[PHP-DEV] ISAPI DLL Crashes Continually

2002-01-30 Thread Brent R . Matzelle

Hello Everyone,

I have been using the PHP ISAPI DLL (4.1.1) with IIS 5 on Win2k Server (SP2) 
and have been experiencing crashes after every few minutes of use.  I do 
not use any extensions so I know that it is not caused by them.
This same crashing occurs on several boxen so I know that it is not an 
isolated occurence.  I obtained a stack trace from IIS as the process was 
crashing so I am hoping that someone can make sense of it and come up with 
a fix of some kind.  Here you go.  


Brent R. Matzelle
Internet Systems Developer
ActiveStrategy, Inc.
Tel: 610-239-8005 x19
Fax: 610-239-8004

77fa0167  add [eax],al
77fa0169 8b45d8   mov eax,[ebp-0x28]
77fa016c 8b4df0   mov ecx,[ebp-0x10]
77fa016f 64890d   mov fs:[],ecx
77fa0176 5f   pop edi
77fa0177 5e   pop esi
77fa0178 5b   pop ebx
77fa0179 c9   leave
77fa017a c21000   ret 0x10
77fa017d 837ddc00 cmp dword ptr [ebp-0x24],0x0
77fa0181 7408 jz  77fa018b
77fa0183 ff75dc   pushdword ptr [ebp-0x24]
77fa0186 e86042feff   call77f843eb
77fa018b c3   ret
77fa018c cc   int 3
77fa018d c3   ret
77fa018e cc   int 3
77fa018f c3   ret
77fa0190 8b442404 mov eax,[esp+0x4]
77fa0194 cc   int 3
77fa0195 c20400   ret 0x4
77fa0198 8b45ec   mov eax,[ebp-0x14]
77fa019b 8b00 mov eax,[eax]
77fa019d 8b00 mov eax,[eax]
77fa019f 898580fd mov [ebp-0x280],eax
77fa01a5 6a01 push0x1
77fa01a7 58   pop eax
77fa01a8 c3   ret
77fa018c cc   int 3
77fa018d c3   ret
77fa018e cc   int 3
77fa018f c3   ret
77fa0190 8b442404 mov eax,[esp+0x4]
77fa0194 cc   int 3
77fa0195 c20400   ret 0x4
77fa0198 8b45ec   mov eax,[ebp-0x14]
77fa019b 8b00 mov eax,[eax]
77fa019d 8b00 mov eax,[eax]
77fa019f 898580fd mov [ebp-0x280],eax
77fa01a5 6a01 push0x1
77fa01a7 58   pop eax
77fa01a8 c3   ret
77fa01a9 8b65e8   mov esp,[ebp-0x18]
77fa01ac 8bb580fd mov esi,[ebp-0x280]
77fa01b2 834dfcff or  dword ptr [ebp-0x4],0x
77fa01b6 33db xor ebx,ebx
77fa01b8 e9f93c   jmp 77f93eb6
77fa01bd 64a11800 mov eax,fs:[0018]
77fa01c3 8898740f mov [eax+0xf74],bl
77fa01c9 8bc6 mov eax,esi
77fa01cb e94a3d   jmp 77f93f1a
77fa01d0 b80002   mov eax,0x200
77fa01d5 c645e70a mov byte ptr [ebp-0x19],0xa
77fa01d9 e9ef3c   jmp 77f93ecd
77fa01de c78584fd06000140 mov dword ptr [ebp-0x27c],0x40010006
77fa01e8 899d8cfd mov [ebp-0x274],ebx
77fa01b5 ff33 pushdword ptr [ebx]
77fa01b7 dbe9 fucomi  st,st(1)
77fa01b9 f9   stc
77fa01ba 3cff cmp al,0xff
77fa01bc ff64a118 jmp dword ptr [ecx+0x18]
77fa01c0  add [eax],al
77fa01c2 008898740f00 add [eax+0xf7498],cl
77fa01c8 008bc6e94a3d add [ebx+0x3d4ae9c6],cl
77fa01ce  ???
77fa01d0 b80002   mov eax,0x200
77fa01d5 c645e70a mov byte ptr [ebp-0x19],0xa
77fa01d9 e9ef3c   jmp 77f93ecd
77fa01de c78584fd06000140 mov dword ptr [ebp-0x27c],0x40010006
77fa01e8 899d8cfd mov [ebp-0x274],ebx
77fa01ee c78594fd0200 mov dword ptr [ebp-0x26c],0x2
77fa01f8 899d88fd mov [ebp-0x278],ebx
77fa01fe 0fb785d8fd   movzx   eax,word ptr [ebp-0x228]
77fa0205 40   inc eax
77fa0206 898598fd mov [ebp-0x268],eax
77fa020c ??   ???
77fa020e ??   ???
77fa0210 ??   ???
77fa0212 ??   ???
77fa0214 ??   ???
77fa0216 ??   ???
77fa0218 ??   ???
77fa021a ??   ???
77fa021c ??   ???

