mp2: anyone got mp2 and apache 2.0.44 working on any version of OpenBSD?

2003-02-20 Thread Carl Brewer

Scanning both dev.modperl and here, I've found a couple of
mails concerning OpenBSD and mod_perl 2 (1.99_08) with Apache 2.0.44,
I've tried a few quick hacks and have been unable to get it working
either, with the same error as seen on :


I'm using perl 5.8.0 on OpenBSD 2.9, but the same error crops
up.  Has anyone been able to get it to run? (it seems to work
well on SunOS 5.8 with the same apache & perl versions)


mp2: any recommendations for template systems yet?

2003-02-20 Thread Carl Brewer

Do any of you have any recommendations for template systems with
mp2?  Not of the religious kind (!) but more on the lines
of what's working with mp2 at the moment?  I'm about to port a
PHP app to mod_perl and will be covering IPv6 traffic with it,
so (and I want to as well :) ) will have to use apache2, and thus
mp2.  I looked at Mason but their homepage seemed to make little
mention of mp2 except in the FAQ "not yet" :)

Without wishing to start anything religious ... any suggestions
for a template system that handles sessions? I'm not adverse to
HTML::Template and Apache::Session if it'll work with mp2.

thanks for your time,

mp2: works with NetBSD? was Re: mp2: anyone got mp2 and apache 2.0.44working on any version of OpenBSD?

2003-02-27 Thread Carl Brewer
As no-one seems interested in this after a few weeks,
I'm considering NetBSD ... anyone got mod_perl2 and apache2
running nicely on NetBSD 1.6?  That's my next-choice
O/S for my application, but I don't have a testbed yet to
play with.

Carl Brewer wrote:
Scanning both dev.modperl and here, I've found a couple of
mails concerning OpenBSD and mod_perl 2 (1.99_08) with Apache 2.0.44,
I've tried a few quick hacks and have been unable to get it working
either, with the same error as seen on :[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I'm using perl 5.8.0 on OpenBSD 2.9, but the same error crops
up.  Has anyone been able to get it to run? (it seems to work
well on SunOS 5.8 with the same apache & perl versions)

Re: mp2: works with NetBSD? was Re: mp2: anyone got mp2 and apache2.0.44 working on any version of OpenBSD?

2003-02-27 Thread Carl Brewer

Stas Bekman wrote:
Carl Brewer wrote:

As no-one seems interested in this after a few weeks,

It's not about not being interested, but lacking the access to the 
system and/or lacking the expertise on these platforms. We really need 
to have at least one person taking care of problems on each of the 
less-mainstream platforms.
Understood, I can make a box available to you if it helps?


Re: and friends port to mp2

2003-03-13 Thread Carl Brewer

Stas Bekman wrote:
Lincoln Stein wrote:

You want to move to MP2, if one of the following reasons apply:

- you are stuck with Apache2
- you want to use i/o filters
- you want to write your own protocol handlers
- you want to use a threaded mod_perl
- you are stuck with win32 (mp1 is unusable on win32, serialization)
And you use IPv6 :)


mp2: apache 2.0.46 works

2003-05-29 Thread Carl Brewer
I've just spun up apache 2.0.46 on Solaris 8, and the install of
mod_perl 1.99_09 seems fine so far.

mp2: session/auth handlers stable enough to use?

2003-06-02 Thread Carl Brewer

I'm looking at Apache::SessionX from Embperl as a possible
session tracker for an app I'm doing with Template::Toolkit,
has anyone any comments/suggestions re how mature this,
(or any other recommendations?) session tracking module
is under mp2?  I've read some comments on CPAN discussing
the use of tie() and performance, which I confess to
knowing nothing about.  Is any of this relevant to
mp2?  I want to avoid 100% any use of the compat stuff in
mp2, and make this as pure an mp2 site as possible.
thanks :)


Re: is anybody using mp2 in production?

2003-06-10 Thread Carl Brewer
I'm using mp2 with Template::Toolkit for a number
of production sites on NetBSD.  Apart from it whinging
at test time, it seems just fine :)

mp2: really dumb q re getting values sent to a form

2003-06-11 Thread Carl Brewer
My appologies, I've tried to grok this from the doco,
but must have missed it somewhere while trying to
parse apache::request somehow?
I've got a script, I want to grab submitted values to it
of the form :

And I want to be able to work out what "a" is within,
ie, within the script I want to set a to "4", or whatever it
gets called as.
I know this is trivially easy to do with,
but how do I do it without  (caveats
concerning taint etc appreciated)

Re: mp2: really dumb q re getting values sent to a form

2003-06-11 Thread Carl Brewer
Stas Bekman wrote:

Carl Brewer wrote:

My appologies, I've tried to grok this from the doco,
but must have missed it somewhere while trying to
parse apache::request somehow?

You mean Apache::RequestRec. Apache::Request is a 3rd party module.

I've got a script, I want to grab submitted values to it
of the form :

And I want to be able to work out what "a" is within,
ie, within the script I want to set a to "4", or whatever it
gets called as.
I know this is trivially easy to do with,
but how do I do it without  (caveats
concerning taint etc appreciated)

print $r->args;

I found that just after I posted the email too .. *doh*

prints "a=4", you can also do:


Is that what you are after?
Yes.  Out of curiosity, why would setting the argument be of any
use?  It's come in from the URL supplied by the browser,
you'd change it for some filter maybe?
I've set PerlSwitches -T in httpd.conf, which I thought would
taint the value of $r->args, but I can merrily print it out
without any parsing, which seems wrong to me, any clues?
Also see the guts of Apache/ for how it provides the backcompat 
functionality of doing:

my %args = $r->args;
The doco says that's evil, or at least it is in an array context,
not a hash?
don't expect this to ever be part of the mp2 API, it's or 
Apache::Request that (will) do that job.

I'm also trying to get my head around retrieving data from a POST
form, which I don't think I can get with $r->args?  In the
absence of Apache::Request and what's the most appropriate
mp2-pure way to get form data submitted by a POST form?
Something using APR::Table ?

any examples? :)


Re: How practical is that Practical mod_perl?

2003-06-14 Thread Carl Brewer

Stas Bekman wrote:



I think it's a time to start a new thread on how to improve:
For starters, apache2/mp2 coverage.  As I understand it, and my logs
seem to indicate, mod_deflate compresses everything thrown at it,
dynamic or otherwise

mp2: right place to unescape HTML?

2003-06-17 Thread Carl Brewer
I'm using Stas's read_post() call from the test
directory in mp1.99-10-dev, and am using it
to grab POST data of the form of an email
address ..
this is giving me this :

read_post returned : username=carl%40somewhere&password=foo

Escaped the @ ... of course.

I'm curios, where's the best place to unescape it?
Should I do it in the read_post function, or afterwards?

mp2: Re: Can't call method "method" on an undefined value at Apache-Test/lib/Apache/

2003-06-17 Thread Carl Brewer
Brent, I think Stas was having a bit of a look at it, I
just ignored the error messages and installed it anyway :)

Brent Jensen wrote:

I'm getting the same error on the make test w/ Mod Perl.  Did you 
resolve this issue?  I'm using FreeBSD 5.1.  Is it really an issue or is 
it just a testing problem.

I get the same error you're getting:
Can't call method "method" on an undefined value at 
Apache-Test/lib/Apache/ line 411.



mp2: Session method not seeming to set extra records?

2003-06-17 Thread Carl Brewer
apache 2.0.46
Session-0.01 (by Olivier Poitrey)
I've got a subroutine as follows :

sub login {
# checks supplied username & passwd against users table in db
# if ok, creates a session & returns session_id & username
# otherwise, returns 0
my ($supplied_username, $supplied_passwd) = @_;
use DBI;
use Session;
my $user_id = 0;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:".$db_name.":".$db_server, 
$db_user, $db_pass,
{ RaiseError => 1}) or return -1;

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{SELECT * FROM passwd WHERE username = ? AND
passwd = PASSWORD(?) });
$sth->execute($supplied_username, $supplied_passwd);
my @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if (defined($ary[0])) {
$user_id = $ary[0];
my $rc = $sth->finish;
if ($user_id == 0) {# no match, return 0
return 0;
my %session_config = (
Store   => "MySQL",
Lock=> "MySQL",
Generate=> "MD5",
Serialize   => $serialize,
DataSource  => "DBI:mysql:host=$db_server;database=$db_name",
UserName=> $db_user,
Password=> $db_pass,
LockDataSource  => "dbi:mysql:".$db_name,
LockUserName=> $db_user,
LockPassword=> $db_pass
my $session = new Session(undef, %session_config);
$session->set('user_id' => $user_id);
my $session_id = $session->session_id();
my @keys = $session->keys();
logit($log, "keys stored : @keys");
return $session_id;
It checks login info ok, and all seems mostly well, *except* it
never seems to store the 'user_id' value.
the logfile that logit() writes to sees this on every invocation :
steel1: {14} tail -f log
keys stored : user_id
keys stored : user_id
keys stored : user_id
so $session->set() seems to be working at that point, but in the
database record I get this :
mysql> select * from sessions\G
*** 1. row ***
   id: a1c170b34f080053211471b4365006d8

(I'm serializing with Base64)

the base64 decoding of the a_session data shows :

mmencode -u

Which is the session_id, but no sign of the user_id record?

