centronix h/w interface, according to the specs.

Please cc me personally, if you can manage to remove
the no-spam stuff.




Linux-Hardware Digest #163

1999-09-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #163, Volume #11Thu, 2 Sep 99 08:13:27 EDT

  Hardware support: Linux vs. BeOS (Stanislav Kelman)
  Re: Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cheap video card (Roger Traywick)
  Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM... (Jason Harmon)
  Re: Unusable space on 13.6GB hard-disk (Len Brown)
  SCSI II LVD Hard Drive ("Sara")
  Adaptec AVA-1505, wrong IRQ 10, PnP (Yotam Medini)
  Re: Hardware support: Linux vs. BeOS (Paul)
  Re: Anyone used a Yamaha CRW6416 under Redhat 6.x? ("Ron")
  Is there a Digital Soundcard for Linux? (Stefan Lewandowski)
  Re: Promise EIDE 2300+ Setup? ("David J. M. Karlsen")
  Dynalink ISPH64 and SuSE Linux 6.1 ("Henrik Stokseth")
  Re: help mounting Zip drive ("Henrik Stokseth")
  Re: Adaptec AVA-1505, wrong IRQ 10, PnP (Kjell Petersen)
  Beowulf computer parts - cheap! (M. Oesterwinter)
  Re: Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI reset (J.M. van der Kolk)
  Re: LCD display (Mark Cooperstein)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stanislav Kelman)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Hardware support: Linux vs. BeOS
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 00:43:52 -0400

Hello there!

How come Linux lags behind BeOS in hardware support?  There are supposedly
tens of thousands of Linux developers who are now backed by a number of
multi-billion companies?  Be, Inc., which is a relatively tiny company,
somehow managed to get good "out-of-the-box" support for TNT2, Voodoo3 and
SB Live! way before Linux.  I don't even believe that any of the current
major Linux distros support any of the above hardware.

With TNT2 and Voodoo3 being pretty much the most popular chips on modern
home systems (and the only ones offered by, say, Dell or Gateway),
wouldn't you agree that their support should be a high priority?  If so,
what is the time frame on this?



P.S. I am not looking to start another OS war.  I just want to run some
alternative OS's on the new dual-Celery computer that I am putting
together in the meantime.

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world
   are the ones who do."  --Macintosh ad campaign
*  You can find a crazy person at  *


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions.
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 08:17:27 GMT

In article <7qhrph$heg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <7qgbqv$cec$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello, I am in the process of configuring and setting up some Linux
> > servers for my company, [snip]
> >
> > The question is this... software or hardware based RAID?  And what
> > are the hardware requirements?
> I think that setting up software raid in Linux for a company is a
> very bad idea at this time.  I have done a kernel patch in kernel
> 2.2.11 to stripe a couple of drives together as an experiment, but
> no way would I do this on a machine used for business.
> Depending upon how dead in the water your company would be if the
> RAID array has problems, I'd recommend finding a company that does
> this professionally.  You need to decide how fault tolerant the
> system needs to be, and provide for a backup mechanism that is fast
> enough so that you're not backing up during high-usage times.
> I know, this isn't exactly the question that you asked, but I felt
> strongly about this and wanted to make sure you had taken these
> factors into account.  There's just so many factors to take into
> account when choosing a RAID+backup solution that I'd personally
> stick with proven SCSI hardware, known redundancy, hot-swapping
> of bad disks and fast tape backup.  You may find that backing up
> 250Gb of data requires a very expensive tape drive, like digital
> linear tape.  Scary to get it wrong!

   Well I would rather use Linux for our fileserver than Netware or NT.
 From what I have read it seems that there are somewhat reliable RAID
drivers for Linux (in 2.2.x at least), reliable enough that many people
seem to be using them and various distributions such as Red Hat
advertise it as one of its key features.  But if software RAID support
is not as stable as you seem to be implying then thats something Linux
needs if its going to be considered a legitimate player in the
fileserver arena.

