[tips] lazy American students

2009-12-21 Thread Beth Benoit


Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

[tips] multicultural thoughts

2009-12-21 Thread Beth Benoit
And an article that might worthwhile sharing with our social psychology
students when we cover outgroup homogeneity bias:


Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

[tips] Darwin's nose

2009-12-21 Thread michael sylvester
It is my understanding that Darwin almost did not make the trip on the HMS 
Beagle.The captain did not not want him on the ship because he did not like the 
look of Darwin.s nose.Just imagine if he did not make the trip we would perhaps 
never have THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES and the creationists would be having a field 
day.How olfactory challenged was Darwin? And how does ut rank with Cyrano de 
Btw,would the HMS be Her Majesty's Service or His Majesty's Service?

Michael omnicentric Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] lazy American students

2009-12-21 Thread Christopher D. Green
Beth Benoit wrote:


So, what does your wow mean, Beth? Does this strike you as surprising? 
Outrageous? Offensive? It seems pretty much common knowledge to me. 
(And despite what the article says, I wouldn't suggest that [white, 
anglo-scottish-irish, long-standing] Canadians are much better than 
American kids on this score.) And I think I know where it comes from 
too. US (North American?, Western?) culture is crammed full of the 
message that we are superior, we are special, and it is something that 
is essential to us, not the product of some particular effort that we 
have expended (though perhaps our ancestors did). One sees this message 
everywhere from politics, to religion, to entertainment, to educational 
practice (virtually no one fails, everyone must be retained and 
eventually graduated, the slightest quiver of anxiety is immediately 
declared a disability and accommodated). The message is: you are a 
success virtually in virtue of just being you (think the self-esteem 
movement). Little (but loyalty) is required of you. You were born into 
the greatest, richest, free-est, most Godly, and, when necessary, most 
powerful nation/culture/civilization that has ever graced the face of 
the earth. Anyone who says otherwise is just hateful, jealous, and 
anti-(insert your country's name here). Can you imagine any US 
politician getting much electoral traction by announcing We have become 
self-indulgent and have fallen behind many other countries in education 
and productivity. The only way to retrieve some portion of our former 
international stature is for us to cut back in our personal lives 
(smaller, more efficient cars, houses, etc), work harder (both at work 
and school), pay off our debts (both as individuals and as a nation), 
and show a willingness to cooperate with other countries in dealing the 
major international challenges that face us? Never.

This is not to say that India, China, and everywhere else doesn't have 
its share of ugly nationalistic, jingoistic, ethnocentric, 
overly-prideful rhetoric. They all do. (And to be entirely fair, the 
ones who travel to the US to get educated are not average for their 
culture. They are eager to get ahead, whereas a lot of the locals we 
face as teachers virtually fell into our classrooms). It is, rather, 
that people from developing countries just don't mistake political 
posturing for being knowledgeable and working hard to become so. They 
can't afford to. What they are proud of is what they -- as Indians, 
Chinese, etc. -- can *accomplish*. Americans, all too often, are proud 
of being, well, American. (Mutatis mutandis for many other Western 
countries.) It used to be called decadence. It has brought down many 
another (every?) empire. And it is a very difficult whirlpool to escape 

Happy solstice!

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] multicultural thoughts

2009-12-21 Thread Allen Esterson
���Re the article on the Inuit that Beth Benoit cited:


I'm sure some of the mores of the Inuit are very strange to Americans 
or Europeans, but with several of the examples in the article I find it 
strange that the author should think them strange.

And why the cumbersome etiquette around eating,
the obsession with utensils like the fork and dull knife
known by Inuit as nuvuittuq (without point).

I'm sure one could say something similar about the well-known Japanese 
tea rituals.

At the home where I was staying someone rang the
doorbell one day and surprised my hostess by dropping
off a dead baby seal. He’d bagged it on a hunting trip.

I'd be surprised if this wasn't quite a common occurrence in the past 
in rural England, with a rabbit for a gift, and for all I know it might 
well be the case now.

Why, he wonders, do Qallunaat always plan some ritual or
activity when they have visitors over, such as a bridge game?

At least in some parts of English society in the past, this would have 
been a common occurrence, with card games or musical performances 
arranged for the guests.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

[tips] multicultural thoughts

Beth Benoit
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 07:12:52 -0800
And an article that might worthwhile sharing with our social psychology
students when we cover outgroup homogeneity bias:


Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] Darwin's illness revisited

2009-12-21 Thread sblack
I had noted that two notable recent papers on Darwin's 
mysterious debilitating illness, Campbell and Matthews (2005) 
and Hayman (2009) both claimed that Darwin's illness started 
before he sailed on the Beagle at the end of 1831. 

Allen Esterson gave it his usual thorough going-over, and 
argued against this claim.  So I went back to Campbell and 
Matthews and to Hayman to see what they said and why. It 
turns out that their pronouncement is poorly supported, as far as 
I can tell.  They cite only the non-specific sources of Darwin's 
autobiography and his letters in support; not much help from 
them there. When I searched these sources on-line, I found little 
persuasive evidence for their claim. So I now agree with Allen 
that there is scant indication that he suffered since childhood  
with his mystery ailment. Once again, it seems there's a 
disconnect between what people say is in the literature, and 
what's actually there. 

And at the risk of getting things further tangled up, I'd like to 
comment on two interesting points from Beth Benoit:

The first was that we don't have to stick to one disease in 
explaining everything that happened to poor Darwin. I agree. To 
clarify, when I was referring to Hayman writing to me that he 
thought  it possible that Darwin may have had an allergy to milk 
protein, he was suggesting this in addition to his primary 
published hypothesis of cyclical vomiting syndrome. He did not 
think that milk protein allergy alone could explain the severity 
and range of his symptoms.

Second, Beth said this in arguing that Darwin would have died 
young if he had suffered from milk protein allergy:

I'm responding here with a testimonial/account of only one, but 
my nephew is allergic to milk protein.  It's a life-threatening 
condition.  He's 25 and has had numerous visits to an ER if, for 
example, the same spatula that flips his grilled chicken breast 
was used earlier for taking a cheeseburger off the grill.  His 
tongue swells, his throat closes.

This kind of description is all too familiar to me, as my younger 
daughter has suffered from peanut allergy from a very early 
age, and we also experienced numerous frantic dashes to the 
ER as a consequence. Yet while peanut allergy is becoming 
increasingly common, deaths from it are fortunately still rare 
(Wiki gives 1 death per 830,000 children with all food allergies). 
I doubt that timely medical care can be given all the credit. This 
is by way of saying that food allergies differ substantially in 
severity in different people. Most people do survive them.

Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.  
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University   
 e-mail:  sbl...@ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] multicultural thoughts

2009-12-21 Thread sblack
On 21 Dec 2009 at 13:49, Allen Esterson wrote:

 Re the article on the Inuit that Beth Benoit cited:
 I'm sure some of the mores of the Inuit are very strange to Americans 
 or Europeans, but with several of the examples in the article I find it 
 strange that the author should think them strange.

Here's one which does seem to me to be rather strange from 
our southern point of view:

Nunavut is one of the few jurisdictions in Canada to allow 
private adoptions, thanks in part to the Inuit tradition of 
customary adoption, in which generations of Inuit mothers have 
occasionally given their babies to sisters, or other women in 
their families or communities, who couldn´t have children of their 

There is no stigma attached to adoption among the Inuit, who 
speak of the practice in Inuktitut not as giving away a child, but 
of making a gift - both to the child and to the new parents.


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.  
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University   
 e-mail:  sbl...@ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

[tips] Could Darwin have drank gold?

2009-12-21 Thread michael sylvester
I heard that this was not an unusual practice in Europe.

Michael  omnicentric Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

[tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

2009-12-21 Thread Wuensch, Karl L.

At my university, the undergraduate catalog defines grades this way:

A -- excellent
B -- good
C -- average
D -- barely passed
F -- failed
I -- incomplete

So, C is average, eh?  To check this definition I downloaded 
all grades for undergraduate courses for the just completed semester.  Here is 
the distribution of final grades:

A -- 38%

B -- 30%

C -- 18%

D -- 7%

F -- 7%

I-- 1%

Mode = A, Mean = B, Median = B.

 I have proposed that the catalog be updated to read this way:

A - Average

B - Barely average

C - Could have been average if the student had attended class, read the book, 
completed the assignments, etc.

D - did worse than Dubya

F - Failed, but if the student begs enough for post hoc extra credit, this can 
be changed.

I - I am still trying to decide whether to give the student an A after e put so 
much effort into persuading me it is not e's that e did not get an A and that I 
would be responsible for ruining e's life if I gave any grade other than an A.



From: Christopher D. Green [mailto:chri...@yorku.ca] 
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 12:16 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] lazy American students


Nicely stated, Chris.


To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] lazy American students

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Palij
I'm not sure but I think Chris fell out of the wrong side of the bed this
morning.  His comments below seem somewhat relevant to the content
of the article that Beth provides a link to but without more information
about the students the article writer is talking about, it is unclear 
whether Chris' criticism's apply to all American students of a certain
race and class or to some fraction of them (the author of the article
is unlikely to have such data as she self-identifies as a teacher of
rhetoric and history and not a researcher).

I think Chris' rant is somewhat misplaced.  The general issue that
he is referring to is that of American exceptionalism, a concept
that is easy to recognize but difficult to pin down.  For some background
on this idea see the Wikipedia entry (standard disclaimers apply):

The idea appears to be first developed by Alexis de Tocqueville in
his Democracy in America and here's a website that provides a
little more on how Tocqueville conceived it:

American exceptionalism has been an idea that has been recently
promoted by U.S. conservatives and downplayed by moderates and
liberals.  Consider the following comments by Dick Cheney about
President Obama being weak on American exceptionalism:

|I think most of us believe, and most presidents believe and talk 
|about, the truly exceptional nature of America--our history, 
|where we come from, our belief in our constitutional values 
|and principles, our advocacy for freedom and democracy, the 
|fact that we've provided it for millions of people all over the globe 
|and done so unselfishly. There's never been a nation like the 
|United States of America in world history. And yet, when you 
|have a president who goes around and bows to his host and 
|then proceeds to apologize profusely for the United States, 
|I find that deeply disturbing. That says to me this is a guy who 
|doesn't fully understand or share that view of American exceptionalism 
|that I think most of us believe in.

For other conservative viewpoints on American Exceptionalism, see:

Now, whether or not U.S. citizens have a sense of American Exceptionalism
and whether this is the basis for bad behavior among certain groups of
students is an interesting empirical hypothesis.  However, Kara Miller's 
article is an opinion piece and not an empirical study.  How many problems 
could a student in research methods find in the assertions she makes about
her American students?  Perhaps she is a magnet for lazy American
students or her courses or her school or...whatever.  Miller is entitled
to her opinions about her students as is Chris is entitled to his opinions
about U.S. citizens.  But opinions are still opinions.  It is better to have
opinions consistent with empirical facts but everyone is well aware that
this not a requirement.  Sometimes an opinion is just a rant.

Happy Solstice, Y'all!

-Mike Palij
New York University

On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 09:14:21 -0800, Christopher D. Green wrote:
Beth Benoit wrote:
So, what does your wow mean, Beth? Does this strike you as surprising? 
Outrageous? Offensive? It seems pretty much common knowledge to me. 
(And despite what the article says, I wouldn't suggest that [white, 
anglo-scottish-irish, long-standing] Canadians are much better than 
American kids on this score.) And I think I know where it comes from 
too. US (North American?, Western?) culture is crammed full of the 
message that we are superior, we are special, and it is something that 
is essential to us, not the product of some particular effort that we 
have expended (though perhaps our ancestors did). One sees this message 
everywhere from politics, to religion, to entertainment, to educational 
practice (virtually no one fails, everyone must be retained and 
eventually graduated, the slightest quiver of anxiety is immediately 
declared a disability and accommodated). The message is: you are a 
success virtually in virtue of just being you (think the self-esteem 
movement). Little (but loyalty) is required of you. You were born into 
the greatest, richest, free-est, most Godly, and, when necessary, most 
powerful nation/culture/civilization that has ever graced the face of 
the earth. Anyone who says otherwise is just hateful, jealous, and 
anti-(insert your country's name here). Can you imagine any US 
politician getting much electoral traction by announcing We have become 
self-indulgent and have fallen behind many other countries in education 
and productivity. The only way to retrieve some portion of our former 

RE: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

2009-12-21 Thread Lilienfeld, Scott O
The mean GPA for our psychology majors at Emory is around a 3.4.  No wonder so 
many of them become incensed at me when I give them Bs or even B pluses in 
their classes; I'm lowering most of their grade point averages.  ...Scott

Scott O. Lilienfeld, Ph.D.
Editor, Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice
Department of Psychology, Room 473 Psychology and Interdisciplinary Sciences 
Emory University
36 Eagle Row
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
(404) 727-1125

Psychology Today Blog: 

50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology:

Scientific American Mind: Facts and Fictions in Mental Health Column:

The Master in the Art of Living makes little distinction between his work and 
his play,
his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his 
his love and his intellectual passions.  He hardly knows which is which.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does,
leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing.
To him - he is always doing both.

- Zen Buddhist text
  (slightly modified)

From: Wuensch, Karl L. [mailto:wuens...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 5:19 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

At my university, the undergraduate catalog defines grades this way:

A -- excellent
B -- good
C -- average
D -- barely passed
F -- failed
I -- incomplete

So, C is average, eh?  To check this definition I downloaded 
all grades for undergraduate courses for the just completed semester.  Here is 
the distribution of final grades:
A -- 38%
B -- 30%
C -- 18%
D -- 7%
F -- 7%
I-- 1%
Mode = A, Mean = B, Median = B.

I have proposed that the catalog be updated to read this way:
A - Average
B - Barely average
C - Could have been average if the student had attended class, read the book, 
completed the assignments, etc.
D - did worse than Dubya
F - Failed, but if the student begs enough for post hoc extra credit, this can 
be changed.
I - I am still trying to decide whether to give the student an A after e put so 
much effort into persuading me it is not e's that e did not get an A and that I 
would be responsible for ruining e's life if I gave any grade other than an A.

From: Christopher D. Green [mailto:chri...@yorku.ca]
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 12:16 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] lazy American students

Nicely stated, Chris.


To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

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To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

re: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Palij
Before we start engaging in Who's got the Biggest Grade Inflation
Problem, perhaps it should be noted that grade inflation is a
widespread phenomenon, why it even occurs in *GASP!*
Canada!  Certainly not definitive but one should take a look at
the Wikipedia entry on grade inflation (standard disclaimers apply):

From the Wiki entry it seems that one solution to the problem is
simply having the department/division/school/whoever has the
authority to mandate that only a certain percentage of each
grade can be given in a course.  One can use a normal curve
to justify such a scheme (but one will have problems with such
a justification) or other criteria such as no more than 15% of
a class can be 'A' .  Ties on the borderline will simply have
to cry about it.  Some people will probably applaud this
solution, some will say that it is worse than the problem it
addresses.  I guess it all has to do with how one thinks about
the distribution of intelligence in our students, how many
really deserve a certain grade, how many do workwe
are satistfied with, etc.

Personal Anecdote Department:  back some time in 1990s
I remember reading an article (popular magazine, not a journal)
about grade inflation at, I believe, Stanford (though it may have
been one of the Ivy League schools).  Apparently students
were receiving only As and Bs in courses.  The reason for this
appeared to be that student could drop a course without
consequence up to the 12th or so week in the semester.
So, students who saw that they were failing going in the final
weeks could drop the course with their G.P.A. unaffected.

I think that they changed the policy after it became public but
my memory isn't so good on that point.

-Mike Palij
New York University

On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 14:18:13 -0800, Karl Wuensch wrote:
At my university, the undergraduate catalog defines grades this way:
A -- excellent
B -- good
C -- average
D -- barely passed
F -- failed
I -- incomplete

So, C is average, eh?  To check this definition I downloaded 
all grades for undergraduate courses for the just completed semester.  Here is 
the distribution of final grades:
A -- 38%
B -- 30%
C -- 18%
D -- 7%
F -- 7%
I-- 1%

Mode = A, Mean = B, Median = B.

 I have proposed that the catalog be updated to read this way:

A - Average
B - Barely average
C - Could have been average if the student had attended class, read 
the book, completed the assignments, etc.
D - did worse than Dubya
F - Failed, but if the student begs enough for post hoc extra credit, this 
can be changed.
I - I am still trying to decide whether to give the student an A after e put 
much effort into persuading me it is not e's that e did not get an A and that 
would be responsible for ruining e's life if I gave any grade other than an A.

From: Christopher D. Green [mailto:chri...@yorku.ca] 
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 12:16 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] lazy American students

Nicely stated, Chris.

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

re: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

2009-12-21 Thread William Scott
Make Palij wrote:

The reason for this appeared to be that students could drop a course without 
consequence up to the 12th or so week in the semester.  So, students who saw 
that they were failing going in the final weeks could drop the course with 
their G.P.A. unaffected.

If this were true, and was the reason for grade inflation at that institution, 
then we should have nothing to worry about. The students were still receiving 
accurate grades and credit for courses in which competent work had been 
completed. However, I doubt that the grade inflation disappeared after that 
loophole was closed. It sounds like a rationalization invented to explain the 
source of the inflation as something other than a reduction of standards. When 
I presented clear evidence of grade inflation to my institution, the response 
was students are better now than they were then, therefore deserving of higher 
grades. I had to point out that the SAT scores had declined somewhat over the 
time period involved.

Bill Scott

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] lazy American students

2009-12-21 Thread Christopher D. Green
My earlier remarks were remarkably intemperate. I apologize to anyone 
who was offended. I think the dissonance caused by the various political 
failures of late that have been declared to be victories (e.g., climate, 
health, war) has gotten to me more than I realized.

Have nice holiday everyone.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


Mike Palij wrote:
 I'm not sure but I think Chris fell out of the wrong side of the bed this
 morning.  His comments below seem somewhat relevant to the content
 of the article that Beth provides a link to but without more information
 about the students the article writer is talking about, it is unclear 
 whether Chris' criticism's apply to all American students of a certain
 race and class or to some fraction of them (the author of the article
 is unlikely to have such data as she self-identifies as a teacher of
 rhetoric and history and not a researcher).

 I think Chris' rant is somewhat misplaced.  The general issue that
 he is referring to is that of American exceptionalism, a concept
 that is easy to recognize but difficult to pin down.  For some background
 on this idea see the Wikipedia entry (standard disclaimers apply):

 The idea appears to be first developed by Alexis de Tocqueville in
 his Democracy in America and here's a website that provides a
 little more on how Tocqueville conceived it:

 American exceptionalism has been an idea that has been recently
 promoted by U.S. conservatives and downplayed by moderates and
 liberals.  Consider the following comments by Dick Cheney about
 President Obama being weak on American exceptionalism:

 |I think most of us believe, and most presidents believe and talk 
 |about, the truly exceptional nature of America--our history, 
 |where we come from, our belief in our constitutional values 
 |and principles, our advocacy for freedom and democracy, the 
 |fact that we've provided it for millions of people all over the globe 
 |and done so unselfishly. There's never been a nation like the 
 |United States of America in world history. And yet, when you 
 |have a president who goes around and bows to his host and 
 |then proceeds to apologize profusely for the United States, 
 |I find that deeply disturbing. That says to me this is a guy who 
 |doesn't fully understand or share that view of American exceptionalism 
 |that I think most of us believe in.

 For other conservative viewpoints on American Exceptionalism, see:

 Now, whether or not U.S. citizens have a sense of American Exceptionalism
 and whether this is the basis for bad behavior among certain groups of
 students is an interesting empirical hypothesis.  However, Kara Miller's 
 article is an opinion piece and not an empirical study.  How many problems 
 could a student in research methods find in the assertions she makes about
 her American students?  Perhaps she is a magnet for lazy American
 students or her courses or her school or...whatever.  Miller is entitled
 to her opinions about her students as is Chris is entitled to his opinions
 about U.S. citizens.  But opinions are still opinions.  It is better to have
 opinions consistent with empirical facts but everyone is well aware that
 this not a requirement.  Sometimes an opinion is just a rant.

 Happy Solstice, Y'all!

 -Mike Palij
 New York University

 On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 09:14:21 -0800, Christopher D. Green wrote:
 Beth Benoit wrote:
 So, what does your wow mean, Beth? Does this strike you as surprising? 
 Outrageous? Offensive? It seems pretty much common knowledge to me. 
 (And despite what the article says, I wouldn't suggest that [white, 
 anglo-scottish-irish, long-standing] Canadians are much better than 
 American kids on this score.) And I think I know where it comes from 
 too. US (North American?, Western?) culture is crammed full of the 
 message that we are superior, we are special, and it is something that 
 is essential to us, not the product of some particular effort that we 
 have expended (though perhaps our ancestors did). One sees this message 
 everywhere from politics, to religion, to entertainment, to educational 
 practice (virtually no one fails, everyone must be retained and 
 eventually graduated, the slightest quiver of anxiety is immediately 
 declared a disability and accommodated). The message is: you are a 
 success virtually in virtue of just 

RE: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

2009-12-21 Thread Paul C Bernhardt
Beware, rant ahead, only you can determine if it is a righteous rant or not. 

The problem appears to me to be determined by three interacting factors: 1) 
student evaluations of faculty (at least, them being given such heavy weight at 
some institutions compared to other criteria for RPT*), 2) course drift 
(meaning that some faculty teach a much less rigorous version that students 
shop for and reward that faculty member with higher evaluations), and 3) 
retention pressure from administrators. 

For me the solution needs to be departmentally established criteria lists for 
what is to be demonstrated knowledge and skills from each course, including 
mandated papers for upper division courses with departmentally established 
evaluation rubrics, required high consequence (at least 25% of course grade) 
and comprehensive final exams, upper limits on extra credit opportunities, not 
allowing curving of exam grades, etc. If those things are done, there is no 
need to worry about setting maximum % of students getting an A, etc. It becomes 
possible for all the students in the class to excel and deserve and A, and 
likewise, all the students in the class to earn an F. 

Linked with those criteria and requirements needs to be evaluation of not only 
the course design but also evaluation of the instructor's evaluations of 
students, to ensure that they are hewing to the rubrics, appropriate quality 
and difficulty of the test questions depending on the level of the course and 
type of material, etc. That evaluation of the faculty, rather than the 
evaluation by students should be the one given heavy weight for RPT. It would 
be wise to have outside, but reasonably related departments, evaluate these 
issues for entire other departments at the institution on a periodic basis, to 
ensure that departments are not conspiring internally to make everyone at their 
private Lake Wobegon look above average undeservedly. 

The cry that would certainly come from many faculty if such an audacious 
proposal were to be seriously floated is: ACADEMIC FREEDOM! I am the expert 
about my course and I know best how to teach and evaluate the students. Nobody, 
even those within my department who are also competent to teach my course 
should dare tell me what I should be doing with the material or requirements.

The other cry that would certainly come would be from administrators who would 
see more students dismissed from the institution, cutting into budgets and 
creating multiple headaches for them dealing with irate parents. 

There would also be concerns that graduate schools would not be willing to take 
on students from the institution, diminishing prestige, etc. But, that presumes 
grad schools can't be made aware of the new way of running the ship, and 
therefore wouldn't be able to know that the 3.5 student from the school with a 
mean graduating 2.9 was a superior candidate than the 3.5 student from the 
school with a mean graduating 3.2. 

In my opinion, I doubt we'd see many more be dismissed because a large number 
of our students have learned that there is no real need to work to maximum 
capability. This system should motivate them to work to maximum capability. 
They will earn lower grades, on average, but they would know what their grades 

OK... rant over... I know it is a completely impossible suggestion. Thank you 
for your time. 

I'll now put on my flame-proof jammies. 

*It is possible that at some institutions the criteria for evaluating faculty 
are also suffering from grade inflation such that all faculty get excellent 
ratings on all elements and the only variable that sorts the faculty at all is 
the student evals, making them of paramount importance.  

Paul C. Bernhardt
Department of Psychology
Frostburg State University
Frostburg, Maryland

-Original Message-
From: Mike Palij [mailto:m...@nyu.edu]
Sent: Mon 12/21/2009 5:56 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Cc: Mike Palij
Subject: re: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades
Before we start engaging in Who's got the Biggest Grade Inflation
Problem, perhaps it should be noted that grade inflation is a
widespread phenomenon, why it even occurs in *GASP!*
Canada!  Certainly not definitive but one should take a look at
the Wikipedia entry on grade inflation (standard disclaimers apply):

From the Wiki entry it seems that one solution to the problem is
simply having the department/division/school/whoever has the
authority to mandate that only a certain percentage of each
grade can be given in a course.  One can use a normal curve
to justify such a scheme (but one will have problems with such
a justification) or other criteria such as no more than 15% of
a class can be 'A' .  Ties on the borderline will simply have
to cry about it.  Some people will probably applaud this
solution, some will say that it is worse than the problem it
addresses.  I guess it all has to do with 

Re: [tips] lazy American students

2009-12-21 Thread Ken Steele

Christopher D. Green wrote:

Beth Benoit wrote:



I got an interesting lesson in this issue from my son -- prior to 
Beth's post.  He was home from a pretty-decent engineering school 
and he was feeling discouraged.  I asked him what was the problem 
and he said that the school had turned into a diploma mill. I 
asked him what he meant by this term since this is a well-known 
institution.  He said that foreign students were coming to the US 
to get a US-institution-degree because that was the gateway to 
advancement in their countries.  He was discouraged that they 
were focused on what to do to get the grade alone and would never 
disagree/take an independent stand if it might affect their grade.

So, I will point out that we may have a correlation between 
American-citizenship and GPA but, like all correlations, the 
causality is murky often.


Kenneth M. Steele, Ph.D.  steel...@appstate.edu
Department of Psychology  http://www.psych.appstate.edu
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

re: [tips] Lazy American Students and Their Grades

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Palij
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:31:54 -0800, William Scott wrote:
Make Palij wrote:

The reason for this appeared to be that students could drop a course without 
consequence up to the 12th or so week in the semester.  So, students who saw 
that they were failing going in the final weeks could drop the course with 
their G.P.A. unaffected.

Please note that the above quote is from an ancedote that I was relaying
and not a result from a research study.  I even labelled this Personal
Anecdote Department in order to make clear that one should be
cautious about making the anecdote=data confusion.  That being
said, more comments below.

If this were true, and was the reason for grade inflation at that institution, 
then we should have nothing to worry about. The students were still receiving 
accurate grades and credit for courses in which competent work had been 

Or students could look for teachers that were easy graders or
gave courses with lax standards.  I'm sure that one can come up
with all sorts of alternative reasons for why the grades of the students 
with the 12th week drop option would not be an accurate reflection
of that student's performance unless:

(1) there were uniform, valid, and reliable testing for the material
in a course that provided scores that were comparable across
instructors, departments, and time, and

(2) one has a specific theory as to the type of knowledge that a
person should have from a specific course and how the testing
provides evidence of the existence of such knowledge and
its extent.

If the above conditions can be met, shouldn't we have national
tests for each college course that would fairly evaluate all
students taking a specific course (e.g., psychological statistics)?

 However, I doubt that the grade inflation disappeared after that 
loophole was closed. 

Because my imcomplete memory is irritating me, I've tried to find
some corroboration for it.  One source is a NY Times article from
May 31, 1994 titled At Stanford, A Rebellion of Grades.  If you
have access to the Proquest newspaper database, you can find it
there.  Some points made by the article:

(1)  There is no grade of F at Stanford

(2)  A grade of C is fast becoming extinct

(3)  A student could drop a course on the day of the final exam
with no consequences

(4) The median grade for undergraduates in the previous year
was A-

Now I'm not sure but I do have a feeling the grade distribution
might have changed after this point in time (the Wikipedia entry
refers to Stanford but does not provide much information --
any Stanford grads out in Tipsland?).  The point of the article
was that the faculty was attempting to institute new grading 
policies.  However, not all people were in support of such a
move, as expressed in the following opinion by a former Stanford

It sounds like a rationalization invented to explain the 
source of the inflation as something other than a reduction of standards. When 
I presented clear evidence of grade inflation to my institution, the response 
was students are better now than they were then, therefore deserving of 
grades. I had to point out that the SAT scores had declined somewhat over the 
time period involved.

There is research on these points if one is interested, often by political 
conservatives as represented in an article by Thomas Reeves on the 
website of the National Association of Scholars; see:

By the way, what was your suggested solution to grade inflation to your
administration?  Was it forcing grades to follow a particular distribution?
What was the rationale for this?

-Mike Palij
New York University

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

Re: [tips] Grade inflation: A comparison?

2009-12-21 Thread taylor
I sort of like the idea except that there are so very many variables that go 
into each class's grades--which class it is (I have lower grades in lower 
division courses and in research methods sections), what type of pedagogy is 
used; what types of assessments are used; some people give extra credit and 
some people don't; some people carry their grades to the nth decimal place 
whereas some people don't believe they are using a true objective system and 
are willing to round up (seldom down, ha ha); some of my sections are honors 
sections and some are not and the honors students' grades tend to be much 
higher on average; and so on and so on.

So, I'm not sure what we'd achieve by such as sharing because of all the 
factors and variables. 

Hmmm, I think I've talked myself out of the idea. Sorry.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

 Original message 
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 20:16:05 -0500
From: Beth Benoit beth.ben...@gmail.com  
Subject: [tips] Grade inflation: A comparison?  
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS) tips@acsun.frostburg.edu

   I've been wondering about the whole grade inflation
   idea, as have all of you, for years. 
   In light of this, I'm curious how all of you grade,
   and thus if you might be seen to be guilty, based
   on the grades in your courses.  We all know that
   some years you just seem to have a lot of bright,
   hard-working achievers, and some years you don't.  
   Sodo you think it's acceptable, worthwhile and
   ethical for us to compare grades?  I'll be the
   first to offer my gradebook, from the last several
   years and from three different colleges, but only if
   you all agree that it's something to consider and
   would be a worthwhile topic.  Naturally, names of
   students shouldn't be used, nor should the names of
   the colleges.  (I've actually taught at five
   different colleges in the last nine years and I
   could pull up grades from all of them.  And I would
   not divulge which grades came from where.  Perhaps,
   in the interest of anonymity, if you've only taught
   at one college and recoil at the thought of having
   your home base publicized, you could ask another
   member of TIPS to post your grades without your
   name.  This is particularly important to consider
   knowing that TIPS is able to be viewed by anyone.
    While it might not be unethical to post grades
   that are known to come from just one school, it
   would be likely to be insensitive to the
   Also, if there is such a thing as grade inflation,
   it shouldn't matter whether you teach at a high
   school, a community college, a 4-year college,
   university, etc.  Grade inflation appears to
   exist everywhere.
   So what think you, colleagues?  If you think it's a
   good idea, let's do it.  But if I've overlooked
   some slumbering dragon, then I'll let this idea die.
   Beth Benoit
   Granite State College (now)
   Plymouth State University (now)
   and three others I shall not name...

 To make changes to your subscription contact:

 Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)