Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread V

You can also kill warts with colliodal silver and electricity by driving the 
silver ions into the wart with the positive pole of a battery.

Also warts are killed by masknig tape.

Take care,

> Yes.  They are still perplexed and confused about simple warts.  They
> are skin growth that are caused by a VIRUS.   What is usually recommend is 
> the following.

> "Stronger (prescription) medications may be required for removal of
> persistent warts. Surgical removal or removal by freezing (cryotherapy ),
> burning (electrocautery ), or laser treatment may be needed."

> There is a very effective, inexpensive remedy for warts that occur
> especially in children.  It is a homeopathic remedy called Thuja. 
> Excellent!!!  Should be kept in the medicine cabinet. 


> How can one logically eliminate growths caused by a systemic virus by
> treating the site locally and externally?   Burning does nothing to resolve 
> the virus.

> Not one case of warts went unresolved to those whom I recommended it to.
> One of my children had a severe case as a preschooler 15 yrs ago. The
> Doctors wanted to burn them off.  No #...@%% way. He must have had hundreds 
> on his arms, legs, torso. Imagine.

> So I did my own research.   In two weeks time, every wart was gone. 
> Thjua has many other uses as well.  At least 1/2 of the Doctors get their
> Diplomas, hang it on the wall, host Pharma reps and never open another book.

> "Jonathan B. Britten"  wrote: A fairly
> recent news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the 
> USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori.   
> They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest 
> protocols.   50%.   Can you imagine?


> On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

>> And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom 
>> and education? 

> --
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>   Carol Ann
>  ___
>   The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
>   The Optimist expects it to change;  
>   The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

> -
> Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!


Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread V
Hi Jonathan,

Yupp there are always good ones out there of every proffession. there are even 
some good politicians. 
And Im sure most doctors have good intentions and do what they think is right.

Take care,

> Great URL link, V, but as for your statement, well, there are some 
> wonderful MDs out there too.

> Y. Omura, MD is one of the white hats.   Reading his collected essays 
> would be an education to anyone interested in cutting-edge medicine.   
> The Nobel Prize Committee overlooked a good candidate I think.

> And isn't the great Robert O. Becker also an MD?

> And look at the list of first-rate MDs supporting the Life Extension 
> Foundation.  These are some of the good ones.

> Best to avoid blanket condemnations, methinks.


> On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 13:54 Asia/Tokyo, V wrote:

>> Hi Jonathan,

>> I can imagine doctors are idiots.


>> Take care,
>>  V

>>> A fairly recent news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the
>>> USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori.
>>> They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest
>>> protocols.   50%.   Can you imagine?

>>> JBB

>>> On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

 And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom
 and education?

>>> --
>>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

>>> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

>>> To post, address your message to:

>>> Address Off-Topic messages to:

>>> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

>>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

>> --


Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Great URL link, V, but as for your statement, well, there are some 
wonderful MDs out there too.

Y. Omura, MD is one of the white hats.   Reading his collected essays 
would be an education to anyone interested in cutting-edge medicine.   
The Nobel Prize Committee overlooked a good candidate I think.

And isn't the great Robert O. Becker also an MD?

And look at the list of first-rate MDs supporting the Life Extension 
Foundation.  These are some of the good ones.

Best to avoid blanket condemnations, methinks.


On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 13:54 Asia/Tokyo, V wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

I can imagine doctors are idiots.

Take care,

A fairly recent news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the
USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori.
They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest
protocols.   50%.   Can you imagine?


On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom
and education?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread V
Hi Jonathan,

I can imagine doctors are idiots.

Take care,

> A fairly recent news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the 
> USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori.   
> They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest 
> protocols.   50%.   Can you imagine?


> On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

>> And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom 
>> and education? 

> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

> To post, address your message to:

> Address Off-Topic messages to:

> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
Yes.  They are still perplexed and confused about simple warts.  They are skin 
growth that are caused by a VIRUS.   What is usually recommend is the 

"Stronger (prescription) medications may be required for removal of persistent 
warts. Surgical removal or removal by freezing (cryotherapy ), burning 
(electrocautery ), or laser treatment may be needed."

There is a very effective, inexpensive remedy for warts that occur especially 
in children.  It is a homeopathic remedy called Thuja.  Excellent!!!  Should be 
kept in the medicine cabinet.

How can one logically eliminate growths caused by a systemic virus by treating 
the site locally and externally?   Burning does nothing to resolve the virus. 

Not one case of warts went unresolved to those whom I recommended it to. One of 
my children had a severe case as a preschooler 15 yrs ago. The Doctors wanted 
to burn them off.  No #...@%% way. He must have had hundreds on his arms, legs, 
torso. Imagine.

So I did my own research.   In two weeks time, every wart was gone.  Thjua has 
many other uses as well.  At least 1/2 of the Doctors get their Diplomas, hang 
it on the wall, host Pharma reps and never open another book. 

"Jonathan B. Britten"  wrote: A fairly recent 
news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the 
USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori.   
They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest 
protocols.   50%.   Can you imagine?


On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

> And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom 
> and education? 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
good point obsorbed into skin maybe?

"Jonathan B. Britten"  wrote:  Probably DuPont's 
pledge is baloney.

In Japan, there has been for some years a great push to sell ordinary 
mens' clothing -- shirts, neckties, and such -- with Teflon coating, to 
prevent stains, you see. One wonders whether the new non-stick 
neckties also release their miraculous coatings into the home 

What next?


On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 07:40 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

> The EPA announced last month that DuPont has voluntarily agreed to 
> reduce its use of the chemical,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mercury removal

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
Biopsy. Small tissue samples are takenyou don't have to be dead.

Deborah Gerard  wrote: interesting how could they of 
known if there was mercury in the tissue without the person being dead to take 
a sample?...deb

Terry Chamberlin  wrote:  This is the gist of an article I 
have in my "Mercury"
article collection:

This is from an article found in the newsletter
"Alternative" dated June, 1998. A Dr. Yoshiaki Omura

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

 What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I had all my amalgams removed in Japan, at modest cost because I pay 
into the health care system.   There were no special precautions.   The 
amalgams were replaced with composites.   The results were very 
pleasing.  I had no unpleasant reactions from the amalgam removal, and 
have observed steady changes in my health since that time.   This is 
just an anecdote, and other patients might react differently, of course.

