Re: no 'message-hook'?

2002-02-25 Thread Erik van der Meulen

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 07:40:28 +, Benjamin Smith wrote:

> Yes, this appeared sometime around 1.3.2x, although it is certainly
> worth upgrading as the 1.3 versions seem quite stable and have many new
> features (plus improved IMAP) over 1.2.

Thanks for your suggestion. I would however rather wait for the package
to arrive for my Debian Woody distribution and upgrade than. I am quite
happy with mutt as I have it (the IMAP improvements do make it

> > Is there some alternative I can use?  

> One option is just to unignore the X-Spam headers for every message.

I will do that, for the time being.

Thanks again.

  Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: no 'message-hook'?

2002-02-25 Thread Will Yardley

Erik van der Meulen wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestion. I would however rather wait for the package
> to arrive for my Debian Woody distribution and upgrade than. I am quite
> happy with mutt as I have it (the IMAP improvements do make it
> attractive)

the current version of mutt in woody is 1.3.27.

ladd% dpkg -l | grep mutt
ii  mutt   1.3.27-2   Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, 
ladd% cat /etc/debian_version 

perhaps you're running potato?
in either event, i doubt it would be hard to build the unstable package
on a potato machine, and it's very simple to build mutt from source on
potato as well.

William Yardley
GnuPG public key:

Re: no 'message-hook'?

2002-02-25 Thread Erik van der Meulen

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 00:31:33 -0800, Will Yardley wrote:

> the current version of mutt in woody is 1.3.27.

> ladd% dpkg -l | grep mutt
> ii  mutt   1.3.27-2   Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, 
> ladd% cat /etc/debian_version 
> 3.0

> perhaps you're running potato?

Ah - thanks! I needed to change the 'non-us' entry in the apt-sources
file of course!

Best regards.

  Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: colour, long URLs, and wrapping?

2002-02-25 Thread David T-G

Martin --

...and then Martin Karlsson said...
% Hi all.


% Question 1:
% My editor is vim, and I wrap lines at 68.

Good for you :-)

% When confronted with a 'longer-than-68' URL, my colourization-regexp
% won't cath the second-line part of the URL, e.g.
% ml

That's because this has been broken into two lines; see how it looks
above now that it's been scooted over for quoting.

% What do I need in my regexp to make this work? Right now I have:
% "(http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ ]*"
% Additional improvements is also welcome :-)

Nothing, really, aside from not inserting a line break anywhere.  You
should find this

to be colored completely and correctly, no?

% Question 2:
% The above URL is actually 83 chars, and wrapped at 81. I suppose I'm
% missing something, since (I believe) I'm wrapping at 68?
% set editor="vim \
% -c 'set tw=68 et'"

I dunno why it should wrap at 81 unless you manually inserted a line feed.
vim will only break at white spaces and won't force a break in the line,
which is why that line went on past 68 chars (try typing a long URL with
embedded spaces for fun -- ugh!).  Can you provide further details?

% -- 
% Martin Karlsson   | I welcome mail encrypted with PGP/GPG!
%  keyid & fingerprint in headers
%  visit for more info

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: mailboxes list

2002-02-25 Thread David T-G

Kyle, et al --

...and then Kyle Rawlins said...
% I want to have two different sets of mailboxes (one for each mailing list) and

As we've seen, there's no official way.  I am interested in Nicolas's
patch, though.

Since you've already stated that you consider your mailboxes in two
different sets, what about just separating them into two different
directories or with two different prefixes?  You could then specify an
initial pattern and see only the pertinent half.

For instance, I (for historical reasons :-) dump all of my incoming mail
into =F.* and could simply change some names to* and*
and go from there.  Since the folders are all under $HOME/Mail, however,
I could also create $HOME/Mail/ and $HOME/Mail/ and have
procmail write to folders in there -- or not even bother to change my
filtering config but instead simply

  cd $HOME/Mail
  mv F.music1
  ln -s

and let procmail hit the symlink.  [In fact, this is what I have done for
some work-related folders that go under*, as outlined some time
ago on the list, and even for my KotLBJL and other alternate-identity
mail.  To wit:

  [zero] [7:05am] ~/Mail>  ls -lFd F* | grep -- '->.*/' | cut -c47- ->
  F.bulbs -> ../Hosting/
  F.mgm -> /home/mgm/Hosting/

There was quite a thread on mail folder organization a while back; that
might provide some interesting ideas.


