Re: [newbie] Kernel

1999-12-20 Thread Paul Benjamin

I had a teacher that called your current state as the dawn of
knowledge.  Not all things are easy.  Destroying old habits is the
hardest.  When you have hundreds or thousands of people who like to
code make a system you should not be surprised that they are lousy
technical writers.  I think it is interesting that most of the for
profit companies forming around Linux are going to sell services.
Someone has to help with those configuration problems.

I have been paying around with Linux for about a year now.  I still
spend more time in Windows than Linux but that could change if I could
find an email client and new group reader that I like.   There is a
lot I don't like but the potential is so much greater than Windows
that I want to keep learning more.  Maybe it is just a challenge much
greater than most PC games.

Linux is a work in progress.  They haven't taken the time yet to hide
the plumbing in the walls yet.  I want to see it done also, I am not a
programmer, I am a draftsman.  I want a system that I can play with
and learn some programming.  But from looking around the source code
in the system I can tell that I will never get to their level.  I
don't have the time to live Linux.  I just have learned enough to make
do and forgive the rest.  

Maybe someday it will be finished, we can only hope.


On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:41:35 -0600, Audrey Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm SO sick of people that seem to LIKE hurting, telling those of us
that are just not masochists to do this.  Until you get some experience,
sometimes only one little piece at a time, the mans mean nothing.  Most
of the time, you don't know what to look for.  Gee, I'd like to print. 
What do I do?  Check the FAQ and HOWTO that TRY to help, but just never
seem to apply, or they refer you to another one for a part that has to
work first, which then refers you to the previous one because that part
has to work first...  Not everyone learns or understands the same way.
The lilo manual tells you everything you never wanted to know unless you
need that part of it.  When you are a brand new Linux user, reading it
and understanding it can take weeks!  All you usually need is a small
part of something.  Once you understand that part, you can gather more
information relating to it and the next and the next.  It sure ain't

Real multitasking and real multiuser in Linux are great.  The rest
hurts.  I am not a newbie to the world of computers, programming or
operating systems.  I've been in world of hurt since I installed this
OS.  I'm learning a little at a time.  But it will take me LOTS of time
to figure even some of it out.  I actually have a life aside from
learning Linux and I like it MUCH better.  Linux is just a tool for me
to use to get something accomplished.  I don't worship it.  And it's
good none of you know how many times I've wanted to stomp the cd into

The good part about having the source code is you can change/fix things
if you need to.  The bad part about having the source code is you
probably have to.

There are MANY people on this list, that take the time to help those of
us that are lost, to go in the right direction.  They do help.  The best
help is personal, to the problem you are having.  To those, THANK YOU! 
Sometimes it's not so difficult to figure out what to do, or where to
find it, as it is what applies. You might get sick of answering the same
question a hundred thousand times, but it just means that there are a
hundred thousand new users with the same problems.

To the rest, just because someone wants to use Linux, that doesn't mean
they want to LIVE it.

Re: [newbie] Any Linux web server to recommend ?

1999-12-20 Thread Paul Benjamin

I think that you meant:


From what I understand Slashdot hasn't released their source code in
quite a while.  Squishdot can build a similar looking site, so can
Zope.  I haven't actually used it but it does look interesting if you
are looking to put up a web log.  The closest LUG to me uses squishdot
to run their web site. (


On Mon, 20 Dec 1999 09:09:14 -0800, Hidong Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 coin wrote:
 Dear ALL,
 Anyone has any idea of any web hosting using linux with apache and

Re: [newbie] LILO

1999-12-09 Thread Paul Benjamin


You will probably have to reinstall NT.  NT has it own stupid boot
loader, even Windows 2000,  I hate it.

On Wed, 8 Dec 1999 20:34:40 -0500, "Corky Ashford"

does anyone know how to remove Lilo boot loader ? 

i've taken linux off and loaded NT but i can't boot it because the Lilo boot prompt 
always comes up and doesn't give me the NT option.


Re: [newbie] Lots of problems on install

1999-12-03 Thread Paul Benjamin

The answer to question one is SCSI emulation. I wrote up what I did to
get it to work on my PC.


On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 23:28:00 -0700, Dan Ferris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First is this, I have an HP CDRecorder Plus  IDE cdrecorder on /dev/hdd.  I
would like to be able to burn cds with it.  I have cdrecord version 1.8.  Is
this an issue with cdrecord not seeing the cd writer, or could it be something
else.  I can use it as a normal cd rom drive to play music cds etc etc etc.  

