Re: [osol-discuss] HCL is pretty anemic...

2007-08-28 Thread Giles Turner
> Sun's hardware comes with 3-yr warranty, sometimes this is more important 
> than price.  Plus, the list price may not be the final price.

Most hardware you get from shops come with at least 3 year warranty
nowadays. Seagate disks under 5 and others are even under lifetime
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Is a /tmp slice a wise move on Solaris?

2007-08-28 Thread Daniel Tourde

I have my roots in the Linux and *BSD worlds. When I install a system, I am 
used to create separated partitions (slices) for /usr, /opt, /, /var, /tmp. 
It's an old habit. I just like it this way... ;)

Now I wonder, regarding Solaris, I read that to create a /tmp slice was not 
such a good idea. Why? Is it included in the swap?

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is a /tmp slice a wise move on Solaris?

2007-08-28 Thread David Lloyd


> I have my roots in the Linux and *BSD worlds. When I install a system, I am 
> used to create separated partitions (slices) for /usr, /opt, /, /var, /tmp. 
> It's an old habit. I just like it this way... ;)

Fair may want to look into ZFS at some stage which makes 
"partition/slice" management (as such) a cinch.

> Now I wonder, regarding Solaris, I read that to create a /tmp slice was not 
> such a good idea. Why? Is it included in the swap?

/tmp lives on a special filesystem called swapfs (which contains, amoung 
other things, the swap file system itself and potentially some/all of 
the free memory). It's best to leave it like.

(Also, unlike many linuxes expect things in /tmp to disappear on every 

I'm not sure if this question belongs on [osol-help] (the help mailing 
list) or not -) I'm happy to answer but I *think* that's possibly a 
better list to ask such questions on.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is a /tmp slice a wise move on Solaris?

2007-08-28 Thread Casper . Dik

>I have my roots in the Linux and *BSD worlds. When I install a system, I am 
>used to create separated partitions (slices) for /usr, /opt, /, /var, /tmp. 
>It's an old habit. I just like it this way... ;)

There's a downward trend in the number of partitions; I remember needing 
to have two partitions for / and /usr because they would not fit on
single disks.

The reasons for not having multiple partitions are:

- ease of management
- you won't run out of space as quickly (typically one partition
  will run out much sooner than the others)

But it also depends on what type of system.

For small systems (desktop, servers with a few disks) I'd recommend
just two slices: / and swap for the OS.

On larger servers you may want to separate out /var.

Then, of course, whatever you need for (but also preferably one storage

>Now I wonder, regarding Solaris, I read that to create a /tmp slice was not 
>such a good idea. Why? Is it included in the swap?

By default /tmp is 'tmpfs' or virtual memory based filesystem; files
there are relegated to swap when not needed.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Downloading the latest build...

2007-08-28 Thread Bryan Cantu
How do I get the latest build. I have been looking for a build to correct 
bug:6589662 but can't find a build other than snv_70. I must be looking in the 
wrong spot...
Thanks Bryan
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread UNIX admin
> Oh C'mon.  512Mb is not enough to run Windoze XP
> reasonably - even if 
> you can actually install it.  With 1Gb memory DIMMs
> around $50 (or 
> less), expecting to run a state-of-the-art OS in
> 512Mb is "absolutely 
> unacceptable".  If you're serious about
> (Open)Solaris, then you're 
> serious about your hardware.

We should never, under any circumstances, defend regression.

Regression is an error. A severe and serious error. Dealing with regression has 
been one of the main selling points of Solaris. If Solaris starts regressing 
now, it will have lost one of the most crucial competetive edges.

We should also stop defending every bad decision and hiding behind 
"engineering" for everything that just plain isn't right:

making that installer Java-based and Java-dependent was just plain bad decision 
and it caused regression. Rather than hiding behind claims that Java is great 
and that it's "engineering", the responsible person(s) should admit the error 
and fix it.
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Richard L. Hamilton
> > Oh C'mon.  512Mb is not enough to run Windoze XP
> > reasonably - even if 
> > you can actually install it.  With 1Gb memory
> > around $50 (or 
> > less), expecting to run a state-of-the-art OS in
> > 512Mb is "absolutely 
> > unacceptable".  If you're serious about
> > (Open)Solaris, then you're 
> > serious about your hardware.
> We should never, under any circumstances, defend
> regression.
> Regression is an error. A severe and serious error.
> Dealing with regression has been one of the main
> selling points of Solaris. If Solaris starts
> regressing now, it will have lost one of the most
> crucial competetive edges.
> We should also stop defending every bad decision and
> hiding behind "engineering" for everything that just
> plain isn't right:
> making that installer Java-based and Java-dependent
> was just plain bad decision and it caused regression.
> Rather than hiding behind claims that Java is great
> and that it's "engineering", the responsible
> person(s) should admit the error and fix it.

