RE: group policy updating

2009-09-10 Thread Joseph Heaton
It did fix it.  All servers are getting the banner through Group Policy now.  
Thanks to everyone for the help.

 Free, Bob 9/9/2009 3:53 PM 

Did you bounce the offending FRS service? Depending on the size of the
replica set, all could be well in a few minutes but AFAIK you must
restart FRS. 

Since you have it in your Local Policy which I assume makes any
regulatory-types happy, I'd just leave it till you have time to
troubleshoot it further if that is necessary. Fixing FRS should resolve
the problem if everything else is right.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:22 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating


Thanks for the explanation, it makes it more logical for me.  I looked
in the FRS logs, and there's one error repeated over and over, from
around July sometime.  It's an Event ID: 13559, Source: NtFrs.  It says
that the FRS has detected that the replica root path has changed from
c:\windows\sysvol\domain to c:\windows\sysvol\domain.  Seems like
the same exact path to me, but oh well.  It also says that a file with
the name NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT needs to be created under the new root

I looked in that path, and that file was there...almost.  There was no
underline between FILE and MOVE.  I've fixed that, and we'll see in the
morning if FRS is working again.

In the meantime, I've gone back into the client machines that weren't
taking the GPO update and manually added the login banner to their Local
Security Policy.  Should I go back and delete that again, in hopes that
the GPO does it tonight, or should I leave it until tomorrow, and see if
it works then?

 Free, Bob 9/9/2009 2:46 PM 

First thing you need to do is figure out what is causing the version
mismatch and correct it, then tackle the client side issues. Any of your
clients could be encountering the problem and not processing policy

I assuming that gpotool told you something like Error: Version mismatch
on DCx, DS=12345, sysvol=45678 and only one of these sysvol versions is

Further assumption is that you have a problem with FRS since a) you said
your DS replication was OK, and b) that's almost always what it is IME.

Look at the FRS logs on that DC and see what they say and we can take it
from there. Depending on what is going on with FRS, sometimes it is as
simple as making an insignificant change to the GPO, saving it, undoing
said change and saving it again and waiting for the new version number
to replicate out.


I've seen %logonserver% mentioned a couple of times, you can't put a lot
of store in that evar because your GPOs are based on a DFS referral for
the SYSVOL[1].The DC a client is currently communicating with (aka
SecureChannel) is not necessarily the same as the server that
authenticated you interactively. What is actually used can change from
that server for a variety of reasons. The :logonserver% evar also isn't
maintained, it is set once at logon and stays that way until you log off
and log on again. So all you can really count on it for is to tell you
who authenticated your interactive logon. On the box I am typing this
on, all three (%logonserver, SecureChannel  sysvol) are different DC's.

If you want to know where you are getting your sysvol share from do:

dfsutil /pktinfo and look for the entry something like
[\sysvol] State:0x131 ( ACTIVE )

[1] The system volume is a domain-based DFS root, and each domain
controller in the domain hosts a link replica of the share. To locate
the system volume, a client computer queries the logon server for a list
of DFS link replicas. The logon server returns a list of all servers in
DFS that host the system volume. This list is in random order. Servers
that are located in the same site that the client computer is located in
are put at the top of the list. A user can be authenticated by one
domain controller, and can download policies from another domain
controller in the site.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:31 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

So, after I run the gpotool /checkacl, I ended up piping it to a text
file, and the errors it finds, are version mismatches on the server I
knew about.

Here's where I stand:

3 DCs
MoDC01 - 2K3 Virtual
MoDC04 - 2K8 Virtual
WSDC02 - 2K3 Physical

GPMC is installed on MoDC04, and that's where I made the GP change.

The change is to a policy we call Member Server Policy, and I added a
login banner to it.

Prior to this change, the login banner that existed was input manually,
most into the Local Security Policy, and a few to the registry at:
Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Winlogin\.