David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: eudora-style detachment (was "Re: Deleted attachment")

2002-02-25 Thread David T-G

Tom, et al --

...and then Thomas Baker said...
% If you will excuse the somewhat related "newbie" question, can Mutt be

Hrmmm...  "[S]omewhat" related, indeed.  You've *almost* changed topics
without starting a new thread ;-)

% configured automatically to collect incoming attachments as files in a
% designated directory?  Eudora does this, and knows how to append
% numbers if multiple attachments of the same name come in.  For certain
% types of work, this feature can be very convenient, sparing one the
% trouble of "saving" each attachment individually.

I don't know how to make mutt do that, but that's immaterial; this can
easily be handled by your incoming mail filter (such as procmail), with
the location of the detached files either in the message (mangling --
ugh) or in the headers (much better).  Give the man pages for procmail
and formail a whirl (or wait for the inevitable deluge of messages touting
anything other the procmail and take your pick of the suggestions).

% Tom


David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: eudora-style detachment (was "Re: Deleted attachment")

2002-02-25 Thread Thomas Baker

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, David T-G wrote:
> % configured automatically to collect incoming attachments as files in a
> % designated directory?  Eudora does this, and knows how to append
> % numbers if multiple attachments of the same name come in.  For certain
> % types of work, this feature can be very convenient, sparing one the
> % trouble of "saving" each attachment individually.
> I don't know how to make mutt do that, but that's immaterial; this can
> easily be handled by your incoming mail filter (such as procmail), with
> the location of the detached files either in the message (mangling --
> ugh) or in the headers (much better).  Give the man pages for procmail
> and formail a whirl (or wait for the inevitable deluge of messages touting
> anything other the procmail and take your pick of the suggestions).

Ah, I believe this assumes I am using Mutt under Linux/Unix, as I am
not aware of any Windows binaries for Procmail.  No matter -- after
struggling to get a decent set-up of Mutt with Cygwin, I have decided
to go ahead and run Linux on VMWare (on WIN2000).  I am assured this
should work fine.  And I'd get not just Procmail, but also Pcal, Mpage,
and Urlview.

Thank you for the suggestion,

Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven  +49-2241-14-2352
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619

Re: eudora-style detachment (was "Re: Deleted attachment")

2002-02-25 Thread David T-G

Tom, et al --

...and then Thomas Baker said...
% On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, David T-G wrote:
% > % configured automatically to collect incoming attachments as files in a
% > 
% > I don't know how to make mutt do that, but that's immaterial; this can
% > easily be handled by your incoming mail filter (such as procmail), with
% Ah, I believe this assumes I am using Mutt under Linux/Unix, as I am

Er, yes, indeed it does.

% not aware of any Windows binaries for Procmail.  No matter -- after
% struggling to get a decent set-up of Mutt with Cygwin, I have decided

I suppose you could, if you got that far, then compile procmail as well.

% to go ahead and run Linux on VMWare (on WIN2000).  I am assured this

This sounds pretty slick; I hadn't kept up with vmware enough to know
that it will [perhaps only now] run Linux under Windows as I've now seen
mentioned twice.  That could be interesting in a work environment where
one just plain isn't going to get a Linux machine...

% should work fine.  And I'd get not just Procmail, but also Pcal, Mpage,
% and Urlview.

A whole world of good programs, eh? :-)

% Thank you for the suggestion,


% Tom


David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread Thomas Baker

This may be outside the scope of "mutt" per se, but can anyone
recommend a good "pretty print filter" for mboxes?  I used to use "mp"
under Solaris until a system upgrade somehow broke it, and I do not
know of equivalents elsewhere.

mp would send an mbox to the printer with pruned headers and a formfeed
between each message -- optionally, two pages on one, so printing
double-sided I could print out four pages on one sheet of paper.
Ideally, such a program could detect and skip binary attachments,
but I should think it would need to be pretty sophisticated to do so


Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven  +49-2241-14-2352
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619

Re:Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread Marco Fioretti


1) Check if muttprint works under solaris too:

2) Personally I don't use it because I have relatively old computers,
   and installing a mammoth like latex just to pretty print some
   messages doesn't look smart in that situation. YMMV.

