2005-12-24 Thread V
Hi Marshalee,

LoL well thats good to know. I dont drink it either and certainly not with my 
pinky elevated :-) 

Take care,

> Maybe so, but well, I`m a Mormon, and we don`t drink tea!!
> :o)
> Marshalee

>> Hi Marshalee,

>> That might be from when you drink your tea with the pinky elevated it
> strains the ligaments and the hot cup cuts off the circulation to that
> finger :-)

>> Take care,
>>  V

>> > Dear Marshall,
>> > I asked you before (quite a while ago) about the knot I`m developing on
> my
>> > left pinky,
>> > in the joint nearest the nail.

>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

>> To post, address your message to:

>> Address Off-Topic messages to:

>> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 



2005-12-24 Thread Marshalee Hallett

Maybe so, but well, I`m a Mormon, and we don`t drink tea!!

> Hi Marshalee,
> That might be from when you drink your tea with the pinky elevated it
strains the ligaments and the hot cup cuts off the circulation to that
finger :-)
> Take care,
>  V

> > Dear Marshall,
> > I asked you before (quite a while ago) about the knot I`m developing on
> > left pinky,
> > in the joint nearest the nail.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-12-24 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Marshall said,
“.. I am still somewhat at a loss here as to what
terminology to use to definitively separate a
molecular silver ion from a suspended silver crystal. 
I still like the "molecular ion", but maybe another
good term would be a "disassociated ion".

Part of the confusion is also tied to the definition
of *colloidal*. Dr. Carey Reams (physicist,
biochemist) didn’t limit the size of a colloidal
particle to something unable to passing through a cell
wall. He said that some colloids were so small they
could pass through glass. Also, the concept that
suspended silver particles are not utilized by the
body or that ionic silver particles are
argyria-causing to the body is irrelevant if silver
particles are changed by the body into *ionic* silver
by stomach acid, digestion, etc. But silversmiths who
were exposed to metallic silver powder and either
inhaled it or continually got it on their skin
acquired argyria. Either the silver particles did
cause argyria, or else the silver particles were made
ionic by some metabolic function (digestion, etc.),
which then caused argyria, or else more than one form
of silver can cause argyria. In any case, argyria does
not occur when silver particles (in any form) are
nanometer in size.

Dr. Robert Demling emphasized the point that, as
silver particles become smaller, they operate in
unique ways that larger particles do not. When you are
discussing nanosilver, all the rules and concerns are
different. Silver particles that are in a certain
range of sizes are considered suspended in water, and
we have called them *colloidal*. When they fall below
a certain size, they are considered to be dissolved,
and we have been calling them *ionic*. We arbitrarily
label the first group *particles*, though they are all
particles (using common scientific definitions), and
the second group *ions*, though they are also
particles, and both groups all have a charge (which is
the common definition of an ion). Including silver
nitrate into the group called *ionic* only muddies the
water even more, because we have (inappropriately)
been using that word to specify silver particles so
small that there is no concern for safety, they are
too small to be a problem. From a purely literal
standpoint, silver-nitrate IS ionic because it has a
charge (does it?), but that makes us need a vocabulary
that differentiates between *good ionic* and *bad
ionic*, and we’re already having trouble with *ionic*
and *colloidal*.

I have looked up the definitions of *dissolved*,
*solution* and *homogeneous* (a word that is part of
the definition of a solution). I have tried to find a
clear description of the properties that would make a
distinction between the two, but found it to be quite
unclear. If the particles are bigger than a certain
size, they are declared to be in suspension. If
smaller than that, they are labeled *in solution*. I
have repeatedly seen an (apparently) arbitrary
measurement of a particle in *suspension* of .001 to
0.1 nanometers, with the inference being that a
particle smaller than .001 nm is now in solution and
no longer in suspension. Where did that standard come
from? If a particle that is .001 nm is in suspension,
why is a particle that is .000999 nm in solution? What
is the difference between suspension and solution? To
say that the silver is now dissolved into the water is
a meaningless statement with out a clear definition of
*dissolve* and *solution*. The dictionary says that it
is *homogeneous*, another word with a vague

Argyria HAS been caused by metallic silver particles,
i.e., silver dust. This is best demonstrated by the
incidence of argyria among silversmiths, who are
exposed to silver dust on their skin and inhaled into
their lungs. This seems to me to rebut the idea that
only silver ions cause argyria. I have repeatedly seen
the silver-salt-sunlight-photo concept described as
the mechanism causing argyria, but I do not think it
is that simple. It would not, to me, explain
silversmith argyria adequately.