Sorry I haven't tried Samba.

Re: [[newbie] Macmillan Mandrake Books (was Mouse Driver screwup in KDE)]

1999-11-26 Thread Paul Benjamin

Yes it would be against the copyright laws to copy to your personal
FTP site.  Please read the license, they are copyrighted by McMillain
Digital Publishing, NOT GPL.  So be sure that your lawyers are much
better than theirs!  

If you had bought the Mandrake 6.5 (sic) in the retail channel in the
USA the CD is in separate envelope with a lot of fine print on it
about not giving it away.


On 26 Nov 99 14:29:57 EST, Jaguar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Would it be against the GPL or something for someone to offer THESE files for
d/ a personal FTP site or something???

"Charles Raymond" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyone happen to know if these are available online somewhere 
 for my poor self to access? :)  I've been using my work's T1 after 
 hours to get additional resources (ie, aside from purchasing 
 Mandrake, I downloaded it), so size isn't much of an issue.  Thanks.
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Re: [newbie] Segmentation Faults?

1999-11-02 Thread Paul Benjamin

Are you using the static linked version or a dynamic link version.  If
Dynamic which version of the lib are you using?  I got the static link
version to work but back then I had Mandrake 5.3 and they didn't have
a version for the glib used in 5.3  I haven't upgraded since then
since they are still haven't released a new release since 1.3.

On Sun, 31 Oct 1999 19:20:47 -0500, "Clyde J. Kell"

Whenever I try to run a particular program I receive an:
Segmentation Fault core dumped

Then when I try to do anything else I receive:
unable to load interpreter
init: Id "3" 
respawning too fast disabled for 5 minutes

If I wait nothing happens. If I switch to another console Root or whatever
I receive the same error. I have to RESET the machine to reboot.

I am running Mandrake 6.0 on an AMD K6-2 400mhz with 64 megs ram.
I recently upgraded to this mother board from an AMD 586/133mhz machine
running Red Hat 5.2  Everything was wonderful and I really loved it.

However, the motherboard was old and had a crack so it DIED and well 
now the nightmare has begun. I ended up re-installing Mandrake 6.0.

Any suggestions as to why I am receiving the above errors.

Clyde J. Kell

Re: [newbie] How to market Linux?

1999-10-20 Thread Paul Benjamin

I have been thinking about this lately also.  Marketing of small
computers is an interesting and complex task.  Here is some stuff I
came across:

In fact I would go through the old pages in OSOpinion there are some
good thoughts in there amongst the dross.

The major threats are, internal politics, splits or people just
leaving because of arguments. Software patents or trade secrets from a
developers day job wind up in the kernel.  A large company could just
ignore GPL and grind up the volunteers with a long lawsuit.  How many
depositions would you want to set through before you gave up and
stopped coding for Linux?  It would be a very dirty campaign but dying
companies will do desperate things.  Microsoft Linux or MS-BSD with
all sorts of non-GPL add-ons.

Evil thoughts I should stop here.


Re: [newbie] CDWR and Zip

1999-09-28 Thread Paul Benjamin

Are you using Gnome, KDE, or something else for your desktop?

Re: [newbie] KDE Libraries... Where?

1999-09-28 Thread Paul Benjamin

I agree I have been starting to relearn C and learn the *nux way of
doing things.  It is kind of discouraging when the Qt examples that
were installed with Linux-Mandrake will not compile. (Oh no! "hello
world" doesn't work? I think something is wrong!)  At least when you
are following the tutorial linked off the Qt home page (I think it is
also installed on the hard drive with the Qt lib when you select the
development install)

I haven't given up! I just have found other distractions right now.  
I have the red book (Linux Programming) from Worx and will probably
dig into it when the snow flies.  

I will have to check /etc/, I know it isn't in the bash
profile.  This is the newbie list right?



On Tue, 28 Sep 1999 06:12:04 +, Richard Adams

Under normal curcumstancies its not so important as to where the libs
are situated, its a question of the system knowing where they are,
there are several ways of doing this,. For example in the systems
/etc/profile or bash_profile depending on what distro is in use you
can define lib paths in those files, another way would be to change
paths in the Makefiles for programs needing those libs, putting the
directory path in /etc/ and rerunning ldconfig, there are
many ways.