   Anyway the 250gb RAID I mentioned was just the scratch/temporary
filesystem, no backups will be kept of that one and if it fails i'll
just rebuild it, no problem really.  It will be a RAID0, just stri

Linux-Hardware Digest #163

1999-05-05 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #163, Volume #10Wed, 5 May 99 08:13:31 EDT

  Re: PhoenixMiser error on ULTRA LITE VERSA ("Greg Bryant")
  serial post and 2.2.6 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RH 5.2 Breaks PCMCIA Token Ring ?? (James Knott)
  Diva T/A ISDN modem II ("Claus Jul Larsen")
  Diva T/A ISDN modem to Linux ("Claus Jul Larsen")
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Bill Unruh)
  Re: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib? (Pasztor Szilard)
  Trident 9880 on Linux? (Anders Skovsted Buch)
  Re: XF86config for Diamond Stealth II S220? ("Chris J. Milne")
  Re: Winmodem Rip Off Baskets (Ron Tarrant)
  CDR 4210 Question (Jeff Dell)
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Ken Cormack)
  Re: LILO refuses, stops after 'LI' (Timothy Klein)
  (Internet & Screen probs...) I'm a newbie in linu so I'd LOVE s.o. to help on some 
  Re: "Jiggling" video ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Webcams and Linux ("Armin A. Arbinger")
  Re: "Jiggling" video ("Larry Brasfield")

From: "Greg Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.laptops
Subject: Re: PhoenixMiser error on ULTRA LITE VERSA
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:52:54 -0400

Power on the system and watch the cursor.  When it turns to a flashing
block, press F1 a couple of times.  You should go into setup.  The BIOS is
apparently not set with the correct drive parameters.  You can set it up as
a Custom Defined type.  Type a D to access the drives menu, arrow key down
to Hard disk 1 and then use Alt-down arrow to access the drive sub-menu.
The Ultralite Versa will not support anything larger than a 340MB drive
unless you use some sort of drive management software.

That Versa will only support a dedicated save-to-disk partition so make sure
you use the correct version of PHdisk and tell it to create a partition, not
a file.  The STD partition must be the first partition on the disk.  I have
no idea if the STD feature will work under Linux.

Good luck and have fun with your "antique" discovery.

Eugene Luster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I started a new job on the west coast.  While taking inventory of
> all the computer gear in a satellite ofice I found an old Nec ULTRA LITE
> VERSA 486/25.   Istarted it out of curiosity to find out it would make
> it past the RAM check (8MB) but give an error of no bootsector on the
> HD.  I decided to try and reformat the HD with DOS 6.0 (just cause I had
> it lying around).  I used the DOS boot isk and installed it fine.  The
> ULTRALITE booted to DOS from the HD.  However it only recognized an HD
> of 11 MB!
> No worries maybe something was wrong with the HD.  I installed an HD
> from an applepowerbook I recently upgraded.  Once again the format and
> DOS install went well ut the same result occurred, an 11 MB HD.  I
> decided I was not as smart as I thought so I did some research and found
> out I should have run PHDISk to set up the HD with a partition used for
> backing up the entire contents of memory while powering off.
> Armed with a 3.5 inch floppy containg a copy of phdisk.exe from NEC
> I walked down the hall to wher th ULTRALITE sat charging I powered on
> and.After the RAM check I get a bios error, "PhoenixMISER(tm)
> partition doesn't exist.  Please power off and correct the porblem."
> Not high heaven nor low hell wil go into the ULTRALITE now.  I can not
> use f2 or f12 to get to the bios/cmos setup, boot disks don't work,
> kicking it... (JK)  nothing.  I was planning on installing linux on it
> as I want to get familiar with it as an OS.  Any ideas how I can get
> around the bios roadblock.  If the answer will help out thieves by
> telling them away to circumvent the bios password do not post it here.
> I would rather throw this thing away then facilitate theft.


Subject: serial post and 2.2.6
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 09:30:39 GMT

I have upgraded to kernel 2.2.6, and my modem no longer works. After booting,
the send and receive lights are on solid on the modem. I have tested the modem
on another machine, and it works fine. Is there any way I can find the status
of the /dev/ttyS0 port?? setserial identifies the port correctly.