My understanding of the way that Apache::Session (and Session)
work is that when you add a variable, it stores it in the a_session
field, and when you untie (or in this case use $session->release(),
which is equivalent?) that the new value should get written to the
session record in the database and thus be available for future
Later calls from other scripts can't see user_id when I
call them as $session->get('user_id'), which is, I think,
consistant with them not showing up in the database?
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?  I'm using Session for syntatic
sugar reasons moreso than anything functional except the wrapping
of ugly exec()'s (ughhh), is the problem I'm seeing my
code/understanding or should I file a bug report with Olivier?


Re: mp2: right place to unescape HTML?

2003-06-18 Thread Carl Brewer

Stas Bekman wrote:
Carl Brewer wrote:

I'm using Stas's read_post() call from the test
directory in mp1.99-10-dev, and am using it
to grab POST data of the form of an email
address ..
this is giving me this :

read_post returned : username=carl%40somewhere&password=foo

Escaped the @ ... of course.

I'm curios, where's the best place to unescape it?
Should I do it in the read_post function, or afterwards?

Look at, you could easily prototype your code after it, as it's 
written in pure perl. Hint: look at the function param().
For the archives, if anyone's interested, I used CGI::Util::unescape()

My read_lines() subroutine is now (cribbed extensively from
Stas's test scripts) :
$post_params = read_post($r);

sub read_post {
use Apache::Filter ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use APR::Brigade ();
use constant IOBUFSIZE => 8192;
use Apache::Const -compile => qw(MODE_READBYTES);
use APR::Const-compile => qw(SUCCESS BLOCK_READ);
use CGI::Util;

my $r = shift;
my $debug = shift || 0;
my @data = ();
my $seen_eos = 0;
my $filters = $r->input_filters();
my $ba = $r->connection->bucket_alloc;
my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($r->pool, $ba);
do {
my $rv = $filters->get_brigade($bb,
if ($rv != APR::SUCCESS) {
return $rv;
while (!$bb->empty) {
my $buf;
my $b = $bb->first;

if ($b->is_eos) {
warn "EOS bucket:\n" if $debug;
my $status = $b->read($buf);
warn "DATA bucket: [$buf]\n" if $debug;
if ($status != APR::SUCCESS) {
return $status;
push @data, $buf;

} while (!$seen_eos);
my $string = join '', @data;
return CGI::Util::unescape($string);

Seems to work ok in lieu of Apache::Request being available.


Re: mp2: Session method not seeming to set extra records?

2003-06-18 Thread Carl Brewer

Carl Brewer wrote:

I'm an idiot :)

It's important that the user accessing a MySQL database
to do any work with Apache::Session::MySQL or Session
have update permission as well as insert, select and
delete on the sessions table.

mp2: some POST data is showing up as a hashref after I parse it

2003-06-25 Thread Carl Brewer
Apache 2.0.46
modperl (CVS snapshot from last night)
perl 5.8.0
NetBSD 1.6.1
I've got a form that I'm posting to an MP2 script, and am parsing the
output with the following subroutines :
sub hash_post {
# returns a hash of all the POST values
my ($r) = shift;

my $post_string = CB::read_post($r);
my %rethash = {};
my @bits = split(/&/, $post_string);
foreach my $bit (@bits) {
$bit =~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/;
my $key = CGI::Util::unescape($1);
my $value = CGI::Util::unescape($2);
$rethash{$key} = $value;
return %rethash;
CB::read_post() is :
sub read_post {
use Apache::Filter ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use APR::Brigade ();
use constant IOBUFSIZE => 8192;
use Apache::Const -compile => qw(MODE_READBYTES);
use APR::Const-compile => qw(SUCCESS BLOCK_READ);
use CGI::Util;

my $r = shift;
my $debug = shift || 0;
my @data = ();
my $seen_eos = 0;
my $filters = $r->input_filters();
my $ba = $r->connection->bucket_alloc;
my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($r->pool, $ba);
do {
my $rv = $filters->get_brigade($bb,
if ($rv != APR::SUCCESS) {
return $rv;
while (!$bb->empty) {
my $buf;
my $b = $bb->first;

if ($b->is_eos) {
warn "EOS bucket:\n" if $debug;
my $status = $b->read($buf);
warn "DATA bucket: [$buf]\n" if $debug;
if ($status != APR::SUCCESS) {
return $status;
push @data, $buf;
} while (!$seen_eos);
my $string = join '', @data;
return $string;
The observant will notice that read_post() is pretty-much
Stas's code from the mp test scripts, so I figure it's
got to be good code (Stas wrote it :) )
This all seems to work quite nicely for the simple form
I'm processing, like so :
my %posted_data = CB::hash_post($r);
foreach my $key (keys %posted_data) {
$vars->{form}->{$key} = $posted_data{$key};
The %vars gets thrown into template toolkit and
as far as I can see, it looks fine, so I _think_
I'm parsing the POST data correctly at this point.
I then want to throw the data at a database insert :
CB::submit_training_log($user_id, %posted_data);
sub submit_training_log {
my ($user_id,%values) = @_;
# use DBI;
#my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:".$db_name.":".$db_server, 
$db_user, $db_pass,
{ RaiseError => 1}) or return -1;

