fixed width fonts

2001-08-01 Thread Gearoid Murphy

I am using a lot of lists where each line in the list contains a number of 
fields eg. product quantity price.  However Constructor does not seem to 
have any fixed width fonts making it very difficult to format the lines so 
that a particular field in each line always starts and ends at the same 
point. Is there any way around this?  Should I be using lists in the first 
Thank you

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Launching HotSync programmatically

2001-12-22 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Hi all,
I am wondering whether it is possible to launch HotSync programmatically 
from an application I am developing. Ideally I would like to launch HotSync 
as a subroutine so that it returns to the same point in my application once 
it is finished. I haven't been able to find any code to do this specifically 
and my own attempt (shown below) causes a crash. When debugging it seems to 
get as far as the StartApplication funcion (I am assuming this is HotSync's 
StartApplication function) and then crashes with an "invalid opcode" 
message.I'm not even sure if this is possible and I am probably making some 
very obvious mistakes but if anyone knows how to do this and can show me a 
piece of code I would be very grateful.

DWord   result;
LocalID dbID;
Err err;
DmSearchStateType   searchState;

if (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID == MainMenuSyncButton)
err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true, &searchState,
sysFileTApplication, sysFileCSync, true, &cardNo, &dbID);
if (!err)

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Notification manager

2001-12-23 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Does anyone know what version of CodeWarrior you need to make use of the 
Notification manager. I am using CodeWarrior Release 6 and NotifyMgr.h is 
not present. Is it possible to upgrade without buying a new development 

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Launching application directly after reset

2002-01-07 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Hello everyone,

My problem is very similar to Marta's. I would like to launch my application
directly after a (soft) reset so that no key has to be pressed.
Since SysUIAppLaunch cannot be used as a response to a
SysAppLaunchCmdSystemReset launch code I have tried sending my application a
launch code after a reset that then causes a normal launch code to be sent
to the app.

   case sysAppLaunchCmdSystemReset:
error=SysBroadcastActionCode(55000, NULL);
   case 55000:
error=SysCurAppDatabase(&cardNo, &dbID);
if (!error) error=SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo,
dbID,sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, 0);

However the system still stalls at the Preference Panel.

I have heard that Handscape have an application that will allow you to
launch you app directly (I think its called vFlashPro) but I'm not sure. Has
anyone tried to do this or has anyone used this product?

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Switching backup bit for a database

2002-01-10 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Hello everyone,
This is a simple problem. I have a checkbox that when ticked causes the 
backup bit for a database to be set and when unticked causes the backup bit 
to be unset. The problem is that I don't know the syntax for unsetting the 
backup bit:

error = DmDatabaseInfo(0, dbID, NULL, &dbAttrs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
if (backUp==true) dbAttrs |= dmHdrAttrBackup;
else /* unset backup bit here*/
ErrFatalDisplayIf(error, "Could not get database info.");
error = DmSetDatabaseInfo(0, dbID, NULL, &dbAttrs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 

I know this is a very basic question but could anyone tell me how to unset 
the bit.

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Pop-up lists close when alarm is triggered

2002-01-11 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Hello everyone,
Here is just something I noticed. If you call another application within 
your application and then set an alarm, any pop-up lists in the called 
application will close when the alarm is triggered. This is really 
problematic when the alarm is called continuously until some criterion is 

For example I call HotSync from my application and then set and alarm:

err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true, &searchState, 
sysFileTApplication, sysFileCSync,true,  &cardNo, &dbID);
if (!err)
thisAppErr=SysCurAppDatabase(&thisAppCardNo, &thisAppLocalID);
err=SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, 0);
if (!err)
if (!thisAppErr) thisAppErr = AlmSetAlarm (thisAppCardNo, thisAppLocalID, 
cmdAlarmAfterHotSyncConfig, TimGetSeconds(), true);

When handled in the PilotMain function this alarm when triggered looks at 
the GNextUIAppDBID system marcro to determine if HotSync is still the 
running application. If it is then the alarm is set again, if not the 
SysUISwitch is used to relaunch my application. In this way my application 
relaunches as soon as any other application is opened.

case cmdAlarmAfterHotSyncConfig:
 error = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true,  
&searchState,'appl', 'MTyp', true, &cardNo, &dbID);
HotSyncDBID=DmFindDatabase(HotSyncCardNo, "HotSync");
// If HotSync is not the running application
if (!error) error=SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, 
else if (!error) error = AlmSetAlarm(cardNo, dbID, 
cmdAlarmAfterHotSyncConfig, TimGetSeconds(), true);

The problem is that each time the alarm is triggered (i.e. when HotSync is 
still the current application), any popped up list closes, meaning that they 
only stay open for a fraction of a second and are inaccessible. Am I missing 
something here?

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Finding the current remote HotSync configuration

2002-01-29 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Hello everyone,

My application launches HotSync programmatically after asking the user to 
choose between a remote or direct serial connection.

if (commsMode==REMOTE_COMMS)
err=SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdSyncRequestRemote, 0);
else if (commsMode==LOCAL_COMMS)
err=SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdSyncRequestLocal, 0);

There are to be two remote connection configurations on the handheld, one 
using a landline modem, the other an internal GSM modem.

The problem is that my application needs to know which remote configuration 
is the current HotSync remote configuration before it launches HotSync(i.e. 
whether it is GSM or landline). This is a very basic question but is there a 
means of interrogating a HotSync database (or any other database) in order 
to find out which of the available configurations is set as the current 
remote HotSync configuration.

An even better solution would be to be able to select the current remote 
configuration from within the application but I don't know if this is 


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Accessing HotSync settings

2002-02-05 Thread Gearoid Murphy

I have asked this question before in a round about way but haven't been able 
to solve the problem. Does anyone know where the HotSync settings are stored 
and if it is possible to access or modify them from another application? I 
have 2 remote connection configurations configured on the unit (one GSM, one 
landline) and my app needs to know which is the current HotSync remote 
configuration. Is this info stored in some Preferences database? Is there 
any way of enquiring about this directly to Palm?

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Calling a Windows RAS connection programmatically

2002-03-26 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Hello everyone,

On the "Network Preferences" panel you can configure a "Windows RAS" type 
connection and specify a particular connection method and phone number etc. 
You can then press the connect button to make the connection to the host.

Once this RAS connection has been configured is it possible to call it 
programmatically outside the Network preferences panel, from your own 
application? I know that in a Windows and Windows CE type environment you 
can enumerate the RAS connections within your app and call a particular 
connection by passing its name as a parameter. Can the same be done in Palm?


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Accessing network preferences

2002-03-31 Thread Gearoid Murphy

I've noticed that some applications (ScoutSync for example) have access to 
the Network preferences panal so that the user can configure network 
settings from the application. The 'Done' button returns the user to the 
main application. I want to have access to this in my application but the 
best I can do so far is to jump to the Preferences application where the 
user may change any preference. Does anyone know how to access the Network 
preferences in this way?

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Retain user details after hard reset.

2002-04-05 Thread Gearoid Murphy

I know this is a long shot but is there anyway to force a Palm unit to 
retain its user details when the battery goes flat or after a hard reset. Is 
there a database that can be flashed that will allow the unit to retain the 
userID etc.

The reason I am asking is that we are doing a network HotSync over land-line 
and GSM modem but as far as I know the Network HotSync requires the user to 
be set up on the PC beforehand. Therefore in the event of a battery going 
flat (and therefore the data RAM being cleared)the unit will have to be 
returned to base in order to set it up again.


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"-Current-" connection in Network Preferences Panel

2002-04-18 Thread Gearoid Murphy

In the Network Preferences Panel you can set the Connection to
"-Current-". I'm not sure how the current connection is determined. Is it 
possible to set the current connection programmatically beforehand so that 
when a Network HotSync is done it will use this connection?

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Network Preferences

2002-04-30 Thread Gearoid Murphy

I know I've asked this before and the fact that I haven't got a definitive 
answer should tell me to let it lie but here goes anyway. Is there any way 
to programmatically change Network preferences? I'm thinking specifically of 
the connection that a Windows RAS network connection uses. Does anyone know 
the structure of the Network preferences record(s). Perhaps then I could use 
PrefSetAppPreferences to set the connection.

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RE: Parameter block with SysAppLaunch

2002-05-10 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Thanks lads, I was looking at old documentation.

ps: I think the bus error in the Emulator may be a problem with the Emulator 
adding connections in this way. The reason is that I completely transcribed 
the AddMyProfile example in the documentation on CncAddProfile. Even when 
this was used with a normal launch (rather than SysAppLaunch) for the second 
application, the bus error still occured when viewing the connection in the 
Connection Preferences panel.

>From: Danny Epstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Parameter block with SysAppLaunch
>Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 10:27:54 -0700
>Ben wrote:
> > Changing the owner is important if you're using SysUIAppSwitch, since
> > your current app will end and all its memory will be freed before the
> > new app starts.  With SysAppLaunch, your current app stays around, so
> > ownership can remain with it.
>The docs used to be ambiguous in this area, but I think they're better now.
>Get the latest docs if you haven't already. And if you see anything that
>implies you need to set the owner of the command parameter block before
>calling SysAppLaunch, let us know so we can fix it.
>When you're calling SysAppLaunch, you can allocate the command parameter
>block on the stack if you want. This is faster and smaller than using
>MemPtrNew, but obviously uses more stack space.
>Danny @ PalmSource
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>please see

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bus error in Emulator when adding Connection profile

2002-05-17 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Can anyone tell me why the following code would cause a bus error in POSE 
when the added connection is viewed in the Connection Preferences Panel. The 
AddMyProfile function is taken directly from the documentation on 
CncAddProfile in the kb.

// found in documentation for CncAddProfile
void AddMyProfile()
  CharPtr myConNameP;
  Err err;
  myConNameP = (CharPtr)MemPtrNew(cncProfileNameSize);
  StrCopy(myConNameP, "Foobar");
  err = CncAddProfile(myConNameP, 'u328', 57600,
  0, 0, "AT&FX4", 0, true, false);

// and later use AddMyProfile to add connection
case ctlSelectEvent:
if (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID == MainAddConnectionButton)

The new connection seems to be successfully added on the device but the bus 
error occurs in POSE. To be more specific the bus error occurs when the 
‘Details…’ button is tapped (i.e. the connection details form displaying the 
speed and flow control  cannot be viewed).

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Urgent: HotSync and Samba connection to UNIX machine

2002-09-19 Thread Gearoid Murphy

Is it possible to have the HotSync Manager running on a Windows machine and 
sending and retrieving files via a Samba connection to and from a UNIX 
machine during synchronisation? Can this kind of network drive be treated as 
any other drive? The HotSync manager would only be installed on the Windows 
machine and my conduit would access the network drive.

ps sorry for the urgency of the question but I have to answer this for a 
client as soon as possible.

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Re: symbol sdk

2003-03-04 Thread Gearoid Murphy
The Symbol 1700/1800 SDK (3.10 is the latest, I think) seems to include the 
types that were discontinued in the Palm OS SDK from version 3.5 onwards 
(e.g. DWord, Word, SWord etc). Is it possible to include the Symbol SDK in a 
project that uses the latest Palm OS SDK? Do you use the PalmCompatibility 
header file?

Currently I'm being very silly and dividing my application among two 
projects, one using the latest Palm SDK and the other using a version of the 
Palm SDK compatible with the Symbol SDK.



ps Sorry for hijacking the thread.

From: "John E. Christ III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: symbol sdk
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 10:54:13 -0500
> i want to build an application that has symbol sdk
> and ultralite support. I can do one thing at a time
> either have symbol sdk by using application wizard
> or using stationary for ultralite but how do i include both.
Open one of the Symbol samples, for example SscanDemo.  Make note of the
Access Paths, ScanMgr*.* files and add those to the project you create.
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Re: Pls Help! - to to prevent accidental deletion of Palm Application?

2003-03-21 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Palm applications such as Calc, Memopad etc are installed on the ROM and 
therefore can only be deleted by reconfiguring the ROM and downloading it to 
the unit. Why don't you install your application in flash memory using 
something like FlashPro by Handera. That way your application won't show up 
on the deletion list. It won't disappear after a hard reset or flat battery 

From: apple k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pls Help! - to to prevent accidental deletion of Palm Application?
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 17:10:52 -0800 (PST)
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], apple k
> Hi,
> Is there any way to programmatically prevent the
> deletion of a palm application? I know there is a
> of palm application are able to do so in the market.
> However, could anybody tell me should any libraries
> cater to this? Besides, can we set the preferences
> setting as disable mode programmatically too?
> Pls help. Thank you very much
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Re: Handling the contrast button on Palm V and Palm IIIx

2003-03-27 Thread Gearoid Murphy
What about doing something like the following? In your application, re-map 
the contrast button so that it launches some application (e.g. Calc) using 

Create a global variable that delermines whether or not you allow an exit 
from your application:

Boolean bAllowAppExit;

Then whenever you show an alert or calender etc make sure that the variable 
is set to false. In your event loop, stipulate that this variable must be 
set to true to allow an AppStop event:

EvtGetEvent( &event, 2000 );
   // more code
  }while(event.eType != appStopEvent || bAllowAppExit==false);

I know its convoluted but it should work. I used it to prevent a user from 
exiting my application during a FrmCustomAlert type situation.



From: Ralf Dietrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Handling the contrast button on Palm V and Palm IIIx
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:43:31 +0100
Prashant Jha wrote:
But the problem is that it works when we have a
regular form on the screen, but not when we have an
alert box or a date picker on top of the form. This is
the real issue. The application crashes when we press
the contrast adjustment button while there is an alert
box open on top of my screen.
Does anyone have any ideas?
The cause is that FrmCustomAlert() has its own event handler, and you can't 
filter on your EventLoop(). I have notice this behavior in my application 
that changes the LCD-controler of the palm, so that these message box does 
not appear on the screen. The only solution is that you switch to a 
"safe"-mode, before calling these routines...

Ralf Dietrich

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Re: Handling the contrast button on Palm V and Palm IIIx

2003-03-27 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Come to think of it I'm not sure if you're able to re-map the contrast 

From: "Gearoid Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Handling the contrast button on Palm V and Palm IIIx
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:12:36 +
What about doing something like the following? In your application, re-map 
the contrast button so that it launches some application (e.g. Calc) using 

Create a global variable that delermines whether or not you allow an exit 
from your application:

Boolean bAllowAppExit;

Then whenever you show an alert or calender etc make sure that the variable 
is set to false. In your event loop, stipulate that this variable must be 
set to true to allow an AppStop event:

EvtGetEvent( &event, 2000 );
   // more code
  }while(event.eType != appStopEvent || bAllowAppExit==false);

I know its convoluted but it should work. I used it to prevent a user from 
exiting my application during a FrmCustomAlert type situation.



From: Ralf Dietrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Handling the contrast button on Palm V and Palm IIIx
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:43:31 +0100
Prashant Jha wrote:
But the problem is that it works when we have a
regular form on the screen, but not when we have an
alert box or a date picker on top of the form. This is
the real issue. The application crashes when we press
the contrast adjustment button while there is an alert
box open on top of my screen.
Does anyone have any ideas?
The cause is that FrmCustomAlert() has its own event handler, and you 
can't filter on your EventLoop(). I have notice this behavior in my 
application that changes the LCD-controler of the palm, so that these 
message box does not appear on the screen. The only solution is that you 
switch to a "safe"-mode, before calling these routines...

Ralf Dietrich

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Re: How to use a non editable text field to display text during runtime?

2003-04-02 Thread Gearoid Murphy
You can untick the fields 'Editable' attribute in Constructor and 
programmatically set the fields text using FldSetText, FldSetTextHandle or 
FldSetTextPtr (FldSetTextPtr only to be used with non-editable fields).

From: "Jeremy Roberson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to use a non editable text field to display text during 
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:00:57 -0700

I am using a text field to display the results of a hangman game.  I would
like to prevent the user from modifiying the text field directly.  Any
Jeremy Roberson
  " Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss,
you'll still be among the stars."

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NetLib System use only functions

2003-07-15 Thread Gearoid Murphy
I would very much like to devise my own means by which a user could view a 
list of the available network configurations and select the one to be made 
active (I don't want to go to the Network preferences panel).

The functions NetLibConfigList and NetLibConfigMakeActive look perfect to 
achieve this but they are listed as "System Use Only" functions. It probably 
sounds silly but I'm a little unclear about how to treat these functions.  
Does the "System Use Only" tag mean that the functions are to be avoided at 
all costs or is it a warning that care must be taken as system settings are 
being changed? Is there a means by which they can be used properly? Has 
anyone used these functions to achieve the same sort of funtionality?



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Re: FTP a PDB inside a app.

2003-08-01 Thread Gearoid Murphy
I think its a good idea to look at Greg Winton's book. It gave me a great 
introduction to how the net library works (although I still have a lot to 
learn).  I would suggest that you take a look at the LFtp application at  You can download both the application and the 
source code and see how a Palm ftp client can be put together.



From: "Marlon Cardoso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FTP a PDB inside a app.
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 14:19:18 -0300
Hi All,

First I would like to thank again all people who posted some message here,
once that viewing the historical messages wa a unvaluable resource for me 
my first steps programming for Palm.

I'm glad to say that I did finish a Order Entry application on the Palm
platform and it's working smothly, so the time when I was asking what is a
Char **, has gone thanks for the patient people on this list, once that is 
C question and not a Palm Development question.

Now I want to send a PDB file to a FTP server and download from the same
server another(s) PDBs, on the Palm side I have a modem and on the Server
side I have a Linux machine working as a RAS and FTP.
More specifically what I want to do in my application is:

1-) Dial to a Remote Access Server and establish a PPP connection (just as
the Connect button at the Network option inside preferences do, but from my
application and not from that button).
2-) Upload to a previously defined FTP server one or more PDB files

3-) Download from the server one or more PDB files

4-) Record this activity on the Palm (this I know how to do)

I would like to have all these operations behind a button on my 
with no need of the user to go Preferences, Network, Dial etc...

I'm going start to read the Palm OS Network Programming by Greg Winton, the
communication part of the book Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide and
the Palm OS Programming Companion Volume II - Communications.
All these books have a lot of information and if somebody on this list
already did a similar stuff like the one I want would be really very nice 
can point me the right direction.

Also if there are any libraries or products that would meet my needs I 
like to get information about.

Thanks againg for all the help I found here.



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Re: newbie question: how to read a string from a MemHandle?

2003-08-11 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Char *strP;

strP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(h); // h is a MemHandle

if (strP)
// Do stuff with strP
// Make sure to unlock MemHandle

From: "blaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie question: how to read a string from a MemHandle?
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 10:54:17 +0200
hi everbody, i am new to palm and its memoryhandles.

I receive a string and have to store it in a MemHandle, because i resize it
in a loop while receiving the data. However, i´ve got no idea how to read
the data from the handle, neither a normal (char*) cast, nor a sprintf
works. I´m sure it is pretty easy but i don´t know how to do it :o|
thanx in advance, Jan Pfluger

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Re: newbie question: how to read a string from a MemHandle?

2003-08-14 Thread Gearoid Murphy
correction, should be
err = MemHandleResize(h, MemHandleSize(h)+(len+1));

From: "Gearoid Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie question: how to read a string from a MemHandle?
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 11:10:16 +0100

 err = MemHandleResize(MemHandleSize(h)+(len+1));
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Re: newbie question: how to read a string from a MemHandle?

2003-08-14 Thread Gearoid Murphy
I'm not sure what you are doing wrong.  As I see it to write the data to the 
handle you should be doing something like the following:

// global MemHandle
MemHandle h = NULL;
// Append data to whatever is already in handle
void WriteDataToHandle(Char *dataInP)
   Char *strP;
   Err err;
   UInt16 len = StrLen(dataInP);
   if (!h)
h = MemHandleNew(len+1);
if (h)
 strP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(h);
 if (strP)
   StrCopy(strP, dataInP);
 err = MemHandleResize(MemHandleSize(h)+(len+1));
 if (!err)
  strP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(h);
  if (strP)
// Append data
StrCat(strP, dataInP);
// Read data from handle
void ReadDataFromHandle()
Char *strP = NULL;
if (h)
  strP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(h);
  if (strP)
// Finally free handle


From: "blaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie question: how to read a string from a MemHandle?
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 11:30:08 +0200
at first thanx for your reply. However, when i try to access strP my
programm crashes telling me it read memory from the memory manager data
structures. Any idea what i did wrong? i locked the handle to write it,
unlocked it, locked it again by
strP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(h);

accessed strP and it crashed.

"Gearoid Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Char *strP;
> strP = (Char *)MemHandleLock(h); // h is a MemHandle
> if (strP)
> {
> // Do stuff with strP
> }
> // Make sure to unlock MemHandle
> MemHandleUnlock(h);

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Re: Where can i find a good FTP source code for Palm?

2003-08-18 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Try 'Palm OS Network Programming' by Greg Winton or the source code to the 
LFtp application at

From: "Alexandre Barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where can i find a good FTP source code for Palm?
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 08:58:47 -0300
i need a ftp source code for palm
a good one

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Saving Bitmap as resource programmatically

2003-09-04 Thread Gearoid Murphy
I am creating a test bitmap (160x120 16 bit depth, BitmapV2) and trying to 
save it as a bitmapRsc resource in a database.  I create the bitmap, 
associate it with a created offscreen window, draw some simple lines. After 
its created BmpGetSizes results in the expected header size of 24 bytes and 
data size of (160x120x2) 38400 bytes.
I thought I could write the bitmap to a resource record using the following 

h = DmNewResource(gImageDbP, bitmapRsc, resId, headerSize+dataSize);
if (h)
   recP = MemHandleLock(h);
   if (recP)
   // bmpP = BitmapPtr created by BitmapCreate(160, 120, 16, NULL, 
   DmWrite(recP, 0, bmpP, headerSize);
   DmWrite(recP, headerSize, BmpGetBits(bmpP),dataSize);

However the resource doesnt display as expected and when BmpGetSizes is 
called on the resource bitmap it results in a header size of 16 bytes.  
Anyone know where I've messed up?

Incidentally the aim of all this is to allow the HotSync of such a bitmap 
resource (created using Veo camera on Tungsten) to a bmp file on the host. 
So far I am getting really weird results with certain colours (the lighter 
ones) displaying perfectly but with darker colours coming out as green etc. 
Does anyone know where I could find code to translate the bitmap properly?



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Re: list of network services

2003-09-08 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Take a look at or if 
you're willing to spend a few bob.  I've asked a similar question quite a 
few times (i.e. how to programmatically change the current network service) 
and never really got an answer.


Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: list of network services
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 18:36:16 -0700
Does anyone know how to obtain a list of the network "Services" as seen in
the network preferences panel?
 - Jim

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Re: CheckBox in List.

2003-09-12 Thread Gearoid Murphy
I had exactly this requirement for a project but I approached it 
differently.  I wrote two functions, the  first to draw an unchecked 
checkbox and the second to draw a checked checkbox (functions used 
WinDrawLine).  Each of the records to be displayed on the list began with a 
Boolean value to indicate whether or not the checkbox should be checked.  
Then in the list draw callback function (set using LstSetDrawFunction) the 
list item would be drawn checked or unchecked according to the value of the 
When the user selected an item on the list the value in the associated 
record would change and the list would be redrawn. That was my approach and 
it worked well but if you do manage to find the values for drawing them as 
symbols it might be better.

From: "Rangababu, TNV (IndSys)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CheckBox in List.
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:15:03 +0530
Hi all,

	I have very specific requirement. I have display checkbox in a list.
When every user clicks it should check and reclicked it should deselect. 
this I have taken Symbol 11 as Font and I am trying 0x00 for unselected
check box and 0x01 for selected checkbox, but I am getting different 
instead of checkboxes. So can any help me to place checkboxes into a list.

Thanks in advance,
Rangababu TNV.
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Re: NetLibOpen returns netErrPPPTimeout

2003-10-09 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Your device is not able to establish a network connection for some reason.  
The reason the emulator works without a problem is that it is using the 
hosts tcp/ip stack and therefore is already on a network (most likely). 
Therefore NetLibOpen will succeed automatically.  Are you sure you have set 
up the configuration on the Network Preferences panel on the device 
properly?  How is your device connecting to the network?


From: Vo Le Phu Quy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NetLibOpen returns netErrPPPTimeout
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 01:52:08 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,

My apps runs OK on emulator, but run failed on real
device. I get netErrPPPTimeout error at NetLibOpen
How can to fix this error?
Thanks in advances,

--- Flex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to finish the project today :( The connection
> (SSL 3) is working
> splendid on T|C, Zire, Treo600, etc simulators but
> gives this NoInterfaces
> error when trying on a real device - Tungsten|C and
> Treo600. "Incorrect
> setup" is all the documantation gives about this
> error. How can I tell
> what's incorrect in the setup of a connection?
> Everything seems fine... and
> it's damn working on simulator :(
> --
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Re: NetLibOpen returns netErrPPPTimeout

2003-10-13 Thread Gearoid Murphy
You can't establish a PPP connection via serial cable automatically. The PC
must be set up to accept an incoming connection via the serial port.  If you
are running Windows 2000 or NT then take a look at the following link
It will show you how to set up both the PC and the Palm unit.  Alternatively
you could download Mocha PPP ( and use

From: Vo Le Phu Quy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NetLibOpen returns netErrPPPTimeout
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 02:43:37 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for your reply. I already set Network service
with user/password is prompt, and Connection is
Deriect Serial.
My device also return the same error netErrPPPTimeout
when connect my local PC.
Is there anything I miss when config Network?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: NetLibOpen returns netErrPPPTimeout

2003-10-13 Thread Gearoid Murphy

	Unless you're running Linux or Unix, of course.
Pardon my Windowcentricity :)

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Re: Help with sockets! plz!

2003-10-15 Thread Gearoid Murphy
The problem may be that the unit is running out of resources because the 
created sockets are 'lingering' after they are shutdown.  I had the very 
same issue before that the ftp client could not create or connect sockets 
after a certain number of data connections had been made.  The following 
code is from memory so you may want to check it but it should cause the 
resources for a socket to be freed immediately upon shutdown.  Call the code 
after the socket has been created:

NetSocketLingerType linger;
Int16 retVal;
linger.onOff = false;
linger.time = 0; // shouldn't be necessary
retVal = NetLibSocketOptionSet(libRefnum,
 Socket,   // Option level
Lookup NetLibSocketOptionSet in the PalmOS reference for a description of 
the parameters.
Hope this helps.



From: "Alexandre Barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with sockets! plz!
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:21:00 -0200
I have asked this many times here
but still no anwsers
my progrman conectas many sockets but not at the same time ( there is just 
4 sockets)
so it conects do what it have to do and disconect it.. but after a while, 
14 - 16 times
i can't conect any other socket.. i ways get conection refused error
the socket accept  get to timeout.. no amther what timeout i put on it..
the prob is plam site... since the cliente is a ftp server i'm doing a 
active ftp

i need a light on this plz
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Re: Source Code for LFTP

2003-10-24 Thread Gearoid Murphy and see "The sources..." section.

From: "Régis Daniel de Oliveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Source Code for LFTP
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 11:56:40 -0200
Does anybody know where can i get a copy of source code of LFTP?


Régis Daniel de Oliveira

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Re: Static functions

2003-11-24 Thread Gearoid Murphy
Nope, if an application is large enough the handlers for different forms 
could be in different source files and, in this case, could not be declared 
as static as they generally must be "visible" to the AppHandleEvent 

From: "rguevara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Static functions
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 09:55:05 -0300
A little question, is obligatory the declaration of static of the handlers 
(like the static Boolean SomeFunctionHandler())

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