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Knott)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: RH 5.2 Breaks PCMCIA Token Ring ??
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 05:58:37 -0400
Reply-To: James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Linux-Hardware Digest #163

1999-01-12 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #163, Volume #9Tue, 12 Jan 99 21:13:36 EST

  Re: recommend a sound card for Linux? (Ron Crouch)
  need advice : QuickCam and Linux : supported hardware (Neil Zanella)
  Re: linux viruses (Ian Smith)
  Re: monitor/keyboard/mouse switch advce requested (David Ripton)
  Re: Soundcard - ESS 1868 (Harold Henry)
  Re: replacing boot drive (Lars Oeschey)
  Re: Can't get my Soundblaster 16 card to work (David Ripton)
  Re: A Call To Arms (PHIL SMITH)
  Linux DVD driver ? (Eric Pop)
  Re: how to install AGP card under 5.1 redhat (Bart van Hest)
  Miro DC20 MJPG capture board drivers available? (Bart van Hest)
  Re: howto install SCSI driver for Adaptec 1505? (KWT)
  Re: Panasonic CD-ROM & cdparanoia ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  LInux capable PeeCee and RISC debris forsale (BOB DUCKWORTH)
  Re: Trouble with Zoom 2919 Faxmodem (Rob Clark)
  Re: A Call To Arms (MalkContent)
  Re: Help: Peculiar (?) problems with CDROMs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Lilo problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Motherboard Monitor for Linux (Peter S. Frouman)

From: Ron Crouch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: recommend a sound card for Linux?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:40:15 -0600

Based on my experience, the easiest to setup and configure are going to be
the isa bus genuine Sound Blasters.  The Vibra and OEM pnp cards shouldn't
give you much trouble. You may need to use isapnp to configure the card at
boot time.

I would avoid PCI sound cards (any disgreement here?).

Good luck!

Ron Crouch


> I am also interested in a low priced sound card for linux...
> one which is EASY to setup and configure.
> (looks like find info on sound cards for linux is thougher
>  than video cards :-(
> here are some models advertised at a local computer show:
> prices are from a number of flyers - often the actual table
> price goes down some on some of these ad due to the competition :)
> [prices are from jan 2-3 1999]
> Yamaha chipset (ad - doesn't say which one) $10 usd
> Yamaha 3d 719 $10 (i think same as above) (*)
> Yamaha 64PCI chipset wavetable <$20
> sb (sound blaster) 16Pnp (oem) < $30 ($23 I think)
> sb "  "vibra (is this the same as above??) $23
> sb "  "Awe64 OEM <$40
> sb "  "PCI 128 OEM < $50.
> sb "  "256 live pci $78 (retail package = $175)
> sb 3d 16bit w/32 voice/pnp $22 (?same as sb 16pnp?)
> sb 32bit pci $23 (*)
> opti 931 w/wave table.
> trident 3d/s3 3d w/wavetable $18
> (hmm, i thought trident only was associated with video)
> procom ensoniq pci sound 32bit   $22
> s3 pci w/32 voice - $22
> geez - my head is spinning after inputting that!
> lots of choices!
> questions & recommendations:
> 1) which of the above SHOULD NOT be purchased for linux
>(based on support issues)
> 2) ISA vs PCI -> seems like PCI is preferred due to IRQ issues?
>correct? (can one determine what is using what IRQ under linux?)
> 3) the yamaha 3d 719 for $10 (isa) and sb 32bit PCI for $23
>look like the best in terms of price. Are they good picks?
>Or does someone see a better value? (*)
> 4) are the higher end cards even worth considering for a pure
>linux system? (in terms of support and value)
> cj
> ---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
>   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: need advice : QuickCam and Linux : supported hardware
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:37:06 -0330


I read the hardware HOWTO but could not find the information I was 

looking for pertaining to QuickCam hardware, used to view remote

live images through an analogue or digital link over the internet.

I am looking for QuickCam hardware that is compatible with

Linux and the QuickCam software that runs on top of it.

The only QuickCam equipment I know of is that at that Logitech bought from

Connectix (?).

Which of the QuickCam Pro, QuickCam Home, and QuickCam VC,

and QuickClip are compatible with Linux?

Thanks in advance,



Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC
Date: 12 Jan 1999 09:47:41 -0500

"James Knoch Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> anyone have any experience with this card in Linux?  I'm thinking about
> buying a couple for my computers at home to setup a Linux/WinNT Lan so I
> can proxy through my ISDN internal TA card.

Yeah I do, and so far it's not good. The tulip driver recognises the card,