No disagreement with most of that, except that I'm not sure I see
increases in memory requirements (even for the duration of installation)
as regression as such, even if they may a real obstacle.  Unless of course
working on a specified minimum configuration is a distro objective that was

I see a lot of tradeoffs here (ease of use, flexibility, speed, minimum
hardware requirements, development resources needed to optimize the
balance of the previous, etc).  The present situation may suck, but a
balance that would satisfy all interests may not be feasible.

Or to put it another way, for whatever you want, what would you be
willing to give up? :-)

Part of the problem may be RAM-resident miniroot bloat.  Seems to me
that only volatile data _needs_ to live there; everything else could be
on the installation media.  However, optical media is slow in the face
of a lot of seeks.  Dividing miniroot space requirements into volatile
data vs cache for performance might help; the latter could be built in
increments based on available resources, so that a system with ample RAM
could install very quickly, but a slimmer system would still install, if
slowly.  That is, divide the possible miniroot contents into multiple
cpio (or tar, as you prefer) archives on the installation medium, grouped
so the most benefit comes with the initial increments.  Depending on
how much RAM is available, load zero or more of those into the miniroot
(over and above the skeleton needed to hold e.g. device files, symlinks,
directories, config files needed during installation, etc); set $PATH so
that those tools would be found first on the miniroot, and if not there,
on fully-populated versions of the miniroot directories stored on the
installation media.  RPATH would be set in the executables to look for
libraries similarly.

A modular installer could also lend itself to both flexibility (character vs
GUI vs answering as much as possible from site config/policy store) and to
having no more of itself resident at any given time than reasonably necessary.
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread S h i v
This thread is more appropriate at caiman-discuss.
I have posted a related mail there. Please send any follow up posts there.

This thread may be retired from this list.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] flowindent in dvm

2007-08-28 Thread Ajit Bansode
i am new in dtrace.
can we use flowindent directive with dvm provider?
if no then is there any solution for this?

ajit bansode.
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread UNIX admin
> No disagreement with most of that, except that I'm
> not sure I see
> increases in memory requirements (even for the
> duration of installation)
> as regression as such, even if they may a real
> obstacle.

The rudimentary issue here is that one might have a system perfectly capable of 
running Solaris, but is prevented from doing so because the installer's 
unrealistic requirements are preventing one from doing so.

However, it's not all bleak, as it would seem that the new Caiman installer is 
written in C, implying, at least, sane memory requirements.

I think Solaris's problem in general is much deeper than that: sometimes 
Solaris engineering seems to seriously suffer from the "not invented here" 

For example, sgi had the miniroot install solved and real slick down to a tee. 
Solaris somehow doesn't seem to be assimilating technology that it needs from 
others who have already successfully solved the exact same problems Solaris 
faces, years ago.

And it's not like this is some namby-pamby "hack-it-up-on-Friday-night" stuff, 
this was and even today still is professional, state of the art engineered 
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Sarah Jelinek
Hi Richard and All,

Just a few comments inline... specific to the steps we took in the 
Caiman installer related to this discussion.

>>> Oh C'mon.  512Mb is not enough to run Windoze XP
>>> reasonably - even if 
>>> you can actually install it.  With 1Gb memory
>> DIMMs
>>> around $50 (or 
>>> less), expecting to run a state-of-the-art OS in
>>> 512Mb is "absolutely 
>>> unacceptable".  If you're serious about
>>> (Open)Solaris, then you're 
>>> serious about your hardware.
>> We should never, under any circumstances, defend
>> regression.
>> Regression is an error. A severe and serious error.
>> Dealing with regression has been one of the main
>> selling points of Solaris. If Solaris starts
>> regressing now, it will have lost one of the most
>> crucial competetive edges.
We didn't regress with Dwarf Caiman. We are within the existing memory 
checks that the Solaris installer has had in them for some time. This is 
our current requirements:

1. SXDE3 (Dwarf)- 786MB  - we do exit out if the user doesn't have 
enough memory. We tell them to go to the text based installer. Now, 768 
is a high limit for Dwarf. We know we can run under less memory, but not 
on any reasonable boundary where we can lower this requirement at this 
time. But, we are working on this.