Immediately after applying the GPO change on MoDC04, I went back through
the servers that were set manually before

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the Group 
policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running rsop.msc 
following this does not show the new settings.  It does show other settings 
from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to bounce the 
servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has been plenty of time 
for policy updates, both manual by me, and automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors
Check your DC replication status to work out whether the GPO has actually 
replicated to the DCs that these clients are talking to


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Ken Schaefer
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client is 
connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g. load GPMC and 
target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in sysvol are present on 
that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the Group 
policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running rsop.msc 
following this does not show the new settings.  It does show other settings 
from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to bounce the 
servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has been plenty of time 
for policy updates, both manual by me, and automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication status 
to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs that these 
clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton []
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
That's the issue, thanks Ken.  The other DC is not showing these settings 
within the policy in sysvol.  Is there a way to check this replication, to 
verify that it is even setup?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client is 
connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g. load GPMC and 
target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in sysvol are present on 
that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the Group 
policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running rsop.msc 
following this does not show the new settings.  It does show other settings 
from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to bounce the 
servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has been plenty of time 
for policy updates, both manual by me, and automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication status 
to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs that these 
clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Richard Stovall
Do you have the support tools installed anywhere?  You can use replmon
(GUI) or repadmin (CLI) to check/force replication.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

That's the issue, thanks Ken.  The other DC is not showing these
settings within the policy in sysvol.  Is there a way to check this
replication, to verify that it is even setup?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
That's what I'm looking at now.  Should that be run on the source, or target 
machine, or does it matter?  Also, is replmon available for 2k8?  The server 
I've been making the changes on is 2K8, and the replication is happening to one 
of my 2K3 DCs, but not the other.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 9:34 AM 
Do you have the support tools installed anywhere?  You can use replmon
(GUI) or repadmin (CLI) to check/force replication.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

That's the issue, thanks Ken.  The other DC is not showing these
settings within the policy in sysvol.  Is there a way to check this
replication, to verify that it is even setup?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Richard Stovall
This site
makes it seem like the Support Tools are included with 2008 but have to
be added as a feature.  Our DCs are 2003 SP2 so that's the version of
the Support Tools I use.  I've got the 2003 SP2 support tools on my XP
SP3 workstation and can run both replmon and repadmin locally.

This site from MS
aspx) describes Getting over replmon and how to use repadmin
effectively for many situations.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

That's what I'm looking at now.  Should that be run on the source, or
target machine, or does it matter?  Also, is replmon available for 2k8?
The server I've been making the changes on is 2K8, and the replication
is happening to one of my 2K3 DCs, but not the other.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 9:34
Do you have the support tools installed anywhere?  You can use replmon
(GUI) or repadmin (CLI) to check/force replication.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

That's the issue, thanks Ken.  The other DC is not showing these
settings within the policy in sysvol.  Is there a way to check this
replication, to verify that it is even setup?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
So, I've now looked at this with replmon.  It is showing all replications 
successful.  It shows:


All of these are showing successful, within the last 15 minutes.

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client is 
connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g. load GPMC and 
target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in sysvol are present on 
that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the Group 
policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running rsop.msc 
following this does not show the new settings.  It does show other settings 
from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to bounce the 
servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has been plenty of time 
for policy updates, both manual by me, and automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication status 
to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs that these 
clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is not 
accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is connecting 
to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server that is definitely 
showing the new additions to the policy.  This server is not showing the 
updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it worked successfully, and there 
were no errors in the Application log.  Normally, I would just wait for the 
change, but it has been almost a full day now, without the change coming 

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client is 
connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g. load GPMC and 
target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in sysvol are present on 
that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the Group 
policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running rsop.msc 
following this does not show the new settings.  It does show other settings 
from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to bounce the 
servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has been plenty of time 
for policy updates, both manual by me, and automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication status 
to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs that these 
clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Richard Stovall
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
I have now enabled verbose logging on one of the clients not working.  Under 
Debug\User Mode, there is a gpsvc file, showing group policy stuff.  In this 
file, it doesn't show that the client ever found the Member Server Policy, 
which contains the login banner.

However, when I run gpresult /S computername /V |more, it shows the Member 
Server Policy listed under Computer Settings - Applied Group Policy Objects.  
But, again, if I scroll down through the report, it shows the settings that 
were already part of the Member Server Policy, but not the new changes I made 

This client I'm looking at now, is connecting to a DC that does have the new 
settings in the policy under Sysvol. 

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 10:55 AM 
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ http

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Richard Stovall
And you have no replication errors at all anywhere?  Are all your DCs in
the same site?  Is there anything complex or unusual about your AD

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

I have now enabled verbose logging on one of the clients not working.
Under Debug\User Mode, there is a gpsvc file, showing group policy
stuff.  In this file, it doesn't show that the client ever found the
Member Server Policy, which contains the login banner.

