Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl (continued)

2015-09-23 Thread Jan-Pieter Cornet
On 2015-9-22 17:16 , Steffen Kaiser wrote:
> I had SpamAssassin rules allocating about 100MB, the forked children
> only shared the C libraries after some time. That's a problem of
> Perl's way to handle rereferences to data.

It might help not to integrate SpamAssassin, but to use spamc to communicate 
with spamd. However, that only saves memory if you have other stuff in your 
filter rules that take time processing messages, like DNS blacklist checks, 
virus scanners, SPF/DKIM/DMARC processing, SMTP forward lookups, etc.

That way, perl processes doing those other things do not have a big lump of 
SpamAssassin rules sitting in memory (which is usually quite a lot of memory 
due to the way spamassassin works). You'd generally need fewer spamassassin 
slaves than mimedefang slaves (if you don't, then this won't save memory but 
eat a bit more memory instead because of the extra perl processes involved).

On the other hand, it does make things a bit more complex because you have to 
manage another daemon, monitor it, restart when rules change, maintain configs, 
etc. Per-recipient rules might be somewhat harder.

Oh, and stock mimedefang doesn't support it. I've attached the that we 
use for spamd communication. Also make sure that you set 
$Features{"SpamAssassin"} = 0 in your filter, to prevent Mail::SpamAssassin 
from loading (otherwise your mimedefang slaves would still eat memory for 

You will need to modify this as it uses a modular, but 
the changes should be trivial.

Jan-Pieter Cornet 
"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
- Grey's Law
package MailFilter::SpamC;

# provide spamc interface to spamassassin, call-compatible with mimedefang
# ... mostly. It actually only provides spam_assassin_check().

use Mimedefang qw(gen_msgid_header synthesize_received_header
  :global :logging :config);
use IPC::Open2;
use base Exporter;

our @SpamAssassinExtraHeaders;

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(

my $spamc = "/usr/bin/spamc";
my @spamc_opts = qw(-F /etc/spamd/spamc.conf);

sub spam_assassin_check {
### open communications to spamc
my $in;
unless ( open $in, "<", "./INPUTMSG" ) {
md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Spamc error: Cannot read INPUTMSG: $!");
my($sprd, $spwr);
my $sp_pid = open2($sprd, $spwr, $spamc, @spamc_opts);
unless ( $sp_pid ) {
md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Spamc error: Cannot fork $spamc: $!");
### note: the lines below duplicate the effect in the real
### spam_assassin_check somewhat

### build complete headers
my $hdrs = "Return-Path: $Sender\n" .
$hdrs .= gen_msgid_header() if ($MessageID eq "NOQUEUE");

### get message headers, remember if we had a "To:" header
my($seen_to, $seen_eoh);
while ( <$in> ) {
if ( /^$/ ) {
$seen_to++ if /^To:/i;
$hdrs .= $_;
$hdrs .= "To: undisclosed-recipients:;\n" if !$seen_to;
if ( $AddApparentlyToForSpamAssassin and @Recipients ) {
$hdrs .= "Apparently-To: " . join(", ", @Recipients) . "\n";
$hdrs .= join("", @SpamAssassinExtraHeaders);

### add header-body separation line that we ate in the loop above
$hdrs .= "\n";

### $hdrs now contains the complete headers as sent to spamc

### send headers to spamc
print $spwr $hdrs;
### send rest of message (if there was any left)
if ( $seen_eoh ) {
print $spwr $_ while <$in>;
close $spwr;

### wait for result
my $output = join("", <$sprd>);
close $sprd;
waitpid($sp_pid, 0);

if ( $? ) {
md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: spamc returned non-zero exit code: $?\n");

my($hits, $req, $names, $report, %sa_tags);
### first line is hits/req
if ( $output =~ s!\A(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\r?\n!! ) {
($hits, $req) = ($1, $2);
} else {
my $sample = $output;
if ( length($sample) > 80 ) {
$sample = substr($sample, 0, 80) . "...";
$sample =~ s{[^ -~]}{sprintf("\\x%02x", ord $1)}ge;
"$MsgID: Error: spamc returned invalid output: $sample");