On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 00:37 Asia/Tokyo, William Missett wrote:

I think the warnings about removal are overblown, to prevent the 
practice from becoming universal, and to allow US dentists to charge 
more for the service.  

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
A fairly recent news article claimed that about 50% of the MDs in the 
USA do not know that ulcers stem directly from helicobacter pylori.   
They do not treat their patients for the infection using the latest 
protocols.   50%.   Can you imagine?


On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 01:49 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

And as Doctors, who is the average citizen to question their wisdom 
and education? 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Probably DuPont's pledge is baloney.

In Japan, there has been for some years a great push to sell ordinary 
mens' clothing -- shirts, neckties, and such -- with Teflon coating, to 
prevent stains, you see.   One wonders whether the new non-stick 
neckties also release their miraculous coatings into the home 

What next?


On Friday, Feb 17, 2006, at 07:40 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

The EPA announced last month that DuPont has voluntarily agreed to 
reduce its use of the chemical,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
I don't recall that being the question...but I got rid of the mercury for 

Debbie Mcdonald  wrote:  I dont mean adapt, but it 
developes defenses to keep
you alive longer. How did you cure your leaky gut, the
obvious question that you did not answer. 

--- Deborah Gerard wrote:

> I too had leaky gut at one time and the so called
> gastro doc's were going to send me to Mayo Clinc
> because they did not know what to do with me..I
> disagree that the body adapts to mercury if it would
> adapt then there would not be a progression in
> illnesses stemed from mercury toxcity...I no longer
> have any bowel problems at all debbie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mercury removal

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
interesting how could they of known if there was mercury in the tissue without 
the person being dead to take a sample?...deb

Terry Chamberlin  wrote:  This is the gist of an article I 
have in my "Mercury"
article collection:

This is from an article found in the newsletter
"Alternative" dated June, 1998. A Dr. Yoshiaki Omura
discovered almost by accident that the leaves of the
coriander plant can accelerate the excretion of
mercury, lead and aluminum from the body. He performed
a study in which three amalgam fillings were removed
from an individual using all the precautions available
to prevent absorption of the mercury from the amalgam.
Significant amounts were later found in the
individual's lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver
and heart. There was no mercury found in these tissues
prior to the amalgam removal.

Remarkably, without the help of any chelation agents,
cilantro was able to remove the mercury in two to
three weeks. (Acupunct Electrother Res 6;21(2):133-60)

Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that "Chelation

1 Clove garlic
1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons olive oil

Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process
until the cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the
ingredients and process to a lumpy paste. (You may
need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides
of the blender.) You can change the consistency by
altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but
keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well,
so you can make several batches at once.)

He recommends a couple of teaspoons a day for two to
three weeks once or twice a year.

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Toenail fungus

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
I have heard of soaking your toes in mouthwash...deb

Carol Ann  wrote:  It is not incurable, but it is 
stubborn. Many of the anti-fungal anti-bacterial Essential Oils work 
wonderfully as well and better than toxic substances such as Clorox and  Lysol 
with no damage to surrounding tissue or Liver.  What makes FT stubborn is the 
fact that the toe nail is always susceptible to dampness via bathing and  the 
sweaty environmnent of shoes. Eliminating it takes great villigence, patience 
and at long as 6 months.

Marshall Dudley  wrote:  Some time back someone asked 
how to cure toenail fungus. I just ran
across a site with a compreshensive list of cures, despite doctors
saying that it is incurable!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instruct! ions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


  Carol Ann

The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 

  Yahoo! Mail
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
good post Carol...I don't own anykind of these products and avoid putting my 
food in plastic as well...deb

Carol Ann  wrote:  And if Aspartame and Vaccines and 
dental Mercury aren't enough...
Even with such evidence, products with these chemical compounds have been given 
the go ahead to remain on the market - mfgers have  to the year 2015 to find a 
suitable alternative.

  Teflon chemical found in infants  Hopkins researchers are studying toxin's 
effects on newborns  Feb 6, 2006 | Tom Pelton |
Researchers at Johns Hopkins Hospital drew blood from the umbilical cords of 
300 newborns and discovered something that would be deeply unnerving to many 
parents: Ninety-nine percent of the babies were born with trace levels of an 
industrial chemical - suspected as a possible cancer-causing agent - that is 
used in the manufacture of Teflon pans, computer chips, cell phones and dozens 
of other consumer products.

Now Dr! . Lynn Goldman, Rolf Halden and their colleagues at the Johns Hopkins 
Bloomberg School of Public Health are working with other scientists to 
determine whether the toxic chemical has harmed the infants, possibly by 
interfering with their thyroid glands and hormone levels.

Previous studies, some funded by industry, have found perfluorooctanoic acid, 
or PFOA, in the bloodstream of most Americans. But the Hopkins study, supported 
by the federal and state governments, is the largest independent research 
project to examine the compound's effects on newborns, who may be more 
vulnerable to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

"It's very clear that PFOA is being released into the environment, and it's 
pretty much ubiquitous," Goldman said. "But we don't know if it's toxic to 
people at these levels."

DuPont, which manufactures Teflon and has used the chemical for more than 50 
years, says there is no evidence that PFOA is harmful to humans.

"The chemical does h! ave an effect on animals that are fed high doses of it. 
But animals respond differently to PFOA than people, and there is no evidence 
that there are any health effects in people," said David Boothe, a DuPont 

The Hopkins study comes as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is working 
with industry to try to reduce PFOA emissions into the environment.

The EPA announced last month that DuPont has voluntarily agreed to reduce its 
use of the chemical, although not eliminate it, and take more steps to halt 
emissions from its plants. In December, the company agreed to pay a $10.25 
million civil penalty - the largest ever levied by the EPA - for withholding 
information about the potential health and environmental impacts of the 


  Carol Ann

The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
The Optimist expects it to change; 
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 

  Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new 
and used cars.

Re: CS>Threelac

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
I have used it is a pretty good product...deb

Marshall Dudley  wrote:  Has anyone had any experience 
with Threelac?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Debbie Mcdonald
I dont mean adapt, but it developes defenses to keep
you alive longer. How did you cure your leaky gut, the
obvious question that you did not answer.   

--- Deborah Gerard  wrote:

> I too had leaky gut at one time and the so called
> gastro doc's were going to send me to Mayo Clinc
> because they did not know what to do with me..I
> disagree that the body adapts to mercury if it would
> adapt then there would not be a progression in
> illnesses stemed from mercury toxcity...I no longer
> have any bowel problems at all debbie

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Deborah Gerard
I too had leaky gut at one time and the so called gastro doc's were going to 
send me to Mayo Clinc because they did not know what to do with me..I disagree 
that the body adapts to mercury if it would adapt then there would not be a 
progression in illnesses stemed from mercury toxcity...I no longer have any 
bowel problems at all debbie

"M. G. Devour"  wrote:  Worthy caution, Debbie. I've heard 
about the body's dumping stored 
toxins... probably in the Huggins materials as well as in Cutler's book 
that I bought last year. I will need to study some more.

Be well,

Mike D.

> I shudder every time I see the amalgam issue talked
> about and people dont bother to join an amalgam
> specific list and learn more. I've read alot and still
> have my amalgams
> The point is, each person is different. The main
> problem does not have to be exposure from removal, it
> is that the body has learned to live being exposed to
> merc. After removal, there is a time frame after which
> the body realizes it is no longer being poisoned and
> then the body will start dumping the body stores of
> mercury from all over. That is where many people that
> think they were better start getting much worse, and
> this can take you all the way down with no way back
> for some. My case has the added down side that I have
> dysbiosis(leaky gut) and that is a definate problem
> for dealing with body stores. Just check it out before
> you go too far too fast. Hope I said it all correctly.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

CS>Body cleansing

2006-02-16 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Someone asked me to comment regarding cleansing our
bodies of toxin deposits from the past. Here is my
response, with other ideas that have occurred to me.

Body cleansing is a big topic because there are many
ways to cleanse and many types of cleanses (liver
cleanse, kidney, lung, colon, etc.).

Although I have cautioned about dieting or fasting, in
fact, fasting is still a good way to cleanse your
body, but not water-only fasts. Mono-diet fasts
(eating one food, or a narrow group of foods), juice
fasts, etc., and fasting one day at a time and
gradually increasing the fasting time (remember, I am
not talking about water-only fasting). Still, this
must be done with caution, simply because it IS so

Then there are cleansing substances that can be used
to cleanse your body, like cilantro, bentonite clay,
zeolite (clinoptilolite), psyllium seed, etc. 

There are herbs that are known to aid the body's
cleansing efforts. Searching on the web for "herbal
cleansing" will bring you many ideas. Posting your
interest about this on the silver-list (as I am now
doing) will certainly bring you a lot of info.

Colonics are very effective. I have posted a cilantro
recipe for removing mercury. Other folks here will no
doubt add other ideas/recipes/regimes.


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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Toenail fungus

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
It is not incurable, but it is stubborn. Many of the anti-fungal anti-bacterial 
Essential Oils work wonderfully as well and better than toxic substances such 
as Clorox and  Lysol with no damage to surrounding tissue or Liver.  What makes 
FT stubborn is the fact that the toe nail is always susceptible to dampness via 
bathing and  the sweaty environmnent of shoes. Eliminating it takes great 
villigence, patience and at long as 6 months.

Marshall Dudley  wrote: Some time back someone asked how 
to cure toenail fungus.  I  just ran
across a site with a compreshensive list of cures, despite doctors
saying that it is incurable!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

 Yahoo! Mail
 Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

CS>Mercury removal

2006-02-16 Thread Terry Chamberlin
This is the gist of an article I have in my "Mercury"
article collection:

This is from an article found in the newsletter
"Alternative" dated June, 1998. A Dr. Yoshiaki Omura
discovered almost by accident that the leaves of the
coriander plant can accelerate the excretion of
mercury, lead and aluminum from the body. He performed
a study in which three amalgam fillings were removed
from an individual using all the precautions available
to prevent absorption of the mercury from the amalgam.
Significant amounts were later found in the
individual's lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver
and heart. There was no mercury found in these tissues
prior to the amalgam removal.

Remarkably, without the help of any chelation agents,
cilantro was able to remove the mercury in two to
three weeks. (Acupunct Electrother Res 6;21(2):133-60)

Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that "Chelation

1 Clove garlic
1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons olive oil

Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process
until the cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the
ingredients and process to a lumpy paste. (You may
need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides
of the blender.) You can change the consistency by
altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but
keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well,
so you can make several batches at once.)

He recommends a couple of teaspoons a day for two to
three weeks once or twice a year.

Find your next car at

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2006-02-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Has anyone had any experience with Threelac?


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury -Teflon cont references

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
An EPA scientific advisory panel released a draft report in the spring that 
said the chemical has caused tumors when fed to rats and is a "likely 
carcinogen in humans." But the same panel said last week that more research 
needs to be completed before the EPA concludes whether PFOA causes cancer.

"It's a mystery right now," said Dr. Frank Witter, medical director of labor 
and delivery at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and a partner in the 
research. "At some point, with more research, we may be able to say something 
more than 'it's just there.' But we have not finished that analysis yet."

PFOA is a highly durable, man-made chemical used since the 1950s in the 
manufacture of Teflon nonstick pans, rain-repellent clothing, aerospace 
equipment, computer chips, cables, automobile fuel hoses and numerous other 

"We make a lot of chemicals that are extremely persistent, and we mass-produce 
them, but we never consider the life cycles of these chemicals," Halden said. 
"It's kind of a tragedy. In some instances, it takes years or decades before we 
learn of their toxicity" to people.

The research project at Hopkins began in late 2004. Over five months, Goldman 
and her colleagues collected blood samples from the umbilical cords of 300 
newborns. The researchers used an instrument called a liquid chromatography 
mass spectrometer to analyze the blood, and they found that 298 of the samples 
contained PFOA, Goldman said.

Now the scientists are working with other researchers at the U.S. Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention and a commercial lab to further scrutinize the 
samples and find out whether the babies' thyroid hormone levels are normal, 
Halden said. The researchers are also comparing PFOA levels to the birth weight 
of the babies, and looking at whether they were born full term. The study 
should be finished in a few months and then will be offered for publication in 
a scientific journal, Halden said.

It's not clear how PFOA gets into the environment and, eventually, into 
people's bloodstream. The chemical can be found in many places around the 
planet and has even been detected in polar bears.

Researchers with the Washington-based Environmental Working Group, a watchdog 
organization, believe the chemical may be released through the breakdown of 
fast-food packaging and stain-proof carpets, furniture and clothes, ending up 
in food, house dust, air and drinking water.

But Susan Hazen, an EPA acting assistant administrator, said this is 
speculation. "We have no evidence at this time that routine use of consumer 
products is a source of exposure," Hazen said.

DuPont agreed last year to pay a settlement of more than $100 million after 
residents living near a company Teflon plant in Parkersburg, W.Va., filed a 
class action suit claiming that PFOA escaped from the factory and contaminated 
local waters.

Boothe, the DuPont manager, said PFOA clearly had leaked from the Parkersburg 
plant. But he said there are probably "quite a few" other sources of the 
chemical's escape into the environment.

He said DuPont is working hard to stop all leakage of the chemical from 
factories. The firm has installed water discharge filters and air pollution 
control equipment at the Parkersburg plant and two others in Fayetteville, 
N.C., and Deepwater, N.J.

"The EPA is working with the industry to find out what the sources of exposure 
are," Boothe said.

Jane Houlihan, vice president for research at the Environmental Working Group, 
is among critics who say PFOA is dangerous and should be banned. It is 
disturbing, she said, that the Hopkins researchers have found the chemical in 

"The fact that PFOA can cross the placenta from the mother to child is very 
troubling, given that this is a chemical that is broadly toxic and linked to 
birth defects in lab animals," she said. "The time in the womb is a time of 
particular vulnerability to environmental chemicals."

See also: 
The program would reduce the use of PFOA by 95% by 2010. It would eliminate 
production of the chemical by 2015 at the  latest.

That's good, because it takes the body 10 years to eliminate PFOA from the body 
if there's no new exposure. And since the chemical is all over the earth, we're 
always getting new exposures. Stopping production means that we won't be 
exposed to increasing amounts of PFOA.


  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

 Yahoo! Mail
 Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
   And if Aspartame and Vaccines and dental Mercury aren't enough...
Even with such evidence, products with these chemical compounds have been given 
the go ahead to remain on the market - mfgers have  to the year 2015 to find a 
suitable alternative.
 Teflon chemical found in infants   Hopkins researchers are studying toxin's 
effects on newborns Feb  6, 2006 | Tom Pelton |
Researchers at Johns Hopkins Hospital drew blood from the umbilical cords 
of 300 newborns and discovered something that would be deeply unnerving to many 
parents: Ninety-nine percent of the babies were born with trace levels of an 
industrial chemical - suspected as a possible cancer-causing agent - that is 
used in the manufacture of Teflon pans, computer chips, cell phones and dozens 
of other consumer products.
 Now Dr. Lynn Goldman, Rolf Halden and their colleagues at the Johns Hopkins 
Bloomberg School of Public Health are working with other scientists to 
determine whether the toxic chemical has harmed the infants, possibly by 
interfering with their thyroid glands and hormone levels.
 Previous studies, some funded by industry, have found perfluorooctanoic acid, 
or PFOA, in the bloodstream of most Americans. But the Hopkins study, supported 
by the federal and state governments, is the largest independent research 
project to examine the compound's effects on newborns, who may be more 
vulnerable to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
 "It's very clear that PFOA is being released into the environment, and it's 
pretty much ubiquitous," Goldman said. "But we don't know if it's toxic to 
people at these levels."
 DuPont, which manufactures Teflon and has used the chemical for more than 50 
years, says there is no evidence that PFOA is harmful to humans.
 "The chemical does have an effect on animals that are fed high doses of it. 
But animals respond differently to PFOA than people, and there is no evidence 
that there are any health effects in people," said David Boothe, a DuPont 
 The Hopkins study comes as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is working 
with industry to try to reduce PFOA emissions into the environment.
 The EPA announced last month that DuPont has voluntarily agreed to reduce its 
use of the chemical, although not eliminate it, and take more steps to halt 
emissions from its plants. In December, the company agreed to pay a $10.25 
million civil penalty - the largest ever levied by the EPA - for withholding 
information about the potential health and environmental impacts of the 

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

 Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new 
and used cars.

Re: CS>Oregano Essential Oils

2006-02-16 Thread PanAmPete
Which variety of oregano is that which I would order from internet or  store? 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Worthy caution, Debbie. I've heard about the body's dumping stored 
toxins... probably in the Huggins materials as well as in Cutler's book 
that I bought last year. I will need to study some more.

Be well,

Mike D.

> I shudder every time I see the amalgam issue talked
> about and people dont bother to join an amalgam
> specific list and learn more. I've read alot and still
> have my amalgams
>   The point is, each person is different. The main
> problem does not have to be exposure from removal, it
> is that the body has learned to live being exposed to
> merc. After removal, there is a time frame after which
> the body realizes it is no longer being poisoned and
> then the body will start dumping the body stores of
> mercury from all over. That is where many people that
> think they were better start getting much worse, and
> this can take you all the way down with no way back
> for some. My case has the added down side that I have
> dysbiosis(leaky gut) and that is a definate problem
> for dealing with body stores. Just check it out before
> you go too far too fast. Hope I said it all correctly.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

CS>Toenail fungus

2006-02-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Some time back someone asked how to cure toenail fungus.  I  just ran
across a site with a compreshensive list of cures, despite doctors
saying that it is incurable!


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Re: CS>Re: [Colloidal Silver] Hair Regrowth with Colloidal Silver??? Report results of experiment...

2006-02-16 Thread debbie cozens
Sorry havent been reading the treadmy frined is loosing her hair due to 
chemeo..will this help her?
  Debbie wrote:
Thanks for the advice.
My game plan will be to brush my scalp 100 times. This is the best massage 
you can give your hair. Will open up your scalp pores too so it can absorb 
the colloidal silver.

So brush first then apply colloidal silver

- Original Message - 
From: "luvinostalgia" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:26 PM
Subject: [Colloidal Silver] Hair Regrowth with Colloidal Silver??? Report 
results of experiment...

> I'd like to share some personal findings with this group. A little
> background, about 11 years ago my hair started thinning - the begining
> of common male pattern baldness. Nothing major but I was kind of sold
> on the Rogaine ads to try and stop it before it got any worse. Pattens
> were lost and Minoxidil went O.T.C. and generic to boot for about 8
> bucks a bottle, big discount over the perscription Rogaine brand. I
> decided to give it a try. I had good results, most of the hair-loss
> was reversed, for several years, with a few side effects, including
> some heart palputations early on, and occassional headaches.
> I was afraid to go off of the minoxidil fearing to lose all the hair
> that I had gained, or not lost over the years, as the Rogaine people
> said would happen. Recently, I started getting more hair loss, despite
> of using 'extra strength' Minoxidil. Also, I read an article about
> cats dying from heart failure after coming in contact with their
> owner's minoxidil. I feared what this stuff was doing to my own health
> over the long term.
> I thought about how minoxidil works, it stimulates blood to the hair
> folicle, causing it to start growing again. Other gadgets, such as
> laser brushes were said to do the same thing. Then it hit me,
> colloidal silver is easily absorbed topically by the skin and carries
> an electrical charge. Also, studies have suggested silver ions to have
> stem-cell type properties. Hey, maybe it's worth a try.
> Stopped the minoxidil 'cold turkey'. I made this decision in any case,
> because of health concerns, whether the CS would help or not. Had a
> few withdrawl symptoms such as a few heart palputations for a week and
> a half. The stuff is actually high-blood pressure medication so maybe
> not having it in my system after 11 years of use threw off something
> with my blood pressure. Anyway, things are back to normal and my blood
> pressue in fine.
> I started spraying 20 ppm homebrew CS on the sclap twice per day
> (morning and night-time) just like I used to apply the Minoxidil.
> Fearing I would go completely bald after stopping the minoxidil, I
> didn't have much faith that the CS would help or do anything at all,
> after all, I never heard anyone make any claims that CS might help
> hair loss.
> I noticed from the begining, some type of feeling on the scalp, a
> stimulation that was kind of like that of the Minoxidil. I
> thought, "Hey, something is happening here. There's definitely
> something going on".
> It's been just over 8 weeks, and to my surprise, I noticed in the
> mirror that my hairline is coming in thicker. I can comb it back and
> see a true hairline again. Also for the first time I looked with a
> mirror at the back of my head where it was also thinning and that has
> thickened right up. At a closer look, I can see young hair growth
> coming in right on the hairline. Actually, it is back to were it was
> several years ago.
> This is not a placebo controled double blinded study, or anything like
> that. It is just my personal observation. I don't think CS will grow
> hair on a bowling ball. But, perhaps, if hair is suppose to grow in a
> specific area, it may help stimulate it to do so.
> I would be interested if anyone else on this group had any similar
> experiences.
> -Lovinostalgia
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> Please do not reply to this message via email. More information here:
> <*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
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Re: CS>Oregano Essential Oils

2006-02-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yes, I purchased a bottle of "Organol" oregano oil the other day and have
been inhaling it.  I simply remove the cap, and breath the fumes in, no
nebulizing or anything.  I am hoping to clear my sinuses with it.


"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> I am told by a gentleman who imports essential oils from Turkey that
> oregano oil can be inhaled directly.
> I have no direct knowledge about this;  he has told me in the past that
> Turkish MDs use this method to treat lung infections.
> He has promised to provide some more information about this which I
> will pass along.   The company name, btw, is Anatolian Treasures.
> I have recently ordered oregano oil from them and will experiment WITH
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Debbie Mcdonald
I shudder every time I see the amalgam issue talked
about and people dont bother to join an amalgam
specific list and learn more. I've read alot and still
have my amalgams
  The point is, each person is different. The main
problem does not have to be exposure from removal, it
is that the body has learned to live being exposed to
merc. After removal, there is a time frame after which
the body realizes it is no longer being poisoned and
then the body will start dumping the body stores of
mercury from all over. That is where many people that
think they were better start getting much worse, and
this can take you all the way down with no way back
for some. My case has the added down side that I have
dysbiosis(leaky gut) and that is a definate problem
for dealing with body stores. Just check it out before
you go too far too fast. Hope I said it all correctly.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Nenah Sylver
- Original Message - 
From: William Missett 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>dental mercury

I had my amalgam fillings removed in the late '80s, after reading a book by a 
dentist warning that the mercury fillings were toxic. (He subsequently lost his 
dental license, because the ADA is/was in full denial on the subject, since it 
has known since the 1840s that mercury would kill you.)

At the time, I knew I was supposed to have a sophisticated treatment procedure, 
but since my Rancho Santa Fe dentist wanted $175 per filling,  I declined and 
went to Tijuana, where a Mexican dentist used part of required removal process 
for his and my protection -- a dental dam for me and a powerful fan to blow 
away the toxic fumes from him and I.  I had about 7-8 mercury fillings removed 
over two weekends -- uppers one week and lowers the next.  I had them all 
removed for what my US dentist wanted to charge for one tooth.

I never had  any negative reaction to this procedure, even though I know it was 
less than state of the art.  I was one of those who should have been very 
susceptible to the mercury fumes, since I had experienced intense, prolonged 
exposure to mercury as a teenager.

I think the warnings about removal are overblown, to prevent the practice from 
becoming universal, and to allow US dentists to charge more for the service.  

I'm glad you had a good experience.

Mercury removal expertise varies widely. So does a negative reaction to 
mercury. Some people can handle it better than others. So for people who really 
need their fillings removed, it's important to have it done properly. 


Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite

2006-02-16 Thread Nenah Sylver
- Original Message - 
From: Trem 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite


May I ask what quantity you take and if it's daily?  15ml doesn't go a long way 
does it?

For someone who doesn't have cancer, 5 drops 3X daily is a good amount. You can 
adjust the number of drops according to how you feel.


Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite

2006-02-16 Thread Trem

May I ask what quantity you take and if it's daily?  15ml doesn't go a long way 
does it?


- Original Message - 
  From: Nenah Sylver 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:47 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite

  What have you personally noticed in taking it?


  Hi Edith.
  Some days I would feel very clear and centered and energized and relatively 
pain-free. Other days I'd feel lousy, fatigued and foggy and achey. I think how 
I felt depended on what was floating around in my bloodstream. Similar to any 
other detox -- except the zeolite was grabbing onto mercury, primarily.


Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread William Missett
I had my amalgam fillings removed in the late '80s, after reading a book by a 
dentist warning that the mercury fillings were toxic. (He subsequently lost his 
dental license, because the ADA is/was in full denial on the subject, since it 
has known since the 1840s that mercury would kill you.)

At the time, I knew I was supposed to have a sophisticated treatment procedure, 
but since my Rancho Santa Fe dentist wanted $175 per filling,  I declined and 
went to Tijuana, where a Mexican dentist used part of required removal process 
for his and my protection -- a dental dam for me and a powerful fan to blow 
away the toxic fumes from him and I.  I had about 7-8 mercury fillings removed 
over two weekends -- uppers one week and lowers the next.  I had them all 
removed for what my US dentist wanted to charge for one tooth.

I never had  any negative reaction to this procedure, even though I know it was 
less than state of the art.  I was one of those who should have been very 
susceptible to the mercury fumes, since I had experienced intense, prolonged 
exposure to mercury as a teenager.

I think the warnings about removal are overblown, to prevent the practice from 
becoming universal, and to allow US dentists to charge more for the service.  
  - Original Message - 
  From: Wendy 
  Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:44 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>dental mercury


  Actual studies in our office have shown that 63% of those people having 
amalgams etc removed at random ended up in worse condition health-wise than 
prior to dental revision. Of those patients treated by our "Multi-Disciplined 
Alliance" who had body chemistry as well as dental revision, the creation of 
new disease was zero.  Chemical Relativity is fascinating to those who behold 
the body as an entire interlocking interdependent biochemical mechanism. This 
course of at least 2 years, and perhaps more, is dedicated to those who want to 
know more than just removing amalgams and hoping. 







  -Original Message-
  From: Deborah Gerard [] 
  Sent: February 15, 2006 8:16 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>dental mercury


  Mike as long as they dam off your throat and you go thru some kind of 
chelation afterwords you will be fine...deb

  "M. G. Devour"  wrote: 

  Dear Carol Ann, Susan, Terry, Jason,


Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
Mike, Jonathan,
The look that was passed between the two students did not go unnoticed by 
me.   I suspect that a large majority of the population they encounter are 
not well read or remotely informed about such matters. And as Doctors, who is 
the average citizen to question their wisdom and education?   To prove this 
just ask anyone in your age bracket who has Mercury fillings, not inclined 
towards alternative healing, whether they have ever heard about the controversy.

I also find that many publications like Consumer Reports, Readers Digest will 
often republish the same old, same old material until something extradionary 
and scientifically proven presents to  offset  long standing status quo, and 
then the words "may" or it is 'thought"  will be used throughout the articles 
instead of more definitive  terms like so and so has "proven", "will".  No one 
likes to be the first to go out on a limb, especially if its something that 
will have a unstabilizing, hurt profits effect on a long standing economic 

The vaccine issues are a great example although I cannot understand the  
accepted idiocy of it all..what is considered hazardous material, what 
cannot be taken to the local dump was cheerily deposited with the human body as 
acceptable?  What does that say

I truly believe the med system is continually cultivating  future customer 
bases and clientele through the use of practices that have been well 
established as being dangerous.

Best regards,
Carol Ann

"Jonathan B. Britten"  wrote: Consumer Reports, a 
magazine I respect, reported some years ago that 
the evidence of amalgam risk is inconclusive, and that there is no 
reason to be seriously worried about amalgam.

I respectfully think that they were seriously wrong in their analysis, 
but Carol Ann is right that some researchers believe as CR does.

On Thursday, Feb 16, 2006, at 00:48 Asia/Tokyo, Carol Ann wrote:

> Mike,
> To this day, many Dentists will still say that the Mercury situation 
> was over dramatized and overblown.� I met two 4th yr� dental students 
> from one of the State Universities who poopahed any mention I made of 
> Mercury being determental to health.��

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  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

 Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new 
and used cars.

RE: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Carol Ann
Enough of these toxins have gone out the doors and off the shelves  for several 
years nowenugh to ensure the existing doctors, and ensuing generations of 
doctors, a steady supply of patients.

Jim Holmes  wrote: Yes, and they also say 
vaccines are safe and aspartame is harmless. 
  -Original Message-
 From: Carol Ann [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:48 AM
 Subject: Re: CS>dental mercury
 To this day, many Dentists will still say that the Mercury situation was over 
dramatized and overblown.  I met two 4th yr  dental students from one of the 
State Universities who poopahed any mention I made of Mercury being determental 
to health.   
 "M. G. Devour"  wrote:
  Deborah writes:
 > I wish you would look into how bad those fillings are you might change
 > your mind I am in my fifties and I didn't starte having any chronic
 > illnesses until I was in my fourties but it hit the fan big
 > time...have you heard of the alkaline testing tape?.. 
 Pat wrote: 
 > Actually, I'd probably rather die than have to go through having
 > several fillings redone. I recently read that root canals are
 > dangerous too as far as infection and bone loss benea! th them.
 I second what Deborah says. I'm only in my late forties and going down 
 hill rapidly. Everything I try is handicapped by a suppressed 
 metabolism and immune system. I have a mouth full of fillings. No 
 extractions or root canals, thankfully. 
 I'm planning a trip to the Huggins clinic to have them all replaced 
 somewhere they actually know how to do it without exposing you to much 
 mercury. It's a complicated and highly refined process, from the sound 
 of everything I've read so far.
 You're damned right I'm gonna get'em all re-done. I'm tired of hauling 
 a boulder uphill just to stay even. I only wish I knew to spit in the 
 eye of the first dentist who wanted to fill one of my teeth... and new 
 about CS at the time so I'd never need to.
 Be well,
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [ ]
 [Speaking only for myself... ]
 -! -
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
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Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind; 
 The Optimist expects it to change; 
 The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors. 

  Yahoo! Mail
 Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

Brings words and photos together (easily) with
 PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: CS>Fasting-dieting dangers

2006-02-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 2/14/06 8:46:03 PM Central Standard Time, 

> "OK -- this is interesting to me.  I can see why this
> would be a concern for someone who IS a smoker, but
> why for someone who HAD BEEN a smoker?  For instance,
> I quit smoking twenty-five years ago -- why would
> dieting or fasting be a concern? MA"
> The reason is because the stored toxins don't go away
> automatically. Unless a specific program is undertaken
> to cleanse the body of the stored toxins, they will
> stay there for the rest of the person's life.

Wow Terry -- sounds like I better be about this business of cleansing.  By 
the time I quit smoking, I was up to three packs a day.  I'm sure that I've 
stored TONS of toxins.  How does one go about doing this type of cleansing, do 
know? MA

Re: CS>Re: [Colloidal Silver] Hair Regrowth with Colloidal Silver??? Reportresults of experiment...

2006-02-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Maybe, but it it looks like that wild mop he had on his head in the videos I 
of him, I would rather be bald.


tom chick wrote:

> I have read that Bob Beck regrew a full head of hair doing the same thing. CS
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: [Colloidal Silver] Hair Regrowth with Colloidal Silver??? Report results of experiment...

2006-02-16 Thread tom chick
I have read that Bob Beck regrew a full head of hair doing the same thing. CS

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>About Higgins ond teeth trouble

2006-02-16 Thread M. G. Devour
See? SEE??!!! 

Peter wrote:
> What I going to relate it probably will appear an exaggeration, but
> occurred exactly as it follows:

> The work was done in Canada by Dr Huggins team.

> During a 9 hour session 6 cavitations were fixed, 10 fillings removed
> and replaced, The blood work and x-rays preceded the above.

> At the operation end I danced a jig ...

> The the most difficult thing to believe, I remember the whole affair as
> a pleasant experience.

> After fifty years of feet trouble, I no longer need arch supports.

This is the sort of report I keep running into.

Hopefully I won't have quite that much work to do and my costs will be 
a little lower. It's a big investment I'm counting on to payoff later 
as I become healthier and more functional.

With what I'm hearing about the conscious sedation, for once I'm 
willing to use pharmaceuticals.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Yep, Wendy, the Huggins protocol is extensive, detailed, and, 
apparently, it's all necessary to minimize your risk of complications.

My whole life already promises to be one big complication as it stands, 
so I'm content to take the risk. 

Be well!

Mike D.

> Actual studies in our office have shown that 63% of those people having
> amalgams etc removed at random ended up in worse condition health-wise
> than prior to dental revision. Of those patients treated by our
> "Multi-Disciplined Alliance" who had body chemistry as well as dental
> revision, the creation of new disease was zero.  Chemical Relativity is
> fascinating to those who behold the body as an entire interlocking
> interdependent biochemical mechanism. This course of at least 2 years,
> and perhaps more, is dedicated to those who want to know more than just
> removing amalgams and hoping. 
> Wendy
> -Original Message-
> From: Deborah Gerard [] 
> Sent: February 15, 2006 8:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>dental mercury
> Mike as long as they dam off your throat and you go thru some kind of
> chelation afterwords you will be fine...deb
> "M. G. Devour"  wrote: 
> Dear Carol Ann, Susan, Terry, Jason,

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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CS>Re: [Colloidal Silver] Hair Regrowth with Colloidal Silver??? Report results of experiment...

2006-02-16 Thread zz618

Thanks for the advice.
My game plan will be to brush my scalp 100 times. This is the best massage 
you can give your hair. Will open up your scalp pores too so it can absorb 
the colloidal silver.

So brush first then apply colloidal silver

- Original Message - 
From: "luvinostalgia" 

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:26 PM
Subject: [Colloidal Silver] Hair Regrowth with Colloidal Silver??? Report 
results of experiment...

I'd like to share some personal findings with this group. A little
background, about 11 years ago my hair started thinning - the begining
of common male pattern baldness. Nothing major but I was kind of sold
on the Rogaine ads to try and stop it before it got any worse. Pattens
were lost and Minoxidil went O.T.C. and generic to boot for about 8
bucks a bottle, big discount over the perscription Rogaine brand. I
decided to give it a try. I had good results, most of the hair-loss
was reversed, for several years, with a few side effects, including
some heart palputations early on, and occassional headaches.

I was afraid to go off of the minoxidil fearing to lose all the hair
that I had gained, or not lost over the years, as the Rogaine people
said would happen. Recently, I started getting more hair loss, despite
of using 'extra strength' Minoxidil. Also, I read an article about
cats dying from heart failure after coming in contact with their
owner's minoxidil. I feared what this stuff was doing to my own health
over the long term.

I thought about how minoxidil works, it stimulates blood to the hair
folicle, causing it to start growing again. Other gadgets, such as
laser brushes were said to do the same thing. Then it hit me,
colloidal silver is easily absorbed topically by the skin and carries
an electrical charge. Also, studies have suggested silver ions to have
stem-cell type properties. Hey, maybe it's worth a try.

Stopped the minoxidil 'cold turkey'. I made this decision in any case,
because of health concerns, whether the CS would help or not. Had a
few withdrawl symptoms such as a few heart palputations for a week and
a half. The stuff is actually high-blood pressure medication so maybe
not having it in my system after 11 years of use threw off something
with my blood pressure. Anyway, things are back to normal and my blood
pressue in fine.

I started spraying 20 ppm homebrew CS on the sclap twice per day
(morning and night-time) just like I used to apply the Minoxidil.
Fearing I would go completely bald after stopping the minoxidil, I
didn't have much faith that the CS would help or do anything at all,
after all, I never heard anyone make any claims that CS might help
hair loss.

I noticed from the begining, some type of feeling on the scalp, a
stimulation that was kind of like that of the Minoxidil. I
thought, "Hey, something is happening here. There's definitely
something going on".

It's been just over 8 weeks, and to my surprise, I noticed in the
mirror that my hairline is coming in thicker. I can comb it back and
see a true hairline again.  Also for the first time I looked with a
mirror at the back of my head where it was also thinning and that has
thickened right up. At a closer look, I can see young hair growth
coming in right on the hairline. Actually, it is back to were it was
several years ago.

This is not a placebo controled double blinded study, or anything like
that. It is just my personal observation. I don't think CS will grow
hair on a bowling ball. But, perhaps, if hair is suppose to grow in a
specific area, it may help stimulate it to do so.

I would be interested if anyone else on this group had any similar


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Wendy

Actual studies in our office have shown that 63% of those people having
amalgams etc removed at random ended up in worse condition health-wise
than prior to dental revision. Of those patients treated by our
"Multi-Disciplined Alliance" who had body chemistry as well as dental
revision, the creation of new disease was zero.  Chemical Relativity is
fascinating to those who behold the body as an entire interlocking
interdependent biochemical mechanism. This course of at least 2 years,
and perhaps more, is dedicated to those who want to know more than just
removing amalgams and hoping. 

-Original Message-
From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: February 15, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>dental mercury
Mike as long as they dam off your throat and you go thru some kind of
chelation afterwords you will be fine...deb

"M. G. Devour"  wrote: 
Dear Carol Ann, Susan, Terry, Jason,


Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite Teeth, root canals, removal or repair?

2006-02-16 Thread Rowena
  I recently read that root canals are dangerous too as far as infection and 
bone loss beneath them.  So what is one to do.have the tooth removed if 
it's too damaged?

There is a clinic in Switzerland or Austria that does indeed recommend 
removal rather than patching up because no matter how good the repair, the 
pathogenic organisms are small enough to get in where they can't be got out, 
flourish and cause damage.

This may be the clinic I was thinking of:
I notice that they have offshoots, as it were, in the US and Canada, and I 
also notice that my own homeopath is listed as an information centre - well, 
true, that's who told me about it once.

  where five dentists work in accordance with holistic methods. They 
search for the correlation between physical disturbances and the current 
assessment of the jaw area. With this kind of research, verified with 
technical measurements, illnesses going back a long way may be identified 
and healed.

  Each tooth, as a part of the human body, is closely connected with the 
functional system (meridian and lymphatic system) of the entire human being. 
An infected jaw and each dead, impacted or root-canalled tooth is an 
irritant in the energy field of the body, causing a disturbance in the 
respective part of the functional system.

  Many chronic diseases (neural disease, chronic sinusitis, headache) 
are caused by problems with the teeth.

  The dental department specializes in:

a.. Holistic amalgam diversions with modern and careful methods
Diagnosis and elimination of toxic materials (mercury, tin, 
Diagnosis and treatment of dead and impacted teeth
Periodontics with holistic methods
Hidden jawbone herds (restostitis)
Holistic jaw-orthopedic corrections (bionator method)

Stabident Method
Bacterial infections enclosed within the bone are treated with a method 
developed at Paracelsus. It is a painless, extremely delicate perforatory 
technique with which biological medicine is injected directly into the bone, 
the medicine having been tested beforehand with highly energetic 
electro-acupuncture. With this method our patients are spared complicated 
and painful operations.

Galvanic Currents (Oral Battery)
Currents develop if there are two or more metallic dental materials, which 
have toxic effects on other organs (e.g., soft tissue rheumatism, 
neuralgia). Such currents are found and healed.

Bioresonance Method
By changing the frequency of the body's own oscillation, the corresponding 
organs are harmonized. Applications include:

  a.. Support of the healing of a wound after an operation
  Support of the elimination of toxic materials such as mercury and 
  Relief of pain
  Treatment of allergies and stress
  Magnetic Field Therapy
  This method also shows strong results:

  b.. Metabolic regulation of each cell
  Calming of nerves by slightly depolarizing them
  Deacidification of the treated areas
  Healing and soothing of a wound after disturbance field therapy
  c.. § Improved magnetic potential of tissue (prerequisite for vitality) in US may be connected, I don't know.
In Switzerland
"A window into medicine as it should be practised". 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Acidity, pH

2006-02-16 Thread Terry Chamberlin
"I thought you mentioned something about how a person
knows how acidic they are?...deb"

To determine whether one is too acid or too alkaline,
call the Health Food stores around you and ask them if
they carry pH paper that measures in .2 increments
(6.0, 6.2, 6.4,), not .5 increments (6.0, 6.5, 7.0).

This is not the same as the litmus paper you find at a
pharmacy, which is nearly always .5 increments, and
very inaccurate. If you can't find it anywhere, I can
send it to you.

Measure your urine and saliva pH morning and evening
for six days, recording the numbers you get.

Email me the numbers, and I will tell you how
revealing they are.

If you send me a private email, I will send you an
instruction sheet that tells you how to test yourself,
plus spaces to record the numbers during the testing.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Find your next car at

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>dental mercury

2006-02-16 Thread Ode Coyote

At 05:24 PM 2/15/2006 -0800, you wrote:

I had a dentist that is convinced too that mercury is deadly...check out 
mercury and what type of toxin it is..I believe it is one of the most 
toxic known to man...and you might ask yourself this why is it a bio 
hazard truck has to come and take the removed mercury from a 
can't go into the landfills..because it is poison

 ## ALL medical waste is treated as a bio-hazard..not that Mercury 'isn't' 

'Is' that the snot rags and Q tips go the same way.
Not to the land fill.


Carol Ann  wrote:
To this day, many Dentists will still say that the Mercury situation was 
over dramatized and overblown.  I met two 4th yr  dental students from one 
of the State Universities who poopahed any mention I made of Mercury being 
determental to health.

"M. G. Devour"  wrote:
De! borah writes:
> I wish you would look into how bad those fillings are you might change
> your mind I am in my fifties and I didn't starte having any chronic
> illnesses until I was in my fourties but it hit the fan big
> time...have you heard of the alkaline testing tape?..

Pat wrote:
> Actually, I'd probably rather die than have to go through having
> several fillings redone. I recently read that root canals are
> dangerous too as far as infection and bone loss benea! th them.

I second what Deborah says. I'm only in my late forties and going down
hill rapidly. Everything I try is handicapped by a suppressed
metabolism and immune system. I have a mouth full of fillings. No
extractions or root canals, thankfully.

I'm planning a trip to the Huggins clinic to have them all replaced
somewhere they actually know how to do it without exposing you to much
mercury. It's a complicated and highly refined ! process, from the sound
of everything I've read so far.

You're damned right I'm gonna get'em all re-done. I'm tired of hauling
a boulder uphill just to stay even. I only wish I knew to spit in the
eye of the first dentist who wanted to fill one of my teeth... and new
about CS at the time so I'd never need to.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

-! -
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Carol Ann
The Pessimist complains about the Wind;
The Optimist expects it to change;
The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.

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Re: CS>FIR Sauna and EIS

2006-02-16 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: CS>FIR Sauna and EIS

Thanks, Nenah.  I assume then that your book specifically mentions FIR in 
conjunction with EIS.  Is that correct?  If so, I will certainly read it. 
BTW I spent 90 minutes yesterday in a friend's portable FIR sauna, 
perspired copiously, and felt pretty good afterward.

I do not mention EIS in my book. But the bulk of more than one chapter is 
devoted to FIR. Once you learn what FIR does and why it does it, you can 
extrapolate your findings to EIS.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite

2006-02-16 Thread Nenah Sylver
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>super cure ? / Liquid Zeolite


Do you have health issues you are working on and are you cureently still taking 
product?  I have great health issues and have come along way using various 
methods but I guess I am looking for greater health without the terrible detoxes
that I've had in the past.

Mercury toxicity.

People who use Rife technology take extra Vitamin C and electrolytes (minerals) 
before giving themselves frequency sessions to lessen or entirely eliminate 
detox reactions.