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [Apc-cache] Re: [PHP-DEV] NEW PHP standalone compiler (was Re: [PHP-DEV] Here we try again)

2002-02-01 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- "Stig S. Bakken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You have of course hit a very weak spot for PHP here.
> I agree that it would be great if PHP bundled a bytecode compiler,
> cache, optimizer etc.  But the fact is that Zend, who has
> contributed no
> small part of PHP, depend on selling these as commercial products. 
> So
> if PHP bundles APC and similar extensions, that could put Zend out
> of
> business, and Zend would of course resist it.  Everyone understands
> that.
> Just to make sure you understand (I assume you do, but anyway) the
> path
> you're heading down with this message:
> A deep conflict between Zend and parts or all of the PHP community
> will
> not lead to anything productive.  It will be ugly, it will hurt
> PHP's
> public image, and it will make contributors leave.  You, as one who
> speaks fondly about good marketing, should know better than to
> start
> this.
> The Zend/PHP relation _is_ tricky, and I don't claim to have a
> simple
> solution for the situation.  One can argue a lot back and forth
> about
> whether Zend has PHP "locked in" and so on, but the fact is that
> there
> is a delicate symbiosis between Zend and PHP, and IMHO it would be
> very
> dangerous to start ripping that apart.

I cannot agree with that.  Zend appears to be a solid company with a
very good vision of the future for PHP.  As a business they know that
they will eventually have competition from other vendors and open
source projects.  That is why they are writing other software in
addition to the Zend Encoder.  It is never a good reason not work on
a project just to protect a company.  It is the company's
responsibility to protect itself.  The Zend people will not stop
working with the PHP community just because of an alternative PHP
encoding tool.  They will just improve their existing encoding tool
and adjust their pricing scheme just as any other company would.

Given that I believe that Manuel should continue his effort to drive
this effort for an alternative encoding tool without feeling guilty
about doing so.  Manuel as well as all of those working for the Zend
company are just trying to make a living and improve PHP at the same


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [Fwd: Re: [Zend Engine 2] Case sensitivity: Conclus ion(?)]

2002-02-06 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Marko Karppinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> However, we need vote for if PHP5 will have case
> >> sensitive class/function/constant names.
> > 
> > +1 for case-sensitive everything
> -1. Differentiating two objects only by the case of their names
> seems absurd to me. This is not how humans function.
> Ease of implementation is the only thing speaking for
> case-sensitiveness in
> my book. Case-insensitiveness is always more work. But I think it's
> well
> worth the trouble.
> Hence case-insensitive, case-preserving is my suggestion.

I believe that it should be up to the developer.  Add a variable in
php.ini that sets a PHP instance as case sensitive.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] New Module

2002-03-05 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey,
> why not simply use the mcrypt functions available in PHP?

I will tell you why.  Mcrypt is nearly useless for developers like
myself who develop PHP applications for both *NIX and win32
platforms.  The mcrypt libraries are not distributed with the Windows
binaries package and I have tried to build them myself only to find
that you need Cygwin, which is an unacceptable dependency.  

I have been looking for months for a standard method to perform
encryption with PHP and have only found php_blowfish
(http://www.brisse.dk/linux/phpext/blowfish.htm) as a reasonable
alternative that runs on both *NIX and win32 without many problems. 
Unfortunately this module is not distributed with PHP so I am nervous
basing my software on it.  

I require two way encryption so that I can store passwords in a
database to prevent unscrupulous database administrators from
stealing them so it is extremely important to my business. 

If anyone has any input on this issue I would be delighted to hear

Warm regards,


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Re: [PHP-DEV] New Module

2002-03-05 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Rasmus Lerdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not just store them using crypt() or md5().  With one-way
> encoding
> like that nobody can steal the passwords, not even you.

On some further research, md5() seems like a very reasonable
alternative given that it is supported in multiple languages as well.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] New Module

2002-03-05 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- J Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have no idea of how much longer I'll be working on the extension
> as I 
> have a ton of other stuff to do, but I'll keep plugging away at it.
> No idea 
> what kind of timeframe I'm looking at, or even if I'll finish it,
> just 
> thought I'd mention that there is a bit of work being done on a 
> cross-platform crypto extension for PHP.

Crypto++ is exactly the project from which I was hoping someone would
build a PHP extension.  Have you considered posting the project on
Sourceforge or some other site with CVS so that others might help you


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Re: [PHP-DEV] - Looking for good php-editor

2002-03-21 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Krister Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm fairly new as a php developer and I can't seem to find a good
> editor. I've installed and uninstalled about 20 of them and now I'm
> tired of it. Is there anyone (and there should be ;) ) who know of
> an editor I can use. If you do please mail me a link or something

I've used CR Edit for years and nothing beats it as a multi-purpose



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RE: [PHP-DEV] The PHP Platform

2002-04-17 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Dan Hardiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken, Mike - does it *really* matter who uses what technology to get
> the job
> done? Isn't it much more important what the resulting code is
> capable of
> doing and in what manner?


