Re: [Mimedefang] x64 compatible?

2006-11-14 Thread Rich West
I hope I'm not way off here, but are you running with selinux enabled or


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Re: [Mimedefang] SPF

2006-11-06 Thread Rich West
Tomasz Ostrowski wrote:
>>> For folks on the road, there are plenty of workable solutions.
>> We use OpenVPN, which works well if both ends are running Linux.
>> Because of deficiencies in Windoze's "TUN" implementation, it's a bit
>> more painful to get it working on that platform, but we managed it.
> It is much easier to use submission port + starttls or smtps. Both do
> not use smtp port which is often blocked.

Agreed.  That's what we do, and it works out rather well.  The only
problems that come up is trying to re-train users no not use their local
ISP for mail delivery.

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Re: [Mimedefang] SPF

2006-11-05 Thread Rich West

David F. Skoll wrote:

Apparently, an e-mail someone sent from within our network (ie, it
had an SPF "pass") was bounced by a broken server because of SPF.  That
was the final straw.

I know this is now off-topic from the list, and I don't mean to rock the 
boat any, but that is a pretty weak excuse.  There has to be more to it 
than some idiot's broken email server that drove you that decision.

Fortunately, in the internet realm, we don't have to work to the least 
common denominator of systems out there.  If there's a broken system, 
then they are the one with the problem, not everyone else.

SPF's only goal was to provide a means toward ensuring that the email is 
originating from an authorized location.  That gives the email 
administrator full knowledge of where email is being sent through.  
Also, SPF is one of those "set it and forget it" things.  It should 
never require constant tweaking or maintenance.  Periodic, maybe..

For folks on the road, there are plenty of workable solutions.  Sending 
email through the local ISP is really a back-door to get around the 
controls put in place more than it is a proper way of working (or "best 
practice").  Provide them with VPN access or allow for them to send 
email out through an email server under your control (via user/pass TLS 
authentication).  The tools and pieces are all there, it just takes the 
time to get it all together and functioning properly.

Besides, what looks more professional: Email from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a reply-to 
set to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That, and, at the very least, you know 
the entire path of the email before it leaves your environment. When 
going through a local ISP, you don't know how many copies are kept or 
eyes are looking over those emails.  And if there is a problem with 
their server (local ISP's make a lot of DUMB mistakes), you're sunk.

It seems like there is more to lose than gain by taking the short route.

I'm no SPF fanatic, but I do believe it is one of the many tools that 
are good to have in that arsenal.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Helo Checking

2006-10-19 Thread Rich West
The main problem I see with yours is that it doesn't compensate for
localhost (  Mine (below) checks three IP addresses:
localhost (, our internal NAT'ed network (192.168.10.x), and
our external public IP address (in this example, I used

Anyhow, here's a copy of the one I personally use.  I hope it helps.


sub filter_sender () {
   my($sender, $hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;

   # Can't be "" unless it's one of our IP's.
   if ($helo =~ /(^|.)ourdomain\.com$/i)
  if ( ! ($hostip =~ "^192.168.10") && ($hostip ne "") &&
($hostip ne "") )
 md_syslog('warning', "Host $hostip said HELO $helo");
 return(0, "Go away. $hostip is not a machine");
   # The hostname better match the helo string.
   if (($helo =~ /^(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})$/) &&
($hostip ne $helo))
  md_syslog('warning', "Host $hostip claims to be $helo");
  return (0, "Header forgery attempt, $ip claims to be $helo")
   return (1, "OK");

> Hi all,
>When I insert this snippet into my mimedefang-filter my slaves all get 
> busy and shut down..any Ideas?
> Don Killen
> sub filter_sender {
>   my($sender, $ip, $name, $helo) = @_;
>   return('CONTINUE', "OK") if ($ip eq "");   # no further 
> checking if localhost
>   if ($helo =~ /(^|.)$/i) {
> if ($ip !~ /^72.242.108./) {
>   return('REJECT', "Connect rejected - $ip is not");
> }
>   }
>   return('CONTINUE', "OK");
> }

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Re: [Mimedefang] Question about sendmail/MD interaction

2006-07-11 Thread Rich West
Nope.  I've been using "delay_checks" for some time (probably over a 
year and a half) with no problems.


I was asked recently if using FEATURE(`delay_checks') in affected when MD was passed data by the sendmail MILTER 
interface. I don't think that it does, but I wanted to be sure. So, 
does that FEATURE change how MD interacts with sendmail?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang stream-by-recipient and Mailman

2005-04-26 Thread Rich West

The code was:
 if (stream_by_recipient())

The mail should be going out, just more slowly. :-)  You should see
a lot of queue files in your clientmqueue directory, which will all
be delivered at the next clientmqueue run.

The interesting thing was that nothing was getting queued up.. it was 
getting discarded. :(

The fix, obviously, is:
  if ($RelayAddr ne "") {
 return if stream_by_recipient();

Glad it was obvious. :)  I didn't know (for sure) what variable was 
available in filter_begin.