However, when I run gpresult /S computername /V |more, it shows the
Member Server Policy listed under Computer Settings - Applied Group
Policy Objects.  But, again, if I scroll down through the report, it
shows the settings that were already part of the Member Server Policy,
but not the new changes I made yesterday.

This client I'm looking at now, is connecting to a DC that does have the
new settings in the policy under Sysvol. 

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 10:55
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~ ~  ~

~ Finally

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
One of the DCs is in a Warm site, the other two are virtualized in the same 
server room.  All three of the DCs are listed in the same site in AD Sites  
Services.  Replmon is showing successful replication for everything it lists.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 12:03 PM 
And you have no replication errors at all anywhere?  Are all your DCs in
the same site?  Is there anything complex or unusual about your AD

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

I have now enabled verbose logging on one of the clients not working.
Under Debug\User Mode, there is a gpsvc file, showing group policy
stuff.  In this file, it doesn't show that the client ever found the
Member Server Policy, which contains the login banner.

However, when I run gpresult /S computername /V |more, it shows the
Member Server Policy listed under Computer Settings - Applied Group
Policy Objects.  But, again, if I scroll down through the report, it
shows the settings that were already part of the Member Server Policy,
but not the new changes I made yesterday.

This client I'm looking at now, is connecting to a DC that does have the
new settings in the policy under Sysvol. 

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 10:55
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Richard Stovall
If you right-click on the each of the DCs in replmon and choose Show
Group Policy Object Status, do you see the same information for all
three Domain Controllers?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

One of the DCs is in a Warm site, the other two are virtualized in the
same server room.  All three of the DCs are listed in the same site in
AD Sites  Services.  Replmon is showing successful replication for
everything it lists.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 12:03
And you have no replication errors at all anywhere?  Are all your DCs in
the same site?  Is there anything complex or unusual about your AD

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

I have now enabled verbose logging on one of the clients not working.
Under Debug\User Mode, there is a gpsvc file, showing group policy
stuff.  In this file, it doesn't show that the client ever found the
Member Server Policy, which contains the login banner.

However, when I run gpresult /S computername /V |more, it shows the
Member Server Policy listed under Computer Settings - Applied Group
Policy Objects.  But, again, if I scroll down through the report, it
shows the settings that were already part of the Member Server Policy,
but not the new changes I made yesterday.

This client I'm looking at now, is connecting to a DC that does have the
new settings in the policy under Sysvol. 

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 10:55
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
The DC without the updates has an X in the Sync status column, and showing 
different version numbers between the version number and the SysVol version.  
The other two are the same as each other.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 12:31 PM 
If you right-click on the each of the DCs in replmon and choose Show
Group Policy Object Status, do you see the same information for all
three Domain Controllers?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

One of the DCs is in a Warm site, the other two are virtualized in the
same server room.  All three of the DCs are listed in the same site in
AD Sites  Services.  Replmon is showing successful replication for
everything it lists.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 12:03
And you have no replication errors at all anywhere?  Are all your DCs in
the same site?  Is there anything complex or unusual about your AD

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

I have now enabled verbose logging on one of the clients not working.
Under Debug\User Mode, there is a gpsvc file, showing group policy
stuff.  In this file, it doesn't show that the client ever found the
Member Server Policy, which contains the login banner.

However, when I run gpresult /S computername /V |more, it shows the
Member Server Policy listed under Computer Settings - Applied Group
Policy Objects.  But, again, if I scroll down through the report, it
shows the settings that were already part of the Member Server Policy,
but not the new changes I made yesterday.

This client I'm looking at now, is connecting to a DC that does have the
new settings in the policy under Sysvol. 

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 10:55
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Free, Bob
It's far easier and more thorough to check GPOs with GPOtool.exe
(ResKit). AD can be replicating fine but if FRS is having issues so can
your GPO.

It will evaluate both the GPT (sysvol portion replicated by FRS) and the
GPC (AD portion replicated by DS replication) for any inconsistencies.
It can optionally check the sysvol ACL which can also be a problem

I would run gpotool /checkacl from a system in the domain that is
encountering issues. That way you can rule out any inconsistencies with
the GPO plumbing on all the DCs before you start mucking around with

-Original Message-
From: Richard Stovall [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:32 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

If you right-click on the each of the DCs in replmon and choose Show
Group Policy Object Status, do you see the same information for all
three Domain Controllers?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:17 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

One of the DCs is in a Warm site, the other two are virtualized in the
same server room.  All three of the DCs are listed in the same site in
AD Sites  Services.  Replmon is showing successful replication for
everything it lists.

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 12:03
And you have no replication errors at all anywhere?  Are all your DCs in
the same site?  Is there anything complex or unusual about your AD

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

I have now enabled verbose logging on one of the clients not working.
Under Debug\User Mode, there is a gpsvc file, showing group policy
stuff.  In this file, it doesn't show that the client ever found the
Member Server Policy, which contains the login banner.

However, when I run gpresult /S computername /V |more, it shows the
Member Server Policy listed under Computer Settings - Applied Group
Policy Objects.  But, again, if I scroll down through the report, it
shows the settings that were already part of the Member Server Policy,
but not the new changes I made yesterday.

This client I'm looking at now, is connecting to a DC that does have the
new settings in the policy under Sysvol. 

 Richard Stovall 9/9/2009 10:55
Have you enabled verbose logging on the affected client(s)?

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

For the most part, this has been the answer.  For some reason, one DC is
not accepting the changes that were made to the policy.

However, I now have an exception.  I have a 2K8 virtual box, that is
connecting to the DC that I made the changes to in GPMC.  The server
that is definitely showing the new additions to the policy.  This server
is not showing the updates under RSoP.  The gpupdate /force says it
worked successfully, and there were no errors in the Application log.
Normally, I would just wait for the change, but it has been almost a
full day now, without the change coming through.

Any other ideas?

 Ken Schaefer 9/9/2009 9:17 AM 
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

 Ken Schaefer 9/8/2009 9:13 PM 
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton
So, after I run the gpotool /checkacl, I ended up piping it to a text file, and 
the errors it finds, are version mismatches on the server I knew about.

Here's where I stand:

3 DCs
MoDC01 - 2K3 Virtual
MoDC04 - 2K8 Virtual
WSDC02 - 2K3 Physical

GPMC is installed on MoDC04, and that's where I made the GP change.

The change is to a policy we call Member Server Policy, and I added a login 
banner to it.

Prior to this change, the login banner that existed was input manually, most 
into the Local Security Policy, and a few to the registry at: 
Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Winlogin\.

Immediately after applying the GPO change on MoDC04, I went back through the 
servers that were set manually before, and deleted the entries in Local 
Security Policy, and the registry (data, not the keys themselves)

Yesterday afternoon, I noticed some client servers weren't updating the GPO.  I 
tried gpupdate /force with no luck.  This morning, after troubleshooting, I 
found that the bad clients are connected to various DCs for logonserver.  
Also found out that MoDC01 does not have the changes made to the GPO.  MoDC04 
and WSDC02 are both the same, with the latest changes.  

I've looked at replmon, which shows all sucesses.
I've turned on verbose logging on a client server that is having issues, and it 
doesn't list the Member Server Policy at all.
I've used gpotool, and the errors it shows are the version mismatches on 
MoDC01.  There's nothing in that report showing lack of rights/credentials to 
process the GPOs.

Bottom line:

I have client servers that are not updating this new GPO, some trying to get it 
from MoDC01, some trying to get it from WSDC02, and one or two trying to get it 
from MoDC04.

 Free, Bob 9/9/2009 12:45 PM 
It's far easier and more thorough to check GPOs with GPOtool.exe
(ResKit). AD can be replicating fine but if FRS is having issues so can
your GPO.

It will evaluate both the GPT (sysvol portion replicated by FRS) and the
GPC (AD portion replicated by DS replication) for any inconsistencies.
It can optionally check the sysvol ACL which can also be a problem

I would run gpotool /checkacl from a system in the domain that is
encountering issues. That way you can rule out any inconsistencies with
the GPO plumbing on all the DCs before you start mucking around with

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Free, Bob

First thing you need to do is figure out what is causing the version
mismatch and correct it, then tackle the client side issues. Any of your
clients could be encountering the problem and not processing policy

I assuming that gpotool told you something like Error: Version mismatch
on DCx, DS=12345, sysvol=45678 and only one of these sysvol versions is

Further assumption is that you have a problem with FRS since a) you said
your DS replication was OK, and b) that's almost always what it is IME.

Look at the FRS logs on that DC and see what they say and we can take it
from there. Depending on what is going on with FRS, sometimes it is as
simple as making an insignificant change to the GPO, saving it, undoing
said change and saving it again and waiting for the new version number
to replicate out.


