Re: [sqlite] TRIM Function in Python3's sqlite3 import

2017-12-24 Thread Ed Lipson
David - thanks for the pointer to when TRIM showed up. Python is 10 years
out of date!! Wow!!

Upgrade was not super difficult, I kind of figured it out with a lot of
searching for answers.

Searching about upgrades, I found this listing:

It pointed me in a direction which worked on Ubuntu 17.10 and Fedora Server
27. I actually am running RHEL 5, but wanted to test the upgrade before
getting back to the office. I figured Fedora Server was 'close' to RHEL.

I'm using a python installed without root (setting the ./configure
--prefix=). So when I saw the download options for SQLite3, I picked
the one with configure and tried the same --prefix option. After make
install, I had the so libraries. I got the new libraries to be used by
setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to a value of the sqlite3-321/lib. All the
python modules showed sqlite3.sqlite_version of 3.20.1 when I don't have
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH set, and 3.21.00 when I do.

Thanks again, Merry Christmas!!

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 15:39:38 +
From: David Raymond 
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] TRIM Function in Python3's sqlite3 import

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Looks like trim was added in 10 years ago in 3.4.0 (2007-06-18)

Can't help you with the Linux side of things, sorry.

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users [] On
Behalf Of Ed Lipson

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] TRIM Function in Python3's sqlite3 import

2017-12-22 Thread Ed Lipson
I shifting some Python code to Linux from Windows. I find that TRIN i
smissing from the verison on Linux.
Python reports this version information
sqlite.version 2.6.0 for both Windows and Linux
sqlite.sqlite_version 3.3.6 for Linux, 3.15.2 for Windows.

Two questions:
1. When was TRIM added as a function?
2. How do I update the RHEL Python to a version which has the TRIM
function, or is there a replacement function available in 3.3.6 to which I
can change the code?

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Date Formatting from Excel Float Date/Time Representation

2017-01-06 Thread Ed Lipson
I'm trying to work with JIRA information. I export my JIRA records and load
them into a SQLite3 database via a python script. The export is in Excel
format. When I send the data back from SQLite3 to Excel and have Excel
format the date, it is correctly interpreted. From that I am assuming I
have a 'proper' process of reading the Excel and writing the Excel, with
SQLite3 as the middle.

How would I format the data in a SQL statement so it looks correct? When I

select t0.key, "Issue Type",  Updated

from JIRA_Stat_0_20170106124800 t0 inner join JIRA_Stat_1_20170106124800 t1
on t0.key = t1.key

where "Last Comment" is not null

order by assignee

I get output which looks like:
key Issue Type Updated
TSGOPM-176 Task 42674.629861
TSGOPM-139 Task 42698.225695
The Updated column is properly reflected as a float, as that is the
internal Excel format. What formatting functions can I use to get it to
appear as a date time in SQL output, as it appears in Excel? I have tried
strftime and date but I don't get any meaningful data.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLITE_FTS3_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH and upgrading sqlite

2014-12-16 Thread Ed Willis
Hello all,

Apologies in advance if this question has been asked and answered elsewhere – a 
(brief, admittedly) search did not turn up anything and so I’m posting this.

We’re in the process of upgrading sqlite in our service.  We were on a version 
which did not have the compile option SQLITE_FTS3_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH and are moving 
up to one that does.  As it turns out we have run into a problem with one of 
our clients where they hit this limit now where previously the query just 
worked.  My question is whether or not there’s any guidance on how to set this 
limit at compile time?  Part of my confusion is that I’m not sure what would 
have happened previously with no limit enforced (as was the case on our older 
version of sqlite) - was the risk stack exhaustion and a resulting crash or was 
it something else entirely?

Basically what I’m worried about is that we'll raise the limit to allow this 
one client to do their queries as they used to do, but will not know that we’ve 
raised it enough to allow all our clients to get the same behavior they were 
accustomed to?  How do people choose this limit?

Thanks much!

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] YACC/Bison vs. Lemon vs. standard input

2014-07-18 Thread Ed Davis
I'm trying to convert a calculator from Bison to Lemon.

I ran into an unexpected problem involving standard input where
the two programs behave quite differently.  The Bison version
prints the result immediately after pressing [Enter]. With the
Lemon version, the result is delayed until I type a new
expression and press [Enter].

I've created tiny Bison and Lemon grammars and Flex scanners to
illustrate the problem.  This is on Windows 7, using a July 2014
version of Lemon, Bison 2.41, and gcc (tdm64-2) 4.8.1.

*A simple session with the Bison version*

3 + 4[enter]
6 + 2[enter]

*Notice how the result is returned after pressing [Enter] after
the simple expression.*

*A simple session with the Lemon version*

3 + 4[enter]
6 + 2[enter]
1 + 1[enter]

*Notice how the result is only returned after the entering of a
second expression and pressing of [Enter] (ctrl Z signals
end-of-input for cmd.exe).*

What have I done wrong?

Bison/Flex version source


    #include ""

    [0-9]+  {yylval = atoi(yytext); return INTEGER;}
    [+] return PLUS;
    [\n]    return NL;
    [ \t]   ;   /* skip whitespace */
    .   {printf("Unknown character '%c'\n", yytext[0]); return 0;}

    int yywrap(void) {
    return 1;


    int yylex(void);
    void yyerror(char *);

    %token INTEGER PLUS NL
    %left PLUS MINUS


    prog:   prog expr NL    { printf("%d\n", $2); }
    expr:   INTEGER { $$ = $1; }
    | expr PLUS expr    { $$ = $1 + $3; }

    void yyerror(char *s) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);

    int main(void) {
    return 0;

To build:

    bison -y -d badd.y
    flex badd.l
    gcc lex.yy.c -o badd.exe

Lemon/Flex version source


    #include "ladd.h"
    extern int yylval;

    [0-9]+  {yylval = atoi(yytext); return INTEGER;}
    [+] return PLUS;
    [\n]    return NL;
    [ \t]   ;   /* skip whitespace */
    .   {printf("Unknown character '%c'\n", yytext[0]); return 0;}

    int yywrap(void) {
    return 1;


    %include { #include  }
    %syntax_error { printf("Lemon syntax error\n"); }
    %token_type {int}
    %left PLUS MINUS .

    start   ::= prog .

    prog    ::= prog expr(a) NL .   { printf("%d\n", a); }
    prog    ::= .

    expr(a) ::= INTEGER(b) .    { a = b; }
    expr(a) ::= expr(b) PLUS expr(c) .  { a = b + c; }



    void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t));
    void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void*));
    void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, int foo);

    int yylex(void);
    int yylval;

    int main(void) {
   void *pParser;
   int tok;

   pParser = ParseAlloc(malloc);

   while ((tok = yylex()) != 0) {
  Parse(pParser, tok, yylval);
   Parse(pParser, 0, 0);
   ParseFree(pParser, free );

   return 0;

To build:

    lemon ladd.y
    flex ladd.l
    gcc main.c ladd.c lex.yy.c -o ladd.exe
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FW: Need Help with Golf Handicap Calculation

2014-02-09 Thread Ed Tenholder
I thought LIMIT did the same thing as TOP.

With both LIMIT   (or TOP) and ORDER BY, my assumption (and my experience) is 
that the result is sorted, and then the first NN are returned.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of James K. Lowden
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] FW: Need Help with Golf Handicap Calculation

On Sat, 8 Feb 2014 19:47:44 +
Ed Tenholder  wrote:

> Query:  SELECT MAX(ScoreDate),AVG((Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope))*.96
> ScoreDate,Score,Rating,Slope FROM Scores WHERE Player="Joe Smith"
> ORDER BY (Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope) ASC LIMIT 10)

That's hard to read, so I'm relying on your description, 

> Logic:
> ? Select the oldest N scores (3 in the example above)
> ? From that, select the 20 newest scores
> ? From that, select the 10 lowest handicap-indexes:
> (Score-Rating)*(113/Slope) ? Return the lowest ScoreDate and the
> average of the handicap-indexes multiplied by .96   

If you're learning SQL, you'll want to know that in the SQL
standard LIMIT does not exist and ORDER BY is valid only to order the
final output.  

I describe ranking rows in a general way at  


sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] FW: Need Help with Golf Handicap Calculation

2014-02-08 Thread Ed Tenholder

From: Ed Tenholder 
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:44 PM
To: ''
Subject: Need Help with Golf Handicap Calculation

I’m just trying to learn SQL, and after lots of google  searches and reading 
posts on this email list, I’ve gotten pretty close.

Table:  CREATE TABLE Scores (ScoreID Integer Primary Key,ScoreDate 
Text,Player Text,CourseName Text,TeeName Text,Score Integer,Rating Real,Slope 

Query:  SELECT MAX(ScoreDate),AVG((Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope))*.96 FROM 
(SELECT * FROM  (SELECT * FROM (SELECT ScoreDate,Score,Rating,Slope FROM Scores 
WHERE Player="Joe Smith" ORDER BY ScoreDate ASC LIMIT 3) ORDER BY ScoreDate 
DESC LIMIT 20) ORDER BY (Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope) ASC LIMIT 10)

Result:  MAX(ScoreDate)AVG((Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope))*.96


• Select the oldest N scores (3 in the example above)
• From that, select the 20 newest scores
• From that, select the 10 lowest handicap-indexes:  
• Return the lowest ScoreDate and the average of the handicap-indexes 
multiplied by .96   

The first SELECT is there because I am going to execute this query iteratively, 
substituting   for the “3”,from 1 to the count of total records   (so I can 
create a chart of the change in handicap over time)

The flaw is that the ScoreDate that is returned is the oldest date in the 
lowest 10 records, and what I need is the oldest date in the most recent 20 
records (from the sub-query).