my $fields = "user_id";
my $values = "\'".$user_id."\'";
foreach my $key (keys %values) {
$fields .= ",$key";
$values .= ",\'".$values{$key}."\'";
my $insert = "INSERT into training_log ($fields) VALUES ($values)";
# $dbh->disconnect;
(yes, I need to do lots of safety/sanity/taint checks etc ... )

What I see in the INSERT log message is this :

INSERT into training_log 
'sleep','year') VALUES ('1','','','','','','The session was 
'','','','As per planned session','','','','1','1','2003')

There's a "HASH(0x8d7be98)" in there.  That's a problem!  Can anyone
see where it might be coming from?  All the form variables are
accounted for, so it seems to be coming from nowhere?  The onlyplace I 
can think of is the submit button?



mp2: architectural question re authentication handlers

2003-07-10 Thread Carl Brewer

Forgive me for asking yet another fundamentally basic question.

I'm cutting a web app over from PHP to mod_perl 2, and
am wondering how 'best' (for which there are many flavours ...)
to handle authentication.
At present I've knocked up a site that does auth via a
form and state tracking with  The form checks
usernames & passwords against a MySQL database, and the state is
maintained by Session.  This seems quite logical to me, coming from
essentially a CGI background, but the discussion of handlers
around here makes me believe there's a better way?
I see threads here discussing the use of handlers, which I
don't really understand how they fit into the picture,
they seem to my poor understanding to be a hardcoded
chunk in httpd.conf, for handling authentation/state.  Is
there anywhere a dumb beginers guide to how this
works?  Do they set environment variables or something
that a script can then look for that the script can be sure
is legit?  Or am I completely missing the point?  Do I
need to buy a book?  It seems really bad to go
hacking into httpd.conf, but maybe that's just my
old-school conservatism?
for now I'm continuing with my form based authentication,
but is there a 'better' way? And if so, what makes it better?

Re: mp2: architectural question re authentication handlers

2003-07-10 Thread Carl Brewer

Cees Hek wrote:


Thanks Cees, that's exactly what I needed :)  My stuff is all completely
generated by scripts where I need access control, but I certainly
see the use for controlling static entity access.

Re: cookies and POST in pure MP2?

2003-07-23 Thread Carl Brewer

Egor Korablev wrote:


How can I write and get cookies and get POST data (text) under MP2 handler
without using apache::compat?
You can either use libapreq, which is _almost_ there :)
or hack yuor own bits up cribbed from or the test
stuff in the mp2 test suite.  That's what I'm using at the
moment while assisting as best I can with the libapreq development.
If you look through the archives for this list you'll find lots
of useful bits & pieces.

mp2: multiple include paths accross virtual servers?

2003-07-24 Thread Carl Brewer

I'm running into something that may be a feature(!) of
my misunderstanding of how mp works.
I've got this defined in a  directive:

PerlRequire "/data/www/foo/secure/etc/"

For a number of different virtual servers.

Is it possible for mp2 (or mp in general) to keep state seperate
between virtual servers?  Ie: if I have a different
include path set in a couple of different scripts,
will the different virtual servers keep them seperate, or
can I only have the one across a particular httpd instance?
I'm fearing that I'll need seperate httpd's for each
seperate site?

Re: mp2: multiple include paths accross virtual servers?

2003-07-24 Thread Carl Brewer

Stas Bekman wrote:

You need to add:

  PerlOptions +Parent
PerlOption `Parent' requires an ithreads enabled Perl



Re: Trouble writing to a file from mod_perl

2003-07-31 Thread Carl Brewer

Rod Brick wrote:

I'm trying to write for a file from a mod_perl script.  I can write
successfully to a file located in /tmp, but I cannot write to
the dir containing the script, nor to the apache logs dir.  How can
this be accomplished?  Is there a setting in httpd.conf that I
need to specify?  Is it a file permissions problem?  I don't want to
make the script dir world read/writable.  Would the Apache::Log
interface allow me to write to my own file?  My code looks something
like the following:
open(LOG, ">>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/aws/perl/rod.log") || print
" Can't write to log file.";
print LOG "hello\n";
close LOG
change it to
open(LOG, ">>/usr/local/apache/htdocs/aws/perl/rod.log") || print
" Can't write to log file : $! ";
print LOG "hello\n";
close LOG
And at least it'll tell yuo why it can't write to the file :)
