Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Tom Boothby
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:24 PM, William Stein wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Johan S. R. Nielsen wrote:
 I think that Burcin's suggestion is excellent. Development of Sage
 should definitely move towards more structure, documentation, testing
 and other software engineering practices, but as for any Open Source-
 project, these things should come naturally as the project grows and
 matures; as has already happened with Sage a lot, it seems (for a
 relative new-comer like me). To require too much too soon would kill
 the joy of working on the project and thus kill the project itself.

 +1 I have definitely seen that the level of bureaucracy has going up,
 especially in the last year or two, has turned off a lot of potential
 and even former developers.

 Another +1.  The level of bureaucracy has gone up so much in the last
 year that it has very seriously turned off me.

+1, and me too.

 The focus on software engineering and
 testing can certainly be good for quality (though that's not an
 immediate or certain implication), but the problem is that too much
 emphasis on it has a significant chilling effect on contributions. The
 lag time between hacking out some code and getting it in is way too
 high these days discourages contribution and sucks up a lot of
 development time and energy with endless rebases and waiting.


 It kills a large portion of potential contributions of code for
 advanced research, perhaps 80% or more.  I've talked to so many
 people about this in the last few months...


 though we all want to produce bug-free code, holding that up as the
 primary objetive (as opposed to producing useful code) I think
 dissuades people from submitting or refereeing code.

 Also, anybody who has significant experience with software engineering
 knows that producing bug-free code is a recipe for producing almost no


 I was talking to somebody today who works on Microsoft Windows
 (actually implementing the OS there), and who has also written a lot
 of code for Sage (at a research level -- advanced number theory
 stuff).   He said internally at Microsoft code gets into the system,
 and out getting used by a lot of people (internally) much more quickly
 than with Sage.  Instead of the very all or nothing model that we
 tend to have, they have many levels of review that code goes through.
   Sage would benefit from something similar.   That's basically what is about: a way to get code out there and
 distributed, used, etc., but without all the bureaucracy.   As an
 example, I'll sit down this coming Tuesday with Sal Baig, and get his
 and Chris Hall's library for computing with elliptic curves over
 function fields into PSAGE, and have it be in the next release.
 That's code that isn't stable yet and is mainly for research.  For a
 year they have been trying to get it into Sage, but it just isn't
 happening, since they care and know much more about *using* the code
 for research purposes, than about how to make a proper
 makefile/autoconf setup, so it builds fine on Solaris and OS X 10.4.

 I think PSAGE will show that the increasingly bureaucratic and
 plodding way in which code gets into Sage isn't necessarily bad, in
 the same sense that Debian can be very plodding and bureaucratic, but
 it still provides a good foundation for many other much more svelte
 and useful Linux distributions.

 I'm not sure I have a solution, but one thing that keeps coming to
 mind is that Sage is trying to span several audiences with different
 goals and criteria, and perhaps the various audiences would be best
 met by a stable vs. unstable model like Debian. Purple sage is an
 extreem move in this direction (more like Debian experimental)--I can
 certainly see the attraction and value, but I just hope it doesn't
 become an incompatible fork.

 A difference from debian experimental is that PSAGE starts by removing
 over 20 standard packages from Sage.  In fact, so far, that is
 essentially *all* that PSAGE is.    Also, my intention is that most
 Python code in PSAGE go into a different Python module than the sage

 Burcin's suggestion seem to fit this curve pretty well at this time.
 New developers and bugfixers -- with little overview of the monster
 that is Sage -- would feel more confident in reporting and fixing bugs
 if there was a feeling that there was someone (or a group of someones)
 with overview and structure. If some enthusiastic veterans could be
 found and agree on the exact model of this, I think it would improve
 bug-tracking and -fixing in a number of ways:
  - overview of bugs, their severity and class (by cleaning up,
 removing duplicates, collating related tracs, and reclassifying)
  - better classification of bugs by everyone else (by monkey-see-
  - better overview over bugs to 

Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:24 PM, William Stein wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Johan S. R. Nielsen wrote:
 I think that Burcin's suggestion is excellent. Development of Sage
 should definitely move towards more structure, documentation, testing
 and other software engineering practices, but as for any Open Source-
 project, these things should come naturally as the project grows and
 matures; as has already happened with Sage a lot, it seems (for a
 relative new-comer like me). To require too much too soon would kill
 the joy of working on the project and thus kill the project itself.

 +1 I have definitely seen that the level of bureaucracy has going up,
 especially in the last year or two, has turned off a lot of potential
 and even former developers.

 Another +1.  The level of bureaucracy has gone up so much in the last
 year that it has very seriously turned off me.

 The focus on software engineering and
 testing can certainly be good for quality (though that's not an
 immediate or certain implication), but the problem is that too much
 emphasis on it has a significant chilling effect on contributions. The
 lag time between hacking out some code and getting it in is way too
 high these days discourages contribution and sucks up a lot of
 development time and energy with endless rebases and waiting.


 It kills a large portion of potential contributions of code for
 advanced research, perhaps 80% or more.  I've talked to so many
 people about this in the last few months...

 though we all want to produce bug-free code, holding that up as the
 primary objetive (as opposed to producing useful code) I think
 dissuades people from submitting or refereeing code.

 Also, anybody who has significant experience with software engineering
 knows that producing bug-free code is a recipe for producing almost no

 I was talking to somebody today who works on Microsoft Windows
 (actually implementing the OS there), and who has also written a lot
 of code for Sage (at a research level -- advanced number theory
 stuff).   He said internally at Microsoft code gets into the system,
 and out getting used by a lot of people (internally) much more quickly
 than with Sage.  Instead of the very all or nothing model that we
 tend to have, they have many levels of review that code goes through.
   Sage would benefit from something similar.   That's basically what is about: a way to get code out there and
 distributed, used, etc., but without all the bureaucracy.   As an
 example, I'll sit down this coming Tuesday with Sal Baig, and get his
 and Chris Hall's library for computing with elliptic curves over
 function fields into PSAGE, and have it be in the next release.
 That's code that isn't stable yet and is mainly for research.  For a
 year they have been trying to get it into Sage, but it just isn't
 happening, since they care and know much more about *using* the code
 for research purposes, than about how to make a proper
 makefile/autoconf setup, so it builds fine on Solaris and OS X 10.4.

 I think PSAGE will show that the increasingly bureaucratic and
 plodding way in which code gets into Sage isn't necessarily bad, in
 the same sense that Debian can be very plodding and bureaucratic, but
 it still provides a good foundation for many other much more svelte
 and useful Linux distributions.

 I'm not sure I have a solution, but one thing that keeps coming to
 mind is that Sage is trying to span several audiences with different
 goals and criteria, and perhaps the various audiences would be best
 met by a stable vs. unstable model like Debian. Purple sage is an
 extreem move in this direction (more like Debian experimental)--I can
 certainly see the attraction and value, but I just hope it doesn't
 become an incompatible fork.

 A difference from debian experimental is that PSAGE starts by removing
 over 20 standard packages from Sage.  In fact, so far, that is
 essentially *all* that PSAGE is.    Also, my intention is that most
 Python code in PSAGE go into a different Python module than the sage

Thus psage will be a superset of a subset of sage. Do you envision a
migration path of code from psage to sage? (Perhaps not instigated or
executed by the original authors of the code of course.) Would it be
easy to install the missing pieces into a psage setup, or,
conversely, install the new parts of psage on top of Sage? That being
said, the sage-combinat model seems like it would be a huge amount of
work to manage, but is nice for the end user. (Doesn't solve the
messiness of ugly build problems with arcane spkgs...)

 First, have the initial status of tickets be some pre-new stage.
 (Something like unclassified.) This woud make it so you don't have
 to be an expert to classify a bug. Volunteers could go and look at all

Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Burcin Erocal
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:04:56 +0100
Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

 To make matters easier to follow, lets look at Burcin's proposals.
 and consider them, here in an abbreviated and expanded form.
 1) Burcin said: Many of the bugs on trac are duplicates and could be
 He is probably right. Some are undoubably wrongly categorised, but
 from a personal perspective I often don't have a clue what to file
 them under anyway. Perhaps for those of us without maths degrees, the
 categories could be more explicit. But even that is not a full

This is exactly one of the points I wanted to address with the
proposal. Even if we make the components on trac clearer, new users
won't be able to choose one comfortably. It is far better to let
someone who knows (B-Team member) do this (hopefully soon) after the
bug is filed.

BTW, after practicing with a few bugs, this should be fairly
straightforward to do. Looking through the Sage library code to find
the lines with the problem or trying to track down the cause of a
problem is a great way to get familiar with the layout and structure of
Sage, the coding guidelines etc.

 2) Burcin said: We might be able to overcome this with a
 bug-wrangler team, people who volunteer to ...
 IMHO, If the categories could with a tick box, then this step could
 hopefully be removed for future bugs. The right people will
 automatically be notified. We need however to have a category I need
 helping chosing the right categories. That would be especially
 useful for those of us with a non-maths background, but I think to
 others too, as parts of Sage are so specialised, I doubt I'm the only
 one who struggles to know what to categorise things under.

Note that since we changed trac to let users get accounts themselves,
we let anyone file bug reports.

There is usually quite a lot of work that needs to be done before a bug
can be fixed. We need 

 - full examples on how to reproduce it,
 - check if it is there on the latest release, 
 - see if it occurs on all platforms,
 - check if it was reported before,
 - find out who would know how to fix it

If you make a few people who know the Sage library well do all this,
then they won't have much time to actually fix the bugs.

The items listed above don't require so much experience with Sage. They
can be done by new developer candidates. The Sage project needs to
train new developers, since the veterans are already overloaded and
some have been lost to burnout already. I suggest this as one way to
train new developers.

 I think the lack of too many sign me up to do this shows there's
 not likely to be the number of developers taking this on. They might
 be more attracted to do it if they realise that it only needs to be
 done once, and new bugs would automatically be assigned to the right

Considering the general lack of enthusiasm on the lists recently, I
would say the amount of response my suggestion got quite successful.
 Even if you understand what the bug is, the chances are you don't
 know who is the best person to look at the bug.

Given a reproducible bug, developers can easily tell who might be able
to fix a bug. However this takes some time, so many people might even
be reluctant to go through these steps if they don't feel like
actually fixing the problem. See my response to Jeroen Demeyer's message
for a longer answer to this.

 Several categories have nobody at all assigned to them. Since I'm an
 admin on trac I can see this. These include:
   * cygwin
   * debian-package
   * distribution
   * dsage
   * experimental package
   * factorization (this one *really* surprises me)
   * msvc
   * optional packages
   * packages
   * performance
   * relocation

I suggest merging

 - packages, optional packages, experimental packages

under the title packages


 - AIX or HP-UX ports, build, cygwin, debian-package, distribution,
   FreeBSD, msvc, porting, relocation, solaris, spkg-check

under the title distribution

The mathematical components can probably be merged as well. For
example, I agree that factorization stands out quite a bit. :)

Thanks for bringing the discussion back on topic.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Burcin Erocal
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 15:08:12 -0700
William Stein wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:41 AM, kcrisman wrote:
  Not to be overly pessimistic, but one metric we do not collect,
  but Google do for us, is the number of posts each month to
  sage-devel. There has been a very dramatic falloff this year
  compared to all other years.
  I think the number of posts to sage-support is more worrying than
  to sage-devel, but I believe the combination rather shows that we
  are unlikely to find a lot of developers taking on Burcin's
  Hmm, that is interesting.  I don't know if it means anything (it
  might), but it is interesting.  Thanks for that.
 I take it to mean that Sage is now a mature project with roughly the
 right number of developers.

I strongly disagree with this. Although I see that you also support the
fact that we need more developers as a follow up to this comment.

I am quite disappointed by the fact that the sage-devel list has turned
out to be a place to discuss how to compile mathematical software on
various platforms, instead of how to do mathematics with the computer.

This is partly because there are now specialized lists such as
sage-algebra, sage-combinat-devel, sage-nt. Unfortunately, those lists
are not used much either.

I agree that the distribution part of Sage is very important, since it
gives a lot people easy access to many open source mathematics
packages. The developers and the maintainers of these packages should
have a platform to share experiences and learn from each other.

However, I don't think sage-devel is the right place for this. Perhaps
a sage-porting list would be more useful.

 That said, everybody should keep
 recruiting new people as aggressively as they can, since developers
 come and *go*, as they have children, have to finish a thesis, get
 involved in other projects, finish making the contributions to sage
 they find interesting, etc.


Not only because people come and go. Sage is getting larger everyday
and many of the current developers are already spending more time on it
than they should. (I should be writing my thesis ATM.)


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Burcin Erocal
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 22:24:13 -0700
William Stein wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
  On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Johan S. R. Nielsen wrote:
  I think that Burcin's suggestion is excellent. Development of Sage
  should definitely move towards more structure, documentation,
  testing and other software engineering practices, but as for any
  Open Source- project, these things should come naturally as the
  project grows and matures; as has already happened with Sage a
  lot, it seems (for a relative new-comer like me). To require too
  much too soon would kill the joy of working on the project and
  thus kill the project itself.
  +1 I have definitely seen that the level of bureaucracy has going
  up, especially in the last year or two, has turned off a lot of
  potential and even former developers.
 Another +1.  The level of bureaucracy has gone up so much in the last
 year that it has very seriously turned off me.

+1 from me as well. Though I'd say the expectations from the developers
have gone up not just bureaucracy, with the requirements to do the jobs
that could be automated etc.

I see the bug wrangler, or the B-team, as a way of lowering the load on
developers, and perhaps a possibility to gain new ones.

  I'm not sure I have a solution, but one thing that keeps coming to
  mind is that Sage is trying to span several audiences with different
  goals and criteria, and perhaps the various audiences would be best
  met by a stable vs. unstable model like Debian. Purple sage is an
  extreem move in this direction (more like Debian experimental)--I
  can certainly see the attraction and value, but I just hope it
  doesn't become an incompatible fork.
 A difference from debian experimental is that PSAGE starts by removing
 over 20 standard packages from Sage.  In fact, so far, that is
 essentially *all* that PSAGE is.Also, my intention is that most
 Python code in PSAGE go into a different Python module than the sage

We could also think about making Sage leaner, and easier to extend.
Then the main Sage team can maintain

 - Sage-core with these 20 packages removed, which is as easy to
   install as Sage
 - Sage with the current mathematics functionality, and maybe more, as
   an alternative to the M's
  I agree that a big part of the problem is that it's hard to get a
  big picture of all the bugs being worked on. The idea of a weekly
  bug-wrangler is an interesting one. I have a simpler proposal
  (which may be insufficient, but would complement a bug-wrangler's
  role and is much easier to implement).
  First, have the initial status of tickets be some pre-new stage.
  (Something like unclassified.) This woud make it so you don't have
  to be an expert to classify a bug. Volunteers could go and look at
  all unclassified tickets and file them appropriately (severity,
  defect vs. enhancement, component, duplicate, etc.) Of course,
  there could be a rotating bug-wrangler, but if it was easy enough
  for a veteran to hop on and categorize a bunch of them in one
  sitting this might not even be necessary.
 This is perhaps already provided by:
 Harald Schilly could probably set things up so more people can
 wrangle the bugs that come in through that page.

I was thinking of formalizing this with the bug wrangler approach.
Harald cannot possibly deal with all these. The difference between this
and the new issues filed on trac is getting less as everyone can file
new issues on trac (even though the trac interface can be intimidating).

 Just out of curiosity, is trac still the best system to use for
 managing what we're managing?  You work at Google and they have their
 own free thing, which provides similar
 capabilities to trac, but with integrated code review, the possibility
 to delete comments (w00t!), etc., native support for Mercurial (which
 trac barely supports, preferring SVN), easy forking, etc.   I have so
 far little experience with, but I'm sort of curious
 how good it is. I set it up for PSAGE here since I didn't want to have to
 manage a whole trac, hg repo, etc., yet again.

I have grown very fond of the tracker used by Python recently:

I like the fact that you can do everything via email. This feature
would provide an easy way to submit patches you're working on to the
issue trackers. We could just hook up to the email functions of

IIRC, Jason suggested at some point to take a look at

for patch reviews.

I am still reluctant to host the project on Google...


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread William Stein
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
 Thus psage will be a superset of a subset of sage.


 Do you envision a
 migration path of code from psage to sage?


 (Perhaps not instigated or
 executed by the original authors of the code of course.)


  Would it be
 easy to install the missing pieces into a psage setup, or,
 conversely, install the new parts of psage on top of Sage?

Yes, and yes.

 That being
 said, the sage-combinat model seems like it would be a huge amount of
 work to manage, but is nice for the end user. (Doesn't solve the
 messiness of ugly build problems with arcane spkgs...)

I want PSAGE to solve for me a similar problem that sage-combinat
faces.  However, the solution I'm using is different.  It is much more
flexible and powerful, and can have interesting benefits for Sage due
to it helping clarify some of the dependencies of Sage.  E.g., the
first issue is about exactly how much Sage still depends on Maxima

since Maxima is one of the standard spkg's not in PSage.


 Again, I'm not necessarily claiming Sage itself needs to move that
 quickly again.  This is very difficult technically due to the larger
 number of platforms supported, the larger test suite, codebase, etc.
 But something does need to change, or some of the truly brilliant
 computational mathematics researchers (like Mark Watkins, say) will be
 unlikely to be drawn in again.  For me, PSAGE will accomplish this
 goal, while allowing me to continue to benefit from the incredibly
 valuable high quality work that so many people are doing on making
 Sage a solid, well tested, cross-platform system.

 I agree, something needs to change, and it makes more sense to create
 an agile offshoot. I suppose my sweet spot would be where Sage was 2-3
 years ago: reviews were in place but usually quite quick, doctests
 were good but 100% was not required, less worrying about the long tail
 of operating systems. etc. (I'm probably suffering from golden-age
 nostalgic blindness a bit here...)

Same here.

 But that may not be what's needed,
 especially to jumpstart things again. I just don't want to see psage
 becoming a divergent fork of what Sage was in late 2010, or an
 enormous amount of effort required to keep the two projects on a track
 where they can continue to benefit from each other.

Neither do I.

 - Robert

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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 10/21/10 11:23 AM, Burcin Erocal wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:04:56 +0100
Dr. David  wrote:

Several categories have nobody at all assigned to them. Since I'm an
admin on trac I can see this. These include:

   * cygwin
   * debian-package
   * distribution
   * dsage
   * experimental package
   * factorization (this one *really* surprises me)
   * msvc
   * optional packages
   * packages
   * performance
   * relocation

I suggest merging

  - packages, optional packages, experimental packages

under the title packages


  - AIX or HP-UX ports, build, cygwin, debian-package, distribution,
FreeBSD, msvc, porting, relocation, solaris, spkg-check

under the title distribution

I don't thinking lumping those lot together under the title distribution would 
be sensible myself. It's would make finding things of interest even slower. 
Especially given some of those have people that get notified about specific 
areas, but don't want to get inundated with tons of messages.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 10/21/10 11:23 AM, Burcin Erocal wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:04:56 +0100
Dr. David  wrote:

Several categories have nobody at all assigned to them. Since I'm an
admin on trac I can see this. These include:

   * cygwin
   * debian-package
   * distribution
   * dsage
   * experimental package
   * factorization (this one *really* surprises me)
   * msvc
   * optional packages
   * packages
   * performance
   * relocation

I suggest merging

  - packages, optional packages, experimental packages

under the title packages

But it's a bit silly really, as everything is a package. I wonder if all 3 
should be removed myself.


  - AIX or HP-UX ports, build, cygwin, debian-package, distribution,
FreeBSD, msvc, porting, relocation, solaris, spkg-check

under the title distribution

I don't thinking lumping those lot together under the title distribution would 
be sensible myself. It's would make finding things of interest even slower. 
Especially given some of those have people that get notified about specific 
areas, but don't want to get inundated with tons of messages.

The mathematical components can probably be merged as well. For
example, I agree that factorization stands out quite a bit. :)

Thanks for bringing the discussion back on topic.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Robert Bradshaw
Thanks, very reassuring. Perhaps it would be useful to make that more
clear at (though that page
really seems to be more about the differences rather than relationship
between the two projects).

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:54 AM, William Stein wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
 Thus psage will be a superset of a subset of sage.


 Do you envision a
 migration path of code from psage to sage?


 (Perhaps not instigated or
 executed by the original authors of the code of course.)


  Would it be
 easy to install the missing pieces into a psage setup, or,
 conversely, install the new parts of psage on top of Sage?

 Yes, and yes.

 That being
 said, the sage-combinat model seems like it would be a huge amount of
 work to manage, but is nice for the end user. (Doesn't solve the
 messiness of ugly build problems with arcane spkgs...)

 I want PSAGE to solve for me a similar problem that sage-combinat
 faces.  However, the solution I'm using is different.  It is much more
 flexible and powerful, and can have interesting benefits for Sage due
 to it helping clarify some of the dependencies of Sage.  E.g., the
 first issue is about exactly how much Sage still depends on Maxima


 since Maxima is one of the standard spkg's not in PSage.


 Again, I'm not necessarily claiming Sage itself needs to move that
 quickly again.  This is very difficult technically due to the larger
 number of platforms supported, the larger test suite, codebase, etc.
 But something does need to change, or some of the truly brilliant
 computational mathematics researchers (like Mark Watkins, say) will be
 unlikely to be drawn in again.  For me, PSAGE will accomplish this
 goal, while allowing me to continue to benefit from the incredibly
 valuable high quality work that so many people are doing on making
 Sage a solid, well tested, cross-platform system.

 I agree, something needs to change, and it makes more sense to create
 an agile offshoot. I suppose my sweet spot would be where Sage was 2-3
 years ago: reviews were in place but usually quite quick, doctests
 were good but 100% was not required, less worrying about the long tail
 of operating systems. etc. (I'm probably suffering from golden-age
 nostalgic blindness a bit here...)

 Same here.

 But that may not be what's needed,
 especially to jumpstart things again. I just don't want to see psage
 becoming a divergent fork of what Sage was in late 2010, or an
 enormous amount of effort required to keep the two projects on a track
 where they can continue to benefit from each other.

 Neither do I.

 - Robert

 To post to this group, send an email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to
 For more options, visit this group at

 William Stein
 Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington

 To post to this group, send an email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to
 For more options, visit this group at

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-21 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
 On 10/21/10 11:23 AM, Burcin Erocal wrote:

 On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:04:56 +0100
 Dr. David  wrote:

 Several categories have nobody at all assigned to them. Since I'm an
 admin on trac I can see this. These include:

   * cygwin
   * debian-package
   * distribution
   * dsage
   * experimental package
   * factorization (this one *really* surprises me)
   * msvc
   * optional packages
   * packages
   * performance
   * relocation

 I suggest merging

  - packages, optional packages, experimental packages

        under the title packages

 But it's a bit silly really, as everything is a package. I wonder if all 3
 should be removed myself.

But not all packages are on the same footing--the Sage library being
an excellent example of something that's much more than just another
package. By packaging I would think of tickets involving the spkg
install system, spkg checks, etc. that require compiler and shell
scripting skills. In this sense, all packages are more similar than,
e.g. number theory vs. packaging.


  - AIX or HP-UX ports, build, cygwin, debian-package, distribution,
    FreeBSD, msvc, porting, relocation, solaris, spkg-check

        under the title distribution

 I don't thinking lumping those lot together under the title distribution
 would be sensible myself. It's would make finding things of interest even
 slower. Especially given some of those have people that get notified about
 specific areas, but don't want to get inundated with tons of messages.

Perhaps porting would be  a better title--and I could see the
justification for splitting Windows from non-Windows, but finer
granularity than that would not be of interest to the vast majority of

- Robert

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Re: Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-20 Thread Martin Albrecht
  The idea of having one piece of a Sage days devoted to
  people sharing ideas from books they read in a coordinated way sounds
  plausible as well, though probably it would really depend on the Sage
  days in question.
 That would sound good. If each person read a chapter of a book on a topic,
 and gave a short talk to everyone else, it should at least make people
 aware of the other issues.
 I bought this book
 though I'm not over-impressed with it.
 Despite some pretty poor reviews on Amazon, I find an old (3rd edition) of
 this book
 to be very useful.
 You can pick up a used copy of the 6th edition (2004) for less than $2 on

I'd like to return to Burcin's original proposal if possible. He made a 
*concrete* proposal for what to do with the growing number of bugs in Sage and 
somehow this turned into a threat discussing which books on Software 
Engineering we should read and how early one should should fix bugs. 

Don't get me wrong, this is a useful discussion to be had but it is a shame 
that discussions move from concrete to abstract instead of the other way 
around quite often these days ([sage-general] anyone? :))

It seems clear to me even if we do employ all kinds of software engineering 
techniques that there will still be bugs we'll have to tackle and our current 
approach as serious issues. Even OpenBSD has bugs which they have to address 
despite the fact that they make quite an effort to scrutinize code.

To get back to Burcin's proposal it seems while there is some support, it 
doesn't seem to spur enough interests to have enough people to distribute the 
load to or am I mistaken?


name: Martin Albrecht
_otr: 47F43D1A 5D68C36F 468BAEBA 640E8856 D7951CCF

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-20 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 10/20/10 10:37 AM, Martin Albrecht wrote:

The idea of having one piece of a Sage days devoted to
people sharing ideas from books they read in a coordinated way sounds
plausible as well, though probably it would really depend on the Sage
days in question.

That would sound good. If each person read a chapter of a book on a topic,
and gave a short talk to everyone else, it should at least make people
aware of the other issues.

I bought this book

though I'm not over-impressed with it.

Despite some pretty poor reviews on Amazon, I find an old (3rd edition) of
this book

to be very useful.

You can pick up a used copy of the 6th edition (2004) for less than $2 on

I'd like to return to Burcin's original proposal if possible.

It might have been better to post the followup to his comments not mine, but it 
does not matter too much.

He made a
*concrete* proposal for what to do with the growing number of bugs in Sage and
somehow this turned into a threat discussing which books on Software
Engineering we should read and how early one should should fix bugs.

First, without any quantitative data, are we sure the number is growing? We 
should consider Sage is growing, adding new functionality, so an increase in the 
absolute number of bugs is inevitable. My gut feeling is the situation is 
getting worst, but I've seen no evidence to prove this.

Even the most basic graph (say number of bugs vs date), would be semi-useful.

There are methods of measuring software quality

but we don't do any of them. Ultimately the best way to manage the situation it 
to measure it, and determine the effect of various changes.

Like it or not, the situation does need to be managed - it won't solve itself.

You can see where I am leading with this - back to applying software engineering 

Don't get me wrong, this is a useful discussion to be had but it is a shame
that discussions move from concrete to abstract instead of the other way
around quite often these days ([sage-general] anyone? :))

I would not consider my comments abstract, but individual book recommendations 
are less relevant to what Burcin said.

It seems clear to me even if we do employ all kinds of software engineering
techniques that there will still be bugs we'll have to tackle and our current
approach as serious issues. Even OpenBSD has bugs which they have to address
despite the fact that they make quite an effort to scrutinize code.

To get back to Burcin's proposal it seems while there is some support, it
doesn't seem to spur enough interests to have enough people to distribute the
load to or am I mistaken?

To make matters easier to follow, lets look at Burcin's proposals.

and consider them, here in an abbreviated and expanded form.

1) Burcin said: Many of the bugs on trac are duplicates and could be closed.

He is probably right. Some are undoubably wrongly categorised, but from a 
personal perspective I often don't have a clue what to file them under anyway. 
Perhaps for those of us without maths degrees, the categories could be more 
explicit. But even that is not a full solution.

I've got a reasonable understanding about random numbers, as I did quite a bit 
of work on it during my Ph.D with Monte Carlo modelling. But I don't really have 
a clue what to file #10113 under.

Often bugs should really be in several categories, but one can only chose one. 
IMHO it should be a tick-box, not a pull-down. If something with an elliptic 
curve causes a doctest failure, on Solaris, do I file it under

 * Elliptic curves ?
 * Doctests ?
 * Solaris ?

If person X files such a report, John Cremola might be in the best position to 
fix it, but then I'd probably be able to make comments too. People with 
knowledge about doctests might realise its actually a failure in the doctest. 
(I'm very untrusting of the doctesing framework, especially for parallel tests).

2) Burcin said: We might be able to overcome this with a bug-wrangler team, 
people who volunteer to ...

IMHO, If the categories could with a tick box, then this step could hopefully be 
removed for future bugs. The right people will automatically be notified. We 
need however to have a category I need helping chosing the right categories. 
That would be especially useful for those of us with a non-maths background, but 
I think to others too, as parts of Sage are so specialised, I doubt I'm the only 
one who struggles to know what to categorise things under.

I think 

Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-20 Thread William Stein
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:41 AM, kcrisman wrote:

 Often bugs should really be in several categories, but one can only chose 
 IMHO it should be a tick-box, not a pull-down. If something with an elliptic

 I didn't know this was possible on Trac; certainly this would overcome
 a lot of problems.  Likewise, it would be nice to be able to be
 notified automatically about tickets in certain areas, without being
 an owner.  Even if this is possible, it's not obvious how to do it.

 Not to be overly pessimistic, but one metric we do not collect, but Google do
 for us, is the number of posts each month to sage-devel. There has been a 
 dramatic falloff this year compared to all other years.
 I think the number of posts to sage-support is more worrying than to 
 but I believe the combination rather shows that we are unlikely to find a 
 lot of
 developers taking on Burcin's proposals.

 Hmm, that is interesting.  I don't know if it means anything (it
 might), but it is interesting.  Thanks for that.

I take it to mean that Sage is now a mature project with roughly the
right number of developers. That said, everybody should keep
recruiting new people as aggressively as they can, since developers
come and *go*, as they have children, have to finish a thesis, get
involved in other projects, finish making the contributions to sage
they find interesting, etc.

 -- William

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-20 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 10/20/10 03:41 PM, kcrisman wrote:

Often bugs should really be in several categories, but one can only chose one.
IMHO it should be a tick-box, not a pull-down. If something with an elliptic

I didn't know this was possible on Trac; certainly this would overcome
a lot of problems.  Likewise, it would be nice to be able to be
notified automatically about tickets in certain areas, without being
an owner.  Even if this is possible, it's not obvious how to do it.

I don't know if it's possible. It would seem a sensible feature, and perhaps one 
can do it in the latest version. It was just an observation that it would be 

I've just registered on the 'trac' mailing list, and asked if this is possible. 
But since it's a moderated list, my post has not appeared yet, so I can't 
provide a link.

If it was possible to set this up it would be good. It seems such an obvious 
thing to have to me. If it's not possible, perhaps I can file an RFE.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Johan S. R. Nielsen wrote:
 I think that Burcin's suggestion is excellent. Development of Sage
 should definitely move towards more structure, documentation, testing
 and other software engineering practices, but as for any Open Source-
 project, these things should come naturally as the project grows and
 matures; as has already happened with Sage a lot, it seems (for a
 relative new-comer like me). To require too much too soon would kill
 the joy of working on the project and thus kill the project itself.

+1 I have definitely seen that the level of bureaucracy has going up,
especially in the last year or two, has turned off a lot of potential
and even former developers. The focus on software engineering and
testing can certainly be good for quality (though that's not an
immediate or certain implication), but the problem is that too much
emphasis on it has a significant chilling effect on contributions. The
lag time between hacking out some code and getting it in is way too
high these days discourages contribution and sucks up a lot of
development time and energy with endless rebases and waiting. And
though we all want to produce bug-free code, holding that up as the
primary objetive (as opposed to producing useful code) I think
dissuades people from submitting or refereeing code.

I'm not sure I have a solution, but one thing that keeps coming to
mind is that Sage is trying to span several audiences with different
goals and criteria, and perhaps the various audiences would be best
met by a stable vs. unstable model like Debian. Purple sage is an
extreem move in this direction (more like Debian experimental)--I can
certainly see the attraction and value, but I just hope it doesn't
become an incompatible fork.

 Burcin's suggestion seem to fit this curve pretty well at this time.
 New developers and bugfixers -- with little overview of the monster
 that is Sage -- would feel more confident in reporting and fixing bugs
 if there was a feeling that there was someone (or a group of someones)
 with overview and structure. If some enthusiastic veterans could be
 found and agree on the exact model of this, I think it would improve
 bug-tracking and -fixing in a number of ways:
  - overview of bugs, their severity and class (by cleaning up,
 removing duplicates, collating related tracs, and reclassifying)
  - better classification of bugs by everyone else (by monkey-see-
  - better overview over bugs to fix before releases (by better
 overview over all bugs)
  - shorter pickup-time between a trac has been filed (possibly by
 someone not interested in fixing it) and someone is looking at it
  - assurance that a veteran has looked at the trac, accepted it, and
 maybe even given an approving nod after positive review
  - and all of this gives more confidence to developer-rookies
 I think the system should entirely superseed the automatic-owner
 system that is currently in Sage. Software-speaking, this would
 provide an abstract interface between the tracs and those responsible
 for it, which makes it more flexible to have either one, several or
 many owners of a trac or class of tracs.

 Personally, I like the one-week-at-a-time suggestion (though several
 people should be on duty each week perhaps) sounds best. However, it's
 easy for me to say, as I don't think I have the required experience to
 undertake this duty (You are not bug-ninja materiAL, SOLDIER! Drop
 down and give me a recursive function generating the Fibonacci
 sequence!). When and if the time comes, I would be happiest with a
 one-week-at-a-time schedule, though.

 Burcin wrote:
 Perhaps we should come up with a locking mechanism, to prevent two
 different people from trying to sort the same issue at the same time,
 but it feels like too much organization at the beginning.
 Maybe there would not need to be a locking-mechanism to begin with,
 but surely a mechanism so that a bug-wrangler could see that no other
 bug-wrangler has already looked at this new trac.

I agree that a big part of the problem is that it's hard to get a big
picture of all the bugs being worked on. The idea of a weekly
bug-wrangler is an interesting one. I have a simpler proposal (which
may be insufficient, but would complement a bug-wrangler's role and is
much easier to implement).

First, have the initial status of tickets be some pre-new stage.
(Something like unclassified.) This woud make it so you don't have
to be an expert to classify a bug. Volunteers could go and look at all
unclassified tickets and file them appropriately (severity, defect vs.
enhancement, component, duplicate, etc.) Of course, there could be a
rotating bug-wrangler, but if it was easy enough for a veteran to
hop on and categorize a bunch of them in one sitting this might not
even be necessary.

Second, rather than have the default milestone be the next release,
have some default future milestone. Only tickets that are actively

Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-20 Thread William Stein
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Johan S. R. Nielsen wrote:
 I think that Burcin's suggestion is excellent. Development of Sage
 should definitely move towards more structure, documentation, testing
 and other software engineering practices, but as for any Open Source-
 project, these things should come naturally as the project grows and
 matures; as has already happened with Sage a lot, it seems (for a
 relative new-comer like me). To require too much too soon would kill
 the joy of working on the project and thus kill the project itself.

 +1 I have definitely seen that the level of bureaucracy has going up,
 especially in the last year or two, has turned off a lot of potential
 and even former developers.

Another +1.  The level of bureaucracy has gone up so much in the last
year that it has very seriously turned off me.

 The focus on software engineering and
 testing can certainly be good for quality (though that's not an
 immediate or certain implication), but the problem is that too much
 emphasis on it has a significant chilling effect on contributions. The
 lag time between hacking out some code and getting it in is way too
 high these days discourages contribution and sucks up a lot of
 development time and energy with endless rebases and waiting.


It kills a large portion of potential contributions of code for
advanced research, perhaps 80% or more.  I've talked to so many
people about this in the last few months...

 though we all want to produce bug-free code, holding that up as the
 primary objetive (as opposed to producing useful code) I think
 dissuades people from submitting or refereeing code.

Also, anybody who has significant experience with software engineering
knows that producing bug-free code is a recipe for producing almost no

I was talking to somebody today who works on Microsoft Windows
(actually implementing the OS there), and who has also written a lot
of code for Sage (at a research level -- advanced number theory
stuff).   He said internally at Microsoft code gets into the system,
and out getting used by a lot of people (internally) much more quickly
than with Sage.  Instead of the very all or nothing model that we
tend to have, they have many levels of review that code goes through.
   Sage would benefit from something similar.   That's basically what is about: a way to get code out there and
distributed, used, etc., but without all the bureaucracy.   As an
example, I'll sit down this coming Tuesday with Sal Baig, and get his
and Chris Hall's library for computing with elliptic curves over
function fields into PSAGE, and have it be in the next release.
That's code that isn't stable yet and is mainly for research.  For a
year they have been trying to get it into Sage, but it just isn't
happening, since they care and know much more about *using* the code
for research purposes, than about how to make a proper
makefile/autoconf setup, so it builds fine on Solaris and OS X 10.4.

I think PSAGE will show that the increasingly bureaucratic and
plodding way in which code gets into Sage isn't necessarily bad, in
the same sense that Debian can be very plodding and bureaucratic, but
it still provides a good foundation for many other much more svelte
and useful Linux distributions.

 I'm not sure I have a solution, but one thing that keeps coming to
 mind is that Sage is trying to span several audiences with different
 goals and criteria, and perhaps the various audiences would be best
 met by a stable vs. unstable model like Debian. Purple sage is an
 extreem move in this direction (more like Debian experimental)--I can
 certainly see the attraction and value, but I just hope it doesn't
 become an incompatible fork.

A difference from debian experimental is that PSAGE starts by removing
over 20 standard packages from Sage.  In fact, so far, that is
essentially *all* that PSAGE is.Also, my intention is that most
Python code in PSAGE go into a different Python module than the sage

 Burcin's suggestion seem to fit this curve pretty well at this time.
 New developers and bugfixers -- with little overview of the monster
 that is Sage -- would feel more confident in reporting and fixing bugs
 if there was a feeling that there was someone (or a group of someones)
 with overview and structure. If some enthusiastic veterans could be
 found and agree on the exact model of this, I think it would improve
 bug-tracking and -fixing in a number of ways:
  - overview of bugs, their severity and class (by cleaning up,
 removing duplicates, collating related tracs, and reclassifying)
  - better classification of bugs by everyone else (by monkey-see-
  - better overview over bugs to fix before releases (by better
 overview over all bugs)
  - shorter pickup-time between a trac has been filed (possibly by
 someone not 

Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-19 Thread Mike Hansen
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Dr David Kirkby wrote:
 If that crashes Sage, and stops lots of people working on a
 Sage server, I think that's pretty serious, though not as bad as
 incorrect results.

It only crashes that one user's session.  Each worksheet is run in a
different process.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: bug wranglers

2010-10-19 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 10/19/10 05:06 PM, kcrisman wrote:

I was not suggesting anyone spend 10,000 hours studying the subject of
software engeering. I'm not suggesting people need to be experts. But
perhaps spending 20-50 hours on it is not unreasonable. I don't know
about you, but I've probably devoted 1000 hours to working on Sage, so
20-50 is a small percentage. I think 20-50 hours would be for you

It's not clear to me that without a specific time and place to do so,
that it would be particularly effective to spend 20-50 hours reading
books about this.

I don't have much experience to say whether you are right or wrong. I do *not* 
have a software background. I have never done any sort of computer science degree.

However, I had had to write code which others will use, and it became clear to 
me that on a large project one needs to do a bit more than just writing the 
code. Based on my experience, I feel that 20-50 hours reading about what are 
good software engineering practices would be useful. Those are just as relevant 
if you code in C, assembler, Python or foobar.

Software seems to be one of those things that is
hard to really learn how to do without actually doing it.

My main point was not about the code one writes.

Clearly if you write in Python you should know about Python, but that's another 
matter altogether. I tend to agree that one of of the best ways to learn a 
language, is to use it.

Things that I believe would be good for Sage, and one could get some useful 
understanding in 20-50 hours from a software engineering book would be:

* An understanding of how software projects should be managed. This is 
especially so for William of course, but in general I think that's useful to 
know for all of us. To a certain extent, some trac tickets have to be managed.

* An understanding of why bugs should be fixed as early as possible.

* Understanding the different sorts of tests that software developers use - 
black box testing, white box testing etc.

* Automated testing tools.

* Understanding ways to estimate the quality of code. At the moment there is no 
analysis of defect rates in Sage.

* The life-cycle of software. Analysis - Design - Code - Test - Maintenence. 
This applies to Sage as a whole, but also to individual parts of Sage.

* An understanding of why software wears out. What can we do to reduce the rate 
of wearout?

hours spent trying to do some Sage development, but with a couple
quality software engineers looking over your shoulder the whole time,
might do it.

That's an entirely different thing - I'm not talking about that. Any course on 
software engineering is not likely to have you writing code with someone looking 
over your shoulder.

The idea of having one piece of a Sage days devoted to
people sharing ideas from books they read in a coordinated way sounds
plausible as well, though probably it would really depend on the Sage
days in question.

That would sound good. If each person read a chapter of a book on a topic, and 
gave a short talk to everyone else, it should at least make people aware of the 
other issues.

I bought this book

though I'm not over-impressed with it.

Despite some pretty poor reviews on Amazon, I find an old (3rd edition) of this 

to be very useful.

You can pick up a used copy of the 6th edition (2004) for less than $2 on 

To be sure, this is a design decision of sorts, and one at odds with
your books, perhaps.  But unless we also can operate under the
implicit assumptions of them (which probably include things like
actual employers, or perhaps a pool of developers who all have similar
skill sets - neither of which is the case here, in a project which is
monstrously diverse in terms of skill needs and obviously very non-
hierarchical), I don't see how it's feasible to implement your ideas
on this, other than the reminders of good practice you give in public
fora such as this and on Trac tickets.  Which I think that is having a
positive impact, incidentally!


- kcrisman

The fact people have different skill sets, the fact we are not employed, the 
fact there is essentially non-hierarchical, does not really change things too 
much. Some aspects obviously do, as you can't demand people do what you want 
when you don't pay them. But hopefully people more people would do things better 
if they were aware of good practices.


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