I cannot figure out how to do this without breaking up the query   using temp 
tables  (which I can do, but I am interested in learning more about SQL and I’m 
sure there must be a way to do this  (if you can solve Soduko puzzles!)

Thanks for any help,

 Ed t.
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Significant Performance Problem with System.Data.SQLite.

2014-01-21 Thread Ed Tenholder
I have never used a profiling tool.  Have VS 2010 installed.

A quick web search shows several available free tools.  What do you
recommend for VS 2010 and SQLite?

Are you able to run the application with profiling enabled to determine
SQL queries and/or System.Data.SQLite methods are running slowly?

This information, if available, would be extremely helpful in tracking down
the root cause of the slowdown you are observing.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Significant Performance Problem with System.Data.SQLite.

2014-01-20 Thread Ed Tenholder
Thanks for the quick reply.

(1) The queries are specified in the SqlDataSource.  Examples:

"SELECT * FROM [Scores] WHERE ([Player] = @Player) ORDER BY [ScoreDate]

No more than a few hundred rows in the table.

(2)  I will look into the LogPrep and TraceListener and see what I can do

(3)  The DB file is located natively to the app on each machine I've tried,
in the /App_Data folder of the website.  

(4)  The system event log contains no errors.  I am experiencing no other
problems on the server nor with any other apps running on IIS.  The
only change to make it work is to use an older version of

(5)  There are at most three SqlDataSource controls on any page, and it is
possible that each would have the same data connection open simultaneously,
but all for read access, except when inserting or deleting a record.  The
performance problem occurs when only populating the grids with data.  Why
work on one system, but not the other?  Why work on both systems when using
earlier version ?

(6)  I have tried this app with the x64 assemblies, and have no luck
whatsoever.  The download page indicates that only the x32 assemblies will
work with VS.  

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Joe Mistachkin
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 8:33 PM
To: 'General Discussion of SQLite Database'
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Significant Performance Problem with

Ed Tenholder wrote:
> The app is several pages, each with from one to three datagrids
> are filled using ADO.NET.  Very little actual code.  Using  GridView,
> DetailsView, DropDownList, and SqlDataSource
> (ProviderName="System.Data.SQLite") controls.

Do you know what kind of queries these controls are using?  Using the
connection flag can help reveal the queries.  In that case, the connection
would look something like:

SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(
"Data Source=test.db;Flags=LogPrepare;");

Please note that you will need a TraceListener setup in order to be able to
see the output generated by this connection flag.

> Anyway, the page loads and the grids populate nearly instantaneously on
> development machine under VS2012, but when deployed to WinServer 2012, it
> can take more than 20 seconds to populate the grids.

Is the database file on a network share?  How many connections are trying to
access the database concurrently?

Perhaps the server is missing some patches to the .NET Framework?  Maybe the
server has other issues (e.g. file-system corruption, hardware issues, etc)
that cause problems running System.Data.SQLite?  Is there any trouble seen
the event logs?

> Note:   Both machines are x64 and using NF4.0.Also, could only get ANY
> of many versions of System.Data.SQLite.dll that I tried on WINServer 2012
> configuring the AppPool to allow 32 bit execution.  I don't understand
> either. .dll is located  in /Bin folder.

There are x64 builds of System.Data.SQLite that should work in a native
process on Windows Server.

Joe Mistachkin

sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Significant Performance Problem with System.Data.SQLite.

2014-01-20 Thread Ed Tenholder
I've finally finished converting from SQLserver Express to SQLite for an
ASP.NET app on my development machine.
VS 2010 Professional. System.Data.SQLite version, and
Got everything working great in development, but did I ever have problems
deploying to Win Server 2012.  Finally figured out (I think) the MANY
downloads of System.Data.SQLite and was able to get everything properly
loading and executing, except on Win Server 2012, the application ran VERY
slowly, but did work properly.
The app is several pages, each with from one to three datagrids that
are filled using ADO.NET.  Very little actual code.  Using  GridView,
DetailsView, DropDownList, and SqlDataSource
(ProviderName="System.Data.SQLite") controls.
It's really not an ASP.NET app, but an ASP.NET Website.
Anyway, the page loads and the grids populate nearly instantaneously on the
development machine under VS2012, but when deployed to WinServer 2012, it
can take more than 20 seconds to populate the grids.
After days of trying every configuration of DLLs that I could think of,  I
finally achieved success by merely replacing the System.Data.SQLite.dll file
that is version  (bundled) with a .dll file from an app I wrote a
few years ago:System.Data.SQLite.dll version, the grids
load instantaneously on both systems!
I would like to find out what is wrong, as I would prefer to keep current
with SQLite releases.
Any suggestions on next steps?
Note:   Both machines are x64 and using NF4.0.Also, could only get ANY
of many versions of System.Data.SQLite.dll that I tried on WINServer 2012 by
configuring the AppPool to allow 32 bit execution.  I don't understand that
either. .dll is located  in /Bin folder.
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Inconsistent SELECT results

2011-01-12 Thread Ed Nolan

I've been using Sqlite on and off for a while now, with great results.  Awesome
piece of software :)  Yesterday I ran into an odd problem which has me stumped.
Perhaps I'm overlooking something ridiculously simple?  My original 
is quite a bit more complicated, so I've simplified it just enough to be 
(I hope ...)

When I run:

rm ./testme.db ; sqlite3 ./testme.db < input.sql

The first sql batch sequence below returns nothing (unexpected).  The second 
sequence returns the value that I expected. The only difference between the two 
sequences is one uses a TEXT value of "md5" and the other uses a TEXT value of 

--- this fails (no result) 

INSERT INTO f_main VALUES(4,5,"my_filename");

INSERT INTO f_path VALUES(5,"md5");

INSERT INTO f_stats VALUES(4,973,"16f5a3c8edc1668d7318f6113b810009");

FROM f_main m,f_stats s,f_path p 
WHERE"my_filename" AND"md5" AND m.pathid=p.pathid AND;

-- but this succeeds:  4|973|16f5a3c8edc1668d7318f6113b810009 

INSERT INTO f_main VALUES(4,5,"my_filename");

INSERT INTO f_path VALUES(5,"hu5");

INSERT INTO f_stats VALUES(4,973,"16f5a3c8edc1668d7318f6113b810009");

FROM f_main m,f_stats s,f_path p 
WHERE"my_filename" AND"hu5" AND m.pathid=p.pathid AND;

I get the same results on 3 different Linux machines, across 3 different Sqlite
versions.  2 versions were Ubuntu-based and the third (3.7.4) I compiled from
source obtained from the website.

Linux outpost3 2.6.24-23-xen #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 03:09:12 UTC 2009 x86_64 
a virtual server (xen based) running Ubuntu 8
/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)
sqlite3 3.4.2
sqlite3 3.7.4

Linux castle 2.6.32-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 11 07:54:58 UTC 2010 i686 
a desktop machine running Ubuntu 10
/dev/sda1 on / type reiserfs (rw,relatime,notail)
sqlite3 3.6.22
sqlite3 3.7.4

Linux guardian 2.4.28 #1 Fri Dec 10 18:55:16 CST 2004 i686 unknown unknown 
an older server running slackware 10
/dev/hda2 on / type reiserfs (rw)
sqlite3 3.7.4

So, am I missing something?  Or is this a bug of some sort?

Thanks for any help,
Ed Nolan
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Horrendous slowdown when updating versions

2010-07-20 Thread Ed Hawke
Hi all,

I was running a system using an old sqlite3.dll (version 3.0.8, I believe).

Updating to the latest version (3.6.23) causes my program to run 
incredibly slowly.

As an example, selecting approximately 30,000 records was taking 10 
seconds with the old dll, and with the updated version takes 70 seconds.

Whereas 10 was just about acceptable, 70 is definitely not; can anyone 
think of a reason why this might be, and what steps I could take to 
rectify it?



sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] notify all processes of database modification

2010-06-17 Thread Ed Scherer
mmunity dig
into this issue more and see if we can arrive at a mutually beneficial

2. Any solution involving the database writer/changer to take any
explicit action (e.g. signaling, etc.) to notify other processes
possibly using that database file that it has changed is likely to
have undesirable vulnerabilities (change can occur that will go
undetected, etc.) Consider: (a) file-level copy operations,
(b) changes by other tools that don't "follow the rules," etc.

3. As I recall, there were a number of advantages to going with a more
"built into SQLite" approach. Among them (a few that I remember right
- By building it into SQLite, it is more likely to work consistently and
robustly across all SQLite-based apps and tools and on all platforms,
even if the apps and tools were developed by different
- There are certain control points in the lower levels of SQLite (e.g.,
the b-tree and pager layers) that make excellent places to wedge in
change notification mechanisms. In the absence of using such control
points, notification mechanisms are harder to implement and tend to
suffer from inefficiencies (e.g., doing certain notification-related
things when a particular database file is known to be locked and just
changed can be much more optimal than alternatives).
- Simplicity from the perspective of the SQLite library user.
- Who wants to keep re-inventing this wheel?

4. An interesting point to ponder as you're evaluating alternative
approaches to this problem: What layer of software really knows what
files are involved in a database connection over time? I'd claim
that it's SQLite (not the app layer above it). Take, for example, an
application that opens an SQLite database connection and then
executes arbitrary (e.g., from a console or an input file) SQL
commands against it. Some of those commands might be
ATTACH DATABASE or DETACH DATABASE commands. So... the set of files
that need to be monitored for change is itself changing. Where is
that information most readily available? Yup... at the SQLite level.

5. It would be possible to implement a good, high quality cross-process
notification mechanism without building it directly into SQLite if
SQLite were first enhanced with some new callback hooks at just the right
places (I won't elaborate on these further without first reviewing
our code to see where those hooks would need to be). Some SQLite VFS
extensions could also help put platform-dependent code where it belongs
and minimize the surface area of code for anyone wanting to port SQLite
(along with the cross-process notification mechanism) to a new platform.

6. The change granularity is a significant issue. It's not too hard or
expensive to provide change notification on a database file level.
Getting more fine grained, though, becomes much more difficult. While
it would be great to get table (or even row-level) cross-process
change notification, it is difficult to see how this could be done
efficiently without significant implementation done inside the
bowels of SQLite. Database-level granularity is enough to at least
get the ball rolling; additional mechanisms (e.g., trigger-based
change logging to a journal table or some such) can always be layered
on top of this if finer grain is needed. Of course, such finer-grained
features *could* be built into SQLite at a later date.

7. From the perspective of a user of the SQLite library, it's hard to
beat the simplicity of a function like what we did:

void * sqlite3_async_update_hook(sqlite3 *db,
  void(*)(void *context, char const *dbname), void *context);

8. I'd really like to either get this functionality built into SQLite
*or* go the opposite direction and get more-or-less the same API-level
functionality, but with the notification mechanism source code as
decoupled as much as possible from the SQLite source code. It's just
not desirable for us to maintain the customized-SQLite-source-code
solution we're using right now.

Ed Scherer
Innovision Corporation

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] notify all processes of database modification

2010-06-17 Thread Ed Scherer
e.g. signaling, etc.) to notify other processes
possibly using that database file that it has changed is likely to
have undesirable vulnerabilities (change can occur that will go
undetected, etc.) Consider: (a) file-level copy operations,
(b) changes by other tools that don't "follow the rules," etc.

3. As I recall, there were a number of advantages to going with a more
"built into SQLite" approach. Among them (a few that I remember right
- By building it into SQLite, it is more likely to work consistently and
robustly across all SQLite-based apps and tools and on all platforms,
even if the apps and tools were developed by different
- There are certain control points in the lower levels of SQLite (e.g.,
the b-tree and pager layers) that make excellent places to wedge in
change notification mechanisms. In the absence of using such control
points, notification mechanisms are harder to implement and tend to
suffer from inefficiencies (e.g., doing certain notification-related
things when a particular database file is known to be locked and just
changed can be much more optimal than alternatives).
- Simplicity from the perspective of the SQLite library user.
- Who wants to keep re-inventing this wheel?

4. An interesting point to ponder as you're evaluating alternative
approaches to this problem: What layer of software really knows what
files are involved in a database connection over time? I'd claim
that it's SQLite (not the app layer above it). Take, for example, an
application that opens an SQLite database connection and then
executes arbitrary (e.g., from a console or an input file) SQL
commands against it. Some of those commands might be
ATTACH DATABASE or DETACH DATABASE commands. So... the set of files
that need to be monitored for change is itself changing. Where is
that information most readily available? Yup... at the SQLite level.

5. It would be possible to implement a good, high quality cross-process
notification mechanism without building it directly into SQLite if
SQLite were first enhanced with some new callback hooks at just the right
places (I won't elaborate on these further without first reviewing
our code to see where those hooks would need to be). Some SQLite VFS
extensions could also help put platform-dependent code where it belongs
and minimize the surface area of code for anyone wanting to port SQLite
(along with the cross-process notification mechanism) to a new platform.

6. The change granularity is a significant issue. It's not too hard or
expensive to provide change notification on a database file level.
Getting more fine grained, though, becomes much more difficult. While
it would be great to get table (or even row-level) cross-process
change notification, it is difficult to see how this could be done
efficiently without significant implementation done inside the
bowels of SQLite. Database-level granularity is enough to at least
get the ball rolling; additional mechanisms (e.g., trigger-based
change logging to a journal table or some such) can always be layered
on top of this if finer grain is needed. Of course, such finer-grained
features *could* be built into SQLite at a later date.

7. From the perspective of a user of the SQLite library, it's hard to
beat the simplicity of a function like what we did:

void * sqlite3_async_update_hook(sqlite3 *db,
  void(*)(void *context, char const *dbname), void *context);

8. I'd really like to either get this functionality built into SQLite
*or* go the opposite direction and get more-or-less the same API-level
functionality, but with the notification mechanism source code as
decoupled as much as possible from the SQLite source code. It's just
not desirable for us to maintain the customized-SQLite-source-code
solution we're using right now.

Ed Scherer
Innovision Corporation

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SELECT question (computing day of week the usingstrftime() function)

2010-05-05 Thread Ed Sims
Please cancel my subscription to this list!! My Mail client is overwhelmed.

Roger Andersson wrote:
>> I need to find out how many specific weekdays (e.g., how many 
>> Sundays) I have in any given range of dates.
>> My problem: How to use the COUNT function in combination with 
>> the strftime() function.
> Maybe something like
> sqlite3 test.db
> SQLite version 3.6.23
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE test (date TEXT, money INTEGER);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-20', 1000);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-21', 2100);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-22', 2200);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-27', 7000);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-28', 2800);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-29', 2900);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO test VALUES('2007-07-22', 9200);
> sqlite> SELECT strftime('%w', date) weekday, count(*) cnt FROM test GROUP BY
> weekday;
> weekday|cnt
> 0|3
> 5|2
> 6|2
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] unsubsribe plz

2010-03-19 Thread Ed Sims
Bennie wrote:
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
Me too please!
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find outif ithas been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?

2010-03-09 Thread Ed Curren

Yes.  At times I get so wound up in the details of various parts of the code 
that I miss the obvious of setting the stmt pointer to null before using it.  
Thank you to Jay for reminding me of this.


Your collective replies, answers and advice are very much appreciated, however 
the "how stupid are you" attitude of some of the posts are really quite 
ridiculous.  Splitting hairs about my phrasing lacking the specifics of the 
levels of indirection to the statement doesn't change the fundamentals of the 
question, which was basically "how do I know if the stmt is initalized".  Again 
thank you Jay for getting me out of the details so that the obvious became 
clear again.


I'll try to be more clear in future questions.
> From:
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 13:21:18 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find outif ithas been 
> run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?
> > int sqlite3_prepare(sqlite3 *db, const char *zSql, int nByte, sqlite3_stmt 
> > **ppStmt, const char **pzTail);
> >
> > Please tell me what the 4th parameter is then if it not a statement so that 
> > I may ask you in the words you are looking for.
> It's not a statement. Speaking in Igor's words it's a _pointer_ to
> statement. Speaking in Jay's words it's a _pointer_ to _pointer_ to
> statement structure.
> Usually when people say they have "function that is being passed an
> sqlite3_stmt object" they mean this prototype:
> void f(sqlite3_stmt* stmt);
> If you will check for NULL inside this function (as Jay suggested) and
> prepare statement if it's NULL then you will never have a non-NULL
> value there and memory will leak from you significantly.
> Pavel
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Ed Curren  wrote:
> >
> > According to the documentation the function prototype for 
> > sqlite3_prepare_v2 is the following:
> >
> >
> >
> > int sqlite3_prepare(sqlite3 *db, const char *zSql, int nByte, sqlite3_stmt 
> > **ppStmt, const char **pzTail);
> >
> >
> >
> > Please tell me what the 4th parameter is then if it not a statement so that 
> > I may ask you in the words you are looking for.
> >
> >> To:
> >> From:
> >> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 13:03:00 -0500
> >> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find outif ithas 
> >> been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?
> >>
> >> Ed Curren  wrote:
> >> > Okay, let's try asking the question this way then. How do I know if
> >> > I need to call prepare based on the condition or value or whatever of
> >> > a statement that may or may not have already been passed to perpare
> >> > as a parameter?
> >>
> >> You _cannot_ pass a statement to prepare as a parameter.
> >>
> >> Igor Tandetnik
> >>
> >> ___
> >> sqlite-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > sqlite-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if it has been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?

2010-03-09 Thread Ed Curren

Thank you for a straight answer Jay.
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:10:17 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if it has 
> been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 11:47:39AM -0500, Ed Curren scratched on the wall:
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I have a function that is being passed an sqlite3_stmt object.
> I assume you mean a sqlite3_stmt pointer. You should never
> instance an actual sqlite3_stmt structure yourself.
> > Within this function I need to determine if the statement has been 
> > prepared. 
> > How can I accomplish this?
> Ummm... it's a pointer. Set it to NULL when you initialize whatever
> data-structure it is in. When you prepare the statement, it will be
> non-NULL. If you have reason to call sqlite3_finalize(), set the
> pointer back to NULL.
> Test for NULL.
> -j
> -- 
> Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y @ K R E I B I.C H >
> "Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs. We have
> a protractor." "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
> and a piece of string." --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find outif ithas been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?

2010-03-09 Thread Ed Curren

According to the documentation the function prototype for sqlite3_prepare_v2 is 
the following:


int sqlite3_prepare(sqlite3 *db, const char *zSql, int nByte, sqlite3_stmt 
**ppStmt, const char **pzTail);


Please tell me what the 4th parameter is then if it not a statement so that I 
may ask you in the words you are looking for.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 13:03:00 -0500
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find outif ithas been 
> run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?
> Ed Curren  wrote:
> > Okay, let's try asking the question this way then. How do I know if
> > I need to call prepare based on the condition or value or whatever of
> > a statement that may or may not have already been passed to perpare
> > as a parameter? 
> You _cannot_ pass a statement to prepare as a parameter.
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if ithas been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?

2010-03-09 Thread Ed Curren

Okay, let's try asking the question this way then.  How do I know if I need to 
call prepare based on the condition or value or whatever of a statement that 
may or may not have already been passed to perpare as a parameter?
> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:47:42 -0500
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if ithas 
> been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?
> Ed Curren  wrote:
> > This function will be called several times. The first time through
> > the statment won't be prepared
> What do you mean, won't be prepared? How can one obtain a statement handle 
> without calling prepare?
> > so in that case the function will
> > call sqlite3_preapre_v2 to prepare the statement.
> Note that sqlite3_preapre_v2 doesn't take a statement as a parameter. It 
> takes a database connection and a SQL string, and _produces_ the statement 
> from them.
> Imagine one saying "I have a FILE* handle and I need to call fopen on it", or 
> "I have a void* pointer and I need to call malloc on it". Well, your question 
> makes about as much sense.
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if it has been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?

2010-03-09 Thread Ed Curren

Hi Igor,

This function will be called several times.  The first time through the 
statment won't be prepared, so in that case the function will call 
sqlite3_preapre_v2 to prepare the statement.  Subsequent calls to the function 
will have the statment that is already prepared, so I do not want to attempt to 
call sqlite3_prepare_v2 again on a statment that is already prepared.


Thanks very much for your help.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:04:15 -0500
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if it has 
> been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?
> Ed Curren  wrote:
> > I have a function that is being passed an sqlite3_stmt object. 
> > Within this function I need to determine if the statement has been
> > prepared. How can I accomplish this? 
> Where else would a statement handle come from, if not from 
> sqlite3_prepare[_v2] ? What precisely is the other possibility you are trying 
> to defend against?
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] How can I query a sqlite3_stmt to find out if it has been run through the sqlite3_prepare_v2 function?

2010-03-09 Thread Ed Curren

Hello all,

I have a function that is being passed an sqlite3_stmt object.  Within this 
function I need to determine if the statement has been prepared.  How can I 
accomplish this?


Thanks very much.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Nested Inner Join Help

2009-07-03 Thread Ed Hawke

Do the "a2-style" (for want of a better way of defining them) names 
exist outside the SQL statement which defines them?

i.e. if I execute the example statement that you gave me, then later 
execute a statement which references c2 will that work? Will other 
statements in the same transaction be able to reference c2, or does the 
reference only persist in the statement in which c2 was defined?


Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> Ed Hawke wrote:
>> All I meant was that in a database you have defined tables with
>> defined column names. These are defined before any SQL statements are
>> executed and therefore I would classify them as pre-defined.
>> Contrast this with the "labels" applied to tables to create a separate
>> reference to them within an SQL statement (e.g. a2 in your example).
>> Before the SQL statement creating these references is executed then
>> they will not be "recognised" by anything (i.e. any references to
>> them in other statements will throw up an error). Therefore these are
>> only defined when the SQL Statement that defines them is run, and
>> therefore I would classify them as run-time defined.
> I don't see how this fine distinction is interesting, nor why it's worth 
> making. While "predefined" column names may exist, in some philosophical 
> sense, outside the context of a SQL statement, the only way for you to 
> use them or refer to them is by mentioning them in a SQL statement, at 
> which point all distinction between "predefined" and "dynamically 
> generated" names evaporates.
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Nested Inner Join Help

2009-07-03 Thread Ed Hawke
All I meant was that in a database you have defined tables with defined 
column names. These are defined before any SQL statements are executed 
and therefore I would classify them as pre-defined.

Contrast this with the "labels" applied to tables to create a separate 
reference to them within an SQL statement (e.g. a2 in your example). 
Before the SQL statement creating these references is executed then they 
will not be "recognised" by anything (i.e. any references to them in 
other statements will throw up an error). Therefore these are only 
defined when the SQL Statement that defines them is run, and therefore I 
would classify them as run-time defined.

I am aware as I said that these are probably not the correct SQL 
definitions, they were self-applied definitions to help make clear what 
I was referring to. I can only apologise that it made it more complicated.


Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> Ed Hawke wrote:
>> By run-time defined fields I meant column names that SQL would not
>> recognise until the query was executed
> I don't get the distinction. Could you give an example of column names 
> that SQL would somehow "recognize" before a query is executed? What do 
> you mean by "recognize" here, anyway?
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Nested Inner Join Help

2009-07-02 Thread Ed Hawke
Thank you again Igor.

By run-time defined fields I meant column names that SQL would not 
recognise until the query was executed, and therefore are only defined 
when the statement is "run". I am aware that this is probably not the 
correct terminology.


Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> Ed Hawke
>  wrote:
>> Out of interest, would I be able to use binding on the run-time
>> defined fields?
> What's "run-time defined fields"? I'm not familiar with the term.
>> If I wanted to use:
>> select * from A
>>join B b1 on (A.Column3 = b1.ID)
>>join C c1 on (b1.Column1 = c1.ID)
>>join D d1 on (b1.Column2 = d1.ID)
>>join B b2 on (A.Column4 = b2.ID)
>>join C c2 on (b2.Column1 = c2.ID)
>>join D d2 on (b2.Column2 = d2.ID);
>> where d2.ID = ?
> Remove the semicolon before WHERE. Otherwise, I don't see anything wrong 
> with this.
> Igor Tandetnik 
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Nested Inner Join Help

2009-07-02 Thread Ed Hawke
Thank you very much for this Igor.

Out of interest, would I be able to use binding on the run-time defined 

If I wanted to use:

select * from A
join B b1 on (A.Column3 = b1.ID)
join C c1 on (b1.Column1 = c1.ID)
join D d1 on (b1.Column2 = d1.ID)

join B b2 on (A.Column4 = b2.ID)
join C c2 on (b2.Column1 = c2.ID)
join D d2 on (b2.Column2 = d2.ID);
where d2.ID = ?

Would that work?



Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> Ed Hawke
>  wrote:
>> To clarify this (I hope) if my table set-up is:
>> Table A:
>> IDColumn1Column2Column3Column4
>> 112345678921  23
>> 216321587622  21
>> 331456910822  24
>> Table B:
>> IDColumn1Column2
>> 2131   42
>> 2231   41
>> 2333   43
>> 2432   41
>> Table C:
>> IDColumn1
>> 31 Name1
>> 32 Name2
>> 33 Name3
>> Table D:
>> IDColumn1
>> 41   Info1
>> 42   Info2
>> 43   Info3
>> How would I select A.ID, A.Column1, A.Column2, C.Column1, D.Column1,
>> C.Column1, D.Column1 where the first set of info from C and D is based
>> on the ID contained in A.Column3, and the second set on the ID in
>> A.Column4?
> select * from A
> join B b1 on (A.Column3 = b1.ID)
> join C c1 on (b1.Column1 = c1.ID)
> join D d1 on (b1.Column2 = d1.ID)
> join B b2 on (A.Column4 = b2.ID)
> join C c2 on (b2.Column1 = c2.ID)
> join D d2 on (b2.Column2 = d2.ID);
> Igor Tandetnik 
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Nested Inner Join Help

2009-07-02 Thread Ed Hawke
Thank you both for your help.

That works, but what happens if I want to do a more complex query. If 
Table B contains references to tables C and D then I can just extend 
your example to select information from D as well as C. However if I 
have multiple Columns in A that are occurrences of B.ID how would I 
create a statement to select the information from C and D for each of these?

To clarify this (I hope) if my table set-up is:

Table A:
112345678921  23
216321587622  21
331456910822  24

Table B:
2131   42
2231   41
2333   43
2432   41

Table C:
31 Name1
32 Name2
33 Name3

Table D:
41   Info1
42   Info2
43   Info3

How would I select A.ID, A.Column1, A.Column2, C.Column1, D.Column1, 
C.Column1, D.Column1 where the first set of info from C and D is based 
on the ID contained in A.Column3, and the second set on the ID in A.Column4?

Sorry, I know this is massively more complicated, but that was why I was 
attempting to use nested Inner Joins, although I'm not necessarily sure 
they would have helped in this situation anyway.



Adam DeVita wrote:
> why not use:
> SELECT A.ID <>, A.Column1, A.Column2, B.Column1, C.Column1
> INNER JOIN B ON A.Column3 = B.ID <>
> INNER JOIN C ON B.Column2 = C.ID <>
> ?
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Ed Hawke 
>  <>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having problems getting nested inner joins to work with SQLite. As
> far as I can tell from various resources the correct way of joining
> multiple tables is this:
> SELECT A.ID <http://A.ID>, A.Column1, A.Column2, B.Column1,
> C.Column1 FROM A INNER
> JOIN B (INNER JOIN C ON B.Column2 = C.ID <http://C.ID>) ON
> A.Column3 = B.ID <http://B.ID>
> However depending upon where I put the parentheses I get various
> different errors from the viewer I use (SQLite Manager for Firefox). A
> normal Inner Join without the nesting works fine.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> Regards,
> Ed
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> <>
> -- 
> VerifEye Technologies Inc.
> 905-948-0015x245
> 7100 Warden Ave, Unit 3
> Markham ON, L3R 8B5
> Canada
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Nested Inner Join Help

2009-07-02 Thread Ed Hawke
Hi all,

I'm having problems getting nested inner joins to work with SQLite. As 
far as I can tell from various resources the correct way of joining 
multiple tables is this:

SELECT A.ID, A.Column1, A.Column2, B.Column1, C.Column1 FROM A INNER 
JOIN B (INNER JOIN C ON B.Column2 = C.ID) ON A.Column3 = B.ID

However depending upon where I put the parentheses I get various 
different errors from the viewer I use (SQLite Manager for Firefox). A 
normal Inner Join without the nesting works fine.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] preserve column constraints

2009-05-22 Thread ed
Does  'INSERT INTO mem_db SELECT * FROM file_db' work the same as
'CREATE TABLE mem_db AS SELECT * FROM file_db'  with regard to
transactions? Are the inserts going to be handled as one large
transaction in either scenario? Do I need to explicitly use the BEGIN
and COMMIT commands?


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Igor Tandetnik  wrote:
> "ed"  wrote in message
>> I have an application that copies my disk based db into an in memory
>> table (":memory:") using the command
>> "create table mem_db as select * from file_db;"
>> The problem is the disk db has a column set to INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
>> but this is not preserved when the new in memory db is created. When i
>> do a "select * from sqlite_master;" on the in-memory db, there is no
>> IPK. How can I accomplish creating the in-memory db with the file db
>> data and preserve the column configuration from the original table?
> You create the table the way you want it, then run INSERT ... SELECT
> statement to populate it.
> You may also find this interesting:
> Igor Tandetnik
> _______
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] preserve column constraints

2009-05-22 Thread ed
ok, thanks
I guess i was assuming the command "create table x as select * from y"
should preserve column constraints and maybe i was going about it

thanks for the link to the backup api, i will see if this makes sense
for my application.


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Igor Tandetnik  wrote:
> "ed"  wrote in message
>> I have an application that copies my disk based db into an in memory
>> table (":memory:") using the command
>> "create table mem_db as select * from file_db;"
>> The problem is the disk db has a column set to INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
>> but this is not preserved when the new in memory db is created. When i
>> do a "select * from sqlite_master;" on the in-memory db, there is no
>> IPK. How can I accomplish creating the in-memory db with the file db
>> data and preserve the column configuration from the original table?
> You create the table the way you want it, then run INSERT ... SELECT
> statement to populate it.
> You may also find this interesting:
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] preserve column constraints

2009-05-22 Thread ed

I have an application that copies my disk based db into an in memory
table (":memory:") using the command
"create table mem_db as select * from file_db;"

The problem is the disk db has a column set to INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
but this is not preserved when the new in memory db is created. When i
do a "select * from sqlite_master;" on the in-memory db, there is no
IPK. How can I accomplish creating the in-memory db with the file db
data and preserve the column configuration from the original table?

I am using SQLite 3.3.4.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] PRAGMA page_cache=x doesnt seem to have an effect

2009-02-25 Thread ed
Does anyone have any experience or examples of reducing sqlite memory
usage through the pragma cache_size, page_size satements?
I am misunderstanding the intended use of the pragmas?


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:58 PM, ed  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using sqlite in an embedded environment with very limited memory.
> In an attempt to reduce memory consumed by sqlite, I am executing
> PRAGMA cache_size=new_size and PRAGMA default_cache_size=new_size upon
> opening all of my db's, which are both file based and in-memory. I
> have varied the value of new_size from 2000 (default), to 1000 to 500
> to 0 and none of these values seems to lower the amount of memory
> sqlite consumes.
> I have verified the new cache size settings were registered in the
> db's using PRAGMA cache_size.
> I then verify sqlite memory usage with the sqlite3_status() functions,
> which do not show a change in return value for
> 7.9MB and 8.2MB respectively)
> I have not changed the default memory allocation (ie no scratch, cache
> or heap memory allocation at startup).
> I have configured sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(8192000).
> Any help in figuring out how to limit the cache usage of memory would
> be appreciated.
> --
> thanks,
> ed
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] PRAGMA page_cache=x doesnt seem to have an effect

2009-02-20 Thread ed
I am using sqlite in an embedded environment with very limited memory.
In an attempt to reduce memory consumed by sqlite, I am executing
PRAGMA cache_size=new_size and PRAGMA default_cache_size=new_size upon
opening all of my db's, which are both file based and in-memory. I
have varied the value of new_size from 2000 (default), to 1000 to 500
to 0 and none of these values seems to lower the amount of memory
sqlite consumes.

I have verified the new cache size settings were registered in the
db's using PRAGMA cache_size.
I then verify sqlite memory usage with the sqlite3_status() functions,
which do not show a change in return value for
7.9MB and 8.2MB respectively)

I have not changed the default memory allocation (ie no scratch, cache
or heap memory allocation at startup).
I have configured sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(8192000).

Any help in figuring out how to limit the cache usage of memory would
be appreciated.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] open/close db's across threads

2009-02-13 Thread ed
any help on this would be appreciated.

-- Forwarded message --

Hello,I have an application that is calling sqlite3_open() in one thread and
sqlite3_close() in a different thread.
The db's can potentially be opened and closed many times during execution of
my app.

Could this potentially introduce any problems?
In particular, I am trying to determine why sqlite3 is consuming
increasingly more memory as the db's are opened and closed (as seen with
valgrind's massif).

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] open/close db's across threads

2009-02-10 Thread ed
Hello,I have an application that is calling sqlite3_open() in one thread and
sqlite3_close() in a different thread.
The db's can potentially be opened and closed many times during execution of
my app.

Could this potentially introduce any problems?
In particular, I am trying to determine why sqlite3 is consuming
increasingly more memory as the db's are opened and closed (as seen with
valgrind's massif).

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Binding with Views

2009-01-22 Thread Ed Hawke
Hi all,

I have an SQL application that relies on using views to allow a user to 
make an array of choices to filter down the information returned to them 
from multiple tables, without having to code complex statements to take 
into account the order in which they need to be applied.

To speed up this process a little I would like to use binding on select 
statements, but I am selecting from a view and creating a new view from 
the information returned. Without knowing what view I will be querying 
beforehand, there is no way that I can use binding is there?

Is there a way around this problem?


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] KEY keyword

2009-01-09 Thread ed
Igor,thank you for the explanation

however, I am still not clear if the conflict resolution clause will be used
on a table with no UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY columns?
I would assume not but i couldn't find the answer in the documentation.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Igor Tandetnik  wrote:

> ed  wrote:
> > I have a sqlite 3.3.4 app using a db with the following schema:
> >
> >
> > Is the KEY keyword utilized?
> The way this statement is parsed, column 'n' has the type of 'INTEGER
> KEY'. Remember, SQLite allows almost any odd sequence of identifiers as
> a type name (except that it can't contain certain keywords that
> introduce column-constraint clause, e.g. PRIMARY). You could just as
> well write
> CREATE TABLE my_data(n I LOVE SQLITE, ...);
> (try it - it does work).
> > Will it act the same as a primary key ?
> No.
> > Ultimately, i'm trying to determine if the KEY will enforce a unique
> > constraint
> No. But PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE will.
> > such that the following insert's conflict clause would
> > even be necessary.
> Conflict resolution clause is never necessary. If none is specified, the
> default of ABORT is used.
> --
> With best wishes,
>Igor Tandetnik
> With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
> necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
> land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
> overhead. -- RFC 1925
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] KEY keyword

2009-01-09 Thread ed
I have a sqlite 3.3.4 app using a db with the following schema:


Is the KEY keyword utilized?
Will it act the same as a primary key ?

Ultimately, i'm trying to determine if the KEY will enforce a unique
constraint, such that the following insert's conflict clause would even be

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO elevator_data (id, schedule, panel,
output_data) VALUES 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Fwd: memory usage

2009-01-08 Thread ed
I haven't looked much at the source but will give it a shot.Thanks for the

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Kees Nuyt  wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 10:25:12 -0800, ed 
> wrote in General Discussion of SQLite Database
> :
> >Hello, I did not receive a reply to my question.Does anyone have any
> >information on this?
> Apparently not.
> I am not much of a source hacker, but perhaps you are.
> You might be able to intercept allocation and free calls and
> keep tallies per active database handle. You would have to
> add a few entrypoints for this.
> In short:
> Setup a hash table with counters for current and maximum
> allocation, use db handle as a key in the hashtable.
> Add an entrypoint that registers which db handle will be
> used in the next sqlite3_* call. Call that entrypoint before
> every sqlite3_* call.
> Add code to the "allocate" entrypoint:
>increment the current and maximum memory
>counter for the currently active db handle.
> Add code to the "free" entrypoint:
>decrement the current memory counter
>    for the currently active db handle
> Add an entrypoint to report the contents of the hashtable.
> >thanks,
> >ed
> >
> >-- Forwarded message --
> >From: ed 
> >Date: Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:02 AM
> >Subject: memory usage
> >To:
> >
> >
> >Hello,
> >My multi-threaded application has various sqlite db's open simultaneously,
> >in memory using the :memory: keyword, disk based db's and at times, tmpfs
> >(ram) db's. Is there a way to view each individual database's memory
> usage?
> >
> >I found the functions sqlite3_memory_used() and
> >sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, ...) but these look like they
> >provide memory statistics for all of sqlite, not per database.
> >
> >thanks,
> >ed
> Hope this helps.
> --
>  (  Kees Nuyt
>  )
> c[_]
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Fwd: memory usage

2009-01-07 Thread ed
Hello, I did not receive a reply to my question.Does anyone have any
information on this?


-- Forwarded message --
From: ed 
Date: Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Subject: memory usage

My multi-threaded application has various sqlite db's open simultaneously,
in memory using the :memory: keyword, disk based db's and at times, tmpfs
(ram) db's. Is there a way to view each individual database's memory usage?

I found the functions sqlite3_memory_used() and
sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, ...) but these look like they
provide memory statistics for all of sqlite, not per database.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] memory usage

2008-12-30 Thread ed
My multi-threaded application has various sqlite db's open simultaneously,
in memory using the :memory: keyword, disk based db's and at times, tmpfs
(ram) db's. Is there a way to view each individual database's memory usage?

I found the functions sqlite3_memory_used() and
sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, ...) but these look like they
provide memory statistics for all of sqlite, not per database.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Where to use PRAGMAs

2008-09-22 Thread Ed Hawke
Hi all,

I'm using a C++ wrapper to SQLite (CppSQLite3) and want to be able to 
set the temp_store, page_size, cache_size etc. I am currently doing this 
directly after opening the database (but before creating any tables) 
with the sqlite3_exec statement, however when I come to do anything to 
the tables if I check their statuses they have been reset to the default 
values. What am I doing wrong?


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Shared Cache for Processes

2008-01-25 Thread Ed Pasma


Speaking only as a non-professional, I still try to answer. I don't  
want to comment on the benefits of shared cache mode now, but only on  
the question if it can be enabled in Apache. And I believe it can. As  
you say Apache pre-forks different processes, but within each process  
it pre-establishes different threads and I think the default is in  
the order of 100. So practically you will only use a single process  
and hence can easily enable shared-cache mode. This assumes that your  
application is loaded into Apache, and does not run via cgi.

Regards, Edzard Pasma

Op 24-jan-2008, om 16:48 heeft Brandon, Nicholas (UK) het volgende  

Hi all,

Could the 'Shared Cache' option in SQLite theoretically improve the
performance of the db if used by multiple processes? The  
application in

particular is Apache using pre-fork processes accessing the same db.
The info at seems to  
indicate it

could benefit threads only.

I believe it would not but would like confirmation from someone else.


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Re: [sqlite] Sqlite File Access Restriction

2008-01-11 Thread Ed Pasma

1) Sqlite database file access restriction: Is there a built-in or
preferred method to block other processes from writing or even  
a database file when its opened first by another process. I can  
get this

to work by having the first process to open the file issue a BEGIN
Exclusion or BEGIN Restricted but there is always a chance, that  
after I commit and go to issue another BEGIN, a 2^nd progress can  
and hold the file. I would like for the 2^nd process to see if  
process has control of the file and warn/adapt based on that.  

NO multiple writers.

That is Absolutely the only way get that kind of 'useful' lock on  

End of story!
There is a pragma locking_mode that may still be considered: http:// 

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Re: [sqlite] shared cache mode locking

2007-12-21 Thread Ed Pasma
No, you did not confuse me. We are talking about different things it  
appears. My post refers to the shared-cache locking model (http:// The document is clear by itself. What  
makes it confusing, is that a shared cache instance exist as a single  
normal connection which may coincide with other, "normal" database  
connections. Quite a generous feature. But it means that the two  
locking models do apply at the same time. The joint connections  
within a shared cache are subject to the regular locking model in  
relation to possible other connections to the same database.  
Confusing or not?

Ken wrote:


Sorry if I confused you, a "Write" lock is really an EXCLUSIVE lock  
per sqlite documentation. I used the two interchangeably, pardon my  

A begin exclusive indicates the beginning of a transaction, It  
escalates the database lock to an EXCLUSIVE lock. The begin  
transaction does not immediately do this, rather it waits until the  
buffer cache spills to disk. At this point it attempts to escalate  
the Reserved lock to a Pending then an Exclusive  lock.

There is only 1 type of EXCLUSIVE (write) lock,  It is database  
wide and is all or nothing.  Once you have the lock, it prevents  
other access to the DB.


Ed Pasma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The ticket has already been  
resolved, I see. So it has been

considered a bug. In my earlier reply I tried to defend the current
behavour to be in line with the document,
sharedcache.html. I'm happy to change my mind now. Only I miss
something in the model as described in the document. This may  
either be:

- exclusive transactions as a new kind of transactions, apart form
read- and write-transactions
- database-level locking as a new level above transaction-level  

May be this suggestion is too naive, anyway it helps me explain the
wonderful cache sharing.

Ken wrote:


Dan opened a ticket. I agree the documentation isn't clear on the
Exlusive locking state.

Not really sure, if this is by design or a bug at this stage. I do
think its a great feature of the Shared cache mode to allow table
level locking. But I'm curious with this table level locking what
would happen if two threads performed writes to two seperate tables
concurrently using only a begin immediate.

Thread a writes to tab1,
Thread b writes to tab2,  (Is this allowed ? or is a sqlite_locked
kicked returned?)

If it is allowed then would there be two journal files concurrently
existing? And What happens during a crash with two journals ?

This gets complicated very quickly.


Ed Pasma  wrote: Hello,`
Empirically I found that it is exactly true.
Must admit I'm confused but may it is in line with the Shared-Cache
locking model.
This does not mention the EXCLUSIVE locking state.
The most 'secure' locking state it mentions is a write-transaction
and this can coexist with read-transactions from others.
Thus "begin exclusive" starts a write-transaction and the on-going
read does not interfere.
The error message seems to clarify the situation further: database
table is locked.  Thus the collision occurs at the table-level. And
yes, taking different tables for read and write, it does not occur.
Practically this may not help very much. But may be the following
does in case you have a busy_timeout setting.
When having Shared-Cache mode enabled, the timeout setting appears to
be ignored by SQLite. This makes locking situations surface rather
soon, also when there is no dead-lock.
The situation may be handled by a programmatic retry?
Regards, Ed

Op 19-dec-2007, om 19:12 heeft Ken het volgende geschreven:

Some additional info:

when the sqlite_lock is returned there is another thread that
appears to be reading the same table. Does the sqlite3 step return
sqlite_locked in this case?


Ken  wrote:
While using the new 3.5.4 sqlite3_enable_shared_cache I ran into a
strange lock situation.

  SQLITE_LOCK is returned from an insert statement, even though
the thread/connection performed a successful "begin exclusive"

   begin exclusive
insert into table...   ---> returns SQLITE_LOCKED

Is it possible for both connections to begin exclusive transactions
whilst having the shared cache anabled?



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Re: [sqlite] shared cache mode locking

2007-12-21 Thread Ed Pasma
The ticket has already been resolved, I see. So it has been  
considered a bug. In my earlier reply I tried to defend the current  
behavour to be in line with the document, 
sharedcache.html. I'm happy to change my mind now. Only I miss  
something in the model as described in the document. This may either be:
- exclusive transactions as a new kind of transactions, apart form  
read- and write-transactions

- database-level locking as a new level above transaction-level locking.
May be this suggestion is too naive, anyway it helps me explain the  
wonderful cache sharing.

Ken wrote:


Dan opened a ticket. I agree the documentation isn't clear on the  
Exlusive locking state.

Not really sure, if this is by design or a bug at this stage. I do  
think its a great feature of the Shared cache mode to allow table  
level locking. But I'm curious with this table level locking what  
would happen if two threads performed writes to two seperate tables  
concurrently using only a begin immediate.

Thread a writes to tab1,
Thread b writes to tab2,  (Is this allowed ? or is a sqlite_locked  
kicked returned?)

If it is allowed then would there be two journal files concurrently  
existing? And What happens during a crash with two journals ?

This gets complicated very quickly.


Ed Pasma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,`
Empirically I found that it is exactly true.
Must admit I'm confused but may it is in line with the Shared-Cache
locking model.
This does not mention the EXCLUSIVE locking state.
The most 'secure' locking state it mentions is a write-transaction
and this can coexist with read-transactions from others.
Thus "begin exclusive" starts a write-transaction and the on-going
read does not interfere.
The error message seems to clarify the situation further: database
table is locked.  Thus the collision occurs at the table-level. And
yes, taking different tables for read and write, it does not occur.
Practically this may not help very much. But may be the following
does in case you have a busy_timeout setting.
When having Shared-Cache mode enabled, the timeout setting appears to
be ignored by SQLite. This makes locking situations surface rather
soon, also when there is no dead-lock.
The situation may be handled by a programmatic retry?
Regards, Ed

Op 19-dec-2007, om 19:12 heeft Ken het volgende geschreven:

Some additional info:

when the sqlite_lock is returned there is another thread that
appears to be reading the same table. Does the sqlite3 step return
sqlite_locked in this case?


Ken  wrote:
While using the new 3.5.4 sqlite3_enable_shared_cache I ran into a
strange lock situation.

  SQLITE_LOCK is returned from an insert statement, even though
the thread/connection performed a successful "begin exclusive"

   begin exclusive
insert into table...   ---> returns SQLITE_LOCKED

Is it possible for both connections to begin exclusive transactions
whilst having the shared cache anabled?



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Re: [sqlite] shared cache mode locking

2007-12-20 Thread Ed Pasma

Empirically I found that it is exactly true.
Must admit I'm confused but may it is in line with the Shared-Cache  
locking model.

This does not mention the EXCLUSIVE locking state.
The most 'secure' locking state it mentions is a write-transaction  
and this can coexist with read-transactions from others.
Thus "begin exclusive" starts a write-transaction and the on-going  
read does not interfere.
The error message seems to clarify the situation further: database  
table is locked.  Thus the collision occurs at the table-level. And  
yes, taking different tables for read and write, it does not occur.
Practically this may not help very much. But may be the following  
does in case you have a busy_timeout setting.
When having Shared-Cache mode enabled, the timeout setting appears to  
be ignored by SQLite. This makes locking situations surface rather  
soon, also when there is no dead-lock.

The situation may be handled by a programmatic retry?
Regards, Ed

Op 19-dec-2007, om 19:12 heeft Ken het volgende geschreven:

Some additional info:

when the sqlite_lock is returned there is another thread that  
appears to be reading the same table. Does the sqlite3 step return  
sqlite_locked in this case?


Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While using the new 3.5.4 sqlite3_enable_shared_cache I ran into a  
strange lock situation.

  SQLITE_LOCK is returned from an insert statement, even though  
the thread/connection performed a successful "begin exclusive"  

   begin exclusive
insert into table...   ---> returns SQLITE_LOCKED

Is it possible for both connections to begin exclusive transactions  
whilst having the shared cache anabled?


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Re: [sqlite] Huge performance drop when using prepared statement

2007-12-09 Thread Ed Pasma

Hello, think I got it, but it is disappointingly simple, see below. Ed.

Markus Gritsch wrote:

Even more strange:

c.execute("""SELECT * FROM entry, word, word_entry WHERE = word_entry.entry_id AND = word_entry.word_id AND
 word.word GLOB ?
""", ('tes*',))

takes less than 1ms but

c.execute("""SELECT * FROM entry, word, word_entry WHERE = word_entry.entry_id AND = word_entry.word_id AND
 word.word GLOB ?
""", ('test',))

takes several hundred ms.

The execute in Python includes prepare (or get from cache), bind and  
the first step.

The answer must be that the wait time lies in the first step.
The engine is doing a full scan and it all depends how far in the  
table it needs to go to find the first match.

So the bind values with * just come across a match sooner.

Wilhelm Braun wrote:

I just tried for fun:

start = time.time()
SQLString=('''SELECT * FROM entry, word, word_entry WHERE = word_entry.entry_id AND = word_entry.word_id AND
word.word GLOB '%s'
''' % "hui*")

and it is as fast as your first one - seems a pysqlite problem to me

I know they say this is not a secure way to do it -- well.

This seems the only solution after all.
But it floods the wonderful pysqlite statement cache, with new SQL  
statements for each new bind value.
Preferably, only the operator is substituted in the SQL, for "GLOB"  
or just "=", depending on the actual bind value.

That leaves just two different statements.
But I don't know if the result is the same as I don't know GLOB very  
If it is affected by the case_sensitive_like pragma my idea is too  

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Re: [sqlite] Trigger update of multiple columns

2007-06-17 Thread Ed Pasma

I tried to update a list of columns:
UPDATE t SET (c1, c2, c3) = (SELECT c1, c2, c3) FROM t2 WHERE ..
but this syntax is not accepted as you probably already know.

I may promote [INSERT OR] REPLACE then. It is syntactically described  
in the SQLite documentation but for the semantics you may see the  
original MySQL doc.
It is the only way that I see to do the update with only a single  
scan of the product table.

But may be REPLACE causes troubles in combination with triggers.  
Because indirectly it performs a DELETE and a new INSERT. Other  
suggestions should be welcome.

Regards, Ed

Op 17-jun-2007, om 10:00 heeft T&B het volgende geschreven:

Hi All,

I have a pretty standard sales tracking database consisting of tables:

Products  - Each row is a product available for sale.
Includes fields: Code, Buy, Sell, Description

Sales - Each row is a sale made to a customer.
Includes fields: Ref, Customer

Sale_Products - Each row is an product (many) included in a sale  
Includes fields: Sale_Ref, Code, Buy, Sell,  

Now, when I add a new Sale_Products row and assign a product Code  
to it, I want to trigger it to auto enter the Buy and Sell prices,  
and the description, by looking up the related Product (ie where  
Sale_Products.Code = Products.Code)

How can I do this?

I have something like this:

create trigger Update_Sale_Products_Code
after update of Code
on Sale_Products
  update Sale_Products
  Buy = (select Buy from Products where Products.Code = new.Code)
, Sell = (select Sell from Products where Products.Code =  
, Description = (select Description from Products where  
Products.Code = new.Code)


It works, but it's unnecessarily slow, since it takes a while to  
look up the huge Products table (which is actually a UNION ALL of  
various supplier catalogs), and it's looking it up for each  
updating field (and I have more fields to lookup than shown in this  
example). It would be more efficient to look it up once to find the  
corresponding product (according to Products.Code = new.Code), but  
I'm stumped as to how to do that.

I tried:

create trigger Update_Sale_Products_Code
after update of Code
on Sale_Products
  update Sale_Products
  Buy = (select Buy from Products)
, Sell = (select Sell from Products)
, Description = (select Description from Products)
and Products.Code = new.Code

But that fails, and seems a bit ambiguous anyway. It seems to need  
some kind of JOIN, but I can't see provision for it in the UPDATE  

There must be a much simpler way that I'm overlooking. Please  
enlighten me.



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Re: Re[2]: [sqlite] Can't update table from itself or multiple tables

2007-06-07 Thread Ed Pasma

Hi, Trey.

I checked not implemented features list of sqlite and found nothing
about "update ... from".

There's no "FROM" on, so  
that's a
hint that it's not supported. All the same, maybe this should be  
added to

update table1 set val = ss.v
(select t2.some as v, as id
from table1 t1, table2 t2
where = t2.nid) as ss
where =

How about

update table1
 set val =
 (select some from table2
  where = table2.nid

- TMack

It works. Thanx. Sometimes this approach it's too slow, sometimes it
doesn't works but I can go ahead now :).

Hello, I wish to propose another statement, though it does not look  
so attractive. But sure it is fast:

insert or replace into table1 (rowid, id, val2, val)
select t1.rowid,, t1.val2, t2.some
from table1 t1
left outer join table2 t2 on = t1.nid;

This is equivalent to the update statement, assuming:
1. table1 has no primary key (so rowid is used)
2. table1 has no further columns as the ones mentioned (id, val and  

The outer join is added fot complete equivalence. It arranges that  
"val" gets assigned null where no matching row is found in table2. If  
that is not desirable, this can be omitted to leave singular rows  

Hope this is useful, Ed Pasma

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Re: [sqlite] One more SQLite threading question

2007-05-17 Thread Ed Pasma

However, it would be too time consuming to serialize every call to
sqlite3_step(), so I wonder whether it can be called in another  

This almost immediately raises
"library routine called out of sequence". It occurs as soon as the
processing of A and B overlap, that means A is preparing statement #2
while B is still executing #1.

Have you tried using Mutex or some other way to prevevent really
simultaneous calling of SQLite methods? My guess that it should work
well then, but I haven't tried it myself...

Yes I did the same experiment with a lock that made thread A wait  
until B was finished. So actually only one thread can be active at  
the time. I don't see how the outcome of this experiment can be of  
any interest, as there is no time reduction any longer. But your  
guess is right that, it works.

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Re: [sqlite] One more SQLite threading question

2007-05-16 Thread Ed Pasma


I have no inside-knowledge from SQLite, but I'am in the circumstance  
to easily do this experiment. Hope I understand it right and that you  
consider a sort of pipe-lining. Anyway, I started the two threads A  
and B, and made A exclusively do all the sqlite3_prepare calls, and B  
the rest, including sqlite3_step. This almost immediately raises  
"library routine called out of sequence". It occurs as soon as the  
processing of A and B overlap, that means A is preparing statement #2  
while B is still executing #1. So the experimental conclusion is that  
this won't work.   But this applies only to the pipelining idea. The  
serializing to use a single connection may still offer an interesting  
new locking model.

Regards, Ed Pasma

Op 14-mei-2007, om 13:04 heeft Jiri Hajek het volgende geschreven:


I have tried to search all the documentation about threading in  
SQLite, but

I'm still somewhat confused.

It's often suggested to create a pool of sqlite3 structures, but  
what if I
would like to have only only sqlite3 connection and serialize all  
the DB
operations to one thread (name it 'A') that would prepare and  
execute all

the queries. I guess that this would work well...

However, it would be too time consuming to serialize every call to
sqlite3_step(), so I wonder whether it can be called in another  
thread. So

my scenario is:

1. Thread B wants to open a query 'SELECT * FROM Tbl1'
2. Thread A is used to prepare the query 'SELECT * FROM Tbl1' using
sqlite3_prepare16_v2() and using the same sqlite3 DB connection as for
possibly some other running SQL statements.
3. Thread B now repeatedly calls sqlite3_step(),  
sqlite3_column_text16() and

similar functions in order to get all rows from DB.
4. Thread A is used to call sqlite3_finalize() on the openned query.

So my questions are:
a. Would the code described above work.
b. In step 3., do I have to somehow make sure that calls to  
don't interfere with other SQLite processing in thread A, e.g. by  

CriticalSections? Is anything like this also needed for

Thanks for any explanation,

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Re: [sqlite] Most appropriate Web based database? (Newbie)

2006-04-06 Thread Ed Porter
Hi Len,

The question you are asking is "loaded". Stay with the ansi SQL statements
that SQLite supports and you will be okay. If you need to use the SQLite
extensions now, you will have to write a "translator" in future - not too
difficult. For an experienced programmer (which you will be if the
situation you describe ever comes to pass) the answer is "use SQLite - it
is a no brainer"

Good Luck!

At 10:13 AM 4/6/06 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks for your reply Richard 
>After further Googling and reading the replies I've received here I am
>coming around to the idea that SQLite probably is the best choice.
>I would like to know whether - at some point in the future should it be
>necessary - I could convert my entire SQLite databases including tables etc
>to another RDMS such as MySQL? Is this straightforward or convoluted?
>View this message in context:
>Sent from the SQLite forum at

Ed Porter

Re: [sqlite] Re: Select with left outer join - Am I going mad or just having a bad day?

2006-03-22 Thread Ed Porter
Hi Ian,

This one has been interesting! I'm trying to repeat the problem with
several different databases - so far no luck. I use SQLite 2.8xx (project
is already ongoing) and will test when I have time. I will post results if
I find anything of value.

At 06:41 PM 3/21/06 +, you wrote:
>On 21 Mar 2006, at 18:11, Ed Porter wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> You nee to use a Full Outer Join. I don't know if SQLite has this  
>> function.
>Nah, definitely only wanted a left outer, didn't want the results  
>multiplied up or anything, just wanted every Category and any Cases  
>if matching the criteria.
>It was solved by moving the where clause up into an AND on the join,  
>seems that the where clause choking the result set from the outer  
>join. Never seen this before, but then again I've generally used "old  
>style" syntax joins (in the where clause), not ANSI, so I'm a bit new  
>to how the where clause can effect the results of an ANSI join. But  
>I'm learning!
>Thanks for your response though Ed, much appreciated.
>Ian M. Jones
>IMiJ Software
> (blog)

Ed Porter

Re: [sqlite] Re: Select with left outer join - Am I going mad or just having a bad day?

2006-03-21 Thread Ed Porter
Hi Ian,

You nee to use a Full Outer Join. I don't know if SQLite has this function.

At 03:23 PM 3/20/06 +, Ian M. Jones wrote:
>On 20 Mar 2006, at 15:14, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
>> Ian M. Jones  wrote:
>>> I'm trying to get a count of all Cases for each Category, with an
>>> outer join to Cases so that I always get a record for each Category
>>> regardless of whether there are any Cases with that Category or not.
>>> select xcat.Category, count(xc.CaseID) as NumCases
>>> from Category as xcat
>>> left join Cases as xc on xcat.CategoryID = xc.CategoryID
>>> where xc.CaseID in (3145)
>>> group by xcat.Category
>>> order by xcat.Category
>>> ;
>> How many cases with an ID of 3145 do you expect to find? In other  
>> words, what's the purpose of the 'where' clause in your query?
>In the real query there is a need for the where clause, it's a way of  
>determining how many cases exist in each category for proper query  
>(the in clause contains a proper query).
>In this test example I'm just using CaseID 3145 to make sure that  
>only one category is matched, because I want to make sure the other  
>two categories still come back with a count of 0.
>But I'm not getting the other two categories coming back at all, let  
>alone with a count of 0.
>Ian M. Jones
>IMiJ Software
> (blog)

Ed Porter

[sqlite] Please help, am I doing something wrong?

2006-02-21 Thread ed nospam
 I know that sqlite3 uses reader-writer locks and I've read the part
of FAQ that describes the multiple client access. But I'm still having
a lot of problem.

 I use sqlite3-ruby to access the database file with Rails/ActiveRecord.
 I also use sqlite3 C API to access the database file using C in my
other client.
 I have another program that uses regular ruby code and sqlite3-ruby
to access the same database file.
 I kept on getting database is locked error. I have busy-handler
registered for all of them and the write should take only milliseconds
(very simple write). All the programs do some writing.
 Is there a way to only lock the whole file when writing and not when reading?
 Actually, for anyone experienced in sqlite3, what's the correct way
of using it in my situation?

 Thank you very much.

Re: [sqlite] Storing text in sqlite vs. external flat file

2004-09-10 Thread Ed Porter
Hi Ken

I found that performance began to fail miserably as the blob size increased
above 500 bytes (has anyone else experienced this problem?). When I posted
the problem, I think that someone stated the docs show the reasonable limit
on blobs is 230 bytes. Anyways, I had to store the blobs direct to disk and
use SQLite to track the addresses (no different than Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL

Please notify if you can get your system to work!

At 01:21 PM 9/10/04 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I am looking into using sqlite for storing some data that will be ~100,000
>records in size, where each record will contain text that has an average
>size of 40k, but could be > 200k. I will likely need to encrypt (and
>potentially compress) the database. 
>My question is whether to store the text in the database, or to keep a
>separate file for the text with seek pointers and lengths in the database.
>My preference is for the former, since I wouldn't have to manage a separate
>robust encryption/compression/deletion process, but I am concerned about the
>perf and size of the insertion stress experiments I've been running, and
>I've seen comments on this list suggesting the latter for BLOBs. Are there
>specific tuning tweaks I can make to improve my results?
>Ken Cooper

Ed Porter

Re: [sqlite] re: ANN: SQLiteDB, a COM wrapper around sqlite has been released

2004-07-27 Thread Ed Porter
Hi Fred,

The SQLite code is in the DLL (you do not need to install the SQLite3.02
dll). This wrapper is excellent! As a third party reviewer, I find it to be
the best one to date!

Ed Porter

At 11:42 AM 7/27/04 +0200, Frederic Faure wrote:
>George Ionescu  >>  I have just released SQLiteDB, a COM wrapper around 
>sqlite written in ATL.
>Is the SQLite source compiled in the DLL, or do we need to deploy the two 

Ed Porter

Re: [sqlite] ANN: SQLiteDB, a COM wrapper around sqlite has been released

2004-07-22 Thread Ed Porter
HI George,

I have tested the SQLiteDB for Visual Basic. I find it to be excellent - it
has raised the standard for VB wrappers exponentially. I will be changing
over all our new applications to this product - please keep it standardized
as I will be posting references to it all over the 'Net.

Again, thanks for developing an excellent product!

At 09:23 AM 7/22/04 +0300, George Ionescu wrote:
>Hello SQLite users,
>and VB sqlite users,
>I have just released SQLiteDB, a COM wrapper around sqlite written in ATL.
Go get your copy from (note
that the link will change in a few days to
>You will also get some samples written in VB: SQLiteImport, a tiny
database import utility, SQLiteBenchmark - compare SQLiteDB's performance
with an Access database (ADO/JET) and SQLiteMultiThread - hammer an sqlite
database by reading data from multiple threads.
>Best regards,
>George Ionescu

Ed Porter

[sqlite] Excessive access times

2004-06-17 Thread Ed Porter

I response to the problems regarding long access times for very large
queries (as compared to MS Access:

I ran into a similar problem populating Microsoft controls from an SQLite
query. The query returned approximately .5MB of data - typical display
objects included datagrids, richtextboxes and listviews. I found the first
30% of the query loaded quite quickly, but at the 35%-40% mark, performance
started to really "bog down". 

I separated the modules, timed the specific operations and found the
- SQLite consistantly returned the query in the expected time (in fact
below the expected average)
- the data controls seemed to "constrict" as data increased above 200K per
query. I was able to greatly save time by separating the query results into
packets of less than 200K (the test machine has approx 380K RAM).

My investigation points to the virtual memory paging algorithm inherent in
the Windows architecture. You will find that MS Access also pages very
slowly if you create a .5MB disconnected recordset (using ADO) and attach
it to any MS display object.

I will be testing on Linux (using PowerBasic) in the coming months. So far,
SQLite definitely is performing "as advertised".

It is not fair to compare Access to SQLite (SQLite wins easily) since MS
Access has a heavy connection overhead. But I was able to get rid of the
"jerkiness" (experienced when scrolling very large queries with MSAccess)
by paging the SQLite correctly. The time to actually access the data from
disk (using SQLite) represented about 3% of the total time required to
query, access and display the recordset data.
NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT: I still did not have the performance I wanted until I
added BEGIN; and COMMIT; to the query (it's in the documentation!) I
dropped the time required to process the query by 2000% (over 20 times)
with this simple solution.

I look forward to your comments.

Ed Porter


Ed Porter

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[sqlite] Delete database

2004-05-22 Thread Ed Porter

My application creates a temporary SQLite database that other applications
can access while it is "alive". Unfortunately, after another application
accesses the database, the original application cannot delete it. 

Also, if the original application accesses the dtabase in a subsequent
session, it cannot delete it.

I've tried closing the database from all applications, (before deleting) to
no avail. What am I doing wrong?

I wish to thank you in advance for your help!


Ed Porter

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[sqlite] Saving BLOBs in Sqlite

2004-05-07 Thread Ed Porter
Dear sirs,

I am trying to develop techniques to save BLOBs in Sqlite. What is the best
way to save jpg(S), bmp(s), etc?

Would it be best to use GetBitmapBits ("gdi32" library) and then save to
Sqlite as a byte array or is there a more efficient method?

I am new to Sqlite but it seems to be an amazing tool!

I look forward to any help and I thank you in advance for your input.

Ed Porter

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