Re: MooseX::OmniTrigger

2011-12-22 Thread Evan Carroll
 Can you elaborate on these bugs?

It's not a bug, but the default trigger and intializer behavior were
supremely awkward. In no case thus far have I found it to be what I
wanted. I wrote about this back in 08'. I don't think any non-core dev
that has the grid memorized.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: Infinity Interactive Is Hiring

2011-12-15 Thread Evan Carroll
 Infinity Interactive (the birthplace of Moose) is hiring! We have an exciting 
 and interesting Perl project happening and we need programmers who understand 
 not only Modern Perl (Moose, Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Bread::Board and more) 
 but also modern web development (REST web-services, client-side MVC, YUI, 
 HTML 5, etc) and NoSQL database technologies (MongoDB specifically, but 
 document oriented DBs in general, accompanied by interesting stuff like 

Excellent, where do I send my application? I have experience with all
that stuff except Bread::Board.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

MooseX::Types coercions and $self

2010-12-17 Thread Evan Carroll
Copied from

The below is not as well formatted:

Is there anyway to get $self into a MooseX::Types coercion? I have
other data in the object that I want to use to seed my coercion from a
String to an Object. Alternatively, is there anything like
Class::MOP's initializer that will permit me to do this -- it would
have to fire before the type checks.

Requested pseudo code:

with 'DBHandle';
has 'database' = ( isa = 'Str', is = 'ro', default = 'Db' );
has 'schema' = ( isa = 'Str', is = 'ro', default = 'schema' );
has 'table' = ( isa = 'Str', is = 'ro', default = 'column );

has 'columns' = ( isa = DBCols, is = 'ro', default = sub {[qw/foo
bar baz/]} );
Here, I want columns to coerce to a DBCols -- an ArrayRef of DBCol's
(objects) -- requiring the use of catalog, schema, and col attributes
found in the class, and with a dbh/singleton provided by DBHandle.

To make this less-pseudo, the actually situation is only slightly more
complex. I was able to accomplish the above with around, now what I
want I to do is create an attribute trait that would permit this

has 'column_id' = (
  isa = Int
  , is = 'ro'
  , traits = ['DBKey']
  , default = 5
  , column = 'foo'
Where the attribute trait column provided by DBKey, coerces to DBCol
the same way that the above columns would: this would require the
ability to access the classes database, schema, table, and again the
singleton for the dbh.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Role composition and BUILD {}

2010-11-16 Thread Evan Carroll
Because a role doesn't have a BUILD people often write `around 'BUILD'
= sub {}`. If this is to continue, should BUILD be special cased such
that a role wrapping it can still fire code if it isn't present in the
composing class? Should the role install BUILD if it isn't present,
like an `override_or_after 'BUILD' = sub {}`?

I've just got an Attribute Trait which I want to set from within in a
role, I do that currently by wrapping BUILD.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets - Dealermade
ph: 888.403.9143

Re: Role composition and BUILD {}

2010-11-16 Thread Evan Carroll
 11:14 @mst sub BUILD {} after BUILD = sub {


sub BUILD {'amusing hack'}; after 'BUILD' = sub {}

it is.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets - Dealermade
ph: 888.403.9143

Why is native attribute traits defaults depr

2010-10-26 Thread Evan Carroll
Why is native attribute trait defaults deprecated? Is there is a
technical reason for this? So now we have to explicitly provide a u

Allowing a native trait to automatically supply a default is
deprecated. You can avoid this warning by supply a default, builder,
or making the attribute required at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/DM/Model/ line 26

Line 26 doesn't even have a default (line 26 starts my stock declaration)

has 'stock' = (
  is = 'rw'
  , isa = StockNo | Undef
  , coerce = 1
  , traits = ['String']
  , handles = { 'include_in_exports' = 'append' }

The next line after it does my image declaration, it has a default but
no native trait.

has 'images' = ( is = 'rw', isa = 'ArrayRef[URI]', default = sub {
[] }, auto_deref = 1 );

What's going on? Moose version 1.17

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: Why is native attribute traits defaults depr

2010-10-26 Thread Evan Carroll
 That's what the warning is about. You don't provide a default so the String
 native delegation trait provides a default for you (an empty string).

This is actually a really good replace. It makes total sense and it
was my inability to read and otherwise perfectly clear error that
caused my confusion.