PHP alone can do nearly all the things that Microsoft products can
do.  For example at work I use ASP, ADO, XML, and XSLT as my primary
tools.  I accomplish the exact same thing with my own projects with
PHP, PHPLIB, domxml, and Smarty.  I don't need the extensive
libraries of Java or .NET.  However, if I need to use them I can with
the java and dotnet extensions for PHP.  


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Re: [PHP-DEV] The PHP Platform

2002-04-18 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Dave Mertens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just in my case - We only have MS database servers at our company.
> Why, because Learning all the ins and outs of postgresql or MySQL
> takes a lot of time.
> PHP has very good support for MS SQL Server. But MS SQL Server is
> cheaper than Oracle.
> So, we have only 2 database administrators in stead of 4
> (postgresql, mysql, oracle and MS SQL).

Oh please.  MySQL and PostgreSQL?  What administration?  Any DBA
worth his salt can learn those databases in a week.  I don't need an
administrator because I literally can administrate these databases in
my sleep.  I run a cron cron job that performs backups and other
admin duties all while I'm in bed.  


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: php extensions on windows

2002-04-18 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- J Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 0. Start a new project in VC++ and add your extension's files. 
> 1. In the Configurations dialog, add two configurations: Release_TS
> and 
> Debug_TS. Release_TS should copy the settings from Release and
> Debug_TS 
> should obviously copy from Debug. You can Remove Release and Debug
> and 
> close the dialog. The next set of steps is for the Release_TS 
> configuration. If you can figure that out, you should be able to
> get 
> Debug_TS working fine.
> 2. Open up Project->Settings. On the C/C++ tab, General Category,
> added the 
> following preprocessor definitions: ZEND_DEBUG=0, 
> YOUR_EXTENSION_NAME is the name you'll find in the sources
> generated by 
> ext_skel.
> 3. In the Code Generation Category, change Use run-time Library to 
> "Multithreaded DLL". 
> 4. In the Preprocessor Category, add the following "Additional
> include 
> directories": ..\.., ..\..\main, ..\..\Zend, ..\..\TSRM,
> ..\..\bindlib_w32. 
> 5. On the Link tab in the General Category, change the Output file
> name to
> ..\..\Release_TS/php_yourextension.dll.
> 6. On that same tab, same category, add php4ts.lib to
> Object/library 
> modules. 
> 7. In the Input Category, add the following to Additional library
> path: 
> ..\..\Release_TS.
> That should be it. Close dialog and set the active configuration to
> Release_TS and (hopefully) build the DLL.

This information would be a terrific addition to the PHP
documentation.  How might we get it added?


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[PHP-DEV] DOM XML uses non-DOM compliant calls

2002-05-14 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

I could not help but notice that all DOM XML calls use an
underscore-based convention:


I am no language lawyer but if you read the DOM Core documentation
(http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html) it suggests a
case-based (no underscore) convention:


Also, every DOM compliant library that I've looked at uses this same
convention.  Will the case-based convention be used in PHP 4.3.0?  If
not then it should be considered as it seems to be a violation of the

Warm regards,


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Re: [PHP-DEV] DOM XML uses non-DOM compliant calls

2002-05-14 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Markus Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> not giong to happen. It's a PHP convention to use underscores
> to separate words (this was discussed ~ half a year ago
> afaik).

I realize that this is a PHP convention, but I do not think that it
is up to PHP developers to change published coding standards.  How
are users of different programming languages expected to convert? 
'Replace all' is not an acceptable answer.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] DOM XML uses non-DOM compliant calls

2002-05-14 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- brad lafountain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why don't we just add alias... so it will be BC and 
> so we don't get shunned on by people like that.

That would fit the bill nicely.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] DOM XML uses non-DOM compliant calls

2002-05-14 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Markus Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> btw, not my personal opinion :) I just wanted to let you know
> this was discussed so you can search the archives for it.

Understood ;)

> Btw, first you said 'w3c convention' now it's a standard?
> anyway

Again, I'm no language lawyer, it is officially the W3C "Document
Object Model Level 3 Core specification".  


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Introducing EXCPLICIT

2002-06-07 Thread Brent R. Matzelle

--- Ilker Cetinkaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> nevermind, you're not the first one who says stop using php if you
> want oo
> and strong types aso aso.

I fail to see how you have to switch to another language to program
in an object-oriented environment.  I think that PEAR and the
hundreds of other classes out there prove that PHP is a quite capable
OO language.

Best regards,


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