3) Don;t you have enscript on your solaris box? It might work.

On the same note, may I ask you your mp commands?

Marco Fioretti


> This may be outside the scope of "mutt" per se, but can anyone
> recommend a good "pretty print filter" for mboxes?  I used to use "mp"
> under Solaris until a system upgrade somehow broke it, and I do not
> know of equivalents elsewhere.
> mp would send an mbox to the printer with pruned headers and a formfeed
> between each message -- optionally, two pages on one, so printing
> double-sided I could print out four pages on one sheet of paper.
> Ideally, such a program could detect and skip binary attachments,
> but I should think it would need to be pretty sophisticated to do so
> reliably.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> ___
> Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
> Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven  +49-2241-14-2352
> 53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619

sourcing config options

2002-02-25 Thread Erik van der Meulen

Dear List - I have just upgraded mutt to 1.3.27 (from 1.2.5) and thought
that this would be a good time to 'clean-up' my configuration files. For
that I have used the nice examples found on:

This uses a small .muttrc which sources external files in the .mutt
directory. One thing that I cannot seem to get to work is this:

In my old .muttrc I had an entry:

  mailboxes `echo $HOME/mail/*.incoming`

which made sure that all my mailbox folders that procmail fills
(*.incoming) are checked for new mail. If I move this line to
~/.mutt/mailboxes which is sourced into the .muttrc, this no longer
Is there some alternative, or do I just have to write out each and every

Thanks for any suggestions!

  Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: sourcing config options

2002-02-25 Thread David T-G

Erik --

...and then Erik van der Meulen said...
% -- 

Did you mean to put sigdashes up here and potentially throw away your
entire message? :-)

% Dear List - I have just upgraded mutt to 1.3.27 (from 1.2.5) and thought

Yay for you!

% that this would be a good time to 'clean-up' my configuration files. For
% that I have used the nice examples found on:

Good idea.

% This uses a small .muttrc which sources external files in the .mutt
% directory. One thing that I cannot seem to get to work is this:
% In my old .muttrc I had an entry:
%   mailboxes `echo $HOME/mail/*.incoming`

Sounds good enough.

% which made sure that all my mailbox folders that procmail fills
% (*.incoming) are checked for new mail. If I move this line to
% ~/.mutt/mailboxes which is sourced into the .muttrc, this no longer
% works. 
% Is there some alternative, or do I just have to write out each and every
% mailbox?

You really shouldn't have to, and it really ought to work.  That's the
interesting part.

Why and how does it no longer work?  Do you get any error messages?
Does it work if you source the include file manually from within mutt?
Does it work under 1.3.27 if you move it back into your main muttrc file?
Are you sure there are no typos involved?  Have you changed the source
order around to try sourcing this sub-file first (if it isn't already)?
Have you tried an empty main muttrc that simply sources another muttrc
with only that command to eliminate any conflicts you might have written
in the rest of your config?  Finally, have you tried any or all of this
while running mutt in debug mode to get lots of detail?

% Thanks for any suggestions!


% --
%   Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Message-ID lost with decode-save

2002-02-25 Thread Emil

Threads are lost because the decode-save function strips
the Message-ID from the header.

Is there a way around this ?

In the amount of time it took you to read this .sig
Voyager I has traveled approximately 130 KM

Re: eudora-style detachment (was "Re: Deleted attachment")

2002-02-25 Thread Cedric Duval

Thomas Baker wrote:
> Ah, I believe this assumes I am using Mutt under Linux/Unix, as I am
> not aware of any Windows binaries for Procmail.

I haven't tried myself, but you might give a look at Ulf Erikson's
website ( especially the tools


Re: SMTP Authorization

2002-02-25 Thread Louis-David Mitterrand

On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 08:36:49PM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
> On 23/02/02 Jerry Van Brimmer did speaketh:
> > Well, I thought Mutt was a terminal based email client that could as
> > much or more than other email clients. So, I was hoping that I could
> > just download all messages into my mailbox and the headers would be
> > displayed in the index, sort of just like all others, i.e. Sylpheed.
> > I thought Mutt was a downloader/reader all in one? Am I wrong?
> Mutt follows the Unix philosophy of doing one thing, and doing it well. My
> current setup is Mutt for reading/composing email, fetchmail to download,
> procmail to sort, exim to send. In this way, I can swap any component that I
> like and I don't lose my other specialists. Far superior to a monolithic
> application that tries to do it all, and does it badly.