I've seen %logonserver% mentioned a couple of times, you can't put a lot
of store in that evar because your GPOs are based on a DFS referral for
the SYSVOL[1].The DC a client is currently communicating with (aka
SecureChannel) is not necessarily the same as the server that
authenticated you interactively. What is actually used can change from
that server for a variety of reasons. The :logonserver% evar also isn't
maintained, it is set once at logon and stays that way until you log off
and log on again. So all you can really count on it for is to tell you
who authenticated your interactive logon. On the box I am typing this
on, all three (%logonserver, SecureChannel  sysvol) are different DC's.

If you want to know where you are getting your sysvol share from do:

dfsutil /pktinfo and look for the entry something like
[\sysvol] State:0x131 ( ACTIVE )

[1] The system volume is a domain-based DFS root, and each domain
controller in the domain hosts a link replica of the share. To locate
the system volume, a client computer queries the logon server for a list
of DFS link replicas. The logon server returns a list of all servers in
DFS that host the system volume. This list is in random order. Servers
that are located in the same site that the client computer is located in
are put at the top of the list. A user can be authenticated by one
domain controller, and can download policies from another domain
controller in the site.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:31 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

So, after I run the gpotool /checkacl, I ended up piping it to a text
file, and the errors it finds, are version mismatches on the server I
knew about.

Here's where I stand:

3 DCs
MoDC01 - 2K3 Virtual
MoDC04 - 2K8 Virtual
WSDC02 - 2K3 Physical

GPMC is installed on MoDC04, and that's where I made the GP change.

The change is to a policy we call Member Server Policy, and I added a
login banner to it.

Prior to this change, the login banner that existed was input manually,
most into the Local Security Policy, and a few to the registry at:
Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Winlogin\.

Immediately after applying the GPO change on MoDC04, I went back through
the servers that were set manually before, and deleted the entries in
Local Security Policy, and the registry (data, not the keys themselves)

Yesterday afternoon, I noticed some client servers weren't updating the
GPO.  I tried gpupdate /force with no luck.  This morning, after
troubleshooting, I found that the bad clients are connected to various
DCs for logonserver.  Also found out that MoDC01 does not have the
changes made to the GPO.  MoDC04 and WSDC02 are both the same, with the
latest changes.  

I've looked at replmon, which shows all sucesses.
I've turned on verbose logging on a client server that is having issues,
and it doesn't list the Member Server Policy at all.
I've used gpotool, and the errors it shows are the version mismatches on
MoDC01.  There's nothing in that report showing lack of
rights/credentials to process the GPOs.

Bottom line:

I have client servers that are not updating this new GPO, some trying to
get it from MoDC01, some trying to get it from WSDC02, and one or two
trying to get it from MoDC04.

 Free, Bob 9/9/2009 12:45 PM 
It's far easier and more thorough to check GPOs with GPOtool.exe
(ResKit). AD can be replicating fine but if FRS is having issues so can
your GPO.

It will evaluate both the GPT (sysvol portion replicated by FRS) and the
GPC (AD portion replicated by DS replication) for any inconsistencies.
It can optionally check the sysvol ACL which can also be a problem

I would run gpotool /checkacl from a system in the domain that is
encountering issues. That way you can rule out any inconsistencies with
the GPO plumbing on all the DCs before you start mucking around with

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Joseph Heaton

Thanks for the explanation, it makes it more logical for me.  I looked in the 
FRS logs, and there's one error repeated over and over, from around July 
sometime.  It's an Event ID: 13559, Source: NtFrs.  It says that the FRS has 
detected that the replica root path has changed from c:\windows\sysvol\domain 
to c:\windows\sysvol\domain.  Seems like the same exact path to me, but oh 
well.  It also says that a file with the name NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT needs to 
be created under the new root path.

I looked in that path, and that file was there...almost.  There was no 
underline between FILE and MOVE.  I've fixed that, and we'll see in the morning 
if FRS is working again.

In the meantime, I've gone back into the client machines that weren't taking 
the GPO update and manually added the login banner to their Local Security 
Policy.  Should I go back and delete that again, in hopes that the GPO does it 
tonight, or should I leave it until tomorrow, and see if it works then?

