Re[2]: From column format

2004-01-30 Thread Andy
> Hello tb,

> On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 15:37:40 -0600 GMT (29/01/2004, 04:37 +0700 GMT),

>> At one point, I seem to recall having changed the From
>> column in the message list listview so that it did not
>> display anything but [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I don't think that's possible in TB.

>> How do I do this, or is my memory mistaking another client?

> Either you are confused or I am. ;-)

Try alt-clicking on the thing you want to filter by, type ESC to
return to normal

Andy Philpotts

Using The Bat! v2.03 Beta/40 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

How to apply simple action to message?

2003-08-30 Thread Andy
I want to quickly and easily (hopefully just a hotkey) forward a
message to a fixed address, mark it as read, and move it to a
particular folder. How can I do this with TheBat? (I'm using 2.0 Beta


"Earn cash in your spare time -- blackmail friends"

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Mark as junk in rules ?

2003-10-15 Thread Andy
> Is there a way to automatically Mark as junk a mail using a rule ?
> I'm reporting spam via a specific rule and would like also to mark
> it as junk in order to fil my bayesian filter...

I'm not going to respond to the question, since I do not have a good
answer, but I might question this policy.

I have this situation myself, as my mailbox host correctly tags some
small percentage of my SPAM. I thought about doing just what you
suggest, but at the end of the day decided to simply move the tagged
mail to my SPAM folder without running it through Bayesian. The
reasoning follows. I admit this is a kind of guess on my part, and I
would be interested in a contrary explanation.

I suspect that since the Bayesian filter learns, you may not want it
learning stuff that you have other means of detecting. All I think you
will do is make it try to duplicate the work done elsewhere, and it
will be filled with words it does not really need or want to know

Andy Philpotts

Using The Bat! v2.01 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Re : Mark as junk in rules ?

2003-10-15 Thread Andy
> Hello,

A>> will do is make it try to duplicate the work done elsewhere, and
A>> it will be filled with words it does not really need or want to
A>> know about.

> That's a good reflexion... I'm not good enough with Bayesian filter to
> know what's the good solution... But not marking SPAM as Junk will
> also fill the filter with bad data ? Am I wrong ?

My speculation is that it will continue to think of the e-mail as
good. Maybe this is where my grand theory goes to hell in a
hand-basket! Now I don't know what to do, or how to do it!

Andy Philpotts

Using The Bat! v2.01 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: What is that number?

2003-10-17 Thread Andy
> What is the meaning of a number in angle brackets in the Total
> column, such as, "0 <5>"?  I can't find an explanation in the
> on-line help.

It is the total count of messages in all the sub-folders of the given
folder, handy if you fold part of the tree. You only see this for
folders which have sub-folders.

Andy Philpotts

Using The Bat! v2.01 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Off-Topic: PGP Questions

2003-10-29 Thread Andy
> First question:

> I assume that PGP prevents anyone from intercepting the email at some
> point between a person's sending it and its arrival at the computer to
> which it was intended.

It can be intercepted, in the sense that anyone can see that a message
has been sent, but it is encrypted, and decoding it is very difficult
(in most cases so difficult as to be considered secure) so it cannot
be usefully read. For the same reasons the content is also considered
tamperproof, so a malicious person in the middle cannot modify the

>  Does it also prevent anyone at that computer
> from reading the email other than the intended recipient? In other
> words, if I send an email to a husband, does PGP prevent the wife's
> from reading it on her husband's computer?

This depends... if the pass-phrase is easily available, or could be
guessed, and the private key is held on the aforementioned computer, I
would not consider it safe. This depends on the habits of the

> This is *not* a smart-ass or rhetorical question. I'm fairly naive,
> but in five years of sending email, including my credit card numbers,
> I've never had anything intercepted between my computer and the
> recipient's computer.

I'm not being a smart-ass either, but how would you know? I suspect
all you really know is that such information has not been abused in
any way. You do not know if someone has been keeping a log of traffic
to use at some later date. The mail you normally send passes through
several computer, and over other peoples networks. The information
could be picked up at any point. There is reason the believe that your
government (pick one!) is doing this as a matter of course!

It is a guiding principle of the cypher analyst to *not* let on that
the messages are being intercepted. I would strongly advise you not to
assume that somebody is not doing it!

>  I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else has
> ever had their own email intercepted.

Again, that it has been "intercepted" is impossible to judge, unless
you can find evidence that it has been used.

> I see the value of encrypting an email with really important or
> sensitive information, but I note that many people seem to encrypt
> their email to this list as well, even when it contains nothing
> valuable that would seem to warrant encryption. Is there an advantage
> to encrypting personal or unimportant business email or do people just
> encrypt everything they send out by default?

You are seeing two things, a lot of people have been adding PGP
signatures. This is NOT encrypting the message, it is adding a
signature that is very difficult to forge. signatures are useful not
because they hide the message, but because the message is known to
come from a trusted source. This is the most common case.

The more rarely seen thing is a completely encrypted message, which
only the recipient can decode.

> I went to the site but couldn't find anything that really
> explains the nuts and bolts of how the system works ...

Everyone has a pair of keys, one private, kept solely by them, the
other public, for anyone who is interested.

In short, to decrypt a message from someone, you need *their* public
key, and you need *your* private key. Imagine a door with two locks,
to unlock it you need BOTH keys.

Similarly, the sender of the message needs *their* private key, and
*your* public key.

Private keys are private, and never shared, public keys are designed
to be shared, which is why you see them on e-mail from people. The
biggest weakness is someone persuades you that they are someone else,
and they pass you a public key that is not in fact for the person you
think it is for. Be careful about how you pick up a public key.

Public keys are either exchanged through e-mail, or retrieved from
public servers. Private keys are stored locally (ideally on removable
media) and protected through a pass-phrase (like a long password).

Andy Philpotts

Using The Bat! v2.01 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Deleting large messages

2000-11-04 Thread Andy

Hi all,

Just discovered a mix of setting which seems a bit risky to me.

If  you  have  an  account  set  to  delete  messages from server once
retrieved,  and  also  set to not receive messages over x size. When a
message  arrives  over  that  size,  TB  just retrieves the header and
deletes the message, without giving you an option of retirieving it if
you wish to.

Have  I  done  something  wrong  here,  is  there  an option to delete
messages  from  the server, but also not to delete all large messages,
just those that you want to?

Best regards
Using The Bat Ver 1.47 Halloween Edition 
On Windows NT 5 Build 2195 

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Address book & reply queries

2000-11-04 Thread Andy

Hi again,

Sorry, I have two queries.

1.  I  did  a  search  using  my address book on an LDAP server, got a
couple  of  results,  but  now  all  the  entries in my personal local
address book have disappeared.

2. I know I can use F4 to quote selected text in a reply, but how do I
do this if I want to "reply all" as opposed to just reply?


Best regards
Using The Bat Ver 1.47 Halloween Edition 
On Windows NT 5 Build 2195 

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Should I stay or should I go...?

2003-01-14 Thread Andy Holt
Hello all.

OK, assuming you've not filtered out my email completely because I'm
using Outlook 2000 :-), I have a question (or two).  I've just found The
Bat!, test-installed it (latest as of yesterday, 1.62 is it?), and it
looks good, but it seems to me that a move from one email client to
another will be a massive investment of my time.

1. Is it worth it? (OK, I know you're all going to say yes!)
2. (for ex-Outlook 2000 users)  Being honest, are there any things that
OL 2000 does that you cannot do in TB!, that you miss?

Some small examples seem to be that:
- I cannot open different folders at once in different windows
- I cannot save searches and thus make explorer short cuts to them
- I cannot import OL filter rules (OK that's a one shot problem, but I
do have loads)
- I cannot export folders back to OL .PST files - this makes a migration
more risky

I'd be glad of any workarounds to these, plus feedback on the questions

I've also not been massively impressed with stability / quality.  The
uninstaller doesn't work, for a start, and I've had a few 'crashes'
(didn't bother recording the details...)  Thoughts on this?


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

A few issues... *help*

2001-07-29 Thread Andy Lurig

Hi there!  Having a few issues with The Bat Configuration, and haven't
found anything in the FAQ or Help files, or the Archive.

1) Mailto: opens The Bat! however, does not open a blank message (like
it should), doesn't even work if I have The Bat! already open...
thoughts?  I use Opera 5.12

2) In my Folder/New/Total Pane, I noticed the 12 (57) for Inbox... I
assume this is 12 total messages (all 'read'), but 59 confuses me...
The Trash is empty, so I don't understand while it's 'holding on' to
this number... thoughts on fixing this?

3) What's with .MSG files?  HTML files will 'tab' themselves below my
message (which is great, since this is a major habit of Hotmail and
AOL users), but this isn't the case for .msg files.  I have to
double-click the attachment (I have it set to display attachments on
the left side of the message) to be able to view it... This is
incredilby inconvenient that it opens a whole new message window just
to do this, when It could treat it like a .htm file, for quick
viewing.  Is this a configuration issue or something that needs to be
in the next version?

4) I love The Bat!, and I thank you in advance for any and all


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Re: A few issues... *help* -update-

2001-07-29 Thread Andy Lurig

***Ignore #2... Figured it out (big 'L' on forehead)***


- - - - -

Monday, July 30, 2001, 2:55:14 AM, you wrote:

AL> Hi there!  Having a few issues with The Bat Configuration, and haven't
AL> found anything in the FAQ or Help files, or the Archive.

AL> 1) Mailto: opens The Bat! however, does not open a blank message (like
AL> it should), doesn't even work if I have The Bat! already open...
AL> thoughts?  I use Opera 5.12

AL> 2) In my Folder/New/Total Pane, I noticed the 12 (57) for Inbox... I
AL> assume this is 12 total messages (all 'read'), but 59 confuses me...
AL> The Trash is empty, so I don't understand while it's 'holding on' to
AL> this number... thoughts on fixing this?

AL> 3) What's with .MSG files?  HTML files will 'tab' themselves below my
AL> message (which is great, since this is a major habit of Hotmail and
AL> AOL users), but this isn't the case for .msg files.  I have to
AL> double-click the attachment (I have it set to display attachments on
AL> the left side of the message) to be able to view it... This is
AL> incredilby inconvenient that it opens a whole new message window just
AL> to do this, when It could treat it like a .htm file, for quick
AL> viewing.  Is this a configuration issue or something that needs to be
AL> in the next version?

AL> 4) I love The Bat!, and I thank you in advance for any and all
AL> responses.

AL> -Andy

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Re: mailto issues (ATTN: Devid)

2001-07-30 Thread Andy Lurig

I added the mailto:... stuff to the end of the 'External Mail Client'
in Opera (I suppose those are command line options built into The
Bat!), and it works now. Thanks!  I suppose this is still an issue to
be looked at by the RIT Techs.


- - - - -

Monday, July 30, 2001, 6:45:20 AM, you wrote:

DV> Hello TBUDL,

DV> is The Bat! version 1.53o an official release?

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Re[2]: A few issues... (Devid)

2001-07-30 Thread Andy Lurig

It's already set as the external client... Here is a wierd issue:
Though the internet options in IE say that The Bat is the default
email client, a mailto: brings up an error stating that the default
email program is misconfigured and the request cannot be done.
Also, in Opera, I can't choose "Default email client" because it is
blank.  I had "check if the bat is default on startup", and clicked
"Yes, make default" when it loaded... so I don't know what else to do
to configure it as the 'default'.

Also, anyone know about #3? OR should that get mailed as a
'suggestion' for the next version of Opera?


- - - - -

Monday, July 30, 2001, 4:36:27 AM, you wrote:

DV> Hello TBUDL,

DV> On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 02:55:14 -0400 (which was 08:55:14 in
DV> Brussels) Andy Lurig wrote:

>> 1) Mailto: opens The Bat! however, does not open a blank message (like
>> it should), doesn't even work if I have The Bat! already open...
>> thoughts?  I use Opera 5.12

DV> Try using the external client instead of the system default:
DV> C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe mailto:%t?Subject=%s&Body=%m

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Re[2]: What's new?

2001-07-30 Thread Andy Lurig

Hasn't anyone DL'd the 'o' version and read the release notes? or did
they not release them?  If so... please post to the Listserv.  I'd do
it myself, but my test box is in use at the moment by my roomie.

(Proud new addition to the ROGUES picture gallery)

- - - - -

Monday, July 30, 2001, 11:10:09 PM, you wrote:

TF> Hi Attila,

TF> On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:29:46 +0200GMT (31/07/2001, 06:29 +0800GMT),
TF> Lang Attila D. wrote:

LAD>> Probably I missed the 1.53o what's new file somewhere; it isn't
LAD>> out on the website nor at the beta page. Does the list know
LAD>> what've been changed up from 1.53d?

TF> Some fixes with PGP handling. Don't know further details.

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Re[2]: Sending messages

2001-08-03 Thread Andy Lurig

That's not exactly the problem (just to clarify)...
The worm brought down the server to
most attempts, so after you try and send it once, and it fails, it
just sits in the outbox until you Click to send it again...  In cases
like this, I'd like to just walk away and know that TB! will keep
trying without me.

As far as your problem... when I click SEND it sends all the messages
in the Outbox... sure, if you open that specific message and send just
that I can understand why it wouldn't send other messages in the
Outbox... if you wanted to send them all, you use the SEND on the

[Proudly created with: The Bat! v1.53d]
[Surfing has never been better: Opera 5.12]
- - - - -

Friday, August 03, 2001, 8:51:49 AM, you wrote:

MK> On Friday, August 03, 2001, 12:10:32 AM, Andy Lurig wrote:

>> How frequently does The Bat! try and send messages (my SMTP sever is
>> up and down cuz of the work going around)?  I don't want to have to
>> click it, I just wish it would retry...  Only thing I can think of is
>> checking the SEND+RECEIVE Combined Delivery option in Properties, and
>> then configuring TB! go check mail every couple of minutes.  There has
>> got to be another way... anyone?

>> -Andy
>> [Proudly created with: The Bat! 1.53d]
>> [Surfing has never been better: Opera 5.12]
>> { Homepage: }

MK> I reported a similar bug report to RIT Labs about this the other day.

MK> If the SMTP mail server is unresponsive, messages queued in the Outbox
MK> are not sent when you are able to successfully send e-mail messages
MK> through the SMTP mail sever.  You have to double-click on the messages
MK> in the Outbox and click Send on each one.  Seems like The Bat! would
MK> know that if there are queued messages in the Outbox and other
MK> messages are successfully sent out through the SMTP mail server, the
MK> queued messages would automatically get sent too.

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Re[2]: How can I write HTML mails with TB! ?

2001-08-09 Thread Andy Lurig

(about web-based e-mail)
Hotmail is a great thing! Mainly for having an address to pop into
every 'enter email address here' box on websites (even for downloading
Real Player), so it can suck down SPAM, instead of my main account
doing it. Also great for getting newsletters (CNET Digital Dispatch -
weekly... HTML formatted, and grateful).

[Proudly created with: The Bat! v1.53d]
[Surfing has never been better: Opera 5.12]
- - - - -

Thursday, August 09, 2001, 1:08:30 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Hash: SHA1

MDP> Hi Igbar,

MDP> On 09 August 2001 at  09:42:30 -0700 (which was 17:42 where I live)
MDP> Igbar Foosenhopper wrote to Dave Gorman and made these points:

IF>> Could you explain to me how HTML is a security risk.  Please give
IF>> me the HTML commands which pos the risk.

MDP> Here's a couple for you:


That darn 'multiple message' option

2001-08-09 Thread Andy Lurig

I'm blind... where is that silly option that automatically deletes
multiple versions of the same email?
Also, can you give me any more info on how this works exactly?

[Proudly created with: The Bat! 1.53d]
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howto: global address book( MSexchange )

2001-09-19 Thread Zyman, Andy

  Could You please tell me how can I use global address book from 
  MSexchange server in the Bat! ?
 I'm pretty tied from using MSoutlook and want to use normal client on work
too... But I do need to have global adr, book and i have no idea how i can
do this :(

Thank You


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RE: howto: global address book( MSexchange )

2001-09-19 Thread Zyman, Andy

Thank You.

Thank You

> -Original Message-
> From: Syafril Hermansyah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 2:03 PM
> Subject: Re: howto: global address book( MSexchange )
> Hello Zyman, Andy,
> On  Wed,  19 Sep 2001 at 13:55:29 GMT -0400 (which was 9/20/2001 12:55
> AM where you think I live) you told to the list :
> > Could  You  please  tell  me  how can I use global address book from
> > MSexchange server in the Bat! ?
> > I'm  pretty  tied from using MSoutlook and want to use normal client
> > on  work too... But I do need to have global adr, book and i have no
> > idea how i can do this :(
> Ask your Administrator to activate LDAP on Exchange then use TB! LDAP
> address book to access/synch.
> --
> Best regards,
> - Syafril -
> -- 
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Multiple Windows from mailto: clicks

2001-11-15 Thread andy stenz

1. I am new to The Bat!, but it rocks.
2. I noticed I (like others) was getting multiple (about 70) IE Windows
when i clicked on a mailto: hyperlink (in any program).
3. How I solved it (on my computer):
   Go to (I am using IE 6) Tools-->Internet Options
   Under the "Programs" tab --> By Email - Use the drop down menu and choose The Bat!

I hope this helps!

WinXP - The Bat! 1.53d - IE


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how do I "bounce" a message?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi again,

another short one:

How do I "bounce" a message so that the From: and To: Lines don't change?
Under Linux I use mutt and elm and they have this great "bounce" feature
that resends the message without changing the original mail.  It just adds
these header lines:
 Resent-Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 12:58:43 -0500
 Resent-To: Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In TheBat I don't find anything similar.  Its resending feature always
changes the To: line, the date, etc.

Thanks for any hint,

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 When Marriage is Outlawed, only Outlaws will have Inlaws.


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how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi flying Batters :-)

just a quick question about TheBat! which I really learned to love:

How do I reply to more than one mail so that I get the text of all the
original mails nicely quoted?

Thanks a lot,

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 Q: How do you stop Bill Gates from drowning?
 A: Shoot him.


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Re: how do I "bounce" a message?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Marck,

> The trouble is, if you received a message then the "To:" line is to
> you. If you resend it still "To:" you then it does a boomerang.
As far as I know this is incorrect.  If there are "Resent-" headers then
the To: line is ignored.  I just tried it.

> 1) Using an SMTP remailer to place an envelope around the message with
>a different delivery target. (TB is not one of these).
> 2) MIME forward the entire message as an attachment.

And 3) just put Resent- headers in and refeed it to the smtp server.

> Other than that "Redirect" is as close as you get.
But it changes ALL the header lines. :-((

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 Microsoft spel chekar vor sail, worgs grate !!

Description: PGP signature

Re: how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Dave,

> > How do I reply to more than one mail so that I get the text of all the
> > original mails nicely quoted?
> Reply to one email. Copy text to clipboard from a different
> email. Go back to your reply and click "Edit / Paste as
> Quotation" or hit Alt-Insert.
Hehe, good joke.  Sure that works and that's how I always do it in lack of
a real solution.  I would have expected that if I mark various mails and
hit reply that I get all of them quoted.

So you are saying there's no way to do that?


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 The product is seldom as good as the advertisement.


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Re: how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Andrew,

> Hmmm. I think maybe what Andy wants is some kind of automated-reply. You can
> set up mail filters that do this.
> Am I right?
No :-)

What I want is forward a mail without changing any part of the mail not
even the headers.  What TheBats "redirect" does is close but it changes all
the headers.  Even the To: line.

Maybe you wonder why I need this.  Well, an example: I work in a small
radio here in Peru and we have a general email address for requests,
comments etc.  So my wife - who gets all these mails - decides who is best
to receive and process this mail and "bounces" it to that person.  So far
this works with the "redirect" feature, too.  But if the recipient wants to
see where this mail really came from, at which address it was directed or
any other part that can be seen in the headers, he can't.  Just the From
and Reply-To line are still the same.  Not even the Received lines or the
Message-ID are kept. :-(


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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Re: how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Dave and Roelof,

> I didn't realize I was joking.

> That's always been a very adequate
> solution for me. OTOH replying to multiple emails with one reply
> is not something I do a million times a day.
Well a few times a week still is often enough for such a feature.
I just did it right now so that I don't have to write 2 mails responding to
the two of you.

> > So you are saying there's no way to do that?
> I would be expecting comment from some of the more expert members
> of the list if there were another solution :)
Hello experts, where are you?  :-)

> AS> a real solution.  I would have expected that if I mark various mails and
> AS> hit reply that I get all of them quoted.
> You're getting them quoted, but in separate messages, as it should be.
Hm, "as it should be" is pretty subjective.  My "should be" is pretty
different.  Normally this a sure sign for a configurable option.


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 Harrisberger's Fourth Law of the Lab:
 Experience is directly proportional to
 the amount of equipment ruined.

Description: PGP signature

Re: how do I "bounce" a message?

2001-12-13 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Marck,

> RFC822 says:
>  4.5.1.  TO / RESENT-TO
> This field contains the identity of the primary recipients  of
> the message.
> It says nothing about mutual exclusivity, which means that if both are
> present then the "To:" field would be used for routing in addition to
> the Resent-To:.

Wait a moment, you have to read the whole RFC:  :-)


  Some systems permit mail recipients to  forward  a  message,
 retaining  the original headers, by adding some new fields.  This
 standard supports such a service, through the "Resent-" prefix to
 field names.

To me this does say something about mutual exclusivity.  Besides that's how
sendmail does it and always has done it.  It never happened to me that the
address from the To: line was used again.

> Using TB, we don't get control over that - it's just taken from the "To:"
> field or even just left to the SMTP server to siphon out of the various
> destination address fields and place in the RCPT TO: envelope header.
Great, so all we'd have TB make do is add the Resent-To line and make it
feed the whole mail to the smtp server.  Do you see anyway to do that?
If not how and where could I make such a feature request?

> >> 2) MIME forward the entire message as an attachment.
Eh, by the way, how do you MIME-forward a message with TB.  I don't see to
be able to find that option.  My TB always does an inline-forward. :-(

> >> Other than that "Redirect" is as close as you get.
> AS> But it changes ALL the header lines. :-((
> Well, the To: and the Date: ... nothing else that I can see.
Nope, ALL the headers except From, Subject and Reply-to.  Here's an example:

Here is the original message:
| From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Dec 13 19:57:52 2001
| Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Received: from (spiegl@localhost [])
| by localhost (8.12.0.Beta12/8.12.0.Beta12/Debian 8.12.0.Beta12) with ESMTP 
|id fBE0vqPS012508
| for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:57:52 -0500
| Received: (from spiegl@localhost)
| by (8.12.0.Beta12/8.12.0.Beta12/Debian 
|8.12.0.Beta12) id fBE0vq8R012506
| for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:57:52 -0500
| X-Authentication-Warning: spiegl set sender to 
| Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:57:52 -0500
| From: "Dr. Andy Spiegl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: Heidi Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Testing 1 2 3
| Mime-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
| Content-Disposition: inline
| User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.23i
| X-PGP-GPG-Keys: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  OR  mail -s "send pgp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Organization: Radio =?iso-8859-1?B?TWFyYfHzbiw=?= Peru
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
| X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by 
| id fBE0vqPS012508
| [body] 

After a redirect:
| From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Dec 13 20:04:55 2001
| Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Received: from ( 
| by (8.12.0.Beta12/8.12.0.Beta12/Debian 
|8.12.0.Beta12) with ESMTP id fBE14tPS012757
| for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:04:55 -0500
| Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:06:45 -0500
| From: "Dr. Andy Spiegl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53bis) Personal
| Reply-To: "Dr. Andy Spiegl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Organization: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmFkaW8gTWFyYfHzbiwgUGVydQ==?=
| X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
| To: Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Testing 1 2 3 redirect
| X-Sender: Heidi Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| MIME-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
| [body] 

There is hardly _anything_ left over.  :-(

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
(George Carlin, US comedian)

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Re: how do I "bounce" a message?

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Pit,

> I don't know if you're able to check this out right now as I see you
> only posting with mutt, but give:
Sure can.  VMware makes it even possible without leaving my comfy seat. :-)

> "Account" / "Properties" / "Templates" / "Forward" / "Use MIME
> standard for forwarding" a try :-)
Ahh, great.  Really too bad that some of the good features of TB
are hard to find.

> I don't know which version exactly introduced the 'Alternative Forward'
> option but that option (to find either in menu "Message" / "Specials" or
Ai, didn't find that either.

> in current Beta menu "Specials" directly)
Good idea!

While we're at it.  Is there a way to make "on exit: compress the folder"
be default for ALL my folders?  I often forget setting this option when I
create a new folder and end up wondering myself.


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
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  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
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 Never apologize for showing feeling.
 When you do so, you apologize for the truth.  -- Benjamin Disraeli


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Re: how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Pit,

> I don't know if I'm one of these 'experts' called.
I suppose you are one of the programmers, right?

> But I do know there is no such options you'd like to use.
Really too bad.  It would be very useful.  To you, too, once you get used
to the feeling, believe me.

> You I think you will argue with me, this _is_ a complex thing
> you'd like to see realized.
I'll give it a try. :-)
I don't see why that would be so difficult.  The only challange is to
"merge" the headers of the mails being replied to.  Why is that so

> To say something to your last sentence: why the heck everybody brings out
> this 'configurable option' if there's something that's wanted and it is
> told that this maybe will not come.
That's human, isn't it?

> Does anybody screaming out this nice phrase about 'configure
> everything' has have some few thought about what _configuring
> everything_ means?
Yep, I sure do know what I am talking about.  Since many years I am mainly
using Unix and I think the many configuration options are one of THE
strength of all unix programs.  If there's something I don't like or like
different, I'll simply configure it differently. :-)

> Not only you have to double or triple the development time for having as
> much as possible configurable, no ...  you also double or triple time for
> bug finding, human error detecting because everybody has it's own system.
That's true, but _only_ in the non-public-domain world.  Open up your
source code and the whole world will help you find the bugs.  Well, I guess
that's a little off topic now.  Just wanted to mention that your statements
only apply to this part of the software world.

> Additionally: you can't make configurable everything without loosing
> function.
I completely disagree.

> It is quite _impossible_ to have the same function 'static' and in
> conjunction with 'configure around 50-100 parameters as you like, all
> effecting this function'.
Impossible would mean that noone could do it, right?
If that's correct, you are wrong.  Take almost ANY unix mail client but
especially mutt.  It has so many configurable options you can hardly count
them.  And it works just great.  So all but impossible.  ;-)

> Everybody that listened in mathematic lessons only 1% of time should
> know: the more options/parameters the bigger the amount of possible
> results.
I agree.  So all what you need here is more people that participate in
testing and bug finding.  That too is mathematics: the more testers the
less bugs. :-)

> We this end we all can see and marvel in dozens of wonderful
> products from Redmond:
No,no,no,no, please don't compare ANY software with the huge bugs MS is
spreading out over the world.  Anyone can do better than Gates&Co.

> I'd like to see TB! staying small. Not in funtion; in size needed on
> disk. This is only possible if there's a deadline of 'customization'.
Hm, small you say.  Fine, one more time my comparison with mutt:
I just counted the diskspace of it:
 523 KB

Okay, including all used dynamic libraries which doesn't make much sense,
but what the heck:
 2.3 MB

Then I counted the diskspace used by TheBat directory (subtracting the Mail
directory of course):
 7 MB
(I have no idea what other DLLs TheBat uses so I couldn't add that)

> Well ... I think nobody else is interested, but for the archive I had
> to write this mail :-) Just for being able to say "I've already
> written this ages ago!" *ggg*
Dito.  Here again, I completely agree with you, hehe.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 With your one remaining eye, please do NOT look back into the laser

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Re: how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Allie,

> AS> I would have expected that if I mark various mails and hit reply
> AS> that I get all of them quoted.
> In a single message?! Wow.
> I'd expect a separate reply message containing quoted text for each of
> the messages I selected.
No, that's pretty useless.  If I want that behavior I hit reply every
single one.  One by one.  There's no use in opening all these windows the
same time, because I can't fill them out at once anyway. :-)

> If only one message is generated, how should the header information
> be filled out? Do you wish for it to be blank. Do you wish for all the
> sender addresses for each of those messages to be inserted in the
> To: field of the single reply containing 'all' the quoted material?
Yes, that's exactly what I'd consider "useful".

> A most unusual requirement this is. :-)
I don't think so.  Mutt (my unix mailclient) does this and it's a commonly
used feature.

Well, I guess I have to live with it, i.e. without it.  Too bad.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace;
 to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.  -- William Arthur Ward


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Re: how do I "bounce" a message?

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Roelof,

> Actually the Resent-headers aren't important for the delivery of the
> message. You're misinterpreting their function.
Hm, I think you are right about that!  I tried it with "sendmail -t", but
in that case sendmail probably just reads the Resent-headers and uses them
to generate an smtp-envelope.

> Your problem is that TB alters the headers of redirected messages,
Yep. :-(

> In my view your wishes are more something for a server than a client,
> but who am I. ;-)
Depends on how you see it.  Sometimes I work like the server. :-)

> A feature request can be sent to: RITLABS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 "I have studied many philosophers and many cats.  The wisdom of cats
  is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine


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Re: how do I reply to more than one mail?

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Carsten,

> Do you really want to _reply_ more than one mail at once?

> I think what you actually want to do is forwarding the contents of
> several mails.
I think what you think is that you think you know what I think, but you don't.

> You can mark some mails and do an 'alternative forwarding'
> (MIME-forward). Does this help a bit?
No, I want to reply, e.g. very often I have 5 mails from a friend of mine
and I don't want to reply with 5 mails, but with all the answers in one.
Well, it just doesn't work that way in TB. :-(


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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Re: Norton detects Virus in TBB file - please help

2001-12-19 Thread Andy Spiegl

> S> What else does compression do?
> Nothing else. It compresses the database (mail ~) by _real_ deleting
> messages marked for deletion. That way it decreases the size of
> message base by _real_ taking out the content, while 'Delete' only
> sets a flag and does not decrease the (physical) size by one bit.

Is there a way to delete these flags so that the deleted message reappear?

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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automatic encryption of message file

2002-01-04 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Batters,

I thought that I had read somewhere that TB encrypts the message files
(messages.tb*) so that noone can read my mails just opening these files.

But my TB doesn't seem to do this.  I can see all of the text when I open
messages.tbb with notetab or any other editor.

Can this be done and how, please?

Thanks a lot for any hint or pointer,

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 Nobody wants to know what you're doing
 until you're doing something that you don't want anyone to know.


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Re: automatic encryption of message file

2002-01-04 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Peter,

> With using 'SecureBat!'.
Sure, but I am pretty sure I read something like this in a mail or on the
website of TB, but now I can't find it anymore.

> An alternative would be using PGPDisk and putting mail base on a PGP
> secured 'virtual' drive.
Hm, thanks for the idea.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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Re: automatic encryption of message file

2002-01-04 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Peter and Jernej,

> Maybe you're mixing up having read about 'compressing' and
> 'encrypting' message base ... ?!?
Hm, at least that sounds very interesting.  How would that be done?

> AFAIK, it did until 1.42 when the messages base format was changed.
Maybe that's the solution.

> ,- [ TB versions ]
> | The Bat!  = No protection
> | AuthenticBat! = Logon protection
> | StrongBat!= MailBase encryption
StrongBat???  Never heard of it?  Where can I find more info on that?

Thanks to both of you,

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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Re: automatic encryption of message file

2002-01-05 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Peter,

> Andy: I have to admit I was wrong.
No problem.  Good to see that there are still people out there who can
admit their mistakes.  A rare attitude these days. :-(

> is stronger than before implemented in 'StrongBat!' and 'SecureBat!'
Please tell me more about StrongBat.  Never heard about it before.
SecureBat sounds great, but is too expensive for me right now. :-(


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
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2002-01-07 Thread Andy Spiegl


where can I find more info on StrongBat?

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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 "Dogs come when they're called;
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Re: StrongBat?

2002-01-07 Thread Andy Spiegl

> Except some mentions on this list - nowhere. So far.
So, it only exists in theory???  :-)

> The Bat!  = No protection
> AuthenticBat! = Logon protection
> StrongBat!= MailBase encryption
> SecureBat!= Logon protection + MailBase encryption
That's exactly why I ask.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
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 Your picture of the world often changes just before you get it into focus.


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Re: What is X-UIDL?

2002-01-12 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Roelof,

> It's a header used by mailing lists to identify to which subscriber
> the message was sent to. That makes it possible to recognise the
> intended recipient when a message bounces.
> Lots of mailing lists insert the name and address of the list in the
> To: header, so that info can't be used.
Hm, I don't think this is correct.  As far as I know this header is
inserted by the imap or pop server.  Wait a second, I'll search on google:
   There is a feature of the POP3 protocol, (which is used to download
   e-mail from your ISP) where you can issue a command called "UIDL" which
   will generate unique "identifiers" for each message where results in
   that header being written into the message. So, if your POP3 client
   doesn't add those in (like mine), you can safely filter on them. Here's
   a valid header, for reference:
 X-UIDL: b07a13a309dff618f53a09eeb9b966cc 

> There are more headers that are being used like this, it's software
> dependant. Though X-UIDL is often encountered in spam, it's not
> restricted to spam. (Unfortunately.)
But it _IS_ possible to discover spam just analyzing the headers.  There
are various clues.  And combining them, a pretty good estimate can be
done.  Spamassassin does that for example and it works great.  Since the
day I've installed it only _one_ SPAM got through to my inbox. :-)

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 It's Friday, so I'll go to work early...even before lunch! (from BOfH)


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delete msg from server - BUG?

2002-01-30 Thread Andy Spiegl


I have the impression that the "mail management" option
 "Delete message from server when it is removed from Trash"
doesn't work.  I tried it with IMAP4 and POP3, but it is never deleted from
the server.

Could it be that I am doing anything wrong or is this a BUG?

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 The Briggs/Chase Law of Program Development:
 To determine how long it will take to write and debug a
 program, take your best estimate, multiply that by two, add
 one, and convert to the next higher units.


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Re: delete msg from server - BUG?

2002-02-01 Thread Andy Spiegl

A few days ago I asked this and noone replied. :-(
Does that mean that noone knows or that noone cares?

Maybe some kind soul who has successfully managed to do it that way
could drop me a few lines, plase?

> I have the impression that the "mail management" option
>  "Delete message from server when it is removed from Trash"
> doesn't work.  I tried it with IMAP4 and POP3, but it is never deleted from
> the server.
> Could it be that I am doing anything wrong or is this a BUG?

Thanks so much,

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 Don't claim that you know everything - besides not being true,
 it's very irritating to those of us who do.


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Re: delete msg from server - BUG?

2002-02-02 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Roelof,

thanks, so I guess noone is using this feature.  I suppose the reason for
not using it is that it doesn't work. :-)

How do I file a bug report?


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 Intelligence has nothing to do with politics.


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Re: delete msg from server - BUG?

2002-02-03 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Peter,

> I'm using it, but I did think about it yet ...
> I've done some testings and can only state it works.
Thanks for testing.
Pretty strange that it works for you.  I've tested it a few times with
different configurations and it _never_ deleted any mails from the server.
I am using TheBat 1.53t - maybe that's my mistake?

Is the current Betaversion stable enough to try it?

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 Bill Gates:  (from: <>)
 "There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
  significant number of users want fixed."


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: delete msg from server - BUG?

2002-02-04 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi Dierk,

> As long as you don't use the RTFV on a Win9x machine: Yes.
What ist RTFV, please?


 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 I see the light at the end of the tunnel now ...
 someone please tell me it's not a train.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: delete msg from server - BUG?

2002-02-05 Thread Andy Spiegl

Hi again,

Peter wrote:
> I'm using it, but I did think about it yet ...
> I've done some testings and can only state it works.

I wrote:
> Thanks for testing.
> Pretty strange that it works for you.  I've tested it a few times with
> different configurations and it _never_ deleted any mails from the server.
> I am using TheBat 1.53t - maybe that's my mistake?

Meanwhile I tested with 1.54 Beta36 and it still doesn't delete any
messages from the server.  I downloaded 4 new messages then deleted them -
and just to be sure also deleted the contents of ALL folders.  But they
still remain on the server.  Just that they aren't marked as new anymore.

I tried with POP3 (qpopper 2.53-5) and Imap (uw-imapd 4:2001adebian-5).

There must be something I am doing wrong.  Please help,

PS: thanks for the RTFV explanation.

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 PGP/GPG: see headers
  o  _ _ _
  --- __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)  -o)
  - _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/   /\\
   (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o__\_v
 "C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot, C++ makes it harder,
  but when you do, it blows away your whole leg." -- Bjarne Stroustrup


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Latest Vers: 1.53d


2002-05-18 Thread Andy Canamella

Does TB compose & send new messages in Plain Text only ?



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Bug Reports:

Using FIlters Properly

2002-06-03 Thread Andy Fluke

Hi folks,

I'm new to this list and I suppose my question is one that has been
asked before.  I've been using The Bat for a couple years now and
I haven't figured out how to use filters properly.

I use filters to move Incoming Mail into other directories, mostly
into the Trash in the case of pesky spam.  But sometimes the filter
seems to fail and the email that should be shuttled into another
directory is put in the Inbox instead even though the filter has
worked on occassion.  Is this common?  Have I failed
to configure something correctly?  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank-you in advance.

Andy Fluke

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Bug Reports:


2002-06-09 Thread Andy Fluke

Hi folks,

I'm working on a mass mailing and I would like to insert the
recipient's Company name into the text.  However when I use %COMPANY
only a blank space appears in each of the emails.  I have made sure
that the recipient's Company name does exist under the business tab of
the Address entry.

Is %COMPANY a valid macro?  If not, how would I insert the Company
name into the mass mail template?  If it is valid, what could be

Thanks for your help!

Andy Fluke

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Bug Reports:

Deleting Mail

2002-06-13 Thread Andy Fluke

When I delete an email or an attachment from a folder, what happens to
it?  How is it removed from my hard disk?  I've dug through TheBat
help file but if the answer is there I missed it.



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Bug Reports:

Re: Strange file attachments

2002-07-11 Thread Andy Morrison

Hi list people
Just joined as I am trying out The Bat - v 
impressed so far. I noticed the strange extensions on the first mail received, 
so did a little investigating.
Yes I use ZA pro and No its *not* the cause in this 
case. The problem only occurs on mail with attachments sent via Eudora. (you 
know that other program - the one with zero support).
I don't know whether the header is malformed 
by Eudora, or incorrectly parsed on the semi-colons by TB!, maybe a thread for 
the tech list?
Sorry about not posting using TB!, but I'm not 
confident enough to switch just yet.

Create shortcut to log on user

2002-07-12 Thread Andy Morrison

Hello list

  Is it possible to create a shortcut with a command line parameter to log on a 
particular user in a
  multi-user environment when starting TB! ?

Best regards,

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Bug Reports:

TB! in server mode

2002-07-13 Thread Andy Morrison

Hello list

  Maybe if I describe what I am trying to achieve the
  experts can give me some general pointers / tips. I have a
  small home network of 3 pc's & 2 laptops which are
  connected to the internet using MS ICS through a server
  with an always on ADSL connection. Currently I use a free
  proxy server, JanaServer, only to collect email on the
  server. Individual users then collect email from the
  server using Eudora. I would like to replace JanaServer
  with TB! in server mode to collect mail periodically, and
  use TB! in client mode for users to collect mail on demand
  from any machine.
  I would also like to be able to display on the client pc
  when there is mail waiting for another user - ie not the
  one currently logged on. I do this at the moment using a
  small tray app which simply checks the Jana mail
  folder contents because Jana stores mail as individual
  files in .EML format. I think this is not so easy in TB!?

  Any and all suggestions tips and advice is much

Best regards,

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: TB! in server mode

2002-07-13 Thread Andy Morrison

ACM>> Why do you wish to make the change to TB! as the server? It may not be
ACM>> the best solution. A specialist mail-server would very likely serve
ACM>> your needs better.

I have a problem which could be caused by Jana or Eudora & I
cannot find which one. I thought that using the same
software for server and client maybe more stable. The
support for TB! is certainly far superior to the others. Is
the server mode of TB! not fully implemented?

 Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows ME
4.90 Build 3000

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: TB! in server mode

2002-07-13 Thread Andy Morrison

AR> Date: 13 July 2002, Time: 11:30 
AR> Hi Andy, On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, at 11:21:44 [GMT +0100] (11:21 where I live) you 

AR> Ok  its  not  strictly  TB!  related  -  but have a look at to
AR> replace the server with ICS...

AR> Its what I use and it is very very good

Thanks for the suggestion, I wanted to use linux from the
start but support for my usb adsl modem, which I have to
use, is very limited and does not exist in e-smith.


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: TB! in server mode

2002-07-13 Thread Andy Morrison

AR> Date: 13 July 2002, Time: 12:44 
AR> Hi Andy, On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, at 12:40:54 [GMT +0100] (12:40 where I live) you 

AR>>> Date: 13 July 2002, Time: 11:30     
AR>>> Hi Andy, On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, at 11:21:44 [GMT +0100] (11:21 where I live) you 

AR>>> Ok  its  not  strictly  TB!  related  -  but have a look at to
AR>>> replace the server with ICS...

AR>>> Its what I use and it is very very good

AM>> Thanks for the suggestion, I wanted to use linux from the
AM>> start but support for my usb adsl modem, which I have to
AM>> use, is very limited and does not exist in e-smith.

AR> Good point

AR> Does  it  have an ethernet port on it as well, I know a few I've seen (such as
AR> NTL's one) have an ethernet port as well...

No ethernet port :( - its the standard alcatel frog
AR> Saying  that  mind, e-smith 5.5 has just been released and I notice it now has
AR> USB stuff in it..
Have just looked again at the release notes - cant find a
refference to usb but it does say the kernal has not been

AR> I'm  only jealous cause Im stuck on 56k and BT's response to my exchange being
AR> enabled is something like "hahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah - NO"

Don't want to rub it in but BT installed ADSL for me in
January but BTO haven't started charging me for it yet :))


 Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows ME
4.90 Build 3000

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: TB! in server mode

2002-07-13 Thread Andy Morrison

AM>> I have a problem which could be caused by Jana or Eudora & I
AM>> cannot find which one.

ACM> As a test you could really then use TB! in server mode to see if your
ACM> problem goes away.

I think I will give it a try and see what happens.

AM>> I thought that using the same software for server and client maybe
AM>> more stable. The support for TB! is certainly far superior to the
AM>> others. Is the server mode of TB! not fully implemented?

ACM> It is but it's not a specialist server. If it servers your needs OK,
ACM> then by all means use it. If you need advanced mailserver features
ACM> then TB! will not offer this.

I dont need advanced features - just auto forwarding and
auto-responder would be good. Really I just need something
which is stable and easy to setup.

btw I am also new to mailing lists - please tell me if my
netiquette is lacking in any way


 Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows ME
4.90 Build 3000

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Bug Reports:

Undeliverable mail to list

2002-07-17 Thread Andy Morrison

Hello list

  Can anybody explain what's going on here? I've probably
  made some stupid mistake, but I have just received the
  following error message for each of my posts to the list
  last week.
>Received: from [] (
>by with esmtp (Exim 3.22 #8)
>id 17UuhQ-0003Oc-00
>for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:43:00 +0100
>Received: from ([]) by
> (Netscape Messaging Server 4.15) with ESMTP id
>  GZES3N00.62X for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 17 Jul
>  2002 21:42:59 +0200
>From: Mail Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Mail Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
>Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 21:42:13 +0200
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
>Boundary="===_ _= 3713073(21281+5972480)"

>This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

>Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was
>not reachable within the allowed queue period.  The amount of time
>a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura-
>tion parameters.

>Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but
>it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not
>have a mail system running right now.

>The queue containing messages destined for Mailbox-Deliver
>was expired by the Postmaster of
>The following recipients did not receive your message:

>Please reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>if you feel this message to be in error.

Any help much appreciated
Best regards,

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Bug Reports:

inbox-known ?

2002-08-08 Thread Andy Morrison

Hello list

  Probably a stupid question, but what is the purpose of the
  "Inbox-Known" folder which was created automatically on

Best regards,

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: