Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Danlee2

> and are far from able to handle rough terrain, especially
>  when driven by a certified moron of a soccor mom with a car phone in one
>  hand and a mascara pen in the other, 

  Just to be fair Matt, most of the SUV idiots I encounter are certified moron
soccer dads .  I'll admit to liking 'em, and I have been dang tempted to
get one.   As someone who actually has to work at least a few weekends year on
our farm, I would have at least some amount of cover in doing so, as you can't
get around our farm very well (or even to it) w/out serious 4-wheel drive.
   But it has gotten just out of hand; here in St; Louis recently, I was
driving right through *the* ritziest part of town right 7:30am, a a part of
town where you cannot live unless you're hauling down serious serious bucks
(Warson Rd for those interested, where I hear the Loui and Wendland estates
are (;-)), and it was amazing to see all these solo-driven, starch-shirt SUV's
being driven by all the docs and lawyers and execs who were heading either 5
miles to downtown Clayton or 15 or so to downtown St. Louis, all on generally
pretty smooth pavement .  Like Neal said, the one great unjustifiable is
the admissions standards, which are way below those required for cars.  If
they'd just fix those that would take a lot of the heat off.
  But like I said, I'm not on a high horse, I'm the only guy in my whole
family who doesn't drive one, and my dad's the only one who even can justify

future moron soccer dad

Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Danlee2

  Jeff Wall; what Tera said.  You are an unmitigated genius.  Publish!

dan bentele; guilty sometime meat-eater, alleged sensitive-guy, and driver of
a foreign-made clown car

"Us Americans didn't climb to the top of the world's food chain to eat tofu,
be sensitive, or drive tiny ass foreign clown cars."  (Jeff Wall, 1999)

RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Kirsch

>Why have a pick up if you're gonna keep the bed sealed with a cover?

1. So when you go to the dump, you can stuff the back of it with your
trash and not have to worry about it blowing out.
2. Gas mileage is better because it makes it more aerodynamic than the
open bed.
3. When you need to move something or carry a lot of stuff, you don't
have to worry about it getting rained on or snowed on.
4. People steal stuff out of the open bed.  A locking cover, although
obviously not a complete theft deterrent, does slow down some people.

I've had the same pickup with an open bed, a tonneau cover and now
with a full fiberglass cap and I wouldn't trade the full fiberglass
cap for anything.


RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread rkatic

I (heart) Matt Benz.  


-Original Message-
From: Matt Benz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>I'm not for a total ban on SUV's. I kinda like the old models, but I'm
>not crazy about having 20 of em to one car on every road hiway biway
>expressway I'm on

Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Dave Purcell

Jeff Wall wrote:

>  Although I regularly consume the dead flesh of little critters, I prefer
> to hunt the little bastards at my local grocery store. 

The fact that Jeff Wall and I can coexist is a fine example of what 
makes P2 is a beautiful thing. 

Now if he'd just stop hogging the sheets, we'd get along a lot better.

Dave, who eats tofu, has shot a gun once in his life, is way left 
politically, and drives a tiny foreign clown car most of the time

Northern Ky Roots Music:

RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Ph. Barnard


> Now I'm lookin up Jeremiad..

Heh... .  Jeremiad's were a particular form of sermon in 16th-17th 
century Calvinist culture, consisting of long and elaborate 
complaints and inveighings against the fallen-ness of current times.  
So-named from the book of Jeremiah, wherein the prophet expresses 
outrage at current sinfulness and a sense of futility about calling 
upon the people to get rid of their damn SUVs!!!  (Sadducean Utility 

Cultural historians talk about a tradition of the Jeremiad that 
extends through later  American culture:  eloquent railing 
and hollering against the decadence of the day, etc...


RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Matt Benz

Now I'm lookin up Jeremiad..

> -Original Message-
> From: Ph. Barnard [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 3:36 AM
> To:   passenger side
> Subject:  RE: SUV's RE: Jones update  8pm
> You go, Matt!  The art of the Jeremiad is not dead!!! .
> Those Mormon Assault Vehicles do suck.   All they are is symbols of 
> ADY syndrome (Advanced Decadent Yuppiedom, of course)
> --junior

RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Ph. Barnard

You go, Matt!  The art of the Jeremiad is not dead!!! .

Those Mormon Assault Vehicles do suck.   All they are is symbols of 
ADY syndrome (Advanced Decadent Yuppiedom, of course)


RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Matt Benz

I'm not for a total ban on SUV's. I kinda like the old models, but I'm
not crazy about having 20 of em to one car on every road hiway biway
expressway I'm on. 

As more and more people buy them, the driving skills go way down. People
who have no idea how to drive these behemouths, jump behind the wheel,
turn on all 20 headlights, charge up like a rhino right on your ass and
then swerve and crash in the snow cos they think "hey, they drive these
Expeditions up mountians in the commercials: that snow bank is nuthin!"
After the last huge snowstorm, I heard truckers laughing about SUV's who
sped by them on the interstate, only to end up upside down in the ditch
later. News reports had Chicago littered with stuck SUV's, as their
owners learned that they don't know how to drive em in bad weather, and
that most of the new models can't hack rough driving conditions. This
led to the auto industry insisting their vehicals were safe and rugged.
An industry known for its honesty. Course, the newer SUV's are built for
luxury, not for actual four wheeling, so that people can cart around
their grocery bags surrounded by plush leather, 10 speaker 14 cd
changer, etc and are far from able to handle rough terrain, especially
when driven by a certified moron of a soccor mom with a car phone in one
hand and a mascara pen in the other, while a cup of Starbucks Cappacino
Lite w Goat Milk Steam balances on her leg as she dashes impatiently to
Target, running down your ass cos you dare to drive somewhere around the
speed limit. Meanwhile, stats are showing that these monsters are
killing people more and more, not the drivers of the SUV's, of course,
who are safely cushioned behind all that good old American Steel, but
yes, people like those of us who think life on the road is complete with
a Ford Escort Wagon. And with more SUV's being sold by owners, they are
bought used by younger drivers, more prone to vehicular stupidity, thus
increasing accidents and spreading mayhem ads they traverse the rough
terrain between the malls and suburbs. Now Ford is coming out with a 19
foot long monster called the "Excursion." Coming to a parking lot near
you, where they -duh- won't fit into a standard parking place. But as
long as it's good American Steel
I also hate those new big pickups, which are now considered luxury
transportation. Why have a pick up if you're gonna keep the bed sealed
with a cover? Which most everyone of these Ram pickups have. Why buy it
if you ain't gonna use it? This current rage is doomed, of course, as
soon as gas prices start edging back up. Then all your fine American
Steel (made in another country, most likely) will be rusting in used car
lots, as people realize it's impossible to keep up the payments (course,
they're all leased, another fraud encouraged by the auto industry so we
have to keep buying new cars: say no to leasing and keep your car
awhile: that's the true American way!) and buy the gas. The simple fact
that most people drive SUV's in conditions that far from warrant their
use (you don't need 4 wheel drive in central Ohio), they drive them just
cos the Jone's next door have one, shows that one thing you can say
about our country is that we don't learn a damn thing, we just keep
trucking on, oblivious to anything but the here and now and what's mine
and get the hell out of my way.


> -Original Message-----
> From: Geff King [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 5:31 PM
> To:   passenger side
> Subject:  RE: SUV's RE: Jones update  8pm
> On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Matt Benz wrote:
> > Oh shutup!
> > I drive a Ford.
> > SUV's are for..!
> > 
> (sound of Hummer going by)
> I think Jeff Wall is yanking a few virtual chains...
> Also, if you have to outlaw SUV's then you have to outlaw
> Ford vans, too.
> Know who owned a Ford van?
> Red Sovine.
> Course you knew that...
> -- 
>  Geff King * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
> "Don't let me catch you laughin' when the jukebox cries" 
>- Kinky Friedman, "Sold American"

Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread vgs399

>Jeff Wall wrote:
>If George had been driving a 73 Suburban, he might of not gotten
>> hurt as bad. When I'm out there behind the wheel of my full size '89 4
>> wheel drive Ford Bronco, or the wife lets me drive her '65 Plymouth
>> Deathmobile, I feel proud to be an American. Especially when I hit one of
>> those little Geo Metro's at about 110mph. Us Americans didn't climb to
>> top of the world's food chain to eat tofu, be sensitive, or drive tiny
>> foriegn clown cars. Nope, V-8's, Guns and dead animal flesh made us what
>> are today.
>> Jeff Wall
>> The Webs least sucky music magazine
>> 3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456

Jeff- you are the greatest unpublished (book-wise) American humorist today.
You never cease to cause me severe belly laughs.  Thanks for letting me
contribute to RR and do take care over in the Gulf.  As I drive a Bronco
also, I must say you totally cracked me up with this post(as usual).  I will
miss you.  Good luck and God speed in  your travels and special blessings to
your gorgeous wife and kids.
Write a book, Jeff

Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-10 Thread Doug Young

Jeff Wall wrote:
If George had been driving a 73 Suburban, he might of not gotten

> hurt as bad. When I'm out there behind the wheel of my full size '89 4
> wheel drive Ford Bronco, or the wife lets me drive her '65 Plymouth
> Deathmobile, I feel proud to be an American. Especially when I hit one of
> those little Geo Metro's at about 110mph. Us Americans didn't climb to the
> top of the world's food chain to eat tofu, be sensitive, or drive tiny ass
> foriegn clown cars. Nope, V-8's, Guns and dead animal flesh made us what we
> are today.
> Jeff Wall
> The Webs least sucky music magazine
> 3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456

Right on Jeff.  Out her in Utah we call those lumbering big ass SUV's,
particularly American made ones, Morman Assualt Vehicles (MAV's).


Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread marie arsenault

Jeff Wall:
>Us Americans didn't climb to the
>top of the world's food chain to eat tofu, be sensitive, or drive tiny ass
>foriegn clown cars. Nope, V-8's, Guns and dead animal flesh made us what we
>are today.

Can I play this game as well?

I  Jeff Wall.

That does it. I'm going to rename the Twangpin winner's trophy
the "Jeff Wall Memorial 'We Suck the Best' Award". 
Kind of catchy, huh?

marie (I just found a new sig)

RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread Walker, Jason

Jeff Wall, 
Junior Walker
NP George Jones "I'm A People"

> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Wall [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 10 March 1999 9:18
> To:   passenger side
> Subject:      Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm
> At 04:32 PM 3/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hey Jeff,
> >
> >have you ever met Ted Nugent?  I bet you guys would be a real hoot to
> >observe together on a hunting trip.
> >
>  Although I regularly consume the dead flesh of little critters, I prefer
> to hunt the little bastards at my local grocery store. Call me a
> hypocrite,
> but I am unable to go out into the woods and whack a critter that has done
> me no harm. I don't mind eating his tasty ass though, I just prefer
> someone
> else to whack him. I even go so far as to remove all the barbs from my
> fishing hooks and practice catch and release. 
> Although I loved Double Live Gonzo, Nugent is way to radical right wing
> for
> my personal tastes. I also don't own any guns. My family has a history of
> clinical depression and addiction to things your better off not being
> addicted to. As a result, the ownership of firearms is not a safe bet in
> my
> household.
> I'm actually, in real life, a pretty sensitive guy. I have a bunch of
> teddy
> bears, I stop and help people broke down on the side of the road, and am
> constantly working to improve my karma points by trying to be nice and do
> the right thing.
> Nope, I couldn't walk through the woods and whack Bambi, unless I was
> forced to in order to eat. But if you were to threaten me or mine, I could
> whack you in the forehead with a .45 and not feel a shred of guilt. Why?
> Because as human, we are capable of knowing between right and wrong. When
> you intentionally choose wrong and it endangers the people I care about,
> you have just forfieted your constitutional as well as your human rights.
> Although I don't currently own firearms, I can get access to one pretty
> quicky. I'm a damned good shot. The wife is better. She stays pissed at me
> a lot. Just another reason not to keep guns in the house.
> Jeff Wall   
> The Webs least sucky music magazine
> 3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread Jeff Wall

At 04:32 PM 3/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey Jeff,
>have you ever met Ted Nugent?  I bet you guys would be a real hoot to
>observe together on a hunting trip.
 Although I regularly consume the dead flesh of little critters, I prefer
to hunt the little bastards at my local grocery store. Call me a hypocrite,
but I am unable to go out into the woods and whack a critter that has done
me no harm. I don't mind eating his tasty ass though, I just prefer someone
else to whack him. I even go so far as to remove all the barbs from my
fishing hooks and practice catch and release. 

Although I loved Double Live Gonzo, Nugent is way to radical right wing for
my personal tastes. I also don't own any guns. My family has a history of
clinical depression and addiction to things your better off not being
addicted to. As a result, the ownership of firearms is not a safe bet in my

I'm actually, in real life, a pretty sensitive guy. I have a bunch of teddy
bears, I stop and help people broke down on the side of the road, and am
constantly working to improve my karma points by trying to be nice and do
the right thing.

Nope, I couldn't walk through the woods and whack Bambi, unless I was
forced to in order to eat. But if you were to threaten me or mine, I could
whack you in the forehead with a .45 and not feel a shred of guilt. Why?
Because as human, we are capable of knowing between right and wrong. When
you intentionally choose wrong and it endangers the people I care about,
you have just forfieted your constitutional as well as your human rights.

Although I don't currently own firearms, I can get access to one pretty
quicky. I'm a damned good shot. The wife is better. She stays pissed at me
a lot. Just another reason not to keep guns in the house.

Jeff Wall The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread Geff King

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Matt Benz wrote:

> Oh shutup!
> I drive a Ford.
> SUV's are for..!
(sound of Hummer going by)

I think Jeff Wall is yanking a few virtual chains...

Also, if you have to outlaw SUV's then you have to outlaw
Ford vans, too.
Know who owned a Ford van?
Red Sovine.

Course you knew that...

 Geff King * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
"Don't let me catch you laughin' when the jukebox cries" 
   - Kinky Friedman, "Sold American"

Re: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread Paul Kirsch

>Screw you, you eco-weinie college boy. American Steel made this world
great. If George had been driving a 73 Suburban, >he might of not
gotten hurt as bad. When I'm out there behind the wheel of my full
size '89 4 wheel drive Ford Bronco, >or the wife lets me drive her '65
Plymouth Deathmobile, I feel proud to be an American. Especially when
I hit one of >those little Geo Metro's at about 110mph. Us Americans
didn't climb to the top of the world's food chain to eat tofu, >be
sensitive, or drive tiny ass foriegn clown cars. Nope, V-8's, Guns and
dead animal flesh made us what we are today.

Hey Jeff,

have you ever met Ted Nugent?  I bet you guys would be a real hoot to
observe together on a hunting trip.


RE: SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread Matt Benz

Oh shutup!
I drive a Ford.
SUV's are, forget it!

SUV's RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-09 Thread Jeff Wall

At 09:09 AM 3/8/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> When cell phones are outlawed...blah blah blah.
>   [Matt Benz]  And SUV's.
>   Praying for another gas crisis.
>   And for George. 
Screw you, you eco-weinie college boy. American Steel made this world
great. If George had been driving a 73 Suburban, he might of not gotten
hurt as bad. When I'm out there behind the wheel of my full size '89 4
wheel drive Ford Bronco, or the wife lets me drive her '65 Plymouth
Deathmobile, I feel proud to be an American. Especially when I hit one of
those little Geo Metro's at about 110mph. Us Americans didn't climb to the
top of the world's food chain to eat tofu, be sensitive, or drive tiny ass
foriegn clown cars. Nope, V-8's, Guns and dead animal flesh made us what we
are today.

Jeff Wall The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

RE: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-08 Thread Matt Benz

> When cell phones are outlawed...blah blah blah.
[Matt Benz]  And SUV's.

Praying for another gas crisis.

And for George. 

Re: Jones update 8pm

1999-03-06 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/6/99 7:24:56 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Country singer George Jones was in critical condition Saturday after he
smashed his sport-utility vehicle into a bridge near his home while talking on
a cell phone to his stepdaughter. >>

When cell phones are outlawed...blah blah blah.