### process rest of output
while ( $output =~ s/\A(\w+):\s+(.*)\r?\n// ) {
my($k,$v) = ($1,$2);
$hits = $v, next if $k eq "Score";
$req = $v, next if $k eq "Required";
$names = $v, next if $k eq "Tests";
$sa_tags{$k} = $v;
### anything that is left now is the full report
$output =~ s/^\s+//;
$report = $output;

return($hits, $req, $names, $report, \%sa_tags);


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl (continued)

2015-09-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 22 Sep 2015, Amit Gupta wrote:

My situation is that the number of processes jumps to
about 70 during peak loads (we are processing a couple hundres
messages per minute on average).  Our filter file is in need of some
optimizations(since each is taking about 125mb of


resident memory), but I'm wondering if using embedded perl will help
in this situation.  I see you mentioned using embedded perl prevents
forking entire processes.. So does this mean each request is handled
by a thread within the main process instead?  So would my RAM
requirements be reduced drastically?

Read Dianne's response about the garbage collector. Unless the script use 
very view different values of your loaded data or use weak references, you 
will not notice any reduction in long run.

I had SpamAssassin rules allocating about 100MB, the forked children only 
shared the C libraries after some time. That's a problem of Perl's way to 
handle rereferences to data.

- -- 
Steffen Kaiser

Version: GnuPG v1

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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl (continued)

2015-09-22 Thread Dianne Skoll
On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 08:20:16 -0700
Amit Gupta  wrote:

> We have 16GB of ram, though there are other processes running on this
> machine such as DB that will be segmented later.  I'm curious how much
> resident memory each of your processes uses?

About 110MB, but not sure how much of that is shared.

> Also, Am I right in thinking  the forking issue is not such a big deal
> because the processes are pre-forked and stay running for some amount
> of time and eventually get cleared down to your minimum setting.

Forking is not a big deal at all.  execing may be more of a big
deal, but still probably not a major performance factor.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl (continued)

2015-09-22 Thread Amit Gupta
We have 16GB of ram, though there are other processes running on this
machine such as DB that will be segmented later.  I'm curious how much
resident memory each of your processes uses?  I haven't
been tracking my memory usage over time, so I was a
little surprised to see it at 125Mb.  Before I go down a rabbit hole
of minimizing it, i want to make sure it's actually significantly
higher than your situation.

Also, Am I right in thinking  the forking issue is not such a big deal
because the processes are pre-forked and stay running for some amount
of time and eventually get cleared down to your minimum setting.   I
have my min processes set to 10, and max to 100.. And my monitoring
system shows that I have about 20 running processes on

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Dianne Skoll  wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 07:57:18 -0700
> Amit Gupta  wrote:
>> My situation is that the number of processes jumps to
>> about 70 during peak loads (we are processing a couple hundres
>> messages per minute on average).
> How much RAM do you have?  70 parallel scanners is not outlandish on
> busy machines.  Our biggest scanning machine is configured to allow
> up to 400 scanners.  It's a pretty powerful machine with 48GB of RAM,
> though, and our volume is 5-10x yours.
>> I see you mentioned using embedded perl prevents
>> forking entire processes.
> No... it still forks each time, but it doesn't exec a new program.
>> So would my RAM requirements be reduced drastically?
> Probably not.  As I said, embedded Perl helps a little bit, but not
> dramatically.
> Regards,
> Dianne.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl (continued)

2015-09-22 Thread Dianne Skoll
On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 07:57:18 -0700
Amit Gupta  wrote:

> My situation is that the number of processes jumps to
> about 70 during peak loads (we are processing a couple hundres
> messages per minute on average).

How much RAM do you have?  70 parallel scanners is not outlandish on
busy machines.  Our biggest scanning machine is configured to allow
up to 400 scanners.  It's a pretty powerful machine with 48GB of RAM,
though, and our volume is 5-10x yours.

