Automatic reply: [SA-list] Virtual machines on what Hypervisor

2016-12-29 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I am currently out of the office, returning Friday 30th December 2016.

I will deal with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an 
urgent response and the communication is relating to North Wales Police please 
contact either:

John Price   -
Elin Horman   -
Les Harries  -



Andy Carroll | Technical Support Analyst
Application Services | CGI

T: +44 1745-539109 |  +44 7833-299741 |

CGI IT UK Limited. A CGI Group Inc. Company
Registered Office: 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA, United 
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RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks.

2016-12-15 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Thanks for the feedback on this guy’s much  appreciated… 




From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: 08 December 2016 11:11
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 


Same thing for me : 

- Check type = External (errorlevel) 

- Alarm when the errorlevel returned by = powershell -NoProfile 
-ExecutionPolicy bypass -File 
"C:\ServersAlive\ExternalChecks\000_DPM-RegKey_ForceFixup.ps1"  %h 

- Is <> from 0 

- Kill … when not stopped in time = TRUE 


Kind regards, 



From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Starkey, Parry S
Sent: woensdag 7 december 2016 18:51
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 


We usually use something along this line to execute the powershell script 
command inside a ServersAlive check: 


powershell -WindowStyle Hidden &'D:\Program Files (x86)\Woodstone\Servers 





From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Carroll, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 12:06 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 


*** Exercise caution. This is an EXTERNAL email. DO NOT open attachments or 
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Pieter , 


That’s great, just the sort of stuff I was after a taking a look at. 


What is the batch script like that you call this from, or can you now call  
Powershell scripts directly from within Servers Alive? 






From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: 06 December 2016 14:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 



Servers Alive Check type : external (errorlevel); alarm when errorlevel <> 0. 


An example of a PS-script I use : 




$Value=Invoke-Command -computername $RemoteServer -ScriptBlock 
{(get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection 


if ($Waarde -eq $RefValue) 


 write-host "OK. Value ForceFixup is $Value. " 

 exit 0 




 write-host "Error. Value ForceFixup is $Value, must be $RefValue." 

 exit 1 



The script checks if a registry-key still has value 1. If not it ends with an 
errorlevel 1 and Servers Alive then generates an error. 


Kind regards. 




From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Carroll, Andrew
Sent: dinsdag 6 december 2016 14:51
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 


Mailing List Users, 


I have been away from Servers Alive external check development for some time 
and the version of Servers Alive has moved on a fair bit since I was last doing 
this sort of work. 


I have had a quick look on the Servers Alive website for information regarding 
using Powershell for external checks, as this is now my preferred scripting 
language, but I’m not seeing much on the web site or the email list 


Is anyone making much use of Powershell for their external checking processes, 
would anyone be will to give me some ideas of the sort of stuff they are doing 
and how you are wrapping Powershell scripts up so that they can be called from 
within Servers Alive for performing external checks. 






Andy Carroll | Technical Support Analyst 

Application Services | CGI 


T: +44 1745-539109 |  +44 7833-299741 ( | 



CGI IT UK Limited. A CGI Group Inc. Company 

Registered Office: 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA, United 
Kingdom. Registered in England & Wales - Number 947968 


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RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks.

2016-12-07 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Pieter , 


That’s great, just the sort of stuff I was after a taking a look at. 


What is the batch script like that you call this from, or can you now call  
Powershell scripts directly from within Servers Alive? 






From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Demeulemeester, Pieter
Sent: 06 December 2016 14:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 



Servers Alive Check type : external (errorlevel); alarm when errorlevel <> 0. 


An example of a PS-script I use : 




$Value=Invoke-Command -computername $RemoteServer -ScriptBlock 
{(get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection 


if ($Waarde -eq $RefValue) 


 write-host "OK. Value ForceFixup is $Value. " 

 exit 0 




 write-host "Error. Value ForceFixup is $Value, must be $RefValue." 

 exit 1 



The script checks if a registry-key still has value 1. If not it ends with an 
errorlevel 1 and Servers Alive then generates an error. 


Kind regards. 




From: Servers Alive Discussion List [ 
(] On Behalf Of Carroll, Andrew
Sent: dinsdag 6 december 2016 14:51
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks. 


Mailing List Users, 


I have been away from Servers Alive external check development for some time 
and the version of Servers Alive has moved on a fair bit since I was last doing 
this sort of work. 