Its not what you do but HOW you do it.

Realy the best way is to read the documentation in the to be made
program first and understanding what the program expects to find and
where it wants to look. You may have noticed that many programs say
"ajust the Makefile accordingly" to point it to the correct lib paths.

Re: [newbie] Large HDD how to partition??

1999-09-27 Thread Paul Benjamin

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:07:30 -0500, "Michael Seltenright"

I'm planning to replace my current 8 gig Windows HD with a 20 or 27 gig drive. I 
know that LILO has a problem with drives that have more than 1023 cylinders. How 
should I partition this drive so that I can still use LILO? I will install Linux to 
the 8 gig drive all by it's lonesome.

If Windows is all by it lonesome on the 27G drive and Linux is on the
8G you don't have any problems.  LILO only has a problem if the Linux
/boot partition is beyond the 8G mark on it's physical hard drive.  It
shouldn't have any problem with the Windows drive.  

If you don't use a boot manger put LILO on the hda (Windows C:) drive.
If you are going to use a third party boot manager or boot off a
floppy put LILO in the Linux partition.

If you are going to mix Windows and another OS on the 27G drive be
sure to install Windows first.  After all Windows thinks it is the
center of the universe and will screw up any other OS on the drive if
you give it half a chance.


Re: [newbie] KDE Libraries... Where?

1999-09-27 Thread Paul Benjamin

I was told that the Qt Lib is in the /usr/lib and the headers are in
the /usr/include/qt.  This will cause all kinds of headaches for KDE
development since it is not the standard place that Qt and SuSE
expects.  I haven't even written hello world yet in Linux but I have
compiled a few source tar balls for KDE apps.  It is a pain for that.


On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:54:24 -0700, "Eric L. Damron"

Can someone tell me where Mandrake 6.0 puts the KDE libraries?  The K-Develop IDE is 
asking for them but I can't seem to find them anywhere!


Re: [newbie] scsi emulation

1999-09-15 Thread Paul Benjamin

I have written up what worked for me.  Go to:

I hope that it will clear up a few things.  At least it worked for my


On Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:53:59 -0700 (PDT), "R. David Whitlock"

Hrm.  OK, here's one I don't understand...

I am trying to follow the directions on the website at
for getting a cd-burner to work under Mandrake 6.0 using scsi emulation.
I have also seen this posted a time or two, with the same answer, but
neither the man pages or online looking seems to give a different answer.

At the stage in the directions where you alter the lilo.conf file to add a
parameter to pass the kernel, the following is a sample from my lilo.conf


However, on reboot, my kernel flashes by the following message:

[david@pandora david]# dmesg|more
Linux version 2.2.9-27mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #1 Mon Jun 14 16:44:05 CEST 1999
Detected 434328240 Hz processor.
ide_setup: hdd= -- BAD OPTION
ide_setup: ide-scsi -- BAD OPTION

What syntax error am I commiting, and what is supposed to be going on
here?  I can load the ide-scsi module, and I think scsi emulation is built
in to the kernel, but i still get this on startup:

scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.

What's with the errors?


"Without the Law, there is no Liberty.  Without Justice, there is no Law."

Re: [newbie] Multimedia performance

1999-09-14 Thread Paul Benjamin

I am sorry.  The development on this chip set should have gone in to
maintenance mode by now.  I would suggest a log at the change logs and
see if anything has been added in the last few revisions.  It also
might be worth looking in the config file to see if there is an option
for acceleration.  Virge is very common and should be well understood
by the developers by now.

Please forgive my over reaction.

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:06:19 +0800, Aaron deRozario

S3 Virge GX2 (4 meg) on the Linux machine.  Xfree is the standard one found
on the Mandrake 6.0 cd.  The work machine has an S3 DX.

There may well be acceleration on the windows machine as the S3 virge uses
an svga server.  Yeah you are right I can probably figure out my own
problems from that information however I am actually interested more in why
I seemed to get better video performance from RH5.2


Re: [newbie] scsi

1999-09-13 Thread Paul Benjamin

If you are talking about SCSI emulation to burn some CDs check out my
web site.  I wrote up what I did to get it to work.  The URL is:


On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 03:49:57 -0400, Ralph|byte-runner|

Can someone plz give me the line i need to put in my lilo conf to get my cdr to
work. I know it's append???
plz help.