 Overall, it was too much magic for no particular gain.

Good decision, and easy fix.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Why is initializer going away?

2010-10-25 Thread Evan Carroll
I personally use initializer a lot in my Moose code, yet I hear a lot
of people saying negative things about it? What's wrong initializer
and is it going away? I often find its hook-choice more useful than

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: [TEST CASE] Constructor provided arguments and strict-default fire ordering is confusing or buggy.

2010-10-25 Thread Evan Carroll
 This is not a bug. Attribute initialization order is explicitly
 undefined (the documentation mentions this in several places). If you
 need a defined initialization order, you should make the appropriate
 attributes lazy.

That's not how I read that statement. When you say attribute
initialization order is undefined I read that literally. Example,

has foo = ( isa = Int, is = ro, default = 1 );
has bar = ( isa = Int, is = ro, default = 2 );

Is undefined such that foo, and bar will be set in an undefined
order. Not, that the constructor provided arguments and
strict-defaults are undefined. I don't even read initialization as
being an apt choice of words for setting foo, via

Class-new({ foo = bar })

I'm not sure if this misunderstanding is unique to myself or not, but
I didn't take your statement (or the docs) to be at odds with my own
mental model of Moose behavior.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: [TEST CASE] Constructor provided arguments and strict-default fire ordering is confusing or buggy.

2010-10-25 Thread Evan Carroll
 Also, I have no idea what your parenthetical means.

Parenthetical indicate that I know default fires before the
initializer for the attribute, but that not all defaults for all
attributes will fire before any of the initializers. Currently, an
Attribute process not a class process.

 Awkward and counter-intuitive is very subjective and therefore not a
 compelling reason to change things; for example, people regularly seem to 
 that it is awkward and counter-intuitive not to override new() when coming 
 vanilla Perl 5 OO.

 In this particular case, the way Moose does things means that code related to 
 given attribute (default, etc.) only sees that particular attribute in a
 half-built state -- that is, each other attribute is either completely
 initialized or not at all.  This means there's much less opportunity for your
 object to be exposed in an inconsistent state.

I don't see the logic in the term inconsistent. I've showed the flow
defined in a sequential list in my original post, maybe you can
clarify why you feel such a flow is inconsistent. I'll go ahead and
show you what I wanted to do with this. I have a Class, it should
accept either a company_id, or a hash of attributes if you provide
a company_id the attribute hash is lazy when it is needed. If you
provide a hash of company attributes, then the value is immediately
entered into the DB, and the company_id gets set appropriately:

has 'attr' = (
  isa   = 'HashRef'
  , is  = 'ro'
  , lazy= 1
  , predicate = '_has_attr'
  , default = sub {
my $self = shift;
die No company id unless $self-_has_company;
# Get from db.

has 'company' = (
  isa  = 'Int'
  , is = 'ro'
  , predicate = '_has_company'
  , default = sub {
my $self = shift;
die 'No attributes or company id' unless $self-_has_attr;
# Insert into DB

Anyway, it just seems very naturally that this should work. You're
explicitly providing non-defaults for some attributes, but they're
order is undefined until other attribute's get their defaults -- it
seems like the current method provides no gain whatsoever.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: Overhead of using MooseX::Declare

2010-10-20 Thread Evan Carroll
 Files=11, Tests=31, 44 wallclock secs ( 0.22 usr  0.05 sys + 39.28 cusr  1.48
 csys = 41.03 CPU)
 Result: PASS

You're using /usr/bin/time, that makes this the most useless benchmark
in the history of mailing lists everywhere. You're not even testing
one thing, you're testing eleven (t/001*-t/0010* + t/99*) that
presumably all have `use Moose`. You're unrevealing statement is akin
to this, MooseX::Declare has high startup costs. And, that's why the
trend wagon still makes frequent stops at, and the 3 year old
idle project MooseX::Compile still gets talked about as an upcoming

 (28-2) / 11.0

Seriously, MooseX::Declare adding less than 2.36 seconds to start up
on an old machine.. That's the post..

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: Overhead of using MooseX::Declare

2010-10-19 Thread Evan Carroll
I'm sorry, where is the benchmark? Does it use the type system?
Coercions? Method signatures? I didn't see it in the attached links
and I feel without it this is a rather bad post... Does your use of
the term run include startup costs? Or, is this a runtime benchmark?