I have had a quick look on the Servers Alive website for information regarding 
using Powershell for external checks, as this is now my preferred scripting 
language, but I’m not seeing much on the web site or the email list 


Is anyone making much use of Powershell for their external checking processes, 
would anyone be will to give me some ideas of the sort of stuff they are doing 
and how you are wrapping Powershell scripts up so that they can be called from 
within Servers Alive for performing external checks. 






Andy Carroll | Technical Support Analyst 

Application Services | CGI 


T: +44 1745-539109 |  +44 7833-299741 ( | 



CGI IT UK Limited. A CGI Group Inc. Company 

Registered Office: 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA, United 
Kingdom. Registered in England & Wales - Number 947968 


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[SA-list] Powershell scripts for external checks.

2016-12-06 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Mailing List Users, 


I have been away from Servers Alive external check development for some time 
and the version of Servers Alive has moved on a fair bit since I was last doing 
this sort of work. 


I have had a quick look on the Servers Alive website for information regarding 
using Powershell for external checks, as this is now my preferred scripting 
language, but I’m not seeing much on the web site or the email list 


Is anyone making much use of Powershell for their external checking processes, 
would anyone be will to give me some ideas of the sort of stuff they are doing 
and how you are wrapping Powershell scripts up so that they can be called from 
within Servers Alive for performing external checks. 






Andy Carroll | Technical Support Analyst 

Application Services | CGI 


T: +44 1745-539109 |  +44 7833-299741 ( | 



CGI IT UK Limited. A CGI Group Inc. Company 

Registered Office: 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA, United 
Kingdom. Registered in England & Wales - Number 947968 


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Automatic reply: [SA-list] SA on 64 bit

2012-05-07 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I am currently out of the office, returning Tuesday 8th May. . 


I will deal with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an 
urgent response please contact Louise Phelps on site at NWP, or Tony Coy in 




Andy Carroll
Senior Application Engineer – NWP FM Team 

Security, Government & Infrastructure 

T: +44 1745.539.109 M: +44 7598.285.958
E: ( 


Intergraph (UK) Ltd 

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Automatic reply: [SA-list] Getting close to release

2012-02-13 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I am currently out of the office, returning Monday 20th February. 


I will deal with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an 
urgent response please contact Louise Phelps on site at NWP, or Tony Coy in 




Andy Carroll
Senior Application Engineer – NWP FM Team 

Security, Government & Infrastructure 

T: +44 1745.539.109 M: +44 7598.285.958
E: ( 


Intergraph (UK) Ltd 

Delta Business Park, Great Western Way 

Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 7XP, UK ( | LinkedIn 
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Intergraph is part of HEXAGON ( 

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RE: [SA-list] Servers Alive running on Virtual Servers

2012-01-06 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Thanks for all the feedback on Servers Alive running in a virtual environment 
(not just this reply), it’s most appreciate. 


Andy J 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Hanson, Brett
Sent: 05 January 2012 20:17
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Servers Alive running on Virtual Servers 


Agreed.  We ran Servers Alive on a virtual machine for a couple years, but 
always had stability problems.  It has been much better since we moved it back 
to a physical machine. 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] 
(mailto:[]) On Behalf Of Heath Abbate
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:46 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Servers Alive running on Virtual Servers 


don’t know if things have changed with newer builds but for us we had 
nothing but problems until we moved salive to a dediated physical box. 




From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] 
(mailto:[]) On Behalf Of Carroll, Andrew
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 11:16 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] Servers Alive running on Virtual Servers 




I am being asked if it would be possible to Virtualise our Servers Alive 
installation for an on-going system wide upgrade project. The other monitoring 
we have on the same server is Insight Manager for hardware monitoring. We are 
currently running this on a Windows 2003 Server. We monitor a number of servers 
/ services etc. over a number of sites. 


Does anyone already have Servers Alive running on a Virtual Server (and Insight 
Manager preferably)? 


If you do are there any issues I should consider in migrating to a Virtual 
environment? Are there any issue in running in this way? 


