Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-16 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes


Software strikes again.

Peter Frederick via Mercedes wrote on 3/16/19 9:23 AM:

I'm no aircraft engineer, but in my experience in other things, this is strictly a 
software/sensor issue.  Most aircraft have a stall prevention system, and any aircraft 
prone to "unrecoverable" stalls like T-tail rear engine jets have one that will 
overpower the pilot.  However, every pilot must be trained to disable that system if it 
gives false warnings, and since the 737 has been flown nearly countless hours and is a 
very well proven airframe, it's gotta be the software.

ILong past time to stop pasting upgrades on a 1956 airframe, I think..


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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-16 Thread Peter Frederick via Mercedes
I'm no aircraft engineer, but in my experience in other things, this is 
strictly a software/sensor issue.  Most aircraft have a stall prevention 
system, and any aircraft prone to "unrecoverable" stalls like T-tail rear 
engine jets have one that will overpower the pilot.  However, every pilot must 
be trained to disable that system if it gives false warnings, and since the 737 
has been flown nearly countless hours and is a very well proven airframe, it's 
gotta be the software.

ILong past time to stop pasting upgrades on a 1956 airframe, I think..

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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-15 Thread Scott Ritchey via Mercedes
Heard this a.m. that they recovered the jack screw from the horizontal tail and 
it was trimmed to pitch the nose down.

I don't agree with Grant that it is reasonable for pilots to know everything 
about their jet.  In my experience, commercial pilots know the least, military 
pilots know nearly everything in the flight manual, and test pilots know a 
great deal more.  But nobody really knows everything in the software.

I recall an incident about 30 years ago where an F-16 began an uncommanded 
pitch oscillation (about +3g to -1g) for 10-20 secs that began during 
aggressive maneuvering.  This oscillation stopped as suddenly and mysteriously 
as it began.  That F-16 had a quad redundant digital flight control system and 
sensors and no faults were indicated.  That means that all computers agreed on 
every calculation and the air data sensors agreed on every measurement 
throughout the anomaly.  As far as I know, the cause was never found.

I don't condemn all digital flight controls.  I have seen F-16s land safely 
with entire control surfaces (rudder, aileron, one slab) gone.  But risk 
tolerance in an ejection-seat jet can be a lot higher than a commercial 


> -Original Message-
> From: Mercedes [] On Behalf Of Andrew
> Strasfogel via Mercedes
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 11:51 AM
> To: Mercedes Discussion List 
> Cc: Andrew Strasfogel 
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info
> Big nagging question in my mind - how do they replicate the failure when
> testing?


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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Jim Cathey via Mercedes
You forgot the president of the Senate.  546.

-- Jim

> On Mar 13, 2019, at 10:02 AM, Craig via Mercedes  
> wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 11:34:43 -0500 Curley McLain via Mercedes
>  wrote:
>> Out of 546 goobers, there are only about a dozen or maybe 2 that have 
>> half a brain. (or more)
>> 435
>> 100
>> robed maggots
>> commander in chief
>> __
>> 546
> 435 + 100 + 9 + 1 = 545
> Craig
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Craig via Mercedes
On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 11:34:43 -0500 Curley McLain via Mercedes

> Out of 546 goobers, there are only about a dozen or maybe 2 that have 
> half a brain. (or more)
> 435
> 100
> robed maggots
> commander in chief
> __
> 546

435 + 100 + 9 + 1 = 545



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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Curley McLain via Mercedes
Out of 546 goobers, there are only about a dozen or maybe 2 that have 
half a brain. (or more)

robed maggots
commander in chief

Floyd Thursby via Mercedes wrote on 3/13/19 11:06 AM:
The idiot senator from Connecticut, Blumenthal, was on NPR yesterday 
evening bloviating complete nonsense about the issue. It is amazing 
that we have such ignorant idiots elected to "represent" us.  It was a 
new low, even for NPR, to give this guy the air time.



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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Mountain Man via Mercedes
--FT wrote:
> ...It is amazing that we have such ignorant idiots elected to "represent" us.