 Free, Bob 9/9/2009 2:46 PM 

First thing you need to do is figure out what is causing the version
mismatch and correct it, then tackle the client side issues. Any of your
clients could be encountering the problem and not processing policy

I assuming that gpotool told you something like Error: Version mismatch
on DCx, DS=12345, sysvol=45678 and only one of these sysvol versions is

Further assumption is that you have a problem with FRS since a) you said
your DS replication was OK, and b) that's almost always what it is IME.

Look at the FRS logs on that DC and see what they say and we can take it
from there. Depending on what is going on with FRS, sometimes it is as
simple as making an insignificant change to the GPO, saving it, undoing
said change and saving it again and waiting for the new version number
to replicate out.


I've seen %logonserver% mentioned a couple of times, you can't put a lot
of store in that evar because your GPOs are based on a DFS referral for
the SYSVOL[1].The DC a client is currently communicating with (aka
SecureChannel) is not necessarily the same as the server that
authenticated you interactively. What is actually used can change from
that server for a variety of reasons. The :logonserver% evar also isn't
maintained, it is set once at logon and stays that way until you log off
and log on again. So all you can really count on it for is to tell you
who authenticated your interactive logon. On the box I am typing this
on, all three (%logonserver, SecureChannel  sysvol) are different DC's.

If you want to know where you are getting your sysvol share from do:

dfsutil /pktinfo and look for the entry something like
[\sysvol] State:0x131 ( ACTIVE )

[1] The system volume is a domain-based DFS root, and each domain
controller in the domain hosts a link replica of the share. To locate
the system volume, a client computer queries the logon server for a list
of DFS link replicas. The logon server returns a list of all servers in
DFS that host the system volume. This list is in random order. Servers
that are located in the same site that the client computer is located in
are put at the top of the list. A user can be authenticated by one
domain controller, and can download policies from another domain
controller in the site.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:31 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

So, after I run the gpotool /checkacl, I ended up piping it to a text
file, and the errors it finds, are version mismatches on the server I
knew about.

Here's where I stand:

3 DCs
MoDC01 - 2K3 Virtual
MoDC04 - 2K8 Virtual
WSDC02 - 2K3 Physical

GPMC is installed on MoDC04, and that's where I made the GP change.

The change is to a policy we call Member Server Policy, and I added a
login banner to it.

Prior to this change, the login banner that existed was input manually,
most into the Local Security Policy, and a few to the registry at:
Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Winlogin\.

Immediately after applying the GPO change on MoDC04, I went back through
the servers that were set manually before, and deleted the entries in
Local Security Policy, and the registry (data, not the keys themselves)

Yesterday afternoon, I noticed some client servers weren't updating the
GPO.  I tried gpupdate /force with no luck.  This morning, after
troubleshooting, I found that the bad clients are connected to various
DCs for logonserver.  Also found out that MoDC01 does not have the
changes made to the GPO.  MoDC04 and WSDC02 are both the same, with the
latest changes.  

I've looked at replmon, which shows all sucesses.
I've turned on verbose logging on a client server that is having issues,
and it doesn't list the Member Server Policy at all.
I've used gpotool, and the errors it shows are the version mismatches on
MoDC01.  There's nothing

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-09 Thread Free, Bob

Did you bounce the offending FRS service? Depending on the size of the
replica set, all could be well in a few minutes but AFAIK you must
restart FRS. 

Since you have it in your Local Policy which I assume makes any
regulatory-types happy, I'd just leave it till you have time to
troubleshoot it further if that is necessary. Fixing FRS should resolve
the problem if everything else is right.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:22 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating


Thanks for the explanation, it makes it more logical for me.  I looked
in the FRS logs, and there's one error repeated over and over, from
around July sometime.  It's an Event ID: 13559, Source: NtFrs.  It says
that the FRS has detected that the replica root path has changed from
c:\windows\sysvol\domain to c:\windows\sysvol\domain.  Seems like
the same exact path to me, but oh well.  It also says that a file with
the name NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT needs to be created under the new root

I looked in that path, and that file was there...almost.  There was no
underline between FILE and MOVE.  I've fixed that, and we'll see in the
morning if FRS is working again.

In the meantime, I've gone back into the client machines that weren't
taking the GPO update and manually added the login banner to their Local
Security Policy.  Should I go back and delete that again, in hopes that
the GPO does it tonight, or should I leave it until tomorrow, and see if
it works then?

