[NSP] The Enemy With a Thousand Faces

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

The Enemy With a 
Thousand Faces Gary Kamiya, SalonSeptember 13, 
While Bush administration officials refuse to state with certainty who was 
responsible for this week's terrorist offensive against the U.S., Osama bin 
Laden, the millionaire Saudi exile who is based in Afghanistan, is clearly their 
top suspect. His terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, is one of the only ones in 
the world, if not the only one, with the resources, experience and 
sophistication to carry out such an attack, experts say. 

There is some evidence, though sketchy, linking bin Laden to the attack. Sen. 
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said U.S. officials learned of an intercepted telephone 
conversation between two bin Laden associates "who acknowledged a couple of 
targets were hit." Bin Laden's followers also warned an Arab-language newspaper 
by telephone three weeks ago that a major attack on the West was coming soon, 
according to a London-based Arab journalist. 

The New York Times reported that bin Laden made a two-hour videotape that was 
delivered to a Kuwaiti newspaper in June. On that videotape, which was widely 
disseminated in the Arab world, bin Laden exulted in his power to strike at the 
United States, saying, "With small capabilities, and with our faith, we can 
defeat the greatest military power of modern times. America is much weaker than 
it appears." He also appeared to call for a suicide attack in the United States, 
saying to supporters, "You will not die needlessly. Your lives are in the hands 
of God." 

The complexity and coordination of the attacks, with four planes hijacked 
within a short time of each other, pointed to the Saudi fugitive, officials and 
experts said. "This apparently was well-planned over a number of years -- 
planned by real pros and experts," Hatch said Tuesday. "[Our] belief is, at 
least initially, that this looks like Osama bin Laden's signature." 

Bin Laden, who has been on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List since 1993, 
is thought to have masterminded the attacks on two U.S. embassies in Africa in 
1998, last year's attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, and the first terrorist 
attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. He is also known to have bankrolled 
terrorist and radical fundamentalist groups throughout the world. 

For most of his career, bin Laden's primary goal has been the ouster of 
American troops from the Arabian Peninsula. Lately, however, his statements have 
given more emphasis to supporting the Palestinian struggle against Israel. He 
has considerable support among sectors of the Arabic world, particularly its 
most disaffected and impoverished elements -- as witnessed by the cheers that 
greeted the announcement of the attacks in Palestinian refugee camps. 

Al-Qaeda is an umbrella organization that includes about 20 Islamist groups, 
including Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Armed Islamic Group, with operatives 
in many countries. The exact number of his followers is unknown: Estimates range 
from a few hundred to 3,000. How many of these are commandos prepared to die in 
suicide missions is unknown. 

Bin Laden has always denied responsibility for the attacks he has been 
accused of perpetrating. Associates close to him, and his Taliban hosts in 
Afghanistan, denied that he was involved in the latest attack. But his denials 
carry little weight with terrorism experts like Michele Zanini, who see him as 
representative of a new breed of terrorists who see no reason to avow their acts 
because they have no single political goal. 

According to an anonymous source close to bin Laden who gave extensive 
information to the PBS program "Frontline" for a documentary on him, bin Laden was 
born in 1957, the seventh son of 50 children born to a Yemeni father who made 
millions running construction projects in Saudi Arabia. His father was a fairly 
devout Muslim, and young Osama was also religious. 

It was not until after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, however, 
that he became a zealot. Bin Laden traveled to Afghanistan numerous times, 
providing resources to the mujahadeen resistance and ultimately becoming a 
military leader himself. While in Afghanistan, he and his organization, Al Qaed, 
may have received training and financial assistance from the CIA, which, as 
detailed in Mary Anne Weaver's article "Blowback" in the May 1996 Atlantic, provided more than 
$3 billion to seven Afghans, helping create a hard-line Islamic Frankenstein 
from which the U.S. would later recoil. The "Frontline" source denies that bin 
Laden received any aid or training from the CIA. But in any case, the so-called 
"Afghan Arabs," battle-hardened, often virulently anti-Western and 
fundamentalist mujahadeen, were to become a far bigger problem for the West than 
the futile imperialist graspings of the declining Soviet empire. Some "Afghan 
Arabs" went on to fight in Chechnya and Bosnia; others remained in Afghanistan; 
others dispersed throughout the world. 

The decis

[NSP] Global Intelligence Cooperation

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic





  13 September 2001



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Global Intelligence Cooperation Comes With Risks

2355 GMT, 010913


The United States is now building coalition support for its 
response to Sept. 11 terror attacks. The chief benefit of 
cooperation with the international community will be 
intelligence. The ease with which the terrorists struck 
demonstrates a gaping hole in U.S. intelligence capabilities that 
allies may help to fill. A host of nations have jumped at the 
chance to build cooperation with the United States, but such 
collaboration comes with a price.


U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sept. 13 that the 
United States would seek to build a coalition response to terror 
attacks in Washington, D.C., and New York City. A host of 
countries -- including China, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia and 
Saudi Arabia -- have offered to help the United States track down 
those responsible. 

The offers come when the United States has dire need for 
intelligence on the activities, operations, networks and funding 
of foreign terrorist organizations based in Africa, the Middle 
East and central and southeast Asia. But global counterterrorism 
cooperation among a group of nations could be a catch-22 for the 
United States. Other nations will seek to shape the United 
States' coming war against terrorism to suit their own interests. 

For Washington, this presents a strategic dilemma. Cooperation is 
necessary and invaluable, but the benefits must be weighed 
against the motivations of the many actors involved. This will 
hamper counterterrorism efforts. The United States is also 
inclined to act unilaterally. Dependence upon foreign sources for 
intelligence would make this impossible. But the United States 
cannot decline all foreign support. The radical Islamic groups 
most likely involved -- although organized into a loose network -
- act in concert. Fighting them will require cooperation. 

Washington needs the intelligence capabilities of other nations. 
For example, India, Israel and Russia can provide significant 
human intelligence sources and foreign language skills. Both are 
vital to exposing the terrorist network involved in the recent 
attacks. Other nations can also provide intelligence on terrorism 
networks within their own countries, as well as the groups' 
sources of funding, likely sponsors, and intelligence-gathering 
and other capabilities. 

Many of these nations have a wealth of information on 
counterterrorism methodology and decades of experience fighting 
militant groups. These countries and others -- especially 
cooperative moderate Arab nations -- can help U.S. intelligence 
officials penetrate countries where spying is normally difficult. 

>From a logistical and technical perspective, such cooperation
could give Washington a competitive advantage for a war in which 
intelligence will be the most valuable weapon. 

But accepting such assistance comes with a price. The trap is 
simple: By pinpointing groups like Palestinians and Chechens, 
nations such as Israel and Russia could seek to manipulate the 
U.S. response in order to combat their own enemies. 

Israel immediately offered intelligence and military assistance 
to the United States following the Sept. 11 attacks. Israel is 
eager for the United States to identify a common enemy and to 
gain U.S. support in its own problem with Palestinian militants. 
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in conversations with U.S. Secretary 
of State Colin Powell, compared Palestinian Authority leader 
Yasser Arafat to Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden -- the United 
States' prime suspect, Israeli radio reported Sept. 13. 

Collaborating with Israel could put the United States in a 
difficult position. Already, the attacks in the United States 
have granted Israel virtual carte blanche in dealing with 
suspected Palestinian militants. Sharing intelligence about 
insurgent groups in the Middle East with Washington will once 
again position Israel as an indispensable U.S. ally, ensuring 
continued support in its war against the Palestinians and 
possibly future conflicts with Arab neighbors. 

Many other nations could benefit in the same way. For example, 
India has already offered to help the Uni


2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

BKTV vesti- Oblast: YU, 13.09.2001. 6:15

12.09.2001  5:06 PM

   Vrhovni sud Srbiije ukinuo je presudu Okruznog suda u Beogradu, kojom
je septembra prosle godine 14 lidera NATO-a proglaseno krivim, zbog
krivicnih dela protiv covecnosti i medjunarodnih prava. Ukinuta je
naredba za pritvor i izdavanje poternice protiv okrivljenih,  a predmet
je vracen na ponovno sudjenje, kaze se u saopstenju.


12.09.2001  5:04

  Pred Drugim opstinskim sudom u Beogradu sutra pocinje sudjenje bivsem
generalnom direktoru RTS-a Dragoljubu Milanovicu koji je optuzen da je
odgovoran za pogibju 16 radnika RTS-a u bombardovanju i za privredni
kriminal. Advokat porodica poginulih Slobodan Sisic predlozio je sudu da
se postupak o tim krivicnim delima razdvoji.


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[NSP] Konkurs za kooperante

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

Konkurs za kooperante

Karla del Ponte je prošle nedelje Vladu Srbije, posle sastanka sa
Zoranom Ðinðiæem i saradnicima, proizvela u najvažnijeg partnera Haškog
tribunala u regionu. Šta to znaèi?

Autor: Željko Cvijanoviæ

Posle posete Karle del Ponte Beogradu, Vlada Srbije, ili bar njen veæi
deo, uvereni su da imaju prijatelja u Hagu. Za poèetak, Hag je Beogradu
dao deo svojih nalaza o finansijskim transakcijama Slobodana Miloševiæa,
a u Beograd je iz Haga puštena Biljana Plavšiæ da na slobodi èeka svoje
februarsko suðenje i da nadoknadi broj bivših predsednika u srpskoj
prestonici, ozbiljno narušen krajem juna. Istina, Del Ponte je rekla da
„privremeno oslobaðanje Biljane Plavšiæ nije nagrada“.

- Ona je poštovala propise koji kooperativnim optuženicima omoguæavaju
bolje uslove za odbranu - rekla je glavni tužilac iz Haga, i poslala živ
primerak u Beograd, koji bi trebalo da otvori konkurs za „kooperativne
optuženike“. Naravno, time se ustupci iz Haga ne iscrpljuju: najavljena
je moguænost da æe delu „nižih“ haških optuženika biti suðeno u Beogradu
iako nikakav konkretan dogovor o tome nije napravljen. Osim toga, Del
Ponteova neæe slabiti vladu Zorana Ðinðiæa svojim svakodnevnim izjavama
i saopštenjima u kojima se Beogradu na nos nabijaju razna optuženièka
imena koja Hag traži, nego æe vladi biti prepušteno da sama organizuje
dinamiku izruèenja i saradnje. 

Toliko u Hagu iznosi Ðinðiæev letošnji kredit, kada se svojski potrudio
da uprilièi susret Slobodana Miloševiæa i Karle del Ponte u
Sheveningenu. Del Ponteova je, sa svoje strane, Vladu Srbije proizvela u
najvažnijeg partnera Trbunala u regionu. Šta to znaèi? Haški tribunal
jedina je svetska institucija koja Srbiju i Republiku Srpsku tretira kao
integralnu teritoriju. Razlozi, naravno, nisu politièki nego
pragmatièni, tako da æe Ðinðiæ morati ne samo da nastavi sa izruèenjima
jugoslovenskih državljana nego i da zatvori granicu prema Republici
Srpskoj za tamošnje haške optuženike koji izmièu poterama Sfora bežeæi u
Srbiju. Na kraju, Ðinðiæ je na sebe „u naèelu“ prihvatio i obavezu da,
osim što je izruèio Miloševiæa, pomogne i po opštem uverenju tanušnu
optužnicu protiv bivšeg jugoslovenskog predsednika. To znaèi da bi vlast
u Beogradu trebalo da za haške istražitelje obezbedi pristup poverljivim
arhivama u Srbiji i da im omoguæi kontakt sa svedocima ratnih zloèina
umesto, kao što se sada, sa svedocima dovijaju oslanjajuæi se na maštu i
dovitljivost, dok im je od dokumentacije dostupna jedino Narodna
biblioteka u Beogradu. 

Sve te obaveze za koje Ðinðiæ, istina, nije rekao izrièito ne ali ni
izrièito da za njega neæe biti mali posao, jer æe saradnjom sa Hagom
ugroziti svoju ionako neveliku popularnost kod kuæe, koja æe ga dodatno
oslabiti protiv njegovog glavnog rivala Koštunice. Ali haška prièa mogla
bi biti i definitivno Ðinðiæevo opredeljenje na unutrašnjem planu: ako
krene u sve to, Ðinðiæ æe svoj beznadežni manjak popularnosti u zemlji
kompenzovati podrškom Zapada, kome nastoji da se preko Haga nametne za
nezamenjivog partnera u Beogradu. Ako se tako dogodi, Karli del Ponte
moglo bi da pripadne priznanje da je Zapadu definitivno otkrila Ðinðiæa
ne kao poželjnu veæ kao nezamenjivu pojavu, iako je teško verovati da u
Beogradu godinu dana posle Miloševiæa može da bude ièega i ikoga „bez
alternative“. Zato Karla del Ponte i Ðinðiæ prošle nedelje, po
obostranom priznanju, nisu gubili vreme na pregovore o pojedinostima,
koliko su dogovarali strategiju meðusobne saradnje. Odatle je glavna
tužiteljka na konferenciji za štampu u Beogradu u utorak rekla da je za
nju najvažnije da je to njena redovna poseta srpskoj prestonici i da æe
takvih poseta biti još mnogo. 

- Brzina našeg ukljuèenja u demokratsku Evropu zavisi od naše spremnosti
da odluèno raskrstimo sa onima koji su èinili ratne zloèine -
obeæavajuæe je saopštio Ðinðiæ posle susreta sa glavnim tužiocem. To,
meðutim, što Del Ponteova neko vreme neæe insistirati na pojedinaènim
izruèenjima ne znaèi da æe odnos Beograda prema Hagu biti ležeran. Prema
neformalnim nagoveštajima iz Vlade Srbije, izruèenja bi mogla da budu
nastavljena veæ krajem ovog ili poèetkom iduæeg meseca. 

Iako ni Ðinðiæ ni Karla del Ponte nisu pominjali imena onih koji æe biti
izruèeni, premijer je, dan pošto je ona otputovala iz Beograda, prilikom
posete Zrenjaninu rekao da mu je rekla da postoji „pet imena koja su
navedena kao najvažniji kandidati za Hag“. Ðinðiæ je dodao da postoji
još deset imena, ali da on ne zna o kome se taèno radi. Ali postoje
nezvaniène informacije iz Vlade Srbije prema kojima bi u prvoj grupi
izruèenih trebalo da se naðe vukovarska trojka oficira nekadašnje JNA -
Mile Mrkšiæ, Miroslav Radiæ i Veselin Šljivanèanin. Njih trojica, ili
bar poslednji od njih, mogli bi Ðinðiæu da pomognu da u celoj stvari
oduzme Koštunici „hašku nevinost“, buduæi da se izruèenje Šljivanèanina
kao aktivnog vojnika nalazi u nadležnosti saveznog predsednika. Osim
njih trojice, portparol Karle del Ponte Florens Artman je kao veom

[NSP] „Cistka“ medu obaveštajcima

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

Teroristièki napad na SAD i posledice u obaveštajnim službama 

„Èistka“ meðu obaveštajcima 

BERLIN (SENSE) - Jedanaesti septembar, „crni dan“ amerièkih obaveštajnih
službi koje nisu raspolagale nikakvim naznakama za tragediju što se,
besumnje, mesecima pripremala, podstakao je široke rasprave o
efikasnosti i organizaciji amerièke „obaveštajne zajednice“. Nju èine
CIA, spoljna obaveštajna služba, NSA, tehnièka služba za prisluškivanje
i kontrolu elektronskih komunikacija , u èijoj su nadležnosti moæni
tehnièki sistemi, kojima je ‘’pokrivena’’ cela planeta i NRO, nacionalna
služba za izviðanje, koja razpolaze najmodernijim foto-satelitima,
kojima je pokriven svaki pedalj Zemljine površine. 