This small-specialized-tools-are-better-than-monolithic-apps argument
keeps coming back like a mantra. It's so tired now as to seem almost
pre-recorded. (Where do you guys get that propaganda anyway?)

The keyword with mutt is integration: imap and pop are integrated with
mutt becauses it makes sense to _browse_ remote imap or pop folders (yes
mutt can do that with pop) and save stuff to remote imap folders (try that
with fetchmail). Real unix purists use uucp to download mail anyway,
not fetchmail. 

PHEDRE: Non, je ne puis souffrir un bonheur qui m'outrage,
OEnone. Prends pitié de ma jalouse rage.
  (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 4, scène 6)

Re: eudora-style detachment (was "Re: Deleted attachment")

2002-02-25 Thread Thomas Baker

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Cedric Duval wrote:
> Thomas Baker wrote:
> > Ah, I believe this assumes I am using Mutt under Linux/Unix, as I am
> > not aware of any Windows binaries for Procmail.
> I haven't tried myself, but you might give a look at Ulf Erikson's
> website ( especially the tools
> page.

There seem to be two basic approaches to porting such programs to
Win32: porting them as "native Win32" (using msvcrt.dll) and porting
them for use over an emulation layer, such as Cygwin or David Korn's 
equivalent.  Ulf's port is in the "native" tradition, but he seems to 
say on his page that the Cygwin napproach is more comprehensive.

I have already tried out the Cygwin approach and have the impression
that it could be made to work quite well, but it does require (as the
Unixmail Readme.txt explicitly warns) considerable tweaking, and I am
not a programmer.

For now, then, I have been persuaded that the path of least resistance
will be to install VMWare for Windows, then install Linux within
VMWare, as the Linux distributions already include most of the things
one would have to scratch together from Web sites here and there for an
equivalent setup under Cygwin or native Win32.

I would be grateful for any warnings to the contrary.


Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft   mobile +49-171-408-5784
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619

Re: no 'message-hook'?

2002-02-25 Thread Justin R. Miller

Hash: SHA1

Said Erik van der Meulen on Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 06:49:13AM +0100:

> I have found in some Spamassassin document the tip to include:
>   message-hook "~h X-Spam-Status:.*tests=.+" "unignore X-Spam"
> in .muttrc, in order to show this particular spam-header.
> Unfortunately, my mutt version (1.2.5i) does not really like this. 

I'll update that doc soon to mention that the hook is only available in
more recent versions of Mutt. 

- -- 
[!] Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP 0xC9C40C31 -=-

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Maildir problem

2002-02-25 Thread Benjamin Michotte


if I use mbox format, when I press c then ? I've got all my box listed 
and those with new mail on top. Now, since I use Maildir format, they 
are listed by order of creation of the directory. So 'inbox' ie is at 
the end of the list, even if I've got new mails on it.

How can reorder this ? I can't find any variable in the manual.


ps: sorry for my bad english


Le but du mathématicien est de comprendre le sens de ce qu'il dit.
  -- Unknown

°v°  Benjamin Michotte<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
_o_  web  :

pre-send actions

2002-02-25 Thread Sweth Chandramouli

Are there any hooks in mutt for taking actions immediately
before sending a message (e.g. caching recipient lists for later use),
or should I just create a wrapper for sendmail?

-- Sweth.

Sweth Chandramouli ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
President, Idiopathic Systems Consulting

Re: Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread Robert Berkowitz

Thomas Baker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> This may be outside the scope of "mutt" per se, but can anyone
> recommend a good "pretty print filter" for mboxes?  I used to use "mp"
> under Solaris until a system upgrade somehow broke it, and I do not
> know of equivalents elsewhere.

I use a program called a2ps to format printing from mutt.