2. SXCE - Interactive GUI - 768MB(same as it has been for a long time)

3. Text installer - windows based - 512MB

4. Console based text installer - > 256MB - its not quite 256MB any 
longer. Not sure exactly the numbers though.

>> We should also stop defending every bad decision and
>> hiding behind "engineering" for everything that just
>> plain isn't right:
>> making that installer Java-based and Java-dependent
>> was just plain bad decision and it caused regression.
>> Rather than hiding behind claims that Java is great
>> and that it's "engineering", the responsible
>> person(s) should admit the error and fix it.
With Dwarf and subsequent Caiman projects we have moved from the Java 
based GUI to Gnome and C. This should help some, but it doesn't mitigate 
all the size issues in the miniroot.
> No disagreement with most of that, except that I'm not sure I see
> increases in memory requirements (even for the duration of installation)
> as regression as such, even if they may a real obstacle.  Unless of course
> working on a specified minimum configuration is a distro objective that was
> violated.
> I see a lot of tradeoffs here (ease of use, flexibility, speed, minimum
> hardware requirements, development resources needed to optimize the
> balance of the previous, etc).  The present situation may suck, but a
> balance that would satisfy all interests may not be feasible.
> Or to put it another way, for whatever you want, what would you be
> willing to give up? :-)
> Part of the problem may be RAM-resident miniroot bloat.  Seems to me
> that only volatile data _needs_ to live there; everything else could be
> on the installation media.  However, optical media is slow in the face
> of a lot of seeks.  Dividing miniroot space requirements into volatile
> data vs cache for performance might help; the latter could be built in
> increments based on available resources, so that a system with ample RAM
> could install very quickly, but a slimmer system would still install, if
> slowly.  That is, divide the possible miniroot contents into multiple
> cpio (or tar, as you prefer) archives on the installation medium, grouped
> so the most benefit comes with the initial increments.  Depending on
> how much RAM is available, load zero or more of those into the miniroot
> (over and above the skeleton needed to hold e.g. device files, symlinks,
> directories, config files needed during installation, etc); set $PATH so
> that those tools would be found first on the miniroot, and if not there,
> on fully-populated versions of the miniroot directories stored on the
> installation media.  RPATH would be set in the executables to look for
> libraries similarly.
Actually, what you describe is what we do, partially. As part of the 
work on Dwarf I separated out what needed to be in the part we call the 
'miniroot', x86.miniroot archive, and created several new archives that 
hold the data that may or may not be used depending on the path the user 
chooses for installation.  We unpack only the archives necessary. This 
helps with the RAM situation. We no longer load Java when it isn't 
needed. We don't load Gnome when the user has chosen the Java GUI.

But, we don't, at this time, run anything from the media until much 
later for the Tools install. This is something we are looking in to 
doing. As you note, there may be performance issues with this approach.
> A modular installer could also lend itself to both flexibility (character vs
> GUI vs answering as much as possible from site config/policy store) and to
> having no more of itself resident at any given time than reasonably necessary.

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Ignacio Marambio Catán
> 4. Console based text installer - > 256MB - its not quite 256MB any
> longer. Not sure exactly the numbers though.
i thought grub required at least 512mb, that is a limiting factor in
the x86 world

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Downloading the latest build...

2007-08-28 Thread Dave Miner
Bryan Cantu wrote:
> How do I get the latest build. I have been looking for a build to
> correct bug:6589662 but can't find a build other than snv_70. I must
> be looking in the wrong spot... 

It's fixed in 72, which is not out yet.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread UNIX admin
> We didn't regress with Dwarf Caiman. We are within
> the existing memory 
> checks that the Solaris installer has had in them for
> some time. This is 
> our current requirements:

I wasn't saying that Caiman regressed.  I'm saying that installer and therefore 
Solaris as a whole regressed in terms of memory requirements.  One used to be 
able to install Solaris 2.5.1 on 16MB of RAM.  Is anyone laughing at those 16 
measly megabytes?  I sure am not.  This is serious.

> 1. SXDE3 (Dwarf)- 786MB  - we do exit out if the user
> doesn't have 
> enough memory. We tell them to go to the text based
> installer. Now, 768 
> is a high limit for Dwarf. We know we can run under
> less memory, but not 
> on any reasonable boundary where we can lower this
> requirement at this 
> time. But, we are working on this.
> 2. SXCE - Interactive GUI - 768MB(same as it has been
> for a long time)
> 3. Text installer - windows based - 512MB
> 4. Console based text installer - > 256MB - its not
> quite 256MB any 
> longer. Not sure exactly the numbers though.

Again: did somebody, anybody at all, study how sgi solved this particular issue?

sgi did not need 256MB of RAM to install IRIX, an OS which was on the order of 
several gigabytes in his default incarnation and used miniroot more than 15 
years ago. It follows logically from this, that 15 years ago most sgi systems 
only had 24-32MB of RAM, so sgi must have done something right.

If the answer is simply "no", why not?
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Brandorr
I think it's time we took this discussion to install-discuss. Please
remove opensolaris-discuss from replies.

Instead of requiring that we unpack to a RAM based miniroot, have we
explored the option of mounting compressed filesystems on the CDROM,
and using symlinks in the miniroot, when the system is under a certain
amount of RAM. (Generally, compressed filesystems increase IO
throughput, in exchange for CPU cycles. This is particularly true on
"slow" storage media).

I think it is possible that this option has not been explored, because
there may not have been a supported compressed filesystem before the
recent changes to ZFS.


On 8/28/07, Sarah Jelinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Richard and All,
> Just a few comments inline... specific to the steps we took in the
> Caiman installer related to this discussion.
> >>> Oh C'mon.  512Mb is not enough to run Windoze XP
> >>> reasonably - even if
> >>> you can actually install it.  With 1Gb memory
> >>>
> >> DIMMs
> >>
> >>> around $50 (or
> >>> less), expecting to run a state-of-the-art OS in
> >>> 512Mb is "absolutely
> >>> unacceptable".  If you're serious about
> >>> (Open)Solaris, then you're
> >>> serious about your hardware.
> >>>
> >> We should never, under any circumstances, defend
> >> regression.
> >>
> >> Regression is an error. A severe and serious error.
> >> Dealing with regression has been one of the main
> >> selling points of Solaris. If Solaris starts
> >> regressing now, it will have lost one of the most
> >> crucial competetive edges.
> >>
> >>
> We didn't regress with Dwarf Caiman. We are within the existing memory
> checks that the Solaris installer has had in them for some time. This is
> our current requirements:
> 1. SXDE3 (Dwarf)- 786MB  - we do exit out if the user doesn't have
> enough memory. We tell them to go to the text based installer. Now, 768
> is a high limit for Dwarf. We know we can run under less memory, but not
> on any reasonable boundary where we can lower this requirement at this
> time. But, we are working on this.
> 2. SXCE - Interactive GUI - 768MB(same as it has been for a long time)
> 3. Text installer - windows based - 512MB
> 4. Console based text installer - > 256MB - its not quite 256MB any
> longer. Not sure exactly the numbers though.
> >> We should also stop defending every bad decision and
> >> hiding behind "engineering" for everything that just
> >> plain isn't right:
> >>
> >> making that installer Java-based and Java-dependent
> >> was just plain bad decision and it caused regression.
> >> Rather than hiding behind claims that Java is great
> >> and that it's "engineering", the responsible
> >> person(s) should admit the error and fix it.
> >>
> >
> >
> With Dwarf and subsequent Caiman projects we have moved from the Java
> based GUI to Gnome and C. This should help some, but it doesn't mitigate
> all the size issues in the miniroot.
> > No disagreement with most of that, except that I'm not sure I see
> > increases in memory requirements (even for the duration of installation)
> > as regression as such, even if they may a real obstacle.  Unless of course
> > working on a specified minimum configuration is a distro objective that was
> > violated.
> >
> > I see a lot of tradeoffs here (ease of use, flexibility, speed, minimum
> > hardware requirements, development resources needed to optimize the
> > balance of the previous, etc).  The present situation may suck, but a
> > balance that would satisfy all interests may not be feasible.
> >
> > Or to put it another way, for whatever you want, what would you be
> > willing to give up? :-)
> >
> > Part of the problem may be RAM-resident miniroot bloat.  Seems to me
> > that only volatile data _needs_ to live there; everything else could be
> > on the installation media.  However, optical media is slow in the face
> > of a lot of seeks.  Dividing miniroot space requirements into volatile
> > data vs cache for performance might help; the latter could be built in
> > increments based on available resources, so that a system with ample RAM
> > could install very quickly, but a slimmer system would still install, if
> > slowly.  That is, divide the possible miniroot contents into multiple
> > cpio (or tar, as you prefer) archives on the installation medium, grouped
> > so the most benefit comes with the initial increments.  Depending on
> > how much RAM is available, load zero or more of those into the miniroot
> > (over and above the skeleton needed to hold e.g. device files, symlinks,
> > directories, config files needed during installation, etc); set $PATH so
> > that those tools would be found first on the miniroot, and if not there,
> > on fully-populated versions of the miniroot directories stored on the
> > installation media.  RPATH would be set in the executables to look for
> > libraries similarly.
> >
> >
> Actually, what you describe is what we do, partially. As part of the
> work on Dwarf I separated out what nee

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Casper . Dik

>> 4. Console based text installer - > 256MB - its not quite 256MB any
>> longer. Not sure exactly the numbers though.
>i thought grub required at least 512mb, that is a limiting factor in
>the x86 world

No, I regularly boto a 256 MB system undergrub.

Grub based installs require more memory because of the sheer size
of the miniroot.  It needs to fit main memory with room to spare to
run Solaris in.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Casper . Dik

>I wasn't saying that Caiman regressed.  I'm saying that installer and 
>therefore Solaris as a whole
 regressed in terms of memory requirements.  One used to be able to install 
Solaris 2.5.1 on 16MB o
f RAM.  Is anyone laughing at those 16 measly megabytes?  I sure am not.  This 
is serious.

Solaris 2.5.1, in 16MB?  I *am* surprised; I know it kinda worked in 48MB
(laptop I had at the time).

>Again: did somebody, anybody at all, study how sgi solved this particular 
>sgi did not need 256MB of RAM to install IRIX, an OS which was on the order of 
>several gigabytes i
n his default incarnation and used miniroot more than 15 years ago. It follows 
logically from this,
 that 15 years ago most sgi systems only had 24-32MB of RAM, so sgi must have 
done something right.

SunOS 3.x had a graphical installer which worked in 4MB, so perhaps that
is not an argument :-)

I think there's a fundamental flaw in he current installers; the
installer needs to copy the 100s of megabytes of data it by and large
does not use into memory before it starts working.

(In fairness, the SunOS 3.x copied to disk)


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Clarence CHU
Hi there,

I used to install/upgrade snvs using 384MB in Console/Text mode.
and Up/Downgrade the RAM size as according to the system requirements.

The very minimum to run the installed svn is 96MB (tested by a mal-function
RAM stick of 256MB), the 96MB box will walk, not run, well for simple named, 

To install the developer version, it's best to install from s10u3 and upgrade 
to Express,
then use /cdrom/Developer_Tools/ to install the developer kits, 
regardless of your RAM size (better > 256MB for to be in failsafe mode), you may
run Sun Studio 1[12].

Ah! do prepare larger swap area on different disk if you can and perform 
ufsdump/ufsrestore after installation and registration to minimize 
defragmentation.  arrange frequently accessed area to the beginning of the disk 
will help a bit.

That's two cents, if you find it helpful,

Clarence CHU
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Moinak Ghosh
Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> [...]
>> We should also stop defending every bad decision and
>> hiding behind "engineering" for everything that just
>> plain isn't right:
>> making that installer Java-based and Java-dependent
>> was just plain bad decision and it caused regression.
>> Rather than hiding behind claims that Java is great
>> and that it's "engineering", the responsible
>> person(s) should admit the error and fix it.
> [...]
> Part of the problem may be RAM-resident miniroot bloat.  Seems to me
> that only volatile data _needs_ to live there; everything else could be
> on the installation media.  However, optical media is slow in the face
> of a lot of seeks.  Dividing miniroot space requirements into volatile
> data vs cache for performance might help; the latter could be built in
> increments based on available resources, so that a system with ample RAM
> could install very quickly, but a slimmer system would still install, if
> slowly.  That is, divide the possible miniroot contents into multiple
> cpio (or tar, as you prefer) archives on the installation medium, grouped
> so the most benefit comes with the initial increments.  Depending on
> how much RAM is available, load zero or more of those into the miniroot
> (over and above the skeleton needed to hold e.g. device files, symlinks,
> directories, config files needed during installation, etc); set $PATH so
> that those tools would be found first on the miniroot, and if not there,
> on fully-populated versions of the miniroot directories stored on the
> installation media.  RPATH would be set in the executables to look for
> libraries similarly.

   Slim Install:

   Live Media Kit:



opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Moinak Ghosh
>>   Performance:
> So why aren't your hsfs enhancement in ordinary OpenSolaris yet?