> I see you mentioned using embedded perl prevents
> forking entire processes.

No... it still forks each time, but it doesn't exec a new program.

> So would my RAM requirements be reduced drastically?

Probably not.  As I said, embedded Perl helps a little bit, but not


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl

2015-09-21 Thread Dianne Skoll
On Mon, 21 Sep 2015 18:53:04 -0400
"Bill Cole"  wrote:

> As MD & Perl have matured and systems have gotten much bigger and
> much faster it has become less of a burden to just fork and exec
> fully independent slaves and let them live a very long time, so it
> is somewhat questionable whether embedding Perl is valuable to very
> many users. At a scale of hundreds of messages per minute on a
> single slow CPU it could be indispensable, but few systems have that
> sort of challenge.

Well... in theory, embedded Perl can also save memory because by not
execing an external program, the child processes can share memory pages
as long as no-one writes to them.  In practice, this isn't very effective
because Perl uses reference-counting to implment its garbage collector,
so even so-called "read-only" data gets touched as references to it are
added and deleted when variables come into and go out of scope.

My personal opinion is similar to Bill Cole's, except I'd phrase it as:

"It can't hurt.  It might help a little bit.  But it probably won't make
all that much difference."

FWIW, we do run a fairly busy scanning cluster that peaks around
11 million messages/day (~127/second or so) and we do use embedded
Perl.  A given machine in the cluster might peak at 3 million/day.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl

2015-09-21 Thread Bill Cole

On 21 Sep 2015, at 17:04, Amit Gupta wrote:

Hi, I'm using Centos7.1 and mimedefang 2.75 (still need to upgrade to
latest). The documentation indicates that if you start mimedefang with
the -E parameter, it uses embedded perl which is supposedly faster.  I
was wondering if someone could give me insight into why it's actually
faster under the hood?

Because the multiplexor only loads a single Perl interpreter,, and mimedefang-filter once at launch (and whenever it 
gets a 'reread' command) and forks off slaves using the embedded 
interpreter and pre-loaded scripts as needed, rather than launching new 
independent slave processes that have to load the interpreter and load 
the scripts themselves.

And maybe any anecdotal or real statistics on
how much faster.

Oh, you want real data... Picky picky!

I can't say how much faster it is in any real world sense, as it was 
dysfunctional a decade ago on the platforms I tried it on then and I 
haven't bothered with it since. In principle it isn't going to do much 
for you if you don't use a lot of slaves and/or don't recycle them 
often.(The specific definitions of "a lot" and "often" are left as an 
exercise for you to determine...) As MD & Perl have matured and systems 
have gotten much bigger and much faster it has become less of a burden 
to just fork and exec fully independent slaves and let them live a very 
long time, so it is somewhat questionable whether embedding Perl is 
valuable to very many users. At a scale of hundreds of messages per 
minute on a single slow CPU it could be indispensable, but few systems 
have that sort of challenge.

Also, should embedded perl be enabled by default?

That depends on your system. I'd expect not for yours. A basic EL7 
installation doesn't include the perl-ExtUtils-Embed package (although 
it is in RedHat's "base" collection so you needn't use CPAN or hunt down 
a 3rd-party RPM.)

I see a --disable-embedded-perl option in the configure script. I did
not configure my system to disable embedded perl, however when I try
to experiment with the -E option, mimedefang complains that I did not
enable embedded perl..

Since ExtUtils::Embed is needed for building an embedded Perl 
interpreter, the MD configure script won't enable the feature for you 
automatically if the module's not present, which it isn't by default on 
CentOS 7.1:

[root@cloud119-65 ~]# cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)
[root@cloud119-65 ~]# yum list installed perl-ExtUtils-Embed
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Error: No matching Packages to list
[root@cloud119-65 ~]# yum info perl-ExtUtils-Embed
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Available Packages
Name: perl-ExtUtils-Embed
Arch: noarch
Version : 1.30
Release : 285.el7
Size: 49 k
Repo: base/7/x86_64
Summary : Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
License : GPL+ or Artistic
Description : Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl

2015-09-21 Thread Dianne Skoll
On Mon, 21 Sep 2015 14:04:04 -0700
Amit Gupta  wrote:

> Hi, I'm using Centos7.1 and mimedefang 2.75 (still need to upgrade to
> latest). The documentation indicates that if you start mimedefang with
> the -E parameter, it uses embedded perl which is supposedly faster.  I
> was wondering if someone could give me insight into why it's actually
> faster under the hood?

The speedup comes because with embedded Perl, the multiplexor does
not have to fork/exec a Perl process.  I don't think it's significantly
faster, but it probably helps a little bit.

> Also, should embedded perl be enabled by default?

Yes.  It can't hurt.

> I see a --disable-embedded-perl option in the configure script. I did
> not configure my system to disable embedded perl, however when I try
> to experiment with the -E option, mimedefang complains that I did not
> enable embedded perl..

If you didn't have the Perl development libraries installed when you
compiled MIMEDefang, it won't have support for embedded Perl.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl

2015-09-21 Thread Paul Orr
If embedded perl is the same as compiled perl then I would guess the
speed-up comes from not having to interpret a perl script with the perl
interpreter.   Or am I off-base here?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Amit
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 2:04 PM
Subject: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl

Hi, I'm using Centos7.1 and mimedefang 2.75 (still need to upgrade to
latest). The documentation indicates that if you start mimedefang with
the -E parameter, it uses embedded perl which is supposedly faster.  I
was wondering if someone could give me insight into why it's actually
faster under the hood?  And maybe any anecdotal or real statistics on
how much faster.   Also, should embedded perl be enabled by default?
I see a --disable-embedded-perl option in the configure script. I did
not configure my system to disable embedded perl, however when I try
to experiment with the -E option, mimedefang complains that I did not
enable embedded perl..

Thank you!
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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl

2012-06-18 Thread David F. Skoll
On Mon, 18 Jun 2012 19:19:57 +0900
Nathan Findley  wrote:

> The man pages for the multiplexer indicate that when using embedded
> perl the PID of the slave is not available ($$). Is there a way
> around this?

Wow, that man page is way out of date. :)  I fixed that many versions
of MIMEDefang ago.  I'll have to remove that statement from the man page.


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Re: File::Scan (was Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexoronDebian - sarge Error)

2006-07-20 Thread Steve Campbell
I've been following this thread, and see where the module should not be 
used. I use a very simple mimedefang-filter with just filter_recipient in 
it. It does do the detect_and_load_perl_modules, but I don't really know 
when the bad module is used. I see a lot of d* files in my input queue with 
no q* files of delivered email.

Should I worry and be doing something? And if so, what should be done? I use 
the RPM to install, so I'm not sure if that would be a problem with what you 
all are talking about or not.


Steve Campbell
Charleston Newspapers

- Original Message - 
From: "Kayne Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: File::Scan (was Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl 
multiplexoronDebian - sarge Error)

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Re: File::Scan (was Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexor onDebian - sarge Error)

2006-07-20 Thread Kayne Kruse
On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 10:03 -0400, David F. Skoll wrote:
> I can't in good
> conscience have built-in support for such a terrible module.
> Regards,
> David. 

Ironically, I think this has been the cause of my hanging mimedefang i
hadnt posted about.  Watching the logs I dont appear to have any slaves
just hanging around busy doing nothing but making sendmail return
tempfails.  I havent had one hung slave that didnt kill properly today.
Nothing to a milter error state. :D

I think I missed the other thread about File::Scan vs PDFs, if it was on
this list, I have been MIA thanks to Katrina.  I've since said bye bye
to the land of hurricanes and Louisiana politics.  Life is completely
different now. :D

Thanks again guys,


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RE: File::Scan (was Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexoronDebian - sarge Error)

2006-07-20 Thread Cormack, Ken

> Only reason I had it to begin with was as an extra scanner.
> Call me paranoid, but the cost of two scanners is worth the
> cpu time just to be extra safe.

We killed-off File::Scan several months ago, when it was corrupting PDF
files from some of our production batch jobs, depending upon the encoding

Until the next release, when David officially removes support for
File::Scan, you can still add the following lines (suggested months ago by
David, I believe), to the top of mimedefang-filter, to disable File::Scan in
your installation...

$Features{"File::Scan"} = 0;
$Features{"Virus:FileScan"} = 0;


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Re: File::Scan (was Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexor onDebian - sarge Error)

2006-07-20 Thread Kayne Kruse
On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 10:03 -0400, David F. Skoll wrote:

> In fact, I'd never looked closely at File::Scan before.
> I have removed support for File::Scan from MIMEDefang completely; the
> next release won't support it.  If you want to continue to use it, you'll
> have to write the supporting code in your filter file.  I can't in good
> conscience have built-in support for such a terrible module.
> Regards,
> David.

Well, join the club.  I guess its only defense is, where else is it
going to put that information.  I guess they could have distributed it
with a database type file, but have not.  Im still okay on that front
tho thanks to clam.  Only reason I had it to begin with was as an extra
scanner.  Call me paranoid, but the cost of two scanners is worth the
cpu time just to be extra safe.  Its not like Im doing 10s of 1000s of
emails a day.  Averaging around 150 mails/hr through 1 mimedefang box
hideously underpowered.  :D


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File::Scan (was Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexor on Debian - sarge Error)

2006-07-20 Thread David F. Skoll
Kayne Kruse wrote:

> Now Take david, hes a rather nice person.  Now that I said that, why do
> you support this monstrosity?  :)  That was some hideous code, makes me
> want to puke shellcodes in the morning! :D  Anywho, note taken and I
> yanked that crap out.

In fact, I'd never looked closely at File::Scan before.

I have removed support for File::Scan from MIMEDefang completely; the
next release won't support it.  If you want to continue to use it, you'll
have to write the supporting code in your filter file.  I can't in good
conscience have built-in support for such a terrible module.


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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexor on Debian - sarge Error

2006-07-19 Thread Kayne Kruse

Remove File::Scan from your system.  It's buggy and evil.



Now Take david, hes a rather nice person.  Now that I said that, why do
you support this monstrosity?  :)  That was some hideous code, makes me
want to puke shellcodes in the morning! :D  Anywho, note taken and I
yanked that crap out.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl multiplexor on Debian - sarge Error

2006-07-19 Thread David F. Skoll
Kayne Kruse wrote:

> I just noticed this error, and was curious as to what in the filter is
> the FD.
> Jul 19 17:03:02 mailfilter mimedefang-multiplexor[4711]: WARNING:
> Something in your Perl filter appears to have opened a file descriptor
> outside of any function.  [...]

> lr-x-- 1 root root 64 Jul 19 17:19  7 -> /usr/share/perl5/File/

> Now You see I think its Mimedefangs own open File::Scan causing this
> warning.  Whats the fix for the annoyance?

Remove File::Scan from your system.  It's buggy and evil.

The open descriptor results from the dubious practice of using
SelfLoader to load functions only on demand.  SelfLoader keeps a file
descriptor open.  File::Scan uses this to load its file patterns as
Perl routines.

Did I mention that File::Scan was evil?  Read the code sometime.
Here's a snippet:

if($type == 1) {
} elsif($type == 2) {
if($subtype == 1) {
if($total==10240) {

 and $virus = "W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]", last LINE;
if($total==1024) {

 and $virus = "W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]", last LINE;
} elsif($subtype == 2) {
if($total==4096) {

... and so on.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl problems with 2.45, again ... (reload broken)

2004-09-23 Thread Martin Blapp
> +(eval 'use Net::DNS; $Features{"Net::DNS"} = 1;')
> +or $Features{"Net::DNS"} = 0;

After looking at Net::DNS I suspect that a circular reference is the problem

I dunno how to solve it.

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[Mimedefang] Re: MIMEDefang embedded perl stability issues

2004-06-25 Thread Jeremy Mates
* Chris Gauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm on Redhat Linux 9 for the OS, latest kernel, etc. (through RHN
> update). MIMEDefang version is 2.43, Spamassassin 2.63, and ClamAV
> 0.72. This problem was fairly consistent when using the embedded perl
> interpreter, the MD multiplexor would crash at almost the exact same
> time every morning (around 4-5am). I don't encounter the problem when
> I'm not using embedded perl.

That time of morning is when various cron jobs are run by default, such
as those under /etc/cron.{hourly,daily}. I have seen Mandrake and RedHat
systems croak in a variety of entertaining ways due to these cron jobs
when the system is under heavy load or using excessive amounts of RAM
for something.
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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl & External Perl Modules

2004-05-05 Thread Chris Masters

--- "David F. Skoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 May 2004, Chris Masters wrote:
> > Hmmm. I initialise all connection handles in a
> > getConnection function that checks the connection
> and
> > opens one if necessary (because there never used
> to be
> > a filter_initialize function and it's very
> resilient).
> > Any other reasons?
> We've noticed a problem with error reporting and the
> embedded interpreter,
> but haven't been able to track it down.  Try
> wrapping your use
> statements in a BEGIN { eval { use XXX; } or die
> ("Error with use: $@"); }

Thanks David. Already doing that - the error is based
around the connection error:

Can't locate object method "new" via package
"Net::LDAP::Bind" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Net/ line 227.

H. This is the same error if it cannot connect. I
can recreate and test further if required.

Cheers, Chris


   md_syslog('info',"Connecting to LDAP Directory");
   $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($LDAPServer,timeout =>
   $mesg = $ldap->bind($LDAP_user, password =>

   if ($mesg->code)
   use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_text);
   $error = ldap_error_text($mesg->code);
   md_syslog('err',"LDAP Connect Error: $error");
   undef $ldap;

if($@ || !defined($ldap))
   action_tempfail("LDAP Connect Error(Queuing
   md_syslog('err',"LDAP Error: $@");
   undef $ldap;

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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl & External Perl Modules

2004-05-05 Thread David F. Skoll
On Wed, 5 May 2004, Chris Masters wrote:

> Hmmm. I initialise all connection handles in a
> getConnection function that checks the connection and
> opens one if necessary (because there never used to be
> a filter_initialize function and it's very resilient).

> Any other reasons?

We've noticed a problem with error reporting and the embedded interpreter,
but haven't been able to track it down.  Try wrapping your use
statements in a BEGIN { eval { use XXX; } or die ("Error with use: $@"); }


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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl & External Perl Modules

2004-05-05 Thread Chris Masters

--- Michael Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Masters wrote:
> > I've just tested the embedded perl option and they
> > don't seem to be functioning properly. The first
> > module (Net::LDAP) that gets used doesn't function
> > properly (cannot establish connections).
> >
> > If I change back to normal [non-embedded] mode
> it's
> > fine.
> >
> > Are there any issues with using perl modules when
> > mimedefang runs in embedded mode?

> If you are creating a new instance of the Net::LDAP
> object directly in your filter
> file (outside of any subroutine), then try creating
> the filter_initialize sub moving
> that initialization inside it.

Hmmm. I initialise all connection handles in a
getConnection function that checks the connection and
opens one if necessary (because there never used to be
a filter_initialize function and it's very resilient).

Any other reasons?

Thanks for your response Michael.

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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl & External Perl Modules

2004-05-05 Thread Michael Sims
Chris Masters wrote:
> I've just tested the embedded perl option and they
> don't seem to be functioning properly. The first
> module (Net::LDAP) that gets used doesn't function
> properly (cannot establish connections).
> If I change back to normal [non-embedded] mode it's
> fine.
> Are there any issues with using perl modules when
> mimedefang runs in embedded mode?