Here is my print_command set in my .muttrc:

print_command="fmt --prefix='>' -s | fmt -s | a2ps -b -R -1 --borders=no

You can adjust the options that a2ps uses to print so that you can do what
you talked about with having four pages on one printed page.

Hope that gets you started.

Robert Berkowitz

"With a rubber duck, one's never alone."
- Douglas Adams

Description: PGP signature

Alias Groups

2002-02-25 Thread Michael Montagne

How best to maintain groups of email addresses?  I need to list about 10
people that I want to reference with one alias.  Just like in (I hate to
say it) Outlook.

Michael Montagne

Re:Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread Thomas Baker

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> 1) Check if muttprint works under solaris too:

Thank you!  I see this has moved to,
I see that muttprint depends on LaTeX.  I still telnet to a Solaris
machine but have been playing around with Cygwin for my WIN2000 laptop
and have come to the conclusion -- pending actual tests now -- that I
might as well install Linux within VMWare.  This dependency on LaTeX
adds to the reasons for doing this.

> 3) Don;t you have enscript on your solaris box? It might work.

Yes, but I don't believe it has any special functions for
filtering and formatting email headers.

> On the same note, may I ask you your mp commands?

cat mbox | /usr/openwin/bin/mp -A4 -F -l -m | lpr -P $PRINTER

This used to work correctly; not sure why it doesn't now...


Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft   mobile +49-171-408-5784
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619

Re: Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread Thomas Baker

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Robert Berkowitz wrote:
> Thomas Baker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > This may be outside the scope of "mutt" per se, but can anyone
> > recommend a good "pretty print filter" for mboxes?  I used to use "mp"
> > under Solaris until a system upgrade somehow broke it, and I do not
> > know of equivalents elsewhere.
> I use a program called a2ps to format printing from mutt.
> Here is my print_command set in my .muttrc:
> print_command="fmt --prefix='>' -s | fmt -s | a2ps -b -R -1 --borders=no
> --pretty-print=mail"
> You can adjust the options that a2ps uses to print so that you can do what
> you talked about with having four pages on one printed page.
> Hope that gets you started.

Thank you!  In
I learn that a2ps is apparently difficult to port as a native Win32 
application but works okay under Cygwinto .


Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft   mobile +49-171-408-5784
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619

Re: pre-send actions

2002-02-25 Thread Michael Tatge

Sweth Chandramouli muttered:
>   Are there any hooks in mutt for taking actions immediately
> before sending a message (e.g. caching recipient lists for later use),
> or should I just create a wrapper for sendmail?

Mutt cashes (history) such things. Try  and .


"On a normal ascii line, the only safe condition to detect is a 'BREAK'
- everything else having been assigned functions by Gnu EMACS."
(By Tarl Neustaedter)


Re: Alias Groups

2002-02-25 Thread Michael Tatge

Michael Montagne muttered:
> How best to maintain groups of email addresses?  I need to list about 10
> people that I want to reference with one alias.  Just like in (I hate to
> say it) Outlook.


3.2 Defining/Using aliases
Usage: alias key address [ , address, ... ]

It's usually very cumbersome to remember or type out the address of
someone you are communicating with.  Mutt allows you to create
``aliases'' which map a short string to a full address.

Note: if you want to create an alias for a group (by specifying more
than one address), you must separate the addresses with a comma (``,'').

Even recurive aliases work:
alias joe joe user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias Me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, joe, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,...


"Whip me.  Beat me.  Make me maintain AIX."
(By Stephan Zielinski)


Re: Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread darren chamberlain

Quoting Thomas Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25 Feb-02 14:50]:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> > 3) Don;t you have enscript on your solaris box? It might work.
> Yes, but I don't believe it has any special functions for
> filtering and formatting email headers.

Enscript does; pass the -Email (that's a -E followed by 'mail').


We are not who we think we are. We are not who others think we are.
We are who we think others think we are.
-- Anonymous

Change the date format on index

2002-02-25 Thread David Collantes


I would like to change my index to look instead of:

L  66 Feb 22 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...


L  66 Feb 22 2002 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...

I read the %d uses the $date_format, but the actual date_format does not
matches the existing index_format (it should be showing the year and it
does not). Help, anyone?


David Collantes -
College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida
"I have no particular talent. I am merely inquisitive."

Description: application/pkcs7-signature

Re: Change the date format on index

2002-02-25 Thread darren chamberlain

Quoting David Collantes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25 Feb-02 15:20]:
> I would like to change my index to look instead of:
> L  66 Feb 22 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...
> to:
> L  66 Feb 22 2002 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...
> I read the %d uses the $date_format, but the actual date_format
> does not matches the existing index_format (it should be
> showing the year and it does not). Help, anyone?

What does your index_format look like?  Have you seen this part
of the index_format description:

the date and time of the message is converted to sender's time
zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function
``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales

the date and time of the message is converted to the local time
zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function
``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales

the local date and time when the message was received.  ``fmt''
is expanded by the library function ``strftime''; a leading bang
disables locales

the current local time. ``fmt'' is expanded by the library
function ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales.

So, use something like:

  %{%b %e %Y}

in that spot, and that should do it.


Language is not neutral. It is not merely a vehicle which carries ideas.
It is itself a shaper of ideas.
-- Dale Spender

Re: Change the date format on index

2002-02-25 Thread Radek Spacil

On [25/02/02] 14:57, David Collantes wrote:
> L  66 Feb 22 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...
> to:
> L  66 Feb 22 2002 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...

in 'index_format' use %d (or %D if you prefer local time zone) for
the date (instead of default '%{%b %d}' ) and then define"

date_format = "%b %d %Y"

%b - abbreviation of month (according to locales)
%d - day of month
%Y - year (4 digit)

For more see 'man date'.


| Radek Spacil, research assistant,|
| WLan project, Telecommunication laboratory   |
| Lappeenranta University of Technology|
| www:|

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change the date format on index

2002-02-25 Thread David Collantes

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 03:36:33PM -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:

[... SNIP ...]
> > change from:
> >
> > L  66 Feb 22 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...
> > 
> > to:
> > 
> > L  66 Feb 22 2002 To mutt-users@mutt. ( 0.2K) The Subject goes here...
> > 
> > I read the %d uses the $date_format, but the actual date_format
> > does not matches the existing index_format (it should be
> > showing the year and it does not). Help, anyone?
> What does your index_format look like?  Have you seen this part
> of the index_format description:
>  %{fmt}
> the date and time of the message is converted to sender's time
> zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function
> ``strftime''; a leading bang disables locales
[ ... SNIP ...]
> So, use something like:
>   %{%b %e %Y}

Right on the spot! I had to change header_format though...

Thanks! and cheers,

David Collantes -
College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida
"Two things are omnipresent in the Universe: Hydrogen and my Stupidity."

Description: application/pkcs7-signature

Re: SMTP Authorization

2002-02-25 Thread David Champion

On 2002.02.23, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Jerry Van Brimmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> < .
> pop_authenticate: Using any available method.
> < + PDMyNzU3LjEwMjAyMjMxMjUzMzRAaXNwd2VzdGVtYWlsLmFjZXdlYi5uZXQ+
> mutt_sasl_cb_authname: getting authname for
> mutt_sasl_cb_pass: getting password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> < +OK jerryvb's mailbox has 665 message(s) (2526032 octets)
> SASL authentication failed.
> > APOP [EMAIL PROTECTED] c6157f678c257df79923897ddf14ab04
> < -ERR unknown or invalid command in this state [APOP]
> APOP authentication failed.
> < -ERR unknown or invalid command in this state [USER]
> Login failed. USER: unknown or invalid command in this state [USER]

This seems like a disagreement between what happens and what mutt
expects to happen. You're authenticating using CRAM-MD5, and the POP
server is validating the authentication. Then mutt thinks that is
rejected it, so it tries other authentications, which the server does
reject, since it's not expecting an authentication anymore.

In other words, this looks like a mutt bug.

You might try setting $pop_authenticators to work around this. The goal
would be not to try authenticating with MD5 -- for example:

set pop_authenticators="apop:user"

 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

Re: SMTP Authorization

2002-02-25 Thread David Champion

On 2002.02.25, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"David Champion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In other words, this looks like a mutt bug.
> You might try setting $pop_authenticators to work around this. The goal
> would be not to try authenticating with MD5 -- for example:
>   set pop_authenticators="apop:user"

Oops, I mean that you want not to authenticate using SASL, so you could
try this:

set pop_authenticators="digest-md5:apop:user"

 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

gpg not cleanly exiting....?

2002-02-25 Thread Sridhar Srinivasan


i use gpg 1.0 on Solaris 8 with the sample gpg.rc (paths modified,
etc.). all operations work correctly, except that when gpg is done, it
doesn't seem to return to mutt. 

For example, on an email that is signed, when i try to read the
message, mutt prompts me to verify the sig. i hit yes, mutt prints
"Invoking PGP." and nothing else happens. if i hit Ctrl-C, i drop
into the pager with the gpg output and the signed email displayed
correctly, including the part about the signature being verified.

this leads me to believe that the child process is not exiting cleanly
when gpg exits. 

could someone point out what could be wrong?

Sridhar Srinivasan 
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.

Re: feature `ask-no' for compose/toggle-unlink

2002-02-25 Thread Adam Byrtek

On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 11:10:17PM +0100, Hanspeter Roth wrote:
> And I think people don't want to read the _whole_ manual before start
> using Mutt.

Hey, I've read the whole manual, but I still missed it :)
Now I'm a bit more relaxed, because I've found brilliant little tool
to extract messages from yahoogroups archives into mbox format. Looks
like I'm gonna restore my deleted mailbox...

And I still LOVE mutt :)


  _.|._ |_  _.: Adam Byrtek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_|||_)| |(_|: gg 1802819, pgp 0xB25952C0

Re: gpg not cleanly exiting....?

2002-02-25 Thread Will Yardley

Sridhar Srinivasan wrote:
> i use gpg 1.0 on Solaris 8 with the sample gpg.rc (paths modified,
> etc.). all operations work correctly, except that when gpg is done, it
> doesn't seem to return to mutt. 

sorry to not have anything useful to contribute... BUT -  there are bugs
with versions of GnuPG up to 1.0.6. are you using 1.0.0? 1.0.4?  1.0.4
is the latest version available on the freeware site; i'm not sure how
easy it is to install 1.0.6 without installing the package that gives
you a /dev/random (forget what it is off the top of my head).

William Yardley
GnuPG public key:

Re: gpg not cleanly exiting....?

2002-02-25 Thread Sridhar Srinivasan

sWill Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may have typed [02/02/25 17:55]:
> Sridhar Srinivasan wrote:
> > 
> > i use gpg 1.0 on Solaris 8 with the sample gpg.rc (paths modified,
> > etc.). all operations work correctly, except that when gpg is done, it
> > doesn't seem to return to mutt. 
> sorry to not have anything useful to contribute... BUT -  there are bugs
> with versions of GnuPG up to 1.0.6. are you using 1.0.0? 1.0.4?  1.0.4
> is the latest version available on the freeware site; i'm not sure how
> easy it is to install 1.0.6 without installing the package that gives
> you a /dev/random (forget what it is off the top of my head).

sorry, should have mentioned that

~> gpg -h
gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

Supported algorithms:
Pubkey: ELG-E, DSA, ELG
Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160

Sridhar Srinivasan 
"Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday" --- Anonymous

Re: gpg not cleanly exiting....?

2002-02-25 Thread Will Yardley

Sridhar Srinivasan wrote:
> sorry, should have mentioned that
> ~> gpg -h
> gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.0

well as i said, you should really consider upgrading, at least if you're
using it to send signed / encrypted mail.

eek.. .that is the current version on sunfreeware - i thought they had
1.0.4 at least.

you might try installing SUNWski which provides a /dev/random of
sorts... and do a google search on gnupg and solaris.  if possible, i'd
suggest installing a newer version (especially since it may well fix
your problem).

here's another /dev/random for solaris link:

solaris 9 has its own... 

i'm going to install the second link, and try building gnupg on a
solaris 8 machine, so i'll email you off list if i'm successful.

William Yardley
GnuPG public key:

Re: Deleted attachment

2002-02-25 Thread David DeSimone

Adam Byrtek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IMHO it sucks... mutt isn't a file manager, and it shouldn't allow
> deleting files on my HD.