Why waste time listening to ANY media - move along, nothing to see
there.  Reality is not mental.


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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
The idiot senator from Connecticut, Blumenthal, was on NPR yesterday 
evening bloviating complete nonsense about the issue. It is amazing that 
we have such ignorant idiots elected to "represent" us.  It was a new 
low, even for NPR, to give this guy the air time.


On 3/13/19 11:57 AM, Mountain Man via Mercedes wrote:

Peter wrote:

Sounds more like the "handshake behind the barn" days...

Ahh... those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.
Those days are what make america great.  again?
We complain too many people on the planet, we complain about pollution
and water and warming.
Lose some people? - there's more.
It might be an interesting analysis - how many MAX crashes would allow
parity with population growth each day.
No... not a realistic endeavor, but... travel is inherently dangerous,
so... put yer big boy pants on and do what you need to do.
Government and regulation? - we really want more of that all in the
name of safety?  These are big-boy companies that make airplanes, etc.
They can manage without regulation or they lose business.
How many okiebenz people are gone because of airplane crash? or car crash?
Totally trivial numbers, but still sad, wrong, etc.


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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
If they get the flight data recorder it will have all kinds of settings 
and parameters recorded from which the engineers should be able to 
understand exactly what the airplane and pilots were doing.  They can 
then run that through the simulators and see exactly what might have 
caused the problem.


On 3/13/19 11:51 AM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:

Big nagging question in my mind - how do they replicate the failure when

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 8:03 AM Peter Frederick via Mercedes <> wrote:

The difficulty is that a single point failure (flaky attitude sensor in
this case) causes an un-needed actuation and severe nose down pitch without
warning the pilots, who are well aware of what the plane is doing.

Having the "stick" snatched out of your hands by the computer without
warning is a bad thing.

The old stall warning on the 727 shook the stick a couple times before it
forced it forward, along with a horn and the annoucement "stall".  This
system just rams the stick down.

Nothing wrong with the idea, but the implementation is horrible, and not
putting it in the training OR the flight manual is just flat criminal.

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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Mountain Man via Mercedes
Peter wrote:
> Sounds more like the "handshake behind the barn" days...

Ahh... those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end.
Those days are what make america great.  again?
We complain too many people on the planet, we complain about pollution
and water and warming.
Lose some people? - there's more.
It might be an interesting analysis - how many MAX crashes would allow
parity with population growth each day.
No... not a realistic endeavor, but... travel is inherently dangerous,
so... put yer big boy pants on and do what you need to do.
Government and regulation? - we really want more of that all in the
name of safety?  These are big-boy companies that make airplanes, etc.
They can manage without regulation or they lose business.
How many okiebenz people are gone because of airplane crash? or car crash?
Totally trivial numbers, but still sad, wrong, etc.


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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
Big nagging question in my mind - how do they replicate the failure when

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 8:03 AM Peter Frederick via Mercedes <> wrote:

> The difficulty is that a single point failure (flaky attitude sensor in
> this case) causes an un-needed actuation and severe nose down pitch without
> warning the pilots, who are well aware of what the plane is doing.
> Having the "stick" snatched out of your hands by the computer without
> warning is a bad thing.
> The old stall warning on the 727 shook the stick a couple times before it
> forced it forward, along with a horn and the annoucement "stall".  This
> system just rams the stick down.
> Nothing wrong with the idea, but the implementation is horrible, and not
> putting it in the training OR the flight manual is just flat criminal.
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-13 Thread Peter Frederick via Mercedes
The difficulty is that a single point failure (flaky attitude sensor in this 
case) causes an un-needed actuation and severe nose down pitch without warning 
the pilots, who are well aware of what the plane is doing.

Having the "stick" snatched out of your hands by the computer without warning 
is a bad thing.

The old stall warning on the 727 shook the stick a couple times before it 
forced it forward, along with a horn and the annoucement "stall".  This system 
just rams the stick down.

Nothing wrong with the idea, but the implementation is horrible, and not 
putting it in the training OR the flight manual is just flat criminal.

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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-12 Thread tyee165 via Mercedes
But, I read that this system was designed to avoid stall on takeoff which is 
not a good thing either. In fact it might have been in your earlier post. The 
new engines and the placement on the wing causes it to perform differently than 
previous 737s. Disable or leave it on. Darned if you do or don't?Sent from my 
Galaxy Tab® A
 Original message From: Peter Frederick via Mercedes 
 Date: 2019-03-12  8:44 PM  (GMT-06:00) To: Mercedes 
Discussion List  Cc: Peter Frederick 
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info Sounds more 
like the "handshake behind the barn" days in the early 70's that resulted in a 
DC-10 door blowout and the loss of a plane load of passengersSecret agreements 
and sweeping issues under the rug in airliner safety results in dead 
passengers, always a bad idea.If there is something seriously amiss with the 
"new smarter than the pilot" system, it needs to be disabled at once, very 
publicly, and fixed permanently as soon as possible.  Fixing it on the sly 
without the NTSB or anyone else knowing about it simply means it will happen to 
someone else who didn't get in on the behind the barn discussion with the 
result being a plane flying into the ground out of control.  Not acceptable, 
period.I guess we have a new generation that doesn't remember the mistakes of 
the past!___http://www.okiebenz.comTo 
search list archives Unsubscribe or change 
delivery options go 

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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-12 Thread Peter Frederick via Mercedes
Sounds more like the "handshake behind the barn" days in the early 70's that 
resulted in a DC-10 door blowout and the loss of a plane load of passengers.

Secret agreements and sweeping issues under the rug in airliner safety results 
in dead passengers, always a bad idea.

If there is something seriously amiss with the "new smarter than the pilot" 
system, it needs to be disabled at once, very publicly, and fixed permanently 
as soon as possible.  Fixing it on the sly without the NTSB or anyone else 
knowing about it simply means it will happen to someone else who didn't get in 
on the behind the barn discussion with the result being a plane flying into the 
ground out of control.  Not acceptable, period.

I guess we have a new generation that doesn't remember the mistakes of the past!

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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing 737 Max 8 info

2019-03-12 Thread Craig via Mercedes
On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 20:09:59 -0400 Meade Dillon via Mercedes

> Looks like Boeing was slow on the uptake to fix the problem.

Can you spell "class-action suit"?

At the bottom, the dallasnews page says,

If you already have a ticket, you should be able to tell
from the booking details. If you are making a booking
online, many sites indicate the model. If not, websites
such as allow you to dig into
details of flights at least a few days in advance,
including the make and type.

I expect a spike in their Internet traffic ...



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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing

2009-12-09 Thread Redghost

unions are criminal organizations meant to foster socialist agendas


On Dec 9, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Rich Thomas wrote:

Interesting news on the new Boeing plant going in here.


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Re: [MBZ] OT Boeing

2009-12-09 Thread Mitch Haley

Rich Thomas wrote:

Interesting news on the new Boeing plant going in here.


So, the labor unions committed career suicide?
Reminds me of the union shop I worked in the summer I was 18.

The guys I worked with complained that they were inefficiently putting out crap, 
but didn't seem inclined to actually work harder, and I got leaned on a bit 
because I was putting out good parts too quickly until I slowed down. It was 
almost as bad as the Brit factory stories of the 1970's, the only thing missing 
was deliberate sabotage. (I guess it was more like the Soviet Union than 
England, nobody cared to do any more than they absolutely had to)

Soon after, the company (Johnson Controls by then) told the union how far wages 
would have to go down to get the bottom line out of the red, and refused to 
negotiate any more than that for the new labor contract.
The union went on strike, and Johnson closed the factory, because they were 
unwilling to run a factory with negative profit and the union was unwilling to 
do anything that would result in actual profit. I drove past it this afternoon, 
still empty. I think the 25th anniversary of the plant closing was this year.


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