   Working on it. Should be going in soon. It is needed for Slim Install.
   I sent out the webrevs for community review to caiman-discuss a few
   days back.


> Casper

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread James Carlson
UNIX admin writes:
> > We didn't regress with Dwarf Caiman. We are within
> > the existing memory 
> > checks that the Solaris installer has had in them for
> > some time. This is 
> > our current requirements:
> I wasn't saying that Caiman regressed.  I'm saying that installer
> and therefore Solaris as a whole regressed in terms of memory
> requirements.  One used to be able to install Solaris 2.5.1 on 16MB
> of RAM.  Is anyone laughing at those 16 measly megabytes?  I sure am
> not.  This is serious.

Time passes.  I *expect* the requirements to change with time,
including the minimum amount of memory.

We used to install on 386 and 486 CPUs.  We've long since dropped
support for those platforms because they no longer matter.  Is that a
regression?  I don't think it is, because the world we're in has also
changed, and the loss of those museum-quality pieces doesn't matter.

In terms of Dwarf Caiman, I agree that 786MB seems a touch excessive,
even for today's machines.  I assume it's a temporary regression and
not a permanent design constraint.  That, at least, is what the folks
involved with the project have been saying -- repeatedly.

Assuming it's just a temporary issue on the road to a much better
installer, the right answer to this is "welcome to Nevada."  We
certainly do _NOT_ assert that Nevada will be entirely regression-
free from build to build.  It's not a release.

> Again: did somebody, anybody at all, study how sgi solved this particular 
> issue?

I strongly doubt it.

> If the answer is simply "no", why not?

Is any part of it open source with reasonable terms?  If not, then all
we've really got is an assertion that someone was able to fill those
bags differently under a completely different set of constraints in a
completely different era.  That's believable but not terribly useful.

Many of us were able to do great things in just a few KB of memory in
decades past.  Does that mean an Solaris Express should install on an
6809 with an array of 2114s for main RAM?  I don't think so.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive 71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Joe G (Joseph George)
I think the code review of Moinak's changes is going on. I did see a  
request on livemedia and caiman discuss.


On 28-Aug-07, at 9:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>   Performance:
>> the_belenix_livecd_performance_story
>> the_belenix_livecd_performance_story1
>> the_belenix_livecd_performance_story2
> So why aren't your hsfs enhancement in ordinary OpenSolaris yet?
> Casper
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread Casper . Dik

>   Performance:

So why aren't your hsfs enhancement in ordinary OpenSolaris yet?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread UNIX admin
> Solaris 2.5.1, in 16MB?  I *am* surprised; I know it
> kinda worked in 48MB
> (laptop I had at the time).

I have installed Solaris 7 on a 24MB SparcStation 1+, my own personal first 
ever UNIX piece of hardware.

> SunOS 3.x had a graphical installer which worked in
> 4MB, so perhaps that
> is not an argument :-)

Why not? It's proof that it can be done in even less than 16MB!

But I persist with my question: has anyone involved with working on the Solaris 
installer studied how sgi solved it?

> I think there's a fundamental flaw in he current
> installers; the
> installer needs to copy the 100s of megabytes of data
> it by and large
> does not use into memory before it starts working.

It could load the miniroot into the swap slice instead; if the disk has no 
Solaris swap slices, it could use the newly ported qparted to offer to 
resize/reslice and create the necessary swap slice to load the miniroot into, 
and run it from there.

RAM requirements for such code are minimal, on the order of few hundred 
kilobytes, plus whatever qparted needs. Even at 24-bit depth, installer 
graphics could be made to fit in under 2MB at decent resolution.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Memory requirements to install Solaris

2007-08-28 Thread James Carlson
UNIX admin writes:
> > I think there's a fundamental flaw in he current
> > installers; the
> > installer needs to copy the 100s of megabytes of data
> > it by and large
> > does not use into memory before it starts working.
> It could load the miniroot into the swap slice instead; if the disk has no 
> Solaris swap slices, it could use the newly ported qparted to offer to 
> resize/reslice and create the necessary swap slice to load the miniroot into, 
> and run it from there.

Except, of course, that swap slices aren't a required part of the

> RAM requirements for such code are minimal, on the order of few hundred 
> kilobytes, plus whatever qparted needs. Even at 24-bit depth, installer 
> graphics could be made to fit in under 2MB at decent resolution.

The big trade-off is with development time and support: re-using
common components (such as Xorg and GNOME) means that development is
much easier and we end up with rapid development of new install
features and good, lasting support.