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Frost version 0.70

2010-10-18 Thread Evan Carroll
 Frost version 0.70 is out.

q[Modules with descriptions written in prose]--
q[Modules with packages names in prose]--

Seriously, CPAN is not dungeons and dragons. Quit it. reads
like a butchered revision of Finnegans Wake.

* Data::Dumper provides configuration that doesn't involving borking
other uses of Data::Dumper, it forces you into the OO paradigm: use
* Don't use prototypes, unless you need prototypes. And, if you're
going to use prototypes in the code, then use the benefits in the
docs: ie, not true() but true. And, don't do that. In perl 1 is
true, just deal with it.

And to second Dave's point: announcing a Moose based module on the
lists is slightly annoying. Publishing that public support for your
module is provided on the lists is erring on the obnoxious bank of
River Obnoxious.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: deprecating (part of) lazy_build

2010-09-30 Thread Evan Carroll
 1) reuse 'builder', i.e. 'builder = 1' is special cased to be the same as
 'builder = _build_$attr'

 Someone said what about subs named '1'? but I think we're probably all OK
 with ignoring anyone crazy enough to do that.

I made this suggestion, *years* ago (even providing a patch for it
iirc). Stevan rejected it because he was uncomfortable with the
attribute taking both String, and Bool. It was always his position
to have

has($_, isa = Str, is = ro, predicate=has_$_) for qw/ foo bar baz/;

And the like. Again, I think this is a great idea, but it will never
happen. I could even see it going one step further and to make a
special token for this.

use MooseX::Autoname qw(generate_by_name);

has foo = (
   isa = Str
   , is = rw
   , predicate = generate_by_name
   , builder = generate_by_name

Or, something.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Ping about Traits and List::Util stuff on Array

2010-09-30 Thread Evan Carroll
I have two questions:

* Should the Array trait using List::Util permit regexes? i.e.

perl -MList::Util -wE'use List::Util qw/first/; say first {/foo/}
qw/bar foo bazko bazfoo/'

package Class;
use Moose;
has foo = ( isa = ArrayRef, is = rw, traits = ['Array'],
handles = { first_foo = foo } )

Class-new(foo=[qw/foo bar baz quz/])-first_foo(qr/foo/);

* Regarding the new 1.15 in git, why does the new
Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor::Native::*, stuff use string eval? What
was wrong with the old approach.

Native Trait delegations are now all generated as inline code. This should
be much faster than the previous method of delegation. In the best case,
native trait methods will be very highly optimized.

How is string eval generation better? I mean is the end goal just to
shave a function-call at the expense of turning Moose into
perl-pre-processor written in perl? Wouldn't this code be better in
List::Util? Why should Moose have the sanitation features here? I'd be
more interested in reading more about this optimization. I've never
seen any code on CPAN do it.

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: Roles on the CPAN

2010-07-27 Thread Evan Carroll
 with ::Role:: being in the middle of the name, rather than at the
 beginning or at the end.

Again, I'm not sure this answers anything at all. Would it make more
sense to put ::Moose:: in the package name of classes that used Moose
internally? If no, why? What is your opinion if someone creates a
WiX3::XML::Tag that is non-Role Moose class. I'm just not sure why
people want this. If people want to shop for roles that they can use
to enhance their Moose classes, why not just add the functionality
into search.cpan, or Meta.yml. ... What if the Role is some how
fundamentally more often useful as a Trait? Should it be published as

it just seems like we're using package names to store random crap
about the module that has nothing to do with the *name* of the module
and is much better inferred and indexed on the content of the module.
Being a Trait has very little to do with the *function* of the module.
A Trait isn't all that far from any other module that uses SubExporter
for method-install. Should we give those a separate namespace?

Evan Carroll -
System Lord of the Internets
ph: 281.901.0011

Re: Defining attributes

2010-06-22 Thread Evan Carroll
 but the following one doesn't:
 has $_ = (is = 'rw', isa = 'Str') for 'a' .. 'zzz';

Something about this I find especially amusing, but to drive the point
home with today's poorly worded Double Jeopardy question? What does
the following do?

package Class;
use Moose;
package main;
Class-new-has( 'foo', {isa='Str', is = 'rw'} );

And the forbidden Triple Jeopardy question? What ways can you have
prevented this with a much more simplistic failure?

/* spoiler below */

package Class;
use Moose;
# stuff;
no Moose;

package Class;
use Moose;
use namespace::clean; # cleans up all things before it
# stuff;

package Class;
use namespace::autoclean; # cleans up all things
use Moose;
# stuff;

Moose pollutes your namespace with keywords (functions), which perl
can't differentiate from real object methods (functions blessed into
the package (class)). It is just part of the object model. I only
posted this diatribe because I doubt you're using
namespace::autoclean, namespace::clean, or `no Moose`ing it, and you
really should be.

Another aside, Moose provides a `meta` that does keep track of
installed attributes, which does help you differentiate between random
crap in the package and true accessors - it even provides an API for
you to get to them, without explicitly calling them by name. This
should open up the ability for you to create attributes named after
Moose keywords that are totally inaccessible to code that doesn't
explicitly use meta.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Defining attributes

2010-06-22 Thread Evan Carroll
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Karen Etheridge wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:48:21AM -0500, Evan Carroll wrote:
 And the forbidden Triple Jeopardy question? What ways can you have
 prevented this with a much more simplistic failure?

 I believe it has already been said that there will be a clearer error
 message added for when one attempts to use a Moose keyword.

I think you misunderstood - or, I did - I think doy meant there will
be a better warning for when one attempts to clobber the exported
keyword with a generated attribute. Not, when one uses them.

P.S., There can only be one System Lord of the Internets, but we can
war over it I suppose.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Coercions

2010-06-18 Thread Evan Carroll
 I'm trying to create a Date type, and one of the coercions I wanted
 was from a DateTime object. I can't get it to work.

I believe your problem is UTC vs floating. -from_epoch asserts the
time_zone is UTC unless provided. All other calls to new are
implicitly floating time_zones.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Coercions

2010-06-18 Thread Evan Carroll
I see those tests are a waste. The deal is this then:

subtype MyDate, as Object;

What you need to do is subclass DateTime, and make subtype MyDate
require that type, then coerce from type DateTime.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: feedback on MooseX::Worm

2010-02-17 Thread Evan Carroll
 It seems pretty reasonable to me, but if I'm doing something totally wrong, 
 love to find out now rather than later.

I think removing behaviors is slightly more criminal in general than
adding them: wouldn't this be better done if the trait installed the
writer sub on a read-only attribute? Should an API expose a worm
attribute as a rw attribute? Or, should it be exposed as a ro

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: xor attributes

2009-11-26 Thread Evan Carroll
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Ovid wrote:
 I have two attributes, 'xml' and 'xml_file' for an object.  One or the other 
 must be supplied, but not both.

 Must I validated this in BUILD or is there another way of doing this?

Well, I would use a trigger and predicate. Triggers are fired AFTER
the attribute is set in the constructor or with an explicit call to
the setter. I don't like to have BUILD unless I need it, and this will
check runtime sets too.

So you have something like

has 'foo' = (
isa = 'Int'
, is = 'rw'
, predicate = 'has_foo'
, trigger = \consistancy

has 'bar' = (
isa = 'Int'
, is = 'rw'
, predicate = 'has_bar'
, trigger = \consistancy

sub consistancy {
my $self = shift;

throw_error('OVID SAYS NO NO')
if $self-has_foo  $self-has_bar


Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Time for a rewrite

2009-11-10 Thread Evan Carroll
I've always liked the interaction between lazy and clear, clear resets
the slot. That makes sense. The rest of it is all great.

Trigger and Initializer were so confusing for me personally that I had
to write specific notes about them.

Also, for when lazy is not enough, sometimes I want control over the
initialization order within the same module.

I was playing around with role yesterday and iirc correctly I found
something surprising, I couldn't do. I thought that `with` specified
the order so a role could define an attribute in a role, that a class
could override with '+', that didn't work. (If I recall correctly).
Roles also have open bugs that breaks the interface part, (requires()
isn't working in the newest moose at all, forcing you to remove the
pragma because it always throws an exception on moose-attributes).

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Was the attribute set in the constructor?

2009-11-03 Thread Evan Carroll
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Ovid wrote:
 When parsing documents, if my code finds more than one title in a document, 
 it's an error because we don't know which title is needed.  The user should 
 be able to override this in the constructor and provide their own title (this 
 is actually true for several attributes):

So the mechanism you're looking for is (1) if the title is not set in
the constructor and (2) if it has already been set in runtime then (3)
die. This can be accomplished easy enough, with around and a
predicate, and it will ensure consistency throughout the program and
anything that subclasses it.

has 'attribute' = ( isa = 'Str', is = 'ro', predicate = 'has_attribute' );

around 'attribute' = sub {
my ($next, $this, $key) = @_;
$self-has_attribute ? die 'exception' : $this-$next($key);

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Was the attribute set in the constructor?