The biggest user of the (u)nlink feature of Mutt..  is Mutt itself. 
Every mail that you send has some form of temporary attachment (even if
it's just the main attachment), and this temporary file needs to be
deleted.  So Mutt marks any temp files it creates, with the "-" flag, so
that it will be deleted after the compose is done.  Even if you quit. 
You still want the temp files to be deleted.

If you mark an attachment with the unlink flag, then you are telling
Mutt that your file has the same disposition as any of its temp files.

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
Richardson IT|PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

How to avoid and handle looong lines

2002-02-25 Thread Tim Johnson

  I use Mutt 1.3.27i on RH Linux 7.2
  I correspond with someone who uses Mutt/1.2.5i on Debian (???)
  When I get email from him, his lines are very long and mutt
  has to wrap them. 

  It appears as if carriage returns aren't being inserted until
  a new paragraph is created.

  When I respond it's a major inconvenience because the quoted
  line is *way past* the right margin.

So I have 2 questions:
  1)Is there a way to automatically reformat a "llooong" quoted line?
  2)What can I tell my friend so that he can avoid doing this?

  BTW: I am using vim 6.0, up to patch 204 or so. 


Re: How to avoid and handle looong lines

2002-02-25 Thread Will Yardley

Tim Johnson wrote:

>   I use Mutt 1.3.27i on RH Linux 7.2
>   I correspond with someone who uses Mutt/1.2.5i on Debian (???)
>   When I get email from him, his lines are very long and mutt
>   has to wrap them. 

tell him to wrap his lines in his editor. how to do this will vary
depending on the editor he's using. if he's using vi (probably nvi in
debian), setting wm=8 should work. using vim, set tw=74. emacs i'm not
sure, but i doubt it's that hard.
> So I have 2 questions:
>   1)Is there a way to automatically reformat a "llooong" quoted line?

check the archives.
use "gqip" in vim, or else use a program like "par" if you want to get
fancier with your reformatting.

William Yardley
GnuPG public key:

Re: How to avoid and handle looong lines

2002-02-25 Thread Joel Hammer

I don't have a mutt solution. You can just hit the reply button and get the
letter in vim. Then, in the command mode, you can reformat it easily with:
You can map this sequence to a key. I use g. This is very convenient.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 06:50:04PM -0900, Tim Johnson wrote:
> Hello:
>   I use Mutt 1.3.27i on RH Linux 7.2
>   I correspond with someone who uses Mutt/1.2.5i on Debian (???)
>   When I get email from him, his lines are very long and mutt
>   has to wrap them. 
>   It appears as if carriage returns aren't being inserted until
>   a new paragraph is created.
>   When I respond it's a major inconvenience because the quoted
>   line is *way past* the right margin.
> So I have 2 questions:
>   1)Is there a way to automatically reformat a "llooong" quoted line?
>   2)What can I tell my friend so that he can avoid doing this?
>   BTW: I am using vim 6.0, up to patch 204 or so. 
>   Cheers!
> -- 
> Tim Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: How to avoid and handle looong lines

2002-02-25 Thread Michael P. Soulier

On 25/02/02 Will Yardley did speaketh:

> tell him to wrap his lines in his editor. how to do this will vary
> depending on the editor he's using. if he's using vi (probably nvi in
> debian), setting wm=8 should work. using vim, set tw=74. emacs i'm not
> sure, but i doubt it's that hard.

In Emacs, he should turn on auto-fill-mode.

> check the archives.
> use "gqip" in vim, or else use a program like "par" if you want to get
> fancier with your reformatting.

E-q in Emacs


Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pretty print filters

2002-02-25 Thread Thomas Baker

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, darren chamberlain wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25 Feb-02 14:50]:
> > On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> > > 3) Don;t you have enscript on your solaris box? It might work.
> > 
> > Yes, but I don't believe it has any special functions for
> > filtering and formatting email headers.
> Enscript does; pass the -Email (that's a -E followed by 'mail').

I had never noticed that before.  The command

enscript --help-pretty-print  

lists about twenty other file types that can be prettified.  Great stuff.


Dr. Thomas Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birlinghoven Library, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft   mobile +49-171-408-5784
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany  fax +49-2241-14-2619