It's entirely possible to create a tiny installer using custom parts.
We could probably fit the whole darned thing in 100KB if we wanted.
The trade off would be:

  - It'd be custom stuff, so nobody would know how to write to it.
Bugs would be inevitable.

  - It'd be unshared with the rest of the system, so when there are
problems, nobody would care about it.  (Unless we posit a lifetime
spent dedicated to supporting this obscure corner; an unlikely act
by someone who works in engineering.)

  - When new hardware is developed, it wouldn't be supported, and
might never be supported if the installer team has long since gone
off to greener pastures.

I agree that some of these parts are bloated and could be put on a
diet.  If you're interested in engineering this part of the system (in
detail) then please do bring it up in install-discuss and the Caiman
project in particular.  There's likely a lot of interesting work yet
to be done here.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive 71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] HCL is pretty anemic...

2007-08-28 Thread andrewk9
You can pretty much divide the Sun list price by 2, as is common with some 
other tech vendors. HP seems is the only one of the big computer firms I know 
that actually uses meaningful (i.e. accurate) list prices.


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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] 915 gav boards installation?

2007-08-28 Thread P SRINIVASA RAO
will any thing work on intel 915 gav boards, starting from 11/06 release to 
latest b70 release I have tried every thing, nothing is working for me, either 
after installation, it fails to show up login splash screen or it fails at the 
installation stage for example b70 release failed to install after detecting 
key board layout and next screen weird display of failed graphic type.what 
could be the reasons, could some one throw some light on it please.
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Is Sun's LDAP Directory server open source?

2007-08-28 Thread Brandorr
If so what consolidation is it part of? (I want to see how it compares
to other open source directory servers.)


- Brian Gupta
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] HP dv9000z

2007-08-28 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
> Has any one been able to download the F.38 bios from
> HP? I get a zero length file when
> I try. Near as I can tell, F.27 only supports a
> single hard disk.
> -John

Sorry I missed your post.  I never bothered to do the BIOS upgrade (don't know 
how to do the BIOS update from the Vista DVD).  I downloaded sp36393.exe from which happened to be a zero byte file.  So far, the built-in mouse pad 
doesn't work (I always disable it anyway).  But I would like to have sound, 
though it is not a concern at least right now.
This message posted from
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Sun's LDAP Directory server open source?

2007-08-28 Thread Ignacio Marambio Catán
On 8/28/07, Brandorr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If so what consolidation is it part of? (I want to see how it compares
> to other open source directory servers.)

no, it is not, however there is another opensource DS from sun called
opends which is opensource. btw, not being opensouce is a requirement
for the comparison or just another item to take into consideration?
i'm just wondering

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] An Open Letter to the Solaris Community.

2007-08-28 Thread W. Wayne Liauh
two follow-up posts:


"Yes, this is from my blog. Thanks for reading :).
And yes, we can run Windows HVM on Solaris dom0 now.

BTW, I did a little bit correction on the translation below...

In our next step, we'll support nic/disk PV drivers for Windows HVM. At
that time, the performance should be very satisfactory.

Max "


"Hi Wayne,

I'm running Windows XP Home on Xen/Nevada. The CPU is Core2Duo 1.8GHz, 
performance is ok. Attached is the config file.

Andre W. "

# Python configuration setup for 'xm create'.
# This script sets the parameters used when a domain is created using 'xm 
# You use a separate script for each domain you want to create, or 
# you can set the parameters for the domain on the xm command line.

import os, re
arch = os.uname()[4]
if'64', arch):
arch_libdir = 'lib64'
arch_libdir = 'lib'

# Kernel image file.
kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"

# The domain build function. HVM domain uses 'hvm'.

# Initial memory allocation (in megabytes) for the new domain.
# WARNING: Creating a domain with insufficient memory may cause out of
#  memory errors. The domain needs enough memory to boot kernel
#  and modules. Allocating less than 32MBs is not recommended.
memory = 512

# Shadow pagetable memory for the domain, in MB.
# Should be at least 2KB per MB of domain memory, plus a few MB per vcpu.
shadow_memory = 8

# A name for your domain. All domains must have different names.
name = "Windows-on-Solaris"

# 128-bit UUID for the domain.  The default behavior is to generate a new UUID
# on each call to 'xm create'.
#uuid = "06ed00fe-1162-4fc4-b5d8-11993ee4a8b9"

# the number of cpus guest platform has, default=1

# enable/disable HVM guest PAE, default=0 (disabled)

# enable/disable HVM guest ACPI, default=0 (disabled)

# enable/disable HVM guest APIC, default=0 (disabled)

# List of which CPUS this domain is allowed to use, default Xen picks
#cpus = "" # leave to Xen to pick
#cpus = "0"# all vcpus run on CPU0
#cpus = "0-3,5,^1" # run on cpus 0,2,3,5

# Optionally define mac and/or bridge for the network interfaces.
# Random MACs are assigned if not given.

#vif = [ 'type=ioemu' ]

# Define the disk devices you want the domain to have access to, and
# what you want them accessible as.
# Each disk entry is of the form phy:UNAME,DEV,MODE
# where UNAME is the device, DEV is the device name the domain will see,
# and MODE is r for read-only, w for read-write.

#disk = [ 'file:/export/home/mydisk.raw,hdc,w', 
'file:/export/home/install.iso,hda:cdrom,r' ]

#disk = [ 'phy:/dev/dsk/c1d0p0,hdc,w', 
'file:/export/home/install.iso,hda:cdrom,r' ]

#disk = [ 'phy:/dev/zvol/dsk/mypool/mydisk,hdc,w', 
'file:/export/home/install.iso,hda:cdrom,r' ]
disk = [ 'file:/linuxpool/isos/winxp.iso,hdc:cdrom,r', 
'phy:/dev/zvol/dsk/linuxpool/winxp,hda,w' ]

# Configure the behaviour when a domain exits.  There are three 'reasons'
# for a domain to stop: poweroff, reboot, and crash.  For each of these you
# may specify:
#   "destroy",meaning that the domain is cleaned up as normal;
#   "restart",meaning that a new domain is started in place of the old
# one;
#   "preserve",   meaning that no clean-up is done until the domain is
# manually destroyed (using xm destroy, for example); or
#   "rename-restart", meaning that the old domain is not cleaned up, but is
# renamed and a new domain started in its place.
# The default is
#   on_poweroff = 'destroy'
#   on_reboot   = 'restart'
#   on_crash= 'restart'
# For backwards compatibility we also support the deprecated option restart
# restart = 'onreboot' means on_poweroff = 'destroy'
#on_reboot   = 'restart'
#on_crash= 'destroy'
# restart = 'always'   means on_poweroff = 'restart'
#on_reboot   = 'restart'
#on_crash= 'restart'
# restart = 'never'means on_poweroff = 'destroy'
#on_reboot   = 'destroy'
#on_crash= 'destroy'

on_poweroff = 'destroy'
on_reboot   = 'restart'
on_crash= 'preserve'


# New stuff
device_model = '/usr/' + arch_libdir + '/xen/bin/qemu-dm'


[osol-discuss] The open Microsoft XPS document format ?

2007-08-28 Thread Dennis Clarke

friends :

I am not a lawyer and perhaps some other kind community people can help me
to understand what Microsoft is saying about their "XML Paper
Specification".  I figure it is only a matter of time before we need some
sort of software on Solaris that can deal with this format but as near as I
can tell the license is horribly restrictive.

This page :

I do not know *what* that page is trying to say.

However I do see some plain language on this page :

Microsoft Corporation Technical Documentation License Agreement for the XML
Paper Specification


For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are acknowledged, You and Microsoft agree as follows:

1. You may review these Materials only (a) as a reference to assist You in
planning and designing Your product, service or technology ("Product") to
interface with a Microsoft product, specification, service or technology
("Microsoft Product") as described in these Materials; and (b) to provide
feedback on these Materials to Microsoft. All other rights are retained by
Microsoft; this Agreement does not give You rights under any Microsoft
patents. You may not (i) duplicate any part of these Materials, (ii) remove
this Agreement or any notices from these Materials, or (iii) give any part
of these Materials, or assign or otherwise provide Your rights under this
Agreement, to anyone else.

etc etc etc

The part that scares me are the words "You may review these Materials ... as
a reference to assist You in planning and designing Your product ... to
interface with a Microsoft product, specification, service or

Like I said .. I am not a lawyer and I am not about to drop $300/hour ( per
shark ) to a team of IP lawyers to tell me that the XPS document format
forces you into Microsoft lockin.  Am I reading that correct?  Does that
tell me that one may never implement any software on Solaris or an
OpenSolaris based distro such that one may open, use, manage an XPS
document?  It seems to say that I must work with some Microsoft technology.

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