There's a new section in the mimedefang-filter man page with the heading
"INITIALIZATION AND CLEANUP" which says, in part:

"... How-ever, if you are using an embedded Perl interpreter, then anything you call
directly from outside a function definition is executed once only in the parent
process.  Anything in filter_initialize is executed once per slave. If you use any
code that opens a descriptor (for example, a connection to a database server), you
must run that code inside filter_initialize and not directly from the filter,
because the multiplexor closes all open descriptors when it activates a new slave."

If you are creating a new instance of the Net::LDAP object directly in your filter
file (outside of any subroutine), then try creating the filter_initialize sub moving
that initialization inside it.


Michael Sims
Project Analyst - Information Technology
Crye-Leike Realtors
Office: (901)758-5648  Pager: (901)769-3722

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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

2004-04-24 Thread David F. Skoll
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004, Les Mikesell wrote:

> Would you have a lot of unnecessary overhead if, instead of
> writing your own multiplexing and embedded perl, you ran
> a stock apache/mod_perl or fastcgi and a really simple
> front end that dispatches the jobs via http requests?

I have no idea, and I have no inclination to find out. :-)

> It would add some software dependencies, but all things
> that are well tested, packaged in distributions, and
> already understood by system administrators.

apache + mod_perl is a very fragile thing, IMO.  There are lots of
things still broken in apache2's mod_perl.

> You would also inherit a framework for web status checking and
> administration.

We already have that in our commercial product using the multiplexor
control socket and other means, so it's already doable.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

2004-04-24 Thread David Eisner

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Henrik Schmiediche wrote:
> > What is the advantage to Embedding Perl in the muliplexor?
> Faster startup time and much less memory use.

The man mimedefang-multiplexor man page says:

  -E   Specifies that the multiplexor should create an embedded Perl
   interpreter.  This can improve performance dramatically.  But
   see the section "EMBEDDING PERL" for more information.

When I read this it wasn't clear whether "performance" applied only to
speed, or to memory use, or to both.  Perhaps the second sentence should
be "This can dramatically decrease both startup time and memory use."

Just a thought.


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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

2004-04-24 Thread Les Mikesell
On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 09:10, David F. Skoll wrote:

> Yes; you need either a shared library, or a static one (libperl.a)
> on your system.

Would you have a lot of unnecessary overhead if, instead of
writing your own multiplexing and embedded perl, you ran
a stock apache/mod_perl or fastcgi and a really simple
front end that dispatches the jobs via http requests?
It would add some software dependencies, but all things
that are well tested, packaged in distributions, and
already understood by system administrators.  You would
also inherit a framework for web status checking and

  Les Mikesell

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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

2004-04-24 Thread David F. Skoll
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Henrik Schmiediche wrote:

> How can you test if a given implementation is safe?

Look at "" and search for
"AC_MSG_CHECKING([if it is safe to destroy and recreate a Perl interpreter])"

> Does Perl need to be compiled in any special way to enable embedded Perl to
> work?

Yes; you need either a shared library, or a static one (libperl.a)
on your system.


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RE: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

2004-04-23 Thread Henrik Schmiediche


How can you test if a given implementation is safe?

Does Perl need to be compiled in any special way to enable embedded Perl to


   - Henrik

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David F.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Henrik Schmiediche wrote:

> What is the advantage to Embedding Perl in the muliplexor?

Faster startup time and much less memory use.

> Why is it not enabled by default?

Because it's broken on some platforms.  It's fine on Linux,
mostly fine on Solaris 9, and all bets are off on other platforms.

The innards of Perl are very scary...


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded perl

2004-04-23 Thread David F. Skoll
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Henrik Schmiediche wrote:

> What is the advantage to Embedding Perl in the muliplexor?

Faster startup time and much less memory use.

> Why is it not enabled by default?

Because it's broken on some platforms.  It's fine on Linux,
mostly fine on Solaris 9, and all bets are off on other platforms.

The innards of Perl are very scary...


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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-22 Thread Lucas Albers
Verify it is using the newer embedded version by calling manually.
what is the full memory listing for all the mimedefang process?
post the result of "ps axuww | grep mimedefang"
cut off parts so it doesn't word wrap.

Josh Kelley said:
> I've verified that the -E is listed in the ps auxwww listing, and I've
> verified that embedded support was compiled in.  Any other suggestions?

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-22 Thread Josh Kelley
Lucas Albers wrote:

You should show this sort of command arguments when you run

ps axuww|grep mimedefang

/usr/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor -p
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/ -E -m 4 -x 9 -U defang -i
30 -b 600 -W 1 -l -q 10 -s
Notice the -E.
Verify that it had embedded support when it was compiled.

I've verified that the -E is listed in the ps auxwww listing, and I've 
verified that embedded support was compiled in.  Any other suggestions?

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-19 Thread Lucas Albers

Josh Kelley said:

> I'm using the provided init script for Red Hat, so I can set the
> appropriate option in /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang to make the init script
> pass the -E option.
> I've confirmed that ps lists the children as "mimedefang-multiplexor"
> rather than "perl", which should mean that embedded Perl
> is enabled.
You should show this sort of command arguments when you run

ps axuww|grep mimedefang

/usr/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor -p
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/ -E -m 4 -x 9 -U defang -i
30 -b 600 -W 1 -l -q 10 -s

Notice the -E.
Verify that it had embedded support when it was compiled.

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-19 Thread Josh Kelley
Lucas Albers wrote:

What version of perl are you running?

5.8.0, the version that ships with RHEL 3.

Look at the shared memory, it will indicate that each slave is sharing 2/3
of it's memory with the master.
Like such:
defang 9   0 31992  31M 19972 S 0.0  6.3   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 31040  30M 20600 S 0.0  6.1   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 30220  29M 29740 S 0.0  5.9   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 30212  29M 29732 S 0.0  5.9   0:09 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 4   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
See the number after 31m that is 20m or so?
You can see te 3rd and 4th slave aren't using any extra memory, they are
sharing all from the parent.

That's what I was looking at.  The 5th column for the 
mimedefang-multiplexors was only 3m or so, the same as it is when I have 
embedded Perl disabled.

You need to specifically enable the embedded option with the -E switch on
the multiplexor startup script.

I'm using the provided init script for Red Hat, so I can set the 
appropriate option in /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang to make the init script 
pass the -E option.

I've confirmed that ps lists the children as "mimedefang-multiplexor" 
rather than "perl", which should mean that embedded Perl 
is enabled.

Josh Kelley
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Re: [Mimedefang] Embedded Perl problems

2004-03-19 Thread Lucas Albers
Josh Kelley said:
> I'm trying to get the multiplexor's embedded Perl mode to work, since
> messages on the mailing list indicated that it would save a lot of
> memory, and our mail server (running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3) is a
> bit limited on memory.
> First, a minor point:  it doesn't seem to be helping the memory usage

> Second, a major point: when I enable embedded mode, slaves apparently
> tend to become busy and never report that they're done.
> Thanks.
What version of perl are you running?
Look at the shared memory, it will indicate that each slave is sharing 2/3
of it's memory with the master.
Like such:
defang 9   0 31992  31M 19972 S 0.0  6.3   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 31040  30M 20600 S 0.0  6.1   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 30220  29M 29740 S 0.0  5.9   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0 30212  29M 29732 S 0.0  5.9   0:09 mimedefang-mult
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 4   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang 9   0  1632 1628  1408 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang

See the number after 31m that is 20m or so?
You can see te 3rd and 4th slave aren't using any extra memory, they are
sharing all from the parent.

That is the amount of memory it is sharing, so memory usage is
(Total Mem X n-slaves - (Shared Mem X n-slaves)
31M+30M - 20M = 40M
You save about 10M per slave over non embedded.
You need to specifically enable the embedded option with the -E switch on
the multiplexor startup script.
Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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