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Re: [Mimedefang] OT - Using rDNS sendmail hack - your experiences

2005-04-26 Thread Rich West
Personally, we've looked in to it.  We tend to agree that AOL's position 
is somewhat aggressive since their techs are usually behind the time and 
don't support their own new technologies well.  But, political opinions 
aside, we were leary about implementing it because, frankly, we were 
afraid of the possible negative impact.  So, we have relied on 
MimeDefang to do this check for us..

However, as time has worn on (and the amount of SPAM has blossomed), we 
have started testing this hack on our in-house testing server.  Hearing 
of your experiences does make me feel a bit better regarding the patch, 
too.  Do you have any stats on how many connections this has prevented?

I'd personally be interested in seeing your modified version of the hack 
(your hacked hack :) ) just to see and understand the differences.

Hello all, this is a bit off topic but relevant.
We finally decided it was probably time to implement AOL style reverse DNS
checks into our MTA. Since AOL has been doing it now for something like 6
months it is a pretty fair bet that most US customers that are legit have
corrected their DNS issues... or so we thought!
Why reinvent the wheel... we implemented a slightly modified version of this
sendmail m4 HACK here:
Which basically does this: 

1. Check relay for rDNS then check the response (gethostbyaddr check)
2. If there is not PTR record FAIL
3. If you cannot find DNS record for it at all, maybe DNS is down, TEMPFAIL
4. If there is rDNS (PTR) but it appears forged (different than forward or
result doesnt resolve), TEMPFAIL

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Re: [Mimedefang] use strict

2005-04-26 Thread Rich West
Anyone care to post a "strict" version of their filter as an example? :-)
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[Mimedefang] Mimedefang stream-by-recipient and Mailman

2005-04-26 Thread Rich West
We have a server that has Mailman running on it for close to 80 lists, 
and, on that same server, we have our 
sendmail+mimedefang+File::Scan+Anomy mail server.  Mailman sends its 
mail out locally to the sendmail server (not utilizing VERP as that 
caused us a world of other problems in the past), and mimedefang seems 
to be analyzing the messages as they go out (not what was originally 

Quite suddenly, emails FROM the mailman server were not going out.  
After a frazzling hour, it was discovered that a section of code in the 
mimedefang filter was causing the problem, although the piece of code 
was in place for well over a month.  Commenting it out and restarting 
mimedefang allowed the mailman mail to be sent out.

The code was:
  if (stream_by_recipient())
Sendmail was logging the following when a message was sent to our test list:
Apr 26 15:00:27 ourserver sendmail[11884]: j3QJ0FmI011884: 
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=1964, class=-30, nrcpts=5, 
msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP, 
daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver[11378]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: streamed 
by domain or recipient and resent.
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver mimedefang[11362]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: Discarding 
because filter instructed us to
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver sendmail[11884]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: Milter: data, 
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver sendmail[11884]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: discarded

Now, we've disabled stream_by_recipient, but it's global.  We would 
prefer to keep the stream_by_recipient() call in there (the server can 
handle it) for other purposes.  What would be the best way, in 
filter_begin(), to utilize stream_by_recipient() for messages only 
coming from external hosts (in other words, to utilize 
stream_by_recipient() on all emails EXCEPT localhost)?

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Re: [Mimedefang] OT: Anyone here use Dovecot imap server in production evironment?

2005-04-08 Thread Rich West

In my initial evaluations of Dovecot and Cyrus, I did learn that 
Dovecot isn't truly ready for prime time just yet.. at least, not with 
the version I downloaded (I'm planning on trying again soon, though, 
as UW is painful in its delays).

Ok.. I take that back.. Dovecot 0.99.13 and above are ready for prime time.
Our environment makes heavy use of procmail, the storing the inbox local 
to the user's home directory rather than a shared store, an inconsistent 
storage location for mail (some users have a subfolder which is the root 
of all of their mail, some don't), and the use of IMAP subscriptions 
(.mailboxlist).  Dovecot takes a little tweaking in order for it to work 
in a similar fashion as UW's.

Most specifically, I found that the "default_mail_env" directive in 
dovecot.conf has to be exactly what you want it to be.

In our case, "default_mail_env = mbox:~/:INBOX=%h/mbox" worked fine in 
addition to renaming all .mailboxlist files to .subscriptions.

Dovecot takes a little extra tweaking to get it to run with xinetd, but, 
after some analysis, there really is little benefit to running dovecot 
out of xinetd if the server gets a fair amount of traffic (imap/pop 
traffic, that is).  Running it standalone is just fine.

In comparison to UW, dovecot cruises through mailboxes. :)
Our environment is now sendmail + mimedefang + procmail + spamassassin 
on the delivery side, and dovecot on the user access side. :)

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Re: [Mimedefang] OT: Anyone here use Dovecot imap server in production evironment?

2005-04-07 Thread Rich West


I tested Dovecot briefly on OpenBSD, and lost mailboxes. No idea what
happened, but UW-IMAP has been much more forgiving, especially when
compiled with MBX support for faster mailboxes.

In my initial evaluations of Dovecot and Cyrus, I did learn that Dovecot 
isn't truly ready for prime time just yet.. at least, not with the 
version I downloaded (I'm planning on trying again soon, though, as UW 
is painful in its delays).

Cyrus is definitely a much more "serious" server, and I do miss the
shared mailboxes.  (We worked around it with Dovecot by creating special
users and giving access to the appropriate people:  All the salespeople
get to access "shsales", for example.)
One thing that is a bit of a pain with Cyrus is that it's very awkward
to use procmail with Cyrus, and Sieve just isn't as flexible as procmail.

Cyrus is a great mail server, no doubt, but its design makes it such 
that it only works in certain specific environments.  In an environment 
that we serve here, which is a "multiple domain, multiple user, nothing 
shared ever, mail filtering required" environment, Cyrus just doesn't 
apply.  Similar to what David states, Cyrus lacks the true ability to 
utilize procmail (someone on their list hinted that it was possible, but 
more painful than having your fingernails pulled off).

What I did discover is that while there is a lot of noise about Cyrus 
and how wonderful it is, it was designed with a specific customer/user 
base in mind.  UW-IMAP, while older than dirt itself, pretty much 
applies to any install.  And, yes, UW-IMAP is simplistic in its install, 
while both Courier and Cyrus are scarier than hell (making compiling 
sendmail and building a good look like a junior 
admin could do it with their eyes closed).

Just my $0.02, but I find that Dovecot is quite promising as a potential 
drop-in replacement for UW-IMAP if Courier or Cyrus don't do "it" for you..

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2004-11-18 Thread Rich West
I would like to clarify: You DO need Spamassassin to be installed.  But, 
the "spamd" process it not used by MimeDefang.

HOWEVER, if you want the full capabilities of Spamassassin (MimeDefang 
utilizes a fair amount of spamassassin's features, but not individual 
user preferences such as whitelists and blacklists per user), you DO 
need to run "spamd" with either a local .procmailrc file (with procmail 
installed, of course) or a system-wide .procmailrc file.
#> more /etc/procmailrc

* < 256000
| /usr/bin/spamc
James Ebright wrote:
[..snip..]You do NOT need spamd or sa at all.. mimedefang takes care of that. 
On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 21:40:39 -0500, Jeff Rife wrote

You don't need spamd running at all.  SpamAssassin is integrated 
into MIMEDefang through pure Perl.

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Re: [Mimedefang] timeout before data read?

2004-11-18 Thread Rich West
(this got bounced the first time around because it contained too much 
quoted material.. bah)

Wow!  Thanks for the great response!!  Your response would be a great 
addition to the FAQ (hint, hint).

For the short term, because of this situation, I was forced to disable 
MimeDefang (ack.. it killed me to do this), and the server responded well.

I agree with your assessment that the remote side was probably sending 
too aggressively from whomever was sending it.  I dug through the 
maillog and couldn't narrow it down to a specific address, although the 
recipient seemed to be the same in a number of cases.. this will take 
more investigation on my part, that is for sure. :)

Our existing sendmail M4 setting is:
`S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:60s;R:60s;E:5m')dnl

With the mimdefang setting being:
Which, although I looked at this and said to myself "That looks ok", 
after pasting it here, I realized that 600 seconds is 10 minutes.  Hrm...

A definite adjustment to one or both to syncronize them would be a good 
thing.  Although, that makes me wonder if the sendmail settings we 
currently have are too aggressive...

Oh, and for those that asked, we have the max_message_size set to 
1048576 (1MB).  This *is* email, not ftp. :)

After getting those settings fixed, I was able to get things back up and 
running again.  I've had a few hiccups throughout the day as there were 
a couple of situations that spiked up the load.  As it is, with my 
mimedefang-filter, I'm only spam scanning:
  if ((-s "./INPUTMSG" < 100*256) && (! 
exists($SendmailMacros{'auth_authen'})) )

I'm going to have to dig a bit more, but, overall, the tweaking of the 
timeouts did help a lot..

Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
There were some discussions on the list about this recently.
Basically what happens is that you either configured 
mimedfang-multiplexor or sendmail or both with too short timeouts. 
Because of this either multiplexor or sendmail or both are not waiting 
long enough for filtering to finish.  By your description, I'd say 
somebody sent you *very* large email, and sendmail is the one that got 
impatient.  Mail is rejected with tempfail, old process is still 
spinning, remote side tries to redeliver (probaby too agressivly), new 
process starts, and you end up going in circles, and your load average 
hits the roof.

The first timeout is in mimedefang-multiplexor.  It controls for how 
long multiplexor will let the child to run before killing it.  The 
second timeout is in sendmail.  It controlls for how long sendmail 
will wait for MIMEDefang to do its job.  You should set this two 
timeouts to aprox. same value (maybe setting multiplexor timeout 
minute or two shorter).  That way, old process will be terminated by 
multiplexor at about same time as sendmail gives up.  It really 
doesn't make any sense to have them set differently (the first that 
you hit will couase tempfail).

How long should the timeout be.  Depends on how large emails you are 
allowing (and the speed of your machine).  If you limit the size of 
email in sendmail to say 1-10MB, around 15 minutes should suffice on 
reasonable fast machine.  If you limit it to anything larger, values 
as large as 1 hour should be considered.

Small hint, do not run SpamAssassin on large emails.  If mail is 
larger than say 100kB, skip SpamAssassin checks.  They will take 
forever to complete.