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 







Andy Carroll
Senior Application Engineer - NWP FM Team
Security, Government & Infrastructure
Intergraph UK Limited
Delta Business Park
Great Western Way
Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7XP 


M +44 (0)7598.285958 

P +44 (0)1745.539109 ( 


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[SA-list] Servers Alive running on Virtual Servers

2012-01-05 Thread Carroll, Andrew


I am being asked if it would be possible to Virtualise our Servers Alive 
installation for an on-going system wide upgrade project. The other monitoring 
we have on the same server is Insight Manager for hardware monitoring. We are 
currently running this on a Windows 2003 Server. We monitor a number of servers 
/ services etc. over a number of sites. 


Does anyone already have Servers Alive running on a Virtual Server (and Insight 
Manager preferably)? 


If you do are there any issues I should consider in migrating to a Virtual 
environment? Are there any issue in running in this way? 


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 







Andy Carroll
Senior Application Engineer - NWP FM Team
Security, Government & Infrastructure
Intergraph UK Limited
Delta Business Park
Great Western Way
Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7XP 


M +44 (0)7598.285958 

P +44 (0)1745.539109 ( 


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Automatic reply: [SA-list] Latency check?

2011-12-19 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I am currently out of the office, returning Wednesday 28th December. 


I will deal with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an 
urgent response please contact Louise Phelps on site at NWP, or Tony Coy in 




Andy Carroll
Senior Application Engineer - NWP FM Team
Security, Government & Infrastructure
Intergraph UK Limited
Delta Business Park
Great Western Way
Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7XP 


M +44 (0)7598.285958 

P +44 (0)1745.539109 ( 



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Automatic reply: [SA-list] Just another day at the office @Woodstone

2011-08-20 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I am currently out of the office, returning Tuesday 26th April. 


I will deal with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an 
urgent response please contact Louise Phelps on site at NWP, or Tony Coy in 




Andy Carroll Senior Application Engineer - NWP FM Team 

Security, Government & Infrastructure 

Intergraph UK Limited 

Delta Business Park 

Great Western Way 



SN5 7XP 


M +44 (0)7977.256867 ( 


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RE: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

2011-08-03 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I didn't have a choice of what OS I wanted to use for this latest Servers Alive 
installation as this is controlled by company policy and Windows 2008 Server is 
now the preferred Server OS.

I have found the dialogue after you have pointed out that it pops up behind 
other dialogues, and have been able to change the required configurations, I 
can live with this as long as it works.

Is there a list of known issues with Windows 2008 Server that I can take a look 
at to see if any of these are likely to cause me any issues? I have checked 
your website but can't see anything obvious. Has there been a discussion thread 
that I have missed? Will Windows 2008 Server be supported in future?



-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 03 August 2011 12:53
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

We don't support v6.1/v6.2 on Win2008 if that's fine for you then you can stay
on that version.
About the fileproperties issue, that's a known thing caused by the OS too.  For
some reason the GUI is in fact visible but hidden behind the Servers Alive
screen.  With the latest add-on version we force it to be infront of SA :-)

-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Carroll, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 1:01 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem


The comfileproperties.dll reports a version of, this is the same
version that was working on the older installation, as I have all these
installation version from when the old system was implemented.

I have not previously updated the version of Servers Alive as on the old (dead)
Windows XP Pro SP3 installation was working fine.

Should I really be upgrading to the latest version of Servers Alive now that I
have had to move onto the Windows 2008 Server platform?



-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 03 August 2011 11:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

Servers Alive v6.1 (and v6.2) are NOT supported on Windows 2008.
What version of the COM check are you using?

-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Carroll, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 12:31 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

Servers Alive Discussion List,

I have had to move my Servers Alive implementation from a Windows XP Pro SP3
workstation to a Windows 2008 Server SP1 (32 bit) platform due to the failure of
the hardware on the workstation.

I was able to recover my hostfile and the registry and group settings from the
old system and implement these on the new system after a standard install, and
all appears to working OK.

I have however spotted an issue with an External COM check, where I am not able
to Configure the external check parameters.

A number of my checks use the External COM check "FileProperties Check" and it
seems that I am unable to use the Configure option at the moment.

Does anyone have any clues why this is not working under Windows 2008 Server SP1
when it worked fine under Windows XP Pro SP3.

Servers Alive Enterprise Version 6.1.2004

Windows 2008 Server SP1 (32 bit)



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RE: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

2011-08-03 Thread Carroll, Andrew

The comfileproperties.dll reports a version of, this is the same 
version that was working on the older installation, as I have all these 
installation version from when the old system was implemented.

I have not previously updated the version of Servers Alive as on the old (dead) 
Windows XP Pro SP3 installation was working fine.

Should I really be upgrading to the latest version of Servers Alive now that I 
have had to move onto the Windows 2008 Server platform?



-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 03 August 2011 11:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

Servers Alive v6.1 (and v6.2) are NOT supported on Windows 2008.
What version of the COM check are you using?

-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Carroll, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 12:31 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: [SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

Servers Alive Discussion List,

I have had to move my Servers Alive implementation from a Windows XP Pro SP3
workstation to a Windows 2008 Server SP1 (32 bit) platform due to the failure of
the hardware on the workstation.

I was able to recover my hostfile and the registry and group settings from the
old system and implement these on the new system after a standard install, and
all appears to working OK.

I have however spotted an issue with an External COM check, where I am not able
to Configure the external check parameters.

A number of my checks use the External COM check "FileProperties Check" and it
seems that I am unable to use the Configure option at the moment.

Does anyone have any clues why this is not working under Windows 2008 Server SP1
when it worked fine under Windows XP Pro SP3.

Servers Alive Enterprise Version 6.1.2004

Windows 2008 Server SP1 (32 bit)



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they are not sent to the list nor to individual members.  Doing so will cause 
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[SA-list] FileProperties Configuration problem

2011-08-03 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Servers Alive Discussion List,

I have had to move my Servers Alive implementation from a Windows XP Pro SP3 
workstation to a Windows 2008 Server SP1 (32 bit) platform due to the failure 
of the hardware on the workstation.

I was able to recover my hostfile and the registry and group settings from the 
old system and implement these on the new system after a standard install, and 
all appears to working OK.

I have however spotted an issue with an External COM check, where I am not able 
to Configure the external check parameters.

A number of my checks use the External COM check "FileProperties Check" and it 
seems that I am unable to use the Configure option at the moment.

Does anyone have any clues why this is not working under Windows 2008 Server 
SP1 when it worked fine under Windows XP Pro SP3.

Servers Alive Enterprise Version 6.1.2004

Windows 2008 Server SP1 (32 bit)



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they are not sent to the list nor to individual members.  Doing so will cause 
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Automatic reply: [SA-list] Remote Client/Icon for Servers Alive

2011-04-22 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I am currently out of the office, returning Tuesday 26th April. 


I will deal with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an 
urgent response please contact Louise Phelps on site at NWP, or Tony Coy in 




Andy Carroll Senior Application Engineer - NWP FM Team 

Security, Government & Infrastructure 

Intergraph UK Limited 

Delta Business Park 

Great Western Way 



SN5 7XP 


M +44 (0)7977.256867 ( 


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Automatic reply: [SA-list] Unable to relay mail to ?

2011-02-11 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I am currently out of the office, returning Monday 21st February. I will deal 
with any emails on my return, during this time if you need an urgent response 
please contact Louise Phelps on site at NWP, or Tony Coy in Swindon. Regards, 
Andy Carroll Senior Application Engineer - NWP FM Team Security, Government & 
Infrastructure Intergraph UK Limited Delta Business Park Great Western Way 
Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7XP M +44 (0)7977.256867 

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they are not sent to the list nor to individual members. Doing so will cause 
you to be automatically removed from the list. 

[SA-list] SMTP Alerting Error

2008-07-03 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I am getting an error when trying to test the SMTP set up on my Servers Alive 
Below is the error I am getting in the SA log. 
03/07/2008/09:36:56 SMTP threaded Message: 8365523620080703.SA612204-1, Failed 
to Send, error description: Interrupted., error code: 0x800a4f4e 
Can anyone advise what may be causing this. 

From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Michael D. Shook
Sent: 03 July 2008 04:01
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: Re: [SA-list] Logging to db

I wrote a lengthy (probably too much so) series of guides to show one way of 
using a db to track the SA log.

If this seems what you are looking for and need some assistance with it, let me 
Servers Alive Users Group ( > Reporting 
( > External Reporting Methods and Custom 
DB Components (

Michael Shook | Omega Tower Design Partners | |

Does anyone use the option to send SA logs to a SQL database? If so: 

1. Do you have some sort of handy front end for it that you would be willing to 
share (for us non-SQL types)? 
2. How do you prevent it from constantly growing to monstrous proportions? 


Ian K Gray
OEL IS - European Infrastructure Support
Tel: +44 1236 502661
Mob: +44 7881 518854
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit 

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[SA-list] I will be out of the Office until Wednesday 5th September 2007

2007-08-17 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I will be out of the Office until Wednesday 5th September 2007 

If you require assistance with any ICAD issues please contact Craig Beattie or 
another member of the FMT.

I will check my email on my return and deal with any outstanding issues ASAP.



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[SA-list] I will be out of the Office until Wednesday 5th September 2007

2007-08-17 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I will be out of the Office until Wednesday 5th September 2007 

If you require assistance with any ICAD issues please contact Craig Beattie or 
another member of the FMT.

I will check my email on my return and deal with any outstanding issues ASAP.



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RE: [SA-list] OT - System / Network Monitoring

2007-08-15 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I know SA can do SNMP monitoring, although I haven't yet considered
implementing any. Any examples would be useful.

I am looking to provide simple real-time view of the current network
status, generate a history of status changes, log and display a variety
of system performance data, that sort of functionality.

I thought this would be something I might find information on Michael
Shook's user group forum: but this seems to
be an under used facility, which is a shame as it would be the ideal
place to discuss this sort of thing.

Just fishing for ideas and interested to see if any forum members are
using anything that I might find useful.



-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kevin Stone
Sent: 15 August 2007 16:41
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: Re: [SA-list] OT - System / Network Monitoring

SA can do SNMP monitoring.  What are you trying to accomplish?


Carroll, Andrew wrote:
> Forum Members, (apologies up front for an off topic post)
> I use Compaq / HP Insight Manager but I am not happy with the 
> functionality I get and I am considering other SNMP based monitoring 
> to work along side our Servers Alive installation.
> Could I ask what other Network Monitoring tools other members are
> Or any recommendations others may have.
> Regards,
> Andy
> To unsubscribe send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE as subject to 
> If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office
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[SA-list] OT - System / Network Monitoring

2007-08-15 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Forum Members, (apologies up front for an off topic post)

I use Compaq / HP Insight Manager but I am not happy with the
functionality I get and I am considering other SNMP based monitoring to
work along side our Servers Alive installation.

Could I ask what other Network Monitoring tools other members are using?
Or any recommendations others may have.



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RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

2007-05-09 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Forum Members, 
I just found this old message hanging around in an old saved email folder. 
Did anyone actually set up a Forum or other resource that allowed forum members 
to swap solutions / ideas etc. it certainly sounds like a useful resource to 
have available, along side Dirk's exemplary service 

From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Michael Shook
Sent: 05 July 2006 18:46
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

Hmmm, I can't find the link to the old forum either (i may have been the only 
person who posted to it?) 
If there's still interest, I can host a users forum. 

Michael D. Shook
Technical Analyst
Saddle Creek Corporation
863 668 4477 (work)
863 860 4070 (cell)
863 665 1261 (fax) (  

From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Barry George
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 1:16 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

A one time a fine user of this group put up a site that allowed other list 
users to share files for templates etc. 
Unfortunately it wasn't utilized so I dear say it no longer exists - I can't 
seem locate it in either in the archive messages on woodstone or my own 
Anyway many thought this was a great idea (including Dirk at the time) to have 
this shared space for things like your SQL solution here. Saves repetition etc 
Maybe Dirk you can think about taking up the crusade by making something like 
this more accessible to the list off of the SA website? 
Just a thought. 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Michael Shook
Sent: July 5, 2006 9:56 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

If you use MS SQL I can walk you through how I keep that info 

Michael D. Shook
Technical Analyst
Saddle Creek Corporation
863 668 4477 (work)
863 860 4070 (cell)
863 665 1261 (fax) (  

From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Alexandre Fremion
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:46 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

Yes I know that. That's why I post this email. 
I would like to have a monthly report with the same details. If someone has a 
pretty solution... 

De : Dirk Bulinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mercredi 5 juillet 2006 15:41
À : Servers Alive Discussion List
Objet : RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

the sa_stats_... are not  montly, but since the running of SA? 

Dirk Bulinckx.  

From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Alexandre Fremion
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 3:01 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

Hi all, 
I'm looking for the same. 
In fact, I built an intranet page when we can see and check a lot of things. My 
page use these variables in a table : 

I would like to extract the  information for some items too 
and monthly based... If someone can help me... 
Thanks & Best Regards, 
Alexandre Fremion
System admin / IT support
28, rue Pierre Lescot
75001 Paris - France
T +33 1 45 08 77 90
T +33 6 60 17 98 57
F +33 1 45 08 03 69
Ext. 367790 

De : Jim Kabage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : lundi 3 juillet 2006 20:01
À : Servers Alive Discussion List
Objet : [SA-list] uptime reporting

I'm trying to get stats on monthly uptime of certain items I'm monitoring and 
was wondering what is available.  I found a script in the archive from 2002 
that I will try to use, but was wondering if there was anything more current. 


I would like to be either able to manually generate a report monthly or have 
one automatically generated and emailed out each month. 


Thanks for you suggestions. 



To unsubscribe send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE as subject to
If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office messages), then make sure 
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that send a message. Doing this will get you removed from the list. 

To unsubscribe send a 

RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

2006-07-05 Thread Carroll, Andrew
I would be interested in seeing this excellent idea resurrected...
I was very keen on the idea but when I eventually had time to go and look at 
what everyone else was doing, I was unable to locate the site.

From: Servers Alive Discussion List on behalf of Michael Shook
Sent: Wed 05/07/2006 18:45
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

Hmmm, I can't find the link to the old forum either (i may have been the only 
person who posted to it?)
If there's still interest, I can host a users forum.

Michael D. Shook
Technical Analyst
Saddle Creek Corporation
863 668 4477 (work)
863 860 4070 (cell)
863 665 1261 (fax)   


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
Of Barry George
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 1:16 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

A one time a fine user of this group put up a site that allowed other 
list users to share files for templates etc.
Unfortunately it wasn't utilized so I dear say it no longer exists - I 
can't seem locate it in either in the archive messages on woodstone or my own 
Anyway many thought this was a great idea (including Dirk at the time) 
to have this shared space for things like your SQL solution here. Saves 
repetition etc etc..
Maybe Dirk you can think about taking up the crusade by making 
something like this more accessible to the list off of the SA website?
Just a thought.



From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Michael Shook
Sent: July 5, 2006 9:56 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

If you use MS SQL I can walk you through how I keep that info

Michael D. Shook
Technical Analyst
Saddle Creek Corporation
863 668 4477 (work)
863 860 4070 (cell)
863 665 1261 (fax)   


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexandre Fremion
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:46 AM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

Yes I know that. That's why I post this email.
I would like to have a monthly report with the same 
details. If someone has a pretty solution...

De : Dirk Bulinckx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mercredi 5 juillet 2006 15:41
À : Servers Alive Discussion List
Objet : RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

the sa_stats_... are not  montly, but since the running 
of SA?

Dirk Bulinckx. 


From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexandre Fremion
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 3:01 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] uptime reporting

Hi all,
I'm looking for the same.
In fact, I built an intranet page when we can see and 
check a lot of things. My page use these variables in a table :

I would like to extract the  
information for some items too and monthly based... If someone can help me...
Thanks & Best Regards,
Alexandre Fremion

[SA-list] Remote Telnet command crashes Servers Alive V5.1.1964

2006-04-04 Thread Carroll, Andrew
Title: Remote Telnet command crashes Servers Alive V5.1.1964


I have successfully implemented remote telnet commands that can be run from a remote web frontend, this gives me the ability to put a check into MAINTENANCE, ACTIVE or perform a CHECK NOW. This has been implemented using a mixture of HTML, ASP and PERL.

However, although these commands work fine, if there are a number of these commands being performed at the same or in quick succession, it can cause the Servers Alive application to crash.

From my investigations I believe this to be due to the fact that the telnet session is either being terminated before the process has successfully completed, or the next telnet session is killing the current telnet session.

There are no useful entries being logged to the log file.

Can you see anyway around this problem, has anybody else reported a similar problem?



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[SA-list] Remote Telnet command crashes Servers Alive V5.0.1748

2005-11-30 Thread Carroll, Andrew

I am 
trying to do a remote telnet command to force a check to be run immediately, in 
the same manner as if I had selected Check Now from the right-click 
I can 
do this if I do a manual telnet connection, and then run CHECK UI=XXX - where 
XXX is the UI of my check and it works fine.
I have 
written a Perl script to do this remotely so that I can have this initiated from 
a remote web front end, however when I run the script the Check Now function is 
run, but the Servers Alive instance crashes.
Servers Alive is currently running as an application, I 
need to have this functionality working before I can set Servers Alive to run as 
a service as it will be running on a Windows 2003 Server and I do not want user 
accessing Servers Alive via Terminal Sessions.
Servers Alive log file shows the following at the time the remote command is 
November 2005 15:59:07 TELNET server: connection from logged on 
with FULL rights30 November 2005 15:59:07 Testing Messaging on 
UKIPSMONITOR30 November 2005 15:59:07 DEBUG process check: 65 processes 
running and 0 with the name ExtractSASJobDa30 November 2005 15:59:07 NT 
then the application crashes.
anyone else reported an issue with executing remote telnet commands via 

RE: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" info....

2005-10-03 Thread Carroll, Andrew

A sharing of general monitoring techniques is an excellent 
idea. It gives the opportunity to pick up techniques you may not have considered 
before and also there may be SA based solutions to problems you were considering 
but didn't know where to start.
I would be very interested.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
StoneSent: 03 October 2005 13:37To: 
salive@woodstone.nuSubject: RE: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 

My original idea was not something strictly SA but a more 
generic place to discuss the use of monitoring tools including SA.  For 
me SA is only one of about 10 tools that we use.  

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David 
BruckSent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 1:36 PMTo: 
salive@woodstone.nuSubject: Re: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 

Maybe I am missing the point.  Why a BBS when 
we have this listserv in a nice easy way to archive email messages?
Dave Bruck

  - Original Message - 
  D. Shook 
  Sent: September 30, 2005 13:35
  Subject: RE: [SA-list] User BBS for 
  "How-To" info
  well, i'd like to kick off with the convuluted process we 
  use with Servers Alive to check our Groupwise 
  How would you like this organized?
  It would make sense if it was by product, then by 
  software package...
  Checking Processes
    -->  Groupwise 
  -->  Servers Alive
  say ye?
  Michael D. ShookTechnical Analyst[EMAIL PROTECTED]863 668 
  4477 (work)863 860 4070 (cell)863 665 1261 (fax)

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
StoneSent: Friday, September 30, 2005 12:33 PMTo: 
salive@woodstone.nuSubject: RE: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 

Since Dirk is okay with the concept, I'll post my link 
below.  This may need to move to another server depending on the 
popularity but we'll see how it goes.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dirk 
BulinckxSent: Friday, September 30, 2005 11:51 AMTo: 
salive@woodstone.nuSubject: RE: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 

sure no problem for me

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ferrell, 
JimSent: Friday, September 30, 2005 5:40 PMTo: 
salive@woodstone.nuSubject: RE: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 

I love the international flavor of this 

  Pukka adj. (also ‘pukkah’, ‘pucka’) Anglo-Ind. 1. 
  Genuine 2. Of good quality, reliable 3. Of full weight.Source Language 
  Term: pucka Suggested Translation:toll, 
I think it is a 
great idea also, if Woodstone is agreeable.  I could see how they might 
have reservations about control of the 
Jim Ferrell EDS - Allison Transmission 4700 W 10th St 
Mail Code 
462-470-H04 Indianapolis, IN  46222 

( phone: +01-317-242-0034 (8-252) 
Cell phone: 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anwar, 
ZiaSent: Friday, September 30, 2005 9:21 AMTo: 
''Subject: RE: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 

Now that is a pukkah idea

  -Original Message-From: Kevin Stone 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 30 September 2005 
  15:16To: salive@woodstone.nuSubject: RE: [SA-list] 
  User BBS for "How-To" info
  I've thought a more generic how-to forum for 
  monitoring tools(mostly intergrating them with SA) and have it 
  set up but never announced.  I'm sure there's 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael D. 
  ShookSent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:06 AMTo: 
  salive@woodstone.nuSubject: [SA-list] User BBS for "How-To" 
  I have a dream
  A dream of a place where people can go to see in long form how to 
  monitor different kinds of servers, services and 
  A quiet place with information, helpful tips, kind suggestions and 
  the occasional flower.
  I also have a webserver with nothing to do, and I haven't pissed 
  off my wife with late nights in front of the PC 
  Any interest in as a user 
  Michael D. ShookTechnical Analyst[EMAIL PROTECTED]863 668 
  4477 (work)863 860 4070 (cell)863 665 1261 