Ralph --

Where Ever Your Head Goes Your Ass Will Follow

Re: [newbie] Multiple CPU (2 Celerons or one Pent-3)

1999-09-06 Thread Paul Benjamin

On Tue, 7 Sep 1999 09:03:13 +0800 , Aaron deRozario

A few more questions.  

Overclocking a Celeron - I know a lot has been written about this in a lot
of places but 1 quick question - I know overclocking voids the Intel
warranty (in fact I think running dual-Celerons voids the warranty also - I
might have read that on Slashdot) but can it actually fry the CPU, or does
it just make the system unstable?  I have also read (RedHat site perhaps?)
that Linux does not take kindly to overclocked systems because it has a
faster kernal and therefore more susceptible to system timing problems.  Is
this still true?

There are claims that it will shorten the life of the CPU.  If you
have to bump up the voltage on the CPU the dopants, trace impurities
in the silicon that makes it an semiconductor, will migrate and
eventually kill the transistors.  Then there is the problem of extra
heat created by running it at a higher clock rate.  The heat in a
transistor is generated by changing states.  If you change states more
times per second you will generate more heat.

I managed to get to 92MHz from 66MHz without raising the voltage
applied to the CPUs.  I did stick in an extra fan in my case to
increase the air flow in my case.  So it stays under 40 C in the case,
the motherboard reports the CPUs are running at about 50 C.  A little
warm but not too bad.  (Has anybody got KLM to work for them? I would
love to keep track of the CPU temperature in Linux.)

I haven't had any problems with Linux.  Windows 2000 gave me a few
problems.  So I would say that Win2k doesn't take too kindly to OC.

Some of you mentioned that SCSI gives a much higher performance than IDE,
especially when dealing with multiple requests.  IF I have 4 IDE devices on
4 separate channels (as opposed to two), can Linux make a request to each
device concurrently?  How does this differ from the way SCSI makes requests
to drives?

It might work but I am not the one to ask on that.  From what I have
read and my experience SCSI is still better when you are hitting the
drive with multiple requests.  I haven't read up on the changes made
with UDMA66.  I think I read some place there were a few on the
request queue problem.

For PBen - SLab runs on Linux.  Have a look at  As the web site says it takes a bit
to learn.  I am still very much in the learning stage at the moment.  I need
a month off work so I can sit down and learn.

Thanks I will check it out.


Re: X11Amp (was --Re: [newbie] C++ compiler error when loading programs)

1999-09-05 Thread Paul Benjamin

Take a look at they claim to support
streaming.  I haven't tried this yet but I have been meaning to. 


On Sun, 05 Sep 1999 10:48:25 -0400, Steve Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does it support streaming via URL?  I like to listen to Geeks In Space,
but don't want to download the whole thing or fire up RealPlayer to

Re: [newbie] 32 Bit Video Cards

1999-09-02 Thread Paul Benjamin

Hash: SHA1

I checked at and the 3d/ep does use a Permedia 2 chip
set.  I had a Diamond Fire Pro 1000 in my last PC that also used a
Permedia 2.  SuSE and Elisa developed the XFree86 driver for that chip
set.  You might need to get the RPM off of your install CD but if you
have Mandrake 5.3 or 6.0 it will be there.  I am on my windows
notebook so I can't look up the RPM name, email me if you need it. 
Just select a Diamond Fire 1000 and it should work for you.

- From looking at the manual for the card on the web site they are just
using the referance driver as shipped by 3DLabs for Windows so they
aren't doing anything tricky with the hardware.  You should also check to be sure that you have the current referance driver
for Windows.  I/O Magic doesn't put a lot of effort in on their
hardware.  They sell on price not added value.


At 11:28 AM 9/2/99 -0400, you wrote:

As for the I/O Magic video card, any idea what chipset it uses?

It uses the PERMEDIA 2 chipset.  I tried a couple of pre-defined
cards with
PERMEDIA 2, but was unsure which accellerated x server to run.  Even
tried to
manually configure the card.  Regardless, after typing startx, KDE
would come up
at approx.  300 x (some small #)  resolution whereas just the
"Taskbar" would
take up half the screen, or worse nothing would come up and I would
have to

 Might be able to get it to work by using a different
X-server, or using the Frame Buffer device instead, from
what one of the guys at Mandrakesoft says... :-)

Don't recall seeing anything about Frame Buffer Device.  What is it?


Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.0


Re: [newbie] Repost url to linux realplayer g-2

1999-08-29 Thread Paul Benjamin

Please be sure to read and follow the directions on the download page.
I works ok for me but I don't use it that much.

On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 12:42:51 -0600, Rick Murphy

I've lost the site.  Can someone repost the location to download real plater
G-2 .



[newbie] QTDIR enviroment?

1999-08-28 Thread Paul Benjamin

HELP!  I am trying to install the krecorder program to do some simple recording
to a wave file.  The problem is that the precompiled one I downloaded crashes
with a segmenation fault.  The autor must have expected that because he say
just recompile the source code in the tar.

The makefile failes when it looks for a QTDIR enviroment string.  I take my
best stab at creading it by typeing:

exprot QTDIR

Then the compiler spits up on all the QT header files!  I go looking in the
Makefile and I find:

-I$(KDEDIR)/include -I$(QTDIR)/include  -I/usr/X11R6/include

 and later

LDFLAGS = -L$(KDEDIR)/lib  -L$(QTDIR)/lib  -L/usr/X11R6/lib \

when I go back to the begining of the comple I found out that the make file
feed the compiler /user/include/qt/include!?! That doesn't exist.  

Question 1:

So where is the QT lib in Mandrake-Linux?  I know the headers are in
/user/include/qt but I also know there isn't a lib in /user/include/qt/lib.

Question 2: 

Am I going to have this problem whenever I compile a KDE app?  Is the QT
"stuff" in an unusual place in Red Hat/Mandrake?



Re: [newbie] Thanks Steve Axalon / HP8100CDR/RW - MYCDR.HTM

1999-08-26 Thread Paul Benjamin

Sorry for the HTML but I have started to work on updating my web page
and I thought I would stick a few of the thinks I have had to do to
get Linux to work my way on it.  It still needs some work but maybe it
will help you.  Just skip the :

 ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom

Since you already have a /dev/cdrom hooked to something different.


On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 08:54:12 -0500, "Ed Santiago" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks you for the help, I am now able to mount my HP8100 CDR/RW and use it
as a second CDROM. I very much appreciate your help.
The HP8100 is an IDE CDR/RW can I write to it or do I need special software?
Thanks again,
Ed Santiago

Title:  IDE-SCSI Emulation

 How I Got the IDE-SCSI Emulation to Work

To record on a IDE CD-R under Linux you need to have the IDE emulate a SCSI drive.  
This is how I got my IDE CD-R to work. Thanks to Deja-news and:

> Subject: CD-Writer mini-Howto [was Re: Configuration Questions]
> From: Jean-Michel Dault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 1999/06/19
> Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.mandrake

First become root and edit the /etc/lilo.conf and add an append="hdd=ide-scsi" to it.  Here is mine:



Then, add the following lines at the end of your /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

  /sbin/modprobe ide-scsi
  /sbin/modprobe sg

 This will configure your CD-RW to emulate a SCSI device.

 The last step is to link /dev/cdrom to your CD-RW.

 ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom


 make sure everything works. As root type

 cdrecord -scanbus

My resutlts were:

Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
		  0) *
		  1) *
		  2) *
		  3) *
		  4) 'iomega  ' 'jaz 1GB ' 'H.72' Removable Disk
		  5) *
		  6) *
		  7) *
		100) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 7200 ' '3.01' Removable CD-ROM
		101) *
		102) *
		103) *
		104) *
		105) *
		106) *
		107) *

I had an error message about block-major-11 so I addded this change:


alias scsi_hostadapter0 ide-scsi
alias scsi_hostadapter1 advansys
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias sound es1370
alias block-major-11 ide-scsi

Note that I have a real SCSI card installed for a Jaz drive and I had to 
change the alias for the Advansys SCSI card.

Re: [newbie] kernal modules - video4linux - FM tuner - dev/radio

1999-08-23 Thread Paul Benjamin

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999 01:13:52 -0600 (MDT), Axalon Bloodstone

 So I need to run as root:
 isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf

This one gets handled automaticly in rc.sysinit

You are right about that.  Since I didn't have any ISA cards before I
didn't have a /etc/isapnp.conf until I created it.  So the rc.sysinit
script didn't have the isapnp.conf script to feed iaspnp.

 modprobe videodev.o
 modprobe radio-cadet.o io=0x330

just put them in /etc/conf.modules

options radio-cadet io=0x330
post-install videodev modprobe radio-cadet

Now if i'm remebering correctly, when something requests v4l the kernel
will autoload videodev, then radio-cadet.