Oh, BTW, multiplexor timeout is controlled in 
/etc/sysconfig/mimedefang (well, at least on RedHat type systems):

MX_BUSY=1740  # (29 minutes, we give up before sendmail does)
sendmail timeouts are defined in
`S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:30m;R:30m;E:30m')

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[Mimedefang] timeout before data read?

2004-11-17 Thread Rich West
Quite suddenly, and consistently, today at around noon, I started seeing 
the following messages in my maillog, and the load average on the system 
went through the roof (load average shot up beyond 22!) shortly afterwards.

Nov 17 15:02:51 cranium sm-mta[24072]: iAHK1XJR024072: Milter 
(mimedefang): timeout before data read
Nov 17 15:02:51 cranium sm-mta[24072]: iAHK1XJR024072: Milter 
(mimedefang): to error state
Nov 17 15:02:51 cranium sm-mta[24072]: iAHK1XJR024072: Milter: data, 
reject=451 4.3.2 Please try again later
Nov 17 15:02:51 cranium sm-mta[24072]: iAHK1XJR024072: 
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:01:01, pri=32062, stat=Please try again later

Now, if I bring down both mimedefang and sendmail and bring it back up 
again, I can get some mail to come through, but very little before it 
starts spitting out these errors again.

And, it seems, that mimedefang keeps being forced to spawn a new 
process, leaving the old one around to spin its wheels, and the new 
process will generate the same error, and then spawn a new process 
because of the failure, and so on and so on, becoming a very fast and 
sick cycle. :(

I'm pretty much at a loss as to what could be the cause since neither 
mimedefang nor sendmail have been rebuilt in quite a while (I am running 
the latest mimedefang and the latest sendmail, of course).  And no 
changes have been put in to place in the mimedefang-filter either. :(

Right now, I am limping by only by watching the maillog, seeing a 
failure of a slave, and restarting mimedefang as a whole...  Of course, 
I can't keep that up forever..

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[Mimedefang] /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang option questions

2004-10-29 Thread Rich West
In the /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang file, there are the following options:
# If "yes", turn on the multiplexor relay checking function
# If "yes", turn on the multiplexor sender checking function
# If "yes", turn on the multiplexor recipient checking function
What *exactly* do each of these do?
I enabled them even though I am doing sender and recipient checks 
(rudimentary) within mimedefang-filter, but I'm curious to know if I 
just enabled something that was going to potentially block valid email.

Additionally, by enabling the MX_RELAY_CHECK, I've gotten a few syslog 
Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Fri Oct 29 12:55:19 2004 ...
myhost perl: Host claims to be my.numeric.ip.addr

I did set the syslog facility to "mail", and it does mention that I need 
to set "Also set $SyslogFacility in your filter", but where in the 
filter should that be set?

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Re: [Mimedefang] Pounded by spam

2004-10-29 Thread Rich West

While I know it can be easy to simply block the host, I was wondering 
if there was some way to avoid the problem all together by 
potentially identifying hosts attempting to overload the server 
(Denial Of Service) by throttling down the amount of allowed inbound 
connections (from external sources) from a single host.

Yes.  Sendmail >=8.13.0 has several nice options.

I was looking at those, in addition to the FEATURE(`greet_pause', )..
The documentation on's site regarding greet_pause was just 
a step above non-existent.  I didn't check the others (ratecontrol and 
conncontrol).. Looking in to them now.

I am the SysAdmin for an ISP here in Billings.  I am unafraid of using 
these controls and they have really helped our situation.  I limit 25 
Connections/sec period.  I also limit 3 connections from any one 
external host/min.

Just out of curiosity, how, exactly, are you limiting the connections 
per second and connections from external hosts/domains?

I occasionally get the "25" connections and deferring at that rate in 
my logs, but not enough to worry me and we handle ~200,000 emails a 
day.  Adjust your connection/defer times accordingly to your normal load.

Have fun and knock them dead at the gate.

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[Mimedefang] Pounded by spam

2004-10-28 Thread Rich West
We just got the living daylights pounded out of us by a spam host 
running at

While I know it can be easy to simply block the host, I was wondering if 
there was some way to avoid the problem all together by potentially 
identifying hosts attempting to overload the server (Denial Of Service) 
by throttling down the amount of allowed inbound connections (from 
external sources) from a single host.

Admittedly, this is a bit off topic.. was the process that 
was getting hammered (and subsequently drove the CPU load to >16 before 
we shut down email all together), but I do not think that the fault lies 
with mimedefang (in fact, I don't think there is any 'fault' here).. 
it's more a configuration issue at the MTA level (in this case, sendmail).

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[Mimedefang] filter config question

2004-10-22 Thread Rich West
A while back I configured mimedefang to *not* scan email the is destined 
to the hosted mailing lists.

However, I just noticed that it *is* scanning email *from* the lists out 
to the list members.  Interestingly enough, this is causing some problems..

Is there an easy way within the filter to determine what host the 
message is originating from (I only want it to bypass if the originating 
host is the maillist server (in this case, localhost))?

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[Mimedefang] graphdefang and mailing list activity

2004-08-20 Thread Rich West
I've been trying to tweak mimedefang to properly log all mailing list 
activity in order to get a better idea, through graphdefang, as to how 
much of the overall activity is due to the mailing lists.

I've gotten the mimedefang-filter set to identify mail coming *in* to 
the mailing lists and properly log it, but, as you know, the bulk of 
email with regards to mailing lists is email going *out* from mailing lists.

I thought of  putting something in to filter_sender, but then I backed 
off thinking that I might be opening up a rather large security hole.

I've since built a small snippet to be added to the end of filter_sender:
if (&is_list($sender) && ($hostip == "")){
  md_graphdefang_log("mailing_list", , ,);
Where is_list is as below (with the %lists being a hash of all lists on 
the system).

sub is_list
  my($listname) = shift;
  ## The email address, as it comes in, is surrounded by
  ## brackets.  We have to massage it a little in order to do
  ## proper matching.  eg: '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' needs to be 'test'.
  $listname = (split("\@", $listname))[0];
  $listname = (split("\<", $listname))[1];
  return ($lists{lc($listname)});
However, if I remember correctly, the "from" addresses when dealing with 
mailing lists are not easily matched upon...   I think that is where my 
logic in this scenario starts to fade..

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Re: [Mimedefang] Graphdefang + High CPU Load when processing

2004-08-10 Thread Rich West
Ya know, I was considering the very same thing.  My backup server does 
basically nothing throughout the day (it only runs backups), which makes 
it a great candidate. :)

Just curious, but what, exactly, does the --trim option do?  The 
documentation states that it cuts out old data from the SummaryDB, but 
doesn't that defeat the purpose of graphdefang when looking for 
longer-term trends and such?

With regards to the corruption issue, the problem creeps in when 
Graphdefang has a LOT of information to process.  In my situation, we 
have a medium load mail server which generates maillogs on a daily basis 
anywhere between 2MB and 10MB.  Now, that doesn't seem to be too large, 
but, however, GraphDefang runs, when I was running it on a daily basis, 
after about a month of gathering data (maybe sooner, but it's been 
nearly 10 months since we were running it on a daily vs. every 30 minute 
basis), we noticed that the graphs suddenly flatlined.

A little investigation showed that the database was corrupted (ran by hand, and no new data would get added to the 
database).  That was the 4th occurance of the same problem, so we opted 
for the more frequent updates to reduce the amount of data it had to 
handle at any one point in time.  This resolved the problem, but, now, 
10 months later, we have seen that graphdefang has started spiking the 
CPU for a minute or more as it processes (this is a new problem for 
us).  The machine is a solid box with 1GB of RAM..

I'll try running it on a remote server..

Chris Gauch wrote:
I ran into this same issue with Graphdefang, but it was fairly easy to
resolve.  I set up graphdefang on a remote Linux server that had a low
average load.
You could also set up an rsync process to rsync the maillog onto the remote
graphdefang server, rather than configuring remote syslog.
On the remote syslog server running graphdefang, you should also add a CRON
script that runs the --trim option.  Just make sure this CRON
script DOES NOT run while graphdefang is processing the SummaryDB info, or
you'll corrupt the he|| out of your SummaryDB. 

- Chris 


Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
I run it once a day and never have a corruption issue.  If you have
corruption issues, suggest looking at your DB installation.  There is just
very little in graphdefang that could really cause this issue.  Are you
having other DB corruption issues?
I am very wary of using DB on servers because of the numerous issues we see
but the speed benefits are great compared to something like mySQL.
In other words, all over different mailing lists, I constantly read about DB
corrupted this, DB corrupted that.  Not to mention that DB is often
implemented in a way that loads the entire DB into memory.  This is great
for small databases but the graphdefang database can hit half a gigabyte for
a server.  This causes huge spikes in the load but makes it process quicker.
Perhaps your machine is running out of memory trying to load the database
and just crashing?
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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-06 Thread Rich West
Joseph Brennan wrote:
One was from our user on a Verizon dialup where he was required
to send through Verizon's smtp server.  He reported port 587 was
blocked so he could not do smtp auth to our server.  This has
not been confirmed.

Verizon does do some funky things to try to insure that their end users 
use their mail server with the proper from line & such.  That is, 
however, only if you use their mail server.  My experience with them at 
a number of different clients has been that they do not block outbound 
ports.  So, most likely, the problem that was reported to you was 
somewhere between the chair and the keyboard (user error). :)

One was from an IP on campus but not routed through our smtp
server.  Solution is to use our server or send with their own
subdomain in the sender address.  They chose the latter.

:-) That's because they were on your IP network, but going through their 
own email server (aka: bad). :)

The SPF advocates say all such systems must use an envelope sender
with their own domain in it.  The header From: can still show
what human sent it.  While this sounds like the right thing to do,
I wonder how fast it can really be implemented and what pain will
be caused in the meantime.

There will be pain, that's for sure.  How fast it can be done and how 
much pain is involved is really up to the individual organization.  I 
had to use the "p" word, but official 'policy' drives everything. :)

Richard West   $14.95 Registrations  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Mimedefang] Graphdefang + High CPU Load when processing

2004-08-05 Thread Rich West
First off, graphdefang is an awesome tool.
I, too, have noticed that it is *very* easy to corrupt the graphdefang 

As was mentioned by the author and a couple of others on the list, the 
trick to avoid it from being corrupted is to increase the frequency that 
you run graphdefang...

However, the cause of the database corruption is actually not the size 
of the database, the problem seems to come in when graphdefang has a lot 
to analyze in your maillog and then add to the database.  If there is 
too much to handle in the maillog, it craps out, and takes the database 
with it.

However, even running it every 1/2 hr on a medium load server, it causes 
the CPU utilization to spike up heavily.. and I mean heavily.

I would be interested to see if Jonas' version overcomes the high CPU 
load problem.. or if anyone else has seen the same problem.

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 10:07:52 +0530, Ravi.P CMC Engr wrote:

 Can you please provide me the steps in order to split the DB to
 avoid such problem in future.

Splitting the database will not avoid problems that comes from bugs or errors in 
the database or serializing modules. The reason  split the database is because it was 
a bit more efficient when using DWHDB as it gave me the opportuinty to store some 
stuff in a flat DB_File instead.

How can i proceed?? give me a
 detailed procedure!!

You can check my version of Graphdefang at  if you want 
to see how I have replaced the seraializing with tying to DWHDB and split the database. I 
can hardly get more detailed than actually showing you my code.
If you want to do it your own way, you could still get ideas from my code.
If you don't want to use my code and you're not familiar enough with perl programming 
to do something similar yourself, I'd suggest that you do something simpler than what 
I did. Replacing the original serializing with YAML worked fine for me and is a pretty 
small and simple modification of the code. You can find the YAML module at CPAN.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Globals

2004-07-13 Thread Rich West
Thanks to all of those that responded.
Based upon all of the ideas, I came up with the following code to do the 

sub filter_begin () {
   %lists = &get_lists();

# %PROCEDURE: get_list
#  None
#  Array of lists on the system
#  This function fills an array with the names of all of the mailing
#  lists on the system.
my %lists = ();
sub get_lists
  return (%lists) if (%lists);
  open (LISTS, "/var/mailman/bin/list_lists -b|")
or die "Could not execute '/var/mailman/bin/list_lists -b'.\n";
  while ()
 $lists{$_} = 1;
  return (%lists);
# %PROCEDURE: is_list
#  listname -- the name of the mailing list
#  boolean - positive if the recipient matches a list name.
#  This function matches the incoming mailing address with a list name.
#  We do not scan the contents of mailing lists as spam.
sub is_list
  my($listname) = shift;
  ## The email address, as it comes in, is surrounded by
  ## brackets.  We have to massage it a little in order to do
  ## proper matching.  eg: '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' needs to be 'test'.
  $listname = (split("\@", $listname))[0];
  $listname = (split("\<", $listname))[1];
  return ($lists{lc($listname)});
sub filter_end ($) {
   my($entity) = @_;
   if ($RelayAddr eq "" or $RelayAddr eq "")
  # Do not scan any messages going to any of the mailing lists.
  foreach $recipient (@Recipients)
 if (&is_list($recipient))
md_graphdefang_log('mail_in', , $RelayAddr);
md_graphdefang_log('mailing_list', $hits, $RelayAddr);
Steffen Kaiser wrote:
On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Rich West wrote:
Hmm, I'd populate a global variable when the slave starts or in 
filter_initialize. I do so, anyway.

sub is_list
 $listname = (split("\@", $listname))[0];
 $listname = (split("\<", $listname))[1];
 Angle brackets are not mandatory.
  foreach $list (@lists)
return 1 if ($list =~ /^$listname/i);
^ here you check only, if the 
recipient begins with a name of a list.

 return 0;

BTW: How about preparing the name cache a bit more in order to avoid 
the foreach loop each time you lookup a name, e.g.

1) use a hash:
%mailists = ( 'list1' => 1
, 'list2' => 1, ... );
Then you can do simply  return $mailists{lc($listname)}
2) or use a large string: $mailists = '@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@';
then do: return index($mailists, '@' . lc($listname) . '@') >= 0;
(Because '@' is never part of listname, it's save.)
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[Mimedefang] Globals

2004-07-08 Thread Rich West
I've mucked around with the pretty heavily in the 
past, but I just wanted to ask a quick question before I tried this one out.

The goal is to have it such that our hosted mailing lists do not get 
passed through the spamassassin plugin since the lists are subscription 
based only.  Now, rather inefficiently, I have the code below, but it 
litterally populates the array @lists with each and every call.  
Ideally, I would like to put the array and its contents in the global 
namespace to avoid the generation of the contents of the array (eg: 
get_lists) each time an email is processed.

Our mailing lists do not change frequently, but new ones do get added 
and older ones do get removed/archived.  So, maintaining the dynamic 
nature is relatively important.  We don't want to restart mimedefang 
just because a mailing list was added or removed, but we CAN live with 
the fact that it may take some time for mimedefang to 'learn' about the 
changes.  In other word, I realize that if the array is populated in the 
global namespace, it is there, unchanged, for the life of the slave, but 
we can live with that, since slaves come and go, and as new ones come, 
they will have the new list of lists. :)

# %PROCEDURE: get_list
#  None
#  Array of lists on the system
#  This function fills an array with the names of all of the mailing
#  lists on the system.
sub get_lists
  open (LISTS, "/var/mailman/bin/list_lists -b|")
or die "Could not execute '/var/mailman/bin/list_lists -b'.\n";
  @lists = ;
  return (@lists);
# %PROCEDURE: is_list
#  listname -- the name of the mailing list
#  boolean - positive if the recipient matches a list name.
#  This function matches the incoming mailing address with a list name.
#  We do not scan the contents of mailing lists as spam.
sub is_list
  my($listname) = shift;
  my(@lists) = @_;
  ## The email address, as it comes in, is surrounded by
  ## brackets.  We have to massage it a little in order to do
  ## proper matching.  eg: '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' needs to be 'test'.
  $listname = (split("\@", $listname))[0];
  $listname = (split("\<", $listname))[1];
   foreach $list (@lists)
 return 1 if ($list =~ /^$listname/i);
  return 0;
sub filter_end ($) {
   my($entity) = @_;
   if ($RelayAddr eq "" or $RelayAddr eq 
  # Do not scan any messages going to any of the mailing lists.
  @lists = &get_lists();
  foreach $recipient (@Recipients)
 if (&is_list($recipient,@lists))
md_graphdefang_log('mail_in', , $RelayAddr);
md_graphdefang_log('mailing_list', $hits, $RelayAddr);
   # Spam checks if SpamAssassin is installed
   if ($Features{"SpamAssassin"}) {
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[Mimedefang] SA + MD

2004-06-09 Thread Rich West
I've been running MD for a very long time now.. I've also been running 
SA with it shortly after I started using MD.

Anyhow, is there any way to confirm that MimeDefang, when firing off 
SpamAssassin, is actually pulling the user's preferences, whitelist, 
etc. from the SQL table?

I've had a bunch of users, myself included, who have noticed that items 
within their whitelist either get tagged as spam or blocked entirely.  I 
have confirmed that if I run spamd -x -q -D and I run a couple of test 
messages through spamc, it does log that it gets the user's preferences, 
whitelist, etc from SQL.

However, I cannot seem to find a way to truly confirm that it is getting 
the prefs, whitelist, etc from SQL when going through MimeDefang.

Any ideas on how to try to enable this kind of tracking for debugging 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Bayesian analysis not working

2004-06-07 Thread Rich West
As far as your problems with the file locations go, the bayes_path and 
the auto_whitelist_path define the full path, including the file name, 
to the bayes and whitelist databases.

In other words, you want to define the full path and file name for each 
of those settings:

Where "bayesdb" is the filename for the bayes database, and 
auto_whitelist is the filename for the auto_whitelist.

Daniel Kasak wrote:
I'm trying to activate bayesian analysis.
My /etc/mail/spamassassin/
required_hits   7
ok_locales  en
rewrite_subject 0
report_header 1
skip_rbl_checks 0
use_bayes   1
auto_learn  1
bayes_path  /var/spool/MIMEDefang/bayes
bayes_file_mode 0666
auto_whitelist_path /var/spool/MIMEDefang/auto_whitelist
bayes_min_ham_num   20
bayes_min_spam_num  20
Spamassassin is working, minus bayesian analysis. I get the following 
2 lines in all email:

X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.38
But nothing about bayesian analysis.
With the above settings, I have the following in /var/spool/MIMEDefang:
proto MIMEDefang # ls -l
total 1245
drwxr-xr-x  2 defang users  48 May 20 23:47 auto_whitelist
-rw---  2 defang users   12288 May 20 23:49 auto_whitelist.dir
-rw---  2 defang users   12288 May 20 23:49 auto_whitelist.pag
drwxr-xr-x  2 defang users  48 May 22 10:38 bayes
-rw-rw-rw-  1 defang users  626688 May 22 10:28 bayes_seen
-rw-rw-rw-  1 defang users 1236992 May 22 10:28 bayes_toks
srwxrwxrwx  1 defang users   0 Apr 13 19:25 clamd.sock
-rw---  1 defang users   6 May 22 10:37
srw---  1 defang users   0 May 22 10:37 
-rw---  1 defang users   6 May 22 10:37
srwx--  1 defang users   0 May 22 10:37 mimedefang.sock
proto MIMEDefang #
I created the 2 directories 'auto_whitelist' and 'bayes', but instead 
of using them, things seem to get dumped in the top-level directory.
Also when I run 'sa-learn' the bayes files above get created by root, 
so I chown then to defang. I assume there is a better way of doing this?
Maybe running sa-learn as the defang user?

Anyway, I have run 'sa-learn' and learned about 50 spam messages, and 
a couple of hundred ham messages.

What else should I be looking for? 

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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang 2.43 is released

2004-05-11 Thread Rich West
Dumb question, but where, now, is the HELO argument accessible?

With this change, my filter_relay will no longer function... what would 
be the recommended alternative?

sub filter_relay () {
  my($hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;
  # Can't be "" unless it's one of our IP's.
  if ($helo =~ /(^|.)mydomain\.com$/i)
 if ($hostip ne "" and $hostip ne "$myserverIP")
syslog('info', "Host $hostip said HELO $helo");
return(0, "Go away. $hostip is not a machine");
  # The hostname better match the helo string.
  if (($helo =~ /^(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})$/) && 
($hostip ne $helo))
 syslog('info', "Host $hostip claims to be $helo");
 return (0, "Header forgery attempt, $ip claims to be $helo")
  return (1, "OK");

* If resending a message fails during streaming,
we bounce the message and log an error at LOG_CRIT importance.
* Modified C and Perl code so that filter_relay is called
when remote client connects rather than after MAIL FROM.
This means the $helo argument is NOT available!

filter_relay no longer has access to the HELO argument, nor
does the MIMEDefang spool directory exist when filter_relay is called.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Spamassassin 3.0 + MD 2.42

2004-05-05 Thread Rich West
Hrmm.. Interesting.
I'll have to look in to that. :)
Even if you're *not* running SpamAssassin, you can pretty easily make 
use of the Mail::SPF::Query module directly within your mimedefang-
filter, and if you can reject a message due to SPF policy and thereby 
avoid a SpamAssassin call, it's more efficient!

Nels Lindquist <*>

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
Whatever is said in Latin, sounds profound.
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[Mimedefang] Spamassassin 3.0 + MD 2.42

2004-04-29 Thread Rich West
I've been testing SA 3.0 (CVS) plus MD 2.42 (latest release), and I am 
happy to report that the two are working together rather well!

In addition, the SPF rules within SpamAssassin are a must! (check out 
the Linux Journal article(s) regarding the implementation of SPF on your 
servers! and the follow 
up article at


Richard West   $14.95 Registrations  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Full Domain & Web Hosting  .BIZ .INFO & MORE!!  

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Re: [Mimedefang] Additional Spamassassin Rules

2004-02-04 Thread Rich West
David, yes, if you place them in /usr/share/spamassassin, you risk that 
they will be blown away during any upgrades..

I had placed mine in /etc/mail/spamassassin, as per a bunch of posts on 
various web pages and list archives.  I didn't finda true cookbook (how 
to), though..

After placing mine in /etc/mail/spamassassin with appropriate names, I 
looked around supidly and felt that there had to be something else to 
get it to work.  I was unaware of the "md-mx-ctrl reread" 
functionality.  So, I was restarted mimedefang all together.  I didn't 
see anything get hit by the new rules, hence my posting.

Since I did the installation of the new rules, I have been running 
mimedefang + spamassassin as well as using my local .procmailrc file to 
filter through spamc.  I know, this is redundant, but I wanted to see if 
one scored differently than the other.

After about a day I had a good solid set of spam messages (about 60) 
that weren't bounced but flagged (properly) as spam.  I saw that, over 
time, some of the messages were showing the new rules in the 
spamassassin report.  I guess some just weren't tickling those rules. :)

Thanks for the quick responses!


"David F. Skoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually, the SpamAssassin docs state that you *shouldn't* drop

local rules in /usr/share/spamassassin, since they will be
removed when upgrading SpamAssassin (yes, I learned the hard
way .

Not if you number them 70_* or higher, I believe.



Well, my /usr/share/spamassassin/ was wiped out, so it's safer to
keep local rules in /etc/mail/spamassassin/.  I grab a number of
SpamAssassin rule files which are named according to their function
and not with numbers, for example:
The files from these sites should definitely go into

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Re: [Mimedefang] Additional Spamassassin Rules

2004-02-03 Thread Rich West
I would be interested to know if you are running spamassassin's spamd 
(via individual user's .procmailrc's), or if you are using MimeDefang in 
combination with Spamassassin and these new rules.

Thanks for posting the link!  I actually stumbled across this link via 
the Spamassassin web site the other night.. it wasn't easy to find.  
Having it in the archives is a good thing.. Maybe adding it to the 
MimeDefang website (just as a reference) would be nice, too.

I, too, have installed these rules site-wide and tweaked the values 
accrodingly.  In my tests with a single user account, it seems that 
MimeDefang + Spamassassin it not picking up these new rules while the 
.procmailrc recipie IS picking up the new rules (and scoring accordingly).

Did you have to do any 'magic' to get the new rules to work with a 
MimeDefang+Spamassassin configuration?


Hash: SHA1
I have been running mimedefang/spamassassin/clamd on my servers
for about six months.  Recently, I added a "front end" server with
quite a bit more horsepower to offload the load from my main servers.
With the extra horsepower, I have been experimenting with ways to
tighten our configuration and get a higher percentage hit on incoming

- From reading the archives, I found reference to a link which I have 
found useful and I want to make sure that others in the same position
as myself know of its existance.

This site provides several spamassassin rule bundles ( that
can be downloaded and dropped directly into /etc/mail/spamassassin where
they will be used by spamassassin the next time is the process is
I am currently using:

My spam positive hit rate immediatly increased when I added the new
rules and I have seen no negative impact from their use.
Because some of us on the list are not as programming capable as others,
I would appreciate it if others could provide tips like this on the 
list.  I benefit greatly from the experience of others on the list and
probably could not be running the system I have without their input
and suggestions.

Thank You all

- -- 

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