2009-11-03 Thread Evan Carroll
 This might be preferable to my suggestion if your object's methods are being
 called mid-parse, rather than building up a data structure first and setting
 attributes based on it after parsing is done.  Even then, I think I'd rather
 have a separate method than modify the accessor.

Yea that was me being a dumb ass.

has 'attribute' = ( isa = 'Str', is = 'rw', predicate = 'has_attribute' );

around 'attribute' = sub {
  my ($next, $this, $key) = @_;
  if ( $key ) {
$self-has_attribute ? die 'exception' : $this-$next($key);
  else {


Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

doc bug

2009-11-03 Thread Evan Carroll
In the docs I see this for Moose::Meta::Attribute


  eval { $point-meta-get_attribute('x')-set_value($point, 'forty-two') };
  if($@) {
print Oops: $...@\n;

Attribute (x) does not pass the type constraint (Int) with 'forty-two'

Before setting the value, a check is made on the type constraint
of the attribute, if it has one, to see if the value passes it. If the
value fails to pass, the set operation dies with a throw_error.

Any coercion to convert values is done before checking the type constraint.

To check a value against a type constraint before setting it,
fetch the attribute instance using find_attribute_by_name in
Class::MOP::Class, fetch the type_constraint from the attribute using
type_constraint in Moose::Meta::Attribute and call check in
Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint. See Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe4 for
an example.

## END

But, yet get_value doesn't seem to be working.

perl -Moose -e'has q[format_feed]= ( isa = Str, is = ro );
print Class-new-meta-get_attribute(q[format_feed])-get_value()'

You must pass a package name and it cannot be blessed at
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/Class/MOP/ line 37
Class::MOP::Class::initialize('Class::MOP::Class', '') called at
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/Class/MOP/ line 322

undef) called at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/Class/MOP/
line 309

undef) called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Moose/Meta/
line 562

called at -e line 3

I guess it is using Class::MOP::Attribute's get_value which requires a
class name. This is odd, I just want to read from the sucker, in the
source of Mooose::Meta::Attribute I see this return
$self-SUPER::get_value($instance) which seems to imply the instance
is being set, but it isn't working. Any ideas?

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Ease of tracking down bugs.

2009-10-29 Thread Evan Carroll
 I was getting a constraint violation that appeared to come out of nowhere.
  It wasn't anywhere that was attempting to set the attribute or call a
 I couldn't tell where the error was coming from because the Moose error 
system doesn't include the complete stack.

That kind of sounds crazy.

 By making throw_error() confess() I was able to get the complete stack and 
tell that what was going wrong was that the attribute's value builder was 
returning undef.

throw_error currently confesses, check

use Carp 'confess';
sub throw_error {
# FIXME This
goto \confess

Furthermore, all sane people rely on Devel::SimpleTrace which makes
any warning or die dump the stack. I believe some of the mop and moose
set the stack level for Carp internally, and there might a problem
with that. I still interested in your problem: your example doesn't
demonstrate anything.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Ease of tracking down bugs.

2009-10-29 Thread Evan Carroll
 Have to agree with Evan here, without a reproduce-able example we can't turn
 it into a test and possibly fix it :)

The always agreeable Evan.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets

Re: Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait vs MooseX::AttributeHelpers

2009-10-27 Thread Evan Carroll
It is hard to have these discussions being banned from IRC, but maybe
- beyond a notice in MX:AH deprecation - some functionality notifying
the user of an API change is required? Like something in MX:AH that
when used with a Moose  .90 the attribute traits would output a nice
warning message.

Warning the functionality of MooseX::AttributeHelpers has been moved
to core, please reference Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native for the new

I've often thought that warnings were better explicit and overly
verbose in libraries and disabled via -X by the end user, but maybe an
env DEVELOPMENT flag would be just as useful. There are at least a few
examples of where as a developer I was stung with stuff that was
currently supported but deprecated, supported but retarded, or
implemented but unsupported.

Evan Carroll
System Lord of the Internets