Uprkos tehnièkoj i tehnološkoj superiornosti, amerièkoj obaveštajnoj
zajednici su za proteklih osam godina „promakli“ mnogi dogaðaji zbog
kojih obaveštajne službe zapravo postoje: atentat na amerièke vojnike u
Bejrutu (1983), iraèki upad u Kuvajt (1990), koji je naknadno doveo do
rata protiv Iraka, prvi napad na Svetski trgovinski centar (1993), napad
na amerièke vojnike u Daranu (1996), napad na amerièke ambasade u Keniji
i Tanzaniji (1998), indijske i pakistanske nuklearne probe (1998), napad
na amerièki ratni brod „Kol“ (‘Cole’) u Jemenu (2000). U ovom periodu
su, razume se, amerièke službe otkrile i spreèile mnoge teroristièke
akcije, o kojima se sada ne govori, ali, posle tragedije u Njujorku i
Vašingtonu mnogi Amerikanci i njihovi prijatelji u svetu imaju oseæanje
koje je amerièki republikanski kongresmen Kert Veldon izrazio reèima:
„Izgleda kao da obaveštajnih službi i nema“. SAD troše godišnje za
obaveštajne službe oko 30 milijardi dolara, pri èemu najveæi deo odlazi
na tehnièke (‘signalne’) službe (SIG-INT), a znatno manji na održavanje
agentskih mreža (HUM-INT). U ovom favorizovanju tehnièkih, nasuprot
humanim izvorima obaveštajnih informacija, mnogi eksperti, na èija se
mišljenja oslanja jedna analiza „Frankfurter algemajne cajtunga“, vide
glavnu slabost amerièke obaveštajne zajednice i neposredan uzrok njenih
promašaja, koji su kuliminirali sadašnjom tragedijom. 

Iako raspolažu nesumnjivo najveæom kolièinom najraznovrsnijih podataka
(sistem „ešelon“, na primer, snima tri miliona faks-poruka, e-majlova i
telefonskih razgovora u minutu) amerièke obaveštajne službe nemaju
dovoljan broj analitièara koji æe te podatke obraditi. Tako se, recimo,
moglo dogoditi da je, posle teroristièkog napada na ambasade u Keniji i
Tanzaniji, naknadnom analizom utvrðeno da su blagovremeno stajali na
raspolaganju podaci koji su ukazivali na pripremu ovih napada, ali nije
bilo analitièara koji bi ih ‘sredili’ i povezali u logiènu celinu. 

Obaveštajni eksperti tvrde, takoðe, da se efikasna borba protiv
terorizma može voditi samo uz postojanje mreže agenata, od koji bi se
neki infiltrirali u teroristièke organizacije. Meðutim, amerièke službe
su, sa okonèanjem „hladnog rata“, zapostavile razvoj i izgradnju mreže
agenata, tako da sada raspolažu znatno manjim brojem agenata, posebno na
Bliskom istoku, nego druge zapadne službe. Tragedija koja se dogodila
upozorava da su neophodne promene koncepta ovih službi. „Kotrljaæe se
neke glave“, kako se izrazio Tim Jardli, jedan od eksperata za borbu
protiv terorizma. 


Specijalno za „Blic“ Branislav Miloševiæ 

Stratfor: Najveæi obaveštajni neuspeh u amerièkoj istoriji 

HJUSTON (Beta) - Izvestan broj putnièkih aviona je bio otet i njima su
upravljali piloti koji su dovoljno sposobni da usmere te letelice u
glavne institucije - to je ono što je za sada poznato, ocenjuje amerièka
agencija za strateška istraživanja „Stratfor“. 

Za svaki od tih sluèajeva bilo je potrebno prisustvo najmanje jednog, a
najverovatnije više otmièara spremnih da i sami poginu u napadu, navodi
se u izveštaju agencije, uz ocenu da organizovanje napada takvog obima
nije bilo jednostavno. 

Urušavanje oba tornja Svetskog trgovinskog centra u Njujorku ukazuje na
snažne odložene eksplozije, što znaèi da je u avionima bilo eksploziva
ili su velike kolièine eksploziva bile postavljene u same zgrade. To je
pretpostavka, nastavlja se izveštaju, ali se urušavanje zgrada može
objasniti samo sekundarnim eksplozijama. 

To zapravo znaèi da je veliki broj osoba bio ukljuèen u operaciju.
Morale su da postoje koordinisane akcije na više kontinenata, tempirane
za približno isto vreme. Moguæe je da je bilo ukljuèeno više desetina
ljudi, pošto su razmenjivane poruke, šifrovane i druge, a, èini se da
ipak nijedna obaveštajna služba nije uspela da se približi zaverenicima.
Nijedna znaèajnija poruka nije uhvaæena ili dešifrovana, navodi se u
izveštaju „Stratfora“. 

Agencija ocenjuje da neuspeh amerièke obaveštajne službe u otkrivanju
operacije takvog obima ukazuje na moguænost da je njena sposobnost
precenjena ili da je zakazala obazrivost administracije u odgovoru na
upozorenja. U drugom sluèaju, sistem je teško narušen. S druge strane,
moguæe je da se protivobaveštajna tehnika terorista toliko poboljšala
ili da više 

[NSP] U pripremi napada ucestvovalo 50 ljudi

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

Danonoæna istraga u Sjedinjenim Amerièkim Državama povodom teroristièkih
napada u Njujorku i Vašingtonu 

U pripremi napada uèestvovalo 50 ljudi 

NJUJORK/VAŠINGTON - Posle 30 sati naporne istrage, èitavog niza pretresa
i hapšenja u Floridi i Bostonu, FBI više praktièno nimalo ne sumnja u to
da iza napada u SAD stoji saudijski terorista-milijarder Osama bin
Laden. Džordž Buš je lièno u to uveren 95 odsto. Takoðe je ustanovljeno
da je u pripremi napada uèestvovalo najmanje 50 ljudi, od kojih su neki
još živi i na slobodi i nalaze se u SAD. Prema dosadašnjim saznanjima
FBI, iza otmice najmanje tri od èetiri aviona stoje Arapi, koji su
prošli kurseve obuke za upravljanje avionima. FBI je ubeðen da je jednim
od „boinga“ koji su udarili u Svetski trgovinski centar (STC) u trenutku
tragedije upravljao Muhamed Ata (33), koji je živeo u Koral Springsu, u
Floridi. On je od jula 2000. do januara 2001. pohaðao kurs za obuku
pilota u Americi, koji je sa uspehom završio. Prema informacijama koje
su procurile iz FBI, a do kojih je došao „Los Anðeles tajms“, ovaj kurs
je pohaðalo 27 terorista, što navodi na zakljuèak da ima još kamikaza
spremnih na samoubilaèke napade. Meðutim, prema vestima koje je prikupio
nedeljnik „Tajm“, neke od kamikaza su, navodno, u prošlosti upravljale
putnièkim avionima saudijske avio-kompanije „Saudi erlajns“. 

Putnièki avion koji se srušio kod Pitsburga (prema drugoj verziji,
Amerikanci su ga oborili) takoðe su otele osobe arapskog porekla. Kako
je izjavio predstavnik FBI, dokazi o tome pronaðeni su na mestu
katastrofe. Tu su, rekao je on, pronaðeni i dokazi koji potvrðuju
povezanost terorista-kamikaza sa Bin Ladenom. Analitièari, meðutim,
smatraju da na licu mesta nije pronaðeno mnogo dokaza koji ukazuju na
saudijskog odmetnika, ali da su SAD hitno morale da pronaðu „žrtvenog
jarca“. FBI tvrdi da je na osnovu konkretnih dokaza ustanovio da je u
pripremi i izvršenju teroristièkih akata uèestvovalo najmanje 50 ljudi,
od kojih je njih 40 direktno uèestvovalo u samoj operaciji otmice. Po
svemu sudeæi, ostali pripadaju grupi koja je imala zadatak da digne u
vazduh Kapitol pomoæu eksplozivne naprave proizvedene „u kuænoj
radinosti“. Kako se saznaje iz izvora bliskih Ministarstvu pravde, pored
12 otmièara, 12 osoba koje su služile kao logistièka podrška, u
operaciji je uèestvovalo još desetak ljudi koji su ostali na tlu. Neki
od terorista, navodi ovaj izvor, ostavili su pisma u kojima je objašnjen
ovaj samoubilaèki èin. 

Pošto istražni organi odbijaju da otkriju pojedinosti o dokazima, nije
jasno na èemu zasnivaju svoje zakljuèke o uèešæu tako velike grupe
terorista u ovim napadima. U meðuvremenu, nemaèka policija je saopštila
da je uhapsila jednog aerodromskog radnika koji bi mogao da bude povezan
sa dogaðajima u Njujorku i Vašingtonu. Policija je odbila da otkrije
njegovo ime, tako da se ne zna gde je taèno bio zaposlen. 

„U potrazi za osumnjièenim marokanskog porekla, izvršili smo pretres
jednog stana u Hamburgu i, predostrožnosti radi, priveli jednog
muškarca“, izjavio je Gerhard Miler, šef hamburške džavne policije. On
je dodao da je taj muškarac legalno živeo u Nemaèkoj i da je zadržan na
ispitivanju zato što je živeo u stanu koji su koristili neki od
osumnjièenih. Istražni organi su saopštili da su tri studenta hamburškog
Tehnièkog fakulteta, na odseku za elektroniku, bila na spisku putnika
otetih aviona koji su udarili u STC. Ministar unutrašnjih poslova
Hamburga Olaf Šolc je rekao da je policija u sredu uveèe izvršila
pretres èetiri stana i privela na ispitivanje izvestan broj ljudi nakon
prijave amerièkog FBI. Muhamed Ata, koji se u medijima veæ pominje kao
jedan od otmièara, živeo je jedno vreme u Hamburgu, u jednom od
pomenutih stanova. Bio je prijavljen kao državljanin Ujedinjenih
Arapskih Emirata, isto kao i Marvan Jusef Muhamed al-Šehi (23), koji se
nalazio u jednom od otetih aviona. Ašadi je takoðe živeo u Nemaèkoj,
ponekad u istom stanu sa Atom. Obojica su bila upisana na Tehnièki
fakultet u Hamburgu. Ašadi se preselio u SAD drugog maja ove godine.
„Sasvim je oèigledno da su oni izbegavali da bilo èime privuku pažnju
policije ili imigracionih vlasti“, naglasio je Šolc. Nemaèki javni
tužilac Kaj Nem izjavio je da istražitelji proveravaju pripadnike jedne
ekstremistièke islamske grupe koja je aktivna u Hamburgu od poèetka ove
godine, ali je dodao da nisu pronaðeni dokazi koji bi ih doveli u vezu
sa Osamom bin Ladenom. Po Nemovim reèima, izgleda da su oni planirali
da, u saradnji sa ostalim grupama, izvedu operacije nasilja i razaranja
objekata koje imaju simbolièni znaèaj u SAD.

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[NSP] =?Windows-1250?Q?Ruska_obave=9Atajna_slu=9Eba_zna_ko_stoji_iza_teroristic?

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

Ruska obaveštajna služba zna ko stoji iza teroristièkih napada na
Njujork i Vašington

Odgovorni Bin Laden,
Uzbekistanci i talibani

Moskva je još pre nekoliko nedelja upozorila Vašington na opasnost, a na
prekjuèerašnjem tajnom sastanku u sedištu CIA njen predstavnik je
amerièkim obaveštajcima predao dokumenta i snimke telefonskih razgovora
koji ukazuju na krivce

MOSKVA (Tanjug, Beta) - Specijalni predstavnik ruske obaveštajne službe
predao je prekjuèe jednom od zamenika direktora CIA, na tajnom sastanku
koji je održan u sedištu CIA u Lengliju, dokumenta, meðu kojima su i
snimci telefonskih razgovora, u vezi s teroristièkim akcijama u
Vašingtonu i Njujorku, saznaje se u vojnim i policijskim struktarama u

Bin Laden nije uhapšen
i nema bosanski pasoš

Talibanske vlasti u Avganistanu demantovale su izveštaje da je uhapšen
Osama bin Laden. "Ne mislimo da Osama stoji iza nedavnih napada u
Americi, buduæi da njegova grupa nema sposobnosti da organizuje udare
takve snage", tvrde u Kabulu. Arapski "on-lajn" list "Ilaf" citirao je
prethodno "fundamentalistièke izvore" koji su nagovestili da su talibani
uhapsili Bin Ladena i stavili ga pod nadzor, jednako kao i voðu
egipatskog ogranka organizacije "Al Džihad" Ajmana Al-Zavarija i vojnog
komandanta "Al Kaide" Muhameda Atefa Al-Mahnija. Šef MUP-a FBiH Muhamed
Bešiæ demantovao je za Sense sarajevske "Dane" koji tvrde da je Ambasada
BiH u Beèu 1993. izdala pasoš Osami bin Ladenu: "To nije taèno. Saèinili
smo kompletnu analizu i utvrdili da je to potpuno pogrešna informacija".




Prema podacima kojima raspolažu pomenuti izvori, tvrdi moskovska
"Izvestija", ruski obaveštajci znaju ko su organizatori i poèinioci ovih
teroristièkih akata. Štaviše, Moskva je nekoliko nedelja ranije
upozorila Vašington na moguænost takvih napada. Ruska obaveštajna služba
tvrdi da iza teroristièkih napada u Vašingtonu i Njujorku stoje:
organizacija Osame bin Ladena, uzbekistanski Islamski pokret i
talibanska vlada. Prema podacima ruskih obaveštajaca, meðu
teroristima-kamikazama bilo je najmanje dvoje Uzbekistanaca koji su,
zahvaljujuæi lažnim dokumentima, uspeli da uðu u Ameriku pre deset
meseci. Akciju je organizovala grupa od 25 ljudi, pri èemu su svi
uèesnici prošli specijalnu obuku na teritoriji Avganistana i Pakistana,
gde su izmeðu ostalog obuèeni i za upravljanje avionom. Teroristi su
pripremali akcije godinu i po dana. 