The evidence is strong that silver in ANY form is
lethal to pathogens. The vendors who claim that one
form or the other is not effective are either ignorant
of the widespread experience of many, many people, or
else they are being dishonest in order to promote
their products. Since we know that, the smaller the
silver particles, the safer they are (Demling), we
have wanted to differentiate between the safe and the

I personally am not concerned about ionic or colloidal
or particulate or whatever. If you dissolve/suspend
pure silver into pure, steam-distilled water using
electricity, and you don’t brew it until it’s muddy,
you will find it to be beneficial to your body without
needing caution about using it.

As far as safety is concerned, I think the only real
consideration is particle size, although Demling also
says that the smaller the particle, the more effective
and stable it is. We have identified some of the
factors that affect particle size. Par

CS>Re: More on "music" for sinuses...

2005-12-24 Thread Sandee George
Hi There to you all - I would like to wish everyone on this wonderful
list a very
very Happy Season full of wonderful surprises, joys, good health and
every thing
one would wish for themselves.A very Abundant 2006 in every way.   
you all for all the amazing input you all contribute so we can all become
knowledgeable !!
Sincere good wishes to all

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Niacian 6,000 mg & hot pepper

2005-12-24 Thread Tel Tofflemire
I am so lucky I go to the Prescott, AZ.  VA, and the Dr. did have and this one 
both graduated or at least studied under Dr. wield au. of AZ. and they have a 
twisted mind favoring natural curs, like: no smoking,no over drinking, no over 
eating, lots of exercise, and healthy eatingbut they do prescribe some 
drugs to some who want them, at least my VA Dr. does.
My PA is also a supporter of naturals too, and that is who I see on my reg. 6 
months check up.  I had a very bad experience with Liportor, Zorcor, 
Baycol..all Cholesrtol meds...They took Baycol off the market.  It was the 
worst and I have not had any since, I called Bayor inc.  in Utah and told them 
and the told me to flush the pills down the toilet, and they sent my money back 
to me.
So It been 8 yrs since I had a Drug for Cholesterol, and its about 150 down 
from over 300 8 years ago...but I lost some wt. and started eating better, and 
play Golf 3 days a week.  Also like I said do 6,000 mg of Niacin, and 6,000 mg 
of Hot Pepper + Ginkgo Balboa 500 mg.  per day split in am and pm dose's that 
all help make the blood slippery, and non clotting.   Also a lot of Vit. C, E, 
(B-12 B-6 Folic Acid sublingul,) all the amino acids, msm, calcium, magnesium, 
potassium, omega 3 oils like fish oil, flax seed oil, lecithin, and others.  
That is a tip of my iceberg of Vitamins. LOL.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Connie Howard 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:41 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Niacian 6,000 mg & hot pepper

  > Tel  your post was interesting.  Which VA do you go to?  I've been
  > going to the VA in Denver, Colorado and also the Satelite Clinic in
  > Colorado Springs, Co.  I've not had the best help at either place.  They
  > have been monitoring my High Cholestrol for a number of years and keep
  > wanting to put me on some medication.  I see no reason for my Cholestrol
  > to be high and have heard that having high reading could indicate the
  > body working on something.  The side effects for the medication sounds
  > worse then the problem and I do not believe I'm having any problem at
  > all.  I wished the VA would do a holostic approach to treatment; rather
  > then the bandage remedy.


Re: CS>Re: yeast

2005-12-24 Thread Tel Tofflemire
RE: Kefir and overgrowth of Yeast, any amount will be helpful, and you can not 
over dose, (except maybe drown) My friend has trouble too and I have her make 
her own fresh every day, and she has grown fond of it and even though she is 
well now, she continues to drink the (waye) Kefir and eat the (curds) cheese 
daily.  You can get Kefir seeds form Dom's website. (Click Below.)

I make Kefir every day too, but I hardly can keep up with the ones who want it, 
I use Organic Milk.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
  - Original Message - 
  From: cari smith 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:09 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: yeast

  Can you explain...I get raw kefir from a source in michigan ,how much and 
should he be doseing through out the day.?


  Tel Tofflemire  wrote:
No  cari , 
I do not  think so 100 %, but KEFIR does.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

  - Original Message - 
  From: cari smith 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:53 AM
  Subject: CS>Re: yeast

  .Just one quick question...does colloidal silver kill yeast 
overgrowth..?Even if you continue to eat yeast productsBeer in perticular? 
If yes can you add some to the beer to kill the active yeast if any?


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Re: CS>**white diarrhea in a child??

2005-12-24 Thread Debbie Mcdonald
Thanks all for suggestions. I feared something very
toxic she was exposed to. These are my step family and
they don't really count me as a pertinent member of
society so asking more questions is pretty much out of
the question. 

--- "Mark S. Siepak"  wrote:

> The only time I have heard of white diarrhea was
> when my sister lived in
> West Texas and drank some water that was highly
> alkaline, runoff from
> Cinnibar (mercury extracted with cyanide) mines.
> They had to bring water in
> for any consumption, even teeth-brushing!
> Hope the young'un didn't eat/drink something
> nasty
> > 
> > What would cause vomiting with white??(says the
> > parents) diarrhea in a three year old? They tested
> for
> > Hep, said it was negative.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>More on "music" for sinuses...

2005-12-24 Thread M. G. Devour
The following article jibes really well with the report we heard about 
last month about *humming* being an effective treatment for sinus 
problems due to the nitric oxide produced in the nasal passages.

Mike D.



Didgeridoo linked to sleep apnoea cure
Date: 23/12/05
 Didgeridoo sales may be about to boom after a European study found the 
instrument can cure the dangerous condition of sleep apnoea.

Swiss researchers have discovered that playing the Aboriginal 
instrument reduces snoring and daytime sleepiness for those with 
obstructive sleep apnoea.

The condition occurs when the airway is obstructed during sleep, and 
results in the sufferer gasping for breath, snoring loudly, snorting 
and constantly waking up.

It carries an increased risk of stroke, heart attacks and high blood 

Swiss experts, after hearing anecdotal reports of how playing the 
didgeridoo reduced snoring, decided to study how it could be applied 

They studied 25 patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnoea and two 
with a snoring problem.

Half the group were given didgeridoo lessons and asked to practise 
playing daily at home for four months.

The other half were told they were on a waiting list for lessons.

Daytime sleepiness and apnoea scores improved significantly in the 
didgeridoo group, the British Medical Journal reported.

Partners of patients playing the didgeridoo also reported much less 
sleep disturbance.

"Larger trials are needed to confirm our preliminary findings, but our 
results may give hope to the many people with moderate obstructive 
sleep apnoea syndrome and snoring, as well as to their partners," said 
the researchers, led by Dr Otto Braendii, from the Zuercher 
Hoehenklinik Wald hospital in Faltigberg-Wald.

Playing the didgeridoo requires a controlled breathing pattern, and 
researchers believe it helps to train the upper airways to combat the 
symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea.

Copyright © 2005 AAP 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ionic vs Particulate

2005-12-24 Thread Stuff

Not at present.


At 04:34 PM 12/23/2005, Marshall wrote:

Stuff wrote:

> Charged nanoparticle?
> stuff

I had been using charged silver crystal, but that sounds good as well.

What about the ionic part, any ideas on that?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>**white diarrhea in a child??

2005-12-24 Thread Mark S. Siepak
The only time I have heard of white diarrhea was when my sister lived in
West Texas and drank some water that was highly alkaline, runoff from
Cinnibar (mercury extracted with cyanide) mines. They had to bring water in
for any consumption, even teeth-brushing!

Hope the young'un didn't eat/drink something nasty
> What would cause vomiting with white??(says the
> parents) diarrhea in a three year old? They tested for
> Hep, said it was negative. My husband is ill with his
> liver and I am afraid for him to be near them, it's
> his son's family. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: yeast

2005-12-24 Thread cari smith
Can you explain...I get raw kefir from a source in michigan ,how much and 
should he be doseing through out the day.?

Tel Tofflemire  wrote:
  No  cari , 
  I do not  think so 100 %, but KEFIR does.
  Tel Tofflemire
  Dewey, AZ
- Original Message - 
  From: cari smith 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:53 AM
  Subject: CS>Re: yeast

  .Just one quick question...does colloidal silver kill yeast 
overgrowth..?Even if you continue to eat yeast productsBeer in perticular? 
If yes can you add some to the beer to kill the active yeast if any?



  Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year.   

Yahoo! Shopping
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2005-12-24 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Marshall,
Thank you for all the wonderful, helpful info you so generously share with
"us seekers" together with the many other Experts!
I believe that the 3.5% came from someone using the 35% food grade and
diluting down 1/10 = 3.5% As a FL phamacist for 68 years, like you, I am
only aware of the 3% USP H202 grade; the 6% cosmetic grade and the 35% food

Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous New Year to You and ALL!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>

Is there actually a 3.5% available?  Initially I thought it was a mistype,
but I
keep seeing 3.5% in messages. All I have ever seen is 3% and 35%.


Nancy DeLise wrote:

> The easiest and most precise is 3.5%.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jim Holmes" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:40 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>
> > Can someone clarify for me the concentration of H2O2 to use when putting
> > drops in 8 ounces.  Should it be 3.5% or 35%.
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ode Coyote []
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:23 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>
> >
> > At 09:53 AM 12/20/2005 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> > >Please give me some clarification
> > >
> > >Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?
> > >
> > >I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
> > >using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?
> >
> >   ##  That is the shelf 3%.
> > Ode
> >
> > >
> > >I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
> > >months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
> > >like to get a deep affect from the CS.
> >
> > ## Elimination rate IS quite fast..which also makes it very safe to use
> > LOT, like quarts even,  at least for a while.
> > Ode
> >
> > >
> > >Thanks for your help
> > >
> > >Gwlynda
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >From: Nancy DeLise []
> > >Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:34 PM
> > >To:
> > >
> > >I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
> > >about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that
> > >am about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the
> morning
> > >and 2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a virus and
> > >would never stop completely)
> > > As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let
> > > sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and
> > > the particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it
> > > gets utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
> > >Nancy
> > >- Original Message -
> > >From: Greg Ball
> > >To:
> > >Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM
> > >
> > >Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign
> did
> > >you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you
> > >your homemade silver?
> > >
> > >Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and
> > >drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is
> > >there something about the peroxide thats unique? Does it combine
> > >with the silver?
> > >
> > >Thanks so much for sharing!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >No virus found in this incoming message.
> > >Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > >Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.1 - Release Date: 12/19/2005
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.2 - Release Date: 12/20/2005
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.3/209 - Release Date:
> >
> >

Re: CS>Niacian 6,000 mg & hot pepper

2005-12-24 Thread Connie Howard
> Tel  your post was interesting.  Which VA do you go to?  I've been
> going to the VA in Denver, Colorado and also the Satelite Clinic in
> Colorado Springs, Co.  I've not had the best help at either place. 
> have been monitoring my High Cholestrol for a number of years and keep
> wanting to put me on some medication.  I see no reason for my
> to be high and have heard that having high reading could indicate the
> body working on something.  The side effects for the medication sounds
> worse then the problem and I do not believe I'm having any problem at
> all.  I wished the VA would do a holostic approach to treatment; rather
> then the bandage remedy.


Re: CS>Heating Colloidal Silver

2005-12-24 Thread George Martin
I wouldn't expect any direct effect to the silver particle because of 
the size.  The wavelength of the typical microwave oven is 12 cm. 
Compare that to the average particle size of (insert your favorite made 
up value here) and it isn't surprising there is little effect noted. 
Until the conductor in question approaches  1/4 wavelength there is no 
significant interaction with the electromagetic wave. Any effect would 
come from the heating of the water.

Disclaimer:  Of course, this is only physics so any relation to the 
various metaphysical or astronomical manifestations people ascribe to 
the use of microwave ovens is neither suggested nor implied.


Ode Coyote wrote:

 If you "make" CS at over around 110-120 deg F. it's almost guaranteed 
to come up yellow.

 After it's made and sits around a while, it doesn't seem to care.
 If you freeze it, The particulates seem to form a column in the center 
and may drop out when thawed [never noticed drop out... or not]
I was a little surprised to see no effect from nuking CS..[I didn't boil 


At 09:43 AM 12/19/2005 -0500, you wrote:

All bets are off if you microwave it, I have never done any tests to 
see if the microwaves cause higher aggregation then otherwise. If you 
have a laser, then try heating it (the CS not the laser), then compare 
the intensity of the beam in the unheated and the heated.  If thye 
apprear identical, then most likely there is little or no effect.

Marshall wrote:

 In a message dated 12/16/2005 6:30:49 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
It will not destroy the CS, but depending on how hot you heat it, 
could lead to increased particle size and lower effectiveness.  The 
more yellow or color it has, them more likely it will be effected.

Thanks for responding Marshall.  It's perfectly clear CS, ppm level 
around 12.  I guess that even if it's less effective, if it gets more 
into her that would be a good thing.  Best way to do this in a 
microwave in a cup?  Or on the stove in a porcelain tea kettle?  MA

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.1 - Release Date: 12/16/2005

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Efficacy of antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease

2005-12-24 Thread patriot2000

A search of Ask Jeeves brought tons of information about CMO, including
this action brought by the Federal Trade Commission against the company
making and distributing it.   I am learning about CMO for the
first time, because of the sharing comments on the Silver List, as I
search for ways to help a nephew who almost certainly has Lyme Disease,
although his allopathic doctors say he doesn't, because the tests they
are using come back negative.  


 Distribution Centers of America, Inc. - Cmp 
...this revolutionary new substance. * * * CMO. . . THE DISCOVERY.
In 1971, the ... CMO™ is an immunomodulator, it regulates
your immune...

 | |

Cached | Save 
I figure the makers and users of CMO must be getting some good results,
and being no longer beneath the radar, are getting the expected
persecution and prosecution by the Feds, just as Dr. Lane did with his
phenomenal Benefin shark cartilage results with cancer
patients.   How they drove him out of the business of producing
that wonder product was very instructive!   But they did not
bother him until his product was successful and became well
I look forward to learning more about CMO for the sake of my nephew and
of friends I know with various ailments such as fibromyalgia, MS, and
arthritis, which also are said to respond to the use of CMO.  I
am hoping List users will share what they know.  Just e-mail me
personally, if necessary, to keep the volume on a non-CS topic within
reasonable limits.
Thanks in advance!   

Re: CS>Book Report r.e. H202

2005-12-24 Thread Jason E

Hi Jonathan:

I've ingested both H2O2 and freshly ozonated water; I wouldn't compare 
the two at all.

O3 is very unstable.  Even in distilled water, at room temperature, the 
O3 in fully satured water lasts for about 30 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide is not produced.  Without the presence of other 
specific substances, the breakdown is:

O3 ---> O2 + O-

The O3 is reactive, as well as the O-  alot more reactive than H2O2. 
 O3 is far more gentle on the digestive system than H2O2 ( I'm here 
talking about using H2O2 in water, not in silver, as it does not have 
the same effect ).

Kind Regards,


Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
A quick book report:  yes, it is a worthwhile read, with excellent 
references.  A few key points:

The doctor is very enthusiastic about the benefits of IV H202;  he 
clearly hedges his bets about oral use.   If one uses ingests the stuff 
at all -- he pointedly makes no recommendation about this -- it should 
be on an empty stomach.He does cite cases of users who have 
benefited from oral ingestion, but mentions various risks, including the 
one that concerned me:  free-radical formation and resultant oxidative 
damage.This is most likely if food is in the stomach.

I note that the Beck protocol recommends ingested "ozonated water,"  
which I understand to be water infused with O3, which then becomes 
H2O2.If there is any difference between ingesting "ozonated water" 
and ordinary store-bought H202,  I would be eager to learn more.Thus 
far I understand that these are identical.

The author emphatically endorses the use of H202 for dental use.

I intend to reread the book when time permits.

Thanks again.

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 22:37 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

You're welcome.

I think that book should be on everyone's, hard-drive.

It'll more than likely come in handy someday.


At 11:05 PM 12/22/2005, Jonathan wrote:

My goodness:  a 173 page book, free with one mouse-click!

Thanks for that.

I notice that in the first chapter the doctor addresses my 
long-standing question about the conflict between H202 therapy and 
the free-radical theory of aging and cellular damage.   That alone 
suggests this is a worthwhile read.

Much obliged!

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 10:49 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

At 11:15 AM 12/22/2005, Kallie wrote to Pete:

Check this out, Pete.


Have you looked into and can afford intravenous Hydrogen peroxide 
for your emphysema and cancer?

For more information, do a google search on "intravenous hydrogen 

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Re: CS>Re: yeast

2005-12-24 Thread Tel Tofflemire
No  cari , 
I do not  think so 100 %, but KEFIR does.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

  - Original Message - 
  From: cari smith 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:53 AM
  Subject: CS>Re: yeast

  .Just one quick question...does colloidal silver kill yeast 
overgrowth..?Even if you continue to eat yeast productsBeer in perticular? 
If yes can you add some to the beer to kill the active yeast if any?

  Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 

CS>Re: yeast

2005-12-24 Thread cari smith
.Just one quick question...does colloidal silver kill yeast 
overgrowth..?Even if you continue to eat yeast productsBeer in perticular? 
If yes can you add some to the beer to kill the active yeast if any?


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Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 

RE: CS>CS and stomach bacteria

2005-12-24 Thread Nina Whit

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Re: CS>CMO>knot on finger

2005-12-24 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Some times a knot on hands or fingers is a GANGLION TUMOR (sp) ?  I had one and 
they only remove them when they get in the way or are painful. It is hardly 
ever cancer.
TeL Tofflemirre
Dewey, AZ.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshalee Hallett 
  Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:08 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CMO

  Dear Marshall,
  I asked you before (quite a while ago) about the knot I`m developing on my
  left pinky,
  in the joint nearest the nail. Now it is twice the size, and is sore. The
  finger is gullwing-shaped now.
  I think it might be "Erosive Osteoarthritis", as the symptoms fit what the
  article on the `net of the
  Osteoarthritis site describes. It says EO appears in peri-and post
  menopausal women;
  well I`m 53 and in the first group...
  I do intend to order in some CMO, and will send you an update!
  Thanks for the helpful input!!!

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Re: CS>Subject Matter

2005-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

## 100% agreed and backed up by Franks tests.

Now for something about making your silver solutions.
Using DWs with a conductance of 0.60 uS/cm and stopping at a current 
density of 2.5 mA/ the final conductance was 16.2 and 
after 24 hours it was 14.7 us/cm and 14 days later it is 9.8 uS/cm.
The ionic content as measured by my spectrophotometer is 8.8 PPM. If 
you subtract the original conductance then the actual conductance at 
day 14 is 9.2 which is remarkably close to the actual ionic content.
It happens all ! of the time.
"Ole Bob"
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Book Report r.e. H202

2005-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

## I do not believe that water and O3 will produce H2O2.
Virtually all distilled water in the USA is heavily ozonated and I have 
yet to see it have the same effect as running CS batches in H2O2 
contaminated water.
Too much dissolved O3 probably will oxidize silver ions and I think I 
have seen this happen a few times when using extremely fresh ozonated 
distilled water, but it can be outgassed fairly easily. Using the same 
water after it was allowed to outgass solved the problem.

O3, water and very strong UV light "might" make H2O2.


Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

A quick book report:  yes, it is a worthwhile read, with excellent 
references.  A few key points:

The doctor is very enthusiastic about the benefits of IV H202;  he 
clearly hedges his bets about oral use.   If one uses ingests the 
stuff at all -- he pointedly makes no recommendation about this -- it 
should be on an empty stomach.He does cite cases of users who have 
benefited from oral ingestion, but mentions various risks, including 
the one that concerned me:  free-radical formation and resultant 
oxidative damage.This is most likely if food is in the stomach.

I note that the Beck protocol recommends ingested "ozonated water,"  
which I understand to be water infused with O3, which then becomes 
H2O2.If there is any difference between ingesting "ozonated water" 
and ordinary store-bought H202,  I would be eager to learn more.
Thus far I understand that these are identical.

The author emphatically endorses the use of H202 for dental use.

I intend to reread the book when time permits.

Thanks again.

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 22:37 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

You're welcome.

I think that book should be on everyone's, hard-drive.

It'll more than likely come in handy someday.


At 11:05 PM 12/22/2005, Jonathan wrote:

My goodness:  a 173 page book, free with one mouse-click!

Thanks for that.

I notice that in the first chapter the doctor addresses my 
long-standing question about the conflict between H202 therapy and 
the free-radical theory of aging and cellular damage.   That alone 
suggests this is a worthwhile read.

Much obliged!

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 10:49 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

At 11:15 AM 12/22/2005, Kallie wrote to Pete:

Check this out, Pete.


Have you looked into and can afford intravenous Hydrogen peroxide 
for your emphysema and cancer?

For more information, do a google search on "intravenous hydrogen 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ionic vs Particulate

2005-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

 ##  Definitions?
Ionic= Can't see it, contributes to conductivity. Can measure it with a 
Particulate= Can see it as TE, doesn't conduct. Can't measure it with a 

Colloidal= Can see it, Can't measure itdidn't settle out.


Dan Nave wrote:

Read the following excerpt.  I am certainly no chemist, but the 
explanation of the difference between the Ionic and Metallic bond may 
be the key to the distinction you are trying to make.

(The colloids which we are interested in would consist of groups of 
metallically bonded silver atoms, I would think...)


CHEMICAL BOND, mechanism whereby atoms combine to form molecules. 
There is a chemical bond between two atoms or groups of atoms when the 
forces acting between them are strong enough to lead to the formation 
of an aggregate with sufficient stability to be regarded as an 
independent species. The number of bonds an atom forms corresponds to 
its valence. The amount of energy required to break a bond and produce 
neutral atoms is called the bond energy. All bonds arise from the 
attraction of unlike charges according to Coulomb's law; however, 
depending on the atoms involved, this force manifests itself in quite 
different ways. The principal types of chemical bond are the ionic, 
covalent, metallic, and hydrogen bonds. The ionic and covalent bonds 
are idealized cases, however; most bonds are of an intermediate type.

The Ionic Bond

The ionic bond results from the attraction of oppositely charged ions. 
The atoms of metallic elements, e.g., those of sodium, lose their 
outer electrons easily, while the atoms of nonmetals, e.g., those of 
chlorine, tend to gain electrons. The highly stable ions that result 
retain their individual structures as they approach one another to 
form a stable molecule or crystal. In an ionic crystal like sodium 
chloride, no discrete diatomic molecules exist; rather, the crystal is 
composed of independent Na+ and Cl− ions, each of which is attracted 
to neighboring ions of the opposite charge. Thus the entire crystal is 
a single giant molecule.

The Covalent Bond

A single covalent bond is created when two atoms share a pair of 
electrons. There is no net charge on either atom; the attractive force 
is produced by interaction of the electron pair with the nuclei of 
both atoms. If the atoms share more than two electrons, double and 
triple bonds are formed, because each shared pair produces its own 
bond. By sharing their electrons, both atoms are able to achieve a 
highly stable electron configuration corresponding to that of an inert 
gas. For example, in methane (CH4), carbon shares an electron pair 
with each hydrogen atom; the total number of electrons shared by 
carbon is eight, which corresponds to the number of electrons in the 
outer shell of neon; each hydrogen shares two electrons, which 
corresponds to the electron configuration of helium.

In most covalent bonds, each atom contributes one electron to the 
shared pair. In certain cases, however, both electrons come from the 
same atom. As a result, the bond has a partly ionic character and is 
called a coordinate link. Actually, the only purely covalent bond is 
that between two identical atoms.

Covalent bonds are of particular importance in organic chemistry 
because of the ability of the carbon atom to form four covalent bonds. 
These bonds are oriented in definite directions in space, giving rise 
to the complex geometry of organic molecules. If all four bonds are 
single, as in methane, the shape of the molecule is that of a 
tetrahedron. The importance of shared electron pairs was first 
realized by the American chemist G. N. Lewis (1916), who pointed out 
that very few stable molecules exist in which the total number of 
electrons is odd. His octet rule allows chemists to predict the most 
probable bond structure and charge distribution for molecules and 
ions. With the advent of quantum mechanics, it was realized that the 
electrons in a shared pair must have opposite spin, as required by the 
Pauli exclusion principle. The molecular orbital theory was developed 
to predict the exact distribution of the electron density in various 
molecular structures. The American chemist Linus Pauling introduced 
the concept of resonance to explain how stability is achieved when 
more than one reasonable molecular structure is possible: the actual 
molecule is a coherent mixture of the two structures.

Metallic and Hydrogen Bonds

Unlike the ionic and covalent bonds, which are found in a great 
variety of molecules, the metallic and hydrogen bonds are highly 
specialized. The metallic bond is responsible for the crystalline 
structure of pure metals. This bond cannot be ionic because all the 
atoms are identical, nor can it be covalent, in the ordinary sense, 
because there are too few valence electrons to be shared in pairs 
among neighboring atoms. Instead, the valence electrons are shared 

Re: CS>re: lung infection questions

2005-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote
 On Life in the ER a few nights ago, there was this lady that came in 
exuding a potent smell that nearly killed everyone in the ER.

Turned out to be a third or forth metabolite byproduct of DMSO.
According to that story, the normal metabolite of DMSO is harmless 
DMSO2, but when coupled with oxygen therapy it makes DMSO3 or DMSO4, a 
deadly nerve agent.

She died.
Everyone else got really sick for days.

True?  I dunno.
It is, after all, a TV show.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

charles thomson wrote:

to odecoyote/marshall both gave me some good advice 
some time ago re: my wifes' chronic lung infection..she stopped 
using most of her presribed meds(it looked to me like they were 
killing her) and has been using a nebulizer with a cs solution of 
5-8% with  10% dmso addedshe is much improved, both in health and 
attitude...currently she is having some trouble with a phlegm buildup 
and a sporatic the questions.
 is there info re:better results obtained with a stronger solution of 
cs and dmso...if so what were the strengths used

*Higher ppm of CS might increase it's effectiveness somewhat, as long 
as the particle size is kept down.  As far as mixing with dmso, I 
need to defer to Brooks Bradley on that, he was the one initially 
reported the enhancement of this protocol by adding dmso, and would 
be in a much better position to give you an accurate answer.  Fact 
is, the CS works so well, I have never personally needed to add the 
dmso, plus I am having a hard time finding it in my area.*

  she is currently using her neb twice a day...any suggestions thank 
you again for past interest and helpchuckl

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Re: CS>Re: Ionic vs Particulate

2005-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote

Silver crystal= pure metallic silver, any combination of silver with 
anything else that's in suspension,  not in solution.
As in making rock candy.  Once the solution supersaturates, crystaline 
sugar forms in the water.

In our case, crystals would be silver hydoxide, various silver oxides 
and pure metallic silver with proportions of each dependent on how 
supersaturated the sol got , where and how fast.
As with making rock candy and snow flakes, impurities can nucleate a 
crystal formation and provide a fractal patterning for the crystal to 
grow on and so replicate that pattern while increasing in size.

H2O2 may well scavange that nucleus out, thus breaking the crystal 
apart...especially if the nucleus happens to be a silver oxide crystal  
"growing"  a silver hydroxide and metallic silver coating.

To back that idea up. "IF" the oxygen being produced is monoatomic and 
is made in the presence of H2O2, silver oxides formed 
there...and..silver hydroxides,  would be stripped of  thier oxygen 
componants and become shiny metallic silver snow flakes that grow bigger 
and bigger the longer the batch is run.
My one time experiment showed exactly that a very 
pretty snow scene crystal ball from a souvenir shop.



jrowland wrote:

So I am still somewhat at a loss here as to what termnology to use to
definitively seperate a molecular silver ion from a suspended silver
crystalAny other ideas?

How are you defining ' silver crystal' ?

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Re: CS>re: lung infection questions

2005-12-24 Thread Ode Coyote
##  A productive cough is likely a good thing if not in painfully long 
My ex once went into coughing spells so bad she'd turn blue and nearly 
pass out.
No over the counters did anything, not even the Opiates...BUT.. one 
single toke of Pot and she was fine.

It didn't even take another one later


charles thomson wrote:

to odecoyote/marshall both gave me some good advice 
some time ago re: my wifes' chronic lung infection..she stopped 
using most of her presribed meds(it looked to me like they were 
killing her) and has been using a nebulizer with a cs solution of 5-8% 
with  10% dmso addedshe is much improved, both in health and 
attitude...currently she is having some trouble with a phlegm buildup 
and a sporatic the questions.
is there info re:better results obtained with a stronger solution of 
cs and dmso...if so what were the strengths used
she is currently using her neb twice a day...any suggestions
thank you again for past interest and helpchuckl

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Re: CS>Fictitious person?

2005-12-24 Thread Peter

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 

Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Fictitious person?

Bjorn Nordenstrom, M.D.,  is quite real, and a close associate of the 
remarkable Y. Omura, M.D.

Nordenstrom is famous for his work on closed electrical circuits in the 
human body, and has used electro-therapy to treat cancerous tumors.  I 
first ran across his work close to 30 years ago, in a science magazine 
aimed at the general public.

NB Nordenstrom is one of the most prestigious advocates of Omura's 
Bi-Digital O-Ring method of applied kinesiology.

Search some more.  You'll find him, guaranteed.

On Saturday, Dec 24, 2005, at 00:57 Asia/Tokyo, Terry Chamberlin wrote:

I would like comments or references from anyone who
can, regarding this information:

Here is the quote:
"Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom, of the Karolinska Institute,
Sweden, has used silver in his cancer treatment

When I search for this doctor, I get a long list of
Alternative Health websites who give this same quote,
but no sources. When I look up the Karolinska
Institute, it is there, but a search of their staff
fails to show this doctor's name. When I search their
website for any references to silver, there are 123
references to things having to do with silver (silver
medals, silver jewelry, people who have silver in
their name), but only one reference to colloidal
silver, and it is the Rosemary Jacobs story, which is
presented as a legitimate article. This site also
contains many articles refuting alternative health,
*natural* therapies, etc. Even info from Quackwatch is

Terry Chamberlin

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