[Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Martijn van Exel
Hi all,

The final phase of the license changeover to the Open Database
License[1] from our current CC-BY-SA is drawing near. From April 1[2],
current OpenStreetMap data will only be available under the new
license. This means that all data that was contributed by those who
did not agree to the new Contributor Terms (CT) will be removed by
then. Although the vast majority of contributors have agreed to the
CT, some 'tainted' data is in jeopardy of being lost. Have a look at
the CleanMap[3] and Acceptance Statistics[4] tools to get a sense of
what we're talking about. There's even significant stretches of
interstate among the jeopardized data.

There are several things we can do together to minimize the data loss
and ensure a smooth changeover to the new license:
* Contact mappers who have declined or not agreed yet. Use the OSM
Inspektor[5] to identify those users in your area and contact them
using the messaging function on the OSM web site. I'd highly recommend
to start doing that first. Mappers who are no longer active may have
just overlooked the invitation email to accept the CT. Experience
shows that a little effort contacting them can yield quick progress.
Mappers who have already declined have made that conscious decision,
but I'd try contacting them anyway.
* Remap data that remains at risk of being removed, following the
guidelines on the wiki (see links below).

If your own area is clean, please consider helping out in more heavily
affected areas.

The OSM wiki provides more background and excellent, up to date
resources[6][7]. You'll find answers to most questions you may have


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Database_Licence
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Data_License/Implementation_Plan
[3] http://cleanmap.poole.ch/?zoom=5lat=38.94lon=-97.04
[4] http://odbl.poole.ch/
[5] http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=wtfelon=-99.80273lat=39.46504zoom=4
[6] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Remapping
[7] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Help_preparing_for_the_license_change

martijn van exel
geospatial omnivore
1109 1st ave #2
salt lake city, ut 84103

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Mike N

On 1/13/2012 10:49 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

* Remap data that remains at risk of being removed, following the
guidelines on the wiki (see links below).

Assuming that the April 1 delete is a smart delete, is it better to wait 
until afterward?   I'm thinking of this -

 1 TIGER - agreer
 2 Bridges, etc - decliner
 3 Attribution - Maxspeed, lanes, etc. - agreer

  Rather than just deleting the road and starting over from aerial or 
TIGER, will the April 1 roll back the decliner's edits, thus preserving 
the agreer's contributions?

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Peter Dobratz
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Mike N nice...@att.net wrote:

 On 1/13/2012 10:49 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 * Remap data that remains at risk of being removed, following the
 guidelines on the wiki (see links below).

 Assuming that the April 1 delete is a smart delete, is it better to wait
 until afterward?   I'm thinking of this -

  1 TIGER - agreer
  2 Bridges, etc - decliner
  3 Attribution - Maxspeed, lanes, etc. - agreer

  Rather than just deleting the road and starting over from aerial or
 TIGER, will the April 1 roll back the decliner's edits, thus preserving the
 agreer's contributions?

I agree that it makes more sense to clean up the map after the deletes from
the license change have taken affect.  As far as I know, it's still being
sorted out exactly which portions of the map will be deleted.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Nathan Edgars II

On 1/13/2012 12:39 PM, Peter Dobratz wrote:

I agree that it makes more sense to clean up the map after the deletes
from the license change have taken affect.
Except that the April Fools change will not preserve a lot of the 
additions (if a non-agreer splits a way, and you add a maxspeed, how is 
the OSMF to know if the maxspeed should apply to the entire way?).

 As far as I know, it's still

being sorted out exactly which portions of the map will be deleted.

Exactly, and this is the big problem with any remapping efforts. Not 
only may some of it be useless (though, arguably, this whole exercise 
is), but also some ways that are currently marked clean may be found not 
to be (through a closer look at splits, merges, etc.).

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Josh Doe
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Martijn van Exel m...@rtijn.org wrote:
 There are several things we can do together to minimize the data loss
 and ensure a smooth changeover to the new license:
 * Contact mappers who have declined or not agreed yet.

I've heard this theme over and over again, that the majority of
undecided users have likely just changed email addresses, and aren't
even aware that their contributions are going to be lost. Why don't we
try and do a little PR campaign? Make up a press release, and at least
try and get some of the nerd-friendly sites (Slashdot comes to mind)
to carry a prominent article/post with a catchy headline like Ever
contributed to OpenStreetMap? If you don't act by April 1 your work
will be lost. Create a simple list of the names of undecided users so
people can quickly search for usernames they typically use, in case
they forgot. Who knows, this might catch a lot of people.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Toby Murray
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Peter Dobratz pe...@dobratz.us wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Mike N nice...@att.net wrote:

 On 1/13/2012 10:49 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 * Remap data that remains at risk of being removed, following the
 guidelines on the wiki (see links below).

 Assuming that the April 1 delete is a smart delete, is it better to wait
 until afterward?   I'm thinking of this -

  1 TIGER - agreer
  2 Bridges, etc - decliner
  3 Attribution - Maxspeed, lanes, etc. - agreer

  Rather than just deleting the road and starting over from aerial or
 TIGER, will the April 1 roll back the decliner's edits, thus preserving the
 agreer's contributions?

 I agree that it makes more sense to clean up the map after the deletes from
 the license change have taken affect.  As far as I know, it's still being
 sorted out exactly which portions of the map will be deleted.

Even if you don't do any pre-emptive remapping, I would still
encourage everyone to try and contact a few non-decided mappers. I
have had pretty good luck sending a message throught he OSM message
system and then finding what I suspect are the same users on various
other sites and asking them if they are the owner of the OSM account
and asking them to log in and check their messages if they are. I have
gotten positive responses via twitter, facebook and flickr resulting
in 5 users accepting the new terms. This took both Topeka and Lawrnece
from being massive red blobs to being 99% ODbL ready. And at least one
of the users made his first changeset in 2 years so that's a nice

As for remapping efforts, if you want to wait for the hammer to drop
in your area, that's fine. However I am trying to ensure that at least
the major nationwide road networks don't become completley unroutable
on April 1st. I think this would be a major blow to the credibility of
OSM. I have detailed my remapping efforts as it relates specifically
to interstates in a blog post which I will shamelessly plug here:


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Richard Weait
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Peter Dobratz pe...@dobratz.us wrote:
 [ ... ] it makes more sense to clean up the map after the deletes from
 the license change have taken affect.

I disagree.  It's always better to go mapping than to not go mapping.
That's the core value of OSM; improve the data.

If nothing else, be aware of the license-status of objects while you
map.  Use the deep-diff history tool and the OSMI license status
display while you are doing your everyday mapping.  When you find that
you have an object to improve; consider the license status and clean
it as well.

I'm sure that with motivated mappers cleaning as well as mapping,
we'll leave little to fix at the end with the scripts.  I'm equally
sure that motivated mappers will do a better job of making the best
data from all appropriate sources.  We already know that mappers are
better than scripts.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Martijn van Exel
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Peter Dobratz pe...@dobratz.us wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Mike N nice...@att.net wrote:

 On 1/13/2012 10:49 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 * Remap data that remains at risk of being removed, following the
 guidelines on the wiki (see links below).

 Assuming that the April 1 delete is a smart delete, is it better to wait
 until afterward?   I'm thinking of this -

  1 TIGER - agreer
  2 Bridges, etc - decliner
  3 Attribution - Maxspeed, lanes, etc. - agreer

  Rather than just deleting the road and starting over from aerial or
 TIGER, will the April 1 roll back the decliner's edits, thus preserving the
 agreer's contributions?

 I agree that it makes more sense to clean up the map after the deletes from
 the license change have taken affect.  As far as I know, it's still being
 sorted out exactly which portions of the map will be deleted.

As far as I know there is no authoritative source telling us what data
is going to be deleted and how smartly that is going to be done. What
I do know is that the License Working Group has started an 'official'
campaign in the UK for preparing for the license change and they
basically encourage the same steps: contact users, remap. They also
list the same resources (CleanMap, OSM Inspektor) to guide remapping
efforts. I know that Richard W (LWG) has carried this initiative over
to Canada. So as far as authoritativeness goes, this is it.

If we wait, we are going to have a map with gaping holes on April 1. I
think that is a Very Bad Thing. People and organizations are actually
using OpenStreetMap data. Those people and organizations may not be
aware of our internal processes, and will be extremely unpleasantly
surprised when they download a planet after that date that lacks
hundreds of miles of the interstate system. People may even have
auto-replication set up for their local OpenStreetMap stacks,
depending on those updates to generally be improvements. Imagine their
surprise when they're suddenly serving up a significantly inferior map
to their customers.

So no, I don't think we can afford to wait.
martijn van exel
geospatial omnivore
1109 1st ave #2
salt lake city, ut 84103

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Richard Weait
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Martijn van Exel m...@rtijn.org wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

 I will even pre-emptively delete stuff that I know would otherwise get
 deleted automatically, because that way I am in control, I see what happens,
 I see the side effects, and can repair where necessary. The other option is
 waiting for some bot to do something and then try and find out what happened

 I do that too. There is of course a small chance of the decliner
 changing his or her mind, so I only delete data that is tainted by a
 decliner that I have personally been in touch with about the license
 change and my best judgement is that his / her decision is final.

We often improve or remap the work of other mappers without seeking
permission first.  So contacting mappers in advance of cleaning an
area is not required.  I check in with no-response accounts as I check
an area.  I'm not contacting every decliner when I clean objects they
touched but I do try to send a note to each non-responder. Decliners
have stated their position and I'm not interested in haranguing them.

I've found some non-responders who didn't remember that they had
contributed data to OSM.  And some who have started mapping again.
That's awesome.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Paul Johnson
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:44:30PM -0700, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 I do that too. There is of course a small chance of the decliner
 changing his or her mind, so I only delete data that is tainted by a
 decliner that I have personally been in touch with about the license
 change and my best judgement is that his / her decision is final.

Speaking of, has anyone talked to balrog-kun yet?  I know he was at
one point insanely prolific and I often stumble across his data, he's
currently a decliner.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Richard Weait
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Paul Johnson ba...@ursamundi.org wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:44:30PM -0700, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 I do that too. There is of course a small chance of the decliner
 changing his or her mind, so I only delete data that is tainted by a
 decliner that I have personally been in touch with about the license
 change and my best judgement is that his / her decision is final.

 Speaking of, has anyone talked to balrog-kun yet?  I know he was at
 one point insanely prolific and I often stumble across his data, he's
 currently a decliner.

You can often find him on #osm irc.oftc.net with a similar handle.
While he has declined, he has also granted that his mechanical / mass
edits are ODbL-clean.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Mike N

On 1/13/2012 4:50 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

Speaking of, has anyone talked to balrog-kun yet?  I know he was at
one point insanely prolific and I often stumble across his data, he's
currently a decliner.

 I don't have a clue what the below statement means, since he hasn't 
said he'll make his edits Public Domain.


All of my contributions* made through this account are ODbL-compatible. 
You are free to use my contributions under the terms of either CC-By-SA 
or ODbL* licenses at your preference, and you are free to sublicense my 
contributions under ODbL 1.0 without attributing me other than as 
OpenStreetMap contributors.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread Apollinaris Schoell
If you really want to understand this you will need to ask a lawyer. or start a 
discussen on talk-legal 

to me it looks like some political game and splitting hairs about some of the 
CT details. Considering balrog-kun has a new account where CT is accepted and 
this declaration then all the data can be adopted by any mapper and declared 
odbl clean. all the bot edits are already declared odbl clean at 
and my interpretation is that the whole user account can be adopted

On Jan 13, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Mike N wrote:

 On 1/13/2012 4:50 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 Speaking of, has anyone talked to balrog-kun yet?  I know he was at
 one point insanely prolific and I often stumble across his data, he's
 currently a decliner.
 I don't have a clue what the below statement means, since he hasn't said 
 he'll make his edits Public Domain.
 All of my contributions* made through this account are ODbL-compatible. You 
 are free to use my contributions under the terms of either CC-By-SA or ODbL* 
 licenses at your preference, and you are free to sublicense my contributions 
 under ODbL 1.0 without attributing me other than as OpenStreetMap 
 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread andrzej zaborowski
On 13 January 2012 22:50, Paul Johnson ba...@ursamundi.org wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:44:30PM -0700, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 I do that too. There is of course a small chance of the decliner
 changing his or her mind, so I only delete data that is tainted by a
 decliner that I have personally been in touch with about the license
 change and my best judgement is that his / her decision is final.

 Speaking of, has anyone talked to balrog-kun yet?  I know he was at
 one point insanely prolific and I often stumble across his data, he's
 currently a decliner.

I'm balrog-kun, if you see my data in the US you can add odbl=clean*
because I haven't used any non-ODbL sources outside of Europe.  But I
have used such sources in Europe and so (Richard Weait says..) this is
not compatible with CT 1.2.4.  This is not the main reason I have
declined CT, but in any case all of my own work is ODbL compatible and
me saying that probably has more legal value than a half-automatic
click-through.. well, unless I'm not balrog-kun, but then I couldn't
have put it on the user page.

I'm not in Oregon these days which is why no new data is appearing from me.


* provided other authors in the history also license their
contributions ODbL, which old LWG minutes say is *not* implied by CT

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Getting ready for the license change

2012-01-13 Thread andrzej zaborowski
On 14 January 2012 01:19, Andrew Cleveland evil.salt...@gmail.com wrote:
 So every TIGER way in the western US will require the odbl=clean tag?

No, the bot edits are assumed by LWG to not deserve protection, plus
additionally all the related changesets are on Frederik Ramm's
whitelist which I think is likely to be used during the license switch
should it happen.


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