 Free, Bob 9/9/2009 2:46 PM 

First thing you need to do is figure out what is causing the version
mismatch and correct it, then tackle the client side issues. Any of your
clients could be encountering the problem and not processing policy

I assuming that gpotool told you something like Error: Version mismatch
on DCx, DS=12345, sysvol=45678 and only one of these sysvol versions is

Further assumption is that you have a problem with FRS since a) you said
your DS replication was OK, and b) that's almost always what it is IME.

Look at the FRS logs on that DC and see what they say and we can take it
from there. Depending on what is going on with FRS, sometimes it is as
simple as making an insignificant change to the GPO, saving it, undoing
said change and saving it again and waiting for the new version number
to replicate out.


I've seen %logonserver% mentioned a couple of times, you can't put a lot
of store in that evar because your GPOs are based on a DFS referral for
the SYSVOL[1].The DC a client is currently communicating with (aka
SecureChannel) is not necessarily the same as the server that
authenticated you interactively. What is actually used can change from
that server for a variety of reasons. The :logonserver% evar also isn't
maintained, it is set once at logon and stays that way until you log off
and log on again. So all you can really count on it for is to tell you
who authenticated your interactive logon. On the box I am typing this
on, all three (%logonserver, SecureChannel  sysvol) are different DC's.

If you want to know where you are getting your sysvol share from do:

dfsutil /pktinfo and look for the entry something like
[\sysvol] State:0x131 ( ACTIVE )

[1] The system volume is a domain-based DFS root, and each domain
controller in the domain hosts a link replica of the share. To locate
the system volume, a client computer queries the logon server for a list
of DFS link replicas. The logon server returns a list of all servers in
DFS that host the system volume. This list is in random order. Servers
that are located in the same site that the client computer is located in
are put at the top of the list. A user can be authenticated by one
domain controller, and can download policies from another domain
controller in the site.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:31 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

So, after I run the gpotool /checkacl, I ended up piping it to a text
file, and the errors it finds, are version mismatches on the server I
knew about.

Here's where I stand:

3 DCs
MoDC01 - 2K3 Virtual
MoDC04 - 2K8 Virtual
WSDC02 - 2K3 Physical

GPMC is installed on MoDC04, and that's where I made the GP change.

The change is to a policy we call Member Server Policy, and I added a
login banner to it.

Prior to this change, the login banner that existed was input manually,
most into the Local Security Policy, and a few to the registry at:
Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Winlogin\.

Immediately after applying the GPO change on MoDC04, I went back through
the servers that were set manually before, and deleted the entries in
Local Security Policy, and the registry (data, not the keys themselves)

Yesterday afternoon, I noticed some client servers weren't

Re: group policy updating

2009-09-08 Thread Devin Meade
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


 Joseph L. Heaton
 Windows Server Support Group
 Information Technology Branch
 Department of Fish and Game
 1807 13th Street, Suite 201
 Sacramento, CA  95811
 Desk: (916) 323-1284

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

group policy updating

2009-09-08 Thread Joseph Heaton
I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account on 
the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired group 
policy is supposed to be affecting it.


Joseph L. Heaton
Windows Server Support Group
Information Technology Branch
Department of Fish and Game
1807 13th Street, Suite 201
Sacramento, CA  95811
Desk: (916) 323-1284

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

Re: group policy updating

2009-09-08 Thread Joseph Heaton
Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


 Joseph L. Heaton
 Windows Server Support Group
 Information Technology Branch
 Department of Fish and Game
 1807 13th Street, Suite 201
 Sacramento, CA  95811
 Desk: (916) 323-1284

 ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
 ~  ~


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~

RE: group policy updating

2009-09-08 Thread Ken Schaefer
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors
Check your DC replication status to work out whether the GPO has actually 
replicated to the DCs that these clients are talking to


-Original Message-
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two settings 
in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less by a group 
policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that requires a reboot, at 
least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give it some time, and check it 
again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

 Devin Meade 9/8/2009 2:33 PM 
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph wrote:
 I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the machines in 
 question had one, but they were added manually either to the Local Security 
 Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in, deleted any entries in 
 these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force, and logged out and back in.  
 When I do this, some machines show the correct banner, and show it in Local 
 Security Policy, grayed out, which tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other 
 machines don't seem to be updating, even after sitting for a while.The 
 successes and failures vary from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.

 Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?

 I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my account 
 on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that the desired 
 group policy is supposed to be affecting it.


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~  ~