Kako tvrde u ruskoj obaveštajnoj službi, Bin Ladenova organizacija uvek
raspolaže sa skoro 400 fanatika-kamikaza, koji u bilo kojem trenutku
mogu da krenu u akciju protiv graðana i objekata SAD po èitavom svetu. 


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[NSP] Orient Express

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic



Orient Express 

By Israel Shamir 

Like the Four Riders of the Apocalypse, the unknown kamikaze rode their
giant crafts into the two visible symbols of American world domination,
Wall Street and the Pentagon. They vanished in flames and smoke, and we
do not yet know who they were. They could be practically anybody:
American Nationalists, American Communists, American Fundamentalist
Christians, American Anarchists, anybody who rejects the twin gods of
the dollar and the M-16, who hates the stock market and interventions
overseas, who dreams of America for Americans, who does not want to
support the drive for world 
domination. They could be Native Americans returning to Manhattan, or
Afro-Americans who still have not received compensation for slavery. 

They could be foreigners of practically any extraction, as Wall Street
and the Pentagon ruined many lives of people all over the globe. Germans
can remember the fiery holocaust of Dresden with its hundreds of
thousands of peaceful refugees incinerated by the US Air Force. Japanese
will not forget the nuclear holocaust of Hiroshima. The Arab world still
feels the creeping holocaust of Iraq and Palestine. Russians and East
Europeans feel the shame of Belgrade avenged. Latin Americans think of
American invasions of Panama and Granada, of destroyed Nicaragua and
defoliated Colombia. Asians count their dead of 
Vietnam war, Cambodia bombings, Laos CIA operations in millions. Even a
pro-American, Russian TV broadcaster could not refrain from saying, 'now
Americans begin to understand the feelings of Baghdad and Belgrade'. 

The Riders could be anybody who lost his house to the bank, who was
squeezed from his work and made permanently unemployed, who was declared
an Untermensch by the new Herrenvolk. They could be Russians,
Malaysians, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Congolese, as their economy was
destroyed by Wall Street and the Pentagon. They could be anybody, and
they are everybody. Their identity is quite irrelevant, but the Jews
already decided: it has to be Arabs. 

One would think, after Oklahoma, we should become less hasty with our
conclusions. But my countrymen, Israeli politicians are impatient folk.
The flames in Manhattan did not die out yet, they started political
profit taking. Mr Ehud Barak came live on BBC, and said 'Arafat' within
three minutes flat. On CNN, his twin Bibi Natanyahu appropriated the
blame to Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians. Shimon Peres, an old wizened
wizard, spoke against suicide as a psychiatric adviser, reminding his
audience of Palestinian attacks. He looked worried: it is hard to
enslave people who are not afraid to die. This old killer of 
Kana even mentioned Gospels. Density of Israelis on the air approached
the saturation point. They insinuated and incited, pushing their
shopping list into a chalk-white face of shell-shocked America: please,
destroy Iran! And Iraq! And Libya, plees! 

The first twenty four hours of maximal exposure were utilised by the
Jewish propaganda machine to its utmost. Not a single fact was yet
known, but racist anti-Arab slurs became a commonplace. While we Jews
quite reasonably object to any reference to the Jewishness of a bad guy,
we really do not mind producing revolting racist drivel of our own. A
good Jewish-American activist, James Jordan, warned in al-Awda: "Making
broad, all-inclusive statements and insinuations about "Jews" completely
marginalizes and discredits your organization". But how come the endless
stream of 'broad, all-inclusive statements and 
insinuations', about 'the Arabs' did not 'completely marginalized and
discredited' the Jewish organisations and media who practice it?
Apparently, it is a Jewish right to decide who will be marginalized in
America and who will not. 

The connection was in the minds. The American Jewish supremacists want
to turn all the world into Palestine, where the natives will enjoy harsh
local rule and limited local rights, while the master race will have a
rather different level of life. Israel is just a small-scale model of
their new brave world of globalisation. 

As there were no hard facts against Palestinians, the Israelis made
their damnedest from the scenes of joy shot in East Jerusalem. It is a
rather weak point, and I'll tell you why. In Agatha Christie's Murder on
the Orient Express, her favourite detective M. Poireau encounters an
unusual complication: all passengers on board the train have had a good
reason to bump off the unpleasant old lady. My dear American friends,
your leaders placed your great country into the old lady's shoes. 

Israelis used the event to the max. They even killed some ten
Palestinians and destroyed five Goyiish houses in Jerusalem. The reports
were rather gleeful, in the style 'we told you', and the experts of
Israeli TV concluded by one o'clock, the attack 'was good for the Jews'.
Why? It would strengthen American support of I

[NSP] Bin Ladin's activities exposed in New York trial

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

Bin Ladin's activities exposed in New York 
trialBy A BrownfeldIn February, US federal prosecutors opened their long-awaited terrorism 
case against four of Usama bin Ladin's alleged followers with a personal account 
by Jamal Ahmad al-Fadl, a Bin Ladin confidante turned FBI informant. 
Al-Fadl was the first person called in the trial of four men charged 
with participating in a terrorism conspiracy led by Bin Ladin, which prosecutors 
say included the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 
The blasts killed 224 people and wounded thousands. For the last five years, 
al-Fadl has been under the protection of the US government in an undisclosed 
location after pleading guilty to a terrorism charge at a secret hearing in 
federal court in Manhattan.Al-Fadl's testimony did not deal with the 
embassy bombings, which occurred two years after he left the group. But 
prosecutors are expected to use his account of the early years in Bin Ladin's 
group to show how the terrorism conspiracy evolved.Turncoat reveals 
scale of operationsIn his testimony, al-Fadl told the jury he had worked 
closely with Bin Laden in Khartoum, and helped manage his payroll. This gave him 
access to files on each member of Bin Laden's group, which showed their salaries 
and aliases. He also described Bin Ladin's global banking network, naming 
institutions in Sudan, Malaysia, Britain, Hong Kong and Dubai, where Bin Laden 
and his group kept money.He also detailed Bin Ladin's agricultural, 
construction, transportation and investment companies in Sudan, which 
prosecutors have said are fronts for his terrorist activities.After 
American troops went to Somalia in 1993, according to al-Fadl, Bin Ladin said at 
a meeting of several dozen people: "The snake is America and we have to stop 
what are they doing. We have to cut the head of the snake."Al-Fadl 
described disputes within Bin Ladin's group, al-Qa'ida ('The Base'), about the 
number of Egyptians among its leaders and the group's pay scale the. He 
described the roots of Bin Ladin's enmity towards the US for its role in 
Somalia, and the group's co-operation with other terrorist organisations, like 
the Iranian backed Hizbullah.Anti-state, sponsored 
terrorismAccording to al-Fadl, Bin Ladin sent fighters to Chechnya at a 
cost of about US$1,500 per person, paid through a local relief organisation. 
Al-Fadl said he carried money on behalf of Bin Ladin to leaders of other jihad 
groups, including $100,000 to one in Eritrea.His journey into a position of 
confidence with Bin Ladin and his group had its roots, al-Fadl noted, in 
Brooklyn where he worked at the Al Farooq Mosque, helping to raise money and 
recruit fighters for the American-backed mujahidin in the war against the Soviet 
Union in Afghanistan in 1980s.Under questioning by the prosecutor, 
Patrick J Fitzgerald, al-Fadl offered a look at a network of guest houses and 
military training camps used by the Bin Ladin group. He said he was present at a 
meeting in Peshawar where Sudanese officials visited Bin Ladin and promised to 
help his group if it moved to Sudan. Al-Fadl was sent to Khartoum on a kind of 
scouting mission. After Bin Ladin moved his group to Sudan in 1991, al-Fadl 
testified, its activities were greatly aided by Sudanese 
intelligence.Bin Ladin, reported al-Fadl, was surrounded by a group of 
associates who participated on a ruling council, and ran committees on military, 
business and other matters. He said Bin Ladin and his associates, citing the US 
participation in the Persian Gulf War, began to issue fatwas, or religious 
edicts, to his group, which sanctioned actions against US interests. "We can't 
let the American Army in our area," al-Fadl quoted Bin Ladin as saying. "We have 
to do something. We have to fight them."He cited the religious 
justification for the killing of civilians of one of Bin Ladin advisers, Mahmud 
Salim, who offered. "If good person, they go to paradise," he quoted Salim as 
saying. "If bad person, they go to hell." Salim is in custody in New York and is 
awaiting a future trial.While al-Fadl's testimony has given the New York 
federal jury a basic grasp of Bin Ladin's operations, the fact is that he left 
the group two years before the embassy bombings. The trial defendants, two of 
whom face a possible death sentence, can expect to hear more damaging 
accusations from Ali Mohammed, the Egyptian born, naturalised US citizen who 
signed on with Bin Ladin shortly after his discharge from the US Army in 1989. 
Once an instructor in Middle East warfare at Fort Braff, Mohammed shifted his 
teaching talents to the paramilitary operations of al-Qa'ida. He trained Bin 
Ladin's personal security guards and later helped set up the cell in Nairobi 
that eventually carried out the bombing. He has already pleaded guilty to 
terrorism conspiracy for his role.The US hopes that the compelling 
evidence of al-Fadl and Mohammed will convict the four men cur

[NSP] US to Put $20 Billion 'Downpayment' on Fighting Terrorism

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

US to Put $20 Billion ‘Downpayment’ on 
Fighting Terrorism 
By Kim Burger, JDW Staff Reporter Washington DC 
The US 
Congress is expected as early as 13 September to approve $20 billion in 
emergency funding to help the US respond to terrorist attacks that killed 
thousands.Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said the funding 
requested by President George Bush would help ready US armed forces for a 
possible retaliatory strike, but stated it would be just a “downpayment” towards 
a broad campaign against terrorism. “One thing, it’s clear, is that you 
don’t do it with just a single military strike, you don’t do it with just 
military forces alone. You do it with the full resources of the US government. 
It will be a campaign, not a single action,” Wolfowitz said 13 
September.“$20 billion is a lot of money, but for this country it is 
just a downpayment.”The supplemental funding request would cover some 
costs of the massive search and recovery efforts under way at the site of 
terrorist attacks this week at the World Trade Center twin towers in New York 
City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The funds will also pay other costs 
including rebuilding the Pentagon and to support combat air patrols of US skies. 
A “significant piece” of the total will also go toward bringing the 
military to “the highest level of preparedness” to act as ordered by the 
president, Wolfowitz said. The money would fund the costs of readying fuel and 
other logistics needs, operational costs, force protection measures and 
intelligence.Wolfowitz said he anticipates Congress also will be 
supportive of increasing funding as needed in Fiscal Year 2002, which is the 
subject of spending bills presently under consideration. Prior to the attacks, 
the Department of Defense was heavily engaged in a Quadrennial Defense Review of 
future requirements. But Wolfowitz said while future needs may not change, 
“there also will be some huge requirements to build up our military for the next 
year.”The fight against terrorism must be broad to root out the support 
systems and sanctuaries that states and others may be providing, Wolfowitz said. 
He said he expects the US will seek international assistance in this mission 
from its allies, Russia, as well as nations in the Middle East and Persian Gulf 
region that have expressed 
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2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

(Moskva, RIA "Novosti"- ponuda za DANAS) 

U podne 13. septembra Rusija je minutom cutanja odala postu zrtvama
teroristickih akata, koji su izvrseni 11. septembra u gradovima Amerike.
Specijalni ukaz s tim u vezi izdao je predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin.
Ulaz u americku ambasadu u Moskvi zatrpan je cvecem, zapaljenim svecama
i ikonama, koje su ovamo doneli Moskovljani zaleci zrtve teroristickih
akata izvrsenih u Njujorku, Vasingtonu i Pitsburgu. U americku ambasadu
telefoniraju Rusi nudeci svoju krv za postradale. Saradnici ambasade
upucuju ih na Crveni krst i Ministarstvo za vanredne situacije.
Predsednik Putin i ruski politicari svih ideoloskih orijantacija osudili
su teroristicki akt medjunarodnog terorizma u SAD. Vladimir Putin je
uputio telegram saucesca predsedniku SAD Dzordzu Bussu. Vlada i ministri
Rusije ponudili su Drzavnom departmentu SAD svoju pomoc u otklanjanju
posledica teroristickih akata. Ruske specijalne sluzbe su po svojim
kanalima pocele prikupljati informacije koje bi pomogle americkim
kolegama da otkriju zlocince. I obicni ljudi, a ne samo politicari,
izrazavaju iskrenu podrsku Amerikancima na koje se srucila nesreca. I
nije stvar toliko u tome sto se saosecanje, prezivljavanje tuge sa
drugima i pruzanje pomoci u teskim trenucima smatra nacionalnom odlikom
ruskog karaktera. Rusi, od kojih se mnogi ne slazu sa medjunarodnom
politikom SAD, od kojih su mnogi bili ozlojedjeni zbog bombardovanja
Jugoslavije i koji se ni danas ne mire zbog udara po Iraku, ipak ne
osecaju zluradost povodom tragedije koja se desila Americi. Pre dve
godine, septembra 1999. godine, prestonica Rusije dozivela je isto tako
monstruozne teroristicke udare, kada su dignute u vazduh dve stambene
zgrade na Ulici Gurjanova i Kassirskom putu. Nesto kasnije, odjeknula je
eksplozija u neposrednoj blizini stambene zgrade u Volgodonsku
(Povolozje), a zatim je dignuta u vazduh zgrada u Kaspijsku (Dagestan).
U tim teroristickim aktima poginulo je oko 500 ljudi. Ti teroristicki
akti u jesen 1999. godine posluzili su kao jedan od razloga za
otpocinjanje antiteroristicke operacije federalnih snaga u Ceceniji,
oznacili pocetak druge cecenske kampanje. I u vreme prve cecenske
kampanje 1994 - 1996. godine, i posle 1999. godine, predsednici Rusije
Boris Jeljcin i Vladimir Putin pokusavali su da ubede svetsko javno
mnenje, kome ton daje Zapad, da je u Ceceniji stvoreno zariste
medjunarodnog terorizma i da je Rusija danas objekat njenog usmerenog
napada. Da antiruske vojne akcije u Ceceniji finansiraju medjunarodne
ekstremisticke islamske organizacije, da one imaju dalekosezne ciljeve i
da njihovo delovanje ne predstavlja opasnost samo po Rusiju, nego i
Evropu, i citav svet. Medjutim, ti apeli nisu nailazili na saosecanje.
Zapad je optuzivao Rusiju za prekomernu upotrebu sile, aludirao da je
podmetanje eksplozija, toboze, organizovala Federalna sluzba
bezbednosti, dok je teroristicko delovanje nazivao
nacionalno-oslobodilackom borbom cecenskog naroda. I akcija sa hiljadama
talaca koje je banda cecenskog teroriste Ssamila Basajeva zatocila u
bolnici grada Budjonovska juna 1995. godine nije naisla na masovnu osudu
u svetu, vec je ponegde izazvala osecanja zluradosti i zadovoljstva zbog
ponizenja koje prezivljava Rusija. Predstavnici Drzavnog departmenta SAD
primali su na razgovore predstavnike cecenskih terenskih komandira, koji
su sebi zaradjivali za hleb otimanjem talaca i trgovinom njima, dok su
im solidne evropske organizacije ustupale tribine na svojim forumima.
Eksplozije u Americi pokazale su, da sve dotle dok u svetu bilo ko bude
opravdavao terorizam, smatrajuci ga ispoljavanjem
nacionalno-oslobodilacke borbe, borbe nacionalnih manjina za svoja
prava, borbe za prava coveka i jos kojecim, svaka zemlja ce se pre ili
kasnije naci pod udarom. Teroristi, koji nemaju kocnice, uvek ce naci
povod da pokrenu paklenu masinu, da ubiju taoce ili usmere putnicki
avion u neboder. Kao povod moze posluziti i "borba protiv
imperijalizma", i "trijumf islama u celom svetu", i "borba za prava
etnickih manjina", i sta god hocete. Sve dotle dok u svetu budu
funkcionisali dupli standardi, po kojima je rusenje zgrada u Rusiji
jedno, a rusenje nebodera u SAD - nesto drugo, terorizam nece biti
pobedjen i nastavice da zanje krvavu zetvu po celom svetu. Dogadjaji od
11. septembra 2001. godine u Americi predstavljaju se kao zaokret u
istoriji citavog covecanstva. To je dan kada je civilizovani svet duzan
da shvati nuznost ujedinjenja, uzajamnog delovanja i slozne osude
ispoljavanja terorizma jednom i zauvek i to na delu, a ne na recima,
nezavisno od toga pod kojim parolama taj terorizam nastupa. Kako je
izjavio Vladimir Putin, izrazavajuci misljenje citavog ruskog naroda,
"ono sto se dogodilo u SAD jos jednom apostrofira aktuelnost predloga
Rusije da se udruze napori medjunarodne zajednice u borbi protiv
terorizma, te kuge XX


2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

GONE? With all respect to the feelings of the 
American people: sometimes the materials and reports of mass media are really 
shocking. Some shouts of the Americans on the net are just disgusting. It was a 
couple of days ago when you blamed Russia for the inhuman policy in Chechnya, 
you criticized Moscow because the militia men were checking people’s documents 
everywhere in the streets. You called the Chechens “separatists” and had 
meetings with emissaries of the “independent republic” at the Department of 
State. You bombed Yugoslavia which was running the policy of “genocide” 
in Kosovo. Now the “rebels” of Kosovo were stabbing the peacemakers in their 
motherland and seizing Macedonia. So now you are ready to execute the 
Palestinians without any trial or investigation. You are calling upon everyone 
“just to destroy those scoundrels, to kill everyone, women and children, a 
bullet in the head, to tear them into pieces, to exterminate them”. Are you 
ready for genocide being the protectors of the innocent and the oppressed? “I 
wish our government could start the military operation as soon as possible. I 
would personally remove Afghanistan from the Earth, right on the night of that 
day, without even landing there. I would then start the overnight incursion in 
Palestine not leaving anyone alive there - either women or children. Any Arab 
country which would let out a squeak will lose its capital the same day. NATO 
would announce its support to America’s reaction but the opinions of other 
countries that are dependent on America’s economic assistance are not 
interesting to me”. This is an opinion from one of our readers from New York. 
And here is a text which has just been sent by the Interfax news agency: 
“Dozens of attacks on the Moslems were registered in the USA and in Canada after 
the acts of terrorism which happened this Tuesday. Police stopped 300 people 
which were trying to arrange a demonstration near the mosque. Unknown people 
threw a bomb in the center where the people of the Arab community gathered – 
this happened in Chicago as well. A drunk 75-year-old man was persistently 
following a woman from Pakistan threatening to kill her for “destruction of his 
country”. Spokesmen for Kuwait’s embassy in the USA said the Kuwait’s nationals 
who attended American schools were insulted. How much is left for the 
first step of America’s execution? One hour, two, three? If such material which 
is now published by The New York Times had appeared on the pages of some Russian 
papers, there would have been warnings following from the State Committee for 
Press; licences could be withdrawn too. But it is not a matter of 
sanctions. There was no material of this kind in the Russian press which 
unfortunately can not be said about the American media. Unknown 
terrorists destroyed the myth about democracy and tolerance, the myth about the 
only multi-national country in the world in which there was no nationalism or 
chauvinism. Show your true colors. Sergei Snegov 
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[NSP] Cartoon for September 13, 2001

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

Cartoon for September 13, 2001

Problems? Suggestions? Let us hear from 
you.Copyright © The Sacramento 
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[NSP] U.S. Military Retaliation Will Be 'Sustained'

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

U.S. Military Retaliation Will Be 'Sustained'


Thursday, September 13, 2001 Respond to 
Email this 
The United States will respond to the terrorist attacks on 
New York and Washington with a sustained military campaign, Deputy Defense 
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said Thursday, and Secretary of State Colin Powell said 
in the "last 24 hours we've been building our coalition" to do so.

"It's going to unfold over time," Wolfowitz told reporters at 
the Pentagon. "One thing that is clear is you don't do it with just a single 
military strike, no matter how dramatic." 
When asked what U.S. military strikes might target, Wolfowitz 
answered "it will be a campaign, not a single action. And we're going to keep 
after these people and the people who support them until this stops."
Powell, speaking to reporters at the State Department, said 
that "we will continue a global assault against terrorism," however he admitted 
that "we haven't publicly identified the perpetrator" of Tuesday's attacks.
He said, "We're going to have a responsible talk with the 
Pakistani government" because "if you look at the list of [possible suspects] it 
is prudent to have talks in that region." Asked whether he was referring to 
Usama bin Laden, the Saudi expatriate who runs a terrorist network from 
Afghanistan, Powell said "yes." 
A Pakistani intelligence source said Thursday that bin Laden 
changed locations within Afghanistan just minutes after reports of the attacks. 

Powell described Pakistan as a friend of the United States, 
but also said the relationship has had its "ups and downs." In Islamabad, 
Pakistan's leader has pledged "unstinted cooperation." 
Wolfowitz said a portion of the $20 billion in emergency 
funds President Bush has asked Congress to approve will be used to strengthen 
U.S. military readiness for the fight against terrorism. He could not specify 
how much. 
"A significant piece of this is going to be used to bring our 
armed forces to the highest level of preparedness to do whatever the president 
may ask them to do," he said. 
Wolfowitz would not discuss specific military options. "The 
president has a whole range of options in front of him," he said. 
Another portion of the extra money sought by the president 
would pay for air patrols that have been flying over major American cities since 
the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. 
"There are costs already incurred with the combat air patrols 
that have been maintained over a significant number of American cities, 
including Washington," he said. "The costs mount rapidly and they will mount 
more rapidly as this campaign develops." 
Congress Continues Action, Deliberation
Meanwhile, lawmakers continue to mull issuing a 
declaration of war. There is some uncertainty as against whom the 
declaration would be made. Some advocates of a declaration have suggested 
an open-ended declaration would suffice, to reveal the seriousness with which 
the Congress and the administration view the situation.  
Others have suggested a declaration against Usama Bin Laden 
and his acolytes and a declaration against those states that harbor and 
assist terrorists, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, the Palestinian 
Authority, Syria, and others.  
Further, congressional leaders said they intended to begin 
pushing an emergency anti-terrorism package through Congress on Thursday with a 
price tag that could exceed $20 billion. 
They said they also wanted quick approval this week of a 
separate measure stating Congress' support for the use of force by Bush against 
the terrorists who crashed airliners into the landmarks. 
Top lawmakers and White House officials were hoping to nail 
down final details of both bills by late Thursday. 
Bush sent House Speaker Dennis Hastert a formal request 
Thursday for $20 billion and suggested he could request more money. Quick 
passage "will send a powerful signal of unity to our fellow Americans and to the 
world," Bush said. 
"If additional resources are necessary, I will forward 
another request for additional funding," he said. 
Background documents say the money is needed to provide 
assistance to victims and address other consequences of the attack, including 
"support to counter, investigate or prosecute" terrorism and increase money for 
Emerging from a meeting of Congress' top Democrats and 
Republicans, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., told reporters: 
"There is a unanimous understanding that whatever we do this 
week is a very minimal down payment to what will be required and what we will do 
in the days and weeks ahead." 
House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, said $20 billion 
was "very clearly designed to fund the initial response to this horrible act." 

Among the final details to be worked out on the spending bill 
were the leeway Bush would have to disperse the money to specific programs 
without congressional approva


2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

No. 186
September 13, 2001
[translation from RIA Novosti for personal use only]


 Colonel-General Sergei LEBEDEV, Director of the Russian 
Foreign Intelligence Service, usually does not comment on world 
events - for understandable reasons. But he made an exception 
this time.
 "The tragic events in New York and Washington confirmed 
the global nature of the threat of terrorism and the need to 
pool efforts to combat it," Lebedev said. "The Foreign 
Intelligence Service is maintaining close contacts with the 
secret services of the USA and partners from West European, 
Middle and Near Eastern countries. The main goal of these 
contacts is to expose and prevent potential terrorist acts."
 The opinion of Major-General of intelligence Yuri DROZDOV, 
the founding father of the legendary Vympel group, which is 
successfully fighting terrorists of all stripes, carries 
special weight today. Besides, the general knows very well 
about the methods of operation of the US secret services, 
because he had worked in the USA for a long time. 
 Question: How could this happen in the USA, whose security 
services are among the world's best?
 Answer: We can assume that the adversary was perfectly 
aware of the typically American weaknesses. They exploited them 
and provoked an international catastrophe. 
 Question: But who could organise and orchestrate such 
unprecedented slaughter so skilfully?
 Answer: I can tell you one thing. US manuals, which I know 
well, say that a group of seven trained people can disrupt the 
normal operation of human and industrial mass of up to half a 
million people. 
 Question: But if even manuals stipulate the notion of real 
danger, why did the secret services fail? 
 Answer: The tragedy confirmed that the secret services, 
created for the express purpose of ensuring security, did not 
work well enough. This is a weakness. But the main thing is 
that arrogance in the operation of secret services and neglect 
of the adversary always result in major miscalculations.
 Question: The US intelligence gets 30 billion dollars a 
year, but it is said the USA is enamoured with technical, in 
particular satellite, types of intelligence. 
 Answer: You know, certain documents have appeared that 
point in the opposite direction. The recruitment of agents will 
remain the top priority of intelligence. But the powerful 
technical facilities should have ensured maximum protection 
from potential terrorist acts. Alas...
 Question: Who could order the shattering tragedy?
 Answer: This is not the time for hasty conclusions. It is 
apparent that the action was carefully coordinated and 
prepared, with the goals and methods of attaining them clearly 
defined and orchestrated. I would not like to say this about 
bandits, but I will have to. They acted highly professionally. 
And their action was prepared for a very long time. 
 Question: Can one forecast the direction of the 
terrorists' strike and forestall them?
 Answer: This is concerned with a package of problems, with 
a great number of components. The notion of the protection of 
territory. The migration laws. The monitoring of people's 
movement. Proceeding from American documents concerned with 
these problems, one can assume that they include similar 
miscalculations and failures. Take the evaluation of the global 
situation. Are their forecasts of crises, big and small wars 
and regional clashes correct? Of what is happening and what can 
happen on our territory? If they evaluate the situation from a 
certain angle, they themselves are involved to a degree in the 
 The American tragedy calls for an in-depth political, 
specialised analysis so that, God forbid, they would not have 
to say next time: "Guys, you flopped again." In conclusion I 
would like to offer my condolences and the condolences of my 
colleagues for the dead and injured.

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[NSP] Lessons for the generals

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

The Times (UK)
September 13, 2001

New enemies demand new strategies as the Cold War ends 


Lessons for the generals 
THE Cold War finally ended on Tuesday September 11 at 8.45am, Eastern 
Standard Time. 
Until that moment, faithful to the maxim that generals always plan for
last war, the greater part of the United States' political and security 
establishments were still heavily influenced by Cold War thinking. 

One key reason for this, of course, has been that the US military, 
intelligence, think-tank and military industrial worlds have remained 
overwhelmingly configured around Cold War structures. 

They have anticipated conflict, or at least strong rivalry, with large, 
organised states with modern, conventional militaries and old-style
missile forces. In the case of Russia, combating Russian influence in
other former Soviet republics (often dubbed, bizarrely, "the restoration
the Soviet Union") was portrayed as a vital American national interest. 

The alleged risk of renewed Russian aggression against Central Europe
and the 
Baltic states was made a key justification for the retention and
expansion of 

In recent years, there have been strong moves to cast China as the new, 
Soviet-style global threat to US dominance, requiring a Cold War-style 
response. Hence moves to nullify China's nuclear deterrent through
missile defence (NMD). Despite some new thinking, US conventional forces

remain heavily organised and equipped for open warfare against formal, 
state-armed forces bearing relatively high-tech weapons. 

Missile defence and the planned US military domination of space have
posited on an acute danger from states that, on the one hand, are
assumed to 
be organised and quite technologically sophisticated, but, on the other,

willing to commit almost certain collective suicide in pursuit of their

Yet in the end, most of this has been just shadow-boxing. Indeed, that
true of the Cold War itself in its last ten years or so. America, and 
America's allies, are now in a real war -- one which has just claimed 
thousands of American casualties. By contrast, it should be remembered
since the end of the Cold War, neither Russia nor China have been
for a single US casualty. For that matter, it could well be argued that
during the Cold War, the only time that the US and its allies really had
fight was in Korea in 1950. 

It is now abundantly clear that we do, indeed, face dreadfully savage
fanatical enemies, willing to face certain death to destroy us and with
high capacity for planning and organisation. But these are not open 
representatives of states and they are most certainly not
representatives of 
Russia and China. On the contrary, Russia and China are themselves under

severe threat from exactly the same enemies and are our natural allies
in our 
fight against them. 

This is above all true of Russia, if it is proved that Osama bin Laden
other groups backed by the Taleban were responsible for these attacks.
the long-term control of pathologies stemming from Afghanistan, Russian 
co-operation is absolutely essential. US policies of rolling back
influence in Central Asia and undermining Russia's hold on the North
have to stop, now. 

Unilateralist American policies in recent years have been based
or unconsciously on the assumption that because America itself is 
invulnerable, it does not really need allies. Missile defence was
supposed to 
complete the walls of Fortress America. Today, that assumption lies in
and the utter irrelevance of NMD to the real threats facing the United
has been demonstrated beyond question. 

In the short term, ferocious unilateral action by the United States and
closest allies will be necessary to punish and deter the perpetrators of
atrocity and any state that can be shown to have backed them. But even
in the 
medium term, a continuation of US unilateralism would be a critical
threat to 
victory in the anti-terrorism war. 

This is true of US global policies, but above all in the Arab and Muslim

world. In the fight against terrorism, the co-operation of these states
absolutely essential. One reason is that as this attack has cruelly
US intelligence in the Middle East is highly inadequate. 

Equally importantly, massive Western retaliation against Muslim targets 
unaccompanied by attempts to conciliate Arab and Muslim governments and 
populations will risk spreading support for terrorism in all directions.

The US therefore needs finally to listen to pro-Western Muslim states
they say that US support for Israel, and Israeli policies, have made
co-operation on their part extremely difficult. 

After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese commander Admiral Yamamoto famously
that he was afraid that "all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant,
fill him with

[NSP] Say No to the war

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic


Say No to the war !
Against misery you do not fight with bombardments
by Michel Collon

Nato made a very dangerous decision yesterday 12. Applying its «article
it decided that all « allied » countries have to be solidair with the
governement of Washington. Since Bush considers United States « at war
», it
means we are also considered « at war ».

This represents great dangers for the civil rights (demonstration,
expression), this is a preparation of wars. Kissinger now calls for a
term war, in fact against every country of the thirld world « too
independent » presented as a war for the civilisation.  
 Everybody (even the IMF) knows that misery in the world is the ground
where terrorism can florish and get support because of the frustration
oppressed Arabic masses. Everybody knows that with half of the US 
military budget you could suppress hunger in the world. Everybody knows 
you do not fight against misery with bombardments.

The Prime minister of my country, after having condemned and attacked
anti-globalisation movement, now follows the Nato and declares : « We
all Americans ».

Yes, I feel an American as all those poor innocent civilians,
targets of
a blind criminal act. But I do not feel American like George Bush nor an
American like the bilionaire auctioneers of Monsanto, Esso and General
Motors. And I do not feel American like Madeleine Albright who demanded,

in 1997 already, that Nato would become the Cop of the World, « active
Middle East to Central Africa ».

This was since long the real goal of Washington, it has nothing to
with « reacting » to the suffering of innocent victims. It has all to do
with controlling the strategic areas, the strategic roads to oil. It is
a coincidence if Washington supported Islamic terrorists in Bosnia and
Kosovo to break up Yugoslavia and control the Western road to the oil of
central Asia. It is not a coincidence if Washington provided arms to the
Islamic militias (including supporters of Ben Laden) in Chechenya in
to destabilize Russia and impose military bases in the Caucasus. It is
not a
coincidence if Washington always tried to get control on Afghanistan
is the Southern road to the same oil and gas fields - see the different
in my book Monopoly, and also the quotation of Albright). 
Everybody knows the CIA created, armed and protected Ben Laden to break
the USSR. Recently, the German Spiegel wrote that German secret services
ministers knew perfectly well Washington was arming and protecting the
terrorists attacking and killing Macedonians. Nevertheless all Western
powers now
follow Washington in this war strategy !

We are now told this is a new Pearl Harbor. Let us remember that US
leaders knew 
that Pearl Harbor was about to be attacked and did not try to stop it.
Now agressions 
and bombardments maybe against several countries are prepared while
nothing is clear 
about the complete passivity of the FBI and the CIA.

We cannot accept that the US government prepares war, eluding its own
responsibility after so many provocations against Arabic and other
people of
the world. This is a manipulation of the sufferings of the US victims.
This  will 
only provoke a lot of sufferings for innocent victims in the ThirdWorld
and also 
increase the risk of terrorist attacks in our countries. Washington did
bombard 23 countries and after a certain time it was discovered its
media had 
lied to justify it.

Let us say not to the war ! Against misery, you do not fight with

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[NSP] Hi-Res Satellite Images of WTC, Pentagon

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

GlobeXplorer is making 6 hi-res images of the WTC and Pentagon
available. 2 of the six images are post attack


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[NSP] For the arrogance of power America now pays a terrible price By JONATHAN

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

For the arrogance of power
America now pays a terrible price


   September 12, 2001

   LONDON - The American nation appears not only
immensely distressed and
   angry about the bombings but surprised too. It
cannot understand why anyone
   should be moved by such hatred against it and,
inured from the rest of us by
   the isolationism of most of its political
representatives and its media, it has
   little idea of the currents swirling against it.

   An event of this magnitude was not only
unimagined, it was unimaginable. Yet
   long before George Bush became president with his
forceful in-your-face,
   take-it-or-leave-it attitude to the world outside
on issues as diverse as global
   warming and anti-missile defences, America has
been turning in on itself, to
   the point of self-destructiveness.

   William Pfaff, the astute American commentator,
wrote recently that "America
   is a dangerous nation while remaining a righteous
one" and America's
   pre-eminent foreign policy observer, George
Kennan, ambassador to the
   Soviet Union during Stalin's time, wrote quite a
few years ago, "I do not think
   that the United States civilization of these last
40-50 years is a successful
   civilization. I think this country is destined to
succumb to failures which cannot
   be other than tragic and enormous in their
scope." And later added that for
   Americans "to see ourselves as the centre of
political enlightenment and
   teachers to a great part of the rest of the world
[is] unthought-through,
   vainglorious and undesirable."

   It would be misunderstanding human nature to
believe that most Americans
   want to hear such thoughts played back to them on
their day of grief, victims of
   an evil deed that compares with the worst of the
blood-stained twentieth
   century. Yet they have to know that action
produces reaction and not for
   nothing is anti-American resentment on the
increase all over the world, not
   least in Europe where there is some astonishment
at the way the new
   American administration has ploughed ahead with
its self-interested agenda
   as if no one else has a legitimate opinion or
could perhaps view the same
   situation in a different light.

   Foreign observers do not miss the reports that
come out of Pentagon think
   tanks of America's need to use this special
moment after the defeat of
   European communism and the break up of the Soviet
Union to make sure that
   America is militarily superior the world over,
and that no one, not even its
   closest allies, should be in a position to tell
it what to do.

   The U.S. began the new millennium as the most
heavily militarised nation on
   earth. It is the U.S., which poses the military
threat to others. At the outbreak of
   the Second World War the U.S. army was only
174,000 men. Today it has 1.4
   million in its "standing army" and a ready
reserve and National Guard
   numbering 2.5 million. Despite the end of the
Cold War, under President Bill
   Clinton the U.S. made only a paltry effort to
wind down the nuclear arsenals of
   the superpowers, and instead provocatively
insisted on expanding Nato close
   to Russia's borders. The Bush administration with
its declared ambition to
   abandon the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty,
solemnly signed by Richard Nixon
   and Leonid Brezhnev, seems unconcerned that this
will set in motion events
   that will unwind hard won international norms on
ending nuclear testing and on
   the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, even
hinting that it will understand if
   China has to increase its nuclear forces or test
new nuclear weapons.

   I have talked to a range of ordinary Europeans in
the last 24 hours and they all
   say, in the face of the earnest
shoulder-to-shoulder rhetoric of their leaders,
   that America has got itself into this hole by its
own disregard for what

[NSP] Jugoslavija: zapadni vazal?

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message







Bob Djurdjevic: 
Specijalna serija o situaciji na Balkanu 


Jugoslavija: zapadni vazal? 
"Demokratske" maske DOS-a pale su 28. juna 2001. 
(Vidovdan), kad je srpski premijer Zoran Djindjic prekrsio zakone i 
ustav zemlje tajnim slanjem bivseg jugoslovenskog 
predsednika Slobodana Milosevica Medjunarodnom sudu za ratne zlocine u 
Hagu. To je uradio samo iz jednog razloga - 
da zadovolji svoje gazde u Vasingtonu. U jednoj iznenadnoj 
akciji Djindjic je pokazao da DOS ima malo veze sa demokratijom i pravdom, 
a puno sa novcem i potcinjenoscu.
Posle 28. juna jugoslovenski premijer je podneo 
ostavku, sto je zapretilo da baci Jugoslaviju u politicki 
haos. Najvaznija stranka DOS-a, DSS Vojislava Kostunice, navodno 
razmatra izlazenje iz koalicije koja ju je dovela do pobede nad Milosevicem 
prosle jeseni. Na stranu pravni principi i cast, Djindjic je mislio 
da je dobio sta je hteo za svoju izdaju demokratskih i pravnih 
principa. Mislio je da je dobio zapadni novac. Srpski premijer je rekao za 
list New York Times (1. jula) da je spreman da se suoci sa svakim 
padom sopstvene popularnosti u interesu obezbedjivanja 1,3 milijarde USD 
medjunarodne pomoci i izraza dobre volje. "Sa popularnoscu ne mozete nista 
da uradite", rekao je, "Ali sa kreditima mozete".(Za vise o dugoj 
ljubavnoj aferi ovog srpskog politicara sa zapadnim novcem i 
moci, pogledajte kolumnu ovog pisca u listu Washington Times 
iz decembra 1996. "Filosofija nicega - http://www.truthinmedia.org/Columns/clip7.html" 
i TiM bilten iz decembra 1999. "Skakutanje sa neprijateljem" - http://www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins99/tim99-12-8.html 
).Obratite paznju na rec "krediti" koju je Djindjic upotrebio, 
a NE pomoc ili donacije, kako implicira naziv "donatorske" konferencije 
od 29. juna. Uprkos cinjenici da je Srbija razorena 78-dnevnim NATO 
bombardovanjem ciji je rezultat bio preko 2.000 izgubljenih zivota i 
vise od 30 milijardi USD stete, sve sto ce ova zemlja dobiti od Zapada 
za to sto je izgubila svoj suverenitet i prodala svoj ponos je zlatna omca - 
vise ZAJMOVA, a ne bezuslovne ratne reparacije. 
Kako je to jedan citalac web sajta TiM suvo 
primetio: "Milosevic je od nas ukrao 4 milijarde USD i prebacio ih u 
zapadne banke. Sada nam Zapad pozajmljuje 1,3 milijarde USD naseg sopstvenog 
novca, a onda jos i uzima kamatu na to".I kako je prosao Djindjic 
sa svojom trgovinom cast-za-novac? Manje od mesec dana nakon 
predaje Milosevica srpski premijer je negodovao zbog 
izdaje Zapada, tokom svoje posete Nemackoj sredinom jula. "Kad sam bio 
u opoziciji Evropska unija nam je obecala tri milijarde maraka (oko1,4 milijarde 
USD) u gotovini za Milosevica", rekao je on u intervjuu nemackom 
casopisu Der Spiegel. "Gde je to? Ja ozbiljno upozoravam 
Zapad. Ako moja vlada padne, to ce medjunarodnu zajednicu kostati 10 milijardi 
USD".Samo 10 milijardi USD? 
Djindjic je rekao da je Beograd ocekivao da primi prvu 
ratu od 300 miliona evra (255 miliona USD) do avgusta, ali je otkrio da ce 
225 miliona evra od toga ici na isplacivanje starih dugova... "Ja gubim 
kredibilitet i ne mogu vise da stabilizujem zemlju. Mi nismo pravili 
nikakve uslove za predaju. Zeleli smo da pokazemo nasu dobru volju da se 
integrisemo u medjunarodnu zajednicu"."Ali moram da priznam da sam 
sokiran farsom zapadne pomoci koja bi trebalo da iznosi 1,3 milijarde USD", 
rekao je on. "Ako odmah ne dobijemo finansijsku inekciju, imacemo 
demonstracije i nemire najkasnije do septembra".U medjuvremenu, 
jugoslovenski predsednik Kostunica tvrdi da nije znao za tajni 
transfer Milosevica iz Beograda u Hag. Nije tako, kaze Djindjic u svom 
intervjuu za list Times objavljenom 1. jula. Evo odlomka:"G. 
Djindjic kaze da je g.Kostunica znao za njegovu odluku da odrzi rec koju je dao 
medjunarodnoj zajednici i iznad svega americkom drzavnom sekretaru Kolinu 
Pauelu. On je rekao da mu je g.Pauel rekao da ce SAD ucestvovati na vaznoj 
donatorskoj konferenciji za Jugoslaviju u petak, ako obeca da ce sprovesti 
dekret izdat proslog vikenda, kojim se vlada obavezala da posalje g.Milosevica 
Hagu. "U ovom trenutku, rekao sam Kostunici, da li bi trebalo da to 
obecam, a on je rekao `da`", kaze g.Djindjic" (ceo clanak u listu Times 
pogledajte na http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/01/world/01BELG.html 
).Neki drugi TiM izvori u Srbiji takodje su potvrdili 
Djindjicevu verziju onoga sto se dogodilo 28. juna. Ono sto oni kazu 
cini da popularni jugoslovenski predsednik izgleda kao osoba 
koja govori sa obe strane usta. Kostunica vazi kao neko ko je navodno 
bio protiv slanja Milosevica u Hag. U igri za domacu javnost on 
je tvrdio da nije znao za Milosevicev transfer na Vidovdan. Ali se poslusno 
pomirio s tim i mahnuo repom svojim zapadnim gazdama kad su zapretili da 
zadrze 1,3 miliona USD kredita. U svakom slucaju, Kostunica bi 
trebalo da da ostavku, kazu neki citaoci TiM u svojim pismima. Ako se 
Milosevicev transfer stvarno

[NSP] Zašto je Niš grad sa najviše samoubistava

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

** Zašto je Niš grad sa najviše samoubistava

*** Nišlije umorne od života

** Ove godine je 48 ljudi, uglavnom muškaraca, oduzelo sebi život, a u
poslednja dva meseca èak 38 Nišlija  pokušalo da se ubije .Niš je imao
najveæi broj civilnih žrtava u NATO bombardovanju, a ujedno je i sedište

Treæe armije VJ koja je u ratu 1999. godine pretprela najveæi broj
žrtava. Jug Srbije godinama je bio glavni rezervoar za popunjavanje
sastava vojske koja je ratovala od Slovenije do Kosova. U gigantima
niške privrede EI i MIN prepolovljen broj radnika koji su egzistenciju
potražili na buvljaku, ili u narodnim kuhinjama

AIM, Beograd,13.9.2001.

U prvih osam meseci ove godine u Nišu je svakog petog dana po jedna
osoba izvršila samoubistvo.Do poèetka septembra 48 ljudi je odluèilo da
okonèaju svoj život u gradu koji je nekada važio za sinonim dobre zabave

i južnjaèkog temperamenta. Crnim rekordom Niš je preuzeo primat i od
Subotice koja je dugo godina bila grad sa najveæim brojem samoubica.

Osim onih koji su uspeli u svojoj nameri da sebi oduzmu život, èak 38
Nišlija je u poslednja dva meseca pokušalo da se ubije. Kao razlog za
takav pokušaj oni su naveli opšte osiromašenje života, oseæaj opšteg
umora i nemoguænost da ih bilo šta oraspoloži. Svaka kriza koja èoveka
dovede do samoubistva je lièno motivisana. Radi se o nekom unutrašnjem
konfliktu koji je potenciran i izveden na površinu nepovoljnim
spoljašnjim faktorima, objašnjava dr Gordana Nikoliæ iz  Zavoda za
mentalno zdravlje.

Iako je suicid inspirisan liènom dramom struènjaci ipak priznaju da su
poslednjih deset godina života u Srbiji svakako uticale na mentalno
zdravlje. Normalno je da splet spoljašnjih okolnosti koje su kod nas
poslednjih deset godine izuzetno nepovoljne, stvaraju mnogo više
spoljašnjih provocirajuæih faktora koji bi mogli jednu osobu sklonu
samoubistvu da dovedu do odluke da digne ruku na sebe, kaže dr Nikoliæ.

Morbidna statistika ukazuje da u broju samoubistava u Nišu prednjaèe
muškarci koji su u 35 sluèaja oduzeli sebi život. Prema statistici niške

policije, u èetrdeset sluèajeva motiv za samoubistvo je nepoznat, dok je

u pet sluèajeva razlog bila duševna bolest.Èak i kod osoba kod kojih se
ne zna motiv pitanje je da li se možda ne radi o poèetku duševne
bolesti. Takva moguænost ipak postoji. Teški unutrašnji konflikti
izvedeni su na površinu najèešæe konfliktom sa nama znaèajnom osobom,
razoèarenjem, gubitkom nade, objašnjava dr Nikoliæ.

Pitanje  šta je sve te ljude navelo da okonèaju život ostaæe bez
odgovora jer prema reèima struènjaka za takav odgovor je neophodna
psihološka autopsija, analiza post mortem života u svakom od 48
sluèajeva. Pitanje je da li bi uopšte došli do odgovora šta je te ljude
navelo na suicid i da li uopšte postoji neki zajednièki faktor, kaže dr

Ipak, u 31 sluèaju zajednièki je  naèin izvršenja samoubistva. Vešanje,
koje je u Srbiji veæ postalo naèin tradicionlanog suicida, prema reèima
dr Nikoliæ ukazuje na pravu suicidnu nameru.Vešanje je izraz donešene
odluke da se život okonèa, to nije samo demonstracija i poziv u pomoæ,
kaže ona.

Objašnjenje zašto je baš u Nišu broj samoubica postao alarmantan ne mogu

da daju ni struènjaci. Ipak, ukoliko odluka o suicidu zavisi i od onoga
što nas okružuje, Niš bi mogao da bude predstavljen i kao idealna kulisa

za proseènog samoubicu.

Grad koji je imao najveæi broj civilnih žrtava u NATO bombardovanju
ujedno je i sedište Treæe Armije VJ koja je u ratu 1999. godine
pretprela najveæi broj žrtava. Osim najviše pogodjenog grada u ratu, jug
Srbije godinama je bio glavni rezervoar za popunjavanje sastava vojske
koja je ratovala od Slovenije do Kosova.

Sivilo života u Nišu upotpunjuje i prièa o gigantima niške privrede u
kojima je nekada radilo i nekoliko desetina hiljada radnika. Samo u
niškoj elektronskoj i metalskoj industriji EI i MIN od 1990. godine broj
radnika je prepolovljen. Veæina tih radnika koji su ostali bez posla
pokušali su da svoju egzistenciju obezebde na buvljacima.

Oni koji nikako nisu uspeli da sebi obezbede makar i hranu našli su se
medju 2000 grdajana koji se hrane u narodnim kuhinjama. Broj besplatnih
obroka u Nišu bi bio znatno veæi da nije sve manje pomoæi donatora.
Danas je mnogo teže zaposliti se, mnogo je teže obezbediti materijlanu
egzistenciju i ostvariti ideale normlanog života. Sve te spoljašne
okolnosti provociraju suicidna stanja u èoveku, zakljuèuje dr Nikoliæ.

# Zoran Kosanoviæ (AIM)

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2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

  sudjenja bivsem generalnom direktoru Radio-televizije Srbije (RTS) 
  Dragoljubu Milanovicu, koji je optuzen da je odgovoran za pogibiju 16 
  radnikadrzavne televizije u vazdusnom napadu NATO na zgradu RTS u 
  Beogradu, odlozeno je za sutra kako bi se okrivljenom omogucio uvid u 
  spise predmeta.Milanovic ce se sutra izjasniti o optuznici koja ga 
  tereti za izazivanje opste opasnosti, odnosno da nije ucinio nista da 
  spase zivote 16 radnika drzavne televizije u bombardovanju zgrade RTS u 
  Beogradu 23. aprila 1999. godine.Za to krivicno delo zaprecena je kazna 
  zatvora od 15 godina.Na pocetku danasnjeg postupka, branilac 
  Milanovica, advokat Branimir Gugl izneo je primedbu da ni njegov klijent, 
  niti on nisu imali uvid u sve spise predmeta.U kratkom obracanju 
  sudskom vecu, Milanovic je rekao da se "godinu dana protiv njega sprovodi 
  fizicki linc, medijska satanizacija i pravno nasilje", ali ga je sudija 
  posle tih reci prekinula, rekavsi mu da ce imati dovoljno vremena i mesta 
  za odbranu.(Beta)
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[NSP] "Kolateralna steta" se vraca

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Bob Djurdjevic 

"Kolateralna steta" se vraca 
Mateja 26:52 - "Vrati svoj 
mac u korice", rekao mu je Isus, "Jer svi koji se maca late od maca ce i 
FENIKS, utorak, 11. septembar 2001. - "Ne mogu da verujem sta 
se desava" , rekao mi je jutros sokirani blizak prijatelj o najsmrtonosnijem 
napadu na americkom tlu jos od Perl Harbura (ili mozda uopste?). "Nista to 
nije iznenadjujuce", odgovorio sam. "Ja sam video isuvise tragedija (sirom 
sveta) u poslednjih 11 godina, neke i licno, kao sto znas, da bi me ista 
vise zbunilo".
Nije to bio blazirani odgovor. Samo cinjenican. Tako sam 
Kad su "jedina svetska supersila" i njeni saveznici 
bombardovali i ubili na hiljade nevinih civila u Iraku i Srbiji, Amerikancima je 
receno da je to bila samo "kolateralna steta". Na kraju krajeva, 
mi, "prvaci demokratije i slobodnog sveta", samo smo se borili protiv 
ubilackih rezima Sadama  Huseina i Slobodana Milosevica. Neke civilne 
zrtve su bile "za zaljenje, ali neizbezne", rekli su nam portparoli 
Pentagona, NATO-a ili Stejt Departmenta. 
Sada su se stvari okrenule. Terorizam izaziva terorizam. 
Neimenovani teroristi, pretpostavlja se da su "islamski 
fundamentalisti", sada su ubili na hiljade nevinih Amerikanaca u borbi protiv, 
kako oni misle, ubilackih rezima Bila Klintona i Dzordza V. Busa. Sada 
Amerikanci znaju iz prve ruke nesto od uzasa koji su osecali stanovnici Bagdada 
i Beograda kad su NATO bombarderi izbacivali svoj smrtonosni tovar na njih. 
Jedina stvar koja nedostaje su portparoli terorista koji nam govore sada da "je 
to bila samo "kolateralna steta"; da su neke civilne zrtve za zaljenje, ali 
Ono sto smo mi radili Iraku i Srbiji bio je drzavni 
terorizam. Ono sto su neimenovani teroristi uradili nama danas bila je odmazda 
za drzavni terorizam. "Kolateralna steta" se na grozan nacin vratila 
pociniocu. "Sve se vraca, sve se placa". "Ko se s vatrom igra, od 
vatre se i opece".
Ali pazite: Ovo NIJE bio "Napad na Ameriku", 
kako ga nazivaju CNN i druge TV mreze. Ovo je bio napad u srce Novog 
svetskog poretka pod vodjstvom Vasingtona. Znakovi su nepogresivi. Pogledajte 
samo mete: Svetski trgovinski centar/Vol Strit, Pentagon... Neki 
izvori spekulisu da su jedan ili oba oteta aviona koji su se srusili u 
Pensilvaniji mogli imati za cilj Belu Kucu ili Kapitol. 
Amerika i Amerikanci, odnosno nevini civili koji su 
danas poginuli, su "samo kolateralna steta". Kao sto su bili i iracki i srpski 
civili. Mi sada placamo za agresije i zlocine protiv covecnosti koje je 
pocinila nasa vlada. Bas kao sto su placali i iracki i srpski 
civili. Mi smo postali osobe bez kojih se moze. Bas kao sto su to bili i 
iracki i  srpski civili. 
Tako da kad god cujete nekog politicara ili medijsku licnost 
da kaze da je ovaj napad bio "neisprovociran"; da je ovo ubistvo nevinih 
"muskaraca, zena i dece"; da je ovo bionapad na "americki stil zivota" - a 
nema sumnje da cete videti i cuti mnogo toga u narednim satima i danima - 
pokusajte da preokrenete uloge. Zamislite da slusate nekog irackog ili srpskog 
politicara koji koristi ove reci vezano za zrtve americkih bombi. I onda cete 
dobiti potpuniju sliku onoga sto se danas desilo. 
U medjuvremenu, ludost takodje izaziva ludost. Prasina 
se jos nije slegla od zgrada Svetskog trgovinskog centra koje su se srusile, a 
vec neki "sokolovi" u americkoj vladi i medijima traze "osvetnicke 
napade". To je prilicno plitko na na nekoliko nivoa. 
Prvo, isti oni "sokolovi" koji nam bombasticno govore da 
je "Amerika u ratu" ne mogu da navedu sa kim je u ratu. Tako da kome i 
cemu da se osvetimo? 
Drugo, takvi "sokolovi" nikad ne nauce lekciju. Covek 
samo treba da pogleda Bliski Istok za primer uzaludnosti nasilja. da 
bi zaustavio anti-americki terorizam, vasington mora da zaustavi sopstveni 
drzavni terorizam. Oba tipa terorizma su podla i neoprostiva. 
Konacno, ako postoji nesto pozitivno u ovoj ogromnoj 
americkoj tragediji, ako postoji jedna dobra stvar koja izlazi iz celog ovog 
ludila - nadajmo se da je to smrt te sheme "trgovaca smrcu" - 
nacionalnog Odbrambenog raketnog stita. Ovaj stit guraju niz grlo americkih 
poreskih i Klintonova i Busova administracija, uprkos protivljenju vecine 
nasih saveznika. 
Sada imam veoma prosto pitanje za 
americkog predsednika: U svetlu onoga sto se danas dogodilo u Njujorku, 
Vasingtonu i Pensilvaniji, kako bi nas vas nacionalni Raketni odbrambeni stit 
zastitio od ovog napada? 
Odgovor je ocigledan. Kongres bi trebalo da ubije ovaj 
stit pre nego sto on ubije nas - finansijski i geopoliticki!
U medjuvremenu, neka se Bog smiluje dusama svih nevinih 
ljudi koji su danas umrli kao "kolateralna steta" Klintonove/Busove spoljne 
politike.  Novi svetski poredak pod vodjstvom Vasingtona se na grozan nacin 
vratio kuci. Jer, "ko se maca lati od maca ce i poginuti".
[ Prethodni clanci 
Copyright ©2000 be


2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic


Stern-Intel (Canada). A US military intelligence source revealed details
an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad
service having links to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The

intelligence source, who requested his name be withheld, confirmed the 
internal US intelligence memo circulated four weeks ago described 
information that pointed to the threat of a covert Israeli operation on
soil to turn mass public opinion against Palestinian Arabs via an
terrorist attack on US interests that would give Israel the green light
implement a large scale military onslaught against the Palestinian Arab 

The 11 September attack has been described by experts as being too 
sophisticated for a lone terrorist group to execute. "This attack
required a 
high level of military precision and the resources of  an advanced 
intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have needed to be 
extremely  familiar with both air force one flight operations, civil
flight paths and aerial assault tactics on sensitive US cities like 
Washington, Stated David Stern an expert on Israeli intelligence
The attacks targeted the Pentagon, World Trade Center towers, with the
house and air force also being targets according to the FBI.

"The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in
favor after 11 months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of Israel

over war crimes allegations and racism by a UN conference in Durban. The

attacks serve no Arab group or nation's interests but their timing came
the midst of international condemnation of Israel for its policy of
squad assassination of Palestinian political and police figures", added 

If verified, the news of Israel's involvement in the US attack will come
no surprise to intelligence experts. The state of Israel has a long
of covert operations against Western targets with attacks on the King
Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of a Scandinavian UN envoy as well as
against the US during the Jonathan Pollard case.

On Wednesday the US defense department issued a warning to its officials
halt the leak of information on the investigation which it says is
on a daily basis since the attacks occurred.

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[NSP] The Chickens Come Home to Roost by John Keller

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic
Title: Message








The Chickens Come Home to 
by John 
watching the dust from the World Trade Center buildings settle and 
the Pentagon burn, while the White House is evacuated. The FAA has 
grounded all flights, as it now appears that three domestic 
commercial airliners were hijacked and crashed into these buildings, 
and possibly one other plane crashed before finding its target. What 
else could have happened but a well organized terrorist 
here the script is set. The pundits on TV have already mentioned 
Osama bin Laden. Retired General Wesley Clark maneuvered into his 
favorite position, full frontal camera, and announced that only 
Ossama bin Laden had the resources to co-ordinate such an attack. 
Newt Gingrich repeated basically the same thing. George Bush has 
promised that the government will hunt the terrorists down and 
punish them. "Terrorism against our nation will not stand." Huh? 
Sadly, terrorism already did stand, the World Trade Centers did not, 
and the terrorists most directly responsible are already dead. 

to the TV where the anchor goes on about the previous bombing of the 
World Trade Centers, the bombing of the USS Cole, Oklahoma City, and 
the bombing of our African Embassies. Tomorrow the calls for a 
national day of mourning will begin. Somewhere in this formula of 
terrorism, mourning, Tomahawk-revenge, repeat, the news-media are 
failing to connect the dots. Where and why did the cycle begin? Why 
do people hate the United States enough to come here and try to 
wreck the maximum amount of death and destruction possible? Why, 
why, why?
Terrorism gets its name from the type of attack designed to 
generate the maximum amount of terror. The terrorists responsible 
for these attacks understood psychology well, and used it to maximum 
advantage as they planned their attack. They also had a reason for 
choosing the targets they did. Lets start with the targets, The 
World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon. 
World Trade Centers, besides the Statue of Liberty and the Empire 
State Building were two of the most widely recognized buildings in 
New York. They stood at the edge of the financial district, right on 
Wall Street. They were the two largest symbols of American global 
corporatism in New York City. They were also crammed full of people, 
with approximately 50,000 civilians working in the two every day. 
The terrorist messages, intentional or not, are fivefold. First, 
civilians are not safe; they are fair game. Second, a highly secure 
building in the middle of America’s financial capital is not safe; 
therefore, no office building in any city is safe. The result: 
office buildings in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, 
Washington, and other cities emptied within hours of the attacks. 
The UN and all government buildings in Washington were evacuated. 
Third, the airlines are not safe. The terrorists hijacked at least 4 
planes, from four different airports, and two different airlines. 
Fourth, the terrorists attacked the symbol of International finance. 
Why? Fifth, the United States military is despised by whoever did 
method of attack, and the timing tells us these terrorists had 
coldly calculated how to cause the greatest amount of grief for 
America. The flights were all domestic flights. The departure and 
arrival cities for the flights may have been only coincidental to 
the terrorist goal of hijacking the largest jets, but I don’t think 
this was the case. It’s easier to study a single airport for 
security weaknesses, get your people hired on the inside, and get 
weapons through, than it is to hijack planes from Boston, 
Washington, and Newark. That means security at three separate major 
airports was compromised. With end route cities in San Francisco, 
Los Angeles, Newark, Washington, and Boston, people across the 
entire U.S. have lost loved ones as a result of these attacks. 

As of this 

[NSP] Vesti SPO za 13.9.2001.

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Miroslav Antic

Èetvrtak, 13. septembra 2001.


Državna televizija biæe nezavisna i objektivna samo ako bude finansirana
od strane svih graðana putem takse na elektrièno brojilo, poruèuje
potpredsednik srpske Vlade Žarko Koraæ. Preuzimanje èuvene Šešeljeve
takse na brojilo uz zadržavanje nadaleko èuvenog julovsko-radikalskog
zakona o univerzitetu predstavljaju samo deo iz mnoštva simbola o
nesposobnosti i bezidejnosti Ðinðiæevog kabineta. Paradoksalno je to što
novi vlastodršci žele da izvrše korenite politièke i ekonomske reforme u
Srbiji angažujuæi ne samo struènjake iz bivšeg režima, veæ i uz
oživljavanje njihovih nakaznih zakona.


Predsedništvo Srpskog pokreta obnove donelo je odluku da iz èlanstva
stranke iskljuèi Aleksandra Vlahoviæa, ministra za privredu i
privatizaciju u Vladi Srbije. Predsedništvo je ovu odluku donelo zbog
Vlahoviæeve odgovornosti, kao resornog ministra, za drastiènan pad
proizvodnje od preko deset posto, za otpuštanje s posla velikog broja
radnika "Crvene zastave" i drugih preduzeæa, za pokušaj prodaje bez
tendera i ispod ekonomske cene "Beoèinske fabrike cementa", zbog
nepostojanja odgovarajuæeg socijalnog programa u procesu privatizacije,
kao i zbog ministrove objektivne odgovornosti što vlada Vlada Srbije
vodi katastrofalnu ekonomsku i socijalnu politiku. Aleksandar Vlahoviæ
postao je èlan opštinskog odbora SPO Sopota 16. marta 1993. godine, a u
stranaèkoj evidenciji zaveden je pod brojem 015-1. Vlahoviæ na odluku o
iskljuèenju ima pravo žalbe Komisiji za Statut Srpskog pokreta obnove.


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2001-09-13 Прати разговор Branko O. Bojovic

Postovana Gospodo,
za one koji to jos nisu videli u danasnjoj posti, ostrasceni Bojovico-mrzac je glavom
i bradom Dragan Rakic!
Evo napokon da se i on oglasi na forumima na kojima nema zastitu moderatora.
Cak mi je jedan moderator pretio iskljucenjem sa foruma i zahtevao da se izvinem
Rakicu, navodeci da sam ga "vredjao"??
Posto uvreda nije ni bilo, naravno, izostalo je i izvinjenje.
Zato Rakic javno nastavlja sve zesce da me vredja, a privatno da mi preti.
Evo jucerasnje pretnje upucene direktno meni:

"Za klevetu Bojovicu, za klevetu. A ja isto uredno arhivisem to sto sam napisao.
 Bojovicusamo se sprdajte ali verujte mi da cete pregristi jezik i da vise necete 
videti Zapada"

Da mi je samo znati sta sam ga to oklevetao?
Izgleda da je on pobrkao neke loncice. On tvrdi da me je nesto pitao a ja za to neznam?
Verovatno je u pitanju paranoja, jer uporno tvrdi da smo Branka (iz Holandije) i ja, 
Osim toga, onog trenutka kada je sam, svojevoljno, izneo neke podatke iz svog licnog
zivota, zaista ne shvatam kako moje ponavljanje TIH ISTIH podataka moze biti kleveta?
Necu ponavljati njegove reci (iz epskih pesama), ni epitete koje mi je uputio i koji 
ocigledno imaju za CILJ DA ME UVREDE, ali definitivno je zabrinjavajuca cinjenica
da je ovaj covek izgubio kontrolu i da je prekoracio granicu pristojnosti i lepog 
Neznam kakve veze sa ovom celom prepiskom imaju moji roditelji?
Mozda neko zna?

Ko je pazljivo pratio ranije objavljene tekstove, verovatno je zapamtio njegov komentar
povodom "otkrica" hladnjaca, koji je poslao pod naslovom "ISTINA", a u kome pise:

"Narodi koji ne znaju istinu o sebi nemaju budućnost,
Stvar je naše zrelosti da se suočimo s tom istinom, ma kakva ona bila."

Ili drugi citat:

"Pitanje Hag-a, je sporecno, ali se varate da nema cnjenica.

O toj osetljivoj temi, tj ; cinjenicama cak ni na ovom forumu ne trba 
otvoreno pricati

Mislim da je ovo dovoljno da bi se stekao uvid u njegovo vidjenje karaktera Srpske 

Ne bih Vas sada zamarao njegovim citatima o "svedocenjima" koja "dokazuju" mnogobrojne
zlocine koje su Srbi pocinili sirom bivse SFRJ, za koje on kaze "da su cinjenica"?
Ali je interesantno sto sada, kada je prozvan, odjednom "blago" menja iskaz i kaze:
"...ako su zlocini pocinjeni onda to treba i priznati..."

Ovo, do duse, nisam bas najbolje razumeo:
"...necete mi reci da se ne secate da je Seselj nije delio smare na peronu savezne 
Mozda zbog onog "perona ispred Skupstine"?
Ali razumem ga, covek je ocigledno pisao u afektu (moze li se to okarakterisati kao 

Vidim da ga interesuju moji licni podaci, pa se prosto pitam ZASTO?
E, pa Rakitju, netje motji (po pirocanski)!
Pozdrav svima od Branka O. Bojovica

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] :Bin Laden - Some background facts

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000 11:44 PM
> > Subject: SN920:Bin Laden - Some background facts
> >
> >
> > >
> > >Laden has 20 nukes
> > >
> > >
> > >Monday, August 9, 1999
> > >WASHINGTON -- Saudi fugitive Osama Bin Laden is believed to
> > >have up to 20 nuclear bombs and is seeking to launch a massive
> > >terrorist strike against the United States, a congressional
> > >investigator and author says.
> > >
> > >Yosef Bodansky, a researcher of the House Task Force for
> > >Counterterrorism and author of a new book on Bin Laden, told a
> > >news conference on Friday that Bin Laden has been seeking to
> > >follow up on his bombings of two U.S. embassies in east Africa
> > >one year ago. Echoing U.S. officials, Bodansky said Bin Laden
> > >was thwarted in plans to blow up the U.S. embassy and two
> > >consulates in India in last December and January.
> > >
> > >Bin Laden has biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and has
> > >received technical help from Iraq, Bodansky said. The nuclear
> > >weapons include suitcase bombs acquired through Chechniyan
> > >rebels.
> > >
> > >"The Russians believe that he has a handful [of nuclear weapons],
> > >the Saudi intelligence services are very conservative . . . they are
> > >friendly to the United States, [and] believe that he has in the
> > >neighborhood of 20," Bodansky said. Bin Laden obtained and
> > >purchased the suitcase bombs from multiple sources, he said. He
> > >has a "collection of individuals knowledgeable in activating the
> > >bombs" and "is recruiting former Soviet special forces [to learn]
> > >how to operate the bombs behind enemy lines."
> > >
> > >"As far as decision-making in Washington is concerned, we should
> > >assume that he has them," he added. "Most of them have been
> > >transferred through Pakistan."
> > >
> > >"Let me stress here: We don't have any indication that they are
> > >going to use [them] tomorrow or any other day," added Bodansky,
> > >whose intelligence estimates and analyses are considered
> > >controversial in Washingon. "But they have the capability, they
> > >have the legitimate authorization, they have the logic" for using
> > >them. "One does not [make] the tremendous amount of
> > >expenditures, effort, investment in human beings, in human
> > >resources, to have something that will be just kept somewhere in
> > >storage."
> > >
> > >Bodansky said Bin Laden has strong ties with Islamic
> > >fundamentalists throughout the Middle East, the Balkans, Britain
> > >and the United States. He refused to name any specific
> > >organization in the United States.
> > >
> > >"There's a distinct minority within the Moslem community in the
> > >United States that is very sympathetic to his cause, to his analysis
> > >and interpretation of the relationship between the hub of Islam and
> > >the penetration of Westernization, Western culture and the like,"
> > >he said. "And a minority among this minority are known to have
> > >crossed the threshold of willingness to commit terrorist acts or
> > >commit violence. Many have been trained in Afghanistan, Bosnia
> > >and elsewhere throughout the Moslem world, so that they are
> > >capable. They have the skills and capabilities to carry out an
> > >operation as required."
> > >
> > >Bodansky said Bin Laden remains in Afghanistan. He said the
> > >Saudi is located in Islam Darva, about 80 kilometers northwest of
> > >Kandahar. When he wants to communicate with the outside world,
> > >he travels to Jalalabad, he said.
> > >
> > >
> > >Monday, August 9, 1999
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >

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[NSP] jednaka osuda terorizma i u SAD i na kosovu

2001-09-13 Прати разговор SAVA VIDANOVIC



Jednaka osuda terorizma - i u SAD i na Kosovu 
Zoran Dindic u emisiji "Presing" rekao da svetu preti recesija, sto nije dobro za 
zemlju kao sto je nasa 

Predsednik Vlade Srbije Zoran Dindic izjavio je sinoc da su teroristicki napadi na 
Sjedinjene Americke Drzave dogadaji koji ce promeniti svet i istakao da se terorizam 
mora osuditi jednako - i u Americi, ali i na Kosovu. 

Osudujuci napade terorista bez presedana u novijoj svetskoj istoriji, srpski premijer 
je rekao u emisiji "Presing" Televizije Politika, da ce percepcija svetske politike 
prema nasilju biti izostrenija, sto ce, precizirao je Dindic, biti dobra prilika za 
nasu zemlju. 

"Ne samo da duboko osudujemo svaku pojavu nasilja, vec, pokazali su to dogadaji u 
prethodnom vremenu, nasa zemlja bila je ugrozena upravo od teroristickih grupa", 
precizirao je Dindic, zalozivsi se za stisavanje konflikata u kriznim regionima na 
principima politickog posredovanja, investicija i ulaganja, umesto zaostravanja 

Izrazivsi bojazan da ce posledice napada na Njujork i Vasington biti i produbljavanje 
svetske recesije, premijer je ukazao da takav scenario ne ide naruku zemljama koje 
pokusavaju da privuku investicije, kao sto je nasa. 

Zalozivsi se za jednaku osudu terorizma bilo gde na planeti, Dindic je podsetio da su 
u NATO bombardovanju stradali i jugoslovenski civili, kao sto su ginuli putnici u 
autobusu na Kosovu kada je naleteo na podmetnuti eksploziv. 

Predsednik srpske vlade upozorio je da se bez dokaza olako ne sme optuzivati arapski 
svet za odgovornost u teroristickim napadima, uocivsi da je u samoubilackim napadima 
bilo isuvise neobicnih elemenata. 

"Napadnut je Svetski trgovinski centar koji nije samo simbol Amerike, u doba kada u 
tom delu Njujorka boravi mnogo stranaca", napomenuo je Dindic, pretpostavljajuci da je 
najmanje 20 samoubica ucestvovalo u akciji, sto pre ukazuje da je, mozda, rec o nekoj 
sektaskoj organizaciji, mozda "nekoj politickoj sekti unutar SAD". 

Premijer je konstatovao da su stvari mnogo komplikovanije, od Osame bin Ladena i 
arapskih terorista. 

Komentarisuci odnose na srpskoj politickoj sceni, Dindic je, izmedu ostalog, rekao da, 
posle "revolucije" 5. oktobra, gradani realno zive bolje za 11 odsto, sto je jedan od 
najvecih uspeha njegovog kabineta. 

On je naglasio da su reforme koje sprovodi njegova vlada na dobrom putu, kao i da 
nijedna zemlja nije imala tako dobre reference na pocetku tranzicije od strane 
medunarodnih finansijskih institucija. 

Govoreci o svom imidzu u javnom mnjenju Srbije, premijer je rekao da je ovde formiran 
tip politicara koji ne resava probleme i ne ulazi u klinc, vec prica u izmaglici. 

Dindic je, takode, rekao da od DSS-a zavisi da li ce nastaviti ucesce u njegovom 
kabinetu, dodajuci: "Koga nema, bez njega se moze". 

Prema njegovoj oceni, program vlade koju predvodi, u naredne dve do tri godine, nema 
alternativu, mada rekao je on, i mesto premijera ostaje otvoreno. 

A. Apostolovski 

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] kako je sapcanka prezivela

2001-09-13 Прати разговор SAVA VIDANOVIC



Nije poslusala spasioce 

Sabac, 12. septembra 

  Oni koji su se sklonili u podrum, ostali su zatrpani: Ljiljana Zivanovic  

Kada je prvi "boing 767" udario u zgradu Svetskog trgovinskog centra u Njujorku, na 
osamdesetom spratu susednog tornja nalazila se i 35-godisnja Sapcanka Ljiljana 
Zivanovic, zaposlena kao programer u jednoj japanskoj banci. Sinoc oko 21 cas ona se 
telefonom javila majci. 

- Ljiljana mi je kroz suze rekla da se dokopala pozarnih stepenica, odmah posto je 
prvi avion sa zaglusujucom bukom udario u zgradu. Sisla je do 30. sprata kada je 
usledio drugi strahoviti udar. Cinilo se da se STC iz temelja rusi, a dim i vatra su 
bili svuda okolo. Povredila je nogu, ali je ipak uspela da izade napolje, i tada je 
videla kako ljudi u panici skacu sa prozora u smrt - kaze njena majka Zivana 

Da je poslusala spasioce koji su je terali da se sa ostalim osobama iz zdanja skloni u 
podrum Ljiljana verovatno ne bi bila ziva. Izasla je napolje u trenutku kada je drugi 
toranj padao, i uprkos velikim bolovima pocela da trci, dok su njene kolege ostale 
zatrpane pod rusevinama. Posle deset kilometara pesacenja, stigla je do prvih 
prijatelja, odakle se telefonom javila deci, a zatim majci. 

Ljiljana Zivanovic je bila dak generacije u Sapcu, a 1998. godine sa sinovima 
Vladimirom (14) i Dusanom (10) se odselila u SAD, i nastanila u Bruklinu. Jedno vreme 
radila je u agenciji za telekomunikacije, a poslednjih deset meseci bila je zaposlena 
u japanskoj banci u STC. 

M. Mijuskovic 

Sestra poginula u avionu, brat preziveo u tornju 

Dablin, 12. septembra (Tanjug) 

Jedna Irkinja i njena kci poginule su u otetom avionu koji je udario u jedan od 
tornjeva Svetskog trgovinskog centra u Njujorku, dok je njen brat, koji se u istom 
trenutku nalazio u zgradi - preziveo, saopstila je njihova porodica. 

Rut Mekkort i njena kci Dzulijana bile su u avionu koji je otet na letu iz Bostona u 
Los Andeles i koji je potom udario u STC. Njen brat Roni Kliford u trenutku udara 
upravo je ulazio u STC i preziveo nesrecu. 

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[NSP] ptica ne moze, zatvorenik moze

2001-09-13 Прати разговор SAVA VIDANOVIC


Ptica ne moze, zatvorenik moze 
U americkoj Vojnoj bazi u Sojevu kod Urosevca niko ne moze da zaviri "iza resetaka" 

Bondstil, Urosevac, 12. septembra 

Mada je baza Bondstil obezbedena, i na prvi pogled se cini da iz nje ni ptica ne moze 
da poleti, zabelezeno je vise slucajeva bezanja iz zatvora. Rec je o lokalnim 
Albancima, inace, uhapsenim pod sumnjom da su pocinili teska krivicna dela. 

Po recima americkog pres-oficira majora Normana Dzonsona u ovoj bazi nalazi se zatvor 
za nedisciplinovane vojnike i lokalne zitelje koji ostaju u pritvoru pre nego sto ih 
predaju zvanicnim sudskim vlastima. 

Losi momci 

U zatvoru, koji ne moze niko da poseti osim americkih marinaca koji ga obezbeduju i 
istraznih organa, trenutno se nalazi stotinak Albanaca, potvrdio je gospodin Dzonson. 

- Uhapseni su prilikom pokusaja da predu sa Kosova u Makedoniju. Oruzje su prenosili 
kako su znali i umeli. Za te tovare, preko planinskih vrleti, koristili su konje. Na 
onom brezuljku ogradenom zicom, vidite ga tamo, pokaza rukom, vise je od dvadeset 
konja. Na njima su prenosili oruzje - kazao je major Dzonson, pokazujuci rukom na 
visoravan, gde su oni mirno pasli. - Njihovi vlasnici mogu da ih povedu kad god hoce. 
Ali, izgleda, plase se da dodu po svoje zivotinje, verovatno zbog eventualne istrage 
koja bi mogla i na njih da se odnosi. 

U bazi postoji "gradski saobracaj Bondstila". Rec je o kruznim linijama. Na prevoz se 
ne ceka dugo, jer na svakih 15 minuta autobus obilazi bazu. 

Pored americkih vojnika, ovde su i grcka 501. mehanizovana i poljski 18. vazduhoplovni 
bataljon, ruska 13. takticka grupa, 14. ukrajinska helikopterska i 37. motorizovana 
regimenta sa 130 vojnika, litvanski artiljerci i 100 vojnika iz Ujedinjenih Arapskih 

Vojnici su smesteni u barake. Svaka je duzine 60, a sirine 15 metara. Ukupno ih ima 
160, sa po sest soba. U muskim sobama je po sest, a u zenskim po tri vojnika. U svakoj 
sobi su erkondisn, tekuca voda, struja i telefonska veza. U americkom delu armije u 
bazi 10 odsto su zene. 

Americki placenici 

U Bondstilu se prvo nalazila aktivna americka vojska sa Aljaske koja je posle sest 
meseci boravka na Kosmetu demobilisana. Nju je smenila 127. mobilna jedinica rezervnog 

Pesadijske artiljerijske jedinice uglavnom cine Amerikanci starosti od 20 do 30 godina 
i tu su po ugovoru. Mesecna plata im je 2.000 dolara i plus 40 odsto dodatka koji im 
sleduje na osnovu ratne opasnosti, jer borave na Kosovu. 

Kako ovaj posao nije izuzetno privlacan cesto se medu ovim profesionalcima nadu i 
labilne osobe koje se zbog neprilagodavanja na kolektivni nacin zivota, novu sredinu, 
kao i na klimu, odaju alkoholu i narkomaniji. Dizu cak i ruku na sebe. Nedavno je 
jedan americki vojnik izvrsio samoubistvo. 

M. Laketic 

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] spijuni i humanitarci

2001-09-13 Прати разговор SAVA VIDANOVIC


Spijuni i humanitarci 
Bagdad proterao pet clanova Misije UN za humanitarnu pomoc uz obrazlozenje da su se 
bavili spijunazom. - Neobicno cutanje Saveta bezbednosti 

Savet bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija cuteci je saslusao neugodnu vest o proterivanju 
dela osoblja iz Iraka koje je bilo angazovano na kontroli raspodele humanitarne pomoci 
ovoj zemlji. Muk u Palati Ujedinjenih nacija u Njujorku narusava jedino neodlucni glas 
Benona Sevana, direktora programa "Nafta za hranu", kojim je pozivao vlasti u Bagdadu 
da objasne razloge zbog kojih je proterano petoro clanova Misije UN - cetvoro 
Nigerijaca i jedna zena iz Bosne. 

U Palati se, pored Sevanovog, cuo jos glas Mohamada al Durija, irackog ambasadora u 
svetskoj organizaciji, koji je ne Savetu bezbednosti vec novinarima - pruzio trazeno 

Proterani su, objasnjava ambasador Duri, sto u Iraku nisu obavljali poslove Misije, 
vec su se bavili uhodenjem, spijuniranjem irackih objekata i ustanova za racun drugih 
zemalja. Proterani su radi njihove "licne bezbednosti". Ambasador nije pruzio dokaze o 
pojedinostima delovanja proteranih clanova Misije, ali je cin proterivanja doveo u 
vezu sa slucajem jednog Holandanina, takode clana Misije, koji je, iz istih razloga, 
iz Iraka isteran 30. avgusta. 

Bilo je i ranije carki izmedu "neposlusnog" Iraka i svetske organizacije koja je pod 
pritiskom Sjedinjenih Drzava i evropskih vlada odobrila rigorozne sankcije koje satiru 
ovu zemlju, inace iscrpenu osmogodisnjim ratovima sa Iranom, a onda su Ujedinjene 
nacije, ispravljajuci donekle gresku, usvojile 1996. program "Nafta za hranu". 

Irackim vlastima je ovim programom dozvoljeno da svake godine izvezu naftu u vrednosti 
od pet milijardi dolara. Prihodom od tog izvoza vlasti mogu da kupuju hranu i lekove 
kako bi se ublazilo dramaticno stanje u ovoj zemlji. Uz program je u Irak pristigla i 
Misija ciji je zadatak da nadzire realizaciju ovog programa. 

Sa misijama UN u Iraku i ranije je bilo neugodnih sporenja. Inspektorske grupe koje su 
kontrolisale proizvodnju oruzja u ovoj zemlji bavile su se - kako je kasnije nepobitno 
utvrdeno - i poslovima koji nisu bili predvideni u okviru njihove delatnosti. Kad god 
su u Iraku tvrdili da su otkrili takve osobe, avioni Sjedinjenih Drzava su preoravali 
tlo ove zemlje trazeci Sadama Huseina, koji se, inace, svakodnevno pojavljuje pred TV 
kamerama i dostupan je svim drzavnicima koji posecuju ovu zemlju. 

U atmosferi konfuzije i oskudnih informacija, od konflikta koji je nastao 
proterivanjem trpe i Irak i Ujedinjene nacije. 

Iraku, koji ni u sopstvenom okruzenju nema bas pouzdanih prijatelja, moglo bi da se 
desi da izgubi potporu koja mu osigurava prezivljavanje. U velikoj grupi clanova 
Misije UN, koja ima 900 predstavnika iz velikog broja zemalja, moguce je da se nade i 
poneki "otpadnik". Ali, Misija u celini efikasno deluje i ne bi valjalo da se bilo 
cime njena plemenita delatnost dovede u pitanje. 

Misija odraduje poslove u kojima je za cetiri i po godine, koliko deluje u ovoj 
pustinjskoj zemlji, u Irak distribuirano hrane i lekova u vrednosti od 15 milijardi 
dolara. Njeno osoblje revnosno odraduje svoje obaveze i u oblasti izvoza nafte iz 
Iraka, cija je vrednost za ovo vreme premasila 12,5 milijardi dolara. Sada je taj 
mamutski posao nagrizlo petoro ili sestoro mogucih spijuna. 

S tom cinjenicom suocio se i Savet bezbednosti, ali je reagovao samo neuobicajenim 
cutanjem. I to deluje uznemirujuce. 

D. Tesic 

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] ukinuta presuda clanicama NATO-a

2001-09-13 Прати разговор SAVA VIDANOVIC



Ukinuta presuda celnicama NATO-a 
Posle zalbe branilaca osudenih, procenjeno da je "za krivicno delo povrede 
teritorijalnog inegriteta iskljucivo nadlezan Vojni sud" 

Vrhovni sud Srbije ukinuo je presudu Okruznog suda u Beogradu, kojom je u septembru 
prosle godine 14 celnika NATO-a proglaseno krivim zbog krivicnih dela protiv 
covecnosti i medunarodnog prava, saopsteno je juce iz Okruznog suda. 

Predmet je vracen na ponovno sudenje, a ukinuta je naredba za pritvor i izdavanje 
poternice protiv okrivljenih, navedeno je u saopstenju. 

Prvostepenom odlukom, celnici NATO-a osudeni su za zlodela pocinjena tokom agresije 
alijanse na SR Jugoslaviju od 24. marta do 10. juna 1999. godine. 

Svih 14 optuzenih (Vilijem Klinton, Madlen Olbrajt,

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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2001-09-13 Прати разговор Jovan Grbic

Kazite nam ko je to bio. Moramo da znamo! 

Jovan Grbic


On 12 Sep 2001, at 12:27, Jankovic, Tika wrote:

Gospodine Bojovicu,
Ja nikada nisam primetio ni trag Vase "klevete" bilogoga u krugu
dopisnika na ovoj mrezi. "Zapad" je carstvo totalne i totalitarne
blokade bilokakvog slobodnog misljenja, pisanog ili recenog. 
americka publika uziva pravo ispoljavanja svoga misljenja samo pet
minuta svake cetvrte godine, prilikom glasanja. I tada nije
garantovano glasacu da ce njegov glas stici do izabranog kandidata. U
Americi je na vlasti JEDNA JEDINA PARTIJA, kobajagi "dvokrilna",
republikanska i demokratska, koje sluze jednom istom gazdi. Ucesce
naroda u odlukama vlade je naglaseno u udzbenicima za skole i drugim
propagandnim spisima za zaglupljivanje masa, domacih i stranih. Ova
americka predstava sa rusenjem aviona je deo plana da se okonca svaki
buduci pokusaj suprotstavljanja imperijalnoj sili i njenim planovima 
osvajanju i pljacki sveta, i sopstvenog gradjanstva( odjuce je benzin
u Cikagu poskupeo od $1.7/gall na $4.5/gall). Jedinu slobodu reci 
uzivaju americka javna glasila u sluzbi korporacija i njihovih
interesa. Ako ste neoprezno stali na njihov nozni prst, zverski ce 
napasti, sto sto su Vam vec ucinili.

Tika Jankovic, Kalifornija

> -Original Message-
> From: Branko O. Bojovic [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:53 AM
> To:   STOP NSP; Sorabia; promena; ljudska prava; KPYU; forum srpska
> kultura Subject:  [NSP] VERBALNI DELIKT
> Postovana Gospodo,
> koliko smo samo zuci izlili optuzujuci nase bivse sisteme za
> diktaturu, totalitarizam, nepotizam, cenzuru, jednoumlje,
> staljinizam, fasizam... Dobivsi demokratsku vlast, nadali smo se da
> je to sve ostalo za nama. Na zalost, malo se toga sustinski
> promenilo! Normalno, ljudi su ostali isti. Zapad nas je podrzao u
> kritici zbog kontrole medija, alli videsmo sta se desilo "Dan"-u!
> Verbalni delikt je bio simbol obespravljenosti gradjana i krsenja
> ljudskih prava u prethodnom rezimu! Kao takav, oznacen je od strane
> Zapadnih demokratija kao primarni cilj za ukidanje. Slozili smo se
> sa tim. Sada sam suocen sa cinjenicom da mi se sa tog istog
> "demokratskog" Zapada preti zbog tog istog prestupa? Procitajte
> sledece reci koje sam primio od jednog stalnog ucesnika ovih foruma:
> "... garantijem vam da cete to gorko zazaliti .
> Vec danas cu pokrenuti tuzbu protiv vas kod EU suda, pa se smejte
> koliko hocete, ali znajte da cete to skupo platiti. Ovo jeste
> pretnja i to cu da ostvarim"
> Eto tipicnog primera kako Zapadna "demokratija" prihvata
> "ravnopravan" odnos sa nama. Dok "pevate" kako oni sviraju, sve OK.
> Cim se usprotivite, makar samo i verbalno, eto kazne! Zasto me to
> toliko podseca na ono o sargarepi i stapu? Mozda i ja zavrsim u
> Seveningenu? Ko zna? Bar me vise nece muciti svakodnevna borba za
> prezivljavanje? U svrhu pripreme moje odbrane, molim sve ucesnike da
> mi pomognu i da pokusaju da nadju neku moju izjavu kojom iznosim
> neku klevetu, laz ili nekog vredjam. Pa neka me o tome blagovremeno
> upozore, kako bih se pripremio za "zasticene svedoke" i unakrsno
> ispitivanje! Salu na stranu, neverovatno je kolika je arogancija
> "Zapadnjaka", koji misle da je dovoljno sto imaju pasos neke od
> zemalja iz G8, pa da su u svemu u pravu i da NIKO NE SME NI VERBALNO
> DA IM SE SUPROTSTAVI. Hoce li nas oni ikada ozbiljno saslusati?
> Pozdrav Branko O. Bojovic NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi
> --=_NextPart_000_015C_01C13BC4.7C4351E0-- 

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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