Re: [PHP] getting mysql dump using php

2002-11-24 Thread @ Edwin

...seems like Rich is not available yet so let me try :)

"See Kok Boon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi Rich,
> yes think i need more info to the "mysqldump utility". i suppose you mean
> there is in fact this utility?

Well, most probably you'll be able to find it inside your mysql/bin

Check the manual for more info:

And of course you can google for some related info ;)


- E

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Re: [PHP] Secureing PHP.

2002-11-24 Thread @ Edwin

"Steven Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking to secure my php install, like the settings in php.ini
> I am using apache 1.3.27 and running latest php.
> Is there like a tut or something that can take u thought the php.ini and
> explain ina little more detail?
> safe_mode = Off
> is that a bad idea or should i leave it on..

I suggest you leave it on. (Never really had any reason myself to turn it

More info in the manual:

- E

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Re: [PHP] does //commenting reduce performance?

2002-11-24 Thread @ Edwin

"Ernest E Vogelsinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As PHP is an interpreter it needs to scan every line and every token of
> code as it runs it. Thus said, of course using comments takes more time to
> execute than having no comments.
> I have no profiling yet how much having comments or blank lines would
> actually effect execution times, but I doubt it would be really an issue
> since PHP, once a comment start is encountered, doesn't parse the text but
> just scans for the end-comment tag.

That said, it's reasonable to think that

//  I
//  have
//  long
//  comments
//  that
//  extends
//  hundreds,
//  if not,
//  thousands
//  of lines.
//  Just kidding! :)

  would be faster (unnoticeable it may be) than

/* -

 if not,
 of lines.
 Just kidding! :)

- */

Anyway, it's *always* better to have comments than nothing at all...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Upgrade issues

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris Knipe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lo all,
> I upgraded from PHP 4.2.1 to 4.2.2, and now all of a sudden the following
> code is generating a WARNING???
> if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/modules/$name/$mod_file.php")) {
> $modpath = "themes/$ThemeSel/";
> }
> I don't get it?
> Warning: Unable to access themes/DeepBlue/modules/News/index.php in
> /usr/local/www/v-webs/ on line 46
> Line 46 is the if statement

If you have using a new php.ini file, perhaps you can compare it with an old
one and see if there's anything different--might give you a hint.

Or, you might want to check the manual about error reporting and see what
you can do about it:

But then again, perhaps the problem is somewhere else... (i.e. file is not
there, permissions, etc.)


- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: Send multiple SQL staments in one query

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"Seth Remington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a function that I use to run multiple SQL statements at once -

...perhaps, a better way to put it is "run multiple SQL statements" _one
after another_ :)

It's a good approach though. ;)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Send multiple SQL staments in one query

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"1LT John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No, can't do it. Only one query per mysql_query() call. Not sure with
> database interfaces, but it should be the same.

Yes, you cannot do it in MySQL. But you can do it with others.

(I think it was discussed before--about "sql injection" or something...)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: image generation with PHP

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

Myrage wrote:
> No luck
> I have installed GD lib and zlib and all into c:\php\extensions bur i 
> still
> get an error
> *Fatal error*:  Call to undefined function:  imagecreate() in
> *c:\inetpub\wwwroot\image.php* on line *24*

Run phpinfo() and check again (under GD). See if you can find some hints...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Sending POST vars to pop-up window - How?

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"Monty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm writing a poll app. I want it to work this way:
> 1. On web page, user selects choice, clicks VOTE.
> 2. Clicking VOTE triggers a pop-up window.
> 3. PHP script running in pop-up records vote, displays results.
> Problem is, POSTed vars that come from forms aren't available in the popup
> window if I make the FORM action = javascript:popWin('/poll.php').
> Is setting the vote choice in a session var the only way to make this
> or is there a way to pass vars via a form POST to the popup window?

I think one way you can try is to use JavaScript's onClick() with
submit.form. There was a discussion on a similar subject ("passing js values
to php") not long time ago. Maybe you can check the archives...

But, what if JavaScript is turned off?

- E

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Re: [PHP] Connection string and Monday Morning blues

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

There could be a lot of problems here but what *exactly* is the problem? No
more coffee, perhaps? :)

Post the error, if there's any. Or, take away the "@" sign and see what

- E

"Paul Dionne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ug, I hate Mondays.   must drink more coffee.
> Anyway, got a problem I hope someone can help with or at least jumpstart
> brain.
> I wrote a few web pages, work fine on my machine.  Uploaded them on Friday
> and they don't seem to work.  Looks like I am not connecting to the
> database because every page I look at seems to end when it is suppose to
> connect.
> //**
> function ConnOpen($CheckForError)
> {
> @ $db = mysql_pconnect("webserver", "username", "password");
> if (!$db)
> {
> $CheckForError= "Error: Could not connect to database.
> ase try again later.";
> return $CheckForError;
> exit;
> }
> mysql_select_db("database");
> }
> //**

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Re: [PHP] Linux Question

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin
Just to add...

Here's something that might interest you:

... and here's another one: (Should be better than the one discussed above
:) )

- E

"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might solve this by providing different style sheet to on linux
> running browsers:
> if(ereg('Linux',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
> echo '';
> } else {
> echo '';
> }
> conbud wrote:
> >Hey. This really isnt a PHP question. but what fonts do you reccomend
> >so they look decent on linux. Mainly looking for a good font that will
> >nice in MoZilla and Galeon. Almost all the fonts Ive used so far appear
> >really tiny or really bold and not very good to read.

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Re: [PHP] Browser going to page twice?

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"Leif K-Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having a weird problem.

I guess so. I don't understand what it is :)

> When I submit a form on my site, it often 
> sends twice. 

Sends what twice?

> I'm not sure if this is a client-side or server-side 
> problem, but it doesn't happen on other sites.

Which sites?

> Is this a common 
> problem, or am I making some dumb mistake?

I'm not sure :) But perhaps you can post some code or something...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sorting parsed XML

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to write PHP code that will not only parse the XML but also
> allow me to sort the parsed information by the values parsed.

I'm not sure if I really understand but let me try...

...[snip code]...

Adding echo ''; before this and

> $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();

...[snip code]...

after this

> xml_parser_free($xml_parser);

  echo '';

shows a good view that you have a table with two columns.

If you'd like to sort these, then I think you might be able to do something
like this:
1. Instead of printf()'ing your 's or 's inside the class/function,
why don't you try "putting" it inside an array? (Maybe with array_push() or
something.) Then,
2. If you already have an array, perhaps you can use one of the functions
here for sorting:


- E


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Re: [PHP] Upgrade issues

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris Knipe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/modules/$name/$mod_file.php")) {
> > > $modpath = "themes/$ThemeSel/";
> > > }
> > >
> > > I don't get it?
> > >
> > > Warning: Unable to access themes/DeepBlue/modules/News/index.php in
> > > /usr/local/www/v-webs/ on line 46
> > >
> > > Line 46 is the if statement
> >
> > If you have using a new php.ini file, perhaps you can compare it with an
> old
> > one and see if there's anything different--might give you a hint.
> Yeah, and no.  It's FreeBSD-Ports, my php.ini is unchanged.  FreeBSD
> installs the new / updated ini files as ini-dist, so hence, nothing on my
> settings has changed.  I did also check to verify this, and it is indeed
> correct ini file, with the correct settings...
> > But then again, perhaps the problem is somewhere else... (i.e. file is
> > there, permissions, etc.)
> Yes the file does not exist.  But isn't that why file_exists() is there?

Right, I might be typing faster than I am thinking... :)

Still, just make sure that PHP is using the php.ini file that you think it's
using. The file that _you_ check didn't change but _php_ might be looking
somewhere else... Of course, I could be wrong--haven't used
FreeBSD/Ports--only linux.

Perhaps, somebody else knows the answer...

- E

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Re: [PHP] How to obtain unique XML Elements

2002-11-25 Thread @ Edwin

"David Pratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone have a simple technique for obtaining a unique list of elements
> an XML file?
> Am looking for something that will identify the first opening tag ie
>  and the single tag  so that I get an array of tags
> that I can print out.  Having a bit of trouble with regex to get something
> to work.
> Basic idea I had is to open file, read through each line with regex, add
> matches to array, and then do unique elements of array and write to
> file.
> Is there a better way?

Yes. Have you checked the manual? :)

- E

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Re: [PHP] mysql -> xml

2002-11-26 Thread @ Edwin

"Snijders, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello,
> For connection data between my site, and another site, I need to export my
> MySql data to a XML file.
> Does anybody know any excisting scripts for this? so I don't have to make
> all myself?

Have you checked the latest version of phpMyAdmin? You can export to
XML--check how it works :)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sorting parsed XML

2002-11-26 Thread @ Edwin

"Geoff Hankerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This seems to me to be more easily handled by XSLT. (Not the only option 
> but a good one).
> XSLT lets you select only the nodes you want and also sort them as well.

Perhaps... but not all browsers support it.

Anyway, you can also select the nodes in PHP and you can sort them as well.

And you can do more than that... ;)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sorting parsed XML

2002-11-26 Thread @ Edwin

"Geoff Hankerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You don't need to do client-side transformation (although you could
> check user agent and do it client-side if the browser supports it).
> You can use Php's XSLT functions see the manual for more info.
> I was just suggesting this as a potential option. It may not be
> appropriate in this situation. I don't really know enough about the
> programming challenge we are looking at  to say for sure

I see. I thought you were saying that use XSLT and access the xml file
directly--my apologies.

Anyway, _that_ is certainly a potential option... :)

- E

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Re: [PHP] using mbstring without having /configure'd it

2002-11-26 Thread @ Edwin
(B"Oliver Spiesshofer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> Hi,
(B> Is it possible to use mbstring after setting the necessary values in
(B> ini_set() or htaccess without having it enabled during /configure?
(BWell, if you're using windoze, you can probably just do it in your php.ini
(Bbut it seems like you're not, so...
(B- E
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Re: [PHP] Re: & in Query String

2002-11-26 Thread @ Edwin

"Jonathan Rosenberg (Tabby's Place)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm missing something here.  If you use '&' to separate arguments on
> query string, how do they get separated out for access via $_GET?

Don't worry about it, just try it :)

Anyway, the link that has & would be translated to &. (The browser
should take care of this since it's the proper way to do it anyway...)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Multiple page form

2002-11-26 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris Boget" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So, you are using a database to store the records?
> Yes.  What's the point in taking the user's information if you aren't
> going to store it somewhere.  Even if all you need to do is email
> the data upon completion of the form, storing the data for later use
> would be a good idea.

Not always. Are your users aware of this?

Just wondering...

- E

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Re: [PHP] php bugs (Chinese word display problem)-help

2002-11-27 Thread @ Edwin

"Tom Culpepper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am not positive of the problem as I can not see your code, but if you
> want to display the words that end in '5C' the you can do them like so:
> \(escape character)  like this: \(95 5C 5C)

Putting a space (or some other character) after the character in question is
actually a good "workaround"--though not really a solution :(

Anyway, this kind of problem also exist with Chinese characters used in
Japanese (sjis encoding).

There could be various ways to handle this but here are some:
1. Try using a different encoding. Like utf-8 or some other Chinese
encoding. (In Japanese, you can use euc instead of sjis.)
2. Creating your own addslashes function for "escaping".

These are basically from the Japanese ML: (It's, of course, in Japanese.)

By the way Samuel,  there's a patched version of php that I've mention here:

The patched version corrected some problems having to do with multi-byte
strings so it might just work for Chinese as well. There were also some
other info in the site I mentioned above but I'm afraid they're all in
Japanese so...

Anyway, I justed to post some ideas that might help.

Also, please make sure to check the manual about multibyte strings--

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: & in Query String

2002-11-27 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does it not work for you?

It does, just like I said earlier :)

Anyway, I just wanted to add that not only in IE6 but even in NN4 or N7
(also in linux) it works perfectly fine.

- E

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Re: [PHP] printing array

2002-12-02 Thread @ Edwin

"empty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
>  $stra=("aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg,hh,ii,jj,kk,ll");
> $splited = array();
> $splited = split(",",$stra);
> $c=count($splited);
> for($i=0 ; $i<$c ; $i+=2){
> echo "$splited[$i]";
> echo "$splited[$i+1]";  // *error is here >
> //Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE,
expecting ']' in D:\sites\c\htemp.php on line 12
> echo ""
> }
> ?>
> I want to see on the screen is that
> aabb
> ccdd
> eeff
> gghh
> iijj
> kkll
> but the code above says wrong :(

Try incrementing $i outside:

  for($i=0 ; $i<$c ; $i++){
echo "$splited[$i]";
echo "$splited[$i]";
echo "";


- E

BTW, notice the $i++ on the top as well.

And also, the semi-colon after ""--you'll get a "parse error" again :)

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Re: [PHP] IIS 5

2002-12-02 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm getting "You are not authorized to view this page" when trying to run
> .php files.

You mean plain html files work fine?

> How do I fix this?  I'm running php isapi on iis 5 on w2k
> server.

How did you configure it?

Anyway, it sounds like a permission problem so try checking whether your
server (or the user running as the server) is allowed to read files and
traverse directories that you're trying to access.

Just some ideas,

- E

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[PHP] Re: PHP --with-dbm enabled???

2002-12-02 Thread @ Edwin
(B"Vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
(B> I'm being told that I need to have php compiled --with-dbm and it is not,
(B> but it is complied --with-db3. Is that the same thing or do I need
(B> recopile --with-dbm to use the dbmopen() function?
(BI think you can find the answer here:
(B- E
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Re: [PHP] Validating get and post data

2002-12-02 Thread @ Edwin

"Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think what's happening here is a type issue. The comparison is returning
> boolean, so when $c != '0', the switch is true and the case is resolving
> true, and executing.  But when $c == '0', with switch is (false), but the
> case is true.  Change the case to
> ($c > chr(58) and $c < chr(58)):
> pass in '09090' and see what you get.  Perhaps the case isn't the right
> structure for this test.

I think you're in the right track.

Running these would produce different results:

-- script 1 --
$s = '0';
switch ($s){
  case ($s > chr(47) && $s < chr(58)):
echo 'Yehey!';
echo 'Boo!';

-- script 2 --
$s = 0;
switch ($s){
  case ($s > chr(47) && $s < chr(58)):
echo 'Yehey!';
echo 'Boo!';

BTW, there's no problem if you use "if...else" clause...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Validating get and post data

2002-12-02 Thread @ Edwin

"John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the problem is just the incorrect use of a switch. If you change
> your code to
> switch(1)


for that matter...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Script not working from one computer

2002-12-05 Thread @ Edwin

"1LT John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I'm sure it's not the PHP script, so I'm looking for ideas of what I
> should check, settings wise, on the client computer? Any help is greatly
> appreciated.

Well, "my magic PHP 8-ball says..." Just kidding :)

Anyway, here's a long shot:

What browser are you using? Encryption is 128bit? If you're using one with
40bit or 56bit(?), I'm sure it won't work against a server with 128bit

- E

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Re: [PHP] Check wheter GD function is working

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin


> Hello list,
> how can I check wheter GD-function is working and running?

First check phpinfo() and see under "gd" then read more info here:

- E

PS: Pls. don't flood the list with same messages...

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Re: [PHP] Output of MySQl sorted query to text or Word file.

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin



> What do I need to use to create real linefeeds or new lines when viewing
> under windows?

Try the manual again and check specifically the "User Contributed
Notes"--I'm sure you'll find something :)

- E


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Re: [PHP] Output of MySQl sorted query to text or Word file.

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin

> success. And I have read through the user contributed notes and havent'
> found it there.

Sorry 'bout the link earlier. (You could find some hints under file()

- E

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Re: [PHP] mail() problems...

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin

"Anthony Ritter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> DL,
> I'm not sure I understand.

Let me try :)

> I had this working a few months ago by changing the php.ini settings to:
> SMTP   = localhost   ;for win32 only
> sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;for win32 only
> and I was able to run that script on my box and get an e-mail returned to
> me.
> Now, I getting a "failed to connect".

Strange... (I mean it's strange that it worked before. I don't think that
setting would work unless you have your own mail server in your pc.)

> Please advise.

I think what DL meant was to change "localhost" to


> I'm using MS OE5.

In that case you'll find that info by clicking Tools -> Account -> Mail ->
Property then click "Server" and check under SMTP.


- E

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Re: [PHP] Where can I find a new HowTo of compiling php with gd support???

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin
Did you try Google?

  Keyword: "compiling php with gd support"

> Hi folks,
> a single and simple question :
> Where can I find a  new HowTo of compiling php with gd support???
> Incl Bugtraps?
> Oliver Etzel

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Re: [PHP] String to an Array

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin

"Rodrigo de Oliveira Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys, I got a string that I need to be transformed into na array of
> characters, something like:
> $str  ="im the one trying to do this";
> //this is the string
> I'd like to get an array that I can access something like $array[0] and
> get the value " i ". And this foward. Anyone have any clues on this?

You can actually treat $str "like" an array so


would be "i".

If you're after something else, check the archives for more info:

- E

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Re: [PHP] Humour me

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin

"John Taylor-Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Humour me. New server. I'm a little tired.
> Where is my php.ini on a red hat server?

I took it :) Anyway,

Run phpinfo() --should give you a hint...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Allowed memory size exhausted

2002-12-06 Thread @ Edwin

"Jeff Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a large amount of data (1,948,280 bytes) that I tried to write out
to a file using
> if ($fp = fopen($file,"w")):
> fwrite($fp,$contents,strlen($contents));
> fclose($fp);
> endif;

I'm not sure if I understand this correctly but don't you think you don't
need strlen($contents) up there? Also, try fopen($file,"wb").

And here,

> and got "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted
(tried to allocate 1948281 bytes)" on the 2nd line. So, I tried to write out
smaller portions with:
> if ($fp = fopen($file,"w")):
> $size = 4096;
> while (strlen($contents)){
> $temp = substr($contents,0,$size);
> fwrite($fp,$temp,$size);
> $contents = substr($contents,$size+1);
> }
> fclose($fp);
> endif;

...doing "$contents = substr($contents,$size+1);" would actually cause you
to lose some data.

Try this instead:

  if ($fp = fopen($file,"wb")): // add "b"
$size = 4096;
 while (strlen($contents)){
   $temp = substr($contents,0,$size);
   fwrite($fp,$temp); // remove $size
   $contents = substr($contents,$size);  // remove "+1"

I didn't test so I'm not sure if it'll work--just some ideas...


- E


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Re: [PHP] date() on two diff. servers

2002-12-08 Thread @ Edwin

"John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Daylight Savings Time?

John, I think "Daylight Saving Time" creates a difference of 1 hour and not
1 day :)

Anyway, I live in a place where we don't practice this so I could be


> > Now, what could be causing this problem?  IMHO, no matter where you
> are in
> > the world (or more to the point, what timezone you are in), 1039525200
> > seconds after a certain date (in this case the unix epoch) should be
> > another
> > certain date, yes?

Justin, it depends how you got your "timestamp" in the first place, I

I could be wrong again here but aren't these different?


- E


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Re: [PHP] date() on two diff. servers

2002-12-08 Thread @ Edwin
But, then again, it could be just because the other server's time is really
late... (caused by old motherboard batteries, etc.)

- E

"@ Edwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> "John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Daylight Savings Time?
> John, I think "Daylight Saving Time" creates a difference of 1 hour and
> 1 day :)
> Anyway, I live in a place where we don't practice this so I could be
> wrong...
> ...[snip]...
> > > Now, what could be causing this problem?  IMHO, no matter where you
> > are in
> > > the world (or more to the point, what timezone you are in), 1039525200
> > > seconds after a certain date (in this case the unix epoch) should be
> > > another
> > > certain date, yes?
> Justin, it depends how you got your "timestamp" in the first place, I
> think...
> I could be wrong again here but aren't these different?
>   mktime()
>   gmmktime()
> - E
> ...[snip]...
> --
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Re: [PHP] date() on two diff. servers

2002-12-08 Thread @ Edwin

"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps strtotime() is NOT running off GMT, 


...or, Bull's eye!, whatever :)

Anyway, I think this is "implied" in the manual.

Also, check "User Contributed Notes":

  piran at pobox dot com
  php at webdevelopers dot cz


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Re: [PHP] date() on two diff. servers

2002-12-08 Thread @ Edwin

"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> on 09/12/02 3:06 PM, @ Edwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > [snip]
> >> Perhaps strtotime() is NOT running off GMT,
> > [/snip]
> >
> > Bingo!
> *GULP*... so, what we're saying is, that if I intend to pass data around
> multiple servers (in different timezones) using a unix timestamp for dates
> (which i prefer to do), I should be using gmdate() and gmmktime() rather
> than date() and strtotime()?

I'm afraid so...

> That will sure as hell be a few lines of code to dig through

Well... just hope that others chime in and suggest a better solution :)

> I'll also need an accurate (and daylight savings compliant!) way of
> determining the how far ahead of the GMT the server currently is, or for a
> specific timezone for a specific project (eg this current one, which is
> basing it's dates on Sydney, Australia.

If I understand the problem correctly and if my understanding of the
functions are correct, I'm not sure if you'd really need something like
this. Consider this:

  echo "GMT Timestamp: $timestamp_gmt";

  echo "This script was run on: ";
  echo "$run_local  (DATE with Local Timestamp)";
  echo "$run_gmt  (GMDATE with GMT Timestamp)";


As you can see, although the timestamps are different, they produce the same
results. So, *I think*, using gmdate() and gmmktime() would be enough. (Or,
if you insist on using strtotime(), consider the example(s) in the "User
Contributed Notes" I mentioned earlier.)

I hope this give you some hints.

- E

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Re: [PHP] date() on two diff. servers

2002-12-09 Thread @ Edwin
Hello gurus,

"Ford, Mike [LSS]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To amplify on this:
> ...

Interesting comments! ...not sure if I understood everything though :(

Anyway, for Justin's original problem, I think it'll be solve by "simply"
doing two things:
1. Add " GMT" to the end of the string being passed to strtotime().
2. Use gmdate() instead of date().


  // without it, echo $my_stamp  --> 1039525989

  $my_stamp = strtotime($my_date);
  echo "$my_stamp";
  echo gmdate('D, d M Y G:i:s', $my_stamp);

  // Conclusion: Using strtotime() with GMT will create
  //   a timestamp that if used with gmdate() will produce
  //   desired result whichever timezone you run the script.


That should work. If not, tell me about it later--I'm more than happy to be
corrected. But for now, I'll be taking some rest :)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Script not working from one computer

2002-12-10 Thread @ Edwin

"1LT John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Browser's are the same (128bit). It's not a laptop.
> The web page can pull up

You mean, the web "browser", right? :)

> any other external web page correctly.

And, I assume pull up "external web page" means web pages served from the
same server where you cannot login?

> What gets me is that the computer can pull up the log in page. It can pull
> up another, unprotected page from that web server. But, no matter who
> to log in from that machine, I get a bad username and password, even
> they are right. It's like the browser is sending bad data to a script that
> works fine from every other computer.
> Anyone else have any other ideas?

Have you tried using another browser and see what happens?

- E


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Re: [PHP] Theoretical - Device server using PHP - Is this possible?

2002-12-10 Thread @ Edwin

"Steve Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I work for a company that manufactures device servers. They currently
> have a very low internal memory (about 8MB) which is more than enough
> for TCP/IP connections (which BTW we just released the code open source
> to anyone interested to devices but I was wondering if
> there was any way we could give these device servers more functionality
> by somehow using PHP. Obviously the device server itself has nowhere
> near enough memory to have PHP installed upon it but it would be
> interesting to see if anyone has any ideas or theories about if this is
> possible.

Not that I can answer you question but I think it is possible to run php
(maybe a stripped down version?) with a small amount of memory--there's one
that runs on a pda...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Please help - uploading multiple files

2002-12-10 Thread @ Edwin

"Allred, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Darn, that's what I was afraid of.
> Is there a way to do this in a client-side language like JavaScript?

Javascript? No, I don't think so. (Maybe Java.) But, of course, you can
always get a second opinion from a Javascript ML :)

- E


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Re: [PHP] run query

2002-12-10 Thread @ Edwin

"Jon Haworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Diana,
> > After I run a query lik this,
> > $db->query($sql);
> > 
> > what is the quickest way to find out how many 
> > records result? 
> Look into mysql_num_rows (or the equivalent if you're not using MySQL)

... you can even do it faster by using a

  "select count(*) as something from some_table"

More info (found in the manual):


- E

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Re: [PHP] run query

2002-12-10 Thread @ Edwin
Oops, ok, I misread the original question :)

"Rich Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Er... but the original poster wanted a count of rows returned by a
> particular query... your method just returns the number of rows in the
> table...

Anyway, you're right. If you already have a result then use

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[PHP] Re: filemtime -help

2002-12-12 Thread @ Edwin
(B"Mekrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
(B> i have a problem with filemtime function, i want script print out the date
(B> of file last modified.
(B> here is code,
(B> $fp=fopen("ex.txt","r");
(B> echo date("j F Y H:i", filemtime($fp));
(B> fclose($fp);
(BI guess you have to check the manual again :)
(BYou don't need fopen() and fclose() here. Just do:
(B  echo date("j F Y H:i", filemtime("ex.txt"));
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Re: [PHP] fgetcsv Help

2002-12-12 Thread @ Edwin

"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sample line from your CSV should look like this:
> ---
> "1","foo","harry said \"what is it?\"","foo"
> "1","bah","\"don't know\" said sally","something"
> ---
> When echoing these values to the browser, you would strip the slashes.

The double quotes aren't really necessary unless
1. You have a comma in the field
2. You have double quotes in the field


  1,foo,"Harry said ""what is it""",foo

would have no problem with fgetcsv().

And, btw, the " are also "escaped" with another ".

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Re: [PHP] Forms

2002-12-12 Thread @ Edwin

"Chris Hewitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> GET or  POST method (I'm not sure whether there is a default).

GET is the default... should be... I guess...

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Re: [PHP] Can PHP do this...?

2002-12-12 Thread @ Edwin

"1LT John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > OK. I think I understand this, but let me ask just to be sure.
> >
> > So if I setup in my page something to this effect:
> > if ($_SERVER['!HTTPS']) {
> > echo "Switching over to SSL...";
> > echo "";
> > } else {
> > echo "**Rest of Page**";
> > }
> >
> > Would this work? I am about to add a secind site to my site using an
> > in Apache. Example is for first site and
> > Except I want everything for the second
> site
> > to be https. Make sense?
> if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']))
> { header("Location:";); }
> That should work. Or you could echo the META redirect if you wanted to
> display a page, but this should do it transparently. There is probably a
> to do it with just Apache, too, that wouldn't involve PHP.

I think there's some useful info here (about doing it with "just Apache"):

Just in case...

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Re: [PHP] socket_set_blocking()

2002-12-12 Thread @ Edwin


> I was not able to get php's ftp functions working for me, they were
uploading zero byte files, so I am now attempting to use fsockopen to
accomplish the task.
> I found this script:
> It uses the function: socket_set_blocking(), and says that this is
an alias for stream_set_blocking(). What does blocking mode mean?  I am not
familiar with this concept, can someone explain.

I think it's explained here. (Not sure if it'll help though...)

> As for the issue of socket_set_blocking() being an alias for
stream_set_blocking(), why would I not just use stream_set_blocking?

The reason is also found above. (Hint: Because it may not be available in
the version of php you are using.)

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Re: [PHP] loading a different web page ...

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin
Looking for this?

- E

"Kenn Murrah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> i know this is an elementary question, but i can't even figure out 
> what to search for at 
> i need php code that, when executed, takes you to a different web 
> page, i.e.
> when browser goes to, he's automatically redirected to
> ...
> thanks in advance for the help.

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Re: [PHP] system()

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin

Richard Baskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> When using the system() function, let's say starting up a program, can 
> that program start in the background while the rest of the page is 
> parsed or does it have to wait until the system command has finished 
> whatever it is doing?

You can use the "&" to make it run in the background. Like this:

  program_to_start &

 (in linux)

- E

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RE: [PHP] mail() not working on Win2k

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin

"Rad Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> yes, I've tried:
> SMTP = localhost
> SMTP =
> SMTP =
> SMTP = internal.ip.address
> None made any difference, so I've set it back to localhost.

...and of course you restarted your web server after each changes?

Have you tried another SMTP server? Perhaps, one outside?

- E


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Re: [PHP] php.ini - changes aren't taking?

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin other words, it's possible that you could be editing/making 
changes on the *wrong* php.ini file...

- E

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Re: [PHP] progress page

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edward Peloke) wrote: 
> I am working on an application that will take data from the user and 
> run then check through all the data to find matches.  Instead of the 
> user seeing a blank screen while the page is loading, I would like to 
> pop up a page that says, processing, please wait and maybe have an 
> icon like a progress bar or something.  How do I pop up a page and 
> have it disappear when the the other page is done loading?

You can use javascript + (perhaps) an animated gif that runs left on the 
browser window. Just don't expect it to work esp. on browsers that has 
javascript turned off ;)

This has been discussed many times--please check the archives...

- E

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RE: [PHP] mail() not working on Win2k

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin

"Rad Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I don't have another outside SMTP server to check it on.  Will yahoo 
> and others like that work for testing this?

Yes and no. I think this depends on the server.

With Yahoo? No, it wouldn't/shouldn't work...

- E

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Re: [PHP] time stamp screwing up

2003-01-06 Thread - Edwin
"- [ Paul Ferrie ] -" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> So
> Is NOW() a mysql function?

Well, you can check for yourself ;)

It should be somewhere around here:

- E


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Re: [PHP] string prints out as number (E+10...), why?

2003-01-09 Thread - Edwin

Jean-Christian Imbeault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I'm passing a var into a function which is a 16 digit number, but when I 
> try to print it out I get 1.111E+15 instead of the expected 
> 11.
> Why?

I guess it's because the number is converted automatically to an exponential notation 
if it goes over a certain number of digits--makes it easier to read...

> How can I change this behaviour?

Perhaps, you can use sprintf()


- E

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Re: [PHP] string prints out as number (E+10...), why?

2003-01-09 Thread - Edwin
Jean-Christian Imbeault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> - Edwin wrote:
> > 
> > I guess it's because the number is converted automatically to an 
> > exponential notation if it goes over a certain number of digits--makes 
> > it easier to read...
> I figured as much. But why? I found a solution by changing the precision 
> of floats in the php.ini file.
> But I still find it strange that PHP will, internally, happily treat my 
> variable as a string but when it comes time to print it out, it decides 
> that it's a number and formats it without my asking it to.

Mmm, I'm not sure if I understand this correctly but I don't think PHP will "just 
decide" that your string IS a number and *formats* it.

Consider this:

  echo $var2; // echoes 


As you can see, PHP didn't "touch" the string version...

Anyway, I don't think the conversion to an exponential notation is peculiar to PHP--my 
math teacher required me to do the same :)

- E

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Re: [PHP] how to make server response to emails

2003-01-09 Thread - Edwin

"See kok Boon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi experts,

Well, I'm no expert ;) so let me just tell you where you can find more info.

I think you're looking for something like what PHP's mailing list is using. It's 
called ezmlm. Pls. check their site:

- E


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Re: [PHP] gettext and translations

2003-01-09 Thread - Edwin

"electroteque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> hi i am just reading up on gettext , it says its for translating messages 
> , how about translating entire site content ?

Mmm, I don't think anything like that exists--at least, not yet. There are or no sites 
(or software) that can perfectly translate any entire site. And, don't expect anything 
that would translate your entire encyclopaedia automatically as well... :)

> and a question i have been 
> asked is how authentic is the translations ?

Well, for gettext's translations, I believe the translators are real humans (and 
they're native speakers) so you can expect a high quality translation that serves its 

Just MHO,

- E

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Re: [PHP] checking status of a HTML checkbox

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin
"Shams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> At the moment I am doing this:
> if ( $_POST["insurance"] == "yes" )
> {
> }
> But is there a more "accurate" way of checking the exsistence of
> "insurance"?

I think you're looking for isset():

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: how to passing two dimension array

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin

"Noel Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> You're missing string concatenation operators.  I use "echo" instead of
> "print" - but here's how it should look with either:
> echo "";

Try this instead:

Just add curly brackets before and after the variable and don't forget the "$" sign. 
So, this

> > print "";

would be like this:

  print "";

or this:

  echo "";

- E


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Re: [PHP] Column size, user input and htmlspecialchars

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin

"Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


> How do you guys go about resolving this situation?

Well, first, increase the size of your field, say VARCHAR(100) then in your form, use 
"maxlength" like this:


That would prevent them from entering more that 50 characters. (At least, that's how 
it should work.) But, just to make sure, count the characters entered using strlen() 
or something before you use htmlspecialchars()...

- E

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Re: [PHP] how can I use an external 'template' file and still use PHP variables?

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin
"Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I've posted this a few weeks ago with no response. I want to use an
> external
> "email template" as it were, so that the sales guys can edit it as they
> like and simply shuffle the variables around that they need
> $username and $password (either with or without the  tags).
> I don't want them mucking around in my code and potentially screwing it
> up. Not to mention having a huge 'email' text in between those
> HTMLMESSAGE markers is ugly as hell and ends up making the color-coding
> in HomeSite all kinds of whack at the end of it.
> I tried to use:
> $message = <<   include("/pathto/customer_email.php");
> But $message has the literal string
> ''include("/pathto/customer_email.php");'' instead of including the
> file. Grr.. (wouldn't it make sense that an include() should be parsed
> FIRST with the contents put in place basically? This seems like a 'bug'
> not a feature.

Well, include() will parse the file--maybe you're just doing it the wrong way... ;)

I'm not sure how your customer_email.php looks like but consider this:


Then in inc.php you have:


Running the first script should echo:

  General PHP, how are you doing?

So, as you can see the $name was replaced.

Just a simple example...

- E


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RE: [PHP] checking status of a HTML checkbox

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin
"Larry Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also look at empty().  I don't know if the $_POST array will send the 
> key if it as no variable.  I know on a regular post it does send the 
> variable, but it has no value.

What's a "regular post" anyway?

Well, the key is passed even when there's even though the field might be 

> I have used isset with just receiving post data and got
> strange results.  On one I had an isset statement that ran a result 
> that

Maybe you can post the code--I'm sure somebody here can fix it...


> then isset may not always work.

At least not in my experience--it always served its purpose ;)

- E

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RE: [PHP] Re: how to passing two dimension array

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin
"Larry Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For some reason I was not able to find the original question here. 

Well, you can always check the archives/thread...

> The original question is about inserting the value from a two 
> dimensional array into a form not passing a two dimensional array from 
> a php script to a php script right?

??? I don't think I understand this but anyway I was just trying to add 
to the last thread. The purpose of which is just to show another way to 

- E

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Re: [PHP] Re: HEEELP...please

2003-01-10 Thread - Edwin

> Problem is - the only php.ini file is in a work directory for mod_php4 
> installation. As far as I know, this file would not be read by apache 
> or the php module.

Run phpinfo()

and see whether there's a reference to where the php.ini being used 
resides... Then, edit it accordingly (as somebody already mentioned).


- E
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Re: [PHP] pg_connect $B$,;H$($J$$(B

2003-02-10 Thread - Edwin
$BNS(B $B7C72(B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> $B;O$a$^$7$F!#(Blin $B$H?=$7$^$9!#(B
(B> php$B$N(Bpg_connect$B$G(BpostgreSQL $B$K@\B3$r;n$_$^$7$?$,!"4X?t$,(B
(B> $B8+$D$+$j$^$;$s$H%(%i!<$,=P$F$7$^$$$^$7$?!#F1MM$J8=>]$,Ax(B
(B> $B6x$7$?J}$,$$$?$h$&$G$9$,!"4N?4$J2r7hJ}K!$O8+$D$+$j$^$;$s(B
(B> $B$G$7$?!#$I$J$?$+$,2r7hJ}K!$r$4B8CN$G$7$?$i!"CN7C$r$*B_$7(B
(B> $B$/$@$5$$!#(B
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Re: [PHP] re-populate array keys

2003-02-23 Thread - Edwin

Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, after asort()ing an array, the numeric keys are obviously 
> out of order.
> what i'd like to do is reset the keys, starting at zero.
> is there a function for this, or do I just walk through the 
> array with a foreach() and do it manually?

So, in other words, after sorting them, you'd like to "change" 
the keys starting from zero?

In that case, I think you can use array_values() ...

- E

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Re: [PHP] and

2003-02-23 Thread - Edwin

"Sunfire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi..
> i have a button on a web page that is supposted to go to 
> another web page
> when either clicked with a mouse or when someone presses enter 
> on it.. :
> post a prayer
> that is my basic code for the button... my problem is the fact 
> that when you click the button or hit enter on it all it does 
> is refresh the page if it even does that.  how would i actually 
> make this button load another page
> using php??

Just wondering... why would you need a  just to load 
another page? Aren't links enough?

- E

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Re: [PHP] session_start

2003-02-23 Thread - Edwin

"Mr Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> According to the PHP manual session_start always returns true.
> Ther are times (like when there is a disk full error on the 
> server) that the sesison_start will fail because its unable to 
> write the session tmp file.
> So shouldnt session_start be able to return false if the file 
> write fails?
> Or does it return false but the manual doesnt say so?
> -- 

I haven't had any "disk full error" experience so I'm not sure 
but I think what will happen is just php will crash (complain or 
return an error in other words because your script will stop) 
instead of returning "FALSE" which you can check later on...

- E

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Re: [PHP] and

2003-02-23 Thread - Edwin

"Sunfire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> actually yes a link would be rather nice for just going to 
> another page but my client doesnt want a link he is paying for 
> a button to be there instead of a link.. so if thats what he 
> wants and pays for i guess wether i agree with it being there 
> or not i put it there for him..

I see. Well, in that case, you have another option. You can make 
an image that looks like a "button" and have that image link to 
the page in question. One advantage is, it would even work with 
Javascript turned off... ;)

- E

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Re: [PHP] and

2003-02-24 Thread - Edwin
"Sunfire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> this is true i guess but he doesnt want an image that looks 
> like a button he wants a 100% true authentic button that is 
> depressed when you click it and if the image doesnt move when 

? You can make something that can be "depressed" with just 
images--only you have to use javascript to make it work...

> you click on it he will throw a 600% royal fit and none the 
> less he doesnt really care if people with no java support can
> or cant get to his site .. that is more the less their problem 
> to figure out not mine or his...
> guess you have to make everybody happy somehow when making web 
> sites and stuff...

Sounds like you and you're client are not at all concerned about 
the *visitors* of your website. Who is going to use the site 
anyway? I hope you're client understands the term "user-friendly".

> but i tested a browser with java support turned on and one with 
> it turned off and from what i could see they both worked with 
> the button i have (and my client should be very impressed since 
> the button actually depresses when you click it or hit enter on 
> it)..

Java and javascript are different--please don't confuse the two...
try it again and see if it'll work with JAVASCRIPT turned off...

- E

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Re: [PHP] What am i doing wrong? SQL Query in PHP

2003-03-09 Thread - Edwin

"Rahul.Brenda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Ok i tried this.. and i didn't get any error listed..
> so it seems that the mySQL Query is not failing in
> syntax or logic.. but it's not picking up any rows.
> Which is really stupid because i used my phpmyadmin
> and i ran this SQL Query there and even then i got my
> results.. 

So, you still have a "blank" page? Check the resulting html source code 
and see how it looks like. Also, do you have "display_errors = On" in 
your php.ini?

Btw, see if changing this:

> > > echo(" $myrow[title] ");

to this:

  echo $myrow["title"];

makes any difference.

Just my 2 cents...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Displaying a file

2003-03-09 Thread - Edwin
Todd Cary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK!  This makes sense.  What is the syntax to do

Hmm, did you read (and try) the article mentioned earlier?

- E

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Re: [PHP] Images out side the wwwroot

2003-03-09 Thread - Edwin
"Philip J. Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If i was to use PHP to call all my images from out side the 
> wwwroot, dose anyone have a method that they use?

By using an absolute path?

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Re: [PHP] auto_increment $value

2003-03-09 Thread - Edwin

John Taylor-Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone know how to get the auto_increment $value out of a mysql 
> table.
> I'm thinking it is in mysql_fetch_array but don't see how to 
> get it.

What do you exactly mean by "get the auto_increment $value"?

Perhaps, you're looking for this?

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Re: [PHP] PHP Manual w/ Comments?

2003-03-12 Thread - Edwin

John Nichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wasn't the php manual with user comments available for download 
> at one time?  Is it still there and I'm just not seeing it?  If 
> it was never there, can I suggest that as an option for the 
> manual download from you good people at PHP?  Damn, I'm just 
> full of questions.

If you're on Window$, check the "extended chm" here:

or here:

and see if this is what you were looking for...

- E

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Re: [PHP] how to force a refresh?

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin
> There is an HTML solution, but I can't remember offhand what it 
> is.



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Re: [PHP] how to force a refresh?

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin
Or, just:


...if the same page.

Note: "1" is the number of seconds...

- E

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Re: [PHP] removing appended chars - please help, quite urgent

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

"Adriaan Nel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do any1 know how I can check for spaces here,
> and remove them if present ? ? ?

- E

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Re: [PHP] PHP/HTML table layout?

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

"Bev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I wanted to fixed sized cells and that when I type do not 
> increase/decrease the surronding cells.Can this be done?

Try having your  with a fixed width as well:



then with your columns:


I think you also have to take note of your "cellspacing" and "
cellpadding"... (Default is "3", I think.)

And, yes, this has nothing to do with PHP ;)

- E

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2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

"Sebi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>   Hi,
>   Does some one know where I can find a RSS parser exmple?

I think you can find one here:


- E

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Re: [PHP] Writing a fileparser

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin
(BAlexander Gruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
(B> Hi together,
(B> i$B%((Bm currently working on a php script to read a txt file into a mysql 
(B> database. but i have several problems i don$B%((Bt know how to fix.
(B> the file looks like the following example:
(B> category 1
(B> Data1 ::#:: 27
(B> Data2 ::#:: 0
(B> Data3 ::#:: (152)
(B> category 2
(B> Data1 ::#:: 2b3
(B> Data2 ::#:: 234
(B> Data3 ::#:: (1)
(B> the qeuestion i have is how can i parse each line and use the 
(B> "category" fields as identifier for the tables, the left side of ::#:: 
(B> as identifier for the row$B%((Bs and the right side as the data. the 
(B> problem is collecting the several pieces of data in different 
(B> variables.
(BWell, one way you could do this is:
(B1. Use file() to read your txt file and the contents into an array.
(B2. Loop thru the array using foreach()
(B3. While you're looping, check each value, perhaps using strstr(),
(B   if it has "category" then assign it as identifier. If not, you're 
(B   probably on the row:data line so use explode() to explode the value 
(B   into two parts, using "::#::" as your separator. Assign them again 
(B   accordingly.
(BThen, after that, you can now do something with the variables...
(B> perhaps someone can give me some help or a url where i can find some 
(B> documentation.
(BCheck the manual for those functions.
(BNOTE: There must be some other, more elegant, way of doing it but this 
(Bis just to give you an idea.
(B- E
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Re: [PHP] http->https->http redirection causes browser to show alert dialog

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

Jean-Christian Imbeault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> Is there a way around this? The messages are annoying at best and
> probably scary to users ...

This is a browser issue and is actually a security "feature". Unless the 
users themselves turn it off, the messages would appear again, and 
again, and again...

Well, just hope I'm wrong :)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Splitting a string

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

"Christopher J. Crane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> If that number start with a "S", I want to strip it off.

Why don't you just check whether the first character is an "S" then 
return only the rest of the string if it is? Like:

Of course, there could be some other way...

- E

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Re: [PHP] PHP/HTML table layout?

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin
Chris Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I'd suggest you consider not having fixed width cells.

Good idea esp. if you can do better without having one. But sometimes,  
you really just need to have one ;)

- E

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Re: [PHP] Splitting a string

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

David Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> $str = "S12345";
> $str1 = ltrim($str,"S");

Good idea but you'd have problem if you have $str = "SS12345"; and you 
only want to get rid of the first one...

- E

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Re: [PHP] form/text area input problem

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

"Poon, Kelvin (Infomart)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I am just looking for a more efficient way of solving this, can anyone 
> give me any idea?

I think you'll save yourself from so much trouble if:
1. You just leave those long text. If they didn't press ENTER, it means 
that they were typing a looong paragraph, no?
2. Use the nl2br() function to make sure that those parts where they 
pressed ENTER (a newline), would be turn into .

Just my idea...

- E

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Re: [PHP] Problems (Apache + PHP) and conection to Oracle8i

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin

"Jaime Villarroel Valdera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I have problems to pass HTML content that contains accentuated 
> characters from a form (editor) to an Oracle9i database ... through 
> PHP.

I'm not sure what you meant exactly by "accentuated" but if you mean 
single quotes (') then perhaps you can try "escaping" it using another 
single quote. (You can use str_replace() to replace one single quote 
character with two.)

> It is a problem of character set?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you need to give more details...

> or It is a problem of php?.

I don't think so ;)

> Somebody knows this situation and how it is possible repair?


- E

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Re: [PHP] form/text area input problem

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin
"Poon, Kelvin (Infomart)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> the problem is when I display it it would be a one lined paragraph.   
> THe page's format is ruin since this is one long line and the user 
> will have to scroll across to read the paragraph which look pretty bad.
> I hope you know what i am trying to say.  

Hmm, I guess I know what you're trying to say but *that* is NOT the 
normal behaviour (if I may say). Putting one long paragraph inside
 tags "should" automagically wrap it... If not, you can probably 
use CSS to limit the width of your 's (paragraphs) so it wouldn't 
destroy the "format" of your page.

- E

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Re: [PHP] PHP/HTML table layout?

2003-03-13 Thread - Edwin
I think you meant to send this to the list... :)

- E

"bev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Chris, I took off the "nowrap" (as all that dones is makes same line 
> I have the table cells defined as 250 pixels etc so thats fixed width 
but I can still type more into each cell as they keep streching, there 
must be  a way of having fixed pixel based column. 
> See below simply example that lets me type over the 100 pixel wide 
cell, have a look in any editor...
>  border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: 
collapse" bordercolor="#FF" width="760">
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: - Edwin 
>   To: Chris Hewitt 
>   Cc: Bev ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 2:37 PM
>   Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP/HTML table layout?
>   Chris Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>   [snip]
>   > I'd suggest you consider not having fixed width cells.
>   [/snip]
>   Good idea esp. if you can do better without having one. But 
>   you really just need to have one ;)
>   - E
>   __
>   Do You Yahoo!?
>   Yahoo! BB is Broadband by Yahoo!

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Re: [PHP] Removed the bundled MySQL client library. (Sterling)

2003-07-01 Thread - Edwin -
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 23:51:09 -0400
"Vincent Bouret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I found this in the ChangeLog of PHP5: Removed the bundled MySQL client
> library. (Sterling)
> What does that mean? We can't access MySQL anymore from PHP?

Check this thread:

- E -

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Re: [PHP] mail + regex + somethoughts

2003-07-03 Thread - Edwin -

"Shivanischal A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> I was just wondering about this. Whenver we reply to the posts here, we just
> click on the reply button and fire off our messages. This results in long
> messages (fresh content + earlier content) within a single mail. Now, the
> question is how would we use the regex functions to remove the older content
> from a fresh mail. I think you all beginning to get the picture.
> What would we do if we want just the responses/comments to an earlier and
> not the earlier mail verbatim in the fresh one?

Copy -> Paste and/or Highlight -> Delete ?

- E -

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Re: [PHP] mysql detect

2003-07-03 Thread - Edwin -


> helo all ,
> what command in linux , to see default direcktory instalation mysql
> database dan mysql library


  $ rpm -ql 

- E -
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Re: [PHP] Optional form variables (IDEA?)

2003-07-03 Thread - Edwin -

"Miranda, Joel Louie M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, im doing a form that when you pass it will generate a preview report.
> My problem is some fields are optional the optional fields are 5. And for
> those fields I need to make it fit when it generate what idea or codes can
> you suggest?
> Ex, a businesscard preview form. When it generates it will show you a
> businesscard template. But how about those un-filled fields. 
> Can this be done thru if and else statement?

Yes. Try it first. Let us know if (and how) it doesn't work.

- E -
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Re: [PHP] Browscap

2003-07-03 Thread - Edwin -

"Milan Reznicek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I'm trying to get_browser() function, but everytime I get from my apache
> could not open browscap.ini for reading. Does someone know how to correct
> it, or is there any other way how to determine users browser type and OS
> without using browscap?


- E -

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Re: [PHP] Re: mail + regex + somethoughts

2003-07-03 Thread - Edwin -

"Shivanischal A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Edwin,
> Let me restate my question...
> I'm now replying to ur mail. I've left ur message to me untouched. (whatever
> follows '- Original Message - '). What i want is that some
> SERVER-SIDE SCRIPT should be able to identify these original messages and
> remove them before storing the actual responses.

Hmm... I'm not really sure if I understand this but...
First, NOT all "mail clients" will add this:

  - Original Message -

to the original message. Besides, there are many ways how each 
individual would quote the original message. So, writing a script
that would identify THE original messages would be, IMHO, next to

What is the purpose anyway?

- E -

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