This part didn't work.  I still had to run modprobe at the root CLI
prompt to get the card to tune to my favorite FM station.  No big
deal. I can put it in rc.local, I have already stuck a few things in
there for my IDE CD-R.

I couldn't find any information on /etc/conf.modules.  Do you have any
recommendations on a good book for Linux or Unix System
Administration?  I found "A Practical Guide to Linux" by Mark Sobell
to be good for using Linux but it is a light on the Administration



 The io=0x330 I got from digging into the source code of radio-cadet.

 So where do I stick the three lines above?  I assume that it goes into
 rc.local right?  Well I am learning a few things about Linux and
 trying to remember enough C to figure it out what the HOWTOs don't

Yes you could also modprobe from rc.local

No problem, let me know if the conf.modules doesn't work and i'll dig out
my radiocard and bush the dust off..

Re: [newbie] kernal modules - video4linux - FM tuner - dev/radio

1999-08-22 Thread Paul Benjamin

I figured out what I did wrong.  I needed to run isapnp.

So I ran "pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf" and modified the results of that
and saved it.   That would reserve the 0x0330 I/O port for the card,
no IRQ or DMA used. 

So I need to run as root:

isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
modprobe videodev.o
modprobe radio-cadet.o io=0x330

The io=0x330 I got from digging into the source code of radio-cadet.

So where do I stick the three lines above?  I assume that it goes into
rc.local right?  Well I am learning a few things about Linux and
trying to remember enough C to figure it out what the HOWTOs don't



On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 15:18:11 -0600 (MDT), Axalon Bloodstone 
 I ran: 
 /sbin/modprobe videodev.o 
 /sbin/modprobe radio-cadet.o 
 when I /sbin/lsmod they seem to be loaded and working.  The problem is 
 I still don't have a /dev/radio so I can't get Ktuner to work. 
 --- The question at last! --- 
 How do I create a char device with a minor range between 64-127 (major range 
 unknown) as /dev/radio that is associated with the v4l driver radio-cadet? 

(cd /dev/  ./MAKEDEV radio  ln -s radio0 radio)
 Why does all of the v4l web sites leave this step out?  I guess they all  
 assume that you are rolling your own with bttv, a makefile, and a TV tuner 
 card.I am almost there I just need a /dev/radio entry.  How do you do that? 
 P.S.  Would this have worked better if I had the card back when I installed 
 Mandrake or would it still failed? 

Would have done the same, i'll add a /dev/radio for the next release

 Two more good sites are: 
 Bookmark this site if you ever want to do anything with Linux sound: 

[newbie] kernal modules - video4linux - FM tuner - dev/radio

1999-08-21 Thread Paul Benjamin

OK I have looked under every rock I can think off, I can't get my Cadet FM 
tuner card to work.  Russel Kroll has a web page at: 
He says that he has done a v4l driver.  So how do I get it to go?  I looked at 
the official v4l homepage at: 
That site has the same API document that is in the docs that Mandrake 
installed on my hard drive from the CD-ROM (file:/usr/doc/ 
kernel-doc-2.2.9/video4linux/API.html).  It will be need if I ever get the 
card going and I want to do some programming but it has little to do with 
setting up the card. 
I found the videodev.o and radio-cadet.o in the /lib/modules/... branch of my  
hard drive.  So the good people at Linux-Mandrake have compiled it for me. 
I ran: 
/sbin/modprobe videodev.o 
/sbin/modprobe radio-cadet.o 
when I /sbin/lsmod they seem to be loaded and working.  The problem is 
I still don't have a /dev/radio so I can't get Ktuner to work. 
--- The question at last! --- 
How do I create a char device with a minor range between 64-127 (major range 
unknown) as /dev/radio that is associated with the v4l driver radio-cadet? 
Why does all of the v4l web sites leave this step out?  I guess they all  
assume that you are rolling your own with bttv, a makefile, and a TV tuner 
card.I am almost there I just need a /dev/radio entry.  How do you do that? 
P.S.  Would this have worked better if I had the card back when I installed 
Mandrake or would it still failed? 
Two more good sites are: 
Bookmark this site if you ever want to do anything with Linux sound: